Maxoskin free porn video

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MAXOSKIN by Erin Shoemaker, Jr. On the TV came a picture of a man and woman sitting far apart on a couch. They were glaring at each other with disdain. The commercial's announcer began, "Maxoskin! Yes - Maxoskin! It's the revolutionary new product for men guaranteed to increase your sensitivity and stamina." The next scene was the same man and woman in an embrace - kissing passionately. "Our scientists at Maxoskin have invented the ultimate product to help you increase your enjoyment. We guarantee complete satisfaction, or double your money back. And you can get a free sample today, simply by calling today 1-800-123-4567, or you can order online at" By now the scene had changed to the bed, with the woman leaning on her arm gazing longingly into the face of her lover. She looked up into the camera and said, "Ladies - you'll love it too," with a wry grin on her face as she bent down to kiss her man before the scene fades out." David sat on his couch watching this, and began to think - for him, always a dangerous thing to do. He turned to Jill, his significant other, and said, "Ya know, I wonder if that stuff works? I mean there are so many of these stupid commercials now, they're all over the airwaves - Exo-this, Derma-that... I wonder if there really is anything to 'em." "If you're so curious, Romeo, why don't you go order some?" she said sarcastically. "Besides, you could use a little help," and she started giggling. "You know, I ought to - just to show you.... In fact...." and David rose from the couch and stormed off to the phone in the kitchen. Jill could hear him talking, and in a minute he called to her, "Honey, bring me my wallet..." She knew that this meant he needed his debit card to make the purchase. "Oh you've got to be kidding," she cried back. "Just do it, Goddamit!" he ordered. She did as requested, and soon David's order for his free trial of Maxoskin was placed. * * * * * * About a week later, David entered his home to see Jill standing at the base of the stairs, dressed in a very revealing teddy. As he began to smell the incense, he smiled, and then began to laugh. "What's this all about?" as he dropped his briefcase and began to take off his coat. "Well Baby... Your sex cream came today - I thought we could give it a try." And she approached him and smiled broadly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He laughed even louder and said, "Not now - I've got a headache." "Oh you bastard," she laughed as she gently slapped his cheek. Remembering the line from Scrooged, he said, "Hummm - you like the rough stuff huh? Me too!" and he picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs to the bedroom like a medieval knight carrying a fair maiden up to his tower. He tossed her roughly on the bed, and sat down to remove his shoes and other accoutrements. She sat up, reached toward the nightstand, and picked-up the box of Maxoskin. "Let me see that," he said, but she whipped it away from his reach. So he jumped on top of her, and roughly took it from her. He opened the box and removed a plain white plastic tube, with a snap cap. He pried the cap up and lifted it to his nose to smell it. "Humm - that really doesn't smell too bad. In fact, it smells kinda pretty - kinda girlish..." "Let me see," she demanded as she grabbed for it. He handed her the tube and picked-up the box and began to read it. On the front was a silhouetted couple facing a sunset with their arms around each other. 'Odd,' he thought because it looked very androgynous - almost like it was two women rather than a man and woman. It read: MAXOSKIN The ultimate in men's fantasies Guaranteed to increase your pleasure! 'Oh well,' he thought as he turned it over to read the back. Jill echoed his sentiment about its smell, and added, "Yeah - smells kinda like lilac." On the back of the box, David immediately noticed the large RED warning label. It read: WARNING CALL BEFORE USING This product is designed for temporary assistance to couples experiencing sexual dysfunction. It is not intended for prolonged use. Use of this product may have unexpected results. Some of these results may be permanent. By using this product, the consumer explicitly and implicitly agrees to hold harmless Maxoskin, Inc., or any its employees and officers. For male use only. It is strongly suggested you call our toll free number: 1-800-123-4567 for complete product information prior to use. And a little further down, after the directions, he read: GUARANTEE Although the use of this product might produce unexpected results, we guarantee that the original purchaser will be completely satisfied with the results, and your organisms will be greater, more satisfying, and more frequent than you currently enjoy. If you are unsatisfied with this product in any way, simply return the unused portion to us for a double your cost refund. No other guarantees are expressed or implied. 'Wow,' he thought. He turned to her and said, "Did you read this? It sounds kinda creepy." "No," she said. Then suddenly she attacked him, tearing off his shirt and wrestling his pants off him in a blurred haze of activity. "Come on big boy," and she started to laugh, "or soon to be big boy...." Soon they were deep into it (so to speak). Getting carried away, they forgot all about the Maxoskin, but then suddenly she remembered it, "Oh shit," she said, "We forgot the cream!" She reached over to the nightstand, and grabbed the tube. Opening the cap, she squirted a large gob on her hand, and then slowly took his penis and began to message the goop into him. He almost immediately responded, and lay back and moaned as she continued to work it. "Holy shit," she said, "this stuff really works!" and he leaned forward to see his unit a full ten inches long if it was an inch. Two or three more treatments, and he was about to go out of his mind. He had never experienced sex so intense and mind-blowing before. He rolled her over, and literally jumped on her, inserting his now throbbing member deep into her moistened femininity. "Oh God!" she cried as she felt his penis was about to puncture her internal anatomy. On and on they went, enjoying every minute of the greatly prolonged affair. Jill shivered and clamped frequently to yet another orgasm - each time driven to new heights of pleasure. Finally he exploded in her, pressing against her so hard he thought they were going to blow right through the mattress onto the floor beneath. He shuddered and continued to spasm for what seemed like two minutes. The he collapsed off to her side, and lay completely worn-out. They both lay on their back, covered in sweat and panting wildly. "Christ almighty!" he said in between breathes, "that was incredible." Her simple reply was, "No shit!" * * * * * * David pulled into the driveway and parked his car. As he entered the house, there again, standing at the base of the stairs, was Jill in her teddy. She was smiling broadly. As she crept toward him, she asked, "Guess what came in the mail today?" It only took about two seconds for him to understand the meaning of her question - his second order hand come. Soon they were back at it, but this time they didn't forget the enhancement cream. And again, as they had been after already using up their first full order of goop, they were blown away by the intensity and duration of the experience. After finishing [finally] David grabbed the tube. As with the free sample, there was no writing on it - only a plain simple white plastic tube. Although this was a larger tube than the sample, he found himself already becoming worried about running out. And so they continued to enjoy the incredible sex. Night after night - day after day for that matter. They couldn't get enough. But after a couple of weeks, David began to notice something - It was taking more of the cream to elicit the same response as before. However, Jill began to notice that she was receiving less and less satisfaction during their bouts of passion. Needless to say, both he and Jill began to become very concerned, more and more, about running out. And sure enough, it wasn't too long before only a spurt of the cream came out as she squeezed it. "Shit," she said, "we've run out." "Oh no," David exclaimed as he suddenly felt a severe tugging at his psyche. Asking her rhetorically, "Should I order some more?" She only smiled wryly at him, knowing she really didn't have to answer. So he rose, and walked over to the computer terminal and logged into his [new] account at Maxoskin. He went through the motions of ordering another tube, but as he moved to the checkout screen, he noticed that now the price had increased to over $500. "What the hell is this?" he said as he pointed at the screen. Jill rose and joined him, looking down at the monitor. "Five hundred dollars?" she cried. "What the hell - we can't afford that..." In the lower corner of the screen, David noticed a small script which read: For pricing information here "Oh here," he said as he moved the cursor to the script and double clicked it. After a few seconds, the screen blanked and up popped a screen which read: PRICING INFORMATION - WARNING Maxoskin is provided to the customer as a free sample to entice our customers to become more sexually active. If you are reading this screen, then you have already ordered at least two treatments. Maxoskin is designed to provide a TEMPORARY SOLUTION ONLY to couples experiencing sexual dysfunction. