Universum 37 Star Trek Der er Q ikliche Test
- 2 years ago
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Das Wissen in der Dunkelheit zu schweben.
Aus einem Zustand von Nichts, das plötzliche Bewusstsein zu Sein, und einen Zustand zu erleben den man definieren konnte.
Sie erwachte. Mit dem Erwachen kam ein Kopfschmerz der zuerst den Schädel zu sprengen drohte, dann aber langsam verschwand. Und mit dem verschwinden des Kopfschmerzes kam die Erinnerung.
Sie war Dana Katherine Scully, Special Agent beim Federal Bureau of Investigation und Partnerin Von Fox „Spookie" Mulder.
Sie schaute sich um was schwierig war, da der Ort an dem Sie sich wiederfand fast so dunkel war wie die Schwärze aus der Sie soeben erwacht war. Sie lag, oder saß inzwischen auf einer grasbewachsenen Fläche. Vor Ihr erstreckte sich ein dichter Wald, und nahm mehr als die Hälfte ihres Umfeldes ein. Eine Mauer aus Felsen bildete Rechterhand eine weitere Grenze die in den Wald hinein reichte. Blieb noch eine Lücke zwischen Felsen und Wald die auf eine Ebene führte die mit Strauchwerk bewachsen war.
Über sich sah Sie eine dünne violette Mondsichel die Ihr zeigte das bald Neumond sein würde.
Scully stand auf und tastete sich ab. Ihr fehlte nichts. Sie war körperlich in Ordnung, trug noch immer ihren dunklen Anzug mit Hose und flachen Pumps. Sie besass noch ihre Waffe und zwei Ersatzmagazine, Ihren Ausweis, ein paar Handschellen mit Schlüssel, ihre Schlüssel für die Wohnung, eine halbvolles Einwegfeuerzeug, eine weisses sauberes Taschentuch und zwei saure Drops, die Sie irgendwo aufgesammelt hatte. Das Handy und die Uhr funktionierten nicht mehr. Vermutlich waren die Akkus und die Batterie leer. Dieses Phänomen hatte Dana schon öfter kennengelernt. Es wies auf irgendwelche Übernatürlichen Aktivitäten hin in die Sie mal wieder hineingeraten zu sein schien.
Es wurde Zeit sich zu fragen was passiert und wie Sie hierher gekommen war. Und wo dieses Hier eigentlich war.
Dana konzentrierte sich und ... stellte fest das Ihre Erinnerung fehlte. Sie wusste wirklich nicht zu sagen was Sie zuletzt getan hatte. Sie konnte nicht sagen ob Sie mit Mulder an einem Fall gearbeitet hatte oder Zuhause gerade Wäsche in die Maschine gesteckt hatte. Sie hätte nicht einmal sagen können an welchem Fall Sie zuletzt mit Mulder gearbeitet hatte. Dafür wusste Sie genau, das nach ihrer eigenen Zeiteinteilung in drei Tagen Vollmond gewesen währe.
Scully holte tief Luft. Na Wunderbar. Sie saß in der Tinte und hatte nicht den blassesten Schimmer was vor sich ging.
Erneut holte Sie Luft. Diesmal durch die Nase. Und Sie horchte.
Also, Sie hatte keine Ahnung wo Sie war, hörte die typischen Nachtgeräusche einer verlassenen, natürlichen Umgebung, und roch Spuren eines Feuers.
Sie vermutete das entweder in der nähe ein Lagerfeuer brannte (vermutlich im Wald) oder in einem Kamin Holz verbrannt wurde (wahrscheinlich in einem Haus auf der Ebene).
Plötzlich spürte Scully einen kalten Schauer, und Sie fühlte sich beobachtet. Aus dem Wald erklangen Geräusche als würde sich darin etwas bewegen.
Im Grunde hatte Sie nur zwei Möglichkeiten : Warten ob etwas passierte oder selber etwas unternehmen. Der Weg in die Ebene sah einladend aus, der Weg in den Wald weniger.
Da ! Diesmal war sich Dana sicher einen brechenden Zweig gehört zu haben.
