MackChapter 15 free porn video

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Despite not wanting a life as a logger or a farmer Mack has always seen Sandy Knoll Farm as being his home, and after a five year absence he’s glad to be heading home to live there full-time. Ann and Jess have been away for three years and are also happy to be going home. Both the Yukon and Ambulance are packed with their gear: clothes, books, mementos, computers, the best of the cooking gear, plus a few other odds and ends. They leave the furniture and other stuff in the flat so the Steins can rent it out as a furnished flat.

The Steins already have new tenants due to arrive in mid January, a couple of late teens who are high school graduates from Sandy Knoll Farm coming down to do the same courses Ann did, but they’re planning on taking four years to do it all, plus a lot of extras along the way.

The Dean trio are surprised by the large group gathered to see them off: the Lukovic and Thomas families are expected, but the number of people from the archery clubs and the gym aren’t. All three are moved by the large turnout of people to watch while they climb in the two vehicles and wave when they drive off.

The three young adults stop every hour or so to have a break and change drivers to rotate through the vehicles and a rest. They know they’ll take longer to drive home than if they go straight through, but they’re in no great hurry, while they want to arrive there refreshed and not tired out.

Accidents Happen

Mack stops for a drink after a bit over an hour of driving the Yukon and talking to Jess then he takes over driving the ambulance while Jess drives the SUV and he talks with Ann. About half an hour into this shift he hears a report on the CB radio, a car has run off the road a little bit ahead of them and a truck driver is calling the incident in because it’s a family and it looks like a serious crash.

Mack leans over to switch on the lights but not the siren and he pulls into the right hand lane while accelerating. Ann grabs the CB and says, “Jess, pull in behind us and stay with us as we may need you on-site.”

The ambulance is large and heavy, but its powerful motor soon has it at 130 kph and it’s still speeding up. Jess tucks in about twenty metres behind them and they both fly down the highway. A couple of minutes later Mack is braking and he has his indicator on to switch to the other side of the divided road so he can pull up at the scene of the accident. In a moment he’s parked part on the side of the road and part in the left lane while facing the wrong way with his headlights and red lights still on and flashing. Ann jumps out and races to the back of the ambulance while he locks the front and Jess stops a few metres behind them.

A station wagon is off the side of the road with the front wrapped around a tree. A truck driver has the doors open and is checking the occupants, his semi and trailer are about thirty metres up the road.

By the time Mack reaches the back of the ambulance both Ann and Jess have grabbed trauma kits and are racing to the car, so he grabs an equipment kit and the defibrillator in case they need it and heads over.

Ann goes from person to person examining them then telling Mack and Jess what to do. On finding one of the kids has no injuries she tells the driver to take her over to sit in the back of the ambulance. The poor driver is surprised by her commands, but he does as he’s told.

The trio spends several minutes applying bandages and braces to the injured, but they don’t let them leave the vehicle due to worries about back injuries. One person requires a tourniquet to stop her bleeding.

After seeing to the immediate treatment of the injured the three step back to evaluate the wider scene. A police car is stopped nose to nose with the ambulance with its light bar on and the policeman is taking a statement from the truck driver. Jess and Ann start cleaning up their rubbish and packing up their kits. Leaving one kit with Ann while she watches over the injured the other two take the rest back and pack up the ambulance, putting the torn wrappers into a plastic bag to toss later.

The cop looks up and says, “It’s good you guys were near here. The local ambulance is still ten minutes away. It’s been a busy day for them with accidents all over the district. By the way, who are you?”

Jess grins while she walks up to the ambulance to get a clipboard from the back door, handing it to the cop she says, “Our details, IDs, and quals are on this, so write them down while we catch our breath.” The cop smiles and starts to write in his notebook, looking up now and then to compare them with the photo IDs he’s looking at. All three are qualified emergency service medical personnel with state recognised IDs for use in an emergency, and that’s what he’s looking at.

Half an hour later the injured are on their way to hospital in the local ambulance after they’re briefed by Ann and have their paperwork done by her as the senior initial treating person. The truck driver is thanked by the cop and sent on his way with the ’rest break’ noted in his logbook and countersigned by the cop. The damaged station wagon is loaded onto the bed of a tow truck and the cop has the traffic stopped to let Mack and Jess get back onto the side of the highway they need to be on.

Ann smiles as she says, “Well, now we know we can do this when we have to, and we can work as a team when we do!”

Mack nods yes as he replies, “Yes, we do! But I do wish we never have to do anything like that again. Sadly, I think we will, at some point.”

After a couple of more hours of driving the two vehicles are turning into the gates of Sandy Knoll Farm. They’re home at last! When they enter the gateway a loud truck horn gives a long blast and people pour out of all the houses and businesses to line James Drive, cheering them.

It’s Mack’s turn for a break and he’s sitting in the Yukon with Jess driving. He turns to her and says, “I know we’re glad to be home and I expected a few people to be happy we’re finally here, permanently, but this is way beyond anything I expected!”

Jess grins and replies, “I know, but I like it.” They both laugh.

Stopping outside their house they greet Ma and the other Hanson family members. A large crowd joins them and everyone there grabs something to take it into the house for them. Thus Jess, Ann, and Mack spend a few minutes doing nothing but hand things out of the vehicles to people to carry in for them. When the vehicles are unloaded Mack moves both vehicles into the garage and he enters the house.

The lounge room and kitchen are crowded when Mack fights his way in from the hallway. Ma moves the three to the front of the room and faces them to say, “Welcome home! And thanks for putting us all on the map!” On getting blank stares from the three she laughs and asks, “You don’t know, do you?”

