GeekChapter 4 free porn video

I spent the day in the office going over a few programmes I'd designed to infiltrate and datamine a server, mostly trying to tighten up the algorithms and compression ratios, the trick as ever being to make them appear as something they weren't.
Bill came wandering in around mid-morning, looking rather grim.
"Looks like Travis and Murcheson aren't going to take the hint," he said. "We may have a turf war on our hands."
"Crap!" I muttered. The problem with a turf war was that the authorities who mostly looked the other way to our general activities did not like us causing problems of an unlawful nature openly.
"Plan is to draw them into the open and stamp hard on their nuts, so to speak," said Bill. "Our Cyber Division is also going to wreck their setup too."
"So I'm bait now?" I asked.
"Yep," said Bill. "We reckon they'll try to get you when you visit Julia. So be careful, they're already pretty pissed at you for vanishing last night, also a bit bruised too when they bounced off your door."
"Serves the bastards right," I said with a grin. "I do wish I'd been able to wire it into the mains as well."
"Now, now Geek, electrocuting postmen is a big no-no," Bill replied with a grin of his own.
I'd sorted out my work by 2pm and left the office via a taxi to the care home where Julia was being looked after. I knew the team and other resources were around, I just didn't know where and I wasn't looking for them either. Still the attack when it did happen was quite a shock, I was wandering through the building to the dayroom where Julia spent most of her time when I was grabbed roughly and flung into a small room whereupon I was promptly Tasered. Trust me on this, do not allow yourself to be Tasered. It hurts like hell and all you can do is what I did, collapse to the floor gasping like a fish out of water only to watch a boot come sailing in to my ribs causing me to skid across the floor in agony.
"Funny fucker, aren't you!" came a growl. "Well laugh this off."
The blow however never came as there was a crash and the door to the room exploded open and Bill and John waded in, closely followed by Emma and Brian.
Whilst the three military types proceeded to beat the crap out of my assailants, Brian picked me up and half dragged me out of the room.
"You're going to be sorry and sore for a few days, Geek," he said. "But your ribs aren't broken at least, just badly bruised."
"Thanks mate," I said with feeling. "Any idea how they're getting on?"
Brian just smiled as Bill, John and Emma strolled out of the room looking a bit ruffled, but otherwise fine.
"Only five of them," said Bill. "Must think you're a wuss."
"I am with a Taser in my guts," I admitted.
"Have some fun," Bill said and handed me the offending Taser.
I'm not by nature a sadistic person, but these guys clearly had it coming. However the Team had been just too thorough and all five were unconscious and I didn't want to waste the charge on people who couldn't feel it.
"We'll dispose of the trash," said Bill. "You go and see Julia."
I wandered into the dayroom and up to Julia who reached out and took my hand when she saw me and smiled. No words, just the most beautiful smile that melted my heart and reminded me of better days.
Laura, Jennifer and Debby had come in the room and just stopped, amazed at the beam on Julia's face, then rushed up to hug us all.
"Just seen Bill and the team," said Laura, "Looks like they had some fun."
I explained what had happened and they all looked at my ribs.
"I expect Mother is not going to be too pleased about this," said Debby.
"Past caring," said Jennifer. "As far as I'm concerned I'm going to live my life the way I want too."
"Me too," said Laura. "Be nice if you're a part of it though, David."
"I will be, for all of you so long as you want me there," I said.
This got me quite a few kisses and the afternoon was spent in warmth and laughter.
The following day, for all it was a Saturday, had me in the office for a face to face with Earl and a certain Callum Murcheson.
Essentially I ended up with an apology and a promise to leave me (and the Company) well alone for the restoration of their database and the return of their squad, though God alone knew what Bill had done with them.
After that I met the sisters in town for an informal lunch and we compared diaries to see as and when we could get together, though the approach of the summer holidays would make this a bit tricky. Still all three of them figured they could cover for each other in order to have some occasional fun with me.
"Would you have a problem if we used your house, David," Laura asked diffidently. "I know you were a bit sensitive what with it being Julia's house too, but until she recovers more I figure you would enjoy some company there."
I thought about it, it had seemed like a betrayal at first, though the more I got to know my sisters-in-law the more complex I realised the family dynamics were. I suspected that Julia wouldn't mind, though it would be subject to change if she did recover.
"OK," I said and explained my reasoning.
The smiles I got in reply really lifted my spirits and we parted to sort out various errands and in my case do my food shopping.
The following week the Team were away on a mission up in Scotland, we'd been tasked to test the security of the Parliament building, which frankly was poor, mostly due to the fact that there were politicians using it. Same with Westminster too. Mostly they didn't have a clue, nor were they amenable to advice. They simply expected us to beef up the system then complained because it did what they asked rather than what they wanted.
Still it was good to be heading back home. I suspect most of us were happy dealing with terrorists rather than politicians; at least we could shoot the odd terrorist.
I called into see Julia, before heading back to the house. There was no change though she still took my hand and smiled. I spent several hours with her just talking over my week before heading back to the house and a hot shower.
I'd let the sisters know I was home, but they too were busy so I decided to settle in, sitting in just a terry towelling bath robe and watch a DVD along with a few beers after sorting out my laundry.
At 8pm though, the doorbell rang and upon opening the door I found myself face to face with my mother-in-law Hannah.
"Hello Hannah," I said. "This is a surprise."
"Could I come in and talk to you, David," she asked.
Every impulse in my body was screaming at me to just slam the door in her face. The only reason I didn't was the fact I knew my Julia would disapprove if I did.
"Sure," I said. "Come on in."
Hannah is very much like Jennifer, 5' 8", slim though bigger breasts, the term most would use is 'well preserved', she doesn't look her age (54), but no-one is going to mistake her for a young woman either. The other thing a lot of people notice when they get close is that Hannah seems to be bitter and angry about, well, just about everything really.
Hannah sat on the sofa and I asked if she'd like a drink.
"Wine please, red if you have it," She said. "It seems as if I underestimated you, David."
"A lot of people do," I said. "Comes with the territory of my job."
"Yes, Julia always said there was more to it than she was allowed to say. I thought she was just trying to make you appear better than you were," Hannah stated.
"What do you want Hannah?" I asked.
"How much?" she said.
"How much for what?" I asked.
"How much for you to just get out of my family's life?" she said angrily.
"You don't have anything like enough available to cover that cost," I said. "Besides, they're my family too, by marriage," I growled holding up my ring.
"You bastard!" she shouted. "All I want is what's best for my family and you come along and ruin everything for Julia and now spread your coarse, crude self into the lives of my other daughters!"
"No, all you want is what's best for you! What makes you look good! Otherwise you wouldn't have saddled Laura, Jennifer or Debby with men they utterly despise and who abuse them!" I ground out.
"How dare you!" she screamed at me. "Everything I've done has been to give them good lives with security!"
"But not happiness," I stated. "Just what Hannah wanted, not what they wanted and then forced them to comply. Well, those days are over, thank God!"

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