Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 44
- 0
Part 1
It wasn’t that the firm was sexist or a bunch of misogynist dinosaurs (of a porcine persuasion): she just rubbed them up the wrong way.
Lynda was tall, blond and frighteningly efficient. Perhaps the men felt threatened: perhaps she just rubbed them up the wrong way.
She always dressed well, neatly pressed clothes and tidy hair, though invariably in trousers. Perhaps it was this that annoyed the men in their rather crumpled suits, the result of hurried dressing after a shower and snatched breakfast. Perhaps she just rubbed them up the wrong way.
Colin Meadows, the MD, an exasperated expression on his face turned from watching Lynda’s trouser clothed bottom leaving the room, ‘I don’t know how I kept my cool with that young woman, Tom, she just infuriates.’
Tom too had been watching Lynda’s rump and been speculating on how it might look unconcealed by the dark grey woollen trousers and panties of an unknown pattern. He wasn’t much interested in the panties, rather the unattainable smooth creamy flesh that lay beneath. ‘Infinitely desirable and just as infuriating. I don’t know what it is but it does bring out the worst in us.’
The other men around the table were engaged in similar conversations comparing Lynda’s undoubted desirability with her annoying ways. It was always like that, covert glances and barely suppressed irritation.
Lynda was not unaware of the glances but was blissfully unaware of the annoyance she caused. She was concerned about the efficient operation and development of the business and she revelled in her work. She did not see she was a disruptive influence but saw herself as very clearly – there was no contest – the rising star of the firm.
Colin had contemplated taking some action for weeks but this meeting was the last straw. He couldn’t simply fire her – there was no justifiable reason – he could hardly say she didn’t fit in and she upset the men – he would be straight into a discrimination claim and rightly so, no doubt. He had mentioned the problem to his old friend Adrian Brightly and had been quite shocked, but nonetheless intrigued and tempted by the unorthodox solution.
The team had been warned by Colin that he had taken steps to deal with Lynda and that she would do something unusual at the next meeting. Colin had stressed that whatever it might be they were not to react as if anything unusual had happened but to continue the meeting normally. Lynda had come into the room in her usual brusque way, grabbed a plastic cup of water and sat down. It was quite hot in the room and many of the men had taken their jackets off and Lynda had done the same.
About fifteen minutes into the meeting Lynda had been in full flow on why Alex’s idea would not work as suggested. Alex was not enjoying the merciless dissection of what, in many ways was an excellent plan, but not thought through as carefully as it could have been, when she took a sip of her water and managed to spill the rest all the way down her white blouse. It was quite a lot of water and it soaked the left hand side making the material semi transparent revealing Lynda’s white lacy bra and even showing the outline of her pink areola. Conversation immediately stopped. Was this the surprise Colin had promised?
Colin said, ‘Are you all right Lynda? – do you want to nip out and change?’
Lynda’s reply was the surprise. ‘No Colin, I don’t want to interrupt the meeting. I’ll just hang it on the radiator and it’ll be dry by the end of the meeting. No problem.’ She stood up and as she resumed her analysis of Alex’s idea began to unbutton the blouse. Her carefully manicured nails undid the top button before slipping down to release the next pearly button from its eyelet. The two sides of the blouse slipped open revealing the bra cups and the mounds of her breasts. Her fingers dropped to the next button as she talked on. Nobody was listening. The final button undone the blouse fell fully open revealing more of the bra and confirming one cup had indeed got rather wet and like the blouse had become somewhat transparent.
The shape of Lynda’s areola was clearly visible as was the slightly raised nipple. The men ogled. Lynda took it as rapt attention to her analysis. She undid the cuffs and slipped the whole blouse off and walked in her white bra and dark grey trousers up the length of the conference room and carefully draped the wet blouse over the radiator under the window. She was still talking as she turned back to the meeting and had their full attention as she reached behind her and undid the bra strap. The men could not actually see Lynda clearly as it was a very sunny day and the low sun was showing her in silhouette but they could clearly see in silhouette that she was taking her bra off and they could actually see the bounce of her freed breasts as she bent to drape the wet bra alongside the blouse on the radiator. As she walked back from the window to her seat, just clothed in her trousers, she came out of the sun and there for all the men to see was Lynda completely topless, her pretty round breasts crowned by soft pink nipples completely exposed to their inspection. It was a moment none of the men were ever likely to forget.
