And He Called It Research free porn video

Philip Johnson
The offer of impressive things for free creates greed.
Start by throwing in a generous amount of free vacation with impressive free goodies, and all worth tens of thousands of dollars. Add a few vital ingredients like…well let’s throw in a great amount of nudity. Add a lot of passion and lust, and cook the recipe in a hot tropical setting. Spread around and through your average monogamous couples living average and pretty proper lives, and that don’t know each other, and you have a recipe for new loves, broken hearts and a few personal disasters.
Can a woman married for eight or ten years suddenly discover she doesn’t love her husband, or perhaps even like him? Can one vacation turn a shy woman into a woman full of unbridled passion?
With the exception of one couple, all of them would go home at the end of the vacation with their lives totally shaken, and their belief systems tested or thrown aside. Only one couple out of fifteen would go home and pick up their lives where they left off and richer for the experience. Some would suffer but recover and be happier than ever before. But many would pay a high price for that free vacation and that was just the beginning.
Chapter One
‘Good Morning Earl, I trust everything is well with you.’
‘It is Mr. Springer, quite well.’ Earl passed a folder full of papers across Mr. Springer’s large dark oak desk and said, ‘This is my progress report, but I’ll summarize if for you if you’d like.’
‘Yes, please do.’
I’m about a month ahead of schedule with ten couples signed up, and I have leads for a few more.’
‘I’m impressed. What are your feelings for the ten couples?’
‘Only two couples concern me, but there is sufficient hope for them that I’m going to work with them further.’
‘Wonderful, and the ones you have leads on?’
‘Yes sir, three of the most promising of any that I’ve looked into. One couple is experienced at swinging, another couple is at the threshold of doing that, but they haven’t realized it, and the third couple has traded with their friends.’
‘They do indeed sound promising, but I trust there will be couples that I refer to as virgins.’
‘Oh yes, and the details on them are in your folder and separated from the others so you won’t have to search for them.’
‘As always, you have everything just as I like them. I’ve been asked by Joan to forward a message to you. Your last selections were great and she was most pleased with the final outcome.’
‘Please thank her for me and I trust she is well and as beautiful as always.’
‘Yes she is and I’ll tell her you asked about her. I know you two haven’t seen each other in some time, so maybe one day soon we can do dinner and catch up on everything.’
‘That would be wonderful. Will there be any changes on your other wishes this time sir?’
‘I haven’t decided, so keep that open if you would and I’ll keep you posted.’
‘No hurry sir, we can adapt to fit your wishes.’
‘And everything is in place I take it. And the new items, have they arrived?’
‘They have and I’ve reviewed them personally.’
Mr. Springer’s loud basso laugh boomed across the office before he said, ‘When we have time I’d enjoy hearing details of those reviews.’
Earl smiled and felt relaxed as he said, ‘I look forward to sharing them with you.’
Their exchange of information wasn’t much different than from the last time he presented a report, and not much different than the time before that, but the visit to Mr. Springer’s office was part and parcel of Earl’s recurring games and duties. Enough differences to keep it from being boring, but enough alike that he didn’t have to work hard at what he did. He was paid very well and had Carte Blanc to achieve his goals, both in spending and in the conditions and arrangements. He only had to remember that it was he that got the glory when everything went well, but it would also be he that would suffer the wrath if his employer was displeased. As he always did as he left, he replayed his short meeting with his boss to look for any changes like deterioration of his health. Mr. Melvin Springer was sixty years old, but young looking and mentally very sharp, and there was no evidence of any changes in him other than perhaps he’d lost a little more hair.
Earl went straight down to meet with the staff in the large welcome center where a light brunch was being served. He gave them much the same report, but still didn’t have an arrival date established. But they spent time going over the minor changes in protocol and they reviewed video of the last assembly of guests to see how they might improve what they were doing and how they could better gather information and put it to good use. Cletus, the large dark black driver of the six passenger electric transporter was there and they talked about transportation issues for a few minutes.
‘Jerry, are there any maintenance issues?’
‘No sir, we’re in good shape.’
‘Great, and the new televisions?’
‘That was a major job, but each complex now has a giant screen TV and full theater quality sound.’
‘That will be a major improvement, thank you. ‘Windy, how are the seasonal weather patterns, anything to concern ourselves with?’
