Samuel, Pt. 4 free porn video

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Afternoons in the barracks complex's communal lounge had become a sort of informal study group since the start of my relationship with Sam. I had to work hard to keep up with the math required by our school and there was no way I could concentrate alone in a room with my lover, making a crowded public place the only real option. And it was a tough school, so I seldom lacked for company.

Usually Sam was right there with me, but his math background was strong and when the upcoming test was all about numbers he needed less time with the books than the rest of us. So on this day it was just me and about a dozen classmates, chasing formulae like they were butterflies.

Fortunately we were wrapping things up by the time Sam came in, because he brought everyone's concentration to a sudden crashing halt. The two of us had taken up an evening running habit, and he was in his gear and ready to go. And by his gear I mean a scanty pair of running shorts and some Adidas. He looked like a six foot three inch heroic Greek statue, in onyx instead of marble. Every head swiveled, every conversation paused.

“You know,” said the girl next to me on the couch, a blonde midwesterner named Taylor, “it's like sixty five degrees. I don't think your roommate is shirtless to stay cool.”

“Are you kidding?” I said, in a voice loud enough for Sam to hear. “If they put a big Navy “N” on a thong, this dude would wear it running.”

“And you'd wear it to inspection,” Sam said with a grin. “Fuck your chin, they'd be checking your bikini line for stubble.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I said amidst the laughter. “But if I did, you know you'd be ass naked tryin' to show me up. Just stencil your name on your ass and buff up your toenails.”

“Shit,” he said. “Hey, Taylor, you ever hear of Black's Beach?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Nude beach, right? Everybody says they're gonna go, nobody does?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Me 'n Kenny went up to Mission Beach couple weeks ago, somebody tells him about it. Says it's up the coast like twenty miles. So this motherfucker just strips off his shorts and starts walkin'. Like, welp, I'm off...”

He did a funny walk, toes pointed out and hips swinging like he was waving his cock from side to side. Everyone in the lounge was in stitches. I waited until the laughter calmed down, which took a minute since Sam hammed it up once he saw he was getting the laughs, then nudged Taylor with an elbow.

“He's talking about the beach,” I said. “You know what this fool wore that day? I'll give you a hint: It wasn't board shorts.”

“Oh no,” she said, laughing. “Don't tell me he went European.”

“I only wish, Taylor,” I said, shaking my head. “I only wish.”

Sam raised his eyebrows curiously, since a tight European-style swimsuit was exactly what he'd worn.

“No,” I said, “those things have drawstrings and cover a fella's ass. Provide some support. Keep a man contained, if you follow.”

“I follow, I follow,” she said, laughing at the crotch-gripping gesture I made to emphasize the word contained.

“No,” I said, “what he wore was definitely a bikini bottom. And I'm not talking Gidget's bikini, I'm talking strings and side-ties.”

“Ass,” said Sam, grinning along with the laughter. “It was shorts.”

“Sure,” I said. “Yellow polka-dot thong shorts.”

“Now, see,” said Taylor while everyone laughed, “we all saw you two in your underwear. I am one hundred percent sure that Sammy cannot wear a thong. No way it would contain him. ”

She aped my crotch-gripping gesture, which was somehow even funnier than when I'd done it.

“Oh, it didn't,” I said. I put my elbow against my crotch and waved my arm around, wrist flopping back and forth. Everyone laughed again, especially Sam.

“Come on, come on,” he said. “Time to run. Get changed, fool.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Everyone that's coming, five minutes.”

We had more company every time we ran. Conditioning tests were infrequent during our school, but not totally absent. And they caught a few people out every time. Nobody was responsible for anyone else's fitness, but I was class leader by rank, score, and appointment, and I tried to lead as much as I could.

Imagine my surprise when I ran into two of our bosses, Chief Duncan and Lieutenant Hitchcock, standing right outside the door smoking and listening in on us. I ran the conversation back in my mind. It was not unproblematic, if they were of a mind to be angry. Fortunately they weren't.

“Sir,” I said. “Chief. Good evening.”

The Chief stopped me with a small gesture as I started to go past.

“So, sir,” he said to Hitchcock, “any more questions about why this class leads by so much?”

“Nope,” said the Lieutenant with a smile. “None at all. You lead a study group every night, Fireman Ken?”

“ Lead is a strong word, sir,” I said. “We're here every night, but it's a communal effort.”

“This is not a commune, FN,” he said. “Your class is doing well. That is largely because its two best students lead it in study every night. Take the credit you're due.”

