XSFGCChapter 12: Inapproriate Behavior free porn video

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"Uh, wazzat?"


Sitting up, "Alright. Alright, I am up. Ten minutes? What time is it?" Looking at the clock Phillip saw it was 1:52 and since there was light coming from their large windows, he assumed that meant it was in the afternoon.

"I have been trying to get you up for the last five minutes. Please tell me you are not a night owl and I won't have to continually scream to get you up for class?"

Phillip looked at his roommate. Sally was standing with her hands on her hips and scowl on her face. Her blonde bangs hung down, covering the top right corner of her face past her blue eye. Looking down, Phillip wasn't surprised that she was wearing her normal multiple layers of clothes, covering everything completely but her hands and partially hidden face.

"Take a chill, Sally." Then Phillip swung over the side of his bed and dropped down. "I am sorry about that; I didn't get any sleep last night, other than when I was in the Medical bay. Last night was when the X-men took off on that mission and Storm, Bishop and Wolverine came back hurt? Or did I sleep a whole day away?"

Shaking her head, "Don't tell me to chill mister. No, you didn't sleep a whole day away, only about three hours or so. Ms. Frost said that you had over done it last night practicing summoning your 'field' and I was to wake you at 1:45, only you didn't want to awaken."

Rubbing the cob-webs out of his face, "Yeah, I guess I may have over done it, but it was neat learning about my new abilities. The Professor had to put another 'pain blocker' in my head this morning."

"Well, bucko, it is 1:55, you got five minutes to get to the East Room. That is in the East Wing you know, across from Class Room 4."

"Ok, just let me change my shirt and wash my face." Phillip then started to look through his hanging closet and finally decided on a black polo shirt. It didn't really match his skin tight pants, but it was clean and that is all he cared about at this time. Without paying any heed to his female roommate standing watching him, Phillip shucked off his dirty training jersey, tossing it into a basket he had set aside for his dirty clothes and walked out of his room to the uni-sex restroom. He was done there in less than sixty seconds and he followed Sally downstairs while putting his polo shirt on.

"Phillip?" Was heard come from the West wing ground floor as Sally and he bounded down the stairs for the East Wing. Turning he saw Mrs. Veneer holding a tray and a large smile.

"Uh, yeah, er I mean, yes, Mrs. Veneer?" as he paused from following his roommate to the East Room.

"Everyone else has been accounted for except for you." Mrs. Veneer said as she walked to him.

"Accounted for? How? What?" Confused Phillip said.

Smiling even larger, "Lunch silly. You slept through lunch and you didn't have breakfast with all of the excitement, so I brought you one of my home-made snacks. Healthy and tastes good, what more could you want?"

"Oh, cool, thanks ... mmm, good."

Pleased that he liked her food, Mrs. Veneer mussed with the back of Phillip's head. "Now don't make a mess, but be sure to finish it before you enter the East Room."

Phillip was stuffing the last of his snack into his mouth as he entered the East Room. A very crowded East Room that had a couch and a loveseat centered around a coffee table in the middle of the room and a large felt card table with eight chairs on the south side as well as two overstuffed chairs, all facing the large bay windows on the east wall. Ms. Frost and two other female staff members whose names escaped Phillip where standing near the wide entrance.

Emma quit talking to the oriental looking female and looked at Phillip. "Phillip, good, now that you are here we can begin. Quickly have a seat, please."

Phillip nodded his head to the Assistant Head-Mistress, while wiping any leftover crumbs from his mouth, stopped and looked about the room for a place to sit. He saw none and his hesitation was the opening Ms. Frost was waiting for.

"Come, come now Phillip, don't dawdle. There, there is an open space on the love seat between Dani and Rahne, go sit there."

Phillip had seen the space on loveseat as well as the small space on the couch next to the loveseat that held a crying Jubilee being consoled by Doug and Tabitha but because he felt like he would be intruding, he had automatically written it off as not a valid space, just as he did with the loveseat that held Dani and Rahne, now Ms. Frost was directing him to sit between the two lovers. Something Phillip definitely did not want to do, so he looked at the Assistant Head-Mistress pleadingly, only to see her nod her head at the occupied loveseat.