Ann says, “Know what?”

Hammer says, “Watch tonight’s news! We’ve had a number of phone calls asking about you three and the farm. You’ll be on tonight’s news. Now tell us about the car crash.”

While still a bit puzzled about the local events the three take turns telling about their parts in helping the people at the crash site. Soon after they finish telling their story the crowd starts to break up. About an hour after they arrive the trio are allowed to put their things away and get settled into their home in time for Ma to serve them a tasty hot dinner. The meal is a little early so they can watch the evening television news.

All are ready and seated before the television in plenty of time for the night’s news program from the station Hammer mentioned earlier. The whole Hanson family is sitting on the chairs or the floor of the Dean residence when the news starts, and they’re the lead item.

Six O’clock News

The show opens with their usual start and is followed by the lead reader saying, “Earlier today one of our reporters was returning from visiting his family for Christmas when he was passed by an ambulance with its lights on. Like any good reporter he followed, and then he filmed what he could of the incident. A car had run off the road and hit a tree, a very common event during the holidays. However, what wasn’t so common was the people treating the injured, as you’ll see in this film footage from our on-the-spot reporter.”

The scene changes to a view through a car’s front window of an Army ambulance and a large SUV speeding down the highway. The action cuts to a shot of the two vehicles stopped on the other side of the road. One young woman is opening the rear doors of the ambulance while another is getting out of the SUV. A moment later a young man is seen walking around from the far side of the ambulance while the two women are now at a crashed car checking people out. The view goes closer to the scene with the focus moving to show the people being treated by the three young people.

A voice says, “Today it’s common to be passed by an ambulance on its way to an incident, but it’s uncommon for the vehicle to be an Army ambulance. Today I was passed by an Army ambulance with an SUV in close convoy with it. A little further down the road I stopped when I saw them both at the scene of an accident on the other side of the road. Three young adults got out and treated the injured in the car.”

The camera moves to the truck stopped on the road, then it focuses on the driver carrying a child to the ambulance to sit her down in it. “The accident was witnessed by a truck driver who gave the alert on his Citizen Band radio when he stopped to help out. As you can see, he helped calm this young girl down.”

A police car arrives and sets up. The scene cuts to a state ambulance arriving, the injured being loaded into it, and leaving the scene. “The police arrived and set up to protect those working at the scene before taking down a report of what happened. Several minutes later the local ambulance service arrived, then it took the injured to hospital.”

The scene cuts to show a close up of the rear doors of the Army ambulance when the doors are closed and the young people are getting into their vehicles to leave. The words Ann’s Ambulance with Sandy Knoll Farm under it are easy to read, and so are the words of the sign on the side of the Yukon when the camera focuses on it. In the same script and paint it reads - Mack Dean with Sandy Knoll Farm under the name. A shot of both vehicles crossing the road dividing strip is frozen.

“The signs made it clear this was not an Army ambulance but a privately owned one, and the two vehicles were connected. It took some time to find out what Sandy Knoll Farm is and where it is. Sandy Knoll Farm is a large farm and logging area in the Rivers Region, about mid-way between Wood Valley and Ryan’s Ridge. The farm is the largest single logging farm in the region. It also hosts a village of a hundred and seventy houses with over five hundred residents and some shops. The village and farm is owned by Walkers Enterprises who own the Ryan’s Ridge Sawmill and is the biggest employer in the area. They’re also famous for when they declared war on a number of government bureaucracies a couple of years back, and they won. Sandy Knoll Farm was the first farm established in their area by James Kelly, the first white settler. It was in the Kelly family until five years ago when one of the Kelly descendants, Irene Dean nee Kelly, sold it to Walkers Enterprises shortly before her death by cancer. Her orphaned son, Mack Dean, then left the area to live with a cousin in Queanbeyan. A few years ago he married his childhood sweetheart, Ann, in a quiet local ceremony and she moved to Queanbeyan to undertake studies as a paramedic. She finished her studies this month and they were on their way home to Sandy Knoll Farm when they stopped to help. The third person is Ann’s cousin Jess who also has had medical training as an ambulance officer, and Mack has too. I’m told two other young people from the village are starting the paramedic course in February. The young people of Sandy Knoll Farm have a high level of community spirit and interest. It’s easy to see their part of the world is in very good hands.”

The show returns to the station studio and the news reader gives the details of the injuries sustained by those in the car before going on with the rest of the news for the night.

After the news is over Mack turns to look at Hammer, who grins and says, “The reporter got onto the Internet and found some stuff out then he rang here to ask about the farm, Ann, and you. We gave them a lot of background material but insisted they don’t quote us as a source unless we get to see the final product before it airs. I expect they’ll later come out to do an in-depth follow up story.”

Mack shakes his head real slow as he says, “Well, there goes any chance of a quiet return to town.” They all laugh at his comment.

They all agree it shows Mack, Ann, Jess, the Farm, the company, and the village in a very good light. They expect more good to come out of this than otherwise.

After Church Sunday

When the next day’s church service topic is on the Good Samaritan Mack wonders when the talk was chosen and written as it has a lot of the news from yesterday in it. However, it does suit the general theme for this time of year and is well received, regardless if it was all written or just amended as a result of the news.

After the service Mack, Ann, and Jess are spoken to by many people who ask about yesterday, their studies, and their plans for the future.

Toward the end of the line of people they talk to one of them is Angelina Parks, during their talk Mack asks, “What are you doing for a living now? I heard you left the Wood Valley Sawmill.”

