My Adventure As A Sex Research Subject
- 2 years ago
- 27
- 0
The Research Subject
By Sensory OverLord, 20070724
You arrive home after dark, fatigued after another long afternoon at the clinic. As usual the hot, needy throbbing between your legs is only slightly reduced by this weeks' session of multiple mind shattering orgasms, and it is distracting enough to make finding the front door key in the dark a little difficult. Hard to feel for the right key in the bunch by finger touch, when your sex is so firmly begging for touch. Already.
You get the door open and walk through to the kitchen, turning on the lights. You notice there's a slight abrasion around your wrist; the left one this time. You sigh. Long sleeve blouses for a few days at work again. You wish they didn't have to do the cuffs up so tightly. But still.. better that than no orgasms.
Setting your bag down on the bench you open the fridge to decide on dinner.? Hmmm... too tired to feel like cooking; probably leftovers then. Glad your SO isn't home tonight, no one else to think about feeding. Oh, and what about the rest of the Chinese you didn't have time to finish at lunch today, before your appointment?
You set out the containers of cooked rice and spicy chicken on the bench, and unzip your bag to dig out the Chinese noodles. The zip... an association with the sound of your jeans unzipping... no. Not tonight, not so soon.
Huh? What's this?
Among your assorted junk in the large zip-up shoulder bag, there is a slim blue ring bound folder of papers. You've never seen it before - how did it get there? You pull it out, mystified.
In its clear spine pocket it bears a typewritten slip of paper:
Your eyebrows rise - that's your name. How....? Some mix up at the clinic? Not as if you are going to leave this unopened!
Inside the folder, the cover page is a bright yellow card:
?Page 1
????????????????????? ***WARNING***
?Document NOT to be shown to Patient under any circumstances.
?Patient is highly suggestible, and exposure to these notes
?is considered very likely to exacerbate patient's condition.
?In all further contact with patient, she is to be assured
?that her condition is temporary, and certain to resolve or
?at least abate with treatment. It is felt she will be better
?able to cope with her condition if she believes that it will
?not continue indefinitely.
A wave of faintness makes you lean heavily against the bench top. What is this...? You had been assured your problem was treatable! Your life recently has been hell, ever since you read that damned story off the web. Well, not exactly 'hell', but very difficult. Complicated. Though you have to admit, your present situation has its upside. But it does make things like concentrating on your job very problematical. What does this mean, 'exacerbate her condition'? How could it get any worse? OH! On second thoughts, you suppose it could. If the sudden wild flare of heated tension between your legs is any indication. Damn! So soon... Your heart rate is rising too. Perhaps you should accept the warning, and not read any more.? .... After a moment's hesitation, you give in. As if there was ever any chance of your *not* turning the page...
?Page 2
?Pre-Publication DRAFT, under review.
?This document is CONFIDENTIAL, and remains the property of:
?(An underlined blank area, that someone apparently neglected to fill out yet.)
?Copyright (C) 2006, vested in the above.
?THIS VOLUME IS COPY NUMBER??? three??? OF?? six
?CONSIGNED TO:? (another underlined blank area)
?Consignee must ensure the confidentiality of this document.
?Public disclosure of this material will result in prosecution,
?under Medical Health Privacy Act, 2003, Subsection 4, as well
?as Homeland Security bill, terrorist theft of IP rights.
??????? - - - -
?Page 3
??? PSAS* - A Fiction-Hypnotically Triggered Case
??? Presenting with Self-Conditioning Reinforcement
??? of Auto-Specific Anorgasmia
??? Authors:
??? Sponsored:
??? * Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome
??????? - - - -
?Page 4
????????? INDEX
?* Case summary.
?? - Background.
?? - Characterisation
?? - Review
?? - Prognosis
?? - Recommendations
?* Case analysis.
?* Proposed follow up studies
?* Grant application for follow ups.
?* Appendix: Supporting documents.
?? A. Patient consent forms.
?? B. Emails between patient and a pornography author,
?? C. Link to the relevant online pornographic story,
?? D. Relevant entries from the patient's journal,
?? E. Transcriptions of audio tapes from telephone contacts,
?? F. Transcriptions of consultations and therapy sessions,
?? G. Doctor's notes from all sessions.
?? H. Patient orgasmic relief protocol.
? ?I. Clinical photographic records.
?? J. Pathology reports
?* Authors' prior papers on this case.
?* Citations
??????? - - - -
?Page 5
?Case Summary
Subject presented at initial consultation with request for standard pelvic checkup, while asserting general good health. Patient appeared flustered and breathless, with difficulty in expressing herself, and pronounced facial blush. Preparations for pelvic were begun, but halted for ethical considerations before physical contact due to pronounced patient genital arousal and inability to maintain her composure. Further verbal investigation was resumed, during which patient remained on the examination stirrups, apparently finding this position to be helpful in overcoming her reticence to discuss her (now visually obvious) difficulty.
Once the nature and seriousness of her complaint became apparent, Patient participated in frank discussion of options for investigative procedures. The ethical and legal situation was fully explained to her. Patient agreed to, and signed all necessary consent forms, after carefully reading them.
Thus began the lengthy investigations detailed here. These have involved numerous investigative and therapy sessions, still ongoing. Her case is apparently unique in the literature, and appears to present significant potential for advancements in the study of human sexuality.
This document is a review of the case to date, in support of and in conjunction with proposal for funding of continuing study.
Patient is female, aged 32, height 5' 8" (173cm), physically fit.
Sexually active, previously easily and multiply orgasmic. Married, in loving relationship, but in which she tends to not receive satisfactory sexual attention due to partner's (alleged) lower than average libido.
Patient compensates by reading Internet pornography in conjunction with masturbation, and sometimes seeks casual partners online.
She is somewhat suggestible, has prior experiences with hypno-sexuality.
Never previously experimented with prolonged orgasm denial.
??????? - - - -
Page 6
Patient's history narrative indicates a narrow margin of sexual responsiveness abatement upon orgasm. She reports her post-orgasmic arousal to have been always very easily maintained or re-stimulated. On some occasions in recent years, arousal is reported to have occurred spontaneously, unassociated with sexual activity, for unknown reasons, and for significant duration of time. Intervals ranged from approximately three hours, to two days in one recent case, with resolution occurring either spontaneously, or via masturbation to orgasm. This history suggests a tendency toward PSAS (Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome) though until recently still outside that categorisation.
Analysis of her self-reported sexual history over time suggests that this margin may have been diminishing - that is, she had been developing a tendency towards greater intensity and persistence of arousal signs.
