Healthy Behavior free porn video

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Yes, it's a new series, fans of mine. I know you like Marilyn, but she's on hiatus. Deal. Anyway, I do have something interesting for you. It's an unusual tale, but then again, my writing tastes have proven to be a bit unusual. I'm about as mainstream as N'Sync is underground. So without further ado, let's get started. Oh, and yadda yadda yadda over 18 to read yadda yadda yadda read only if legal where you are blah blah blah. Healthy Behavior By Brett Lynn " Mr. Stanford around?" "One moment dear...ooh, damn heels. Makes it impossible to walk through doorways. Here I am ma'am. So, did the maid get you here all right? Hello? Earth to..." he said. "I can't believe this...," "Oh, the heels? Yeah, it is kinda stupid to wear 6 inch heels with a 3 inch platform when you're my height. I'm almost as tall as Shaquille O'Neal like this." "No...I!!!" "Ah, I get your message. This l'il pink spandex number isn't my style, but you wouldn't get the hint of my, er, changes is I walked up to you wearing a hoodie, some baggy jeans and some Tims right? You can definitely SEE my changes with this, right?" he asked. "How big are they? I mean.." "I know. It's not exactly normal to see someone born a guy with hooters this big. These, my friend, are courtesy of the Dow Corning corporation. 40DDD if you're thinking about that. Small enough that I don't look like a cartoon version of a woman, like those big tits strippers you see around, but big enough that not only can they make me look feminine, but I can still hit the gym hard without looking too much like the androgyne I am. There are some other changes I might show ya if you're willing. Wanna have a seat? Besides, these heels aren't exactly made for comfort," he said "Sure, no, what should I call you?" "You can call me Miss K if ya want. That's how I'm known in the world nowadays. The name `Mr. Stanford' is okay too. After all, that's how my money managers still know me. So what mag are you from again?" "Wired. They sent me out here to do a profile on you." "Ah yes, the sweet joys of the tech world press. What's the deal with it?" he asked. "Well, Mr. Stanford, you did disappear under, shall I say, unusual circumstances. It was enough to get the Feds to investigate you on that stock." "Eh. It's understandable. With the money I got out with, I'd be suspicious if I were them. But anyway, how long are you assigned out here for?" "Couple days. I'm probably gonna get a cover story out of this. Why do you ask?" she asked. "Oh nothing. Just wanna make sure you get enough time to get everything, plus have a bit of fun. So, shall we get started?" "Sure. Lemme fish the tape recorder out my purse." "Okay. Tell me when to start." "Alright. First, tell me a bit about your background, sir, er, ma'am, er..." *** 'Well, this is gonna be an interesting one. Let me cut right to the chase. The name's Khalil Allen Stanford, or at least that's what the Feds call me. I was born in Brooklyn January 25, 1972. Came up through the public school system, a proud product of Bed- Stuy, and did well enough on the placement test to get into Brooklyn Tech. You could say I'm somewhat special, though not particularly so. After all, if you root around enough neighborhoods in town, you could find a few thousand kids like me. As for childhood, it was NYC standard issue...playing ball, listening to hip-hop mix tapes, chasing tail on the subway, the usual. Simply put, I wasn't one of those guys who rooted around their mama's draw looking for frilly things to wear. I'm about as atypical as they come when it comes to that.' 'Now here's the part you've been waiting for ma'am. After scoring perfect on my math SAT, and going 1560 overall, I had my choice of schools. Harvard, Yale, you name it. However, I chose Stanford. It had a pretty sweet CS department, and it was on the West Coast. The fact that Stanford threw at me a scholarship with so much money that it's probably illegal in a dozen states didn't hurt either. So I went to Stanford, class of 1994. Yes, THE class of 1994. Yahoo, Excite, LinkExchange, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah. Oh and the Stanford name? Who knows? Maybe the founder owned my ancestors in the Caribbean. Whatever.' 'So I settled down out there, came back east for the major breaks and in the interim became the best damn Perl hacker anyone wearing Cardinal has ever seen. I became very famous in the CS department for my skills. That fame led to me doing some consulting work for Yahoo and Excite during my senior year and right after graduation. In fact, you know that when you visit Yahoo, you call up my script? Sure, it's been tweaked around the edges since I got started on it, but it's still pretty much my baby.' 'Anyway, after doing some semi-regular work with Yahoo, and some nickel and dime consulting with Netscape and eBay, the dot-com boom on the stock market began. As a token for my work, I was awarded boatloads of stock. How much stock? Well, put it this way. In the span of a few months, I became wealthy enough to vote Republican. And the riches got bigger and bigger. After a while, I just stopped working and bullshitted now and again to CNBC. What difference do my words on that channel make anyway? I could say bullshit selling would be the future of the `net economy' and venture capitalists would throw 8 figures at Who cares?' 'But let me get to the big story before we start talking about what I know you wanna talk about. I know you can't stop staring at my tits. You're curious about my tits, huh? And my big juicy nipples...mmm, let me play with them for a bit. I need the endorphin rush before I talk about that bullshit. Oh, that feels so nice. Let me pull on them a bit...mmm, ooo, there we go. Ah, now my nipples are all hard. I can't put them back in my dress. Mind if I keep my tits out? We're all girls here...well, at least I look like one. Hehehe. Thanks.' 