Inappropriate Behavior Part 4 free porn video

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I should have known something was wrong as soon as Pet hung up. Her imperious tone cut through all rational thought, and I could only think of getting to her as fast as possible. I could only think of pleasing her, and hope that she might give me some pleasure in return. It was a bit early to be cutting out of work, but I didn't allow that to impede my hasty departure. Minutes later, I arrived at her house, and she met me at the door.

"Naked, now," she commanded. "Why are you so slow? You know what I want!"

I should have known something was wrong by the tone of her voice. She was speaking much louder than necessary, and her face was flushed, and her motions seemed jittery. I almost said something, but she saw my hesitation, and she delivered a stinging slap to my face.

"Don't make me wait a second more!" she said much too loudly.

I was too shocked to think, yet my body reacted on auto-pilot. As quickly as possible, I had shucked my clothes and folded and stacked them nicely on a chair. I noticed the pile of clothes on the other chair and I even took a moment to pick up and fold the panties that had been carelessly tossed nearby, but I did not feel that they were important. Pet smirked as I carefully arranged the panties on top of the other pile.

"I hope you don't expect a reward for that! Get upstairs, Pig!"

She was still talking much louder than normal. Oh, and I should have known something was wrong when she called me 'Pig'. My brain was not thinking and my swelling cock was leading the way. I was still hoping to please her, and let her please me. I hurried up the stairs. She stopped me in the hall outside of her bedroom.

"Kneel!" she commanded, and I did. She stood in front of me. Her beautiful face was twisted into a cruel smile, and yet I allowed her to caress her hands on my face. Her fingertips pressed back and suddenly she grabbed two fists full of hair and cruelly tipped my head back.

"Who owns you?" she shrieked. Something was wrong. I should have noticed earlier.

"Pet," I said softly.

"Yes!" she shrilled. "I own you! Who do I answer to?"

"Pet," I repeated, trying to get her attention.

"No!" She screeched. "Two for stupidity!"

Using my hair for leverage, she yanked my head forward and down. As I fell forward to hands and knees, she quickly stepped around and smacked my ass with the hardest blow I have felt in my life. It hurt like blazes, and I was not going to allow a second one to follow. I quickly rose to my feet to tower over her. She tried to stop me, but she lost her grip on my hair, and her efforts to hold me down went unnoticed.

"No!" she screamed in terror. "Get back on your knees, Pig. I own you! Do as you’re told!"

"No, Pet, I am Mouse," I said in a reasonable tone. "You have to stop. Tell me what is wrong."

"On your knees!" she screamed, and then she physically jumped me.

There was a flurry of activity as she tried to overbalance me. I corrected, and she tried to put her knee sharply into my groin. We tussled a bit more, and in the end, I was holding her trapped up against the wall. My body had hers trapped, with her legs on either side of me. I held her wrists to prevent her from slapping me.

"Talk to me, Pet," I asked in a gentle tone.

"Put me down," she answered firmly. "I am in charge!"

"I will let you down, and let you keep hurting me, if you tell me why. Tell me what is wrong."

"I am in charge!" she said defiantly, as if that explained everything. But then a sudden change came over her, and her eyes turned desperate. "I was hurting you?" she whispered.

Before I could answer, her face registered shock as she reviewed that last ten minutes in her mind, and her rigid body slumped against the wall. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh, Mouse, no. What have I done?" she murmured, and then she collapsed into a puddle of sobs and tears.

I caught her, and held her, and I promised her that everything would be all right. She continued to cry, so I scooped her up into my arms and carried her to the bedroom. I stopped in shock as soon as I stepped through the door. There was a woman tied to the bed. Her body was arranged with her face down and her ass in the air, and her arms pulled out in front of her. Her glistening pussy was prominently displayed. She must have heard my gasp of surprise.

"Please, Pet," she begged, "is that Mouse? Pet, I have been so naughty. While you were gone, I made myself cum twice without permission. Please, Pet, make him fuck me. Command him to tear into me with that big cock! Please, Pet, I need him! I mean, I need to be punished!"

Pet's eyes were wide with fear as she watched me for a reaction. I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Pet, who, what is this?"

"Mouse, meet Doll," she answered quietly. "She asked me to take ownership, but I don't think I can do it right, so I think now you own her too."

"Pet, no!" I said in astonishment. Then I had smile, because Doll had said it at the same time.

"I belong to Pet," Doll continued. "I am her's and she owns me and she is in charge. Pet, make him fuck me. I need to be punished!"

I gently set Pet down on the edge of the bed. "Please hold still, Doll, I need to untie you. I don't like the shades of red that I see in your hands and ankles."

"You don't tell me what to do," Doll said pertly. "I belong to Pet. She is in charge. Pet, I am so sorry I was bad. Please don't untie me. Make him punish me."

Pet looked at me in despair. I gave her an encouraging smile and nodded. She said, "Doll, hold still while we untie you. Do you know, it sounds to me like you want Mouse. Letting you have what you want is not a punishment at all."

"Yes, ma'am," Doll answered sullenly.