In many reviewed cases the mechanism of PSAS has not been convincingly identified as either physical or psychological. Indeed, there is evidence that the syndrome may result from one or more interactions between those two. In Patient's case, it appears that she was possibly in process of becoming PSAS-prone before she recently exposed herself inadvertently to an unusual work of erotic fiction. The written story, in conjunction with an associated audio soundtrack purported to convey a hypnotic-suggestive meme involving libido increase and persistence combined with orgasm blocking hypnotic-suggestive directives.
Whether the orgasm blocking portions of the meme might have been taken up by the patient's subconscious in other circumstances is unknown. However, Patient happened to identify with the fictional plot closely enough to deliberately withhold her orgasm for a lengthy duration of self-stimulation, during and immediately subsequent to her exposure to the story and audio content.
The result was that due to genital masturbation fatigue, she found herself unable to orgasm when she eventually chose to achieve relief. This had the unfortunate effect of strongly reinforcing the 'orgasm block' suggestions in the story. She believed she had been 'ordered' to be unable to orgasm - a self-fulfilling belief, even if unfounded. It should also be noted at this point that the authors have no evidence to support or disprove the hypothesis that such a hypnotic 'no orgasm' directive could actually be effective.
It is surmised that this state of intense sexual tension, combined with her inability to orgasm, exacerbated her pre-existing PSAS tendencies. The effects were self-perpetuating - the longer she remained aroused, yet unable to orgasm, the more her frustration, the greater her conviction that she was now unable to achieve orgasm by her own efforts, and the further entrenched became her persistency of arousal.
Possibly there may be underlying physiological changes as well, consequent to unusually prolonged and pronounced vascular engorgement of the clitoro-genital region. Although the proportional contribution of physiological vs psychological factors, and precise nature of those contributions to her condition are unknown, it manifests as virtually permanent, maximal sexual tension. There is full involvement of all sexual organs and secretory glands, accompanied by marked fixation of Patient's attention upon her condition. Described by Patient as a "never ending desperately aching desire for unobtainable relief."
Her 'certainty' of inability of achieving orgasm does not involve an aversion to normal intercourse, self stimulation, or an inability to heighten her arousal by genital manipulation. On the contrary she reports, and regularly demonstrates in therapy sessions, that she is fully capable of masturbation, and does so often. However, despite being able to bring herself to a point (and past it) where orgasm should naturally occur, it does not.
In terms of research, that condition is most rewarding to study. It appears that her physiology does indeed arrive at a condition so far indistinguishable from the very onset of orgasm - and then halts there, in a state which is normally very fleeting. In Patient this 'infinitesimally removed from orgasm' condition can be maintained for considerable lengths of time, and is thus accessible to detailed study. In actual fact it is quite persistent on its own, and even if Patient ceases her self-stimulation, it has been observed to last up to 37 minutes. These episodes leave Patient still aroused, and even less satisfied than before. Despite this unrewarding outcome, if left to herself Patient will be driven by her need for relief to repeat the experience several times a day.
As was demonstrated in the experimental sessions, it is possible for Patient to experience orgasm still, but only when stimulated by other persons or mechanisms in scenarios in which she is unable to influence the proceedings. Apparently this situation bypasses her now deeply ingrained subconscious belief that she cannot herself achieve orgasm, due to the 'instructions' of the story she read. [Ref App. C.] In the scenario of that story, her ability to orgasm is totally dependent on a specific interpersonal power relationship, in which she is convincingly 'forced' to do so. To all practical purposes her conviction in the story's truth seems indistinguishable the reality of her body's responses, hence the experimental protocol. [Ref App. H.] By those means Patient can be very easily and rapidly brought to orgasm, as well as a variety of maintained orgasm plateaus and repeated orgasms, via the various known mechanisms - clitoral, vaginal, g-spot, etc.
Such episodes of induced orgasms provide Patient with temporary relief from an otherwise near-permanent sexual arousal and intense feelings of physical frustration. However, the intervals of such relieve can be brief, and seem to be diminishing over the interval of observation so far.
It should be noted that her husband is not an assertive type, and apparently is unable or unwilling to assume the role model Patient finds necessary to 'force' her orgasm.
Patient's condition can be categorised as:
* PSAS, auto-erotic orgasmically challenged.
* Physical vs psychological basis unknown.
* No gross physical abnormality detected.
* Genitalia well formed and trim, all within norms except for clitoral development, which is in the upper limits of statistically normal size.
* No known neurological impairment.
* X-ray and ultrasound imaging within normal limits; all clitoral structures typically engorged and vascular involvement prominent.
* Blood factors within normal ranges.
* Oncological assays: negative.
* STDs: negative.
* Psychological? state: Stressed, stemming from persistent sexual arousal and orgasmic insufficiency.
* Some social and concentration impairment due to intensity of arousal effects.
* Otherwise healthy.
[Hand written note in margin: "This reminds me of that Monty Python sketch-
'the lethal joke'! This one is the 'horn bug story'!]
Her condition is not life threatening or likely to lead to physical complications. Some social functional impairment results at present. While not greatly significant under existing circumstances, this factor may become an issue if other aspects of her situation deteriorate. One positive side effect is a subtle 'glowing aura of intensity' she now exhibits.
The core problem is her continuing sexual frustration, and her conviction that her inability to orgasm is due to her having been 'ordered' to deflect from orgasm. Since this self-reinforces whenever her sexual frustration leads her to attempt
relief via (always unsuccessful) masturbation, which can be several times per day, the conditioning has grown immovably strong.
Extensive and innovative attempts to decondition her (and thus allow her to relieve her frustration herself) have failed to achieve significant results.
It appears that hopes for spontaneous recovery (to a more normal sexual state) are faint.
Apparently her partner cannot be relied upon to provide her with relief at all, let alone often enough to fully allay fears of frustration induced psychological damage, and may even respond to her increased needs by complete withdrawal from sexual relations.
Due to her generally high arousal, which rises very markedly in situations where she has an expectation of being brought to orgasm by another, it is difficult for her to ensure the use of either pregnancy or contagion protection.
Thus she is considered to be at multiple risk: both to her psychological well being if she abstains from or cannot find satisfactory partnered sexual relations, and to unwanted pregnancy and potentially fatal disease consequent to sexual relations beyond her marriage.
