SleepwalkerChapter 59: Researching Developments free porn video

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The idea of Mom playing memory fairy for Rachel opened up a whole string of questions and problems. Answering those questions proved to be more complicated than I expected. As usual, the first step was discussing the whole thing with my resident genius.

"I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew here bringing Mom in," I said as we stood waist deep in the lagoon petting Zeus and Hera, the two dolphins that had come to play with us. The rest of the pod was off doing whatever dolphins do when their alphas are away.

"Oh, now why did you have to go and bring up work?" She bent down and kissed Zeus on the end of his snout. "Okay, kids, Mr. Killjoy has gone and spoiled the mood. You guys run off and play and we'll see you again later. Okay?"

Zeus did a tail stand, spun around, and headed out, Hera spit water in my face then took off after her mate. I wiped the saltwater from my face and tossed Allison an evil look. She was going to extremes to appear as innocent as possible; I thought the halo appearing over her head was a little much, but I let it go. After all, she was right; I had kind of blown the mood.

"I'm sorry if I spoiled the night for you. I'm just worried about making a mistake. Once I started thinking about it the questions just sort of snowballed on me."

She sighed, "I know. And I understand what you're saying. There is a lot of new ground to cover for this; a lot of unanswered questions. Can you leave Mom in someone else's dream? If you can't, then can we risk leaving her and Rachel in one of your dreams? If you leave them in your dream will Rachel be able to affect it? Can you prevent her from affecting it? If you can leave Mom in Rachel's dream, can you make a way for her to get back on her own or is she stuck there until you come and get her? Can you make a way for Rachel to leave your dream? Even if you can, should you? After all, you don't really even want her to know that she is not in her own dream. So if we have to use your dream, can you set it up so Rachel can leave on her own whenever she wants? I'm sure I missed something, did you think of any others?"

"That covers a lot of the basic ones. Then there are the dangerous ones."


"Yeah, like what happens if Mom is in Rachel's dream and Rachel wakes up?"

"Wouldn't the dream just fade and Mom go back to her own dreams?"

"That's just it, I don't know. What if Mom doesn't go back to her own dreams? What if she's stuck there? I've never left anyone in a dream that wasn't my own before. I don't know if I even can. What if it's like what happens to Amy when I leave her? You've been with her when I did it; it hurt her, a lot. What if I left Mom in Rachel's dream and she cried out in pain? Rachel wouldn't know what to do, she would be scared, it might wake her up; would Mom be stuck there in pain until Rachel went back to sleep? Could she be stuck in limbo someplace until Rachel actually had the same dream again? There are so many things that could go wrong."

Allison had gone practically white as I had spoken my fears. I watched as she started mulling them over in her head. Once she got over the initial shock of the possibilities and started attacking them one by one, thinking about them from a more analytical view, she calmed visibly. I could almost see things turning in her head.

Finally she said, "We're going to have to do some very careful experimenting with this. I see some real possibilities here; things that would be very helpful but that it would be dangerous to let others know."

"Like what?"

"Like what if you can trap someone in a dream? Trap them so they can't wake up? Would that be like an induced coma? We don't know what you are moving when you take someone into a different dream. Is it their actually consciousness? Sub-conscious? How much is left behind? Jimmy, this has so much potential for someone to do truly evil things. We have to be very, very, careful."

"Yes. I think we need to talk to Bob about safe ways to experiment."

"I'm not sure I even want Bob to know about it."

That surprised me. "You don't think we can trust him?"

"It's not that. It's just that this... it's so big, I'm not sure I would trust anyone with it."

"Well, if not Bob, then who?"

"I don't know. But we can't just go in blind and hope everything works out."

"We couldn't anyway."

Now it was her turn to be surprised. "What do you mean?"

I hugged her close to me and answered, "Because I won't risk you or Shannon, and there is no one else to experiment with."

She hugged me back. It was warm and reassuring but it didn't get us any closer to an answer. In the end we both knew we were going to have to trust Bob to help guide us and try to keep us safe.