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU CEASE THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT CALL US BEFORE ORDERING Continued use may have highly unexpected and unusual results, including sexual addiction, chronic desires to masturbate, and/or aberrant physical effects. If you wish to continuing to use Maxoskin, prices are on a sliding scale depending upon how many treatments you have had. TREATMENT NO. COST PER 15 OZ. TUBE 1 (sample) $35.00 2 $35.00 3 $500.00 4 $5000.00 5 $25000.00 "Well that's the shits!" exclaimed David. "Look - first they get you hooked on this stuff, and then they start charging you an arm and a leg. What the hell? I mean this is the most fantastic sex I've ever had, but this is ridiculous." "Look Hun - just forget it - we'll just have to go back to the way we used to do it," said Jill sympathetically. "Are you sure - we could go for one more tube if you think we really want it..." he replied after thinking about it for a minute. She only stared at him. "I suppose we could do one more, but there goes the vacation this summer," she finally sighed to him. The continued to look at each other, and in a few minutes both grinned at the same time, and he said, "OK let's do it." He completed his order for one final tube of Maxoskin. * * * * * * The few days it took for his order to clear and to get delivered were agony. He and Jill attempted to have sex, but were sorely disappointed with the results. Apparently Maxoskin had no lasting effects, and it was soon rather obvious that his size was diminishing rapidly. Jill on the other hand, seemed to become more and more obsessed with foreplay, essentially throwing him off until she already had several orgasms. Obviously this was very frustrating to David, and the he began to become short with her (no pun intended). But finally the day arrived, and the third treatment was there. It turned out to be a Friday, so the two looked forward to a full weekend of unbridled passion. However, the both noticed that the box containing the tube was covered with the same warning on all sides. It didn't even have the product name anywhere. WARNING - WARNING - WARNING It is strongly advised to not use this project. If you are receiving this package, you already have been repeatedly warned to cease use. DO NOT TAKE THIS WARNING LIGHTLY CALL IMMEDIATELY. Having been warned, you are again cautioned that the Management and Staff of Maxoskin assume no liability of any kind for your continued use of this product. "Yeah - look at this shit," he said. "I just paid $500 for this stuff, and I sure as hell am gonna use it." "Maybe we should think about this a bit," Jill replied. "Did you ever call the help line?" In typical male fashion, he reacted quickly to any thought of someone questioning his manhood. "No - I don't need them to tell me how to have sex... Come on, let's get to it..." he said as he almost yanked her off her feet and up the stairs. Soon they were again in the maddened throes of sexual bliss. He felt frustrated as Jill continued to want more and more foreplay, while his newly restored erection sought only the warm comfort of her internal anatomy. But interestingly, each time he had to cool off to please her desires to be manipulated, his penis seemed to immediately shrink back to an even smaller size. It would take another dose of the cream to reserve his waning unit. And so when she had finally had enough, it took almost a full hand of the stuff to get him to respond at all. But finally he did, and once again they both achieved the most mind-blowing orgasm imaginable. As he flopped back onto his side of the bed, panting, his penis almost immediately began to shrink. No post-mortem twitching, no last drop of fluid, nothing - just an immediate [and rather discomforting] withdrawal to what one would expect to see with a ten year old. Jill on the other hand, lay in rapture, almost unable to think clearly when he voiced his concerns. "Don't worry, honey," she said dreamily. "We've still got our magic cream - and you will once again rise to the heights of ..." but before she could finish, he was snoring away next to her. Indignant at her being ignored, she quickly rose and moved to the bathroom to shower. Upon her return, she looked at him still snoring away on the bed. She approached and sat down next to him. Something was different about him. As she touched his arm, it felt softer and smoother than she was accustomed to. "Oh well," she said, "let him sleep it off," and she went downstairs to begin dinner. David never did wake up that night. Jill had tried repeatedly to arouse him, er... that is, to wake him up - not the other - but it was to no avail. He would only sigh and moan, and turn over in the bed. Finally, after three tries, she gave up, and stayed downstairs with the television. It was well after midnight when she finally came up to bed. There was the noisy hulk, still sleeping away, snoring to such a degree that the bed was physically rattling. 'Forget it,' she said to herself, realizing that she would never be able to sleep with that racket. So she went back downstairs to sleep on the couch. * * * * * * Jill awoke fairly early for a Saturday morning, especially one in which she had exerted so much physical energy. She yawned and stretched just before calling, "Honey are you up?" There was no reply. So she rose and went into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. As she scooped the coffee into the basket, suddenly she heard a loud but muffled cry coming from upstairs. It startled her so much, she dropped the coffee grounds all over the kitchen floor. She looked down and said, "Shit!" but the sound came again. Concerned, she began to rapidly move up the stairs, but about half way up, David came to the top and was looking down at her. He was in his boxers, and had a horrible look on his face. "What's all the racket?" she asked him. "It's my dick," he said. "I think it shrunk!" She started laughing. "Of course it's shrunk numb-nuts. It doesn't stay that big forever." "No I'm serious," he said, "look!" and he pulled his shorts down to expose the nub of a penis he was now sporting. "And look," he cried, "my scrote is smaller too." She giggled, but then quickly recovered as she saw the angst he was experiencing. "I'm sure it will be OK," she said as she climbed up to him. "Come on, let's see if we can get that nasty boy back out into the world." Forgetting all about the coffee, she took him by the hand and led him back to the bedroom. He lay on the bed, as she walked around to the other side. 'Odd,' she though to herself, 'He looks thinner too...' But she was soon coaxing the [almost} missing appendage back into life. She reached for the Maxoskin, and gave a mighty squirt into her hand. It was the last of the tube - It had only lasted twice. Preoccupied at the moment, she began to message him, but quickly moved the proceedings over to him once again to manipulate her. Again he tried to climb aboard, but was again rebuffed by her as she only desired more hugging, snuggling and kissing [not to mention the other thing...]