Inappropriate Footwear free porn video

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The earthy scent of the dusty baked soil reared up into my nostrils. I was only inches away from eating it. Flat on my front, I clung to the ground. Relieved I had come to rest, the cry of gulls mocked my inability to stay upright.

“Merde! Est-ce que tu vas bien?”

“Yes, yes I'm okay.”

A stabbing pain forced out an anguished exhale.

“Ooh, ooh, no, no I’m not!”

Rolling over, I managed to get myself onto my behind and sit up. I glowered at the rock in the pathway that had dropped me like a sack of potatoes.

“Move back, move back! Give him some air.”

The no-nonsense timbre of Beatty Simmonds’ voice asserted itself over the throng around me.

“Ok sonny, where does it hurt? Anything broken? You took quite a tumble.”

“That’s inappropriate footwear, trainers are no good on a walk like this.”

Beatty Simmonds, the retired headteacher might have had a point at the start of our ‘ramble’. She definitely had a point now. A carryover from a lifetime’s service at the village school, her institutional tone demanded a prompt answer.

“My ankle, I think it’s twisted.”

“Didn’t I say sonny? You can’t wear trainers on a walk like this.”

Vexed, I was nobody’s ‘sonny’ and hadn’t been for over a decade.

“Can you move?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“Right, let’s help get him up.”

With the assistance of the Port Erin Rambler’s Club, I got onto my feet. With a heavy list to my gait, the burning pain in my ankle forced me to hop gingerly. Carefully, I eased down onto the grass verge and propped myself up against a dry stone wall.

“Well sonny, can you walk on it?”

Looking up, I squinted at the sun struck silhouette in front of me.

“No, I can’t.”

“Right sonny, we’re about two miles from Port Erin. Is there any signal on that phone of yours?”

Shielding it with my hand to block out the sun, I could barely make out the screen.

No Service. Emergency calls only.

“Only to call for an ambulance.”

There were more mumblings amongst them.

“Right, if you can’t walk, you’ll have to call one out. A strapping lad like you is too much for us to take you back to the village.”

I had to concede, Beatty Simmonds had a point. I might only be an athletic strip of a man but I would be too much for these retirees to support. Only Anne-Pierre was the same age of me, her petite frame would not have the strength. Besides, it would be just plain awkward to get too up-close and personal with Anne too.

“Someone should stay with you. So who’s going to stay here with fella-me-lad?”

“Moi, I will.”

Keeping me company would be perfectly acceptable instead. The soft burr of her delicate French accent lightened my mood.

“Good girl Anne-Pierre that’s the spirit! Stay with him until help arrives. You got some water in that bag of yours sonny?”

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“Good. In that case, we’ll carry on. Onwards!”

With a wave of her stick, we watched them all ramble on along the narrow dirt track.


===- 2 -===

Popping the phone back into my rucksack, I let out a defeated sigh.

“Well, it’s not a priority, it’s a lovely summer’s day so no chance of dying from exposure. They’re sending out an ambulance and it’ll be at least ninety minutes.”

I looked helplessly at Anne, she seemed to empathise with a sympathetic smile.

“D’accord, ar’ you okay?”

I shrugged, “I think my pride is hurt more than my ankle.”

“Shall I take a look?”

I nodded gingerly, “Would you? Please be gentle though.”

She smiled, “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

Mildly incredulous, I shook my head, “Yeah...”

If only she knew.

The striking coastline and stark headlands were a magnet for artists. Many came and went; Anne-Pierre was one of the few that chose to stay. Her work caught the emotion of the dramatic coastal scenery. Original and striking, her work was popular and it sold well from the small gallery she had on the quayside.

She was a slight creature with a natural poise that left me in awe. Bewitched by her intelligence and beauty, Anne-Pierre had an artistic precociousness I found difficult to comprehend. Her personality exuded from every pore, even her riot of red wavy locks were an extension of her character. She would rake her slight hand through her mane and her elfish features would express every thought. Even a simple crease of her full strawberry lips removed the need for words. The dimples under her high cheek bones made me want to make her smile with everything I said. I daren’t look into her jade eyes for too long, they had the power to reduce me to a gibbering wreck.

In all my twenty-six years, I had never encountered anyone like her. I had the most tremendous crush on her. 

In contrast, I was the resident village nerd. Initially, I came here to help settle the estate of my spinster great-aunt. Compared to the relentless thrum of the city, I found the tranquillity of life here soothing. Whilst here, I discovered an opportunity and seized it. The village and surrounding area relied on tourism and its businesses needed to promote themselves. The internet was essential to reach out beyond this remote village on the coast. From my small office on the headland, I ran my own business as a web developer.

Conscious of my career choice, I countered it with my love of everything outdoors. I ran, took long walks and spent every hour I could outside. My pastimes were unconventional for a twenty-something, I enjoyed gardening and manual work. I was of a practical persuasion and found real contentment in the labour of the outdoors. It kept me slim and fit as opposed to my more sedentary office work.

Persuading my parents to keep the cottage, I sold everything I had except the bare essentials. I used what money I had to sink it into my business. With the zeal of pursuing my life’s dream, I brought the cottage up to scratch. I could only afford fresh paint and simple maintenance. The fabric of the cottage was sound enough, all of its grey roof slates were there and rust-coloured with lichen. White-washing the cottage exterior and painting the windows was a thankless task in the oppressive July heat. What it took in effort, it gave back by tanning my body to a healthy biscuit glow.

This was how I first met Anne-Pierre. I remembered that first encounter with vivid clarity and played it back in my mind many times. I could feel her stare on the back of my head. She watched me paint; I was shirtless and only in shorts. Standing there at the wizened gate, she stared at me motionless.

Her printed cotton dress flapped slightly in the sea breeze. It clung to her slim petite body as the wind pushed it against her. A floppy canvas hat rested at a jaunty angle with a single trestle of red hair loose over her forehead. She looked at me with a hesitant expression and a slightly nervous smile.

