Longhorns Ch. 01 free porn video

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Author’s note: This is a slower-moving, more character driven piece. There’s some sex at the end, but it’s mostly building towards the next two chapters. I’m writing each chapter from a separate point of view. This chapter is Robert’s, we’ll see the story from other characters’ perspectives in subsequent chapters. Enjoy, vote, comment!


It’s good to feel worn out. It’s good to be sweaty, too. If you’re too tired to think, you’re too tired to think about Beth…

‘Don’t tell her where I moved, dude. Bitch is crazy.’

Clay’s words echoed in Robert’s mind, as he lay, exhausted and overheated, on his old four poster bed. Had Clay been joking when he said that? Robert couldn’t decide, but he erred on the side of believing he had meant it. Clay was rarely serious, but he’d stressed repeatedly before hanging up that Robert was under no circumstances to tell the girl in B107 how to get in touch with him.

Robert laid stretched out on the firm, queen-sized mattress, which suddenly felt uncomfortably large and unfamiliar. There was a Beth-sized empty space on it. Robert was happy enough to have something strange and even a little dramatic just to take his mind off of her. Between the work-out he’d gotten moving his stuff back into the apartment and the new mystery girl, he could successfully go for almost twenty seconds without thinking of his ex. In the corner of the room, strategically placed behind the open closet door, was all that remained of her in the apartment, a box of things she’d evidently deemed unworthy of shipping.

Four year relationship? Now a box of junk.

When he’d first entered the apartment after a year away, he’d looked around. Clay had called him when Beth’s bitchy friend Samantha came by to pick up her clothes, jewelry, and other valuables. Samantha, no doubt with an absurdly detailed list from Beth, had been very thorough, leaving nothing behind of Beth’s except for gifts he had given her.

Once he’d brought his own boxes and suitcases back into the apartment they had once shared, he set about collecting those gifts, the traces of their relationship, in a big cardboard box that once held bottles of Johnny Walker Red. He hadn’t been able to throw the contents away just yet, but he knew he would. For now he couldn’t see the box, and that was enough.

He thought—how could he not?—about Beth, but, thankfully, he also thought about the girl from B107. It had taken him easily forty-five minutes to unload the Pathfinder and the little U-Haul pull trailer, and during that whole time, she’d stared him down from across the courtyard as if he had murdered her family. Forty-five minutes of moving, yet she stood outside the whole time, on the other side of the wrought iron railing that lined the pool area, staring him down. She looked like she was about to let him have it. At first, he searched his memories for her—had he done something really, really bad a long time ago to one of his neighbors? Hell, he’d barely even talked to his neighbors, and he hadn’t set foot in his own apartment for over a year.

Fucking Clay. This was his doing.

Wendell Clay was Robert’s college friend who had subleased the place for the past year. Robert figured him for the culprit almost immediately. Knowing Clay, that meant one thing: he’d fucked her, then probably dumped her or cheated on her. That’s how he was back then, and that’s how he probably still was. It was one of the reasons Robert hadn’t much bothered to keep in touch with him over the years. Facebook, that great repository of dead friendships, had brought them back in touch for the purely mercenary purpose of circumventing the awful rental market in a town like Austin. Clay was loaded, like any self-respecting smug prick, and could afford to pay the luxury rent for the exclusive, campus-adjacent apartment all on his own.

Robert had always been the junior partner in his relationship with Beth, financially speaking, with her gone, even making the rent on the place seemed an uncertain prospect now. After a year in D.C. doing research for his dissertation and following Beth around to obnoxious networking events, he was glad to be home. Hell, they’d both known the relationship was on its last legs, and deep down, part of Robert was happy Beth had finally put a bullet in it, telling him a month before they were due to return to Texas that she wasn’t leaving the capital, that she’d ‘made connections.’

He’d made his own connections after that—connecting a little U-Haul pull trailer to his Pathfinder. Luckily, Clay had been eager to vacate the apartment and didn’t mind Robert cutting short his stay there. Now, after getting the evil eye from some neighbor girl he’d never met, he could see why.

‘I didn’t fuck her, honest to god. She’s just, like, obsessed with me. She’s certifiable, so look out for her—like, don’t get suckered by the tits, man,’ Clay had said, chuckling.

