Accidents Happen 2
- 4 years ago
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It was a cold evening in New York when their flight landed at Kennedy International Airport. Ali stretched and yawned having slept during most of the flight east. There was a layover until their Swissair flight for Zurich departed and she took the time mentally to review their plans for the upcoming trip. As soon as they had decided to spend January in Switzerland, Ali had called her old friend, Karl Gaudli, who lived in Zurich. She had met Karl years earlier when she was in Switzerland making a skiing movie. She knew that Karl and his wife had a daughter who was now eighteen and an outstanding skier. She had been a member of the Swiss national junior ski team.
When she reached Karl, she filled him in on what had happened to her since they had last communicated. When he learned she was now married to Bill Clifford, Karl let out a low whistle. For some years now he had been with one of the major Swiss banks. The Clifford name — and money — were well known to him. Finally, she got to the purpose of her call: "Karl, would your daughter, Karen, have any interest in being our guest for a month of skiing in Zermatt? Bill's son, Brian, will be with us."
Karl said it sounded like fun and promised to relay the invitation. Subsequently it was accepted.
Although she had told Bill about the plans they hadn't said a thing to Brian. They were supposed to meet him in the Swissair first-class lounge at Kennedy. After quickly checking in, they went to the lounge, and Ali's heart was in her mouth. The last thing she needed was another scene — this one in public.
While Bill was checking in with the attendant, a young man with long blonde hair came up to her. He looked shy, but his hand was outstretched. "Mrs. Clifford? Mom? I'm Brian."
Ali looked at him and took his hand. Then she pulled him close and hugged and kissed him. "Hi, Brian," she whispered. "Merry Christmas, and thank you so much!"
Brian Clifford was tall and very slim. He was twenty years old but Ali didn't think he weighed over 155. He looked puzzled and said, "Thank me? For what?"
She smiled her sunshine smile and said, "For calling me Mom. Brian, I love it and would be very proud if you wanted to call me that. Honestly, though, it's far more than I dared hope!"
Bill had finished the process and joined them. He shook hands with Brian and then hugged him. Ali thought, At least this is starting off a lot better than the last time. Their flight was called and they boarded the Boeing 747. After a magnificent meal, Ali took down a couple of blankets, slipped off her sweater and put Bill's hand on her bare breast.
She slept through the overnight flight, awakening as they were entering their final approach to Zurich. She quickly slipped back into her sweater, grinned at Bill, and folded the blanket. "Bill, that was so nice! Thank you so much."
He grinned at her and said, "You thanked me so nicely, I won't even complain about my sprained wrist. I sprained it keeping it bent around you all night."
The plane rolled to a stop at the gate and they disembarked. For reasons best known to itself, Swissair considers Geneva to be the air gateway to Zermatt. However, there is excellent train service south from Zurich connecting with the mountain train at Brig. Moreover, they were meeting Karen at the Swissair first-class lounge in Zurich.
As they walked down the concourse and turned towards the lounge, Ali's heart was again in her mouth. She had started off very well with Brian and hoped she wasn't going to screw things up now. As they were about to go in, she realized she had no idea what Karen Gaudli looked like. Entering the lounge, they were greeted by an attendant. Just then, a beautiful slender blonde girl came up to her and said, "Mrs. Clifford? I'm Karen Gaudli. My parents asked me to give you their warmest regards."
Ali breathed a sigh of relief. This was almost too good to be true. She introduced Karen to Bill and then to Brian. "Brian, Karen is the daughter of very dear friends of mine. She lives here in Zurich and is going to be skiing with us in Zermatt. She was a member of the Swiss national junior ski team, so I think she'll probably be able to keep up with you," she added with a grin.
Turning to Karen, she asked if she was all set. All she had with her was a knapsack. Everything else was checked through to Zermatt with the railroad. There the hotel porter would claim her baggage for her and bring it over to the hotel. They went to the Swissair baggage claim and retrieved their things, taking them only the few feet required to reach the railroad baggage checking facility. Then they went down to the railroad station below the Zurich airport and boarded their train for Brig.