Sanata ging ruhig durch die dezent beleuchteten, hohen Gänge der grossen Bibliothek von Merett. Er betrat einen der grossen Sääle und suchte sich eine freie Holosphere. Er betrat die Seifenblasenartig schillernde Kugel und sofort verstummten auch die kaum wahrnehmbaren Geräusche der Bibliothek um ihn. Obwohl der Raum in der Kugel leer zu sein schien setzte sich Sanata hin. Die klare Luft schien einen Sessel für ihn zu bilden. Sanata schloss seine beiden Augenpaare und konzentrierte sich auf das...
Uniperversum 37 Drei Engel für Charlie - Folge 8 : Die Farm VORSPIEL : Kelly, Jill und Sabrina werden unter dem vorgeschobenen Grund eines misslungenen Drogenhandels als Gefangene auf eine experimentelle Gefängnisfarm gebracht. Dort sollen Sie Gerüchte über unhaltbare Zustände überprüfen. Aber der Plan wird schon verraten, bevor die drei noch Überhaupt dort ankommen. In vier Busssen sollen die Gefangenen zu der Farm transportiert werden. Als die Engel zum Abtransport fertiggemacht werden,...
Rauch lag über der Stadt Sogo und den Trümmern des Labyrinths zu ihren Füssen. In weitem Umkreis um die Stadt bedeckte der Mathmos den Boden. Die Flüssigkeit befand sich in ständiger Bewegung die je nach Konsistenz des Mathmos schneller oder Träger ausfiel. Alles Leben, das der Mathmos berührte wurde von ihm aufgenommen. Die Erde bebte und lange Zeit hinweg veränderte sich das Aussehen des Bodens, als Felsen und Steine verschwanden, sich Bodenspalten öffneten oder sich an anderer Stelle...
Admin hitlist for Wednesday, May 31st: The Subjugation of Scully Three things: 1. Obviously I don?t own the rights to the X Files characters, this is pure fanfic, so no commercial reposting please.2. Similarly, I hope no one reading this thinks it?s alright to really go out there and start kidnapping FBI agents. Let?s keep a fingernail grip on reality please people!3. This is my first ever attempt at writing fiction, so any feedback (no matter how negative!) will be appreciated....
The sun rose over the town of Paradise Valley and another day started. Life went on as usual. Special agent Dana Scully walked along the streets of Paradise Valley and got a look at the community. She had arrived in town the previous day and had gotten a hotel room. Scully was with the FBI, she worked on strange and unusual cases that seemed to defy logical explanation and reason. These cases were called the X-Files. Her partner, Fox Mulder, was taking a long overdue vaction so she was working...
Special Agent Dana Scully was worried about the turn her life had taken lately. The X-files had been shut down yet again and until they were reopened, she and her partner, Fox Mulder were working normal case loads. The two agents were currently on different assignments. Mulder was looking into a kidnapping and Scully was trying to track down a suspect on the FBI's most wanted list. The criminal's name was Liz Marks. She was a computer hacker and an international terrorist. The fugitive was...
Special agent Dana Scully drove into the California town. It was 9:00 at night. She parked her car along Main St. and got out of the vehicle to survey the surroundings. She was here to investigate some strange occurances that had been taking place in the town. Scully was in the town of Sunnydale to check out another case for the X-Files. Her partner, Fox Mulder was in Arizona chasing UFO's so she was alone on this case. The agents had been tracking a serial killer/rapist across the country....
By the time they had finished building the house, Julie was beginning to show a slightly pooched belly. She insisted that this was not enough to slow her down, so Jeff didn't make a big issue of it. There was one more thing that Julie wanted if she could get it, namely, she wanted an enclosed outhouse. That way, she felt that she could visit it without waking Jeff. She was sure that she would have to piss one or more times during the night as her belly began to swell enough to put pressure...
A special thank you to my partner in crime in this story – will_4_rp. You’ve been a ‘brilliant’ partner. Chapter One Lyla lay in the cool darkness of her bedroom, unable to sleep for the umpteenth time in months. She was tired, but even the comforting weight of her husband’s warm arm did little to sooth her frazzled nerves and running mind. Something was… off. Maybe it was her. With a soft sigh she gently wiggled away from Matt’s heavy arm and rolled onto her side. Frustration welled up...
its been a few years now since my last sexual adventure,lifes been really normal.ive split the wife and now moved in with my younger sister.she was kind enough to take me in when life was at it lowest.i know live in a nice house which is semi detached.at the back of the house there is a little garden then it backs onto another house.after that is woodland.the only noise we get is from cars coming and going into the nature reserve behind us.the track to it is at the side of the house.my bedroom...
