Longhorns Ch. 01 free porn video

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Author’s note: This is a slower-moving, more character driven piece. There’s some sex at the end, but it’s mostly building towards the next two chapters. I’m writing each chapter from a separate point of view. This chapter is Robert’s, we’ll see the story from other characters’ perspectives in subsequent chapters. Enjoy, vote, comment!


It’s good to feel worn out. It’s good to be sweaty, too. If you’re too tired to think, you’re too tired to think about Beth…

‘Don’t tell her where I moved, dude. Bitch is crazy.’

Clay’s words echoed in Robert’s mind, as he lay, exhausted and overheated, on his old four poster bed. Had Clay been joking when he said that? Robert couldn’t decide, but he erred on the side of believing he had meant it. Clay was rarely serious, but he’d stressed repeatedly before hanging up that Robert was under no circumstances to tell the girl in B107 how to get in touch with him.

Robert laid stretched out on the firm, queen-sized mattress, which suddenly felt uncomfortably large and unfamiliar. There was a Beth-sized empty space on it. Robert was happy enough to have something strange and even a little dramatic just to take his mind off of her. Between the work-out he’d gotten moving his stuff back into the apartment and the new mystery girl, he could successfully go for almost twenty seconds without thinking of his ex. In the corner of the room, strategically placed behind the open closet door, was all that remained of her in the apartment, a box of things she’d evidently deemed unworthy of shipping.

Four year relationship? Now a box of junk.

When he’d first entered the apartment after a year away, he’d looked around. Clay had called him when Beth’s bitchy friend Samantha came by to pick up her clothes, jewelry, and other valuables. Samantha, no doubt with an absurdly detailed list from Beth, had been very thorough, leaving nothing behind of Beth’s except for gifts he had given her.

Once he’d brought his own boxes and suitcases back into the apartment they had once shared, he set about collecting those gifts, the traces of their relationship, in a big cardboard box that once held bottles of Johnny Walker Red. He hadn’t been able to throw the contents away just yet, but he knew he would. For now he couldn’t see the box, and that was enough.

He thought—how could he not?—about Beth, but, thankfully, he also thought about the girl from B107. It had taken him easily forty-five minutes to unload the Pathfinder and the little U-Haul pull trailer, and during that whole time, she’d stared him down from across the courtyard as if he had murdered her family. Forty-five minutes of moving, yet she stood outside the whole time, on the other side of the wrought iron railing that lined the pool area, staring him down. She looked like she was about to let him have it. At first, he searched his memories for her—had he done something really, really bad a long time ago to one of his neighbors? Hell, he’d barely even talked to his neighbors, and he hadn’t set foot in his own apartment for over a year.

Fucking Clay. This was his doing.

Wendell Clay was Robert’s college friend who had subleased the place for the past year. Robert figured him for the culprit almost immediately. Knowing Clay, that meant one thing: he’d fucked her, then probably dumped her or cheated on her. That’s how he was back then, and that’s how he probably still was. It was one of the reasons Robert hadn’t much bothered to keep in touch with him over the years. Facebook, that great repository of dead friendships, had brought them back in touch for the purely mercenary purpose of circumventing the awful rental market in a town like Austin. Clay was loaded, like any self-respecting smug prick, and could afford to pay the luxury rent for the exclusive, campus-adjacent apartment all on his own.

Robert had always been the junior partner in his relationship with Beth, financially speaking, with her gone, even making the rent on the place seemed an uncertain prospect now. After a year in D.C. doing research for his dissertation and following Beth around to obnoxious networking events, he was glad to be home. Hell, they’d both known the relationship was on its last legs, and deep down, part of Robert was happy Beth had finally put a bullet in it, telling him a month before they were due to return to Texas that she wasn’t leaving the capital, that she’d ‘made connections.’

He’d made his own connections after that—connecting a little U-Haul pull trailer to his Pathfinder. Luckily, Clay had been eager to vacate the apartment and didn’t mind Robert cutting short his stay there. Now, after getting the evil eye from some neighbor girl he’d never met, he could see why.

‘I didn’t fuck her, honest to god. She’s just, like, obsessed with me. She’s certifiable, so look out for her—like, don’t get suckered by the tits, man,’ Clay had said, chuckling.

