UNRULY BEHAVIOR free porn video

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Unruly Behaviorbybassbelly©
The Mustang convertible passed the 45MPH sign doing 115. The road made a sharp left curve and the car sk**ded across the highway, tires squealing, in a vain attempt to hold the road. It crashed into the guardrail, flipped over and collided with a small grove of elm trees. Three of the four occupants were hurled from the wreck, some landing two hundred feet away. The driver was trapped in the car which burst into flames, roasting him alive. By the time the emergency crew got there he was just a glowing ember. Two of the three who were thrown out were killed instantly in the trees. The other, my daughter, was thrown into the field, missing the trees but landing in a pile of rocks. She was still alive, but barely.

I got the call at three o'clock in the morning. "Mr. Stuart, your daughter has been in a serious accident. Come to County Line Hospital immediately!"

"I'll be right there!" I yelled into the phone. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I pulled on some clothes and sped to the hospital. I burst through the emergency room doors and went to the reception desk.

"I'm Hal Stuart. Where is my daughter?" I cried.

"You'll have to wait Mr. Stuart. She's in surgery right now. Please go to the waiting room. There is a police officer here who will be in to talk to you in a few minutes."

"I wander into the emergency room like a zombie. My little girl, hurt, broken, in surgery. I broke down and cried.

"Mr. Stuart?" A voice inquired.

"Yes, that's me," I replied.

"Where did your daughter go tonight?" It was a young police officer.

"Look, I'm in kind of tough shape right now. Can't this wait until later? I don't even know if she's going to live or die. Please leave me alone."

"I'm sorry sir, but there are some questions I must have answers to. I'll try to be as brief as possible."

"Okay, but I probably don't have any answers to your questions."

"How old is your daughter?"

"She's eighteen. Her birthday was just last week," I sobbed.

"Where did she go tonight?"

"I don't know. She said she was going to a party with some friends. I told her to be home early."

"Who did she go with?"

"I don't know. She has gone to parties before. I never know who is there. Some of her old school chums, I guess."

"Does she drive?"

"No, we were going to get her some driving lessons next week, but she has never driven a car."

"Thank you sir. If you need anything, like maybe a ride home, I'll be here."

"Thanks officer. I appreciate your concern."

Four hours later one of the emergency room nurses told me that my daughter was out of surgery.

"When can I see her?"

"We want you to talk to the doctor first. He'll tell you everything."

She led me down a long hall to the doctor's office.

"Come right in sir," the doctor greeted.

"I'm Hal Stuart," I offered my hand.

He shook it and said, "Your daughter was in a really bad accident. The other three people in the car died at the scene. She was brought in here just in time to save her life, but she has a long, difficult path in front of her. I think she will eventually fully recover, but the first few months are going to be tough."

"What's wrong with her?"

"We were able to repair the damage from the crash, but we're not sure how much of her brain has been affected by it. In other cases like this, it usually takes six months to a year to fully recover. Right now, she can't move her limbs but we think that will pass. She'll need full time attention until she can fend for herself."

I shook my head sadly. "I can't afford to get a full time nurse for her. What am I going to do?"

"Her requirements aren't going to be anything you and her mother can't handle."

"Her mother left fifteen years ago and we haven't heard from her since. I don't know where she is or what she's doing."

"In that case, you'll have to take care of her yourself. How much spare time do you have?"

I had retired five years ago at the age of forty three. "I'm retired so time isn't a problem. The problem is, I don't have the foggiest inkling of how I am to take care of her."

"She'll be here in the hospital for at least a month. I'll get the nurses to teach you what to do. It's mostly a matter of feeding her, seeing to her medication and keeping her clean."

"I'm willing to try anything to help my baby," I vowed.

Six weeks later Barbara was released into my custody. I had paid close attention to what the nurses had to teach me. Most of it was very simple; some of it was more complex. My next door neighbor helped me load her into the house. I had set up the living room for her. I moved a hospital type bed in. I had a wheel chair and a potty chair.

"Daddy what happened?" were her first words to me.

"You were in a terrible car crash honey. You were the only survivor. Do you remember any of it?"

"No daddy. I just remember waking up in the hospital. I couldn't talk or move or anything. I still can't move very much. You are going to have to help me do everything."

