- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
Niko Pavli pulled his nondescript Chevy Impala to a stop, a safe distance down the street from what used to be his home. His first inclination was to pull into the drive, tear open the front door and announce that he was home. That was a foolhardy notion, at best, and suicide at worst.
He had managed to keep tabs on her, to a certain extent, through his contacts in the Company, and other sources; but all he really knew was that Camille had refused to accept the police report, presuming her husband to be dead, and still bore his name. He also knew that she still lived at 2344 Briar Road, even after all these years. Beyond that, he had no way of knowing what was going on in her life or in her mind.
He looked through the lens of the little monocular that he'd brought with him, searching the windows of the small house. It was late, nearly 11:30, but he could detect movement silhouetted through the sheers that covered the glass. His pulse began to race when he realized that she was in there, still awake — if only he could see her clearly.
Niko was just about to open the car, go to the house, and announce his presence when the door opened. Camille looked golden and beautiful as she stepped into the light that flooded over the floor of the front porch from the open doorway. The expression on her face was wistful, soft, with a slight smile that curved her strawberry-colored lips. She hadn't changed a bit, still beautiful, still supremely bewitching. Her hair was shorter, reaching just past her shoulders, but she was still the same woman he had last seen standing on that very spot.
He opened his car door, stepping out onto the street. There was a tightening in his chest — and his groin — as he contemplated how best to approach. He'd tried to remain true to his marriage vows while he was away, only sampling precious few of the offers he had been given by the women he'd met along the way — and only when the need was more than he could bear. None of them had compared to his Camille and had left him feeling empty, fulfilling only the most base of physical needs.
This woman, who stood so gracefully in the lamplight — only she could fulfill the need that stirred in him. He took his first step, freezing in his tracks when he saw her turn to face the door again. The curve of her face, angling upward as if to greet someone, lifted in a deepening smile. Even from this distance, he could see the glow in her eyes as a man walked outside to stand just inches in front of her. Niko saw his wife lift her arms, wrapping them around the man's neck, as she stood on her toes to receive his kiss.
White-hot pain, like that of a glistening knife blade slicing through his flesh, hit him in the chest, nearly knocking the wind out of him. He felt the rage building, his fists clenching at his sides. Never had he wanted to kill anyone the way he wanted to kill someone at this moment. Blood rushed through his veins, roaring in his ears, as he fought against the fury that threatened to consume him.
"Let it go, buddy."
So caught up was he in the madness that consumed his mind, he'd not heard the voice that spoke so low. When a hand clutched his shoulder from behind, he whirled around, ready to butcher whomever it belonged to.
The man's hands went straight up, palms out in front of him. "Easy, Niko. It's me. Just relax."
Niko's jaw was clenched, it's muscles protruding outward under the strain as he glared at his friend and partner. "How'd you find me?" he ground out.
"Easy. You have a one-track mind. When you disappeared it was just a matter of putting two and two together. I've been here waiting for you."
Niko wheeled back around, watching the scene in front of the house. His sweet wife was waving to the man as he walked toward the car in the drive. She was blowing him kisses and calling out that she loved him.
"I know what's going through that head of yours, old pal. Just let it go. She has a new life now. What did you expect after eight years? You need to cool that hot Greek blood of yours before you do something stupid."
"Fuck you, Olan. Fuck you all to hell," Niko hissed. Knowing that what Olan Jeffreys told him was true didn't help much.
"Let's get out of here before someone sees you, pal," Olan urged. "You know this is madness."
Niko turned on his friend again, facing him with a defensive posture, daring him to interfere. "Eight years, you son of a bitch. Eight years gone. You all fucking lied to me," he growled.
"Niko, nothing I say will change a goddamn thing, but, for what it's worth, I never lied. I believed them, too. Now, come on," Olan returned, his arm stretching out to Niko. "Let's get out of here before it's too late."
Niko spun around, his long, powerful legs eating up the ground before him in ever-quickening strides. Within moments he was stepping onto the floorboards of the front porch where Camille had been standing mere minutes before. He heard Olan's running footsteps coming up behind him, knew the man would try again to stop him. As Niko raised his clenched fist to knock on the door, his friend grabbed his arm and pulled him around.
With little effort, Niko shook off the smaller man, facing him again, with the wrath he felt burning in his eyes. "Get back, goddamn it. I don't want to hurt you, Olan, but, by God, I'll pound the living shit out of you if you don't stay back."
