Inappropriate Behavior free porn video

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My cell phone chimed just as I was powering up the test bench. A text message informed me that my guests were in the lobby. I smiled at the perfect timing, and headed downstairs to get them.

Several days earlier, a vendor's rep had brought in spec sheets on a new product that would reduce both the cost of the machines we build, and the amount of engineering time I would need to spend on each machine. I liked the product and we arranged to get a sample in my hands for testing. The next day, he returned with the sample and a surprise. The manufacturer's tech expert was in the area, and so he invited her to visit and see our application first hand.

She was drop dead gorgeous! I had to remind myself several times that our company demands professional conduct when dealing with customers and suppliers. It would have been most inappropriate for me to check out the perfect curves of her petite body, or to blatantly stare at her ass while deciding if she was wearing a thong or was pantyless. I would have been fired if I were caught trying to see if the open button on her blouse allowed me a glimpse of her bra or cleavage.

And if those attributes were not enough to drive a poor simple man crazy, she was wicked smart. She quickly recognized how our custom machine would require their product to operate outside the norms, and she had some great recommendations on how to make it fit. The meeting went smoothly, and after giving me her business card and a promise to answer any questions, they left.

Later, one of the shop guys teased me and thanked me for inviting in such breathtaking eye candy. He wanted me to promise to call her back in often. He also teased that I shouldn't get any ideas in my head. He said that a woman like that would never look at a guy like me when she could have a guy like him. On the one hand, he is right. I am older and balder, though I hit the gym often enough to be in good shape. On the other hand, I said it didn't matter. She is a vendor and she will be treated with respect. He said that she caught him gawking at her, and he thinks she liked it. I reminded him that those are the exact actions and words that get people fired. We both knew that I was right, and we laughed, but let it go at that.

The next day, I ran through the programming of the device, and set up some equipment at my desk to test it. I was happy with how easily I was able to customize its programming, and how nicely it connected up to the other equipment. But then I noticed a problem. The device was able to pull data from the other equipment, but it could not push data back to it. The protocols were the same, and it should not have been a problem. I checked everything from several different angles, but nothing seemed to make it work. Finally, I admitted defeat and gave the tech expert a call. She asked a lot of great questions, and we tried a couple of different tweaks to no avail. She said that they were in the area, and she and the rep could stop by sometime after lunch. I said I would have everything set up and ready.

As soon as I hung up, I started to panic. The area at my desk is relatively small, and the thought of the two of us working together in close proximity made my heart race. It was going to be tough, even with the vendor there to keep me honest. I decided to quickly move everything to a workbench in our lab area. Ever since the company downsized a couple of years ago, that area has been all but abandoned. But the workbench has plenty of space to set up and, more importantly, space for two or three people to move around in while maintaining personal space.

My heart about stopped when I got to the lobby and she was alone. She explained that the rep had been called back to his office during lunch, and she knew that she would probably find the problem in minutes. I told all of my inner voices to shut up and calm down and with impeccable professionalism, I escorted her up to the lab area. As we waited for the elevator, she asked if we were going to be testing out on the machine, or be on the shop floor for any reason. Her eyebrows twitched together briefly when I said we wouldn't, but I couldn't tell if she was vexed, or relieved, or disappointed.

It only took minutes for her to find the problem. The unit I had was part of the very first production run, and it had a glitch in the firmware. The glitch only affected communications to the specific equipment I was connecting it to. The unit should have been cycled back to the manufacturer for new firmware, but somehow had been missed. She said it would be a matter of minutes to download the latest firmware and reprogram the device. It would have been, if there had been active wifi in that area of the building. I had to crawl under the workbench and plug a cable in and try several different places before we found one that was connected. We sat and made small talk as she connected and downloaded the firmware.

Through all of this, I allowed my professionalism to be my ward. Professionalism decreed that there was no need to notice how good she smelled. There was no need to notice that her skirt was tight around her hips, and again, no panty lines. Professionalism would surely stop the pressure slowly building in my crotch from becoming too noticeable. It was her blouse that nearly unhinged me.

Somehow, when she had bent to watch me play with the cable connections under the table, an extra button or two had popped loose. As we sat and talked, I could feel the gap with my peripheral vision, and I vowed I would not look! Even as she turned her attention fully on to the laptop and firmware installation, I forced my eyes to stay on the screen in front of her. As the update finished, we added my program, and then I turned to the other laptop to check data flows.

