SarahChapter 5 free porn video

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"What's happening, Tom?" I demanded.

"Are you armed?" Tom asked, a non sequiter, I thought.

"Yeah, both of us. Why?"

"You need to be. Things have heated up. In a nutshell, the drug money operation you helped bust up-even though you didn't know you were doing it, I understand-was real important to a big cocaine distributor out of San Francisco.

"Our senator had a pointed conversation with the Attorney General when he got back to Washington. Two of the agencies involved come under the Justice Department umbrella. When the internal investigators-who I believe really are squeaky clean, by the way-started digging into it, they found, in addition to the clerk in IRS who we already knew about, three people in the DEA and one in the FBI who were passing information to the druggies. One of them is the DEA agent from Portland.

"The request to locate you came from him. I can only assume he is trying to find you on orders of the drug people, since Norm won't get into town until tomorrow morning and doesn't care where you are until tomorrow afternoon, when he wants to see you."

"Wow!" Sarah said. "What have we done to them? Haven't they had enough revenge? How much blood is enough?"

Tom answered, "Sarah, you can't understand people like this. They often act, literally, as if they were God. Coming after you is really stupid, on their part. You don't know who they are and weren't doing anything to harm them. Providing the link between your accident and your client's death was no big deal. Somebody would have made the connection sooner or later. It's just that, apparently in a fit of rage, this guy had ordered Mike taken out. He wasn't. He's unhappy, so some people in his organization are frightened. Now they've messed it up more, because too many people know the score. What were those four people inside the government worth to them? A helluva lot more than you two. But they burned them, playing their silly, egotistic, god game!"

Tom defends a number of criminal cases. But we found he really hates drugs and those who deal in them.

"Tom, where are we going?" Sarah asked, noticing for the first time that we were going away from our town.

"Portland. Where did you think?" he said.

"Why, I expected to go home."

"Now, don't you be stupid, girl," Tom replied, tartly. "There's no indication they'll disturb your house, as long as you're not in it. But no sense in you being someplace expected, until we can get a few things straight."

"What do you mean by that, Tom?" I asked.

"Well, tomorrow morning, the four of us (Bill, too) are going to have a little chat with the U.S. Attorney. We're going to have a representative from the Secret Service there too-a guy who used to head up the Presidential detail; now he's in charge here in Portland. We're going to make the government make it right with you two, for this latest SNAFU. And we're not going to accept any bureaucratic horseshit, either. After lunch, we'll invite this Norm Johnson to the party, to find out what his agency is doing about the guy in San Francisco."

"All we want to hear, Tom, is that these people are off our backs. Losing Sandy was awful enough. Now being told we have to live in constant fear of people we've never heard of is just too much!"

"I couldn't agree more, Mike. That's what we're trying to accomplish. Tonight, you will be guests of the Secret Service, as a favor to me from the guy I told you about. I can't do any better than that. Tomorrow we'll have the meetings I told you about. Then we'll see. We will solve this, Mike. Be sure of it."

By then we were in Portland and Tom took us to a lovely house in the hills, where we were met by a gracious lady about my age. "Come in, dears. You too, Tom. You can stop for a drink, I'm sure. Come on in. Frank will be with us in a minute. I'm Mary. You must be Mike and Sarah. Tom's told Frank all about you. I've been so anxious to meet you. To hear Tom, you're the most fascinating couple he's ever met. You've simply captivated him..." and on and on; Mary didn't stop talking until we were in a comfortable sitting room with drinks in our hands and her husband, Frank, appeared.

I rose and shook his hand. "You're Frank, I gather. I'm Mike. This is Sarah. Thank you so much for looking after us, though we think we'd have been OK at home."

Frank gave me a small tight smile, then took Sarah's hand, with a more genuine smile of appreciation. Turning back to me he said, "Don't kid yourself. You're in serious danger until we get this thing resolved. And I don't know how fast our sister agencies are working on that-or with what level of security. No later than day after tomorrow-maybe sooner-the story will break in the news. This will make national news broadcasts: It's as big a scandal as catching a Russian spy. At least four trusted people in three major federal agencies have been selling information to drug interests. Yep. That will make headlines.

