Sue’s Will Ch. 03 free porn video

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On Friday, after class, Sue headed over to the library as usual.

She did not see Will in class, and she was relieved. For the past few days, she did spot him in class (his height was hard not to miss), but she usually sat in the corner before his eyes met hers.

If he did see her, he chose to ignore her.

Her white dress floated off her waif, dainty figure as she walked down the street into the building. Humming a song as she walked up the stately stairs, she gasped in surprise when she saw Will sitting on one of the steps.

She quickly checked to see if he had spotted her. Perhaps she could turn around and walk away stealthily. And silently.


Unfortunately, Will did spot Sue. He saw the look on her face, and he frowned.

Maybe he has made a bad decision for coming here to wait for her. But to hell with it, he was already here and he wanted to do this. He came to her, for she was rooted to the spot. His long legs covered the distance between the two of them pretty quickly.

Groaning inwardly at Sue’s muted and reluctant reaction, he held out two paper bags from the deli and said,

‘Hi, I bought you lunch. Please join me?’

It was such a cute gesture that Sue wanted to laugh. But she was still shocked by his appearance. On the library steps, waiting for her. How. Incredibly. Odd.

‘Err… I do not think this is a good idea… Thank you so much for this. But I have got to work.’

Sue made to turn around and leave, but Will caught her right arm as she was just about to walk away. She flinched, but did not fight his hold. His calloused hands were rough, but gentle on her skin. When she looked down at his fingers wrapped around her arm, he let go.

Her skin tingled.

She looked into his eyes, begging him, asking him for a reason.

He stared down at her, eyes as green as the Amazon forest. ‘Hey, I am really sorry for what I said to have made you react the way you did that day. And I would like to apologize by buying you lunch. Please, Sue. Let me do this.’

Her name came out of his mouth like a prayer.

Hesitating, she bit her lower lip.

Will’s voice came out a little more than a whisper, ‘Sue, don’t push me away.’

Looking at Sue like that, Will wanted to pull her close and shield her from the harsh things that have happened to her. Her rejection of his lunch made him realize how insignificant his presence was to her.

The nights spent thinking about her caused him to do this, to wait for her at the library steps. He simply could not get her out of his mind. Intriguing beyond measure, she was like a story book he was absolutely dying to read, to sink into the wonderful pictures and words.

Sue did not reply to Will’s statement. Instead, she gave him a small smile.

‘Alright, lunch it is.’ She took the paper bag from him and made her way up to sit on the steps, in the shade. The summer was kind, allowing them to enjoy the weather.

Will made a mental victory whoop of joy and followed her. Settling himself beside her on the stone steps, they took out their sandwiches from the paper bags.

‘You look nice today.’

Sue’s almond eyes twinkled. ‘Why, so do you.’, nodding at his leather jacket.

‘Thank you… So listen, about that day, I am really, really sorry for the way I said things. I didn’t mean them to come out the way they did. I messed up… And I apologize.’ He was saying things so fast that he was not sure she could decipher what he was actually trying to say.

Sue’s fingers were fiddling with the hem of her dress. She was looking intently at her dress, as if trying to dissect the fibre with her eyes.

‘No. no apology needed. I over-reacted. Look, the guy that was with me that last time, the one which you saw- we had some issues. Painful issues. You didn’t know anything about it, so no need to say sorry, okay? It was stupid of me to react like that anyway. I should be apologizing about how I ran away and left you alone at the deli.’

Her voice, soft but firm, was hypnotic. He could listen to her all day. Her chubby little fingers were still fiddling the dress. Her sandwich remained uneaten. Looking at her, he knew things must have been pretty bad between Sue and that guy. She is a level- headed and matured being, way composed beyond her age.

In fact, she carries herself with much more poise than all the other girls he has met. He could not help comparing between Sue and the Blonde. No points to who came out top. After the first day of meeting her, Will was hooked. Maybe it was because Sue did not behave like the other girls. Sure, she has got some issues to settle, but she seems to do it with such elegance.

He admired that about her. A lot.