'Anyway, on to that big SEC investigation. Around the time I sold all those stocks, I was getting sick of the whole dot-com business. After all, I was richer than a pharaoh before the age of 30. Why the fuck should I have kept working? So that fateful day in late February 2000, I told my broker to dump everything. EVERYTHING. I know the market dipped a bit on the strength of my shares. Who knew that I was the needle that was to break the dot- com bubble on NASDAQ? A couple weeks after the big dump, people finally started to ask for real profits from dot-com companies, and it just went from there. I understand the whole SEC thing. I mean, think it. The fact that I cashed out to the tune of 9 figures right before a stock market crash looks shady to anyone with two working eyes. But what can you do? After all, the law is the law, and they can lay the smack down on whoever they want. I have no ill will towards them. It was just incredible timing.' 'So after that whole mess, I put 100 mill a piece on AT&T and GM. After all, they make the most money on porn...they'll never go broke. As for the difference, it's nice and comfy all over the planet. Which leads to the beautiful puppies you see before ya and the make-up and the whole nine. Ooooh, lemme get started on that story before I come sitting here.' 'You see, I've always thought about chicks with dicks, especially being a chick with a dick fucking another regular chick. I dunno why, but I have. It seems that from the time I started getting into girls and all that, the idea of a shemale fucking a female has been there. It wasn't to the exclusion of everything else. I mean, I had my share of wet dreams featuring Kim Basinger or Janet Jackson or whatever chick who was the flavor of the month. It's not like I didn't date girls, though to typical geek success, or like one of the guys on talk shows who've always felt female. No knock to them, but it just wasn't me.' *** "Now let me get this straight. I'm sitting here with a wealthy ex-dot-commer with, her tits sticking out, looking like a Playboy model, yet you're trying to tell me you don't feel feminine?" "Yes." "This is a whopper. I gotta hear this story." "This is unbelievable. I go for a cover story, and I end up with something worthy of Jerry Springer or the National Enquirer." "Now that you mention it, that stage manager on the show was on the National Enquirer and is the main guy responsible for the mess we see today. Shall I continue?" *suck* "Lemme hear this shit. I get paid either way." "Thanks for the enthusiasm." *** 'Well, the drive to this bod began with my time at Yahoo. By the time I got to them, I sublimated my weird sexual tastes and had gotten on with my middling dating life. Mack of the year, I wasn't. Anyway, in my spare time, I got to wandering through the newsgroups. I read this one story about this voluptuous shemale being teased and tortured by these women. I think it was on some sort of femdom trip.' 'Oh, lemme stop before I have to whip it out. The thought of that story has made sitting here like sitting on a tree root. Mmmm. Whew!' 'Anyway, while that story wasn't the best one I've ever read, it got me going into the shemale thing. As time went on, especially as I was getting to my days as insanely-rich Perl hacker and CNBC guest, I spent time looking for more and more shemale stuff. Most of the stuff I found were duds though. Seems that most of the shemale fans on the net are outright closet cases. I don't see the turn-on in wanting to suck a dick, even if it's attached to a feminine bod, but to each their own. Nevertheless, I found enough stuff to keep me going, and I stashed what I found like a packrat. You know, like anime, the story here and there and, if I got lucky, a movie showing a shemale and a female going at it. Yum.' 'Anyway, after I dumped everything and went through the SEC shit, I started to hit the stash hard. Then I got to thinking, well, let's give it a shot. What do I got to lose? So I shaved off the beard I had, and removed every hair from the waist down, got dressed and walked into a plastic surgeon's office I knew specialized in sex changes. I remember that day very well, especially that conversation after I stormed in...' *** "You've got to make me into a shemale!" I demanded. "WHAT? Security!!!" "Listen, doc. Here's the deal...and $10,000 to start talking. I want full-body electrolysis, breast implants, somewhere upwards of a D cup, some lipo to shape me and some silicon injections to give me an ass. Got that?" I asked him. "Hmmm...well, let's see..." "Here's another $50,000 while you think. Come on, doc. Everything I've mentioned is worth what I've thrown on your desk so far." "Okay. I know you haven't had hormone therapy. You look like a guy, that much is clear. Plus the Standards of Care...oh. Well, that much can take care of the Standards of Care..." "Here's another $100,000 on top of that. If I'm counting correctly, that's $160,000 on your desk. Come on. Help me out. I wanna do this. Plus I'm sickly right." "Uh, you know that isn't healthy. Speaking of which, those silicon injections are mighty dangerous. I don't recommend..." "You know what? Fuck it. Take all the rest of this money. One million dollars. Cold hard cash. Count it if you don't believe me. It'll buy you all the ethics in the world, plus a new Beemer." "You know, this isn't healthy. But since you are, er, aware of the risks..." "Fuck healthy. I'm rich enough to buy the healthcare systems of half the world's countries. So are you with me or not?" "Ummm...ok. Let me make a few calls and make some arrangements. Can I have your number so I can contact you when things are ready?" "Sure, no problem." *** 'The next few months were quite interesting. I ended up having to pony up a few more thousand to go to Antigua to get the surgery done. The airfare was cheap, but the local police cost a few bucks. I was in constant pain, recovering from one surgery to another. But it worked out pretty nicely. Mmm...just thinking about the changes they made to me is getting me so hot. Fuck the rest of this story. Let me stand up.' You see these juicy lips? Mmm...those collagen injections sure did the trick. Anyway, you've seen these unnatural wonders on my chest. Or should I say natural. After all, these seem to fit so naturally on my body. And these nipples...lemme suck on one for a quick sec. Ohh, yes! Lemme stop that right now. Now is a perfect time to show ya the rest. Just lemme pull this down. Ah, here we go. See that toned l'il belly of mine? A product of a surgeon's scalpel. It does look sexy in the right baby tee though.' 