It is therefore proposed that patient be considered a special case under the Health Insurance Scheme, and that so long as her unusual condition persists, funding be allocated to continue provision of therapeutic sexual relief on a regular basis, under the controlled medical conditions found to be effective. [Ref App. H - 'Patient orgasmic relief protocol']
Legal opinion obtained on this matter maintains that under the present legislation Patient would have strong grounds for suit against the Health Provider, for failure of due care and reckless and knowing endangerment of her health, should such funding be denied her. The matter of frequency of 'regular basis' appears to be open to legal debate, however it is possible that if brought before the courts, verdict could be very much in Patient's favour. Possible ongoing costs could be high, and the legal precedent unwelcome for budgetary and public relations reasons.
An alternative means of providing for Patient's continued well being, involves granting government health research funds to support ongoing studies involving Patient's condition. Such research can be arranged to involve adequate protection of Patient's mental well being, via either controlled provision of appropriately managed sexual relief at suitable intervals, or close and continuous supervision by qualified professionals. In discussions with Patient it has been determined that she is prepared to bindingly forgo her rights to Health Provider funded services, dependent upon such an arrangement involving continuation of present research studies and agreements.
In that light, referring to the existing release forms [Ref App. A] signed by Patient, consider that patient undertook a binding consent agreement with the authors of this paper that she consigns all decisions regarding her treatment and care to the authors, for the duration of their research into her condition, in return for their efforts to determine the nature of that condition. Thus, if at some point in the research the authors feel it necessary to take her into full time care, they may do so. Likewise the frequency and manner of her 'relief' may be chosen by us at will, including complete withholding for any period we deem necessary to the research and her long term well being.
Presently, we feel frequent provision of relief is beneficial to our investigations. However it is also clear that at some point, investigation of Patient's solid conviction of her inability to self-orgasm will have to be tested against a lengthy (possibly indefinite) interval of orgasm withholding. Since self-stimulation presently achieves only reinforcement of her own belief in its futility, this too would be disallowed. Protracted total sexual abstinence under controlled conditions is considered a treatment option worthy of exploration, both for insight into the psychological aspects of her condition, as well as the opportunity presented for controlled study of the physiology of Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome over an extended interval.
The matter of a cure, being impossible to guarantee, is not stated as a prerequisite in the contract, only a theoretical objective. Likewise her 'enjoyment' or general comfort and composure are explicitly granted to be secondary matters to the primary objective of investigative research, as is the crucial point of 'incidental harm'. Legally this is fully sufficient to cover more speculative investigations, such as testing the resilience of her orgasm block via constantly maintained high levels of sexual stimulation over long orgasm-free intervals, regardless of her objections.
Patient has contracted to continue to participate in the research, unconditionally and for its duration as determined by the authors, with large financial penalties for withdrawal, as well as a physical enforcement clause. Investment of funds and effort in the project to date and in future are thus fully protected.
Naturally, due to the nature of her condition, Patient also signed the standard waiver of rights to modesty, as well as agreement to any and all explicitly sexual procedures, and in addition to necessary physical restraint. Additionally, Patient signed a Confidentiality Agreement covering all aspects of the research program, in effect for the duration of continuing research. It is significant to note that this agreement is non-mutual, in that all collected research materials, including interview and therapy session audio-visual recordings, may be published by the authors as they see fit.
The Research Grants Board should note that Patient's regular appointments for therapeutic procedures are on the Wednesday of each week, at 1pm, at the author's rooms. Such procedures are conducted in an area with the usual one way observation mirror and soundproofed comfortable viewing compartment from which an observer may monitor proceedings. Up to about 15 observers, actually. Tea and biscuits can be provided.
There's more of it. By now you've sunk down onto one of the kitchen stools, panting, the folder on the bench top as you flip through it, dazed and shaking. Random phrases you've just read ricochet around in your mind. 'hopes for spontaneous recovery are faint' ... 'binding agreement' ... 'orgasm withholding' ... 'full time care' ... 'extended interval' ... 'constantly maintained' ...
Flipping, the folder falls open at Appendix H, and you resume reading. As if you aren't quite familiar with this part.
Appendix H
Patient orgasmic relief protocol
Details of the treatment protocol determined via experiment to reliably allow Patient-X to achieve effective orgasmic relief of sexual tensions, within a one hour therapeutic session.
This treatment may be considered extreme and/or morally dubious by some, due particularly to the aspects of non-consensuality, physical restraint, and discomfort involved. The reader must be aware that these aspects are required, due to the peculiar nature of Patient-X's condition, and that without them, she simply cannot achieve relief.
As stated elsewhere, her difficulties include a deeply held, persistent, and self-reinforcing belief that she 'is not permitted' to achieve orgasm by any action of her own. Consequently the protocol is required to provide not just an impression of loss of volition, but actual, realistic and fully evident loss of volition. If the patient feels in any way able to influence the course of events, she is unable to orgasm. Furthermore, her loss of volition must be forcibly demonstrated to her, in a manner that speaks to her deeper unconscious mind. Anything less simply does not bypass her 'mental blocks' against orgasm. This presents a logical quandary - patient desires orgasm, and so desires to submit to the treatment protocol. But in this sense by submitting to treatment she is acting of her own will to achieve orgasm - and so can not. Only once she desires to NOT continue with the protocol, yet is forced to continue anyway, can her desired orgasm be reached, contradictory though that may seem. The logical resolution is provided by the imposition of painful yet harmless stimulation to sensitive zones, such as the buttocks and breasts. Only once the discomfort of this component is sufficient to convince the patient that she has changed her mind, and would rather stop the treatment, in the process foregoing orgasmic resolution, can further sexual stimulation achieve the intended result.
There is thus a fine balance, between the patient's rising sexual tension during the intervals between treatments, and her aversion to the expected discomfort involved in achieving relief. Even with this balance, there is a contradiction - the longer the interval between treatments, the more intense her PSAS symptoms grow, and hence the greater her desire for relief at commencement of the procedure. Thus, the more intense the applied 'discomfort' must be, before that desire is overcome, till she wishes to cease the procedure, and hence can be 'forced' to continue on to orgasm and subsequent (temporary) relief of her physical symptoms.
Consequently it has been determined that the patient responds best if the entire cycle is presented as mandatory - that even the scheduling of treatment sessions be set with no choice on her part, and with a degree of coercion. At present the treatment protocol is set at once weekly, with no rescheduling allowed. If she misses a session, she has to wait a further full week till the next, and the threat of termination of treatment altogether. As well, the first session after a missed appointment involves a modified 'recalibration' protocol, which she knows may potentially fail to bring her to orgasm. Despite beginning with an extended 'discomfort' routine, followed by prolonged sexual stimulation, thus guaranteeing her a very difficult further week till the next treatment session.