Bob didn't see it that way.

"Guide you? Keep you safe? You're just looking for someone else to pin it on if something goes wrong." The shock must have been evident on our faces. He smiled and continued, "Relax, I'm kidding. I know you mean well and you're trying to prevent anything tragic from happening. I wish I could be more positive, but, honestly, I don't have a clue. I don't even know where to start."

We sat looking at each other for a moment before Shannon made her usually brilliant and insightful suggestions, "Then maybe we should start there."

Bob just sort of cocked his head and looked at her for a second, then looked back at Allison and I before he said, "You know? I think you two are contagious. You all give me great hope for the future. That, young lady, is exactly correct." He stood up and went to the closet, pulled out a large easel, white board, and markers, set them up quickly and continued, "You can't really be sure where to start until you know where you want to go. So," he looked back at us, "where do we want to go? What are we trying to do?"

He put a big number one on the board and beside it wrote as he spoke, "Can we, or more specifically, you, leave someone in another person's dream world without causing them pain or harm? There are two possibilities; first, you can. If you can then we move on to the next question, if not, then we need to define the next question; i.e. Why not? What happens? Is your presence required? Or just your attention? If it's just your attention, then the question we need to consider becomes... How much of your attention is necessary to keep them safe."

"What do you mean how much attention?" I asked.

"Well, we know you can leave the girls alone in one of your dreams while you are in a different one, even in someone else's entirely, without them having a problem. To my knowledge, you have never left, say Shannon in Allison's glade. Have you?"

"No, I don't think so. It's easier just to meet in mine and then leave from there if I need to, that way I know they are safe."

"Safe from what?"

"I never really thought about it, just that they were safe."

"Okay, then that's one place to start. Take Shannon to Allison's glade, then go to the beach or come back to my office, or anywhere else, heck just walk out the door and then go back. You said with Amy the pain starts as soon as Jimmy walks out? Then you don't need to spend much time on that aspect. From there we can look at the question of whether or not she can leave on her own. If she can, then what are her options? Can she follow you? Or is she limited to just going back to her own dream? Will she go back to the last dream space she was in before the glade?"

Allison jumped in, "There's a problem spot right there. We shouldn't start out in the glade. What if the she goes back to the last dream she had and it wasn't one where we were with her?"

"I don't think that would be a problem." Bob answered. "If she went back to a prior dream then it would still be her own dream and she should be able to wake up normally. I think it's going to be much more complicated if when leaving she just goes to whatever space Jimmy went to. What if he goes through several spaces? Would she be able to track him through multiple dreams? For the record I think she will just go back to her own dream space, whether a past dream or something new or just normal sleep is all that we'll have to see. Is there anywhere else to go on that line?"

I answered, "I don't think so. Once she exits into her own dream space we can probably move on to the next experiment."

"No," Allison said. "We have to re-run it to see if it is the same every time or if she can change it."

"Very good, Allison, in order to be sure we know what is going on we need to see if we can duplicate our results. Okay, so here's what we have for the first experiment. Jimmy takes you both somewhere, maybe the beach, whatever. From there he takes you both to the glade, Allison's glade, not his. Then he leaves and returns, assuming Shannon did not feel any discomfort then he leaves again and she leaves shortly after. I know dream time is subjective so you need to try and establish a time frame before Jimmy goes back to check on her."

"That's not a problem. We've already proven that I can communicate with Jimmy even after he leaves. Remember the night he came to your office and I called him? I stuck a bug on him just to see if something I created would stay with him, and work of course."

"Good," said Bob. "Then once Shannon leaves you can just tell him she is gone. Even better, give Shannon something that she can use to describe or tell you where she has gone." He stopped for a second. "Try that both ways, have Jimmy give her something the first time, then re-run the experiment and this time have Allison give her something. See if they work the same."

"Why wouldn't they?" Shannon asked.