That laughter made it hard to tell just how serious he was. Robert had called him as soon as the unloading was complete. Mostly, he wanted to know why she’d be pissed at him for something Clay did. People move in and out of apartments all the time. You don’t hold a grudge against the next guy that moves in if you had a bad neighbor.

Depending upon how much he wanted to believe Clay, his initial suspicions turned out to be at least partially true. Clay knew the girl, said he invited her over a couple of times ‘just to be a good neighbor.’ Then she started following him around like a lovestruck schoolgirl, and he had to cut it off. She was young—’like nineteen or something,’ and Clay wasn’t about to have some college girl trying to become Mrs. Clay or anything. So he shot her down, and now she’s pissed.

At least that was the story as Clay told it. Robert didn’t buy it, though. The girl was hot: long, really shiny brown hair, average to tall, not skinny, but to Robert’s eye well-toned and curvy in a way that made her look more like a woman and less like a girl. If a face can look adorable and completely pissed off at the same time, then she pulled it off. Clay was right about one other thing, too: he was suckered by the tits. He would have gotten a closer look had he not feared for his life.

Robert seriously doubted that Clay would’ve said ‘no’ to a chance to fuck a girl like that, no matter how crazy she was. As he figured it, Clay must’ve laid it on thick to get the girl into bed and then dropped her. The ‘obsessive’ stuff might have even been true, but taken out of context. In any event, Clay would have needed to do something pretty bad to the girl for her to take it out on the next guy moving into the apartment.

It was hot in the apartment, leaving the door open long enough in a Texas summer can strain the A/C to the breaking point, and it would be another hour or two before it got comfortably frosty, the way Robert liked it. Thinking about the girl, even under the circumstances, was stimulating, though, an excellent distraction. Because he didn’t know any details, he could imagine, speculate, play detective. Anything but think about Beth or about his own uncertain future.

Maybe Clay got suckered by the tits. Wouldn’t be hard…

The violent sun streamed through the broken blinds on his bedroom window (broken by Clay—he was sure of it) creating slanting bars of dark and white, like a piano, on his empty end table. You could see where Beth’s jewelry box once sat by the hexagonal space that wasn’t covered with a sheen of dust. They’d left most of their belongings behind before heading east, and besides breaking the blinds and more than a few of their drinking glasses, Clay’d been a pretty conscientious tenant.

Sometimes you just can’t see what’s broken until you take the time to really look around, though.

Even from the bedroom, on the opposite side of the apartment, he could hear the sounds of people laughing, splashing in the pool, talking to each other. He slowly rolled himself off the bed
and walked to the living room window facing the pool. Peering through the blinds, he scanned the group of college kids hanging out in the water for the mystery ‘crazy’ girl, but she wasn’t to be found. Robert shook his head—the more expensive the complex got, the more it was filled not with young professionals or graduate students like himself, but instead with undergrads partying on mommy and daddy’s tab. If it wasn’t for his lease, he’d move—hell, he ought to sublet the place and leave the bad memories there behind.

Maybe soon…


One of life’s little horrors is being interrupted in the middle of jerking off.

‘Coming,’ Robert shouted, though, actually, he had been a minute or two from his climax.

There was work to do: shut down the window playing a clip of Tori Black taking a massive cock in her ass, quickly apply some hand sanitizer, then strategically place the waistband on his gym short to disguise his hard-on. Hopefully, it would be the apartment management people or the mailman, or something quick. Then it would be back to Tori or maybe somebody new.

The knocking persisted—crazy person knocking. Definitely not the mailman. Could it be?

‘Hey, do you live here?’

When your erection is being restrained by an elastic waistband, the sight of a hot, young co-ed, albeit one who might in fact be a crazy stalker, is not necessarily the best way to avoid an embarrassing boner incident. Up close, ‘crazy bitch’ was even hotter than he thought. Her hair was pulled back into a long ponytail, so he could see her face better: light dusting of freckles across, long lashes around smoky, hazel eyes, and lips that didn’t need any cosmetic enhancement to look inviting.

On the other hand, she’s certainly playing to type as far as the mental instability rumors…


‘Are you Wendell’s roommate or something?’ she asked in a husky voice.

