Reasons Until AfterChapter 2 free porn video

I'd never had a secret from my parents before. A serious secret, I mean. The little ones that every kid has don't count. I had a secret now though and part of me wondered how long I'd be able to keep it. Mom had seen Dan dropping me off after our little trip to the lake. I'd been acting strangely and Mom and I both knew it. We hadn't done anything, Dan and me, but the way I'd acted outside, the way I'd blushed when I realized she'd caught us ... My mom wasn't stupid and she didn't need a lot of clues.
Luckily, she was my mom and I could have done a lot worse in that department. She would keep my secret, what little she knew of it or suspected, and didn't mention it to my dad at all. He's a good dad too, but he always imagined having a son more like him, you know? A son like Dan, really. Big and strong and playing all the sports. Dad was going to like Dan a lot and part of me resented that, but not too much. I'd pretty much grown used to it by the time I was sixteen and he accepted me anyway.
I coulda done a lot worse in the dad department too.
Even so, I seriously doubted Dad would understand if he knew about Dan and our relationship, for lack of a better word. Having a rather small and pretty boy for his son was one thing, and he couldn't complain if I took after Mom, could he? I mean, he married her! It wasn't like I got to pick which genes I wanted, it had all been luck of the draw. So yeah, Dad was okay with all that, but if he found out Dan had kissed me? That Dan wanted me to be his boyfriend? News like that would be a little tough on my dad's ego, I thought.
"I talked to Steve about coming over Saturday for a barbecue," Dad told us at dinner. "He said it sounds like a great idea."
"Good," Mom smiled and I held my breath, expecting her to mention Dan because that would be the perfect time for it, but she didn't.
"So, did you happen to see Dan today?" Dad asked me, and that kicked the air out of my lungs.
"Uh, yeah," I glanced at Mom. "He, um, gave me a ride home today."
"That's nice of him," Dad nodded. "I hear he's quite the football player."
"I guess, yeah," I shifted uncomfortably. "Mr. Forbes made him the quarterback, I think."
"Really?" he nodded. "Dan must be pretty good then."
"Yeah," I shrugged, thinking about what Mr. Forbes had told me and wondering how I was gonna deal with all that.
I was supposed to keep Dan happy, according to the coach, and I knew what the man had meant, I just didn't know what I was supposed to do about it. I wasn't gay, no matter what Mr. Forbes thought, and I wasn't going to turn gay just so the school could win a stupid football game. After Tori's party, Dan would just have to find someone else to keep him happy.
"Well, it'll be nice to meet the boy," Dad decided and that gave me something else to worry about.
Dan was coming over to my house and I could only hope that we'd be okay by then. I had visions of him trying to kiss me in front of my dad and that killed my appetite quick. I excused myself, saying I had a lot of homework to do, and Mom let me go without her usual complaints about me being too thin.
"Ashley?" she knocked on my door awhile later and then Mom poked her head around it. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah, Mom," I shrugged and I hadn't been getting a lot of homework done anyway. Mostly I'd just been staring at the wall.
She closed the door behind her and kind of leaned against it for a few seconds, looking at me until I looked away. My mom had been beautiful when she'd been younger, and she still was, but I'd seen pictures of her from high school. Mom had looked like Sonja, I thought, not exactly the same, but like they both had a quality, as if they were untouchable or something. It was easy to see why Dad had married her, but it was what you didn't see that made her really special.
"Are you okay?" Mom asked me. "I thought maybe you'd like to talk a little bit."
"I'm okay," I said. "Just ... I don't know."
"You can tell me," she said, walking across my bedroom and then sitting on my bed. "I won't tell your father."
"Uh, oh..." I nodded because I didn't have to ask why Mom would say that. She knew Dad was a good man, a good father, but having a heart-to-heart talk with me wasn't something he was really comfortable with. Neither was I, for that matter, and Mom knew it.
"Is it that new boy?" she asked me. "The one I saw you with this afternoon?"
"Yeah," I agreed. "It's complicated though. I'll figure it out."
"It's hard being sixteen, isn't it?" Mom smiled at me. "That's when I started dating your dad and I was so scared. I didn't tell your grandparents about him. I used to sneak out of the house after dinner."
"You did?"
"Yeah," she nodded. "I'd climb out my window and meet him behind the church. That was our spot."