She stood and leaned in close to watch the data. I could feel the warmth of her cheek next to mine, smell the sweet freshness of her perfume. I knew if I turned my head to face her, her blouse was gapped open enough for me to see everything! I kept my eyes firmly on the screen before me. Professionalism! The data was updating correctly and the problem was fixed.

"Do you know what I think?" she asked conversationally. Without waiting for an answer, she stated, "That man building your machine is a pig."

I was stunned speechless. We both knew who she was talking about. All I could think of was that he was a good worker and we kidded a lot, but he was harmless and it would be bad if he got fired. I could not think of a thing that I could say or do to stop the catastrophe that I felt pending.

"I think he is a pig," she repeated, adding, "a pig that I wanted to meet and seduce and break." She had turned to look at me, and I couldn't look at her. I had no idea how to respond, and I sat frozen, staring at the computer.

"I think he is a pig," she said again. After a short pause, she added, "He would be so easy. The way he leered, he was begging to get caught. It's so close and I could have taken him home and used him. I could have used him and broken him so easily."

An uneasy silence followed, and I dared a quick glance at her. A smile quirked the corner of her mouth and I quickly looked away. Suddenly she stood, smoothly kicked her leg over my legs and sat abruptly in my lap facing me. Her hands pushed me back as far as the chair allowed, and she said, "I want a toy that is more of a challenge. Perhaps a timid mouse that needs to learn how to roar."

Her skirt was hiked up around her hips, and her near naked crotch was pressed against mine. She rolled her hips to tease the chubbiness there.

"Listen Mouse, there is nowhere for you to run. I am going to play you and tease you and torture you until you beg for mercy and beg for release, and then I am going to fuck your little mouse dick over and over until I am done with you. You are my toy now!"

A thousand responses battled in my head. Clearly, this whole situation needed to stop before I ended up fired. There were a lot of other desires and passions burning through my head and body, but the need to not lose my job was highest on the list. She watched the struggles reflecting on my face for several seconds, and then she kissed me. Well, maybe not so much kissed me, as assaulted my mouth with hers.

Her lips smashed into mine and she pried my jaw down. Her tongue darted into my mouth and swirled around to collect my tongue into a dance. In a moment of fatalism, I thought, “Fuck it, I'm fired!” Suddenly job preservation was no longer top priority. I met her fierceness with strength, and she growled her approval. As the kiss heated up, she pushed me away. Her hands were braced on my chest, and she felt the strength of the muscles.

She sat back and opened the last two buttons of her blouse, saying, "You may think you're a strong man, Mouse, but I'm on top now, and you are my toy, and I want you to beg for it. Beg for me to touch you. Beg for me to let you touch these breasts. Beg for me to kiss you more. Beg for me to take your little cock in my tight pussy!"

I gave her two answers, one verbal, and one physical. "I beg your pardon for giving you the impression that I am yours to take." I used the strength of my arms to lift her ass off my crotch and rolled my hips to adjust myself. My cock had been trapped at an awful angle and she had been ruthlessly rubbing against the side of it. It sprang up into a happier alignment and I let her back down onto it. "I'd like to impress that I will take yours and pardon your beg of forgiving."

At the time I thought it was a clever twist of the words. My hands slid up her body, one to cup her breast, the other to pull her down to take a kiss from her. My lips mashed into hers, and my tongue darted into her mouth to tease her tongue into a dance. She met my fierceness with trembling desire, and she thrust against the size of the hardness between us. Her hands slipped under my shirt, and as she teased her palms across the hair and muscle and ribs, she cried out and pushed me away again.

"No!" she cried. "No!" she repeated, though less forcefully. Her body rocked against my hardness, and her lips quivered. She rolled against it again, and a tremor shook her body.

"No," she said breathlessly, "you are my toy, I am on top. I am taking, you are begging!" Her head was down and her eyes were closed, and I could not tell if she was trying to convince me, or herself.

I suddenly noticed how hard her nipples were pressing out the fabric of her bra. Her breasts were rather small, barely B cups, but were perfect for her petite build. The bra was made of a simple black cloth, but was cut very low, and was designed to lift and display. Her nipples were very near the edge and they were begging for release, even if she was not saying a word.