Robert didn’t like feeling like he was on trial in his own place, though he did smile a little to hear Clay’s real first name, which he knew Clay hated. It was especially nice in that sexy, smoky voice.

‘Umm…this is my place. And you are?’

The girl seemed to recognize how she’d come off.

‘Sorry…I’m Virginia,’ she said.

She started fidgeting a little, tapping her foot. She couldn’t have known the nervous motion would cause her breasts to jiggle ever so slightly. For some reason, she didn’t seem like the kind of girl who quite grasped her effect on men.

‘Virginia, great. Nice to meet you,’ he said curtly. ‘I’m Robert, and this is my apartment. Clay’s gone.’

Robert was curious as to how she would respond. He was still trying to solve the mystery of ‘Did Clay and ‘crazy bitch’ have sex?’ Her response was inconclusive: a knowing smirk.

‘I knew it,’ she said. ‘Look, he’s got something that belongs to me here. Can I come in?’

‘He took his shit with him. If you left something—’

‘Just let me look, new guy,’ she said with exasperation. ‘It’ll take, like, ten seconds.’

With a deep breath and some trepidation, Robert ushered her into his place. He even felt a little pathetic for not resisting, pretty girls could get away with murder with him. She made a beeline for the bedroom, as he followed her.

‘Did you find a stuffed dolphin on that end table? No way would he just take it with him.’

Robert was about to say ‘no’ when he recalled putting a plush dolphin in the box of Beth’s stuff to throw into the dumpster. He fished it out, handing it over.

‘Found it there and figured it belonged to my ex,’ he said. ‘You’re lucky you got it before I throw all this shit out.’

Virginia grabbed it from him and made to leave, before turning on her heel to address him. Since he was following her out, her abrupt spin almost made him run into her. She’d been about to speak when she flinched due to the uncomfortable closeness, and, backpedaling, her whole voice changed.

‘Was Clay your friend or something?’

Be honest? Why the hell not?

‘I knew the guy, but, ‘friends?’ Not really. He just subletted the place from me last year while I was gone.’

‘So, you guys don’t talk?’

‘Not really,’ Robert said.

‘But you probably hit him up after yesterday, right?’

‘Maybe,’ he said warily.

‘Well, he’s a douche,’ she said. ‘So…sorry for throwing all that shade. I figured you knew.’

‘Knew what?’

‘Just about Clay. What he’s like. What he did,’ she said cryptically.

‘Which was?’

‘Be a douche,’ she replied, seemingly uncomfortable with the turn the conversation had taken. ‘So, sorry and all that.’

‘It’s not a big deal,’ he said. ‘It was honestly just weird to have a stranger stare daggers at me for half an hour—even a cute girl.’

Virginia laughed for the first time. It was nice, warm.

‘It wasn’t that long! You probably thought I was some crazy, yet still totally super hot murderer.’

Robert decided to keep Clay’s warning a secret.

‘Well, let’s just say I thought about throwing the deadbolt last night in case you wanted to strangle me in my sleep.’

She dropped her smile and took on a blank expression.

‘I only strangle people who really deserve it,’ she said with a deadpan affect.

Virginia let that line, delivered in an emotionless monotone, linger for a moment before breaking out once more into a grin.

‘Well, I’ll just have to stay on your good side,’ Robert said, taking a deep breath in the way you do when you’re anticipating a conversation’s end.

Virginia seemed to take the hint, and soon she was once again heading for the door. She ran her hand over the top of the sofa on the way out, almost wistfully. Robert noted the almost nostalgic way she surveyed the apartment as well. She knew this place—his place.

She had just cracked open the door when, abruptly as before, Virginia turned to him. Robert had once had a dog, a puppy really, who ran everywhere—just full blast running, no matter what the reason. Every movement was sudden, fast, jumpy, until one day he just darted into traffic. He chuckled and winced, all at the same time, thinking of how Virginia’s jumpy, anxious movements looked like the way that dog moved. She was cute—crazy, but cute.

‘Well, new guy, I’ll see you around.’

Then she was gone. It was strange, could’ve gone better. Good eye contact, though, so low erection awareness percentage…


At least this time I don’t have my dick in my hand.