“Well, sir,” I absolutely did not say at all, “our class benefits from the fact that my roommate and I cannot study in our room because we start making out the instant we're alone. The only reason it's a study group instead of a study pair is that we're the popular kids. Would seem odd to take credit for that.”

“Thank you, sir,” is what I actually said.

“Your school,” he said, “has a drop rate better than thirty-three percent. You have dropped zero from your class.”

“Yes, sir,” I said. “They have damn fine leadership, sir.”

“Better,” he said with a laugh.

“Fuckin' wiseass,” said Chief Duncan. But he laughed, too.

Some of our classmates were gathering around Sam in PT gear. I glanced their way, which was really as much of a gesture as I could make.

“Takin' 'em for a run?” said the Chief. “How many?”

“About a dozen, usually,” I said.

“That's too many to mob. Form 'em.”

“Aye, aye.”

“Alright. Carry on.”

Needless to say, I didn't dress any more warmly than Sam. Every damn thing had to be a contest. It took us a few minutes to get the gang formed up to run in formation, and half a block to get everyone approximately in stride. Marching isn't a daily part of Navy life, especially in the more technical (read: nerdy) ratings.

We had an odd encounter that night. Sam and I ran much farther than most of our classmates, and our habit when leading a group for a run was to do about a two-mile loop through the base that ended in front of the barracks, let them break off, then do a slightly longer and higher-paced lap on our own.

Our route took us past the BOQ, the Bachelor Officers' Quarters, shortly after we dropped off the kids. And by seeming coincidence, Lieutenant Hitchcock was just setting out on his own evening run as we went by. I was still new enough to the military that it was odd to me to greet an officer in a circumstance like that. No salute, no popping to attention. In time it becomes just a casual moment between professionals, but everything is intimidating to FNGs.

“Sir,” we said in almost perfect unison.

Hitchcock was a good looking guy. Sandy blonde hair, the long build of a swimmer, and an easy self-assurance that was almost laconic. He seemed cool enough, to the extremely limited degree I knew him.

“FN Ken, FA Samuel,” he said. “Glad to see you keeping your fitness up. And good work helping your classmates with theirs.”

“Thank you, sir,” we said, again in near unison.

“Stay at the top of your class,” he said, “do things like this, you're going have opportunities after your 'A' School.”

“Aye, aye,” I said. Sam broke our synchronicity by saying “Thank you sir” again. Unimaginative.

The lieutenant fell silent for long enough that I tried to figure out how to peel away without seeming like we were trying to peel away. Then I saw him start to speak and stop, and I realized there was a purpose behind our meeting. Another block and he'd figured out how to say what was on his mind.

“Kenny, Sam,” he said. His use of our first names without ranks immediately caught our attention. “I frequent a certain club up the hill. Last weekend so did you two.”

He was referring to a gay nightclub, obviously.

“Listen,” he said, “I'm not going to try to chase you away from each other. It's different for us. Just be careful. You're smart, you've got your shit together, just... be careful.”

“Always,” I said.

“Yeah,” he said. “It helped me to realize I'm not alone. So now you know. You're not alone. There's not much we can do for each other, but if you find me on a weekend at that club, I'd be happy to offer whatever advice I can.”

And that, save a companionable nod, was that. He turned away at the next intersection. Sam and I ran in silence for a while.

Such things happened a few times while I was in uniform. Hell, I did it a few times myself. It feels like a spy giving up his or her cover identity, but the only thing you really need to know is whether the person you're talking to is a ball of self-destruction. If they're not, community is good. Now that acceptance is a thing I'll be curious to see the percentage of queer people in the service. My money is on higher than the broader population.

“Hey, Kenny,” said Sam after a while.


“Not sure,” he said, “but I think Lieutenant Hitchcock's a fag.”

“Ass,” I said, duly laughing.

“We gotta break up,” he said. “He's way hotter than you.”

“Oh, please,” I said. “I'm much hotter than him. And he doesn't want some big brother who's gotta top every night. We break up that shit's gonna backfire on you.”

“Prob'ly,” he said with a laugh. “Maybe we can share.”

“I'm down,” I said. “Maybe he was offering advice on how to run a threesome with military efficiency.”

“Can't hurt to ask.”

“Probably can, actually,” I said with a laugh. We ran another couple minutes in silence.

“I don't have to top all the time,” Sam said. I laughed at the defensive tone.

“Ain't a thing, big fella,” I said. “I enjoy it.”