That laughter made it hard to tell just how serious he was. Robert had called him as soon as the unloading was complete. Mostly, he wanted to know why she’d be pissed at him for something Clay did. People move in and out of apartments all the time. You don’t hold a grudge against the next guy that moves in if you had a bad neighbor.

Depending upon how much he wanted to believe Clay, his initial suspicions turned out to be at least partially true. Clay knew the girl, said he invited her over a couple of times ‘just to be a good neighbor.’ Then she started following him around like a lovestruck schoolgirl, and he had to cut it off. She was young—’like nineteen or something,’ and Clay wasn’t about to have some college girl trying to become Mrs. Clay or anything. So he shot her down, and now she’s pissed.

At least that was the story as Clay told it. Robert didn’t buy it, though. The girl was hot: long, really shiny brown hair, average to tall, not skinny, but to Robert’s eye well-toned and curvy in a way that made her look more like a woman and less like a girl. If a face can look adorable and completely pissed off at the same time, then she pulled it off. Clay was right about one other thing, too: he was suckered by the tits. He would have gotten a closer look had he not feared for his life.

Robert seriously doubted that Clay would’ve said ‘no’ to a chance to fuck a girl like that, no matter how crazy she was. As he figured it, Clay must’ve laid it on thick to get the girl into bed and then dropped her. The ‘obsessive’ stuff might have even been true, but taken out of context. In any event, Clay would have needed to do something pretty bad to the girl for her to take it out on the next guy moving into the apartment.

It was hot in the apartment, leaving the door open long enough in a Texas summer can strain the A/C to the breaking point, and it would be another hour or two before it got comfortably frosty, the way Robert liked it. Thinking about the girl, even under the circumstances, was stimulating, though, an excellent distraction. Because he didn’t know any details, he could imagine, speculate, play detective. Anything but think about Beth or about his own uncertain future.

Maybe Clay got suckered by the tits. Wouldn’t be hard…

The violent sun streamed through the broken blinds on his bedroom window (broken by Clay—he was sure of it) creating slanting bars of dark and white, like a piano, on his empty end table. You could see where Beth’s jewelry box once sat by the hexagonal space that wasn’t covered with a sheen of dust. They’d left most of their belongings behind before heading east, and besides breaking the blinds and more than a few of their drinking glasses, Clay’d been a pretty conscientious tenant.

Sometimes you just can’t see what’s broken until you take the time to really look around, though.

Even from the bedroom, on the opposite side of the apartment, he could hear the sounds of people laughing, splashing in the pool, talking to each other. He slowly rolled himself off the bed
and walked to the living room window facing the pool. Peering through the blinds, he scanned the group of college kids hanging out in the water for the mystery ‘crazy’ girl, but she wasn’t to be found. Robert shook his head—the more expensive the complex got, the more it was filled not with young professionals or graduate students like himself, but instead with undergrads partying on mommy and daddy’s tab. If it wasn’t for his lease, he’d move—hell, he ought to sublet the place and leave the bad memories there behind.

Maybe soon…


One of life’s little horrors is being interrupted in the middle of jerking off.

‘Coming,’ Robert shouted, though, actually, he had been a minute or two from his climax.

There was work to do: shut down the window playing a clip of Tori Black taking a massive cock in her ass, quickly apply some hand sanitizer, then strategically place the waistband on his gym short to disguise his hard-on. Hopefully, it would be the apartment management people or the mailman, or something quick. Then it would be back to Tori or maybe somebody new.

The knocking persisted—crazy person knocking. Definitely not the mailman. Could it be?

‘Hey, do you live here?’

When your erection is being restrained by an elastic waistband, the sight of a hot, young co-ed, albeit one who might in fact be a crazy stalker, is not necessarily the best way to avoid an embarrassing boner incident. Up close, ‘crazy bitch’ was even hotter than he thought. Her hair was pulled back into a long ponytail, so he could see her face better: light dusting of freckles across, long lashes around smoky, hazel eyes, and lips that didn’t need any cosmetic enhancement to look inviting.

On the other hand, she’s certainly playing to type as far as the mental instability rumors…


‘Are you Wendell’s roommate or something?’ she asked in a husky voice.