"And you two are the ones who got the ball rolling. If you'd been killed in that 'accident', like you were supposed to be Mike, none of this would have happened. So they 'blame' you. We all know you didn't really do anything. And in fact, just want to get on with your life. But that's the way it is.

"Now. I just happen to know a little bit about personal security..." he said with a straight face. This guy was one of the world's leading experts on protecting people from assassins. "And I have some ideas for you two. Tonight you'll stay here. I'll be with you all day tomorrow and I've asked a couple of my people to help out. Normally out here we chase counterfeiters and such, but some of us like to keep in practice, so to speak.

"Mike, could I have your keys? We'll pick up your car-it's at the marina in Columbia City?-and check it and your house out, thoroughly. With your permission, there's a private security firm I'd like to bring in to wire the place and take care of things until you can go back home. I'm not allowed to recommend people..." He stopped and grinned. "So in this case I'll just tell them what I want done and have them do it. For 'rent-a-cops' they're pretty good. OK?"

Sarah's eyes were like saucers. She just nodded. So did I, as I dug out my keys from my pocket.

"Mary?" Frank asked, "how much time do we have before dinner?"

"About an hour, dear," she answered.

"Then I just have time to get you a few things. I've a couple of calls to make. If you'll write down what you need and your sizes, I'll FAX it to my office and one of our people will get everything and bring it here-you know, underwear, toothbrush, whatever you need to be comfortable in the meetings tomorrow. No need to be 'dressy'."

So while Frank went back into his den and his phone and Tom said 'good night' and left, Sarah and I decided what we would wear tomorrow. We wanted to look nice; respectable. She ordered slacks and a sweater, I wanted a nice shirt and slacks. And we needed underwear and toiletries. We wrote it all down carefully, and took it in to Frank who shoved it into a FAX machine without a break in the conversation he was having.

Wandering into the kitchen, Sarah at least could help Mary with dinner. I was at loose ends, since Tom had left. I didn't want to watch TV and was too nervous to read anything. I wandered around Frank's nice home until he caught up with me and suggested we have a drink before dinner. I told him, truthfully, that I could use one.

We ended up with a bottle of good whiskey, a small pitcher of water, and two glasses in Frank's study. "Mike, the Presidential Detail is like the Praetorian Guard. Nobody knows the intimacies of a President's life like his guards. And we never talk. I can tell stories about funny things that happened with this or that President which relate to security issues. But I will never, even to my wife, talk about a man's family or his personal foibles or even immoralities.

"I say this because there are a couple of things I need to say to you. And you need to know that I won't reveal anything about you to anyone else.

"I know that your wife is your daughter. That kind of arrangement wouldn't work for me, but I've seen how she looks at you. I wish Mary still looked at me that way! This DEA guy, Johnson, only knows Sarah as your daughter. He doesn't know you've married. From all I can dig up, I think Johnson is straight. I'd like to clue him in, so he doesn't make more trouble for you than he already has?"

When I nodded, Frank continued, "It's possible that this thing could drag on. If it does, do you want to consider the witness protection program?"

That didn't take long: "Only as a very last resort, Frank. We moved once, running away from memories I couldn't handle. We don't want to run again. And I don't want to be a shopkeeper. I'm damn good at what I do and enjoy it. I need to keep my own name and be accessible in order to continue to do it. Having said that, I'll do what I have to in order to keep Sarah safe."

"About what I expected," Frank acknowledged. Tilting the bottle towards my glass, I held up one finger, indicating only a short refill. When he'd touched up his own drink, he continued. "Drugs aren't in our jurisdiction, except we stomp them when we come across them. But I know about them, because finding laundered drug money is part of my job. What tipped you off, about that company in Denver? Maybe I could pick up some pointers?"

"That's hard to pin down, Frank. It wasn't any one thing. You know how you get a feel for a place when you walk in the door?" Frank nodded his understanding. "Well, that place didn't feel right. There was a lot of tension there. A feeling of fear, almost. They knew I was the personal representative of a potential major investor and were very cordial. But when I asked for specific items from their records, there was always a delay in getting them to me. And I never got really good answers regarding the source of some earlier, very large, investments, or the use to which my client's money would be put. Based on its cash flow, the company didn't need any additional investment. But I couldn't be really sure, because I couldn't tell how much of the money coming in was 'new investment', or how much was income from operations.

