Do It!Chapter 2 free porn video

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Breakfast was at six-thirty sharp, though I was already dressed and more or less ready for the day when I came down to the "relaxed" dining area as it was called well ahead of that. Deidra and Bella were already seated however in preparation of being served.

"Sit down, join us," Bella said.

"I will ... but I need to do something else first," I informed them grinning. They looked at one another also grinning, and then stood ... leading me back down the hallway, up the stairs to Ted's private study. I wasn't honestly too terribly surprised to find that he was already up, busy working at his desk when Bella poked her head inside asking if he had a moment to see me. In seconds, I was ushered inside, both Bella and Deidra closing the door stepping back out again.

"I take it you've made a decision," Ted said sitting back in his chair with a smile on his face.

"I have," I said simply reaching over to grab one of the contracts, the one I am sure he was hoping I'd sign.

"Before you do that, I need to make sure ... you do understand everything in there yes? If you need to read it again..."

"No, I have read it several times now, though I do have just one or two questions I would like to ask first."

"Of course, go right ahead."

"What does, 'Companion' mean specifically?"

It had been one of the terms in the agreement, a title if you will, that I had some minor concerns and doubts about, not at all sure what it specifically meant, represented ... or more importantly, required. Ted nodded his head.

"Simple really, as you already know, Deidra and Bella are both classified as 'Mistresses, ' and though you will have a similar stature, or status around here for various functions and events, until such time as you decide to be trained, and thus elevated to that status, you will be known only as a 'Companion'. As a Companion, you will not have authority in any way shape or form however. Even the Novices and Attendings will not have to lower their eyes should you pass in the hallway. Though they must always treat you with respect, any infractions of that towards you, will be meted out by either Bella, Deidra or myself. At no time, until such time as your status changes, will you ever personally be involved with doing that."

We discussed that a bit more, clarifying a few smaller points until I had at least satisfied what that term specifically meant, which included doing anything that was outside of the terms of the written agreement.

"One last thing ... the name."

"Oh yes, your new name. The name you go by now, and perhaps will continue to use outside of this place, will however no longer be used here. You will have but one name, just as Bella and Deidra do, and will be referred to only by that name while you are here on the grounds. It is a name I have already chosen for you, and will from the moment you sign the contract, be the only name you will ever be referred by again. Can you also accept that?"

"Yes," I said now satisfied, picking up the pen, and signing my old name on the document.

"Welcome to your new home, Maringa," he told me giving me my new name. A rather strange sounding one, so different than my own, though he'd obviously done that for a reason. He then pushed a small button beneath his desk, though I heard no sound. Seconds later the door opened, an Attending now slipping in waiting for instructions, she was the woman I had now met and seen twice before.

"Marlene, would you please escort Maringa back down to the dining area and introduce her please to Mistress Bella, and Mistress Deidra, as our new Companion, Maringa."

"Yes Master," she acknowledged, bowing appropriately, and then held the door open for me as I got up.

"Thank you ... Master," I too bowed, though not nearly as low, but sufficiently enough I assumed, catching a look of approval on his face upon doing that.

"Oh and Maringa? Don't worry about your apartment, or your personal belongings. I'll see to it they are picked up and stored, you can go through them later and bring a small selection of personal items back with you. Everything else will be taken care of, including the sale of your home should you chose to do that."

I had rejoined both Bella and Deidra for breakfast, both of which were excited about the news that I'd signed the contract, and was now officially to be known, formally called as 'Companion' Maringa, less formally of course as simply Maringa.

After we had eaten, they immediately showed me my new quarters, which they confided, Ted had had done in the event that I did indeed decide to come and live here. I knew of course they could have just as easily been prepared for someone other than myself, had I chosen not to, but it was obvious he'd had them decorated and modeled after some of my own tastes and preferences in color. Master, had indeed done his homework.

It was after that, that both Bella and Deidra began instructing me in what specific duties there were I might have, along with the "rules" of the house, once again reminding me of my less than authorative position here. Which included of course my limited contact with any of the Novices and Attendings, save for "asking" them ... not "telling" them to help me out with something, or to get something for me should I not be able to do so for myself. Even then, they could only do so if they didn't have other more important or pressing duties they were currently involved with.

Even knowing this, I had no real intention of abusing my stay here, or in asking someone else to do anything for me, that I could obviously and just as easily do for myself. After that, it was a matter of wardrobe selections, an appointment back in the city for a beauty treatment, shopping, and of course fittings for what I learned would be "proper" and "appropriate attire" for my status, including a entirely new selection of lingerie and the like, which Ted had already chosen and selected for me.

The rest of the day was spent being pampered and prepped, constantly being taught, informed and reminded over and over again as to how I was to conduct myself at all times. And though there was a lot to remember, and do ... it didn't seem that it would be all that difficult for me to live up to and remember.

"I will tell you this though," Bella said in a somewhat serious tone of voice. "Though I don't know the specifics of your agreement, or what you signed, I do know Ted," she said speaking less formally now that we were off and away from the estate, as well as not wanting to draw unnecessary attention towards us. "You can rest assured, he will test you, when you least expect it. In the beginning, it will no doubt be somewhat minor things, but he will test your compliance, your obedience, and your diligence in performing immediately, whatever it is that he asks you to do. I would warn you only in that if you don't, he may very well ask us ... or do it himself, in performing whatever punishments as he sees fit. And whatever that may be ... whatever he then requires of either Deidra or myself, we will do it, without holding back or taking it easy on you. Just so you know."

It was yet another warning, and a reminder of what I had gotten myself into. And yet, having considered and thought about it all very carefully over the past several days, I found myself anxiously curious, even excitedly nervous, looking forward to the new challenge. It was a time to test myself as well, to discover just who I was as a person. Where my own limitations were, where my own boundaries might be. As Maringa, I was about to find out.