Robert didn’t like feeling like he was on trial in his own place, though he did smile a little to hear Clay’s real first name, which he knew Clay hated. It was especially nice in that sexy, smoky voice.

‘Umm…this is my place. And you are?’

The girl seemed to recognize how she’d come off.

‘Sorry…I’m Virginia,’ she said.

She started fidgeting a little, tapping her foot. She couldn’t have known the nervous motion would cause her breasts to jiggle ever so slightly. For some reason, she didn’t seem like the kind of girl who quite grasped her effect on men.

‘Virginia, great. Nice to meet you,’ he said curtly. ‘I’m Robert, and this is my apartment. Clay’s gone.’

Robert was curious as to how she would respond. He was still trying to solve the mystery of ‘Did Clay and ‘crazy bitch’ have sex?’ Her response was inconclusive: a knowing smirk.

‘I knew it,’ she said. ‘Look, he’s got something that belongs to me here. Can I come in?’

‘He took his shit with him. If you left something—’

‘Just let me look, new guy,’ she said with exasperation. ‘It’ll take, like, ten seconds.’

With a deep breath and some trepidation, Robert ushered her into his place. He even felt a little pathetic for not resisting, pretty girls could get away with murder with him. She made a beeline for the bedroom, as he followed her.

‘Did you find a stuffed dolphin on that end table? No way would he just take it with him.’

Robert was about to say ‘no’ when he recalled putting a plush dolphin in the box of Beth’s stuff to throw into the dumpster. He fished it out, handing it over.

‘Found it there and figured it belonged to my ex,’ he said. ‘You’re lucky you got it before I throw all this shit out.’

Virginia grabbed it from him and made to leave, before turning on her heel to address him. Since he was following her out, her abrupt spin almost made him run into her. She’d been about to speak when she flinched due to the uncomfortable closeness, and, backpedaling, her whole voice changed.

‘Was Clay your friend or something?’

Be honest? Why the hell not?

‘I knew the guy, but, ‘friends?’ Not really. He just subletted the place from me last year while I was gone.’

‘So, you guys don’t talk?’

‘Not really,’ Robert said.

‘But you probably hit him up after yesterday, right?’

‘Maybe,’ he said warily.

‘Well, he’s a douche,’ she said. ‘So…sorry for throwing all that shade. I figured you knew.’

‘Knew what?’

‘Just about Clay. What he’s like. What he did,’ she said cryptically.

‘Which was?’

‘Be a douche,’ she replied, seemingly uncomfortable with the turn the conversation had taken. ‘So, sorry and all that.’

‘It’s not a big deal,’ he said. ‘It was honestly just weird to have a stranger stare daggers at me for half an hour—even a cute girl.’

Virginia laughed for the first time. It was nice, warm.

‘It wasn’t that long! You probably thought I was some crazy, yet still totally super hot murderer.’

Robert decided to keep Clay’s warning a secret.

‘Well, let’s just say I thought about throwing the deadbolt last night in case you wanted to strangle me in my sleep.’

She dropped her smile and took on a blank expression.

‘I only strangle people who really deserve it,’ she said with a deadpan affect.

Virginia let that line, delivered in an emotionless monotone, linger for a moment before breaking out once more into a grin.

‘Well, I’ll just have to stay on your good side,’ Robert said, taking a deep breath in the way you do when you’re anticipating a conversation’s end.

Virginia seemed to take the hint, and soon she was once again heading for the door. She ran her hand over the top of the sofa on the way out, almost wistfully. Robert noted the almost nostalgic way she surveyed the apartment as well. She knew this place—his place.

She had just cracked open the door when, abruptly as before, Virginia turned to him. Robert had once had a dog, a puppy really, who ran everywhere—just full blast running, no matter what the reason. Every movement was sudden, fast, jumpy, until one day he just darted into traffic. He chuckled and winced, all at the same time, thinking of how Virginia’s jumpy, anxious movements looked like the way that dog moved. She was cute—crazy, but cute.

‘Well, new guy, I’ll see you around.’

Then she was gone. It was strange, could’ve gone better. Good eye contact, though, so low erection awareness percentage…


At least this time I don’t have my dick in my hand.

Robert went to the door. It had been a week since he’d talked to Virginia.

‘Hey, new guy.’