"I guess it was just that the whole thing was too nebulous. It was like trying to dissect a marshmallow. One part is just like another. It was shapeless. The tax returns were no help, either... And when I went out into the operating area, the volume of activity-the amount of product being shipped-didn't seem to match up with income... Is this what you wanted?"

"Yeah, Mike. I think so. It gives me something to think about anyway. Thanks. Now, what say we go 'supervise' dinner?"

Our timing was good, as the ladies were just starting to put dinner on the table. We had a nice meal with good conversation. Mary told some cute stories about the Washington D.C. area.

After dinner, our packages were delivered, checked out and we were shown to the guest room. Since we were pretty tired, we showered and went to bed. We thought about making love, but were so tired that we fell asleep as I was sucking a nipple. I did get an interesting pillow!

In the morning, we were awakened by Mary's knock on the door and her voice asking us to get up, please, so we could have breakfast before we had to go downtown to the federal courthouse. So it was up, shave and dress, breakfast and off to meet the U.S. Attorney. Frank drove us himself, remarking he had to be with us all day, anyway.

On arrival, we learned that Bill and Tom were expected momentarily. Then we were all ushered into a comfortable small conference room where Sarah and I were introduced to the U.S. Attorney, a big hearty man named Gary. We were quickly informed that a part of Frank's function, besides being a world class security expert, was to recognize and help steer us through any government smoke screens which might be thrown at us. Frank nodded, modestly, at this.

Next, we were told that a large raid on the San Francisco headquarters of the drug lord who was after us was to be mounted that afternoon, along with the arrest of all of his known associates and detailed searches of his businesses, homes and so on. They hoped to capture and arrest him, too, but weren't sure if they could, given the number of bolt holes he maintained in all his regular locations.

Almost surely, he would be tipped off and hard to catch, at best.

Sarah and I looked at each other. "Who is this guy?" I demanded. "He's been doing his best to kill us and we've not been told who we're up against!" The name we were given, Angelo Guiterrez, didn't mean a thing to us.

"He's native U.S. citizen, fourth or fifth generation, of Spanish/Mexican heritage. His great-great-grandparents used to own a nice chunk of California, but lost most of it when Mexico lost the territory. Clever and ruthless, he's put together the primary narcotics distribution ring on the west coast. He's strictly a wholesaler, selling to customers like the L.A. gangs. He buys a lot of Oregon marijuana, too, for distribution."

I looked at Bill and Tom. "Do I have any legal weapons against this guy? Can I sue him for assault on me and wrongful death for Sandy, for example?"

Sadly, Bill shook his head. "This is one of those cases, Mike, where we know who did it, but have absolutely no way of proving it. All we'd accomplish, I'm afraid, is to stir up the hornet's nest even more."

"Well, then, how can we get at him? All we've seen from the government is bungling. If they can't take care of him, what can we do that will?" Sarah asked. She was plain mad, clear through. "We're not talking about somebody who screwed us out of some money, or something. We're talking about somebody we don't even know, who wants us dead-and has the ability to make it happen! There must be something we can do."

"For today," the U.S. Attorney said, "let's wait and see how it goes down. Your senator quietly lit a pretty good-sized fire under a lot of people. The A.G. himself told me I'll be given the same progress reports he's getting and at the same time. Right here, we'll be able to keep a close watch on what's happening in today's sweep. And the 'affiliates' here in Portland will be picked up, too. You'll be able to see all the reports as they are sent in and follow the action pretty well. By the end of the day, we'll have a lot better idea of how badly we've hurt Guiterrez. That will tell us if he has time or energy to spend on you, or if he'll be scrambling to save his own miserable hide."

For now, we had to be content with that.

The rest of the morning was taken up with all of us being briefed on the details on what had been happening since we talked with the senator. After his private, but pointed talk with the Attorney General, the A.G. had held a long conversation with the Justice Department's Inspector General. A dozen men of the highest level of investigative ability and absolutely unquestioned integrity were selected-including two members of the Secret Service who had worked 'The Detail' under Frank. These men started digging out who had fingered us-starting with the current situation and working back to the tragedy in Colorado. As we knew, they had uncovered four, so far, who were selling out.

