Spanked By Deputy Head free porn video

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The envelope with Nicola's name on it was lying on the hall carpet where her younger sister found it at breakfast time. An innocent-looking bombshell as it turned out for when Nicola glanced at its contents her stomach gave a lurch and she felt her throat go dry. She hastily folded the note and shoved it back in the envelope, fearful that her mother or Julie might see. A gulped mouthful of cornflakes almost choked her.
'Anything interesting, dear?' asked her mother across the breakfast table.
'No... nothing.' With difficulty Nicola kept her voice more or less on an even keel. Picturing again the words which had leapt at her from the paper she broke out into a cold sweat.

Up in the privacy of her room she forced herself to have another look, this time reading it properly.

Dear Nicola,

It is my unhappy duty to take you to task on a disciplinary matter. On the evening of Tuesday last you were observed in the town in school uniform accompanied by a youth and behaving in a highly undignified and unsatisfactory manner. You were, for one thing, eating chips out of a newspaper in a public street. Your conduct on this occasion broke several disciplinary rules, as you will know. It is my duty therefore to see that you are given a suitable punishment.

Accordingly you will report to the Deputy Head tomorrow after school, taking this note with you. You will wear gym attire and you will wear no knickers under your gym shorts. I am instructing Mr Russell, that you are to be given a sound spanking. To ensure that you do not take this matter lightly I am further instructing Mr Russell that you are to have your shorts lowered and take the spanking on the bare bottom.

The note bore the school crest and was signed by the Head. It was dated 31st of March which was yesterday.

Re-reading it Nicola felt sick. It was impossible. She was 17 and a very grown-up looking 17 at that. Surely a 17-year old girl couldn't be spanked nowadays. Especially on her bare bottom! She had never heard of it happening to anyone, not ever. Although of course it did say in the school prospectus something about corporal punishment could be used in extreme circumstances. Could it possibly be that it did happen but the girls it happened to simply kept quiet about it? Obviously you wouldn't want to broadcast the fact. Shuddering, Nicola was quite sure she herself wouldn't.

She looked at the note again — to convince herself that she hadn't dreamt it. No, it was real all right. She shivered, imagining the unthinkable. Mr Russell's hand smacking down on her bare bottom.

With a sort of empty sensation in her stomach Nicola went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and do her hair. She was 5' 6" and well-built, a pretty blue-eyed blonde, but the pretty face in the mirror did not have its usual cheerful appearance. It was 8.30. In just over 7 hours she would be in Mr Russell's room. I feel sick, she thought, but fortunately the feeling passed. It was time to leave.

'Home at the usual time, dear?' It was her mother's routine query and routinely Nicola said yes. Today she said, 'I... I'm not sure, Mum. There... there may be something on.'

She slipped on the green school blazer. Green blazer, blue calf-length pleated skirt, green-and-blue tie. It was what she had on on Tuesday evening because she'd been working late in the library. And then someone had seen her with Brian Parker and those bloody fish and chips. Nicola thought for a moment. Her gym things? Then she remembered they were at school. She felt sick again.

3.40 standing outside Mr Russell's door Nicola was naturally feeling even sicker. The dreadful moment of truth had arrived. She had gone through the day in a dream with just that one sick-making thought obliterating everything else. Being over Mr Russell's lap (presumably) with her gym shorts down and her, as she thought, rather big bottom on display. Nicola had naturally said nothing to anyone about her coming humiliating ordeal, and had tried to act as if everything was normal. It had not been easy. She had actually had Mr Russell for one lesson and had not been able to look him in the eye. But the Deputy Head had acted quite normally and had himself given no sign...

Nicola forced herself to knock and his voice said 'Come in'. He looked up from his desk, queryingly. Mr Russell was not old, perhaps 45, quite tall. He had blue eyes, some girls thought he was very dishy. Some girls might even welcome the situation Nicola was in. Her knees felt as if they were made of rubber.

'Yes, Nicola?'

She closed the door and shuffled forward, face bright red. Nicola had her raincoat on but underneath was dressed as the note had directed. Her white sleeveless gym top and tight blue gym shorts plus white ankle socks and gym shoes. She was wearing a bra but her knickers were back in the changing room with her other clothes.