That first time I saw her, everything around me stopped and fell silent. I had no idea how long I stood there; she stopped me dead in my tracks.

I like to think I played at being a gracious host. Over tea, she asked to paint an oil on canvas of the cottage with its freshly whitewashed walls and tended garden in full bloom. Absentmindedly, engrossed in the vision before me I readily agreed.

Over several days she visited, I stammered and mumbled my way through cups of chamomile tea and sandwiches for lunch. We sat on the old slatted bench in the front garden talked about anything of no real consequence. The affected pronunciation of her soft accent made my stomach churn with desire. As soon as I wanted to ask anything personal of her, my tongue tied and my throat felt so thick I thought I would choke. 

Entranced at watching her work, I peered surreptitiously through the net curtains. The look of concentration on her beautiful face was so endearing. I loved it when she tried to blow an unruly lock of her hair off her face. She bit at her bottom lip when she really focussed on something.

My heart would pound if I thought she caught me. I would hide in my own home for ages fearful if I thought she did.

She painted two canvases, I thought as a set to sell. When she was finished, she presented one to me. She had no other way to pay me then, she was new to the village too and had sunk all her savings into her gallery. We shared three things in common, we were both setting up in business, we loved the outdoors and we were both a novelty to the bemused villagers.

I would visit Anne’s cosy gallery down near the quayside, it was intimate and atmospheric. There she would hold court with the other artists and pseuds that the village attracted. Totally mesmerised, I would listen and watch her express what inspired her. She spoke with such vivacious passion with a smile that dimpled her cheeks.

In moments alone, she occupied my thoughts relentlessly. I found myself expelling deep long sighs at the simplest thought of her. I knew I had it bad and savoured the chance to see her before she saw me so I could admire her beauty. She looked divine and even in her smock dabbed with oils, she looked perfect to me.

She was an enigma and a beacon flame that attracted many others. She could have the pick of any man and I hoped it would be me so much it hurt.

We were hardly star-crossed lovers, I wavered with fear of losing my only friend in the village to ask her out. Once I decided to do something about it, it took me a whole week to pluck up the courage. Nothing formal, just afternoon tea and cake. She agreed with her usual aloofness and made me wonder what the fuss was all about.

It was meant to be the highlight of my whole week. Anne was her warm and intense self, it only made me more nervous. Her aura of indomitability, this force of nature to be reckoned with sat there before me. I clammed up and it was a disaster. Relegated to just listening, my questions felt laboured and awkward.

I kicked myself all the way home and for the rest of the week. I wasn’t naïve, I’d asked out plenty of women in my time. Usually, I was self-assured and confident in their presence. Now I had a new worry, the dreaded romantic purgatory of being considered as only a friend. When she extended me an invite to join her on a walk with the Rambler’s Club, I jumped at the chance.

Only I had ‘inappropriate footwear’ and sat banjaxed on the coastal path crippled by my injury. I could die from the embarrassment if this lovelorn torture didn’t kill me first.


===- 3 -===

Prodding at my ankle, a stabbing pain reared up and snapped me out of my reverie.

“Woah! That hurts!”

Anne looked at me and smiled, “You were a million miles away.”

“I was? Sorry.”

“Your ankle is swollen, but I do not think it is broken.”

“Well that’s something I suppose.”

I looked up to the cloudless sky as my frustration boiled inside me. I wanted to rip out these nerves and throw them into the sea.

“Ar’ you okay? You look like you ‘ave something on your mind?”

I squirmed a little and opted to keep my counsel.

“No, not really. Thank you so much for staying with me.”

Flicking at her hair, she tucked an errant lock behind her delicate ear. She looked up at me with the full power of those vivid eyes.

“Sam, could I ask you something?”

“Sure, anything.”

“This is my fault n’est ce pas?”

I blinked and shook my head in disbelief, “Sorry?”

She paused as her dainty white teeth bit at her bottom lip. Her head lolled a little to one side, she looked coy perhaps. Maybe for the first time in my presence I understood what she felt - vulnerable.

“I mean, I came ‘ere to walk and find new landscapes to paint. You came ‘ere just for me, non? This is what is on your mind?”

There was that deep sigh again, “Kind of.”

I girded all my courage, “Anne, I do like spending time with you.”

Her eyes widened, “You do?”

“Yes, I do… a lot.”

“And this why you ar’ always so nervous?”

I nodded as my head went down, inside I could feel something inside me surrender. It was a surprise that her delicate hand lifted my head up by my chin. I’d stared into her eyes, she did not break from them with her gaze. Their power stilled the maelstrom inside me, the soothing sounds of gulls and crashing waves eased my clouded mind.

I had to look at her lips, I adored those luscious bee-stung lips. An overpowering instinct welled up inside me. A divine force, more subtle that I could ever contrive drew me magnetically to them.

With a stifled yelp of surprise maybe, Anne did not back away. With my eyes closed, nothing else mattered, the pain of not knowing had to be exercised. The softest, most sensual contact I’d ever conjured brushed over their silken texture.

Easing from her, I looked to her face to scan for her response. There was a serenity there, her eyes shone and for the first time recognised that look – anticipation.

I did it again and she reciprocated, every fibre of my being concentrated in this simple act. I wanted her to read my mind and feel it through this fleeting contact. My ankle complained, not that it would stop me. The tender vacuum of my mouth took her lips against mine as she pressed harder. The elevated thumping in my chest marked time as I savoured every heartbeat.

I cradled her head in my hands, my fingers slid softly through her lustrous red hair. The warmth of her hand pressed against my heart, she would feel my inner reaction. With the swell of a moan, her soft lips submitted to me once more.

Instinctively, it felt right to let her go. With her lips pouting ready to receive another kiss, her eyes were still closed. I watched her for a moment, her eyelids lifted and a smile slowly formed.

She purred a little, “Mmmm, bon.”