"Yeah, you could do that," Olan said slowly. "You could beat me to a pulp and leave me bleeding in the dirt, but think, man. How's she gonna feel seeing you after all this time?"
"I don't care. She's my wife," Niko retorted, turning and raising his fist again.
"No, she's not," Olan declared softly.
Niko's arm froze in mid-air, before his hand came in contact with the door. "What's that supposed to mean?" he growled as he spun around again.
Olan ran a hand through his dark red hair, grimacing painfully at the duty that lay before him. "I'm sorry, Niko, but you know the drill. Dammit, life just sucks sometimes," he faltered. "You're dead, remember? Camille is your widow, not your wife. She's planning on getting married again. I know I should've told you, but... How do you think she'll handle it when she sees her dead husband standing at her door? You've got to get a grip, bro. Let's get out of here."
"This is your fault, the whole damned agency's fault," he ground out. "You took everything... everything. Tonight I'm taking it back."
Glaring at Olan, Niko wrestled with his need for retribution, his need to hurt someone and salve the pain that rooted itself deeply in his soul.
"You can't, Niko," Olan said, resignation heavy in his voice. "I have orders to shoot you if you try anything. They want you back alive, if I can do it, but dead works for them too. I don't want to kill you. We been friends a long time."
"You better pull your gun then because I'm going in," Niko hurled back. "I have to get my wife out. If the bastards get their hands on her, they'll end up killing her and you know it. I won't take that chance."
Olan snapped his mouth shut before making a response, glancing around Niko as light once again flooded onto the porch when the door opened. The smaller man shut his eyes, cursing softly under his breath at what he saw.
The head of the larger man shot upright as his back stiffened — an instinctual response to what was inevitable. A soft, lilting voice spoke from behind, sending a chill down his spine. A sudden flutter in his gut was followed by a nervous fear that was uncharacteristic of him, leaving him frozen with his back to the door.
"Can I help you gentlemen?" the voice asked.
Olan let his hands fall to his sides as he turned his back on the scene, leaning against the post of the front porch before folding his arms across his chest and staring into the dark. Niko watched him warily, unsure of whether to trust this man who had been his friend. Finally he turned to face the woman, to look upon her graceful beauty for the first time in nearly a decade. He steeled himself for the reaction that he knew would be inescapable: the shock and horror at seeing him alive.
"Sir?" she asked timidly. "What do you want?"
Niko stepped out of the shadows, allowing the light to flow over his long frame, and eventually, his face as he took a step closer. He watched her eyes, saw the concern at the intrusion, and watched her expression change to confusion, finally becoming astonishment and horror. She was stepping backward, her fingers wrapping around her throat as the color drained from her face.
Camille stumbled, tripping over the edge of a rug before hitting the wall behind her and sliding to the floor. Her mouth moved, forming soundless words while her head shook back and forth. She continued to stare at him through the door, her eyes wide with bewilderment.
Niko took a step over the threshold, reaching a hand to his recoiling wife. He'd worked out in his head what he'd planned to say during the long miles of the trip that brought him back to her door, but the flowery speech was lost to the reality of seeing her.
"Stay away!" the woman screamed, her hands coming up to fend off the wraith that reached for her.
Niko dropped to his knees before her, wanting to take her quaking form into his arms, crush her slender body to his. Instead, he let his hands fall against his thighs, his mind searching for words that would soothe her and finding none. All he could do was watch her face and see the horror that clouded her eyes.
"You two okay?" Olan asked from the open door.
Niko growled at the intrusion, snaking his hand out to throw the solid wooden door shut, nearly hitting the man in the face. At the sudden bang of the slamming door, Camille snapped out of her stupor, skittering along the wall on her hands and knees. She was on her feet in a flash, running for the back door of the small house.
"Camille," Niko shouted, scrambling to his feet. He caught her about the waist before she could escape, pulling her back against his chest, inhaling her scent.
"Let me go," she shrieked, flailing madly with her feet, sinking her fingernails into the flesh of his arms.
"No," he said against her ear. "It's me, baby. I'm home now."
Camille ceased her struggles, her tense body trying to hold itself away from his. "Who are you?"
He could hear the panic in her voice, feel it in the quiver of her body. The terror he had seen in her eyes fed the rage that he felt at having been forced to live without her. He wanted to turn her around, take her in his arms and crush her mouth with his, make her understand he was really her Niko.