Allison had the answer already, "Because sticking an invisible bug on Jimmy may work differently than using one on someone else. For one thing, he's Jimmy, and the rules for him are always different. Second, he left the glade to go into one of his own dreams, not Bob's. They started out in Bob's classroom, but Jimmy said that was his idea just to give Bob a familiar reference. Then when they moved to the new office, again, that was something Jimmy created. I think the office is like the glade, there are two, one of Jimmy's and a twin of Bob's. Maybe not even a twin. Bob, I'm guessing you never explored the rest of the building when Jimmy wasn't around."

"Actually, now that you mention it, no, I've never left the office once I was there. So you're saying for me there may not be anything else. Even the view from the window may be imagined. I could be in a little box on the ground floor and still see what I expected out the window."

"Pretty much. The point is we need to see if something I give Shannon will still work, or even still exist once she leaves. Is there anything else we need to cover in this sequence?"

"Yes." I answered.

"What?" asked Shannon.

"Well, let's say you can leave, can Allison prevent you from leaving?"

"Yes," said Bob. "I think we're going to discover that since she is in Allison's dream, Allison can hold her there if she wants to. That points out a serious danger to be aware of. When you first took Shannon to the glade, she couldn't change her clothes. For that matter Allison couldn't change them either, she could not directly affect her. But it was Allison's dream; she had control of the rest of the environment and can likely affect Shannon indirectly. We need to verify how much she can affect her. Could she hurt her indirectly? Say she envisioned Shannon in a burning building? Shannon can't get out and has no control over the environment. By the way, once we do all this and run it a second time we need to do the whole thing over again, only this time Shannon and Allison change places."

"Why?" I asked.

Shannon answered this time, "Because Allison has more experience in dreams and we need to see if that broader experience will give her any better control or allow her to protect herself, or if it will change anything else."

"I don't think it will," Allison said. "Shannon has really been picking this up quick. I may be faster and more willing to push but probably not by much."

"You're probably right, but there is certainly no harm in trying it anyway, it may tell us nothing, but then again... you never know."

"So, what comes after all this?" Shannon asked.

"Then we get to the dangerous stuff," I said solemnly.


"Yes, well potentially dangerous stuff anyway, and depending on the outcome of the first set we may not need to try them. That's what I'm hoping anyway."

"Dangerous how?" she asked. "Or maybe why would be a better question."

"The answer is the same, because there is no safe way that I can think of to find out except to do it."

"Do what? What answer are you looking for?"

I looked away and softly said, "It's not an answer that I'm looking for, it's just one that I need to know."

Bob looked on as Allison took Shannon's hand; we hadn't gotten this far in the discussion with him yet either. "Shannon, what happens if you are in someone else's dream and they wake up?"

"I don't know, wouldn't you just go back to where you were before? Or maybe just into your own dream."

"And if you don't? What happens if you can't get back? Where do you go if you can't leave that dream? Is it like being in a department store and having it close while you're inside? Do you just wander in the dark until they come back? Do you have to wait until they have that same dream again? And if you are stuck there, what happens to your body while you wait?"

"Well, you'd just wake up when your body woke up, wouldn't you?"

By now Bob was looking a little white. "Not necessarily, Shannon. I think I see where they are going here? What if you can't get out of the dream? Can't get back to your body? What happens to your body?"

"Exactly," I said. "Would it be like a medically induced coma? The lights are on but nobody is home."

Allison continued from there, "The thing is we don't know, can't know unless we push the button and see how it unfolds. No safety net, no do-overs, just do it and hope nothing goes wrong."

"Why do you need to know?" she asked.

"Because," I answered, "I'm sending my mother into Rachel's dream, what happens if she wakes up before Mom gets out?"

Shannon turned a little white at the thought. "Oh," was all she said.

"Yes," said Bob. "I'm not sure I can really help with all that. I agree that you should know it's safe before you trust Cindy's life to it, but I have a real problem with the fact that you have to risk someone else to find out. So let's give some serious thought to how we might be able to work around it or make it safer. Meanwhile I guess you may as well get started."