Sessions: Once weekly.
Session duration:
?* Standard Routine:- one hour.
?* 'Recalibration' Routine (first after missed session):- two hours.
Scheduling: Patient is informed peremptorily after each session of the next session time, and warned of consequences of missing appointment.
Standard Routine
?- All proceedings are 'in camera', and recordings archived. Patient is aware of this via the consent forms.
?- On arrival patient is admitted to treatment room, and required to disrobe in the presence of the female medical assistant and one or more of this paper's authors (male, MDs.)
?- Patient required to mount examination stirrups.
?- Speculum inserted, expanded, initial internal exam. Speculum left in place throughout following.
?- Patient firmly secured in mod-gyno stirrups. wrists, ankles, neck, waist. Body tightly stretched, spread eagled.
?- Vital signs monitors attached.
?- Verbal exam- report on week's activities and state.
?- Standard exam, quantification of genital state, clitoral & g-spot erection, photo record.
?- Speculum removed and replaced with balloon probe, vaginal static and pulse volume and elasticity, etc.
?- Application of genital stimulators.
?- Initial responsiveness measurement run, continued up to point where orgasm should (but doesn't) occur.
?? Apply robotic phallic thrusting and clitoral vibratory stimulation, using standard device.
?- Maintain verge-of-orgasm state for 15 minutes.
?- Apply 'discomfort' (paddle spanking spanking robot) to buttocks, while continuing genital stimulation.
?? Continue with increasing severity till patient expresses clear and strong desire to cease the treatment.
?- Cease spanker, increase genital stimulation to full. Continue without let up for remainder of treatment hour, with stimulators set for brief power reduction after each orgasm but rapid rebuild to full, and spanker set to cut in again whenever subsequent orgasm does not occur within five minutes of stimulators ramping up to full power. Spanking halts at each orgasm.
?- At end of session, halt abruptly, remove attachments and dismount patient posthaste. Assistant to dress patient hurriedly (outer garments only, no underwear) and remove her to public reception room immediately before she has time to freshen up. Receptionist to inform patient clearly and sternly of her next 'orgasm therapy session' in front of other patients in reception.
'Recalibration' Routine
As above, except genital stimulators set to drop back to low power at some random point short of orgasm, then ramp back up once arousal has dropped significantly. Spankers cut in if arousal above 50%, and stimulators on low power only; stop both spanking and all stimulation if arousal approaches orgasm.
Continue this regime for full duration of treatment, then stop, regardless of patient wishes.
You close the folder, unable to cope with more of this just now. Among the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings in your head, one hangs still for a moment, incongruous in its neutrality. 'Well that explains those couple of hair-tearingly frustrating times you weren't able to come, the next week after you'd missed an appointment.' The ache between your legs is very strong now. Throbbing and damp, you can feel the slickness seep into your panties, your jeans. Already your nipples are rigid - this usually doesn't happen for at least a couple of days after your clinic sessions. A long shaky sigh - its going to be a long, frustrated week. Till next... till next... But this...? Can you go back? They are... they think they can do... they can treat you like some kind of experimental animal! "Uuuuunhh!" You gasp, bending forward till your forehead rests on your hand on the folder, your other hand gripping your knee as your hips grind on the stool. Oh, an experimental animal.... why does that thought make your sex convulse so intensely? ... 'regardless of her objections' they say here. Surely they can't? Yes... yes they can. They will. And you'll... you'll...
You think of the videos they have - hours and hours of naked, bound and heated, screaming sexual abandon. You think of just not going back next week, and... and... not getting to come. If only you hadn't ever read that damned story! Look where its brought you - on the brink of admitting to yourself that you _are_ an 'experimental animal'. That somehow, the very thought of being in this position makes your insides melt.
There's more in the folder yet, but you get the idea already. Why did someone put this in your bag? You guess they were testing you. Or teasing, toying with you. But really, they know what you will do.
Next Wednesday, you will be there at 1pm, sharp. The Research Grants Board will enjoy their fucking tea and biscuits and live action porn. And you... will get what you need too. For quite some time.
????? ----end----
(For now. I've some notes on extending this to a longer, much more complex story. Maybe it will happen.)
The Research
By Sensory
OverLord, 20070724
You arrive home
after dark, fatigued after another long afternoon at the clinic. As usual the
hot, needy throbbing between your legs is only slightly reduced by this weeks'
session of multiple mind shattering orgasms, and it is distracting enough to
make finding the front door key in the dark a little difficult. Hard to feel
for the right key in the bunch by finger touch, when your sex is so firmly
begging for touch. Already.
You get the door
open and walk through to the kitchen, turning on the lights. You notice there's
a slight abrasion around your wrist; the left one this time. You sigh. Long
sleeve blouses for a few days at work again. You wish they didn't have to do
the cuffs up so tightly. But still.. better that than no orgasms.
Setting your bag
down on the bench you open the fridge to decide on dinner.? Hmmm... too tired to feel like cooking;
probably leftovers then. Glad your SO isn't home tonight, no one else to think
about feeding. Oh, and what about the rest of the Chinese you didn't have time
to finish at lunch today, before your appointment?
You set out the
containers of cooked rice and spicy chicken on the bench, and unzip your bag to
dig out the Chinese noodles. The zip... an association with the sound of your
jeans unzipping... no. Not tonight, not so soon.
Huh? What's this?
Among your
assorted junk in the large zip-up shoulder bag, there is a slim blue ring bound
folder of papers. You've never seen it before - how did it get there? You pull
it out, mystified.
In its clear
spine pocket it bears a typewritten slip of paper:
CASE STUDY? -? Jean B.???
Your eyebrows
rise - that's your name. How....? Some mix up at the clinic? Not as if you are
going to leave this unopened!
Inside the
folder, the cover page is a bright yellow card:
?Page 1
????????????????????? ***WARNING***
?Document NOT to be shown to Patient under any
?Patient is highly suggestible, and exposure to
these notes
?is considered very likely to exacerbate
patient's condition.
?In all further contact with patient, she is to
be assured
?that her condition is temporary, and certain
to resolve or
?at least abate with treatment. It is felt she
will be better
?able to cope with her condition if she
believes that it will
?not continue indefinitely.