She replies, “I own and run a small business providing accounting and office management services to others. It’s not making a fortune but I’m doing OK. We call it Angelic Accounting and Office Services.”

Mack laughs and says, “I wouldn’t have thought there’s enough work of that type here!”

“Oh, there is, and more than we can get at the moment. A lot of the smaller businesses need people to keep their books and look after things like answering phones and mail for them so they can get on with doing the work they get paid for. The only thing we don’t do is sign cheques. We’ll draw them up but the client must check and sign them. We insist they visit us a minimum of once a week to check things and sign papers and stuff. We also get an independent auditor in once a year to go over everything so they get a clean annual report as well.”

After looking around Mack calls out, “Tory, are you still having a lot of trouble doing your accounts and stuff?”

Tory walks over and says, “Yes. I thought about getting Angelina to do them, but I didn’t know how you’d feel about that.”

“It’s Brian Parks I’ve a problem with. I know Angelina is honest and fair, so get her to do all of that stuff for you.”

George is still nearby so he turns and says, “Well, if you agree with that then she can do mine as well and I can get more sleep at night.”

They all laugh and Mack adds, “See, two new accounts already.”

Angie says, “Thanks, Mack. I think some of the people don’t use me because they think you hate all people named Parks. Once they learn I’ve got the ’Mack Dean seal of approval’ I should see a lot more clients.” Which elicits a lot more laughs from them all.

A few minutes later Mack, Ann, and Jess are speaking to Reverend Martin and the Reverend says, “Mack, I saw on the news you and Ann got married in a local ceremony, why didn’t you ask me to do it?”

Mack sighs and replies, “Because you couldn’t do what we wanted and be legal. You’re a Registered Marriage Celebrant and any service you do has to comply with the Commonwealth Marriage Act. We had a small tribal ceremony because I married both Ann and Jess. We later had a minister in Queanbeyan marry us in an Anglican Church as he’s not an RMC so he could marry us before God but not for the state.”

“I see! Like many, I’m aware of what Exodus chapter twenty-one verse ten says about having more than one wife, and the other verses on the subject. Unlike many I know it isn’t countermanded anywhere else in the Bible. So it applies to those who live by the Old Testament. Also, like any good Christian we should live by the Commandments we were given by Jesus in Matthew twenty-two where he tells us to give to Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to give to God that which is God’s. Thus making it clear we should keep church and state matters apart. He follows that with giving us the two Great Commandments of loving God with all we have and to love our neighbours in the same manner. I see what you wish and have done as being within the teachings of the scriptures but not within the current doctrine of the church leadership or the laws of the land. How do you intend to get around the laws?”

“Well, the state laws on de facto marriages is very ambiguous on the number of people involved. While changes to the Family Law Act allows for a person to be in two relationships at once, just not married under the Commonwealth Marriage Act in both.”


“Back in two thousand and nine the Rudd government changed the Family Law Act. The intent, at the time, was a sideways recognition of same sex relationships by giving those in a de facto relationship the same property rights at the time of a breakdown as those married under the Commonwealth Marriage Act. The change requires the people to be not legally married to each other and not immediate family members. It also states the people can be the same or different sexes and can also be in an existing legal marriage or another de facto relationship at the same time. Although it was aimed at property settlement and child support it makes it clear the federal government now recognises a situation where a relationship has more than two people in it. I just don’t think they thought it would apply to where the people all lived in the one house if it was multiple relationships.”

Reverend Martin laughs for a while before saying, “Mack, I’m very sure none of those who passed that law even suspected it could be used to legalise a multi-spousal marriage. I’m also sure the lawyers will have a field day on a case as you describe going before the court. However, I’m also sure your interpretation will be found to be within the law.” He stops to get his breath back then adds, “Well, you’ve certainly given to Caesar that which is his and given God that which is His by doing it this way. Don’t forget to bring the children to me for baptism.”

After Reverend Martin walks away Mack and the girls turn around to find Ma, Hammer, Marker, and their families standing there. Ma says, “I had no idea what you were doing was legal. I thought you had the small tribal ceremony because you wanted it kept quiet!”

“Ma, I’ve got no intention of shouting it from the rooftops, but I had a tribal ceremony because I wanted the tribal recognition. I knew we’d have the federal government recognition after a couple of years of being together. So we’re now in a legal de facto marriage situation.”

While they get into their cars to drive home they’re all laughing about the situation and what Ma thought it was.

Life on the Farm

After getting home and having lunch Mack, Jess, and Ann get busy setting up the office in their house to be how they want it as a work centre. Most of the work is a simple matter of rearranging the desks and setting up their computers how they want them.

All three will continue to do some on-line studies, but at a reduced level so they can spend more time on themselves and in learning how to best manage Mack’s business interests while looking for more good business opportunities. They also expect they’ll be involved in helping with running Walkers Enterprises and the village.

The work and talks about tasks takes them through to dinnertime. After spending some time with the students staying with Ma they sit down to talk with Ma about duties and chores around the house. They get a surprise when she says, “You three concentrate on other things as I already have too many hands to do what little needs to be done here. If you want to help with the cooking give me a day’s notice and I’ll work it in. I know you’ve all been learning a lot about cooking.”

After a quick visual check with his wives Mack says, “Book us in for cooking dinner every Tuesday and Thursday. We’ll let you know what the menu is a few days before hand and work out which of us will do it. We’ll also keep the office and our bedroom tidy.” Ma nods agreement and goes back to reading her book while the three Deans head off to their room to finish putting their clothes away.

