Rape of an All American Princess
- 2 years ago
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I have been in the US Navy for 24 years and am considered a crusty old sailor.At 43 years old, I am twice the age of a lot of the men as the military ismade up of mostly 18 to 24 year olds. I am a Master Chief Petty Officer whichis the highest rank an enlisted person can achieve. When the Navy announcedthey were going to allow women on combat ships, I was mad as hell. Being ?oldschool? I felt a war ship was no place for females. Having just returned froma 6 month deployment which was my first with women onboard, I must change mymind as there was definitely a place and function for the female sailors onmy ship. For those people not familiar with Navy life while at sea, it's incrediblyboring. We steam around the ocean for weeks on end with nothing to do but eat,sleep and work. Most guys bide their time daydreaming and thinking about gettingto the next port so they can get drunk and get laid. Pornography is wide spreadon board the ship as there aren't many other ways to relax. In recent yearsthe Navy has frowned upon porn but for us old sailors, it was still how wepassed the time, reading magazines and watching X rated videos. The other uniquesituation while at sea is the criminal justice system. The captain of the shipis the judge and jury. There are no lawyers or trials. If a sailor is accusedof a rules violation, he goes before the captain and almost 100% of the time,if a superior accuses a junior man of something, that guy is guilty as a seniorsailor is always believed over a lower ranked one. The captain hands down thepunishment and that is it, no appeals. So with a setup like that, its veryeasy to get railroaded. Since I was the senior enlisted man on my ship, I wasfeared by most of the crew.
My ship is fairly large, carrying over 1,000 sailors. We had 50 to 75 femaleswho had just recently been assigned to us as we began our deployment. The captainof the ship gave me a 6 month temporary assignment as head of the master atarms department which is the equivalent to the police. I was pissed off asI did not want to be policing the ship, carrying out contraband searches anddealing with sailors who broke the rules. Three weeks into the deployment therewas an incident that changed my thinking. I had this young female sailor namedDawn in my office who had been accused of falling asleep while standing watch.I was reading her the riot act and telling her we were going to go see thecaptain who would probably bust her down a pay grade and restrict her to theship for 90 days with extra duty. She started begging me not to send her tothe captain, saying ?please master chief, can't we work something out. I don'twant to get busted.? I looked her body up and down, she was kind of chunkywith a big ass which seemed to be the case for most of the female sailors onboard. Her tits appeared to be rather large as well and her lips were niceand full so I rated her a 6 in my mind.
I said ?so sailor what do you have in mind?. To my surprise she blurted out ?I'llgive you a blow job if you don't report me.? I leaned back in my chair andtold her I liked her thought process. I asked her how old she was. Dawn saidshe was 20 so I said ?and you are volunteering to suck my dick even thoughI am probably older than your dad.? She shook her head yes and sensing thatI was considering her offer, she said ?and I will swallow your cum too.? Ifigured what the hell, even though she was overweight, a blow job from a girlless than half my age had to be a fringe benefit of the job that I shouldn'tpass up. I decided to have a little fun with the young women so I said ?I thinkwe can reach an agreement, why don't you take off your shirt for me.? She hesitatedand said ?do I have to?. I could tell she was self conscious about her weightwhich increased my pleasure. I said ?take it off honey or we go see the captain.? Shebegan unbuttoning her shirt and removed it completely, revealing her largewhite bra. I had her take off her pants so she was standing in front of mein just her underwear. Her thighs were very large and she had a slight bellyon her.
Next I had her take off her bra and stand there with her big saggy tits ondisplay. I picked up her bra off the floor and read the label, 40FF, definitelythe biggest set of tits I had seen in a while. I made her pull down her largepanties revealing a nicely trimmed bush and her big plump ass. I could tellshe was embarrassed standing there nude in front of me as I had her turn aroundin circles. I told her it was time for a little physical training and toldher to perform jumping jacks. She complied and began the exercise. My dickwas rock hard as I watched her floppy tits bounce and shake all over the place.Her ass cheeks were jiggling around too as she jumped up and down. I made hercontinue the jumping jacks for 10 minutes until she was all sweaty and thentold her to get on her knees. I squeezed and massaged her big juicy breastsfor a moment then I whipped out my dick and placed it in front of her face.She immediately opened her lips and inserted my hard cock in her mouth. Theyoung women sucked my dick like a veteran and within moments, I spewed a largeload of hot cum down her throat. I told her she could get dressed but thatI was going to keep her bra as a remembrance of our time together. She putthe rest of her clothes one and thanked me for not turning her in.
I sat there daydreaming, that had been so easy I couldn't believe it. I figuredI could probably coerce a lot of the young female sailors into giving me ablow job by intimidation and threats of taking them to see the captain. Theidea hit me that I could pick out any women I wanted and plant drugs in herlocker, then offer to not report it if she had sex with me. Since it wouldbe my word against a junior sailor, I would win every time. I went to the chief'slounge and started bullshitting with three of my best friends. They were allSenior Chiefs with over 20 years in, who each was in charge of a departmenton board so between the four of us, we had a lot of power with the enlistedsailors. The four of us had been friends for over 20 years, and had sharedsome pretty wild times together. One night many years ago while we were onliberty in the Philippines , we rented a hotel room. Three of us stayed inthe room while the other went and found a Filipino prostitute. He brought herback to the room but when she saw there were 4 of us, she tried to leave. Wepounced on her, each of us grabbing a limb and carried her to the bed wherewe tied her spread eagle to it and gagged her. The young sexy oriental girlwas stripped naked by us four sex starved sailors and then we proceeded toabuse her body while repeatedly gang raping her. We all trusted each othertotally.
I told my buddies about the blow job I had gotten earlier in the day fromthe young female sailor and since we had been out to sea for three weeks, theywere all jealous as none of them had gotten any action in a while. I told themmy idea of planting drugs on one of the hot women on board and coercing herto have sex with me. They all wanted to get in on the action so the four ofus sat there and put together a very sinister plan. We would have a contest,each of my buddies would pick the sexiest female sailor from his department,I would plant the drugs in her locker then hold a random search that wouldreveal the contraband. I would convince the girl that there was a secret organizationon board and that if she completed an initiation, she would be accepted andthe drug charges dropped. Then the four of us would take the girl to a secludedplace on the ship and force her to have sex with us where she would be gradedand a winner selected. We would also secretly video tape the proceedings forlater viewing to help in our selection. Since we were all in our 40s, talkingabout raping sexy 19 or 20 year old babes had our hearts really pumping. Wedecided that the girls wouldn't be allowed to see any one except me, that waythey couldn't ID anyone even if they wanted to plus it enabled the three otherchiefs the pleasure and irony of having their victims still work for them andtotally unaware that their boss is also their rapist. My three buddies startedboasting, each stating they had the sexiest girl in their department as webegan throwing around names of potential victims. We decided that Chief Davis,who runs the supply department, would pick first and that only I would knowhis selection so the other guys would be unaware of whom it was until the actualtime of the initiation. Chief Taylor said he knew of a secluded and littleknown compartment on the far side of the engine room that we could use. Hesaid he would make sure it was all set up and ready to go as he was the onlyone on board that had a key to the space.