'Now lemme get this dress over my hips with a tug and...there we go. See how wide my hips are now? Thank those silicon injections for that. If he stuffed another inch there, it would be too much, but this...this is perfect. I look so curvy now. Now let me step out of this dress. Here we go. I love the feel of my skin now. So silky to the touch. Wanna feel my leg. Mmmm, that feels so good! It seems like those nerves on my thighs are attached to my big dick. Now lemme turn around for ya. Surprised, eh? 'I know you expected a bulge, but it's all back here. Yeah, I know that's special, my snake throbbing for ya, but I wanna show off my ass. Heck, I paid for it, I should show it off, right? So perfectly squeezable every straight guy in America wants it, but this show is for women only. Ooh, I love to tease them with my body. I love the way my ass looks, especially when I'm fucking some girl. It looks so sexy and wild.' 'Oh, it looks like my snake is drooling, so lemme pull this out and let it loose. Oh yeah, that feels so good. Lemme turn around so I can see that look on your face. Yeah, that's so perfect. That look makes me so HOT. The doctor threw this in for me as a surprise, since he knew what I wanted to be. Thanks to his work of art, I look like the perfect shemale porn star. Yeah, 12 inches long, 9 inches around of pure chocolate thunder. Mmmm...I like to do that. It always makes me shiver. It's more sensitive down there. Hmm. Now with that on my tip, maybe I should offer you a taste? Come on. Suck that off my finger. There you go. Lemme try some of that myself. Ah, that's nice. It's the perfect sing to let me know how turned ON I am...and I'm really horny, showing off my body for you.' Yeah, lemme stroke this gently, up and down, back and forth my big smooth shaft. Mmmm...yeah, that feels nice. I know you probably don't wanna suck. Oooh Probably a contrast or conflict of interest or something. Hmm...I like to flick that little ridge. Maybe if you got a man, you need to try that. Oh yeah. That Ah, yes! I see that playing with my nipple has got me dripping now. Can't have that huh? And I love to play with my nipples so much. What is a hung girl to do? Hmmm...MAID! ' 'What are you surprised? I mean, I know I have some relationships, but there are certain, um, maintenance needs that my hired help can take care of too. I chose her not only for her ability to clean my house but also for her ability to clean! Besides, I love how she can work those big all- natural tits, especially with that nipple to nipple contact. Oh there she is. Like her red hair hun? Oh, don't worry about the interview. We'll get back to that in one second....but first, let me be taken care offfffOOOOOoooh! Yeah, that's nice there! Lemme sit down for this.' 'Now, just lick all around the tip there...yes, that's good. Work that tongue all around my little tip while I pull on my nipples. Yeah, that's the way to work it. Mmmm. It's so fun to have a hot slut like you work my dick like that while I pull on my nipples. Yeah, that feels so nice. You know, you should try something like this if you ever get up the food chain at your job. It feels so nice to have someone servicing your while you're playing with your sensitive nipples. It feels even nicer to suck on them. Mmm...slurp...yeah, you should definitely try this....mmmmm...slurp....mmmmMMMM!!! Yeah, that feels so good. I like it when you stroke that long red hair along my huge dick, teasing it with those scarlet tendrils...AAAHHH...that's sensitive. OOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAYEAH!!! Work that shit your fucking worthless slut! You know your jobs' to clean me, slut, right? So why don't you put that mouth to good use and spit shine my...special tool, okay?' 'Yeah, now you're working it right. There ya go. Now lemme press your pretty head down just so you can reach those hard-to-reach spots on my balls and around my baseeeee...aaah! Yeah, work that throat. Mmm, that feels so nice the way you're pulling my cock with your throat, trying to milk me dry. Yeah, work that mouth up and down, work it in and out your slutty throat. Yeah, suck me dry you fucking slut. Oooh....yes! Pinch on my nipples. Pull on them some.' 'Ahh, that feels so incredible. Work that tongue...oh yeah! Faster, suck me harder! Oh God! YEAH, BABY! Do your fucking job and slob that knob...mmmhmmm...yeah! I'm almost there. Finish me...ah! Ah ah ah! OOHHHHHHH yes!!! Ahhhahhhhaaahahhhhahh! Yeah! Milk that fucking cum from me. That feels so nice! Now slip it all the way out, and let me pump those last few drops onto your lips. There you go. Just a couple pumps. That's good. Now you know what to do. Yeah, that's good. Don't forget to clean all the cum off the shaft. I know I have a knack of bubbling some onto there from your throat. Ahh.' 'Oh. There you are, my interviewer. Almost forgot about you with my little break there. Don't sweat it. I know you're shocked at the whole exchange. I can tell by the look in your eyes. Then again, this is standard interview behavior. Just like these...TITS...are not standard on someone born a guy, or it's not standard for a girl with a surgically enhanced dick to be blown by her maid while someone interviewing them is watching in shock. And some perked-up nips if I'm seeing your shirt correctly. Funny. I thought I had the thermostat a bit on the high side on purpose, especially with what I was wearing.' 'So do you mind if we continue with the interview? Just let me pull my dress back over my tits. There we go. They're a bitch to deal with if I wanna shoot some hoops. I have to get my maid Deb here to strap them down. But hey, they look nice. Plus I got someone to take care of me. Oh, thanks for the panties. Lemme slip these on lest I accidentally flash you more than I have already. So lemme know when we're ready to get going again okay? Oh, the recorder's been on all this time? Well, you've got some in-flight entertainment for a few days from now. *Chuckle* Let me go on.' *** 'Yeah, the surgery was kind of rough. At least I had a nice place to do it in...the Caribbean isle of Antigua. You gotta love the government down there. They're about as honest as Ellen DeGeneres is straight. At least my cash got some bureaucrats some new Mercs.' 