Inappropriate Father Daughter Team Rape Story
- 4 years ago
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Inappropriate Father+Boyfriend Team-Rape Story
Description: In this story, a father encourages his daughter?s ex-boyfriend to mercilessly abuse and rape her, and throws in the use of her cheerfully willing sister as well. It should be noted that though this story is categorized as involving snuff, the event is ambiguous, and occurs off-stage.
An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction between fantasy and real life, or about the distinction between right and wrong, you must stop reading now and should seek counseling. An additional note: no character in this story should be assumed to be underage in any legal jurisdiction.
It was about eleven when Steph finally got home. "About time!" called her dad from the living room. Her sister Jen was on her knees, topless, grinning up at him. From the swollenness of her nipples it was clear they'd been pinched pretty hard for a pretty long time, meaning the two of them had been just about to hit the "thank you" stage (the part where Jen thanks her dad for letting her touch his dick with her tongue).
"Care to join in?" he asked. It was not a request. But Steph was in a dangerous mood. "No!"
Then she burst into tears and ran into her room, slamming the door.
Craig and Jen looked at each other, puzzled. "I think I'd better go see what's wrong," said Craig, to much pouting from Jen. "Don't worry, I'll bring it right back to ya, you'll get your cum, just hold on." At this Jen smiled sweetly and curled up on the couch with the remote.
He opened Steph's door and sat down gently next to her on her bed. Steph sobbed and leaned into him, allowing him to hug her. "What happened sweetheart?"
Between sobs, Steph coughed out the story. Her boyfriend--Henry--had broken up with her.
"I'm so sorry," he said. "See, I knew I should never allowed him to take you out."
"He was so nice, Daddy," she said, "and so fucking hot. But he wanted to... to..."
"Did he try to have sex with you?"
"No, but he wanted to. But I said no and he... he... he broke up with meeeeeeee!" She collapsed into him. He continued to embrace her, letting her cry it out.
"I wanted to fuck him so bad, Daddy, but I was a good girl and I said no, just like you told me. He begged and begged and I kept saying no, and he finally said it was too much! What did I do wrong?"
"Well, sweetheart," he said. "It really sounds like you led him on."
She looked up at him, wide eyed. She knew that was bad news. "No, Daddy, no! I didn't dress like a slut, I didn't touch him unless he touched me first. I didn't let him touch my pussy or anything. I really didn't lead him on. I really was good Dad, I promise!"
"Well, Steph, you said you found him attractive, and you wanted to fuck him. And you said he kept begging you. It really sounds like you just couldn't help yourself. You gave out signals and he... responded."
Steph's eyes began to brim up again. Could it really have been her fault?
"I don't think I ever want to have a boyfriend again!" she exclaimed.
"Well, Steph, I don't think you will. But I want you to call Henry. Tell him to come on by. We need to set some things straight with him."
"Oh, no, Daddy, what are you going to do?"
He winked at her. "You'll see."
And then he said "You make the call. Take your pants and underwear off first, and use your hand to get excited before talking to him. That way he'll hear how badly you want him while you're on the phone. He'll be sure to come over. And then after that, Steph?"
"Yeah Daddy?"
"Then while we're waiting for him, you're to assume spanking position, leaning over the bed. You know that I can't allow you to get away with being a tease."
"But Daddy I swear I didn't!"
"You're just making it worse, Steph."
Steph sulked, beginning to pull down her pants. "Yes sir."
Henry rang the doorbell to find, not Steph, but Jen, at the door. "Hey Jen," he said awkwardly, before noticing she had on only a shirt. "Shouldn't you have, um, pants on?" he said, turning red.
Jen rolled her eyes at him and grinned. "Come on," she said, "They're waiting for you.
"Yeah, Dad and Steph, who do you think?"
This was odd. He hadn't expected Steph to call, and when he realized she was calling, he had expected some kind of begging or apology or half-hearted attempt to pretend to be ready to fuck him. The extremely.... mature.... moans of passion he'd heard coming from her had taken him aback. Maybe she really was ready. So when she did finally beg him to come to her house and, as she put it, "fill me with your cock and explode inside me," he decided it was going to be a good night after all.
But why was her dad waiting with her? And why was Jen almost naked?
He nearly turned around and returned to his car, but Jen grabbed his wrist. "No, it's okay, it's going to be fine!" she chirped. Coming in closer she kissed his ear. "Just go on up. They're waiting."
He went on up.
Steph's dad was standing up next to her bed. His belt was off, and folded over in his hand. Steph, meanwhile, was bent over the bed, her feet planted firmly and widely on the floor, her hands planted firmly and narrowly on the mattress. Her socks and shirt were in place. Her pants and panties, not so much.
Steph's ass was striped red, and she was sobbing. When Henry made a noise to announce his presence, Steph cried out, "Oh god, no, Daddy please don't let him see me like this!"
"Hey Henry!" said her dad. "Come on in! Take off your belt! I was just finishing up her spanking, but maybe you'd like to do the honors."
Henry froze. He did not take off his belt at that time. Jen, behind him, slipped past him, strolled over to the bed and sat crosslegged on it, inspecting Steph's ass and face with a strange combination of trepidation and amusement.
"Steph tells me you broke up with her."
Henry gulped. "Yes sir, I did."
"And what did you do a thing like that for?"
"Well, sir, I guess that's personal."
"Be a sport. You don't have to tell me anything embarrassing. Just... summarize."
"Well, sir, it just seemed like it wasn't working out."
"Henry, that's not what my daughter told me. She told me she teased you and led her on, and you broke up with her because that made you angry."
Steph yelled from her bent over position. "That's not what I said Daddy!"
Ben hit Steph several times in the ass til she could make no noise other than crying.
"I wouldn't put it that way, sir," said Henry, trying to be diplomatic in this crazy situation. "I... I did want to have sex with her, I guess, I mean, she's very pretty, and I am, you know, a male. But only when she was ready. And she wasn't ready. And I decided..."
Ben winked. "You decided maybe you'd come back to her when she was."
"I... I don't know what to say, sir. But," he bravely added, "We weren't engaged or anything. There were no obligations..."
Ben raised his hand. "No, no, no obligations. Nothing like that, I know. Henry, my daughter Steph really is a cocktease, and something of a slut in her own way. I really think you should spank her now."
Steph squealed in protest, but knew enough to maintain her position.
"I really don't think..."
"Henry! Listen to yourself. You can't pretend you weren't a little miffed at her for not fucking you. You basically have admitted as much. And here I am. I'm her father. And I'm telling you to spank the bitch. How can you refuse?" Ben extended his own belt out for Henry to take.
If Henry didn't take it, he'd be making Ben look foolish, which wouldn't be polite. Henry took the belt.
"But sir, she's not mine to..."
"I'm giving her to you, to punish, because she wronged you. How is that hard to understand?"
Henry stood silently for several moments, growing redder in the face with each second. Finally he brought it out of himself: "Okay, sir," he said. She had such an inviting ass after all. "But it's not something I've ever..."
"No, I imagine not. But it's a pretty easy thing. I think it will come natural."
"Okay." Henry knew he was going to do it now. It was just a matter of getting in that first swing. "I guess, if you're her dad and you're saying she's a tease and a slut, then I guess she kind of does deserve it, or at least, I guess I have the right, since you're giving it to me."
Steph began crying now, and begged him. "No, please, Henry, he already spanked me really bad, please don't hit me!"
"I... is she supposed to be talking?" he asked.
Her dad laughed. "Doesn't matter," he said, "She can say whatever she wants, she's still going to get her ass lit on fire by that belt, isn't she?
"Well, maybe, I mean, I could, but she seems..."
Jen now cut in. "Jesus Christ, Hank, just fucking slap her ass."
"Okay, okay!" said Henry.
His first two swings were weak, but he figured it out fast.
At her dad's encouragement, and to the cheers of her sister, Henry ramped up the force of his blows as he continued. The waving motions of her pelvic region soon caused him to forget all hesitation. He had never realized literal screams of pain could have erotic content--but his dick was presently informing him of that fact.
Eventually her dad did grab the belt from him. "I think he made his peace with it!" he laughed, then, "Alright Steph, turn around, sit down and take off your shirt."
Steph did so, still sobbing but attempting to look sullen, casting baleful glares at Henry as she pulled her shirt over her head. Her body was as perfect as he'd imagined--for imagine was all she'd ever let him do before. Ben now tossed some bunjee cord towards Jen. "Ankles to the legs," he said, casually, as though this were a phrase heard all the time in their household. Ben himself then bent down and begain securing one of Steph's ankles to the leg of her bed. Steph began whining. "No, Daddy, no, why are you doing this? I was good, I was good, Daddy, I said no! I let him spank me Daddy! Are you seriously going to let him..."
Ben and Jen stood up after also restraining her wrists to the bedposts, and Henry, embarrassed, repelled, and intrigued all at once, stared at Steph. Her legs were now forced open, and she was unable to hide her pussy from him, struggle as she might. "This is NOT okay!" yelled Steph, but there she was, beautiful and naked and available.
"She's not a virgin, you know," said Ben.
"She's not?" replied Henry.
Ben laughed. "Oh no, not at all. But I'm sure you'll have fun anyway."
Henry stammered. "But sir, wouldn't that be..."
Ben interjected. "Are you accusing me of letting one of my daughters be raped?"
"Well, well, I, I..."
Ben slapped him on the shoulder. "Of course it's rape! That's the point here, Henry. She's led you and others on for far too long. It's time she was forced to face the consequences."
"Nooooo!" squealed Steph from her vulnerable position. "Henry pleeeeeease don't do this! I'll do anything else!"
"You're not her first," said Ben, "But there's something that's never happened to her pussy before, ever, and I'm going to let you be the one to break that record." With this, Henry found that Ben's belt was once again being slipped into his hands. "Before you enjoy her meat, Henry, you need to tenderize it."
This was something Henry had never even imagined, not in his weirdest fantasies. (They didn't get very weird.) If you had asked him just a few hours earlier whether he'd like to spank a girl's pussy, he would have not even been insulted or disgusted, because the question would almost seem like nonsense to him.
But he'd just been spanking Steph's ass and getting pretty unapologetically aroused by it. And here she was bound spread open before him, which was erotic. The sensations were coming in a perfect storm. He knew that slamming the belt into her pussy would be... good. Satisfying.
But could he get away with this? Really? "Sir," he said, "What if... no one's going to... She's not going to...?
Jen was up on the bed next to Steph, and she chimed in. "Tell? Steph, are you going to tell?"