Pet and I struggled to undo the knots. "Pet," I said, "please don't tie anyone up until some expert teaches you the proper way." I touched her shoulder and made sure that she knew I was being instructional, not critical. "You can see how these knots pulled tighter as she struggled, and they are cutting off circulation. I don't know the right way, but I know there is a right way. Any other way will cause someone to get hurt."

Fresh tears formed in Pet's eyes as she worried about having hurt Doll. The last of the knots came free, and I leaned over and hugged Pet. I promised her that everything was all right.

Doll held her position, with her ass in the air. She did rub her own wrists as they came free, and her hands were probably all pins and needles as the feeling came back into them. As she relaxed back into position with her arms stretched out in front of her, she quietly said, "Time."

"About four o'clock," I answered automatically. "Why do you ask?"

Doll tensed up. "I didn't ask. That wasn't me. Okay, it was me, but what I meant was it's time. Time for you to punish me. Please Pet, you should spank me. Make him fuck me. It's time for that."

A puzzled look crossed Pet's face, and then she blurted out, "No wait, time's up. I set a two hour limit, and as of three fifty five, Doll is no longer owned."

"No Pet!" Doll cried out as she sat up and looked to Pet with despair. "We aren't finished! You need to punish me. You need to own me and punish me!"

Pet quickly moved to hug Doll. She said, "No Doll, we are done for now. I was a bad owner and I hurt you."

Doll sobbed, "But I want to be yours. We need to finish. Please keep me. Please own me."

"I don't think I should own anyone," Pet said as her tears started again.

"Don't you own Mouse?" Doll asked.

Pet turned to look at me and she almost answered 'no'. I smiled at her and answered for her. "Yes, she owns me."

Her sadness was slowly replaced by a half smile. "And you own me," she said softly.

Doll watched our interplay, and then said, "That's what I want then. Mouse can own me."

Pet turned to lock eyes with her friend. "And we can own him together," she said with a big smile. She leaned forward and hugged Doll, and then she kissed her. By mutual decision, their kiss quickly passed from comforting to passionate. I sat mesmerized, watching.

An inappropriate thought had snuck into the back of my mind much earlier. When I had first entered the bedroom, I could not help but notice the glistening wetness of Doll's exposed pussy. The shape of her lifted ass was enticing, but the thought of burying my face into her wet lips had staggered my mind. I had pushed that thought away, and asked Pet to explain the situation.

More inappropriate notions had nagged at me as we had untied her. The heat coming off of her smooth skin had quickly tried to bring my blood to a boil. I had let my worry over the knots keep things at bay. When Pet had begun to cry over hurting her friend, a secondary assault had come at me. I had the sudden very strong urge to comfort Pet with sex. I knew she would respond well to kind words and a strong orgasm. I needed to get rid of Doll, and fast.

When Doll had sat up in protest, I was stunned to silence by the sight of her breasts. I was nearly overcome with the need to bury my face between her twin globes and fill my hands with their fullness. Her raised nipples begged to be sucked and teased. It took every bit of willpower to not lunge across the bed and take them.

And then Pet had kissed her. And Doll had eagerly returned that kiss. The tableau they presented was breath taking. Pet's petite body looked so small and delicate as she pressed into Doll's fuller figure. But her passion allowed her to dominate her friend, and you could see it in the way they moved together. Their breasts were pressed together, with Pet's smaller ones over Doll's fuller chest. I dared not make a noise. Their kiss got steamier and more intense, and I dared to hope they would go a lot further.

Pet broke off the kiss, and looked deep into Doll's eyes. Something unspoken was passed between them, and Doll barely nodded. Pet leaned in and they kissed again. Pet's hands had been on Doll's head, caressing her jaw and guiding the kiss. My eyes were glued to the hand that slid free and caressed down Doll's neck and chest, and then gathered up a hand full of her luscious breast. Doll's hands had been kneading Pet's ass. As one broke free and slid up Pet's body, it took my attention. I was rapt as it came forward and pulled at Pet's perky breast. Thumb and finger came together to pinch Pet's nipple, and she moaned her approval. She caught Doll's nipple and twisted it, and Doll cried out and came.

They clung to each other, and kissed their way through her orgasm. Pet broke off the kiss to let Doll breathe. "Just a bit sensitive dear?" she asked.

"Yes," replied a breathless Doll. "But you also have your knee between my legs, and I was pressed up against your hard thigh muscle."

"Mmm, I bet that felt good," Pet said with a smile.

Doll smiled back. "I know what would feel better," she suggested.

"We need to own him," Pet said, and then gave Doll a quick kiss.

I was beside myself when their first kiss turned passionate. I was lost in their interplay as their touch turned orgasmic. I was lost in the moment, and as they kissed again, I thought, "Some lucky guy is gonna get owned by both of them!" I was so lost in the moment that I was caught completely by surprise when their kiss ended and they tackled me.

One moment I was sitting on the edge of the bed, hoping they would continue. The next moment, I was sprawled on my back in the middle of the bed with two writhing women pinning me down. We were all laughing as I put up a token fight.

"This will stop him," cried Doll as she pressed her beautiful breasts to my face.

"So will this," crowed Pet, as she dove down and took my rising cock in her mouth.