"You were a bad girl, huh?" I laughed because it was hard to imagine my mom doing anything like that.
"No," Mom sighed happily. "I was in love."
"You never got caught?"
"Yeah, I did," she said. "I came home one night, sneaking in through my window, and your grandfather was sitting on my bed."
"Oh!" I made a face and Mom shrugged.
"That was the last spanking I ever got," she laughed. "I was sixteen and he put me right over his knees."
"He spanked you?" I couldn't imagine my grandpa spanking anybody.
"Oh yeah," Mom nodded. "And then your grandmother grounded me for a month."
"That would suck," I sighed sympathetically.
"It was worth it," she told me. "I saw your dad everyday at school anyway, so..."
"So you weren't really grounded," I agreed.
"Yeah," Mom said. "You're right though, it sucked."
We both laughed at that.
"Did you love Dad right away?" I wondered. "I mean, was it like love at first sight and all that?"
"No!" Mom grinned at me. "God, no. I didn't want to have anything to do with him at first."
"You didn't? How come?"
"I don't know. I guess I didn't really trust him at first," she said. "He was older than I was, we didn't have the same friends really. Didn't have the same classes together."
"Yeah," I nodded.
"He kept saying he loved me," Mom laughed. "I didn't even know what love meant and there he was telling me how much he loved me."
"You didn't like that?"
"Not really," she shook her head. "It was nice sometimes, but I had to think about it and he didn't give me enough time. He didn't let me figure it out for myself."
"Yeah, I know what that feels like," I said without thinking.
"You do?" Mom smiled and I blushed furiously, turning my face away from her. She let it go. "Well, eventually I realized that I was spending all my time trying to tell myself I couldn't love him, when the truth was..."
"That you already did?" I asked, looking up again.
"Exactly," she smiled at me. "I don't know when or how, exactly, but it happened."
"We're you scared, Mom?"
"Scared?" she shrugged. "Sometimes, yeah. It isn't easy. I mean, we don't see ourselves the same way other people do. Sometimes I thought he was just trying to get into my..." Mom blushed then, " ... Trying to have fun and not really serious."
"How did you know he was serious?"
"Uh, well..." She seemed to think it over, but I think my mom was just looking for a way to explain it to her son. "Your father had his fun and when he came back, I knew he meant it."
"You mean you and Dad did it..." I blinked at her, " ... right away?"
"Maybe we shouldn't be talking about this," Mom laughed. "But yeah, he was very ... persuasive and I was curious, and..."
"Okay." I didn't really want to think about my mom having sex, but I had to know. "What if he hadn't, um, come back or whatever?"
"If he'd dumped me?" she grinned and I nodded.
"Yeah, dumped you." I had to laugh cause the idea of my dad dumping my mom was really out there.
"I don't think about that," Mom said. "I worried about it for one whole night and the next morning, there he was. Telling me how he loved me more than ever and then I couldn't get him to stop saying it."
"That's pretty cool," I decided.
"Yeah, it was," she agreed. "But that doesn't mean you should do it that way."
"Me?" I swallowed hard and wondered if she meant with Dan, or with a girl, and I was really afraid that she'd tell me.
"There's better ways than having sex to find out if someone really loves you," Mom said. "I wasn't very smart about it and your father, well, I think he was doing the same thing."
"What? Like testing you?"
"Yeah," she nodded. "He figured if I let him ... love me ... then that meant I really loved him, see?"
"But it worked, right?" I teased her a little and Mom smiled.
"Yeah. It worked," she smiled.
"Hmmm..." I sighed, sitting back and wondering what all that really meant to me and my situation with Dan.
My brain still denied anything was going on between us, but I knew better. I'd felt it and when I let myself open up, I understood that there were feelings there, budding emotions that were trying to grow if I'd just give them a chance. If I could just get over my fear and doubt. I was torn, like split in two, and it was making me unhappy. If I made the wrong decision, I wondered, would I be unhappy the rest of my life? That was scary too, since I was barely sixteen. I had a long ways to go.
"Is there anything you want to tell me now?" Mom asked and the tone of her voice said it was up to me. She wasn't forcing me at all, but just concerned.
"I..." I cleared my throat and almost started talking about Dan, but changed my mind. I'd see how the party went first. "No. It's okay, Mom. I feel better now."
