Inappropriate Ch. 02 free porn video

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Hand-in-hand, Rose and I walked along the beach. Lake Bathem looked beautiful at sunset, with the western sky filled with warm colors and the last of the boats slowly making their way toward the docks. There were still a few people enjoying the swimming area, as well as a few dogs playing with their owners and a few couples venturing out of the forest.

While most people were heading toward their cars, Rose and I continued to walk a path along the edge of the lake. The small waves broke just a few feet away from us, and more than a few times, we stopped briefly to admire the scenery, and to hold each other.

Eventually, however, it was definitely time for us to return to the hotel. With my arm around her shoulders, I slowly lead the way back to the car, and was not at all surprised to find that there were only five other vehicles besides mine in the parking lot.

‘I’m ready,’ Rose announced softly as I started the engine.

‘Ready for what?’ I asked, genuinely uncertain what she had meant.

‘I’m ready to give myself to you,’ she confirmed.

I put my hand upon her thigh, well below the hem of her short skirt. ‘You don’t have to, you know,’ I said honestly. ‘I love you already. You don’t need to ‘prove’ anything by…’

She put up a hand to stop me in mid-sentence. ‘I want to,’ she affirmed with conviction in her voice. ‘For the first time, I truly want someone to slide inside me, make me a true woman.’

One of the lights at the edge of the parking lot cast its yellow-orange glow upon her in such a way as to highlight the curves of her chest. I had thought of Rose already as a true woman, but at this particular angle, in this particular lighting, I thought consciously for the first time that she did somewhat look like just a ‘girl’ with her smallish breasts, but that definitely did not detract from her in any way.

What it did make me consider, however, was that she was truly significantly younger than me.

…and that she was one of my students.

Placing a hand upon mine, Rose smiled at me. ‘I’m yours,’ she whispered. ‘I want to be with you, both physically and especially romantically. But tonight, I definitely want to be yours… physically.’

Somewhat testing her, I squeezed Rose’s thigh, and her smile deepened.

I gently scratched the inside of her thigh, and her eyes sparkled.

I slowly moved my fingertips underneath the hem of her skirt, and my student leaned toward me, resting her head upon my shoulder.

‘I want you,’ I admitted. ‘I’ve wanted you for some time.’

‘Since the first day of class?’

I felt myself blush slightly. ‘Before.’

Rose moved her hand to my thigh, scratching me gently through my jeans. ‘Tonight, I’m yours. Any way you want, so long as it doesn’t involve knives or needles.’

I chuckled. ‘You must be a bit kinky to make that type of clarification.’

Her silence and lack of response spoke volumes, but I decided not to pursue it. Instead, I turned my attention to getting us back to the hotel.


I closed the door to the hotel room behind us, then stepped into Rose’s embrace. She sighed contentedly into my chest.

‘Bathe with me?’ she suggested after a few moments. ‘I have a bubble bath solution we can use.’

I had not had a bubble bath since I was probably 5 years old, and had never even considered it for as long as I could remember. But suddenly, probably because I would not be alone, a bubble bath sounded like an excellent idea.

‘That would be nice,’ I admitted, giving Rose a gentle squeeze.

A few minutes later, I joined the young woman in the bathroom. After she had removed her contacts, as the bathtub filled with water and bubbles, I kissed her anew, my hand directly over her heart and enjoying its steady, loving rhythm.

She made the first move, stepping back just enough so that she could unbutton my shirt. We took our time in undressing each other, pausing only to allow a garment to flutter to the floor, plus an additional pause to turn off the water so the tub would not overflow. And as I knelt before her, I could see and smell her desire upon the crotch of her thong, and I leaned forward to sniff her natural musk briefly before I rendered her naked in my presence for the very first time.

She was definitely not shy. Rose made no attempt to cover herself. Once she had stepped out of her thong, she cradled my head and pulled my face to her bare mound, where I placed a kiss directly above her clitoris while gently kneading her lower cheeks.

Slowly, I kissed and caressed my way up my student’s youthful body, pausing briefly to nibble a nipple, until I stood before her, when she started her kiss and caress her way down my body, ultimately kneeling before me. She lowered my briefs and rendered me naked, and smiled appreciatively as she took my growing length into her hands, fondling me with care as she looked up at me with smiling lips and eyes.