Pure ecstasy blasted through my body, and a nearly orgasmic bliss took my breath away. Doll's breasts were soft to the touch, yet so full as they pressed to my face. She lifted a nipple to my mouth and I eagerly sucked it in and teased it with my tongue. Pet's mouth was burning hot as I felt her soft lips slide down my shaft. She gently squeezed my balls as I grew to press into the back of her throat. I unconsciously teased my tongue against Doll's flesh in time with the rise and fall of Pet's mouth on my cock. I was in heaven, and I prayed that it would last forever.

Doll ruined it, but I didn't mind. "Trade with me, Pet, I need that," she moaned.

The women quickly repositioned themselves, and Doll tentatively pulled my cock into her mouth. Pet gave me a quick kiss. She noticed that Doll’s nipple I had been teasing was very full and red. With a naughty smile, she turned and latched on to Doll's other nipple. Doll nearly bit me in her surprise, but then she managed to continue. She was taking more of my cock into her mouth with every stroke.

Pet reached out to stroke her fingers into Doll's wet pussy, and Doll moaned loudly around my cock as she started to hump Pet's hand. Without interrupting, I was able to pull Pet around and bury my face into her wet lips. She cried out as I licked her deep and hard.

Doll lifted her mouth from my cock and said something that I couldn't hear. I felt hot firm flesh press against my cock. Her hand continued to stroke me, and I assume she was rubbing my cock against her breast and nipple. Pet shifted her position on my face, and I think the women started kissing again. Doll moved her breast away, probably to better kiss Pet. Suddenly I felt the unmistakable bliss of hot wet pussy wrapping around my cock. I heard Doll cry out as she lowered herself to fully engulf my cock. She was incredibly tight, and it felt like she was already cumming.

Doll started rocking against my cock, and Pet started rolling her hips to ride my face. I started thrusting to meet Doll's motion, and I pushed my tongue out as far as I could to stroke up to Pet's clit, and then deep inside her. When my tongue met Doll's finger on Pet's clit, I changed direction and started pressing deep inside, and then up to tease her taint. She yelped in surprise, but started riding my face harder. In moments, she exploded, and her hot juices poured down my face.

Doll's fingers pressed down to cup Pet's convulsing flesh, and then Doll clamped down impossibly tight around my cock. She froze in place, and although I continued to thrust, my cock did not move inside her. Liquid heat flowed out of her to surround my cock and melt down my balls and at the same time, liquid fire coalesced inside my balls and shot up my shaft.

Time both stopped, and raced forward in a rush. We were frozen in place for an eternity, Pet's juices pouring down my face, Doll's juices soaking my balls, my juices filling Doll. We held each other there, pulse after pulse, blissfully caught in the moment. And then the women were lying on either side of me, kissing me, kissing each other.

"We own him," Pet said, and Doll agreed.

"He owns us," Doll said, and Pet agreed.

"Which means I probably have to make my own dinner," I said sardonically. They both playfully punched me. I playfully pretended it hurt.

"That's not funny," Pet said in a serious tone. "I really did hurt you before, didn't I."

I pulled her close for a kiss before I answered. "I bet you left a mark. Do you want to talk about it?"

She glanced at Doll before answering, "No." I caressed her back and waited. After a moment of reflection, she said, "I think it started the other night after you left. I followed your instructions, and went over to Doll's house to apologize. I felt so confident because you told me it was the right thing to do."

"I was really unbalanced by seeing you two," Doll interjected. "Her casualness about it was reassuring, and yet it wound me up even more."

"I'm sorry, Doll," Pet said as she leaned across me and the two of them kissed again. I couldn't help but notice the difference between the feel of their breasts as they pressed into me from opposite sides. They stayed very close to each other as the kiss ended.

"Then when Doll came and offered herself up as my toy, I was thrilled and aroused. I couldn't wait to push and play. I couldn't wait to be in charge." They kissed again. The kiss lingered. I was caressing both of them on their lower backs and butts. Both of them started to gently roll their hips under my hand. Their kiss ended, and a look passed between them. Pet continued to explain, but Doll turned and kissed me.

"We have been friends for a couple of years," Pet continued. "In all that time, I don't think we ever talked about sex. I thought it would be a good test of her resolve to make her lick my pussy. She said it was her first time, but she did quite well. Amazingly well."

Doll broke off from kissing me, and said, "I only did as you asked." She was smiling as she kissed Pet again. Then she turned her attention back to me. Her lips and fingers explored my shoulders and chest. Pet was all smiles as she watched. She caressed Doll's neck and shoulder as she continued her explanation.

"You should command her to do it again, Mouse," she said with a laugh. "You can watch and maybe learn something. When you eat me out, you aggressively find my most sensitive spots, and you tease them so well. I love the way my body races up to the incredible orgasms that you give me." I kissed her to acknowledge the compliment.

"Doll took a whole different approach. She instinctively knew where the sensitive spots would be. She teased all around them, and that lack of touch seemed to arouse them to a different level. I was simply enjoying the sensations she was generating in my body, when suddenly she gently touched where she was avoiding, and I exploded. It was amazing!" Doll left off her explorations to kiss Pet for her compliment.

As Doll returned to touch and tease me, her hand brushed by my cock. Listening to Pet's adventure had more than half aroused me. Doll looked up and gave me a naughty smile as her hand gathered up my cock and started to massage it. Pet was watching Doll, and saw the look, but I don't think she realized what it was about.