Between sobs Steph cried, helplessly, as though as surely bound to say this as her legs and arms were bound to her bed, "Nooooooo...."
Ben winked at Henry. "She knows her world would come crashing down, and plus, do you really think she wants everyone to know how much of a slut tease she is to get herself into situations like this? Go on! Be my guest! And Jen!"
Jen perked up. "Yeah dad?"
"Do your duty while Henry's doing his!"
Immediately, Jen climbed off the bed and knelt on the floor in front of Henry. She undid his pants faster than he really could understand what was happening. And then his erect dick was in her hands. He buckled a little at the knees at this, avoiding eye contact with Ben, and trying to concentrate on staying in a dignified, standing position. When she began licking him it was almost too much.
"What are you waiting for?" said Ben, blithely as though his daugher weren't toying with a boy's dick right in front of him. "Tear up that pussy!"
"Yes sir," Henry said resolutely. And as Jen began going down on him in full force, Henry reared back, and aimed the hardest blow he could right at Steph's pussy lips.
Her scream surely increased the length of his dick by five percent. Jen felt the jolt in her mouth, and giggled furiously while keeping him inside her, pushing herself down onto him up to her throat.
Ben didn't stop Henry at any point. Henry went until his arm and his dick were too tired to continue. The unadulterated screaming coming from Steph's throat was a bit much, he had to admit, even for his newfound joy in feminine sexual pain. But the girl's mouth on his dick kept him going even as his ears started to hurt. When he was finally through, he simply dropped the belt and grabbed Jen's hair, starting to fuck her face with abandon.
Ben let it continue for a moment, but then gently pulled his daughter's face off of Henry's cock. Winking, he indicated the gaping, bruised and agonized pussy of the unfortunate Stephanie, saying "That's the hole you're after, son."
Henry, even after all this, was hesitant. He approached Steph's crying form, and stood there for a few moments. Steph, through her sobs, managed to look directly at him. "Henry," she said, "I'm begging you not to do this. Please don't fuck me in the pussy. Please, I will do anything for you, just don't do that."
"Sir," Henry said absently, continuing to gaze at Steph's nude, quivering and fearful body. "She's still saying no."
"Of course she's saying no, Hank!" came the reply. "This is a rape. You understand, correct? You are about to rape my daughter. I am telling you it's okay, not to fuck her, not to make love to her, but to rape her. She's going to be begging you not to do it, and once you're inside her, she's going to scream and cry and ask you to please stop, and you're going to keep going, because it is time for the tease to be raped, do you understand?"
Steph cried steadily through this monologue, and at the end just whispered again, looking Hank straight in the face, "Please, Henry, please don't."
"Okay," said Henry. Steph began to open up into a joyful, relieved demeanor, until his true meaning dawned on her. Just as he said "Okay," he was leaning into her. And now his dick was positioned directly onto her bruised vaginal opening. "No no no!" she whispered, then cried, "No! Please!"
But Henry was too far gone. Unceremoniously, he began pushing his dick into the opening between her lips. Using his hands he spread them wider, so as to get his dick into the moist insides. And finally, he began thrusting. Her moans were moans of pain as he tore into her unwilling pussy, but to him they were indistinguishable in erotic content from the moans of passion he heard on his favorite porn clips. He was learning the lesson: Passion is passion.
If Jen's mouth was now on her own father's dick while Henry raped Jen's sister, Henry took little notice. He was to busy tenderly and greedily kissing Steph's breasts, her neck, the tears on her cheeks, as she struggled mightily against her bonds to get his dick out of her pussy. It didn't work. He thrust and he thrust and he thrust until he'd almost finished inside her--then with a grin he lifted up and waited a second while the tension let up just a little. "Making it last a little longer" he chuckled at his victim. And then began thrusting again, making her scream with renewed pain as he finally emptied himself into his womb. Now the moans of passion were his. And when he was finished, after he'd bitten poor Stephanie's nipples each in turn while working his spent dick out of her invaded vagina, a thought occured to him.
"Oh shit," said, as he rose from the bed. "You are on the pill aren't you?"
Her dad laughed. "Yes, she's on the pill. Now come on, let's go have some sandwiches while she recovers." And after untying her and leaving her there, sobboing on the bed, they went to the dining room.
Jen, still nude and pretty, made them sandwiches while her dad confidently chitchatted about sports and Harry carefully answered so as not to offend. Jen did not join them to eat--instead kneeling next to her father as he ate, her back straight and her arms clasped tightly by the elbows behind her. Every now and then he would place a scrap of food on her tongue and she would gratefully take it and eat, but other than that she had nothing.
Steph came in when they were almost finished with their sandwiches, taking her own place on her father's other side, kneeling just as her sister had. Steph's face was still clearly the face of a girl who had been abjectly weeping for quite a while, but she was mostly composed.
"Well," her dad said non-chalantly. "How are you feeling Steph?"
Steph sneered, displaying a sarcastic smile. "Oh just great, Daddy, I love being raped!" She gave Harry the evil eye at this point. Harry's heart lept at the accusation. He couldn't get used to the fact that he was a bona fide rapist now.
Her dad just laughed. "Won't be the last time, I assure you!"
"Oh I know, believe me," she answered sullenly.
"What... what do you mean?" asked Harry.
"You want to tell him, Steph, or should I?" Harry thought this a vaguely alarming question.
"Oh let me do the honor, please" she continued in her sarcastic tone. She now addressed Harry directly. "You mother fucker. You son of a bitch. You've ruined everything. I almost made it. I had almost graduated. I was going to be out of here. But no, you had to go and ruin it by sticking your fucking dick in my fucking pussy you fucking..." and she clenched up, almost in tears again through her anger. Harry had no idea what she was talking about.
"I don't understand..." Steph's dad laughed and Jen grinned. "Go on Steph, tell him the rest."
"I made a... Dad made a... he promised me if I fucked no one but him then I could go to college. But if I turned out to be a slut, then I have to... be a slut. Like you know, I have to fuck anyone who asks me. And I have to get people to ask me. Like, I have to completely whore around now."
"But you're... you're not a slut. I raped you, it wasn't your fault."
"Yeah, that doesn't matter you fucking fuck. In our family a slut is anyone who gets anything in her pussy by any means."
"But... but that's not fair!"
"I know right!" yelled Steph.
Her dad interrupted. "Now now Harry, you can't criticize me in my own house. And was it fair when she was begging you not to fuck her, and you did anyway? After beating her pussy? Did that seem fair to you?"
"No. But you did it anyway. Why did you do it?"
"I don't really know. Because you said I could, and there she was, and you're her dad, and I..."
"And you were horny. And fundamentally you know, just like I do, and just like my daughters here, that...?"
Steph and Jen said in unison, "Fair doesn't matter."
"Okay, I mean, don't get me wrong, and I mean this with all due respect, but this is a really weird family."
Dad and Jen laughed heartily at this while Steph just rolled her eyes.
"I mean, it's like you all must really hate each other, but you stay together for some reason so I don't know what exactly is going on here."
"Yeah, where would I fucking go if I ran away?" said Steph petulently.
And her dad chimed in again. "Not really sure I'd say we hate each other. We love each other for what we are. Bodies. Bodies that feel good. And bodies that hurt. I mean, my two girls are all over each other all the time, I don't know if you know this. In fact, girls, why don't you show Harry whether you love or hate each other."
"Yes sir!" they said in unison, Jen with full enthusiasm, Steph less so. "How many, sir?" asked Steph, almost as though it were a ritual to ask.
"How about one each," he replied.
"Yes sir," she said, betraying neither pleasure nor displeasure at this answer. But as they walked over to an open space in the kitchen that both dad and Harry could see, somewhat to Harry's amazement, the beginning of a grin on Steph's face, a grin of anticipation. And he realized she was looking at her sister with hunger--looking her body up and down and imagining things it could do for her. The girl he'd just raped, and who had been apparently furious at her entire family (and him) just moments ago, was now eagerly and unhesitatingly lusting after the sister who had just helped betray her.
Without speaking the two girls began to kiss passionately, and as they kissed, drifted down to their knees. Though Jen was the smaller one, she gently pushed Steph back til she was on top of her. Then she said "You clean back there?" while palpating one of her sister's breasts.
Breathlessly, Steph replied, "Yes."
"All right, over you go!" said Jen and Steph immediately went to her hands and knees. Jen now kissed Steph's neck, then her shoulder, then her ribs, then her ass, and finally placed her tonge directly onto Steph's pussy lips and began to draw her tongue upwards. And for several minutes she used her tongue to alternate between caressing and fucking her sister's pussy and asshole while Steph moaned and collapsed, her head on her folded arms and her chest on the floor with her ass sticking up for her sister's ministrations.
Steph's cries of pure pleasure in orgasm sounded both like and unlike her earlier cries of pure agony as he'd whipped her pussy. Her animal cries of passion were practically identical to the cries she'd emitted as he fucked her unwilling pussy and mistreated her body as he did so. But there was no mistaking it in her face--before she'd been utterly humiliated and would have done anything to escape. Now she was exactly where she wanted to be.
As her sister finally let up on her loving treatment of Steph's pussy and asshole, Steph abruptly turned, grasped Jen's hair and kissed her deeply. As she did so she brought her legs forward, and so did Jen. They now began rubbing their pussies against each other, scissoring with abandon.
"Now be careful Steph," said her dad. "I said just one!"
"I know dad I can trib without cumming it will be okay" and then she went back to work rubbing her sister's pussy with her own.
Eventually each girl fell backwards onto her elbows and let herself go to uninhibited moaning and desperate cries for orgasm. Then it happened--one of the girl's cries turned to shrieks and squeals of pleasure. But it wasn't Jen--it was Steph. Steph had had a second orgasm after all.
"Stop, stop!" her dad said, annoyed. The girls immediately stopped. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, sorry sorry, I didn't mean to." She sounded curiously both like a girl in the breathy afterglow of orgasnm, and a girl fearfully anticipating some kind of cruelty or other.
"I didn't get to finish!" yelled Jen petulantly.
"Sorry girl," said her dad. "Steph stole your orgasm. You'll have to wait til next time."
"I know, I know. But think of how much fun you'll have punishing her."
"Yeah... But fuck!"
"Okay, Jen, that's enough. Go get the punishment post set up."
"Oh goodie! The punishment post!"
And Steph cried, "Noooooo please!"
Dad looked at Harry. "You willing to spend the night tonight?
Harry found that he was indeed more than willing to spend the night.
"Where should I put it, Dad?" called out Jen from another room.
"Put what?"