Her hands suddenly looked small and obscene as they touched me intimately. Her red-tipped fingers kneaded my genitalia carefully, and it was clear that she had done at least this much before. The clear desire leaking from my manhood was the proof that she was pleasing me, and when she leaned forward and used her tongue to bring that desire into her mouth, I was indeed a very happy person.

Rose treated my bulbous tip as if it was a lollipop. She licked tentatively several times, drawing more of my clear desire from within me, then finally took me into her mouth for the first time. Gently, slowly, she suckled me, drawing me deeper and deeper into her while her fingers stimulated my testicles and my lengthy shaft with care. My breathing was increasing, becoming subtly louder and heavier, as I brushed her red strands away from her face as that I could watch with great rapture as she eagerly accepted me further and further into her mouth. I was becoming warmer, hotter, and not just from the steam rising from the steaming bubble bath beside us.

‘Oh, Rose…’ I uttered despite myself, my hands starting to guide the movements of her red-maned head.

…and that was when she leaned back and escaped the grip of my hands, looking up at me with a mischievous grin. ‘Not quite yet,’ she chided me playfully. With a quick kiss to my leaking tip, Rose slowly stood and stepped toward the bubble-topped bathtub.

With my desire clearly apparent, I sat in the hot water first, wincing at the high temperature for several seconds until I had leaned back against the sloped back of the bathtub. Rose joined me, and I appreciated the view before she was finally settled with her back against my chest. She sighed, leaning the back of her head upon my shoulder and placing her hands upon my knees as she sat between my bent legs. My arms around her middle, Rose and I spent a long time in silence, simply soaking in the hot water and in the growing love.

In time, however, it was my turn to tease her.

My hands slowly moved up her stomach, my fingertips tracing along her lower ribs. I could practically hear her lips slowly curling upward, and she shifted subtly against me, a sign that she definitely wanted me to continue, and I was all too happy to oblige her. Slowly upward my fingers slithered like nearly a dozen tiny snakes until, at last, they brushed the base of her breasts.

She gasped softly, squeezing my knees, and I chuckled into her ear. ‘I think you like that,’ I whispered, and she nodded against my shoulder.

My fingers alighted upon her soft swells, only occasionally encountering the engorged nipples. Sweet sounds of happiness spilled from between her lips, and she interlaced her fingers behind my neck, the new position inherently thrusting her chest slightly forward, fully exposing her breasts to my touches.

Touching her so intimately was also having an effect upon me, my arousal growing anew between us. Rose
shifted against my lengthening manhood, creating a renewed stirring within me as her fingernails scratched gently at the back of my neck.

My own fingernails scratched her as well, and she shuddered against me as a quiet cat-like mew poured from her lips. As I flicked a nipple, I also roughly seized the opposite breast, and she stiffened against me with yet another gasp.

As the water slowly cooled, I continued to tease my young girlfriend, my efforts focused almost solely upon her chest. Her pleasure was very much audible, and it was sweet music to my ears. I fondled and caressed and squeezed and scratched her breasts. I flicked and plucked her nipples. I sucked her ear just above her small studded earring.

She rocked against me, against my solid erection. I so wanted to slide into her, but I was definitely enjoying this teasing, savoring her body’s reactions to my ministrations. I also wanted to determine at what point she would remove her hands from the back of my neck and place them between her legs.

Rose did in time remove her hands from the back of my neck, but to my surprise, she gripped my knees. Clearly, she wanted me to tease her, and I was more than happy to oblige such an unspoken wish.

I escalated the situation, whispering into her ear…

‘Just think of how it will feel when I lay you down on the bed and slowly slide into you. Just think of me sliding into you, prying you open, watching your face as your body yields to me.’

‘Oh God…’ she whispered, and I was certain that she was indeed imagining that very situation.

‘Slowly moving inside you. Grinding against your clit whenever I’m fully buried inside you. Twitching inside you as your body clamps down upon me…’

‘Please…’ she pleaded, then she squealed as I roughly tugged at both of her nipples.

‘Please what?’

‘Please… I need…’

‘What do you need, Rose? Tell me.’

Her hands were gripping my knees rather tightly as she squirmed against me. ‘I need… Nnngh!’ I pinched her nipples even harder, and I knew that it was at least a little painful for her, but to her tremendous credit, she did not complain at all, and in fact arched her back even more, truly offering her nipples to be tortured by my fingertips.