That Saturday morning I woke up early and found my beloved hubby was still snoring heavily by my side. I got a nice warm shower and then I went down to the kitchen, to make some coffee.Then I found the coffee can was empty. I knew that no caffeine in the morning could make me become a very cranky slut. The empty cupboard meant a trip to the local coffee house where the beans were roasted dark…So I slid my body into a pair of jeans, grabbed my keys and headed off for a pound of that nice sweet...
“Hey, Natasha,” the editor of Sydney’s trashier daily paper called across the newsroom, a smirk on his overweight face, “Are you eco-curious?”For me, an out and proud young journalist, this kind of banter was a tedious occupational hazard. But one I played along with so I would be accepted into the journalist team.“Past the curious stage boss,” I said, faking a one of the boys’ smile.“Bio-sexual, eco-femme or eco-butch?” he loudly asked, ensuring the interest of the whole newsroom.Only female...
OutdoorSEX IN THE CITYI was working in the city, a late finish as usual; dress in work clothes, casual, not that tidy, but still ok.When a good-looking lady came past, hot as, a floral top silky type not quite a micro mini skirt but still short enough to stir the blood. Nice hi heels, smooth waxed legs that shone in the evening sun. Jet black shoulder length hair, hi cheek bones, A smile that outshone the sun, about early 30,s, and little make up. This is a lady of class.She stopped to watch as I...
As you are standing in the bedroom wearing your long red gown, I come up behind you and wrap my arms around you. You can feel my hard and throbbing penis thru your gown and you push yourself back into me. I stand there with you in my arms as I start to kiss your neck and shoulders and rub my hands up and down your body. You then bring your hands up and start rubbing my arms, trying to get me to hold you tighter.As we embrace I feel you push back against me harder and start to rub your silky...
I admit it, in my day-to-day job I deal with some rather oddball characters on both sides of the law, some with a foot in each world. A few mired up to their necks! Such a character was one Denver D. Culpepper, aka DeeDee, a retired locksmith who had closed up shop and moved down to Palmetto Bay, putting up a new shingle advertising his availability as an 'experienced treasure hunter'. Probably because the sign 'Expert Burglar' would have attracted entirely the wrong sorts of customers,...
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Hi, Pramod from Bangalore again. Well for those who are reading my story for the first time a small introduction. I am Pramod, a freelance oil massager for females as well as oil massager in a spa for gents. Please give your feedback on my stories on So let’s start this incident. I meet this girl Bindu on Facebook. She looked innocent. I sent her a request on Facebook and within no time she accepted it. I think she was online at that time. We had chatted for more late nights before the...
After a week I was ready to throw in the towel. The code, and the file, had to be somewhere, they just weren't any place that I looked. I stewed about it for another few days before Irene suggested I stand the question on its head. How would the information get created and saved? Find examples, and I'd find the file. Take your average kid. Their first exposure to Claiborne was in the Orientation Class. I checked with Administration. We were due for a new crop of kids in the next few days....
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I had been to a local bar getting a drink after college midterms. This was a just a normal bar, one that I had been to on a few occasions, and I was trying to unwind after all the studying I had been doing. All of a sudden a big muscular guy in biker leather walked up to the bar beside me and ordered two boilermakers. He looked over at me, looked me up and down actually. He asked if I would like another drink. I said no thanks, and that I was just about to leave, that I had classes earlier...
After a few months of being alone and satisfying myself with my hand, anal toys, and internet porn, I decided to place an online add and meet a few guys to service. It didn't take long before I had sucked a few guys and remembered how much I enjoyed it. It was clear that I loved having a cock in my mouth and having my ass played and now I wanted more. Just as I was craving a hung stud to come work me over, a hot top guy answered my ad who was just what I was looking for. His screen name was...
…………………….. David finished scanning all the documents and pictures to a jump drive and carried the fireproof box and key back to his parent’s bedroom. The morning was already warm, and the sun had not even full rose in the eastern ski. Walking to an outbuilding his mom was hard a work. “Gonna be a hot one darling,” she said with a smile. In long strides, he walked to the barn and saddled his well-rested Appaloosa. Riding along a large stand of ponderosa pine, David’s sharp eyes scanned...