Chief Davis called me down to the supply office the next day saying he hadmade his selection and for me to come check her out. I sat at his desk pretendingto be working as he pointed out our first victim from across the room. I lookedover and saw this petite little red head standing in front of a filing cabinet.She couldn't have been any taller than 5' or 5'1? and no more than 100lbs.Her thick wavy bright red hair was cut short, framing her face. I watched theyoung women while she filed her papers, studying her body as she bent overand reached up high. She was very cute with freckles all over her face givingher a young innocent look. She was wearing her working uniform which is basicallyblue jeans pants and a button up blue jean shirt so it was a little difficultto get a true read on her body. But from what I could tell, she appeared tohave a large chest for her small size and a nicely shaped ass. Chief Davissaid ?that is Seaman Apprentice Tina Anderson, ain't she a sexy little thing,I wanted to fuck her the moment she checked in?. He continued, saying she was18 years old and had been in the Navy for just over 6 months so it should beeasy to intimidate her. He called the young seaman over to his desk and gaveher another folder to file, letting me scope her out up close. She looked sosweet and naïve with her big green puppy dog eyes and freckled coveredface. If someone would have said she was 16 years old, I would have believedit. In a squeaky soft voice she said ?I'll take care of it right away chief? asshe turned around and bounced back over to the filing cabinet. I looked atChief Davis and said ?shame on you for thinking about raping such a nice cheerfulyoung lady?. Then I broke out into a big smile and said ?we are going to havea lot of fun with that one, I bet she has a super tight pussy.? He smiled backand said ?yea but does she know how to suck dick?. I got up and said ?we willjust have to find out?. I told him to meet me and the other two chiefs in thelounge tonight to finalize our plan.
The four of us worked out all the details and picked Friday night as the nightto carry out our perverted assault on the unsuspecting teenage sailor. It wasup to me to get the girl to our secret compartment where she would have togo along with our demands. So Friday morning during quarters when the wholeship was mustering for the day, I showed up at the supply office and usingmy most professional voice, I told Chief Davis I had to do a random lockersearch of his department. I handed him a list of 4 names which of course SeamanApprentice Anderson was one of them. I made the four sailors accompany me totheir lockers and searched them one by one, saving Seaman Anderson for last.It was just she and I as I pulled out a large chunk of crack cocaine from herlocker that I had planted there. The petite red head had this shocked lookon her face as I asked her what it was. I made her follow me to my office whereI began interrogating her; asking her where she got it and who it was for.I told the young girl she was in big trouble as there was enough drugs thereto charge her with not only possession but also with distributing. I beganreading her the riot act, telling her she will not only get busted and restrictedto the ship, but she would probably go to the brig for a year or two once theship pulls into port. The frightened teenager began sobbing as she kept sayingthe drugs weren't hers.
I continued to tell her how much trouble she was in and letting her life flashbefore her eyes before saying ?there is one way you can get out of this?. Withtears streaming down her freckled cheeks she asked how. I said ?there is asecret organization on board that looks after and takes care of junior sailorswho show potential and are perhaps wrongfully accused of a crime?. ?I couldrecommend you as I believe you might have been set up, and then all you wouldhave to do is convince the executive board of your innocence and complete aninitiation.? ?The organization would then take care of this drug matter andmake sure no one gives you any problems the entire time you are stationed onthis ship.? Tina looked sorrowfully at me as she pleaded with me to recommendher to the organization, saying she would do anything to not get charged withthe drugs. I let her squirm and suffer a while before telling her I would doit. I wanted to just rip the sexy red head's clothes off right then and fuckher but I knew what we had planned for her would be much better than just aquick fuck. Trying to hide the bulge in my pants, I said ?Seaman Anderson,I will schedule an emergency meeting of the executive council tonight at 2000hours.? ?You will have five minutes to convince them of your innocence andif you do, then you will have to complete the initiation to be accepted?. ?Onceyou step inside the compartment, there is no turning back, is that clear.? Theteen sailor eagerly agreed to the terms of the deal, thinking I was doing hera huge favor. She asked who was on the council and what was the initiationlike. I told her the board was made up of three Chiefs who would remain anonymousand the initiation was a secret like all the other Navy initiations. Tina said ?youcan't even give me a hint?. I told her she would probably be made to performsome disgusting or embarrassing things but that I would be there also to makesure it didn't get out of hand like some Navy initiations do. I could see somehesitation in the young girl's eyes but she knew there were no other optionsfor her. I told her to be back at my office at 1945 hours dressed in her dresswhite uniform. I said ?now go back to work and don't mention this to anyone.? The18 year old wiped the tears out of her eyes and thanked me for helping heras she stood up and left my office. I had a hard time keeping a straight faceas this sweet young thing had no idea I had set her up and what was in storefor her tonight.
I sat in my office for what seamed like an eternity waiting for Seaman Andersonto arrive. I had already talked to the three other chiefs and everything wasset. Finally at exactly 1945, the sexy freckled faced red head knocked on mydoor and entered. She stood at attention in front of my desk with a frightenedand unsure look on her face. The young sailor was wearing her dress white uniformwhich consisted of a knee length white skirt and a button up white blouse.Her blouse was just sheer and tight enough that I could see the outline ofher bra confirming my suspicion that she had a large set of tits. Plus havingher blouse tucked into her skirt, I could see she had a tiny waist. I got upand walked around the petite girl, her skirt and heels accentuated her tightlittle ass. I tried to hide my hard-on which was trying to bust out of my pantsas I thought about fucking this hot 18 year old babe who was 25 years youngerthan me. She looked so sweet and vulnerable standing at attention as I checkedher out. I couldn't wait to see her youthful body naked and feel her juvenilepussy milking my dick. That's the beauty of the US Navy, if I were a strangerout in a bar somewhere, this young thing wouldn't give a middle aged guy likeme the time of day, but here on the ship she has to obey my orders. I askedher if she was sure she wanted to go through with this and then I made hersign a release form. The form was fake but I figured I could use it againsther later if needed.
Seaman Anderson and I headed towards the agreed upon location. Once outsidethe door I said ?Ok sailor, this is it, no turning back.? ?I hope you are upto the challenge?. The young girl nodded that she was ready. I told her therewill be a small witness stand in the center of the room and she was to standon it facing the council members. I opened the hatch and let Tina go in first.She took one step in and tried to back out so I nudged her forward and closedthe door behind us, dogging it down so no one could enter or leave. I don'tknow what the teenager was expecting but it definitely wasn't this. The roomwas dark except for one dim red ceiling bulb in the far corner which was illuminatingthree men sitting side by side dressed in black clothes with black hoods coveringtheir faces. Seaman Anderson's ass was jammed into my groin as she kept tryingto back up. Suddenly, 4 emergency lighting battle lanterns lit up, providinga spot light on the makeshift witness stand which consisted of two shippingpallets piled on top of each other and nailed together with a piece of plywoodon top. I gently pushed the petite redhead forward and she slowly walked overto the mini stage. Seaman Anderson stood on it at attention while facing theshadowy figures as the battle lanterns shined in her eyes, causing her to squint.There were two video camera's hidden in opposite corners of the room secretlytaping the proceeding.
