Maria's Favor To A Geek - Chapter 7 free porn video

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Maria returns home to find her step-dad, Roy, drinking beer and watching TV. She goes to her room to drop off all of her things and then comes back out and looks around.

"Where's mom?" she asks, while standing in the archway leading to the kitchen.

"Gettin' her hair done at the mall." Roy responds.

"But... I was supposed to do it for her..." Maria says, disappointed.

"Well... complain to her..." he says, followed by a loud belch. "Are you making dinner?"

"No. I'm going somewhere for dinner tonight." she says.

"Kh-!! With who?" he asks in a demanding tone.

"My new boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Pffhh!" he laughs. "Another boyfriend already, huh? Let's see how long this one lasts..."

"..." Maria tenses up, and walks away into the kitchen.

"What are you expecting to happen...? You think he really cares about you...? You think he's actually going to marry you some day...?" he laughs. "I can't wait to see your dumbfounded expression when this guy dumps you after he's used you up. Just like all the others did."

Maria slams a cupboard in the kitchen and then storms off down the hallway.

"Oooh, touchy subject? Well listen here..." Roy goes off on a rant, but Maria just ignores him. She's already heard it before. She enters her bedroom and slams the door shut.

"Slam something else in this house and see what fuckin' happens!!" Roy screams angrily.

* * *

Michael returns home, feeling on top of the world. His smile is noticed immediately by his mom.

"Well, I'd say good day, but it looks like that might be an understatement." she says.

"Hey mom... my girlfriend Maria is coming over later. Is it okay if she stays for dinner?"

Ericka brings both her hands up to her chest, and cups them together. "Of course! That sounds really nice. I've been looking forward to meeting this girlfriend of yours."

Michael then heads up to his room to drop off his school stuff, and jumps in the shower to get cleaned up. When he comes out, his mom asks him what time Maria is coming over. His dad hears this and chimes in.

"Someone's coming?" Darren asks, curiously.

"Oh... Mikey's girlfriend is coming over for dinner tonight." Ericka explains.

"Ata boy!" Darren says, patting his son on the back as he walks by.

Michael heads into the kitchen and has a quick look around. "Hey mom... do we have anything for dessert?"

"Ummm... not really. I don't think cookies really count."

"Can we go to the store really quick? I wanna get something nice we can all have for tonight."

"Sure, we can go right now." She walks over to their bowl of random junk that they have sitting by the door and grabs her car keys.

* * *

Maria finishes up her shower and heads to her room to get dressed. She spends some time picking out something nice for dinner at Michael's. She tries on all sorts of different outfits in front of her mirror until she gets a combination she likes.

A little while later, she comes out of her room and can hear her mom, Mary, in the living-room, talking to Roy. Maria walks into the living-room and when her mom sees her, she says "Hey... how do I look?" touching hear hair, and placing her other hand on her hip.

"I thought you said I could do your hair."

"Oh... I didn't want to trouble you, Honey."

"Mom... I need the practice. It's what I'm planning to do for a career." Maria says, annoyed.

Roy loudly clears his throat. "Cutting hair isn't a career." he laughs. Maria quietly sighs and looks down at the floor.

"He's right, Sweetie. Maybe you should think about doing something else..." her mom says apologetically.

Maria's face turns neutral, and after a few seconds, she says "Can you give me ride?"

"Ahh..." Mary groans, rubbing her shoulder. "...lemme get in the house and get settled. I just got back."

Maria sighs. "Forget it..." she says monotone. She then swiftly walks to the door, slips on her shoes on and heads out.

* * *

Michael and his mom return home from the grocery store with a small, delicious ice-cream cake. As they walk into the house with it, Sarah sees it and her eyes go wide.

"Is that what I think it is? Oh my god... I want some!" she begs.

"It's for dessert tonight." her mom explains. "Your brother bought it because his girlfriend is coming over for dinner."

"Oh... That girl Maria?" she asks, looking over to Michael.

"Yeah." he says, nodding. Sarah smiles. Ericka heads into the kitchen and gets started on making dinner.

