Reasons Until AfterChapter 1 free porn video

Dan was the new kid in school.
Every year we had one or two, just like we lost a few. This year, when I was just turned sixteen, Dan showed up. He was almost eighteen and a senior and so I didn't pay him much mind at first. I was a sophomore and I had my own friends and completely different classes than he did.
"You seen that new guy, Ashley?" my best friend Roger asked, sitting down next to me at lunch.
"Yeah, I saw him," I shrugged.
"He's big, ain't he?" Roger was a small kid, so he noticed stuff like that I guess. I was small too, but I tried to ignore it.
"Yeah, maybe," I bit into my sandwich and made a face. "He's a senior anyway, what do you expect?"
"I dunno," Roger looked at me.
"What?" I rubbed my nose, wondering if I had peanut butter on it or something. I didn't really like that stuff.
"He was askin' about you."
"Who? The new guy?" I frowned a little, for no real reason except I didn't understand what my friend was talking about.
"Yeah," he nodded. "His locker's close to mine."
"So what does that mean?" I wondered.
"I dunno, he was just askin' who you are," Roger said. "You piss him off or something?"
"No. Probably got me confused with somebody else," I took another bite, talking around it. "What would he want to know about me for?"
"Beats me," he shrugged and we were quiet for a couple minutes, just eating.
"Hey..." Roger jerked his head, " ... there he is."
I looked over my shoulder and sure enough, there was Dan walking into the cafeteria on his third day of school. Over six feet tall and muscular, naturally big that way, with a good looking face, I guess. I didn't really care, except I'd overheard some of the girls talking about him already, with their silly ooh's and ahh's and all that. He was healthy, yeah, probably gonna be on the football team, or wrestling maybe. Heck, tall as Dan was he probably played basketball too. One of those all-around athletes. I hated those guys.
Roger and I both watched as Dan looked around and then he spotted us and started walking over. That was pretty weird. Seniors didn't sit with anybody but other seniors, usually, or maybe their younger girlfriends if they had one, and for sure a jock like Dan didn't sit with anyone like us. I wasn't a geek or anything, but I wasn't sleeping with a football under my pillow at night either. I didn't even like football.
"Hi there," Dan said and he was looking at me, standing close enough so I had to turn my face upwards to see his smile.
"What's up?" I shrugged and Roger just sat back, kind of narrowing his eyes cause he was confused too.
"You are," he chuckled and I had no idea what that meant. "Can I sit down with you guys?"
He didn't wait for an answer, Dan just pulled out the chair next to mine and turned it slightly, not much, but enough so that when he sat down he was facing me more than anyone else.
"So how do you like the school, uh, Dan?" Roger asked just to say something normal, probably.
"I like it a lot," he said. "More and more all the time. What's your name?"
"Mine?" I asked and he nodded. "Ash ... Uh, Ashley Collins."
"Cool," Dan took a little breath and licked his lips. "You're seriously cute, Ashley. You know that?"
"What?" I stared at him and across from us Roger made a sort of squeaking sound.
"Yeah, you're a babe," Dan smiled and his dad must have been a dentist cause that guy had perfect teeth.
"I ... Gotta get going," Roger chickened out, standing up and leaving fast. I was about to do the same.
"What does that mean?" I asked the guy and my face was turning a little red.
I'd been called cute before, and even pretty by some of my older aunts, but never a babe. I was small, yeah, slender and not very tall. I wore my blonde hair too long probably, well past my collar, but everyone said it looked good that way and I didn't mind. I had a lot of my mom in me, as anyone could tell, like her bright blue eyes and delicate features. I never thought of myself as feminine though, just a boy with a pretty face, like that actor, Orlando Bloom. I bet nobody called him a babe just because he was pretty and nobody had ever mistaken me for a girl.
"You wanna go out with me? This Friday night?" Dan asked like it was the most natural thing in the world. "I heard about a party some of the cheerleaders are having. It'll be fun."
"You're joking right?" I looked around expecting to see a bunch of seniors laughing at me, but nobody knew what we were talking about. Not yet anyway.
"No way," he shook his head and his hazel eyes were locked on mine. "I just really want to take you out."
"I'm a guy," I snorted. "I don't know what you're thinking, but ... This is pretty weird."