‘Robbie, I don’t want you to think I’m a bitch,’ she said. ‘Let me buy you a beer.’

‘It’s Robert, and, no offense, are you even old enough to buy beer?’

She narrowed her eyes and looked coy.

‘You are.’

Robert felt uneasy, he had this weird flash, like he was in one of those dreams where you go back to high school and all the cheerleaders make of you and you fail gym because you can’t climb a rope or something. Virginia was either good at being fake nice or bad at being sincerely nice.

‘So I’m going to buy me a beer?’

‘No, I mean, I’ll give you the money, and you can go down to Mickelson’s and get a six pack.’

Robert smiled knowingly. At least he could see the scam finally.

‘So you’re buying me a whole six-pack, huh?’

She looked like she’d just gotten caught.

‘Well, maybe we could split it—three a piece?’

‘That’s a shitty mark-up on your end—don’t you have a fake ID?’

She cocked her head to the side. Robert thought the way her ponytail fell across her shoulder was particularly flattering, being the kind of guy who notices such things.

‘Not anymore—hey, this is a real apology. I’m just trying to be nice here, Robbie.’


‘Robbie’s better.’

‘Robert,’ he said insistently. ‘And you don’t have to fake it. I’ll buy you a six-pack, just this once, if you promise not to strangle me.’

He fully expected Virginia to jump at the chance to get some beer, suspecting the whole apology thing was simply a pretense. She surprised him.

‘Really, I’m not that bad. Promise. Here,’ she said, pulling out a ten dollar bill and handing it to him, ‘just get something not too dark. Then we can have a beer like actual neighbors.’

‘Do you want me to bring it over to your place?’

‘No, I’m fine waiting for you here,’ she said, closing the door and stepping once more back into his apartment.

He probably would have protested had it been most people, but, to be honest, hot nineteen year olds normally only talked to him when they were bitching about why he gave them a C- on their papers. She seemed, he thought, like a girl used to getting her way, and, lo and behold, that’s exactly what was happening again.

In the store, he pored over his choices, trying to imagine what she might like. Nothing too dark—maybe an IPA? He never spent this much time picking things for himself, and now he was trying to consider the tastes and desires of a girl he first met giving him dirty looks, who’d just barged her way into his apartment, possibly as part of some elaborate mockery.

Finally, he found the perfect choice, and after purchasing it started the short walk home.

In the bracing, hot Texas wind, he thought about the crime he was about to commit—giving alcohol to a minor isn’t the worst thing you can do, but a thirty year old man getting a college co-ed drunk in his apartment seemed pretty sketchy and not the sort of thing he normally would do.

‘But she’s so mature…’ thought every older guy perving on a teen ever. Shit, I should make sure she’s actually eighteen. Stranger things have happened…

‘Lagunitas? Good choice, Robbie.’



Virginia had made herself at home, sprawled out across the cushy navy blue sofa, nestling against a small mountain of throw pillows, whose mere existence made it obvious the place had been once decorated by a woman. She was watching a television show seemingly populated solely by women constructed out of naugahyde, orange spray paint, and cantaloupes. They probably all made more money in a day than he did all year, too.

He handed her a bottle, and she strained to twist off the top. He started to laugh, and she blushed.

‘Did that on purpose,’ she said unconvincingly. ‘Pop top?’

‘Yeah, one sec,’ he said. ‘I thought you might break the glass there for a second.’

Robert used the bottle opener on his keys to uncap her beer as well as his own. He flicked the bottle caps across the room one at a time, and they rebounded off the back wall of the wastebasket.

‘Two points,’ she said, looking up at him.

‘It’s three from here,’ he said. ‘Is this Real Housewives of Hell?’

‘Downton Abbey,’ she said drily.

She had a sense of humor. She was young, and, of course, nuts. But a sense of humor. And way too hot to be having a beer with him.

‘So, not to be a dick, but exactly how old are you?’

‘Almost twenty,’ she said. ‘That means pretty soon I’ll be able to legally do whatever you can do when you turn twenty.’

‘That’s pretty much nothing,’ he said. ‘It’s a shit birthday.’

‘But you’re not a teenager anymore,’ she said between sips. ‘That’s gotta count for something?’

Robert thought a lot of things he shouldn’t think but fortunately had the self-control not to say them.

