Universum 37 Star Trek Der er Q ikliche Test
- 2 years ago
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Rauch lag über der Stadt Sogo und den Trümmern des Labyrinths zu ihren Füssen. In weitem Umkreis um die Stadt bedeckte der Mathmos den Boden. Die Flüssigkeit befand sich in ständiger Bewegung die je nach Konsistenz des Mathmos schneller oder Träger ausfiel. Alles Leben, das der Mathmos berührte wurde von ihm aufgenommen. Die Erde bebte und lange Zeit hinweg veränderte sich das Aussehen des Bodens, als Felsen und Steine verschwanden, sich Bodenspalten öffneten oder sich an anderer Stelle plötzlich Felsstücke erhoben. Über dieser Szene schwebte eine grosse Gestalt, die nur auf den ersten Blick für einen Vogel gehalten werden konnte. Die Gestalt war für einen Vogel zu gross und seine Form war unproportioniert.
Ein imaginärer Beobachter hätte bald erkannt, das es sich in Wirklichkeit um drei Gestalten handelte. Der eigentliche „Vogel" war ein grosser Mann mit Flügeln dessen Erscheinung dem populären Bild eines Engels entsprach. Sein Name war Pygar, er war das letzte Exemplar der Ornithantrophen und er war Blind.
Jeweils links und rechts von ihm klammerte sich eine junge Frau an ihn, zusätzlich gehalten von seinen Armen.
An seiner rechten Seite befand sich eine schlanke Blondine in einem grünen Einteiler und grünen Stiefeln. Ihr Name war Barbarella und Sie gehörte eigentlich nicht hierher. Sie kam von der Erde und war eine Astronavigatrice die Aushilfsweise im Auftrag der Erdregierung nach dem verschwundenen Wissenschaftler Duran Duran und seiner Erfindung, einer Waffe gesucht hatte. Ihr Weg hatte Sie nach vielen Gefahren schliesslich in die hinter ihr kleiner werdenden Stadt Sogo geführt. Die letzten Verwicklungen hatten dort zum Tode des Gesuchten, der Zerstörung der Stadt und ihrer Flucht geführt.
Auf der anderen Seite des Engels hielt sich eine Frau fest die von ihrem Körperbau her Barbarellas Zwillingsschwester hätte sein können, die aber sonst gar nichts mit ihr gemein hatte. Ihr hübsches Gesicht hatte arrogante Züge angenommen und ihre Augen blickten hart und unnachgiebig. Schwarze Haare umgaben ihr etwas bleiches Gesicht, und schwarz war auch ihre Kleidung die aus Durchsichtigem Gewebe und Fell bestand. Ihren Namen hatte Sie vergessen, denn Sie wurde nur als „die schwarze Königin" oder auch „der grosse Tyrann" bezeichnet. Bislang hatte Sie Sogo und das umliegende Land regiert. Duran Duran hatte Sie entmachtet und Sie hatte im Gegenzug den Mathmos befreit der die Stadt zerstörte. Sie hatte alle Macht besessen und verloren und tief in ihrem Innersten hasste Sie Dafür Barbarella und den Engel.
Langsam trug der Ornithantrop die beiden Frauen über das unruhige Land und den Mathmos, jenen See aus lebender positiver Energie der sich von den Bösen Gedanken und Taten der Menschen ernährt hatte. Da er Blind war, seit er im Auftrag der schwarzen Königin geblendet wurde, ersetzte Barbarella seine Augen und dirigierte seinen Flug. Ihr Problem war, das Pygar nur eine ungefähre Ahnung hatte wo ihr Raumschiff sein musste und die beiden Frauen schauten sich intensiv um, da Barbarellas Schiff auch nicht besonders gross war.
Barbarella konnte spüren das der durch das zusätzliche Gewicht der beiden Frauen doch recht belastete Pygar allmählich Müde wurde. Plötzlich sah Sie hinter einer Felskante die typische Rumpffarbe ihres Schiffes.
„Da !" rief Sie erfreut aus.
„Pygar, ich sehe mein Raumschiff. Es ist nur ein paar Hundert Meter weit weg, etwas mehr rechts."
Der Engel änderte seine Flugrichtung etwas.
„Ja genau. Bravo, wir haben es gleich gesch... oh nein."