Most of the next week is spent just walking around the two towns and the village while getting back in close touch with everyone.

On Wednesday they run into Brian Parks when he walks out of the bank. Brian stops to stare at Mack for a moment before turning and going off down the street. No words are said, no gestures are made, but Mack and the girls all know Parks is seething mad about something and he seems to hold Mack or them responsible for it in some way.

Friday Mack is talking to Hammer in the Walkers Enterprises office tucked into the back of the clinic when Marker walks in and sits down. When Hammer finishes what he’s saying Marker says, “We need to get set for some big trouble in Wood Valley in the near future. I just found out Parks got refused a loan to buy some leases that are up for sale and he’s nominated for the upcoming local government elections. Since he’s realigned his businesses and is now unable to start expanding again I think he’s getting into politics to cause us trouble.”

The rest of the day is spent talking to people and discussing what they learn. Parks and four of his friends are running for the council in Wood Valley because three of the current councillors are retiring and if they can pick up a couple of the nine seats they can control a lot of what happens, especially when they can pressure the a few other councillors into doing what they want.

Marker and Mack set about organising for some people they know and trust to stand as candidates too. The problem is to stand you have to be resident within the relevant local government area and Sandy Knoll Farm is outside of the Wood Valley Council boundaries. They continue to recruit votes and candidates over the weekend.

Monday morning Ann Jones, Rob Marlow, Tory Knowles, Angelina Parks, David Marks, and Patrick Ryan all nominate to stand in the local government elections later in the year. They list as an aligned group not linked with any of the existing political parties. By Wednesday the knowledge of them lodging as a group is all over Wood Valley and it’s much discussed. Brian Parks is not happy with Angelina standing against his group. Soon the word this new group is supported by the independent loggers and the local Aboriginal tribe as well as some small business people is another heavy discussion point for the local residents and voters. Another item not like by Brian Parks and his friends.

The election is many months away, but the lobbying and asking for votes starts before the nominations close. So this looks like being a very long and dirty campaign.

One odd aspect of the situation is Mack now owns the most property in the town and he’s involved in five small businesses, but he doesn’t live within the town. Thus he can appear and speak at council meetings as a concerned property owner but he isn’t allowed to vote in the election or to stand for an office in it. Yet many of his tenants who live in town and work out at the farm are able to vote in the election or stand for an office because those aspects are linked to their place of residence and not the ownership or where they work.

Leaving the Wood Valley political arena to those living in the town Mack settles for issuing a statement on who he supports and why, he also gives them a donation toward their campaign costs. He then gets busy looking for opportunities to create more real long term jobs in the area through new or expanded businesses.

Jess finds a couple of small businesses that can expand and employ more people once Mack reaches an agreement with them to buy-in as a junior partner to inject some needed cash to pay for the expansion.

Marker has Mack and Jess review the Walker Enterprises company operations to see if they can make any suggestions for them to expand their businesses and employ more people.

The Deans also help out in all of the other Walkers operations where and when asked to. Ann, Jess, and Mack fill in at short notice in the various shops while Mack also helps with the logging teams if they need a hand at short notice. All three even take turns acting as the telephonist when asked to fill in while someone has a break.

Overall, the three Deans keep reasonably busy.

Tower Talks

About a fortnight later Jess asks Mack some questions about how the cell phones operate because she doesn’t like how often she loses signal when travelling into the towns. After answering what little he can they both go talk to Hammer, and he sends them off looking for Bob ’Rabbit’ Warren. After spending most of a day talking with Rabbit and going over the many maps of coverage areas and tower performance they do have a good understanding of how the cell phones work and why they have signal issues in the area.

Jess asks, “Rabbit, is there a way to work out where best to put a new tower and how high it needs to be to give us coverage all over both the towns and the two roads between them?”

He thinks for a moment before he says, “There’s a piece of software that has some quality topographical maps in which you can enter a tower location, height, power, and operating frequencies. It’ll then give you a coloured map overlay of the theoretical performance.”

While he’s talking Rabbit opens and displays to them an on-line program he subscribes to which has a good topographical map of the area showing the height variation at every fifty metres of height. Mack asks, “Having only every fifty metres in the map won’t give you much of a real answer, will it?”

“Mack, the display will only show the contour heights at fifty metres while the program itself has the heights registered in one metre changes over the whole map. I’m not sure how they made it, but when I checked it on the land I found it to be very accurate.”

With a smile Mack points at one spot then moves to another while saying, “OK! Using those two outcrops of bedrock on the edge of the ridges start entering heights and let’s see what we get. I hope it’ll do two towers at once!”

A grinning Rabbit replies, “The software is set to work out hundreds of towers at once so you can plan a network. What frequencies should we be looking at? It’ll cover a huge range.”

Jess asks, “Do you know the frequencies for the current cell phone networks and the emergency services?”

Bob nods yes while he turns to the computer and opens a webpage to click a lot of boxes. Mack adds, “Include the local radio and TV stuff.”

In a moment they’re looking at two odd shaped areas spreading out from the two points Mack indicated. Both areas have a small circle on one side of them with a large circle on the other. In each case the bigger circle is over the area below the ridges they’re sitting on. They have a funny multi-coloured hatch pattern because each frequency shows in its own colour. All of the frequencies have the same coverage areas.

Rabbit says, “That’s at the standard height for cell phone towers.”

Jess asks, “Can you show what the current towers cover too?”

“Sure!” After a few finger strokes some more coloured circles appear. There is some overlap between the existing towers and the two new ones they’re planning, but there are also some gaps as well.