As they ate lunch in the dining car, the train wound through the mountains that repeatedly slice east and west across Switzerland. When they went back to their compartment, Ali went to sleep leaning on Bill's shoulder. As she dozed off she could hear the young people talking across from her. They changed to the mountain train at Brig and began to wind south up into the mountains. The glacier at Zermatt fed a small stream that became one of the headwaters of the Rhone River. When they reached Zermatt it was dark and they were only a few miles above the Italian border.
They were greeted by a driver from the Hotel Zermatterhof. Riding down the small main street in the battery-powered car, they pulled up at the front entrance and quickly checked in. Ali and Bill were shown to their suite while Brian and Karen were shown to their respective rooms. The two young people thought they would look around the town while Bill and Ali just shook their heads and headed for bed.
That night, Ali kissed Bill and whispered, "I owe you. Lie on your back." He did and closed his eyes. Ali used her fingers and lips to bring him to a raging erection and then lowered herself down on it.
He smiled with his eyes closed and murmured, "What are you doing?"
She leaned over and kissed him passionately. "I'm fucking myself, silly. What do you think I'm doing?" Just then she came and brought him over the edge with her.
The next morning the four met for breakfast in the dining room. Ali decided that she and Bill were in fine shape but the young people didn't look too good. She raised an eyebrow and asked, "What time did you two get back to the hotel last night?"
Karen smothered a yawn with her hand while Brian shook his head and replied, "Not early enough, it seems."
They started a pattern that they continued for the next ten days. Bill and Ali would be met by a guide they had retained and in consultation with him they would decide on a mountain for skiing that day. Then they would take the appropriate lift and start skiing. Inevitably Brian and Karen would disappear in the direction of the expert terrain. At noon the four would meet at one of the mountainside restaurants. If it was sunny they would sun themselves on the deck while they sipped beer, cider or wine. Then the couples would go off separately again not to meet until the end of the day. Then they would have a sauna and a massage.
Ali watched closely when Karen and Brian caught up with them at noon. They were always laughing and joking, but Ali was certain she was seeing a familiar light in Karen's eyes. Occasionally, they would go out dancing with the young people after dinner but more often they stayed at the hotel.
Then on the morning of the eleventh day at breakfast, Brian came up to their table. Ali saw Karen sitting alone at another table. Brian took a deep breath and said, "Dad, could I speak with Mom alone? Would you mind eating with Karen over there?"
Bill shrugged and went over to join Karen. Ali looked at Brian expectantly. "What is it, Brian?"
"Mom ... Mom, I slept with Karen last night," he blurted out.
Ali just looked at him calmly. "Was it good? For both of you?"
Brian looked at Ali strangely. "What do you mean, 'for both of you?' I don't understand."
"Brian, boys and girls are different. Men can get off a lot faster than women can. On the other hand, women can cum far more often than men can. That's why a male prostitute is essentially a contradiction in terms. A woman can take far more men than a man can have women. Do you understand?" She smiled at him warmly and said again, "Was it good for both of you?"
Brian looked sheepish. "Mom, I guess it was better for me than it was for Karen. I don't know, though. I really didn't think about it. What should we do?"
"Brian, I think I should talk to Karen and you should talk to your dad. Brian, your father is one of the world's greatest lovers and I'm sure you could learn a lot. I want to talk to Karen. But first, what did you and she have in mind? I'm sure you didn't come over just to make a confession."
"We thought we could change rooms ... get one room with a double bed. Could we?"
Ali smiled at him again and said, "First, I want to talk to Karen. Then, if she's really willing, I'll call her parents. Brian, she's our guest and the daughter of a good friend. I'm responsible for her and I have to take that responsibility seriously. Is that all right with you?"