“Don't make you feel...” His voice trailed off.

“Weak? Submissive? Insert simultaneously misogynist and homophobic slur here?”

“Yeah,” he said. “That.”

“Look,” I said, “normally I reject labels and roles. But since it's just us girls: Out here I may run your shit, but in the bedroom I'm definitely the bottom in this relationship. I fuck you sometimes, but it's what, four to one? Five?”

“Nights?” he said. “Or... um... fuckings? You fuck me like once a week, I guess? But you count weekends, I gotta be working that ass better'n once a day. Count it by fuckings it's gotta be ten to one.”

“And if there's a blowjob,” I said, “all by itself, not part of greater festivities, I'm probably giving it.”

“Now I feel selfish,” he said.

“No no,” I said. “Not where I'm going at all. I am entirely happy with our sex life. Sucking your cock turns me on no end. Getting fucked is awesome. And I always get mine in the end. No pun intended. Really, I'm completely happy.”

“Okay,” he said.

“To these homophobic fuckers being a fag is weakness. And being the fag that gets fucked is the ultimate weakness. It's why being the class leader amuses me so much. They could never knowingly put a sissy faggot in charge of real men.”

“Yeah,” he said, maybe a little sadly.

“Chin up, lover mine,” I said with a smile. “The point I'm making is that there's no weakness here. At all. None. None of the scared punks has the strength to be you or me or Hitchcock. We're the Sacred Band, they're just the phalanx. I love knowing that while I'm beating them at all the shit they consider manly, I'm doing the thing they consider most unmanly.”

“You are one contrary motherfucker. And you sure do think a lot.”

“Guilty. On both counts.”

“Ken,” he said, “I just don't want to make you feel... less, I guess.”

“I am less than no one, my love,” I said. “And we just tripped into some shit you need to think about.”

“Yeah,” he said after a few strides. “Maybe.”

“Look,” I said. “Sexual roles don't define shit outside the bedroom. And if you find yourself worried about your pretty little twink boyfriend's relative manhood, minuteman...”

“And here I was gonna catch tonight,” he said. “Now I gotta fuck you within an inch of your life.”

“You'd better, bitch,” I said. Sam nodded and grinned and I could feel his tension leave. He believed me.

“For the record,” he said, “I ain't anywhere near as strong as you. Don't even argue tonight, pretty little twink. Let's get back to the room so I can fuck your cute ass.”

Sam's determination to work on his sexual stamina had given our nights a certain form: First he got off. He knew it was easier to last the second time, so he basically took a mulligan every night. Second, edge play. He lasted a hell of a lot longer if he'd been to the edge of orgasm and pulled back at least once. Doesn't work for me, if I get close and pull back it makes me quicker the next time. But not Sam.

I flopped down on the couch after we showered, expecting some making out to start the festivities. Sam had other ideas. He just dropped his towel and stepped up onto the couch, feet on either side of me and hands against the wall. His cock bumped my face.

“Hear this turns you on no end,” he said.

“You needed to hear it?” I said.

“Shut up and suck, pretty twink,” he said with an affectionate smile that was entirely at odds with what happened next.

I didn't suck him. I got my face fucked. He wasn't completely erect when he first slipped into my mouth, and I had time to enjoy feeling his cock swell pretty quickly to full weapon status. Then it got rough.

It took maybe ten strokes for his cock to get all the way down my throat. The first time he bottomed out he immediately drew all the way back until just his head was in my mouth, let me lick and suckle at it for a second, then pushed all the way back in. Within a couple minutes we had a pattern: Deep throat for a few strokes, pull back, a few more strokes, pull back, repeat, repeat, repeat.

I loved it. The slickness of the head of his cock between my lips, the stretching of my jaw every time he went in, the taste of his pre-cum, and most of all his assertiveness. He went so hard his balls slapped my chin each time he bottomed out.

And I loved him for the fact that he just couldn't make himself be rough the whole time. When he got close he dropped a hand to my head, gently caressing even as he pumped. And his dirty talk, as ever, ran to “oh baby that's so good” rather than “yeah, suck it, bitch.”

When he came it was with just the head in my mouth, my lips stroking the first couple inches of his cock. His orgasm was as big as ever. I swallowed enough times for it to qualify as a drink.

“Jesus, man,” I said as he sank down astride my lap. “You're like a dietary supplement.”

“Is it wrong,” he said with a grin, “that I'm proud of that?”

“Whatever floats your boat, goofball,” I said.