A wave of
faintness makes you lean heavily against the bench top. What is this...? You
had been assured your problem was treatable! Your life recently has been hell,
ever since you read that damned story off the web. Well, not exactly 'hell',
but very difficult. Complicated. Though you have to admit, your present
situation has its upside. But it does make things like concentrating on your
job very problematical. What does this mean, 'exacerbate her condition'? How
could it get any worse? OH! On second thoughts, you suppose it could. If the
sudden wild flare of heated tension between your legs is any indication. Damn!
So soon... Your heart rate is rising too. Perhaps you should accept the
warning, and not read any more.? ....
After a moment's hesitation, you give in. As if there was ever any chance of
your *not* turning the page...
?Page 2
?Pre-Publication DRAFT, under review.
?This document is CONFIDENTIAL, and remains the
property of:
?(An underlined blank area, that someone
apparently neglected to fill out yet.)
?Copyright (C) 2006, vested in the above.
OF?? six
(another underlined blank area)
?Consignee must ensure the confidentiality of
this document.
?Public disclosure of this material will result
in prosecution,
?under Medical Health Privacy Act, 2003,
Subsection 4, as well
?as Homeland Security bill, terrorist theft of
IP rights.
??????? - - - -
?Page 3
??? PSAS* - A Fiction-Hypnotically Triggered
??? Presenting with Self-Conditioning
??? of Auto-Specific Anorgasmia
??? Authors:
??? Sponsored:
??? * Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome
??????? - - - -
?Page 4
????????? INDEX
?* Case summary.
?? - Background.
?? - Characterisation
?? - Review
?? - Prognosis
?? - Recommendations
?* Case analysis.
?* Proposed follow up studies
?* Grant application for follow ups.
?* Appendix: Supporting documents.
?? A. Patient consent forms.
?? B. Emails between patient and a pornography
?? C. Link to the relevant online pornographic
?? D. Relevant entries from the patient's
?? E. Transcriptions of audio tapes from
telephone contacts,
?? F. Transcriptions of consultations and
therapy sessions,
?? G. Doctor's notes from all sessions.
?? H. Patient orgasmic relief protocol.
? ?I.
Clinical photographic records.
?? J. Pathology reports
?* Authors' prior papers on this case.
?* Citations
??????? - - - -
?Page 5
?Case Summary
Subject presented
at initial consultation with request for standard pelvic checkup, while
asserting general good health. Patient appeared flustered and breathless, with
difficulty in expressing herself, and pronounced facial blush. Preparations for
pelvic were begun, but halted for ethical considerations before physical
contact due to pronounced patient genital arousal and inability to maintain her
composure. Further verbal investigation was resumed, during which patient
remained on the examination stirrups, apparently finding this position to be
helpful in overcoming her reticence to discuss her (now visually obvious)
Once the nature
and seriousness of her complaint became apparent, Patient participated in frank
discussion of options for investigative procedures. The ethical and legal
situation was fully explained to her. Patient agreed to, and signed all
necessary consent forms, after carefully reading them.
Thus began the
lengthy investigations detailed here. These have involved numerous
investigative and therapy sessions, still ongoing. Her case is apparently unique
in the literature, and appears to present significant potential for
advancements in the study of human sexuality.
This document is
a review of the case to date, in support of and in conjunction with proposal
for funding of continuing study.
Patient is
female, aged 32, height 5' 8" (173cm), physically fit.
Sexually active,
previously easily and multiply orgasmic. Married, in loving relationship, but
in which she tends to not receive satisfactory sexual attention due to partner's
(alleged) lower than average libido.
compensates by reading Internet pornography in conjunction with masturbation,
and sometimes seeks casual partners online.
She is somewhat
suggestible, has prior experiences with hypno-sexuality.
Never previously
experimented with prolonged orgasm denial.
??????? - - - -
Page 6
Patient's history
narrative indicates a narrow margin of sexual responsiveness abatement upon
orgasm. She reports her post-orgasmic arousal to have been always very easily
maintained or re-stimulated. On some occasions in recent years, arousal is
reported to have occurred spontaneously, unassociated with sexual activity, for
unknown reasons, and for significant duration of time. Intervals ranged from
approximately three hours, to two days in one recent case, with resolution
occurring either spontaneously, or via masturbation to orgasm. This history
suggests a tendency toward PSAS (Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome) though
until recently still outside that categorisation.
Analysis of her
self-reported sexual history over time suggests that this margin may have been
diminishing - that is, she had been developing a tendency towards greater
intensity and persistence of arousal signs.
In many reviewed
cases the mechanism of PSAS has not been convincingly identified as either
physical or psychological. Indeed, there is evidence that the syndrome may
result from one or more interactions between those two. In Patient's case, it
appears that she was possibly in process of becoming PSAS-prone before she
recently exposed herself inadvertently to an unusual work of erotic fiction.
The written story, in conjunction with an associated audio soundtrack purported
to convey a hypnotic-suggestive meme involving libido increase and persistence
combined with orgasm blocking hypnotic-suggestive directives.
Whether the
orgasm blocking portions of the meme might have been taken up by the patient's
subconscious in other circumstances is unknown. However, Patient happened to
identify with the fictional plot closely enough to deliberately withhold her
orgasm for a lengthy duration of self-stimulation, during and immediately
subsequent to her exposure to the story and audio content.
The result was
that due to genital masturbation fatigue, she found herself unable to orgasm
when she eventually chose to achieve relief. This had the unfortunate effect of
strongly reinforcing the 'orgasm block' suggestions in the story. She believed
she had been 'ordered' to be unable to orgasm - a self-fulfilling belief, even
if unfounded. It should also be noted at this point that the authors have no
evidence to support or disprove the hypothesis that such a hypnotic 'no orgasm'
directive could actually be effective.
It is surmised
that this state of intense sexual tension, combined with her inability to
orgasm, exacerbated her pre-existing PSAS tendencies. The effects were
self-perpetuating - the longer she remained aroused, yet unable to orgasm, the
more her frustration, the greater her conviction that she was now unable to
achieve orgasm by her own efforts, and the further entrenched became her
persistency of arousal.
Possibly there
may be underlying physiological changes as well, consequent to unusually
prolonged and pronounced vascular engorgement of the clitoro-genital region.
Although the proportional contribution of physiological vs psychological
factors, and precise nature of those contributions to her condition are
unknown, it manifests as virtually permanent, maximal sexual tension. There is full
involvement of all sexual organs and secretory glands, accompanied by marked
fixation of Patient's attention upon her condition. Described by Patient as a
"never ending desperately aching desire for unobtainable relief."