They watched, completely spell bound and lost for words as, still in full flow, she resumed her seat. Her destructive analysis reached its climax and she made a rapid up and down movement with one hand for emphasis looking challengingly at Alex for a reply. The rapid movement however made her breasts bounce in a most erotic manner which in reality totally lost the emphasis of the hand movement, caused Alex’s cock to harden and left him completely at a loss as to how to reply.
‘An impressive analysis in my opinion,’ said Colin, ‘though I suspect rather too damning. I think there is considerable merit in the plan nonetheless but it needs further thought. What do you think Alex?’
His reply was not one of his better composed comments seeming to lack both coherence and substance and almost suggesting he had not been really listening to what Lynda had been saying. She found it difficult to conceal a smirk.
The meeting progressed. Everyone was unusually anxious to hear Lynda speak and were abnormally quick to give way if she opened her mouth to speak. Indeed the meeting progressed in a much easier fashion than usual. There was no concerted effort to silence Lynda, no undercurrent of irritation and annoyance. Everyone was keen to hear Lynda and they all looked at her most attentively whenever she did speak. Perhaps it was her chest they watched rather than her lips but nonetheless they were attentive.
Colin was pleased by the exercise and congratulated Adrian Brightly that evening on the success. But the plan had further to run.
A fortnight later Lynda entered the conference room for the meeting in her usual brisk way and was immediately conscious of conversation dying away as if cut by a knife and all eyes fixed on her. Quite out of character, she panicked – had she forgotten to do up something? Was something she was wearing wrong? She glanced downwards – no everything was as it should be. She looked at her bag – no it was the usual attaché case. She turned to see if someone had come in behind her. There was no one there. ‘Is anything…’ she began.
‘Ah Lynda, that makes us quorate. Coffee?’ Unusually for Tom he actually got her a cup of coffee. Lynda stood for a moment a bit surprised and still puzzled by the sudden ending of conversation but everyone was nodding and smiling at her in a friendly way so she sat down and got into the business of the meeting.
Lynda had correctly surmised the cause of the sudden cessation of conversation. The men had been warned by Colin that something would again be different but this had not prepared them for the reality. He had warned them that Lynda would be completely unaware of the difference and she was to be treated as if everything was normal. The change was for their benefit and not to h
urt her. Lynda was dressed as usual in a grey trouser suit: or at least she thought she was. The short grey woollen jacket, cut severely, was worn over a white shirt, a Hermes scarf showed at her throat. It was very neat. Her hair, long and blond was tightly drawn back.
All was well on top: it was just the trousers and panties that were missing. Looking up, as Lynda had come in the door, the men had for the first time seen her long legs rising completely uncovered from her high heels. And certainly they were long, rising up and up past her knees and creamy white thighs to join together in a vee of fair curls exposed beneath her short jacket. The exposure was so unexpected that the men had simply stopped talking. Unexpected but welcome. The tone of the meeting proved to be much lighter, much easier than it had been the past year or more. Ideas and business flowed. Even Lynda felt it, little realising the cause or the pleasant feeling of anticipation felt by her fellows at the prospect of the different view that would be enjoyed on her departure.
Colin was not alone in relishing the sight, only previously dreamt about, of seeing Lynda’s naked bottom leaving the room, only partially obscured by the hang of the jacket. The drop of each perfectly formed cheek as she walked, the cleft of her bottom disappearing beneath her legs and the faint glimpse of a mist of fair curls beneath and between her legs as she walked. Colin was also not alone in feeling his hard cock straining against the material of his trousers – indeed the pressure was shared by all eight present. Lynda, though, was happily oblivious of the eight erections she had caused. She was completely unaware that she had carefully removed her shoes, trousers and panties and folded them on her office chair before putting on her shoes again and walking to the meeting. She had no knowledge of reversing the performance when she returned. Her strange actions were completely subconscious. They were the result of Adrian Brightly’s unorthodox method.