. As she rubbed him, she began to become aware of a change in his texture. His skin felt smoother and more padded - less hair. As their legs rubbed, she could feel the same smoothness as her own legs. And the more she thought about it, the more she was getting turned on. She loved the feeling of smooth and soft against her own, and she began to fantasize about making love to him without a single hair on this body. The thoughts became overwhelming, until again and again she orgasmed at the idea. Eventually she gave him the green light, and waved him home. By this time she was so lubricated that in spite of his reduced size, he had no trouble entering her. On and on he went, but seemed to be getting nowhere. Eventually, he became so worn out that he collapsed back onto the bed, while Jill, still hung in her previous ecstasy, hardly even realized he had stopped. Almost immediately, David again fell into the sleep of the dead, while Jill, snapping out of her dreamlike state, became annoyed at the sound. She rose, and again proceeded to shower up. Upon returning to the room, she noticed a more significant change in her spouse. Not only did he seem physically smaller, but she could swear that his waist had thinned, and his rear-end seemed more pronounced. As before she sat down next to him, and stroked his arm. The thick brown hair he had always sported appeared to have been replaced by light and blond hairs. She bent over to look closely, but as she did, she began to again feel the twinge of excitement as she stroked his smooth skin. Her head began to swim; so much so that she had to stop. She shook her head radically back and forth, and her mind eventually cleared. And so she stood, and left the room, once again relegated to the world of downstairs. After a while, she heard David rummaging around upstairs, and in the matter of a couple of minutes, heard him descending the stairs. She was in the kitchen getting a cup of coffee after cleaning up the previous mess. As she turned to see him standing in the doorway, she almost dropped her coffee mug. Standing there was David, but it wasn't David - if you know what I mean. He had changed. He appeared shorter, his hair was much longer and lighter, and she could swear she could detect breasts under his baggy t-shirt. Her mouth dropped open as she cried, "What the hell has happened to you?" He rubbed his [now] smooth face, and replied, "What do you mean?" But the voice that came out of his mouth was not one either of them recognized. It was much higher, with the smallest hint of a lisp. "What the...." he cried as he grabbed his throat. She walked over to him and gazed at his face. His eyes appeared larger and eyelashes much longer. His lips were fuller, and even his previously rather prominent nose had been reduced. She touched his check with her hand to feel its complete lack of facial hair, and said, "Say something else..." "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country," he said in his new feminine voice. Then, "Holy shit - what's going on?" "Take off your shirt," she commanded of him, and he complied. She gasped as she saw his nipples and aureole much larger and darker than before. She rubbed them, and he jumped a little while exclaiming, "Oh - that tickles." Then she looked down to see that his waist had indeed continued to shrink, and as she spun him around, was shocked to see his rather robust rear-end sticking out from his boxers. She dropped to her knees and pulled his shorts down, as he turned back toward her. "Holy cow," she cried as she saw that his John Thomas was severely reduced in size - both length and girth. "Hey," he cried as he bent over to pull his shorts back up. "What the hell is happening to me?" he asked her, but she could only stare. Finally, it dawned on her - "It must be the Maxoskin.... I told you to call them - now look what's happened." He stood as if struck by lightening. "Come on...," he finally said, and the two of them darted upstairs. There he switched on his computer and logged into his Maxoskin account. After entering his account information and hitting the screen went blank, and in about 10 seconds suddenly lit-up with the large words, in red: PROCEDURES FOR FURTHER TREATMENTS You have chosen to disregard our previous warnings about continued use of Maxoskin. At this point, it is likely you and your partner are experiencing some changes. This is perfectly natural with the continued use of this product. You now have a choice to make: ? You can stop all Maxoskin use. This option will prevent any further changes, but will not reverse those already occurring. You will remain as you are. We strongly advise against this option. ? You can continue the treatments with Maxoskin, and eventually become a whole new, but fully functional, person. Note that both you and your significant other will continue toward a new and happier relationship, and as guaranteed, you will enjoy more intense and prolonged relationships with each other. Please note that previous costs quoted at this website were intended to dissuade further use. To complete your transition, you will require two additional treatments. Currently the cost of each of these treatments is: $ 1,000 Please select your option by clicking on one of the buttons above and hitting The two of them sat dumbfounded. "What should we do?" he asked her. Jill sat down on the bed with a blank look on her face. She stared at the floor, and in a few minutes said, "Well, I guess we need to decide just how important sex is to us. I mean, if you stay as you are, it means pretty much that you may be able to satisfy me, but you will never be satisfied, right? You already couldn't finish up the last time." He sat thinking, and eventually said, "Yeah, I guess your right. So do you think we could go on, and not have good sex anymore?" Without hesitation, she replied angrily, "Forget it!" And then, without even thinking about it, she said, "Look, this stuff has been fantastic, right? I don't want these feelings to end. I want and need you to touch me and rub me, and, well, you know.... What about you?" He sat for a minute and then answered, "Yeah - I guess. But what does this all mean? I'm changing, but what the heck am I changing into? And what's happening to you? I don't see anything changing in you." "You're right," she said, "All I do know is that the sex we have been having has been incredible - don't think you can argue with that - and if they promise even better sex, then I say, let's go for it." "I don't know," he said warily. "It seems like I'm the one giving up something here. I say, let's hold off and think about this a bit. Besides, how am I gonna explain this at work. I already look like a freak..." Jill's mind was already light-years ahead. She was not in the least concerned about his job. She had become so addicted, that all she could think about was allowing the incredible sex to continue. Within seconds, she knew what she had to do. "OK sweetie," she said. "Let's sleep on it and decide later." (no pun intended again) David turned back to the monitor, and quickly got back to his home page without making a choice. "OK then," he said, "I'm gonna get cleaned up a bit, then, what do ya say we go out for a nice dinner?" "Sounds wonderful," she replied as she watched him remove a clean pair of shorts from the drawer and enter the bathroom. But as soon as she heard the shower water running, she rushed over the computer, booted it up, and was soon back at the Maxoskin site. Logging into his account, she again found the decision page, and without any hesitation, selected the button to continue treatments, and then requested Next Day Air delivery. Boom! She had put both treatments on her VISA card, and just as she completed the transaction, she heard the water stop. She turned the machine off, rushed back to the bed, and lay down as if nothing happened. * * * * * * The rest of the weekend was spent in agony, at least for David. Jill already knew the course of her action, but played along innocently. Soon it was Sunday night, and still no decision had been made. Tomorrow was a work day, and he would have to face his colleagues in his new altered state. That morning he tried to dress as manly as possible. He got out his three piece suit and red power tie, combed his increasing long hair back, and tucked it into his collar. Soon he was off to work. Jill spent the day sitting on pins and needles. She anticipated that the Maxoskin would arrive that day, but hoped it would come before David got home. Sure enough, about 2:00, a big brown van pulled up in front of the house, and up the walk clamored the delivery guy. After the obligatory greetings and signature, she took possession of two new tubes of Maxoskin. Now she had a dilemma - how could she get David to go along with it, when she knew of his reticence? She could be honest, and just tell him she did it. She could try to convince him to continue its use and then spring it on him. She could even try some subterfuge on him. Yes that would spare his feelings, she would try that. David arrived home at about 4:00. Jill already had their supper in the oven, and so the two of them sat in the living room together. He told her that his co-workers all noticed the changes in him, especially his voice, and that he was the butt of much ridicule all day long. Nevertheless, she again broached the subject of Maxoskin in an attempt to convince him. But he was still unsure. So it was that she embarked upon her plot. Jill had already been deliberately forcing drinks on him by the time dinner was ready. He was clearly three sheets to the wind, when upon finishing, she gave him a special dessert - one of his favorites - a hot fudge sundae. Because of his inebriated condition, he was completely unable to detect the taste of the six sleeping tablets she had crushed and added to the fudge. He downed it happily, and soon was swooning in an attempt to stay awake. She led him upstairs, essentially holding him up while giggling and making a joke of it. There she led him to the bed and began to undress him. He lay naked in his semi-conscious stupor while Jill prepared the coup-de-gras. She undressed, and removed the next tube of