We shook Bob's hand and thanked him for his help and then I took the girls to Allison's glade. We spent some time getting the monitor and communications laid out. It turned out Bob had been right. Either of the girls giving me something worked; giving something to each other didn't. Once again, everything worked differently because it was me. Then it was time to get serious. I made a quick trip to the beach and back during which time Shannon felt no discomfort at all. Then I went back to the beach and waited for Shannon to try leaving on her own. It wasn't long before Allison's voice spoke in my ear.

"Okay, she's gone."

"Shannon? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I can hear you. I'm in the mall. Now what?"

"Just pick a door to go through and I'll bring you back."

It only took a moment and we were back in the glade with Allison.

She hugged us both and said, "Okay, so far so good. What do we want to try next?"

I looked at Allison. "This time see if you can keep her from leaving."


"Nothing fancy, just basically think that you don't want her to be able to get out."

This time I went to Bob's office, my version so he wasn't there, and waited. On a whim I mentally turned on the television and watched Allison and Shannon embracing in the glade, "All set here, go ahead."

Shannon tried the door and this time it was locked. It didn't matter which way she tried it, or how hard she pulled, it wouldn't open.

"It won't open," she finally said. "Wow, this is a little scary, I mean it would be if I was stuck with anyone else."

I concentrated for a moment and said, "Try it now." She turned the knob and the door opened normally. The set automatically went to split screen and I watched her emerge back in the mall. This was an interesting development. I was actually watching two separate people in two separate dreams at the same time. This was one development I knew I wouldn't be sharing with many others.

"You did that?" Allison asked.

"Yeah," I said. "I wanted to see if I could affect your dream from here. I guess I can." I concentrated for a second and her clothes disappeared.

She started and then struck a pose, one hand on her hip and just staring up with a look of "very funny" on her face. "Cute, so now what?"

"See if you can follow her."

"See if I can follow her, stark naked into a shopping mall. I don't think so."

"Okay, okay. It was just a thought." I put her clothes back on and she walked through the door but did not appear in the mall with Shannon. She was in a mall but not the same one.

"That's what I thought would happen, you're in a mall, but not the one Shannon is dreaming of. I want to try something, go through again." I concentrated as Allison walked through the door to the nearest shop and this time she appeared in the mall with Shannon.

"Cool!" she said. "You moved me into Shannon's dream without actually having to be here. This has possibilities."

"Yeah. Okay, everybody back to the glade."

"Can't we shop for a while?" Shannon asked. "There is this cute little lingerie store I'm just dying to take her to."

I chuckled and said, "Maybe some other time."

They whined a little more but then walked back through the door and appeared back in the glade.

"I want to try something else. Shannon, there is a key in your pocket. Close the door and try it again. I'm going to occupy myself with something else and not think about it this time, see if the key will open the door. Allison, I want you to still concentrate on holding her there, okay?"

"You got it, Mr. Wizard."

I turned off the TV and sat back in my chair, thinking of nothing in particular. A few seconds later the door opened and Shannon walked in with Allison right behind her.

Allison looked around and said, "So, you do have your own office after all. If I didn't know better, I'd swear I was in Bob's. But why did we come here?"

Shannon was all business. "I was thinking of Jimmy when I used the key."

"Really?" asked Allison. "That's interesting. Let's do it again."

She grabbed Shannon's hand and practically dragged her back through the door. I watched as they emerged back in the glade. Allison checked the door and it was locked again. She looked down and changed her clothes, then looked at Shannon but nothing happened. Satisfied that she was in her own dream she turned and whispered in Shannon's ear, then stepped back as Shannon tried the door. It was still locked but when she tried the key it opened right away. Sunlight streamed in through the open doorway. She stepped through and the screen split to show her emerging onto the beach. But which beach? I continued to watch and suddenly she was in her bathing suit. Allison again followed and then she also switched to a bathing suit. No doubt about it, they were at my beach.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

"I told her to concentrate on the beach when she unlocked the door to see if we could go somewhere else using your key. I didn't really expect it to work. At best I thought we would end up back in one of her dreams. Interesting though."