If anything, I probably had it pretty easy as the next two days flew by, most of my day spent in relaxation, some reading and taking care of my own surroundings as I'd already determined I wasn't going to sit back and become a slob, or someone to be waited hand on foot on either. I joined Deidra and Bella for morning workouts, and looked forward to our daily late afternoon massage. In between that, they had other duties to attend and see to, none of which I was asked to participate in, or be a part of. And aside from a few occasional curious looks from time to time as I passed both Novices and Attendings in the hallway as they hurriedly scurried about on some matter, or some task they'd been given, no one seemed too upset that I was there.

"You ready for tonight?" Bella had asked me early that morning. I had of course been briefed on what to expect, which, as I understood it, would be a rather lavish party that was monthly given and held on the estate. One in which where there would be many influential friends, acquaintances, and clients, not to mention a few other important politicians as well. Most of which would prefer having their identities and names kept out of the papers. One of the strictest and most important rules, was strict confidentiality. A single infraction of that, was dealt with severely, and always, always ended up with immediate dismissal, no matter how minor the infraction might have been.

"As ready as I can be I guess," I responded, more than a little nervous still, at the role I'd be required to fill. Not to mention the certain knowledge that 'Master' could at any time during the course of the evening, test me ... and no doubt probably would according to both Deidra and Bella, who'd indicated early on that he most likely would.

"Just do it!" Bella had said, "Immediately and efficiently, whatever it is that he asks you to do. Don't waste time thinking about why, or what ... or anything. Just react, just respond, and just fulfill whatever requirement it is, no matter how big or how small it is. Do that, and you'll never have to worry about any punishments or recriminations in failing to do so," she'd further warned.

I had already set my mind to doing just that. Master had met with me briefly, shortly after I had signed the contract, reminding me of what agreements had been made, though also assuring me he wouldn't ask or ever require of me to do anything he knew ... I would be uncomfortable in doing. Though he had also added, he felt like he knew where those limitations currently were, and would still even then, ask me to stretch a little on occasion when considering that.

Admittedly I wondered if I could ... or would. And if this employment might indeed suddenly end almost far sooner than it had begun. The evening's festivities I now knew ... would no doubt decide that one way or the other.

I knew that six Novices had been handpicked to serve refreshments throughout the evening. All of them to do so entirely in the nude. At no time where they to speak or utter a single word even when spoken to. All they were allowed to do was smile, nod heads, and go about the task of seeing to it that Master's guests were taken care of. If a certain amount of groping, fondling or touching came while doing that, then so be it. Every one of the Novices had been picked for that very reason, they all knew what to expect, having done this before. And everyone of them would earn a nice little stipend as well, which is also why some of the Novices where always more than a little disappointed when they learned they had not been chosen.

Attendings too would be there, also six of them. Though they would be free to mingle, to chat, and to otherwise entertain the guests in whatever fashion or manner they saw fit in doing so. Though not entirely nude, they were scantily dressed, easily accessible in many ways, but still had the options, if they chose to act upon them, in saying no to this or to that, if they chose to do so. As Bella had informed me earlier however, the more an Attending allowed herself to participate with the guests, the more she was also apt to make during the course of the evening. And with the exception of only one, the older woman I knew now as Marlene, they had all done this before too.

As for myself, Bella and Deidra, we too were all similarly dressed for the evening, though even then, my own gown was of a slightly different cut, and not as totally revealing as theirs were with the traditional very deep "V" in front that almost fully exposed their entire breasts, with just their nipples still being effectively hidden so as to not be fully exposed. And though we all wore the same deep rich color of red this evening, my own gown, though still low cut, felt almost confining to me in a way as I stood there looking at myself in the mirror just prior to going down to the main room.

As I soon after joined both Mistresses, the guests had already begun to arrive. Some I saw even then electing to wear simple masks over their faces, shielding and thus further protecting their identities. Such was the concern and fear of many who had perhaps come here to attend the party for the very first time. As Deidra had also informed me earlier, for the most part, the guests would eventually amuse themselves, or one another, with very little contact or requirement from us. She reminded me though, we too were free to amuse ourselves in whatever way we saw fit. The big difference between us and the Attendings being, we saw no reward, or benefit one way or the other in doing so. Ours was strictly a matter of choice and preference, which I greatly appreciated, though I kept firmly in the back of my mind, Master could make a demand of me at any time, and in that, I would really have no choice.

Slowly but surely, the party did indeed grow quite lively. Once the minor nervousness of those who hadn't been there before, had worn off, the regulars, or those who were the most trusted and most comfortable, began livening things up a little.

I had in fact been standing curiously off to one side, watching two elegant looking women, both married to influential men themselves in attendance, kissing and playfully fondling one another there on a nearby couch. Many looking on, urging them both on to do more, though so far, neither one had dared go much beyond kissing, and fondling one another's breasts through their clothing.

It was then that I watched and noticed, with the simple nod of Master's head, Bella moved walking over, reaching down through the top of her gown as she did so. In seconds she had totally bared both her breasts, walking over, now sitting down directly between the two women.

"If either of you are nervous about exposing yourselves or one another, don't be. In the meantime ... feel free to play with mine," she now told them both. Not too surprisingly, they both did. And as that occurred, as the two women now quite excitedly began fondling Bella's breasts, soon after leaning over to suckle each one together, the party itself finally got into full swing.

A simple gesture, a nod of the head, and then many if not most of the guests began to erotically enjoy themselves and one another. It was interesting to me in discovering the amount of power Ted ... or rather 'Master' had in the simple nod of his head.

Deidra too I had noticed had been busy flirting, talking to the guests, allowing her hands to roam from this person to that, and then drifting away to do likewise somewhere else in the crowd. Almost like magic, a simple touch here, there, a brief fleeting pat, or grasp of a gentleman's groin seemed to set him, or them into motion. It was almost hypnotic seeing her perform, moving about the room the way that she was. So much so, I hadn't seen or even felt Master as he moved over now standing next to me. He leaned over then, whispering.