"Don't go yet," Dan put his left hand on my right knee as I started getting my stuff together so I could take off.
"Hey..." I frowned at him because that hand was big and strong, and he was squeezing my thigh more than my knee all of a sudden.
"It's alright, Ash," he smiled. "I know you're nervous, but you don't have to be."
"What?" I was burning up then with a quality mix of anger and humiliation.
"Here, like this..." Dan said and before I could do or say anything, the bigger boy just leaned close and kissed me softly on the lips.
I stared at him for about two seconds.
"Get the fuck away!" I breathed, but I thought I was shouting.
I jerked back like he'd slapped me and Dan let me go. I didn't even pick up my lunch, just my books, and practically ran out of there with about sixty kids watching me and whispering and wondering at what they'd just witnessed.
"I heard you were making out with that new guy," Reese was saying and I almost hit him, except he wasn't alone.
"I didn't know you're a fag, Collins," Frank laughed. "You do all the other stuff too?"
"Yeah, are you a dick sucker, Ashley?" Larry grinned, they all did, like they were the three stooges.
"Shut-up!" I said loudly enough so that Mr. Turner, our math teacher, looked up from his desk with a frown.
I hung my head in shame as much as anything else, wondering how I was supposed to explain that all I'd done was sit there. That Dan guy, he was the faggot. He'd kissed me! In the middle of the cafeteria, like it was no big deal. He had to be crazy! Now the school thought we were making out? That was insane too! My heart was going a thousand miles an hour and my head was spinning. I didn't know what was going on or why, or most especially how I was gonna get out of it, but there had to be a way.
Half an hour later I was making my way to my next class, English, and feeling extremely self-conscious. I was sure everyone was staring at me. Everyone was whispering about me, I thought, and about what Dan had done in the cafeteria. Everytime someone laughed I felt the fire in my face and I was too afraid to look and see if they were really laughing at me or just at something else.
"Hi Ashley!" Sonja, the absolute hottest girl in school smiled at me.
She didn't even know I existed and now Sonja was standing there with two of her senior cheerleader friends and they were all smiles too. So I smiled back. I couldn't help it. I jerked off thinking about Sonja every other night. I tried to reply, but it's hard talking when your lungs don't work. I had to remember just to breathe.
"Hi Ashley," Petra, the girl I thought about most other nights, smiled at me too. "I just wanted to say I think you're really cool."
"You ... Do?" I swallowed hard and the dark haired girl nodded happily, her soft brown eyes looking right at me.
"Oh yeah, we all do!" Sonja answered for her friend and she was tall and light, like the way angels are made out of light. Pale and blonde and glowing with ethereal beauty. God!
"That was so brave, kissing your boyfriend like that today!" the third girl said.
Her name was Tori and that girl was obnoxiously cute and I usually woke up thinking about her, ramming my morning erection into her tight little pussy while I made her spell my name backwards. Petite, sexy, red-headed Tori was all the coffee a sixteen year old boy needed to get his day started, believe me, even if it was all in my head.
"W-What?" I felt the blood draining from my face with a soft slurping sound.
"Yeah, that was so sweet!" Sonja nodded.
"You guys make a great couple," Petra added. "Dan's hot!"
"And you're so cute, Ashley," Sonja said. "You're perfect for each other."
"Don't let anyone give you a hard time for it, okay?" Tori touched my arm and I almost jumped out of my shoes. "It was the coolest thing I ever saw."
"The hottest you mean!" Petra licked her lips slowly and I stared at her tongue. "Way hot!"
"Be nice," Sonja giggled. "Come on, we have to go. See ya later, Ashley!"
"Bye Ashley!" Petra wiggled her fingers at me.
"Bye-bye, Ashley!" Tori spun around, walking backwards, "Oh! I almost forgot, I'm having a little party on Friday. If you guys want to come, I mean, that would be awesome. I told Dan about it already."
"Uh..." My mind wasn't working at all.
"Just let me know! See ya!" she said, turning back to catch up with her friends.
The three girls were laughing and glancing over their shoulders at me, ignoring the dozens of teenage boys who were anxiously watching their every move. They only had eyes for me, Sonja and her two friends, and I should have been happy, but I wasn't. They thought I was gay? That I'd come out of the closet and they were proud of me? Petra thought two guys kissing was ... Hot? The world was spinning out of control, it seemed to me, and as if to prove it I was suddenly engulfed by Dan's large shadow.