"Okay," she sighed and she got up to hug me. "You're a good boy. I'm very proud of you, Ashley. Your father is too, don't forget that. We'll always love you."
"I won't forget, Mom," I promised.
"Good," she kissed the top of my head. "Don't stay up too late; you have school tomorrow."
"I know. Goodnight, Mom."
"Sweet dreams," she smiled and closed my bedroom door.
"Oh, Ashley! That feels so good!" Petra sighed and I was underneath her, feeling her pussy around my cock.
She felt hot and wet and I just watched her face as we had sex. Her gorgeous tits were jiggling and her hands were on my chest. Petra's long black hair fell in waves around her shoulders. And her pussy rode my erection up and down, working my cock into the moist depths of her womb and that had to be the best feeling in the world. I was going to cum any second and I lifted my hips, holding the girl tight against me while I drove my cock inside her over and over again.
"What are you doing?" My dad opened my bedroom door and I stared at him, wondering why he was so mad. "I always knew you were a faggot! Goddamn it, Ashley! I knew it!"
I didn't understand. I thought he'd be happy since I was fucking one of the hottest girls in school. A cheerleader no less. Fucking her hard the way a teenage boy should. Why would he call me a faggot for that?
"You feel so good, Ashley! I'm going to cum, baby!" I tore my eyes from my father and saw that I wasn't fucking Petra at all ... Dan was fucking me!
I blinked at him and looked down my body. I looked the same as I always did, except I had a pussy now and Dan was fucking his cock inside it. I had my legs spread around him and I was lifting my butt off my bed to meet his thrusts. It felt so good, I couldn't help it. I wanted him to fuck me. And my father was still yelling, and Dan told me he was cumming, and then I was cumming too!
"Ohhh fuck..." I woke up damp with sweat and confused, looking around in the darkness. "Oh God."
I was wet with semen, my white briefs full of warm cum and sticky. I didn't move, I just laid there on my back and most of my dream had already started to fade away. Petra changing into Dan, I still remembered that though. My dad yelling at me, calling me names, I remembered that part too. It was a weird dream, a bad dream, but it had still made me cum. I looked at my alarm clock and it wasn't even three in the morning yet and now I was wide awake.
"Hey, Ashley."
"Hey, Roger."
We started walking to school and I'd made it on time today, so we could take sort of just mosey along slowly the way we usually did.
"What are we gonna do tonight?" my best friend asked me, since it was Friday and we always did something together on the weekends.
Usually we'd rent some movies and hang out at either his house or mine. Eat pizza and popcorn and talk about all the meaningless stuff that seems so important when you're just a kid trying to grow up. Saturdays we'd go to the mall, see a movie and check out the video store, blow our allowances at the arcade, stuff like that. Neither one of us had a job yet, but it was coming. My dad brought it up every now and then, just like Roger's parents did. That was our life and it rarely changed.
"Uh, I kinda have to go somewhere tonight," I said and I hadn't even thought about what I'd say to Roger.
"Go where?" he asked reasonably and I thought about lying, but he'd know if I did and that would make it even worse. Sometimes it felt like we were married or something and this was one of those times.
"To a party," I shrugged, trying to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal.
"A party? Like what, a birthday party?" he wondered and I kinda laughed. We were both pretty naive, but Roger a little more than me, maybe.
"No, um, you know Tori?" I asked and of course Roger did, every boy in school knew Tori, duh! "She's having a party."
"You're going to her party?" he stared at me. "Oh man! She invited you?"
"Yeah," I nodded and Roger had to think about that for a second.
"Why not?" I frowned at him. "What's wrong with me?"
"Nothing," he snorted. "Except she doesn't even know you're alive!"
"Well, I guess she does now," I said and I felt the tension between us.
I'd felt it before too, like at the mall if some girls talked to me, because sometimes they did, if they smiled or whatever, Roger would get pissed. I was always too shy to do anything about it anyway, but it was like there was this ... thing ... about me being better looking than him, or more popular, or something. It was all garbage and I didn't feel that way at all, but he did, see? It was probably one of the reasons I was shy in the first place, because I hung out with him all time ... Or something. I didn't know, except I didn't like it when Roger acted this way.
"Oh," he said, "I get it now. It's that new guy, huh? He's going, right?"
"So?" I started walking faster, like I'd get away from him.
"So ... Yeah, you're going with him?" Roger asked. "Tori asked him and he asked you, didn't he?"