Mack taps the western most of the two planned towers and says, “I want you to keep upping the height until the circle for this one goes to the far side of Wood Valley township. Then do the same with the other until its circle covers to the other side of Ryan’s Ridge township.”

They all sit and watch the screen while Rabbit plays with the height and power settings for the two towers. In a few minutes he has the circles doing what Mack wants. One odd aspect is the circles either fall short of the whole town or go well past it. So Jess asks, “Why is there a big jump from half the town to the much bigger area?”

Rabbit grins, “The fall and shape of the land.” He taps a spot a bit to the north of the Wood Valley business district but still within the urban area of the town, “There’s an east - west ridge here. One setting isn’t high enough to get a line of sight over the ridge while the next is. Once you get over it you cover the whole area beyond it because the far slope is less than the transmission angle down from the tower. The same sort of thing applies in Ryan’s Ridge.” Jess and Mack nod in understanding.

Same as Mack
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The sun had just begun to peek through the window when I awoke. I looked to my right and saw Emma still sleeping. I closed my eyes. Did what I thought happen last night really happen? I smiled. Oh yes, it really happened and it was incredible.I never imagined I would be attracted to another woman. And yet here I was lying in my bed staring at my naked ‘cousin’ Emma lying next to me. I looked at her soft lips as she slept and imagined how just a few hours ago they were caressing my pussy lips...

4 years ago
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How I Met My Master Ch 01

Author’s note: This story is a little ‘spinoffy’ from ‘My Best Friend Blaine,’ but I don’t think you need to read that before this for it to make sense. Just know that our main character and her friend Blaine have both been sexually/romantically involved with Mark and each other. But on another note, this story is a deviation from the one’s I’ve done already. It’s going to be multi-chapter, not ‘slam-bam’ like my other ones, so if that happens to be what you’re in the mood for, I apologize....

1 year ago
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Singing Jasens Song Part 1

Introduction: For those of you who have read my other stories, this one may — at first — not seem to follow the same flow, but stick with it. I dont think youll be disappoint. (Or maybe you will, but I certainly hope you wont). For those of you who have never read my stories before: if you are looking for nothing but raw meaningless sex, you are about as far from the right place as you can get. Part 1 of this series, like the others, does not contain any sex. I hope you all enjoy! As always,...

4 years ago
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Package Deal 3

Introduction: Conclusion to the tale of two sisters. Package Deal 3 (Characters and base plot by Impax) Shellie, 21 yr-old older sister. Lauren, 17 yr-old little sister. Rick, me Shellies fiancé,. Story so far: Shellie agreed to marry me as long as it didnt bother her younger sister Lauren. Lauren meanwhile had been crushing on me and tried to use my desire to please her to take me for herself. I confessed the situation to Shellie who decided I teach Lauren a lesson by giving her...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 9 Amanda GriggsChapter 5

Amanda looked nervously at her watch. It was half an hour past midnight, and he wasn’t there yet. Things were already off to a rocky start. Jerry, the night DJ had started a one hour tape already because she’d been two minutes late. In Radio, two minutes was like two hours. He had offered to stay and help her get situated, but she sent him on home. She didn’t need to be shown what to do. She was the General Manager. She wondered what he’d do, when Bobby got there. Would he kiss her? Would...

2 years ago
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Caroline Ch 0304

Caroline – Part 2, Ch. 3.04 Caroline’s Story (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! More ‘growing together’ and just a little bit of sex at the end!) Mike takes them out (Not much sex) I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and a bit sick. The effect of all the emotional upheaval of last night combined with a fairly brusque hangover made...

2 years ago
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Blue Moon Rays

I resorted to pulling my cock out and playing with it. I mean, my buddies girl is kind of it So here I am browsing through some videos on my phone. Nothing really specific and nothing really catching my eye until I come across a video of a guy jerking and cumming into a girls panties while she's still wearing them. They take turns stroking his dick and she rubs her pussy with it a couple times. The video ends with the guy blowing a massive hot load all over the girls pussy and in her...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend8217s Mom Teaches Me To Fuck

Hi friends, I like to share my sexual abuse by my lover’s mother. This story start went I was studying college on kerala. I am a Chennai boy. Due to my college my parents allowed me to stay on kerala. After one year as all the boys I had a love with beautiful girl her name was saranya she was an kerala born girl. But her family was shifted from Tamil Nadu. She lost her father went he was 10 years old. She likes my character and my humor sense. She is beautiful girl like cinema acter Trisha. She...

3 years ago
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Dani Home Alone

Dani is a young asian college student in her early 20's. She lives with her parents and shares a room with her sister. Dani loves to masturbate but it's hard for her to play with herself because her sister is in the same room as her so she usually does it in the washroom or sneak it under her covers. Dani is rather average in height and skinny, she's a 34C. This week she was alone for the entire week because her parents were going on vacation and her sister was going on vacation with her...

4 years ago
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 9

"That's... that's very interesting, Cassie. I, uh, never would have thought of that myself." Cassie beamed at Melinda. Melinda managed a small smile in return. It masked the growing anxiety inside her. The simple truth was that Melinda was running out of things to say. Cassie had lost her a half hour ago. Melinda heard only half of what Cassie said, and barely a fraction of that could she comprehend. The only good thing about it was that Cassie had been so eager to talk to Melinda that...