Adrian Brightly had remarkable hypnotic abilities that he was happy to put at Colin’s service for an appropriate fee, of course. Lynda had been pleased by Colin’s interest in her personal development and his recommendation of an Advance Influencing Skills course. She had readily gone along with the pre-course one-to-one briefing to establish needs and had really taken to the course director, Mr. Adrian Brightly. He had really seemed to understand her. What she hadn’t appreciated was that it was not to be her influencing skills and needs which were being considered rather how she might be influenced to satisfy the needs of her co-workers. She had not noticed the smooth rhythm of Adrian Brightly’s voice as it lead her first into a light trance and then on into a very suggestible state. He had not taken advantage of her, tempting though it had been, but had prepared Lynda for her subtle display.
Colin’s team were certainly mollified by Lynda’s display. Curiosity had been satisfied and they were more prepared to tolerate her efficiency and attitude now they had seen her in a different light. But of course there was a demand for more. Curiosity had only been satisfied to an extent, Lynda remained irritating and lust had been aroused.
With its accustomed regularity the fortnightly meeting came around and, as tended to happen, the men arrived in the Board Room before Lynda. They were more than a little surprised at finding a new piece of furniture. It did match the existing furniture in being made of Ash wood but otherwise it was very different. It was more of a stool than a chair requiring the occupant to sit rather high up with feet resting on the bars joining the legs. It would have been, apart that is from a singular feature, very at home positioned next to a bar. Indeed a bar stool was perhaps its most accurate description. But of course bar stools do not have, at least in the experience of the men present, a carved phallus rising from its seat. The highly polished phallus was not small, as Alex commented, though it was neither longer nor thicker than reality was likely to produce. Indeed Merv went so far as to say it reminded him of the mirror in his bathroom. This was received with a good deal of humorous scepticism. Not only was the phallus beautifully carved and highly polished it was obvious it had also been oiled.
Lynda’s appearance was just as previously. She even had the same jacket on, but not of course the trousers. Being less of a surprise the men were quicker to look and able to take in greater detail. The profusion of blond curly hairs, the way they seemed to curl the more the closer they were to Lynda’s slit. Indeed, that intriguing little valley that starts to run from the mound of the mons veneris and disappears as it runs deeper, and sometimes wetter, between the legs, was a focus of interest. Lynda herself seemed less aware of the stares than might have been expected and smiled at Colin a little unsure as she couldn’t see a chair at the table.
‘Sorry Lynda, one of the chairs broke, could you perch on that stool there?’
Lynda saw the stool but not its unusual feature, Adrian Brightly had seen to that. The men were completely fascinated as Lynda, without a second’s thought, placed first one shoe then the other on the stool’s rails so her sex was raised up above the carefully carved acorn shape of the phallus’ helmet head. Naturally this meant her thighs were a little open and as the men strained forward they could see the pink folds of her lips framed by the soft fair curls. It was obvious she was, incredible as it seemed, lining herself up with the phallus.
Completely spellbound they watched as she lowered herself to touch the smooth oiled wood with her sex and then began to push the helmet head into herself. With care, judicious adjustments and the occasional wiggle Lynda began to settle herself and the men watched the phallus gradually disappearing into her. Lynda herself appeared completely unconcerned as if the action of pushing a wooden dildo into yourself watched by your colleagues was a perfectly normal event. But to Lynda it did not appear strange at all, indeed she was unaware at a conscious level of what she was doing or the near catastrophic effect it was having on clean laundry around the table.
As Lynda settled herself completely onto the stood and the wooden penis was hidden from view, Colin began the business of the meeting. The men found it disconcerting the way Lynda participated as if nothing was amiss, the way she was jotting down notes in her notebook and being her usual self. It became even more disconcerting to those best placed to see when she began to ride up and down on the penis, the little pink folds that lead to an increasingly prominent clitoris seeming to caress the shaft as it appeared to lengthen and shorten as Lynda pulled herself up and then down again.