As he approached the loveseat, he saw that Dani, who was sitting on the left side of the small couch had her left leg over the arm of the couch, her arms across her chest and a solemn look on her native American features. Rahne in contrast, was squeezed into a ball shape, her knees hugged tightly by her arms and her head resting on her arms with back facing Dani. Phillip noticed that neither had moved since he had entered the room, 'lovers spat?' Phillip wondered as he sat down. Dani ignored him when he looked at her, but Rahne cringed when he looked at her.

'She's embarrassed to death of me catching them last night. She is no more embarrassed than I would be if someone started teasing me for the size of my thing.' Feeling sad for himself and her, Phillip looked at his lap for a brief second and then leaned toward the cringing carrot top to whisper, "It's ok Rahne, everything is ok" And then he sat back to listen to Ms. Frost.

Phillip looked up at Ms. Frost and the two other women standing, one on each side of her. The feeling in the room was somber, no one was cracking jokes or even smiling when Phillip entered, so he assumed this was a meeting because three of the X-men came back wounded.

'Pyslocke, doh, that is who the oriental woman on Ms. Frost's right is. She was part of the X-men team that went on the mission last night. But what is her name? Damn it, I can't remember.' All three females were wearing clothes that fit their personality while at the same time somber. Psylocke was wearing a dark purple, ankle length kimono, with swirls of dragons in muted colors on it. Her hair was pulled tight in a Japanese style bun with two jade hair pins sticking out.

'What is the name of the long hair blonde? Her face is always sunken and lifeless ... Think, she is not an X-man and is a guest, something like a "permanent guest"? I think she teaches History and some personal defense classes. I don't have History this time around so other than briefly meeting her my first night in passing ... Nope, don't have a clue.'

The female Phillip couldn't place was Carol Danvers, guest and patient of Professor Xavier turned school instructor. She had a long and illustrious career, first as an Intelligence Agent for the US Air Force and then as the super hero, Ms. Marvel. Her super hero career was cut short by an attack of the Brotherhood of Mutants and especially, a very young Rogue, who in her eagerness to please her foster mother Mystique, permanently absorbed most of Carol's memories and all of her powers. The Professor has painstakingly repaired what memories he could of Carol, but Rogue's attack literally wiped most of her personal memories completely, leaving Carol learning to figure out who she was and more importantly, who she wanted be in the future. One bright aspect of the whole ordeal is that Carol, with the Professor's assistance had remembered most of the physical skills she previously knew as well as most of the factual type of information she learned throughout her life.

When those same memories and powers nearly drove Rogue mad, Rogue came to Professor Xavier for help. Strangely enough, Carol was indifferent to Rogue's presence at the school. Carol was wearing what she normally wore at the school as teacher and patient, wide legged slacks and a suit jacket that was bulky and buttoned to her neck, this one was dark blue. When she taught self defense courses, she wore a modified black Gi that buttoned straight to her neck, vice having a belt.

'Heh, Ms. Frost is secure in her love of all white outfits, only this one isn't showing anything.' Emma was wearing a long, full cape that reached to the floor covering her completely from the shoulders down, front and back and of course, was pure white. When she was ready to start to talking, she stepped towards the center of the east wall, in front of the bay windows and her legs would briefly part the cape open and then would close again. Her cape opened and closed a total of twelve times before she stopped and turned to face her arranged students.

'HOLY SHIT! I didn't see any white under that thing. Is she naked underneath that cape?'

Emma laughed to herself because of the mental shouts that she just heard from Phillip and others. 'Good, now that will make sure I have their attention.'

"Students, we called this Support Meeting today because of the shocking events that happened overnight. If you have any questions or worries, we want you to know that we as a faculty and fellow mutants are here for you. Later on Jean Grey will be here to give us an up to date report on how Logan is doing. For those that don't know, both Lucas and Ororo had minor surgical procedures performed this morning. Both are resting well and the prognosis is that they should be up and on their feet this evening. Does anyone have any questions or worries?"