‘Alright then. The case is settled.’ He crinkled his eyes at her. ‘We both apologized for being crazy. So let’s start afresh. Clean slate?’

She nodded and smiled in agreement.

‘So umm… I was meaning to ask you this- I was thinking if we could work on the Accounting assignment together, you know, as a group? Mr. Lee mentioned two in a group right?’

Sue blinked, completely caught off guard at the question. After a moment of silence, she laughingly replied, ‘Yeah sure. But I must warn you, I am not a group person.’

Looking solemn, Will replied, ‘Really? I am not a group person either. But as it turns out, I am not doing that well in class. So I am going to need all the help I can get. So whaddya say?’

‘A case such as this, hmmm… Am I supposed to be your private tutor as well?’

‘If you are up to the task of teaching a moron. But I assure you, I am exceptionally hardworking, and am completely under your command.’ Will made an attempt to bow.

‘Alright alright. No need for flowery gestures.’ Sue laughed. ‘But tell me, if you that lousy at accounting, why would I want to work with you?’

‘Because if you don’t, I would be extremely crushed. And I would hold you accountable for ruining my grades. Not to mention my career, future, and life.’ He ticked them off his fingers.

‘Ugh. So we playing hardball now huh? Well alright, we are a team. But we should get started soon, if we were to survive this workload.’

Relief washed all over Will’s face. Mission accomplished.

‘How about tomorrow? We could meet here, in the library.’

‘Saturday…’ Sue pondered. ‘I’ve got some stuff to take care of in the morning. Meet here at noon?’

Suddenly, and gently, Will took her right hand in his, which was laid flat on her lap. He looked right into her eyes and his voice grew softer, ‘Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.’

Sue stared at him, shocked at his actions. Her eyes were wide open, staring at him. Her lips parted slightly. No response came from her mouth.

The hand in his felt cold, and tense.

Will continued staring into her, ‘Really, thank you.’ Then, he let her hand go. The moment passed. He picked up his bag and got ready to leave.

She hesitated, still looking dazed.

‘So I will see you at noon tomorrow.’ Then Will left.

This time, Sue was left sitting alone on the steps.


On Saturday morning, Sue was looking forward to being at the nursery. Clad in jeans and a white peasant top, she looked positively demure. Except for the blood- red hair, which stood on ends. It contrasted with her graceful get-up perfectly.

On Saturdays and Sundays, she spends both mornings in the local children nursery. Volunteering on a weekly basis, she was compelled to get used to the presence of young children since the abortion. Under the advice of her psychiatrist, spending time with the children would speed up the healing, emotionally and mentally.

Upon reaching there, Sue equipped herself with a huge smile and bubbly personality. As usual, the children were squealing and screaming all over her. He
r being there twice a week was not ever enough for the children. They miss her dearly. Every Sunday, Sue surely had to console a teary- eyed child or two before leaving, assuring them that she would definitely be back the next week.

Terrence, a boy of six years, eagerly asked her what they were going to do today.

Sue smiled broadly and said, ‘I was thinking about reading you guys a story. I’ve got with me an excellent book right here!’

All the children whooped and cheered, and in went the whole herd to the reading room. Sue set down her books and messenger bag in the corner. Standing up, she noticed a brand new mural on the wall. It was a picture of Earth, decorated and scattered with little drawings of every animal you can think of. The mural covered the entire wall. Sue went closer to look at the painting. It was beautiful.

After all 11 of them have settled down, Sue took out big, leather-bound book. She sat cross-legged on the floor, facing the children, and spread the book out on her lap. Then she started reading. All eyes were on her, attention rapt on Sue’s voice.

When the story ended, it was just nice for lunch time. As all the children filed out of the room, a fellow teacher came in to lead the way. Sue joined Lily, and brought the kids to the kitchen to get their food.

Lily was about 10 years older than Sue. And often, she and Sue would meet up during weekdays at the nursery to chat while the kids were having their afternoon nap.

Lily faced a similar situation to Sue. But Lily’s case was worse- she had a miscarriage.