Chief Davis had to remain silent, so Tina couldn't ID his voice. Therefore,Chief Taylor took control of the session and bellowed out ?Seaman Anderson,how do you plead to the drug charges.? Immediately, the young sailor beganrambling about how it wasn't hers. Chief Taylor let her go on for a few moments,enjoying seeing the sweet female sailor struggling to defend her innocence.The chief said ?ok seaman, we have looked at the evidence and based on MasterChief's recommendation, we believe you.? ?If you complete your initiation,the charges will be dropped and you will have no further problems on this ship?. ?Ifyou fail the initiation, then the Master Chief will have to prosecute you orwe will report him for not doing so?. I thought that was a nice touch, havingSeaman Anderson think I'm the good guy here and having no options but to reporther should she fail the initiation. Chief Taylor said ?lets begin, so how welldo you follow orders, young lady?? ?Your skirt is too long, we want to seemore leg so hike it up for us.? Tina looked over at me with her big green eyeswide open, I could read her confused expression as the sexual overtones ofthe order took her by surprise. I calmly nodded for her to obey the order.
There must have been a million things going through the teenager's mind butthe reality of the situation was she had no choice but to do as she was told.Slowly, Tina reached down and began pulling up her white skirt, bunching ittogether as she raised it. She stopped when the skirt was about halfway betweenher knees and waist. The Chief scolded her saying he didn't tell her to stopso keep going till he says so. Tina took a deep breath and continued to slowlyraise her uniform skirt further and further up her well toned thighs. The younggirl hesitated briefly as her skirt was raised to just below her panties. ChiefTaylor quickly said ?lets go honey, pull that skirt up around your waist andshow us your pretty panties?. After a quick look over at me, Tina obeyed himand pulled her skirt up over her panties to her waist. She stood there displayingher sexy white satin bikini underpants to the chiefs and I. I could see theembarrassment in her face being forced to stand there with her skirt hikedup and it made me laugh as we were just getting started with this naïveinnocent teen. The chief told her to unzip her skirt and take it off. Tinaobeyed him again and reached around the back of her skirt as she unzipped itand let it fall to the floor around her ankles. The tails of petite red head'swhite button up uniform blouse were almost completely covering her pantiesbut her perfectly toned and shaped legs were totally exposed for our viewingpleasure. Chief Taylor told Tina to take her blouse off nice and slow so wecould check out her bra. Sensing she wasn't going to get any relief from me,the young girl reluctantly began unbuttoning her blouse. After the last onecame off, Tina pulled her blouse off her shoulders and removed it completely.She instinctively tried covering her panties and bra with her arms until theChief barked at her to stand at attention. Her white bra looked huge comparedto the rest of her tiny body. It completely covered her full breasts but wasvery sheer and I could see the outline of her nipples sticking out.
The 18 year old stood there in her sexy lingerie with tears welling up inher big green eyes as us four perverted middle aged men leered at her hot scantilyclad body. As I hoped, her upper chest was covered in freckles so I was sureher tits would be too. Chief Taylor was enjoying tormenting the junior femalesailor so while forcing her to stand at attention, he said ?Seaman Anderson,give us some personal data, how old are you and what are your height and weight.? Inher high squeaky voice she said ?I'm 18 years old, I'm 5'1? and I weigh 98pounds?. The Chief shot back ?and what are your measurements, include yourcup size.? With an embarrassed tone, the teen girl meekly said ?32D 20 32.? ChiefTaylor said ?whoa that's pretty damn impressive sailor, a D cup on such a tinybody, you must be so proud?. He turned to me and said ?Master Chief, couldyou check her bra label and verify that D cup size.? Playing along with hislittle game of tormenting and humiliating the young girl, I walked over behindTina and pulled out her bra label. I said ?yes gentlemen she is correct, itsays 32D?. The Chief said he wanted to see a little Victoria Secrets lingeriemodeling show and ordered Tina to turn around in circles till he told her tostop. He instructed her to put her arms behind her back for a few turns andthen had her raise them over her head while she continued turning in circles.Then he had her bend over and wiggle her panty covered ass.
Chief Taylor decided it was time to see Tina's tits, pussy and ass so he hadher stand at attention and said ?Ok sailor, your next test is to perform yourweekly physical training routine for us?. Most sailors weekly PT consistedof 15 minutes of jumping jacks, jogging in place, sit ups, legs lifts and soon. Tina politely asked ?you want me to do my exercises here in my underwear?? TheChief said ?Not quite seaman, I'm telling you to do them nude, Now take offyour bra and panties so the council can visually inspect your body before youbegin.? Tina looked over at me again with a sorrowful look and said ?PleaseMaster Chief, tell them that's enough and that I should do my PTs in my braand panties for them.? I figured the young naïve girl was still in denial,not realizing yet that the whole purpose of this was to gang rape her. I noddedto Tina and gently told her to proceed. Tears started flowing down the teenager'scheeks as she reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra. She pulled theshoulder straps off and peeled the sheer material away from her chest, lettingher bra fall to the floor. The sexy 18 year old quickly pulled down her pantiesand stood at attention totally nude except for her little white uniform hatperched on top of her firey red hair.
Tina's body was awesome to say the least. Her huge milky white D cups wereperfectly formed without an ounce of sag to them. They were littered in freckleswhile topped with silver dollar size pink circles and matching pink nipplesthat were erect and sticking out almost an inch. I peeled my eyes off the teengirl's naked breasts long enough to check out her pussy. Tina had a brightred patch of pubes with a slight triangular shape and it was trimmed fairlyshort. The Chief told her to turn around bringing her ass into view. Her tightcheeks were beautifully pair shaped and with her super thin waist, gave hera nice miniature hour glass figure. While her back was facing the board members,the Chief ordered Tina to bend over and slap her own ass. Then he had her spreadher ass cheeks apart exposing her little brown puckered rear hole. Tina's pussylips were also in view and I could see they were completely bald. I couldn'twait to get a close up inspection of her sweet little snatch. I figured Tinahad to be hating every minute of this as most teenage girls are very self consciousabout their bodies, not even feeling comfortable during a physical from a doctorso to be nude in front of unseeen middle aged men had to be very embarrassing.Plus being forced to bend over and spread her cheeks while we gawked at herexposed holes had to be the most degrading thing she ever did, but not forlong. I have been to strip clubs very often, checking out the young strippersbut seeing this teen sailor being forced to display her body was an unbelievablethrill and a whole new level of excitement. I hoped the two video cameras werecapturing all the action. The Chief let Tina stand up and face him again thenordered her to play with her tits and get her nipples nice and hard for us.The 18 year old began sobbing as she obeyed the command and began fondlingher firm D cups. Chief Taylor asked her why she was crying telling her witha body like that she should be happy to show it off, especially to a bunchof 40 year old guys. I was sure that comment had to add to Tina's embarrassmentand make her skin crawl thinking about men older than her dad drooling overher nude body. I saw her look over at me but I couldn't take my eyes off thoseincredible freckled titties to make eye contact with her.