I shrugged and reciprocated her smile. With the tongue-tied curse broken and my fears cast aside, I smiled more widely. She laughed and nuzzled against me closely, the delicate caress of another kiss consumed us with more power than the first. Loitering this time, the soft caress of our hands against each other added to the frisson of her pillow soft lips against mine.

Her eyelids looked heavy as she looked into my eyes. Her full lips redder than strawberries as she tasted me on her lips.

“Mmm Sam, you really know ‘ow to kiss.”

The lilt in her accent that made my insides tingle.

“You liked that?”

“Yes! Yes I did. Why have you taken so long to do that?”

I blushed and fidgeted hindered only by the nagging pulse of my damaged ankle.

“I… I don’t know, I kinda felt I shouldn’t, like…”, I paused to scrabble for words, “like it would ruin everything. I like you so much, I just had to know if you felt the same way.”

I paused again, “I was scared you did not feel the same way about me.”

The encumbrance of the mental rocks in my mind dissolved into dust. Softly, she caressed my chest, her floral scent of petunias mixed with the ozone from the frothy ocean below. I could feel it, a crackle of energy between us.

“Every time I ‘ave seen you, every time I wanted you to do this. Ever since the first time I saw you, I’ve burned inside waiting for you to kiss me. I thought you were making me wait, I thought you were making me pursue you.”

My eyebrows shot up, “Really?”

She giggled a little at my reaction, “Yes, you silly man.”

“And what about all your admirers in your gallery?”

With a dismissive hiss of air, she waved her hand to cast them away, “Huh, so tedious. They are so wet and limp.”

I could feel something for her right now that wasn’t limp. There was a tightness and an intense heat in my loins.

“You cannot move?”

I frowned a little, “Not really, it’s really throbbing.”

There wasn’t an answer and I looked to at Anne.

“Regarde ça!”

I gulped as I followed her gaze.

“Mmmm, Sam. You really do like me!”

She was staring at my crotch and sure enough, the thick outline of my hard cock made a bulge in my shorts. I had no time to react as I prepared to apologise. Instead, her soft mouth pressed against me. Not a tender kiss this time, this was a declaration of a different kind. The wriggle of her tongue against my lips surged a ripple of electricity through me.

“Is that for me mon cheri?”

Breathless and overwhelmed, I nodded, “Yes, yes it is.”

“At night, do you touch it thinking of me?”

Anne purred as I nodded.

“I am naughty too at night time thinking of you. I stare at you when you cannot see me and stare at your shorts.”

Her frank words eviscerated me, the shock on my face brought a playful giggle.

“I want to touch it. Can I?”

Craning my neck, I lunged at her lips. I’d never done anything like this before. Outside and spontaneous, yet I was caught in the moment. The seething mass of my feelings for her and my undiluted lust did not make me question this.

As our kiss escalated in passion, my hand caressed her chest and my fingers sought their target. Pressing against the firm cushion of her breast, I found the hard nub of her nipple proud against the thin fabric. The flat of her hand softly kneaded my stiff length. Our whimpers and gasps mixed with our passionate kiss. The hissed sound of breathing through our nostrils grew sharper and stronger.

Her fingers tugged at the fly of my shorts. My ankle complained but its pain felt so distant and inconsequential. Still locked together by our lips, her cool soft skin took the heat of my shaft. Her hand clasped me fully, she squeezed and shuffled her wrist slowly.

I had to break for a moment and groan loudly, it had been too long since I was touched there.

She pushed her lips against me and our passion combusted. Plucking at her nipples, her wrist moved with a renewed sense of vigour. Her delicate touch tightened around me. The primal need to have her reared up inside me with such power, I had to fight to maintain my self-control. I could not get enough air and had to break from her mouth.

Her eyes were upon me, all I could manage was a groan. My eyelids felt heavy with arousal as I looked into hers. Examined like a laboratory experiment, she watched my fevered reaction as she slowly massaged my cock.

Kneading the soft pillow of her pert breast, she bit her bottom lip.

“Is this what I do to you? Make you crazy with lust?”

I could barely speak as her hand caressed my captured length.


“How long ‘ave you felt like this for me?”

“Two months maybe longer. Oh God!”

Her sublime touch made my body tremble, I could barely speak. Her eyes widened, a look of enjoyment on her face as she watched me struggle.

“Oh you poor thing!”

“You… you don’t know the half of it.”

“I long for you too, feel ‘ow much I burn for you.”

She eased her hand from my shorts and took my own. Guiding it down her body, she pulled up the hem of her short dress. Pushing my hand into the flimsy fabric of her panties, I felt the puffy cushion of her sex. Hot and smooth, I drew a soft gasp from her; she held me by the wrist to direct my fingers.

“Go on, put a finger inside me.”

Her eyes screwed shut and her mouth half-open eased out a sigh. Defeating the lips of her sex, the slick heat of her juices seemed to cascade from her. Watching her features melt, the slight nub of her clit squirmed under the pressure from my thumb.

“N'arrête pas...,” she paused to ease out another soft moan, “please, keep going.”

Her hand was in my shorts again and she pressed her mouth to me. It was fevered, tongues danced as she wriggled her hips at my attention.

Alongside her, she writhed softly against my hand. The tight friction of two fingers inside her drew out louder sobs of pleasure. Her hands clutched at me to keep me in place. Silencing her with another passionate kiss, any sense of clumsy reticence had long departed. My thumb brushed softly against her hardened clit as my fingers drew out her profound response. Wriggling harder, her rushed breathing drew ever more ragged breaths.

Looking into my eyes, her mouth pouted as her hips wriggled against my impaled fingers. Her eyes crunched closed as her whimpers grew fainter. Flexing softly from her hips, she clutched at my body for leverage. Gracefully, her soft pleading gasps grew fainter. Her mouth locked against mine and sucked fervently to stifle her barely perceptible moans.

With a tremor so delicate, her lithe frame stuttered as she tensed and quaked. A deeper heat pulsed against my ensconced fingers as fresh wetness spilled forth. Her mouth freed from my clutches gasped airily. Delicately taken, I’d given her what she craved. Her cheeks mottled with a pink flush, her body rose and fell for deep lunges of air.

