Evolution In ActionChapter 3 free porn video

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Janet was getting inured to the pheromones simply because of her continued exposure to them, but Olga did not have that insulating effect. Suddenly she put down her glass of iced tea and stood up. "What has come over me? I am suddenly so horny that I am about to explode. I must have relief! Where is Jimmy? He certainly can do the job for me if he is fucking my daughter."

Janet had an inspiration and said, "Come with me, Olga. I will show you to Jimmy." Janet led Olga up the stairs and into Jimmy's bedroom. The fucking session was currently at a break point, so the three teens were lying naked on the bed. Olga got an even stronger dose of pheromones at the moment she entered the room, and that was all it took.

Olga snatched off her clothes, tearing her pantyhose in the process, but she did not care in the least. All she could think of was having Jimmy's cock pushed into her cunt. The bed was large enough, so Olga plopped down beside Jimmy and spread her legs. "Jimmy, I must have you! Please fuck me. I can't stand it, the feeling is so strong!"

Jimmy looked at Janet, who nodded, so he climbed between Olga's legs. Out of habit more than anything else, he put her legs on his shoulders and knee-walked up close to her pussy. Olga was already pouring out lubricant, so there was no need for delay. Jimmy lined up his cock with her cunt and gently pushed in. Olga reacted the moment she felt him push past her ring of muscle at her pussy lips.

She used the leverage of her heels on Jimmy's shoulders to force his cock almost to its limit inside her vagina. Jimmy had only to retract slightly and push forward to complete his penetration. Olga let out a combination of a sigh and a little scream of relief as she felt his pubic bone strike her clit. She was plenty loose, as one would expect of a woman who had been married 20 years, so Jimmy immediately began to stroke into her cunt at a rapid rate. He wanted her to get the full effect of his fucking motions, so he pulled all the way out to the ring of muscle and pushed forcefully back in until his pubic bone struck her clit.

This motion, combined with the rubbing on her G-spot with every in and out stroke pushed Olga toward a rapid climax. It was not a conscious act, but she was enjoying the fucking so much that she tightened her cunt muscles, and that gave Jimmy the feeling that he would have gotten from a little-used cunt. All of this kicked Olga's libido into overdrive, and she began to come long before Jimmy expected it.

She exploded into orgasm, but, strangely enough, she did not relax her cunt muscles. Therefore, she held Jimmy's cock in a tight sleeve until he came. He, too, received considerable pleasure from this fuck. He did not know that Olga was not protected against pregnancy, so one of his sperm found a home in her egg that very day. Now, Jimmy had two pregnant women on his hands without knowing it.

When the fuck was over, Olga said, "Master, that was the finest fuck that I have ever had. If you are always that good, I can understand why Helen is infatuated with you. I, too, am now your fuck slave. Just command and I will obey. I feel that Helen and I must move in with you as soon as I can dump that miserable bastard that I married. Of course, I will wait for your permission before I move us in.

"Oh, I can hardly wait to tell Helen that she has my permission to fuck you as much as you want her to. I have just got to tell her all of the details of this wonderful fuck as soon as I see her."

"Mrs. Swanson, please let me telephone Helen before you try to talk to her. I had ordered her to keep our sex a secret from you, and I am not sure how she would react if you tried to talk to her before I release her from that command."

"Very well, Master, I will do as you command. By the way, please call me Olga. 'Mrs. Swanson' seems an odd way to address your sex slave, and the name will be out of date as soon as I can manage it. I will go back to my maiden name of Jones, but I still hope that you will call me Olga."

"Of course, Olga, I will be happy to call you by your first name. I will call Helen before you leave. When will you tell your husband of your decision?"

"I will tell him tomorrow. He is at some 'meeting' with his bimbo and won't be back in town until tomorrow."

"In that case, Olga, perhaps you and Helen would like to join us for our evening fuck session. If you like, you can spend the night here and join us for our wake up fuck session, too."

That was enough to make Olga spring up from her supine position to grab Jimmy about the neck and shoulders and plant a series of kisses on his lips. She said, "Thank you so much for that invitation. You can bet that we will be here with bells on, but probably nothing else!"

Jimmy called Helen and told her of the invitation. He also released her from the prohibition of discussing him with her mother. Janet invited them to eat supper with the Masons, and Olga left to fetch Helen for their overnighter.

When they returned, Olga had kept her promise. They came in the door wearing a light raincoat and flip-flops. Each one had a bell on a ribbon around her neck, and, when they divested themselves of their raincoats and flip-flops, the bells were, indeed, all that they were wearing. Also, both women had freshly shaved pussies, and that pleased Jimmy no end.