‘Not at this time Earl, but as I say every time…’
‘That’s no guarantee, right I remember that part. If something changes you know what to do.’
‘Of course and I’ll be studying them more closely now until after our guests are gone.’
‘Excellent. Okay, that’s all I have. I’m off to upstate New York and then down to Pennsylvania and points beyond. Here’s to a successful mission everybody,’ and he and Cletus left.
With Cletus now at the helm of the substantial ferry, Earl stood to his right and watched as what they called the mainland, but was really a large island in the Virgin Islands group, slowly became clear to them. The dockhands were there to tie them off, and then Cletus put on his chauffer hat and transported Melvin to the plane, and then loaded the luggage for him. ‘Good trip Mr. Sterling.’
‘Thank you Cletus, and enjoy your time off until I get back.’
‘Yessir, I’ll do jus that. I’m gonna sit in front of one of them new televisions with about twelve cold beers and watch dirty movies.’
Melvin laughed and said, ‘You go for it Cletus, but damn it don’t go getting the staff pregnant.’ Cletus thought that was very funny and was still chuckling as he got back into the large black Lincoln and drove off.
Once at cruising altitude, Earl unsnapped his seat belt and went forward for coffee. ‘Now Mr. Sterling, I’m supposed to wait on you.’
‘I wanted to stretch my legs Didi. Oh, and hold my lunch for an hour or so,’ and he pinched her skinny ass.
‘Now you behave, we haven’t been off the ground more than half an hour or so.’
‘I like your ass at all altitudes Didi.’
‘Are you always horny?’
‘Oh no, I can go for a day or even more and not even think about sex.’
‘Gee, a whole day. How do you do it?’
‘Oh, sometimes with my hand, sometimes with you…’
She smiled and said, ‘Now I mean how do you keep that pace?’
‘I eat a lot of vitamins and I get most of them from eating you.’
‘You are exceptionally bad today.’
‘I’m exceptionally good today honey.’
‘We’ll see about that.’
They stopped in Orlando for fuel and then headed for the municipal airport at Watertown, New York, very close to Lake Ontario. He placed a call and heard, ‘Harbor Investigations.’
‘Hi, it’s Earl. Is there anything you want or need to add to your report before I go to work?’
‘No, my report is still solid and good luck.’
‘Thank you,’ and he closed his phone. From there he had to see to his own transportation. He got on twelve and went almost straight east and then south and sto
pped at a sleepy restaurant and bar not far from Thompson Park.
He took a table just inside of the bar area where he could watch the restaurant patrons come and go. It was Wednesday and it was almost seven so he had to stay alert as he sipped his decaf coffee. They were five minutes late, but his eyes were right on them. He tossed a five on the table and eased out into the restaurant and held back until he saw where they settled, and then ambled in like he was going to have dinner. He took a table about ten feet from them and he listened closely as the couple talked in that pretty quiet place. He ordered another decaf coffee and put the menu in front of him, but then got up and went over to the couple he was spying on. ‘Well if it isn’t Al and Beth, I haven’t seen you two in quite some time.’
They looked at him and Earl waited what he thought was just long enough and said, ‘Sorry, I guess you don’t remember me. I’m Earl Potts. We met at Marlene’s Hideaway one evening. I didn’t stay a long time because my partner didn’t show up.’
Beth looked at him and said, ‘Are you sure it was at Marlene’s?’
‘Oh yes, I’m quite sure. You two go there a couple of times a month, or at least you did.’
‘We still do, usually but…I’m surprised I don’t remember you.’
‘Well, Marlene’s can get pretty busy some nights.’
‘That’s true. So what happened to your partner?’
‘She was in an accident. Nothing major, but enough to put her out of commission for a few weeks.’
‘We’re sorry to hear that.’
‘I’m not in New York anymore either, I transferred to Phoenix.’
‘That’s quite a weather change.’
‘That’s for sure. I’m contracting my services to an older gentleman in the field of research.’
‘That sounds interesting,’ Al told him.
‘It’s very interesting, especially since it’s in an area that I have a lot of interest in.’
‘What area is that?’
‘Human interactions. Kind of a branch off of human nature.’ He was making it up as he went, but he had a general script in his mind. He did best and looked the most sincere if he didn’t try to script himself too tightly. ‘For example, right now I’m enlisting couples for a research project that we’re getting ready to run. It’s going to be one of the most interesting and rewarding, and I might add, expensive times of my career.’