“Mmm…la petite mort.”

She pulled at my wrists and guided my recalcitrant fingers to her mouth. A fire burned in her eyes as she sucked each of them slowly in turn. The sublime velvet heat made me gasp and wriggle as her hand returned to my hard cock. A kiss followed suffused with the musky taste of her sex.



“It is your turn.”

Another passionate kiss provided the distraction as she straddled my body. She pushed at me to sit up straight. Her thin arms braced me against the stone wall and left me frozen still with expectation. The intensity of her narrowed eyes brimmed with intent, her gaze looked to my lips and then to my eyes.

Sliding down my body, she rose to her haunches. Undoing the top button of my shorts, she seized them.

“Fuck! Anne, should we be doing this here?”

My voice was nothing more than a hiss, my concern seemed to only enliven her into tugging harder.

“Shush, if we are caught, it is a crime of passion!”

Jarring my ankle, it made me wince but I was not going to let it stop her. Casting off my other trainer, she denuded my body save for my linen shirt. The incongruence of clothes cast asunder in this idyllic setting only fed the lust I felt for her. This was new and felt adventurous, it was my reason to settle here and be a different me. Perpetrating our crime of passion, nothing else mattered. The excitement fed the intense need of my body and it stole my breath.

She stopped to admire me. Unable to move, I watched as her eyes darted with the scrutiny of an artist. She looked into my eyes, her face etched with mischievous grin as her lips creased into a lascivious smile.

“Mmm, Sam, I like what I see, mon cheval noir.”

“Dark horse?” I beamed with a swell of pride.

“Yes. If I knew you ‘ad such a beautiful cock, I would ‘ave seduced you sooner.”

Straddling me, she sat and rubbed the damp fabric of her panties against my naked length. Savouring my reaction, every sinew in my body tightened and relaxed with each undulation of her hips. The brazenness of this open-air act fuelled the unquenchable fire in my body.

Long, thin fingers undid every ivory button of my shirt and their soft pads explored and teased. Rising from the tautness of my abdomen to the hardened buds of my nipples, she watched me helpless to her touch.

Taut thighs lifted as our eyes met; her look of placid determination made my chest pound harder. Lifting the hem of her skirt and she eased the flimsy gusset of her panties aside. A small tuft of red hair on her mons caught my eye as I stared at the pink swell of her sex.

“Rip them off,” she demanded.

The malevolent grip of my hands pulled the thin material, the sound of tearing cotton punctured the still air. Her faint gasp followed as I pulled them from her body. Thrown asunder, she lifted off her dress and revealed her naked self to me.

The delicate features of her face tightened to a smile as she let me savour the spectacle. The taut curves of her body before me made my length twitch. I had to touch her and she purred as my hands tenderly sampled every curve. I plucked her hard nipples and kneaded at the perky handfuls of her breasts.

Her bottom lip was between her porcelain teeth again, she wriggled at each soft caress of my hands against her nubile flesh. At the confluence of her toned thighs, her sex pressed against me. Finding the tip of my length at the cleft of her sex, her eyes demanded my attention. With the simplest grip of my shaft, she guided me in.

In that moment of penetration, our faces revealed each other’s pleasure. Slowly, she eased herself upon me and took it whole. The broiling tight heat forced a fevered groan from me and flexed my length. Clutching tenderly at her breasts, I toyed with her hard nipples to provoke a gasp of her own.

Struck down by injury, I could not do her justice. The look on my face must have said it all.

“Let me do this for you. Give yourself to me.”

With words delivered with a soft tender kindness, she ground her hips against me slowly. Fluid and athletic, she presented her breast to my mouth. Under the tutelage of her hips, she instructed me. Helpless to move, she gave me this gift. Teasing her nipple, I sucked hungrily at the puckered areola. Weaving her fingers through my hair, she kept me there at her breast.

Rising tension in my loins forced my louder groans, they seemed to inspire her. Her elegant pace became more relentless. She rode the whole length of my stout hardness and enveloped it whole. The taut hot draft of her sex swelled the throbbing knot of pressure in my core. Her effortless assault on my body never wavered. Her intent was clear, the graceful undulation of her hips in pursuit of my release.

Spellbound I watched her as she braced against me. The milky sheen of her bare body hypnotised my mind. Her breasts shook slowly as the graceful ebb and flow of her body took me. I could feel the heat rising amplified by weeks of yearning and frustration. The sight of her body moving so sinuously astride me was too much. Swollen to my zenith, she toyed with my nipples. Her rhythm kept perfect time as our eyes locked together.

I had to tell her and warn her. I wanted to draw out these delicious feelings for so much longer. I tried to wriggle to tell her should my words fail me.

“I… I…”

A sole finger against my lips quelled my petulance.

“This is just the first time, there will be many more.”

With shallower smooth thrusts, she ground herself against me. Her expectant face waited for the moment she captured my essence. The tight grasp of her hot walls against the full swell of my length would soon deliver my climax to her.

“I can feel it Sam. Let yourself go into me. Do it mon cheri, fill me up with it.”

I couldn’t hold it back, that knot inside me pulsed and throbbing hard. Plucking at my nipples, the livid swell of my length made her purr. Her body extracted my tumult with effortless ease. The first belt of my length made her eyes widen as she gasped. I announced each spasm with a heartfelt groan. Our eyes did not waver as she sat squarely on top of me. Rubbing softly, she took it all.

I pulled her close and shared a soulful kiss. My body glowed with a happy deep-seated relief as we embraced. Amidst the sound of the swirling ocean and the cries of gulls, we held each other until our fever passed.

“Wow, Anne. Just. Wow.”

Her soft panting breaths caressed my skin, “Now, you ar’ cured. No more Monsieur Nervous-pants. You ar’ my man now. My beautiful man.”

“Tu es ma belle femme aussi.”

With a giggle, she squeezed on my semi-flaccid length, “Very good Sam, I accept.”