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Jenny is my sister's 20 year old daughter...my niece. She is absolutely sexy in a modern trashy kind of way. I had not seen her until today. I just retired from the US Marine Corps. And really had nowhere else to go since I was single. Twenty years of long remote tours had left me 38 years old and alone. My sister invited me to come live with her and Jen since she was "in between marriages". When Jenny opened the door, I nearly dropped my teeth. She is the twin of my s*s from twenty years ago....
Hello! This is Chaitanya from Hyderabad and I work in an MNC company at Pune. I was really lucky to have gotten a place in such nice company, good co-workers, Western culture & amazing atmosphere. I am 5.5 feet, with 67 kgs and good looking and innocent looks. (Now I moved to Chennai working in good company). If anyone in Chennai girls is interested then drop me an email. I won’t disappoint you. This is the story of my with my hot colleague during my 8.5 years of tenure in Pune. I joined as...
The plane was about to land. All I could think about for the last five hours was Gina. I kept thinking about what she would be wearing and what she said the last time we met. Gina is about 15 years younger than I. She worked for me a few years ago when I hired her right out of college. I will never forget her first day in the office. She was wearing an off-white blouse with a short navy blue skirt along with 2 inch heels. Her brown hair glistened and her smile could light up a room. I always...
The next night was almost a repeat of the previous night except we fucked with the lights on and I fucked the daughter so hard she could not stop cumming and squirting until we slapped her pussy and pinched her nipples to stop her. I then fucked her horny mother and shot my load deep into her pussy. The Daughter was like my little puppy after that and was so nice on the ride home. She wanted to sit up front with me and give me a handjob. They dropped me off at the hotel and My Lady Friend went...
I went to the grocery store just to grab a few things today. I'm stroling thru the store and I grabbed some cabbage, red potatoes, and some corned beef. Now I'm looking for some to drink to go along with it when I see this gorgous mature woman. She had on a short sleeve button up top and you could see her bra straps and bra from the side as she walked. Her breast were very large, I followed her to get a chance to see her ass. She was a pear shaped woman, but had very nice hips. You could...
The weeks that followed Mrs Conway’s birthday party were a blur. Mandy hadn’t been slow at voicing her appraisal of me; the reviews were out and favourable. Soon it seemed that everyone wanted a piece of young Joey Potter.This brought new challenges. As much as I enjoyed the attentions of the female half of the school, to the male side, I became a target as they were jealous of my newfound fame.It was a few months later, that I was to realise that not only did I really have something different...
Wife LoversIt all started innocently enough one day while I was surfing the friend finding web site and had noticed that there was a large percentage of well endowed black members who were BI-sexual and were looking for women, couples and single guys to have sex with. I am married and have always been heterosexual but I find myself often fantasizing about sucking and being fucked by a well hung black man. I have never been with another man but have on occasion swallowed my own cum and found the taste...
I want to back track a little and let everyone know that the town my grandfather lived in was small and we had moved away to the city but would visit there on the weekends. You could say it was one of those towns that was so small everyone either knew each other or was related to each other by marriage or blood. Since I was being watched so closely with Maria I went across town to another cousin’s house. Cyndi and I are both the same age, she had long dirty blonde hair, brown eyes and was...
Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...
Lynn has been in her new job now at a state nursing home for a little over four months. She works the front desk checking in staff and visitors as they come in. She has been getting comfortable in the job. It is good to come to work and get away from the stress at home with a sick husband.She has made friends with many of the staff and the administrators. They are always in and out. One director has gotten close enough that he has started flirting. She flirts back seeing no harm in it. With her...
Office SexRehabilitation 3 By: Light Clark Synopsis: Another attack is behind her, but Ash's problems are far from solved. Fear and frustration lead to more conflict, but a glimmer of something is starting to show from the other side of that negativity. Maybe there's some hope for her, after all. Warning: This story is a continuation from Rehabilitation 2 and picks up immediately after that story's end. As such, this story assumes that you have read its predecessors. It is also...
A few months ago, i published a gangbang-story about Avril Lavigne.It can be read here: https://xhamster.com/stories/avril-039-s-first-gangbang-564765 This is pretty muck the same story, but with black guys, which I know some of you like. Enjoy.The street glistened wet from the rain and neon signs reflected on the wet asphalt. A gust of wind stirred up some debris in the alley and an old newspaper flew over the street. This was definitely not the part of town for a good girl. But then again,...