‘Tell me what you need.’ I applied even more force, my fingertips curling inward, my fingernails pressing into the base of each plump nipple.

‘My clit!’ Rose exclaimed.

‘What about your clit?’ I challenged.

‘Rub it! Please!!!’

I released her tortured nipples and cupped her breasts briefly before sliding my dominant hand down her slim torso. My fingernails gently scratched her smooth skin en route to her clitoris, and when my hand finally arrived at its destination, I cupped her hot sex and squeezed.

Her moan was exquisite.

She moved against my chest, my hand, my manhood. She was a siren, drawing me ever closer to her with her sweet, seductive sounds.

I escalated the situation, moving my left hand down between Rose’s legs as well. Gently, I rubbed small circles over her clitoris while gently thrusting just a few fingertips into her body. From her reactions, it was almost enough.

‘Oh, please!’ she pleaded, kneading her breasts. Her breaths were heavy, her body undulating against me.

‘Pinch your nipples,’ I instructed, and she did, pinching them hard, grunting as she winced from her self-inflicted pain. For my part, I kept my fingertips inert within her while my right hand furiously attacked her clitoris.

Her release was accompanied by an explosion of sound. Although it was entirely her pleasure, I felt rather warm inside from having witnessed her wonderful moment, from having granted her this climax.

As Rose slowly descended from her orgasmic peak, I held her tightly in my arms, kissing her cheek and her neck. Yet I remained hard, and I yearned to slide into her young body, to fill her with my essence.

‘I want you,’ I whispered. ‘I want to make love to you. I want to fill you and pour my seed into you.’

She whimpered, stroking my forearms, still breathing a little quickly from her release.

‘I want you, Rose,’ I reiterated, punctuating the heartfelt statement with a kiss to her neck. ‘I so desperately want to be inside you…’

‘I want you in me…’ she breathed, her voice barely audible. ‘I need you in me…’

Yet, I was torn. I definitely wanted to make love to this young beauty, but where? I could not really make love to her in the bathtub unless it was from behind, but I also did not want Rose’s face to be plunged into water if her arms gave out. The bathroom floor was an option, but not particularly comfortable. The floor of the main part of the hotel room was an option, but unless Rose and I dried off first, the carpet would get soaked… and the bed presented the same dilemma.

Logic reigned.

‘Let’s get out of the water,’ I suggested as politely as possible, and Rose nodded her agreement. Carefully, she stood before me, turning to face me and providing me a most wonderful view of her multiple feminine curves. Instinctively, I reached forward to run my fingertips along her wet folds, and I both saw and felt her slight shudder at my careful touch.

Rose stepped out of the bathtub and reached for a towel as I stood as well. Seemingly a heartbeat later, I stood behind her, my hands upon her waist as she began to dry herself. When she was finished, my student turned around in my arms and began to dry me, ending in a kneeling position at my feet.

Setting the towel aside, she stroked my legs for a moment, her hazel eyes fixated upon my erect manhood. For just an instant, I envisioned myself suddenly seizing her head and when she opened her mouth in surprise, forcing my length inside her, into her throat, not caring if she could breathe and simply using her head for my pleasure until I unleashed my seed directly into her stomach.

Instead, I cradled her head, slowly drawing her face closer to my throbbing desire. Her lips parted with the rapidity of a snail as her fingernails gently stroked my testicles in teasing ways.

The sudden lunge of Rose’s head took me completely by surprise, and instantly I was groaning aloud, knocking at the top of her throat as I held her head firmly in place between my stiffened hands. Clearly, she could still breathe through her nose, for Rose did not try to push me away. Instead, she moaned seductively as I invaded her mouth, her sensual sound both heard and especially felt. I groaned once again despite myself, punctuating my primal sound by twitching inside her warm mouth.

For the briefest of moments, my realistic subconscious mind loomed ominously. For the briefest of moments, I did not see kneeling before me a beautiful young woman who was clearly eager to give me pleasure. For the briefest of moments, I saw kneeling before me a student – one of my students – who represented the destruction of the life and the reputation I had built for myself at the university. For the briefest of moments, I saw kneeling before me a threat – a beautiful threat, similar to a fabled siren, but a threat nonetheless… a threat with unfabled consequences which would utterly ruin me.