After supper, the women made short work of cleaning up the dishes, and they adjourned to the bedroom. That was when Olga learned that she was going to be fucked twice, and she could hardly wait to get started. However, Helen went first, since she had been the one the longest deprived of Jimmy's service. Olga was next, and then the Mason women had their turns. Jimmy started over with Helen, and gave Olga three orgasms before he came. Even with all of the lube that she had in her cunt, Olga was getting a little sore from all of the fucking, but she still was looking forward to tomorrow morning. It was again the turn of the Mason women before they retired for the night.

The Masons were used to an early bed time because the had to get up so early to have the fucking time before school. It was only a little bit crowded with six people in the bed that night, but none of them really minded.

There was a complete cycle of fucking the next morning before breakfast. After breakfast, Olga was fucked again before she went home to confront her soon-to-be former husband. Helen stayed at the Mason house because of the prospect of more fucking; there was no reason for Helen to be involved in the spousal confrontation at the Swanson house.

Olga showed up at the Mason's house shortly before supper. Of course, she was invited to the meal: everybody wanted to hear about her meeting with Mr. Swanson. He had tried to bluff his way out of the charge until Olga showed him a few of the photos the private investigator had taken of him and the bimbo actually fucking. They were not the best photos either one had ever seen, but the faces were clear enough to satisfy any jury. Olga left with the closing statement that her lawyer would contact him sometime Monday or Tuesday. For the time being, he could stay in the house, but she was leaving to stay with some friends.

Everybody was happy with the results of Olga's meeting with her husband, and they cleaned up prior to the routine of retiring to the bedroom. Olga had brought enough clothes for her and Helen to get by for a few days, so there were no problems with them spending the night with Jimmy, et al.

Helen and Olga were a little bleary-eyed when they woke up on Monday to prepare for school. They were not used to getting up that early, but there was no choice if they were going to get a morning fucking. Naturally, they figured that they could wake up for that. Helen's morning douche was also something of a shock, but she went along with her Master's orders.

By now, Janet had missed a period, something that simply never happened to her. She planned to hit the school to find out about the home schooling requirements before meeting for her appointment with her gynecologist. She never suspected pregnancy, but she wanted to check out the myriad of other possibilities.

Meanwhile, Jimmy found that the pressure on him exerted by the female half of the school had spread to the other classes. Now, he was really getting nervous! He should have been, because the girls were getting more and more horny. There had been a run on the nurse's office for condoms and a few girls had gone on the Pill. Jimmy had to get out of the school fast or face a gang rape. He didn't make it!

That afternoon right after lunch, Jimmy was surrounded in the hallway by approximately 20 girls of various ages and school classes. They were all at the end of their resistance to the stimulation from Jimmy's pheromones, and they were intent on remedying the situation. As many as could reach him grabbed his clothes and used them to pull him into the nearest girls' restroom. There, they pushed him to the floor and pulled off his shoes, pants, and underwear. Of course, Jimmy's cock was erect because it always was.

Girls grabbed his arms and legs and held him down while every girl in turn squatted over Jimmy's erect cock and lowered herself to force it into her cunt. Even those girls who were virgins with intact hymens did not hesitate: they were so smitten with the push to fuck Jimmy that they never noticed the pain. Every fucking increased the load of pheromones released by Jimmy into the stale air of the restroom, and the girls became more and more frenzied in their attacks on Jimmy. Unopened condom packages littered the floor as the girls realized that they would welcome pregnancy.

At first, Jimmy just lay there on his back and suffered through the rapes, but he eventually began to respond positively to that much freely offered pussy. Jimmy started to respond as only Jimmy could, and he started to ejaculate into the girls as they reached orgasm. Naturally, those girls who were in a position in their cycle to breed were affected as Jimmy's sperm found the receptive egg. The girls who had been first in line insisted on returning for another coupling when they heard the later girls comment that Jimmy had shot off into them, and a few of them were knocked up with that second shot from him.

Neither Jimmy nor the girls had any idea that Jimmy had such staying power, and Jimmy managed to shoot into nearly 20 different girls before the afternoon orgy was finished. Fully 70% of them were knocked up at this time, and Jimmy's progeny were going to erupt on the town in nine months or so. Strangely, none of the girls would ever say who was the father of their child, all of whom were boys. Jimmy did not escape until about 15 minutes after the dismissal bell rang and the last of the girls ran to catch the bus home.