The chief said ?Ok sailor, begin the PT, give me 50 jumping jacks and I wantto hear you count them out.? Having no choice, the nude girl began the exerciseand as ordered counted out each one. Seaman Anderson's large tits were bouncingup and down as she jumped around with her arms swinging down at her side andup over her head. All four of us just stared at Tina's awesome body. Afterthe jumping jacks, she was made to jog in place for a few minutes so we couldwatch her titties bounce around some more. Then the chief had her get on herhands and knees and do 25 girl push ups. He told Tina to go all the way downso her breasts are pressed firmly into the plywood or it wouldn't count towardsthe 25 she had to do. The young seaman was breathing heavy and her body wasglistening from sweat which turned me on even more. The chief had her lay onher back and do 20 situps then said ?I saved the best for last? as he instructedTina to put her arms over her head and do 20 leg lifts. He told the petitegirl to raise her legs six inches off the plywood stage, spread them all theway open and then close them and lower them, then repeat it 20 times. The chiefadded that on every 3 rd one, she was to leave her legs spread open and raisedtill a count of 10 before closing them. Tina began the exercise, totally exposingher crotch each time she spread her legs open. It was my first good look atthe 18 year old's entire pussy, I had seen her bush when she was standing thereand her lips while she was bent over but not both together. Her bright redbush was in the shape of a triangle with her curly pubes trimmed short as Ihad seen earlier. But what I hadn't seen until she bent over was that her pubichair stopped just above the top of her slit making her puffy lips completelybald and smooth as silk. I could hardly wait to shove my dick into her tinyteenage cunt. I stood there mesmerized, with my eyes locked on her snatch asshe continued to open and close her legs for our perverted viewing pleasure.The young sailor had to be humiliated beyond belief as she finished up hernude PT. I could tell she thought that was the end of the initiation as theChief told her to stand up again, but there was much more fun in store forher.
Chief Taylor said ?very good sailor, you passed round one.? ?Now for roundtwo, we are going to exercise your mouth and tongue, so get on your knees soyou can suck our dicks.? Tina looked over at me with a pleading look in hereyes and in between sobs squeaked out ?Master Chief, he can't be serious, yousaid you would stop it if it got out of hand, this has gone too far already,please let me get dressed and leave.? Before I could answer, Chief Taylor said ?MasterChief, please restrain the seaman and see that she is in the proper positionfor the next test.? I walked over to the makeshift stage with the battle lanternsblaring down on it and quickly handcuffed the nude teen's wrists behind herback as she continued to beg and plead with me. I said ?look honey just dowhat he says and every thing will be ok, you've almost made it now, don't quit.? ?Imean how hard can it be to give a few blow jobs to some old guys.? In a softvoice Tina whispered ?are they going to rape me too.? Dodging the question,I said ?just relax, follow orders, and you will be out of here in no time,I promise.? I pushed the young girl down to her knees and had her in the kneelingup position with her arms cuffed behind her back. The tiny red head's facewas right at waist level as she was now positioned for round two. Chief Taylorsaid ?ok now sailor are you ready?. Tina slowly shook her head yes. She lookedso vulnerable and submissive kneeling in front of us totally nude, unable tocover up her body and just waiting for a hard cock to be shoved in her mouth.
The Chief said ?first up is the Master Chief, he has seniority? I figuredhaving me go first was the worst thing for Tina, up until now she thought Iwas there to help her if needed and now she knew I was just like the others.I'm sure the young girl realized she was in big trouble with no way out. Istood in front of Tina and dropped my pants while mockingly telling her I wassorry but this was a perk of the job that I couldn't turn down. I grabbed thebase of my hard cock, holding it still and told Tina to start kissing it. Iwatched as the petite teenager leaned forward and began giving my tool lighttender kisses with her little red lips. I had her lick it and tease it withher tongue before instructing her to put it in her mouth and suck it. Lookingdown at the sexy freckled face girl with her lips wrapped around my manhoodwhile she bobbed her face up and down its length, was an incredible sight andher mouth felt so warm and wet. The Chief told Tina she better swallow allof my cum or she would be punished later. Within 3 minutes my cock exploded,spewing a huge load of hot slimy cum into her mouth. Her throat begin rapidlymoving as she tried to digest my nasty seed. The vision of this sexy 18 yearold kneeling nude in front of me with my cock jammed in her mouth was too muchfor me to take as a second wave of cum spurted out of my throbbing dick. Tinagagged and choked slightly as my thick sex juices drained down her throat toher stomach, but basically handled it quite well for such a young girl. I zippedup my pants as Chief Taylor asked how it was. I said ?the girl has skills gentlemen,the girl has skills?.
The Chief said we needed a little privacy before the next man could enjoySeaman Anderson's sweet lips. He didn't want to take the chance of her gettingthat close to one of them and IDing them. I took a piece of duct tape and putit over Tina's eyes as she whimpered and complained but stayed in her orderedkneeling position. Chief Taylor stepped up to the nude blindfolded red headas she knelt there with her arms cuffed behind her back and started rubbinghis hard dick around her face and over her lips. Tina voluntarily opened hermouth and let the Chief slide his dick into it. She began bobbing her headup and down his pole as she sucked his meat. Just like me, the Chief didn'thold out very long and shot a fresh wad of cum into the teenager's mouth. ChiefKline stepped up to Tina next and had her service his manhood, quickly spewinga load of his hot slimy sex juices into the young sailor's mouth. Tina dutifullyswallowed all of our cum, gulping down several mouthfuls of our thick saltydischarge. So far all three of us had been pretty mellow on Tina while shewas blowing us, letting her bob her head up and back so she was in controlof how much cock she took in her mouth.
Chief Davis was last and I would have thought that since Seaman Anderson workedfor him, he would be gentle on her as well. Apparently he had a lot of pentup lust and frustration because as soon as he stepped up in front of his sexyassistant, he began slapping her freckled covered cheeks with his hard-on.Tina knelt there taking it without moving as the 18 year old must have realizedthe only way to get out of here was to do what we wanted. Chief Davis pressedhis cock against her lips without saying a word. Tina got the message and openedher lips, letting another swelled up dick invade her sweet little mouth. ChiefDavis grabbed two handfuls of the teen's thick red hair and held her head still,not letting her move it all. He began thrusting his hips forward and back,jamming his big cock deep into her mouth. The defenseless young girl coulddo nothing to stop her boss as he violently fucked her face. Tina was gaggingand grunting as his dick pounded in and out of her mouth. With one last push,Chief Davis drove his cock all the way in Seaman Anderson's mouth while buryingher lips in his pubic hair. He held her head firmly in place as his dick exploded,shooting his cum straight down her throat. He kept his cock lodged in her throatopening, cutting off her air supply and shot another load of seaman into Tina'sstomach. The chief backed his tool out of his assistants mouth, letting hercatch her breath. Tina knelt there with her head slumped forward as we gatheredaround her. She had to feel so humiliated and degraded after being forced tosuck 4 middle aged men's dicks and swallow our cum.