Yet I was too far gone to care.

Nudging Rose’s head away, I knelt before her, and as she gulped as much oxygen as her lungs could handle, I took her into my arms, seizing her with the desperation of a half-drowned victim on a vast storm-choppy ocean. For a moment, she pumped me with her hands, but then I shifted her into a new position and slowly rose to my feet with Rose in my arms.

Carefully, I carried the young woman out of the bathroom, and a moment later deposited her upon the large bed. My lust had simmered enough that I could stand back and simply admire her as she lay upon the bed, her arms spread in an inviting manner, her legs parted just enough to display her bare, moistened s
ex. For the first time, I noticed just how prominent the freckles were upon the majority of her body. The small stud earring in her left ear caught the light just right to truly shine, and that seemed to cause her face to radiate.

Indeed, I was in the presence of a beautiful angel.

I sat on the edge of the large bed and bent over her. Our eyes locked, speaking words which our lips could never form. My hand reached for hers, our fingers intertwining with the ease of longtime lovers. Clearly, we both recognized that this was indeed a special moment, that this would certainly change each of us forever.

Rose tugged at my hand, urging me to lay upon her. Carefully, I settled my weight upon her, and she smiled sweetly, wrapping her arms around me. My hands cradling her head, our lips joined anew as I shifted position so that my long shaft was balanced upon her thigh.

The kiss lingered, extended, deepened, intensified. Tongues dueled. Teeth clashed. Soft grunts were prominent yet barely heard. Hands roamed and groped. The scent of our growing passion was filling the hotel room.

Slowly, I moved down her body, kissing and licking and even biting Rose’s soft pale skin. I spent considerable time at her chest, fondling each breast, sucking and biting each nipple, and her squeals were electrifying, her fingernails curling against my scalp as she moved my head only to direct the attentions of my mouth to each nipple. She writhed beneath me, her legs continually moving against me. Clearly, she was enjoying our foreplay, and although at the moment the pleasure was entirely hers, I was definitely enjoying pleasuring her.

And somehow, inexplicably, the inappropriate nature of our relationship only heightened the moment for me… and perhaps even for my young student as well.

I took a nipple between my teeth and laved it with my tongue, and my angel cried out gloriously. Biting harder at the base of her taut bud, I moved my tongue even faster as my fingers toyed with her clitoris.

Unintelligible sounds were suddenly being flung from her mouth as ecstasy overwhelmed her body. Even after I had relinquished my grip upon her nipple, she rode the waves of pleasure which were surging through her being, and even when she was finally stilled upon the bed, her half-closed eyes begged me for more.

Specifically, her eyes pleaded for me to finally enter her.

I was more than ready to oblige her, but first, I wanted to taste her.

I continued the lips-to-skin exploration of this young woman’s body, moving slowly ever downward, nibbling upon her lower ribs, licking around and inside her navel, kissing all around but never quite upon her clitoris…

At last, with my head perched between her spread well-toned thighs, my fingertips parted her feminine folds to reveal the dewy pinkness within. Her natural musk was strong, testifying to her desire for me, and her wetness was mesmerizing.

I glanced up Rose’s body to find her head tipped back upon a pillow, her lips parted and her hands kneading her breasts. With a smile of appreciation, I turned my attention back toward the moistened sex before me and dipped my head…

Rose’s moan was soft and long as my tongue slithered between her parted labia, collecting her dripping desire and spreading it upward toward her clitoris. In short order, she was rocking gently against my tongue and my lips as I repeated the intimate act, savoring her tangy nectar and reveling in her wonderful taste. Her legs began to flex anew, and soon I felt her thighs pressing against the sides of my head as I kept exposed the entrance to her vagina and continued to tongue her sweet sex repeatedly, pausing only to draw her liquid passion into me to further fuel my desire for her.

She was moaning, panting, attempting to thrust herself into my mouth while clamping my head into place with her thighs. My hands slithered up her sides and onto her chest, my hands replacing hers upon her quivering breasts, my fingers tweaking her erect nipples and causing her to groan with need.

My need was evident in that I was slowly humping the bed, sliding my solid arousal upon the thick bedspread. While I was indeed savoring Rose’s natural taste, my need was growing, becoming more desperate with each heartbeat.