"Yes it is. And it opens up all sorts of new possibilities. Could you go back through and try it again, please."

"Sure, but why?"

"Just something else I want to try, think of some place else this time."

They returned to the glade, closed the door, and went through the steps of confirming where they were. Once they were satisfied that they were again in Allison's glade they tried the door. As they expected, the door was locked but this time when they tried the key it didn't work.

"Hey, what's up with that?" Shannon asked. "Why isn't it working?"

"My fault, I'll explain later. Try it again."

This time the door opened but when they stepped through they found themselves once more in my office.

Same as Sleepwalker
Chapter 59: Researching Developments Videos

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Chapter 5 - Just Research The library was not hard to find as it occupied a good-sized building just down the road from the central area. It had obviously been a church at one time, probably the largest in the area, and it must have been recommissioned as the library when a newer building had been built closer to Laramie proper. The parking lot was hard-packed gravel, but it was a pretty good size. Mary Sue gathered her things and headed up the stairs to the front doors, finding...

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The Dom and the Researcher

Charles swept into the club at about 9 in the evening one Friday evening Charles swept into the club at about 9 in the evening one Friday evening. It was a private club that a friend had recommended.? He had never been there before but seemed quite at ease. ?The club was full but not crowded, with many Doms and Dommes there with their subs, both male and female.? He wasn?t anything particularly special to look at, about 6 foot tall with muscles that rippled slightly as he strode across...

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The Research Project

(Author Note A: Please read the additional Author’s Note at the end of this story, it contains explanations and a request for your help, thanks.) * Kari Webster perched on the corner of her dad’s desk and looked at the newspaper in her hand. The ad was plain enough to see, and yet she wished she didn’t have to. ‘Daddy, what were you thinking, putting this in before you even talked to me about it? And why me, why not Andrea, or Michelle, hell, even Lani would be a better test subject than...

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The Research Paper

The Research Paper by B. Willow It was my sophomore year and housing was tight around the university. I had been looking for an apartment after a year of staying in an all too expensive dorm. I was looking for something, almost anything that was cheaper. A couple leads I had followed up on were real trash heaps. I was looking for something cheaper but not a garbage dump. I had only three weeks before classes began. I was getting anxious about ever finding anything. After two weeks of...

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The Sex Behaviour Research Clinic

THE SEX BEHAVIOR RESEARCH CLINIC. by Angel Fuoco (F/m, F+/m, F+M/f, F/f, F+/f - teen, humil, mast, ene, cons) A young man is caught masturbating and is enrolled in a sex clinic where he passes through a number of experiences Chapter one: The beginnig When I was 14, my widowed father remarried and soon after he had to go to work abroad for several months. I was left in the care of my stepmother who was a beatiful woman of thirty, who worked as executive in the management of an important city...

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My Adventure As A Sex Research Subject

The other day I was surfing the web when I came across an ad that piqued my interest. Our local university was looking for participants in a sex research project:"We are looking for athletic males in their twenties to participate in a sex research project. The participant's sexual orientation must be strictly heterosexual with absolutely no interest in any homosexual activities including gay pornography. The study will answer the question of whether strictly heterosexual males will engage in...

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Research Library

Research Library When I retired at sixty-two I decided to research the area when I lived and to write a comprehensive book unlike any written before me. It combined several of my previous hobbies of reading, writing, investigation, genealogy, and history. I went to every library in my area and then I was sent to a unique and little known library in the state capital. Before I could even get inside the building I had to submit an application as to who I was, what I was attempting to...

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The Dom and the Researcher

She picks him as the subject of her article on deviant sexual behavior. But he has other ideas. This is their mental battle that leads to her inevitable submission. Charles swept into the club at about 9 in the evening one Friday evening. It was a private club that a friend had recommended. He had never been there before but seemed quite at ease. The club was full but not crowded, with many Doms and Dommes there with their subs, both male and female. He wasn’t anything particularly special to...