He barely made a pit stop for kissing on his way down my body. Five minutes after he finished in my mouth I was deep in his. Sam was so comically competitive that the fact that I could take him all the way in my throat drove him to choke himself on my cock for an entire evening, absolutely determined to overcome his gag reflex. He did it, eventually. And then it was a feature. I had to grab his head sometimes to remind him that it's not the only thing that's fun about oral.

Tonight he had a purpose. He sucked me until I got close, then dropped my cock out of his mouth and moved down. I thought he was just out to prolong it, but he grinned up at me, grabbed my legs, and tugged me to the very edge of the seat.

“Pick your legs up,” he said. This was new.

There are a lot of nerve endings around the back door. I'd never been licked back there in more than a passing way. Sam quickly had me squirming.

“Oh my god, Sam,” I said. “That's fucking fantastic.”

He grinned and shifted his arm around until he managed to grab my cock with his face still in my ass.

“Don't cum,” he said. “Warn me when you get close.”

He stayed at it until he drove me nuts. Ass, cock, ass, cock, he had oral sex ADD. He'd blow me until I got close then leave my cock alone completely while he licked me, then he'd suck me with one long finger up my ass until I was close again.

I was surprised when he stopped, but only for a moment. The protest died on my lips.

“Refractory period passed?” I said as Sam rose up onto his knees and rubbed his cock against mine. There was something menacing about his smile as he lubed himself.

The first penetration was amazingly intense. Every nerve ending was on high alert. It was the sensation I knew, but more so. And Sam knew it, his smile was positively smug.

“Yeah,” he said, “I'll be doing that again.”

“Damn right you will,” I said.

“Hush,” he said, grinning again. “You can tell me what to do out there. And that's fine. But tonight you take the dickin' I give you and you say thank you.”

“Aye, aye,” I said, returning the grin. Sam leaned down for a kiss, his cock moving very slowly inside me.

Usually our fucking started slow and quickly built to a frenzy, but this time he just kept moving at the same languid rhythm. Like he had a very lazy metronome in his head. And it just slowly, relentlessly drove me higher and higher. Slowly, slowly, his bare skin against mine. At first I was mad for him to go faster, but after a while all I wanted was for it to go on all night.

Which was, of course, no part of his intention. He stopped, all the way inside me, and leaned down to kiss me for a long time. He still had the smug little smirk on his face, and I knew damn well he was just getting himself to the place where he wouldn't be in danger of popping too soon.

“You know,” I said, “sex with you is like football in high school. Gotta go through warm ups first, do some drills, hear a fucking speech, pop each other a couple times to get in the mood... then maybe, if you're lucky, you get to the game.”

“And then,” he said, “you got some little fucker talkin' shit, lookin' to get his ass kicked.”

“Or fucked, as it were.”

He laughed, pulled out of me, and stood up.

“Yeah,” he said. “You're gonna want to pull a mattress on the floor. Face down, motherfucker, your ass is getting wore the fuck out.”

I love intimacy and connection and tender lovemaking, but there's something to be said for getting absolutely railed. Sam's cock felt huge penetrating me from behind, and this time there was nothing slow or gentle about it. Within minutes he was fucking me so hard I was a little worried the sound of flesh coming together would carry out of our room. And within a few more minutes, I didn't even care.

We fucked all over the room. Sam kept pulling out to cool down, and every time we got back at it we were in a different spot. The beds, the couch, the floor, bent over a desk, at one point I was halfway under a desk.

And even after we finished- twice, in my case, once with Sam's hand stroking me in time with his thrusts and another in his mouth while he cooled off- we weren't finished. He walked back into the room after a second shower, dropped his towel, and unceremoniously sat himself astride my chest as I lay on my rack. His cock was completely erect again and suddenly the only thing I could see.

“Fuckin' thing won't leave me alone,” he said.

“You?” I said. “Seems to be me that gets to deal with it.”

“Well,” he said, “it was thinkin' of you that got it this way. So shut up and deal. Start with my balls.”

We really weren't getting a lot of sleep. I made that point to Sam when he finally settled down to spoon me, which was the only way we could share a rack.

“You know,” I said, “I'd heard the Navy runs on fuel oil and coffee. I just didn't know the coffee was on account of all the dick.”

“Yeah, man,” he said. “They had to give up rum and the lash, but sodomy is alive and well.”

“Good to know. Suddenly I have high hopes for my career.”

“Slut,” he said with a sleepy chuckle. “You'll be an admiral at twenty five.”

