Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 3: Rather Disturbing Developments free porn video

Lilah Morgan entered the holding rooms. Becker and Fink followed her. Cordelia rose from her bench. The vacancy had left her eyes. She looked disgusted.
"I might have known you'd be in on this, Lilah."?
"Dearest Cordelia," Lilah grinned. "It is always a displeasure to see you. I trust you're both, uhm, comfortable?"?
"I can't believe that you would get involved with a company that does this to women!" snapped Cordelia.
Lilah grinned.
"I admit I'm not their biggest fan, honey. But they get the job done and several of our front companies could do with new employees."?
"Front companies? What do you mean?"? Fred asked. She had risen in her cell too.
Lilah clicked her fingers.
"Oh, I forgot!" she said with mock concern. "We've made arrangements for you to be turned over to Wolfram and Hart front companies. New openings for future employment. A real second career."?
She pointed at Cordelia.
"We've decided to turn you over to a small film company to re-launch that acting career you wanted, remember? It won't be entirely what you originally intended." She chuckled. "But no worry, you'll be happy with it. And very famous very fast."
She turned to Fred.
"As for your friend, well unfortunately her mind won't be what it is now, I'm afraid. In fact she'll probably struggle to outsmart a vegetable after these eminent people here are done with her."?
She looked at Fink. He just nodded his head. Lilah turned back to Fred.
"On the bright side, though, sweetheart, you do have such lovely legs. We'll make sure you'll be getting plenty of opportunities to stretch them. I considered handing you over to one of our more executive gentlemen's clubs. Our staff holds membership there. But I reconsidered. I prefer making you the star attraction at one of our more down market strip clubs. Might suit you far better, believe me."?
"You'll never get away with this you know," Cordelia spit. She crossed her arms. "Angel will find us and he will be very pissed at you. I do believe his last threat was to kill you if you did anything to me again."
Lilah openly chuckled with glee now.
"Oh yes! That unfortunate incident with the psychic. Well, you know, honey, he's going to be rather busy with other, more important problems. We've seen to that."?
Lilah Morgan turned away from the two girls and produced a folder. She handed it to Fink.
"This folder details what we have planned for both of them, Fink. Cordelia will be turned over to a low budget porn company. She should be conditioned to do anything to ensure she gets a part in all their productions. Both on and off the camera. She'll be made completely submissive to the entire cast and crew of whatever she's working on."?
Fink nodded. He looked over the pictures of key production members at the company. They would need to be implanted in Cordelia's transformed brain.
"We'll see about that," he thought to himself.
"As for the other one, what's her name? I want her turned into a complete airhead. Erase all her scientific and other intellectual capabilities. I want her completely dependent on her body for her new livelihood."?
"Any specifics on the body?"? asked Fink.
"I'll leave those details to you," said Lilah. "But she should be naturally submissive, gullible and a glorified tease."?
Lilah turned over to the next page.
"New housing arrangements have been made for them. They will be living as a couple in a rather unpleasant neighborhood to say the least. They'll have a very sleazy landlord. Cordelia should be conditioned to service him on a daily basis. The pretense will be that it gets them a minor discount on their rent.
"Fred will be required to perform for him and his friends every now and then. Cordelia should be made the more dominant part of their relationship. She'll take out most of the anger and frustration she experiences in her job on Fred. Poor lil Fred will simply just take it. She should be completely devoted to Cordelia. She'll do anything and everything for her."?
"Interesting," Fink said with an insincere smile. "I don't get many requests to create a lesbian couple."
Lilah looked at him with an irritated glance.
"The sleazy landlord I mentioned intends to set up a web cam to broadcast them secretly. He plans to cash in on them. It was he who decided on their living arrangement."
"Very well," Fink lied. "A transformation like this one should take at least three days minimum to complete. Possibly more if any extra procedures are needed."
He had no intention whatsoever to show them his newer and faster programs. He'd better make it sound like an intensive process and charge them accordingly.
"One more thing," Lilah said. "All our acquisitions should be conditioned to recognize certain key Wolfram and Hart officials as their superiors. They should be programmed to serve as they see fit."
"Whatever, bitch," Fink mumbled beneath his breath.
Then he gave Lilah Morgan a brilliant smile.
Fink and Becker headed down the corridor towards the elevator.
Fink hadn't been pleased that he wasn't supposed to keep the girls. He would not even get any actual profit out of them. But he had to do as the damn lawyers asked. He needed them. And their trust, for what it was worth.
The two men stepped into the lift. Fink pushed the button for the office level. Becker turned to him. He stared with his cold eyes. "Now, Fink, what does this procedure entail?"?
Fink looked at his reflection in the elevator's mirror.