"See the older gentleman standing near the bar? The one talking to that much younger woman there in the blue dress?"

It was an easy find. "Yes," I said simply.

"That is not a good pairing," he informed me, for business as well as political reasons. "I need you to go over there and disrupt their conversation, and any possible interests they might likewise be entertaining at the moment. Go over, say nothing, but reach down, unzip his fly, and remove his member while he stands there. I am sure once you do, she will find someone else less complicated to amuse herself with. Now ... do it!"

I knew it was coming, I didn't know the what or when it would, but now it had. Even before he had finished telling me to go, I was already on my way over towards the two of them. And just exactly as he had asked me to do, I did it, smiling yes, albeit somewhat nervously, yet excited too as I walked over, not even saying a word, looking into the older gentleman's eyes totally ignoring the woman as I walked up forcing them to separate. Seeing his surprised look, I reached down, my hand deftly unzipping his fly. Reaching in, I quickly found his meat, fondling it as I stood there, quickly feeling it grow, and then produced it pulling it out. Movement behind me, telling me even as I did that, the other woman had left us.

Master was immediately by my side. "Hello John, I see you've met Maringa," he said taking and shaking the man's hand, even though I still had my own hand on his dick. "Janine?" He then said turning to one of the Attendings who I only now realized he had brought over with him. "Why don't you fix John here a fresh drink, and then perhaps after that the two of you can get to know one another a little better," he stated. And with that, I let go of John's now very aroused hard cock, watching him turn, smiling, grinning from ear to ear as he actually followed Janine behind the bar, his prick now fully revealed still sticking out.

"Well done," Ted said, saying nothing more, and now moving off almost as silently as he had done when first coming up to stand next to me. I now wandered back to where I'd been standing earlier as Bella now joined me.

"It would appear you have passed your first test of the evening," she smiled. "Not too difficult now was it?"

"No ... not really, and quite exciting to be perfectly honest about it."

She laughed at that, "The evening is young yet, and there will be a lot more excitement as you say, taking place before this night is done. Perhaps we'll even have the opportunity to enjoy one another later?" She strongly hinted, then kissed me lightly on the lips before moving off into the throng of people once again.

By now I noticed, many had gotten entirely naked, some few actually openly now fucking one another, either on the floor, or within or upon several of the couches spread out within the enormous chamber we were in. Just briefly counting heads, there were easily well over fifty or sixty people here already, with still yet more to come. And most now either looking on watching, finding amusement in doing so, or actually beginning to loosen up enough that they no longer cared what they enjoyed doing or feeling in front of anyone else.

The party was quite bluntly, turning into a real orgy of sorts. Though I found it interesting to note, none of the Novices of course were involved in doing anything, each one though nude, and yes periodically groped or pawed by members of either sex, continued to circulate about serving the guests drinks and ordurbs. And also as I now noticed, with the exception of Attending Janine, only one other Attending was obviously involved or engaged at the moment, currently lying on the floor now, legs spread while a quite matronly looking woman, expertly enjoyed herself while tonguing her.

Most everyone else ... guests, had found entertainment and amusement amongst themselves for the most part.

It was soon drawing close to midnight, though only a small handful of people had by now left the party, many others obviously staying to continue until god knows when. I noticed however that both Bella as well as Deidra once again began moving about the room. As they did, I saw or thought I saw, each of them pressing into the palms of some selected few a small coin, or token perhaps. Having done that, Deidra soon after saddled up beside me.

"You've been invited to attend, though not to participate unless you wish to," she added, now pressing into my own palm what indeed appeared to be a shiny gold coin. It had simply the date imprinted on one side, and the time on the other. "One thirty a.m.," I said quietly to myself only then looking up.

"I'll come for you," she told me ... when it's time," She moved off then back into the crowd, though as she did, I once again saw Master heading towards me.

"You have your token?" he asked. I nodded slipping it inside a small pocket that that been purposely sewn into my gown. "Good, don't lose it, as you'll not be granted entrance without it," he informed me. Though admittance to where I did not know. "Find any of this arousing? Amusing?" he asked, "Enlightening?" he quickly added.

"Yes, admittedly, I have ... Ma," but Ted cut me off. "Not here," he said sternly but softly. "Here you may in fact call me Ted, as though you are yourself a guest ... understood?"

"Yes ... Ted," I said enjoying the sound and ability to say that, it felt at least to me, a bit more intimate, more comfortable.

"Good, now then ... feel like indulging me a bit?" he asked. "For my own personal amusement and reasonings?"

Maybe it was, perhaps that's really all it was, but even then I felt it to be a test, reminding myself that even what he'd asked me to do earlier, I'd found easy enough to do without being too nervous, or even queasy about having done it. And more so perhaps, for there being a reason behind doing so when I had.

"The woman over there wearing the green dress?" He said pointing her out to me. "Her husband as no idea that she enjoys attending these kinds of parties, but I have long been after seeking some way of making his acquaintance in business as he does have several investment properties I myself might be interested in. As I understand it ... she is a bit of an exhibitionist herself, though only with other women, and only with those, which she likewise finds a mutual, sexual attraction towards. She was overheard a short while ago, commenting to another mutual friend of ours as regarding her interest in you."

I stood listening, wondering ... what it was that he would no doubt soon ask me to do. And when he did ... would I in fact be able to do it, whatever it was, though he continued on.

"As I understand it, she has a penchant for finger-fucking, though more precisely, for being finger-fucked, and for finger-fucking in front of a crowd looking on. She derives a great deal of pleasure out of doing that, and as so stated, said earlier on this evening, that so far ... the only woman in the room she was even interested in doing something like that with ... was you."

I stood waiting for the command, which never came, somewhat unnerved by his blatant use of the words, though hearing them spoken as they were arousing me a little. Even so, I was still toying with the turmoil I was suddenly feeling if he in fact told me to go ... to do it! I turned, curiously, still waiting for the words. What he said instead surprised me.