"Hey, Ashley," he practically sighed, leaning against the lockers, making me feel almost cornered.
"Are you crazy?" I couldn't help myself. "People think I'm gay! Some guys in math class asked me if I sucked..." I blinked, lowering my voice because people were staring, " ... They asked me stuff."
"Ah, who cares about them?" Dan laughed and Jesus, he had a deep voice.
"I do, you idiot!" I stared at him and if this guy was gonna kick my ass, well, alright. At least people would know I wasn't a faggot.
"I don't," Dan leaned close and I shrank away from him, clutching my history book to my chest like a shield. "All I care about is you."
"Then leave me alone!" I rolled my eyes, slamming my locker shut and walking away quickly, giving him one last dirty look over my shoulder.
"Playing hard to get?" a chubby girl named Mary giggled and I glared at her.
"A lover's quarrel," Georgia grinned at her friend.
"God, he's so handsome though!" Mary took a happy breath, making her chubby tits swell up. She tended to do that sort of thing a lot.
"Ashley's seriously cute too," Georgia decided and I was burning up again, like I needed Smoky the Bear to come hose me down.
"Yeah, but he's pretty," Mary looked at me like I was a television. "Not handsome."
"You guys shut-up." I closed my eyes and I'd known Mary and Georgia since kindergarten. They'd been chubby then too.
"Sensitive!" Mary giggled.
"I heard that about boys like him," Georgia nodded seriously.
"Pretty boys?" Mary wondered.
"No, silly!" Georgia wrinkled her nose. "Gay boys!"
"Thanks," I said under my breath, since Georgia had gone ahead and spoken loudly enough for the kids all the way down the hall to hear.
This was a nightmare.
"So, hey, uh..." Roger was walking home with me, like we did everyday.
"What?" I asked sullenly, looking down and wondering what I was gonna do. What I'd done to get into this mess.
" ... Are you really, you know, gay?" Roger cleared his throat and I gave him a withering look. "I mean if you are, well, it's cool. We can still be friends and all, but, I'm not, uh..."
"Shut-up," I told him in the most sarcastic voice I could.
"I'm just saying, you know..."
"I said shut-up already!" I stared at my best friend. "Fuck! I'm not gay, alright?"
"Fine, yeah," Roger swallowed hard cause I only used the F word when I was really mad. "Whatever you say, Ashley. Sure."
"I don't know what's wrong with that guy," I said, mostly to myself. "He kissed me."
"Yeah, he sure did," Roger grinned and I hadn't meant to say that out loud.
"Shut-up," I looked down.
We walked in silence for awhile, cause it was about a mile to our houses, but not quite. If you lived a mile away you rode the school bus, we were only like nine tenths of a mile and that sucked in the winter, but for now it wasn't bad. We were having a nice indian summer and the walk was giving me plenty of time to think anyway, except I didn't know what I was supposed to think.
"Hey," Roger said.
"What was it like, anyway?"
"What was what like?" I asked him.
"Uh, being kissed," he said and I gave him a real dirty look. "I don't mean anything, just ... I've never been kissed by anybody."
"You want a boy to kiss you?" I stared at him.
"No!" he laughed nervously. "I just wondered, you know? Nobody ever wanted to kiss me."
His voice had a plaintive quality to it, even though Roger tried to hide it. I knew him pretty good, since we'd been best friends forever anyway, and Roger had sort of a self-esteem problem. I did too obviously, but for different reasons. Every teenager does probably. I just mean Roger sounded lonely right then. I was sure he didn't want another boy to kiss him, who would? But Roger probably wished someone would have that kind of interest in him, anyone, cause people need that stuff.
I didn't have an answer though, so we just walked. It made me wonder what else I was feeling. I was angry and embarrassed, even offended, but how much of that was just because I was supposed to be? I have a tendency to think about stuff too much. It's why me and Roger got along so good. Neither of us were really outgoing, so we tended to look inward. Or at least I did.
How did that kiss feel? That was a good question and I had no idea. I didn't really remember it, for one thing. I mean I remembered it, but I didn't, you know? I was suddenly worried that some part of me had liked it and all my anger was just for show. I didn't want to like it all and it was that fear that affected more than anything else. That self-doubt.