That evening, he told Janet about his feelings and experiences, and she decided to keep him home for a few days in hope that the situation at school would cool off. By Wednesday, a few girls had shown up at Jimmy's house, virtually stalking him. It was now at the point that Jimmy was afraid to go out the front door. So far, no girls had been seen in the back yard.

Janet had received the information on home schooling and was busily preparing for that to happen. Olga was now living with them, and, fortunately, she had been a teacher in high school before she got married. She was the ideal person to prepare the lesson plan and other such stuff while Janet took care of the other details. In any case, they decided for now that Jimmy was going to skip school.

While at the doctor's office, Janet had taken a very preliminary and very experimental test for pregnancy at the doctor's insistence. The test had shown positive for pregnancy, but at this stage, the test was less than 50% reliable. Janet would have to wait another month for a more definitive and accurate test. Well, as part of Jimmy's pheromones effect, she was sure that he was the father, and Janet was looking forward to delivering her son's baby. It would be interesting to see how Olga felt when she got her news.

Olga had seen her lawyer and had been referred to a lawyer who specialized in this kind of divorce case. The lawyer had never lost a case, yet, with this kind of evidence (the photos) and was very optimistic that they would spend very little actual time in court. She recommended that Janet ask for the maximum in alimony and child support, even though she had her own money inherited from her maternal grandparents. Olga didn't really need the money, but her lawyer did not want the man to escape scot-free. It was a matter of principle as far as the lawyer was concerned, and he would not have to pay child support for Helen for very long.

The Swanson house was somewhat larger than the Mason house, and Olga suggested that they kick out her husband and move in. None of the Masons cared that much, but it tickled Helen's fancy, so they agreed to move. Jimmy hoped that it would discourage some of the stalking girls when they lost sight of him, so maybe moving was a good idea. The Swanson house did have a wrought-iron 12-foot high fence around it, so that was a further relief to Jimmy. They had an in-ground swimming pool, and all of the kids liked that feature. The privacy fence made skinny-dipping practical if you could stand the mosquitoes, and that made it even more attractive.

Right now, Jimmy had six women to service when Barbara Johnson was thrown into the mix. She had been by the old house several times for Jimmy to service, but the poor girl was still excluded from most of the fuck sessions. This was simply because they could not come up with a plausible reason for her to visit the Mason household any more often than she did. The swimming pool would offer the perfect excuse, at least until winter.

Mary Mason had started to feel increased pressure from her brother's pheromones, and she wanted his baby. She talked it over with Janet, and they agreed that Mary could have her baby as soon as she graduated from high school. The plans were for her to stop taking the Pill on the 15th of March. Even if she was knocked up immediately, she would not show until after graduation, and that was what was important. Mary was in no hurry to go to college, so she had the time to get her child started on life's path when the time came. They had enough money so that Mary would never have to work, and that problem was eliminated.

The home schooling problems were finally worked out, and that solved most of Jimmy's problems. His sisters were a little pissed that he stayed home and serviced Janet and Olga during the day when the siblings were in school, but there was no practical way around that. Jimmy developed a really smooth technique for fucking while both were still in the pool. It was a wonder that the pool water did not get murky from all the sexual fluids deposited in it.

Life went smoothly for the rest of the school year. Everybody including Jimmy attended Mary's graduation from high school. Mary did not bother with that year's senior prom: she was more interested in making sure that she got pregnant. Actually, Mary did not need to worry, she was pregnant a few moments after her egg dropped. Jimmy's sperm never missed an opportunity.

Of course, it was a while before Mary knew that she was pregnant, but Janet was right on schedule. Actually, she had started to swell as far back as March, and she was already starting to waddle a little bit. The one who was really surprised was Olga. She found out that she was pregnant and was so happy that she could start fires with her smile. Only Susan, Helen, and Barbara were clear so far, but the moment one of them slipped up with the Pill, they were going to be snagged by Jimmy's sperm.

Of course, Janet was the first of the trio to enter the OB/GYN recesses of the hospital, and she delivered a bouncing baby boy she named Arthur, after his great-grandfather who had been hoping to see a great-grandchild before he died. The interesting thing about this birth was that the little boy had a distinct erection as he exited the birth canal. The nurses were amused, but it did make it easier to circumcise the baby.

Olga and Mary also both had normal deliveries, and their boys also had erections. Again, the nurses were amazed, but a couple of the nurses had seen this on other recently delivered boys.