Robert went to the door. It had been a week since he’d talked to Virginia.

‘Hey, new guy.’


‘Robbie, I don’t want you to think I’m a bitch,’ she said. ‘Let me buy you a beer.’

‘It’s Robert, and, no offense, are you even old enough to buy beer?’

She narrowed her eyes and looked coy.

‘You are.’

Robert felt uneasy, he had this weird flash, like he was in one of those dreams where you go back to high school and all the cheerleaders make of you and you fail gym because you can’t climb a rope or something. Virginia was either good at being fake nice or bad at being sincerely nice.

‘So I’m going to buy me a beer?’

‘No, I mean, I’ll give you the money, and you can go down to Mickelson’s and get a six pack.’

Robert smiled knowingly. At least he could see the scam finally.

‘So you’re buying me a whole six-pack, huh?’

She looked like she’d just gotten caught.

‘Well, maybe we could split it—three a piece?’

‘That’s a shitty mark-up on your end—don’t you have a fake ID?’

She cocked her head to the side. Robert thought the way her ponytail fell across her shoulder was particularly flattering, being the kind of guy who notices such things.

‘Not anymore—hey, this is a real apology. I’m just trying to be nice here, Robbie.’


‘Robbie’s better.’

‘Robert,’ he said insistently. ‘And you don’t have to fake it. I’ll buy you a six-pack, just this once, if you promise not to strangle me.’

He fully expected Virginia to jump at the chance to get some beer, suspecting the whole apology thing was simply a pretense. She surprised him.

‘Really, I’m not that bad. Promise. Here,’ she said, pulling out a ten dollar bill and handing it to him, ‘just get something not too dark. Then we can have a beer like actual neighbors.’

‘Do you want me to bring it over to your place?’

‘No, I’m fine waiting for you here,’ she said, closing the door and stepping once more back into his apartment.

He probably would have protested had it been most people, but, to be honest, hot nineteen year olds normally only talked to him when they were bitching about why he gave them a C- on their papers. She seemed, he thought, like a girl used to getting her way, and, lo and behold, that’s exactly what was happening again.

In the store, he pored over his choices, trying to imagine what she might like. Nothing too dark—maybe an IPA? He never spent this much time picking things for himself, and now he was trying to consider the tastes and desires of a girl he first met giving him dirty looks, who’d just barged her way into his apartment, possibly as part of some elaborate mockery.

Finally, he found the perfect choice, and after purchasing it started the short walk home.

In the bracing, hot Texas wind, he thought about the crime he was about to commit—giving alcohol to a minor isn’t the worst thing you can do, but a thirty year old man getting a college co-ed drunk in his apartment seemed pretty sketchy and not the sort of thing he normally would do.

‘But she’s so mature…’ thought every older guy perving on a teen ever. Shit, I should make sure she’s actually eighteen. Stranger things have happened…

‘Lagunitas? Good choice, Robbie.’



Virginia had made herself at home, sprawled out across the cushy navy blue sofa, nestling against a small mountain of throw pillows, whose mere existence made it obvious the place had been once decorated by a woman. She was watching a television show seemingly populated solely by women constructed out of naugahyde, orange spray paint, and cantaloupes. They probably all made more money in a day than he did all year, too.

He handed her a bottle, and she strained to twist off the top. He started to laugh, and she blushed.

‘Did that on purpose,’ she said unconvincingly. ‘Pop top?’

‘Yeah, one sec,’ he said. ‘I thought you might break the glass there for a second.’

Robert used the bottle opener on his keys to uncap her beer as well as his own. He flicked the bottle caps across the room one at a time, and they rebounded off the back wall of the wastebasket.

‘Two points,’ she said, looking up at him.

‘It’s three from here,’ he said. ‘Is this Real Housewives of Hell?’

‘Downton Abbey,’ she said drily.

She had a sense of humor. She was young, and, of course, nuts. But a sense of humor. And way too hot to be having a beer with him.

‘So, not to be a dick, but exactly how old are you?’

‘Almost twenty,’ she said. ‘That means pretty soon I’ll be able to legally do whatever you can do when you turn twenty.’