Chief Taylor stood Seaman Anderson up on the makeshift stage and tied a ropearound her handcuffs. He threw the other end over an overhead pipe and pulledon it, forcing Tina's cuffed arms up the small of her back. The teen stillhad the ability for some movement but it was very limited. The Chief put apiece of duct tape over the petite red head's mouth, gagging her. He turnedon the regular lights in the room, giving us an even better view of the youngseaman's nude body. Since Tina was blindfolded, the chiefs removed their hoods,no longer having to worry about her seeing them. The Chief announced that thepunishment phase of the initiation was next. Chief Taylor said the standardpunishment for a drug charge was 100 lashes on the accused ass. Tina was mumblinginto her gag and shaking her head no. The Chief said ?Seaman Anderson, sinceyou were such a good girl and sucked our dicks so well, I will cut the punishmentdown to 40 and we will only use our hands instead of a belt.? ?Master Chief,you have the honor of going first again?. I walked over to Tina and began fondlingher large breasts. They were so firm yet squeezeably soft. I let my fingersroam all over her bare melons as the young girl squirmed a little trying toavoid my touch. I poked and slapped her tits watching her D cups shake andjiggle. Then I flicked and pinched Tina's aroused pink nipples, enjoying theirrubbery texture. I ran my fingers through her pretty red pubic hair and massagedher ass cheeks. I was in heaven as I molested Tina, taking liberties with herbody that she would never agree to unless forced.
Chief Taylor brought over a stool so I sat on it. It was at exactly the rightheight to have Tina bend over and lay across my lap while she stood there.Her unprotected milky white ass was sticking up in the air and in positionfor the spanking with her arms stretched out above. I knew Tina could feelmy bulging dick pressing against her stomach. I rubbed her soft cheeks somemore and ran my finger around her puckered rear hole just to tease the teengirl. Then I reared back and delivered the fist blow, landing a solid shoton her left cheek with my hand. Tina's body jerked as she screamed into theduct tape gag. I immediately landed a hard shot on her other cheek and beganalternating cheeks as I counted out my allotted 10 shots. Tina's ass was lightpink when I finished with partial red hand prints showing up on her soft skin.One by one the other chiefs stepped up to the blindfolded and gagged teenagerand fondled her tits and ass before bending her over their knee and spankingher bare bottom as the crackling sound of skin hitting skin emanated aroundthe room. Chief Taylor was last and after playing with Tina's tits for a moment,he turned her around so her ass was facing the other chiefs. Seaman Andersonclenched her ass cheeks as the chief began rubbing them. He scolded her andtold her to relax her ass muscles so he could get a good feel of her sexy butt.Tina complied and let the chief massage her ass while not tensing up. ChiefTaylor ordered her to keep her ass muscles relaxed while he spanked her, tellingher if she tensed up after a hit, that shot wouldn't count towards the required10. The chief delivered his first shot on Tina's already red and sore ass.The teen clenched her muscles out of reflex so the chief told her it didn'tcount. Tina did the best she could at keeping her ass relaxed as the Chiefreeled off shot after shot on her defenseless rear end. The 18 year old wouldsqueal into her gag each time the chief's hand made contact with her sensitiveskin. Tina's ass was bright red once Chief Taylor finished and I knew it hadto feel like it was on fire.
Chief Taylor brought a square wooden box over to the center of the room. Itwas 2 ½' wide by 2 ½' long by 2 ½' high. He sat Tina downon the box with her ass right on the edge. The chief tied a piece of rope aroundthe nude girl's waist and neck and pushed her down on her back, forcing herto lay on the box with her cuffed arms pinned under her back. The box wasn'tlong enough to support Tina's head so it dangled off the edge with her redhair falling down towards the floor. Chief Taylor tied her neck rope to a hookon the side of the box prohibiting Tina from sitting up. He then tied the ropearound her waist to the box, which pretty much immobilized her upper body.Next, the chief tied a rope around each of the teen's ankles and pulled herlegs straight up in the air, forming a letter L with her body. He threw therope over the overhead pipes and spread Tina's legs open as far as they wouldgo before tying the rope off and forcing her to remain in this painful anddegrading position. Chief Taylor pulled on the ankle rope so hard that Tina'sass was raised a few inches off the box with the waist rope digging into herskin which prevented her from being lifted any further up. The young girl'spussy and puckered ass hole were completely exposed and unprotected as wereher tits. She was still blindfolded and gagged and totally defenseless to stopour perverted assault on her body. Chief Taylor ripped the duct tape off Tina'smouth and told her to keep quiet or he'd gag her again. He said ?Ok men, forthe last test of the evening, Seaman Anderson is going to let us fuck her,her pussy and ass hole are waiting for our hard cocks to fill them up.? ?Ain'tthat right seaman?. Tina whimpered ?please don't hurt me?. The chief told hernot to worry because as long as she continued to behave, she would be treatedgently.
He announced to the group that each of us would get five minutes alone withthe sexy girl to suck her tits and taste her pussy before anyone shoved theirnasty dicks in her. And after each one had his turn with the bound girl, wewould all gang bang her together. Tina began sobbing and begging us not torape her. Chief Taylor put an end to her protest by telling her one more wordand we would fuck her so hard she wouldn't be able to walk for a week. Theyoung girl laid there tied to the box on her back with her head dangling downand her legs suspended from the ceiling. She was softly moaning but did notutter another word realizing her nude body was totally at our mercy and wewere going to fuck her no matter what.