1 year ago
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extended fruit story

Ray had found her nearly by accident, but then if one has faith than one does not believe in accidents. It wasn’t long before he became a lover, friend and even a daddy to her. Both of them drive trucks. They were going in different directions but stopped at the same place. He watched her. She was barely five feet tall, her long brown hair was a tangled mess, she walked by him without giving much regard to him. Later he would see her again and ask her how the fruit she bought earlier...

4 years ago
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The Business Trip Part 1

Boredom is a terrible thing when your on business away from home. My first night in the hotel for the time I was gonna be in Sheffield last year march needed some excitement. My other colleagues had made plans but I wanted attention. Lets check x hamster Sheffield - bingo I saw what I wanted and sent him a message. Agreed a time and gave him the hotel name and my room number , giving me time to get something to eat and pretend to be interested with my work colleagues in the restaurant. While...

2 years ago
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There was a time when the kids in my neighborhood were almost able to run free. “Mom, I’m going outside was a common phrase in many houses. No matter who was outside, you always had someone to play with. There were so many things to do and not enough hours in the day, it seemed that the sun would always go sown sooner each day that we were out playing. Sometimes, that was OK because as soon as it started to get dark out, all the boys my age would come out and we would pay hide-and-seek until...

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Sexual Awakening4

I was a very normal 13 yr old girl. Hung out with my friends, listening to our favorite boy bands, the usual stuff for girls at that age. I haven't had any real sexual experience up to this point. I'd kissed a few boys and one sorta got his hand down my pants (until I slapped him). I only knew about sex from the stuff they teach us in school and from hearing other girls talk about it. This one girl Brittany I was friends with was dating the cutest boy in our grade, and she...

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Chris and Sarah Part 1

Sarah pulled up to Chris’s house, smiling as she saw him race out of the house towards her. She shut off her car and giggle happily, squealing as he yanked her car door open and snatced her out of her Cirrus, lifting her in the air for a great big bear hug. ‘I’m so glad you’re finally here!’ He exclaimed, burying his nise into her rose scented hair, breathing deeply. Sarah, still suspended up in his arms, blushed lightly, feeling his well muscled body held tightly against her own softer, supple...

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But the names and ages have been changed for the fact that I cant spell one of the person’s names and so that I can branch out on the story more into the fiction. I grew up in a small suburban city, pretty close to Chicago. My best friend since for as long as I could remember lived right next door. Her name was, Stephanie but everyone called her Steph. She was 8 and I was 9 at the current time in the story. I knew about sex but I didn’t know how to do it or what it looked...

3 years ago
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HindsightChapter 13

It was some time later when Drew quietly got off the bed and went into the bathroom for a shower. He took one last look at the two exhausted women and sighed before he closed the door. When Dana could finally open her eyes, she saw Mary Ellen at the foot of the bed looking lonely. She smiled at her and opened her arms. Mary Ellen hesitated for just a second before she crawled onto the bed with her friend. "Here, let's take this off," Dana said as she helped the younger woman take off...

4 years ago
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Vanished Ch 03

Heaving me over his shoulder again ‘Now then, off to bed for you. When you wake up we will talk, not now. You are still too woozy for it to mean anything.” I thrashed around as he re-tied me spread eagle with my ass on two pillows. ‘Suzie, while you sleep I will shave your cunt. These pillows will allow me to shave you easier.’ Throwing a quilt over me he sauntered out and shut the door with the same slam that announced his arrival. Alone the tension I had been feeling lessens enough that I...

3 years ago
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Hockey Mom

Hockey Moms have been known to have a reputation of Soccer Moms on sterrhoids, in some ways this may be true, since they are required to get their k**s to practices at all sorts of rinks and times of the day. However as a youth and high school hockey coach I feel a need to further define hock momsHockey Mom Bitch, mom that drops their k**s off late, not calling when they don't get their k**s to practice, and then call and complain to the coach that k** isn't playing enough, or progressing...

4 years ago
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The User Ch 07

Cynthia Dumas woke up and stretched delightfully. A shudder went through her lovely body as she recalled what happened when she went over to Mr. Sanders’ apartment a week earlier. She’d been waiting anxiously for Mr. Sanders to call her down to his office or invite her over to his place again, but she’d heard nothing from him since that night. She was afraid he was upset with her, that she’d done something to make him angry, and didn’t know what to do about it. She climbed out of bed, slipped...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 193

Bob and Mel went up the hallway behind the two youngsters. They were anticipating what was coming next. Susan had asked to watch while her boyfriend fucked his own Mother. She was almost giddy from anticipating what she might see. She knew the effect it had on her, Althea, and her Mom, Maria, but was anxious to see how his own Mom would react. She was also remembering what she had been told only moments before. That she might get turned on enough to want some of her own, and that Bob, as old as...

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My Hot Virgin Girlfriend

Mera nam om raj h.Dosto m apni reah kahani aap ke sath share karana chahata hu.Meri girlfriend ka kulwant rai ye real name nahi h. Meri gf bahut hi hot or mast figure ki malkin use dekh kar achche se achche ka penis khada ho jaye . Real me yar bo bahut gajab figure ki malkin h. M use bahut pyar karata hu. Ye 2009 ki bat jab wah hostal me rahati thi waha apne collge se mba kahi thi. Bo ek sikh h or aapako to pata hi h ki sikh kudiya to pataka hoti h ji. M apni girlfriend ko chodane ke ware me...

2 years ago
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Hit the Showers

Introduction: A threeway between three ninth graders in the private school gym showers. Enjoy! It was average day at school. I was in ninth grade, and was just coming back from tennis practice. Except this time I was late, because I stayed with two friends to hit around for another half hour. The locker room was pretty average, with a big open shower room. I had never used the showers, because I was a bit shy about my late blooming body. As we walked back to our lockers, I started to take out...