‘That’s pretty much nothing,’ he said. ‘It’s a shit birthday.’

‘But you’re not a teenager anymore,’ she said between sips. ‘That’s gotta count for something?’

Robert thought a lot of things he shouldn’t think but fortunately had the self-control not to say them.

‘Sure,’ he said. ‘It counts for something. I just didn’t want to be pounding beers with a high school girl.’

‘Do I look that young?’ she asked. ‘Is it the plaid skirt or the pigtails giving me away?’

Though she was nearing neither, Robert couldn’t stop from imagining Virginia in an early Britney Spears get-up. It was the kind of thing he shouldn’t do if he was trying to avoid having his boner make an unscheduled appearance around her for the second time.

‘Do girls your age want to look older or younger? There’s some point where that changes over.’

She smirked.

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Do I Want to Leave My Wife

Dear Readers, hope you enjoy my little fantasy. Do I want to leave my wife? By: Greta I sat there thinking, turning my glass between my hands, not listening to what was happening around me. Why did it happen? Once again I had had a quarrel with my wife. This time it was too much. I knew I shouldn't have raised my voice and yes I should have been calmer and maybe even docile to her. I mean it was she who...

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BAXTER Sandras uncle

“Baxter, whatever in hell possessed you to get Sandra to suck your cock?”“When I heard that she was going back home, I came home to see if she needed any help packing up. When we finished loading her car, we came inside and talked for a few minutes. I broke down and sobbed how much I’d miss her.”And, here we was, blubbering away again now.I handed him the box of tissues on the coffee table. When he had calmed down he continued,  “I gave her a hug. It was a long hug. I got a boner and she could...

1 year ago
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Fun Time For Brian

Brian was 12. He was a complete loser at school and he was fairly overweight. He was a pretty disgusting little kid, he always wore sweat pants and briefs that were way to tight. The only reason why anyone knew who he was was because of his hot 16 year old sister, Stacy. Stacy was about 5’ 6” and had shoulder length dirty-blonde hair and an incredible figure. She was hot as shit, and unknown to her, her little brother was among the countless hordes of boys who jacked off to her. But Brian was...

2 years ago
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Two Mothers With Benefits

Hi, my name is Kim. I thought that you might like to hear about a recent encounter that I had.I just love a good, hard, sweaty workout. At 5'10" inches tall, 140 pounds, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, I have what is called by my dates, a "smokin’ hot" body. Not too bad for 41 years old and three kids; you see, I am a hotwife. My husband is my cuckold, he allows me to date other men freely and bring them home. If I wish to fuck them in our own bed, or stay out with them and spend the night...

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Aarifa And Me Kashmiri Ki Kali

Hi aunties, bhabhis and all the sexy fans of my hot stories on indian sex stories dot net, this is Vikram from Kashmir once again with a new story. this is one more incident happended to me few months back, I got a call from a girl, the voice was very nice and soft, usne mujhe kaha kya aap vikram bol rahe ho, maine aapki story padhi iss mai, mujhe bohot pasand aayi. Main uski baatein sun raha tha, phone per uski awaaz aisi lag rahi thi jaise who koi 20 ya 22 sall ki kamseen ladki hogi. Us din...

3 years ago
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A day at work

It was a slow night and me and my Nurse aid where doing our rounds on our unit. It was a small unit and there where just the two fo us working the 13 bed unit. We had been friends for a while and where both in bad marrages. The two of us worked together a lot and we were always talking about our bad marrages. One night out of the blue we got to talking about sex and how neither I nor her had had sex in quite a while. Any way all of our patients were sleeping and I got really bold and...

1 year ago
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Blow Job ObsessionChapter 6

The following morning Natalia and George were having a cuddle in bed before getting up. All of a sudden Natalia threw off the covers and got up. “Stay there. I just have to go to the bathroom and then I’ll be back.” Natalia came back into the bedroom with a large towel which she spread onto her side of the bed. She then pulled out her toy box from underneath the bed and dug around until she found what she was looking for. She emerged with a toy that had only been used a few times that...