I was first to have my 5 minutes with the bound girl so I walked over to Tinaand knelt next to the box. With her arms pinned underneath her, her firm titswere in their natural position of jutting proudly up towards the ceiling withno sag at all. Wasting no time I sucked her rubbery pink nipple into my mouthand gently nibbled on it. I worked her hard nubs over with my mouth and tonguefor about a minute than moved down between the teenager's raised and spreadopen legs. Her pussy was in full view right in front of my face. I loved theway Tina had it trimmed with a little patch of red pubes above her slit andher lips shaved smooth. It gave her such a young juvenile look, especiallysince her pussy was the type that had no meat or inner lips showing. It justhad a long thin slit from top to bottom separating her slightly puffy lips.Tina's whole body tensed up as I reached out and began touching her pussy.I pinched her lips between my thumb and forefinger and spread them open, revealingher moist red opening. I eased my middle finger into the teen girl's pussyand started finger fucking her. Her tiny hole was tightly gripping my fingermaking me wonder how it was going to be able to handle the girth of our harddicks. I couldn't wait any longer as I had to taste the sweet 18 year old'ssex juices so I planted my lips on her bare shaved pussy lips and gave thema big kiss. I ran my tongue up and down Tina's slit then slid it up her holeas I began savoring her fluids. I wiggled my tongue all around her pussy asI had it buried inside her. I am not usually an ass man but seeing this sexygirl's brown puckered rear hole totally exposed was to hard to resist so Iinserted my pinky into it while continuing to lick and suck her pussy. Tinawas moaning as I expertly performed oral sex on her but just as I thought Imight make her orgasm, I heard Chief Taylor say time is up. I stepped backwith the young sailor's pussy juices coating my lips as Chief Kline knelt nextto Tina and began sucking on her exposed and unprotected tits. I walked aroundthe room gazing at the bound girl's awesome nude body while she was being molestedand abused by the other chiefs. One by one, the chiefs helped themselves tothe defenseless teenager's body, sucking on her tits and pussy as she laidthere spread open and on display. I could see the effects of the assault beginto appear on Tina's bare pussy lips as they were turning red from the constantrubbing of our beard stubble.
After everyone had their 5 minutes with the petite red head, Chief Taylorannounced ?its fucking time men?. All four of us surrounded the bound girlas eight hands instantly began roaming around her body. Our hands were allover Tina, running up and down her legs and around her flat stomach. Her breastswere being mauled and her nipples pinched and twisted while fingers were probingher pussy and ass hole. Tina laid there whimpering, unable to move as we usedher nude body for our perverted sexual pleasure. With two of us on each breast,all four of us simultaneously began sucking on her D cups seeing who couldgive the biggest hickey. Chief Kline knelt in front of Tina's face. With herhead dangling down, her mouth was at the perfect height and angle for entering.The chief eased his dick into her mouth and had her suck it. Chief Taylor wassucking on the bound girl's nipples while Chief Davis and I moved down to herpussy. I took my wooden Master at Arms billy club which was about 18 incheslong and the diameter of my thumb and inserted it into Tina's spread open pussy.Chief Davis stuck a pen up the teen's ass and we both started fucking her holeswith the inanimate objects. I knelt inches away from the 18 year old's crotchwatching up close as her pussy lips were forced to spread around the billyclub as it slid in and out of her opening. The four of us rotated around Tina'sdefenseless body, each getting the chance to abuse her pussy, ass and tits.In addition to the billy club and pen, the teenager's pussy and ass hole werealso violated with an assortment of items like a cigar, toothbrush and an assortmentof magic markers.
I couldn't control my lust any more so I stood between Tina's raised legsand dropped my pants. The box was the perfect height as my dick pressed againsther pussy lips. I leaned forward and after a brief struggle, the head of mydick popped into Tina's tight pussy. She tried to scream out but had a dicklodged in her mouth preventing her from doing anything but letting out a muffledgrunt. I slid my dick all the way in the petite girl's cunt and began fuckingher. Tina's hole was so small and tight that it had to feel like I was rippingher pussy wide open as I pounded my meat in and out of her. Since I was standingup, I had plenty of thrust power and my tool hammered the young sailor's holewith my balls slapping against her ass cheeks. The entire box was moving witheach of my thrusts, causing Tina's tits to shake and jiggle up and down. Witha final push, my dick exploded and shot a load of hot cum deep into the boundand helpless teenager's pussy. Chief Taylor stepped up between Tina's legsand said ?Master Chief, you did a nice job on her pussy, I think I will busta nut up her pretty little ass.? He rubbed Vaseline all over his tool and aroundTina's puckered rear entrance. The chief jammed his dick into the young girl'srectum and slid it up her anal cavity. Tina was really struggling against herbinds as the pain had to be excruciating. Not only was her petite ass beingviolated by Chief Taylor's big dick, but Chief Davis had his hard cock lodgedin her mouth and was deep throating her while Chief Kline was slapping hertits and twisting her nipples. Chief Taylor spewed his load of nasty seamaninto Tina's ass and pulled out letting Chief Kline move into position. I insertedmy soft dick into Tina's mouth and had her suck the mixture of our sex juicesoff of it while the chief began raping her pussy. The four of us continuedto gang bang this sexy young teen for the next hour, rotating around her body.Her tits were sucked and squeezed, her nipples pinched, twisted, and bittenas her pussy, ass and mouth were repeatedly raped with multiple loads of cumdeposited in each hole.
The four of us got dressed as Seaman Anderson laid on the box moaning andmumbling incoherently with cum oozing out of her holes. Her nude body definitelyshowed the effects of being abused and gang raped. Tina's breasts had severalhickey's littered around them and her nipples were swelled up and deep red.The teenager's pussy lips were swollen and enflamed and there was a red ringaround her puckered ass hole from being rubbed raw. The other chiefs gatheredthe video cameras and the rest of our stuff and left before I untied Tina andlet her get up. I turned off the lights, leaving just the red ones on as Iremoved her blindfold. Seaman Anderson had a hard time standing up as her bodywas spent from all the abuse. I stuffed her 32D white bra in my pocket as Iwanted another souvenir to go along with 40FF bra I took from the blow jobgirl. I helped Tina get dressed while congratulating her on her successfulinitiation. The young seaman was in a semi daze as she quietly finished gettingdressed and left.
The three chiefs and I met in my office the next day and viewed Seaman ApprenticeAnderson's initiation videos. To our delight, the cameras caught all the actionas we humiliated and gang raped the sexy red headed teenager. We discussedour next session and decided to leave it pretty much the same. Chief Kline,who was in charge of the medical department, won the honor of selecting ournext victim. The four of us decided to wait two weeks before carrying out anotherassault to ensure there was no fallout from the Seaman Anderson session. Witha gleam in his eye, Chief Kline told us each to come up to sick bay tomorrowand he would show us his choice. We figured since we had to wait two weeks,everyone should know the ID of our next conquest so we all could check herout and fantasize about her.
I went to sick bay first thing in the morning, as my curiosity wouldn't letme think of anything else. I sat down with Chief Kline as he pointed to thissexy Hospital Corpsmen which is the navy term for nurse. He said ?that my friendis Petty Officer 3 rd Class Melanie Jackson, she's 22 years old, ain't shehot?. I eyed the tall slender blonde up and down studying her body as she movedaround the room. Her hair was very fine and straight, extending down about4 inches past her shoulders. She was very attractive with big blue eyes anda set of full pouty lips. The thought instantly popped into my mind that hersexy lips were made just for sucking dick and I couldn't wait to feel thosesoft babies wrapped around my tool. Petty Officer Jackson appeared to havea very small chest as I could see two small swells sticking out from underher dungaree uniform shirt. I wanted to rip her shirt off right there so Icould check out her tiny titties but I knew that my time would come shortly.Chief Kline said the really cool part of this was Melanie is a big women'srights activist, always speaking out about sexual discrimination and harassmentso she will be especially upset to be humiliated, degraded, and assaulted bya group of perverted middle aged men. I said ?so we will just have to use alittle extra force to get her to comply with our demands once we get her toour secret room.? Chief Kline said it should be easy to convince her to gobefore our fake council as her enlistment is up in 2 months and she alreadyhas a job lined up with a hospital so she couldn't afford to get busted withdrugs or be sent to jail for any length of time. I scoped out the sexy nursefor a few more minutes than told Chief Kline I thought he made an excellentselection and next Friday would be the day we'd carry out our plan.