My hands slid up her sides and I swiped a thumb over each nipple. Her body shook and she pressed down hard on my cock. I circled my thumbs around and teased again, with the same tremble and press. A third time and tears leaked from her eyes and she softly cried, "Please!"

"Tell me what you want," I commanded. "Don't say 'please', say 'please pull my nipple out and taste it.'" After a moment of silence, I teased her again with my thumb.

"Please," she barely whispered, "please, I don't want to be the toy again."

My mind jumped into overdrive. She sounded hurt and lost and not at all like the confident seductress that she had been moments before.

I sat up and gently kissed her lips. "Please tell me why," I said, hoping it sounded like a request, not a command.

Her eyes found mine and yet she quickly looked down again. She bravely forced herself to look again. She wanted to look away, but she whispered, "He would always hurt me." Her eyes immediately fell again.

I gently lifted her chin and caught her eyes with mine. "I only have this to offer," I said. "I am a control freak about me. I could never be submissive, or be someone's toy. And I would only have a toy as a game, not for real. My toy would have to be my friend, and I wouldn't want to hurt a friend. I would not ever want to hurt you."

She frowned thoughtfully and her eyes fell to my chest. Her hands were still under my shirt, and her finger flexed to tease through the hair, tracing the ribs. My hands were back on her ribs, and I gently caressed her sides. She took a deep breath, and her body naturally pressed down on the hardness still trapped between us, and she gasped and froze.

After a few quick trembling breathes, she rocked against it again, and lifting her eyes to mine she said, "Please... please take my nipples, take my breasts.... Tease them, bite them... Please!"

I smiled and answered, "You're wish is my command."

I leaned forward and kissed the top of each breast. I lifted my face to hers and kissed her deeply and sensually, and I swiped my thumbs across her nipples. She rocked against my hardness and moaned her approval. I bent to her breasts again, kissing each, and gently pulling the fabric down to let my lips and tongue tease the crinkled top edges of her areola. She rocked against me twice and I lifted my face to kiss her lips again. As I kissed her, I swiped my thumbs over her nipples and she shuddered and thrust.

I used her motions and mine to mask the dexterous secondary motions of my thumbs. The front clasp of her bra easily parted. I caught her eyes with mine as I bent to her suddenly naked breast, and her eyes widened in surprise and she thrust against me as my teeth and tongue teased harshly over her hardened nipple and she cried out. She wrapped her arms around me and held me close as her body trembled and she cried in joy. A growing warmth spread over my crotch as I lifted my mouth to kiss hers again.

"Shit!" she exclaimed and she hopped off of me as if she had been scalded. Her legs were still trembling and she had to grab the work bench steady herself. "Fuck!" she spat out, "what did I do." Tears were beginning to pour from her eyes and I noticed the huge wet puddle spreading across my crotch. I caught her and pulled her close.

"Hey," I said. "Its okay.. we did this together, and I am the one with the embarrassing stain. We'll figure something out."

"Did you... I mean... Is that... all me?"

"No I didn't and so yes its all you, and it felt like you really enjoyed that." I kissed her gently and started wracking my brain for problem solving skills.

"Wait," I said. "What did you say about pig-man... This was close and you could take and use him. Where do you live?"

She blushed very crimson and said, "Over by the college."

"Less than a mile?" I demanded.

Getting impossibly redder, she answered, "Yes."

"So we could sneak out of here, and go there to clean up?"

Too choked up to speak, she nodded.

"Is that okay?" I asked.

She gently pushed away from me, and knelt, saying, "As you command, Sir."

I pulled her back to her feet, admonishing, "None of that." I kissed her again. "We do this as equals. Are you afraid to let me know where you live?'

"No," she answered, but tentatively.

"Are you worried to take me there?"

"Yes". Again, tentative.

"Is there someone there? Are you afraid to get caught?"

"Gods, no!"

"Then why?"

She blushed red again. "Here I was on top, and I was in charge." She saw the look I gave her. "Well, I wasn't exactly in charge, but I was getting what I wanted. Now... I'm not in charge now. When we get there, you're gonna get to take anything you want, and I won't say no, and I won't get what I want anymore. And I still can't say no."