"The punishment post!" Jen laughed.
"Oh yeah. Put it in Steph's room."
"Okay." Harry saw Steph go white at these words. "So... all night then?"
"Heh, yeah, you shouldn't have stolen that orgasm from your sister."
"I know," Steph muttered, forlornly getting up from her crouched position on the floor.
As Harry, Steph and her dad came into her room, Jen was just finishing up. The punishment post consisted in a metal structure looking something like a cross, embedded in a flat metal plate at the bottom holding it steady. The staff and arms of the cross had little ringlets spaced here and there on one side. At the bottom two smaller protrusions came out, parallel to the arms near the top.
Steph didn't have to be told what to do. She stepped over to the punishment post, on the side without the ringlets. She faced away from the post, spread her legs a little, and let her arms rest on the arms of the cross. Jen and her dad then set to work, securing her arms to the post using chains threaded through the ringlets, and padlocks. They did the same with her ankles on the smaller protrusions that sprouted from the bottom of the cross. And with that, she was thoroughly secured to the post, her nude body fully exposed to whatever treatment anyone might want to visit upon it.
Her dad now produced, and showed her with some apparent enjoyment, a series of items. First, a wooden spoon. Then, a long, thin hard plastic cane. Then, a paddle. Then, a belt. Then a pair of devices Harry didn't quite understand but which caused clear relish in Jen's eyes and clear terror in Steph's. "Which one first," asked her dad. Steph began to break down, "No please, dad, I'm sorry!" But he insisted. "Which one do we use first?"
Finally she said, "I guess the spoon."
"Alright!" said her dad and he took up the spoon. "Now watch what I do, Harry, because you'll be taking over in a moment." With that he began hitting his daughter with the spoon. He began with a very precise and sharp hit directly onto one of her nipples. Steph shrieked, whereupon he placed a similarly precise hit on her other nipple. Helplessly she began jumping and straining at her bonds as he alternately placed precise, snapping blows with the surface of the spoon onto her now-sensitized nipples. He would occasionally distract himself by pinching one nipple while hitting the other, or by placing stingin blows not on but around her nipples instead. But it always came back to the nipple.
After he'd done this for enoug minutes to reduce his daughter to a blubbering mess, he handed the spoon over to his other daughter. "You want a turn?"
"Fuck yes," she said. Steph's nipples were already swollen and bruising from her father's treatment--which only made it that much more enticing to Jen to torture them all the more. Harry idly rubbed his cock through his pants while watching the show. Jen's dad encouraged her to spread her treatment around to other spot's on Steph's body, to show Harry what the possibilities were. So Jen began hitting Steph on the fronts of her legs. After several hits there (met with desperate struggles by Steph to escape the burning sensation of these blows to the fronts of her thighs) Jen went on to Steph's ass. Then she grinned up at Harry and said, "This really hurts her," and began aiming blows at the insides of Steph's legs. "Just a few, I don't want to ruin her for you, but you should know you can also do this," and she now slapped her sister's pussy directly with the spoon several times, eliciting terrified screams of agony.
And Jen now approached Harry to hand the spoon over to him. She grinned, seeing the bulge in his pants and his quick attempt to hid that he'd been stroking himself through them. "Just take them off. You know you're going to be fucking some more pussy tonight anyway." And so Harry did. And with his erect cock leading before, he now approached Steph's naked, trapped body, torture implement in hand.
When he'd grown bored--if that was even possible--torturing Steph all over her most sensitive areas with the wooden spoon, her dad got up. "I'm off to bed. Don't forget about all these other tools here," he said, gesturing to the belt and paddle and so on. "Keep it up as long as you like. Just leave her where she is, you can sleep in her bed tonight."
"Um, yes sir," said Harry. And with that, Steph's dad abandoned her to his (and Jen's) care.
He looked upon his handiwork for a few minutes. Steph was standing there, vulnerable to any punishment he might care to give her, weepingly profusely. He came closer to her, letting his cock touch his skin. He now touched her with his hands, taking from her another dignity. Until now he'd only touched her as necessary to fuck her or punish her. Now he was going to simply steal tactile pleasure from her. He was going to make her body truly his. He began at the nipples, pinching and rubbing them as she winced in pain. He then bent down and licked one while grasping her other breast with his free hand. He alternated back and forth for a while, before moving on to grope her ass. He forced a kiss onto her lips as he took her cheeks one in each hand and tried to split them apart. He then stuck a finger inside her asshole, and as she whimpered in protest he smiled as he kissed her mouth.
Then he slapped her face.
Then he began groping her pussy. He began by stroking it back and forth with his hand. He then moved his body to her side, so as to reach around and also stroke her asshole while he began sticking fingers into her pussy. In this manner he stroked her back and forth, bringing forth unwilling moans of pleasure from her even as she struggled against this degredation.
But he didn't bring her to orgasm. Instead he stepped away, feeling awed, almost as though he'd witnessed something miraculous, in this sudden ability to make complete and uninhibited contact with an object of such deep lust.
Next, he grapped the belt.
He hit her ass first, then her legs. After a few minutes of this he got up the balls to begin beating her breasts. No precise snapping blows like with the spoon--he simply stood beside her and did his best to tear off a layer of skin from her nipples with the belt.
Next he brought out the cane, again applying it directly to her nipples, considering every blow that hit above or below to be a failure. When he became interested in using the cane on her pussy lips, Jen from the corner where she'd been watching in ecstatic awe now came over to her sister, the two aforementioned devices in hand. Steph, already screaming with pain, now panicked anew. "No No!" she cried but Jen just laughed. "Bet this will hurt," she said to Harry, and he nodded his vague approval. So Jen reached up with the devices, and their purpose was revealed. They clipped onto her nipples tightly, like a couple of cruel animals determined to hang on by their teeth. The pain was so great Steph seemed about to hyperventilate. And when Harry hit her ass with the paddle, her whole body shook, causing the nipple clamps to shake, magnifying the pain she was suffering. Harry was about to burst. He had to have someone now.
He reached over to Jen and grabbed her by the hair. "Oh!" said Jen. "Bout time you paid some attention!" Grasping her by the neck, he lowered her down to the floor, then guided her face into Steph's crotch. "Make her cum," he said.
"You know she'll get in trouble if she cums, right?"
"Yeah, that's the point,"
"Very nice thinking," she winked, and to Steph's protests, no longer just from the agony of the clamps and the blows but from terror at the prospect of cumming in this situation and then being punished for it later, Jen began licking Steph's pussy. But Harry's plan wasn't just to passively watch Steph's pleasurable doom. Instead, while her sister licked her pussy, Harry approached from the side and began pulling and twisting on the clamps at her nipples. The shock of pain juxtaposed with the pleasure at her pussy caused Steph's screams to increase anew. When Harry began pulling slowly on the clamps so they pinched a smaller and smaller portion of her nipples with harder and harder force her squeals seemed to go beyond the range of human hearing. When the clamps finally snapped off of her nipples her entire body arched and she became absolutely rigid, unable even to scream. Harry nearly came simply from watching this display of passion.
Though Jen was doing her duty faithfully at Steph's pussy, Harry's treatment of Steph's nipples was preventing any orgasm from resulting.
"You know your ass is getting spanked more the longer it takes, right?"
Jen mumbled her muffled acknowledgment.
Now Harry began whipping Steph's nipples with the buckle end of his belt.
With her breasts being beaten by a belt buckle, it took quite a while for Steph to come to orgasm, even with her sister's expert skills working toward that goal. Even after Steph gave up resisting the climax and began actively struggling for it--after all it was the only way to end the beating--it still took an inordinately long amount of time for her to finally come to a finish.
Of course it was hard to tell exactly what was happening, as the poor girl had long since been reduced to incoherent gibbering mush by the hopeless condition of bound sexualized agony she was in.
As it became clear, though, that her present spasms were those of an inchohate kind of pleasure rather than simple agony, Harry took a step back and watched Jen's body wiggle as her mouth continued her work. After several minutes of Steph's continuous screams of orgasm, Harry finally took Jen's hair and separated her from her sister. Continuing to grasp her hair he took her over to Steph's bed, and placed her face firmly into Steph's mattress. "You don't move," he said. He knew Jen understood and needed no acknowledgement.
He could see from the light marks left behind that Jen's ass was no stranger to her father's punishments. He added to her father's work now, letting nothing hold him back as he beat Jen's ass with his belt buckle.
Jen's reaction was spectacular. He did not hold back from blow one, and her responding cries showed it. Her pain was desperate and fearful, just like Steph's just as pain should be, but somehow in her screams there was an element of passion. Not enjoyment, but passion.
And her body. She was a pro. Despite the sensual and violent way she wiggled her ass in avoidance of the swats, she nevertheless had the perfect discipline needed to keep her knees from moving from their spots on the floor. The result was a sexual dance of agony, her inflamed ass practically beckoning him with its almost rhythmic undulations.
"Spread your cheeks," he muttered, inspired to break this perfect discipline. Jen hesitated, perhaps not understanding what was about to happen, but she was well trained by her father. She obeyed, reaching back and exposing her asshole fully to the air. Harry folded his belt so that the buckle was on the end. He reared fully back, and put all his strength into what he did next.
As the belt buckle tore into the sensitive skin of her little asshole, Jen shrieked. She momentarily let go of her ass cheeks, but amazingly, even as she continued to shriek she reached right back and spread them again. So he hit her again, right on the asshole. She shrieked more desperately now, but kept herself spread open for him.
Not satisfied with her success, he now walked over to her, climbed up ontothe bed, placing one foot on either side of her. He turned around so he was facing her ass. He raised his belt, and now brought the buckle down hard, so that it would curl up beneath her and slam directly into her pussy or her asshole as he pleased.
On the first blow against her pussy, Jen went rigid, her legs straightening out behind her, her body like a plank resting against the bed. She quaked with pain, too far gone even to scream. But her hands stayed right in place, amazingly keeping her self spread obediently before him. And after this brief failure, she returned immediately to position, moaning inchoately with pain, but placing her body right into position with the next blow.
He hit her several more times in the pussy and asshole, eliciting further desperate squeals and cries, but she never did leave position again. She'd basically won, and he didn't really mind. It gave him an excuse to do whatever he wanted to her--she could, apparently, handle anything.
"Your pussy off limits too?"
Jen was still sobbing. She only nodded.
"Your dad fucks you just like your sister I guess?"
Now Jen shook her head. Steph, still secured to the post, piped up, "He's saving her for a special occasion."
"Alright, how about your asshole?" he asked Jen. "Off limits?"