Artie and Leech were the only ones sitting on the floor in front of the central coffee table, playing with miniature GI JOE figurines while ignoring the rest of their fellow students. As soon as Emma asked for questions, Leech raised a hand containing a twisted Cobra Commander figure. Emma knew her youngest student had a question without looking at him, squatting down side ways so that the front split in her cape was not facing the two pre-teenage boys but rather the love seat Phillip was sitting on. Lowering herself put Emma close to the same height as the playing boys even though they were four feet away from her. Artie and Leech couldn't see in the gap on display, but Phillip and his two female loveseat companions had a clear view of her body under the cape.

'DAY-AM. Yeap, totally starkers except for her knee high white boots.' Phillip also noticed that Emma was holding the two edges on her cape in her hands and that the hands were on her knees. 'Those two can't even see her legs, while we get the whole tamale. Heh.'

"Yes, Leech, do you have a question?" Emma asked in a friendly tone.

"Ya-up. Artie here" pointing to his mute pink skinned playmate, "wants ta know is Wolvereen is gonna die?"

Looking at Artie and then Leech, "Boys, you know that everyone dies eventually. Even Wolverine. That is the way life works, but we are doing everything we can to stop that from happening today. What you can do is keep positive thoughts about Wolverine. Positive thoughts make the world a better place. Ok?"

Leech looked at Artie, then the two figures he held in his hand and nodded.

"Yeah, Artie and I will think good thoughts. Tanks."

Emma was smiling while standing back up, "You are quite welcome boys." Turning to face the rest of the room while holding the cape edges together, "Now does anyone else have a question or have something they would like to say?" Emma looked at each student present before stopping at the last one, "Phillip, you have a confused look on your face."

'Confused as to why you are naked under that cape.' "You said that both Lucas and Ororo had minor surgery and should be mobile tonight. Is that normal? Shouldn't they be in bed longer?"

'The better to tease you and your fellow students, silly boy.' "First of all, mutants, health wise are a bit heartier then the average human. We heal a bit faster and are more resistant to damage in general. Second of all, the Medical Facilities we have downstairs are better than state of the art. While it is automated, whenever a procedure is done, as a favor to the Professor, some of the best surgeons in the world will follow along in a real time broadcast to their computer, making suggestions and corrections as need be. Someone in New York City couldn't pay for better attention at one of the many hospitals in the city than what we can provide here. When you combine the two reasons, you have a much shorter recovery time than it would be for a normal human."

'When are you going to flash us next?' "But Lucas-Bishop was shot three times and Ororo-Storm had a broken arm?"

'When you least expect it!' "Correct, Ororo's procedure cleaned out her arm, set the bone and put a very effective air cast on it. She should end up wearing the cast for just under a week and her arm should be back to full strength in less than a month, if not sooner. Bishop was shot by three armor piercing bullets that were very small in size. He was lucky, two bullets hit the right side of his chest, puncturing his lung and exited cleanly out his back while the third bullet actually was more troubling because it entered his right bicep, struck the humerus and exited his bicep about five centimeters from where it entered. Thankfully, the bone is intact and he only needed to have bone chips cleaned out of the wound. His lung did not collapse and all three of his wounds are repaired. Like Ororo, it will be about a month before his right arm is back to full strength, but those who know Lucas like I do knows he will push his recovery time as much as he can. Yes, Roberto?"

"I heard that Logan's power went away, that he won't heal back to his normal self." The normally cocky Brazilian was very repressed as he asked this. Clearly he was one of the more shocked students about last night's action.

Before Emma could respond Rachael yelled out, "Damn it 'Berto, I didn't say that! I said his healing factor wasn't immediately kicking in and that is all I said! Will everyone please quit putting words in my mouth! Damn it."

Phillip, like everyone else turned to look at Rachael as she went off but out of the corner of his eye he saw a movement which made him look back. Emma had whipped open her cape, flashing everyone present for a hair of a second before whipping her cape back together while crossing her arms, closing her cape over her body covering all except for the lower portion of white boots.