"Then I can solve that problem."

"You'll let me be in charge and you'll do exactly as I say?"

"No exactly. Let me tell you what I want, and then you can decide if it’s okay. First, I want you to give me your panties. If I have to walk out of here with an embarrassing wet crotch, you're going out with potentially embarrassing exposure during the drive. Second, when we get there, you are going to tell me what you want, and I will make sure you get it. But... not with words. Just with a touch, or a look, or maybe a lustful sound when you are happy, a grunt when you are not. Make me listen. Make me please you. Okay?"

"Is.... is that really what you want?"

"Yes, that and to get out of here before we get caught and I get fired!"


We left everything running and got out to her car as fast as we could. I had grabbed a folder to hold in front of my crotch to hide the stain, but luckily we didn't run into anyone at all. We were in the car and out of the lot before I exclaimed, "Hey, you were supposed to give me your panties!" She blushed and flinched, but managed to keep the car on the road.

"I'm sorry, S.. uh, sorry" she answered. "And I'm sorry about the mess," she said with a glance at my crotch. "I don't usually finish like that and I wasn't expecting to then." I tried to tell her it was okay, but she was nervously chatting and I couldn't get a word in.

"You said we did it together, but it all came out of me- literally- and it happened too fast for me to stop. You had this chubby little dick and I was teasing you and then suddenly it was so big and perfect and then you took control and I was terrified, and then you let me tell you what to do and I was so happy and strong, and then you made my bra disappear... it was too much!"

She turned into a subdivision of townhomes that I thought were part of the college. She drove the last couple of blocks in silence. She used her remote to open her garage, pulled right in, and then closed the door behind us. She gave me a look, and I gave her a quick kiss, and we got out of the car.

As we stepped from the garage into the house, she stopped us in the hallway. She pulled me close and kissed me, and then started pushing the bottom of my polo shirt up as high as she could reach. I helped her get it off me, and she dropped it to the floor. She ran her hands up and down my chest and planted a couple of kisses there. She caught my hands, and teased my fingers onto the top button on her blouse. I smiled and started unbuttoning. I bent to kiss each bit of freshly exposed skin.

She reached for my belt and then the button and zip on my pants. I managed to kick off my shoes, and give her a quick spin to remove her blouse and bra, and then she knelt to pull my pants and boxers down. As I stepped out of them, I tried to help her back to her feet, but she waved me off, and instead she reached for my hard cock. She pulled me close and gently stroked it as she held it close to her face. I was aching to have her lick or suck or tease, but she just held it and enjoyed the heat and hardness of it. Then she released me and stood up.

She pulled my hands to her skirt and I quickly unzipped it and helped her out of it and also a cute little thong. Before I could explore her nakedness, she pushed me back against the wall and kissed me deeply. Then she stepped back, but pushed firmly on the center of my chest, pinning me to the wall. As I pondered what she was planning, she quickly scooped up all of our clothes, opened the door beside us, and threw them into the washing machine. I laughed at the practicality of it all, and she smiled at me.

With the machine loaded and running, she stepped back to me and kissed me again. I was thinking about how to get inside of her right then, but she pushed away again, took a hold of my cock and then turned and pulled me forward into the house. She led me through the house, and upstairs and directly into her bedroom. She took a moment to turn back the blankets, then turned me and pushed me on my back on the bed. She followed and spread herself over the top of me and we kissed.

She kept the pace sensual and slow, although the way she had straddled me and was pressing her wet lower lips against my cock was driving me mad. Her hands were pressed into my chest and she was teasing my nipples with her palms. My hands were kneading her ass in time with the gentle rocking motion she was using to ride my shaft. She moved up a bit and pulled my face to her breasts. I was in heaven, but she had moved off of my cock. I strained to lift my hips enough to make contact again, and moved my hands to her hips to push her down. She pulled her breast from my face and reached back and swatted my hands. I stopped pushing, and she smiled and lowered her other breast to my mouth.

She was gently thrusting her pelvis into my stomach, and she started using that motion to slowly inch her way down my body. When I could no longer reach her breast, she pushed me back and kissed me. She reached down between us to fondle the head of my cock. As we kissed, I was ecstatically aware of the closing distance between my cock and her pussy.