1 year ago
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Natalie heaven sex storyrsquos girlfriends dad

Well hello everyone it’s Natalie again with a nother of my real life sex story’s I really have been spoiling yous all with putting putting out so meany story’s so quickly Just wish I could spoil yous all with my ass and put out for all yous but unfortunately can’t Due to this pandemic and due to the time off year as I stay with family for Xmas so at the end off October I stop shaving and stuff and let everything grow back till after Xmas hopefully can get some content out then video wise anyway...

2 years ago
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Batman Arkham City ChroniclesChapter 12

Monday, January 16, 2012 – Morning: (Chapter 2) Guest Bedroom, Wayne Manor, Gotham City “How is she?” asks Bruce, stepping into one of the many guest bedrooms that dot Wayne Manor. Bruce can see that Talia is still sound asleep, but sitting beside her is her half-sister, Nyssa Raatko, who hadn’t slept much since they were kidnapped, replies, “Your Doctor Thompkins said Talia is going to make a full recovery. As for the baby, Leslie said there is no reason to worry, that all signs are...

1 year ago
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Secret KissesChapter 6

It was Friday night. Stephanie stood in her closet trying to decide what she was going to wear for her evening with Kelly. I seem to do this a lot, she thought to herself with a smile. A few minutes ago, she had kissed Benjamin's sweet face and sent him with a backpack full of stuff out to his grandparents' waiting car. David was off on a business trip for two days. As she looked at her clothes, she remembered the other day at school when Kelly had talked to her about Friday night. "I...

3 years ago
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Teen Titans Chronicles 4 Young Justice

Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Mercedes Carrera 24575

You heard the rumor right – Mercedes Carrera’s last day in the office is next week! After all the conference-room blowjobs, after-hours fuck sessions, and mailroom muff divings, it’s finally going to be over. How very tragic. But at least the sexy Latina is going to let you have one last office romp with her before she departs, where you can squeeze her big tits and let her suck your cock until she’s ready to fuck it and milk all the jizz out of you. All good things must come to an end, and you...

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Kassidy 20

For the next three weeks I hoped Kassidy and I could get together, without all the spectators. That just wasn’t working out. There were competitions and parties and trips and just constantly something in the way. We did see each other at parties and at the gym but we never had time we could be alone. Every time we spoke the conversations were so sexually loaded it felt like we were having sex in front of everyone. That, combined with the constant image in my head of her kneeling down and...

4 years ago
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Making Milk Chocolate

It happened again. My penis got the best of me. During the critical time between pulling out and living to fuck another day or those ten seconds of pure, raw positive energy release from the penis to my brain I choose the latter and laid out the foundation for the next c***d I have created.I met Alexi through one of the major adult dating sites on the net. She was into bareback sex and so was I. She's african american and loves white guys. I was white and loved bare pussy. We hit it off well....

2 years ago
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Anal in a public bathroom

He was stood at the bar waiting for his drink when he heard her. He had seen her walk into the bar ten minutes earlier and she was hard to miss. Her long red hair flowing down her back, her milky skin and confident stride, she had caught his attention immediately. Other men in the place had glanced across as well, intrigued by the woman who entered alone and had sat alone for several minutes without speaking to anyone, transfixed by her phone. And now she was next to him at the bar. “A gin and...

1 year ago
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Robbing the BunkerChapter 14 Welcome to Fry Arizona Territory

We awoke to find ourselves in a rocky desert. The machine had landed, if that is the right term, against a large rock and tipped sideways. I helped pull the others from the machine and climbed to the mouth of the canyon to see where we were. From the canyon, I looked down on a small village. We had done it. I could tell that this was Hole-in-the-Wall. I turned to the group and said, "This is it. That town must be Fry. We've done it!" We pulled our costumes out of our 20th century gym...

2 years ago
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Timing Is Everything

Men are naturally aggressive creatures taking what we want. Predatory. Horny and male can be acceptable. Horny and female, taboo. Creating your closet freaks. A personal favorite still.....My personal preference to leans to attraction which for me, is not race specific. Luscious and wet is what it is all about. The mind and the body. The persona of the moment. The contrast or consistency of color is all part of the eroticism. The passion that makes the pie. Apple. Blueberry. Peach or Pumpkin....

1 year ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 5

An incredibly beautiful woman made of pure fire knelt on the ground, knees wide and back arched so that her head touched the ground behind her feet. There was no one around to admire her exquisite form, though, and one long arm snaked over her hips and belly to guide eager fingers down between her legs while her other arm stretched around to reach from behind as she pleasured herself. Flames arced into the air from her breasts and belly to create ever-increasing circles of pure energy, only...

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Just Desserts0

For my part, I was pretty glad. I thought Lisa was pretty cute--a little bookish, maybe, and shy. She had short brown hair and glasses. She didn't wear a lot of makeup, and didn't wear showy clothes, but from time to time, you'd catch just a glimpse of her body beneath some article of clothing she wore, and you'd get this hint of a really great body beneath her unflattering clothing. She owned a pair or two of jeans that were really tight, which she'd usually wear with an oversized,...

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Nudist Resort

Finally, Kyle inhaled the islands air. Im off that ship for however long to live around a bunch of nudists. I always had a fetish for being nude in public so it wont be too hard to fit in. I walked up to the front desk that was nothing but a platform with a thatch roof, the old hawaiian vibe type roofing. At the front desk I saw 2 girls, one behind the desk who revealed small perky tits, blonde hair and a petite tannef body. The other to her left, Full latino, big tits, nice beach body and a...