“Boy's gotta use what he's got, sweetheart,” I said. Sam may not even have been awake to hear it.


Notes: Really liked how the first story turned out and I seem to be writing two more stories about these characters, so let's get to know them a little. Wrote some character exploration, wrote a sex scene, bolted them together, hope you enjoy.

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There was something so familiar. This was not the first time she had looked into the intensity of those ice grey eyes, Asia was certain of it. Who could forget such a hauntingly unique color, the distinct clarity, the way they seemed to bore through her and create a rush that could only be compared to actual physical intimacy. The fact that he was a stranger and on the opposite end of the room only left Asia in a confused state of uneasiness. His eyes almost seemed to glow in the low lighting...

2 years ago
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Lusty Days With My Office Colleague

Hi guys this is the first time I am writing a story, it is a true story happened in my life and I don’t want to bug you people with the same old things written in the other stories saying the dick is 10 inches long and breast is as big as a water melon huh OK now without wasting time let me come to the main topic. I work for one of the world known company as an analyst. I am a fun loving person and would like to crack jokes and keep others happy around me so one day I was doing the same thing...

1 year ago
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A Stranger in the Shop

It was the day my aunt asked me to watch the shop for her, she was out for the day and needed someone to come in to cover for her. She runs a tiny antique shop in Camden Market, selling bits and bobs, nothing anyone in their right mind would actually want. Anyway, I agreed. It was a hot day, surprisingly so for May, and I had slipped on a red summer dress that morning. It was fairly short, but I knew I would be behind a counter all day, so my first priority was comfort. All day, people had...

2 years ago
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Becoming a whore wife

That was just a normal night, when this is all started. I had been upstairs and came down to get a drink. My husband was with his laptop typing something. I leant over and noticed he was chatting. Kissing him on the forehead, I asked who he was talking to. “Some buddy” was reply. I went back up stairs and got back to what I was doing. After a while, I got back down stairs and found my hubby still typing away. Being very curious, I looked over his shoulder to see a picture of my ass on the...

Wife Lovers
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Private Duty Nurse

In a matter of moments, she went from being enchanted by this sensual breeze, to feeling someone's presence behind her. She has had this feeling often before, and every time she has turned to look in the past, there was nothing there. She didn't want that disappointment tonight. She longed to finally feel strong hands against her skin, and she knew that if she turned to see, this feeling of passion would soon be gone. After pleading with herself not to turn and see if someone's is really...

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Fucking My Lover Behind His Wifes Back

My work often requires me to travel throughout the US. Recently I had to travel to Florida on business as I have on several occasions to meet with customers. Incidentally I have friends who have lived in the state for several years and have invited me to their place, but up till now I have never taken them up on the invite. My husband and I have known Tim and Carina for some time but we've known Tim longer as he used to be part of a couple that we used to "party "with in the past. However they...

4 years ago
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Surprise Sex With Neighbor Woman In Vesu Surat

Hello friends, I am robin from Surat Gujarat India, I live with my family here in the vesu area in a luxurious flat. Although I am open to adventures that also be sex , I never thought this lady would give me a chance to fuck her,she is a sex goddess. It was the navratri time and I was just waiting for one of my friend near aagam arcade a famous area in vesu, and suddenly I noticed a very gorgeous lady sitting in a Mercedes. She was sitting so genuinely, I was wondering if she is married or...

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Abby Ch 12

Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter twelve Greg Atkinson pulled his patrol unit into his garage, shut it off, got out, and walked from his garage toward his home. He’d had a busy day and was looking forward to taking a shower and spending the rest of the evening gorked out in front of his TV. As he usually did, Greg walked down to the lake before he went into the house. Standing next to the sparkling blue water and looking out over the lake always had a calming effect on...

2 years ago
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Deshawn and Desiree

Deshawn – The Case Meeting All the attorneys filed into the conference room on this frigid Tuesday morning for our regular meeting to run down our current cases and to distribute any new ones. I really didn't need the get-together since my assignment was a murder case. It wasn’t a high profile case like OJ, but it was a murder case nonetheless. I sat in the back, in the cut, watching everyone converse, but half my attention was on some poetry I was writing. We were all waiting on the boss-lady...

Love Stories
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The Fallen

Everyone had told me that I had wasted my life playing my guitar. But it was more than just the sounds or the music that was created. It was the thrill of making something beautiful out of an object made of wood and steel. I had been with a few bands, but nothing ever really came of it. I had almost given up on the whole idea of being in a band that went bigger than the occasional Friday night gig at the local bar. I was on my way to a job interview at a local retail store, when...