I gasped as contact was made. The heat from her lips was intense. She continued to thrust while she used her fingers to guide our contact up and down her channel. She stopped moving and moaned her pleasure as she teased my cock head against her clit. After a few more strokes up and down her channel, she moved back another inch, and eased the head to her opening.

She adjusted from thrusting to rocking, and she took the first couple of inches of cock inside. I slowly started to match her rocking motion with a shallow thrust, but she moved her knees down and her legs blocked the motion. She continued riding just the top of my cock, and then suddenly, she cried out and she held me tight as a spasm rocked through her body. I held her as she trembled, and I kissed her softly and murmured my appreciation.

Slowly, she relaxed. She snuggled into my chest and for a moment, I thought she might fall asleep. Instead, she took a deep breath, pressed her lips to mine, and started rocking her hips again. She broke the kiss, and pushed up and back, taking more of my cock inside. I started moving with her, and she moved again. This time, she brought her knees forward, allowing me more room to thrust. As my thrusts grew longer and stronger, she moved with me, and met each up thrust with a down thrust of her own. She started grunting with each thrust, and then a long wail of passion poured from her.

As the spasm took her, I started to ease back on my thrusts. She growled in frustration and tried to impale herself harder. I met her aggressiveness and she cried out her joy at each thrust. Suddenly she stopped, and gave a lusty cry of completion. Her pussy clamped down on my cock and liquid heat poured from inside her. The sudden heat and tightness overwhelmed me and I exploded inside her. She felt the lurching of my cock, and the added heat pouring from me, and her orgasm intensified. I tried to thrust my cock a few more times, to prolong the pleasure, but she was clenched up tight, and we couldn't move. Together, we held on, and then slowly melted into the bed.

It felt really good to hold her. Her head was on my shoulder, though she was still straddling my lower body. She was playing circles in my chest hair and I was tracing lazy patterns on her back and butt.

"I didn't think I could take it all," she said softly.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm not that big, but we don't want to hurt you," I added.

"Not at all," she replied. "I have never been more okay after sex in my life!" After a long while, she lifted her head and gave me a gentle kiss, then lay back on my chest. "My first lover was really small. It probably made the first time easier, but we both knew he wasn't satisfying me, and so we broke up. My second lover was really hung- as big around as you, but longer. I couldn't take all of him. Every time, he would say he understood, and then when things heated up, he would just bang away. It really hurt. So, we fought about it, and we broke up."

"I don't want to talk about the last one. I mean... he... I... it’s just... my... my body and my mind do things I don't want them to sometimes. I mean... when... when a man takes control. When a man takes control and tells me to do things, things I don't want to do, things I want but am afraid to do, something happens. I get all mushy inside, and the more I do, the hotter I get, and the more I want him to control me. Gods, I shouldn't be telling you this. But, you already know. Right now I would do anything you told me to, but you said you won't hurt me. He always pushed until it hurt me. Always."

She continued to lay there, playing with the hair on my chest. Her hand froze as I asked, "Anything?"

Her voice trembled as she asked, "What would you like, Sir?"

"First, a simple directive. It always applies. Never allow any other request, order or directive precedence over this one. Do you understand?"

Still trembling, she quietly replied, "Yes, Sir. What is your wish, Sir?"

"In anything that I say or do, any time you feel that I have given you a request, or an order, or a directive to follow, if you feel that you might be hurt, or if you feel that others will be hurt, or if you feel that our friendship will be hurt, you will tell me first, before attempting to fulfill the request or order or directive. Do you understand?"

She considered my statement for a moment before answering, "Yes, Sir."

"Do you understand this applies at all times? And that you can tell me in words, or a look, or any way necessary?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Okay. May I move on to something else?"

"Sir?" Her voice was trembling again. "Yes, Sir."

"Good. By calling me 'Sir', you are granting me control over you. I have told you that I don't want a full time toy. A full time submissive. It requires too much effort, and too much attention to details. I deal with that at work all day, and I shut that part of my brain off when I leave. I am beginning to understand what that does for you, though, so it is a game we can play sometimes. You can let me know you want to play by calling me 'Sir', and I will let you know if I want to play by issuing orders. If we are not playing, my 'orders' mean nothing, and we are equal friends. Do you understand?"