At first Lynda had actually sat still but, whilst fully participating in the meeting, she was puzzled by the feeling in her vagina. It was if it was full, as if a large penis had entered it, opening and stretching it. It was, of course, not an unpleasant feeling but not the sort of feeling she expected to experience in a meeting. Worse still she could feel herself getting wetter and sexually excited – hardly what she normally experienced in meetings with her colleagues. She was barely conscious that she had now started to ride the penis but was very aware of the stimulating effect it was having. So were the men. Her flushed face, faster breathing, to say nothing of her swollen pudenda revealed all. It was difficult not to stare, or to concentrate on the meeting, let alone resist the temptation to unzip a fly.
Lynda’s concentration was wavering and a feeling of panic growing. What if the men noticed she was sexually excited? Surely she was not going to orgasm here in a meeting with eight men? The orgasm was not however to be denied and, when it came, was long and powerful. All saw Lynda clench her eyes tightly shut as she shuddered, pumping
harder and faster on the wooden phallus, before her face relaxed into peaceful contentment. Colin motioned to them all to look away and resume the meeting so that when Lynda surfaced she was relieved to see that no one was looking at her and her puzzling and completely unexpected orgasm had passed unnoticed.
The careful way Lynda lifted herself off the stool at the end of the meeting was certainly closely observed by all present, indeed Tom got up specially to take a rear view of her extraction. It was lucky Lynda was not being as observant as she usually was otherwise the considerable bulges in the men’s trousers might have surprised and even upset her.
Part 2
Colin was delighted with the morning’s work. Real bonding and team building he called it. There was a more relaxed attitude, a greater acceptance of Lynda’s opinions and her insistence on her own plans. They already knew she was good but seeing her in a different light gave them a feeling of superiority. Had they not now seen her almost unclothed, had they not seen her mount the special stool and orgasm right in front of their eyes? Had not many of them touched the very wet dildo sticking up from the bar stool after Lynda had vacated it? The team was, even so, anxious for more. Colin was happy to oblige. He spoke again to Adrian Brightly who, in turn, had another interview with Lynda.
The team, ready at the conference table for the fortnightly team meeting, were disappointed to see Lynda enter the conference room fully clothed. They had been, and discussion amongst several had been warm on the subject, hopeful of seeing her in just her high heels. A few looked reproachfully at Colin who pointedly ignored them and got on with the meeting. After an hour or so, as was customary, Colin suggested a coffee break. He took personal charge of handing out the coffee. Naturally and politely he asked Lynda first, ‘Coffee Lynda?’
‘No thanks, Colin.’
‘Water, juice?’
‘Not really. I fancy something a little salty.’
There was silence in the room, an instant expectant silence. This was not an usual reply from Lynda. Something was amiss, something was afoot, something likely to be very interesting. The men were a little slow in grasping the import of Lynda’s phrase but realisation dawned.
‘Salty? I don’t think we have anything. Let me see, the only thing I can think we have here would be, well it would be semen. Would that do?
‘Oh yes please!’
‘In a glass or fresh from the source?’
‘Source please, I like my spunk hot.’
‘Alex, could you oblige?’
‘Huh?’ Alex was somewhat nonplussed. Surely Colin did not mean for him to get his penis out in front of everybody?
‘Could you serve Lynda please,’ said Colin a little more sternly.
Alex had become hard, as had his colleagues, as soon as he detected something was about to happen but the prospect of having to pull his cock out of his trousers in front of the other men had an unnerving and softening effect. ‘Colin, I…’
‘Alex – get your cock out now and serve the lady.’
The others were looking at him, smiling a little at his discomfort but anxious to see Lynda’s lips closing around a penis. Their own cocks strained against material.
There was little else for Alex to do but unbutton his fly. He prided himself on the quality of his tailoring. Not for him the modern zip but a series of fly buttons. This lengthened the process. Lynda stood waiting. The buttons undone, Alex fished inside and pulled out his semi-hard cock. It half hung out of his trousers. Alex felt very embarrassed standing there with his penis poking out of his trousers, however well tailored they were. He looked at his colleagues – but they were looking at Lynda. What would her reaction be?