'Anyway, they stretched out the surgery that made me what I am today over three months. They got the easy stuff out of the way first, with one surgery a week. Initially, I got the collagen lip injections done, then the lipo I needed for my new shape. I was on enough codeine to make a good-sized town high to dull the pain. Remember that X-Files Simpsons episode where Mr. Burns is glowing in the dark and saying 'I bring you peace' due to all the drugs he was on? Well, that was me.' 'Then, the big stuff started happening. The electrolysis, the silicon injections around the hips, stuff like that. Not exactly a pleasurable process. At some point, I was thinking about snorting a few keys of coke, if for no other reason than a better painkiller. But those kind of addictions are, well, the means by which the well-to-do distribute their wealth to the poor masses. Cocaine is better than socialism. At least in that regard. And if you think that was painful, the surgery for my was a wreck. For the surgery, I was in a dream world playing beer pong with Babe Ruth against Mickey Mantle and Billy Martin. Or was that Thurman Munson. Anyway, that surgery took place around the end of my stay.' 'I was immobilized for a week healing up. That's when I noticed that huge pipe you just saw the hired help cleaning. Somewhere between the codeine fading me in and out of consciousness, I overheard the doctor saying that it was a gift for help me out with my dream. Then, I heard him say something to effect of 'flaming fagot'. Or maybe I dreamt it. For his sake, I hope is the latter.' 'But I do remember the day I finally got to play with my new favorite body. There was this nurse there named Patti. Nice, old, grandmotherly type, white woman. I hadn't been too embarrassed by her. After all, she had been tending to my needs for the weeks since my breast surgery. Anyway, I remember the day that she came to take off the bandages. This was the day I was finally waiting for. I would finally get to see my body! Plus, the codeine buzz gets too disorienting after a while.' 'First, I remember the gentle way she pulled that gown up over my torso. I finally got to feel the touch of someone on my new body. It felt so sensual. I finally realized why women love foreplay so much. The sensation was so electric! Then, she took a pair of scissors and cut the bandages off my chest. I finally got to see my new breasts...and began my continued infatuation with them. They looked so perfect then! My nipples and aureoles were still a bit swollen from the effect of stretching over the implants. They look the breasts of my dreams...literally. Floating perfectly on my chest, firm to the touch, super sensitive and big. When I first started touching them, I felt the direct line right to my dick. In fact, I felt a tug on the bandages down there.' 'I finally got the courage to ask, "What's with the bandage down there?" My nurse Patti got down on her knees in front of me, then replied "ooh, just a gift from the doc that he decided to give you while he still had you under general anaesthesia." Then, she gently pulled away at the bandages from my crotch and between my legs.' 'What I had seen first was my own personal wet dream. What I saw then was the wish of every red-blooded male on this planet.' 'To say it was huge is to say Bill Gates has a few bucks. One word: Wow!' 'What Patti was cleaning the lint off of from the bandages was unreal. What she had in her hands was bigger semi-hard that a lot of porn stars were erect. I was curious to see how big I was, and between the new found hotline between my breasts and my dick, plus the fact that no one had touched me down there for a few months, gave me a chance to answer that question. I just looked down and stared in awe.' "Should be about a foot long and as big around as the proverbial Coke can if the doc did his job right...and I see he has," Patti commented to bring me out my reverie. "Remind me to thank the good doctor," I remember shouting out. This was incredible. I was built, figuratively and literally, like a wet dream and I was loving every second of it. Then, I felt something warm and wet on my tip. I looked down, and it was Patti sucking on my tip, struggling to get her mouth around it. She pulled away from me when she noticed me looking down and said, "from the way you responded when I was trying to clean you off, it looks like you're desperate for some attention. Don't mind me. I used to do this sometimes when I was younger. Do you mind sonny? I mean ma'am? I mean.." 'I just nodded my head in assent, and let the woman take care of business. It wasn't the best blowjob I've gotten in my life. However, she was pretty good, and sensitive as I was, I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did. She gently pumped my shaft back and forth, while sucking on the first three inches of my dick. As she did it, a look not of lust but of caring shot up to my eyes. She did this little trick with her tongue along the ridge at my tip, and almost instantly I groaned out in orgasm. It felt so nice as it seemed I was pumping her mouth to overflowing with my seed, an ocean pouring out of my dick. She swallowed most of dutifully too. However, I had enough composure to tell her to stop swallowing.' 'When I finally finished ejaculating, I pulled her frail frame up from her knees. Of course, I thanked her for the service she performed. Then, I kissed her in gratitude. Hard. On the lips. With tongue. The last little bit of cum in her mouth, we shared back and forth as I caressed her mouth with my tongue. I even swallowed some of my own cum. Not a bad taste. Not great, but not horrible either. Then, I gave her a peck on the cheek and sent her on her way.' *** "Okay. Mr. Stanford, with all due respect, you're nuts." "Whatever. I'm rich enough to do this. Besides, I'm not forcing this on anyone. I'm not hurting nobody." "Okay. This has got to be the weirdest story I've ever covered." "Look, I gotta bounce in a bit. Gotta meet my girl. So shall I see you around 2ish tomorrow back here? Maybe we could finish up." "Grrrr. Okay." "See ya!" --- Wanna see more? E-mail me with comments!