===- 4 -===

Pulling at her long woollen coat and wrapped it around her. I embraced her to share our warmth. All the seasons had passed us by twice now, the time felt so fleeting yet every day felt so full. Even at this time of dour dark and quiet, her companionship made every day feel like the first.

The wintery drama of the coast after a storm was our favourite time to walk. The bite of the cold air tingled against my face as we looked out over the white topped swell of the steel grey ocean. The dirty washed out azure sky blurred into the mist on the horizon.

“I think I will paint this, it is so brooding and strong.”

Lifting up her riot of hair, I kissed her warm neck tenderly. Her perfume still had the power to intoxicate me. The feel of her delicate body always reared up that need to protect her and venerate her in equal measure. She tilted her head and softly I planted a kiss there again. She reached to my face to caress it in a silent acknowledgement.

To her ear I raised my voice to barely a whisper, “I love you Madame Chandler.”

“Moi aussi, je t'aime, Monsieur Chandler.”

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Inappropriate Surprise Incest Requirement Story

Inappropriate Surprise Incest Requirement StoryDescription: In this story, Liz discovers that, much to her surprise and chagrin, her father has expected that she be sexually satisfying her brother on demand. He discovers she has not been doing this, and, together with her brother, he punishes her with much torment, sexual humiliation and and raping.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely...

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Inappropriate Redhead Daughter Story

Inappropriate Redhead Daughter StoryDescription: In this story, a father is seduced by his beautiful fiery redhead daughter. Their vanilla relationship takes a turn for the evil, however, when she blackmails a pair of twins to join reluctantly in their fun, and the dad and daughter spend a night horrifically tormenting and raping the pair.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The...

3 years ago
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Unusual Footwear

I had a feeling I knew where tonight’s escapade was going. Kara had been glancing down at that second drawing on the coffee table most of the evening. We had been sitting on the sofa reading for a couple of hours, resting up after a bit of touristy activity. Kara’s feet were resting in my lap. Well, not exactly resting; she was using them to teasingly fondle my cock and balls.I had noticed earlier that the Magnums were still on the nightstand from two nights previous, but I had also noticed...

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Inappropriate Website Punishment Story

This story is fiction and should remain that way. Practically every event depicted herein is egregiously immoral and no part of it should be emulated. Corporal punishment is wrong (much less rape and torture) and no violence should be done to any person without their genuine consent. No character in this story is depicted as underage in any jurisdiction.        ?AMANDA!?        That was Amanda’s dad, yelling from his room. He sounded mad. Amanda ran to him from the living room, knowing this...

1 year ago
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Inappropriate Behaviour

Regular readers of my sexual exploits will know that I’m a bit of a fan of Brighton’s nude beach, and I try to get down there from London a couple of times a year during the summer. I love the chance to just strip off and enjoy being naked in the company of other like-minded people. And if some of them want to enjoy the sight of my unclothed body, that’s fine with me. This summer, I was especially lucky, because the Thameslink rail company had a promotion for cheap day returns in August, so I...

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Inappropriate Behavior Part 3

I had not been having the greatest of days. First my car wouldn't start. Somehow the headlight switch was turned to always be on. My husband called and had a friend stop by for a jump start. Then that guy's car had sputtered and died blocking the driveway because he was low on gas. We had to wait for yet another friend to bring a gas can. When I finally arrived at work, my boss had asked me to step into his office. The company was struggling, and they had decided to downsize. I was given a...

4 years ago
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Inappropriate Behavior Part 2

At 11:20 my cell phone rang. I smiled broadly as I answered. "Hello, Beautiful, what's up?" "Um, hi. Sir, I don't think I can make it to lunch, and," she said. "Hey!" I interrupted. Into the silence, I continued in a reasonable tone, saying, "When I saw the number, I thought I was getting a call from a friend about our lunch date. Friends can cancel lunch dates. That's okay." After a short pause, she quietly said, "Um, okay. I'm stuck with a customer an hour away, and I feel bad about...

Straight Sex
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Inappropriate FatherDaughter TeamRape Story

Inappr opriate Father+Sister Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a girl seduces her father into a heavy kinky relationship, then convinces him to rape and torture his other daughter with her.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction between fantasy and real...

2 years ago
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Inappropriate Surprise Incest Requirement Story

Liz had to pause her video game. Her dad sounded mad. She rushed into the living room, to find her dad standing and her brother Cody sitting on the couch, looking sullen. "Yeah dad?" she asked. She asked innocently because she genuinely had no idea what was supposed to be wrong. "I just caught your brother in the bathroom masturbating." Taken aback, Liz cracked a grin, then tried to be serious, then cracked another grin. "Um, really? You're telling me this because?" "So do you have...

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The Helen Chronicles Chapter 5

The Bartender The last of Helen's lovers that I know about for sure was Richard Barton. Rich was the first of the three men I saw on film to shove his shit covered cock into Helen's mouth and make her clean it off. That act alone kept me from hurting him too bad when I went to pay him a call. After Helen gave birth to Marlene she did not go back to work for the Hamburger Man. She was a stay at home mom for about six months and then one afternoon the doorbell rang and I answered it and...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

Steve was wandering aimlessly through the aisles of the store, not looking for anything in particular. As he was walking down the snack aisle, eyeing a box of Oreos someone else turned the corner. Steve looked up and saw a nice looking girl, who somehow looked familiar. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about her face was ringing a bell. She didn’t really notice that anyone was in the aisle and was busy filling her shopping cart. She had to get snacks for the kid’s lunches...

2 years ago
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Cade and Eve Part 2

Cade and Eve – Part 2 Eve woke to find herself alone in Cade’s lake-sized bed. She lay still for a moment, the events of last night running through her mind. She felt wonderful. Her body felt alive, she felt loose and limber, the slight tenderness of her pussy the only physical reminder of last night’s fucking. She and Cade had stumbled up the stairs to his bedroom, still naked, and had indulged in a quick hot shower before they had fallen into bed. Awakened by the shower and the lust that...