Lynda hitched up her trousers from the knee and knelt in front of Alex.
Colin spoke again, ‘Alex really, manners. Open it for Lynda.’
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Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...
His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...
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Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 8, The Weekend Concludes) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...
Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...
Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...
“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...
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Humor****************************************************** Disclaimer: Ok this is inspired by a true story. It is even referenced in the story. Any resemblance of the characters to real people, living and/or dead, or other fictional characters from other stories is totally unintentional, yet coincidental. Yeah, that's the ticket. It's a coincidence. This story deals with some transgendered issues, and of course sex, so if you don't want to read a story about that, well, don't....
The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...
Its inform to u all that, names change hen is story men, mera b, kion k men kisi ka be raz fash nahe karta! Hi, mera nam Tallal hy meri age 23 hay, mery jism men hal chal hony lagti hey, jab koi sexy aunti, married larki, ya virgin meri nazrung ke samny ati hy, men Pakistan interior area sindh sy hun, aj kal Karachi job search ker raha hun, mujhy ek shaks key yad bohat sata rahe hy, rat k 12 bajy hen, socha kion nay ap readers sy share karun Yeh jo story men share karny ja raha hun who ek sachi...
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Mrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter. Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be...
Spanking16 year old Ellie waited in her bedroom knowing her bottom was soon going to be spanked very hard and for an awfully long time. She could hear her Mum speaking to Mrs Howard, the cleaner. “Ellie deserves a good hard spanking so please will you work an extra half an hour and give her one of your especially hard thrashings.” “What’s the reason this time Mrs Collins” Mrs Howard asked pleasantly. “Her room is a disaster area, and when I told her to clean it up she gave me such a lot of...
SpankingJust when the world seemed settled, the unpredicted hit Howard straight between the eyes. Like the weather, he was on a rollercoaster. Nothing stayed the same. There were only a few things he was sure of, like night follows day and winter turns to spring. Other than that, there wasn't much that Howard could count on.After sixteen years of marriage, his wife packed up and left for Colorado to move in with a man she met on the Internet.A month later, Howard left work with a box filled with his...
Straight SexNote to the reader: The Howard and Colleen stories don’t begin with chapter 7. The previous episodes involving Howard and Colleen are in the Susie series of stories as follows: Susie chapter 8 provides a prolog to the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 9 is chapter 1 of the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 10 is chapter 2 of the story of Howard and Colleen Susie chapter 11 is chapter 3 of the story of Howard and Colleen (Susie chapters 12-14 do not involve Howard or...
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Ms Howard's Winter Holiday. Ms Howard was woken for the first time that morning by the sounds of Mary,her slave-maid, lighting the log-fire in its grate. Coming out of her usualdeep, dreamless slumber, she drowsily tasted the fresh, cold air from the openwindow of her bedroom, then snuggled down again into her warm, soft bed andfell asleep again. She woke again later to Mary's soft footsteps and the click of a silver salverbeing gently placed on the exquisite Louis XV table at her bedside....
The success of Tracy's film led to Candi and Linda getting into the 'acting' business along with their escort work. The girls were now driving BMWs and wearing fashionable clothes. It attracted other girls asking to join the 'friendship circle'.Howard was called on to do another audition for the escort enterprise. The woman was not from high school but a young, divorced mother of twin boys. Her name was Beth and she was only twenty-three. Four years earlier, she was Miss Florida.When they met...
Straight SexMrs Collins opened the door to Mrs Howard, her cleaner who immediately asked “did you give Ellie the spanking as we discussed?” She could tell from Mrs Collin’s face she hadn’t. Mrs Collins answered somewhat sheepishly “Well I saw how red her bottom was after you had spanked her and felt sorry for her.” “I see. So, how has she been this week with you?” “Oh you know, just like any 16 year old I suppose.” “You mean she was rude to you again.” “I guess” Mrs Collins said quietly. ...