"I know dear. I took six weeks worth of lessons from your nurses and I've practiced on you for the last six weeks. We'll be okay. Just do what I tell you and we'll have you back on your feet in no time."

A tear drizzled down her cheek. "If I could I would hug you and kiss you. I realize now that all the things you told me about my unruly behavior were true. If I make it through this, I'll be a good daughter from now on!"

"You must tell me when you are hungry and when you need to go to the bathroom. Also, I need to give you a sponge bath at least once a day. You have half a dozen medications that must be taken on time and you have some wounds where they took out the drain tubes that need attention twice every day. Can you handle that?"

"I have to handle it daddy. I got myself into this mess now I'll do my best to help you help me out of it."

"I'm going to fix some grilled cheese sandwiches. Are you up for one?"

"Yes please daddy."

I cooked the sandwiches and brought hers to her. She just looked at it. "My arms don't work well enough to pick it up. You'll have to feed me daddy."

I cut the sandwich up and spent half an hour feeding it to her. She smiled at me and went to sleep.

"Daddy! I have to go pee!" she called urgently.

I raced into the living room. "Okay honey, I'll have to help you. I've got to take your panties off and lift you onto the potty chair. Are you up for it?"

"I don't have choice daddy. I need to go now."

She was only five feet one inch tall and her stay in the hospital had whittled her down to about ninety pounds. I pulled off her panties and picked her up. I had to hold her in the chair as she pissed.

"You have to wipe me daddy. I can't reach it yet."

I took some toilet paper and wiped her little pussy. I was blushing deeply as I carried her back to her bed. She grinned at me. "Daddy, you're blushing."

"I'm sorry baby girl. I'm not used to handling you when you're awake."

"Do you mean you've done it before when I was asleep?"

"When they were training me at the hospital. We're going to experience lots of things together that most daughters don't do with their fathers. For instance, in two more hours you get your first sponge bath. That should be interesting." I slid her panties back on covering her lower end.

She watched TV while I puttered around the house. I checked on her every ten minutes or so to be sure she had everything she needed. I laid a stack of towels on the sofa. "Exercise time," I announced.

"Exercise? But daddy, I can't do anything. How am I going to exercise?"

"I'm going to help you," I replied. I gave her two small rubber balls to squeeze. I held one of her hands and started massaging her arm. I worked my way around until I had rubbed all her limbs thoroughly. I took her top off and massaged her shoulders. I rubbed her legs down and flexed them for her.

"Oh daddy that feels so good."

"It's bath time," I told her. I picked her up and laid her on the towels. I removed all her clothing. With a basin of warm water and a sponge, I cleaned her entire body. She twitched when I washed her tits. She moaned when I cleaned her ass. "Oh yes daddy!" she cried when I washed her pussy. I dried her completely and put some fresh clothes on her.

When she settled into her bed she said, "Thank you daddy. That was wonderful."

My hands were shaking and I had to go to the kitchen to calm down. She was beautiful, helpless and grateful. Oh god, what was I gonna do?

As she was going to sleep, I camped out on the sofa. "What are you doing daddy?"

"I have to be with you all the time. If you need something, I have to be there."

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too baby girl. Goodnight."

After several trips to the potty chair and a couple of more sponge baths she said, "You know daddy these clothes are just in the way. Why don't you take them off of me and just cover me with a sheet?"

That sounded good to me so I removed what little clothing she had and covered her with a sheet. She stayed nude for the next three months. The next week I went to see her doctor. "Those sponge baths are a big pain in the ass," I told him, "Is there any reason why I can't get her clean in our hot tub?"

"I didn't know you had a hot tub. That is ideal. Do it! Just remember you have to watch her at all times."

When bath time came that afternoon, I picked her up and carried her to the hot tub. I put on my swim trunks and got in the water with her. "Daddy this is much better than those sponge baths. You still have to clean me all over, don't you?" she asked with a sneaky smile.

"Yes, I still have to clean you all over.

I took the wash rag and started rubbing her down with it. Her nipples seemed to be especially sensitive. When I got to her crotch she said, "Do it with your hand daddy, please!"

I rubbed her bare vulva with my fingers. She closed her eyes and said, "Please don't stop daddy. It feels so good!"

I reluctantly released her pussy. "We're not here to get you off. We're here to get you clean," I admonished.