The shorts anyway were very snug fitting. Nicola had had them since the Fifth form and now really needed a size bigger for she had filled out a bit since then. Her big bottom as she thought of it. Her mother told her not to be silly, it wasn't big just nice and anyway she would find that most men liked a good-sized bottom on a girl. At 17 Nicola wasn't really interested in that yet, although she realised that the male sex was interested, in her bottom and in her firm full breasts. Right now, though, there was only one male she had to be concerned about.

Mr Russell repeated his querying 'Yes, Nicola?' as if he didn't know why she had come. Numbly she thrust out the letter. He took a long time reading it through, almost as if it was all news to him. Finally he looked up. His face was perhaps slightly pink, though nothing compared to the rosy flush on Nicola's cheeks.

'Yes Nicola. Of course. Must behave properly in public, mustn't we? Take your coat off then.'

It was happening. Somehow Nicola had had a vague idea that he might say the letter was to teach her a lesson, scare her so that she wouldn't do it again, and then give some more acceptable punishment. Detention or something. Her fingers were all thumbs as she fumbled with the raincoat's buttons.

'Put it on the chair.' Mr Russell had got up and went over to the door. Nicola heard the lock click. He came back and sat down on a chair at the side, not behind his desk. 'Come here then.'

She stood trembling in front of him, somehow feeling naked in her gym clothes. Mr Russell simply said, 'OK, drop your shorts.'

Nicola gulped. For a moment the room went round and round. 'PI...please Sir,' said a small whisper.

'You read the note, Nicola.' Mr Russell's voice was crisp and authoritative. 'You saw the Head's instructions. So please take down your shorts.'

Somehow her hands did it. Struggled the tight shorts down off her full flanks. 'Right down,' Mr Russell ordered. They came right down. Automatically one of Nicola's hands came across to cover her light brown bush. Mr Russell took hold of her arm and the next thing Nicola knew she was over his lap.

'Uuuggghhh!' A moaning gasp at the first electric touch of his hand on her bare bottom. Nicola thought she was going to faint. He wasn't spanking, not yet, just getting her in position on his lap. One hand now holding her firmly in the small of her back, where her tank-top ended. There was a pause. And then the spanking did start.

All those stomach-churning fears of what it would be like proved amply justified. It was quite as bad as Nicola had imagined, if not worse. It hurt for one thing, that hard splat!... splat!... splat!... rhythmically cracking down onto her bottom; but worse was the truly mortifying embarrassment. To be lying there like that with her bare rear on display and Mr Russell's male hand in repeated contact with it. Her soft bottom cheeks flattening and wobbling with each repeated impact. No, that had to be experienced for the full horror to be believed.

Mr Russell kept it up for some considerable time, until Nicola could feel her bum absolutely glowing all over. At last he did stop and she was being helped to her feet. 'Pull them up,' he said. Nicola couldn't see properly. She wasn't actually crying but her bottom lip was trembling and there was an awful lot of moisture in her eyes.

'Blow your nose if you need to,' Mr Russell said.

Nicola had now got her shorts back up and was at least over the worst of the shock. Sire couldn't bear to look him in the eye, though.

'Well that's that,' Mr Russell observed. 'I'm sure it'll teach you a useful lesson because we certainly don't like our girls wandering about the streets eating fish and chips. By the way, are you familiar with the Head's signature?'

Blinking, Nicola looked at him and then away. 'Yes... yes sir. I think so.'

'Oh. Because the signature in your letter is quite a good copy but not what I would call a first-class one.'

Mr Russell's words took some time to sink it. Nicola was after all still in something of a state of shock.

'Wha...what, sir?'

'The signature, Nicola. A forgery. And you know today's date of course. The first of April.'

The penny finally dropped. Nicola's mouth opened and closed again without any words coming out. There was really nothing to say and if there had been Nicola was in no state to say it. She weakly dabbed at her face as two tears rolled down her cheeks.

'Don't take it too hard,' smiled Mr Russell. 'Someone's had their little joke. One of your schoolmates I suppose.'

She felt utterly utterly sick. At being so stupidly taken in and also at the fact that Mr Russell had gone ahead and spanked her even though he knew it was an April Fool's joke.

'I'm sorry but I couldn't resist it,' Mr Russell said in answer to Nicola's unspoken question. 'It was just too good an opportunity to miss. And after all you were in breach of the rules, weren't you! I think the best thing now is to forget all about it. I shan't tell and I don't suppose you will. Your unknown prankster will assume that nothing happened. By the way, any idea who it was?'