Joseph Pierce pushed the last row of carts into behind the cart bay garage door and wiped a hand across his forehead to brush aside the sweat. Just as he rounded the corner of the building he saw the most beautiful pair of legs he had ever seen. Following them up he saw that they belonged to an amazing ass, an ass defiantly worth fucking. The girl was wearing a pair of tight fitting jeans and a low cut short sleeved t-shirt exposing a nice view of her cleavage. He could imagine watching them...
Little Jamie by Tiffany Scott 96' Part I I was having trouble keeping a job and while my wife, of three years, progressed up into management I got fired a third time. Depressed I laid around the house and for some reason I tried on a pair of my wifes panties. I was shocked at how nice they felt and almost every day I would put a pair on and them masterbate into them. I...
How many days had passed since she arrived in this place? Blair wondered. She had tried keeping a count of them. She had picked an overhanging broadleaf from a nearby tree and had tried making fingernail indentations for each day. But, after seven, or was it ten, she had given up. The days had all been pretty much the same. She would be rudely poked awake in the morning. One of the number of apes would throw her some bananas, mangoes, or passion fruit. Often, there were nuts and seeds of...
The story I am going to tell concerns the first time I experienced a man’s cum in my mouth. I was curious about what it would be like to have a man cum in my mouth but never had enough courage to suck any of my sexual partner’s cocks to completion. It just didn’t seem like it would be appealing to me to have sperm in my mouth. One night my boyfriend and I were having sex and after an hour of stimulating intercourse John asked if I would suck him off. The idea of putting a...
First encounterTo say that I was excited was an understatement. It was my eighteenth birthday and we were going to visit my uncle and aunt who had recently bought a villa in the south of France. Their son, Mark, my only cousin who is nineteen, had taken time off his work to be our guide. Mark spoke fluent French so that would be a huge asset as mum and dad didn’t speak a word of the language, and I only knew how to say, bonjour and a few other phrases that I had learnt at school.Mark was at the...
New Orleans We had flown to New Orleans to attend a trade show. My wife and I work for the same company, which had lead to some interesting times. We try our best to keep a very professional work environment. Our private life is just that private and we have yet to tell anyone that we work with that we are married to each other. In fact none of our clients or vendors know. Our romance started out fast and furious. Within six months of our first date we eloped to Vegas. Since everything happened...
EroticI sat there crying through my tears as I stared at the debris of what had once been Emma's life- piles of books and makeup and clothing all spread around her room whilst we decided what to give up and what to give away or sell at a car boot sale. Emma had been a great sister to me even though we did not always get on well together, and we had created an entire imaginary world together. That was before the cancer got her. After that she went downhill very fast, losing her hair to the...
1742/5000 This story fell in the summer with me, there is a gypsy girl in the street I’ve been watching for a long time, but not because she’s so beautiful, but because she has a big cud and tells her it’s easy to fuck her. They told me that once he had gone through the thrill of 6 people in a row for a couple of wives. I wondered when there was no one at home, then he was passing through something! But why am I cursing? I figured I’d say come over the cellar, I’ll...
This story is fiction; although the placenames used in this story do exist; the events described in this story never actually occurred. Any resemblance to anyone anywhere (except to Michele who is actually me) is coincidental. The story contains explicit sex and violence, and explores themes involving transvestism and non-consensual sex. If any of these themes disturb you then please do not proceed. Feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome. xxx Michele...
He’s a very naked person. Nudity is his natural state. Even when he has clothes on, there is always something undressed about him. He was most certainly undressed in the car that afternoon. In our own encapsulated world, the interior of a small Japanese car doing sixty along the Florida Turnpike, he sat in the passenger’s seat with the clothes he’d squirmed out of on the floor around his feet. I was shocked and amused, and having slight difficulty concentrating on my...
Chelsea begins training for marriage By Sissie Maid cuckold "Sylvia...this is Jessica..." "Yes dear, how are things going?" "Well...that's what I am calling you about. Some things have happened and I am not really sure how to handle them and I need your advice." "Oh...tell me about what's going on, nothing bad I hope?" "No nothing bad...well at least I don't think so. Well anyway Chelsea has told me he loves me and I can tell he is truly in love with me." "Does that scare...
You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. (Undercover Tour and Diamond Tours may also help you make more sense of the storyline, though they are not TG oriented) As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several...