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The ResearcherChapter 5 Sam

Two days later when Kim got back from the library there was a message on the telephone answering machine. It was John, telling her there would be a guest to dinner and would she prepare an especially nice meal. She was to wear her red sheath dress and wear her hair up. She was also to wear the collar he had bought her. Rapidly she went out to the supermarket and bought salmon, some sirloin steak, vegetables and a ready-made tort for the dessert. By the time John got in, the dinner was...

3 years ago
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And He Called It Research

Philip Johnson Prologue The offer of impressive things for free creates greed. Start by throwing in a generous amount of free vacation with impressive free goodies, and all worth tens of thousands of dollars. Add a few vital ingredients like…well let’s throw in a great amount of nudity. Add a lot of passion and lust, and cook the recipe in a hot tropical setting. Spread around and through your average monogamous couples living average and pretty proper lives, and that don’t know each other,...

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The Research Project Ch 02

Author’s Note: Sorry this took a while to get on here, been working on about five other stories and time gets away from me when i get in that mode. anyway, here it is, more of Kari’s education and her two new friends, let me know what you think okay? Peace darkstone57 * Levi Harper watched as the redheaded nurse took his blood pressure, heart rate, temp and all the other little things that a nurse did when you went to see a doctor, except he had never had a nurse ask to measure his penis...

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Field Research

You are a genius. All your life you've been smarter than everyone else you've ever known. You've never really known why, all knowledge just seems to come easier to you. You've always loved science and chemistry and always naturally understood it where others have had problems with it, to the point where you've actually understood it better than your actual teachers. But unlike most young geniuses who are all over-achievers and pompous jerks, you have always been very humble about your...

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The Research Assistant

The day was finally here. Today would be the day that Carla would find out if she had been accepted into her university’s graduate research program and which professor she would be matched with. It was the end of a long, stressful road full of interviews and exams. She felt she had performed pretty well on everything and was hoping for one of the more prestigious assignments. Maybe even more excited that she was, Carla’s boyfriend, Rich, was convinced tonight would finally be the night they got...

Office Sex
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Its Just Research

It's Just Research By Julie O Edited By Itinerant Chapter 1 Stephen Owens looked at his watch and saw that ten minutes had passed since the last time he had looked at it. He was beginning to think that the man he was scheduled to meet wasn't going to show up. Glancing around the bar, he...

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Primary Research

Primary Research by Some Writer "Have you heard what Amanda's doing?" "What's that?" I was sat at work, bored as usual, listening to the women behind me natter on, partly because I had nothing better to do, but mainly because Icouldn't avoid it. "Well, you know she's doing that degree part-time in what was it - psychology or something?" "Oh yes, I remember that." "Well, she's decided to study bondage and S'n'M!" "Really?" "Yep, heard her say it myself.She's trying to find someone who's...

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Jennifer Lawrence researches a sex addict for new

I am a sex addict.Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, I know that most of the male species qualifies as sex addicts too. But however debatable it is to say sex addiction is a mental illness, I still fall under the parameters. It's only due to treatment and counseling that I can keep it under control -- and still enjoy sex without going overboard about it.Maybe that's why my doctor thought of me when Jennifer Lawrence wanted to research sex addicts in October 2011.She needed to do so...

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RESEARCH By GENEVA Marty, a professor, and Dean, a graduate student friend, are working in some archives when Dean uncovers and steals a magic book. Through it he is accidentally changed into a woman. Marty helps the new woman begin making the best of her new reality. Dr. Martin Wright squinted as he stepped out of the doors of the gloomy archives building into the bright sun. It had been a productive day and he had almost filled his notebook with data from the files. Now he...

1 year ago
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The Researcher II

The Researcher II By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This is a work of Fiction and will have additional chapters. Chapter One error: miss editing the name of Maris's lover; Jon is his nickname and Serge is his given name. Thank you for your comments. Four I slept roughly that night. My dreams were filled with images of women and strap-on phallus and slick pussies. I had no way of settling what I should do or determining why...

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The Researcher III

The Researcher III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This is a work of Fiction and will have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is the third installment of a story I began in January. The plot is settled but the scenes and details have required more time than anticipated. The curve of the plot is shifting to the couple Maris and Jon (aka serge). I hope the readers will pardon my errors of...