Maxoskin from the end table drawer. Then she began his "treatment". Soon he was lost in a hazy, whirlwind world of too much alcohol, petty downers, and the feeling of her warm body rubbing against his. He responded almost by rote; messaging her privates the whole time she continued to supply doses of Maxoskin. Again and again she orgasmed, but as much as she coaxed and cajoled, she just couldn't seem to get him hard. But ya know - she really didn't care - she was lost in her own world of physical ecstasy. She shuddered and squeezed and moaned as he, without even thinking about it, continued to manipulate her. Finally she exploded in a spasm of pleasure, collapsing back onto the bed beside him. There she lay, out of breath, absolutely spent. She turned over to him, but he was already out - snoring away again. She sat up, shook her head back into reality, and began to clean-up the mess. It was then that she realized she had used up the entire tube of Maxoskin. The following morning, David awoke and noticed it was much lighter out than usual. He turned to the clock to see the time, only to find that he had overslept - by several hours. He sat up quickly, and then it hit him - his head felt like it was stuffed with red-hot cotton. His mouth was coated with thick white goop. His thoughts were hard to focus and he felt completely spent. He cried out in his new voice, "Jill! "Hey - why didn't you wake me?" From downstairs he heard her call up to him, "It's OK Honey - I knew you would have a hangover, so I called in sick for you. Go back to bed and sleep if off." He was relieved that he didn't have to go to work, but as usually, was concerned about what his friends there would say. Regardless, he lay back down, turned on his side, and quickly fell asleep again. He was awakened by Jill at about 6:00 that evening. She was sitting next to him on the bed, gently stroking the soft skin on his upper arm. He opened his eyes and smiled, and she grinned back and said, "Wake up Sweetie - you've slept the whole day away." "Ummmm," he moaned, but then was shocked awake by the sound of his new voice. "What the hell," he said in his new soft feminine tone. "Listen to me... I sound like a girl!" and he quickly sat up in the bed. It was then he realized he was still naked. As he rose, he noticed a strange feeling on his shoulders and back. He reached up and grabbed a hand full of his now long blonde hair. "Holy shit!" he said, "What's this all about...." Jill, having already observed his change, but not even realizing the changes in herself, didn't say a word as he bolted past her, and ran into the bathroom. There, as he stood in front of the full-length mirror, his knees just about gave way underneath him. He was looking at the reflection of some odd, feminized man - someone neither male nor female. His breasts were still small, but now sported distinctly female nipples. His hips had widened, but his waist had contracted. His hair was now long and blonde, and yes - OMG - his eyes had changed from brown to blue. He leaned into the mirror, rubbing his face with his hands as if he could wipe the changes away. And there, between his legs, a tiny helmet of a penis was still protruding, but there was no sign of his scrotum. "Aghhhh," he cried. "Look at me!" Jill only sat in silence. "Jill come in here - look at me!" he cried again. She finally relented, and walked slowly into the bathroom. As she turned the corner to see him, she felt a twinge of excitement grow within her. She immediately rushed to him, and taking him in her arms, tired to console her. "There there," she said, "it will be alright. This is just the latent effects of the Maxoskin. I bet it'll change over time, and you'll be right as rain soon enough." As she held him her hand began to rub the small of his back. She whimpered a bit, and her hands slid down onto his now rounded and pert ass. She gave a little squeeze, and he reacted by stiffening up. She pulled her head back, and looking into his now very pretty face, planted a bet wet one right on his mouth. Suddenly all his angst was gone, and he felt himself being swept away with the feel of her tongue in his mouth. He kissed her back, moaning in his new soft voice. It was no time at all before they were once again at it on the bed. She began to rub his breasts, which elicited an arching of his back and a long low sigh. Soon his new nipples were standing at attention, and he began to reciprocate her actions back to her. All thought of penetration seemed to be lost, as they continued to kiss, rub and well, rub some more. Finally, she said, "Just a minute," and she leaned over and removed the final tube of Maxoskin from the drawer. When he saw it, he began to protest, "Why you..." But before he could really even react, she had already slapped a handful of the stuff on his groin and was smoothly and passionately rubbing his little nub. He immediately lost any thought of protesting, and more and more began to thrust his pelvis forward to meet hers, but still his manhood was in hiding. Soon a slather of the stuff was being rubbed against both their privates, all the time taking them further and further from any kind of restraint or control. Louder and louder it got, the two female voices now moaning and crying in unison. Finally, Jill couldn't stand it anymore, and she took the tube and squirted it all over his body. She jumped on him, and the two of them began to slip and slide all over each other, rubbing the cream over their entire skin surface. As before Jill had almost continuous body-wrenching orgasms, but poor David seemed left out in the cold. She continued to rub him, but still no response from his unit. And so it was that before he was able to, shall we say, find some release, she had become worn-out and collapsed on the bed next to him. But for David, it didn't matter, he was once again sleeping the sleep of the dead. She looked over at him, and felt compassion and empathy for him as she stroked his cheek and moved his long blond hair away from his face. Then she leaned over and kissed him gently on the mouth before rising and going to the bathroom to clean-up. * * * * * * Jill had spent the night downstairs again, not being able to sleep with the cacophony of odd noises that issued forth from David. She again moved to the kitchen to make some coffee, when she heard a noise from behind her. She turned and dropped the can off coffee when she saw him. Standing before her in the doorway, was a perfectly proportioned young blonde woman. She was stunningly beautiful. Ample breasts transitioned to a flat stomach, narrow waist and smooth wider hips. Her thin arms and neck supported a cherub-like face with a tiny nose and full lips. Her dazing blue eyes looked sadly at her from behind the twinges of blond hair covering them. Below was the soft blonde delta of hair, hinting of her new underlying femininity. "Jill," she said in a now completely feminized voice, "look at me - I'm a girl!" Jill just stared. She didn't know what to say. "David, is that you?" she asked. "Of course it's me... How many naked women do you know that run around our house?" Jill approached him. As she did, she couldn't' take her eyes off him. He was absolutely perfect, and as she approached, felt that Maxoskin demon in the back of her mind come flooding forward. Without any conscious thought, she took him in her arms, and began to console him again. But the demon was now in charge. She took his arms, and moved them around herself. She then drew closer and kissed him hard on the mouth. He began to react and pull away, but then, his own demons surfaced. He was quickly whisked away in a confusion of intense desire, fear, and eventual surrender to his new feelings. He kissed her back, and soon the two of them were enraptured with each other. Jill broke away, and giggling, ran upstairs in a playful way, coaxing him to follow. He began to giggle as well, and soon the two women were in bed. It wasn't long before Jill reached for the Maxoskin, but then remembered it was all used up. It was then that she realized the changes that had occurred to her. She was no longer in love with David, but with this incredible creature that lay in her arms. The desire to love, and be loved, by this other woman had now completely supplanted all thoughts of the old David. Soon the both of them had several explosive orgasms, each one more intense and longer lasting that the first. Epilog: It wasn't long thereafter that Jill and Linda (as David was now called) moved to Hawaii. There they began a scuba and surfing school for mainlanders who want a bit of excitement while on vacation. They were able to get false papers for Linda, and soon all thoughts by his co- workers of the strange disappearance of David were soon only legend and mystery. However, the Customer Service folks at Maxoskin did receive a strongly worded letter of support from another pair of highly satisfied customers.