"Mmmm..." I sighed as Sonja's lithe body molded itself to mine. Her perfect breasts were rubbing my chest. Those nipples of hers, swollen and pink, were sliding back and forth across my skin and her legs straddled my hips.
Sonja's pussy was hot and tight and wet. The walls of her sex gripped my cock like a fist, pulling at me as she pushed herself down with a breathless giggle. I could hear her voice in my ear, telling me how good I felt inside her. How she'd been waiting since seventh grade for me to fuck her and take the cherry she'd been saving just for me.
I thrust into the girl eagerly, holding her sweet round ass in my hands, digging my fingers into her firm cheeks and making Sonja gasp and shiver. My cock ached with desire. My balls tightened, drawing their strength from my gut so that I had to arch my back against my impending orgasm. I was going to cum inside her. I was going to flood the girl of my dreams with my hot cum. I was going to...
"Ashley?" Mom's voice came through the door and then it was opening.
"Ohhh ... Uh..." I rolled over quickly, letting go of my morning erection and trying to catch my breath. I'd been holding it as I came closer to the climax of my morning ritual.
"Hey sleepyhead, time to get up," she said and I just waved at her.
"I'm ... Up..." I agreed and when I heard the door click shut again, I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. "Shoot."
"Morning, champ," my dad said and he was almost finished with his coffee, ready for another day at the office.
"Morning," I sat down and started filling a bowl with cereal, Captain Crunch today, with crunchberries.
"Hey, have you met a new boy at school?" Dad asked.
"What?" I froze for a second and my first thought was that somehow my dad knew what had happened.
"I think his name's Dan, have you met him?" he drank the last of his coffee. "Steve was telling me yesterday that he has a son in high school and..."
"Steve?" Mom interrupted, setting a glass of juice in front of me.
"Steve Staley," Dad nodded. "The new guy at the office I was telling you about."
"Oh, the one from Pittsburgh? He has a son? That's nice," she smiled. "Have you met him Ashley?"
"Uh, yeah, I've ... Seen him. I guess," I admitted slowly, pouring some milk into my bowl.
"Maybe you could make friends with the boy," Mom suggested. "It must be awfully hard moving like that. He's probably lonely."
"I was thinking we could invite Steve and his family over for a little barbecue," Dad said. "Before it gets too cold for it."
"That would be fun," she agreed. "Maybe this weekend."
"Sure, I'll ask him," he nodded and I was just listening, not wanting to eat my breakfast at all.
"Finish your cereal, Ashley," Mom chided me. "You're too thin."
"Hmmm..." Dad stood up from the table and he gave me a little look.
He didn't mean to, I knew that, but my dad had been big on sports as a kid. Big all around, like Dan, and he'd married a cheerleader in my mom. I knew he was waiting for me to tell him I was going out for football or basketball, or something. Just like Dad was waiting for me to gain fifty pounds of muscle and six more inches of height. The odds of any of that happening though were pretty small. I'd had my growth spurt and it had lasted about three days, but Dad didn't actually say anything out loud. He didn't have to, it was in his eyes.
"Okay, I'm off for work," he said, giving Mom a kiss. "See ya later, buddy."
"Bye, Dad," I watched him leave with a little frown on my face.
"What's wrong?" Mom asked me and I shook my head quickly.
"Nothing," I lied. "I just remembered some homework I forgot to do."
"Homework?" she sighed. "Well, it's too late now. You're going to be late for school as it is."
That was fine with me, I thought. In fact, it would be pretty okay if I never went back to school. I could already imagine what the kids would be talking about today. They'd had all yesterday afternoon to spread the news, by the time homeroom was over this morning, everyone would know Dan had kissed me. And my dad worked with his dad? They were coming over for a barbecue this weekend? Great.
What did I do? I wondered, but God didn't answer. He never did.
"Where you been?" Roger asked, waiting for me in the usual spot since he lived a block closer to school than I did.
"Eating breakfast," I shrugged.
"Yeah, well, I hope it was good. We gotta walk fast now," he said and that was the last thing I wanted to do.