"I am a little afraid to say what happened next. I hope that Doll felt what I felt. I had pulled her to her feet, and she was so proud of how she had made me feel. I wanted to hold her and kiss her. I wanted to tell her that I loved her." Doll had been stroking my cock, but her eyes had been locked on Pet's face. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she remained silent.

"We were teasing each other about whether or not a punishment was still needed. She implied that I was acting without your permission, and suddenly I was angry. I am so sorry to both of you. Everything that I did after that I did in blind anger, and I should have realized and stopped much sooner than I did."

Doll and I both reached out to caress her cheek, and we said, "I forgive you, Pet," in unison. We both laughed, because that was the second time we had been of the same mind.

Still laughing, Doll continued, "We aren't finished. You need to punish me. You need to own me and punish me."

We all realized that she had said the same earlier, and so we laughed again. Pet kissed Doll and then asked, "What do you have in mind?"

Doll blushed, but then said, "I was thinking I want you to spank Mouse the way you were the first time I saw you. You could punish me by making me let him cum all over me. You could punish me by making me swallow all of his cum."

I said, "No spankings for me. I really can feel a bruise forming from earlier."

Pet wanted to see, but as she knelt to lift my leg, she saw Doll stroking my very hard cock. "Oh, I know what your first punishment will be," she said with a smile. "You need to learn to deep throat that monster."

"Here are your instructions. You can suck and stroke any way that you like, but you must try to take the head all the way back. When you get it that deep, you must hold it there for five seconds. Each failed attempt with result in five swats on your ass. After three successful attempts, you can name your reward. If he cums before you finish, we will punish him by making him watch without touching as we have sex. If you cum before three successful attempts, we will punish you by sending you home to your husband."

"Wait, you're married?" I gasped in surprise.

With a very naughty smile, Doll answered, "He does not own me. Pet, I accept the challenge."

In an instant, her mouth devoured my cock, and she blew away any objections I might have had. Without pulling away, she maneuvered around to kneel on the edge of the bed between my legs with her ass in the air. Pet hopped off the bed and moved to stand in position to watch the action, and spank as needed.

Doll started by sucking the top half of my cock while stroking the rest and fondling my balls. I saw her take a deep breath, and then she pressed down onto me. The head of my cock barely touched the back of her throat and she retched with a horrible gagging sound. Her eyes found mine to apologize, and I caressed the side of her face.

"I'll start soft," Pet said as she slapped Doll's ass. Doll flinched, but she was able to smile and continue licking and teasing as Pet counted through to five.

"Go slow, and let yourself relax," I suggested.

Doll nodded, and took a deep breath. She took my cock in slower this time, and she was able to control the first retching reaction. She pressed a little deeper, and a much more violent reaction made her cough my cock out. She gasped for air for several seconds.

"I think he's too big for this," she said.

Pet moved to kneel on the bed beside me, and said, "He is right, you have to learn to relax." She pulled Doll's fingers to her throat as she leaned in over my cock. Doll watched in amazement as Pet pressed down until my cock touched the back of her throat. Then she opened wider, and slid the entire shaft into her mouth. Her throat convulsed a couple of times, but after five seconds, she was able to cleanly pull back and let my cock slide out. She took a deep breath.

"I swear, when I feel a cock back there, each time I swallow on it, a lightning bolt shoots down to my pussy, and it nearly makes me cum."

Doll was amazed by what she had watched and felt. She kissed Pet to thank her, and then bent to address my cock again. There was a loud smack and she cried out. She and I may have forgotten that she was due some spankings, but Pet remembered. As Pet counted them out, Doll could only hold my cock in her hands, and take it. There may have been tears in her eyes, but she was smiling as she pulled my cock into her mouth again.

She took her time composing her mind as she sucked and stroked. Finally, she paused, and then slowly pulled me in. She reacted at first contact, but she mastered herself and continued. More of my cock slid in, and she convulsed once. She held me deep in her throat for the required five seconds, and then pulled back. She almost coughed as I slid free of her throat, but she maintained control until my cock head passed her lips. She coughed to clear her throat, and then triumphantly said, "One!"

"What about your fingers wrapped around the base," Pet demanded. "You stopped short," she explained as her hand cracked down onto Doll's ass.

Doll cried out in dismay and pain with the first strike. By the third, she was holding her breath and her whole body was trembling. She stayed that way long after the fifth time hand met flesh. Her voice sounded tortured when she spoke.

"Tell me what to do, Pet. I almost came just now. I will cum if you spank me once more. I really want you to do it and make me cum right now. I also felt the lightning this time. I will cum from that when I take him again, and I really want that too. But either way, I go home. I don't want to go home. What can I do? I need to cum, but I need to stay!"

"You know the punishment, and the reward," Pet said in a straight voice. "Choose," she commanded.

Tears poured from Doll's eyes as she took a deep breath, and plunged her face down on my cock. She moved both of her hands under my balls as she pulled to get my entire length inside. She paused as I hit the back of her throat, then slowly descended further. Her nose pressed into my pelvic bone, and her body convulsed once. Her legs were trembling as we all silently started counting out the five seconds. At three, she body convulsed, and she tried to moan around my cock. At four, her hips rolled forward and her whole body shook. At four and a half, a loud crack filled the room. She lunged off my cock, and two more quick spankings followed.