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My cell phone chimed just as I was powering up the test bench. A text message informed me that my guests were in the lobby. I smiled at the perfect timing, and headed downstairs to get them. Several days earlier, a vendor's rep had brought in spec sheets on a new product that would reduce both the cost of the machines we build, and the amount of engineering time I would need to spend on each machine. I liked the product and we arranged to get a sample in my hands for testing. The next day, he...

Office Sex
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Model Behavior

Joanna sat in her car, rigorously reading through the piece of paper in her hands. 'Subject: LADS MAG SHOOT' it read at the top. Nervously, she ran through the checklist to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. "Well conditioned hair, check. No excessive fake nails or makeup, check. Body piercings removed, check. Identification, check Waxed pubic hair, check.... if shaving counts," she murmured to herself. There was no use going through the email now anyway; she was there, and already a few...

4 years ago
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Unprofessonal Behavior

“Have a nice day.” Marcy said with a smile; though she was giving the bastard the middle finger. He couldn’t see it as her right hand was hidden behind the wall of her office. She was thrilled his time was up; another minute would have been torture. Unfortunately she was one of the only psychologists in town that was licensed to work with the court system. A glance at her computer screen reminded her; the next patient had canceled. Maybe she would just call her last client and cancel so she...

4 years ago
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Getting Off Early For Bad Behavior

“Six years,” the judge said as he slammed down his gavel. Those words kept repeating in my head over and over. Even as I was handcuffed and put in a holding cell to wait for the prison bus to come, all I could do was think of the next six years. I wished I hadn’t tried to look so nice for the hearing. With my hands cuffed behind my back it made my 36C breasts more prominent. For two hours I sat in the holding cell with other women. Some of them kept looking at me and smiling. Of course I had...

1 year ago
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Trapped My Cousin By Her Strange Behavior

Hi all, this is faran from coimbatore ,tamilnadu and I’m here to entertain and make you all horny with my experience with my cousin.Without further delay let’s indulge into the story of lust love and romance hold on your breath the story is quite long but you will enjoy because it is a real exp. Me and my cousin are well known from the childhood .My mom use to take me to my uncles place in my summer holidays as my grandma was along with them.We used to stay there for whole 2 months of my...

4 years ago
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Risky Behavior

It was on one of my outings, from school, that I found myself in front of the adult book store, well it was what used to be the adult book store. It seems that it had closed and was boarded up since my last visit. As I walked away a guy approached me and asked 'is the store still opened,' I replied 'no it's closed for good I think.' The guy turned and began to walk with me back towards the motel. I stopped at the corner and looked at the fellow rather closely ' are you staying at that motel,'...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Risky Behavior

Mary looked at Jordan who stood staring at the approaching judge and her daughter and all she could do was shake her head in wonder. Of all the times... she turned to Frances. "See if you and Robbie can do something about him. I'll say hi to the judge." Frances laughed. "Ok." "Hi," Mary smiled through her mask and waved as she approached the guests. "I hope you didn't have a hard time finding us." The judge shook her head. "Not at all. The GPS on my phone brought us straight to...

2 years ago
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Emergent Behavior

This is heavily based on a story I started on another site. The pacing was slow and plodding so I'm trying it again here. I have not abandoned my Sindara story just yet, a new chapter will added this weekend. SEXPO was always the biggest event of the year for the adult industry and the presenters spared no expense for the Tenth Anniversary in 2065. Ads were shown months in advance and the presenters apparently went out of their way to hire the most extreme and corny-sounding announcer for all...

3 years ago
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Time Off for Good Behavior

Pamela continued the internal argument she had been having since she left her office. This was foolish. She should have brought uniforms. She should have just had him brought in and not come here at all. That was procedure. That was all that was expected of her. But she just didn't want this case to go back to jail. Now every case had a sob story; six years as a parole officer and she was all but immune to them. Most of them were lies anyway and easy enough to check. The only reason she...

4 years ago
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On Our Model Behavior

"Oh, wow, look at that one. That shows almost everything. Ew, sexy," said Hanna looking at the Victoria's Secret catalog that we had resurrected from the trash. "Wouldn't I look good in that one, huh?" "Oh, Peggy, your big boobs would be killers in that. Just think. Wear that and you'd get any guy to jump you in a minute." We were out of school for the summer and my best friend, Hanna, and I were in her room dreaming about boys and sex, the usual. We've lived next door to each...

3 years ago
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Sluttish Behavior

Tiffany Wells was a normal girl, except for the burning itch between her legs that she could not explain. Then her normal middle-class suburban parents bought her a computer when she was 14, and Tiffany finally understood the reason for the pleasure she felt. Her road to super slut status had begun. At first it was just masturbating to the kinky things she found online. The more kinky the sex act, the harder she masturbated. Eventually she had to try sex for real. Because of what she learned...

4 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 23 Model Behavior

"Just what IS this shit you have on my face?" Petra grumbled, his voice naturally sounding muffled, covered as he was from neck to crown of head with a moist towel, reclining in a folding lounger. "Wow!" Michele told him brightly. "That's a pretty good guess!" "What?!" Came the muted response. "Y-you're joking right?" There was a long pause. "Hello?" Petra almost whined. "It's a natural astringent made from guacamole and cucumbers" She finally replied. "All those years of...