Same as Sarah
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I didn't expect it to happen, but now that it has I'm glad because it has changed my life in a way that I never thought possible. As I look back I realize I had thought about it at some time, but then I dismissed it from my mind. It's just not something that is done, at least not in my world. I'm thirty-three, black, handsome, and single. When I was eighteen I had a fling and the result was a son who is now nineteen. His name is Kevin. Like me, he's dark skinned, handsome and tall - six...

1 year ago
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The Birthday Sleepover2

Evan kept trying to convince John to invite Mark because Evan had a secret crush on him. Little did Evan know that his secret crush wasn't so secret and John also had a crush on Mark.  John invites Mark to the sleep over. On the night the four boys all lay around in the sleep wear (underwear as they wanted to seem cool). John is quite tall, about 6’3” with messy, dirty blond hair. He is wearing white boxers that are two sizes two small, which make his dick look massive. Jamie is also quite...

2 years ago
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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 20 The Naughty Futas Punishment

Chapter Twenty: The Naughty Futa's Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Athena Pearce The helicopter landed on the flight line near my private jet. My stewardesses were waiting for me. They were two twenty-year-old twins that I found through a modeling agency. They were German and as buxom as you could imagine. They wore slutty Bavarian outfits, those green skirts that barely covered their asses, the skirt's waistband covering their...

1 year ago
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What can be found at Eroti City? Do you know how you usually find some of the best porn on some of the most obscure websites out there? Yeah, well it would seem that this is exactly the case with This place seems like any other adult forum, but it’s just riddled with some of the best porn content and you wouldn’t even guess that it was without checking it out. Luckily for you, I’ve taken the liberty of exploring everything that has to offer and you’ll be thrilled to...

Porn Forums
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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 5

“You really don’t mind?” Sheryye asked, talking to Victoria. “No, really,” Vicky replied, smiling at the trio of would-be lovebirds. “It’s okay. You kids go on ahead. I’ll go with the guys. By the way, where is the guy who was helping with cataloging all your findings for the last week?” “Oh, he’s at the lodge,” Kristi replied. “He doesn’t really care to socialize much. That’s why he disappeared after dinner. He’s actually glad us girls are out of his hair so he can finish his report on our...

1 year ago
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Daddyrsquos Virgin

What type of mischief and fuckery have you been getting yourself into lately? Since last time you skillfully and seemingly effortlessly managed to successfully empty my entire body of every single last drop of cum. Not only were you better at it than most woman who have far more experience (proving yourself to be a naturally talented sex kitten and kinkster) but you made it look easy like ‪Sunday morning‬, a walk in the park. This is a precise and powerful procedure that you somehow have...

2 years ago
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Dying Or Is It Living

Dying, Or Is It Living? by Janet L. Stickney Dying seemed so?final, and I simply could not do it. I let the gun fall to the floor as I started to cry, my frustration, mixed with my self induced pain, and the shame I felt, had finally come to a point. As I sat on the bed crying I did not hear the door open, or my fathers footsteps as he walked in on me. One look told the story from beginning to end. My hair was in a ponytail, my makeup streaked, my blouse loose over the twin ...

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Accept Your Fate

Welcome to a new story, in a similar theme as "New Man in Charge." In this story, you'll take on the role of a young man or woman in the not too distant future, sometime before the turn of the next century. Technology has advanced somewhat, and crime has taken an uptick, but in general, the world is similar to what we have now. The most significant improvements are in nanotechnology, gene editing, and pharmaceuticals. The story is inspired by the flash game "Corruption of Champions"...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Daisy Extras

It’s Daisy’s first sex on camera and it starts out with a steamy solo masturbation and then Tyler introduces himself more properly to this girl’s tight little pussy out on the couch to get her engine warmed up. I don’t think she needs much warming up because once she climbed aboard the Sybian for the first time ever and she came like 7 times while Tyler kissed then face fucked that pretty little mouth of hers. This girl’s got the cutest little pussy and peach fuzz public hair around her...