"Standard transformation is a three day process," he lied again. "On day one they are sent to the first stage area on floor three. There the simple procedure of hair, nails and make-up is done. Both will be given suitable looks for their new lives. Second stage on the fourth floor is the actual physical transformation. Neither of these two requires much work on the faces, except lip enhancement. But both will receive the standard leg extension, waist reduction and ass padding. Their tendons will be shortened and their breasts enlarged."
Fink smiled at the old fashioned humbug he was spooning out. The doors opened, they stepped out.
"I'm thinking growth hormones for Miss Chase and implants for Miss Burkle. I imagine the Burkle slut will need several implantations to reach the appropriate size for a BimboTech stripper. We'll give her back muscle enhancements to adjust to the new weight. She will also require some work on the ass. Miss Chase appears almost adequate in that area. The third day we will perform the mental changes on the fifth floor. The level of change you require may take more than one day. But they will both be ready inside a week."?
"Well, you'll be having other guests in three days time," said Becker.
"Yes," Becker said tonelessly. "We have arranged with one of our associates on the Sunnydale education board for a field trip. Students will tour your facilities in order to bring the sister of our main target here. They will believe they are on a science excursion."
The mousy man stopped.
"You will only have a few hours at most to augment the girl enough that her sister notices and comes here. What you do with her and her class is of no concern to Wolfram & Hart. We have no use for the sister. You'll be allowed to keep her."?
Fink smiled. It looked like his association with Wolfram & Hart might not be as bad after all.
Fred and Cordy staggered into the room. BT Security Bimbo Lustly had dosed them with some more happy gas. Both girls felt giddy and horny.
They were sat down.
Fink addressed them. He always addressed new girls. It was part of what he called his ethics. Maybe a lot of people would consider him selfish and cruel. He knew he wasn't. He had a mission in life.
"Now girls," he said with a kind voice. "I want you to know you'll be happy with the changes I planned. You really will, despite what Lilah says about Cordelia taking her frustrations out on Fred. I consider there to be three key ingredients to being a bimbo. Stupidity, a high sex drive and happiness. I never EVER change a woman without ensuring her happiness. Without happiness all you would be is a dumb slut. At BimboTech we don't do dumb sluts, we create happy bimbos."
He rose and touched Cordelia's flushed face. She moaned and pressed it against his hand.
"Now, be sweet bimbos. We'll meet again."
Fink left them to his staff. He had to see about preparing for the Slayer's sister, Dawn. And to confer secretly about a few new and state-of-the-art procedures no outsiders needed to know about.
Cordelia sat in the beautician's chair.
She came down from the gas-induced daze. She realized that she was strapped down. She also felt something odd in her ass. Her eyes went wide as she realized it was in fact a dildo. It stuck up from the seat.
She heard a moan coming from next to her. Fred seemed to have discovered the same thing.
Cordelia's chair was turned around.
She now saw the smiling faces of two bimbos. One was a short Asian girl with the same huge, fake looking tits that seemed the latest thing around here. She wore a short pink dress. The other bimbo was a redhead in a green, shiny halter-top and hot pants.
"Hi, babe, I'm Poontang!" greeted the Asian bimbo. Her long hair had blonde streaks in it.
"My name's Muffy!" the taller bimboslut called out. She made sure Fred heard her too. Fred looked still rather passed out. Thanks to the gas she probably didn't hear a thing.
Cordelia could only sit there.
She smiled despite herself. It must be the remains of the gas. The former Kate Lockley - now the happy BimboTech Security Officer, Cunt Lustly - approached Cordelia. In her hands was a long, phallus shaped billy-club.
In Cordelia's fuzzy-minded state, she thought the girl actually looked hot. She sported huge, pointing tits and skintight latex hot pants. They outlined the crack of her round ass, as well as her swollen pussy.
"Alright, sluts, it's time to, like, start on Cordy's makeover," Cunt purred. She massaged her tits. Then she took her billy-stick and began to tittyfuck herself with it.
"Give both of them the works, girls!"
Cordelia couldn't help but smile.
The gas kept working its way through her system. She even giggled a bit. She tried to shift in her chair, but the dildo in her ass caused her to wince in both pain and pleasure.
Cordy found herself completely helpless as Poontang applied acrylic extensions to her fingernails. It made them into inch long talons. While Poontang was busy with Cordelia's nails, Muffy epilated her eyebrows.
Fred looked on.
She tried to say something. In her mind she tried to protest, but all that came out was a giggle.
Cunt sauntered over to Fred. She rubbed the girl's small breasts. Then she worked her stick in and out of Fred's mouth like a cock.
"Don't worry, slut," Cunt Lustly giggled. "You'll soon, be, like, next."
The gas began wearing off of Cordelia's brain.
She gripped down on the arms of the chair. She dug the inch long red acrylic nails into them and felt the restrains bite into her flesh. Her head started thrashing from side to side.

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