Nicola shook her head mournfully, doing her her best to stem the tears. Mr Russell put his arm round her.

'Cheer up. Just a little April Fool's fun. We'll forget about it and no one will be any the wiser. Off you go then.'

He gave Nicola a playful smack on her bottom — an unwelcome reminder of what had to be the worst 15 minutes of Nicola's life.

When she got over the worst of the shock and humiliation Nicola's first thought was to think who could have played such a trick. For several days she went about surreptitiously watching for any word or sign that might give a clue but really there wasn't any. Once or twice she thought she had detected some suspicious action but on reflection Nicola had to admit it didn't amount to anything. She knew the best thing would be to forget all about it, as Mr Russell had advised, but she couldn't. And the main reason she couldn't forget was to be Mr Russell himself.

Two weeks after April Fool's Day he called Nicola into his office again after school with some complaint about an essay. He felt she hadn't been trying very hard, he said. He gave a funny little smile.

'But we know what we can do to smarten you up, don't we, young lady?'

Nicola flushed knowing full well what he meant. It wasn't a very good joke as far as she was concerned. She shifted uncomfortably on her feet, recalling all too vividly that horrendous afternoon. As she stood uncertainly at his desk Mr Russell got up and went over to the door. Nicola heard a distinct click of the lock. Like that sick-making afternoon two weeks before.

'Come on then,' he said, his voice a bit tense.

Nicola just looked at him as Mr Russell went to sit in that self-same chair at the side.

'Come on,' he repeated. 'Drop your knickers, Nicola dear.'

'No!' she gasped.

'Yes, Nicola. I'm going to spank your bottom again. And I don't think you're going to complain to anyone because I'm sure you wouldn't want that 'April Fool's joke' that you fell for spread about the school. Now would you?'

'That's blackmail,' Nicola whispered.

Mr Russell smiled. 'I wouldn't call it that. Let's simply say a Deputy Head using whatever disciplinary means are at his disposal. Now are you going to slip your knickers down yourself or shall I do it for you? I should quite enjoy doing it.' He smiled again, a cat with the cream. 'You can take your blazer off first.'

Nicola couldn't believe it. It was blackmail but what could she do? She slipped off her blazer and put it on his desk. She was in school uniform of course, not the gym outfit. Blouse and tie and skirt. Not looking at him her hands went up under the pleated skirt and fumbled underneath.

'Are they down?'

She nodded, tight-lipped.

'Good'. Mr Russell took her arm and pulled Nicola forward, then down. She was over his lap again, and again with that awful feeling of wanting to be sick. She felt her skirt being pulled up, over her back. Her knickers were brief pink nylon. Mr Russell was pulling them further down, to Nicola's knees. His hand on her bottom again. Openly fondling a bit this time. And then spanking. Hard juddering spanks, each one making a sharp pistol-like crack. It seemed to go on and on while Nicola just lay there, not struggling, simply soaking up the sharp pain and the humiliation.

Afterwards, as she struggled her knickers back up, Mr Russell was friendly, perhaps even slightly anxious. Perhaps he was just a little bit afraid Nicola might tell and then he could be in trouble. Because although the school prospectus did mention corporal punishment in general terms it certainly said nothing about spanking girls on their bare bottoms. But Nicola wasn't going to tell — not if it meant the whole humiliating story coming out.

'It doesn't hurt, does it?' he queried sympathetically. 'And I'm sure we're still friends, aren't we, Nicola?'

Nicola didn't answer. It seemed stupid to say either yes or not. But she could guess that as soon as Mr Russell got another excuse she would be back in here taking her knickers down again.

He gave her a charming smile. 'By the way, any ideas yet on who sent that letter?'

Nicola shook her head.

Mr Russell shook his too. 'Someone out there,' he mused. 'But at least if you say nothing their joke's fallen rather flat, hasn't it?'

Say nothing and let him keep smacking my bum, Nicola thought unhappily. But she was caught in the predicament of not having any choice.

Graham Russell, after Nicola had left, sat at his desk pleasantly reliving the heady episode. She certainly had a marvellous bottom. And big girls really should be given more of that treatment. It was very good for them and it was most unfortunate that society nowadays had rather gone off that sort of thing. Next time, he thought, he might even take the strap to her. That would be really something. Spanking, though, did afford the wonderful intimacy of hand on bare bottom.