Her 'certainty'
of inability of achieving orgasm does not involve an aversion to normal
intercourse, self stimulation, or an inability to heighten her arousal by
genital manipulation. On the contrary she reports, and regularly demonstrates
in therapy sessions, that she is fully capable of masturbation, and does so
often. However, despite being able to bring herself to a point (and past it)
where orgasm should naturally occur, it does not.
In terms of
research, that condition is most rewarding to study. It appears that her
physiology does indeed arrive at a condition so far indistinguishable from the
very onset of orgasm - and then halts there, in a state which is normally very
fleeting. In Patient this 'infinitesimally removed from orgasm' condition can
be maintained for considerable lengths of time, and is thus accessible to
detailed study. In actual fact it is quite persistent on its own, and even if
Patient ceases her self-stimulation, it has been observed to last up to 37
minutes. These episodes leave Patient still aroused, and even less satisfied
than before. Despite this unrewarding outcome, if left to herself Patient will
be driven by her need for relief to repeat the experience several times a day.
As was
demonstrated in the experimental sessions, it is possible for Patient to
experience orgasm still, but only when stimulated by other persons or
mechanisms in scenarios in which she is unable to influence the proceedings.
Apparently this situation bypasses her now deeply ingrained subconscious belief
that she cannot herself achieve orgasm, due to the 'instructions' of the story
she read. [Ref App. C.] In the scenario of that story, her ability to orgasm is
totally dependent on a specific interpersonal power relationship, in which she
is convincingly 'forced' to do so. To all practical purposes her conviction in
the story's truth seems indistinguishable the reality of her body's responses,
hence the experimental protocol. [Ref App. H.] By those means Patient can be
very easily and rapidly brought to orgasm, as well as a variety of maintained
orgasm plateaus and repeated orgasms, via the various known mechanisms -
clitoral, vaginal, g-spot, etc.
Such episodes of
induced orgasms provide Patient with temporary relief from an otherwise
near-permanent sexual arousal and intense feelings of physical frustration.
However, the intervals of such relieve can be brief, and seem to be diminishing
over the interval of observation so far.
It should be
noted that her husband is not an assertive type, and apparently is unable or
unwilling to assume the role model Patient finds necessary to 'force' her
condition can be categorised as:
auto-erotic orgasmically challenged.
* Physical vs
psychological basis unknown.
* No gross
physical abnormality detected.
* Genitalia well
formed and trim, all within norms except for clitoral development, which is in
the upper limits of statistically normal size.
* No known
neurological impairment.
* X-ray and
ultrasound imaging within normal limits; all clitoral structures typically
engorged and vascular involvement prominent.
* Blood factors
within normal ranges.
* Oncological
assays: negative.
* STDs: negative.
Psychological? state: Stressed, stemming
from persistent sexual arousal and orgasmic insufficiency.
* Some social and
concentration impairment due to intensity of arousal effects.
* Otherwise
[Hand written
note in margin: "This reminds me of that Monty Python sketch-
'the lethal
joke'! This one is the 'horn bug story'!]
Her condition is
not life threatening or likely to lead to physical complications. Some social
functional impairment results at present. While not greatly significant under
existing circumstances, this factor may become an issue if other aspects of her
situation deteriorate. One positive side effect is a subtle 'glowing aura of
intensity' she now exhibits.
The core problem
is her continuing sexual frustration, and her conviction that her inability to
orgasm is due to her having been 'ordered' to deflect from orgasm. Since this
self-reinforces whenever her sexual frustration leads her to attempt
relief via
(always unsuccessful) masturbation, which can be several times per day, the
conditioning has grown immovably strong.
Extensive and
innovative attempts to decondition her (and thus allow her to relieve her
frustration herself) have failed to achieve significant results.
It appears that
hopes for spontaneous recovery (to a more normal sexual state) are faint.
Apparently her
partner cannot be relied upon to provide her with relief at all, let alone
often enough to fully allay fears of frustration induced psychological damage,
and may even respond to her increased needs by complete withdrawal from sexual
Due to her generally
high arousal, which rises very markedly in situations where she has an
expectation of being brought to orgasm by another, it is difficult for her to
ensure the use of either pregnancy or contagion protection.
Thus she is
considered to be at multiple risk: both to her psychological well being if she
abstains from or cannot find satisfactory partnered sexual relations, and to
unwanted pregnancy and potentially fatal disease consequent to sexual relations
beyond her marriage.
It is therefore
proposed that patient be considered a special case under the Health Insurance
Scheme, and that so long as her unusual condition persists, funding be
allocated to continue provision of therapeutic sexual relief on a regular
basis, under the controlled medical conditions found to be effective. [Ref App.
H - 'Patient orgasmic relief protocol']
Legal opinion
obtained on this matter maintains that under the present legislation Patient
would have strong grounds for suit against the Health Provider, for failure of due
care and reckless and knowing endangerment of her health, should such funding
be denied her. The matter of frequency of 'regular basis' appears to be open to
legal debate, however it is possible that if brought before the courts, verdict
could be very much in Patient's favour. Possible ongoing costs could be high,
and the legal precedent unwelcome for budgetary and public relations reasons.
An alternative
means of providing for Patient's continued well being, involves granting
government health research funds to support ongoing studies involving Patient's
condition. Such research can be arranged to involve adequate protection of
Patient's mental well being, via either controlled provision of appropriately
managed sexual relief at suitable intervals, or close and continuous
supervision by qualified professionals. In discussions with Patient it has been
determined that she is prepared to bindingly forgo her rights to Health
Provider funded services, dependent upon such an arrangement involving continuation
of present research studies and agreements.
In that light,
referring to the existing release forms [Ref App. A] signed by Patient,
consider that patient undertook a binding consent agreement with the authors of
this paper that she consigns all decisions regarding her treatment and care to
the authors, for the duration of their research into her condition, in return
for their efforts to determine the nature of that condition. Thus, if at some
point in the research the authors feel it necessary to take her into full time
care, they may do so. Likewise the frequency and manner of her 'relief' may be
chosen by us at will, including complete withholding for any period we deem
necessary to the research and her long term well being.
Presently, we
feel frequent provision of relief is beneficial to our investigations. However
it is also clear that at some point, investigation of Patient's solid
conviction of her inability to self-orgasm will have to be tested against a
lengthy (possibly indefinite) interval of orgasm withholding. Since
self-stimulation presently achieves only reinforcement of her own belief in its
futility, this too would be disallowed. Protracted total sexual abstinence
under controlled conditions is considered a treatment option worthy of exploration,
both for insight into the psychological aspects of her condition, as well as
the opportunity presented for controlled study of the physiology of Persistent
Sexual Arousal Syndrome over an extended interval.