* * *

A little while later there's a knock at the door. Ericka answer it. "Hello!" she greets the guest.

"Hiiii." says Maria. She's wearing a white dress with a small pink sweater, off one shoulder, and not zipped. The dress has a cute purple flower pattern, and is a comfortable fit that comes down to just above her knees.

"Oh my goodness, don't you look so gorgeous!" says Ericka, reaching her arms around Maria and giving her a big, welcoming, warm hug.

"Y-you must be Michael's mom." Maria says, slightly embarrassed.

"You can call me Ericka, Sweetie. Come on in, and make yourself at home."

Maria steps inside and is quickly greeted by Sarah. "Hi. It's so nice to meet you, I'm Sarah, Michael's sister."

"Oh, hello. I'm Maria."

"I know." Sarah says, smiling.

Michael comes down the stairs and they make eye-contact. They both immediately blush and smile at each other. He admires her cute outfit. It's the first time he's seen her wear something like this. It isn't overly sexual, but still highlights her features in a way that makes her look very attractive.

"Hey..." he says. He walks over to her and can't help but notice her beautiful scent. Like a breeze when there's a flower garden near by. Subtle, yet very alluring.

"Hey you." she says, holding out her hand for him. They then walk into the dining room together. Michael lets her walk in front of him, and he gets a nice look at her ass, which is incredible as always. They then sit together at the table, and Michael's dad Darren comes into the room and suggests that they all play a board game while they wait for dinner. Sarah joins them, and they decide to just play some cards, since a board game would probably take too long. While they casually play some cards, they chat, and Maria gets to know Michael's family a bit more, and they all seem really nice and open to her. Ericka steps in and out from the kitchen every so often while she cooks to join in the conversation. Eventually dinner is ready and they all eat together, and continue to chat and have a really nice time.

Maria gets up to go use the bathroom. She realizes she's been there for two hours, even though it only feels like it's been thirty minutes. Before coming over, she was feeling really nervous about this whole thing, but now she's feeling a lot better and is really enjoying herself. She finishes up, and then washes her hands before heading back.

"Oop-" she says, opening the bathroom door, to see Sarah standing there. "Shall I leave the light on...?"

"Actually... can I talk to you for a minute?" Sarah says nervously.

"Oh... sure."

"I just wanted to say... that... you're the best thing that's ever happened to my brother..." Maria's heart suddenly jumps, and she starts to feel a warmth growing inside her chest. "I don't know if you know this, but... my brother was really depressed. He rarely smiled. Didn't really care about anything. But now... ever since you came into his life... this is the happiest I've ever seen him--" Sarah's voice cuts off. "Anyway..." she continues. "...that's all I wanted to say." Sarah then goes into the bathroom, and shuts the door.

Maria takes her time walking back downstairs. Her heart feels both heavy and light at the same time. She gets back to the dining room and sits next to Michael. He looks at her with a genuine smile, and she feels the warmth in her chest grow even faster.

A little while later, Ericka comes out from the kitchen carrying a stack of small plates and the ice-cream cake. "Who's hungry for some dessert?"

"Yeess!" Sarah squeals.

While they enjoy their cold snack, Darren sets up a board game for them to play. It's just a simple, luck-based, get to the end first type game. It doesn't take long for hilarity to ensue. Darren acts like a complete goofball, making cheesy lame jokes at every opportunity. Ericka gets some lucky rolls, multiple turns in a row, and jumping way out in the lead. Michael teases Sarah for getting the worst luck possible, and falling back to the start. This earns him an evil glare along with a raised angry fist. Meanwhile Maria breaks out into laughter, enjoying everything happening in the moment. Michael and Maria continue to exchange cute looks throughout the evening, and occasionally Maria leans on Michael's arm, or puts her hand on his.

After the game comes to an end, Darren asks "Shall we play another one?"

Michael looks at Maria and gently squeezes her hand. "Actually, I think we're gonna head upstairs for a bit..."

"Oh... alright then." says Darren, looking slyly over at Ericka.