I sat up and caught her as a huge orgasm exploded through her. Pet was standing behind her with the naughtiest of smiles on her face and her hand raised to strike again. Doll was grunting and moaning as wave after wave claimed her body. I held her head against my stomach and caressed her shoulders as she rode it out. My mind was torn between needing to comfort her and needing to lustfully enjoy the way her breasts were pressed around my cock. Slowly, she regained control, but she stayed resting against me.

"Oh, my mistake," Pet said suddenly. "I got caught up in the moment, and punished you too soon. I guess you will have to stay and punish me for my failure. Although, I hope I can earn redemption."

Doll answered, "There will be no redemption. I am going to stay and punish you so good. I mean bad."

She looked up to me, and we smiled at her little joke. I started to pull her up to kiss her, when Pet said, "Not even this?"

Pet suddenly dove between Doll's glowing ass cheeks and plunged her tongue into the wet folds. Doll tried to scramble away, but I caught her and held her in place. Pet used a direct approach and kept thrusting her tongue between Doll's most sensitive opening and her clit. Doll cried out incoherently as she raced into another orgasm. I pulled her face to mine and kissed her deeply and she exploded with pleasure. Pet continued to lick and taste long after the major tremors stopped. She brought her wet face up for us to lick and kiss.

"Am I redeemed?" she asked.

"No," Doll answered. "I know exactly the punishment you will receive too."

"I want you to mount this beautiful cock, but facing me. Mouse will fuck you while I kiss you and you finger me. Whoever cums first loses, and they have to make dinner."

"Yes," cried Pet, and she pushed Doll out of the way to quickly settle on my cock. I nearly came as I reveled in the difference between Doll's mouth, Doll's breasts, and Pet's pussy when wrapped around my cock. Each was exquisitely pleasurable yet very different.

I started thrusting up into Pet and she grunted her pleasure as she reached for Doll. Doll stepped in front of Pet, but caught Pet's hands and pulled them to her ample breasts.

"Make Mouse cum first," she instructed with a naughty smile. "Make him watch as you play with my breasts. He really likes them, and he will love watching you play with them."

She had correctly interpreted my attentions, and I was beside myself with lust as I watched Pet bury her face between Doll's breasts.

"I really like them too," she said. "I love how different they are from mine. Sucking on your nipples is going to make me cum too!"

I resolved to thrust into her even harder, but that just caused her to bounce more and made Doll's breasts jiggle in an erotically tantalizing way. I could not stop the rush of energy that raced into the base of my cock. I was moments away from cumming hard.

"He gets so hard just before he cums!" Pet cried out in pleasure. Then in a very stern voice, she commanded, "Doll! On your knees. I want his first shot inside me, but you WILL swallow every drop after that. Now!"

Doll cried out as she dropped to her knees. She forced her face in close to where Pet and I were joined, and her tongue licked a scalding path up the exposed base of my cock. Pet cried out at the sudden heat of Doll's tongue on her labia and clit. My cock exploded, but Pet's insides had clamped down on me, and the pressure was trapped. Doll felt the surge of my cock, and then pulled me forward and out. The pressure shot from my cock, spraying hot cum on Pet's clit and stomach, and Doll's face.

I roared as another surge blasted out of me. Pet cried out again as she felt the heat of my cum on her skin, and heat gushed from inside her. Doll pulled my surging cock to her mouth, but most of the blast of cum hit her face. My cock surged again as another wave of liquid heat poured out of Pet. Doll made some noisy slurping sounds as she tried to collect all of our spray. Pet fell back into my arms, and her body trembled with the waves of pleasure the coursed through her. I lost track of the surging of my cock as Doll pressed it up against Pet's lips and she licked us both.

I could not stop quivering as Doll kept licking us. I had almost found the energy to ask her to stop when she stopped on her own. Doll was still making happy noises, so Pet and I both looked to see what she was doing. She was still kneeling between our legs, and she was using her fingers to clean our cum off of her face. Pet found the energy to sit up and pull Doll up for a kiss. Pet would lick some cum off of Doll's face, and then the two of them would share it with a kiss. They enjoyed that happy chore for several minutes, while we all recuperated.

"I think I lost," Pet finally said. "I lost it when your tongue hit my pussy. I felt the first surge from Mouse after that, so I guess I get to go make dinner."

"You can help me make it," Doll replied. "I started cumming when you ordered me to my knees. I had already had two or three hard contractions before my tongue ever reached Mouse's cock."

Tears formed in Doll's eyes as she reached out to caress Pet's face. "I can't believe how it made me feel when you ordered me like that. I have never done anything like this, and yet it feels so good. I don't know if it’s right or wrong to say so, but I love you, Pet. I still want you to own me."

Pet murmured something and the two of them kissed. They fell together to lay on the bed and kiss and cry and hold each other. Without interrupting, I kissed them both and then headed to the shower to rinse off. Although I showered quickly, they were still cuddling when I finished. With a smile, I headed down to the kitchen to manage something edible for us.