A deep wave of emotion coursed through her body, and she rubbed against me like a cat demanding to be petted. "Sir! Yes, Sir!"

"Fine. So. Kiss me and tell me you are happy, and then clean us up. I enjoyed making the mess we've made, but it’s messy sloppy down there and I need to get back to work!"

She had a huge smile on her face as she arched up and kissed me. She kissed me with enthusiasm and joy and she was giggling the whole time and I think she was trying to say 'Happy' and 'Sir' as she did it. I expected her to go get a wet wash cloth, but instead, she quickly turned as started lapping up the sticky juices that covered my crotch and hips.

"We taste good," she informed me as she chased down every trace of wetness.

She turned so she could look at me as she licked my balls cleans. She saw me react when she licked the base of my cock, and with a smile, she went back to lick there again. My cock started to swell, and she cooed with delight as she sucked the whole thing into her mouth. She continued making unintelligible happy noises as my cock swelled to full hardness. She stroked the bottom half with her hands as she sucked and licked the top half.

"Your mouth is very hot. That feels incredible," I complimented her.

She lifted her head only long enough to speak between strokes. "Incredible. Feeling you swell. Taste the heat. So so hard."

Without thinking, I suggested, "Take it deeper!"

Her eyes flared as we both realized I had given a command. Her eyes stayed locked on mine as she stroked more of my cock into her mouth. She was taking in most of it and her eyes were watering each time it hit the back of her throat.

"Deeper! Slower!"

A trace of anxiety crept into her eyes, but she slowed and pressed as hard as she could. She nearly gagged a couple of times, and tears were running down her face. I almost commanded her to stop, when a small shudder past through her body. I realized that she had one hand holding the base of my cock, and the other stuffed into her pussy. From the sound of things, her fingers were flying up and down, in and out. Three more deep strokes of my cock, and she shuddered again.

"Deeper!" I commanded.

She closed her eyes, and then both of her hands wrapped around the base of my cock. She tried twice to get the last inch of my cock into there, each time struggling not to gag violently. The third time she tried, I put my hand on the back of her head. She immediately jumped up and away, crying, "No, Sir, please! Please, I can't breathe and I don't like it."

Smiling, I reached for her and said, "Good, come here."

Reluctantly, she allowed me to pull her close for a hug. I kissed her and hugged her and I told her I was sorry.

I told her, "I want you to know I was testing you and I wanted you to stop us."

She said softly, "It didn't hurt, Sir. I know you saw me loving/hating it, and cumming, too. When I couldn't breathe and you were pushing, I was going to hate you if we didn't stop. I'm sorry, Sir."

I kissed her again, and reassured her. "I did see you loving/hating and cumming. I promise I pushed you too far just this time so you could see that you are right to tell me to stop. You did the right thing, Pet, and now you get a reward. Tell me what you want, and it is yours." She blushed deeply, but did not speak. "It’s okay, Pet. Tell me."

Fresh tears sprang to her eyes. "Why is it... why... when... whenever he called me names, he made me feel dirty. When he called me 'Pet', I knew he was about to hurt me badly. But... but you call me 'Pet'... and it’s the same word... but instead it makes me feel happy... It makes me feel happy and wanted and loved and it makes me want to open up to you... I want... I want you to make me feel this way again..."

She wiped away her tears and said, "But first I want to feel you inside of me. I want you to make me explode, and I want to feel you explode inside me again. Can I have that? Sir?"

Smiling, I kissed her, and tumbled her back onto the bed. A small cloud passed over her face as I towered over her. With a look I questioned it. With a smile she explained, "You're a lot bigger than me. Please don't crush me so I can't breathe."

Smiling, I kissed her again. "I promise not to crush you, but I might make you cum so hard that it steals your breath away!"

"You better have the action to back up those words!"

With my knees, I pressed her legs open, and my cock instinctively pressed to her swollen lips. I kissed her and rolled my hips to guide my cock through her channel. The head pressed up against her clit, and I used short choppy strokes to tease it. Her body trembled and she tried to roll and raise her hips. I matched her motion with a slow withdrawal, and as my cock head dropped into her slit, I pressed forward inside her.