They slide back their chairs and stand up. "Dinner was really great," Maria says respectfully. "Thanks so much for having me over."

"Of course! Anytime dear." Ericka replies. The two of them then step away and quietly head upstairs to Michael's room.

Once they are in his room, Michael shuts the door and before he even has time to react, Maria pushes him up against the door, kissing him. This catches him a bit off-guard, but he quickly recovers and wraps his arms around her. He returns her passion, and their tongues roll around and lick each other. Michael then slides his hands up and down her body, feeling all of her sexy feminine curves. The way her back arches and her wide hips and perfect round ass, all feel so amazing in his hands. Maria moans softly and Michael gets very aroused. Maria can feel his erection pressing against her and getting harder by the second. This turns Maria on so much that she starts to rocks her hips back and forth, rubbing her pelvis against his hardness. Michael then grabs Maria's ass and lifts her up, turning and pressing her up against the door, and starts grinding himself between her legs. Maria pants heavily with eagerness.

"Yess...! I want it...! Take me Michael...!" she moans. He sets her down, and they go over to his bed, where Maria lies down on her back. Michael removes his belt and unzips his pants. His massive erection sticks straight out proudly from inside his boxers. He then gets on the bed with her and positions himself between her legs. Maria reaches under her dress and slides her panties to the side, and then Michael leans down and places the tip of his penis to her warm moist opening. He looks into Maria's eyes and then slowly pushes inside her.

"Oh my god..." Maria moans, as she feels his throbbing hardness enter her. Michael then wraps his arms tightly around her, and starts fucking her.

For a short moment, the only sound in the room is the sound of Michael's penis thrusting into Maria's juicy pussy. It isn't long though before they both to start panting and moaning as their excitement shoots through the roof.

"Yess! Oh fuck yess! Fuck me baby!" Maria cries.

"Oh fuck... yesss... it's so good..." Michael moans. He loves the sensation of her vagina, with all the fleshy folds of her inner walls, gliding against his cock. Maria wraps her legs tightly around Michael's lower back and pulls him into her, and then the bed starts rocking and bumping into the wall as his thrusts radiate into the mattress harder and harder.

"Oh fuck... baby... yess... I'm cumming...!!" Maria cries. "YESSS!! OH MY G--!!" Maria's presses her face into Michael's shoulder to muffle her voice. Her body then starts shaking, and Michael can feel her pussy clenching around his cock.

"Holy fuck baby... yess..." he groans.

After a few seconds, Maria starts panting again, and then she grabs Michael's shirt and rolls herself over on top of him. Now sitting cowgirl, she starts slamming herself down onto his cock. Michael then grabs her ass and starts thrusting himself up into her.

"Yeesss...!! Your cock feels so good...!! Don't stop baby...!!" Maria cries.

"Oh my gguuuhhh..." Michael groans. After a minute or so, he lets go of her and then sits up. He then moves himself behind her, and pushes her forward, placing his pulsing dick to her dripping wet pussy. He immediately pushes it inside her and then grabs her hips and starts fucking her doggy-style.

"Oh baby... yeesss..." he moans. He loves the way she looks in this position. Her incredibly sexy body is just so amazing, it sends a warm tingle through his whole body. Just seeing the way her perfect ass cheeks bounce against his pelvis, or the way her back arches with such a sexy curve, makes his heart throb with desire. Michael tightens his grip and starts pounding her really hard.

"YESS!! FUCK ME!! HARDER!! OH MY GOD!!" Maria screams into Michael's pillows.

"Holy fuck... yeeesss!!" Michael groans, thrusting harder and faster. The sound of their bodies slapping together echo off the walls. Michael starts panting really hard, and feels the wonderful sensation of the pressure in his lower body about to reach its breaking point.

"Oh my god...!! Oh my god...!! I'm cumming again...!!" Maria cries.