I found fixings to make a nice salad with grilled chicken. Pet had a gas grill out on the deck, so I threw on my clothes and stepped out to light it. I heard the shower running when I got back inside, so I took Doll's clothes up and set them on the bed for her. I don't know why I did that. I could imagine that Pet would order us to be naked as we ate, but I was not going to cook outside without clothes, and I figured Doll would feel awkward being naked while I was clothed.

I was about to take the chicken outside, when a man tapped at the back door, startling me. I recovered quickly, and then answered the door with a smile.

"Hi," he said, "I was just looking for my wife? She likes to come visit, and sometimes they get to talking and she forgets that she needs to make me dinner."

By simple chance, there had been four frozen chicken breasts in Pet's freezer. I had decided to thaw and cook all four rather than leave a lone one behind. I glanced down at the plate in my hand. "You must have missed the note she left. The women decided we would have a nice dinner for four here tonight. Come on in while I get these cooking. The women just went up to look at some girly designer blankets and window treatments, and they should be down in a minute."

He stood by the counter between the kitchen and dining room while I put the chicken on the grill. I really hoped that he would stay put. There was no way he would miss the strong scent of sex if he went anywhere near the bedroom. I had even noticed it in the hallway where Pet had smacked me. He was looking at me with a puzzled look on his face, and so he didn't notice when Doll nearly walked in naked. I saw her quickly retreat, and somehow the women managed to arrive fully dressed just as I came back in.

"Your gentleman friend says we are having dinner here," he announced to Pet. He addressed Doll, saying, "I didn't see your note dear. You must have known that our daughter took off to go hang out with friends."

"How good of you to keep things straight, Mouse," Pet said with a pointed look.

"So your name is Mouse?" the husband asked me.

"No," Pet answered for me. "That's just what I call him."

The husband looked puzzled. "So that's his pet name?" He sounded hopeful as he continued, asking, "So is he your kept man, then? That would explain why he is making dinner."

"Something like that," Pet answered with an enigmatic smile. "And what a wonderful dinner he has made. Don't let the chicken burn, Mouse."

Something in the husband's manner made me want to laugh at him, and so I decided to play along and quietly obeyed Pet's command to go keep an eye on the chicken. He stood and watched as Pet and Doll made up the table for dinner. The chicken cooked fairly quickly, so I returned just as everything was ready. I cut the chicken into strips and placed it on top of the salads that I had prepared. As I carried them out to the table, Pet whispered something into Doll's ear. Doll looked shocked, but then nodded.

"Doll," Pet purred, "will you go get a bottle of that white wine that you like? It's in the basement by the wine rack. Mouse, there is a heavy case that needs to be moved to get the bottle. Go down and move it, and then put it back where you got it. Do not break anything!"

"When did you start calling her Doll?" asked the husband.

"A funny thing happened when she and I were out job hunting," Pet answered. "I'll tell you about it while they get the wine."

She launched into a story as I followed Doll to the basement. Just like my story about the note, I suspect that the story she told him was completely fabricated.

I hadn't been in her basement before. There was a nice fitness room set up at the bottom of the stairs, and beyond that was a TV room with a nice home theater setup. In the corner was a wine rack with dozens of bottles with fancy labels. Doll quickly looked through the bottles and selected one. Then she turned to me with a naughty smile.

"Pet wants me to bring her a special treat. I need you to cum in my mouth right now!"

I almost started to protest, but Doll's shirt quickly flew off as she knelt in front of me. She was not wearing a bra, and the sight of her breasts sent a surge of hardness into my cock. I quickly opened my pants and stepped close to her.

My cock was only half hard as she sucked it in. She moaned as if it was the greatest thing to ever pass her lips, and my cock surged harder. She pulled back and my hard cock popped out of her mouth. She watched my eyes as she gathered up her breasts and pressed my cock between them. She flicked her fingers over her nipples, and smiled at the pleasure she was giving herself. I rocked my cock into her breasts, and I grinned at the combined pleasure of feeling her hot flesh on my cock, and watching my cock tunnel through her flesh.

After several strokes, she let her breasts fall and she wrapped her hands around my cock. She kneaded my balls with one hand and stroked my shaft with the other. She pulled the head into her mouth, and her lips and tongue swirled around it. I started thrusting my hips in time with her stroking, and I could feel the orgasm already building.

"Do you like being Pet's little play toy?" I asked. A tremor of pleasure surged through her body. She continued to pleasure me as she nodded her affirmative answer.

"She will keep testing you," I reminded her. "How far will you go? She will find an excuse to make you eat your dinner topless. Will you do that in front of your husband?"

Her eyes grew wide as she considered, and another shudder passed through her as she nodded her answer. Her grip and stroke on my cock never faltered, and I was getting very close.

"Do you think he will know that you have cheated on him?" She nodded yes, but kept sucking and stroking.

"Have you cheated on him before?" She nodded no, but kept sucking and stroking.

"She will pretend I have spilled something in my lap. She will order you to lick it clean. Will you?"

Her eyes were glassy with desire as she nodded. Watching her desire was going to push me over the edge.

I heard a noise near the stairs, but there was nothing there. The door was still closed. We needed to finish quickly, so I continued to tease her with words.