The next conference of the state OB/GYN doctors did have a laugh over the number of boys being born with erections. There were 15 just in the last year or so, and that was a statistical anomaly if there ever was one. The conversation quickly turned to other topics and the unusual situation was forgotten.

The great flux of unwed mothers in the county did upset the statisticians, and investigators were sent to learn what they could. They could not seem to get a firm answer as to what had caused this major increase in illegitimacy, so the bosses called for a house-to-house canvass of the whole town. That was narrowed down when they realized that the increase was caused by just one school, so canvassers were sent to each home in that school's area to try to gain an insight into the situation.

Naturally, no one seriously believed that there was only one father involved, so Jimmy was in the clear when the girls refused to admit to the gang rape. However, it did happen that a woman was sent to interview the residents of Jimmy's home, and she was trapped by the pheromones that permeated the house. She was fucked and impregnated by Jimmy, and she was another one of those women who refused to name him. However, she was married, and her husband did get credit for the boy that was eventually delivered. The husband was happy with his new son, so there were no repercussions over the woman's entrapment.

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EvolutionistChapter 16

"I need a truck and license plates for a night," Uncle Rodrigo said to Brendan. Brendan put down his small cup of espresso and looked across the table at Rodrigo. Behind the older man, his wife and Jacinta were washing the lunch dishes and making quiet small talk. "Oscar has a truck," Brendan said. "You already knew that. Do you want me to make an introduction?" "I'd rather you get the truck and drive it over. If that's not possible, then you can arrange an introduction. How...

4 years ago
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EvolutionistChapter 17

Sitting alone in the living room of the apartment, Brendan couldn't stop himself from looking at his watch every few minutes. Jacinta and Hugo had gone to work and he had the television to keep him occupied for the moment. The sounds of the weekday morning buses rumbling and kids making their way to school could be heard through the closed window. The president of the United States was visiting Newark that day to belie the claim that the urban centers of the country were spinning out of...

1 year ago
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Danny stood with his attorney in front of the federal judge at the courthouse in Newark. He was a bit uncomfortable in his overly-starched shirt and tie, but he tried to put the discomfort out of his mind. The officer of the court called their case and Danny followed his attorney to the table. The small courtroom was nearly empty. Besides the prosecutor and the parties for the next case sitting in the back row, only Vincente and Melosa, both holding Jacinta's hands, were there. "Can we...

2 years ago
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Revolution 2015 8211 A Revenge

Teacher Indian Sex Hi guys! This is Shweta Saxena from Delhi. I have received a lot of responses on my previous stories which forced me to write more. Thus, I am again here to allow you to explore me more. I am a typical Delhi girl of the image you have in your minds. With a busty assets of 36C-28-36 and a flowering age of 21, I am surely a head turner of my college. I love to notice guys peeping at my busty melons and the love in their eyes as they witness my grand ass. Without wasting much...

3 years ago
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RevolutionChapter 8

General Williams wanted us to press our luck and start a swing of conquest up the east coast of Florida while the opposition was still off balance from our success so far. We certainly had the resources for it, now that all of the Army units in the Miami area had defected to us. Our revolution was not bloodless, but it was awful damned close, and Hank wanted to maintain the momentum. Actually, Jimmy and I didn't take much convincing. We told Hank to do whatever he thought was the right...

2 years ago
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Revolutionary Magic 103 Wolf Quest

Masjena loped through the winter woods and across the winter hills. For months something had been itching at her. She was the strongest of the Demon Prince's witches, but she kept feeling she should be capable of more. The ancient books on magic held in secret by the breeders of the mage-slaves said almost nothing about witches beyond the fact of their existence. The Prince had tried to strengthen the link between them -- to no avail. She had tried to push her limits, but just didn't know...

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Revolutionary Magic 102 Sold at Five

My Name is Nessa. Today I finished writing early. I want to write more so I'll tell -you who come after- about me. I don't remember where I was born or what my familiy was called and I'm the only Nessa around so never needed a nick. My familiy were serfs. Elder Brother was older than me. I think he was married. Sister was older than me but a lot younger than Elder Brother. Brother was younger than me and Mother was pregnant. When I was five Father took Sister and me to the fields...

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Revolutionary Magic 101 Magical Lessonings

"Nessa! You weren't even trying that time!" Bellemir exclaimed. The two women stood on the narrow stone stairway that circled the castle's central keep. While Nessa stood in front of the door leading to the baron's private quarters, Bellemir stood a few steps above her. Nessa was a muscular woman with wide hips, broad shoulders, a firm stomach, small breasts, and a well-curved ass who stood a trifle less than average height. Dressed in a simple...