"I know daddy but it really felt good. I can't do it myself yet. You may have to get me off to keep me happy."

The nurses hadn't said anything about sex. I didn't want to look down this road to see where it was going. I just knew it was wrong. But as I lay her in her bed she gave me the wounded puppy look. "Please, please daddy! Rub me off."

I gently massaged her vulva. My fingers slid up and down her crease. She moaned and I thought I felt her wiggle. Maybe this wasn't just a lecherous old man fingering his daughter. Maybe this was therapy! I rubbed a little harder and slipped a finger into her.

"Be gentle daddy. I've only had sex a couple of times and it hurt both times." She screamed a little mousey scream and came in my hand. "Thanks daddy. I really needed that. Did you see me wiggle when you were fingering me? That's a good thing, isn't it?"

"Yes baby, but we can't do this again. It isn't right for a father to bring his daughter off like that."

Her arms were now strong enough so she could feed herself again. As I massaged her legs the next day I saw he toes curl. She was coming back! My baby was coming back. I said a little prayer of thanks.

Six more weeks and she could wash herself. Her legs were still very weak and I still had to carry her to the hot tub, but once there, she was on her own. "Why don't you get in with me daddy?'

"No baby girl. You are doing just fine. If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen." I was cutting up some potatoes for supper when I heard a little scream and a big splash. I raced to the hot tub and saw her hair floating and her arms flailing. I grabbed her and held her up.

"What happened?"

"I was trying to stand up and my legs gave out. I slipped and hit my head on the side of the tub. I'm sorry daddy."

I hugged her little wet body to me. "You scared the hell out of me baby. If you want to try new things, that's okay, just be sure I'm there when you do it."

"Okay daddy," she sobbed. I dried her off and carried her back to her bed.

She was strong enough to sit on a toilet so I got rid of the potty chair. She could even wipe her pussy. Her ass was another story. She couldn't quite reach it yet so I wound up wiping her ass for her. Everyday, she grew a little stronger and I knew it wouldn't be long until my beautiful baby was fully recovered. She still didn't remember the accident. In fact she drew a blank on the whole day. The doctor said this was a normal traumatic reaction.

Finally the day came when she walked to the hot tub by herself. I was right alongside her but she made it all the way on her own. She couldn't get in the tub, but she had made it all the way there. I hoisted her into the hot tub and sat in a chair beside it until she announced she was done. I picked her up and dried her off. She made it all the way back to her bed on her own. I was so proud of the effort she was making.

I thought it was time for her to try to dress herself. "I like being naked daddy. I don't want to get dressed. It's just you and me and you've already seen everything I've got so what's the big deal?"

I explained, "Now that you are so much better, it isn't right for me to see you nude all the time. Please get some clothes on."

"Turn about's fair play daddy. Why don't you take your clothes off? We could be nudists together." She giggled.

That week we took the hospital bed and the wheelchair back to the rental company. Once again she was ensconced in her own room. Funny, but she hadn't had any visitors lately. "Where are all your friends?" I asked.

"They turned out to be no friends of mine. Besides, I don't need them. I have you." She squeezed my arm and giggled.

She was ninety nine per cent recovered. It had been a long, tough road but she had climbed every step of it. She would run every afternoon. I had set up a small gym in the garage and she would exercise there. Barbara seemed to be happy and she was in the best shape of her life. I even started exercising with her and I must say she could run my ass into the ground.

"Honey, I've got a scholarship fund set up for you. Do you want to go to college?"

"No daddy I want to stay home with you. You might need me."

I walked into the house and sat down on the sofa. She walked in and plopped down beside me. I looked at her quizzically.

"You don't get it do you daddy? I have fallen in love with you. You are mine."

"Well, I love you too baby, but a good education means everything these days."

"Daddy, I didn't say 'I love you'. I said, 'I'm in love with you'. There is a big difference."

"No baby girl you are just grateful and want to thank me. 'Thanks' isn't necessary."

"Listen up you moron!" she shouted. "I'm in love with you. I want you. I want to be your wife or your slut or whatever. I'll never let you go! You're mine and I'm keeping you! Get it?"