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As a young man I fell under the spell of a mature lady who enjoyed having me call at her cottage to satisfy her desires.She was in her early forties with a well rounded figure beautiful dark eyes a smiling mouth and thick dark hair which she always had up in a big teased style .On this occasion I had a call from her to say she wanted me to call at 10 am on the Sunday and to be prepared to spend the night.She opened her front door dressed in a thick white dressing gown with her hair up in the...

1 year ago
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Pete And Joe Get Laid Second Stab At Humor In Sex

Pete and Joe have been friends all their lives. As such, they have shared quite a bit in the 30 or so odd years they have known each other. They shared a neighborhood. They shared a school. They shared friends. They shared the same drunken babe the night of their first sexual experience. They now share an apartment, and in a few minutes they will be sharing a pizza."You did order the pizza," Pete asks quizzically, "right Joe?""Yea, I ordered the damn pizza.""Extra sausage?" Pete asks."I got...

4 years ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 11 Hold the Line Part II

May 2019 The spring moved along, slowly at times, quick and harried at others. February saw Chris Balvin sending out advanced copies of his final draft for everybody involved to do a final edit. We were supposed to review it for any technical or factual errors; it was sent not just to Tolley and me, but also to Jose and Bob. The deal we all had was that any proceeds from the book would be split three ways. Chris was paid a flat $150k up front to write the book, and then he got a percentage...

4 years ago
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Two in a Body An Interlude

I woke up to find Gayle was already pulling on his gray suit. He’d just showered, the scent of his lavender soap was strong in the air still. That was unusual that I would notice, I usually couldn’t smell him. ‘Oh, you’re up.’ Gayle said casually as he pulled his shoulder length chocolate tresses behind his shoulders tying a black ribbon to keep it in a single tail. ‘Yes I am.’ I replied. I wasn’t sure where we were or how I had gotten there. I remembered Raphael from the night before, and the...

2 years ago
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Wrong address

This adventure began with F****P delivering to the wrong address. I had purchased a sybian for my wife and was impatiently awaiting its arrival. Expecting it last week I was disappointed it hadn’t arrived. Monday morning the doorbell rang it was about 9:15. It was the lady that lived across the street. We knew each other to speak that was it. Her husband had taken a job assignment out of town for two years which ended up in them divorcing. She said hi, I’m Janet (not her name), I have a package...

2 years ago
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Little Orphan Sallie and Daddy BillChapter 2

Two things I have to tell everyone right up front. Daddy Bill is not my real daddy so I am not committing the sin of incest at all. The other is that even though I am an orphan, I know I can choose to go down any path that meets my fancy of my own free will and I am almost full grown at eighteen. When the overweight man with the big white beard told me at the funeral of my parents who had been killed in an airplane crash that he had been given guardianship because I was only seventeen at the...

1 year ago
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The Ballad of Zachery CarsonChapter 6

"You boys are driving Astor Manor cattle and I don't think you bought them," he yelled. "Throw down your guns, then tell the other two to do likewise and we won't have any trouble. If you don't you'll die in your saddle." The two men exchanged glances. "I'll see you in Hell first," the older one said and drew his pistol. Zach brought his rifle to his shoulder and shot twice in quick succession. He heard Paco's big Sharps buffalo rifle firing behind him and turned. One of the two...

4 years ago
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Call Me Daddy part 5

Continuation for her perspective:This amazing massage was just getting started. First, she put me totally at-ease, then rimmed me like I had never felt before, and now was tenderly massaging my puffy vulva with one hand while two fingers of her other hand were expertly massaging my G-spot. She had warned me and she was correct: I suddenly had the uncontrollable desire to urinate, and was very concerned. She must have sensed my predicament and again assured me that it would be okay. My eyes...

1 year ago
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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 5 Caught

LATER THAT SUMMER, one glorious hot day after another, Sam and I were in our backyard, nude, no one else at home. Sam was boneless after I had eaten her to three or four orgasms and she’d barely had the strength to push my head away at last. I wasn’t finished, so I flipped her over and pressed my cock against her bottom and began to rub myself on her. Everything was OK, I was almost there. More grunts and sighs from Sam when I slid my hands under her to hold her breasts. I was right on the...