We got to school just as the first bell was ringing and that was cool. It meant everyone was too busy getting to class to worry about teasing me. It had to happen though. In high school the basic rule of survival is to be the same as everyone else; keep a low profile, dress like everyone else, and avoid doing anything that would mark you as different. If you broke the rule, the other kids would make you pay dearly for it. So I was fully expecting trouble.
Our school had bullies, like any other school does, and they were always looking for an easy mark. The worst one was a guy named Billy Felder, a senior and not real big, but just mean. He was smart too, for a bully. The stereotype is big and dumb, but unfortunately that isn't always the case. He liked to bully people with words in the beginning, and then once you were really mad and humiliated and ready lose your temper, he'd go ahead and give you a shove and look for a real fight. Him and his friends, I mean. Bullies never fight fair for some reason.
That's why I wasn't surprised when I heard Felder's voice between classes, coming from behind me while I got some books out of my locker.
"Hey faggot, where's your boyfriend?" he started and I just closed my eyes, knowing Billy was just getting warmed up. He had a couple friends with him too, laughing and ready to urge Felder on, as if he'd need it.
"Leave me alone," I said, knowing it was useless, but I had to follow traditional custom.
"Guess you really are a faggot, huh?" Felder laughed. "You answered up quick, Assley."
I knew then that I shouldn't have said anything, but it was too late and I just shuffled notebooks in and out of my locker, not wanting to turn around.
"Assley! That's a good one, Billy," one of his friends said, like I hadn't heard it a thousand times since third grade.
"What color panties you wearing today?" Felder tried and when I didn't answer right away, his other friend spoke up.
"Maybe we should take a look!"
"Maybe," Felder agreed and by now I could see a small crowd of students gathering around us like vultures. Or hyenas maybe, take your pick, since they were looking for a laugh. "How about it, fag boy, you want us to pull down your pants or are you gonna tell us?"
"Here's a better question..." I heard Dan's unmistakable voice and I did turn around then, " ... do you want me to kick your ass right now, or after school?"
"What?" Billy hadn't expected to see Dan coming to rescue me, but maybe he should have.
"Make up your mind, bitch!" Dan shoved Billy's chest with a big hand, pushing the other kid back a couple steps.
"We were just having a little fun with him," Felder said and he glanced at his friends, but they didn't look too sure of themselves at all. Picking on me was a little different than picking on a guy like Dan.
"I asked you a question, shithead." Dan shoved him again and Billy's face started getting red as he took another step back, almost losing his balance.
"It's okay," I said weakly, just wanting this whole thing to go away, but Dan was busy staring at Felder.
"I don't wanna fight you," Billy admitted unhappily, because that's the last thing a bully ever wants to say.
"That's too bad," Dan said, "cause you have to now."
Nobody saw that punch coming, Billy Felder least of all, and there was just a sickening smack when Dan's right fist hit the boy hard in the center of his face. He dropped like a rock, literally, like his legs just folded and then Billy was sitting on his ass, dazed and bleeding all over his t-shirt. It was probably the first real fight I'd ever seen, and the shortest. Nobody was going to forget it and now the school really had something to talk about.
"Hey," Dan put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay, Ash?"
"What? Yeah..." I felt numb.
"Let me carry your stuff," he said and I was only dimly aware of it when Dan took my books out my hands.
The other kids were watching and whispering. There were some giggles and laughs, but mostly people just got out of our way. I saw Sonja standing there, along with Petra and Tori, and all three of those girls gave me big smiles. I knew they were impressed, but what girl wouldn't be? Dan had shown up like a knight in shining armor and slain the dragon. It sounds overdramatic, and of course it is, but that's what being a teenager is like.
"I don't want anyone giving you a hard time," Dan told me and he had his left arm around my waist. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, okay?"
"Yeah," I said, but I didn't know what we were doing.
Nobody had ever stuck up for me before. Not like that. That's what I was thinking about more than anything else and I just didn't know what I was supposed to say or do. I didn't know why Dan would do that, how he could be so unafraid. Yeah, he was big, but there'd been three of them and Dan hadn't cared at all. He hadn't hesitated to come help me and now he was carrying my books, walking me to my class in front of everyone. Didn't he care what people would think?
"Is this your class?" Dan asked and I nodded. "Here..." he gave me my books.