‘Sure,’ he said. ‘It counts for something. I just didn’t want to be pounding beers with a high school girl.’

‘Do I look that young?’ she asked. ‘Is it the plaid skirt or the pigtails giving me away?’

Though she was nearing neither, Robert couldn’t stop from imagining Virginia in an early Britney Spears get-up. It was the kind of thing he shouldn’t do if he was trying to avoid having his boner make an unscheduled appearance around her for the second time.

‘Do girls your age want to look older or younger? There’s some point where that changes over.’

She smirked.

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Never too late part 2

PART 2 The next morning I woke with my aunt impaled on my once again rock hard cock and my face buried in her huge tits. Unfortunately it didn’t take long for my balls to throb as I pumped load after load of hot cum into her tight cunt. She bounced and bounced on me until I slipped out of her then she took me in her mouth and sucked the last drops of cum from me. I was in heaven. We showered and I dressed in a matching black bra, panties and suspender belt with black stockings. Put ...

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Nichayam Aana Pennai Oothen

Vanakam friends, en thozhi hemavai eppadi sex seithu oothen enbathai ungalidam indru tamil kama kathaiyil pagiguriren. Vaaipu koduthatharku migavum en nandriyai therivithu kolugiren, en peyar arun vayathu 23 aagugirathu. En nanbanin thozhi hema vayathu 25 aagugirathu, avalai eppadi sex seithen enbathai thaan naam kathaiyil parka pogirom. En nanban IT companiyil velai paarthu varugiraan, avan peyar mani avanuku nichayathaartham nadaka irunthathu. Atharku munathaaga oru china treat vaipathaaga...

5 years ago
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DeborahChapter 38

"I need a drink first," said Deborah rootling in the fridge. "You too?" "Yes, please." Deborah poured two glasses of orange juice and sat down at the kitchen table. "We're going to have a very simple wedding: registry office, lunch here for the family followed by a blessing in the village church. No reception as such but we're going to have a lunchtime barbecue for friends and locals here the Wednesday before." "When is the wedding though?" asked Sharon. "I haven't seen you...

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The Chiefs Daughter Ch 2

By Jax_Teller Saturday morning we woke together and the girls got right to taking a shower together. I went through my usual morning ritual of turning the Tv on and getting breakfast together. When the girls came out they seemed disappointed that I had not joined them. That quickly changed when they saw and smelled the western omelets I was making. They both were naked and I was appreciating having them around. It seemed to me as if they had adopted me. As we sat and ate watching the...

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Met with our first swingers couple in town

I decided that I was going to go to a swingers club when the time came i was very excited and nervous and I was dressed in a nice grey suit and smelling nice as I got to the door head another few people coming up the stairs and when I looked to see who it was and I saw a guy in his sixties and also a two couples about mid twenties and the girl was blonde with a great figure and the other was dark haired with a more curvy figure and the blonde girl saw me looking at her with her mini dress and...

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Dear Boyfriend

(Of course, everyone here is over 18. He was 22. I was 21. So, it’s okay to talk about sex. He agreed to share these letters we saved with you.) * Dear Boyfriend, Don’t think because I don’t use your name that I’m recycling this letter. I have only one boyfriend, you, and I know your name. I said it in your ear last night, just before I bit your earlobe when you made me come. Thank you, BTW. Also, I think it was a good idea that we adopted the rule that we thank each other when we give...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 47 Racial Purity

December 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “You really object to Emmy and Clark being together because they’re from different races?!” I asked, completely taken aback. “I’m sorry,” Kimiko replied meekly. “I was trying to describe how Japanese felt about mixed-race children, especially those of black American soldiers and Japanese women. But it’s really any mixed-race children or relationships, because they are not pure Japanese.” “So if you and I were to marry, and have kids who were half-Japanese,...

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ENSLAVED by katelyn michelle "Get on your knees, sissy," the man commanded, and naturally I obeyed. He was, after all, my superior. Once I was down on the floor, I found his large cock in my face. He didn't need to tell me what to do next. I wet my lips and slid his cock into my mouth. It stretched my jaw muscles, but the discomfort was worth it. I would be well rewarded if he enjoyed himself. It hadn't always been this way. Just two years ago I was a...