2 years ago
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XSFGCChapter 12 Inapproriate Behavior

"PHILLIP! WAKE UP PHILLIP!" "Uh, wazzat?" "WAKE UP PHILLIP, THERE IS AN ALL STUDENT MEETING IN TEN MINUTES!" Sitting up, "Alright. Alright, I am up. Ten minutes? What time is it?" Looking at the clock Phillip saw it was 1:52 and since there was light coming from their large windows, he assumed that meant it was in the afternoon. "I have been trying to get you up for the last five minutes. Please tell me you are not a night owl and I won't have to continually scream to get you up...

2 years ago
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Peeping Tom is caught by a nasty fat woman and is sexually humiliated

Ronnie was a freak. At 18, he was still a virgin. That was about to change, but he didn’t know. Ronnie was a pervert. Since he was 14, Ronnie had made it a nightly habit to peer into the windows of unsuspecting neighbors, watching the women or their daughters undress, take baths and even have sex. You see, he was a handsome lad of about 5’9″ very muscular packing about 170 pounds on his frame. But was a special education student who rode the short bus to school and was taught...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 20 Got Wood

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

4 years ago
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Cheating wife

The evening had escalated quickly and I thought of my husband probably sat at home and about to go to bed alone after beers and a take away as I was led by the hand in to the boardroom, where hours earlier I had sat taking notes in the meeting. Olly had reluctantly agreed to me being away for the night once again and he knew from past experience that Chris, my boss, was a lecherous old guy who made it quite clear that he viewed me as a dumb bimbo and eye candy employed for his own perverted...

3 years ago
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Working Hard Or Hardly Working

Sorry it's so short; I composed this at work (thankfully without getting caught) after daydreaming of having lesbian affairs with one of my gorgeous coworkers. Enjoy. *Carmyn was replacing a folder in the filing drawer, when a brunette beauty entered the spacious office. Donning a dentist-approved smile, she extended her manicured hand towards Carmyn.“Hi. I’m Dana,” she introduced herself, before sitting down.“I’m Carmyn. Nice to meet you.”"First, I would like to state that I'm a good worker. I...

3 years ago
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My Aunt and I Part 3

So it’s a Saturday afternoon the sun was out in full force and man was it hot. After grabbing a shower I chose to call Sarah to see what she was up too and if I could come over for a cup of tea. I scrolled down to her name in the contacts list and pressed dial. She answered pretty quickly which was surprising as she usually leaves it ring a couple times, anyway I asked her if it was okay to come over this afternoon for a cup of tea and hang for a while as Id a few hours before the football was...

2 years ago
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After My Night Out Continues

I wake up to the smell of fresh coffee. Mike is already up and in the kitchen, I hear him talking to Lisa. As I enter, I say, “Good morning, everyone. Sorry I slept so late.” Mike laughs and responds, “I knew you were tired, you were snoring when I got up.” I laugh and say, “Well I did have a workout last night.” With that, Lisa busts out laughing, “Yes, I think we all did. I’ll bet we have another session before this day is over.” I wink at her and say, “I can guarantee that.” As we sit down...

Group Sex
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Roman Slave Boy

Lucius Antullius usually didn’t take his fourteen-year-old son, Cotta, out on deliveries, but his slave, Aule, had been conscripted into the army being raised to march into Spain, and the iron-clad shields Lucius, the armorer, had been commissioned to forge to be used by the gladiators in Rome’s colosseum were too heavy for him to carry on his own. As it was, the boy, small and slender for his age, couldn’t manage more than two of them, but that was enough for Lucius to meet the order. It was a...

3 years ago
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Transcendent Sensuality 4

“We need to host a holiday party,” Karla announced to Kevin nearly two months after their last meeting with Julian. “Okay,” Kevin said, unwilling to argue. “Who are you thinking of inviting?” “Well, Tom and Tanya, Don and Denise, Gary and Gloria, to start.” “Doesn’t sound too heavy a guest list.” “Well, those are the ones I thought of at first blush. I’m sure we can come up with others.” The sun beamed through the small kitchen window and cast rhombic squares of light on the list that Karla...

Wife Lovers
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Highschool of the dead

You wake up with the usual morning boner. Everything feels... rather normal. Too normal. (Is that even possible? I mean... normal should be just... normal? Like what else is there to it?) You decide on having a shower. But of course before you go in, you can't help but admire yourself in the mirror. (yes, guys do that, every time). You get out of the shower, get dressed, and then go to the kitchen to get breakfast started. You ALWAYS have 2 bowls of cereal every morning, it's just how you start...

3 years ago
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The boss wife

I am going to tell you about my encounter with Sarita my boss wife. She is 45 years yet she looks like 25 yrs. She had a sexy figure of 38 28 32. She used to wear a low cut blouse from which her cleavage is visible. Whenever I saw her I feel of having sexual fun with her but as she was my boss wife I had to keep some distance. One day my boss invites me to his house for dinner. When I reach there I came to know that boss had to go to the neighbor house for some work and would return in an hour....

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The Perfect Summer Night

I had had so many daydreams about what it would be like to be with him. He was always such a nice guy. By far my favorite customer. I could tell that he was an MMA fighter even before my coworkers had told me about him. I could see where some damage had been done to his ear from a fight a long time ago. He was so sexy. The fact that he rode a motorcycle, a fast one too, was all the more attractive. I would have given anything to be able to ride with him. I wanted so bad to find out what kind...