"Holy fuck...!!" A warmth spills down Michael's back, and his face tingles with numbness as he reaches an incredible climax. He can't hold it back any longer. "Oh my-- gguuuhhh..." Michael shoves Maria down onto bed, lies on top of her, and thrusts hard and deep into her pussy as he unleashes his massive load inside her. They both climax together, and Michael collapses on top of her as he let's out a loud groan of satisfaction.

He can't believe how amazing it feels this time. Somehow his orgasm feels even better than all his previous times with her. It feels more loving and intimate, now that she's his girlfriend. It feels more like they're making love, which is double the pleasure.

Catching his breath, Michael slowly pulls out and rolls over onto his back beside Maria. They both pant hard while covered in post-sex sweat. It feels cool as the air in the room flows gently over their skin. Maria crawls over to Michael and cuddles next to him, and he wraps his arms around her, with her head on his chest. They stay like this for a while. Not saying a word. Just enjoying the ecstasy of the moment.

A little while later, after their breathing has returned to normal, Maria finally speaks. "Wow... that was amazing..." Michael gently rubs her back in response. Maria continues. "Believe me when I say this... that was... the best sex I've ever had." Hearing those words immediately sends a wave of pleasure through Michael's body. Just knowing that he can satisfy a girl like her makes him so unbelievably happy. They continue to cuddle for another 15 minutes or so, before Maria decides it's about time she head home.

They straighten up their clothes and then head out to the front step, where they wait for Maria's mom to come get her. It's now dark out, and the moon is partially covered by a long wavy line of clouds that makes it look like a milky river.

"Tonight has been... so much fun." says Maria, as she admires the night sky. "Your family is really nice. It makes me so happy that I could be here tonight, and experience all of this with you." Her smile then slowly fades away. "It's not like that at my house." Michael look over at her and listens intently. "I haven't told you the reason that I'm moving, have I? It's because I'm going to go live with my real dad. It's more normal there. That's where my brother went when he left for college. And I wanted to do the same. But maybe..." she pauses.

"Hmm...?" Michael waits for her.

"Umm... anyway... Tonight made me feel really good, and your family accepting me means a lot."

Michael puts his hand on hers. "You are an amazing, kind, and beautiful person, Maria. I already know that my family would have no issues with you coming by for a visit whenever the mood strikes you... if say... things at home are a bit uncomfortable. No need to call... just show up. Anytime. You're always welcome here."

They look at each other and admire each other. Then Maria turns towards him and kisses him. "I'm glad you're my boyfriend."


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GeekChapter 4

I spent the day in the office going over a few programmes I'd designed to infiltrate and datamine a server, mostly trying to tighten up the algorithms and compression ratios, the trick as ever being to make them appear as something they weren't. Bill came wandering in around mid-morning, looking rather grim. "Looks like Travis and Murcheson aren't going to take the hint," he said. "We may have a turf war on our hands." "Crap!" I muttered. The problem with a turf war was that the...

1 year ago
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My Brother The Geek

Note : This story is completely fictional! God, I hated this. I had my first accounting test Monday morning and all this liability and asset crap was driving me college and I hated it. I wanted to do well, but I don’t want to fail. I could ask my brother, but he was nothing but a damn geek. Yuck. Oh well. If I want to pass this test I guess I will have to ask him. Slowly I walked down the hall to his room. The door was open a little bit and I walked in. “Ron I ......” I stopped dead in my...

2 years ago
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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 4 revised

"Ohh fuck... Sarah..." he whispers. She crawls up to him, and kisses him softly on the lips. "Mmmm..." She pulls away, and brings her mouth to his ear. "I set my alarm," she whispers, "we can do whatever we want." She sits up, and gently rocks her hips, rubbing herself against Steve's crotch. "Ohh god..." Steve moans. Sarah looked so hot. She was wearing just her panties, and a thin shirt. Her young, petite body sat on top of him, with her legs wrapped around either side. Her...