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Doctors Orders

Doctor's Orders Two short fantasies about crossdressing for medical reasons. Calf Strengthening A year ago, I had a bad auto accident. I broke a few bones, but nothing life-threatening. The worst injury turned out to be terrible gashes I received across the back of both of my legs. The cuts tore both of my calf muscles. Despite a lot of physical therapy, I just couldn't get my strength back to normal. This is troubling, because I work as a bank teller and I'm standing behind...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 10

I said that there were two specific occasions where their activities were certainly not platonic, one of which, of course was the episode just described. The other, in some ways, was more important because it was a major step up in their relationship. This came about because of my attendance at the annual Northeast Political Science Association Conference which normally runs three days in the middle of November. Obviously, I would be gone overnight, leaving Sandy alone at home. Usually during...

2 years ago
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Keeping it between Friends and family Part II

Now that I have one slut, it was time to see Darla. This one would be very easy to take over. Her husband is out of town a lot. His company sends him all over the country and he might be gone for weeks at a time. This gives Darla a lot of playing time. And her playing time will include me from now on. Darla is short. She is 4' 10 inches tall and weights 145 lbs. She has shoulder lenght brown hair. Her mouth is very small, as well as her tits. She has a fat ass and short legs. She is quiet...

2 years ago
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Love Is Blind Ch 3

Allison slipped quietly from the bed, being careful not to awaken Brad, and went into the living room. Galahad immediately came up to her. Picking up her watch, she opened the crystal cover and felt the numerals and hands. It was 7:35 a.m. ‘Are you ready to go out,’ she whispered. She went over and opened the sliding glass door to the small patio and the just as small fenced yard, letting the dog out. She left it open enough that he could get back in. ‘There, you can do your stuff and I’ll go...

2 years ago
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Ring of TruthBlog 15 Robbery at Peregrave Hall

17th November 2004 [Little of any note on the home front so I'll go straight on with the next excerpt from Joshua's account. You may like to know The Angel is still a pub but these days has had to cater more for meals than for the local beer drinkers. The inside is now decorated with horse brasses and other agricultural paraphernalia supposed to add 'atmosphere' to the interior. A large conservatory has been added on at the back to give more space for the restaurant side of things and...

2 years ago
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Aunt Lisa

I have always desired my aunt.It was something about this dark-haired, olive skinned, 42 year old woman that drove me crazy. I don't know if it was her beauty, or the fact that she was "family" but the since she wasn't blood-related, it wasn't too weird. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ As a teen, at around 16 years old, I spend most summer days over at her house. At the time she only had one son who was no older than 3 years old. I would go over to babysit that summer for a little extra money. My aunt was a nurse so...

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Female Gangster to Girly Girl

Introduction It had been a long day for Sarah. She continued to consolidate power in her territory and now undoubtedly was the preeminent gang leader in the city. She couldn't wait to rub in her latest successes to all of her most hated rivals. After a long day, she decided to stop by the bar for a drink. She knew she may see some of her fellow gang leaders there and couldn't wait to fill them in on her latest triumphs. She sat down at the bar, ordered a drink, passed out, and when she woke up...

4 years ago
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Anal Finger

Was für eine Schreckliche woche , erst 5 Tage Spätschicht, dann im Anschluss das WE im Hotel. Jetzt bin ich auf den Weg nach Hause , es ist Sonntag abend , ich habe meine Süße fast 7 ganze Tage nicht gesehen. Ich freue mich schon sehr sie zu sehen zu spüren , ich will SEX. Wir haben eben Telefoniert, Sie weis das ich nach Hause komme. Ob sie mich in ihrem Neues Sexy BH überraschen wird ? oder ob Sie mich Splitterfaser nackt an der Tür empfängt ? Auf den weg die Treppe zur Wohnungstür hoch...

2 years ago
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Dont Use Moms Panties 5

The next morning I left for college. I was only able to come home a few times and it was usually crammed full of family togetherness, so Mark and I couldn't do our usual thing. By Spring Break in March, I was practically quivering with desire. I not only wanted to do these sessions with my brother...I needed them. I would be in class and zoning out as the professor droned on and on and the next thing I knew I was daydreaming of Mark and his cock. I would leave class with my pussy so...

4 years ago
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Older Woman Younger Man Loving Sex

Elizabeth and Steven entered their motel room and embraced as soon as they were inside. Steven said, "I've been aching to be with you Beth. I wish we could be together more often." Elizabeth responded, "We need to be thankful for what we have." She kissed her young lover and went into the bathroom to change and freshen up. As she touched up her lipstick and makeup in the mirror she pondered the decisions that had led her to the present predicament. Steven had been her eldest daughter's...

1 year ago
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153 AFTER THE DIVORCE. Having gained my freedom, I decided to accept my daughter’s invitation to a night out on the town to celebrate at a local bar she frequents that caters mostly to blacks. I put on a sheer, see through black blouse, no bra so that my tits could be seen; short black skirt, lace belt with straps holding up my black stockings, no panties and 6” ankle strap, open toed stiletto’s. Wrapped up in a long coat, Carol (dressed in another similar outfit she calls her slut outfit!)...

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Dream Come True

Misty lie in bed, her hand between her long legs with two of her fingers deep in her steaming pussy. She moved them in and out as fast as she could go. Her other hand toyed with her firm breasts and nipples. She needed to cum so bad every inch of her body was on fire. She had only been with one man in her young life and he didn't know the first thing about pleasing a girl. "Please, cum!" she moaned as her hand began to tire. She'd been fingering herself for close to an hour with no sign on...

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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 22

With my little sister Princess off to the Caribbean for a two week honeymoon vacation and my delightful sister Lily mad at me because I didn't pay enough attention to her at the wedding, I was reduced to lonely nights of watching old reruns of "Buffy" on the tube and marveling how good she looked when she sitting on top of some poor vampire shoving a sharp wooden stake through his undead heart. My mother was an area counselor for the local Girl Scout troops and asked me to help out...