5 years ago
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A Good Start

I woke up suddenly, aroused by some unknown noise. I looked at my alarm clock. It read 4:28 am. I groggily rubbed a hand across my face and shook out the sleep as I got out of bed. I grabbed the telescoping baton I keep in my nightstand and walked out into the hallway. It was dark, but I could still make out the vague shapes of the furniture. I heard a ringing noise. It came from behind me. I whirled around, but nothing was there. I walked slowly back to my room, and looked cautiously around....

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Nancy Learns the Ropes

Nancy Nicholas was a certified college graduate with an impressive Grade Point Average. However, even she would have to admit that there was something to the repeated opinion from her more than strict father that she had very little common sense. She had been raised according to rigid standards of right and wrong and projected an aura of confused morality and naïve perspective on everything around her. Now that she was finished with college and her parents were sending her little sly hints...

2 years ago
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Makan Malkin Ki Chudai

Hello friends, I am a regular reader of this wonderful site and I would like to share my real story with all of you. Mera naam sameer hai, 26 saal ke hoon aur delhi main rehta hun, , mein yha ek room rent par rehta hoon. Is ghar mein mere saath ek divorcee aunty rehti hai joki landlady hai. Woh khi par job nhi krti isiliye ghar chalane ke liye unhone ek room rent pay diya tha. Us ki age 36 years hai. Unka ek beta hai joki 10 saal ka hai. Aunty ka figur size 40-32-36 aur unki bhari bhari gand...

3 years ago
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My Daughters Parent Teacher Conference

Here is where I make my mistake. I thought I was supposed to pick them up at 3:30 P.M when in actuality I was suppose to pick them up at 4:30 P.M. I didn't know this so instead I leave at 3:25 to pick them up. I get to the school and head to the conference room. As I am walking up to the room I see through the window my daughter and wife talking to my daughter's 7 teachers and the principal. The odd thing about the scene was that all my daughter's teachers were male and so was the...

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2 on 1

Dear Reader, Nothing beats a Stephanie Plum novel for pure guilty pleasure. Full of humor, mystery and a heat that sizzles just under the surface, Janet Evanovich’s books never fail to lift my mood and make me laugh. If you have never read a Stephanie Plum novel but enjoy humorous, sexy women’s lit or chick lit, I hope my humble fan fiction fantasy will send you out to a bookstore, or at the very least, to your local library. It may not be the steamiest story I’ve written, but hopefully you...

3 years ago
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Taboo High The Virgin Part 1

Brady opened a beer and sat down on his couch ready to watch the game. With the state cross country finals completed last week, he finally had a day to himself to relax and watch some sports. As a first-year biology teacher and cross-country coach, it seemed like every waking minute for the last two and a half months had been occupied with work.Just as he turned on the TV there was a knock at his door. Crap, he thought. Who would that be? When he answered the door, he was surprised to see...

First Time
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Fucking my Auntie Ruth

My cock was still hard as I walked to the shower watching her beautiful body sway in front of me while we left a trail of our juices. As I got closer to her body I grabbed and squeezed her ass cheek."You have a great ass, Auntie Ruth…” I said."Behave now. I will let you explore my body in th shower" She said and with that my dick stood again at full attention.My aunt Ruth got into the shower and started to warm the water.I watched at her amazing naked body. She was almost forty five, but she...

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Goddess Sister Treating Her Brother

Goddess Sister I was doing my studies, and waiting for an admission process to complete before I got through the admission. Meanwhile my Aunt, invited me for a short stay and for a change as I was waiting for the admission. I too accepted and visited her. They live in a town, as my Uncle has lands and looks after agriculture. It was during my stay I had my first and exiting sex experience with my own cousin sister. Her name is Suganya, she was fare and good looking. She had just completed her...

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QueenChapter 6

Several days passed in which Cassi and Larry had made virtually no progress on the case. The mysterious tipster had not called back and their usual street sources were of no help. Cassi lay back in Linda's arms the tears of her latest orgasm still wet on her cheeks. "Are you sure?" asked Linda. "I mean you said that Leonora woman threatened you. I could postpone..." "No, we both know this showing is important to your career. I won't have you miss it on my account. Besides, we've...