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Revolutionary Magic 100 A Cell A Spell

Sure enough, after the polite raps the door swung open and one of her jailors slipped into the room. Lady Bellemir was dressed in her winter work clothes, a long blue-gray woolen skirt, a thick dark-blue woolen overjacket, soft low-cut leather boots, and a floppy yellow woolen cap holding her hair. Neress shuddered as she realized that the lady's story of being able to dress lightly in the winter because she was less affected by the cold than most must be a lie. If Bellemir saw the shudder...

2 years ago
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Revolutionary Opportunity

The sun shone brightly as Kristen made the rounds answering want ads a few days after arriving for her first fall semester at Penn State. The next job on her list was waitressing at a country club. Her sole waitressing experience was a couple of summer months at a department store lunch counter. It was harder than she expected but Kristen was a hard worker. And she needed to work to avoid too much debt of student loans.Driving into the perfectly manicured grounds she found the place...

College Sex
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It's a good night to kill a queen, alcohol hangs heavy in the air, and the dancers are engulfed within their revelry. The queen lays, in perfect peace within her grand tent. Or so she thinks, until a rugged hand tightens around her neck, forcing her into a fit of wet gasps. As you bore your eyes into hers you feel the glyph of Return tugging you back to a cliff overlooking the camp grounds, you let the glyph run its course and teleport to the rocky overhead. At your return the Feeders rocket...

2 years ago
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RevolutionChapter 2

The next morning, Jimmy paid for more fuel from the roll of bills taken from the mob soldier. So far, we had been living high off the hog from the money taken the previous day. I had never thought to ask how much money there was in the two rolls, but now I was curious. Jimmy said, "I haven't bothered to get an exact count, but a quick check showed more than $6,000 in each roll. That's a lot of money for a couple of soldiers to be carrying around, so I'm a little suspicious about where it...

3 years ago
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RevolutionChapter 3

Things were looking up for me. Jimmy was a great friend, and Mary was a great cook and housekeeper. Not only that, Mary was very good looking and a very willing sex partner. She had been living with her parents, but she was happy to move in with us as soon as I asked her. She took care of Jimmy whenever he needed her, but she slept with me every night. She was 21 and I was 28, but she knew a whole lot more about sex than I ever did. The second day after Jimmy and I had moved in, we got a...

2 years ago
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RevolutionChapter 4

It was a hassle with the fully loaded truck, but we got the tires replaced. Fortunately, we were able to find the tires that the ambushers had kept handy to put on our truck as soon as they had liberated it from us. When we finished changing the tires and were ready to leave, we debated returning to the gun dealer and settling with him. It was obvious to us that he had set up this ambush because there was no other way for the ambushers to know what size tires to have ready to fit our truck....

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RevolutionChapter 5

The boss in Pelican Bay was only marginally smarter than the one in Birdseye, but he eventually fell into our trap. He moved on us with about 40 of his so-called soldiers armed with AK-74s. He expected an easy victory with that many thugs at his disposal, so he came with them, riding in a convertible so that he could see the whole show. Of course, we knew that they were coming, since he made no effort to hide his intentions. I think he wanted to make us sweat while we waited for his...

1 year ago
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RevolutionChapter 6

Our visitor introduced himself, "Good day, Gentlemen. I am Jason Rivers, manager of the plant you have just closed down. I am here to see if we can come to some accommodation so that the plant can be reopened." We introduced ourselves, and then I said, "What did you have in mind, Mr. Rivers?" "Well, we assume that you would allow us to reopen the plant if you had a larger financial interest in it. We had been paying your predecessor 1.5% of the net which amounted to approximately...

3 years ago
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RevolutionChapter 7

Suddenly, we had an embarrassment of riches. Every one of the Marines who had landed as invaders asked to join us and be a part of the new New Ochnee Army (NOA). It did grate on them a little bit to be known as an Army instead of Marines, but they saw the rationale when we explained to them that we had no navy, thus no ships, so they were no longer Marines. It was a hard pill to swallow, but they managed, especially when Jimmy promised that they could be Marines again as soon as we got some...

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RevolutionChapter 9

When we moved into Georgia beyond Savannah, we started running into real opposition from the military. At first, it was hard to tell who the other side was fighting for. It didn't seem likely that the grunts felt any loyalty to the bosses or the unions, so it had to be loyalty to the now nonexistent USA or loyalty to their commander. We talked it over and decided that it had to be loyalty to their commander. It could be the local commander or the overall commander, but General Williams...