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“So Watson, where the hell is Howe?” the Lt asked. “She called me this morning. She said she was stopping by the personnel office. Before you ask I have no idea why.” I said. “So, you haven’t seen her since the shooting,” he asked. “I carried her Eclairs the morning after. She has been calling me every day since. I think it’s so I won’t stop by again. I knew she put in for an extension of her days off,” I explained. “So did I Marion, I had to approve it. She looked pretty rough when she...
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This is not a ‘story’ in the sense of fiction or fantasy just something that happened last month. It’s not that dramatic but I found it exciting and decided to share.My wife is an exhibitionist and goes out wearing seamed stockings and stiletto heels. However, when the weather gets very warm she tends to stop wearing stockings out and prefers to wear tops which show off her big bust to good effect – she’s a 40E cup.Recently she bought some tight leather-look trousers and was delighted with the...
Showtime for Teri By Teri Franken Chapter 1 My name is Teri and I am 28 years old. I have been a closet sissy for as long as I can remember. My parents knew that I was not your typical child and they let me live how I wanted to and did not judge me, they just loved me unconditionally. I grew up loving everything that a little boy typically doesn't like, such as dresses and dolls. My parents were concerned that I would be a target for bullies, so I was home schooled, took my GED...
HOW WE MET A prequel to The Autumn Weekend Part I - Strange meeting You do not make an immediate strong impression on me when we first meet. You are wearing a finely knitted grey woollen dress which conceals rather than enhances your curves. It has a hemline a couple of inches above the knee, long sleeves, and a round neckline. Flat heeled ballet pumps. Make-up which is understated in comparison with the appearance I become used to later. Your unruly, dark hair is tied back and...
It started after a date, we'd both taking a girl friend to a Friday Barn Dance and after went and parked and make out, of course neither one of Us got further then kissing steeling a feel. Worked up horny as hell took them home and went to Howard's to drop him off. We both complained about how hard up we were and by the time we parked in his driveway we were both fondling our hard-ons through our Levi's. Howard said something like "Damn I need to get a nut & we both unbuttoned our Levi's...
Note: Last Update: 2016-09-24. gene.sis also created another story to present this same example in a different way:Conditional Branches Showcase (examples) Showcase Note: The "source of the chapters" as copyable text can be viewed on the forum For this to work, it is mandatory to start the Game Mode on the right tab under "Score". In the Intro Chapter, the player is awarded 5 character creation points, which he can spent freely at the character creation screen. This is achieved by ticking...
When Sophia got to her dad's house, she saw that John wasn't home yet. So she texted him, "can i go on ur computer?" she asked. Careful not to make the same mistake, and stay on his good side. His answer was funny. He sent two messages. "Of course, hun. Nothing to hide!" he sent first. Then, a minute later, she got, "anymore..." She giggled, and within 10 minutes she was settled in her dad's office and browsing through all those pictures again, wondering which ones he would pick....
Just six months after I married Melanie, I lost my job as an accounting manager with the Denver company that I had assumed would never lay off anyone. It took a lot out of me, and it definitely affected her. She had been staying at home and was planning on motherhood. We had to make big adjustments in our lives and she started to look for work herself. The situation did little to help our so-so sex life. I could not keep her satisfied. At the same time, I became obsessed with watching her,...
Hi ISS readers. My name is Akash and I am back with another of my sexcapades. Those who don’t know me can go to my author page and check my other stories. This time, I am sharing the incident which happened during my first job. After being selected for job, I shifted to Bangalore which was totally a new experience for me. I came out of my home for the first time and everything was new. New city, new people and new independence filled in a lot of excitement in me. Though I have had fun times...
“Dove, as I told Howard, I can’t be close to him without being close to the people to whom he’s already close. That means you and Jill. Tell me, how did you two meet? You seem to communicate so well. “Would you believe a chat room?” “Sure.” “The discussion was wandering. At one point, he mentioned that he could find a sex worker, if she liked the work, to be very charming. Not attractive, the usual word, but charming. I messaged him to elaborate. “He was thoughtful, and was very clear...