4 years ago
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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 3

Mike walks over to them, and both Steven and Sarah's mouths hang open as they notice Michael's appearance. "Uhhh... wow, when did you get the new do?" (hairdo) Steve asks. "Oh, uh, a little while ago, that's why I'm just getting back now. How long have you been here?" Steve looks down at his watch, "Ohhh shit! It's been almost two hours. I've actually got to go man, sorry. I told my dad I was going to help him move some rocks for the yard." Steven gets up in a bit of a...

2 years ago
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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 6

It's the Monday after the gaming tournament, which means -- back to school. Michael spends the majority of the morning thinking about what Maria had said to him. After he left her house that night, they talked on the phone for a bit, and she reminded him that her goal is to help him. She used the quote about giving a man a fish vs teaching him to fish. It makes sense, and he knows it's true. Once she moves away, he'll have to get a girlfriend on his own. But at the same time he feels a bit...

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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 8

It's the weekend again, and Michael is on his computer doing some research for the trading card game that he saw people at school playing the other day. It looked like a lot of fun, and so he's learning the rules and looking up different strategies and trying to figure out what all he needs so he can play. After a while, he completes a list of cards he needs to buy, and then gets ready to head out. He looks at his watch and sees that it's still relatively early in the day, and so he gets...

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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 9

Maria nervously picks up her phone. It takes her several minutes just to dial the number. It starts to ring, and she takes a deep breath. "Y'ello!" a man's voice answers. "Hi Daddy." "Maria, good to hear from you! How is everything?" "Pretty good... ummm... well... the reason that I called is because, I wanted to tell you that I've decided to stay here after all." "Oh... okay. And why's that?" he asks, concerned. "Because... I met someone really special... and umm... I...

4 years ago
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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 10

Michael wakes up to the pleasant feeling of Maria gently stroking her fingers through his hair. They're snuggled together in his bed, his arm around her, and her head resting on his shoulder. She's wearing one of his shirts and a pair of his shorts that she borrowed. After their night of hot, passionate, drunken sex, they finally get up around noon. "Last night was really amazing." Maria says. "Mm-yeah... it was." he whispers. Maria leans over and kisses Michael on the cheek. They...

2 years ago
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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 4

"Ohh fuck... Sarah..." he whispers. She crawls up to him, and kisses him softly on the lips. "Mmmm..." She pulls away, and brings her mouth to his ear. "I set my alarm," she whispers, "we can do whatever we want." She sits up, and gently rocks her hips, rubbing herself against Steve's crotch. "Ohh god..." Steve moans. Sarah looked so hot. She was wearing just her panties, and a thin shirt. Her young, petite body sat on top of him, with her legs wrapped around either side. Her...

3 years ago
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Thrasher Girls 3 8211 Geeks

It was a Wednesday afternoon a few weeks ago, and it was fucking cold. I was in my leather with a sweater on and about three tee-shirts underneath, and I was still freezing my tits off. Nikki, tams and I were sitting in Magic Beans at a back table after school. As always, we were discussing what we were going to do that weekend. We knew it would have to involve some serious partying and fucking, but we weren’t quite sure of the details yet. For the last month or so, we’d been...

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Control Geek

by Randy MacAnus Mitchell Gandolf was a wizard at science, especially Chemistry and Micro-Biology. So, inevitably, he was a geek of the first magnitude. They called him Mr. Wizard at school and usually not in a kind way. His last name didn't help. Even though it was spelled a bit different than the wizard from the “Lord Of The Rings”, it was pronounced the same. His fellow geeks in the Science Club thought it was really cool. Everyone else thought it was really dorky. His science club...

2 years ago
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Anne the Geek

Anne The Geek Giving credit where credit is due, based on a suggested story premise by Beth. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I was only 3 weeks out of high school when the events that would change my life entirely occurred. I was alone at home when I snuck into my little sister's room. I had done it a thousand times before. I'd wait for when mom and Becky were gone, and I'd sneak in and try on her clothes. I loved how they felt. When I felt like...