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Sharry heard the noise in the driveway before I did.  She stopped sucking my cock and rearranged herself so she was on all fours. ‘That’s my husband’s car!’ she said, ‘Shove your cock in my ass!  Quick!!’ She was a Reubenesque brunette, with eyes so brown they gave the impression of being black.  Her tits were massive globes of eager, hungry flesh and her ass was as broad and generous.  Everything about this woman radiated positive sexual attitude. Some men would dismiss her if they saw her on...

2 years ago
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Bound And Gagged Prolouge

Don't call me a rapist. I'm far from that. See according to an online dictionary, Rape is the act of sexual intercourse upon a person. I'm not forcing myself on any of them. Deep down inside, they really want me. They just don't want to admit it. But before we get too deep into this rape subject, let me tell you a little bit about my self. My name is Alexander Cross. And no, I was not named after the character in James Patterson's books. For some odd reason, my parents liked...

3 years ago
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Ns Weekend Adventure

N’s Weekend Adventure N looked great getting off her 90 minute flight.   She had worn conservative clothes that the travel pass rules required.   I gave her a welcome kiss and a bug hug at the bottom of the “Passengers Only” escalator, grabbed her carry-on and headed out the door.    At the ladies room she took the bag and the dress I brought and went in to change.   What emerged was the luscious, gorgeous, sexy N of my dreams.   The new dress that I had bought was becoming but definitely not...

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 19 Going Home Plans

Lee collected an apprentice’s box from her cave. She took Allan to her room on the ship. She had him sit while she made coffee. “So, what do you think about the Earthling’s coming to visit?” she asked him. Allan laughed and said, “Yes, I don’t really think of myself as an Earthling anymore either. I’m surprised they haven’t asked my crew if they wanted to go back.” “Sorry, I think that small fact has been overlooked. Please ask your people if they wish to leave, and we will get them on the...

4 years ago
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Gone to the Dogs part 4

Sister-Lindsay. Older by 2 years Dad-Roger Mom-Becky, or Rebecca Depends on how my Dad's feeling. Mom to me Potential g/f-Tanya Craig Tanya's bestie-Lisa Pride My buds-Trent, Steve, Jay, and Troy I watch Tanya's bum as she throws the wet towel downstairs, and goes around the corner after her Mom. She knew I was outside watching because she blew me a kiss as she locked the sliding door, which leads to her deck and hottub. I slowly slide into my bike shorts, and t shirt....

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Just another girl I met at a party

My names is Jordan and I am 18 years old and I am currently a senior in high school. I am about 5'8" and about 145 lbs, although im somewhat skinny I am considered to be cut and very strong for someone my weight. I also play 3 sports, football, wrestling, and track. Life these days have been a shit load better than it has in the past. As I am laying down in my bed with a girl next to me, I stare out of the window watching the sun rising and I wonder, how did we end up on the same...

2 years ago
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The Girl With No NameChapter 27 Three Familiar Faces

Danka and Isauria spent several days traveling northwest through the forest along paths that were barely visible to anyone not accustomed to navigating the backcountry. Danka walked in front of the mule while Isauria held her new crossbow and watched for potential trouble. Danka enjoyed those days of walking, of exploring the forest while not having to carry anything, of feeling the cool breezes blowing against her exposed body. She was able to clear her mind and enjoy the moment, knowing...

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Me and my sister

My sister is 4 year older than I am. We had normal brother-sister relations. Since I am younger in the family everybody loves me very much. Always treating me as a kid only. I was normal kid until I passed 13, as you must have known kid at that age having so much interest in girl/ women and their hidden mysteries. I also started to take interest in girls. I would feel electric currant in my short when I see bare flesh of any girl or women through there cloths. At that time I hadn’t known what...

3 years ago
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Iron Hearts Ch 01

ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18 OR OVER ***** A mermaid. That’s what Valour had thought when he spied the floating figure in the rough waters of the black ocean. It hadn’t taken them long to haul the pale skinned creature from the inky grasp of the sea waters, but when they did his men crowded around her, bodies moving with the sways of the ship. She was beautiful. Fine bone features celebrated full pinks lips, striking against the bloodless complexion of her skin. Her eyes, large and doe like with...