The construction equipment dealership that Tall Grass had purchased in Amarillo found a used drill rig for him. He purchased the drill rig and arranged for the dealership to deliver the drill rig and a backhoe with a front-end loader to his home site. Tall Grass decided to wait at Dolph's for items to be delivered. Tall Grass planned to spend two weeks in the Western Land. He wanted to drill water wells and do the excavation for the house. He hired the Kiowa, who made the adobe bricks for...
The lights were on, the stage was set, the audience mulled into the auditorium, murmuring and laughing, talking about what they expected to see tonight. The Sain School for the Technically Gifted was one hell of a place after all. It provided special resources to people with special talents, promoting the young and brilliant to the forefronts of scientific and technical advancement. The audience was composed of friends and family members of the student's who would be showing off their...
Carla and I saved up enough to get away to a beach condo for the weekend. I was looking forward to watching my beautiful girlfriend shamelessly display herself in one of her many thong bikini bottoms. It was a topless beach and I knew that Carla would take every opportunity to display her beauty. Little did I know that she had exhibition plans of her own that would make my own projections of things to come seem pretty tame. "Baby, don't be mad," Carla said after a very satisfying...
Carla loved to be nude so much that she called it "addicting." The minute she got to our apartment, off came the few clothes she bothered to wear sandals, cutoff shorts and a blouse. She never wore a bra and only once in a very great while did she bother with a micro-thin thong. If we were in for the rest of the day and night, then Carla was nude for the duration. If we happened to be running to the grocery store quickly, she'd usually wear an oversized T-shirt that ended about two or...
The Matrix: Concluded By Gigi 1. Agent Smith was no more. The Source would have breathed a sigh of relief. But since it was composed entirely of machines, electronic circuits and software programs it did not ever breathe. The Source had managed the cyberreality known as the Matrix for many decades, keeping the minds of the human energy cells occupied and compliant. But a mere program named Agent Smith had quickly and mysteriously grown into a virus within the Matrix. Agent Smith...
I got a plate with some food and a glass of wine. I took it upstairs with me. At least when I went to my bathroom this time, I wasn’t dripping with cum. Only the last man had not used a goldone, and he’d been drained before he used my ass. I used the toilet to relieve myself before filling the tub with hot water and a little bath oil.I eased myself into the tub after setting my glass and plate on the edge. The tub was deep and long and I could cover myself with the steamy water. Eating the...
Wife LoversQuinn could not accept what he was seeing. First, his best friend knocks the piss of him. Then, he drags him here to watch him fuck around with his girlfriend. It was true that he had left her, but it was not like they were finished. Sitting here wat ching Scott lick and suck on Kat’s pussy, Quinn wanted to be angry, but couldn’t. For some odd reason, this was turning him on more than anything he has ever witnessed. Here he was tied to a chair watching the scene in front of him unfold, and he...
I could not believe I was going out with Sue on a date. It was our first date and she appeared to be my match made in heaven. First, we got caught with my face between her thighs while wearing lingerie in a department store dressing room. Next, we made our way to the shoe shop where not only did Sue buy me a killer set of four-inch heels that were strappy, brown open-toed sandals with little jewels on them, but the store clerk named Becky got me all dressed up en femme. Then when Sue took me...
CrossdressingI must have cried out I heard My Moms call '... David, David are you alright?...' I could hear her coming and quickly answered as her foot steps got closer '...Yeah Mom, must to have had a bad dream...' The door knob jiggled as she let it go saying '...Okay, let me get you some honey tea...' Daniel and I both were drenched in sweat and panting heavily as I gasped for breath trying to push him up. Daniel whispered '...when she opens that door she gonna get the shock of her life...' I pleaded...
Quinn could not accept what he was seeing. First, his best friend knocks the piss of him. Then, he drags him here to watch him fuck around with his girlfriend. It was true that he had left her, but it was not like they were finished. Sitting here wat ching Scott lick and suck on Kat's pussy, Quinn wanted to be angry, but couldn't. For some odd reason, this was turning him on more than anything he has ever witnessed. Here he was tied to a chair watching the scene in front of him unfold, and he...