Same as Maxoskin Videos

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PornWorld Rebel Rhyder Takes Revenge on Ex by Filming DP Fuck with Father and His Friend

Having been recently left by her husband, Rebel Rhyder skipped work, stayed in bed, and has spent most of the day rubbing her clit because shes depressed. When her father walks into her room as she has her fingers knuckle deep in her pussy, shes instructed to get dressed and to come out to the living room where her fathers friend is hanging out. After briefly getting to know each other, the two decide to take revenge on their exes by filming themselves fucking. A bit later, the young stud is...

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Nurse Jane Part 2

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Mom Cuckolds Small Dicked Son

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Educating Danielle Part 6

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Sex With The Adibasi Girl

Hi all sex loving ladies and aunties, guys, girls. I m new to this room. Since I started liking this site I think I have to share my experience with all sex loving people. I’m Anu, my age 30,male,fair, I will share my first sex experience from a remote village of Bengal. From my childhood I studied from hostel and did know about sex. When I was in hostel that time during the monsoon holidays I went to my home. We had lot of cows in our house and I used to go to the field to graze the...

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Mother and I Have A Super Bowl Party Part II

Mother and I Have A Super Bowl Party, Part II By Sandy Brown Author's Note: I had this chapter filled with some my favorite, fun, feminine and flirty images. Unfortunately I have been advised that many of the images I have selected from the internet, even though widely distributed, are copyrighted. For those who would like to see the story with images, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Mother and I got up a little early and she sat me down with a bag...

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Me And Sam Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Thursday For once I awoke before the alarm went off. It had been a very good night's sleep. Well, after the brief nightmare, that is. I wasn't sure what would happen if Darla and Sam ever had a conversation. I was beginning to think that perhaps Sam wouldn't care at all. What had she been doing to occupy her time, I wondered? Angry with myself for wallowing, I thought perhaps a nice long shower would help. Although I didn't have a private bath as Darla did, I did have sole...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 4

Frank's attention was homed in on Karen during dinner that night. The young girl sat close to Bret, her thigh pressing his, or a hand brushing over his. Her attention belonged solely to Bret. Frank was aware of that fact whether the others were or not. And her father's attention was on her. But not now as she was seated there, but on the image of her naked body so willingly receiving Bret's young cock. It was an image that refused to leave Frank's mind. After returning to camp, he had...