"You won't do it fast enough, or well enough. She will have to punish you. She will spank you. Your husband will see how red your ass cheeks already are, and then she will spank you more. Are you ready for that? Are you ready for this?"

An orgasm had blasted through her at the thought of her husband seeing her red ass. Watching her cum had hurdled me into my own and torrents of cum blasted into her mouth. She took every drop, and kept my cock in her mouth as it slowed withered. Without a word, she pulled my cock from her lips, grabbed the bottle, and headed upstairs. As I quickly tucked myself back into my pants, I realized that she had not swallowed the load I had dropped.

As I neared the top of the stairs, I heard Pet saying, "It's in the kitchen, Doll. You men wait here while I show her where it's at." I saw them disappear into the kitchen, so I closed the basement door, and sat at the table.

"That was quite a story," the husband said with a smile. I struggled to remember what he was talking about. His face turned very serious, and he leaned toward me. "Please, you have to tell me," he said in a quiet but intense voice. "She says she lets you call her 'Pet', but I can tell she wears the pants here, if you know what I mean. Does she punish you if you use her real name? Is she a harsh mistress?"

I was saved from answering by the women returning from the kitchen. As Pet handed me the fancy corkscrew and bottle, I couldn't help but notice the glossy sheen she was trying to lick from her lips. A single drop had spilled on her collarbone, and Doll and I noticed it at the same time. Doll blushed and turned a worried look at her husband. He had taken a sudden interest in the label on the wine, and missed the whole thing. He seemed to be afraid to look up, as if he were worried about getting caught asking me questions. Pet wiped up the offending drop, and licked her finger clean with a smile.

After that, dinner was simply nice. We all chatted about mundane topics, and Pet did not issue any commands. As we finished up, Doll and I collected the dishes, and her husband nodded to himself. As I washed the dishes, Doll and her husband prepared to go home. He seemed anxious, as if he wanted answers to his questions, but was afraid to come into the kitchen to ask me. I heard Pet more or less command Doll to take her husband home and make him happy, and they left. Doll came to the kitchen to watch me finish cleaning up.

"What just happened?" she asked with a smile.

"Well, you just sent Doll home to fuck her husband," I answered.

"No," she laughed. "Before that. I mean, I don't think I have spent more than two minutes at a time around her husband, and then suddenly we were all having dinner together."

"So you don't own him?" I asked with a smile.

"What?" She was truly startled by my question.

"He was asking some odd questions while you two were being naughty in the kitchen," I answered and teased. "He believes that you are my Master, and I couldn't tell if he was worried for me, or if something else was going on."

"Well, you can tell him that I only own you, and I own his wife, too. Speaking of which, I can't believe how much she wants to be owned. She amazed me when she came just from kissing me in the kitchen! She knew how naughty she was being, and she was so proud that she had done exactly as I had commanded. I get aroused from being ordered to do things. She gets off on successfully being naughty."

I shook my head with a smile. I caressed her face and then gently kissed her. Then I commanded, "Get naked now, Pet. You owe me some retribution, and I want it right here, right now."

Her eyes got big, but she was smiling as she answered, "Yes sir, Mouse."

I watched as she danced her way out of her clothes. I also wandered about, turning off most of the lights. I grabbed a backless bar stool from the dining room side of the counter, and set it in the middle of the kitchen.

"Bend over," I commanded as I grabbed her wrist and her hair and pulled her into position with her stomach on the seat of the bar stool.

"Make me harder," I ordered as I dropped my pants to the floor and pressed my half hard cock into her face. She tried to reach for my cock to control and guide it, but I slapped her hands down. I grabbed a hand full of hair and held her head in place while I pressed my cock into her throat. Her eyes closed and she let me fuck her mouth.

I abruptly pulled away and gently slapped her cheek. Her eyes snapped open in surprise. I turned my butt so she could see the serious bruise that had formed.

"How many?" I demanded.

"Sir?" she asked plaintively.

"How many spanking do you think this earned?" I asked as I pointed at the bruise.

She struggled to come up with an answer. She knew that any answer she gave would be wrong. She also knew if she gave a low number, I would punish her for trying to get out of the punishment, and if she gave a high number, I would happily give her the additional punishment. I let her grasp about for the answer.

Finally, I gave her the answer. "One. Just one. Just know, it is going to be one hell of a punishment, and you may not like where it lands."

There was something close to fear, maybe fear tinged with desire in her eyes as I walked around behind her.

"Let's see where I should put it," I commented. I knelt down behind her and pressed my nose to the crack of her ass. She squealed in surprise. I slowly kissed and nibbled along the bottom edge of her left butt cheek. I picked a spot, and then opened my mouth wide and then closed my teeth down over as much flesh as I could. I sucked in hard and dug my tongue into her flesh as hard as I could. I was prepared for her reaction, and I was able to hold her down on the stool when she jumped from the pain. To her, it felt as if I were biting a chunk of flesh out of her ass. I knew that it would only feel that way, but I also knew that I wouldn't even leave a mark.