"Camille, it's me," he whispered into her ear, his lips moving against the sensitive shell. "I'm alive. I'm sorry... so sorry. Please, agapi mou... it's me."
The tension left her body with the sound of a soft whimper, a sound like that of a wounded animal. She weakened against him; her legs trembled and would have collapsed from under her had he not been supporting her slight weight. Her arms dropped limply at her sides, her head lolling forward.
"Camille, please..." Niko had one arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her head back with his other hand, cradling her cheek in his palm. Her skin was the color of virgin snow and icy to the touch, startling him to the point of near panic. He swept her into his arms and carried her to the living room where he laid her listless body on the sofa, chafing her hands and watching her glassy eyes.
Her voice, weak and soft, barely audible, said his name, "Niko... no, it can't be."
"Yes, agapi," he answered, speaking gently as he brought her hand to his lips, turning it over to place a tender kiss on her palm. "It's me, I promise you."
"But... but, you're dead," she rasped hoarsely. "They told me you're dead."
"They lied, baby."
Her brows drew together, her eyes darkening in her confusion. "How... ?"
"It's a long story, love, and now's not the time. I came for you. It's not safe to stay here anymore. I have to get you out."
"I... What?" To Camille the whole world no longer made sense. This man touching her was her dead husband, but how could that be?
"I know you're confused but we have to leave. I'm sorry, love. I wish there were time to explain. You're in danger. You have to come with me now."
The woman reached out a hand, touched his face gently, timidly, as if he would disappear because of her actions. He covered her hand with his, pressing it to his flesh, indulging in the petal-soft sensation of her fingers. She moaned softly before her arms flew about his neck, clasping him in a fierce hug. A savage growl exploding from his chest, Niko wrapped himself around her, crushing her against him until she pushed back, gasping for breath.
He heard the cracking sound of it before he felt the sting of the vicious slap that left a fiery imprint of her hand on his cheek. She struck him again, a sob tearing from her throat as she raised her hand once more. Niko caught the small hand, pressing the palm to his lips, tasting her skin.
"No," she screamed. "No, no, no! "
Camille fought against him in earnest, shoving him back, pushing against his chest with her bare feet. Before he could catch her she was off the sofa, on her feet, and running across the room. The betrayal she felt glittered in her eyes as she whirled around, facing him with a venomous sneer.
"Where the hell... You bastard. I went through hell! I thought you were dead. Eight years, Niko. That night, when you didn't come home, I was scared shitless. Eight years. The next day came and you still weren't home. I called everyone: friends, police, hospitals. I even called the goddamn morgue.
"When the police came and told me they found your car at the bottom of the river, and you were presumed dead, it tore the heart out of me. I struggled every day just to force myself to breathe. I had to get out of bed every morning knowing that you were never coming home again. Every night I climbed into that cold, empty bed remembering what it was like to have you there beside me and knowing that you would never be there again.
"Eight years. Eight years and not even a phone call or a note to let me know that you're alive? I wanted to kill you myself!"
Niko pulled himself upright, planting his feet firmly apart, facing her intently. "I died that night, Camille. I died every minute I was away. It wasn't supposed to be this long, only a few weeks. All I can say is I'm sorry. You were all I ever wanted, all I ever needed but..."
"If you two are done beating each other's brains in," Olan said as he peered around the corner, "I think we better get moving."
"What's up?" Niko asked, his expression hardening.
"Suspicious vehicle. I think the secret is out. They know we're here."
Uttering an oath, Niko crossed the room, grabbed his wife's arm, steering her toward the door. "What are they doing?"
"They drove by twice — four men, two in front, two in back."
"Let's go," Niko ordered, pulling Camille along.
"I'm not going anywhere with you," Camille spat as she wrenched her arm free.
Niko turned, reaching for her again. "I don't have time to explain. We have to leave, now."
"Then go. Who's stopping you?"
He grasped her upper arms, his fingers biting into her soft flesh. "Camille, there are men coming here. They intend to kill you. You are leaving with me — now."
"Why would anyone want to kill me? Don't be stupid. I'm not going anywhere. I have a life, Niko. It took me a long time to get my life back after you abandoned me," she sneered. "I'm getting married next month. He loves me and I love him."
"The hell you are," he growled, shaking her as though he could dislodge the idea from her mind. Seeing the fear in her eyes, he relaxed his grip, forcing himself to calm down. "Those men out there want to use you to get to me. If you don't come with me right now, they'll come in here, take you and... Do you understand what I'm saying? You're in real danger. You have no choice."