It was obvious Brian wasn't happy, but it seemed to be the best arrangement he was going to get. He went over to the other table and Karen came over to join Ali. She was blushing as she sat down. She said, "Mrs. Clifford, Brian told you ... about us?"
Ali put out her hand and took the girl's hand in hers. "Yes, Karen, he did. Tell me, was it good for you?"
Karen looked puzzled. "Good? I don't understand. I think it was good for Brian."
Ali shook her head and said, "No, Karen. I know it was good for Brian. I asked if it was good for you? Tell me about it. What did you do?"
It was all Ali could do to keep a straight face. It was so obvious that this girl's English — which was perfect — was lacking in a sexual vocabulary. Ali glanced at her watch. They had finished eating by this time so she said to Karen, "Come up to our room with me."
She went over to the other table and said, "Bill, could you tell the guide we'll be going up the mountain late today? Say, at one o'clock? And how about if you and Brian do some of the things that men find to do while Karen and I have some girl talk? And, Bill, if you need anything from our room you better come up and get it now." They had their ski wear on so Bill came up to change into more comfortable clothes for walking around town with his son. He left Ali alone in the suite with the girl.
Ali took off her ski wear and stood in front of Karen almost naked except for her bikini pants. Karen looked at Ali, shook her head, and said, "My father said you were very beautiful. But words fail: it's like saying the Matterhorn is big. It's true, but it's inadequate. Mrs. Clifford, you are gorgeous!"
Ali smiled her thanks and put on her jeans and chambray shirt. Then she sat down and looked at Karen. "Karen, we were talking about you. I asked if sleeping with Brian was good for you. What did he do and what did you do?"
Karen was obviously uncomfortable. Somehow seeing Ali nearly nude had eased things for her in some fashion. She said, "Brian stroked my ... my breasts?"
Ali nodded and said quietly, "In English, they are sometimes called boobs or tits. But yes, in the dictionary, they are breasts. Brian stroked them and then what happened?"
"Then he took off my pants, spread my legs, and put his thing inside me. Then it was all over and he went to sleep. And I guess I just tossed and turned."
Ali shook her head and asked, "Is that all? Did you touch him?"
"There wasn't time. He was hurting. He needed to get inside me quickly. So I let him."
Ali said softly, "Karen, that was terrible. You must love him very much. Do you?"
Karen's eyes widened in amazement. "I do love him. But why did you say that?"
Again Ali shook her head. "Because if he did that to a girl in the States, she might have slapped his face. For damned sure she wouldn't ever care to see him again. Karen, Brian left you cold. I'll bet when he was finished you were shaking. You wanted something more, but didn't know what, but he was already asleep. Is that what happened?"
The girl's jaw dropped as Ali was speaking. "How could you know that? I was vibrating! I didn't know what to do. What could I do?"
This time Ali grinned and said, "You could have punched him in the ribs, woke him up and told him, 'Do me!' or you could have done yourself. It's not very satisfying but it sure beats tossing in bed all night. Karen, did you ever sleep with a boy before Brian?"
Karen reddened and said, "Once. It was awful. It really hurt! But what do you mean, 'Do me?' What does that mean?"
Ali explained that it meant the man spread the girls legs and licked her cunt and nibbled on her clit to bring her to orgasm. She then explained female masturbation. Karen's eyes widened as she listened. Finally the girl said, "But that's not nice!"
"What's 'not nice' about it? I'll admit it's not as nice as both of you cuming together. Karen, I want to tell you something: As far as I'm concerned, Brian's father, Bill Clifford, is the greatest lover alive. Last night, for example, Bill came in me three or four times, and I must have cum a dozen times or so. With a father like that, there's just no excuse for Brian. As I said, you must love him or you wouldn't be here now. You would be on the train headed back to Zurich."
She smiled warmly at the girl and took her in her arms. Then she held her away and said, "Karen, would you like to have a suite of your own with Brian? One like this? However, if we arrange it, you must promise me to kick him out of bed if he can't perform better than he has. It's called incentive: If he's good, he can sleep with you beside him in the bed. If he's not, he sleeps on the cold floor. What do you think?"