2 years ago
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RevolutionChapter 10

We were headed toward Atlanta, but we were almost dead certain that any fighting would be done outside of the city, itself. The boss of Atlanta was very unlikely to let his puppet general cause a lot of damage to the city that would cause the boss any inconvenience, including loss of income. Meanwhile, I tried to stay out of the way as Hank and Jimmy plotted the best way to defeat the enemy with a minimum loss of life. Helicopter scouts reported that it looked like we were going to run into...

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RevolutionChapter 11

The two SEAL units were ready to go. In the interest of lowering the chance of discovery, they moved out about 12:20 AM. To allow for unforeseen difficulties, they allowed five hours to reach the targets. Nobody expected it to take that long, but some allowance was made for Murphy's Law. In both cases, there was no chance of entering the buildings via the main entrance without attracting too much attention. The alternative path was taken. The SEAL team entered the nearest office building to...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 4 Loyalty Earned

The Marine Sergeant stepped off the teleport pad slowly, his body tense and every sense stretched to its limit. He looked carefully left and right, almost casually noting the routes of egress as well as all of the shadows large enough to hide an enemy. The corridor was well lit, the troubling, off-gray walls stretching far down the line. There weren’t many shadows but he was leery of the few that existed. The shrinks called it hyper-awareness. He called it prudent. He was turning when his...

2 years ago
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In Love with a Jersey Girl

Maggie, dear sweet Maggie: I pray that somehow you will find this and dismiss all else I have written here to take this one shining moment of us into your heart and cherish it as I do you. For we, you and I, have lived twice: One life for ourselves and one for our dreams. Their deceptions were considerable enough to cause a lifetime of worry. But every lie somehow remained undiscovered long after that day in Ocean City passed and as the calendar rolled by those apprehensions faded, marriages...

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Hot easter surprise 2

It had been two weeks since the day I had seen my mother-in-law sunbathing topless in the garden and had gone on to fuck her. Of course, with me staying with my fiancée and her family we had seen each other every day since, but we couldn't do anything and had to act normal. Occasionally I would catch her staring at my crotch lustfully, so I knew she wanted me again and I damn sure wanted her, but there was just no chance of us being alone together. So I decided to take matters into my own...

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Naughty Wife

So last Wednesday we had no k**s and decided it was time for some naughty fun. We placed an add on Craigslist for a couple or select single male to fuck that night. We had lots to choose from and a guy caught my wife's eye. She ended up chatting with him all day and when she got home she said he was going to be there in an hour and I better get ready. I was thinking of a hot threesome and some good dp was about to happen. An hour later he arrived we all sat down and chatted with some wine. He...

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Afternoon Delight Part 2

Afternoon Delight Part 2 By: Ms. Jenny Ann Chapter 4 Quicksand--stuck and going deeper Timothy was being led back to the bedroom by Nancy; however, she wanted to receive her pleasure from Tracy, a name that he had just made up and now it was part of their sex game. What was so perplexing he was enjoying it. They reached the bedroom and Nancy sat him on the bed and said, "Lay down on your back, Tracey, I am going to give you the fuck of your life." Timothy was confused, he had...

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Lust Academy

Lust Academy, by Bear in the Night Games, is arguably one of the most highly regarded porn games out right now. While most adult video games are thrown together by some lone pervert with a stray fan or two before being given away on the free porn game archives, Bear in the Night has managed to build up a sizable following who are willing to pay for their games. They've got around a thousand Patrons right now. And given how many cheapskate weeaboos live in their mom's basement and spend their...

Free Sex Games
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Shruti ki Jabardast Chudai

hi frnds i’m shashank i live in Delhi.I m 18 now.I m a regular reader of iss.Heere is an experience of mine which is very true and sexciting. toh ab main hindi par switch on karta hu as my story is better to b read in hindi.bat kuchh 2 saal pehle ki hai jab mai apni sis k yahan vacation manane gaya tha woh hydrabad mein rehti hai tab garmi ka mausam tha so i used to stay at home as i can not tolerate heat at all toh mai ghr par hi rehta tha aur din bhar ya toh T.V dekh kar ya internet par...

3 years ago
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Origins Of Sarah Part 4 8211 Trudy On The Flight

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. Adventures Of Sarah. This is a new series where I will be describing the journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. I hope you enjoy this series. Chapter 4: I...

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