"God dammit," he yelled, just before he hauled her up against his body again, crushing her lips with his. He pulled back, looking at her dazed eyes and the fear he saw there. "If I have to, I'll carry you out of here, kicking and screaming."
"You can try," she hissed, bringing her knee up, striking just to the left of his testicles.
Niko grimaced, relaxing his hold briefly in his surprise, just enough for her to jump free of his grasp. Her bare feet hardly touched the carpeting as she raced up the hall to the back of the house. She slammed the door to her bedroom shut, locking it and running for the phone.
With a splintering crash the door gave way under Niko's large body, exploding inward in a hail of broken wood. Camille hurled the phone at him, shrieking, narrowly missing his skull before picking up a perfume bottle to do the same. He'd already reached her, grasping her wrist in his hand, twisting until she dropped the item.
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IncestSee No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply stop now. Legalese: All actors and actresses are over the age of consent. Proof of age is on file. Any similarity of any character, event or place to any actual person, event or place, is purely coincidental. This is all fantasy, and the actors are all professionals — do not try any of this at home. Archiving: You are welcome to discreetly repost or...
The past (2) Stories all True and were of my teenaged times in the small Village that I lived at In England, this one revolves around my taking a Bus ride of some 30 minutes and 8 miles in distance going to the town of Clacton-on-Sea...and to the beach.It was during my summer holidays and it was hot in that July too ? unlike a lot of summers when it used to rain almost every other day and going anywhere was never a really great experience in my teenaged years.So here I am walking along on the...
I meet you in the lift and you smile at me seductively. "Do you want me?" you ask and I nod. "Well prove it" you say as you turn around and push your breasts into the glass wall overlooking the hotel foyer.Your reach back and pull your short skirt up and I kneel behind you and bury my face in your knickers, the sweet smell of your anus engulfing me.I pull your tight little panties to one side and ease my tongue showly, licking you all the way to your puckered little hole. You wince when I...
Things are getting out of hand here at the Shop!! Beautiful women keep coming in to make ridiculous deals for garbage items. Today, this gorgeous caramel beauty comes in trying to sell her great, great great grandmamas ring. This damsel in distress wanted $2000 dollars for some GODAWFUL old ring, no matter how old it was that thing was junk. But here comes Sean to the RESCUE!!! I was mesmerized by her huge TITS so I knew I had to get her back the office to make the REAL DEAL. She was hesitant...
xmoviesforyouMera naam anil hai age 25y. hai maine bahut din se kuch nahi bataya aap logo ko qki is beech kuch hua hi nahi meri hight 5’8 feet rang gora hai chhrhara badan hai. Dosto is baar mai aap logo k liye bahut mast kar dene wali ghatna batane wala hu jyada bore nahi karma isliye aap logo k liye ye story sonata hu Mera ek bachpan ka dost hai sachin naam hai uska mai bachpan se uske yaha aata jata tha lekin kabhi ye nahi socha tha ki mere dost ki maa hamari dosti k 19 saal baad mujhe is tarah milegi us...
This story copyright by the author 2001, all rights reserved. It may be posted at Fictionmania and any free site with the permission of the author. ******************************** MAU: Sisters of the Night Synopsis: A couple of roommates stumble across an MAU and decide to use it to get really great Halloween costumes to crash a Fraternity party. When the big night comes, they can't get in. Then one of the guys lets his fascination with creatures of the night run amok, and they...
Kaise ho meri namkeen chutwali ladies dosto aur pyase lund wale dosto. Main Yogu hajir hu apki seva mein. Jaise ki apko pata hoga main 28 years ka single handsome sexy 7-inch lund ka malik hu. Apko pata hi hoga abhi mera work from home chal raha hai. Maine last kahani mein kaise bhabhi ki chudai ki thi apne padhi hogi. Agar padhi nahi to padh kar enjoy karna. Aab us kahani ke age humne kya kya kiya iss kahani main padhiye. Us raat jab ham pahla round nikalake ekdusre ki baho main nange lete...
Chapter 1: Introduction Friday I agreed to be a sex slave. I thought I would make a good one since I have a big cock that is hard most of the time. But after only an hour my mistress became very exasperated with me because I was unable to please her as a good slave should. "You don't even know how to lap a cunt properly," she complained. "You're probably even more useless at advanced tasks." I was devastated. "But Mistress, I'll do anything you want, just teach me." She dismissed...