"Thanks," I said and I had a hard time just getting that word out. I was burning up, feeling incredibly embarrassed by all this. Being saved like that just made it all worse somehow, like even more than that little kiss, this seemed like something serious.
"Ashley..." Dan's fingertips lifted my chin so that I had to look up at his face.
"What?" I asked him, blinking rapidly while the boy just looked at me for a long second.
"Yeah," he smiled. "You're fine. I'll see you later, okay?"
Dan let me go then, turning around and going to his own class. He left me standing there, with kids passing by and looking at me. I shivered with goosebumps breaking out on my arms and then went quickly inside the classroom to find my seat. I honestly had no clue what I was feeling right then.
"That was so cool, man," a kid named Joey was saying and it was science class, so people did a lot of talking in there anyway, at least during labs.
"He really likes you, huh?" another boy asked me and I just shrugged and concentrated on drawing the little amoeba thing I was looking at in the microscope.
"I bet nobody ever calls you a faggot again," Roger said, sounding almost envious. He was my lab partner and he kept his voice down, thank God. I didn't know what to say to any of that.
My friend was right though, nobody called me a faggot, at least not to my face. That was pretty okay with me, but on the other hand, a lot of people seemed to be avoiding me entirely. Not running away or anything, but just keeping a little distance. That could have just been my imagination though. I'd never had a whole lot of friends really, but I'd gotten along and knew everyone. It just felt like everything was different somehow, probably because I felt different myself.
By lunchtime I'd almost figured out what was going on. I'd spent three hours in three different classes trying to sort out my feelings. I'd pretty much decided that I was still angry about being kissed, sort of happy about Dan punching Felder in the face, and pretty embarrassed by all of it. Dan's attention was flattering, and that seemed like a good word, and it was nice to have a friend, especially since he was the biggest kid in school. I appreciated that ... But I resented being treated like a girlfriend. I didn't like the way he looked at me, or touched me, and I remembered walking down the hall with Dan's arm around my waist, my hip rubbing his thigh, and it totally humiliated me.
I turned my head at the sound of a girl's voice calling my name and saw Petra waving at me. She was in the cafeteria with Sonja and Tori, and they were having lunch with three other girls, all seniors, all cheerleaders, and all beautiful to me.
"Hey Ashley! Come sit with us," Sonja said and the six girls had already made room for me at their table. They always sat in the center of the cafeteria, since everyone else in the school revolved around them.
"Uh..." I stood there looking stupid because Roger was waiting for me at our usual table and I was supposed to sit with him. Another reason I hesitated might have been simply that stuff like this wasn't supposed to happen unless it was a joke, and I knew they were serious. I just didn't know why.
Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, my decision was made for me when Dan showed up.
"Hi Ashley," he said in a gentle voice. "Let's sit over here."
"Awww..." Tori gave us a mock pout and that was her special power, I think. The earth wobbled a little under my feet.
"He wants to sit with his boyfriend today," Sonja shrugged and her friends giggled and I soon found myself having lunch with Dan and half the football team.
I expected some of those guys to say something, or get up in protest maybe, but they didn't. They just ignored me, greeting Dan like everything was totally normal. They were the school jocks, of course, generally larger than everyone else, louder too, and not incredibly intelligent. They talked about sports, cars, and girls, and so far as I could tell there didn't seem to be a whole lot of difference between the three for those guys.
Roger gave me a dirty look and I gave him a little shrug, like what was I gonna do? I had to talk to Dan, that was the reason I'd let him pull me towards his friends. I had to find a way to explain stuff, but I quickly realized that whatever I was going to say to the boy, I couldn't say it in front of those guys! I was afraid to even open my mouth, like it would break the spell that was making me invisible. If I said something, those guys would notice me, like ten football players suddenly realizing that a skinny little sophomore geek was sitting at their table.
I'd be dog food! So I quickly decided to be small and quiet and eat my Fritos. I could apologize to Roger later.
Dan didn't have that problem. He talked with his friends and sat close to me with our molded plastic chairs practically touching. He ate with his left hand and kept his right arm behind me and I wondered how he could be so relaxed. After a couple minutes I felt his fingertips tickling my back and I just burned, looking down and feeling my heart racing. It was getting close to fight or flight time and the adrenaline made me shake a little.

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