"Yeah, he asked me if I wanted to go," I answered. "But I'm just going so I can explain to him..."
"Yeah, right," he shook his head.
"I swear! Come on, the guy won't leave me alone, okay?" I was practically begging Roger to understand. "I told him I'd go to this party and after that, it's done. He has to leave me alone."
"So what does a party have to do with it?" Roger asked and I didn't know what to say.
"It's complicated," I frowned. "I don't need a hard time, okay? I don't want to go to this party anyway."
"Right," Roger breathed and he knew I was lying about that. Of course I wanted to go to Tori's house. Sonja was gonna be there too and Petra ... God! Yeah, I was lying, but Roger also knew I wasn't lying about the other stuff.
"Anyway, probably they just wanna make fun of me," I sighed and that was a real worry too.
"Nah," Roger shook his head. "Not after what happened to Billy. Did you see him? He's got like two black eyes and his nose is broken. It looks like a pomato."
"A pomato?" I laughed.
"Yeah, you know, shaped like a potato, but red like a tomato," he laughed. "Pomato!"
"Does it?" I grinned at that. "I didn't see him yet."
"Yeah," Roger said and we were okay again, but only for a second. "Okay, so Saturday we'll go see that alien movie, right?"
"Uh, Saturday?" I sighed.
"What?" he looked at me suspiciously.
"We got a barbecue thing Saturday," I said. "Some guy my dad works with and his family are coming over. I gotta help get ready and I dunno, like make friends with their kids and stuff."
"A barbecue?" Roger smiled and at least he hadn't caught on that I wasn't telling him everything. "And you didn't invite me?"
"Aw, it's gonna be boring probably," I shrugged.
"Yeah, but it's better than being at my house," he said and Roger was basically inviting himself and that wasn't gonna be cool at all if he showed up and saw Dan there.
"Nah, really," I said. "It's gonna suck. Maybe Saturday night, okay? I'll ask my mom if I can stay over at your place or something."
"Okay," he agreed, "but you gotta pay for the pizza this time!"
"What?" I gave him a little shove. "I paid last time! You were supposed to pay half, remember?"
"No way, that was at your house! We're talking about my house now!" Roger laughed and gave me a shove back.
We basically pushed each other the rest of the way to school and it was pretty fun.
School was amazingly normal for me, other than a few whispers and odd looks from the other kids. I could deal with that though and I guess it was mostly because Billy Felder really did look like a pomato. I felt bad for him, I really did, but I wasn't gonna say anything and he was avoiding me completely. I wondered if Dan had gotten in trouble for punching the boy, I hoped not, but it sure looked like the sort of thing a kid would get suspended for.
My good mood ended at lunch though.
"Hey, Ashley! Are you gonna sit with us today?" Tori asked me and I somehow found myself walking between her and Petra.
"Come on, please?" Petra giggled and that girl liked to stick out her tongue, just the tip of it wriggling like a worm on a hook and I was begging to be reeled in.
"Oh, um..." I smiled at them, looking left and right, " ... I'm gonna sit with Roger."
"Roger?" Petra gave me a blank look.
"Yeah." I kinda pointed to where my best friend was already sitting.
"Oh, that Roger," she nodded and all three of us were looking at him which made Roger turn a little pale.
"Well..." Tori shrugged and glanced at Petra, " ... he can sit with us too. Maybe."
"Yeah, that would be okay ... Sorta," Petra agreed without much enthusiasm and I felt bad then.
"Nah, that's alright," I forced myself to smile at the girls. "He's kind of shy."
"Anyway, we'll see you at the party, right?" Tori asked me.
"Yeah," I agreed and she gave me a smile that made my legs weak. I was already scared out of my mind just talking to those two, desperately hoping I wouldn't say something stupid or trip over my own feet, or do any of a thousand other dumb things.
"Great!" Petra gave me a smile of her own and it was just getting worse. "We want to hear all about you and Dan!"
"All about it!" Tori agreed, dragging the words out and she was a serious tease.
"I heard he's really big," Petra said, leaning forward and more or less whispering the words in my ear. "Have you checked him out yet?"
"W-What?" I felt my face burning as I stared at her.
"His cock, silly!" she giggled.
"I bet it's huge," Tori grinned at me.
"I don't know," I swallowed hard.