Jen slowly, careful of her pained buttocks, asshole and pussy lips, turned up to face him. Looking him in the eye, she said, sniffling, "No, go right ahead and fuck me in the ass."
She didn't have to tell him twice. He dragged her further up onto the bed, and climbed on top of her. He didn't have her on her tummy or doggy style--he kept her on her back, taking in the fullness of her sexiness as he propped her ass up on his legs and then began pushing his cock into her beaten asshole. She cried with pain as he pushed himself into her bruised and bloodied anal sphincter, but she did not resist. As he got himself inside her, he leaned over and began kissing and chewing on her nipples while beginning to thrust himself cruelly into her bowels. As she warmed to this treatment, he moved his face up and they kissed surprisingly passionatel and deeply for two people who'd hardly known each other a few hours ago, one of whom had just finished beating the other to within an inch of her life.
It didn't take long for him to cum inside her. As he did so, he pinched each of her nipples hard and pulled upwards on them , thrusting deeply inside her as he did so, hoping to create three effective points of pain as he caused himself this ultimate pleasure. If her cries were of pleasure, that was fine. If they were of agony at his impalement of her colon and maltreatment of her breasts, then that was even better.
Finally he collapsed on top of her, and as he came down from his orgasm he licked, bit and groped her body while she lay there nearly unmoving. Was she failing to enjoy this? He didn't care. Was she enjoying it? He didn't care. He just really... appreciated... the feel of her body against his lips, his hands, his dick.
As she lay there limp, letting him do as he likes, she murmered, her gaze in the direction of her bound sister, "I have an idea."
From the look that came over Steph's face at these words, it was clear that Jen had had "ideas" on past occasions, and that these "ideas" had not gone well for Steph.
Jen rose up from the bed while Harry simply reclined and watched. Jen approached Steph, grinning, and Steph began to shake, her head moving rapidly back and forth. "No no no! No no no no please!" But this was of course to no avail. Without ado, Jen reached up to the clamps still attached to Steph's nipples, and unceremoniously removed them, rapidly, giving them no time to slowly admit blood back into the nipples at any tolerable rate.
So, Harry had had an incredibly, unprecedently excellent night so far. He had discovered things about himself he'd never imagined before--that he enjoyed raping helpless girls, and not only raping them, but tormenting them. That he could use a young nubile female human being's body for his own pleasure, exclusively, and apparently, he was discovering, feel no compunction about it whatsoever. He thought he had seen, tonight, things more incredible than he would ever see again in his lifetime. Steph weeping abjectly as he thrust his cock into the pussy he'd bruised horrifically only moments before. Her helpless struggles as he laid blow after blow across her breasts and legs. Jen's ass wiggling desperately as she screamed her agony into a pillow while he tormented her asshole. This was beyond his wildest dreams and he thought surely he'd witnessed the most excellent things he'd ever witness by now.
But he was wrong. Steph now danced the purest, most heartrending and erotic dance of agony it was possible for a human being to dance. Who would have thought that simply releasing clamps from a nipple could do this to the unfortunate girl. But there she was. Her body was positively arched, rigid, no longer like an animal body but isntead almost a work of architecture. The sound emitted from her beautiful, desperate and vulnerable mouth hardly counted as a scream. It went beyond screaming as cosmology is beyond arithmetic. For several seconds it was like she was the whole universe, and the universe was burning, stinging horrible pain, and his cock was fucking that universe of pain. He was just lying there on the bed watching her, yet he almost came simply from the pure overwhelming delight oin what he was seeing.
Then Jen started mauling Steph's breasts, grasping them and shaking them back and forth. Now the girls were dancing together, Jen laughing, Steph yelling in horrified agony, begging her sister to stop the dance.
Jen only stopped when Steph's screams and yells had morphed, through weariness and despair, into simple, blubbering sobs and moans. Steph was crying. "Aw," said Jen, almost sounding truly sympathetic. "Poor thing! Let's take her off the post and let her lay down."
Steph knew enough about her sister's treacherous tendencies not to take this as any kind of positive development. But she did not resist as Jen began releasing her bonds, and guided her over to the bed. The girls were well trained and went obediently wherever commanded, even to their doom.
Once Steph was fully released she collapsed to the ground, covering her pained nipples with her arms and rolling around on her side. "Uh uh uh!" said Jen as though being stern with a bad puppy. "Get up and get over to the bed."
Steph got up but only to her hands and knees. She crawled to the bed. This seemed to satisfy Jen.
"You can lay down on the bed after you've cleaned Harry's dick off." That was Harry's cue and he followed it willingly. He rose on the bed to his knees, and brought his cock (now fully rigid again) over to Steph's face. She lowered her mouth onto his cock and began making out with it, licking it up and down, caressing it and generally letting every square inch of it violate every surface of her lips and tongue.
"Put your face into it, Steph. Clean that shit off!"
Now Steph began rubbing the cock all over her face--her cheeks, her ears, her eyes forehead and nose. As this was going on Jen took a paddle in hand. "Now clean him with your throat. Harry you tel me when to stop." And she began beating Jen's ass.
So now he had a quandary. Did he keep this going til he came into the girls' throat, probably signaling an end to the festivities? Or did he let the beating continue for as long as he could hold off, then stop to see what else Jen had in mind?
It took all the discipline he could muster but in the end he made a decision which, looking back, he believed was the right one. For a long while he let his aching but eager cock simply revel in this deep penetration of the girl's throat. He'd grab her hair and push her onto his cock, just like in the pornos, making her unable to breath, making her choke and cought for a while before releasing her and watching her obediently continue thrusting her face up and down onto his dick even as she continued to sob and choke, spurred on by the cruel blows of the paddle on her ass. He enjoyed this for quite a while, but finally in the end grabbed her and took her off of his dick. "Okay Jen," he said, "What else are we going to do to this bitch?"
"I told you," said Jen. "We're going to let her lie down on the bed and rest. She needs a break."
"Well that sounds boring," said Harry.
Jen laughed. "Oh Harry, it can't be all about you all the time. Let's give the girl a rest. I promise to make it worth your while."
Harry grinned. "Alright you convinced me."
"But," said Jen. "If we just let her lay down on the bed, she might try to run away or something, so we'll have to..."
"Tie her up?"
"Tie her up."
"I'm for it."
So they let the weary girl lay on her back and they used the chains and locks from the post to secure her ankles to the bedposts. Jen then tied Steph's right wrist to the bed--but as Harry began to get to work on Steph's other wrist, Jen held up a finger. "Waith one sec on that hand okay?"
When she was finished with Steph's right wrist, Jen came over to her left side and took the other wrist in hand. She secured a cord to it, then began pulling the cord, not over to the upper left bed post, but down to the lower right one. She secured Steph's wrist by attaching the cord to her lower right ankle. This seemed odd--til Harry adn Steph noticed at the same time just where this placed her hand.
"Oh God, you complete bitch, you are not seriously going to..."
Jen laughed. "Yes I'm seriously going to."
Harry was a little lost and said so.
Jen replied innocently. "What? We're just going to be nice to her like I said." And with that she leaned over the bed, over her sister, and began kissing her neck.
Steph tried to wiggle away but Jen was insistent. "Just enjoy it, sis, you can't escape," murmered Jen. And with that she kissed her sister deeply on the mouth. Her sister winced and whined, but after several seconds, returned the kiss. As Jen disengaged from their passionate tongue union, Steph murmered, "I won't do it."
Chuckling, Jen said, "You know you will." Then she beckoned to Harry, "What are you waiting for?"
Determining that he was being invited to make out with the restrained girl, Harry approached, looking her body over up and down. He grasped her thigh, right up against her pussy, and saw Steph twitch and sigh with pleasure. "Oh god please no," she whispered, and he started to understand why Jen had placed her hand at her pussy like that. He could see her hand, as Steph began to be overcome with the pleasure of being touched in these sensual ways, beginning to twitch. She was desperately trying not to touch herself. For to touch herself would lead to orgasm--and not even orgasm brought on by one of the cruel pair in the room with her, but orgasm brought on by her own actions. She wasn't supposed to come--and if it was reported that she had cum by her own hand, woe be to her!
Now Harry understood what he was to do. He leaned in and kissed the girl's ear, her neck, her shoulder, all while lightly brushing his hand against her pussy, occasionally digging in to stroke her clit. As he did so he saw Jen, on the other side of her, kissing her leg, her hip, her tummy, her ribs. Then Jen kissed the bottom of Steph's bruised breast--and Steph reacted with the most pleasured sigh yet. It may have been bruised but this apparently only icreased the intensity of her pleasuire.
So, taking her pussy-hand in his and pressing gently but firmly downward, Harry, too kissed a Steph breast. Then, letting ho of her hand, he (and Jen simultaneously) lightly brushed his lips across Steph's nipple.
And now both he and Jen began going to town on her nipples. Steph was a goner. She arched up, she begged them "Please don't make me please don't make me!" but Jen just laughed. "You do what you want, we're just being nice to you after a hard night."
Eventually the increased frequency and intensity of Steph's moans let them know that the project was working. She was now baldly masturbating herself, despite her better instincts, while the two of them pleasured her breasts with a focus on her tormented nipples. Finally Steph stopped even trying to resist, the madness of horniness overcoming her, and she switched into simple "must cum now!" mode. When she finally hit the goal, Harry and Jen kept up their ministrations. The more passionate the orgasm, the more punishment she would deserve. So they let her have the most passionate orgasm she could give herself. They kept up the breast kissing til her orgasm itself became too painful to bear, and then they continued for several minutes more.
Finally she couldn't even move from exhaustion and they let up. As the poor girl lay there practically comatose in her pleasure and pained anticipation of what would happen when they told on her, Harry looked up at Jen and grinned. "Okay girlie, she's had enough. Your turn on the post."
Jen was not amused.
"Oh shit," she said. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah of course. You're supposed to do whatever I say, right, except no pussy fucking. Welp, I say get on the post."
"But that was for her..."
"Uh huh, and you took her off. I'm going to spend the night with her, but not til after I get you on the post, all whipped and clamped and shit. How could you think I wouldn't have to do this, you being so sexy and bitchy and all."
"God damn it," said Jen. But she got up and went to the post.
"Exactly," laughed Harry. And he released Steph (she clearly wasn't going anywhere) and brought the chains and locks over to Jen. Je made sure her arms were pulled completely taugt to the ends of the crossbeam, violently shoving on the chains til they were completely tight. "Ohw!" protested Jen, but he just laughed and said "That hurts huh?"