After the father of the child dumped her, she made up her mind to raise the child on her own. Following the good news that her unborn child was a girl, Lily excitedly went shopping for baby clothes. Too distracted with her own ideas to decorate the room, she did not notice the approach of a drunk driver speeding in his car. Crossing the road, the car slammed right into her.

Miraculously surviving the accident, Lily wished she had died instead upon receiving the news of her miscarriage.

That happened five years ago, and the worst phase was over. Now, taking Sue under her wing, Lily vowed never to let Sue drive herself into the ground like how she did.

But she had to admit, Sue was a stronger person than her.

Leaving the kids to the care of a younger nurse, Lilly and Sue ventured outside to the patio.

‘So,’ Lily started, ‘How is everything, with college and all?’

‘Things have been good so far. Being in huge classes helps, too, you know, not being given that much personal attention and stuff.’ Sue went over to sit on the garden bench, and Lily followed suit.

‘There’s one thing though,’ Sue bit her lip. Should she share it with Lily?

Lily acted noncommittal. ‘What is it?’

‘There’s this guy, Will…’ Sue swore she saw Lily’s ears twitch.

Sue laughed out loud. ‘Your ears give you away, you know that.’

Lily cursed and both of them laughed even harder.

Catching their breaths, Lily asked, ‘So what is it you want to tell me about this Will?’

Sue’s eyes looked up, focusing on the clear blue sky. ‘I don’t know… He suddenly appears out of nowhere. He asked me to be his assignment mate, and we are supposed to meet in the library later. I know this is going to sound stupid, but yesterday, something happened.

Sue turned to look at Lily, her eyes tearing up, she continued, ‘He suddenly took my hand in his. And he just stared right into me. Right through me. And I felt something… A split-second, and I thought I was looking at Jon. It scared the shit out of me. Oh dear god, now I’m having delusions.’

Muttering soothing words, Lily held Sue’s quivering hands in hers. ‘There, there… It’s alright-‘

‘No this is not alright.’ Sue interrupted, her tone suddenly tense. ‘I just don’t get it. I know I am over that shithead. It has been four months! But what I can’t get is- why Will is approaching me? I don’t get what he wants from me. He seems really nice and all. But why me? I mean… And that second when I looked at him and saw Jon instead. That was really creepy.’

Sue let out a huge breath, as if she was relief to let it all out.

Lily kept her hold on Sue’s hand, her tone and her grip were firm, ‘Listen, Sue. Life moves on. You have already moved on, judging from what you said. So don’t let the small stuff stress you up.

Sue smiled. Lily was a very big fan of Don’t Stress the Small Stuff.

‘You have gone through the worst. Why get yourself worked up over Will? I’m sure he’s a nice guy. And it looks like he’s interested in you.

Sue started to object. But Lily made a stern look to cut her off.

‘If you are as strong and as grown up as you want to be, then be grown up about this. Now what time are you supposed to meet him?’

Surrendering to Lily’s lectures and life lessons, Sue answered meekly, ‘Noon.’

Lily cocked an eyebrow at her, ‘You do realize that it’s ten to twelve?’

Sue started. The time was indeed 11:50 a.m. Now she was running late! Quickly standing up to get her things, she felt a tug. It was Lily’s hand, pulling her arm.

‘It is time to give chances.’ Lily said cryptically.

Sue planted a kiss on her cheek, thanked her, and made her way into the house to say good bye to the kids. Fortunately, they were watching Sesame Street on TV, so they did not make that huge a fuss of her leaving.

Almost running to catch the train, Sue finally arrived at the library at 12:30. Will was not to be found on the steps. Running her fingers through her hair in frustration, she made her way in to the library.

He must think of me as an irresponsible fool.

Then she saw him, sitting at one of the tables in the corner, flipping through a book. His eyes were cast downwards, full of concentration. Standing there to catch her breath, she studied him.

His brown hair was glossy, and he wore a light blue, button- down collared shirt. Very nice, indeed. Sue gave him top marks for his appearance, taste and attire.