2 years ago
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That Night

As I come into the room I noticed it’s bathed in dimly lit candle light. Different styles of candles are s**ttered around the room. I find you in the middle of the room lying down on a bed, with candle-light flickering off your body. I slowly move towards the bed and look down at you, smiling. My hand comes down and runs quickly through your hair and lean down to kiss your lips softly. I look the full length of your body and see that you’re wearing a silk and lace teddy with thigh-high...

4 years ago
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Come For A Coffee

I walked briskly to the bus stop and waited for a little under two minutes, and when I bought my ticket I spoke as quietly as possible, so my voice wouldn’t sound too shaky: instead it sounded like a deranged croak. Trying to act cool, and relax enough to stop shivering, I took a seat at the back of the bus. The journey took about ten minutes, but felt like nearly a year, especially with the darkness outside being accentuated as it was by the feeble strobing quality of the lamp posts outside...

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Older woman seduces a young boy

This story begins when I was 19. I had moved away to take a job and was living in a totally new state, hundreds of miles away from anything I ever knew. It is hard to meet new people when you’re under 21 since you can’t go to the bar or anything. So I was having a tough time meeting people and was getting quite lonely. Fortunately there was a receptionist where I was working that was always very friendly with me. She was 56 and a short rather chubby woman with huge tits. She would always talk...

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First BBC experience

After 14 years of marriage my wife and I got into SLS (we are approaching 20 years of marriage now). Setting up the first experience was not easy as we did not know anyone in the life style. I signed up on a few sites and a very nice BBC reached out to us.I showed my wife our 1st email and could see it excited her. It had been 14 years since she had been with another man and now suddenly this good looking black stud was reaching out to her and telling her that she was hot and would be nice to...

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His Desire

Dressed in black jeans that hug my ass nicely, my feet bare, as I don't really have any love for wearing shoes. My thin-strapped black tank top has one strap falling off my creamy white shoulder. I bite my lips as I watch him walk in the room. I know with the way I look, his eyes will be on me soon; I wait.Slowly, his eyes move around the room taking in the deep green color on the wall. I can see his eyes brightening with lust as he looks along the wall. The whips, chains, and paddles hang...

4 years ago
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Adventures With BBW Carla Making Me Eat My Own Cum

I got a text from Carla Friday afternoon. Her son was going to his father's and she wanted me to come over to have some fun. After work, I showered and changed and showed up at Carla's around seven pm. She looked great! She was wearing a pair of tight, black lycra shorts and a matching black halter top. Her hair was still wet from the shower, so I timed getting there perfectly. Carla invited me in and she had a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table. She poured us wine and we both drank. I...

2 years ago
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Cabin in the Woods

Introduction: Her nice weekend away Hannah hadnt really paid attention when they arrived at Richards cabin. After all, the foreplay in the car dictated their first activity when they arrived. She felt very teen-age, reaching over to stroke his cock while driving down the highway. He gave her a wink and smile, as he pushed his hips out just a bit. When he turned off the main road and then eventually onto the dirt one he said, Suck it. She hadnt done that since high school. She loosened her...

4 years ago
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More Outdoors for her more dancing for me

As we were driving to see a show across country yesterday we talked about settin g ourselves some challenges. K wants me to dance. For some reason I don’t, never have, run a mile. I love to see her dance – its beautiful and heartfelt love. Happy to see her dance with others and release all that tension in powerful primal energy. But me. I sit it out. So that’s my challenge – and I will take it on and work through to find why I have such resistance.Then she offered to take on a challenge to...

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AllisonChapter 13

It was a cold evening in New York when their flight landed at Kennedy International Airport. Ali stretched and yawned having slept during most of the flight east. There was a layover until their Swissair flight for Zurich departed and she took the time mentally to review their plans for the upcoming trip. As soon as they had decided to spend January in Switzerland, Ali had called her old friend, Karl Gaudli, who lived in Zurich. She had met Karl years earlier when she was in Switzerland...

3 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 39

Bill drove up to the store on his scooter and parked it around the backside of the store where it would be out of sight. He walked into the store through the front door and found Mike sitting at the counter. Giving him a wave, he said, “Hello, Mike. How’s it going?” “Fine, Bill. Your dad is in the office,” answered Mike gesturing towards that back of the store. With a grin, he said, “We’re expecting Abe to show up in about twenty minutes.” “Where’s everyone else?” “Everyone else is back...