The light finally came on for me. My baby girl was in love with me. But how did I feel about her? I immediately remembered the pussy rubbing incident, how good it felt to make her happy on that level. I smiled at her and pulled her to me. She tilted her head up and I gently kissed her lips for the first time as a lover, not a daddy.

"So I guess this means you finally got the message. You men can be so dense sometimes. What are we going to do about it?"

"Years ago, I went on a hunting trip to Kettle Falls, Washington. It is beautiful country. There are lots of lakes and rivers, mountains and snow in the winter. I've had enough of Georgia. We're going to move and we'll get married. Is that what you want?"

"Oh daddy, that makes me so happy. Take me to your bed!"

"One little thing. Stop calling me daddy. Call me Hal."

"Yes Hal." She laughed as she pulled me to my bedroom.

"Oh Hal, get those clothes off. I want to see what I've got."

"This is all your idea. You take 'em off."

Her nimble little fingers made short work of the buttons on my shirt. She unsnapped my belt buckle and unzipped me. My shirt and pants fell to the floor. Her hand snaked inside my shorts and found my manhood. Slowly she lowered my shorts never letting go of my dick. I watched it swell in her hand. It kept growing and growing. Soon it reached its full eight inch potential. "Gosh daddy, I've never seen one this big. Those high school guys had little ones. Will this hurt me like theirs did?"

"No baby girl. This isn't the back seat of a car and we've got a lot more than thirty minutes to get 'er done. Relax and let me take you there."

I kissed her and laid her tiny body on my bed. Her legs tapered perfectly into perfect, tiny feet. I kissed them and started licking up her legs.

"Are you gonna eat me?"

"That is my intention."

"Is it gonna hurt?"

"Oh no baby girl. You're going to feel better than you ever have in your whole life."

I gently licked her labia and sucked on her vagina. She wriggled and moaned. "Oh daddy!" I flattened my tongue out and ran it all the way to her clit. "Oh god!" she squealed. I sucked on her clit and stuck a finger into her feeling for her G spot. When I found it, I gently massaged it until she was screaming in ecstasy. Her pussy clamped down on my finger and I finger fucked her to her first orgasm. She was as wet as any I had ever seen. She was ready.

I kissed my way up her body, sticking my tongue in her navel and sucking it. She quivered and groaned. I visited her little tits. She was especially noisy when I sucked on her nipples. By the time I got to her lips, she was sweating lightly. I licked a bead of sweat from her nose and kissed her deeply. My cock slid into her with no problem at all.

"How does that feel honey?"

"It's wonderful. I thought it was going to be painful but this is just great. Fuck me daddy. Fuck me now!"

I started by gently stroking into her. Since she had had some bad experiences, I wanted to make this one as perfect as I could. I picked up a little speed.

"Put it in me deeper daddy! Deeper! Deeper! Oh damn that is so good. I don't ever want to stop."

I was slamming into her pretty hard. She kept asking for more and pretty soon I had no more to give her. "You've got what I've got honey!" I panted into her ear. I rammed my tongue into her mouth and she sucked on it like a little pecker.

I could feel her nearing her climax. She bit my tongue. Her pussy clamped down on me and milked me, sucking all the cum out of my balls and into her hungry pussy.

"I can feel it daddy! It's in me now isn't it? I love it!" she squealed.

My cock softened and came out of her. I looked at her pussy. Not much was leaking from it. She must be trying to hold it in. That's when I realized she was probably trying to get pregnant. At first I was scared and wary, but then I came to the conclusion that since we were starting over somewhere far away, it didn't really matter if she got pregnant.

"Are you holding my cum in because you want a c***d?" I asked.

"You're onto me daddy. Of course I want c***dren. I hope I've got one in me right now, but if I don't we'll keep trying until I do."

We moved to Washington State that fall. Barbara wasn't pregnant and she still isn't but we'll keep trying. She's coming in the house right now. I've got to get my clothes off and go to work!


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"PHILLIP! WAKE UP PHILLIP!" "Uh, wazzat?" "WAKE UP PHILLIP, THERE IS AN ALL STUDENT MEETING IN TEN MINUTES!" Sitting up, "Alright. Alright, I am up. Ten minutes? What time is it?" Looking at the clock Phillip saw it was 1:52 and since there was light coming from their large windows, he assumed that meant it was in the afternoon. "I have been trying to get you up for the last five minutes. Please tell me you are not a night owl and I won't have to continually scream to get you up...