3 years ago
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Widowed MILF Meghna Opens Up As I Spray Cum In Her

Hello ISS family! Hope you all are doing good and enjoying some banging sex during this pandemic. I am here with another encounter of mine. This story is quite unique but really amazing. It is about a widow, who made a lot of sacrifices in her life, not for herself but for others, without even thinking about herself. Meghna was quite hard-working. She did everything just to put a smile on someone else’s face especially her children. The name of this strong and independent woman is...

2 years ago
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About a Week ago

Introduction: Met another hot big boob blonde…. I was getting out of my SUV. I motion for my friend to get out of the passenger seat. Ace worked at a tattoo shop in town. I sold him a computer last year. He owed me a favor. Buck… Is this the place? Should I get my needle and ink? said Ace. Yes! Shes right inside. She cant wait. I said. He smiled. She really wants your initials on her breast and ass??… Wow! Thats my kind of woman. said Ace. I smiled. Yeah! Ill show you were to put BK on her....

2 years ago
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A Time for Work A Time for Ch 01

I started a T-shirt printing company when I was in college. Nothing fancy. Just handmade silk screens, a couple of wooden frames with card board backing and a squeegee. It was more for lack of something better to do and it kept me in pocket change. People liked the designs, the T-shirts sold, and the business kept growing. I asked a couple of friends to work for me when they had some time and pretty soon the business became “for real.” Today it’s a fairly large business. We have factory...

2 years ago
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Swetha Loves Her Life 8211 Part 14 Movie Making 8211 Part 1

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discreetly. Any girls and aunties who are interested to make some money and also enjoy the fun, reach out to my email id. Also, any husbands who like to see there wife or girlfriends getting fucked? Let me know. Thanks for all those who wrote to me and it was overwhelming. I tried to respond to...

3 years ago
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My Tattoo

Every couple of months a group of us at work go out for a few drinks to unwind. There are three women and four guys that kind of hang around together. Sometimes our spouses join us, but last week we were all solo. Let me start off by telling you that I am an uncontrollable flirt, and I sometimes enjoy flashing a little skin in the process. So, were sitting at a large booth at this bar and having a good time. We started talking about tattoos and I casually mentioned that Dave and I talked about...

1 year ago
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Seductive Sex With A Married Neighbor Women

Hello friends …..I’m ankit. This is my first story. So please bear with me. I’m a software developer by profession. Agar koi unsatisfied lady mujhse secret relation k liye ya chat k liye mail me with complete words of secrecy at-   This incident happen 2 months back when I was on a project in delhi for 3 months. So I got a rented flat in delhi. So first saturday. Maine dekha ke mere pados mai ek married couple rehta hai, in early 30’s. Mere balcony se unki balcony touched ha. Mai cigarette pe...

3 years ago
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The Cowboy and the College Girl Chapter 15

Chapter 1The CrossingTowing a horse trailer down a busy city street, at rush hour is not an easy task. The traffic was just crawling along. I seem to be going nowhere as the stop lights catch me one by one. I have to get out to a friends house to pick up four horses and haul them back to my farm for the spring. My friend is leaving to go out of town so I must hurry. “I wish I had gone the long way around and avoided all this traffic.” I say to myself as I impatiently drive down the busy street....

2 years ago
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Lets Play A Game

It’s Friday night and my parents are gone. They have left on a camping trip to get away from work and the house for the weekend, and will be back late Sunday night. So it’s just my twin sister Lauren and me at home tonight. I’m sitting up in the living room reading when Lauren comes bouncing in. We are both seventeen and juniors in High School. She drops down on the couch next to my chair. I look up at her. “What’s up?” She looks at me and says, “Well, I figured I would tell you that I’ve...

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Potential Part 301

by Bistander Chapter 30 Playing with Fire ***** If you haven't already read this chapter, IGNORE this message. For those who have, I'm sorry that I had to make major changes. You should read it again, but if you don't you'll notice that stuff which already happened in this chapter is happening again in chapter 31, except it has been changed drastically. That's why I moved it forward, to make sure you had to read...

4 years ago
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Happy EndingsChapter 11 Answers or Questions

I was back at the hotel by one. Kevin left to get some sleep. I was staring at the reflection in the mirror staring back. It wasn't me. "It's not so bad." JC said sitting on the bed watching me. "Not bad? Pat wouldn't even know me!" I gasped. "Oh My god! What do I tell Pat?" "How about the truth?" JC said with a shrug. "Kids aren't as stupid as parents think they are. "I ... No ... Well maybe an edited version." "Welp. Come on. I'm no nurse maid but I heard the Doc. Rest...

2 years ago
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lsquoDress Codersquo Kim Opening Up Part 4

My wife Kim was changed the way she dresses lately. She used to dress very conservatively, long skirts, pants and high collar blouses. But over the past few months she has loosened up considerably. I guess you could say she has loosened up a lot. Since the night at the grocery store, where she showed herself off to a very helpful deli counter worker, she has discovered that she likes to dress sexy. Short skirts; low cut tops and, on occasion, no underwear. With the exception of one time with...