1 year ago
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Turning My Brother Into a Geek

I always know that my older brother, Jake is not into geeky stuffs anymore. He was. He was more into video games rather than comic books like me. But after he started working as a junior architect, he started to abandon all the geeky stuffs. Saying that it’s all for kids. Which make me mad and insulted. But I brush it off. Until that one particular day… “Dad! I am off to the convention with Maya!” I shout as I am heading to the door. “Allright! Just be back before midnight!” He replied as...

1 year ago
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Rachael and her three geek friends

One of the primary reason Rachael did that cause she thought of herself as one of them, although her looks completely disagreed with her.She was a beautiful blonde having blue eyes,ample boobs and an ass to die for.No wonder,all the players and popular guys had tried their luck with her but miserably failed.Rachael was still a virgin and she wasn't planning to change that anytime soon.She was aware that most guys who asked her out just wanted to fuck her maybe that's why she found solace...

2 years ago
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The Geek

Jerry turned away from the computer desk, looked over at Mrs. Wilson, and said, ‘I think I’ve got all the problems sorted out. You sure had made a mess of this thing. I thought there for a while that I’d have to format it and reload Windows. Is there anything else you need for me to do?’ Mary Wilson had been sitting on the side of her bed, watching the tall thin young man as he worked on her computer. A faint smile played around the corners of her mouth as he asked the question. The sexual...

3 years ago
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Beauty and the Geek

My name is Rachel (or perhaps not). I am white, blonde, of medium height and slender body, with B-cup breasts (although I have nordic features, my buttocks stand out, like in many Latinas, although not too much). My family is middle-class with artistic-type careers and liberal minds. I was a party and disco girl with enough sexual experience with other young guys of the night scene, and I even had a discreet fling with a lesbian. In one way or another, this cheerful but intelligent attitude...

2 years ago
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Hot for a Computer Geek

I wasn’t looking for a fling. I had never even entertained the idea. However, there was something about the young man that came to fix our family’s home computer that put naughty ideas in my head. The family computer crashed and I decided to call that popular company that sent a computer geek to your home in a tricked out little car. I had heard that they were good and reasonably priced, allowing the luxury of the customer never having to leave the home. I made the appointment and due to...

2 years ago
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A nerd and a geek

We share a love of comics. A true nerd in love with a geek. You remember every detail, while I forget instantly. But oh, how I love to hear you talk about it! Seeing you light up with excitement about this nerdy world makes me so very happy. I would listen to you for days. You know my favorite anti-superhero is Deadpool. And you have read them all. I have tried but prefer to listen to you tell me all the little details I missed.Deadpool 2. A must-see movie for us of course. I am so excited! My...

Love Stories
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Lara Crofts new geek

You are nineteen years old and you have got an interview about a private job at some country manor. It pays well and you think it is right up your street. You are somewhat a geek and you have been at college for a year and a half and want to gain some on the job experience. You haven't got any real friends, and are not even close to getting a girlfriend. You have been told to go to a house in Hertfordshire, which is just outside London, where you live. You are told to go down this country lane...

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Geek Gets Revenge

I was cruising the slums, looking for pussy-for-hire, when I had to slam on my brakes. I almost got rear-ended by a guy in a Suburban that was obviously looking for the same sort of thing I was. I waved him around, and he sped off with a mouthed insult about my driving.I couldn't help it. I saw someone I knew. Carla Dawes. From high school. She had been a cheerleader, just seven years ago, a hot brunette with lovely tits and an ass that approached divine. She had always been on the arm of some...

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Geeks Frat Reunion

About a month ago I received a letter from a college fraternity brother of mine. I hadn't seen John since graduation three years before and now he was trying to get a group of us together for the first football game of the season. He had settled down in the town where our university was located while most of the rest of our click had moved away. The plan was to go to the game and then to the old frat house afterwards. We'd finish off the night back at John's place.I looked forward to the visit...

4 years ago
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The Geek

I began having a lot of problems with my work laptop, so once or twice a week I needed to go into the office and see the IT guy.He was shy, maybe a little younger then me, and I would consider him a geek or nerd type.He always had the same song playing when I visited his office. I eventually heard it on the radio and got to hear the whole song, it was “Someday” by Sugar Ray. Listening to the lyrics led me to suspect it was no coincidence. That song was playing for me. I think he had a crush...