"Well, you better find out!" Petra said.
"Inquiring minds want to know!" Tori agreed and then they were leaving me to sit back down with their friends.
I kind of stood there for a few seconds, staring after them, and then finally realized I looked like an idiot and moved to sit with Roger.
"What was that all about?" my friend asked me and I just shook my head.
"You don't wanna know, dude," I told him seriously. "Those girls are nice to look at, but..."
"Did they say anything about me?" Roger asked, looking over at them.
"No," I said and that was about as much answer as I could find.
"You guys were looking at me," he insisted. "What were they saying?"
"I told them I was gonna sit with you, cause you're my best friend," I opened my lunch. "So they looked."
"Oh." Roger made a face, like he was disappointed or something. "So, you're like friends with them now, huh?" he asked me and I shook my head.
"No. They think I'm gay," I said, lowering my voice. "All they care about is Dan."
"Oh," he grinned at that. "You think they like gay guys?"
"What?" I laughed. "Are you gonna turn queer so you can go out with a cheerleader?"
"Uh..." Roger laughed too.
"You're so weird, dude."
"Me?" he shook his head, "You looked in a mirror lately?"
"What's that mean?" I asked, but he had a point. I'd been acting pretty weird myself, except it was totally not my fault.
"Hey beautiful," Dan said suddenly and we hadn't seen him coming. "I mean, Ashley. Sorry, I forgot."
"Hi," I blinked at him, but he didn't look very sorry and I suddenly remembered my dream, so I looked down quickly.
"I just..." Dan cleared his throat, " ... I was passing by. Gonna sit over there, you know."
"Yeah," I lifted my eyes and I couldn't help but smile, it was so obvious he wanted to sit down with me, but he'd promised to behave.
"Yeah," he nodded. "Hey! How come you didn't tell me we were gonna have two dates?" Dan asked in a teasing voice. "That wasn't very nice."
"Two dates?" I narrowed my eyes, not understanding what he meant immediately.
"Yeah. The barbecue tomorrow?" Dan smiled. "You coulda told me yesterday when we were at the lake."
"Oh, I guess..." I licked my lips and made an apologetic face, " ... It slipped my mind. Sorry."
"Uh-huh," he said playfully. "I'm gonna have to watch out for that, huh?"
"Maybe," I laughed lightly, kind of forgetting everything for a second.
"Okay, I'll remember that. I'm gonna go eat. By myself. See you later, Ash," Dan said and I kind of almost waved, sorta. He wasn't gonna be lonely, all his jock friends were watching us.
"He's coming to your barbecue?" Roger stared at me and now he was seriously pissed. "You went to the lake with him? And now he's coming to your house?"
"Roger..." I stared at him and he was talking kind of loud.
"You are a fag!" he shook his head. "I shoulda known."
"Roger, come on! Please? Don't go, talk to me! I can explain..." I said, but he was already leaving with everyone in the cafeteria watching and wondering what that was all about.
I felt like I was dying inside because I knew I'd hurt my best friend. Really hurt him when he found out I'd lied about Saturday, about who was coming over to my house. I hadn't told him it was going to be Dan and his family. That lie was proof to Roger that everything else was a lie too, whether it really was or not. We'd never lied to each other before, but now I had and the one constant in our universe, our trust, was gone.
I thought I was going to be sick.
"It's hard when you have to break up, isn't it?"
"What?" I looked up to see Petra standing there, all by herself.
"Is he jealous?" she asked and I just shook my head. "You're better off with Dan anyway, he's really great. That other guy..."
"Who?" she asked, sitting down next to me.
"His name's Roger and he isn't my boyfriend," I said. "He's my best friend."
"Oh," Petra shrugged. "Here..." she was opening her purse.
"You're crying," she pressed a tissue into my hand and smiled gently. "Good thing you're not wearing makeup."
"Oh," I frowned and yeah, I was sorta crying and I didn't even know it. Mostly it was frustration.
"Come on, you gotta stop that," she told me. "You don't want Dan to see you crying over some other guy."
"This is crazy," I said, blinking hard and wiping at my eyes. I wasn't sobbing or anything. My eyes were just a little wet.
"It's like that sometimes," Petra giggled. "Especially if your best friend is a boy! That never works, trust me. It's an amateur mistake."
"Amateur mistake?" I half-laughed and I felt so confused right then that it hurt.