1 year ago
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Maa Ki Gand Mari Makanmalik Aur Uske Driver Ne

Dosto mera naam karan singh hai aur mai lucknow me rehta hu… Mere ghar me meri maa aur papa hai. Aaplogo ko apni maa ke baare me btata hu ..Meri maa ka naam neelam hai aur uski age 47 hai. Uski height 5ft 2in hai. Vo bht gori hai aur dikhne me gazab hai..Uska sabse bada hathiyaar uske mast chutad hai. Uske chutad bht bade aur gol hai..Vo jab bhi chalti hai to sabki nazar uski gand pe hi hoti hai. Vo zyadatar patiala salwar pehenti hai..Jisme uski gand aur bhi mast lagti hai. Vo jab bht sadak pe...

2 years ago
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The Motorcycle Diaries Couples Ride

Opening scene:Wide-angle helicopter view of low rolling hills ablaze with full autumn colors. The helicopter pans right and we see a majestic bridge crossing a large river. Those in the know will recognize it as the Tappan Zee Bridge crossing the Hudson River in New York State. The sun dances on the dying leaves, bringing out their full and dazzling hues. But thunderclouds are closing in from the west, lightning bolts rippling through them. The helicopter zooms in slowly and we see two...

Wife Lovers
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Caught in the woods

This is a true story about the first time i was caught wearing tights and panties in the woods. Its not the first time i was caught wearing them but thats for another story.It was a nice afternoon so i decided to go for a walk in the woods near my house. i had spent the morning doing housework wearing sheer tights with a powder blue bra and thong set on, over these i wore a navy blue skater style dress. I felt like a proper little house wife while i was hoovering and dusting. Normally i would...

3 years ago
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Adoring Elizabeth I Preparing for the Play

I was 24 and only mildly concerned that there were no young women in the church meetings that I had any interest in. There was one who was 23, but she was a total idiot and I couldn't stand talking to her for more than twelve consecutive minutes before I wanted to scream. There were a few seventeen-year-olds who would also be quite stunning in a year when it became possible for me to try to date them. The church was putting on a Christmas play for the entire community, including people...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 12

Things had quieted down considerably after the violent confrontations in the wilderness between the combined forces of the Looters and the well-armed survivors of the conflict versus the determined cleansing actions of the military sponsored by the distant government in Washington, D.C. Major Mike hadn't reported back to headquarters for several months and even though Corporal Sandy continued to monitor the radio listening for traffic related to their area they kept their radio silence in...

3 years ago
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I Should Have Blown Him

'I Should Have Blown Him' By Felicia TV [email protected] I was out slutting one night, like I frequently do. I was in my usual club, and as the night went on the usual guys would drop by for their usual Friday night blowjobs. I'd take them out to my van in the parking lot and suck them off, swallowing their loads of cum, and collect my usual twenty dollar bill and whatever tip they'd throw in. A little about me, though: I'm a transvestite, in my early thirties,...

1 year ago
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Blurring The Lines

Blurring The LInes! My husband and I moved to Montreal from California, and well, it’s been a bit of a shock for both of us, as the weather has gone from delightfully wonderful in November in San Luis Obispo, to horrifyingly cold in Montreal in December! However, we coped with the tough winter and have adapted as best as we can. We’re both pretty open and inviting people so making some new friends has been easy. My husband found plenty of guys who enjoy hockey here. However, his best friend...

3 years ago
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Toying Around

My freshman year at college was a total bust! I had more homework than ever. I had three (just three) dates, all with debutantes undecided on what they wanted to do with their lives, and worst yet, undecided if it was time to lose their cherries. Maybe they were too well trained (as in: get a commitment, get a ring, get blackmail photos), but my blue balls were nowhere near as patient. Self abuse and passing marks were (sadly) my best course of action. Maybe I'd do better during sophomore...

3 years ago
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The Reluctant SultanChapter 8 New People

Jan and I kept our ears tuned for any negative feedback about her promotion. We heard nothing. However, we did get some comments passed along by Lori. A couple of the older, veteran sales reps were grumbling about have to work for "some slave-driving, menopausal woman." Lori had tipped Jan and she in turn, came to me for advice. "Nip it in the bud, Jan. Talk to them, tell them what you heard, ask them to confirm it, then tell them what you expect from them. Above all, don't let them...

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The Adventures of Ben Tayler Part 2

Introduction: Bens doing some serious grooming THE ADVENTURES OF BEN THALER. PART 2 The next afternoon I wanted to increase her exposure to porn and this time I put on a three-some film with a little bit of anal play. Ella quickly fell into the role of copycat and jerked me along with the action. Before long I was on the brink of coming so to avoid it I slid onto the floor, knelt in front of her and spread her thin white legs to expose her tiny bald orifice. What are you doing? She asked...

1 year ago
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Stolen Slave Part Three

Part Three Master K had me and it was as I feared it would be. I was collared and kept as his pet; forced to await his orders and pleasure. When he left for work, he put me in my kennel, a heavy square cage that, once locked, can’t be gotten out of from the inside. He gave me a word processor for the writing he commanded I do, but took my computer and allowed me no access to any outside communication. He told me he made changes to my profile, and I wondered what he had done. I wore the...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Experiences

I had been house sitting for the last week while friends were away. A beautiful home that had a gorgeous pool and hot tub that I had been dying to use. Unfortunately terrible weather had prevented it until today.  Today was perfect for a lazy day lounging by the pool and I intended to make the most of it. I slipped into my bikini, grabbed all the essentials for the day and made my way to a banana lounge where I could read, doze and work on my tan for as long as I wished. By mid-morning I'd...

Straight Sex

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