Roberto was momentarily dazed trying to jerk back and forth between Rachael ranting and the flapping noise Emma was making. Finally, Roberto kept his vision on Rachael and deciphered enough to ask, "Ok, so what exactly does that mean? Is he going to heal himself or not?"

Rachael slumped back into her seat between Teresa and Stacy at the card table. "It meant, at that time, that I didn't know what was going to happen. Jean and Nurse Prachett (Hello Nurse) sent me away because they had him. I could have helped with Ororo or Lucas's procedure, but Jean said I wasn't needed and sent me back to bed."

All the talk of Wolverine not healing was too much for Jubilee who practically stood up screeching, "But what about his Bitch Pounder? Didn't you see his Bitch Pounder? You didn't see it because it was GONE, Wolvie's Bitch Pounder was BLOWN OFF OF HIM!" Both Doug and Tabitha tried grab Jubilee and pull back to the couch to console her some more, but she easily shook them off. "Get off of me! Where is my Wolvie's Bitch Pounder? Did they bring it back? Can they reattach it? He needs his Bitch Pounder. I NEED HIS BITCH POUNDER!"

Doug and Tabitha tried a second time to restrain Jubilee, using a tactic that had worked previously with the very excitable mall-rat, Doug moved behind Jubilee, reaching around he pulled her pelvis back to his very un-hard penis while Tabitha moved to Jubilee's front, standing toe to toe, Tabitha was a good head taller than the young Oriental girl, reaching forward she brought Jubilee to her profound cleavage made available by the green Oxford cotton deep v-neck she wore. Both of them quietly reassured her everything would be alright.

Emma sent a soothing thought to her very distraught student, but was confident that Jubilee's fellow students could console her adequately for the moment. Emma knew that both she and Charles would have to spend time later with Jubilee to make sure there was no lasting effect from this incident. Emma knew about Logan's penis as well as his nose and ears, they were extremities and were fragile enough in the plasma blast, but she wanted to let Jean pass along that information.


'Yes Emma, time?'

'Yes Jean, I think it is best the worst is put to the students, so we can conciliate that information.'

In the time that it took for Emma to briefly speak with Jean Grey telepathically, Bobby and Sam started asking Betsy about the failed mission and Carol had zeroed in on the distraught Rahne, for all the wrong reasons, and was trying to un-trouble her. Emma felt something in the room and realized it was Phillip staring at her. 'Why that little devil, looking to see some more skin is here?' But after she 'glanced' over Phillip's mind, she realized her first impression was wrong. 'No, not looking for more skin, concerned about a mutant he has never met.'

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I live with a very handsome guy who works the night shift from 10pm to 6am at a local factory, he leaves for work at 9pm so i am on my own from the time he leaves. He left to go to work one night last week as usual so before he left i was dressed in a sexy g string panty lace bra and i was looking real hot so he could think about me all night at work. About ten minutes after he left i heard a knock on the door so i thought he had forgot something so i opened it without thinking that it was his...

2 years ago
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Masturbating for the first time

The first time I masturbated was the morning after I lost my virginity. As much as I’d love to say my first time was the most beautiful thing, it wasn’t. It lasted all of about 15 minutes and ‘he’ proceeded to roll over and fall asleep while I lay extremely un-happy. I eventually drifted off to sleep after calming down, realising the alcohol in his system probably had something to do with the way I was treated. I woke up at 10.03am the following morning, as usual, feeling grotty. I pulled a...

1 year ago
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OnlyBlowJob Misha Maver Hot Summer Suck Off

We can all agree that one fantasy that crosses all of our minds in the summer heat is that of a Poolside Blowjob! Today you can submerse yourself in the reality of that as tattooed Russian beauty Misha Maver devours the hard throbbing cock of Emilio Ardana in this 4K Only Blowjob premium porn masterpiece complete with ball licking, deepthroat, and a cum shot to the mouth for Misha. Emilio is sunbathing poolside with a huge hardon and Misha just can’t help but to get horny with thoughts of...