Karen giggled at the thought of Brian sleeping on the cold floor. Then she said, "But Mrs. Clifford, that would be cruel!"
Ali said, "No, Karen. It's not cruel, it's called an incentive. Now, would you like a suite like this one?" The girl agreed instantly. Ali called the front desk and made arrangements for the two to be moved to the suite down the hall from theirs.
Then she called Zurich and explained things to Karl. He said he had hoped Karen would be nice to Brian but he didn't expect her to be that nice. Finally Ali explained that they were going to be in a comfortable suite. She said finally, "Karl, it's a lot better than trying to do it on the mountainside somewhere." He laughed and agreed it was. Ali hung up the phone. "I guess it's all set then. Karen, would you mind getting undressed? I would like to see your body."
The girl quickly stripped off her clothes and Ali gave a soft whistle of appreciation. Karen's body was magnificent. She nodded and Karen got dressed again. When she was again seated, Ali said, "I think I'm going to murder my stepson! Karen, you have a body a man should worship! And he just takes you like a sack of potatoes. His father would disown him if he knew!"
She then spent the next couple of hours telling Karen about handling men and how she should behave. When it was over, she realized that Karen had spent a great deal of the time blushing. Ali reassured her there was nothing she described that she and Bill didn't do regularly.
Then she said, "Karen, you and Brian need to experiment with your bodies. Everyone is different. Try different things. Talk about it. Find out what you both like best. Bill and I sort of like everything. Whoops, I almost forgot! It's like second nature to us now. Karen, every night regardless of how many times we've made it or how, when we're ready to go to sleep I snuggle as close to Bill as I can get. My head is on his shoulder. His arm pulls me close to him and his hand is cupped over my tit. Every morning when I awaken his hand is still there. Sometimes he awakens first and squeezes my boob. If I waken first, I squeeze his hand.
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As we stepped out of the archway and into the light, I was amazed at the sight laid out in the vast expanse before me. Grasslands stretched as far as I could see, and for a second I forgot that I was inside a tower. They reminded me of pictures I had seen, before my untimely death, of New Zealand and of areas of Great Britain. Warm light filled the sky from high above, almost like sunlight, and I could see what Amenthia had meant. The structure of the Dungeon outside did not look even a tenth...
Mark, Maren and Gyges had left so suddenly, which had them worried, but they were also eager to participate in catching the bastard. Now that everyone had wrist devices, they had begun using them more, but they didn’t want to contact them via their wrist devices, just in case they ended up distracting or compromising them somehow. Angela informed them that there was a shuttle at the palace and that she could pilot it, if they wanted to go out there? The group agreed and walked off through...
The air was cool and quiet. It gave me a moment to think. The girls were all focused on me but I was just listening. We had never heard ventilation or water pipes. I stood tall. Pat stepped back. Everyone was watching me. I walked first to Xiomara. Kia stepped closer. Pat rushed to take her place at the table. “Zoë is... What’s going on? Where’s Zoë?” Xiomara’s confidence was shot. Her lower lip was shaking. I took her hands; she almost pulled away. She rushed closer, standing with the tips...
“The writing was all over the wall”. My wife and I kept telling ourselves. We wanted to have sex with Irene for the longest time. It eventually happened. Well, it was really awe inspiring at first and somehow anti-climactic at first but it was well worth the wait. I guess I can say that both women are too much for my 3.5 inch cock.We were in the rockies for a winter holiday last December.To cut the chase short, Irene was onboard with the whole threesome idea. It turns out that it was harder to...
MF, MMF, FF, Masturbation, Voyeur)Last Wednesday...This little adventure began six months after I'd arrived in Los Angeles.I'd finished up my undergrad work at Tulane the spring before anddecided I needed a major change in my life. I was twenty-one and feelingmore or less directionless. On a whim I packed up everything I owned atthe time and headed off to parts unknown. I think maybe I had always beenheading for Los Angeles in the back of my mind. New Orleans, the citywhere I was born and...