And those cheekbones…

Will looked up. And the both of them stared into each other. Sue felt herself blush profusely. Shit! He caught her checking him out! Feeling her insides churn from the intense look in his eyes, she was on autopilot. Her legs carried her to him, and all the while the eye contact between them was never broken.

This is just all too intense. Is he always looking at people like that? Am I the only one who’s weirded out?

The confusion in Sue’s head was too overwhelming.

As she was nearing the table, Will stood up to pull the chair out for her to sit. Fighting the urge not to run in the opposite direction, she settled down on the chair, and sat next to him. She made a discreet effort to wipe her sweaty palms on her jeans.

Will proceeded to make an elaborate effort of checking out his watch, making sure she was watching him. Before he could say anything, Sue hurriedly apologized, explaining that she lost track of time.

Tilting his head to one side, Will looked concerned. ‘Unless we have a case of dementia, would you mind if I ask what made you so preoccupied?’

Mumbling incoherently about a nursery, Sue busied herself with taking out the books and notes from her messenger bag.

She stopped abruptly, when she felt Will place a hand on her arm. She turned to look at him wearily. ‘Are you alright?’ Will looked seriously worried.

Tired of hiding and avoiding, Sue told the truth. She has got nothing to hide. And there was something in Will’s eyes that made her want to tell him everything.

Well, not entirely everything. Yet.

‘I was at the local nursery… I spend the weekends there taking care of the children. I guess I must have lost track of the time…I am really sorry..’ She trailed off.

Will took a look at her hair, and told himself to never judge a book by its
cover ever again. He was again blown away by the sheer effort she contributes to society. Never would he have expected her to volunteer in a nursery.

Will literally had to process the fact that there was so much more he wanted to discover about Sue.

Sue’s face was clouded with doubt. She must have thought she freaked him out. Will gave her arm a reassuring squeeze.

‘Wow… that’s really admirable about you. Maybe I can tag along next time?’

Will’s last sentence came out as a question. And Sue’s expression brightened up. He really did mean it. About the tagging along part, maybe he can take some pictures.

‘How long have you been volunteering at the nursery?’

‘Umm… It has so far been about 2 months. The kids are really great.’ Sue’s thoughts were far away. She looked really happy, at the thought of the children.

‘These kids are so happy… Boundless energy and joy. Everything is so new to them. So interesting. They approach life like how they eat ice cream: with zest and a huge appetite. To them, life is so simple… No worries. No pain…’ Sue blinked, realizing that she has just said those words out loud.

‘Oh no… I am really sorry! Didn’t mean to bore you.’ Sue laughed nervously.

Will whispered, ‘No, not at all. Please continue. Tell me more.’ His voice was caressing her whole body.

Sue smiled and continued sharing some of her funnier experiences at the nursery with him. Albeit a little distractedly. The intimate tone in his voice did not escape her.

His gratitude for her company was growing ever so quickly. He wished they could just sit here and talk all day.

But the moment has passed. Sue came to reality and instead chided herself for straying from the purpose of their meeting.

So, they laid out their tools, books and notes and got to work.

Apparently, Will was not a moron, as he told her earlier. He was just missing the basics. Once he understood the mechanisms of accounting, he was on a roll. Sue marvelled at the sheer dedication of him. Their assignment was to do research on the crimes of Enron. They were supposed to answer a list of questions provided.

While discussing with Will about the questions, it was Sue’s turn to be blown away by the way he came up with ideas. His suggestions were fresh, and he could think outside the box. There was a certain synergy in the way they worked around the questions.

In short, Will was brilliant.

At three o’ clock, Will suggested they took a break to get some fresh air.

‘And if I do not get something to eat soon, I would soon turn very grumpy.’ He warned Sue, straight-faced.

Sue could not help but giggle. ‘You are such an old man. Let’s go.’

As they were heading out the library, Sue was struck by the sudden thought that she was comfortable enough in his presence to stop feeling shy. The usual fidgeting and sweating have disappeared. For the time being.

The street leading to the nearby cafe was bustling with people. Sharing a mutual consent between the two of them not to eat sandwiches, they veered their way through the crowd to the Irish cafe a few blocks down from the library.