3 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 71

Twenty minutes later Mica arrived for the free pizza and diet coke. I always had a few canned diet cokes around for company. While I ate Pizza and drank my Ice tea made from a mix, I told Mica the story about the man who approached me and his latest threats. “This guy has to be an idiot to threaten you. So you are telling me you never asked his name?” Mica asked. “No, I didn’t care at first, and then I didn’t think it would be a good idea,” I explained. “But I do have his picture and the...

3 years ago
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The Exhibition

The Exhibition [email protected] http://sammytriesagain.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-exhibition.html--Sammy had heard about the gallery from a friend of a friend, who had heard from someone else, and so on.  In the end, she googled the name, and went to visit that Saturday.  It was a small place in what looked like it was once a warehouse.  Unfortunately, when she got there, the lights were off and the door was locked.  As she was getting back into her car she heard someone call out from behind...

4 years ago
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White Wife Breed by Older bbc3

Wife has slept with a different man about every six months for years now, really likes the excitement of it. She'll spend either a day or usually a weekend with him. We attend many nude functions to facilitate this, she likes seeing new men. Wife always has her choice in men, she's gorgeous, 42DD-35-41, all natural, curvy, blonde, blue eyed, full bush, large pussy lips. This pierced penis (picture not available here) reminds her of an experience back when she was 48. We attended this function,...

2 years ago
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Fucking The Wife Who Doesnt Like SexChapter 10

Carl was due home any time today and Catherine wasn't really looking forward to it, either. So much had happened the past two weeks and learning what her husband had been doing to her had really upset her. She wasn't sure if she wanted her husband back home or not. She'd enjoyed herself, having finally learned the things that had been done to her by both Jessie and Carl, but she'd already forgiven Jessie and fucked him almost every day since learning the truth. She enjoyed feeling his...

4 years ago
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MoneyChapter 5

I woke up during the night when a tiny body snuggled up to me. I knew it had to be Izzy, and I did tell her we could sleep together. She had snuggled her butt into my middle, pulled my arm around her to put my hand over her small breast. She is just so tiny. It's so hard to believe that this tiny creature was the same age as Dora and me. I really have to search for someone for her. I had the thought of 'why not me' as I lay there listening to Izzy begin to softly snore? Why not this...

1 year ago
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Mr SmoothieChapter 9

I got a surprising contract one day: it was for a birthday, and I was the present. But that was not the most surprising part of the story. A husband was giving me to his wife for her 80th birthday. Sue thought that this was so "sweet" that I could not have gone home to her if I had turned the job down. I cut two classes to make the special Wednesday date, and I showed up at 1:30 PM, right on schedule. The wife didn't know that I was coming, so the whole thing was to be a big surprise for...

2 years ago
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Kaylas Deal

My cellphone rang. Generic ring this time. I have specific ringtones for most people I know. This wasn't one of them. "This is Sam. Can I help you?" The voice that answered was immediately recognizable, but wasn't one I'd heard recently. "Maybe you can." Kayla. Niece of ex-wife. A blue-eyed brunette carrying fifty pounds more than those 'ideal weight' charts, a sharp mind and a sharper tongue, because she'd spent her life fending off those 'fat girl' comments. She was a college...

3 years ago
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Poorni 8211 The Sex Goddess

Hi, am Ravi Kumar age 21, fair in complexion, 5.10 height and bit weighty 80 kgs. My heartiest request for every ISS reader is is new to this site and this is my first story so pls go through full story patiently so that u will be very happy to read my story. This is happened just 2 months before, am a Keralian living in a town of Kerala, let u introduce my girl in fact she is my cousin. She is Poornima the god of sex, she is 20yr old heavy fair, 5.4 height and 80 kgs with nice pair of sexiest...

3 years ago
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Is it a Mans World

Is it a Man's World? A short Novel by Tanya Grant I hope you all enjoy this story, it was my first attempt at TV fiction, and I like it and so do many of my friends. ***************** Chapter 1 Alex Horne woke, bleary eyed, he slowly tried to focus his eyes in the mixed light in his room. The sunlight streaming in through the sun-light illuminated parts of his room that should not have seen light. The rest of the room remained in dingy shadow. Groaning, he rolled over to...