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A Summer Job

The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put flyers in the mailboxes of my neighborhood offering my services for yard work, pet care, etc. As it was summer, a number of people had called me to care for their pets while they went on vacation. Around the middle of July, a couple that had recently moved into the neighborhood called to see if I was available to watch their...

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Another kind of Rrain

His hands sliding along her thigh are cool, gentle, unyielding. She Closes her eyes, unbidden, and studies the backs of her eyelids, Waiting. “Smooth,” he murmurs, and kisses her ankle, just above the binding. “Fuck you,” she answers, barely audible. He pauses. “Open your eyes,” he says. She screws them closed Tighter for a moment, then does as he asks. The room is filled with Warm light, a dozen candles flickering. It is her own living room, But she doesn’t recognize it, doesn’t recognize...

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How Swap Changed Our Life 8211 Part I

Hi Guys This is our first posting on IS4U and it may be last too. That’s why I want to share everything about us with you guys. You will know everything by the end of the story. I am not a story writer nor has this content been copied from anywhere else. This is our real post which happened within a very short period. This story may be a bit long therefore I will write it in two parts. We are Vishal-32 and Aditi-28 (name changed) belongs to nearby Dehradun. We led a life full of sex before...

3 years ago
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A Country Boy Can SurviveChapter 7

“Ms. Maudie, do you want a cold beer? Julio and I are gonna get a beer and have a look at our cooker. I’m sure the meat is done and the fire’s out by now,” Steve said as they started around the house. Maudie Hanner looked back at Hannah, Crystal and Janelle. She just had a feeling when she met Crystal and Janelle, that if those three ever got together, this forest and these hills would never be the same again. Steve pulled two beers out of the cooler, handed Ms. Maudie one and Julio the...

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The Body Swap Clinic My Life Is Quite A Story

Note: On the Clinic's Yahoo group there is a special edition of this story. This version and the group?s are exactly the same but the group?s version has images included. It is a special publication for members so if you would like you are welcome to join. There is also a collection of my captions there too. The Body Swap Clinic MY LIFE IS QUITE A STORY by Allison Pettman DISCLAIMER: Just though I would...

2 years ago
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A Dream Come True

Chapter 1 In high school, we had an art club and I joined it when I was a freshman. Photography was my interest and there were several others with the same enthusiasm. I also got involved with the school newspaper and did a lot of sports shots and the like. In doing that, I was covering a football cheerleader practice one afternoon, taking shots prior to the upcoming Homecoming game, when during a break in the practice, one of the cheerleaders, Amanda Phillips, came over to me. "I wanted to...

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My Sister Kelly Pt 3

I laid there in my bed for a bit thinking about what my sister said. I started to stroke my cock as I thought about my sister Kelly. I was extremely horny and she was right, all my friends would fuck her if they could and would fuck their own sisters too if they could. I heard the water in her bathroom running. I said fuck it and thought with my throbbing cock. 'Hmmm, my sister wants to fuck my brains out...I think it is my turn to fuck her brains out.' I thought to myself. I got up and...

4 years ago
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The Protector of Angels Washington DC TeamSlothrops

I Can See For Miles - The Protector of Angels - Washington DC Team JulieO authored this story, which fits into Chapter 20, Part 7 of Tyrone Slothrop's "I Can See For Miles". Ally Burns, "The Protector" is requested to help Angel while continuing her unfinished business with her old adversary. Series Originator Note: When I was looking around for someone to help Angel, Ally Burns, "The Protector" jumped right out in front. JulieO had done what I considered some of the best work...

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Lawnmans dream come true

I have been doing my landscape business for 8 years now,and always dreamed of having one of those (Penthouse Forum) moments of unexpectant sex,but never thought it would happen,...until 3 days ago. I'm 48years old,6'2",180pounds,good looking,and I have a 7.5"inch dick. My client,who is 53years old,5'0",105pounds,nice 34c tits,a great,little butt(my favorite!),and very hot. I was doing my normal work around her yard,when I had to fix a sprinkler problem,which just happened to be by her bedroom...

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Ten Year College Reunion Ch 6

Sunday morning, June 4, 2028I looked around the room at the people eating breakfast. There were a few faces I recognized seeing the night before, but no one that would likely realize the woman I had just kissed wasn’t my wife. It would have looked a little suspicious walking in with one woman and kissing another, but nobody paid any attention. Why the hell would I have cared anyway?Tanya wasn’t wearing a braless blouse and skirt like Adriana was, but she looked pretty damn good anyway. She had...