„Was ist denn ?" fragte Pygar als auch die Königin einen enttäuschten Ausruf von sich gab.
„Mein Schiff ist in eine Erdspalte gerutscht. Seine Hülle ist eingedrückt. Damit werden wir hier nicht mehr wegkommen."
Barbarella ballte in Hilflosem Zorn die Fäuste.
„Lass uns landen und den Schaden begutachten."
„Vorsicht !" mahnte der grosse Tyrann, „Da unten sind Felsen mit scharfen Kanten und losen Steinen. Ich möchte mir nicht das Genick brechen."
Unterstütz durch Anweisungen der beiden Frauen landete Pygar sicher auf einem Plateau nahe des unbrauchbaren Schiffes.
Schwärze. Bewusstsein. Das Wissen in der Dunkelheit zu schweben. Aus einem Zustand von Nichts, das plötzliche Bewusstsein zu Sein, und einen Zustand zu erleben den man definieren konnte. Sie erwachte. Mit dem Erwachen kam ein Kopfschmerz der zuerst den Schädel zu sprengen drohte, dann aber langsam verschwand. Und mit dem verschwinden des Kopfschmerzes kam die Erinnerung. Sie war Dana Katherine Scully, Special Agent beim Federal Bureau of Investigation und Partnerin Von Fox „Spookie" Mulder. Sie...
Uniperversum 37 Drei Engel für Charlie - Folge 8 : Die Farm VORSPIEL : Kelly, Jill und Sabrina werden unter dem vorgeschobenen Grund eines misslungenen Drogenhandels als Gefangene auf eine experimentelle Gefängnisfarm gebracht. Dort sollen Sie Gerüchte über unhaltbare Zustände überprüfen. Aber der Plan wird schon verraten, bevor die drei noch Überhaupt dort ankommen. In vier Busssen sollen die Gefangenen zu der Farm transportiert werden. Als die Engel zum Abtransport fertiggemacht werden,...
Just as David was finishing up washing his dinner dishes, his sister, Kate, snuck up behind him and dumped hers in the sink. “Wash mine too,” she said. “What?” fifteen-year-old David asked. “Do your own fucking dishes!” “David,” came their mother’s rising inflection of warning from the other room, “what have I told you about the cuss words?” Oh shit, thought David. “But, Mom, Kate-“ “I don’t care what Kate did,” rumbled the deep baritone of their dad. “For that, you’ll wash her dishes,...
Jean looked at the text on her phone. ‘Becky and I both have a lecture-free afternoon. How about I bring her home for a lesson?’Jean felt the itch in her groin start. This is just what she hoped would happen, her son, whom she had taught the art of fucking and a seventeen-year-old cock virgin. Rory had told her that Becky had popped her own cherry with one of her mother's dildos, but never had a cock slid up her.'Bring her over, I will be ready and waiting,' Jean texted back. She sat for...
IncestYou live a fantasy on Lush, portraying yourself as loose, slutty and well-seasoned, sexually speaking. You get turned on reading the stories about the sexual episodes of others, and you find yourself almost obsessed with sex chat. You tell the story of someone who knows their way around, and you expose your dirtiest thoughts to strangers in a sexy, explicit way. Yet this belies the real you. The real girl is often reserved, shy, sometimes withdrawn in a group, and a virgin. Why is there such a...
Peering through a slit in the front window curtains, I discover who knocks. Little blond Luz and brunette Carlita, ages nine and ten! “Hello ladies. Looking for Regina? Come in! Right this way. Through here, girls!” I crack a big grin and shout, “Mama? Visitors! Are you decent, Mama? Here’s your robe!” The kids follow into the house, out the kitchen back door, and into my quarters aboard EROS. They’re pleased and excited to see Regina, and she them. Lot’s of hugging kissing going...
Here’s the latest instalment of my adventures with Sarah. This follows on from my story titled Public Sex.For those of you who may not have read that story, I’ll lay down the background. When I was in my 20’s I was dating a girl who I’ll call “Sarah”. She was a couple of years younger than me, tall, with long gingery-blonde hair, blue eyes, gorgeous boobs - pert, pale with amazing nipples. She wasn’t a classic beauty, but there was a certain ‘something’ about her that turned heads. Sarah loved...