Anxious not to lose Sue in the crowd, Will kept glancing over at her, to check that she was still next to him. Walking side-by-side, but not close enough for their bodies to touch each other, they walked in silence.

A particularly huge man was walking in the opposite direction, and roughly pushed his way past the crowd. He shoved Sue aside, and the impact caused her to stumble on the street. Without thinking, Will’s right hand reached out to hers, to pull her to safety.

Interlacing her fingers with his, he was perfectly aware of how right Sue’s hand fitted his.

Will felt his heartbeat speed up just that tiny bit faster.

He turned to look at her, only to find her staring at him. The rest of the world around Will seemed to fade into the background. All he saw were Sue’s wonderful eyes. Her eyes showed uncertainty and fear, and then she turned away to look straight ahead, saying nothing.

He said nothing either, and the both of them continued walking. Her hand wrapped in his.

Will forgot about the people, he forgot about the busy street. All he could think about was the feel of Sue’s hand in his. Her hand was cold, so he held on tighter, to keep her warm.

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Most folks call me Willy but my real name is William Beaufort Lee after some Colonel that died in the great war. Don't worry about such things though as I live in a big old house off 40th and Pine that I used to share with my Ma 'till she up and died last year. Never knew my Pa; Ma just called him a Rollin' Stone, and my Brother LeRoy told me that he never did nothing good. LeRoy is in some hospital up north where they put him 'cause he got shot in the head and don't remember nothing no...

3 years ago
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The High Priestess of the Willow

The High Priestess removed her white cotton gown, undoing the buttons one by one until her breasts and her pudenda were revealed in glorious dénouement. She was attended by her Sisters, her breasts anointed with first the lavender and then the rose oil, as she stood in the glow of the nearly full moon. Her raven hair cascaded to her waist and her stately presence brought gasps of awe from those picked to witness the event. The chosen one was brought forward, his hands bound, his eyes staring...

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First Time with Willaim

So where to begin my lovely story of sex, being used, and left lonely with no real place to start over. Let me describe myself, I am Jacob, I'm 13 years old and right really a prize. My body type was not spectacular but the guys I hooked up with sure did have hot tight bodies. I'm about 5'8 around 150lbs, at the time I was still a ginger but my red hair was fading into a brownish red color. At this part of my life I had been involved with one other guy named David, but that is a...

2 years ago
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Die UndercoverZwillinge

„Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum achtzehnten Geburtstag, meine Engelchen!“ sagt der Vater und umarmt liebevoll seine beiden Zwillingstöchter Jenny und Jessica. „Wie schnell die Zeit vergeht! Ihr seid schon beinahe erwachsen geworden! Wirklich schade nur, dass mein Beruf mir immer nur so wenig Zeit lässt, dass ich kaum mit euch beiden zusammen sein kann!“ „Ist schon gut, Daddy! Wir lieben dich trotzdem!“ antwortet Jenny und schmiegt sich dabei sanft an die Brust ihres Vaters. „Wir haben wirklich...

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Und bist du nicht willig

Es war Sonntag abend. Ich schaute auf meine Uhr; 22.30 Uhr. Mein Blick ging zu den Fenstern ihrer Wohnung. Es brannte immer noch Licht bei der kleinen Schlampe; sie war also immer noch auf. Ich hatte sie zum ersten mal vor ca. 6 Monaten in meinem Fitness-Center gesehen. Sie war jung und ohne Freund, wie ich aus einem ihrer Gespräche mit den anderen Frauen herausgehört hatte. Es schien im allgemeinen eine sehr beliebte Art der Fitness bei Frauen zu sein, die Geräte zu blockieren und zu...

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Mein Name ist Erika, und ich bin eine 42 jährige Jura-Professorin, bzw. war ich das einmal. Aber beginnen wir von vorne... Ich begann meine Karriere als Anwältin in einer kleinen Kanzlei in Berlin. Allerdings war mir eine Familie zu haben immer wichtiger. Mit 28 heiratete ich meinen Mann Paul und kurz darauf bekamen wir ein Kind. Für 12 Jahre lebten wir glücklich zusammen in einem kleinen Haus am Rande Berlins, bis mich mein Mann betrog. Darauf schmiss ich ihn sofort raus. Aber er, selbst...