2 years ago
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I won the lottery

Life Goes On Introduction: So the girl's a little older than I might have otherwise had in, but one has to observe the house preferences' As always, comments and a vote are always appreciated. So after 35 years of marriage, my wife decided she’d had enough (of what, she never did say) and one sunny day announced she’s going to go live with her sister. She wanted a divorce and half of my retirement. We went through several months of this and that legal crap and a few arguments over some...

3 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 38

Ally couldn't believe her eyes. Lighted candles sat on every flat surface in the small dorm room, casting a dancing amber glow on the walls and ceiling. And the room no longer had that microwave popcorn or dirty laundry smell it usually did. Nope, tonight it smelled like... like... a bed of roses? Ally scrunched up her face in confusion. "We've gotta get out of here," Ally whispered sheepishly, her face red and glistening with embarrassment. "I think we just crashed one of Kaija's...

2 years ago
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Me with daddy in the shower

Like just about every other teenager, I had never listened to my parent's warnings about doing things the "right way." I went about doing everything my way, and eventually suffered the consequences. I had been involved with sports, and I spent the summers doing manual labor to work on my body and all. As a result I ended up with a bad back at a young age.I am sure that there are many who can relate and I have some serious periods of low back pain that make it difficult to stand up straight or...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 6

The night before: Bill and Kathy had just finished making love, and were lying on their sides facing each other as they lay on the bed. As Kathy stroked Bill's face, he smiled at her as she stared into his eyes. "What?" he quietly laughed. "Oh, I was just wondering," she mused, her voice barely audible to him. "Wondering what?" he asked pulling a strand of hair away from her sweaty face. "Oh, nothing. It's not important," she said touching his lips. "I love you." "I love...

1 year ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 56 Andrea Cavalcanti

The Count of Monte Cristo entered the adjoining room, which Baptistin had designated as the drawing-room, and found there a young man, of graceful demeanor and elegant appearance, who had arrived in a cab about half an hour previously. Baptistin had not found any difficulty in recognizing the person who presented himself at the door for admittance. He was certainly the tall young man with light hair, red beard, black eyes, and brilliant complexion, whom his master had so particularly...

2 years ago
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Jake the Snowballfight Fight

The Odd Memory Sometimes memories become clearer as the years pass. Emotions are diluted until they are just a hint of flavor in the pot-pie past. I've been sifting through a lot of memories lately. There are times I can close my eyes and touch, smell, hear, and taste those other times. Memories less clear drift through my mind as nebulous and inconsequential as clouds seen from an airplane window. I think I'm looking for a beginning but I haven't found it yet. Twenty-three years ago...

1 year ago
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Summer Love

They had never met yet Dan felt as if he knew her for a lifetime as he had seen her in the same coffee shop day after day. Occasionally their eyes would meet and they would give each other a smile or a nod of the head. But today her eyes never left the paper she was reading and he felt like she was miles away. Dan could not go on with his day unless he saw her tender smile and shiny blue eyes like pearls in the ocean radiant and sparkling in a sea of blue. He noticed that she had not gotten her...

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A Summer Ride

After about 40 minutes he asked if I wanted to stop for an ice cream as there was a spot along the highway coming up where everyone stopped. It was a warm day so I said sure of course. I got a chocolate milkshake and he got a strawberry ice cream cone. We got going again and I was really enjoying the milkshake though it was so thick that I was really having to suck on the straw quite hard. He saw me and laughed and said that I sure was working hard at it and he admired my determination. ...

1 year ago
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Female Public Sex Fantasies

Just about everyone has sex fantasies - and there are lots of reasons why. In fantasy land, there are no rules and you are in charge of the action. But there's a second type of fantasy - one that won't leave your head and which the truly adventurous want to see through to reality with consequences they can't always foresee.I was born such a girl. Some would say, " A girl having youth, beauty, and a very hot body", was the Devil, herself incarnate", myself, as usual just laughed, all my...