Friday morning I went up to the medical department and announced the randomdrug search just like I had done the first time. Of course Petty Officer Jackson'sname was on my list. I slipped the planted drugs in her locker without herseeing me and then pulled them out. The look on the female sailor's face waspriceless. I took her to my office and read her the riot act like I had doneto Seaman Anderson. I told her she could go to jail for a year with this muchdrugs. Melanie didn't break down or cry like Tina did but she was protestingwildly and saying she was framed. I let her think about loosing that nice nursingjob she had lined up then gave her the alternate choice of presenting her caseto the secret council who would take care of it for her if she passed the initiation.She jumped at the chance and thanked me for not prosecuting her. Melanie askedwhat the initiation was but I told her she had been in the Navy for almost4 years so she should know Navy initiations are secret. She said ?so they aregoing to make me eat garbage or something disgusting like that.? I respondedwith ?yes something like that.? I told the Petty Officer to be at my officethis evening in her dress white uniform at 19:45 hours.
Petty Officer Jackson knocked on my door at exactly 19:45 . I let her in andwalked around her while having her stand at attention. I asked her if she wassure she wanted to go through with this as there was no turning back once weget to the hearing room. She said she had no other options so she was ready.The tall slender blonde looked gorgeous in her white button up blouse and whiteskirt. I noticed her tits looked bigger than when I saw her the other day whichmade me wonder if she was wearing a padded bra now. That would mean she isvery self conscious about the small size of her breasts which would make ourlittle game of stripping her and making her perform for us even more fun. Ihad the young sailor follow me to the room. As was the case with Seaman Anderson,Petty Officer Jackson tried to back out of the room once she saw it dark exceptfor the dim red light in the far corner illuminating the outline of the threechiefs dressed in black including black hoods covering their faces. I pushedher in the room and dogged down the hatch so no one could enter or leave. Theemergency lighting battle lanterns lit up the make shift stage as I told Melanieto take the witness stand. The young sailor slowly walked over to the lit upstage and stood on it while facing the council. The two video cameras werehidden in the corners of the room again, capturing all the events on film forlater viewing. Chief Taylor took charge again and told Petty Officer Jacksonto plead her case. He let her ramble for a few minutes then told her he believedher and if she passed the initiation, the drug charges would be dropped.
Chief Taylor started off by asking her age, height and weight. Melanie lookedquizzical as her women's lib mentality didn't like the personal nature of thequestion. But she answered and said she was 22 years old, was 5'8? and weighed115 pounds. The chief said ?and how about your measurements, tell us thoseand include your bra cup size.? Petty Officer Jackson immediately said ?thatis none of your business, I know enough about Navy initiations to know theyare not supposed to be sexual in nature and that question is inappropriate.? Weknew she wouldn't be very cooperative once she got an idea of what was goingon so before she got out of control, Chief Taylor motioned for me to restrainher. I walked over to the lit up mini stage and quickly cuffed the young women'sarms behind her back. As Melanie was asking what was going on, I tied a pieceof rope around her long blonde hair and threw the other end of the rope overan overhead pipe. I pulled on the rope, stretching her hair up towards theceiling and forcing her to stand on her tip toes or have her hair ripped outby the roots. The petty officer began struggling and shouting for us to untieher so I put a piece of duct tape over her eyes, blindfolding her and a pieceover her mouth, gagging her. I wrapped a piece of rope around her ankles andsecured it to the stage. The sexy sailor was now standing in her dress whiteuniform blindfolded and gagged, unable to move with her arms cuffed behindher back and her blonde hair pulled painfully up in the air and tied to theoverhead pipes.
Chief Taylor walked up to the bound girl and said ?since you won't tell usyour measurements, we will have to remove your uniform and find out ourselves.? Melaniewas mumbling into her gag but with her arms cuffed behind her and her hairtied so tightly to the overhead pipe, she couldn't do anything to stop thechief. He began slowly unbuttoning her blouse while telling her how sexy shewas. After the last button was removed, the chief pulled Melanie's blouse openand slid it off her shoulders. He wrapped it around her cuffed arms to getit out of the way and then unzipped her white skirt, letting it fall to thefloor around her ankles. The 22 year old was now standing there in just hermatching black lace bra and panties. Her body was tanned to a deep golden brownfrom her long slender legs to her dainty shoulders. Chief Taylor asked me tocheck her bra label and tell us her breast size. I pulled on Melanie's rearbra strap and read the label. I announced ?34A? as Chief Taylor said ?whoa,an A cup, now that's some itty bitty titties?. I placed my vinyl measuringtape around her waist and said ?21 inches?. Then I moved it down over her pantycovered hips and announced ?32 inches?. So our sexy sailor with the slender34A 21 32 inch body stood there silently in her lingerie as we checked herout. The chief was walking around her and said ?I'm no expert but it lookslike Petty Officer Jackson is wearing a padded bra.? He walked up to her andstroked her face while saying ?I thought only high school girls padded theirbras, you aren't ashamed of your tiny tits are you?? Melanie couldn't respondsince she was gagged but I knew she had to be hating being teased about hersmall breasts. The Chief mockingly comforted the young women by telling hernot to worry because he thought tiny breasts were a huge turn on.
Chief Taylor said ?ok honey, I am going to remove the duct tape from yourmouth so you can tell us more about your sexy body, like what color are yournipples and bush.? As soon as the chief ungagged Melanie, she blurted out ?untieme now you bunch of sick perverts?. Chief Taylor stuck a fresh piece of ducttape over her mouth and said ?that was not the correct answer, looks like wewill have to find out for ourselves.? Melanie was mumbling her protests intoher gag but was powerless to stop the chief from removing her underwear. Thechief was enjoying tormenting the young women libber so he slowly ran his handsover her bare shoulders and down to her bra, he poked the underside of thethick black cups and said ?yes gentlemen, there is definitely padding in here,lets see what she really has to offer?. He unhooked the front closure bra andquickly pulled it away from her breasts. The chief wrapped the bra around hercuffed arms to get it out of the way revealing Melanie's tiny tits. He pulleddown the 22 year old's panties so the young blonde was now totally nude withher body on full display. My hard-on was pulsating as I stared at the tallslender female sailor. Petty Officer Jackson's breasts were indeed very smallas there were two little mounds barely sticking out from her chest giving hera young sexy juvenile look. Her tiny swells were milky white with triangletan lines boldly framing them. Melanie's pink circles were very small as well,only having the diameter of a nickel with pert upturned pink nipples perfectlycentered. The blonde's nipples were erect and looked like extra long pencilerasers sticking out from her chest. I couldn't wait to suck those sweet littlenubs into my mouth. I let my eyes drop down from Melanie's bare breasts toher pussy. Her bush was sparsely populated with wisps of long blonde pubesnaturally combed from the outside towards the center. I walked around the nudegirl to check out her ass. It was small but perfectly shaped and milky whitewith tan lines going down the outside of her cheeks. Chief Taylor said ?wellI really like Petty Officer Jackson's titties and she gets extra credit forhaving her nipples nice and hard for us.? I knew Petty Officer Jackson wasfeeling totally humiliated as she was forced to stand there totally naked whilewe gawked at her. Not only was she very self conscious about her body and smallbreasts, but being a woman's rights activist, this had to be her worst nightmare.