2 years ago
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Adventurous Office Worker Part 3

I was so excited that morning I could hardly sleep the night before. I packed my book bags with everything I would need for an overnight stay. It was a beautiful sunny day. Summer was slowly coming to a close and the days were getting shorter but that day it was exceptionally warm out. But I couldn’t care less. It would make no difference on my mood tonight I was going to see Valerie.She had contacted me a few weeks ago and wanted me to come visit her. She offered to cover my flight and put me...

4 years ago
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Jay Faith and Friends chapter 2 part 2

Faith woke up Saturday morning and remembered where she was and smiled thinking about the fun she had the night before. She looked around to see if anyone else was awake yet but didn't think so. She was snuggled in the side of Jay flat on her back, her head was on his chest and Liz was on the other side of her with her arm laying across Faith's chest. Dana was on the other side of Jay and she had her arm across Jay also. Apparently her looking around aroused Liz from her sleep and she...

1 year ago
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The Grundys

The Grundy’s : Chapter 1 His mother warned him when he decided to take up teaching. ” Tony it is possible that you may turn out to be a good teacher but you are such a horny bastard that you should not be allowed around young girls. You must learn to keep your pants zipped up or you will end up in prison like your dad.” Tony just laughed at her because the thought of all those horny young teenagers was the reason he was going into teaching. To him the thought of all those young girls just...

Erotic Fiction
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Ive Wanted You For Years part 2

I absolutely could not get Sherry off my mind. Our hot make out session after work was exhilarating and had me in a near constant state of sexual arousal. Thank goodness the session included her giving me a fantastic blow job in her car, which relieved the incredible sexual tension, for a while at least. Of course, I reciprocated and brought her to two hard orgasms. Of the many thoughts running through my mind, two stood out. First, she was extremely orgasmic, cumming the first time from me...

4 years ago
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Some private time

My cell phone rang it was Jonny. ‘Hi’. It was the third time he’d called already but this was a social call, not another question about our homework. We had been in the same class since we started school but only became friends about six months ago when we discovered we had exacting tastes in nearly everything. We knew every secret, we share every fantasy, absolutely everything. Jonny had given me the usb stick on Wednesday, telling me it was the new film starring his favourite milf that he’d...

3 years ago
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Alone In a Parking Lot

You find yourself lost after driving across the state to meet up with family. While you knew the route to their city, you thought you could take a detour in search of a little change in your daily routine. You're lost in what seems to be a ghost town in the middle of the night. While you may spot the occasional pedestrian, there are no signs of activities of any importance. No signs of hotels or inns anywhere in sight. You snap out of your mindless scanning for a place to stay for the night and...

2 years ago
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Jordans Job Introduction

Eric was looking down at his best friend Jordan, all five foot six of him. His friend's piercing blue eyes stood out from his long black hair looked greasy and unwashed mostly due to him wearing eyeliner. That and his old Metallica shirt and baggy pants. They were having another argument about money, just like they seemed to be having weekly now. Eric sighed pinching his nose before talking. "Look, I know the job market is tough right now though my patience is wearing thin, Jordan....

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PamdaBitchChapter 8

Smiling at me, she said, “I believe you would do everything you said. Just hold me right now, please?” I did hold her for the longest time. Both Pam and Cassie came in. “I heard what Richard said, Mom,” Cassie said. “I would give him up, if it kept you happy. We all want to keep you happy.” Pam added, “I’m sorry for all the time I was ‘Dabitch.” Lisa raised her head and said, “Thank you all of you for what you did for me. Why don’t we celebrate by letting the man of the house take us all...

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Japanese housewife gangbanged by BBCs

Everyday brings a new adventure for my special lady. Akiko's first two days with me have been everything that she's craved for her entire life. She has completely submitted to her calling, from prim and proper housewife to sinful Japanese black cock slut. Her past life has led her to this. She is the quintessential submissive whore and the fire has been burning for quite some time. Years ago she found herself on her knees sucking off an associate of her father. She's had a group of Japanese men...