1 year ago
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The PC Geek Male Multiple Orgasms

Mary Wilson had been sitting on the side of her bed, watching the tall thin young man as he worked on her computer. A faint smile played around the corners of her mouth as he asked the question. The sexual scenes that had been running rampant through her mind as he worked would have probably scared the poor boy to death, if she were to verbalize them. The rumors around the neighborhood coffee clutches, had been running wild for the last few months, about the young computer geek that was hung...

1 year ago
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College Geek Loves BBC

It had been a long week at school, Friday was very welcome my room mate was away for the weekend and I decided to head out to the pub for a few drinks. I'm a 22 year old college student I stand 5.8, about 168 lbs, firm c cup tits with dirty blond hair and glasses. I guess you could call me sort of a geek but I have a very good hard body and have never had any trouble finding a man to take home and Fuck the Hell out of me! I'm a straight A student I love sports and learned to enjoy sex very...

4 years ago
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Computer Geek to Pretty Freak

This story contains some sex and involves some playful forced feminization. It is intended for boys and girls over the age of 18. Play nice. Computer Geek to Pretty Freak ? by: Little Miss Vicky Kay I was the hottest programmer in the office until Jill showed up. She was a tall punk woman with artificially red hair. She had piercings and tattoos and she was hot and very intimidating. I was short and thin and a bit nervous around women so I was shocked that she took an interest...

3 years ago
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The Quiet Geek

THE QUIET GEEK James and Mary Peacock were a quiet couple. She was a failure of the English private school system, their aim being to produce a self confident in addition to a well rounded education. She got the education, but didn't gain the forceful character like so many of her colleagues. He was also naturally quiet, being a chubby child, of below average height, prior to his teens he was seen as an easy target for bullying. The difference with James was that, having been the...

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The Geek Gets It

I really should be going. I’m already twenty minutes late back from my lunch break, but the boss is away. I can handle anything his gormless assistant, Doug might throw at me.I’m in the sandwich shop adjacent to our office block, I rarely ever used this place before Cherry took it over. I now find myself coming here every lunchtime, and it’s certainly not for the quality of the food. I’ve put a lot of effort into chatting her up on a daily basis, she didn’t bite at first, but slowly I seem to...

First Time
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The geek and the escort

“Nooo,” A loud shriek filled my ears as I saw my fellow soldier fall down to the ground next to me. I ducked into cover behind the burned out car. Grenades were exploding around me, glass shattered and soft hisses of bullets barely missing me told me to stay low. “I knew we should have gone the other way. They were expecting us to come through this alley. Now I’m pinned down,” I shouted in the headset. “Just find them and kill them, come on!” an exited female voice replied in my ear. I quickly...

First Time
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Screwed by the other Computer Geek

Sweat was dripping from my forehead. It was like a salty bitter rain that I loved so dearly. The pace was frantic and the work was arduous. My breasts were fluttering across my chest as my heart beat at a wild pace. My legs felt like rubber but I had to keep going, I enjoyed this way too much. Finally, I heard it, the most pleasurable sound in the world. It was my timing device and my workout was finally done. I loved my cardio routines and my upcoming competition was just a week away. I had...

Straight Sex
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Band Geek Diary Alternate Events

[Author’s note: This story, set in the Band Parents Universe, is an alternate set of events in “Band Geek Diary” and could replace the chapters for those dates.] February 22 It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday morning to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the Kowalskis. She blushed and tried to make it sound like it was just two couples being good friends, but I knew...

2 years ago
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Geek Luv

Copyright© 022206 Flip. And her red hair cascaded down around her shoulders. I had her try the process again after the patch was applied. Success. She smiled her stressed out smile, that end of the month accounting group overworked, I've got to close the books smile she uses. "Good to go?" "Yep, I'll be able to get my reports done now." "Excellent, let me know if you have any other issues." "OK" That has been out relationship. I'm the computer geek, she's the head bean...

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