"No, it's not a command, it's a request, and only if you feel comfortable enough in doing it." His eyes told me he was sincere when asking, his face soft not hard in making the request. It was indeed a genuine request, and not a command.

I was surprised at my own response. "You will of course introduce us?"

His look was a smile, plane and simply. "But of course."

Ted now escorted me towards her. Spotting our approach, she quickly terminated the conversation she'd been having with the small group of people standing nearby, though they remained where they were, perhaps curious, just as I now was.

"Ms, Daniel," he said introducing her to me, "I'd like you to meet a special acquaintance of mine, one as I've come to learn shares a certain particular enjoyment as I've heard you do," he said pointedly staring at her. "This is Maringa," he said calling me by the still somewhat unfamiliar sounding name.

"Pleasure to meet you," she said taking my hand. "And what might this mutual enjoyment be that we might indeed share?" she asked trying to remain coy as she said it.

"I'll let her be the one to show, or explain that to you herself," Ted told the woman. "Though I would ask ... that perhaps afterwards? You might give me a moment or two of your time?"

She merely smiled, still trying to act coy, illusive perhaps.

"Ted? Would you mind helping me please, the zipper on my dress?" I now asked.

I didn't need to turn or look into his face, my eyes still focused on the woman standing there before me. In an instant I felt his hand on my back, grasping the small catch, slowly pulling it down as my gown easily began to part. Even as I felt it begin to come away off my shoulders, I stood there, forcing my mind to blur out all those around me, everyone but her as her eyes slowly took on a surprised knowing look. When it was down far enough, I shrugged, the gown falling easily away, all by itself. I now stood totally naked there in front of her. With my eyes still locked on to hers and no one else, I slowly brought up my hand, and as I did, I stepped, spreading my legs apart. Excitedly nervous, surprised at myself in what I was now doing, I eased a finger inside my split, allowing it to almost casually linger there for a moment, rubbing it up the furrow of my sex, and then lifting my hand upwards further towards my mouth. Here, I tasted myself, savoring the sweet succulent juices of my long wet and aroused pussy, as it had been so now for most of the night. I sucked my middle finger, and then replaced it back down between my legs, more fully exposing myself as her eyes followed the movement. I now proceeded to slowly, teasingly, and yet purposefully, finger myself while she stood there watching me do so.

I smiled inwardly when she suddenly reached back, unzipping herself, another man now jumping to her rescue, helping her out. She too, soon after, shrugging out of the gown she'd been wearing. And though she had on stockings, garters, she wore no panties or bra, and had easy access to herself as her own hands came down, gently spreading her pussy lips a part all the while now looking towards me.

All around us, people began gathering, though I caught only the briefest glimpses of who they might be. My attention focused, remaining on her, as I likewise spread myself even more invitingly than I had been. I had just caught both Deidra as well as Bella moving in off to one side, even an Attending on the other, as well as curiously enough, a Novice, brave enough, and curious herself in wanting to witness what was taking place. Along with Ted too of course, and many, many others.

It was odd in a way, and oddly quiet as well, as everyone quit talking now simply looking on watching the two of us. Like two gun-fighters squaring up in the street opposing one another in a way. Daniel, now pressing one, and then two fingers inside herself, easing them slowly in and out, and then as I had done, sucking them off, smiling at me suggestively. She then quite boldly reached down with both hands, purposely spreading herself, obscenely so. Her very hard, very extended clit now unsheathed, it's pink shiny head fully revealed as she seemed to enjoy standing there letting it show itself not only to me, but the crowd. I saw it for what it was, a challenge of sorts, and thus did so as well. I could sense as well as feel my own hard precious clit as it surfaced above the protective flesh of its hood. I saw her eyes as they in turn looked downwards towards me, knowing full well that my own clit was considered to be on the larger side of most. I could also without any difficulty, cause it to throb, to move, to pulsate in a way all by itself, which I now did, grinning inwardly as she stood there watching me do that. And then without thinking really, I stepped forward, closing the distance between us, my hands still firmly keeping myself spread apart, and pressed myself against her.

"Ever been ... clit fucked?" I said. Her eyes opened wide in response to that, now stepping back slightly, her back against the couch, though I moved forward remaining with her even then. "Spread your pussy for me," I asked, though almost demanding it, speaking softly, my eyes still locked on hers, looking into her face. And even without looking down to watch her do so, I know that she did. I felt her hands brushing against my own briefly, and then felt the wetness of her folds now embracing my own. I moved, pressing against her, clit to clit as it were. I could feel the slippery slide of my own stiff little knot sliding up and down against hers. And as I did that, she at once responded back, likewise pushing, moving gyrating against me too. In seconds we weren't just finger-fucking ourselves, or even one another, but were in fact grinding cunts together, clit to clit in a most obscenely decadent way.

All about us where whispers of approval, some moans and groans which had now turned into lusty desires and no doubt mutual fondling taking place that now began to accompany the sexual dance we were sharing. I again thrust against her, my hand coming up to capture one of her breasts, my fingers almost cruelly capturing a nipple, pulling it and twisting it as I did so. She threw her head back, eyes closing, a small whimpering sound of pure lusty enjoyment escaping her lips as I did so.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me, please fuck me!" She begged, "Make me cum, make me cum now!" She cried out deliriously.

I was hovering on the edge myself, though fought for control. As slick and as slippery as she was, the sensation of her own sweet juices mingling with my own almost made me release with the pure simple pleasure of it. I held on however, still focused on her eyes, her face as she opened her own looking back, she came ... crying out, almost screaming with her pleasure as I now reached down. Cramming two fingers in her cunt, I impaled her holding on, once again squeezing her breast, twisting it with my other hand as she came again, and then again. Pummeling her pussy furiously now, she finally reached the penultimate level of orgasmic bliss, collapsing down to her knees whimpering like an injured puppy. I stepped away, only now seeing the semi-shocked, yet obviously appreciated looks on everyone's faces. It was an odd feeling for me, a sense of power as I reached down stepping back into my gown pulling it up once again. We had been doing that for nearly thirty minutes, though it felt like we'd hardly gotten started by the time I had slipped back into my dress.