1 year ago
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Who are you

Who are you?We were on the bus on the way back from the first away game when someone finally said it. It had been hanging in the tension filled air that completely bewildered the new members of the band. "So who wants to play 'Who are you?'" called an anonymous voice in the crowd and everyone sophomore year and up looked around with eager looks on their faces, me included. We were under the cover of darkness, so the camera couldn't see us. The band directors were all in their own car, leaving...

Straight Sex
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My sext tenent

Hi friends, girls & sexy aunties mai aap sub se parechay kara do i am sunny 24 yrs. Aur mere ek kiraydaar hai jiska naam sheela hai uske age 26 yrs. Hai wo bahut he sundar aur sexy hai uska figure bahut he achcha hai aur bahut he sexy hai uske family mai wo uska husband sur ek chote se baby hai . Ab mai aap ko anpe story sunata hoo 1 saal pehle ke baat hai jab mai 23 yrs. Ka tha mai sheela ko jab bhi dekhta tha mera land khara hoo jata tha aur uske bare mai sochta rehta tha mai mai uske sath...

1 year ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 17

Six days after meeting Treya—and fighting the red-eyed men—the group reached Four Roads, a town of thirty-thousand people in the middle of the free lands, halfway between Tyrsall and Telfort. They’d met Jak’s caravan along the way, which was heading back east carrying wheat from the beginning of the harvest season. The caravan had been accompanied by dozens of farmers hauling their own, hoping for better prices in Dalewood or Tyrsall than they could get in Four Roads. As Corec had expected,...

3 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 27

My mother spent the rest of the weekend in sometimes heated discussion and negotiation with my father. They spoke, screamed and pleaded with each other, traveling, at various times, throughout every room in our house. My mother threw two cook pots and a large metal serving spoon at various stages in their negotiation. My father slammed several doors in the house, kicked three or four salvaged appliances in the basement, and swore fluently. He managed all this while nursing his wounded ego,...

2 years ago
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A chance meeting on a train with a virgin

A chance meeting on a train with a virgin.This is not real - it is just story. I’m Jack and I’m travelling to Scotland on business. I’m 55, fit, dark short hair (with salt and pepper highlights), trim but carrying a little extra around the waist. My wife says I look distinguished – ‘does that mean old?’ Sitting opposite is a 21 year old brunette, 5ft 4 with a large bosom. She has an attractive face and, like me, could do with losing a couple of pounds. She’s been on the phone for 30 minutes...

4 years ago
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Vacation With My Daughter Day 2 Barcelona

“Mom told me you had a nice cock, Daddy,” Ashley said as she emerged from the bathroom. “Boy, was she right!” I was lying on my bed at the Hotel Monte Carlo. If we walked out to the sliver of a balcony, we could look up and down Barcelona’s Ramblas. Music from a video channel on the TV provided a calm ambience. The sliding doors were open just enough to let in the warm night air, faint aromas of pizza and paella, and sounds of the city three stories below. Jet lag was catching up with us – it...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 3 Ambers Interview

Amy Podgorski, ever since the fourth grade, insisted upon being called Amber. She was a petite little woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She was twenty-one years old and currently lived at home with her parents. She didn't like living there, but she couldn't afford to move away from home. Her parents, like most good parents, worried about her and were constantly giving her advice that she couldn't or wouldn't follow. She felt that at her age she should be out on her own. She would...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Cousin Usha

And about this incident, this happened after sex with Ashu. Once I got a vacation from my college. So I decided to stay at my grandmother’s house. As I heard that Ashu was traveling to Singapore with her parents and was there for the next day. So, I planned quickly and left for my grandmother’s house that evening. And at night I reached my grandmother’s place. Firstly, I greeted all my grandparents and aunt. And I was eagerly waiting to see Ashu and try to have sex asap before she leaves. And...

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Science Side effects may include sluttiness

Hi! Im new to writing stories and would love feedback! Feel free to let me know how I'm doing [email protected]. Simon Leery was stressed out and so was his flatmate. Our financial situation seemed to be in the final stages of absolute failure. Neither of us had any money and we were unable to pay this month's rent. Me, having failed engineering uni, I had amassed an impressive 90k debt. My flatmate, studying to be a OR nurse, was 130k in debt. He still needed another 80k in...