I teased her with long slow strokes, pressing forward to pin her to the bed, then withdrawing until only the head remained inside her. I had my weight on my hands, and she wrapped her arms around me to pull herself up until her breasts and nipples barely were rubbing against me with each stoke. I continued at that pace, rolling my hips to press and withdraw, until she drew her legs up to kick her heels into my ass to spur me on.

I accelerated to short, fast strokes, varying the depth from barely inside to fully impaled. She fell back on the bed, and I was able to kiss her forehead, her lips, and her breasts as I varied the depths of my strokes. She started to cum and I pressed in as deep as I could to keep her from squeezing me out. As her spasm neared its end, she pulled my face to hers and she kissed me. Her body relaxed and she gave a lusty sigh and with a mischievous smile she said, "Still breathing!"

I smiled and shook my head at the challenge. I moved to a kneeling position, with my cock still inside of her. I cupped my hands beneath her ass, and lifted her as I started to fuck her again. It took only a couple of strokes to find the angle I wanted and she cried out in surprise as my cock raked across her g-spot. I quickly shifted to short choppy strokes, relentlessly attacking her inner hypersensitive spot. Her body immediately exploded into an intense orgasm. She soundlessly cried out and clutched desperately at the sheets. I eased her ass back down onto the bed, but continued with long deep stokes.

She drew a deep gasping breath and cried out, "Holy fucking fuck!"

She gasped two more deep breaths, then added, "Let me breath!"

"Did I steal your breath away?" I asked with a smile.

"Nearly!" she joked back.

"Okay, then," I said as I lifted her ass, and started driving into her with short fast strokes.

She shrieked, then cried out, "Oh no oh no oh no oh no no no! Oh, fuck, yes!"

Her orgasm was immediate and intense. Liquid fire gushed out of her, and her pussy clamped down hard on my cock. Deep inside, her convulsing muscles rasped along the head of my cock, and I lost all control. She felt the heat pouring out of me, and her clutching hands reached for me. I fell forward onto her, and our lips locked together. I could barely breathe through the intensity of my orgasm, of her orgasm, of the kiss. The energy peaked, crested and fell. Breathing hard, I rolled us so I could sprawl on my back. She moved with me and curled up beside me with her head on my shoulder.

I don't remember dozing off, but I woke to the feel of her tongue gently teasing my cock. She smiled up at me as she continued to lick.

"I've never cum like that," she said. "I hope you will do that to me again. It felt unbelievable, and it tastes really good on you."

I smiled and asked, "How often do you work from home? Shall we make a lunch date or two?"

"I will be here any time you want, Sir," she said, still smiling.

Then with a more serious look, she said, "I will do anything you ask, Sir."

"Who is this 'Sir' you are talking to?" I asked. "I'm just a simple engineer with big hungers. Will you invite me back to feed me lunch?"

With a naughty smirk, she answered, "Oh, I think I can feed your hunger, just like we want. Be here at 11:45 tomorrow."

I sat up and kissed her, and replied, "Good plan."

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Trapped My Cousin By Her Strange Behavior

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Risky Behavior

It was on one of my outings, from school, that I found myself in front of the adult book store, well it was what used to be the adult book store. It seems that it had closed and was boarded up since my last visit. As I walked away a guy approached me and asked 'is the store still opened,' I replied 'no it's closed for good I think.' The guy turned and began to walk with me back towards the motel. I stopped at the corner and looked at the fellow rather closely ' are you staying at that motel,'...

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Mary looked at Jordan who stood staring at the approaching judge and her daughter and all she could do was shake her head in wonder. Of all the times... she turned to Frances. "See if you and Robbie can do something about him. I'll say hi to the judge." Frances laughed. "Ok." "Hi," Mary smiled through her mask and waved as she approached the guests. "I hope you didn't have a hard time finding us." The judge shook her head. "Not at all. The GPS on my phone brought us straight to...

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Emergent Behavior

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Time Off for Good Behavior

Pamela continued the internal argument she had been having since she left her office. This was foolish. She should have brought uniforms. She should have just had him brought in and not come here at all. That was procedure. That was all that was expected of her. But she just didn't want this case to go back to jail. Now every case had a sob story; six years as a parole officer and she was all but immune to them. Most of them were lies anyway and easy enough to check. The only reason she...