Then he made sure she couldn't kick, and there it was. She was ready.
There's not much to be said about what happened next. First he took in the sight of her sexy little body, her tautly bound arms forcing her breasts to point slightly upwards, the rest of her body moving around awkwardly trying to find a comfortable standing position. Her girlish face was staring straight ahead, clearly pissed at this turn of events. With the turn-on of nonconsent coursing through his dick once again, he went over to the wall and grabbed Steph's curling iron. Jen was now in emergency mode. "Wait you're not going to...!"
"Don't worry, I'm not going to burn ya" he said. He knew surely permanent scars were a no no here. Instead he folded over the electric cord attached to the iron a few times, then wrapped one end around the iron itself so that he now had a makeshift crop. It was this with which he began to torture Jen.
First her breasts, laying vicious stripe after stripe across them, aiming at her nipples, but feeling almost just as satisfied at the screams elicited even when he missed.
Up and down her legs, her ass, her tummy, her breasts he laid the stinging lashes while she hopped about and screamed in protest. He stood at an awkward angle, and began hitting her pussy lips using a downward angle to get the crop to curl around and down there. Now her agony imitated orgasm--not that she had one but that he couldn't distinguish the panting moans of pain from those of ultimate pleasure.
After he grew tired of this cruelty, he took the clamps, placed them cruelly directly on her nipples (rather than behind them which would have been a bit more merciful) and as she winced then began to cry from the pain he kissed her cheek. "Sweet dreams," he said. And then he crawled, exhausted, into bed with Steph. Steph hardly moved to get out of his way, but he didn't care. He simply draped his naked body over hhers, his front to her back. Then rolled over onto her and placed his dick at her asshole. She again made no move to either help or protest and this was fine by him. He now used her ass something like you would use a hole in a blow up doll. Enjoying the sound of Jen's moans and sobs from the post, he twisted Steph's face to one side and put all his weight on his hand onto the side of her head, the other at the top of her shoulders and bottom of her neck, and fucked her ass for dozens of minutes til he was finally able, for a final time that night, to deposit his sperm inside a hole in a girl.
And he was spent. He collapsed on top of Steph and put himself to sleep while idly lightly thrusting his half-limp cock back and forth inside her bowels. That was the last he knew of waking reality til the next morning, when the girls' dad walked in, turned on the light, and said "Wake up everybody! Morning spanking time!"
Harry now got to witness this family's morning routine. Their dad whistled as he beheld his younger daughter Jen in her beaten state bound to the post. Vicious stripes had insinuated themselves all over the front and back of her body. Evil clamps continued to gnaw on her nipples. Her body was shivering from cold and exhaustion. Meanwhile her sister Steph was already crying as she crawled out from Harry's unwanted embrace (and the presence of his now-constantly erect cock) and onto the floor. Bravely she whined "Do we really have to do this this morning Dad?" They had had a rough night indeed.
"Get in position girlie!" her dad said like a happy warrior as he began unbinding his younger daughter from the punishment post, being sure to take every opportunity to "happen" to jiggle or brush by the clamps on her nipples as he did so. "You're not going to take those off are you Jen?" he asked as her now-free hands began moving toward her breasts.
Reluctantly she moved her hands down and away. "No," she said.
"Good. Now get in position!"
The two girls now took position on the floor: Each girl had her hands and feet flat to the floor, her legs and arms and back erect, her ass pointing up into the air. Their dad now began idly swinging his belt, spanking their asses and legs as they whimpered and whined. With each blow, whichever girl he'd just hit counted. "One, two, three" and so on. He stopped once Steph had counted up to fifty-three and Jen had counted up to fifty-six.
He now stepped up to Steph and grabbed her ass, pushing downwards. She immediately went down from her feet to her knees and elbows, and her dad knelt down behind her, placing his dick up against her pussy. He looked up at Harry. "Mouth or ass, the choice is yours son." And with that, he began raping his daughter.
While her dad raped her from behind, Harry approached Jen and pushed her down to her hands and knees. Taking position behind her, he began forcing his cock into her little asshole. As he did so he wrapped his arms around her and played with the clamps on her nipples. When, after several minutes of this, he felt himself climaxing, he forcefully removed the clamps so as to cum to the sound of her desperate screams. That was fun.
Afterwards the girls, apparently on cue as no one needed to tell them to do this, cleaned each other out--Jen taking her dad's cum from Steph's pussy into her mouth, and Steph taking Harry's cum from her asshole into her mouth. The girls then kissed, juggling the two loads of cum back and forth between each other's mouths, letting it spread out over their faces and breasts then licking it back up again. After enjoying this scenario for a while, their dad said "Okay, enough, go to the tub." Both girls immediately went to their bathroom, cum still all over their faces, and knelt next to each other in the bathtub.
That's when their dad pissed on their faces. Harry was beyond hesitation--he joined right in. The girls were clearly well trained, keeping their mouths and eyes open even as the two men sprayed stining piss all over them. When they were drained, the girls continued kissing, now with piss mixed in with the cum. They did not pretend to enjoy it, and that did not matter to Harry one bit.
Having finished the morning activities, Harry and the girls' dad left the girls to shower and dress for school. In the kitchen, they discussed arrangements for the rest of the day.
Harry drove the girls to school that day. He had Steph sit in the passenger seat. She was wearing an outfit which exposed quite a bit of skin--a shirt that only just covered her breasts (no bra of course) and a skirt that, when she sat, did not cover her ass at all. It was part of her "punishment" for "having sex" with him last night--she was required to make herself available sexually to everyone at all times. Harry and Jen were both charged with ensuring she followed this rule, and the outfit was going to make their job somewhat easier.
"Steph's going to have a bad day at school today," he said to her dad, "So let's put Jen on the floor in front of her."
"Sounds like a plan," said the girls' dad. And so Jen, dressed normally in jeans and a t-shirt, knelt down in front of her sister in Harry's car, and immediate began going down on her.
Steph closed her eyes, sighed, leaned back, and cried softly in embarrasment even as she allowed herself to build to orgasm.
Harry started the car and they were off. Once Steph had finally cum into her sister's mouth, he asked the girls, "Why do you let him do this to you?"
"We don't let him--we have to do what he says. He's our dad," came Steph's reply.
"But I mean, why don't you run away?"
Jen laughed. "And go where?"
Harry hesitated. "I mean, anywhere. The police?"
Steph said, a little angry, "So some foster family can rape us instead, or worse be completely boring. Don't think so. Anyway you're one to talk after last night!"
"I know that must have been unpleasant for you but"
"But I mean, you're so fucking hot, and there you were, and your dad said it was Okay, and your sister seemed to be pretty fucking happy about it so it was like... a game... But I mean I want you to know, if you want out, I can drive you away from here right now."
The girls were quiet for a long time.
Finally, Steph said, annoyed, "Don't be a pussy Harry. Just drive us to school okay?"
Annoyed in turn, Harry smartly replied "Fuck you then. Do her again, Jen. She'll need it."
They neither made a big deal of it, nor attempted to hide, the strange way they were arranged in the car when they arrived at school. There were stares, and no one said anything, but the stares didn't stop. Steph slipped out in her insane outfit, showing off her body in a way she'd never done before. Jen followed, getting out of the floor of the car, grinning, her face shiny.
The three of them went inside and waited in the foyer with the several dozen other students who were there. A group of boys sat in the corner, chatting immaturely about something or other. Harry nudged Steph over in their direction. She sighed in frustration, but she went over. Harry and Jen followed.
She stood there for several seconds til these boys noticed her taking notice of them. This was unusual.
"Yeah?" asked the pimply ringleader. "Can I help you?"
Steph said, quietly, "Do any of you want to have sex with me?"
A stunned silecne followed, while Jen snickered. "Um........." said the ringleader, then as though it were obvious, "yeah?"
Steph shuddered. Then, unable to suppress a sob, she said "Okay. Come with me."
"Are you crying?"
It took all her might to say it. "It's because I'm so happy."
The boys laughed at this. "Are you serious?"
Still crying a little, she maintained. "Dead serious. Please fuck me. I want you all so bad."
Slowly, unable to believe what was happening, but willing to test the waters, the boys got up. And when Steph began her walk--with the stares it was like a perp walk--to the boys' bathroom, the boys followed her.
They picked up several more gawkers as they walked by.
There ended up being a line of several dozen boys waiting at the restroom door. Inside about fifteen could fit, not including Jen, Steph or Harry. Steph was on her knees at the moment servicing a boy with her mouth while another took position behind her. She'd started out on top of the first boy, forcing herself to fuck him while the others watched but as the boys got braver and saw she was really going through with this, they became more active, grabbing her and positioning her for their own pleasure.
She'd had about seven boys when the principle finally came in. The boys in the room attempted to scramble, but he'd closed and locked the door before they'd even noticed he was there. The boys lined up outside had escaped, but the fifteen inside the restroom were caught.
Once Steph, now hiccuping with suppressed sobs, had gotten herself dressed and cleaned the cum off of her face the best she could, the principle had her, jen, Harry, and the rest of the boys line up and accompany him to his office.
On the trip to the office, Harry surreptitiously got out his cell phone and sent a text to Steph's dad. There was a plan in place, and the next part was crucial.
Just as everyone was filing into the principle's office, the phone on his desk rang. He closed and locked his door, drew the blinds, and picked up the phone.
What the principle heard was lifechanging.
"This is Steph's dad. Harry just texted me to say she's in some kind of trouble? I saw the outfit she was wearing on the way to school, and I was afraid of something like this. She's becoming a real huge slut lately, I think she may be a sex addict. But we're trying to break her of it. Did she tempt some boys this morning?"
"Yes," replied the principle, "Fifteen of them."
"Alright," said Steph's dad, "You punish her in whatever way you normally do, and whatever you do to her, I'll do it twice at home. And, is Jen there?"
"We have a policy to help them help each other stay out of trouble--whatever punishments one of them gets, the other gets as well. So I hope you don't mind helping me out with that."
"No," said the principle, "I don't have a problem with that."
"And those boys? Don't be too hard on them. She's very tempting. She's the ringleader. They're just unwitting passersby. And Harry? I asked him to keep an eye on her today but I know she's so strong willed. Make sure he gets to participate in her punishment, whatever it may be, alright?"
"All.... right."
"And I want you to know also, we do spank at home, but we believe in causing real pain. No part of her body is taboo here. Wherever it's possible to hurt her, that's where we hurt her. It's for her own good. You're welcome to take advantage of that fact in whatever way you see fit."
"I understand I think."
"And she is to reward you for your hard work in punishing her when you're finished."