2 years ago
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All because of my suisters panties

Let’s be honest right up front, I am a geek or maybe a nerd, I figure that I am adopted or something, cause my family are all attractive and I am just so plain, add to that that I was obviously way back in the queue when the breasts were being handed and my sister must have been in the first three, my dad calls mine bee stings, thanks dad that always helps! I have never kissed a boy and when I talk, talk? More like stutter, to one I am convinced that I’ve got spinach in my teeth or am...

1 year ago
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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 4

Tuesday December 9, 2014 – Wednesday December 10, 2014 Kate’s schedule was much the same as the previous mornings — awake by five and breakfast in the apartment by six. She had awakened vaguely disappointed that she had been unable to return to the apartment yesterday afternoon, but the lady who picked up the mail didn’t arrive until after four-thirty. By the time the visitor had fed Sam and departed, it was almost dark and Kate feared showing a light in the apartment if she returned to try...

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Beth Our experiment

Beth and I have been married 10 years now - we met at the company where I was employed as a junior executive, I was 25 at the time, and she was a couple of years younger - she was a secretary-receptionist. She is an extremely attractive woman - slender and somewhat athletic, but with all the curves in the right places. She was relatively reserved in her conduct - not loud, vulgar or prone to swearing or bad language - generally what most would call "clean cut". After we were married, we agreed...

2 years ago
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You Give Me the Best Christmas Present

I come back from the café with coffees, tiptoeing into the bedroom. I place them quietly on the bedside table and stand still, watching you sleep. I can only see the top of your hair and hear a little snort now and then. It makes me smile. I sit softly on the bed, but my weight causes you to move, and you stir. The aroma of coffee has filled the room, and you stretch awake, the covers slipping down revealing your beautiful smile, and sparkling eyes. I lean down and kiss your cheek lightly,...

Love Stories
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My First Time

My First Time This is a true account of my first visit to the wonderful dressing service I use. Everything happened as I describe, except for the fact that I have changed the name of the dressing service and the two lovely people who run it. Over the years they have become good friends and I want to preserve their privacy from casual readers. If, however, after reading of my experience, anyone thinks they would like to make a visit themselves, they are very welcome to email me and we...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 21 Uneasy Introductions

I was a bit worried about being late so I immediately started jogging. I was passing the next door when I heard Morgan shout. “Hey! Mark, what’s the hurry?” I turned back to see Morgan jogging down the corridor. I choked back a laugh as I shook my head and slowed down until he caught up. “I figure being late sets a bad example,” I replied. “And this matters to you,” Morgan said with a nod. “Do you want to wait for Jason and Jessica?” “They know to get to a meeting on time,” I said. “I...

2 years ago
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New PleasuresChapter 17

Isobel embraced me as I entered the team meeting and whispered into my ear. "How was your date?" "Fine," I muttered and she looked at me with a worried seriousness. "Grace was furious with me for setting it up. She told me that Vanessa was one step too far. I think there is something that has happened before that I don't know about; so you didn't do anything silly, did you?" I gulped. "Like what?" Isobel snorted and looked into my anxious, lying eyes. "Of course not." She...

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Paradoxical ChauvinismChapter 4

Homicide Detective Abel Lee pulls up to the Star Genetics building. Already a crowd has formed, but thankfully the patrol officers are here already to control it. Lee parks a little the street and pushes his way through the crowd. It is easier than pulling right up to the front and being hounded by reporters. He flashes his badge and one of the officers lets him through. Of course the moment the reporters see this, they try shifting in his direction, shouting questions at him. Lee doesn’t...

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How Christi Paid for College Ch 02

Christi had almost finished the last of her packing, with Hannah’s help, when Hannah’s cell started buzzing. It was the middle of the afternoon. Hannah scowled. ‘It’s a text from Anders. He says most of the brothers are on board, but there’s one he hasn’t talked to yet. They all think he’s going to be a problem.’ She started tapping at her phone and shot a text back at Christi’s rescuer. ‘Who is it?’ Christi asked. ‘A guy named Harker. Hold on… let’s see what else Anders can say.’ Christi...