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158 Sarahs punishing adventure

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A Matter of Taste

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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 8

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City Pussy Meets Farmerrsquos Cock

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The Naughty Receptionist

“Miss Johnson, would you please come into my office?” Tracie rolled her eyes, thinking What does he want now? It was fifteen minutes before five--her purse was out, her computer off, and her mind had already left the building. Her friends had a fun night planned--some good food, a few drinks, and of course a great deal of dancing. Mandy even had a 'cool' guy she wanted to introduce to her, in Mandy’s never ending quest to help her get over her ex, Jason. I’m not going to stay a moment past...

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Looking for voyeur tubes or hidden cam sites? Let's spy at Voyeur Hit! We all like to get freaky sometimes, and what could be more out there than checking out people in real life while they’re getting it on. I mean, I usually like to take on the lead role, but if you’re the type of person that just likes to watch, then that’s fine too. For people like you, there are sites like where you can watch tens of thousands of voyeur videos, as much as you want. There’s some really kinky...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Autoloading ShotgunChapter 1 Dammit why are Mondays like this

I'm a gunsmith and have been one for three years. Oh, I have been a lover of guns for as long as I can remember, and my ambition was to be an accomplished gunsmith when I grew up. I was fortunate that I lived in Arizona where the gun laws were not as restrictive as they are in most parts of the country. I started out with a repair business in my garage while I was still in high school. Of course, I was too young to get a license to operate a normal gun repair business, but I was kept busy...

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the boss the rest of the story

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The next weekend was the last weekend before school started. After Tuesday I started to worry about how I was going to have time to earn points during the school year. I had 90 points saved up, but facing 9 months of schooling, that didn't seem like much of a reserve.Wednesday I worked all day and earned enough to get a handjob and still have 20 point left over. Thursday I worked most of the day again and earned 37 points, putting my total to 147, but I decided to save them all. I knew once...

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I put in a porno about squirters and lay down on my bed. As the first girl begins to squirt, I start rubbing my nipples and they get hard instantly. I think about my BFF Rachel, and how much I absolutely LOVED eating her pussy. I remember the noises she made when she came. I feel myself getting wetter and close to an orgasm, so I rub my super meaty clit. Damn, that feels so good!I pretend I am thrusting a few fingers inside of Rachel's wet pussy and I feel numerous waves of pleasure run...

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Mommys Dirty Sissy Slut part 2

Mommy's Dirty Sissy Slut part 2 by dirteesissy Please read part 1 before enjoying this instalment. Chapter 5. After I had finished cleaning Lisa's toilet with my tongue, she had me brush my teeth, as she finished her bath. I dried her with a fluffy white towel before helping her dress. Kneeling in front of her as she stepped into a pair of darling lacy pink thong panties, she bade me to pull them up. I obeyed and was overjoyed to serve her in such an intimate way. A pink...

4 years ago
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Period of AdjustmentChapter 13 A Time for Decisions

I slept in the next morning. When I finally awoke, it was after nine. I could hear Cassie moving about in the house, so I moved to the ensuite and went through my normal routine. When I walked into the kitchen, Cassie gave me her typical big smile and a kiss on the cheek. That thought about how comfortable I was here passed through my mind once more. "Good Morning, Colin. Your breakfast is in the oven. I gather you slept well?" "Yes. I think that vacation did me a world of good, Cass....

3 years ago
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A sissy cannot slp alone

English is not my primary-language, so be gentle with me. But wanted to share the story of my fantasy. As I lay here in my own bed with cum on my back sliding down in between my ass, I think to myself.. How did I get here? I’m now officially a fucktoy, a worthless sissy that lives only to serve cock. The first cock has conquered me. However the crave of cock started already when I was young. When I was drawing dicks on a paper thinking to myself that is looks so marvelous, so big.. so tasty....

2 years ago
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LORNA and GRACE. PART 6It was in the semi-darkness of the town library that the two closeted lesbians came together in a bearhug and a long and wet French kiss which had their saliva dripping on their chest. Both women knew there was no going back, no changing your mind, and that, after this kiss, the next step was sex. The women had a lot to say, either about the recent conversations, their attempts at getting together, their shyness, and mainly their lust for each other. But that was neither...

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