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Hello friends mera name nishit age 18 years strong apane mummy papa ka ek lota lucky boy hoo.mere papa ka name sunil age 45 years.meri mum ka name anjali age 42 years.hum teen new mumbai me rahate mumbai me hamara ek food store he. Ab me apako jo sunane ja raha hoo wah thode samay pahele ka mera pahala sex ex..he.muje woh din puri tarah yad he jees din sham ko papa gar aye aur hame bataya ki mene ek naya farm liya he jo new mumbai se 40km ki doori pe he aur me mum aur papa farm ko...

4 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 14 Louie And Cliff Take Her

Introduction: Cindy teases at a biker party and then has fun. Sharing Cindy Chapter14 After Cindy got hired on at the Harley dealer, we began to really embrace the biker lifestyle. I am not talking the whole Sons of Anarchy bike gang thing, but more the weekend warrior type thing. We enjoyed riding in Poker Runs with hundreds of other bikers. We enjoyed the parties that were always happening. We especially enjoyed the fact that the women liked to show off and wear very revealing clothes. Cindy...

2 years ago
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The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 4

18th June 2015. Siddhartha had caught typhoid and was on bed rest for a week. Four days had passed without a single fuck session. Riya too was pissed without sex. I advised her to somehow seduce Sid to take her to bed and after that we would disclose our secret relationships to him. My hunger knew no bounds. I needed a dick right at the moment. I asked Sid for it but he clearly ignored because of his illness. I left for office in anger. In my anger I forgot to bring my car keys down. I didn’t...

2 years ago
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CharlieChapter 3

The next week started in a whirlwind of paperwork for the guys. A bank loan had to be secured using the signed contract as collateral to purchase a larger crane, after debating the pros and cons of a rental. The bull dozer would still be a rental because it would not be needed for as long. Adds were posted to find the skilled labor for the new crews. They needed more electricians and welders as well as trim carpenters. Henry was going to be working in the office a lot more to help with the...

4 years ago
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The Gardener

By the summer after my sophomore year, I was getting to be pretty experienced with other guys. With my mom working nights, I was used to having the run of the house. I would come home from school, finish up my homework, eat some dinner, and be free to entertain myself however I saw fit. Aside from the occasional trip down the street to my neighbor's house, my evenings typically consisted of movies, video games, and profuse masturbation. Sometimes I would jack off 3 times in an evening,...

2 years ago
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Pleasure after a long week

Its Saturday evening and after another 60 something hour week, there was only one place for me to go, home. I was so happy to finally walk through the front door. I was tired, hungry, in need of a shower and wanted to sit, relax and enjoy a beer! Before I knew it I fresh from the shower and sat watching a crap film on TV, sipping an ice cold beer and devouring some much needed food. Bliss..... However before long I was falling asleep and on my way to bed. The following morning I woke very...

1 year ago
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Issues and Smiles

I’ve only written from my own experience. And because it is all I know, and I’m sometimes barely convinced of my own existence, so how can I possibly portray another? At least this existence has some meaning. But I wish it were easier. And I wish love was simple. And I wish that I had more freedom, and that gays had more rights, that my 56K modem wasn’t quite so slow, and that I didn’t get sick whenever I eat pizza because pizza is my favorite food. And I wish… “If I tell you, you’ll break up...

3 years ago
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One Drunken Night

“Why is it that when you’re bored there is nothing on the television but info-mercials, but when there is something that has to be done all your favorite shows are playing at once,” I ask myself. I glance at the clock on the stereo, 3:14am. God I’m tired, but I can’t go to bed until Nancy gets home. For those that don’t know Nancy is my girlfriend, my Raina Bonita, my nobia have you. At 23, she is the sexiest, craziest, and maybe the most intelligent person I have ever met. Tonight she decided...

3 years ago
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The Box

Moving a heavy box, Eliza wipes sweat off her forehead. She has been cleaning out her grandparents’ attic for almost three hours now. They have always been something like pack rats, keeping anything and everything they have found. Though, now that her grandfather has passed and her grandmother is moving into a retirement home, everything has to go. Grabbing another box, something that was propped against it fell onto the floor, sending a flurry of dust at the teen girl. This triggers a coughing...

1 year ago
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The Cherry Was Popped

She is not my niece though she calls me "uncle". Yes, she still calls me uncle. She lives in the adjoining apartment. Her parents are also Indians like us but remain very busy looking after their business during day and their cultural and social activities evenings until night. She remains lonely and visits us very often. She is a sweet child, and must be over 19 with a cute well-developing body, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. There is always a smile on her petal-like lips. We are a...

3 years ago
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Mommys Help ch 6

After an incredible encounter and orgasm from my mother, one would think sleep would come easy. I can tell you that it did not. After my adrenaline decreased I really started to feel the burn deep inside me from that toy of my mothers. I lay in bed on my stomach as the pain gradually went away, the hours passed and morning arrived. I heard my mother waking and I guess getting ready for work. I figured if I'm going to be aggravated by this feeling of shame from my abused asshole I mite as...

4 years ago
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Close Teacher part 4

           “Where’s Tiffany?” Amy asks.             My head immediately perks up at the sound of her name.   I answer, “I’ll go look for her.”             “Thanks Bree.   You know where she is?”             “I have an idea.”             I know where she is:   she’s going to talk and flirt with Mr. Reynolds.   On my way to Mr. Reynolds’ class, I pass by our principal.   “Hi, Ms. Powers.”             “Hello… there.”             “It’s Bree.”             “Yes, hi Bree.   How’s the cheer...