For Elle, the thought that her roommate (who was more of a little sister to her) was dating her best friend/ex-boyfriend (who was more of a brother) took a while to get used to. Jodie was pragmatic about it; that was her nature, as Elle had learned. Though not without sympathy, there was a core of cold practicality to her character that made her unlikely to be sentimental. "It's just something you gotta get used to, you know? It's not healthy to dwell in the past, you know that. Surely...
I was talking to Henry about our plans to go to the circus. We were all going to meet at a restaurant afterwards for dinner. He had met Janice at the gym and liked her. The morning of the circus, I met with Ann and Janice on the fairway. Jack and Henry spent five dollars seeing who was strongest by swinging a sledge hammer at a lever. It shot a weight up a pole and rang a bell. Both of them managed to ring the bell but Henry's was the loudest. Jack won a Teddy bear for Ann by throwing darts...
Pete and his boxes stood in the entryway of the Hernandez' modest apartment. "Hello?" Obviously, no one was around. Just as obviously, he'd accomplish little or nothing on his own, except looking like a thief. He backed out of the room, and headed back up the hall. The idea of letting Raoul collect his own crap had an initial appeal, but what if his wife returned? Besides, he didn't trust the little bastard not to claim shit that wasn't his... For that matter, Mrs. Hernandez might...
That Adventurous Day with five men in fifteen hours.-Part 1 My name is Latha a 30 year old widow with a two children. My husband died two years back in a car accident. I am working as a clerk in the office of a school for the past one year. My parents in law live in the adjacent street close by. I am very attractive with fair complexion ,beautiful face, sexy breasts and ass with lot of flesh.This is a story of one adventurous day in my life ten days back when I enjoyed sex with five men at...
******Looking back, I supposed that I have always been a dreamer, always curious and forever wishing for things that maybe, at the time, I shouldn't have been thinking about. Some of those things I now recognise come under the heading of being somewhat unmentionable but as I was also a wilful, independent kind of girl the thought that what I was seeking might be considered wrong never occurred to me. I just wanted to find things out and have fun doing it.Growing up in a Toronto suburb wasn't...
‘We’ve been invited to her home!’ an excited Andrea announced after she and Crystal emerged from the hotel lobby’s public phone booth. ‘Whose home?’ I wondered, not really having paid much attention. I was sitting splayed across one of the Crown Hotel’s most threadbare red velour sofas. We were now on the latest stop of our trans-American tour and in the city of Providence, the capital of the tiny Ocean State of Rhode Island. I’d been browsing statistics about the state in a tourist brochure...
It is 2045 and Elliot wakes up at 6 in the morning and walks in the bathroom and looks at the crows feet beneath his eyes and the other creases developing around his mouth and the other parts of his face and the grey hair and beard. His wife Emma comes behind him and kisses his neck and says, "Don't worry honey you are still just as handsome to me." Elliot turned around and hugs and kisses her and says, "You are still so beautiful." Emma is a transgender lady and she and Elliot...
By July, 1968 I decided as I,d known my English girlfriend almost a year she was the love of my life. Though we,d only actually spent a month in each other,s company having fallen in love with each other on first sight helped though I wasn,t as confident that Sarah loved me as much as I loved her I gambled, borrowed the money for her engagement ring and thought about my love. Sarah was the first female I,d ever met who liked me for myself and fate had stepped in when we first met to draw us...
Introduction: A fictional story of 2 young gay lads, based on reality but exaggerated Two young lads who become very close friends after one helps the other with a problem which he didnt like to tell his parents about. David had just turned 14, he was 5 ft. 6 ins. tall and of slim build with well-defined muscles. He was pretty good looking with light brown hair and was a fairly popular fellow. This was particularly so as he was fairly bright, getting good grades in all subjects and was quite...
Battlestate August 21, 2019 18:52 EDT The Zeon-class frigates were a step below the Manticore-class frigates that the girls had, being about five meters shorter and having lesser firepower. If they had four Manticore-class frigates, then we probably would’ve turned right around to find something else to do. Rather than push the throttle forward and fly right towards them, I instead turned the ship ninety degrees starboard and then rolled the ship until our dorsal hull was facing the enemy...