The envelope with Nicola's name on it was lying on the hall carpet where her younger sister found it at breakfast time. An innocent-looking bombshell as it turned out for when Nicola glanced at its contents her stomach gave a lurch and she felt her throat go dry. She hastily folded the note and shoved it back in the envelope, fearful that her mother or Julie might see. A gulped mouthful of cornflakes almost choked her.'Anything interesting, dear?' asked her mother across the breakfast...
"Well do I get to know the name of the chat room now?" The three of them were lying together on a pile of scatter cushions drinking lager out of cans because as Wendy pointed out, it tasted better the second time around. (if you didn't mind it warm!) Karen giggled and climbed up to kneel above Wendy's body. "It's called, kinky bi-sluts" she said and relaxed her bladder muscles. As she began pissing she inched forward until she felt Wendy's eager tongue on her clitoris. "And we...
Hi Mien shumaila app ki khidmat mien aik daffa phir hazir hoon.app ney meri pehly true story pasand ki jiss mien meray bhyoon ne mugh ko mill ker chooda tha aub mien app ko battai chalooon ke mien aik teen mah ki buchay ki maa hoon aur meain pehlay se bhi ziyada khoobsurat ho gai hoon aub mien aupnay naak mien hur waqat aik nuth pehenti hoon aur meray mumay doodh se bharay rehtay hien mien kameez ke neecha bra aur panty nahi pehnti. Mien upney bhayoon ke saath raaoz raat ko blue film dekhti...
Finally the door opened and his heart leapt into his throat. He was supposed to protect Cho last year, and had turned on her instead. If she really was orchestrating some grand scheme against the others from behind bars, then he hated to think what she had planned for him. Feeling cowardly for his thoughts, he straightened up and put on a smug face. After all, he would be the one getting to leave after they were done here. They sat her at the small table and shackled her to the chair,...
Tales of a Hustler---All Good Things---Pt 2---conclusion “Yo lil bro----what the fuck you so happy about”? Dustin was dancing around the kitchen slinging eggs and bacon, and minding biscuits in the oven like a pro, Pouring batter into an iron skillet for pancakes. “You know if you keep this up we're all gonna gain 50 lbs—and say bye bye to all these abs. As I reached for the coffee, Hunter strolled into the kitchen as well, in his loose boxers, and while pausing behind me for the coffee,...
The Tinder guy arrives at my condo at 9. He is larger than his picture. He is hot and that’s deliberate on my part. His name is (and I kid you not) Lance. I hope it refers to his dick. Lance is tall and heavy-muscled. My mouth waters. When he sees me, his eyes take their time looking me up and down. Will I measure up? I have dressed to impress. Is he impressed? Wearing a too-high skirt and a too-tight top with a bralette and boy short panties. I realized I am holding my breath...
Group SexAmy I could tell was getting horny, I could see her tiny nipples getting hard and the way she was teasing Tom it would be no time until he led her to the pool house for fun. After a few minutes me and Mandi could hear them going at it hard and heavy. Mandi came out of the pool in one of those Fast times moments, toweled off and joined me on a pool chair. We shot the breeze for a few when she came out and said “I am bored and horny, please do me too, I'm not a virgin” This got my 25 yo 12 inch...
This widow woman was experiencing a feeling she’d never had before. My dick was at least two inches longer than Joe’s had been, and half an inch thicker… Ol’ Fat Boy was driving her into ecstasy. I was mesmerized just watching her facial expressions, as her head pitched back and forth. I kept stroking slowly, appreciating the beauty of the body I’d desired to love for fifteen years. It took less than five minutes for Linda to begin her rise to another orgasm. Her fingernails dug into...
It was once we were inside that he revealed that he was aware of what we were doing. "Why?" were his first words once the door closed. "Because I have questions I don't want to ask where others can hear," I stated firmly. I could see Sarah and Fate peeking around the corner from the back room, but guided Commodore Pruitt to a chair and had him sit. Linda clearly had decided that withdrawing might help and vanished into the back for a moment. I could see the man look around and spoke...
Reluctant Convert ? by: Suzi4th Part 2 David woke to bright sunlight and a gentle stroking of his forehead. It took him a moment to register that he was not in his own bed but next door in Sally's, in her father's house, and that Mr Adamson was stroking his forehead. He was sitting in the same chair as last night and David blushed a deep red as he remembered all that had happened. Mr Adamson smiled at him as he stirred and tried to move his hands and found he could not, that...