"Sir I, I'm sure I don't know what you mean."
"I'm sure you don't. Please in any case enjoy punishing her. I think part of the punishment is the embarrasment at knowing the one spanking you is having a damn good time doing it."
"I can see how someone might think that."
"Good day."
"Good day sir."
He counted the dress code violations first. Open toed shoes with no socks were a no-no. Five for each shoe, five for each missing sock. Her skirt was too short--five more swats. Her shirt exposed her navel--five swats--and the bottoms of her breasts--five more swats. She was wearing no underwear or bra--five more each. Forty five swats for dress code violations alone.
Now as to her behavior in the restroom. The student handbook prescribed five swats for minor public displays of affection such as handholding. For anything involving close holding or kissing, it prescribed ten swats. But she'd gone much further. Blowjobs, sexual relations, hand stimulation of penises, and so on. He decided this called for a doubling of the ten swats. And he had no idea how many boys she'd gotten to, but there were fifteen who she either had sex with or was planning to. But that's three hundred swats!
Morever she was encouraging the boys to misbehave. For encouraging someone to misbehave, you receieve the punishment for that behavior yourself. Yet another three hundred swats?!
Steph (and apparently her innocent sister Jen) were supposed to receive six hundred forty five swats each. This was like nothing the principle had ever contemplated before. But he had a job to do. If he was going to enjoy it, that was not relevant.
To the boys' relief, he was not going to punish them. After all, as her dad had said, she was the one leading them on. In fact there was an opportunity here to lessen the workload on himself.
He had steph remover her skirt again, and put her hands on his desk, exposing her ass to everyone. Then he explained to Jen that she was to do the same, on her father's orders. "Oh shit!" she yelled, to which he replied "That's six hundred fifty swats each, now. Are you going to make it more?"
Jen was silent.
He now gave his belt to one of the fifteen boys. And, one by one, they took turns. Each administered twenty swats to Steph's ass, for tempting him to have sex with her. Each then gave Jen's now naked ass twenty more, for being Steph's sister and not keeping her out of trouble.
The girls started crying after just a couple of swats from the first boy. If, after a few minutes, anyone wondered what all the screaming was about, they didn't wonder too hard. The principle's effectiveness was well known.
About halfway through the principle began to worry the girls might begin to bleed instead of merely bruising. So he had them turn around. Their pubises were now exposed to the boys, though in their shame they kept their legs together as well as they could. And now they got the last hundred and fifty on the fronts of their legs, while facing their punishers.
The principle now dismissed the boys. Once they'd all filed out, the principle had the girls remove their shirts and, in Jen's case, her bra. The girls were now fully nude, sobbing in front of the principle and Harry.
The principel had Harry remove his own belt, and now, while the principle spanked Steph's breasts, Harry went after Jen's.
Halfway through this, again worried about damaging the skin too much (as though the severe bruising weren't enough to worry any decent person) he had the girls sit up on his desk and spread their legs. He and Harry now began whipping the insides of their legs. But when it became clear the girls couldn't keep their legs open for this, the principle called out for some bungee cord. His secretary found some, and brought it right in.
Harry was a little surprised the principle let her see this.
But the secretary--a very young woman just out of high school herself--seemed unbothered. Quite the opposite. "So this is awesome" she said matter of factly, taking in the crying naked girls. "Are you having fun?"
"Yes," said the principle. "I thought you'd like this. Help me tie their ankles down."
And so Harry, the principle, and now apparently to Harry's great surprise the secretary--a hottie herself no less!--were securing the sister's ankles down. Then the secretary took the girl's wrists and held them down by hand.
The principle and Harry now finished the last hundred and fifty swats on the girls' legs. The girls were absolutely desperately squealing in hopeless agony. And the punishement wasn't even finished! There were fifty more to go, for the dress code and cursing violations.
The principle hesitated, but not for long. He began hitting his belt directly on Steph's pussy. The secretary moaned at this as though he had stroked her clit directly. And Harry promptly followed suit on Jen's pussy.
After each girl's pussy had been violently beaten fifty times, the principle and Harry dropped their belts to the floor. They released the girls from their bonds, and had the girls stand before them.
"Your father told me you would reward me for this. Was that true?" The two girls, still crying uncontrollably, shook their heads yes.
"All right, show me how."
So the princple received a double blowjob from two weeping girls that morning. As did Harry. And the secretary got a great orgasm out of the girls' mouths as well.
When all the fucking was done, the principle gave each girl twenty final swats for missing one class and being late for the next. And he finally let them go. The secretary stayed behind, climbing up on top of him as Harry and the girls left the office.
Steph never made it to class--she spent the rest of the day fucking boys (and a few girls) in the bathroom.
Meanwhile Harry went from class to class, spreading the word between kids he knew would be interested, and would not tell the wrong people, about the even that was going down at the girls' house that night.
There was going to be a rape party.
That evening, Harry and Jen and her dad tied Steph's wrists to a post, then bent her over and tied her ankles to the same post. Her ass and pussy were now thrust indecently into the air. They left her that way. The girls' dad left, then, and at around 8PM, the guests began to arrive.
Chips and drinks were served to all, while Steph simply waved her ass around in a desperate attempt to escape embarassment. It was like a regular party, except a girl was tied down and occasionally molested. Everyone seemed to be waiting for some kind of cue before the serious rape began.
Harry whispered to Jen at one point, "Don't dispute anything I'm about to say. It all comes from your dad, understand?"
"Wow," Jen grineed. "Okay, this'll be interesting."
Now Harry spoke up. "It's time to begin the rape party ladies and gentlemen." Cheers began, and he raised his voice "BUT!"
"Watch this." He now asked Steph, from her bound position, "Steph, will you allow all these people to fuck your pussy and ass?"
"Yes," Steph wailed.
More cheers, but Harry held up his hand. "Ladies and gentlemen, she's perfectly willing!"
"This is not rape!"
More confusion.
"This is a RAPE party! We're going to rape somebody who lives here, but it ain't Steph. She can't be raped--only fucked!"
Now he grabbed Jen. "So here's the girl we're going to rape!"
Jen began to struggle. "What the fuck? No get the fuck off of me!"
The surging crowd hesitated. "She into this?" asked one boy, naively.
"Well, let's ask it this way," said Harry, holding Jen down as she continued to struggle. "Jen, are you going to run to daddy after this?"
Jen kept struggling, but said, "No, just, get off of me!"
"You heard her, she has no intention of telling! Rape time! Me first!"
And with that Harry wrestled Jen down. A couple of other boys (and one girl!) got down on the floor with them and helped him rip off her clothes. Jen tried desperately to escape. Just like Steph, she knew there were rules about what happened to her vagina and it didn't matter if she broke them willingly or not.
But she was surrounded. As the boys and the girl closest by held her arms down, Harry climbed on top of hre young, nude form, and unzipped his pants. "Say bye to your virginity slut!" he whispered into her ear, and then as she wailed hopelessly he pierced her with his cock.
It was the best sex of his life, and he'd had some good sex in the last twenty four hours.
Jen and Steph were raped and fucked so many times that night, each girl lost count and stopped caring. They ended the night bleeding from their pussies and assholes, their faces swollen from rough facefucking and girls sitting on their faces.
The next morning, as the three of them lay in the middle of the destroyed living room, their dad returned, with guests. "Wake up girls!" he yelled.
Jen immediately began mewling. "Dad I told them no! You can see on the videos I did not let anyone near my pussy they took it from me they took it from me I wanted you to be my first please dad!"
"Now Jen," her dad replied. "You know the rule. I was the first to fuck your sister, but she wasn't faithful and now she is a slut. Now you are even worse than her--I didn't even get to fuck you first. By the way, Harry, was her virgin pussy enjoyable to you?"
Harry gulped. "I... yes sir."
Her dad laughed, "I would have expected so. But Jen, I didn't even get to take your virginity. So now I don't want you. You knew that was the rule."
Then Jen saw the guests her dad had brought."
"No!" she yelled. Then she screamed "No!!!!" and began crawling desperately away. But her dad's guests quickly came to each side of her and lifted her up, holding her securely by the arms. A third guest now approached her as she cried desperately, "Daddy please don't do this!"
"She's very beautiful. But not a virgin?"
Jen's dad said, "No, I decided to have a little fun with her last night. I know that brings down the offer."
"Indeed it does, but as I said, she's gorgeous."
Steph now spoke up from the floor, still bound with her ass in the air. "Dad, what's happening?"
"Hush Steph, this doesn't concern you."
The third guest now groped Jen, first her breasts, then her pussy. As he stroked her cum-wet lips, he leaned in and force a kiss into her mouth. Jen jerked back, but the guest simply grabbed her by the hair and continued exploring her lips and mouth with his tongue.
When he was finished, he looked away from the weeping girl toward her dad. He thrust a roll of bills at him. "Twenty five hundred dollars, and," a fourth guest entered, dragging a girl along behind him.
"Quite used, but only two weeks taken, and not trained, just as you asked. Not worth so much, but we throw her in as part of our offer."
The girl who had been dragged in was kneeling, her wrists cuffed behind her back. Steph and Jen's dad inspected her cursorily, then said "Looks good enough. And the important part--you'll video tape everything you do to my daughter, correct? All the way to the end?"
Jen screamed and hyperventilated, renewing her struggle. "Daddy no! No please! Why? I'll be so good!"
Dad now addressed her directly. "You are always good, Jen. And this is good. You're being good right now. And you're going to keep being good while these kind men film it for me. And I think I'll buy a new sound system with the money you just brought me by being so good."
And now the men began taking Jen out. "Daddyyyyyyy!" she cried, and Steph was crying now too, realizing she was not going to see her sister again. A bag went over Jen's head, but Harry could hear her screams all the way out to the waiting car.
And Jen was gone.
Now the girls' dad approached the new one, kneeling, quietly sobbing on the floor. "Please let me go sir," she said. "I want to go home."
The dad motioned for Harry to approach. "Should we let her go home?"
"I... I think she is home sir."
"Well said!" The two men unzipped their pants.
Inappropriate Surprise Incest Requirement StoryDescription: In this story, Liz discovers that, much to her surprise and chagrin, her father has expected that she be sexually satisfying her brother on demand. He discovers she has not been doing this, and, together with her brother, he punishes her with much torment, sexual humiliation and and raping.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely...