Chapter 1: Nick's Delimma(Nick ventures into Jaclyn's room)Nick lay back on the bed and sighed. When Monica said she was only going to be 10 minutes to freshen up, he knew it would be longer. She had asked him to come over and pick her up so they could go out for lunch.Of course, she wasn't ready yet, she had to ‘freshen up.’He looked around her room, delighted at how feminine it was. As a guy he couldn't quite understand the need for all the bright pastel colors, frilly decorations and girly...
Philip had just enjoyed getting his cock sucked by Celia and now he was ready to give the sexy young petite blonde a ride that she'd never forget. Her sexy blowjob had taken the edge off his own insatiable sexual appetite and now he was prepared to give this hot little babe a feel of what a real man's cock was like when he was totally aroused and prepared to fuck her until she was satisfied. As Philip felt his cock growing into another raging hardon, he was not only thinking of the next...
Authors Note: Although based on certain true events, this story is a work of fiction. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It builds slowly and contains a lot of details. Yes, there is sex in this story. No, it doesn’t happen right away. If you are looking for a story with raunchy sex at the get-go that never lets up, you probably won’t enjoy this. Most of the scenes are a build-up of erotically charged circumstances. ———————————————————— continued from Part 3 Ashley climbed onto...
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A married couple is lying in bed one night. The wife is curled up, ready to go to sleep, and the husband turns his bed lamp on to read a book. As he’s reading, he periodically reaches over to his wife and fondles her special area. He does this a few times, but only for a very short interval before returning to read his book.The wife gradually becomes more and more aroused and, assuming that her husband is seeking some encouragement before going further, Gets up and starts stripping in front of...
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I was having dinner at a new Mexican restaurant in my hometown with a girl friend and her husband after another female friend was a no show. Naturally, dining with a married couple makes a single woman feel like a third wheel. I sat across from my friends as we munched through the chips and dip. Kathy's husband has always struck me as, well, OK, good body, runs, bikes and swims but she has said little about their sex life. Oh the normal girl talk, sex just has not been one of our hot topics....
ExhibitionismI was at the sweet age of eighteen. Although, I wasn't completely innocent at this age, I was quite experienced with males at this time, but sex with a girl had only been a distant fantasy in my mind of which I thought the opportunity would never arise. I was at a school friends party with all of my friends; drinking, dancing and having a good time. I had a little too much to drink so I decided to take a seat next to an attractive, middle-eastern looking girl. She soberly introduced herself and...
LesbianHi to all readers and this is my first story so sorry if something went wrong or you dont like and myself Ravi name changed 21 years old with a good height of 5.11 and with a good body structure as I was a athlete in my school days and a gym freak now. About my gf her name is Priya name changed with a figure of 34 28 35 slim and fair in color but not with a good height just 5.3 and now let’s begin with the story and this happened when I was studying in school Priya used to like me for 1 year...
It was 8 o’clock in the morning. Christian Woodson raised his head from the floor. He looked down at his body. He had nothing on but his red briefs. “Oh, shit,” he whispered loudly. He jumped up and looked around the room.Above where Christian was sleeping was a bed. He presumed a girl was sleeping in said bed. Still wondering what happened last night, he quickly put on the clothes he had on last night and quickly got out of the room.“I can’t believe it. Was it this wild?" he said to...
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FetishHi this is ankit here 27 years male from delhi. Any unsatisfied female from delhi if willing to enjoy a steamy session can contact me. But males please stay away from asking the identity of female. This is a real incident that happened to me last week. Nothing fake and imaginary. I’ll be giving even the smallest details so kindly be patient. I am a regular gym going guy from west delhi. There are many cute girls who come there but one day came ratika. About ratika 29 years jaatni perfect shape...
AJ knows that this is her one chance to get a big shot investor to take a chance on her bikini label. She’s heard that he’s a player, with a penchant for curves, and the best way to convince him that he is making the right decision is to show him exactly what she has to offer. She decides to model one of her favourite designs personally, and when he sees her, he can’t deny that this definitely enhances the wearer’s curves. Within moments, he takes the deal and she ensures that this business...
xmoviesforyou*sneaks into the house and sees your back to me*Sunday'MichaelGET ON THE GROUND YOU CUNT!SundayLoriomg pleaseplease don'tdon't hurt meSunday'Michaelshut up....lie face downand put your hand on the back of your headhands*SundayLoricries and lays down shaking with fearSunday'Michael*rummages around looking for valuables*dammit....not a whole lot of good stuff here...*looks over and sees that shirt riding up a bit and notices you're not wearing panties*be quiet!where's the good stuff at?*walks...