‘Sounds like you’re in your perfect job.’
‘Oh I am, without a doubt. We work on a large and private tropical island. The guests are free to enjoy their days on the beach, or maybe sun and swim at one of the pools, watch movies on a giant screen TV…oh it goes on and on. Excellent dining and drinks mixed by the best bartenders…well you get the idea.’
‘This has to cost a fortune.’
‘Oh it does, but it doesn’t cost the guests. My boss, my friend and patron in this project, is wealthy by anybody’s standards in the world and he pays for everything. He has to if he hopes to get untainted results from his research. Can you imagine how unnatural people might act if they were worrying about how much a drink costs, or what the masseur would set them back? No, this way everybody can relax and live a decadent life or a peaceful life…however they choose, and not give a moment’s thought to prices. Everybody is equal that way. At the end of two weeks the guests are flown back to where they came from and life goes on.’
‘What…how do you choose your guests? What are the criteria?’
‘Oh, the criteria is very complex and that’s where I come in. I make the selections and then if the couple agrees, I work out the arrangements. So what do you two do for a living?’
The sudden change of subject threw Al and he said, ‘What? Oh, I work in a hospital in accounting, and Beth is a nurse. We met at the hospital in fact.’
‘Wonderful. So you’re still swinging.’
‘Yes, but not as much as in the beginning, but we’re still active.’
‘Good for you, but because of me relocating I’ve had to suspend my activities for now, but it’s worth it.’
‘And you’re back here now because?’
‘Just tying up some loose ends. I’ll be leaving late tomorrow morning for Pennsylvania to take care of some business there and then back to my home base. I have to find those couples that…wait, would you two be interested?’
‘In going to a tropical island?’
‘For two weeks free. Since I’ve met you before and know at least a little about you two, I feel comfortable in inviting you and two and we can dispense with most of the interview.’
‘So how does this work again?’
‘You will be flown to near the island and then ferried over there. The small cottages are arranged in a half circle around a common building we call the dayroom. That’s where the new giant screen TV is located and there are numerous comfortable chairs, and lounges, light snacks and beverages, both alcoholic and non alcoholic provided. Oh the amenities are too numerous to mention. The guests dine in that dayroom and it’s ala carte, so you can have your choice of several things and of course desserts and…well you get the idea. There are three cottage groups on the island and no less than half a mile of tropical jungle separates them, so there is abundant privacy if that’s what you desire. You can walk on the beach, make love on the beach day or night, make love in the dayroom if you choose.’
‘Forgive me Earl, but this sounds too good to be true.’
‘I quite agree, but since I was intimately involved in the design of everything, I can assure you everything I’ve told you is completely true.’
The waitress came back a second time, so Al and Beth ordered the first thing they looked at and Earl went for more coffee. ‘Well if you two are interested I can leave you a sheet listing most of the information about the cottages and all of the niceties that you’d have. Then we could meet for coffee in the morning and you could let me know what you decide. I’ll have half an hour or so to answer questions, but then it’s off I go because I have so much to do before the research phase begins.’
Beth looked at Al and then at Earl and she convinced herself that she remembered him being at the swinger’s club. ‘Yes, we are interested Earl.’
‘Fantastic, I can already see you two strolling the sandy beaches without the bother of attire and getting all over tans.’
With arrangements made to meet in the morning, Earl excused himself, put money on the table and said he was paying for their dinner and then walked out. Beth and Al spent the next half hour talking fast back and forth and all but ignored their food.
Chapter Two
Earl was just late enough to make Al and Beth get antsy, but when they saw him come in smiling they relaxed. ‘Good morning, and it is a great morning for the three of us.’ He ordered a cup of coffee that he had no intention of touching and asked, ‘So did you two talk last night?’
Beth laughed and said, ‘We hardly slept Earl, and we’ve all but memorized the paper you left with us.’
‘Great, so start with the questions.’
‘First and foremost, there really is no cost to us. No fees or taxes or anything.’