1 year ago
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Ainsely 9

We slept late, if you could call it sleeping. We just went from napping to fucking to napping again until morning when we both fell asleep hard. When I woke up the sun was shining bright, high in the sky, and Javon's arm and leg were wrapped around me, holding me close. My pussy was an absolute mess, my ass and thighs sticky and wet.“C'mon, baby. Lets shower,” I cooed as I wiggled around against him and kissed him. He drowsily responded okay as we dragged ourselves out of the bed.We finally...

Wife Lovers
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My Long Term Relation Ship With Rinku

Hi All, I happened to visit this site and I was amazed and thrilled to no end, reading the stories..I, too, wanted to share my experience…My true experiences.. I am Edrin here from Mumbai.Aged 27… Year 1995-2000————————- My encounter with gay feelings started when I was quite young…With my elder cousin(who was a heavy guy 4 years older me with cock size of 6)..We used to go to my Aunt’s place on Sunday’s..What started with boyish playfulness, slowly became my enjoyment..Though we never could...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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frist rape n tape

Lucie is about a little over 5 goot and has blond hair,dress'd like a angel,well more like a punk mix thugy preppy angel would.Well that after noon at launch Bobby had broken up with Lucie because she had told him she had the hot's for me,not knowing until a week later.A week later lucie end'd up at my house,i invited her in and we were talkin.You smoke pot Austin she had ask'd.Knowing and paying enough attenion to her knowing she dos as well.Yes i replied.Cool,let's smoke Lucie...

3 years ago
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Landlady In Service Still Chapter 2

Things had changed for nineteen-year-old Lucy over the last few weeks since forty-one-year-old Mrs Lewis was focusing more and more on making sure she was happy, even though she was the tenant and Mrs Lewis was the owner of the house. What became clear was that Mrs Lewis felt very comfortable in her home, but saw herself similar to an intern in that she had only just been given the house and Lucy was her first tenant. That, added to the fact that she had always been happier when doing as she...

3 years ago
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The Professors Gambit

For a college professor, a Friday afternoon is usually very dull but I'm going to turn that idea on its head. Screwing up will cost me my career and land me in prison. However, if everything goes according to plan I'll have the most gorgeous coed on campus begging me to fuck her before the end of the day. Pussy is the most powerful force on earth; let no one tell you different. For fame, money, power and status a man may be willing to do many things. He still has his limits and his pride,...

4 years ago
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Miss Parker Part 6

Okay folks, I've pondered this and decided that if you folks want more of this story then who am I to deny you.Not sure if this scene really works, but I'm sure you'll let me know if it sucks :-)Miss Parker - Part 6Over the next several months, Robert, Caroline and Gabriella got to know each other better. Both Caroline and Gabriella found themselves bent over, bare bottom in the air, to receive punishments from Robert. Caroline also found herself in a similar position with Robert, but for...

1 year ago
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Wife Sarah was rather surprised when we resumed sexual coitus once she,d healed from her hysterectomy when I told her how Young next door neighbour Tammi Bradshaw had been filling in for her. She was also amused by me telling her about Tammi having her pussy eaten by their black Labrador Bruno. “Out Of Jeannie and Tammi I always thought Jeannie was the sexy one.” Sarah commented. “She probably is, but she,s got Rod Pierce,s rod as he,s her steady guy!” I added. “Maybe they don,t fuck?” Sarah...

2 years ago
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Husbands Revenge

My name is Clark, and I'm a CPA who at the time was married to a stunning blue eyed brunette with a killer body. It all started because some girl who works with my wife, (and probably hates her) had sent me an anonymous email saying that my wife was doing the boss after work a couple of times a week, usually on Fridays.My wife Lisa is a very attractive 27 year old who has large natural 38D tits and is about 5 ?9. The fact that her boss was fucking her didn't really surprise me that much, I...

1 year ago
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Tricks and Treats found in the Dark

“Those little shits.“ I thought to myself as I saw their costumed silhouettes running into the maze. 
“They’re probably just playing hide and go seek” said my friend Darren as I vented to him on the back balcony overlooking the maze. My daughter Penny was at the age where she needed supervision but was very independent. She thought she was too cool for us and so were her friends. But a deal is a deal, they were supposed to be in her room by nine. Trying to lighten my mood Darren said, “want...