Wife Lovers
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Candy Loses Her Virginity

An early finish from lectures was an unexpected and welcomed bonus. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy my course and the lecturer, Liz, as she insists we call her, is a dream. But an early off is always nice, especially on a cool autumn day.I walked briskly home through the park, letting my feet drag through the golden leaves, hearing them crunch under my boots.My eyes were never far from my boots, still glossy and black, form-fitting to the knees with a nice four-inch heel. They were my joy. Black...

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Now I Know I Like Girls

So the meetings were hell for the first week (what a bunch of dickheads!) but once we stomped on them things went very well and six weeks turned into four (two weeks of meetings, two weeks of vacation). But about half of us couldn't get out until Monday. Which was my eventual undoing. We (Austin & Chicago) went out to a very nice restaurant Friday night. The guys who had flights left early Saturday afternoon and the rest of us were left to our own devices. Or, as I soon learned, our own...

2 years ago
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Erotic Lands

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND IS BARELY IN PLAYABLE CONDITION WITH ONLY A COUPLE SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. PLAYERS PLEASE CHECK BACK IN, LIKE, A MONTH OR SOMETHING. (prospective writers may read on to get a feel for the style of the game and inspiration for content to contribute) This work is intended to be experienced as a game, rather than simply read in any old order. If you do not follow the limitations of the game, you will surely see chapters that will not make sense with...

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Sex With Girls Of My Tuition Class

I was about 21 year old at that time. 85 kg weight and muscular body with 6 feet height. And i was a student. I used to go for tuitions. At my tuition there were many girls but one of them was extremely beautiful and i was attracted to her. Many boys used to follow her after tuition and used to pass comments on her.Her name was Anchal 20 year old. She was dam hot with about height of 5.6 and fair looking. Her figure was about 32 28 30. With a beautiful face like angle. Looked cute and was...

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The Tenant Part Six Jeff

 I made sure Laura was away for the day, then got to work. In the corner of the garage, where two walls and the underside of the roof came together, that was the place. A clear view of the machines, the cabinet, the couch, chaise and table. The camera was tiny, and the power line tucked into the corner like a dream. It was all set up within an hour. I already had the app on my phone, all I needed to do was follow the link on my laptop and we were in business. I stood over by the chaise and...

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The Creature chapter nine

CHAPTER NINE Mom was sitting at the kitchen table when we walked into the kitchen. Randy was standing right beside her, opening a can of coke. When I walked in, they both looked at me. I could see them scanning my body with their eyes, top to bottom to top again, and smiling. And Randy said, "I like your outfit! You look great!" I responded with, "Shut up, asshole!" Mom gasped in shock. I regretted responding so harshly. Even though his comment made me extremely uncomfortable, I could tell...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 346

The Prison Planet During the last couple of days, Morales had continued to open one of the smaller cases each morning. The one yesterday had contained a number of miscellaneous items, including fishing gear: a screw-together rod and what seemed to his novice eyes to be a good fishing reel with a number of jigs, and something that was labeled as a trotline. It consisted of a hundred feet of long and thick fishing line with short lines attached every couple of feet, the shorter lines ended...

1 year ago
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Judy Gives Into Her Desires

After living together for almost two years Judy and I decided to get married. Judy had been married once before and I had been married and divorced three times by my twenty-ninth birthday. In my profession I was around ladies all day and my wives were really jealous. I was forty-three and Judy was forty-four. To describe Judy she was like a dream come true. Five foot two, one-hundred and ten pounds, blonde hair, green piercing eyes that you never wanted to get angry at you. My favorite points...

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My Niece on Vacation Book 1Chapter 4

As the two girls stared at me with their mouths hanging open, I felt Sharon’s manipulating hands stop their up and down movement on my half-hard cock. Her face had a look of pure surprise but when I looked at Emma, I could see that sly mischievous gleam in her eyes. “Cocksucking?” she said. “We’ve heard other girls talk about it at school. They make it sound pretty neat. They say the guys really love it. Is that right, Uncle Jeff?” “Well, yes Emma. Most guys, including myself, love to have...

2 years ago
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inside of her PT 1

it was a rather stormy night , the forcast read 4 a bad storm heading my direction all the lights were off from the power outtage as i heard a boltof lighting strike there was a knock at the door itgot louder as i went 2 it i got to the peephole and asked who is it . i heard a soft voice say hello hi im stranded out here, my car failed me, and it wont start. thats when i replied give me a sec i dont have any cloths on i have to get dressed she replied alright nowe im franticly running trying...

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