Taking up his pen he started idly doodling. The Headmaster's signature. He had told Nicola it wasn't perfect but really it was a very good copy. It had all gone quite marvellously; no problems and quite foolproof. He'd have to try it on another one next year, another little April Fool's trick. Perhaps June Billington, with the big boobs. He rather fancied her as well.

But until then there was Nicola Wilson. Pretty Nicola who had quite big boobs anyway plus a really lovely bottom. Nicola who was clearly going to be nice and cooperative. Next week, he thought. There's bound to be something wrong with her work again next week.

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Deputy PorterChapter 25

I wore the cap from the parking lot of the plaza. I would have worn it out of the store, but that would have looked a little odd. Like walking across the parking lot in a deputy's uniform with a thug's knit cap. I couldn't fit my current baseball cap I had over the knit cap. Since I couldn't wear both, I carried the knit cap in my hand. My first stop was to head back to the station for a larger baseball type hat. I figured with the shaved head and all, the Chief Deputy would be thrilled...

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Deputy PorterChapter 29

I wondered all the way home, if that had been what one would consider my first date since becoming a Deputy Sheriff. The thought of that made me laugh, I got home and checked to see if anything had happened on my computer. Nothing had, so I slipped into bed, I slept till 7AM the next morning. Though technically it was a work day, I saw it as the last of my break, since I started the midnight shift rotation. I hated midnight shifts and so did ever one else. I was working the patrol division...

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Deputy PorterChapter 34

The time seemed to be going by faster than before. I still hated the time I ran, every damn second of the thirty minutes. All I could hope for was that it passed quickly and it did. I looked for something to occupy my mind and it come lately in the form of the party at Gypsy Allen's house. The question was also in my mind was what in the world did they do there. What had gotten the 7year old killed was of course the big question. Of course there was alway the who dun it. By the time I made...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 41

By the time that the SBI lab boys got through with the scene, it was past midnight. I was on overtime, but I didn't mind. I was enjoying the prospect of hitting the meth lab. "So do you want to volunteer to stay over and go on the strike team. We need to get in there before the word get out that we are on the way." Michaels said. "You know I want to see it through to the end. I want to see what a working meth lab looks like. I only seen them on TV." I said. "It doesn't look like...

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Deputy PorterChapter 46

The ten days passed slowly but they did pass. I went back on light duty, It wasn't all I hoped it would be. but I was back at work. It sure beat soap operas on TV. The first morning I went in on the day shift, even though my squad was on midnights, I was not allowed in a car as long as my clearance was only light duty. I expected to be filing reports and answering the telephone. Which is exactly what I did. "So how you like it on a desk," Simpson asked me early on my first day...

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Deputy PorterChapter 53

I drove home at five in the morning, more than a little upset by Learners comments. No I didn't have a lot of forgiveness in my heart. That was the church's Job or maybe even the ADA's job, Cops were supposed to pick up the bad guys. Somebody else had the job of deciding their fate. If he got me bounced from the unit because of this I was going to be pissed. I fell into bed without even taking a shower first. I was tired and my ribs hurt slightly. It was a minor pain, but it was always...

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Deputy PorterChapter 62

Learner and I staked out a construction site the first night back. Sure as hell a couple of idiots tried to steal pipe from the site. I let the truck get inside the site where it was nice and bottled up, before I slipped the grandmother car into the neck of the bottle. If they planned to bring their truck out of the site they had to drive up and surrender. Just to be safe Learner walked in and confronted them. They jumped in the truck and tried to make a run for it. I stopped them at the...

2 years ago
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Deputy MarshalChapter 2

"Jeb, do either you or Josh know how to handle a shotgun?" "No, neither one of us ever fired any sort of gun." "OK, we'd better get you fixed up with some, then. Let's find a gun shop and see what we can do. You're going cross country with that there mining equipment, so you'll need some way to protect the oxen. Back on the train, we weren't bothered by wolves and such, but you might be, being that you'll be a lone wagon." "Josh, tell your sister that we'll be gone for a...

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Deputy MarshalChapter 4

Eddy had one point on his side: the first time he fired his shotgun, people would come running. He just had to hope that they would get there soon enough to do him some good. He figured that he was hidden well enough in the dim light that the thugs would have a hard time spotting him. Eddy had a problem that he didn't see any way around: he couldn't shoot just because he didn't like their looks. They had to make the first move. Maybe they would try something illegal so he could shoot,...