3 years ago
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Indian in Britain

I scanned the room of the large dancing floor for anyone I knew from school. The party was in full swing with the dancing and drinking in full gusto. The smell of cigarette smoke and spilled beers was present in the living room, giving off the feeling of an English Pub at happy hour. I had decided to come to this party on a whim to get a little more accustom to the strange new surroundings. Coming from a rich, traditionalist Indian family living in a mansion on the outskirts of Mumbai, I was...

4 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 76

We had a quarter of an hour before Jill had to be at school, but there was no way I'd be on time. I compared Jill getting back in communication with her father and me missing part of History and it was no contest. I was learning. A few weeks ago I would have screwed things up by joking with Jill about making me late. I just told her we needed to get going. She held on to my arm as we drove. A little tighter than normal but not anything like it was last night. I was happy she'd settled...

3 years ago
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A Camping Night Turned Into First Night For Komal

Hello guys and girls. Rohit here from mumbai.  This is gonna be my 3rd story on ISS. I also had many encounters with an ISS reader which I will describe in next story.   I appreciate everyone who praised me for the story and I will be waiting to get a similar response for this story as well. My email id is ( ). Any women who want to share some intimacy and have a casual relationship can drop me a mail. The previous stories were totally based on fiction but this proceeding story that I am...

3 years ago
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A Mother and Her Son 1

This is a story about i****t between a mother and her son. If you don't like that type of story, stop here. The introduction is fairly long but I would encourage you to read it because it sets up the entire story. If you are desperate for a sexual fix, skip down to the middle of Chapter 1, or for that matter any other chapter, and you will find what you are looking for.:) However, I would still suggest that you then go back and read the introduction. As always, vote and send me an e-mail to let...

1 year ago
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Nite at the Red Lotus

I was stationed overseas in Asia working in Army Criminal Investigations Unit. We worked a lot with the Local Police force on Black Market Investigations, as such I got to know a lot of local businesses. We were hot after a local gang that were siphoning a lot of goods and supplies meant for the American Military bases and we were not having much luck. Seems we'd get so close a big bust and we'd either miss altogether or find some small operation. The frustration colored everything and affected...

3 years ago
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Katies Escape Ch 03

Lucas stood in line, reading the coffee menu over and over again, yet somehow not comprehending any of it. The early morning buzz of people in the café seemed distant, the menu seemed foreign and the last night’s memories invaded his mind. The soft moans, the taste of her skin, how it felt to be inside her. A loud ring and vibration from his pocket kicked him into the present. A flash of disappointment came when he saw it was Jake, but he told himself it wasn’t because he had secretly...

2 years ago
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Returning the Favor to Teenage Boys

Recent events in my life have shown me that it can be very satisfying to return the favors to others, that we enjoyed early in life, when we are able to repay them.My name is Tom, and I live with my wife, Kendra, in the Atlanta suburbs. We’re in our late forties now, and our two children are already grown and have families of their own in the area. I’m in a management position with my company, and we are expected to perform community outreach in whatever way best suits our talents and...

3 years ago
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Honey weds gabby

I have told u bout my sex encounter with honey and cheery .that goes on till i got married to honey. Nw we have liscense for sex. But we are missing our 3rd partner cheery the night we got married . The third day we have to go for our honeymoon in europe for 15days. But the night betwween was our wedding night. And that we celebrated in hotel .honey bokked the honeymoon suite for us. We reach the hotel at 11pm and went to the reception for the keys. The recpitionist gave us the keys and...

1 year ago
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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 27

“Well now we have that settled, let us move on,” Ricky stated. “Where do you people wish to be dropped off?” He asked the helpers. Dylan stood, and after looking at his friends, he said, “We’ve not been paid.” “Yes, I gathered that. Considering how you have damaged my property; I shall need you all to help me clean up this mess. I will give each of you a small bag of crystals once we part company. Will Amethyst Dale do, or do you wish me to send you to one of the other cities?” After a...