The matter of a
cure, being impossible to guarantee, is not stated as a prerequisite in the
contract, only a theoretical objective. Likewise her 'enjoyment' or general
comfort and composure are explicitly granted to be secondary matters to the
primary objective of investigative research, as is the crucial point of
'incidental harm'. Legally this is fully sufficient to cover more speculative
investigations, such as testing the resilience of her orgasm block via
constantly maintained high levels of sexual stimulation over long orgasm-free intervals,
regardless of her objections.
Patient has
contracted to continue to participate in the research, unconditionally and for
its duration as determined by the authors, with large financial penalties for
withdrawal, as well as a physical enforcement clause. Investment of funds and
effort in the project to date and in future are thus fully protected.
Naturally, due to
the nature of her condition, Patient also signed the standard waiver of rights
to modesty, as well as agreement to any and all explicitly sexual procedures,
and in addition to necessary physical restraint. Additionally, Patient signed a
Confidentiality Agreement covering all aspects of the research program, in
effect for the duration of continuing research. It is significant to note that
this agreement is non-mutual, in that all collected research materials,
including interview and therapy session audio-visual recordings, may be
published by the authors as they see fit.
The Research
Grants Board should note that Patient's regular appointments for therapeutic
procedures are on the Wednesday of each week, at 1pm, at the author's rooms.
Such procedures are conducted in an area with the usual one way observation
mirror and soundproofed comfortable viewing compartment from which an observer
may monitor proceedings. Up to about 15 observers, actually. Tea and biscuits
can be provided.
There's more of
it. By now you've sunk down onto one of the kitchen stools, panting, the folder
on the bench top as you flip through it, dazed and shaking. Random phrases
you've just read ricochet around in your mind. 'hopes for spontaneous recovery
are faint' ... 'binding agreement' ... 'orgasm withholding' ... 'full time
care' ... 'extended interval' ... 'constantly maintained' ...
Flipping, the
folder falls open at Appendix H, and you resume reading. As if you aren't quite
familiar with this part.
Appendix H
Patient orgasmic
relief protocol
Details of the
treatment protocol determined via experiment to reliably allow Patient-X to
achieve effective orgasmic relief of sexual tensions, within a one hour
therapeutic session.
This treatment
may be considered extreme and/or morally dubious by some, due particularly to
the aspects of non-consensuality, physical restraint, and discomfort involved.
The reader must be aware that these aspects are required, due to the peculiar
nature of Patient-X's condition, and that without them, she simply cannot achieve
As stated
elsewhere, her difficulties include a deeply held, persistent, and
self-reinforcing belief that she 'is not permitted' to achieve orgasm by any
action of her own. Consequently the protocol is required to provide not just an
impression of loss of volition, but actual, realistic and fully evident loss of
volition. If the patient feels in any way able to influence the course of
events, she is unable to orgasm. Furthermore, her loss of volition must be
forcibly demonstrated to her, in a manner that speaks to her deeper unconscious
mind. Anything less simply does not bypass her 'mental blocks' against orgasm.
This presents a logical quandary - patient desires orgasm, and so desires to
submit to the treatment protocol. But in this sense by submitting to treatment
she is acting of her own will to achieve orgasm - and so can not. Only once she
desires to NOT continue with the protocol, yet is forced to continue anyway,
can her desired orgasm be reached, contradictory though that may seem. The
logical resolution is provided by the imposition of painful yet harmless
stimulation to sensitive zones, such as the buttocks and breasts. Only once the
discomfort of this component is sufficient to convince the patient that she has
changed her mind, and would rather stop the treatment, in the process foregoing
orgasmic resolution, can further sexual stimulation achieve the intended
There is thus a
fine balance, between the patient's rising sexual tension during the intervals
between treatments, and her aversion to the expected discomfort involved in
achieving relief. Even with this balance, there is a contradiction - the longer
the interval between treatments, the more intense her PSAS symptoms grow, and
hence the greater her desire for relief at commencement of the procedure. Thus,
the more intense the applied 'discomfort' must be, before that desire is
overcome, till she wishes to cease the procedure, and hence can be 'forced' to
continue on to orgasm and subsequent (temporary) relief of her physical
Consequently it
has been determined that the patient responds best if the entire cycle is
presented as mandatory - that even the scheduling of treatment sessions be set
with no choice on her part, and with a degree of coercion. At present the
treatment protocol is set at once weekly, with no rescheduling allowed. If she
misses a session, she has to wait a further full week till the next, and the
threat of termination of treatment altogether. As well, the first session after
a missed appointment involves a modified 'recalibration' protocol, which she
knows may potentially fail to bring her to orgasm. Despite beginning with an
extended 'discomfort' routine, followed by prolonged sexual stimulation, thus
guaranteeing her a very difficult further week till the next treatment session.
Sessions: Once
Session duration:
?* Standard Routine:- one hour.
?* 'Recalibration' Routine (first after missed
session):- two hours.
Patient is informed peremptorily after each session of the next session time,
and warned of consequences of missing appointment.
Standard Routine
?- All proceedings are 'in camera', and
recordings archived. Patient is aware of this via the consent forms.
?- On arrival patient is admitted to treatment
room, and required to disrobe in the presence of the female medical assistant
and one or more of this paper's authors (male, MDs.)
?- Patient required to mount examination
?- Speculum inserted, expanded, initial
internal exam. Speculum left in place throughout following.
?- Patient firmly secured in mod-gyno stirrups.
wrists, ankles, neck, waist. Body tightly stretched, spread eagled.
?- Vital signs monitors attached.
?- Verbal exam- report on week's activities and
?- Standard exam, quantification of genital
state, clitoral & g-spot erection, photo record.
?- Speculum removed and replaced with balloon
probe, vaginal static and pulse volume and elasticity, etc.
?- Application of genital stimulators.
?- Initial responsiveness measurement run,
continued up to point where orgasm should (but doesn't) occur.
?? Apply robotic phallic thrusting and clitoral
vibratory stimulation, using standard device.
?- Maintain verge-of-orgasm state for 15
?- Apply 'discomfort' (paddle spanking spanking
robot) to buttocks, while continuing genital stimulation.
?? Continue with increasing severity till
patient expresses clear and strong desire to cease the treatment.