2 years ago
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Madeleine Ch 06

June, 1917 Paris, France It was on a warm late spring morning that I arrived in my office to be greeted with a summons to the ambassador’s office. When I arrived, I stopped short, for Mr. Stark had a visitor, someone I knew well, and for whom I had decidedly mixed feelings. Gen. John James Pershing was seated in a chair across from the ambassador’s desk, and he rose when I entered the office. ‘Sergeant Guidry,’ he said as he offered his hand in greeting, using the rank to which I had risen...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Liar

Why did it have to rain today-the day of all days??? The coldness and wind was bearable but not the rain. This meant a change of clothes and shoes not to mention being late. Well if this was nature's cruel way, so be it. Just as she was contemplating this thought the rain began to fall harder and faster. Wildly looking around her, she saw the pain path dashed through it and towards the house. "How can you lose her again Daniel?" his brother bellowed. This was the third time in two months...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 167

A 90 year old man finally gets to see a doctor. The doctor asks him to explain the problem. The man says he wants the Dr. to lower his sex drive. The doctor is taken aback a bit but finally asks the man, just how old are you? The man answers I am 90. The doctor, still a little confused says “you are 90, and you want your sex drive lowered?” “Yes,” said the man, “it’s all in my head and I want you to lower it.” For his birthday, little Johnny asked for a 10-speed bicycle. His father...

3 years ago
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Full CircleChapter 7

The problem now facing Bill and Wendy was how to look after Theresa when she was discharged from hospital. Doubtless there would be carers and nurses visiting but she would need someone there twenty-four hours a day. They consulted with the hospital and were told that this could last anything up to six months although it would probably be less. Bill's mother volunteered for the job. She reckoned she could do Monday to Friday and that Bill's father could stay with him in the town house....

1 year ago
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Drunk Again

He watched as she sleep. His daddy’s new wife was hot, if he had to use one word to describe her that would be the word, she made his young cock stand up to attention many times. And his nights were filled with hot fucking and sucking. As he watches her, she turns over and out pops a tit. She had some of the biggest titties and huge nipples he’s ever seen. They were made for licking and sucking. His mouth was watering thinking about it. He walks closer, she turn’s again and he see that her...

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Supriya Ki Jam Kar Chudai

Hi friends main aap ko apna parichay karata hoon mera naam Sanjay haiaur main bbsr ka rahne bala hoon,Ye story tab ki hai jab main wahan Eng padh raha tha mein bbsr main ek colony main rehta tha wahan pe bahat sare mess tha jisme sare bachelor lade ladkian rahte the. Main wahan aksar ghumta phir ta tha ek din main ghum ne ke wakt maine ek ladki ko dekha phir use line marne laga wske saath aur bhe ek ladke the wo Ye baat notice kar rahe the ye kariba 15 17 din tak chala phir achanak sewo ladke...

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The CircleChapter 27 Helping a Second Group Leads to Swinging

At dinner a couple of weeks later, Bob and Tracy told The Circle members that they’d made contact with the second group that wanted some ideas and mentoring about their future as a loose-knit assembly of people. In this case, the group had first identified themselves as swingers. Bob hadn’t probed exactly what they meant by that; however, the term suggested a sexually-oriented group of people that met every couple of weeks purely for the enjoyment of sex. In this case, some romances had...

2 years ago
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Kalpana 8211 My Physics Teacher

Hello to all the ISS readers. I’ve been a long time reader, and decided this is the time to share my experience with the community. My name is Siddharth (not my real name). This incident happened when I was in the 12th grade of School in 2005. As I was the class clown, all the teachers would keep an eye on me. Fortunately, my academics were decent and I represented my School in athletics and football. I was 6’0” in height with athletic features. Despite the rules in School, I’d keep my hair...

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Wedding Bondage Wedding Dresses are a threat

Wedding Bondage (Complete)************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2009/April 2012The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started at Brian and Chloe’s wedding. Jane and I knew...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 905

Thank unclepodger for this submission! God’s Plan For Aging Most seniors never get enough exercise. In His wisdom God decreed that seniors become forgetful so they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other things thus doing more walking. And God looked down and saw that it was good. Then God saw there was another need. In His wisdom He made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things requiring them to bend, reach & stretch. And God looked down and saw that it was...

1 year ago
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Sticking It To Peggy

I stood there at the window and watched as the car backed down the drive, turned right and then disappear down the street. I wondered why I wasn't more upset. I'd just seen ten years of my life drive away. Shouldn't I have felt something? Shouldn't there have been something other than a shrug of the shoulders and an, "Oh well; I guess I should go and take care of that dripping faucet?" As I turned and headed for the kitchen I ran the events of the last half hour back through my...