1 year ago
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Wings of Scarred Ch 03

Years later and Nick had found himself a profession that suited him just fine. It was strange too. He’d always thought it a waste of time yet here he was, at his desk at the 290th precinct in the bustling New York. He leaned back in his chair, wondering why he suddenly thought of the fuzzy afternoon. Maybe it was because of the events that had happened over the last couple days. It had all started with his cell phone ringing for the third time that day. His cell had rung yet all he did was...

1 year ago
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Corrupting The Golden Boy Ch 02

Note : This story is completely fictional! I woke up the next day close to noontime. I had never slept that late before. I knew my Mom was at work and my father would be going to work soon. After washing up, I headed downstairs and could hear Tara talking to my father. My heart was pounding. "Well it's about time you get up," Tara said sarcastically. I didn't say anything to her. I just shot her a dirty look. "Hey Dad." "Aidan, I hope you're OK son. I mean you didn't go out drinking last night...

2 years ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 42

"... doesn't have to be particularly long," Amnita was saying as Devlin entered the kitchen. "I don't go with a guy just because of the length of his dick. That was one of the things I learned in Olangopo: a guy's prowess in bed isn't related to the size of his dick. "There was this one guy," she added with a giggle that seemed uncharacteristic of her. "He had a dick like you wouldn't believe. I didn't get that good a look at it as he was undressing, but when he shoved it in me...

4 years ago
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Patna Sahar Ka Khoobsurat Thohfa

Hi mai aapka professor ek baar fir .Ye kahani hai jab mai kisi kaam se bihar gaya tha mai patna staition pe dopahar 1 baje utra mera kaam do teen din ka tha bhut tej garmi ho rahi thi mai platform se bhar nikal ke ek kone me khada ho ke cigret pee raha tha mujhe koi jaldi nahi thi us din sirf hotel le ke rukna tha tabhi maine dekha ki ek ladki jo thodi gareeb lag rahi thi aur ek kone me baithi hui thi aisa lag raha tha jaise bhut pareshan ho uski umar koi 19 20 saal ki hogi usne salwar sute...

4 years ago
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Amity 1 StormChapter 18 Journey

Our staff were happy to see us home. We had to attend meetings with the Magistrates and learned that Veldor had flipped out on them. The man had not liked admitting a few home truths as to how he obtained his wealth or his wife. They ended up sending him to a special place where they put people, who had difficulties relating to the world and that had been convicted of serious crimes. All of his wealth was confiscated. They determined that he has used Raelene’s wealth and title to accrue...

1 year ago
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Log date: 24 June 2139 “Final report. Space Fleet: Intergalactic-ship, USS Genesis NCC (1000). Lt Commander Mansfield reporting. All 175 members of the crew except for Communications Officer Thorvaldsen and me are dead. Space Fleet: Class-heavy cruiser ship, destroyed. I should reach Earth in about four months. This is Mansfield, co-survivor of the USS Genesis NCC (1000). Signing off.” Three years earlier... Log date: 14 October 2136 Planet Earth is rapidly running out...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Obey Him Part One

Getting into work, I notice an envelopesitting on top of my pile of work. I set it to the side and sort out the pile of paperwork cluttering my desk. I figure it is just another 'get together' the girls from the office do once in a while. My job is filing paperwork and mostly computer stuff. It keeps me away from people, which is what I like most about my job. I can faintly smell the scent of a man from the envelope, which sends a shiver down my spine. In it, is a single piece of paper, which...

3 years ago
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He picked me up at a straight bar

I sat at the bar and ordered a beer.  The TV in front of me had a game on.  I wasn't very interested in watching sports on TV, so I asked the bartender to turn the tv to bar trivia and to please hand me a device.  I'd parked my car right in front of the door to the bar unintentially, but I had a clear view of it from my seat at the bar.  Unexplainably, I kept looking at my car through the glass door every few minutes, which was in the same direction as a twenty-something man sitting at the...

Gay Male
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Love Letter0

To my dearest sweetheart, Well, it's been three years since the last time I saw you. Three years since I've heard your laugh. Three years since I've given you a hug. Three of the longest and most miserable years of my life. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you, talk to you, even though you're not physically there, I still talk to you and hope you can hear me. Every time I close my eyes, I see your smiling face. There are times I'll be out, and swear I hear...

2 years ago
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How to deepthroat a cock a beginners guide

Deep throat Made Easy Here for the first time ever are simple and explicit instructions on how to deep throat a penis. Position is important; you'll want to in position where you can extend and straighten your neck by slightly tilting your head back. This helps line up your throat with your mouth allowing the penis to slide in deep. The best position for beginners is with the receiver lying on his back with the giver lying on the stomach along side. You can prop yourself up on your elbows. The...

2 years ago
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Journal of Desire Ch 01

The black stretch limousine bearing the plates of a U.S. senator eased around the traffic circle at the center of Temperance Hill. Sen. Helene Falkland picked up the limo’s intercom to buzz her chauffeur. ‘Use the bank president’s parking space,’ Helene said. ‘He’s expecting me.’ The chauffeur nodded, glancing in the rear view mirror. She was beautiful. The clean classic lines of a young Ingrid Bergman. The cool aloofness of a Greta Garbo. He turned off his thoughts. The parking space was...

1 year ago
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Indian Bhabhi Models Nude for Horny Photographer

This story is based on Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read in Savita was in the back of the restaurant trying to make sure everyone was working hard when her waitress, Deepa, burst in. She came and whispered in Savita’s ear. Deepa: That customer with the camera is back again, Savita. He’s been asking for you again. Savita: Tourist? Deepa: I don’t know…but I have a crush on him. Savita: He’s certainly not unattractive. Deepa was getting hot just looking at him. Deepa: Do you want me to...

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When Mommy Had Enough Chapters 5 to 9

When Mommy Had Enough (Chapters 5 thru 9) Copyright 2003 Stacilynn Brown [email protected] =5= "Honey why don't you take off your clothes while I start running your bath for you, okay?" Heather was smiling from ear to ear; Thomas was blushing from ear to ear! "Oh Thomas, don't be so shy... Aunt Rachel and I have been taking care of you for 4 years now sweetheart. Why all of a sudden are you embarrassed to let me see you naked?" Heather reached for Thomas to brush...