?- Cease spanker, increase genital stimulation
to full. Continue without let up for remainder of treatment hour, with
stimulators set for brief power reduction after each orgasm but rapid rebuild
to full, and spanker set to cut in again whenever subsequent orgasm does not
occur within five minutes of stimulators ramping up to full power. Spanking
halts at each orgasm.
?- At end of session, halt abruptly, remove
attachments and dismount patient posthaste. Assistant to dress patient
hurriedly (outer garments only, no underwear) and remove her to public
reception room immediately before she has time to freshen up. Receptionist to
inform patient clearly and sternly of her next 'orgasm therapy session' in
front of other patients in reception.
As above, except
genital stimulators set to drop back to low power at some random point short of
orgasm, then ramp back up once arousal has dropped significantly. Spankers cut
in if arousal above 50%, and stimulators on low power only; stop both spanking
and all stimulation if arousal approaches orgasm.
Continue this
regime for full duration of treatment, then stop, regardless of patient wishes.
You close the
folder, unable to cope with more of this just now. Among the whirlwind of
thoughts and feelings in your head, one hangs still for a moment, incongruous
in its neutrality. 'Well that explains those couple of hair-tearingly
frustrating times you weren't able to come, the next week after you'd missed an
appointment.' The ache between your legs is very strong now. Throbbing and
damp, you can feel the slickness seep into your panties, your jeans. Already
your nipples are rigid - this usually doesn't happen for at least a couple of
days after your clinic sessions. A long shaky sigh - its going to be a long,
frustrated week. Till next... till next... But this...? Can you go back? They
are... they think they can do... they can treat you like some kind of
experimental animal! "Uuuuunhh!" You gasp, bending forward till your
forehead rests on your hand on the folder, your other hand gripping your knee
as your hips grind on the stool. Oh, an experimental animal.... why does that
thought make your sex convulse so intensely? ... 'regardless of her objections'
they say here. Surely they can't? Yes... yes they can. They will. And you'll...
You think of the
videos they have - hours and hours of naked, bound and heated, screaming sexual
abandon. You think of just not going back next week, and... and... not getting
to come. If only you hadn't ever read that damned story! Look where its brought
you - on the brink of admitting to yourself that you _are_ an 'experimental
animal'. That somehow, the very thought of being in this position makes your
insides melt.
There's more in
the folder yet, but you get the idea already. Why did someone put this in your
bag? You guess they were testing you. Or teasing, toying with you. But really,
they know what you will do.
Next Wednesday,
you will be there at 1pm, sharp. The Research Grants Board will enjoy their
fucking tea and biscuits and live action porn. And you... will get what you
need too. For quite some time.
????? ----end----
(For now. I've
some notes on extending this to a longer, much more complex story. Maybe it
will happen.)
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It was Wednesday of the following week, after meeting up with Paul at the theater, before I could bring myself to look him in the eyes and smile. Once I'd gotten over my initial embarrassment, we began talking like friends once again, not just co-worker's. That Friday, Paul asked if I was going to stop with the girls after work. I told him I'd like to, but Jim was home and had asked me to join him along with a client for dinner. I didn't want to discourage Paul from stopping So I said,...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Timothy Angel Rose Ritter Before we entered the police station I checked the time on my dumb phone. It was a couple of minutes before 11AM. Jenny didn’t even know that I had invited the state police to meet us at the police station. When I was sure we had everyone present I laid it all out. I drew my conclusion then answered their questions. I walked away from the police station by noon. Jenny checked us out of the motel, and then drove us all the way to my place with only one stop. ...
Kari sat at the table by the entrance to the vacation lodge with her dad’s number one assistant, and looked at the men gathered around her. She still didn’t know how her dad had done it, cut down all those e-mails and questionnaires to these fifteen men. Marie, the lady seated next to her had told her little about the selection process, but she had mentioned that her dad had chosen a wide variety of test subjects. Well, from what she could see, that was true, there were fifteen men and talk...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesMarkus, or rather Marque changed her mind the moment she let her current young redhead form climb into the expensive dark blue car. As she hit hte start button,the engine roared into life. Yet...she stopped. The teen in a green cocktail dress, had lost all her confidence and her pure smugness in her victory over Andrea and Jeremy. They'd tried to prank and humiliate him, but he turned the tide on them. Yet as the girl was ready to leave she figured out that she didn't want to leave at...
Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Three - Ms. Rebecca Begins Sharing Her Sexual Research NOTE to Review Writers: Thank you so much for the incredibly positive feedback. It is definitely motivating me to write more and write faster. Now to part three of our story. "Tell me what you know about males who are feminized so completely they are transformed into a sissy, changed from the less than manly person she had been before coming under the control of a strict...
Time passed as it has a way of doing. Not always for the best, but life keeps on going regardless. I’m not sure how much we can change the course of the river we call time. For instance, how much did my outing Ray, my asshole son in law, change history? The answer was not a lot. It did cause them to get a divorce. That was inevitable though. It would have happened no matter what I did. It took just over a year before they settled it. Thia decided during that year that the Lawyer Chic was...
Jim was waiting for me at the airport when we arrived home from Dallas. I'd taken a taxi there when I left, rather than pay to park my car for a week. As we hugged each other, it never for one moment occurred to me that he may be able to tell something had happened in Dallas. When we arrived home we couldn't get our clothes off fast enough. I could hardly wait to have his cock. As I sucked on it, I thought about how good it was going to feel to have it filling my pussy. His hands held my...
What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesThe Researcher II By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This is a work of Fiction and will have additional chapters. Chapter One error: miss editing the name of Maris's lover; Jon is his nickname and Serge is his given name. Thank you for your comments. Four I slept roughly that night. My dreams were filled with images of women and strap-on phallus and slick pussies. I had no way of settling what I should do or determining why...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
In my dual roles as academic researcher and erotic author, I had been contacted by, talked to and on occasions like today actually met with a surprisingly large number of people involved in incestuous relationships.Add to this the rather sparse research already available on the subject, and my own personal history, and you had in me, a willing and eager student.I had quickly learned that are at least as many types of consanguineous relationships as there are traditional ones. In fact, there are...
IncestWhen the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesTwo days later when Kim got back from the library there was a message on the telephone answering machine. It was John, telling her there would be a guest to dinner and would she prepare an especially nice meal. She was to wear her red sheath dress and wear her hair up. She was also to wear the collar he had bought her. Rapidly she went out to the supermarket and bought salmon, some sirloin steak, vegetables and a ready-made tort for the dessert. By the time John got in, the dinner was...
Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...
Scat Porn SitesI’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...
The Fappening‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn Sites