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Love can be in plain sight 6

“Shit, I gotta go to the bathroom,” I said. He saw I really didn't feel good, so he came to the bathroom with me. I threw up a few times and we wasted no time to take a test. So I took it and it was positive. "Well Bill and Wendy aren't the only brother/sister couple that can get knocked up,” Ray said. “If I didn't feel like shit I'd kiss you,” I replied in a slightly weird voice. “I appreciate that sis,” Ray said as he was trying not to laugh. "Fuck you," I...

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A Bulls Perspective on Cuckold Couples

,I recently had a very informative email exchange with a dominant man named Steve. I was trying to understand what it is like to be dominant, and what dominant men think of cuckolds who like to eat cum from their wives’ pussies. Steve asked me to write, with him as first person, about a real encounter that he had with a cuckold couple.My name is Steve, and I live in Ohio. I am of South Asian descent and I have always taken a dominant posture in all aspects of my life. I was raised in a culture...

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Squirting for son

It was early Saturday morning. I grabbed my small hamper full of dirty clothes and carried them down to the basement to toss in the washing machine, only to find that my mother had beaten me by a few moments."I had no idea you'd be up so early on a weekend," she said as she shoved her bed sheet in the washing machine. "I'm going to the gym later and I forgot to do my laundry," I replied. "Oh. Well, this won't be too long.""No worries. Are you washing your sheets again? Didn't you wash them a...

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Lori 2 Becoming a Hotwife

An e-mail came the next Friday. Then she was to leave at lunch and find a specific adult bookstore and to parade herself as if she were there to be a whore for whoever wanted to enjoy her mouth or hand. She only knew one that was down towards the poorer side of the city, a fifteen minute walk from her office. She called to see if the store was even open, and when a man picked up, she was flustered and put the phone down. She looked it up in the phonebook and was sure that it was the place she...

Group Sex
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 29 Celeste

Celeste Montreau sat on the edge of her seat in the core living room. On a blanket close by on the floor, Kendall Hanks carefully examined a stuffed bunny for the tenth time in as many minutes. When the baby squeezed the toy in the right way, it squeaked; an awe-inspiring feature she hadn’t discovered until ten minutes earlier. Celeste explained, “So, when the last of their children entered the first grade, I was no longer needed unless I only wanted to work two or three hours a day or help...

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My GF got a Strapon Pegged

It all began when Cindy stuck her finger up my ass. She was running her tongue lightly up and down the shaft of my cock, but paused for an instant to gauge my reaction. I moaned slightly, appreciatively. It felt good. She smiled and began slowly moving her finger in and out.We were naked on her bed in her apartment on a Saturday morning, the sunlight streaming in through her bedroom windows. At first, I wasn't fully awake, although Cindy did a fine job of waking me up. She had started nibbling...

3 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 111

Dear Marissa, Wow. Some of your letter I didn't understand. Remember I'm a fifteen year old pregnant girl who never took a single high school class. High level multi-dimensional physics is not exactly something I'm good at. Ask me to point out the best route to drive a tank and I can do that with no problem, but the concepts you are writing about might as well be Arabic or Chinese. I'm just glad that the computers of the Confederacy are powerful enough to solve the equations required to...

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Fringe BenefitsChapter 5

When I open my eyes in the morning, it takes me a few moments to recognize my surroundings. The geometry of the room is unfamiliar, and for a few seconds I have no recollection of my whereabouts. Then the memory of last night comes back, and I blink a few times and take a look around through squinted eyes. The radio clock on the night stand shows 7:33am, and there is nobody in bed next to me, only ruffled sheets and a crumpled pillow where Nicole fell asleep last night after our wine-fueled...

1 year ago
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TripinChapter 35

When we finished the Pizza dinner it was after 7PM. I wanted to go out alone, so I said to Royce. "Royce I have been in that hospital, or whatever the fancy term is for that place for 6 months. I want to go party." "My haven't you gotten brave," he said with a grin. "I suppose I have. Royce do not take offense at this, but I want to go out alone. I know you are my bodyguard and everything, but I'm pretty sure the danger has passed," I said. "I'm not sure at all, so let's make a...