2 years ago
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Chris ChrissyChapter 11

I walked into the kitchen, hearing my mom humming while she was working on dinner. Although I'm just 14, I'm already 5ft 8, likely as tall as I'm going to get. I stealthily walked behind her and gave her a soft kiss on the neck. She raised her shoulders and said, "Ooh, Richard feeling frisky?" "Not any more Mom," I said. "Christopher, I knew that you would be like this, you have to be more careful than that, someone could have seen you do that." "Seen who do what?" dad said...

4 years ago
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Roses Video Chapter 12 Chase Enjoys His Wife And Daughter

POV: Kate"Hey, Mom?" she asked, poking her head my bedroom. "Dad is in the shower, would you like to sneak in a quickie before he gets out?"I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip for a few seconds. "Rose, there is something I need to tell you," I informed her, peeking back at her."What, Mom?" she asked, coming in there with me."You were walking in the hallway naked?""I tend to get gutsy when it comes to having sex with my mom," she informed me, sitting down with me. "She is smoking hot," she...

1 year ago
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I had found a dogging website late one night. I had always been fascinated by the thought of dogging. I mean the fact that some woman is alone in a park and you can just walk up and fuck her and then leave I thought was pretty cool. And I want ed to go see this first hand when I had the guts. Then one night this one ad showed up. This woman named Sara was going to be dogging in the park near my house. WOW! So I waited till the date and went to see what was going on. I found them, Sara and a fat...

3 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 8

Whoopsies ? Chapter 8 - By: Beverly Taff Characters: Beverly. Author Pauline Beverly?s younger stepsister. Marjorie Beverly?s long-time school & Childhood friend. Henrie The trio?s new ?lesbian male? dance partner Mummy Jones Beverly?s step mummy & Pauline?s mummy Mummy Williams Marjorie?s Mummy See previous chapters for, Daddy Jones Beverly?s transvestite step dad. Jacqueline Beverly and Pauline?s au pair then wet nurse and friend. Colin Beverly and...

1 year ago
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The thugs around here

I am a 25 year old, single, white man. I am gay, a submissive and, a man, obsessive over Black cock. Anyway, I do not live in a good area, there is a lot of crime and, there are several gangs running things here. One of the gangs, one day, really gave it to me over a jacket and some shoes that I had. A couple of them, took me into an abandoned building, to rob me, at least, that's what I was thinking. After some words were said, the tone changed, the men push me around a little bit and, told me...

2 years ago
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TransOffice Affair

Andrea and I had been working closely together on a work project for close to a week, often spending time together after work so that we could get it done on time. As the week went on, I had grown more and more attracted to her, but I tried to keep things professional in order to get the task at hand completed. One night, we were both standing side-by side, leaning over the desk to look at the completed project when Andrea asked me a question. I turned to respond, not realizing how close we...

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Cassys author notes

Foreword: By the time I am writing this I had just published my eleventh story on Fictionmania. However, it was my tenth story that marked a small milestone for me. While still being an inexperienced writer I counted myself now as one to not just post once or twice, but be able to continuously write stories. Still, I have a lot to learn and sometimes I wish I could learn from other more experienced authors on FM. See their notes and understand their reasoning. One of the things I...

3 years ago
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Future PerfectChapter 5

When I awoke, Teel was asleep on her back and snoring softly. Her chest regularly rose and fell, the nipples pointed and erect. I reached over to caress her, feeling the firm nub beneath my fingertip. She moaned in her sleep, so I retreated so as not to disturb her slumber. Sitting up, I admired her voluptuous form stretched out naked. Memories of the previous night remained strong, and I found it incredible that she had no prior experience. Her body had responded instinctively, providing me...

2 years ago
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Dying Or Is It Living

Dying, Or Is It Living? by Janet L. Stickney Dying seemed so?final, and I simply could not do it. I let the gun fall to the floor as I started to cry, my frustration, mixed with my self induced pain, and the shame I felt, had finally come to a point. As I sat on the bed crying I did not hear the door open, or my fathers footsteps as he walked in on me. One look told the story from beginning to end. My hair was in a ponytail, my makeup streaked, my blouse loose over the twin ...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 4

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 4) The next morning, Mark awoke in the same position he had fallen asleep - nuzzling with his beautiful naked wife. Without waking her, he began to run the back of his fingers down her left leg. He skin was so soft... so smooth... so warm to his touch. Jennifer pleasurably sighed in her sleep. Mark sat up slightly on his side, so he could enjoy more of the view of his wife. Her long auburn hair flowed across her...