1 year ago
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Die Zwillingsschwester

Der gestrige Hochzeitstag ist der schönste Tag im Leben der neunzehnjährigen Nadine Bauer gewesen. Zunächst hat sie in der Kirche ihrem geliebten Schatz ihr heiliges Jawort gegeben, und anschließend haben sie gemeinsam mit der gesamten Hochzeitsgesellschaft ausgelassen bis tief in die Nacht gefeiert. Die daraufhin folgende „Hochzeitsnacht“ haben sie verschlafen, was für die noch jungfräuliche Nadine aber nicht so schlimm gewesen ist, denn erstens ist ihr Sex in ihrem bisherigen Leben noch nie...

2 years ago
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Heather’s last appointment was at a little store in LoDo. Cathy, the local sales rep who had been her guide and driver for the day, had been disappointed their day had run late. She was worried she might be late to pick up her kids from soccer practice. “Those guys are so fucking hot.” She smiled as she caught herself. “Well, you’ll see. They know their wines and their store is terrific. I’m sorry I can’t make it. Will you be alright?” Heather had said yes, rather dejectedly - she liked Cathy...

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Fantasy Tribute to Kowilliam

It wasn't like us to meet up with anyone.The fun was in the ether of the Internet, but here we were! Xhamster just came to reality!The night was cold but quiet as we pulled into the parking lot of the bar.We had never been here before, but this is where he asked to meet for drinks! It was surreal. We looked at each other in disbelief as I parked.A crooked smile hung on Mia's lips. She was already playful and glowing. She reached over and grabbed me pressing a wet and desired filled kiss hard on...

1 year ago
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Holly Willoughby

This is my first attempt at a story so if its crap I'm sorry haha have a thing for holly Willoughby so haha here goes...When I fucked holly Willoughbyfor my birthday my boyfriend had bought me tickets to go and watch my favourite television programme, celebrity juice I was so exited to see all my favourite celebrities Keith, Fearne but, especially Holly. Despite being with my boyfriend since high school I have always been a little bi-curious, I've always thought girls were cute. However holly...

3 years ago
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This is my first attempt at fiction. I realize it may be rough. If you like it let me know Pussywillow- Part1 by Henry Green Bob Rider had "picked up" Sandi earlier in the night at the party. Actually, it was she who picked him up but of course he didn't know that. Bob's secretary Ann had had enough of his arrogant macho ways and through several discret contacts had met Sandi and Ruth. For a reasonable contingency fee they would help turn the tables on Bob. With their...

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Ein ohrenbetörender Knall durchbrach die Stille des Chemielabors. Reflexartig zog ich meinen Kopf zurück. Meine nerdige Brille fiel in das große Becherglas, aus dem eine dichte Rauchsäule aufstieg. Beissender Qualm legte sich auf meine Atemwege, sodass ich heftig husten musste. Erschrocken zuckte Maria Stichner, meine Chemielehrerin zusammen, bevor sie zum Fenster eilte und es weit aufriss. Zum wiederholten Male schien mir ein Experiment missglückt zu sein. Zu dem pfeifenden Tinitus gesellte...

Mind Control
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Martin Willoughby

© 2003 The beautiful young secretary cried and swore as she was forced backward over her own desk. Her long blonde hair brushed the top of the desk, and she fought and kicked as the front of her blouse was jerked open, buttons flying everywhere. Her full, round breasts were exposed to the men, cupped in a sexy beige bra with lacy trim that showed her small brown nipples through the nearly transparent material. The bra went next, brutally ripped off and thrown aside. The men laughed...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 23 Family Dinner at the Williams

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 I was outside my sisters' bedroom door at 6am, when a bleary-eyed Donna came out. She'd be firing on all cylinders in a few more seconds. We headed outside. Once we were on the sidewalk, I said, "First point of business. No pretty girls have hugged me today, and I need one to before I can run properly." And I gave her a quick hug. I could see she really wasn't in the mood, but that was okay, they're there for when she is. She said, "You're just trying to...