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Deputy PorterChapter 216

So I mashed in the Colonel's run. I put in 15pounds of corn and all the stalks I had left after I ground them. Then I added the yeast and let it begin to work off. For two weeks I made myself seen around town. I talked to a few people I knew and who could help me, if I decided to run for Sheriff if couldn't hurt to have their advice. The advice was all the same, try to turn your negatives into positives, admit to everything, and make a joke of it. The Colonel Martin Mash was working and it...

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Deputy PorterChapter 190

We went back inside to finish our breakfast. An older man came by to leave his card on our table. "You never know," he said smiling." "Bob you are a defense lawyer, now why in the world would I need you," I asked. "You never know when the Sheriff will get a hair up his ass toward you," He said. "Well Bob, if the Sheriff gets a hard on for me, I'll give you a call." I replied. "I might make you a special price, you never know," the older man said. "Fair enough I laughed," as...

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Deputy MorpheusChapter 17 Protg

It was late and I still had several reports to review and four requests to decide on. I glanced at the door when a dragon flew in and landed on a chair back. I sat back and then grinned, “It has been a long time Samantha.” The dragon chirped and was answered by her mother on her nest. I looked at the door as an older Cambra walked through it and she grinned, “Hey kid moving up.” I came to my feet and moved around the desk and caught her in a hug. I stepped back, “Where have you been?” She...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 35

I went home and worried. I had no way to tell who knew what, so all I could do was act like everything was normal. If I were a Los Vegas Odds maker, I would make it about 3 to 1 in my favor. I wasn't trying to be optimistic there were just so many thing that had to go wrong to get me busted. I had the Boyle brother's phone number and I could call, but I swore I would never contact them again. So I would have to wait till tomorrow at work, when I could pin those in the raid down. My chance...

4 years ago
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Deputy MarshalChapter 8

Deputy Marshal Zack Wilson walked into The Silver Dollar Saloon the same way he did every night if was his turn to make the nightly rounds. He went up to the bar and said hello to Jim Hanson the bartender and owner. "How's it going tonight, Jim?" "Oh, 'bout the same as usual. There's a few miners here I ain't never seen afore, but they've been mostly quiet and drinking their beer. OH, SHIT! LOOK OUT, ZACK!" Jim grabbed Zack's arm and jerked him to one side as a thrown knife whizzed...

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Deputy PorterChapter 102

Rodney and I settled in to wait for the boss, or at least the rental boss. I had time to assess Rodney in full daylight. He walked with just a slight almost unnoticeable limp. He was not quite six foot tall and probably one hundred and eighty pounds. He was the color of coffee with just a touch of cream. There was some white in his gene pool for sure. His hair was too short to be in the least curly. As I think I said earlier he looked like he might have been a gym rat. Joan Pacer arrived...

3 years ago
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Butlers DelightsChapter 11 A Deputy

"What I require is someone newly graduated from your school, male, preferably an older student with some experience outside college before coming on your course," the butler said to the Principal of London's leading private college specialising in the training of senior domestic staff for the nobility, "He will be my deputy here at the Golden Palace in Kobek in the service of His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever." "It would be illegal for us to discriminate...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 150

"Look Sylvie, we have to make this look convincing. We want whoever is bugging you to think I'm an old boyfriend," He said it quietly over his beer. "Exactly how far to you think I am going to carry this charade?" I asked. "That depends on how bad you want to know who is bugging you. Believe me I don't want to be here. I have better things to do with my time, don't I?" he said. "Look that cockney accent is going to wear thin in about an hour. I have heard you speak with hardly...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 171

I rode the bike on Friday for two hours. As I had begun to do lately, I went to the Cafe on the Square for breakfast. There was usually a deputy or two there, and since Mary Ellen was a local business women, she was a topic of conversation around there. Even if there were no cops, there was always some news that someone had gotten from a cop. The latest thing was the cops thought they might have a good lead. I thought, if the lead is the camera men, it was about fucking time. I said nothing....