Lily lay quietly under the sheets, her chest rising and falling as she slept. I watched her sleep for a time, savoring the memories of last night’s passion. It would be so easy to crawl between her legs and lick her to wakefulness. But I decided to let her sleep a bit longer, and slipped quietly from the bed. The tile felt cool under my toes and I felt the warm sunshine pouring through the skylight as I walked nude to the refrigerator. Strange to feel these things so intensely now when I’d...
Love StoriesThis story takes place at an ordinary high school that happens to be on a tropical island. The two first met because of their love for video games. “Who’s that cute guys over there?” Such a understated remark from Jane. “I have no clue but I’ve seen him before but he’s hot.” Kayla remarked. And at that point Kayla walked over to join the hot guy who happened to be playing video games with some of Kayla’s friends leaving Jane to gawk. “Hey guys!” Kayla greeted the group. “Is it alright if I...
IncestDonald can’t believe how far he has brought Emma in just one day. Not even a day. Six new pearls earned in that time. He knows he needs to let her recuperate from her pre-lunch session. After he places her seventh pearl on her necklace, he helps her stand, lifting her off the butt plug she is sitting on throughout the meal. A small sigh escapes her, but she smiles at him.“Emma, I think you should nap now for a while. You have accomplished a great deal today so far. So, yes, young lady, a...
Love StoriesNothing speaks about a website's sense of style as much as a toilet paper pattern as a background. I am not talking about that expensive, all-white, three-layers shit paper that smells like peaches. No, I am talking about the cheap, recycled one that you tear with your fingers while you wipe your ass. This would make some sense if was about scat, but it's not. It's about huge facials, but I guess that a chick needs something to wipe her face when the cameras turn...
Premium Facial Cumshot Porn SitesThe Rock Chick Chapter 3 The warm water cascaded over me as I slid the door closed. Secure within the shower cubicle, I reached instinctively for my cock, watching entranced as my fingers wrapped around its rapidly stiffening shaft. My nails glistened as the water flowed over them, pink and delicate and feminine. I ran my fingers gently up and down, lightly scratching the soft skin with the neat, shapely tips of the nails, revelling in Rae's transformation of my hand, remembering...
Caroline could feel herself not ageing. It was the weirdest feeling. Humans just accept from day one that they age; it is like sound or smells that are always there, they get filtered out of everyday life; and so did aging for people normally. But here, she had slowed and stopped. She liked being twenty five, her body had opted to stay there for a while in this new world. Her body still functioned, she still had monthly periods. It was one of the ways she kept track of time now, though there...
"Tell me all about it!" "Steph, you aren't going to believe it. I don't believe it. I now have a gold mine, and I'm a baron." "Shut up!" "No really. I have a castle." After Rolly got done telling his story, Stephanie said the words he dreaded to hear. "Take me with you one of these times. Pleeeese! I read in your rulebook something about companions." "Steph, if you got killed I don't know what I would do. What if we both got killed? Think of Mom and Paula." "Rolly, I...
She was pacing back and forth on the expansive patio of the penthouse waiting for the youngest Pollard to come out and talk to her. She turned when she heard the footsteps. “There you are, Rebecca,” said her mother. “Mom? what’s up,” said Becca. “Rebecca your dad and I have some decisions to make and we, I, need to talk to you at some length about them,” said Claire. “Momma? Decisions?” said Becca. “Yes, they have to do with your other dad,” she said. Rebecca Pollard deflated. “Mister...
“I have a better idea.” Pete said. “Bring Lisa over to Brian and Tina’s house.” He said. “You guys have something in common, even if you don’t know it.” “We do?” Jason said. “What is it?” “Well, bring Lisa and you’ll find out.” Pete said. Jason could hear the grin, even over the phone. A little while later, Jason and Lisa knocked on Brian’s door, and Pete answered it. Brian and Tina were sitting on the couch, one at either end. Pete invited the newcomers to sit between...