2 years ago
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Unsuspected Visitor

Here we are, sitting on my bed and beating my dick to a version of comic erotica. This is some pretty good erotica. You say as your nearing your climax as you stroke your throbbing penis faster and faster. Ahhhhh! You moan loudly as you reached your climax You pass out minutes after from the throwback of your arm hitting your face falling asleep for hours upon hours.

1 year ago
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Surprise Chance for Love Ch 04 Monday

This is a fictional story with all characters over eighteen and all rights reserved to the author. Special thanks to Allison. ***** Monday morning, it was back to work, with no time to concentrate on anything else. The market began the week losing 269 points, followed with two more down days, sending signals that a bear trend might begin. I was so deep into work that until Wednesday I barely stopped to breath. Late hours kept me at the office too late to even get in any tennis. If this week...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 174

The auction was cash only. Not only that you had to clear the locker out by end of day. I had a young man, who had helped me before, with his truck standing by. I was going to call him if I won a locker. He could at least carry the crap to the dump for me. I would pay him of course. I expected I could make a deal with Brit. In exchange for babysitting, Jeremy he would let the kid drink some beer on the pub. Jeremy and I left county seat the following sat morning at 9AM. The auction started...

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We Arent Twins

We Aren’t Twins: Introduction; Andrea and Anna’s parents had fallen in love as teens, and had gotten married while still in college. They held off on having children until both had graduated, and each had good jobs. Both taught school but on different campuses within the same school district. Bethany, or Ann for short, taught at the Junior High. Andrew taught High school, both taught biology, but he also taught social studies and geography as well. They had been teaching for two years before...

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Bla Book 6b from Jurassic to DreamChapter 6

The royal wedding was over. Ric and Vicky sat in a rail car that was slowly traveling North, the small electric motors in each wheel vibrating with inefficient annoyance through the floor and walls of the plain, unadorned boxcar. "You know, I bet I could make a fortune building decent rail cars for passenger travel," Ric said, standing up yet one more time to give his backside a much needed break. "You'd think that, in all the time this place has been here, somebody would've invented...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Liz Jordan Draw Me Naked Stepbrother

Apollo Banks has an art assignment to draw a nude model. He has chosen his mom, which is really weird to his stepsister Liz Jordan. Liz comes to Apollo’s room to tell him that dinner is ready. She goes on to offer to have Apollo draw her instead, but Apollo insists that would be too much. He might get hard, which wouldn’t be right. Liz finally offers that if Apollo draws her and it gets weird, she’ll put her robe back on and they can stop. Later, Liz joins Apollo in his bedroom. Dropping her...

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Schwules Internat 0910

Offensichtlich ist mein Post vom 05.01. nicht auf die Hauptseite hochgeladen worden, daher jetzt noch einmal.„Kannst Du nicht, denn Du hast morgen wieder Unterricht, da musst Du fit sein.“Murrend stimmte er zu.Ich ging zurück zu meiner Wohnung und hörte, dass eine SMS angekommen war.Erol hatte geschrieben >hier tut sich einiges ich werde Dir später berichten

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 49 Wives Story 08 ndash Good Morning

May - June – Year 4 We drove the van back home. It was a quiet ride. When I pulled into the garage the brilliant and loving Taylor made a firm announcement. “I am taking a nap and talking to the sisters.” “Good, my little love. Make sure they take care of Blossom Mom.” “I will.” With that she turned and almost marched up the stairs to her room with Margaret close behind. Penelope and Paula looked at each other and quickly followed. “My wonderful wives, I do believe that your girls have...

3 years ago
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Honkytonk HeroChapter 12

The VFW hall was packed with members and guests for the annual Christmas party. The Frickes and their friends were sitting at three tables pushed together just off the edge of the dance floor. Sitting at the tables were the usual cast of characters. Rita and Harold were there of course, and so was their daughter Caroline. Ben and Cricket Crawford were sitting across from Ramon and Theresa Salazar. Tommy sat at the end of the table with new VFW member Margie Wilcox. Margie had served a six...

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