1 year ago
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Home for the summer

AJ was always like my best friend, actually he was one of my sister's best friends but since she had gone off to college she didn't really have much to do with anyone except her boyfriend! AJ was around a lot when I was little and all through when I was growing up but he graduated when I was only going into the 8th grade so of course he always considered me his little sister and I always considered him my big brother! It had been 2 yrs since he graduated high school and I hadn't seen him at all...

First Time
2 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 24 Jungle Gyms

-- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2008 -- 7:03 AM The dawn had come. Also, Dawn had cum. And I had cum, too. Both of us were soaked with sweat, bangs plastered to our foreheads and a river running down my back, but neither of us cared as we heaved together in the final throes of simultaneous orgasm. Lips locked together, we kissed and kissed and kept on kissing as my cock spat out its final wads of spunk deep into the furthest recesses of my lover’s womb. And we kept on kissing even after my hips...

3 years ago
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Jeff and his daughter part II

Part IIKNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!!!Jeff looked a little surprised but it only slowed his fucking by a little bit.“Expecting some one?” He asked?“Oh yea dad, Caitlyn said her dad had that thing you need done, and was going to bring it by today.” Jessica breathed in between Jeff's thrusts into her love slot.“Should we move some where more private?” Jeff asked.“No, Caitlyn's cool. If your lucky maybe she'll join you.” I said putting the camera down and walking to the kitchen to answer the...

3 years ago
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Mistress orders

It was a sunny morning in the winter season, when one of our formerneighbours called upon my aunty to say that she has invited me, aunty anduncle for a lunch at their house, to which my aunty said that as she willaccompany uncle to a marriage ceremony only me will have lunch at aunty'shouse whose name is nandini aunty. Nandini said ok then send him by 10.30am and you both come any other day. Things were settled in this way and Ihad to go at 10.30 am.I arrived on time and saw that uncle was not...

3 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 82 Short Fight

I was not looking for a fight, but I found one. It was late in the day when I came to the roadside tavern, a small place as they go. I took care of my horse, used the privy and once inside found a circle of men in one corner, spectators to some sort of event. I got a beer and joined them, elbowing a few aside to see what was going on. Rape was what was going on. A big man with his white britches hanging loose at his knees along with his black galluses was buggering a good-sized young woman...

4 years ago
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Sex With Seductive Neighbor Opened The Door Of Heaven

Hey guys, Anil here appreciate you’re comments for my previous life experience which i shared with you guys. This one is diff and older because this encounter changed my life totally,i am Anil working in Bangalore and this encounter was 1.5 years back with my neighborhood aunt who changed the world of sex because usually i used to have sex with my girlfriend but now i had sex with this aunt. Shes amazing educated and hot but sometimes irritating with nice figure.. So once i was speaking to this...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ko Patake Gaand Mari

Meri chachi ka nam prerna hai .Unki umar kuch 38 ke aas paa ki hogi.Unka figure 38 30 40 hai .Dikhne me thodi moti zarur hai par kya batau dosto ek number ki maal hai sali. Dosyo meri story thodi dirty hai asha karta hu ke aap ise enjoy karenge. Ha to ek bar ki bat hai chachi ne muje ghar pae bulaya .Unhe kuch kam tha.Me ghar par bolke chala gya ke chachi ke yha ja raha hu..Apni bike uthake me chal dia..Kuch der bad mene wha pahuchke door beel bajayi to chachi ne door khola. Us tym chachi ne...

1 year ago
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How Daniel broke my resistance3

As Daniel's lips touched mine as I clinched them tightly shut Daniel was angered that I was not acting as he wished. Daniel's lips mashed mine harshly against my teeth. I thought he would stop and pull out but he only pulled far enough back for leverage. With one powerful lunge after another Daniel rammed his entire length of man hood back into my anus.When his tremendous male member struck the back of my rectum I cried out and Daniel stuck his tongue deep into my mouth. Before I knew what was...

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