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NyxChapter 13

By our second week, it was getting harder and harder to find a gang in the neighborhood we had been working, yet, the crime rate in other neighborhoods had risen approximately in proportion to the rate ours had dropped. Then it dawned on us: the gangs were just moving to other places to escape our notice. OK, that was something that we could counteract. We took our map of high-crime neighborhoods and numbered them in consecutive order. There turned out to be 27, based on our somewhat...

2 years ago
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Girl Next Door Ch 02

I lay in bed, my head pounding, and I stared at the ceiling. A dull ache throbbed in my abdomen and the back of my thighs. I was cold, and a mound of blankets and sheets sat huddled on top of me like a fabric mountain, wrinkled and sweat-stained. Despite how I felt, I couldn’t help but flash on the images of the day: Mrs. Tasker on top of me, bucking, and Maddy in the doorway, watching. I felt used, sore, and drained, and I wanted more. My cell phone came to life, and I realized I was...

1 year ago
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Teasing Elderly Neighbour the BeginningChapter 7

Hi again xxx I thought I would give you all an update on Frank my neighbour, and our recent naughty fun we have been having. Due to the really bad weather Mike had been stuck away from home, unable to get back, and had to spend a couple of nights in a hotel. This left me alone and I was also unable to get to work on a couple of days as well. Frank kept an eye on me, so to speak! and he was very keen to see I didn't get too lonely... On the first night that Mike was snowbound, Frank...

1 year ago
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bring a friend along

Cindy and I had made arrangements to take a road trip out to San Francisco for Labor Day. The idea was that we were going to take off work on Friday and make it into a four day weekend. Cindy suggested that we pick up our friend David along the way to share the driving as well as getting him out of town for a bit. We gave him a call and everything was all set.We left really early on Friday and got to David's place around 7am. He was ready and waiting so it was off to San Francisco for us! We...

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Loving Next Door Aunty

Hello friends. This is Sahil khan here from Jammu and Kashmir. Today I am going to narrate an incident regarding my heavenly sex with a next door aunty. All ladies who want to get in touch with me can mail me on Here goes the story : Next to my house there is one neighbouring house in which uncle aunty and there daughter live since last three years. Uncle works as a university professor and aunty is a government teacher. Aunty is around 36 years and her name is Naaz. Aunty’s daughter Soha is...

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Dont Sleep in the SubwayChapter 24

That winter, I took the habit of wearing a medley of animal skins, mostly buffalo, around me to cut the bite of the dreaded cold moving down like a silent enemy from the mountains. The females, with the exception of Kit, tended to stay inside the tents and sheltered lean-tos we had constructed to weather the storms. A couple of my Indian scouts had made camp in the Canadian wilderness for several years and they instructed the other on making a weird looking foot device that looked almost...

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Long Hot Summer Ch 5

Eleanor Kaminski lay completely naked atop her bed, starfish-like. Her head was thrown back, stuck between a couple pillows and jammed against the oak headboard—some cheap, ugly French Provincial thing they probably got at Sheely’s after a long layaway. Her throat glistened. She kept saying “Oh my God... Oh my God.” The room—at my particular coordinates, anyway—smelled like cunt and dirty ashtray and a chemicaled pine from an old cone-shaped air freshener on her bedside table that had hardened...

Straight Sex
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The City Below

Moira opened her eyes for a brief second and looked out of the broken window to her right, the shards of broken glass still stuck in the frame as painfully near as the the streets below her were away, many times beyond the point where a fall looked remotely survivable.In fact it was the highest one could get in this city, at least since the radio antenna that used to sit on the roof above her had capitulated to the relentless winds and lack of maintenance.Moira had climbed it once before it was...

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Geralds Infidelity

This is a true story. All names have been changed to protect identities. Gerald Gordon had it all. He had just turned 46 that year and was a successful criminal lawyer. He was married to his beautiful wife Margo and had two well-behaved children; Myra who was 15 and Ryan who was 17. To top it all off, he also had a gorgeous 27-year-old mistress named Elle. He'd started seeing Elle over two years ago when she became his personal secretary. Everything was going as planned. He had his sweet...

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Expansion Fan! You want to know where you can find some of the hardest working mother fuckers on the planet? It’s not on a construction site. Or in the crop fields. Hell, it’s not even in a brothel.You will find the hardest working pros at their desks drawing the most intricate penises, tits, and other types of genitalia to make end’s meet. Artists that have no qualms about drawing XXX content – and those that enjoy it – are cranking out a never-ending array of original art every fucking day....

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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I had texted her only five minutes prior to my arrival that I was coming, I hoped to catch her before she realized I was already there. I made it to her floor and made my way down the hallway to her apartment door. It was unlocked, as it always was. Myself and other men made regular appearances at her apartment throughout the week and she had found it irritating constantly getting up to unlock the door for these many men she serviced. She had also once told me in secret that she left...

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Hot Wife and the Young Stud At Home

It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going to do it, someone else has. You love your toys as well but you urge to feel skin on skin. It hasn’t been easy for you either since you get eye fucked all day long by these young boys. They have all of this hot teen ass they could be going for but they cannot get their eyes off you. Something...

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Back Up Buddy

This is a combined story effort between Jake Rivers and me (DG Hear). Carl Smith has two great songs that are complete opposites in their story lines: "Hey, Joe" and "Back Up, Buddy" Hey, Joe! is the story of a guy that wants his buddy's girl. Back Up, Buddy is the story of a man telling his buddy to leave his girl alone. We thought it would be interesting for readers to see these stories at the same time by two different authors. We have no idea what the other is writing. Back Up,...

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Julie pute du lyce

Ceci est un texte écrit sur un autre site aujourd'hui disparu (le texte pas le site), avec la particularité que les différents chapitres ont été écrit par des auteurs différents. De ce fait le texte original comprend des problèmes de cohérence, problèmes de date (un évènement devant s'être passé il y a 2 semaines, s'est passé la veille), des problèmes de personnage (le CPE devient le proviseur), des problèmes de temps (on passe du présent au passé). J'ai ainsi fait le choix de dénaturer...