I thought maybe I should go after Roger, but that would have been bad probably. He had to cool off first and I was a coward anyway, to tell the truth. I was afraid to see him again.
"See?" Petra put a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "This is why we need to talk with you."
"It is?" I looked at her. "Why?"
"Cause you definitely don't know what you're doing!" she laughed at me. "Come on, sit over here with us."
"Umm okay..." I agreed slowly, just because she was right, I didn't have a clue what I was doing anymore and I didn't want to sit alone.
I needed to be with someone, that's what it was. Someone who could understand and explain it to me. I wanted sympathy and friends. I wanted Roger back. He was my best friend and I was hurting inside. Petra seemed to understand, except she didn't, not really and I knew that. She was being my friend though and that's what I wanted right then, and so that's why I found myself sitting with Petra, Sonja, and Tori a minute later, explaining to them why Roger had gotten mad. Trying to make them understand that he wasn't my boyfriend and I wasn't gay, and all of this was just a big mistake.
They listened to me, giving me sympathetic smiles and nodding their heads. The three most beautiful girls in school, maybe in the whole town, touching my shoulders, my knees with their fingertips. Sonja took my hands in hers, telling me everything was going to be okay. It seemed like a dream come true wrapped up in a nightmare. They were so nice to me, saying they understood completely, and that was so weird because I didn't understand any of it.
"If he was really your best friend, he wouldn't get jealous," Tori decided. "I have some friends, you know, boy friends, not boyfriends, and they don't get jealous."
"Yeah, but Ashley never had a real boyfriend before," Sonja said. "So of course her friend's going to get jealous. He wants to be with her too ... I mean, him too ... With Ashley ... Sorry."
They giggled at Sonja's mistake and it was amazing to see the girl blush. She seemed so perfect, I just didn't think she'd even know how to be embarrassed.
"It's okay," I shrugged and I'd started feeling better anyway.
Lunchtime was almost over and I dreaded going to my afternoon classes. Roger sat next to me in all of them, except gym class, but we didn't do a lot of sitting in that one anyway. I really wasn't ready for the anger and resentment I knew was coming, just like I wasn't ready to try and explain something to Roger that he'd never understand. I didn't even understand.
"You'd be really pretty as a girl," Petra said, taking my chin in her fingers and turning my face. "Heck, you're pretty already. You ever try some makeup?"
"No!" I laughed nervously.
"Not a lot," she smiled. "Just some lipstick, some eye shadow maybe. You have really nice lashes."
"He's a boy, not a girl," Tori grinned at me. "Right?"
"Definitely," I agreed.
I have to admit that despite my confusion and worry over Roger, I was loving this attention from Sonja and her friends. Those three girls were just focused on me and it felt great, except I was incredibly nervous, of course, but even that was passing. I was becoming friends with them and that idea filled me with a happy sense of relief that seemed almost unbearable.
"That doesn't mean he can't look nice," Petra said to Tori and then she looked at me, "I bet Dan would love it if you just made yourself up a little. You could even dress up, if you wanted to."
"What?" I looked at her closely, thinking she had to be teasing me and Petra's doe eyes were smiling into mine. I saw nothing bad there, no malice or anything. She was serious and sincere.
"Oh, yeah!" Sonja clapped her hands with a giggle and Tori was grinning too.
"I bet he'd fit in one of my outfits," Tori said and I wasn't so naïve that I didn't know what they were talking about.
"Yeah! You guys are like the same size, it's perfect!" Petra nodded. "We could all wear our cheer uniforms tonight!"
"Hold on a second," I smiled at them, feeling my face redden and I was getting pretty used to that lately. "I'm a boy, remember? I told you guys, I'm not even gay."
"It's just playing," Tori had her hand on my thigh, stroking me lightly. "Just try it, Ashley, please? It'll be so much fun!"
"You don't know until you try," Petra nodded. "You might really like it."
"It won't hurt, Ashley," Sonja promised me and she touched my shoulder, leaning so close that I could smell her baby powder. Peaches and cream, just like my mom's. "If you don't like it, we won't make you do it. I promise."
"Please, Ash? It'll be so cool seeing you dressed up," Tori's hand slid higher, like she was reaching for my cock, I swear. Her hand was right there, just an inch away and she pushed her fingers down, between my thighs with a smile.

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