Hi, My name is DD. This is another Adventure in my hopeful quest. The other night my Mistress had a very life altering possibly event. My Mistress told me that DD was coming out to play. We began the day texting each other, me expressing my desire to come out and play. My Mistress telling me that there would be a price I would play. I readily agreed with the passion I have at servicing my Mistress. My Mistresses first instruction was for me to go home take a shower and make sure I was all...
FetishSLUT ANN’s Toilet OrdealMy name is Ann, well actually, it's been Slut Ann most of my life. My body has ruled me always. My nipples would itch, then when I played with them or scratched them, a charge would go through my body and make me crazy, insanely horny. It’s like the beginning of a huge orgasm that stays with me until I cum. The type of horny where there are no limits.We were very poor, so clothes weren't replaced regularly. As a result, I wore old then panties where the liner was wearing...
Hi mera name rajesh malhotra he.Hum log jaipur ke rahnewale he.Me bsc ki padai karraha hu.Mere parivar me sirf tinlog he. Me mere papa aur meri mummy.Mere papa ka name kishor bhai aur meri mummy kaname sima he.Mere papa ek dilhi ki mnc me job karte he.Meri mom house wife he aur ex.Teacher bhi he.Mummy ne mere peida hone ke bad job chod di thi.Hum log dilhime rahte he.Papa mahine me do tin bar ate the. Ye kahani meri mom aur mere school ke techer ki he.Jiska name ravi he.Mene iss pe do kahani...
It was dark when I left school and it was raining quite heavily. The air was cold, even for an October evening. It was my first year at the university and I was just getting used to this big city. Everything was new for me, being from a tiny town – not only living on my own for the first time in my nineteen years of age, but also all the possibilities of the city. The city, where no one seemed to care about you.I was walking down the street, when I saw a red neon cutting through the dark. „SEX...
Friday 19-Oct 2007 "You're going to score tonight!" Chris looked at Geno. Yeah, he probably was. In fact, given the way Shahia had been looking at him all day, it was almost certain. No. He recalled her comment about the kiss; she planned for it to be tonight. But still, he was annoyed by the way Geno had put it. So what that everyone knew that they were going to Phantom tonight. Shahia was excited beyond measure, and now she was certainly that exuberant outgoing life-of-the-party...
I started getting interested in sex when I was 17. I didn’t actually have sex until I was 18. At 17 I would masturbate too many nasty thoughts and after being told a few stories from older friends I would find it increasingly easy to cum. I suppose you could say I was a bit of a wild child. I had an older boyfriend who was 17 but he never knew about my solo fun. One day I got bored at home, nobody was in and nothing interesting was on the television. A crazy thought came into my head. …
Opening the front door, he barely got in the house when he was tackled. Laughing, he picked up his Princess in his arms and she put her arms around him and squealed “DADDY! You’re home!” He moaned as she ground her crotch against his growing bulge in his pant and kissed him on the lips. “Dinner’s ready, Daddy” He was happy, since he had to skip lunch thanks to work. After dinner, he flopped down in his chair to relax and watch some tv. A little while later, after Princess cleaned up the...
Laying down on the couch in just a shirt and briefs, I slide my left hand over the cotton covering my flat stomach. I can feel a pleasurable stir within my tight briefs as I move my right hand down to caress the soft fabric covering my cock. That feels wonderful, I think as I slide my right leg off the couch—spreading my legs to give my hand easier access to the front of my briefs. My right hand slides up and down over the material covering my penis as it strains against its cloth confines. A...
Waking up early, I look over at my stepmother as she sleeps. I get up and slip on a pair of powder blue boxers before heading down to the kitchen.Once in the kitchen, I go about setting the table and then get the coffee brewing. Standing over the stove top, I keep an eye on the bacon sizzling in one pan and the French toast in another pan. The aroma of fresh brewed coffee fills the air.As I tend to the cooking food, a pair of hands reach around my waist and lips kiss their way up my neck to...