3 years ago
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The Junior Deputy US Marshals 7 in STOPWATCHChapter 15

The flight to San Angelo was interesting. Without lights, they flew well below the radar ... and just above the power lines. E'veen used the watch and landed ... without permission ... at the Army Air Corp base on the east side of town. She taxied up to the little tower and jumped down. She was surrounded by Military Police. "I need to see Master Gunnery Sergeant Aloysius T. Cornpone." She flashed her deputy Marshals badge, "NOW!" When the Japs did such a bang up job of sticking our...

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Deputy PorterChapter 201

"I swear to you Sylvia I don't understand why people are buying that stuff. I don't like the taste of it and I don't like the quick high I get from it." The Brit said. "I know, hun but people don't always make sense. As a matter of fact the one thing you can count on when dealing with people, is that they will all act irrationally at some point." I said. "Yeah, that is true enough. So what's the thrill?" The Brit asked. "Jim says it's designer drugs. Something nobody else has....

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Deputy PorterChapter 224

Jeremy was working on the catered meal. "We were calling it a counter rally. A political rally with barbecue and no politics. It was a hell of an idea, even if it was mine. While he did that I went back to thinking about a new car of some kind. The cruiser really was breaking down a bunch, and that meant a tow bill just about every time. Fortunately the breakdown had been during daylight and in area's with cell phone coverage. I was worried that it might not always be so cooperative. I...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 231

When I woke up, it was the next morning and Juanita the pubs only female employee was standing beside me. "Miss Sylvia is there anything I can get for you." "To be honest I could use some pain killers, and a cup of coffee," I said. "What kind of pain killers?" she asked. Get me some Tylenol extra strength and some Aleve,"I said. "Mostly honey, I really want coffee." "I will bring that and send Jeremy for the drugs," she said. She was back with the coffee and the Tylenol almost...

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Deputy PorterChapter 6

"Why on earth would I do that?" I asked. "Because, they tell me I'm good company for one thing. For another you have to eat anyway, and I would pay," he said. "Of course you would pay, that goes without saying, but I think I will pass. You can try again some other time. Right now I have too much on my mind." I said. "Come on, I did some checking. You don't have a boy friend and you live in a motel. You can surely make time for one dinner with a new friend," he demanded. "Maybe...

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Deputy PorterChapter 11

I arrived back at the motel, two hundred miles from my home town at four in the morning. I was exhausted, but more concerned with my mom's feeling than anything else. It wasn't the first time in my life that I was awake at 4AM. Since there was nothing I could do to help mom at 4AM, I fell into bed and at least tried to sleep. The ringing of the room phone woke me. My cell phone couldn't ring because it was turned off. I had even taken the battery out, so that I wouldn't be disturbed at...

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 3

Dan felt once again an incredible rush as he rammed deeper with each stroke into Lizzie Abramowitz, his cock taking the cute, nerdy Jewish teacher roughly as they fucked hard again. Melissa, meanwhile, had her thighs parted as Lizzie ate her pussy hungrily, not letting up while she explored as much as she could with her lips and tongue. Ms. Abramowitz was able to lose all self-control, thanks to being sandwiched between her wonderful sponsor and her sweet slut, the pleasure of serving her too...

2 years ago
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Dan and the DeputyChapter 7

Several fajitas were still left, but already most of the "raza", as Felicia put it, or as Vanessa called it, "la familia," were very much stuffed. For this part, it was safe enough to include the children, of course, and most of them marveled at learning that they were part of this huge new tribe. Of course, this consisted of Heather's kids, the two Kumar girls, plus what turned out to be the son of Alistair and Pippa Stevens, one Clarence Stevens, who was all of three and already a tad...

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 10

“So, attention everyone, please! You have now been extracted from Earth into the bosom of the Confederacy! You are on the Scepter, a rather typical ship used for recruiting purposes. Sponsors, gather your concubines and collect any relevant medical and other necessary information regarding them. Very shortly, once your pods are assigned to you, we will have the first augmentations by means of nannites, though these are limited to medical cleanup work. “In other words, for those of you not...

4 years ago
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Dan and the DeputyChapter 11

“So, that’s it, then? All that fuss and bother, and the quarantine is over just like that? I was so afraid that it would take several days, weeks, months!” Dan confessed with some surprise, but Fleet Nurse Adam Jordan corrected him with a shake of his head. “No, Mr. Thorpe, I dare say that the nanites have that matter in hand and the old-fashioned quarantines are no longer required for reasons of medical sanity. You were never infected, nor was Vanessa, but that was a lucky break for you....

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