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Christmas Break Teen Fuck

This is based on a true story with some fun branches. Last Christmas I came back from college in Boston, to stay with my family for a few weeks to celebrate the holidays. I had a gorgeous long-distance Girlfriend at the time that I was dying to see again. The summer before I went off to college I had taken her virginity and I swear I unlocked a hidden slut that I was not expecting inside this young girl. We were both 18 and even though I had only slept with about 5 other girls I had a lot more...

3 years ago
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High School Quarterback 4

“You know coach is only trying to help.” I looked up and there stood Jennifer in a pair of tight shorts and tank top. She walked over to the fridge and got a glass of water before turning around to go back to her room. Before she left the room, she stopped to add, “Oh and in case you wondered, Bri is over doing homework.” I guess everyone would’ve known sooner or later about my experiences over the past weekend. I decided to go upstairs and take a shower. When I got up to my room, I...

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Sadists Fire Canto Two and Three Sadists Fucktoy

Ezra The way our thing started has never sat well with me when I try to tell the story, to myself or to others. How would I say it? At first, I was irritated because there had been obvious possession in Morgan’s touch when he introduced her to me and I knew he and Trish were looking to bring another into their relationship. They were two married Doms who wanted a submissive third to have together and the little dark haired girl, with a barcode and the word N9ne tattooed on her back, was...

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NubileFilms Nelly Kent The Way You Like It

Buxom hottie is stunning in a lingerie bra and thong set. She shakes her tits and bottom, enjoying the way she feels in her sexy getup before she joins Raul Costa where he’s waiting in the living room. Raul is already hard and ready when Nelly’s hand slides to his crotch to feel him up through his briefs. It’s nothing at all for her to pop him out of the constraint of his underwear so she can enjoy her masculine toy properly. Sinking to her knees, Nelly strokes up and down...

2 years ago
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Terror in TenerifeChapter 3

I could tell that we were expected as soon as we walked in. The man behind the counter nodded at Harold and looked Jenny over quickly. He came out from behind the counter. He walked around us, examining Jenny closely as he did. He closed and locked the door and put up a closed sign. We followed him into a back room that had several small sets prepared. The one that was already lit up and ready to go was a replica of a small bedroom. Why wasn't I surprised?! Harold took Jenny onto the set....

2 years ago
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Sex With Rich Woman

Hi mera naam Suraj hai mai Nagpur me rahata hu mere height 5.7 hai mai ake well settled ladka hu mai Nagpur me Eng. Collge ka student hu to dosto Mai aap ka ake aise story batane jar aha hu jo pure truly hai females iss story ko jarur padhe aur muze reply de so dosto time waste na karte mai siddhe story pe aata hu. Hum 4 student the hume college ki chuttiya lagi hui thi to hum ne decide kiya ki hum ghar nahi jayenge hum yaha hi rahenge Nagpur me aur enjoy karenge so friends hum Nagpur me hi...

1 year ago
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Nipple Twister

When my little sister was about e****n years old she started having her periods. She had cramps, she had an upset tummy, and she ran fevers…every twenty-eight days…just like clockwork.She got to miss a lot of school because of it too.Then just after she turned thirteen she came into my bedroom and said, “Twist my nipples just as hard as you can. Mom said that you had too.”Well fuck that shit. I wasn’t about to fall for that. I just got off being grounded and I wasn’t about to go right back on.I...

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My meeting with tranny milf Sandy 54 part 1

Wanna tell you about my meeting with Trannymilf Sandy 54!I met Sandy through an add in a pornographic magazine I was 23 then so she was 31 years older than me. Wanting for long to meet a much older tranny beauty I got really excited when she agreed to meet me. We met in her apartment after I rang the doorbell a beautiful woman in her midfifties with a white dress long blond hair,white nylonstockings and white high heels opened the door. Her face had a heavy-makeup I was stunned by her looks....

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MyFriendsHotMom Alessandra Miller 23477

It’s college graduation, and Peter and his friends want to get drunk! His buddy’s mom Alessandra Miller has a bunch of liquor at her house, so Peter gets the ok from his friend to sneak in there during the party and snag some booze for them. But he’s caught when Alessandra goes to have a nightcap before bed and finds her stash missing, then discovers Peter balled up on the ground near the couch with her hooch! But she isn’t upset…she’s horny! Yup, the busty MILF is so grateful for Peter helping...


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