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Disclaimer: More than meets the reader. *COUGH* Yeah, right. Warning: Contains adult material: such as nudity and suggestive dialogue. (|.|; How cute.) Discretion advised for the narrow-minded and those who pretend to be repulsed by their humanity for absolutely no reason at all. We were born to be naked! Live with it! Or is there a reasonable excuse for spying naked flesh when it's convenient for you? Weirdoes. Author's note: This concept has probably been used somewhere...

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I love my cousin sister

Have been a frequent reader and decided to post up an experience, one I had when I was 14.The summer following 9th grade, my parents decided I was old enough to travel internationally on my own. So two weeks after the last day of school, I hopped on a plane to visit my relatives over in India for two months. I was excited as hell to travel on my own, and I was looking forward to meet everyone after so long, having last visited the summer after 4th grade. I landed in India at 1 AM,...

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That Barbie Doll

When you work in advertising the whole name of the game is ideas, and the execution of those ideas. I had become a major partner in our agency by my sheer execution of ideas for our best customers. I was thought of as the hot shot by the controlling partner, but the name of the game in advertising is diversity. I had my own “idea guys and gals”, but I knew the Shiners, the controlling partners in Shiner & Shiner, were always trolling other agency’s for creative minds. When they added Dave...

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My Life As A Sex Toy Tester

“Where should I start?” I asked the pretty blonde journalist, named Megan, from Naughty and Nice Magazine.“From the beginning,” she suggested.So, I started from the beginning and told her everything. Including how I grew up on a farm in Lutz, Florida, where I spent my days cleaning up animal poop, raking hay, and feeding chickens. Not exactly the glamorous life! Thus, when I won a scholarship to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, I took it and ran!I also told her how, after I started college,...

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Magic Panties The Beginning

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 40 Another Beautiful Nerd

Lissa had gotten through her first day of school just fine, and eagerly awaited her second. She had a light schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which meant she would be finished with classes by 2:00 in the afternoon. Tuesday morning, she walked from her apartment to the campus, which was only three blocks away. Her first class was World History, in the humanities building. Though it didn't sound particularly thrilling, she figured since she had to take it to fulfill her General Ed...

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Kerri stared out of her bedroom window, looking at her suburban community. Her fingers tapped impatiently on the window sill as she waited for her neighbor to come outside. Sitting on the carpeted floor with only the top of her head visible to the outside world, Kerri's lustful eyes scanned her neighbor's backyard. Where was she? Kerri thought to herself. Kerri adjusted her body to become more comfortable, because she planned to wait. Minutes started to feel like hours and Kerri was feeling...

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My Complete Surrender

Hi there. I’m Charan from Chennai. Recently something erotic happened that I still can’t believe happened. I’m still shocked and my ass still hurts. I’ll get to that in a second!. Enjoy the story. I am an average looking boy of medium height and athletic body. This incident happened when I was going to college. I and my friend were waiting for the bus. We waited for a long time but still, there was no sign of the bus. “Shall we take an auto?” my friend suggested. I agreed so we went to the auto...

Gay Male
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The day she touched me was the day I started to feel. She brushed by me in the public library. She didn’t say a word. She didn’t turn to look at me. She kept on her way. Her long red hair swaying with each step. Her clothes fit her body perfectly. The 100% cotton held her curves and sweetly hugged her skin. Her perfume left a trail from my arm, where she brushed by me, to behind the book shelves and past old magazine racks. I stood there in a daze, imagining an apology. How she could have...

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Semina Vitae Twelve

Saturday Night 11:00 PMMack looked into the bottom of his glass. The mix of manseed and Bailey’s had tasted good.“I would not have done this a week ago. It might be weirder to think about sharing cum than it is to doing it. This actually tasted pretty good. I can see why those women liked it."Mary almost interrupted him, “Speaking of taste… John, you tasted good. And Mack, you tasted different tonight. I mean better. You were sweeter. Does this have anything to do with you drinking tea this...

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First Time Sex Party

Okay, first and foremost I've always wanted to be in an orgy so this being my first time I was nervous but in all I enjoyed myself. I'd like to start off that I had no idea that there was something like this going on and I just happened to have driven by the house in which the event was taking place. Apparently you are suppose to have an invite to one of these things but I literally just walked into the house and saw naked people. I dropped my clothes after furthering examining the place...

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My sister and I masturbate then fuck

At the time of this account my sister, Irene, and I were in our forties. She is a year younger than me. She had divorced her husband when he had gone off with another woman. A month or so after that my wife was killed in a car accident. So Irene and I now had no spouses. She bought a house in the village where I live and we often visited each other in the evening when we not at work. I wasn`t expecting her that fateful evenig and was watching a sex video on my computer and was stroking my...

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You And I In Fantasy We Try

I am normal 53 years old devar of yours. I cum from a very conservative Coimbatore family. I never ever had any desires for affairs before or after marriage until I read your story. Following is the after-effects of reading your story. Here I am again. Lying in my bed, with oh, so many thoughts of you dancing around horny in my head. The fragrance of your pussy and the softness of your touch and t the words of love you whisper as you moan in ecstasy seem to come in a rush. The clock keeps on...

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Jerked Off By Kathie Lee Gifford

"A stage hand is caught by his ultimate fantasy and she finishes him off"I have been hot for kathie lee ever since I started working for theshow. one day my lust got the better of me and I snuck into her dressingroom during rehersal. I opened her drawer and found thehottest pair ofwhite thong panties ever. I just stood there looking at them. I got aglimpse up her skirt once and she gave me a look that told me she didntapprove.I got so hot that I started to stroke my cock on her panties. They...

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I saw her over a crowded dance floor, or rather through a crowded dance floor; she was about five-foot-nothing with a mass of unruly blonde hair and the biggest blue eyes I'd ever seen in my life!She was wearing a light blue mini dress that left most of her long thighs bare, and right from the first moment I saw her, I was smitten.It was nearly closing time before I plucked up the courage to ask her for a dance and to my amazement she agreed."What took you so long?" she asked with a smile,...