Working in a nursing home sometimes can be very depressing. Most of the residents have long term illnesses and are either bed ridden or are confined to wheel chairs. There are many different kinds of people that work at a nursing home. There are nurses, doctors, aides, dietary aides, maintenance people, and recreation coordinators. The nursing home is usually very busy during the day and afternoon hours. Visiting time is until eight o'clock in the evening. Families and friends visit most days....
SpankingI was in a good position in life. As an Adjunct Instructor at the university, I was able to teach, which I truly enjoyed, but fortunately I was not burdened with academic research. The four classes I taught gave me plenty of time to myself, including short breaks throughout the day when I could get my errands done or take a leisurely lunch break. While there were often quizzes to grade, I could dispense with those rather quickly, midterms and finals clearly took longer to grade, but that only...
I'm a psychiatrist. My name is Dr. Baker. I was hired by Roy Channing of Channing Chemicals to treat his 21-year old daughter Darla for her inappropriate sexual behaviour. Darla had recently been expelled from college. My initial impression from Mr. Channing's description of the incidents which had led to her expulsion led me to believe that Darla might be suffering from nymphomania. Given Mr. Channing's prominent position in the community, the situation had to be handled discreetly. I have a...
ReluctanceThe Rape Run Written by Olga AnastasiaThe Runners:Melena de Santo – The Colonel Ja-alixxe – The Bounty Hunter Aireela – The Amazon Elionara – The Dancer Palonae – The Princess (Princess Palonae Noonian Aurora Tonova) Tasha Castelaine – The Career Woman Jasmeena – Daughter of the Sands Cara Haston – The Model Leesha – The Born Slave Oorla – The Actress The Hunters:Salarin – The Sadist Leshan – The Runt Cronorgan – The Master Lotho-etsarra –The Libido Jackran-ad-aktar – The Alien1 - GeneralI am...
The Rape Run Written by Olga AnastasiaThe Runners:Melena de Santo – The Colonel Ja-alixxe – The Bounty Hunter Aireela – The Amazon Elionara – The Dancer Palonae – The Princess (Princess Palonae Noonian Aurora Tonova) Tasha Castelaine – The Career Woman Jasmeena – Daughter of the Sands Cara Haston – The Model Leesha – The Born Slave Oorla – The Actress The Hunters:Salarin – The Sadist Leshan – The Runt Cronorgan – The Master Lotho-etsarra –The Libido Jackran-ad-aktar – The Alien1 - GeneralI am...
Author: Powerone and SarahBell Title: The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students Summary: A student needs an 'A' in his class and he needsthe student. Keywords: M/F, reluc, nc, anal, oral, The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students Copyright 2004. Powerone can be contacted at [email protected] andSarahBell can be contacted at [email protected] Michael was settled into his life as a Professor over thepast ten years. He had married one of his graduate students, a girl, ten...
Warning!? ? You must be 18 or over to read these stories of rape and nonconsexual sex. If you do not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Anyone who commits rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right so long as no one is hurt. Karen:My Rape of an All-American...
King Pharaoh Rape Me Please! I want you to rape me please #1 If you would’ve told me when I was 18, I’d not just rape over a 100 females, but make a livin’ doing it, I would’ve laughed dead in your face. Then I would have pulled my gun out, put it to your head and tell you to either buy some heroin or get the fuck off my block. That was my life then. I was heavy into the street life. Let me tell it, I was next up and coming Scarface. But after you read this, you’ll see fate had different plans...
The Best Rape Porn in the world might be something of an acquired taste. In the days of #MeToo, it’s arguably even more taboo than those “taboo” porn sites. Porn is about fantasy, though, and people eroticize power imbalances in all kinds of kinky ways. In other words, I’m saying it’s not really all that abnormal for both men and women to enjoy the thrills of simulated forced sex, so don’t feel bad about your kink. Then again, perhaps it’ll put you at ease to know this next site gets well over...
Extreme Porn WebsitesMonday January 4, 2003. The crossroads on the path of life is about to crossbetween Tara Lyman and myself for the last time. Ever since I located whereshe lived and worked, I had made plans on how to kidnap her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her house has a German Shepard that is also part of the same police forceas her husband. No wonder she just got a slap on her wrist after killing myfamily! After realizing...
Washington, D.C. was in the throes of a rape epidemic. Perhaps 50 women had been kidnapped and mercilessly raped by a gang of ruthless hoodlums. From the post-rape interviews of the victims, the police had been able to establish that the rapists were a pack of young boys, who were apparently in their mid-teens. There was a large, but undetermined number of them, and it wasn’t known whether they were school boys or degenerate juvenile delinquent drop...
I did nothing wrong. What I did was not illegal, and I won’t go to jail. Was it ethical? Moral, religiously, politically correct… probably not. But it wasn’t really illegal. Obviously I don’t want my name associated with the events though. Have you ever had a secret? Have you ever done something so deliciously, saucy, so utterly wicked that it makes you giggle just a bit? To plan it, to execute it, to get away with it–and then be unable to tell...
I did something bad tonight. I mean really wrong. I want to make something very clear though: this is not my fault. I was scouring the net minding my own business, checking out nice, decent, respectable erotic story sites like SOL. I'm not talking about the sicko perv sites. Wham out of nowhere I ran across some stories by this guy named Jaz, and they freaked me out. He has over 30 hardcore, nasty Rape/Incest stories. No way he should be allowed on a normal site. I mean shame on them for...
Rape Bait 2 Chapter Two Cuckolded By The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot & Grunt The Dwarf DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroine’s as they look incredibly voluptuous, gorgeous...
Introduction: Superheroine Trophy Wile Lets The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot And Grunt The Dwarf Cuckold Her Husband M & M Rape Bait 2 Chapter Two Cuckolded By The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot & Grunt The Dwarf DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should...
Before the other men could react, Kehalis was up and at the door, brushing aside the blanket to stare at the scene within. The sight of the dark man mounting the naked American woman froze him in place. He could not move; he could not even raise the AK he held clenched in his right hand. He could only stare at the nude body on the sleeping platform, her arms and legs held underneath her body, reducing the captive woman to an agony filled face and an apparently limbless female torso, Cathy’s...
I guess I've always had a thing for rape. Not the violent sick kind. I just like nice, normal rape stories. You know what I mean? I always thought it was cruel to pierce a woman's nipples, or cut them off, or punch her in the face and slap her around--I mean c'mon, why? I don't want to make her fuck a dog, lick a cat, or drink cum from a horse. I certainly have no desire to see her 3 yr old abused. The things I read on the internet can be quite disgusting. Beastiality, torture,...
The Hydreaus Plague SubgirlTheRape Mistress ??????????? Her codename was Subgirl.? However she was not a sub even though what a girl she was at five foot nine with long blond hair, blue eyes set in a lovely face and a long legged, shapely build.? When naked, which was how Subgirl always worked her body was quite something to look at with her long silky legs, smooth shaved pussy, round hips and ass, a small waist and full breasts with pink nipples and her soft skin tanned from head to...
ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...
Terminator, rape machine This is my first attempt at writing anything remotely science fiction/fan fiction related so I hope it works. For those who are unfamiliar, some of it is based on the Terminator movies. The story is set before Kyle Rees is sent back to protect Sarah Conner, the mother of John Connor, the savior of mankind some 20+ years later story is a work of fiction inspired by the films. No one was hurt during the writing of this story....
Rational and reasonable people down through history have always believed that men and women should have equal rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities under the law. It started with the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. In the late 20th century, legal precedent established the obligation of men to pay alimony and child support to their ex-wives; everybody, with the exception of a few curmudgeons, accepted this as fair and just. Alimony grew from a small temporary...
The earthy scent of the dusty baked soil reared up into my nostrils. I was only inches away from eating it. Flat on my front, I clung to the ground. Relieved I had come to rest, the cry of gulls mocked my inability to stay upright.“Merde! Est-ce que tu vas bien?”“Yes, yes I'm okay.”A stabbing pain forced out an anguished exhale.“Ooh, ooh, no, no I’m not!”Rolling over, I managed to get myself onto my behind and sit up. I glowered at the rock in the pathway that had dropped me like a sack of...
OutdoorI should have known something was wrong as soon as Pet hung up. Her imperious tone cut through all rational thought, and I could only think of getting to her as fast as possible. I could only think of pleasing her, and hope that she might give me some pleasure in return. It was a bit early to be cutting out of work, but I didn't allow that to impede my hasty departure. Minutes later, I arrived at her house, and she met me at the door. "Naked, now," she commanded. "Why are you so slow? You know...
Group Sex"I'm going to cum," Michael said. His shirt clung to him with sweat. "Don't cum in me, I don't want to get pregnant," forgetting it while he was raping her but now clearly aware of the fact as he readied to unload his semen inside her fertile vagina. "Don't worry, I have a pill you can take that will prevent you from getting pregnant," Michael said. "I'm going to cum inside you, Mita. Get ready bitch. Here I come." He arched his back, burying his cock inside her, bruising her...
by DiscipleN - all characters herein are 18 or older by the time they act sexually. - I managed a full night's sleep after a long shower, until Race woke me the next morning by pulling my jaw open. "Huh? Race? Hey! NO!" I shrunk back. His hands grabbed my head and pulled my face back to his outthrust prick. "Remember what you promised." He cautioned. "You even said you needed my cum several times a day." His cock pressed my lips. All I could remember was how sick I had...
Introduction: A young married couple whos husband wants to show his wife off attend a wild dance and his wife Tessa experiences all of the indignities of forceful rape! Rape and The Highland Fling! Tessa and her husband attended a special Dance Night event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She...
Introduction: Superheroine Volunteers To Get Raped To Catch Rapists M & M Rape Bait Chapter One The Mayors Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroines as they look incredibly voluptuous,...
Rape Bait Chapter One The Mayor’s Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroine’s as they look incredibly voluptuous, gorgeous and scantily clad, while they strive to make...
R. R. & R. - Recreational Rape and Rupture.Page 1. I'd known about it being there, since it opened a year earlier. My sex radar went up right away and my cock went on high alert and chomped at the possibilities. A high end, la-di-da woman's spa and get away, way off in the boonies named something like 'The Pampered Ego' or some similar too-cutsie-by-half name aimed at separating well-healed, spoiled women, and the power bitches, from their cash and inducing them...
Written by Olga Anastasia The Runners: Melena de Santo – The Colonel Ja-alixxe – The Bounty Hunter Aireela – The Amazon Elionara – The Dancer Palonae – The Princess (Princess Palonae Noonian Aurora Tonova) Tasha Castelaine – The Career Woman Jasmeena – Daughter of the Sands Cara Haston – The Model Leesha – The Born Slave Oorla – The Actress The Hunters: Salarin – The Sadist Leshan – The Runt Cronorgan – The Master Lotho-etsarra –The Libido Jackran-ad-aktar – The Alien 1 -...