‘Not even tips and that would be on the form that the three of us would sign. I don’t want to know where you bank, what your house is worth or anything about your credit card. It really is that simple. In fact you could leave your purse and wallet at home because you’ll be flying in a private jet. We’d start here at the municipal airport and pick up some other passengers along the way so it will be a long flight. Didi, the hostess will take very good care of all of you though.’ He pulled a form from his briefcase and said, ‘Now I’ll show you what you will be signing so you can look it over. I don’t want any surprises for you or for me.’ He held the form out and then pulled it back and said, ‘Damn.’
‘Something wrong Earl,’ Beth asked him.
‘Oh nothing earth shattering but I hate sloppy work and I just found some. This form
is short about four lines of text that you have to read and initial as well as sign at the bottom.’ That story was bogus of course. He’d printed that form off and intentionally left that information off of the form.
‘What’s missing?’
‘Please let me tell you all of it before you react okay?’
‘Once you arrive at the ferry, you’ll all be asked for your clothes. The whole two weeks will be spent naked, but believe me, you won’t have to worry about being cold. And you still get a vacation that is easily worth well over ten thousand dollars and there will be no record, so there is nothing to worry about come tax time.’
‘We’d be naked for two weeks?’
Right, but you two are comfortable with that aren’t you?’
‘Well, yes I guess we are, but…’
‘It’s up to you two of course, but I’d hate to see you miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.’
Beth looked at Al and said, ‘This really is a one time opportunity honey.’
‘I agree, and like you said Earl, this whole deal is worth a whole lot of money. Far more than we could ever afford to pay for any vacation.’
‘And I guarantee you that you’ll never have a chance to live naked for two weeks and indulge yourselves in more tasty dining and other pleasures than you’ll ever find anyplace else.’
‘That sounds wonderful and I say we go for it,’ and he smiled at Beth.
‘There’s one more thing that was left out at the bottom here. It informs you that you two will be separated for those two weeks.’
‘Aw shit,’ Al said.
‘Think of it this way,’ Earl said. Number one, you two will have a lot of time to visit and get to know all of the other guests on the plane, so it isn’t like either of you will feel abandoned when you get there.’
‘But what of the accommodations?’
‘Two to a cottage of course, and it will depend on the random computer selections who you end up with,’ which was yet another patent lie. The cottage assignments would be vigorously studied and planned. ‘You see, because of the research, you two being together as husband and wife wouldn’t teach us anything. It’s how you interact with the others that matter. Oh, and everyday at dinner, you’ll fill out a form of miscellaneous questions. Takes maybe five minutes or so and your name won’t be on it, only a number that tells us your sex and a few vital details about you. You’ll still walk the beach, get all over tans, get massages and watch movies and on and on. On the way home in two weeks you two will have hours to be together and talk as long and as fast as you want. You can even make love on the plane because Didi would see that your seats are reclined and a sheet is spread for you two to lie on.’
‘Beth, it’s up to you honey. Do you mind…can you deal with going two weeks of nudity around strangers for two weeks and me not be there?’
‘I think so. Earl, so this island is safe? I mean I don’t have to worry about being accosted right?’
He laughed and said, ‘That island is safer than Disney World ever thought of being. Again you have to be relaxed and able to enjoy yourself for our research to have meaning.’
She looked at her husband and then said, ‘Okay I’ll go. Now when does this happen?’
‘You have a month to get vacation time lined up from work. You’ll receive something by email detailing what you’ll do on the day of departure. Starting with where to go at the airport and what to do every step of the way. You’ll spend the day getting to the island and arrive just before dark, and then be ferried to the island where you’ll dine and visit with the other guests before you two are separated. Then you will be transported to your cottages. Then your fun will begin.’
‘So that’s all there is to it? You’ll leave now and in a month everything will just happen automatically.’
‘That’s right. The only thing you’ll have to be concerned with is driving to the airport and going to the terminal listed on the email. That’s it.’
‘Oh god, I’m already nervous. It’s going to be a long month.’
‘Oh yes it will be, but imagine what it will be like when you two are reunited two weeks later. You will have a grand and maybe intense celebration.”
Earl got their signatures and then stood up and said, ‘You two have a fantastic vacation,’ and he walked out as Beth and Al smiled at each other and held hands. They had to get to work, but they took a few minutes to talk, and then kissed and got on with their normal day, but their thoughts weren’t on work. Al was already coming up with concerns and Beth stopped in the middle of a presentation to three other employees because something came to her mind that concerned her.

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