1 year ago
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Born to SuckChapter 10

"C'mon Kid, wake up." I heard a voice in my dreams that sounded very much like Sven. I rolled over on my side, anxious to hear what he was going to say next. "Wake up." I felt a hand shaking my shoulder and slowly came awake. I partially opened my eyes and in the soft moonlight drifting into the bunkhouse, I saw Sven's tall form standing next to my bed, his hand slowly stroking his long hard cock. I realized the voice I'd heard was real, and not a dream. The pale moonlight was...

2 years ago
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The Brass RingChapter 4 I Hate Surprises

Now and then, I'd stop in at Tricky Dick's, a bar and diner not far from the office. It was a good place to have a beer and a conversation. It wasn't too loud other than when there was live music on Friday or Saturday night. The food was good, so if I got lazy and didn't want to cook, I might have a burger or something from the kitchen. Once in a while I'd run into someone I knew from work or even high school, and yak with them for a while. Tommy T-Man Farley was an old classmate who...

3 years ago
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12 Hours until Doomsday

The date is June 6, ’06. You hear your alarm ringing loudly, piercing your ears. It feels like you're going to go deaf. Still, you try to tolerate the noise, as you know that you only have 12 hours to live. You want to indulge in all your senses, as you spend your final hours on Earth. You drowsily glance at your clock, it reads 6:66 AM, and a dozen hours from now, that clock will be no more. In fact, you will be no more, everything that you are, and that you know will be gone. How do you know...

1 year ago
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Amity 3 TempestChapter 6 Tripping

They were preparing to leave when a young man appeared with a backpack. “Hi Daniel, I didn’t know that you were coming to visit,” Trixy said. “Not quite Trixy. I’m going with them,” he announced. Raina frowned at him and walked up to him. She gently touched his cheek and looked into his eyes. He gave her a cheeky grin and wiggled his eyebrows at her, and she had to smile back. Ben felt a prickle of unease at their interaction. He was a nice looking young man about 178cm tall, with his...

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Want some Czech porn or sex from Czech AV? I’m a sucker for a good deal. That’s how I ended up with a pallet of synthetic pussies and a 55-gallon drum of lube in my garage. I’ve been called a sexually depraved hoarder when it comes to my collection of used panties, purchased in bulk from a Chinese underwear farm, but nobody disputes my eye for value when it comes to porno website networks. For example, if I tell you Czech AV includes a bunch of sites for the price of one, you’re going to...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 19 The Launch of a Legend and a Legendary Launch

Jake spent the two hours until the officers call with Catherine and her aunt and uncle. The four of them lounged in the Captains sitting room. Catherine had replaced the rotted furniture in the day room with furniture from the Val. This room was even larger than the one on the Val. It now contained two full sized couches and two love seats. As well as four large winged back chairs. Along the wall leading to the hallway stretched a bench with tables that folded out of the wall. The room was...

3 years ago
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Lost in Subspace

10 minutes passed and I was still sitting alone in this corner, when I noticed a tall dark figure walking my way. His eyes were intense, and my crotch immediately responded to his penetrating stares. “Hello”, a smooth voice cooed, “What is your name, little girl?” I nearly giggled at being called a little girl, but I responded shakily that my name is Renee. His eyes swooped over my body, from my nervous hands, down to my short skirt that was beginning to ride up my thighs, exposing...

2 years ago
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Delta Sodality Chapter 5 New Beginning

Chapter 5 - New Beginning After a full day in the lab with Dr. Juno the following Monday, Kristina sat down at her desk and pulled out the sat phone from its spot in the drawer. "Do you have what you need from Dr. Juno?" the voice asked. "Yes, I was able to reproduce the solution exactly today in the lab." "Very good." The connection went dead, and Kristina returned the phone to her desk drawer, aware that she had just sentenced the na?ve doctor to death. It was time to go h...

2 years ago
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New Neighbor Makes Me A Glory Hole Part 2

Ever since Hilda and I played the Glory Hole game last week, I spend nearly every afternoon behind the garage listening for her to exit her house.  So, earlier today I was putting at the potting bench near the fence we share, just feet from the new glory hole.  I was lost in my task when the sound of her back door slamming shut, startled me back to my senses.I listened intently for the melodic tone of her voice, but was instead surprised to hear another female voice - two actually.  It took me...

Oral Sex
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A girl borrows her brother8217s windup sex toy

I stole my brother Simon’s Tangerine. His security wasn’t exactly bomb-proof; he’d been using the same password since he was thirteen. Father was away at the wars; Mother was out doing her Good Work, Simon was courting; and the servants had all been sent home for the night. If ever the coast was going to be clear, it was now. I punched it into the alpha-numeric tumblers he’d installed on his closet door about the same time he’d started sprouting body hair and his...

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The Contract Brittanys assignment

My name is Brittany. I was fresh out of college, 22 years old, and got my first good job as a sales apprentice with a medium sized company. My job consisted mainly of making presentation materials supporting sales meetings. Basic support functions for the sales department. It’s a fairly high pressure department as many of the deals they make are worth hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars. My boyfriend, Jared, and I met in college. We just moved in together and plan...

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A Trucker And Mechanic Repair My Wife

We have been married for seven years. My wife has been a steadfast and loving wife never wavering from her unconditional love for me and my cock. We have a pretty good sex life – hot fucking at least twice a week but slowly and consistently the seven-year-itch is creeping in our lives. Oh no, not my wife, she is fine. The itch is irritating me! You see, before I met my wife, I was a regular cock- sucking faggot. And though I came clean to my wife, she always thought that a guy sucks cock...