2 years ago
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In the Name of Research

Clark Lane was a 23 year old junior clerk working in a Coroners Office in a major city. He was a good looking young man with the unfortunate appearance of a nerd. But he was not. The only reason he had not pursued his education past High School was that his parents could not afford to help him financially. It was a pity as he was a very clever young man with a lot of common sense. Since High School, he had done every self improvement school or course he possibly could with his limited...

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LegaciesChapter 5 Back to Studies and Research

All of our requests and suggestions have been successfully negotiated with the government offices and implemented to my family's satisfaction. Several surplus air fields in South Texas had been transferred to our ownership. We were now the proud owners of five high lift aircraft. Associated staffing was underway from among recently retired or released marine personnel. Contracts were in hand at attractive rates to ferry heavy equipment around the globe. An international bank had been...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 9

Timothy Angel Rose Ritter Before we entered the police station I checked the time on my dumb phone. It was a couple of minutes before 11AM. Jenny didn’t even know that I had invited the state police to meet us at the police station. When I was sure we had everyone present I laid it all out. I drew my conclusion then answered their questions. I walked away from the police station by noon. Jenny checked us out of the motel, and then drove us all the way to my place with only one stop. ...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 14

Tonya and I left the car wash in her Chevy suburban. All these TV people drove huge SUVS. If she were a man, I would think it was a phallic symbol. “Nice to meet you Mr Rogers,” she said. “Welcome to the neighborhood,” I replied. “I have your files and I’ve read them all. It’s nice that this isn’t a murder. Something different for a change.” “Have you ever worked on a political story?” she asked. “No,” I replied. “Somehow I expect you have though. While Tonya spent five minutes saying a...

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My Story How It BeganChapter 3 Dan In Dallas My research continues

Jim finally made it home late Tuesday afternoon. I'd stopped Monday morning at a walk-in clinic to be tested for STDs. I didn't want to use our family doctor, because I was pretty sure if I did, Jim would find out. Thankfully, the results came back negative. I was pretty sure Paul was safe, but I didn't want to take any chance's. The day Jim returned home, my period started. I felt guilty that I'd had sex with Paul, and was now unable to take care of my husbands needs. I decided to make...

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Rachels Research 3 Emily James Pt 2

In my dual roles as academic researcher and erotic author, I had been contacted by, talked to and on occasions like today actually met with a surprisingly large number of people involved in incestuous relationships.Add to this the rather sparse research already available on the subject, and my own personal history, and you had in me, a willing and eager student.I had quickly learned that are at least as many types of consanguineous relationships as there are traditional ones. In fact, there are...

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The Research Project Ch 01

Kari sat at the table by the entrance to the vacation lodge with her dad’s number one assistant, and looked at the men gathered around her. She still didn’t know how her dad had done it, cut down all those e-mails and questionnaires to these fifteen men. Marie, the lady seated next to her had told her little about the selection process, but she had mentioned that her dad had chosen a wide variety of test subjects. Well, from what she could see, that was true, there were fifteen men and talk...

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Hot Wife Research Chapter One

I kept my eyes closed as I woke up from a relaxing night of sleep. His arm was holding my petite body tight to his large muscular frame. I felt so secure when Marcus held me. His large morning boner was pressed against my backside. The thoughts of last night, of us making passionate love before falling asleep, were racing through my mind. He stirred, my pussy tingled, it wouldn't be long now and waves of pleasure would again be coursing throughout my petite body.~~*~~My name is Addie Billrich,...

Wife Lovers
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Therapeutic Research

Therapeutic Research by joannebarbarella My job had been outsourced to India or some such place where programmers cost one tenth of what I did and as a result I was desperately searching for work. Weeks went by without any sniff of an opportunity related to my specialty or experience, as presumably, all the other firms were doing the same thing in order to stay competitive. Globalization may be a good thing in the overall scene but, believe me, it doesn't feel like it when you are...