First let me tell you the kind of relationship i have with my husband,he is my best friend,my confident in all matters,my lover,in short he is the only person who could really hurt me if he chooses to but he never doesWhen i was much younger ,in my teens and twentys,sex to me was something i liked but didn't really know how to handle it ,my boyfriends had about the same age so basically it was all very clumsy and kinda selfish,sure there were the saturdayevenings in the back of a car,the minute...
Tom called the bank owner and asked about the Fury I and the missing parts. He knew nothing of this and wanted more information. Telling him the story about Fury I and his employee’s ties with Fury II in England outraged this man because it was his money loaned in both deals. I asked him would he sell both boats to us for the right price. He asked when and I said today but I want all the parts back out of the warehouses here and in England. He asked me to give him a little time and he would...
Hi frinds mai vikram delhi se mai aapko aapni maa ki ek real stori batna chata hu jo ki kuch din phele ki hai ki kaise wo mere ke lever se chudi Phele mai aapne bare mai bata du mera naam vikram hai delhi se hu ek middle class family se papa contrecter hai maa house wife hai jin k naam sapna hai choti se todi moti jyada nhi mast lagti hai dehkne mai jo kisi k bhi lund khada kar de 34 32 36 maa ki age 46 hai Mai or papa aapna kam dehkte hai ye bat kuch din phele ki hai ghar mai toda fan ac or...
Am a regular reader of this site and love the stories here. I have written 2 other stories based on some of my experiences. Now i would like to share one which i found really exciting and hope you horny guys and gals out there also will find exciting. I am a 29 yr old single male from ahmedabad staying alone in this great city. This city is known for its horny aunties, and this experience is also related to one such aunty. I am about 5.8 in height average build, average looks. I wouldnt be...
Hi all, This is a true sex story about how I went for a massage and it turned into a fantastic experience. (names changed) I would like to you read my story and experience below and comments would be nice. I am a 48 year old businessman who travels a lot for work and stay in good Hotels and use the spa very often to get a nice massage done and get relaxed. I have been to very exclusive spas and massage centres and have had some of the best therapies and have come back relaxed and rejuvenated....
Our parents were away for a week on a Cruise and I wanted to enjoy Karen and really turn her into my whore. I know I should feel guilty about using my sisters body to vent my lusts but she is so pretty and her breasts so perfect. I think K is one of those girls made just to fuck. Her perfect body and pretty face just made me hard all the time. I have been reading about incest and I visited pro-incest website. Maybe it is not wrong for a brother to be fucking his sister. Since I have started...
Timothy Angel Rose Ritter Before we entered the police station I checked the time on my dumb phone. It was a couple of minutes before 11AM. Jenny didn’t even know that I had invited the state police to meet us at the police station. When I was sure we had everyone present I laid it all out. I drew my conclusion then answered their questions. I walked away from the police station by noon. Jenny checked us out of the motel, and then drove us all the way to my place with only one stop. ...
It was some time later when Angela gently disengaged herself from him, and Jerry felt the soft sliding out of his prick as it left the hairy wet basket of his mother's buttery cunt. She kissed him lightly upon the face, upon the mouth, and gave him another lingering taste of her honeyed tongue, stroking his supine body as she did so. "I know we both want to just keep screwing," she said, her deep blue eyes languorous upon his own, her mouth softened and lushly red, "but we have all the...
Hi everyone thanks for your support and thanks to Indian Sex Stories for updating my stories. I am back with my another real experience which made me sex God for few of my clients. This time it was a unexpected experience with a matured lady. This experience made me real sex God for few of my clients where they daily call me and say super baby. Come back to story these days I am busy with few of clients and parties one day I received mail Form an ID saying that I love your experience one of my...
The stone monument marking Chief Joseph's grave stood like a witness to the assembly of mourners gathered to honor one of their own. A chill wind blew across the rough ground, picking up bits of sand and weed. Women pulled their shawls tightly over their shoulders and held their coat collars closed; men blinked as swirls of grit flew into their faces. They pulled their wide-brim hats down over their foreheads. Ragged fragments of cloud raced across a dull, lifeless sky in the early spring...
I reached down to help the gorgeous woman to her feet. As we walked from the room, she asked, “What is your name, my lord?” “My name is Shaun Kaughman, and my mate is the otter beast-man Petarina Lontra. Please don’t call me lord. It makes me uncomfortable. Also, you’re free now, so you don’t have to serve anyone,” was my reply. I noticed the women had found clothes to wear in the guard room when we arrived. I was happily surprised Petra found her armor and katars in a chest. She gave me a...