I released the bite, and then caught her hand as she tried to reach up and rub the pain away. "No, no," I admonished. "You will lay there and take it. I don't believe that spot was sensitive enough." She started to whimper as I nibbled and kissed my way over her butt crack to the other cheek. She actually screamed when I planted the faux bite on her other cheek. She tried to kick her way free, but I was able to control her and hold her in place.

"That might be the spot there," I said. "Just one more area to test," I explained.

She started begging me to stop as I kissed and nibbled my way to the top of her butt crack and then followed it down. She started kicking and struggling as I passed her anus and nibbled my way onto her labia. I started gathering her lower lips into my mouth, and she froze when she felt my teeth scrape both her clit and her vaginal opening. She pleaded for me to stop, but I gave her an evil chuckle. I sucked in hard, and drove my tongue into her very erect clit. She screamed in terror and ecstasy as an orgasm exploded through her body. She tried to get away, but I held her as her orgasm peaked and then started to fade.

I released the faux bite, and proclaimed, "We have a winner! On three!"

I quickly stood up, violently swung my hand up and back, but then brought my hand to gently rest on the spot where my mouth had just been. "One," I stated.

She tried to stand. She tried to beg. I held her in place, and kicked her feet out wider. A second violent stroke barely landed in place. "Two."

She tried to look at me with her tear filled eyes. I reached out and turned her face back to the floor. I swung my hand up. I said, "Three." I quickly stepped behind her and drove my cock into her pussy as hard as I could. She was dripping wet, and I slammed in with no resistance. She cried out at the sudden overwhelming feeling. In the split instant that her brain struggled to realize pleasure and not pain, I pulled back and slammed forward again. She cried out and her pussy clamped down as another orgasm slammed through her body.

I reached out and grabbed her hair. I pulled her hair up and yelled at her, "Are you cumming? I'm punishing you and you are cumming! I suppose this will make you cum too!" I started thrusting into her as hard as I could. Tears were pouring down her face, but she started thrusting back into me, and as her pussy screwed down tight onto my cock, I exploded inside her.

After two mighty blasts of cum, I suddenly pulled out of her and she screamed a woeful cry of need. I pulled her to her feet and spun her. Her butt landed back on the stool as I pressed forward and drove back into her. She cried in exultation and wrapped her legs around my hips. Our lips met and we clung to each other and let our release fulfill our desires for each other.

When we could breathe again, I gathered her into my arms. I had to kick the basement door shut as I carried her past it and upstairs. She let me carry her into the shower, where I thoroughly washed and rinsed our bodies. After I had dried us off, she stepped over to the wall mirror. She could not believe there was not a single mark on her back side.

I led her to the bedroom, and tucked her safely in bed. As I kissed her good night, she said, "Thank you, Mouse."

"You're very welcome, Pet. And thank you."

"For what?"

"Everything," I said with a smile.

"Yeah, everything," she agreed.

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

1 year ago
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Behavioral Adjustment In Jail chapter 1

She was just a petty thief, it wasn’t fair, she should’ve gotten a fine or something it was ridiculous to sentence her to a three year imprisonment. April looked out of the window as the barbed wired fence came closer and closer. A three year sentence just for some stolen nail polish. She banged her head against the window and the officer that was driving looked at her with a stern look on his face. ‘Sorry,’ April mumbled. A deep sigh. The gates opened and they drove onto the...

3 years ago
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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

2 years ago
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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

1 year ago
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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

3 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

4 years ago
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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

2 years ago
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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

2 years ago
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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

4 years ago
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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

3 years ago
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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

1 year ago
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Animal Behavior

The hyenas were getting closer by the second, but being tied spreadeagled to stakes on the ground I could do nothing about it.In the near distance a roar from a lion, praying to god it’s a male lion and not a hunting female.Off in the far distance the drone of a motor hopefully coming to rescue me from my predicament. If only I had listened to Pieter and waited for the other guys to return from the big rugby match in Johannesburg before going to retrieve the drone I was using to track the...

3 years ago
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Getting Off Early For Bad Behavior

“Six years,” the judge said as he slammed down his gavel. Those words kept repeating in my head over and over. Even as I was handcuffed and put in a holding cell to wait for the prison bus to come, all I could do was think of the next six years. I wished I hadn’t tried to look so nice for the hearing. With my hands cuffed behind my back it made my 36C breasts more prominent. For two hours I sat in the holding cell with other women. Some of them kept looking at me and smiling. Of course I had...

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Model Behavior

Joanna sat in her car, rigorously reading through the piece of paper in her hands. ‘Subject: LADS MAG SHOOT’ it read at the top. Nervously, she ran through the checklist to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. ‘Well conditioned hair, check. No excessive fake nails or makeup, check. Body piercings removed, check. Identification, check Waxed pubic hair, check…. if shaving counts,’ she murmured to herself. There was no use going through the email now anyway, she was there, and already a few...

2 years ago
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Behavior Modification

Donna fidgeted nervously, a cigarette in her hands. She knew, as she brought it to her lips, that she’d regret it later. But damnit, quitting cold turkey was just so hard! She didn’t care so much that smoking was bad for her, but now the rule at work was that you had to stand 20 feet away from the door outside to smoke, which was great fun when it was raining. The last straw was the latest tax increase on tobacco. She decided she had to try to quit again, if for no other reason than she could...

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