2 years ago
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SuccubusChapter 3 Manifestation ThreeThe Passion of Love

I began stretching exercises with Tama-sensei once she was on the ground, but she seemed to be fighting it. Every time I came too close to her she became even more flustered. I had her seated on the ground with her legs split so she could stretch the hamstrings by having me push gently on her back. She was so stiff and tight that I had to lean against her to get any motion. This seemed to do nothing more than cause her to tense even more. Finally I moved around in front of her and sat with...

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ChoicesChapter 18 Complex kind of life

Morgan was lying on the couch listening to the Playstation (my feeble excuse for a stereo) when I got back. "You seem surprised to see me here," she said languidly. "I'm surprised at your musical choices. Since when did you start listening to syrupy AC love song stuff?" "Hey, it's your Dawson's Creek CD." "Well, I know I'm a fool for love songs. But you've always been the Pearl Jam and Nirvana kind of girl. The one that got me to try Three Doors Down, Godsmack, Days of the New,...

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It is Delilah's 18th birthday. She is surround by her friends and family, as they sing happy birthday. Delilah closes her bright blue eyes as she blows out the candles atop her cake, wishing someone would whisk her away on an epic adventure. The crowd around her cheers. The party goes on for another hour before everyone begins to leave. Delilah help her mother clean up the house, and then gets ready for bed. It is a warm night so Delilah decides to sleep in the nude. She unbuttons her jean...

3 years ago
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Ambushed Part 1

By the fall of 1976 Elizette and I had been deeply involved for over a year. A petite Brazilian, she had jet black hair the length of her back, flawless bronze skin, large, dark brown eyes, and a lissome, graceful body. At twenty, she was almost insatiably sexual. We would have sex five or six times a week, sometimes three times a day. Everything from long languid afternoons of massage and foreplay to quickies in public places. Once at a baseball game she sat on my lap in a tactically parted...

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She Catches Me

Everyone had a crush on Mandy.It wasn’t even worth confessing. I shouldn’t have even been at the graduation party. My sister had been invited and I was a spillover guest, probably just in the hope that we’d both bring presents. We hadn’t really run in the same circles since junior year. Back then, Sarah had been really close with Mandy. I saw her so much at their sleepovers, chatting and even becoming friendly enough that I thought I might get to indulge in my prevalent fantasies.Then reality...

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Me My Teen Cousin

Hi friends this is rajath i would like to share the story since this piece am going to narrate is a real experience which made me a real callboy in y locality. It all happened when i was hitting my puberty when i was 15 and my cousin revathi was around 19.i am from a typical middle class family.we were three at home myself,mom and dad.Everything was going well until this day when i was introduced to sex with my beauty revathi. it was summer when my cousin came all alone to spend the vacation...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 15

Tonya was now very sore from holding her position so long; she wanted desperately to flex her body, but she didn't dare, guessing that she was being watched. Her entire body was starting to feel like a ball of fire, but she couldn't let herself move! Her eyes started to fill with tears from the pain; just as she thought she couldn't hold on anymore, the door opened! She turned to see Nancy enter, once again dressed in the black leather outfit she was wearing when she cut off Tonya's...

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I was always aware that my mom was really sexy, I just dismissed all my friends comments about how they'd like to kiss her and do other stuff to her. I'd just laugh it off.The older I got the more I saw that she was more than hot, she was gorgeous. My mom's name is Abbie and she's 37 years old. She got pregnant when she was 16 and decided to have me. She stands at 5 ft 11 tall with the most slender legs ever. She has a tight arse and perky smallish boobs that are very rarely in a bra. My mom...

2 years ago
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Cynthia Goes On An AdventureChapter 4

“We’re in the area where Harriet should be,” Sid said standing up in his stirrups. He looked around the plain without seeing any sign of her. “The grass is pretty tall. She could be sitting down and we’d never see her,” Cynthia said with a worried frown. Her butt hurt from riding so much, but she wasn’t going to complain. Saving the Damsel had become very important to her, and she wasn’t going to be the weak link. “I’m not looking for her. I’m looking to see if there’s some sort of trail...

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