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Reawakening 2

Lying in bed that night with Andrea I wanted to make sure she was entirely happy with what had happened and that she wanted Lillian and me to continue with our new relationship."Of course I do," she told me emphatically, "It took me a long time to persuade my mother that this was a good idea. She really enjoyed herself tonight you know. We had a little chat when we went upstairs to get changed afterwards. She was very impressed with you; God knows I've told her often enough how insatiable you...

2 years ago
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A Ball With MotherChapter 7

Marla, boiling with desire, shoved her hand between their naked bodies, pushing her son’s cock to her cunt. “Shove it in!” she cried out. “Bob, ram your cock to me! Fuck me, baby! Fuck Mother now! Ohhhh, hurry! Mother’s cunt is on fire!” Bob thrust, his cock sliding into the wet heat of his mother’s cunt. Marla squealed and grabbed his ass with both hands, ramming her cunt up to meet his cock. She began to churn and thrash immediately, bouncing her naked ass on the bed, her knees bent and...

1 year ago
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Sex by committee

Sophie rang the doorbell and took a step back to wait for Pete to answer. Pete was the coach at her tennis club and they had agreed to hold a meeting at his house to discuss fund raising for the club. He opened the door and showed her in. As usual he was wearing baggy shorts and t-shirt, but even so he was clearly a fit lean man. She put such thoughts to the back of her mind – she was a respectable married woman after all. Pete showed her through to the dining room and introduced her to Carl,...

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A Beautiful Keralite Milf 8211 Part 2

She took my flaccid cock in her mouth, with a smile started sucking it as if there was no tomorrow. The motion of her tongue concentrated on my glans, especially on the bottom of it. I was in seventh heaven and started moaning. I asked her to suck it deep but she was teasing me, making me hornier. She loved the mushroom glans of my cock and ran her tongue. Standing and getting cock sucked was superb. I can hardly stand because of excitement. I slowly grabbed her head and sat down. Her motion...

3 years ago
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Twin Marcus strikes back for more

Twin Marcus strikes back for moreTwo days after the good sex session with the twins Clifton and Marcus, my loving husband was still out of town.In the afternoon Marcus called me, telling he was extremely horny and wishing to take me again…I said him he could come for me that same night…Marcus took me to the same cheap motel we had fucked the first time.He was alone, but he told me his twin Clifton was arranging a meeting with some of their black mates… and I would be the cherry on that...

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Second Chance at LoveChapter 23

Jim was very happy to be home after his grueling trip. He walked in the door Saturday afternoon and was almost bowled over by Jenny and Katie. God he was a lucky man he thought as he walked into the living room with his arms around two gorgeous women. Jenny and Katie acted as excited at two teenaged girls at a rock concert. They barely gave Jim time to talk, filling him in on all the happenings while he had been away. They left out their confession of love for each other and that they had...

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Push Me Ch 07

**Author’s Note: Sorry for the extensive delay. Life is just like that sometimes, and it was necessary to keep the story honest. Thanks to everyone who asked about the next chapter. Enjoy! As soon as Moira’s warm, nude form, which was pressed up delightfully against me, registered, in my slowly waking mind, a far less pleasant sensation intruded – a muffled sniffling coming from the other side of the bed. I felt Moira pull free from my grasp and glide across the sheets to Shelly, wrapping her...

2 years ago
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Who Was She

When I got my hands on the sod that claimed I had said that I could make any woman cum I was going to kill him, naturally some other bright spark had taken up the challenge and had gone out of his way to find a woman who had never climaxed with either a man or a woman. Now I had been set up with this mystery woman and would be expected to perform, God, the pressure they had brought on me to meet the woman was unbelievable and I was left with little choice in the matter. What was worse was that...

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Astor Heights Boys Academy Ch 02

Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter Andy will return to the nurse’s office to receive more of Millie’s special treatment. We will also meet some of the faculty and other students and learn what...

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