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Double TwistChapter 170

“Even when the world throws its worst and then turns its back, there is still always hope” —Pittacus Lore, The Power of Six MY PHONE BUZZED just as I turned in to the school parking lot Friday morning. I’d stopped to pick up Beca so she grabbed my phone and answered it so I didn’t take my hands off the steering wheel. She put it on speaker phone as soon as she said, ‘Hello.’ “Oh. Uh ... Sorry, I was calling Jacob Hopkins,” the voice said. “I’m here,” I called. “Just driving, Lacie. How...

1 year ago
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Bleach Sluts

To start off pick who you are. As a side note all people are over the age of 18 in this story other details of the characters have not changed.

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 78

"Just how much do we tell Don Juan?" TJ asked Clare, Orville and Cedric had made their assessments, Morg had analysed the mine settlement and the Crew Conference informed. Orville reported that the ship needed only the external pods and the fission pile rods placed to be spaceworthy with a bit of assistance from "Sundowner": 1. the original GEC 'puter that had been fitted to "Sundowner" could be re-located into the ship without loss of "Sundowner" 'puter power as she still had the...

1 year ago
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A Bullys Comeuppance Part Seven Through The Looking Glass

Dear readers, I'm sorry I haven't been around these past few months. Various work, stress and family related issues have been causing all kinds of trouble in my life and as such I unfortunately withdrew from the community here on Fictionmania and on Tumblr as well. I burnt out on this story and didn't want to force out a sub-par continuation for the sake of completion. That said, I'm very pleased to announce that things are looking better for the future and I'm starting to get my...

2 years ago
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Picnic and Pictures

Picnic and pictures I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened in the park yesterday, how she felt, tasted, andsounded as she came. I could still smell her as I feel asleep last night. I woke up with her on my mind. As I laid there trying to wake up I heard my alert on my phone, letting me know I had an email. I reluctantly got up and checked it. It was she. She said that I was all she could think about and wanted to see me today. I couldn’t stop the smile on my face. I replied and asked...

1 year ago
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The Book of DavidChapter 13 Family

WINTER (December 2005) "Unghh..." I groaned, cramming my hips forward with all my might, trying to push my cock a few extra millimeters deeper. My first wad had already blasted off, and now as I reached the point of furthest penetration, I felt the second wad fly out of me. I held that position while tensing my ab muscles and tried to launch every ounce of sperm as fast and as far as I possibly could. Cherys had rolled her shoulders up, clutching me to her chest while I finished spurting...

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SummerChapter 8 Stress Relief

Exams started the next day and Thomas soon found himself up to his ears in a combination of revision classes, extra shifts at work, exams and lectures. He did not hear from Sera. It worried the boy, more than a little bit, that he hadn't rung. Thomas didn't see him in the lectures in English he attended, and his exams in English didn't start for another week and a half. All the time he wasn't getting stressed over exams, or being ribbed over his 'girlfriend' by Chris, he hovered around...

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First Time Pussy Licker

Even at 18, I was awkward. I wasn't in the popular social clique, but I had my friends at school. I always loved horses though, and when I was younger, I started working at a stable, exercising rich people's horses. I shoveled hay, handled the a****ls, and kept myself fit.I went to dances and had some boyfriends, but nothing more than I kiss. When I look back, I was so naive, I really didn't know much about anything, let alone sex. This was all pre-cell phones, pre-internet. Sex education was...

4 years ago
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Training Mother and her Daughters Revised Version

At age 35, I found myself divorced after fourteen years of marriage, and for the first time in my life, living on my own. My wife and I had married “young”, with me being 21 and my ex being 18 at the time. Like many young people, we had gotten married to “get away from home”, and had been reasonably successful. We were both inexperienced with sex before our marriage, but we were both eager and quick learners, and tried virtually every position and every location, short of doing it in public,...

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Cal Colleen

It had been a long time coming. They had been internet lovers for some time, but had never met, not until Cal came into a substantial inheritance and on a whim, took a flight to Minnesota to meet her. Her name was Colleen, and she was a lawyer, but when they'd met she was an eighteen year old mother of two, who had told him of her horniness; and proved it by forwarding a series of pictures with her in the nude, using various toys on herself. He had returned the favor, sending pictures of...

3 years ago
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Date of first publication: Friday PM, September 21, 2007 Special thanks to ‘oldfart‘ for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing. There is nothing in life that I enjoy more than a two hour layover at O’Hara in Chicago, other than perhaps, a double root canal. Just another wonderful screw up by the logistics department of my employer; they caught me unaware, blindsided me. The urge to kill comes to mind every time I think of them. It all started out innocently enough. There were a...

1 year ago
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В жизни проститутки хватает разного неприятного, но весёлые случаи тоже случаются. Вспоминаю несколько происшествий и совпадений, которые годятся чуть ли не для анекдота. Первый из случаев вообще повторяет анекдот.Я тогда еще училась в универе, но уже съехала из общаги, снимала квартирку с подругой и больше времени уделяла ебле, чем учёбе. Меня на целую ночь заказали двое мужчин. Одного, его звали Колей, я знала хорошо, обслуживала его несколько раз, а его приятеля нет. Коля недавно развёлся и...

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Private Milla Horny for a DP Threesome

Armed with her tight twink body, beautiful blue eyes and insatiable sexual appetite, Milla had quite the experience some years ago in Private Specials, 5 Eurobabes in Mini Skirts and today, we finally release this gem of a scene right here on! So enjoy the sexy Milla in all her glory as she takes on legendary studs Bob Terminator and Csoky Ice in a wild threesome full of deepthroat blowjobs, hardcore fucking, anal and DP, before finishing up with a sensational climax of a facial...

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WizardChapter 5

Jelka's roots were in Croatia, when the war between Serbia and Croatia broke out, her parents sent her as a teenager to Australia in care of her aunt Christina. Both her parents died leaving her an orphan. She grew up learning business management in her aunt's clothing store, as time progressed they opened a boutique as well. Aunt Christina smiled at me with a look of amusement when we told her of our relationship. "I don't think he's after your money Yelly, (her nickname for Jelka)...

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