Group SexEveryone agreed, and moments later, we were heading toward their cabana in the buff. As soon as we entered, we all jumped on the bed while Lucy grabbed a bag from her closet. Pouring out a bevy of toys, Lucy asked, "What would you like to try first? Oh, and obviously, everything has been cleaned thoroughly."Looking through the pile of assorted gadgets, I noticed Mary eyeing up the double-ended dildo. I'm sure she was thinking that she and Lucy could use it together. Wanting her to have...
MatureI removed myself from her vagina and slowly lowered us into a seated position. Holding her close, I continued to kiss her neck as she gradually returned to the living."That was amazing!" were her first words. "Are you okay? I was worried about you.""I'm more than okay! I just came so hard that I passed out, and my entire body is still tingling. You are incredible! How did you do that?""I don't have any idea. But, I'm fairly sure it was more you than me."Sarah turned in my lap as we...
OutdoorPhil, Mike, and Norman walked downstairs after fucking the hard bodied neighbor. They each poured themselves a drink and sat down in front of the fireplace. “Best money I ever spent,” boasted Phil as he raised his glass to his friends. “Much better than any of the paid help in the Middle East,” Mike added as he stoked the fire. “That was unbelievable,” Norman quipped. As if on cue the lights flickered and came back on around the house. Phil glanced around the room as he stood up and...
Another week has passed in the life of John as Alpha Male in his company and at home. The past week has been a whirlwind of change and accustomisation to his new world where he owns his pack of cubs. There’s so much that could or has to happen: A daily lingerie photo to John from the absent cubs When a supervisor is appointed, are they given access to the company cubs (the arse of Carina?) Does Sam sleep with John and Joan again tonight? John and Joan attend the Soiree with Mike, Tara...
After we booked the snot nosed kids, I was thoroughly disgusted with humanity. I just wanted to go home. I had one thing I had to do first. I had to stop off at Mary Ann’s apartment. I needed my Baby Sparrow fix. I used my key to gain entry to Mary Anne’s apartment. Her car was missing from her assigned space in the lot. I went inside her place to snoop and to make sure Sparrow wasn’t there alone. I admit it was terrible thing to think, but it was a thing we had investigated before. Hell she...
Hello friends, aapko shiv ka namaskar, dosto ye meri life ki pehli kamukta story hai joki publish kar raha hu,ye ghatna puri tarah se sach ahi aur bas name and place changed hai, I hope u enjoy this story. Toh ye start hota hai jab main engi. 2nd yr mein tha pune mein aur mujhe nayi bike leni thi toh maine mere uncle ko bataya jo wahi rehte the and unhonne tvs apache book karadi,I was very happy about it. Sorry friend main khid bare mein batana bhul gaya main ek normal sa bachelor hu with lean...
CHAPTER 8: THE STAFF MEETING “Good morning, Abby.” I was bent over small piles of sorted documents for Mr. C’s staff meeting at 10:00. I glanced over my shoulder while remaining in position. I gave him a big smile. I had hoped this would time out like this. “Good morning, sir.” He came around the side of my desk as I sorted the last of the documents in the piles. He pressed on the jeweled end of the butt-plug I decided to add today. “Love your outfit, as always.” I stood and turned,...
CHAPTER EIGHT: CLIENT MEETING I got another very familiar request to see Mr. Woodburn in his office. The request is always cryptic and vague. I, of course, know what will probably transpire. The meeting with him may be about some business issue regarding a client, present or potential, or a current account issue. Or, the meeting might only be that he wants to see me because that is what will always be a significant part of any meeting in his office … seeing me. And very often … a lot...
Board Meeting. Her Mistress ran her fingers along Jennifer's cheek and then lightly flitted them over Jennifer's nicely puffed and well glossed lips. She smiled at the gurl. It was a wicked and leering smile as well as a proud and reassuring one. Jennifer was already in such an enveloping haze of lust and arousal that she barely registered her Mistress's touch. She did however, register the tug on the leash clipped to the collar around her throat as her Mistress, Carol, led her...
As always, my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 14 – The Showdown Saturday morning, I got up at four. Everyone else seemed to be having a lie-in. I did a couple of hours of martial arts and then...