2 years ago
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Screaming Willows

I didn’t know whether my erect nipples were because of the soft breeze that was blowing through the cotton of my sun dress or if I was excited at what I knew was going to happen. My boyfriend had sent me a text asking me to meet him in the little park with the willow trees, just as the sun was lowering in the sky. I didn’t have to worry too much as the sky was still bright blue, pretty much like the blue sun dress he liked so much, only this time with not a stitch else on. I was worried the...

1 year ago
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By Gail Holmes & Nemasis Enforcer “Time and tide awaits no man, that’s what my father constantly told me, For God’s sake what’s a matter with you, here you are twenty one, and still a bloody virgin. Christ, William I’d lost my virginity years before I was your age. I can tell you, once you’ve tried sex there’ll be no looking back” At 50, William knew that old Bruce had had a few; and still he could pull, mind you he was a handsome man for his age, but then he didn’t look it. “I...

4 years ago
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An Act of Goodwill

An Act of Goodwill by Jessica Viblis. Chapter 1: Clearing My Head To be honest, this all started because I had that dream again. The dream that starts with my wife and I leaving the hospital with our newborn daughter, Rachel and ends with me on the ground, shielding Rachel from the gunfire. I always look to my left, just as I did on the horrible day, and I always see my lovely wife Sarah on the ground near me. Her eyes become glassy as her life bleeds out from the hole in her head....

4 years ago
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William had a lot on his mind. First, there was football. Their season opener was in a week and training camp was going full speed. College football was taken seriously in this city and their team was favored to win their division. There was a lot of pressure riding on his performance. Second, classes were beginning. He was a senior poised to graduate hopefully with honors. He wanted to study law and it was important to do well in his classes and when he took his LSATs. ...

2 years ago
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The Neiborliness of Andrea Williams

PART ONE Andrea Williams was ecstatic. The phone call told her that the part-time job was hers. Just what she wanted. Nine to three, five days a week. She could get her kids off to school by 7:30, jog for half an hour, shower, dress for the job, and be home by the time the kids came home from school at 3:30. Her son, Jeremy, was in the second grade, and now that her youngest child, daughter Megan, had started first grade, Andrea at last had the time she dreamed of to get out of the...

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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...

Oral Sex
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True tales of submission and crossdressing Chapter Two William

Introduction ------------ Following on from my first instalment, here is another true story. As before, I have tried to remember events as accurately as I can, but of course all speech is paraphrased. I hope there are people out there who enjoy reading this, and perhaps it will inspire people to go ahead and indulge their fantasies. Whatever your kink, there's probably someone out there who will be into it too, and it's not a crime to enjoy life! Curiosity... ------------ So...

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Port William

Note. I have had this kicking round on my computer for a while and have never felt happy with it but I cannot really get motivated to do anything else with the idea. So if anyone fancies writing something else in the Port William world please help your self, just mention that I invented the world and I'll be happy. Port William. By Trish. When I mentioned that I was stuck for somewhere to spend the seven weeks leave I had between contracts a work mate recommended Port...

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My Funhaus Summer Internship Breeding Elyse Willem

So starts another busy day at the Funhaus office in Los Angeles - although it turned out to be no average day at all.I’m on a summer internship as a video editor for the YouTube channel. As well as editing the videos the channel makes, I’m also in charge of helping post stuff onto the channel’s social media accounts.The stuff that gets the most views and likes on the socials are pictures of Elyse Willems. So I’m sitting on the couch sorting through spreadsheets and files, just away from the...

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My Little Sister and my Willy

Part 1: Innocent Curiosity.Being two years older than my little sister my “seniority” compelled me to protect her at all times. So much so that I would often let her have my favourite chocolate or biscuit when there was only one left. I was her hero. Even my parents acknowledged that. She watched me like a hawk. She knew more about me than my parents or closest friends did, especially if it involved my ‘willy’.She loved my ‘willy’ and I loved my little sister!As kids we got on so well together....