3 years ago
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I had a whole bunch of guys run a train on me when I was in a drink and cannabis induced state. I don’t remember much about it all, though I can piece much of it together. At the time I didn’t enjoy it… well not much. Now, the thought of being used as I was just turns me right on.I was dating this guy, a real bad boy. I hadn’t let him get in my knickers, I was making him wait a bit. I’d sucked him off though, just to keep his attention.So we end up going to his cousins house one Saturday...

1 year ago
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Mountain Lake AcademyChapter 7

The girls were three bundles of excited energy the next evening. I sat naked on the end of the bed with my feet on the floor. Cat sat naked next to me. The three girls stood in a semi-arc in front of me where they could keep their eyes on my hard cock. "Today," I began. "One girl at a time will get to suck me off." The girls looked confused. Cat clarified. "You will suck his cock until Chris cums in your mouth." "Oh!" the girls said and nodded understanding. "What is sex...

1 year ago
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Good times with my boyfriend and his sister

I heard my phone ring and ran to answer it, hoping I would get to it quick enough. “Hello” I said, waiting for an answer. “It’s me”, he said, sounding rather odd. “Oh hey” I said “How are you?” “I’m not sure” he replied, “I was talking to my sister and she said that the two of you did some stuff together”. “Oh yes” I said, feeling rather angry at his sister. “So when did your sister say this?” “This morning over breakfast” he said, still sounding odd. “Over breakfast” I said, “You mean she...

Group Sex
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My Sister in Law 2 My Wifes Reaction

My Wife's Reaction by Dunchad© When I got back to our house Belinda was already home. I kissed her hello and asked her why she was home already. She smiled at me and said that Karen was feeling sick and had to go to bed. I was a little nervous that Belinda would see that I had done something I shouldn't have done, especially when...

2 years ago
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She loved this

This is a true story and I have been wondering how I would go about writing it. You see my wife is 5’2”, petite, small breasts with nipples that are incredibly sensitive and she is in great shape. She has a beautiful shaved pussy that is really tight and legs that everyone says are great looking. I guess I should mention she loves sex and her name is Beth also she is 50. Now, we have had a few threesomes with other guys and Beth loves the feeling of two guys playing with her, bringing...

4 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 22

The party was planned by Elena. She was overjoyed for her son, and she wanted to send him off with all of his friends honoring him for a night. It was going to be a classy event, held at an intimate upscale restaurant with an elegant-casual dress code. We arrived at The Hobbit in Orange at half-past seven, Addie and Rita carpooling with me from the salon. We’d all gotten our make-up and hair and nails done professionally. Addie looked like a damn queen in her long red sequined gown, like she...

2 years ago
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A Chance to Advance

It kind of started yesterday. Brad came home from work and it was obvious that there was something on his mind. He was distracted and at times he almost seemed like he was mad about something. He kept insisting that there was nothing wrong, nothing bothering him, but there was.Brad was my first and only boyfriend. We grew up next door to each other in an older, quiet neighborhood in a medium sized town in the Midwest. We really pissed off both sets of our parents when we got married. I was only...

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My First Black Cock

Living and growing up in a fairly small town, although it does have a rather large university everyone who is a townie knows everyone. I never dated or even thought of dating a black, I did have one call me several times but he was dating a friend of mine at the time and I thought he was a scum bag for calling me and would have nothing to do with him. Anyway the years and boyfriends slipped away and I found myself 30 years old and single. I worked with several younger girls, who dated black men...

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Dragon ClanChapter 8

As much as it irritated Mirgan, it was close to the Spring Equinox before the main body of troops was set to leave. The day after he had arrived, Aldren sent trusted riders that could scout out into the countryside to find out just what was happening. These riders came back with information that was taken directly into the tower. Aldren heard all their reports and found that the troops of the king were indeed traveling further north, bringing the priests with them. Any resistance by the...

3 years ago
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The Czars Not So Completely Cool Experience Part 3

DISCLAIMER: The Czar's Completely Cool Blog and Krazy E-Man are both registered trademarks of B & E Entertainment. Any use without the expressed written consent of B & E Entertainment is prohibited. When we last left off, Becky and Steph had finished getting our pompous blogger, The Czar, dressed. Becky and Steph had then engaged in a sexual act. If you have not read the first two parts, I encourage you to do so now. This picks up with the two of them finishing sex. The...

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