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Sometimes mistakes do happen but they can be real

A few weeks ago I was wandering round some of the nice tv/gay sites for this area of France when I got a message from a guy asking me if I would like to meet. Well, I was very horny at the time, so nothing new there, was aching to do something to somebody or have them do something to me, you know the feeling, when you ache to feel something nice and long in your mouth or being slipped in your pussy.I thought to myself why ever not, he seemed like a nice guy, he wanted to meet on his way home...

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Helena and me in the garage

Helena and me in her garageThat morning I had stayed at home while Anita had gone to her office. It was strange to me receiving a phone call from Helena, my wife’s best friend. I asked if Ana was with her, if everything was fine; but then I was surprised when she told me she was alone at her home; feeling horny and looking desperately for a nice hard cock.I could not believe what I was hearing; that sexual goddess talking to me about sex???I asked her for her husband Jorge, but she said that...

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Carpet of Roses

She looked down and smiled. Roses. She loved roses. But who would leave them at the door for her? She hadn’t heard from Billy since they broke up. Well she considered them broken up. She hadn’t heard from him from that stupid fight they had two weeks ago that had them both saying things she knew, or at least she thought she knew, they didn’t mean. They had both asked each other at the same time if the other one wanted to break up. No one really said a yes or no as a response. Just silence...

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Impossible Virgins Chapter 12 The Avalanche The

Chapter 12: The Avalanche - The Second Round Dee Dee had gathered the other three girls who would be Milking this day off to the side of the stage. They could clearly see all the action that was taking place with Toppsy and Lulu, but they weren't immediately involved with it. "Okay everyone, pay attention," said Dee Dee. "They're counting on us to really deliver a mammoth cum shot for the grand finale of this little escapade today. I don't mean to sound like a cheerleader, but we've got...

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My girls brother

me to Beth ' Danny's sister, him to Sophie,we all agreed it was awesome, so everyday after school we would go straight to my house and fuck till my dad came home which was late, I was blessed early with a 7 inch cock, but Danny's, fuck his was about 10 inches n fat, watching it slide in n out of Sophie turned me on to fuck, Sophie had to leave for 2 hours, around 6 ö clock for her tea, The first few times me n Beth stopped fucking till she came back cause it wasn't really fair on...

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The Proposition 2

I went to the same conference again this year. A different city, but I knew Jake would be there. I'd dreamed for a couple months about having him again and I wasn't about to ask for more money. We went to dinner and before he even could ask I said, "You can come to my room tonight if you want to." I did my call home and, at the arranged time, the knock came. I answered wearing only v-string panties and a demi-bra my husband had never seen. I wasn't going to show up in the plain Jane...

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Sex Makes Everything Better

I planned on getting to work before my shift, early enough that I would have some private time with my boss, Neil. Just thinking about him and I wanted to slide my hand into my black stretch pants, underneath my tiny black g-string to feel my soaking wet pussy. I craved his cock, in my mouth, deep inside inside of my pussy, filling me with his cum. Unfortunately, the rush hour traffic, including a mix of construction and an accident that left two lanes closed had other plans for me. The soaking...

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Introduction: This is a repost of my first story to correct the technical difficulty I encountered in my first post. NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN The room was dark except for one small lamp on her desk more like an over size nightlight. Which cast small white streaks into the blackness. Sitting on her bed with the keyboard in her lap. Gray shadows cascaded from the screen. She was searching for a TV show that she had just read about. A small moan came from the next room, But she didnt hear it at...

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Mark looked at the elderly man and smiled. “I can get anything I want? That’s crazy.” The elderly man smiled. “You’d be crazy to believe if not true. You’d be crazy to not believe if true.“ “And I can have as many wishes as I want? No restrictions?” “There are no restrictions on what you might wish for. There are restrictions on what I will provide.” Mark mulled things over. The old man had popped into his dorm room, without warning, appearing out of thin air. It was noon on a Tuesday. He...

Mind Control
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Her Day

It was a day, a week, a month full of turmoil. It ended with three of her students getting into fist fights, two of them within the four walls of her classroom. Along with a parent blaming her for their child's inability to pass, let alone behave, and another student being hurt in a car accident, her ruined day, week, and month were now complete. Back when she was a middle school teacher, this would have been the norm, but this year she had decided to return to elementary school thinking it...

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Kate and I Ch 2429

First off I like to thank the editor sexnovella for proofreading my scrap here, without them this scarp was junk and now on to this part if the story: __________________________________________________ 24. Over the last three weeks, Kate and I have been putting in 16 to 20 hour days, and we have needed a day where we could ‘put our hair down’. These three weeks, have been less than fun or exciting, from spending basically all the time in the office. Going over every contract that the South...

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Hobby Leads To Fun 8211 Part I

Hi guys. My name is Robert. This is story about my hobby which I used as my skill to make money. But fortunately leads me in a fun. a small intro about me. I am about 22yrs old. I am residing in Pune city, Maharashtra. I am a guy with normal looks. I am a guy who belongs to middle class family. As u all know a guy from middle class family always have problem of money. I also got the same problem. After period of time I got to know about body massage. I loved it after few days of practicing. I...

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Visiting mom

It was my normal break from study. Every weekend while at University, during which I lived away from home. It was only on the weekends that i would make it back to my family's houses. My parents split years back and i visit dad every other week. I think they fell out of love early and stayed together to keep me happy. In all honesty I was happy when they split. They both seemed unhappy together and we always had great times when I stayed over. In general we had all grown up. My parents had me...

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Xavier watched Ameena flee when she saw him. Hecursed under his breath. He was never going to fuck her if shekept avoiding him. She'd been wearing a small bikini giving him aquick glance at an incredible body. When his prey was out ofsight, Xavier finally noticed her husband had been standingnearby. "Your wife have a problem with black men?"Norman Howard was leaning over an expensive looking digitalcamera on a tripod. He'd been trying to photograph his wife andlooked upset that he'd been...

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Walked in on my Uncles

About 10 years ago I was home alone with my twin uncles.  They are my uncles by marriage so we are about 3 years apart.  We have always watched porno’s together and have masturbated in the same room before, but that was the extent of any sexual behaviors we have ever had together.  One Monday morning I awoke to loud moaning coming from downstairs.  My room was positioned directly above the TV room so I heard everything that went on down there.  I figured my uncles were watching pornos without...