2 years ago
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Every Vote Matters Featuring Hayley Williams

If you're under 18, do not read this story. F/M, F/F/MHayley Williams tries to get more people to vote... The crowd. It gave Hayley a sense of happiness that she usually only got on stage. However, this was different. This was important to not only her but the world.Election day was ten days away and with all the stuff going on around the country that disgusted her, Hayley was very motivated not only to vote but to volunteer as well. It seemed that her friend, and fellow singing sensation,...

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Pussy In The Willow

At 28 years old, Emily was in the prime of her life and she knew it. She had just stepped out of the shower and was now looking in the mirror as water dripped off her body. She liked the look of the person who looked back at her. Her wavy brown hair hung down to just below her shoulders where water drained from it and followed a path down over her full breasts to drip off onto the floor. Her brown eyes were the shade of chestnuts and they twinkled with mischief. Her eyes moved lower, down over...

Straight Sex
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Sue becomes a pain slut and cum whore

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn’t...

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Sue becomes a pain slut and cum whore

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn’t...

4 years ago
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Sue becomes a pain slut and cum whore

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn’t...

1 year ago
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Sue becomes a cum slut

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn't...

3 years ago
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Sue Pays A Visitand Much More

Right after my divorce I got a promotion and relocated to Nashville. In a stroke of luck, or destiny, or whatever you want to call it, I met Christy about two weeks after I moved. Christy was everything my ex-wife was not. She is a big boobed German who also just got divorced. Sex was missing in our marriages and we did not waste any time making up for it. My job kept me incredibly busy during the week, but when Friday came along Christy would come over to my apartment. The weekend was filled...

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Mrs Williams

Mary Daniels walked out of her bedroom and down stairs into the kitchen where her friend of more then thirty years was drinking coffee before she left for her job as a receptionist for Century22 Real Estate. "Good morning Mary. You look nice this morning." Paula Williams said. "Why thank you Paula. Is there more coffee?" Mary was a 50 year old widow who's son Jeff, a college freshman, would be home for summer vacation that afternoon. Paula the 49 year old divorcee had been Mary's...

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Wedding Bells are Ringing The Wedding of Nicole and William

Introduction: Continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan Series Wedding bells are Ringing – The wedding of Nicole and William This is a continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan series. In this story, William and Nicole get married and they start their lives together. This is also a work of fantasy, even though the two people depicted in the story are based on Fiancee and myself. If you are a new reader, I suggest you read the Adventures of a Railfan and Nicole, Myself and Rachel before you...

3 years ago
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Sue Part 3 A cum clut who needs abuse

'Hi Sue', said Tracy a tall formidable looking woman. 'The guys here would like me to do some work to those lovely tits of yours, in exchange for 2 weeks worth of product. What do you think?' Sue was confused, horny, and needed product. A 2 week supply she could stretch out, maybe even wean herself off the retched stuff. Tracey put 5 large spoonfulls into a bag and placed it on the counter. '1 hour with me, and this is yours' she said... 'Deal?' 'Yes' Sue replied Sue...

2 years ago
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Sue Frank and I MFM 2

Introduction: Frank, Sue and I continue our sexual adventures Sues first MFM continued Several people have asked about happened after Sue had her first MFM encounter with Frank and I. The relationship lasted for a couple of years One good thing about having a fuck buddy for so long is everyone is comfortable with each other, Sue did things to Frank or let him do things to her that she let no one else do except me. She even rimed him. I think she only rimed two people, me and him. This...

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Sue Frank and I MFM 2

Several people have asked about happened after Sue had her first MFM encounter with Frank and I. The relationship lasted for a couple of years One good thing about having a fuck buddy for so long is everyone is comfortable with each other, Sue did things to Frank or let him do things to her that she let no one else do except me. She even rimed him. I think she only rimed two people, me and him. This story is also spread out over time. It runs the list from when Sue and Frank were...

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