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Market Research Part 2

Market Research Part 2 This was a standard white envelope addressed to Ms. Andrew White. "Why is this continuing?", I thought. Every letter addressed "Ms" was another opportunity for my secret to be exposed. Resigned, I opened the letter and read. Dear Ms. Andrew White, We hope you are enjoying your Sheer Energy pantyhose. We value our customers and their feedback and hope you will fill out the questionnaire included with this letter. Feedback from customers like yourself...

4 years ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 4 Research

Tyler I approached Nicole, and stopped for a moment. She was eating a hamburger. I never saw her eat a hamburger before. She looked so happy at that moment. She took a big bite, and I watched her close her eyes and chew what she just ate in a moment of ecstasy. Wow. This was certainly a side of her I had never seen before. It's been a while since I've seen her just smile like that. She opened her eyes and looked gleefully at her side fries. She picked a fry up, dipped it in...

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ThesisChapter 20 The Problem With Research

Course 8 / Day 27: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: I conducted an informal progress review with Fifty this pm. I'm pleased overall with her progress. After worries early on as to how well she would respond to obedience training (given her initial presentation when she started the course), I consider that those issues need no longer give concern. Fifty appears comfortable (or at least acquiesces) with the regime and her expectations from the course seem to be being met....

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My Story How It BeganChapter 2 I Continue My Research Paul

It was Wednesday of the following week, after meeting up with Paul at the theater, before I could bring myself to look him in the eyes and smile. Once I'd gotten over my initial embarrassment, we began talking like friends once again, not just co-worker's. That Friday, Paul asked if I was going to stop with the girls after work. I told him I'd like to, but Jim was home and had asked me to join him along with a client for dinner. I didn't want to discourage Paul from stopping So I said,...

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The Researcher

The Researcher By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This is a work of Fiction and will have additional chapters. Thank you for your comments. One She and I had known each other for nearly a year when she asked me if I would move in. My world wasn't much to leave behind but I'd paused since I had felt I should be contributing. "The apartment is spacious Jon but my father's company owns it and therefore I don't pay the...

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The Researcher IV

The Researcher IV By MadQuill This chapter is posted as Erotic Couplings because the plot is headed in a different direction. The Lit categories are tough when the story moves across boundaries; this one gets more complicated. Hopefully the readers will follow. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This is a work of Fiction and will have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is the fourth installment of a story I began a...

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Research and Degenerates

Markus, or rather Marque changed her mind the moment she let her current young redhead form climb into the expensive dark blue car. As she hit hte start button,the engine roared into life. Yet...she stopped. The teen in a green cocktail dress, had lost all her confidence and her pure smugness in her victory over Andrea and Jeremy. They'd tried to prank and humiliate him, but he turned the tide on them. Yet as the girl was ready to leave she figured out that she didn't want to leave at...

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The Researcher Chapter V

The Researcher Chapter V This chapter is posted as Erotic Couplings due to the plot directed in a different direction, and a dream sequence. Hopefully the readers will continue to follow Maris & serge. This is a work of Fiction and will have one additional chapter. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Thank you for your comments. Summary through Chapter seven: Maris has requested that serge stay in her life, but theirs is...

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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Three Ms Rebecca Shares Her Sexual Research of Sissies

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Three - Ms. Rebecca Begins Sharing Her Sexual Research NOTE to Review Writers: Thank you so much for the incredibly positive feedback. It is definitely motivating me to write more and write faster. Now to part three of our story. "Tell me what you know about males who are feminized so completely they are transformed into a sissy, changed from the less than manly person she had been before coming under the control of a strict...

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The ResearcherChapter 14 The Party

Kim sat in her room after her morning bath and ritual thrashing. She had not yet dressed, aware that either the housekeeper or Tom would come and decide what she would wear. She had become accustomed to this ritual and often had to wait several minutes before anyone bothered with her. When she had questioned Tom he said it was part of her training: to learn patience and acceptance. She should learn to adapt by finding something to interest her. There were many books in the room, many provided...

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