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Cynthia in the Real World

Cynthia was mostly described by her friends and her teachers as "The best little girl you ever did see!" She was probably the brightest 16 year old student the New Delhi Girl's Academy ever had under their tutorledge. Her Father was a recently retired Colonel in the employ of the Golden Star Trading Company headquartered in Calcutta and Istanbul. Her Mother was unfortunately a victim of the typhoid epidemic that swept the coastal regions of India almost a decade prior. In less than a year,...

1 year ago
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A Little Night Music

You have retired to bed, your muscles a bit achy from the day. It is warm and you decide to lie back on your soft mattress on top of the bedclothes. The room is mostly dark, but illuminated with a silvery glow from the remarkable full moon shining through the sheer curtains. Everything seems to give off a magical warm glow from within. You give a deep, body cleansing sigh and close your eyes, willing your body to relax. You are in the ephemeral zone between sleep and wakefulness when you...

3 years ago
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The TitleChapter 3

I was expecting my sister in law Lucy over soon to pay me my monthly rent but today there was going to be a little surprise for her. "You think she'll go for it?" asked my sister Betty. "Who knows," I shrugged and just then the doorbell rang. "Hi," she smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I've always had a soft spot and a hard dick for my brother's wife. "Oh hello Betty," she said in surprise at seeing her sister in law here. "Here's your rent," she said handing over a plain...

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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 12 Making Plans

When David went to the kitchen to grab himself another beer, Sara followed him. As he turned around, he was surprised to find her standing just behind him. "Whoa, you surprised me there." "Listen, David, do you think we could talk?" "Sure, I'm always available to talk about anything you want. You should know that by now." She looked around before responding. "Could we go somewhere private, like maybe your bedroom?" "What, are you planning to waylay me in there?" he teased. But...

4 years ago
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Anna Prologue: Setting Goals Ok, it's got to be here somewhere. I'm sure it's in the bottom desk drawer. Maybe in the folder labeled "personal papers." Damn, no. Ahh, found it! What's it doing in with my old tax returns? No matter, at least I found it, my life goals check list. Back in middle school, Ms. Becker assigned her class to write down their goals for the coming school year, and for extra credit, what your goals were for when you were twenty-five, a grownup. It was about...

3 years ago
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A day of dreams Part 1

A day of dreamsI just couldn't believe where I was and what was happening. My emotions were a whirlwind of nervousness, confusion and yet also excitement. To say that I felt totally unsettled and out of my depth would be an understatement. I was way out of my normally controlled comfort zone and couldn't think straight. This was so foreign and yet I couldn't stop it and truth be told, I didn't want to stop it. This wasn't me. It was as if I was a different person...a completely different person...

2 years ago
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The Sins of a Submissive BabysitterChapter 2

Six full months have passed since the new babysitter entered into the household of the most esteemed Reverend John Stiffworthy and his somewhat flirtatious and definitely disobedient wife Gloria. The Reverend’s move to the smaller and more isolated parish was at the request of the Bishop until the dreadful rumors about things of a sexual nature with the Boys’ Choir had died down sufficiently for him to return to the center of the church’s headquarters without controversy. It was actually...

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Just another fantasy involving Jillhellip

I want Jill to visit unexpectedly. I would have front and back doors open. I would be standing just outside the back door having a smoke, wearing nothing but a wet nappy. Finishing my smoke, I turn around to come back inside when I look up and see Jill at the front door, only 20 feet away, staring at me open mouthed.“Jill!! Shit! Where did you come from?”“I just dropped in for a quick coffee. Are you….are you wearing…a nappy!?”“Fuck, Jill! Can you turn around so I can go and get dressed...

1 year ago
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Jamies gradual grooming

"Jamie? Is that you?" A voice shouted out from across the road. Jamie lived in a relatively small town or village so it must be someone he knew. "Jamie, it's Mike from three doors down, Phillippa's dad?". With that Jamie stopped, he walked over to the very fast and expensive looking BMW. "Hi Mike, sorry I didn't recognise the voice at first are you okay?" Mike explained, he has seen my Mum the day before, who had aired my dirty laundry with him, charming! "Do you want to go and get some food...

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A Morris Mans Tale

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter One Meeting It’s Friday 29th of April, 4pm and I’ve just driven into Fort Pitt Grammar School in Rochester. It is a grey and chilly afternoon as I drive through the car park and onto the sports field, a short drive along the right hand side of the field to...

1 year ago
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A Fool Stumbles Into Love Ch 03

Not to trivialize Cal’s situation, but It indeed had been the best of times, and it had been the worst of times. All right he’d admitted to a woman the one thing no man ever dared admit. Yes he was a virgin, a twenty-six year old virgin. More than a quarter of a century old, and never once had a woman. How lame can one man get? That was the worst of it. But there was an up side too. If there was one woman on the planet to whom he had to make that admission to it was Maureen. For some reason...

3 years ago
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Our First Time

This started several months after my wife Karen and I were married. We were out at a local club dancing and Karen had noticed a blackman looking our way. She always dresses very erotic and that night she was wearing a black mini dress that was very low cut showing off her 38D breasts and her 5" spike heels that seem to make her legs a mile long and very shapely.That night we were fucking and she started telling me her fantasy of making love to a blackman while I watch. Well, at first I was...

2 years ago
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Large van comes to old warehouse, out of it steps one heavy male, which opens back door of the van. He escorts 6 humans, likely females, to place inside of warehouse. In average size hall, about 5m in square, is female dressed in black latex clothing. Once 6 humans are in place, she nods to heavy male, that he can leave place. She calls her female slave and starts talking: Welcome to my prison. Slave will tell you rules.Slave start to read from sheet of paper:Obey the mistressEverytime when you...

3 years ago
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Husband Sucks My Cock

Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun and told me what site they used when looking for naughty fun. Once I found them, we spoke online for a week or two and they seemed experienced, knew what they wanted and I fit the bill of what they wanted.We arranged a date.Our date night came along and we met at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos had been exchanged online beforehand and they looked like their...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 58

Wednesday was about the same as Tuesday. Once again, things livened up in History. Mrs. Jenkins stood in front of the class and got us to quiet down. "OK. Who can remember what I told you to think about for class today? Ronald?" "Something about a new law where kids can't wear clothes to school." "Very good. There has been some discussion that many of the problems at school are caused by clothing. Would anyone like to take a guess at what some of these might be?" "Gang...

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