I sat in my office with famous psychologist Sigmund Freud and sexologist Alfred Kinsey. We poured over the dossier I had on Rachel, trying to figure what made this pure girl tick. Smoke filled the air as we inhaled pack after pack of cigarettes. “…I think you’re overestimating the controlling nature of Rachel’s sexuality.” Freud said, “All humans desire control, but Rachel seeks to put that control in the hands of an idealistic interpretation of God.” “That’s where I think you’re...
ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF MEGAN. I was watching the young bitches as they walked to school in groups or in pairs. I needed to get a bitch on her own so that I could force her into my car. Then I saw her, a bitch walking on her own, her high heels clicking on the pavement. She was young and pretty a gorgeous little redhead. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels that showed her sexy toes. She was just the sort of bitch I wanted to rape and torture. My cock went hard as I thought of all the...
BOSNIAN RAPE FARM By Shabbadew2002 and JoeTex Contact us: [email protected] or [email protected] In 1992, Bosnia erupted into a cauldron of ethnic hatred, violence, rape and civil war. Tens of thousands of women were raped in Bosnia and the other parts of the former Yugoslavia between 1992 and 1994 during the rule of Radovan Karadzic.? Two Serbian teenagers join the local militia and discover the opportunity of a lifetime to abuse a neighboring Muslim family. Velimir and Tatjana While in...
I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. 'Lady, 30, would like to be raped.' Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: 'Seriously?' She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. 'Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I do not want to know anything about you or meet you beforehand, but there must be some way of identifying you: figure this...
Introduction: hey guys! just another quickie ,) email me if ya want! [email protected] She started it. She asked for it. It was all her fault. I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. Lady, 30, would like to be raped. Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: Seriously? She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I...
Tessa and her husband attended a special ‘Dance Night’ event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She looks incredible when they arrive, dressed in a blue velvet dress that has a wild flared hemline that ends at mid thigh, a scooped neck that shows a lot of cleavage and requires no bra something...
The young school-teacher fled desperately down the corridor, the flat slapping of her shoes echoing sharply in the silence. Panting for breath, she ran past deserted classrooms, none of which offered any hope of refuge or escape – she was on the third floor of a long block, and even if a window would open far enough, it was too high to jump. Tearful and gasping, she looked back over her shoulder at the sounds of closing pursuit, the raucous whoops of her hunters. Three black teenage girls...
Every woman has fantasies. Many ladies would love in real life for a burly bare-chested Highlander to grab them into his strong arms and rip away their bodice, just like in the romance novels. Other women have darker desires or needs and it wasn't entirely a complete surprise to discover one evening that Megan, a rather casual acquaintance of mine that I had been hoping to get to know better someday, admitted to us rather frankly that she had rape fantasies ... and insisted that most other...
As I shut the door behind me, I saw with pleasure that the faint glow of moonlight was plenty to see by. It was an ordinary girl's bedroom. There was a dresser, a bed, and a desk. A few items of clothing were scattered about on the floor, and the desk had a few books and papers on it. The walls had posters of horses and cute baby animals. In the bed was Caitlin. It was a warm night, so she had only a sheet over her. Lying on her side facing me, her long blond hair was mussed over the pillow...
For two days, Courtney was locked in a cell. She did not know what had happened to her father, but she expected the worse. She had heard what they planned to do to him, ass raped and knew that is what probably happened. Every four hours, she was woken up, made to stand, arms behind her neck, thrusting her breasts out, her legs spread as she was inspected. This was really just another chance to humiliate her and also to abuse her body. One guard would play with her breasts, squeezing them...
This, is a rather interesting subject, and can be very different depending on ones point of view. That is, male or female. I have a friend that works at a Adult Video Arcade, and has also worked at a large adult theater. He has told me on numerous occasions, and even he was quite surprised by the number of women who have expressed to him, their fantasy about being raped, most of the women he talked with were young women however their were several that were not so young! Any woman that has...
This story is fiction and should remain that way. Practically every event depicted herein is egregiously immoral and no part of it should be emulated. Corporal punishment is wrong (much less rape and torture) and no violence should be done to any person without their genuine consent. No character in this story is depicted as underage in any jurisdiction. ?AMANDA!? That was Amanda’s dad, yelling from his room. He sounded mad. Amanda ran to him from the living room, knowing this...
by Millie Dynamite Jessica applied her make up carefully. As she administered the final touches, she looked in the mirror studying. Jessica saw her curly platinum blonde hair around a face that was beginning to show her age. She could not believe she was 35 years old. Her blue eyes were no longer as bright as they once were, looking mostly sad. She scanned her body standing up she saw her ass still looking good the slight role around her tummy was a constant reminder she had a weight...
I don’t understand what has happened to me. Oh, I know the actual events – I’ve replayed them in my mind, over and over, during these last few weeks. It is how and why they have changed me so profoundly that I don’t understand – but they have, and forever. There are four things that you need to know about me. The first is that I am black – and I mean really black, with dark ebony skin. My ancestors were taken in the eighteenth century from somewhere in tropical Africa to the West...
(Um here is the intro from the last archivist -- "An exceptionally violent and angry story about rejection and revenge, self-destructive behavior and hurting others. Very sacrilegious." Heh, I couldn't have said it better myself, Jaz) "I did it, I raped a Nun." God it sounds weird saying that, even to me. I raped her quite a few times actually. She was a sweet girl, I kind of liked her. I mean as a person, she was ok. I didn't rape her out of lust, or greed. I did it to prove a...
" What is your name, girl?" Despite her surprise at his use of English, Cathy responded as she had been trained- with name , rank, and serial number. " Harper, Cathy C. ,Captain , United States Army, 409-67-0221" " No. You are wrong. That is not who you are. You are no longer Harper, Captain, United States Army. You are now the slave Cathy. I am your Master. A merciful master, once you have learned to obey. A merciless one if you do not. I know Western women like you , Cathy. I...
Secret Tales of the '70's: The Gang Rape of Farrah Fawcett- Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction and has nothing to do with existing persons. The story features one celebrity, several fictional characters, kidnapping, and rape. In 1976, Downtown Corpus Christi, Texas was a very... interesting... place to be. Downtown was divided into three sections: 'The Bayfront' extend up 2 blocks from the carefully maintained marinas for the rich on Shoreline Drive. Another half mile inland, a steep...
(Sister gets fucked, Nun gets raped, priest gets fucked with mentally. Jaz goes to hell, where he will probably be fucked. Warning: Strong religious themes. This story will stand alone, but it is definitely a sequel.) "No, No, Please God NO!" My sister whimpered as I played with her breasts. She did not fight or struggle really. I think a small part of her tactile memory recalled how much pleasure these hands had given her. You see my little sister Susan had recently been held hostage...
Introduction: The Blonde Avenger Gets Raped To Get Evidence On Film Before The Pervert is arrested Rape Bait Chapter Three The Bondage Rapist / Extremely Foul Play Mona strutted into her husbands study, in full sexpot mode, and asked coyly, Think my date or dates are going to like me tonight, honey? When Saul looked up, she made a 360 degree models sexy twirl with her body. He looked over her abundantly exposed, curvaceous flesh, and whistled, Where in the hell did you get that hookers...
This is a story I had previously written for another site, but I have rewritten it a bit for this submission. This is a distinct story arc from my other ones and will only have two chapters. I am still working on the other arc ( and will finish up the next chapter of that in the next few days. [Introduction] Rape was a part of my psyche from the very beginning. At an early age, I found a bunch of BDSM...
Come On Please Rape Me When I turned fourteen my sister Ashley was already fifteen years old. She thought that her shit didn’t stink. Ever since her tits got bigger dad had given her everything that she ever wanted and he paid very little attention to me. Mom was in the same boat because dad paid very little attention to her too. Then one day when we were alone in the house mom said, “Please rape me.” I had heard what she said but I just couldn’t believe it so I said,...
RAPE AT SEA I have been in the US Navy for 24 years and am considered a crusty old sailor.At 43 years old, I am twice the age of a lot of the men as the military ismade up of mostly 18 to 24 year olds. I am a Master Chief Petty Officer whichis the highest rank an enlisted person can achieve. When the Navy announcedthey were going to allow women on combat ships, I was mad as hell. Being ?oldschool? I felt a war ship was no place for females. Having just returned froma 6 month deployment which...
When rape becomes one of the highest committed crimes, the USA decides to make some changes to their laws. With so many rapes and sexual assaults being committed, overwhelming the police, allowing most to get away with it. And so the USA opened the License To Rape Institute. If any citizen of the country wanted to rape a person, they simply had to apply for a license. A $300 fee was all it took to get a license allowing the person to be able to rape three people a month. Every rape was required...
Codes: fmmmm+m (Underage) Characters: Jason: Age 14, first-person, me Hannah: Age 15, my sister 4 Boys: Ages 16 & 17 Aaron, Jordan, Nathan, and Ryan Hannah, my fifteen-year-old sister, one year older than me, is a cock tease. She loves to lounge around in skimpy suggestive clothes with loose-fitting tops and no bra and she knows I will try to see her titties. And, she sits so I can see her panties like in this photo with her legs apart pretending to be asleep so I can almost see her...
“It’s good to see you again, man! We had some good times in high school! The reason I called you after all this time is to propose something I know we both will enjoy. I want to watch my woman being raped. What can I say – I’m a sadistic fuck. I’d like to bring her to your gang because you’re someone I can trust to not go too far with her, and I heard you’ve got some of the ugliest, toughest hombres around, right?” “Si, feo y fuerte! It will be bueno to hang together again,...
by DiscipleN - all characters herein are 18 or older by the time they act sexually. - Knocking woke me to Monday. "Mom? Are you okay? It's nine AM." Race sounded concerned. For my work as an agent, I hired a desk from a local real estate office. I could come an go as much as I pleased. I wished I was already there. Race was late for school, though. "Have you eaten?" "I'm more worried about you." "Then, go on to class. We'll talk when you get back home." I...
Chapter Three The Bondage Rapist / Extremely Foul Play Mona strutted into her husband’s study, in full sexpot mode, and asked coyly, “Think my date or dates are going to like me tonight, honey?” When Saul looked up, she made a 360 degree model’s sexy twirl with her body. He looked over her abundantly exposed, curvaceous flesh, and whistled, “Where in the hell did you get that hooker’s outfit.” “I borrowed it from my daughter, darling. Her measurements are about an inch...