It’s been a while since I had any pussy, and I’d been missing it. No girlfriend lined up, so I thought I’d take advantage of an escort site I joined a few years ago but never used. I checked them out online, and found a cute little brunette who looked very fuckable. There was a phone number on the site, so I called and found out she was available for the evening. I’d never booked a date on this site before, so it took them a little while to verify my identity, but within an hour I had a...
I’m a part time cross dresser, and when I’m in fem, my name’s Koni, at least that’s my name when I’m a blonde bimbo. Last Saturday night… I had arranged to meet this guy at his house. He wanted me to park in the alley behind his house and come in through the back gate. So I arrived early, so I’d have time to put on my makeup and long blonde wig. I was already wearing my black-lace panties under skin tight black leggings and a pink halter-top over a strapless bra, giving the impression I had...
I had just returned from a long solitary afternoon walk in the forest. The house looked really pretty in the snow, with its fairy lights adorning the rafters and windows. In fact, it was quite picture perfect, so I stopped to take a photo. I framed the house against the white valley in the background, making sure that I included the lush green fir tree to the right of the house and avoided the somewhat tacky lighted plastic reindeer in the middle of the garden. The sun was low in wintery...
Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015* *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...
I couldn’t get her out of my mind, a sweet little dirty blond haired girl with an hourglass figure and delicious pink lips. Last night I had dreamt of her, walking hand in hand on a side walk at night, she seemed so short compared to me. Oddly enough it wasn’t the first time I had dreamt of her, I remembered a dream from when I was fourteen, I couldn’t recall what exactly happened but I knew it was her. God I wish she was real. I could get lost in her body for days. What I loved most was how...
Sienna Grace stepped out of the Lincoln before Uncle Terry could come around from the driver's side to open the door for her. This was as usual for her, as she shunned the trappings of "celebrity-status", especially with her devoted companion, Terry. They had pulled up to parking at Macy's at the Mall to look around at the christmas decorations and gifts, the ever-present christmas music everywhere in the background, both inside and out at the Mall. Uncle Terry dressed in casual tweed sport...
A New Career? Tony was glad to get the job of English Teacher at this run down local inner city school in the North East of the country. He had qualified over a year before, with good grades and with horrendous debts incurred during his training period while at University in Birmingham. Living on his grant was impossible without family support, and he had no family, so he had to take out student loans. Their were four applicants for this particular job, and having had a tour of the school quite...
Erotic FictionDowns was feeding Agent Barnes. That, in itself, was amusing, as he could only use one hand. Jessica, who had shooed off her mother and my parents, was taking very good care of me. Barnes complained, "I'm going to get fat if you don't stop." Downs pulled the fork away. "Well, give me that last bite at least!" Jessica, Downs, and I snickered. "What?" Barnes said. "This is good! Too good for my waistline." "You should have seen Fiona," Jessica said. "When Antonio said the...
Hi friends, how are you? This is my 1st story .so 1 st sorry .. koi galti ho to muje maf kar dena.. because I don’t know how to right real experience in net…okay friend introduce my self my name is vir I m near from Ahmadabad.. right now in my family 3 person me , mom & dad..and I have one elder sister but she is married..she live in their house…now I m come from my really Hindi. My name is vir .. I i am average look hight is 5ft…aur muje merried aunty ke sath sex...
OMG, with all the chat we had last night, you were stuck in my head. I had the hottest dream about u.We started off in your room kissing. It was very nice, soft tender, nibbling, licking, sucking each other’s lips and neck and ears. My hands were in your hair pulling you down to me, then all over your chest and arms and back, just running my fingertips lightly all over.. making you shiver and moan. Your big hands were all over my back and ass, pressing me tight against you.Your teeth on my...