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Cindy by the pool

            Cindy smoothed the last of the oil on her body, luxuriously rubbing it into her skin.   When she finished, she picked up a tube of sun block, SPF 35.   Carefully, she squeezed a small amount into her palm.   With one finger, she took a dab and traced the white tan lines around her crotch where her bathing suit would normally be.   She took a little more and covered the small amount of white she still had left on her cute butt, then spread more over the other white parts, mostly on...

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Cuckold hubby and father

Greg had pestered his wife to let a big black cock ravage her while he watched. Ellen Davis watched the screen on her computer, the young girl squealed in pure ecstasy as the thick long black cock slid into her receptive cunt. The black man began to pound her mercilessly as she squealed even louder, his thumb was in her ass hole as he fucked her giving her double the pleasure, Ellen opened her eyes wide as he pulled out of her cunt and put it in her ass bit by bit until the whole shaft was...

4 years ago
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A Tale of 2 Nerds Life with My Sister

This one doesn't have too much sex, and the sex it does have is small - I'm sorry, everyone. It seems like this is becoming more erotic literature instead of just a smut story. I'm having fun writing it though, so I hope you enjoy reading it. As for the lame title, I couldn't think up anything, and I didn't wanna risk being fancy and messing things up again. Do you REALLY care about the chapter title since you already know of the story? If you couldn't read the previous chapter...

1 year ago
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Neighborhood Sex Orgy with Insest part 2

Read "Neighborhood Sex Orgy with i****t" first or you may wonder what is going on reading this part. The basement heats up in ways that are scorching hot!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Once Tim and I were securely gagged and our hoods back in place, Bob disappeared up the stairs to get the ladies so that round two could begin. My heart started beating so loudly I thought it had to echo off of the walls! I wondered for a moment if it might be due to the pill I had taken earlier but I...

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My first time with a girl Part Three

We’d already arranged a sleep-over for the upcoming weekend before the kiss in the park. I’d be over at her house with just her dad there too – Louise’s mum and sister would be off somewhere.As the day approached, I started to prepare myself for what I knew what would happen. It was more than a drunken meaningless kiss between us. I knew we were going to sleep together when we next saw each other.I watched some lesbian porn on the internet late at night, to see how they did it. Yes, I knew that...

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The Neighbor Part II

Her bedroom was nothing close to fancy, but he couldn’t argue with the fact that it was a cosy little space, and her bed was the springiest bed he had ever sat upon. Moments before, they had exchanged wet and fervid kisses in her sitting-room and now, Frank found himself aroused not by her naked body waiting for him upon the bed, stretched out in pose, as if waiting to be photographed or sketched, but the numerous posters she had plastered on her sea-blue walls. ‘You like Kiss?’ ‘I...

2 years ago
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A Bride chapter 22

Arnold stood there gasping for breath and wheezing like the dying man he was."May I come in Thomas please? I need to sit down."I stood to one side, amazed that he'd actually dared to come here."Sit down but don't get comfortable, you won't be staying long.""I expect not."He sat down at the table opposite mum and took a few minutes to recover from climbing the stairs. Finally, he looked at us both in turn and said softly."I'm sorry, sorry to you both and I've come to apologise to you...

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Mamanar Ennai Sex Seithaar

Hi friends, en peyar vasagi vayathu 32 aagugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal. Veetil mamanar mamiyar endru iruvarum irupaargal, naangal oru kutu kudumbam. Mamanarku vayathu 58 aagi irunthathu, avar intha vayathilum parka sexiyaaga irupaal. Virintha maarbugal irukum, pinbu thudai perithaaga irukum. Enaku intha veetirku vaaku pattu vanthathil irunthu en mamanar meethu oru kan irunthathu. Avar aanmai enai sundi eezhthathu, en kanavan veli naatil velai paarkiraar. Avar...

4 years ago
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Wedding Night Slut

As we dance around the hall with the rest of the wedding guests I’m enjoying my husband’s hands on my waist bringing me closer to him. It's been months since we’ve danced together, and sadly, it's been even longer since we’ve been sexual with each other. The kids and our hectic lives have meant that we have both let that part out of lives fade. We’ve just become a boring married couple but tonight it’s more like we are teenagers again. I turn in his arms and wiggle my bum against him, his hands...

1 year ago
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A Labour Leader Blackmails a Housewife

Mera naam Savita Singh hai. Mai ek shaadi shuda mahila hoon. Gujarat me Soorat ke paas ek Textile industry me husband Mr. Brijbhushan singh ( we call him Brij) engineer ke post me kaam karte hain. Unke textile mill me hamesha labour problem rahti hai.Majdooron ka neta bhogi bhai bahut hi kaiyan type ka admi hai. Officer logon ko us aadmi ko hamesha pata kar rakhna padta hai. Mere pati ki us se bahut pat ti thi. Mujhe unki dosti futi aankh bhi nahin suhati thi. Shaadi ke baad mai jab nayi nayi...

2 years ago
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Tgirl Hooker pt5

All my stories and based on my own experiences.All other parts are on here and would recommend you have a read.The next time I saw Emma my ass was still sore and I was quite bruised inside from how are she had fucked me, so we went for a curry and a few beers.After Emma had been perved at all night by the staff and some older business men in the restaurant but I know she loved it, the cute little giggle she done, the way she would look at them and bit her lip, for all I know they could be...

3 years ago
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Naked We Lie

We have arranged a daring rendezvous, something we have never done before. We meet in a public car park, pretending to be strangers. The excitement of such a public dare is thrilling. We are both horny with expectation. By prior arrangement you are not wearing a bra and panties. I lead you to a quiet area in the underground car park and gesture for you to lean against a pillar. I kiss your neck and undo your blouse, and I kiss your shoulders and hold your breasts. I then kiss and lightly...

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