3 years ago
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Canoe CanoeChapter 7

The next few days turned out to be rather uneventful. We fished, relaxed, and did some exploring of the area. We used part of one day to travel to the Canadian Border. The border runs, for the most part, down the middle of the river or lake you are on. We just happened to be on the Rainey River. Fish on the south side and you are legal. Fish on the north side and the Mounties will get you. There was one highlight that occurred while we were portaging over to check out a new lake. I noticed a...

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Cindy and Tara

Hi, my name is Cindy. Until recently I've always considered myself pretty normal as far as sexual preferences go. I mean, I'm 24 years old, married, and consider myself to be a very attractive blonde, 5 foot 3, 35-23-34 woman. I had only had fleeting thoughts about being with another woman sexually. I was curious as to what it would be like, but had never made any efforts to find out. I'm very open-minded where sex is concerned though, and have always loved to try new and interesting things....

3 years ago
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More of Hellen

The next day I was out and about when I saw my neighbour Jim, from a few doors away, ahead of me and soon realised he was following a mum pushing a buggy. She had a good pair of legs, no tights and a nice arse. I walked behind him for a while watching the show and then took the bull by the horns and caught up with him and said “nice arse”. Caught unawares he tried to deny he was looking but I started chatting to him and it ended up us both agreeing she was well worth a wank.We carried on...

2 years ago
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Waves The Conclusion

As we pull past Susan’s car the tech alongside of me asks “So do those cars get good milage” then to rub it in “Of course I’m mean when not flatten by a boulder!” Oh yeah funny, smirking at him as I think about what he about to find on the beach, the logs and in the water! No sooner are they collect the remains of Hujax than Chief D’lorde makes an appearance. “So Gorwin, take it that failed?” Man what an understatement, I just look at him like he asked a rhetorical question. As he continues...

4 years ago
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Death of Purity

Amy was one of those girls that people looked past. She was well liked and respected by her workmates but no one really cared that she went home alone to an empty one-bedroom apartment at night. Her teeth were insanely crooked and her skin was left with the scars of chicken pox or some other childhood illness. The nose that graced her face belonged on the face of a man associated with either hockey or the mob and her hair was stringy, but I suspected that was from a lack of education on how to...

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Maan ne chodna sikhaya

Doston pichali bar mene mail id galat likhdiya tha. Doston men 35 years ka healthy man hun men pichhale 2 sal se continue iss read kar raha hun. Mujhe incest story bahut pasand hai kyon ki men khud incest hun. Men meri ami aur bahenon ki chudai karta hun. Jab men 18 sal ka tha to ek din mere abu aur 3 bahanen restedar ki sadi men chale gaye. Mere exam hone ke karan men aur ami ghar par hi rah gaye. Jab men school se vapas aya to ghar suna suna tha men mere kamre men bag rakh kar kitchen men...

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The college professors nifty club

Your name is Michael Avel, you are 18 years old guy and going to apply in college, hope for a successful future, but something went wrong. The college application was excellent, and you passed all the necessary tests, it seemed, better than other classmates. The more surprising was the fact your statement was in question and you were asked to come to the dean’s office to clarify your compliance with the selection criteria. You came into the reception room in a classic style with a high...

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Beetlesmiths Ch 14

Once again, a big thank you to Miss Bella who took the time to edit this chapter, as well as for her technical advice on the use of certain adult toys described in the story. I first asked my wife if she’d wanted to try it out, but she was a bit reluctant to be a guinea pig. I think her exact words were, ‘Fuck you!’ and ‘Stick it up your own ass if you need to find out!’ After that, I had to seek other avenues for information. Lastly, a very special thank you to Miss C and the very special...

4 years ago
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Men of the World part 3

Chapter : Five Running Wolf As I left all I could think about was Bright Moon. I began to plan where to go I first thought I would steal from the Comanche...But no they were my people. I next thought about the the Tonkawas or the Krankawas but I had been told by the Medicine man that if captured they would eat me and keep me alive while they did it. I completely disregarded the full Apaches and decided on the Kiowa Apache. A fierce but honorable people. Besides they were almost the...

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ScamAngels Ember Snow Jade Kush Real Estate Hustle

Jade Kush and Ember Snow are two real estate agents trying to make it big. Today they have the perfect opportunity to go behind their boss’s back and close a deal on their own to keep the full comission for themselves. The only catch – the deal is fake. But Logan Long won’t know this because he’ll be too busy taking turns, having sex with these two asian girls with big tits and warm lips. The two girls ride and grind until he can’t hold back and ejaculates all over...

1 year ago
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My cousin Sonya looks after me chapter 1

Introduction: Family bonds become a lot tighter This story is 100% true, this happened to me when I was 8.. I was being looked after by my 15 year old cousin…. This is what happened as I remember it… She had come straight from school so was still wearing her school uniform, a white blouse, a knee length pleated skirt, a pair of tights and small heels.. Her hair was medium length dark and scrunched back in a pony tail. Where it began First was bath time… I was more than old enough to take...

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SRU Dans Redux

SRU: Dan's Redux By JDCopyhack Wisps of dust billowed from the floor as the wizard moved impatiently between the front counter and the back storeroom. The last of the Christmas decorations had finally been put away and business would soon get back to normal. The holiday season was an exceptionally busy time of year for Spells R Us, with so many people looking for that last minute novelty gift. Little did they know what surprises awaited them on Christmas Day. The wizard...

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