Keeping with the military theme, Chief Taylor said ?Ok sailor, the next partof the initiation is Physical Training, are you ready to do your exercisesin the nude for us?? Melanie was still blindfolded and gagged with her armscuffed behind her and her hair tied up to the overhead pipe. She shook herhead no so the chief announced that since the Petty Officer was not ready forher exercises, we would help convince her. He said each of us could come upto the stage and sample the young lady's body. I stepped up first and ran myhands over her bare flat stomach and up to her tiny tits. I gently squeezedMelanie's soft little white mounds and flicked her pink nipples. Her nubs werehard as a rock as I placed them between my thumbs and forefingers and beganlightly pinching and twisting them. I let my fingers roam through her silkysoft blonde pubes and all over her bare ass cheeks. Melanie continued to protestinto her gag as I explored her nude body but she was tied up too tight andhad no options but to stand there as I fondled and molested her.
All the other chiefs had their turn with the bound girl, running their handsall over her nude body. Once we all sampled Melanie's tits, pussy and ass,Chief Taylor cut the rope off her hair and untied her ankles. With my help,we uncuffed her wrists and removed her bra and shirt the rest of the way. Wequickly cuffed her hands in front of her and walked her over to a pipe thatwas running across the room. The pipe was three feet off the floor so we forcedMelanie to bend over it and we tied her wrists to her ankles so she couldn'tget up. The blonde's ass was sticking straight up in the air, totally exposed.The chief grabbed Melanie's ass cheeks and spread them open, revealing herpuckered little rear hole. He said ?Ok sailor, I am going to ask you againif you are ready to perform your exercises, if you say no again, we are allgoing to fuck your ass right now. The chief pulled the duct tape off the bentover 22 year old and asked her what it would be, exercise or ass fucking. Ina surprisingly meek voice, Melanie said ?I'll do the exercises? as she musthave realized she was totally at our mercy and really had no other options.
Chief Taylor untied Melanie from the pipe and re-cuffed her wrists behindher back. He walked her back up to the stage and while keeping her blindfolded,instructed her to begin with jumping jacks. Since Melanie's arms were cuffedbehind her back, she could only perform the bottom part of the jumping jacksso she jumped up and down while alternating opening and closing her legs. Hertiny tits barely moved as she bounced around. Next the chief ordered her tojog in place. He kept slapping her ass while telling her to pick up the paceand raise her knees higher and higher. I was sure Melanie felt not only humiliatednow but totally degraded as she was forced to perform her PT in the nude infront of a bunch of strange men. The Petty Officer's body was glistening withsweat as the chief let her stop and forced her to lay on the stage on her backwith her arms pinned under her. Since she was blindfolded, Chief Taylor decidedto turn on all the lights so we could see her body better. We all gatheredaround the stage as the other chiefs removed their hoods as well. Chief Taylortold Melanie we wanted to get a better look at her pussy and instructed herto perform leg lifts for us. The blonde kept her legs closed, not respondingto his order so he grabbed her hard nipples and began twisting and pullingon them. He told her he would rip her sweet little nubs right off her titsif she didn't start with the leg lifts now. Melanie was moaning into her gagas the chief continued to abuse her nipples. Slowly she raised her legs 6 inchesand spread them open, than closed and lowered them. She repeated it over andover again as we all stood there staring at her exposed crotch. After she completedabout 20 leg lifts, the chief grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs straightup in the air, forming a letter L with her body. He spread her legs open, givingus an unobstructed view of her snatch for the first time. Melanie's pussy lookedawesome, the long wisps of blonde hair extended down over her lips but wereso fine and sparsely populated that I could see her pussy lips underneath.The young sailor's pussy was what I call a thick meaty pussy as there wereextra pink folds of meat separating her lips. The Chief held Melanie in thisextremely degrading position for a few minutes letting us admire her pussy.
Chief Taylor picked Petty Officer Jackson up off the floor and placed herin a kneeling position with her ass resting on her calves. He uncuffed herwrists and re-cuffed them in front of her. The chief tied a piece of rope tothe cuffs and threw the other end over the overhead pipe. He tugged on therope making Melanie raise her arms up over her head. The chief kept pullingon the rope forcing the sexy blonde to lift her ass off her legs and into thekneel up position with her arms painfully stretched over head. He tied therope off and then tied another piece of rope around her thighs. That rope wassecured to the floor restricting Melanie's movement even more. The 22 yearold sailor was still blindfolded and gagged with duct tape and looked so youngand vulnerable as she knelt there totally nude. Due to her arms being pulledup in the air, her chest was completely flat except for her erect pink nipplessticking out proudly from the center of her untanned triangles. Chief Taylorstarted stroking Melanie's soft silky hair and told her it was time to exerciseher mouth and tongue. He asked her if she was ready to suck our dicks as heripped the duct tape off her mouth and brought her full pouty lips into view.Petty Officer Jackson didn't have a lot of fight left in her but for a womenwho is so outspoken about sexual harassment issues, being forced to performoral sex while bound and nude had to be absolutely revolting as well as degrading.She meekly said ?please just let me go, you've had your fun and made your point.? Thechief put a new piece of duct tape over her mouth and said ?wrong answer sailor,let's see if a little spanking can convince you to change your mind.?
He pulled off his leather belt and stepped behind the kneeling girl with herbare ass exposed and unprotected. He rubbed the leather around her soft whitecheeks while telling her she would receive 10 shots and then he would ask heragain if she was ready. If she still says no, then its 10 more and so on andso on until she agrees. The chief reared back and delivered a crisp blow toher sensitive rear end. Melanie shrieked into her gag as the stinging sensationflooded her mind. Taking 15 seconds between strikes, the chief reeled off 10hard shots causing red welts to appear on her pale white ass. He peeled theduct tape off Melanie's lips again and asked her if she was ready to suck somedick yet. The young blonde knelt there breathing heavy but did not utter asound so Chief Taylor gagged her again and began spanking her ass with hisleather belt again. This time he kept going after reaching ten. Melanie wassobbing and would scream into the gag with each hit. The chief stopped at 20as the 22 year old's ass was bright pink all over with numerous raised redwelts. He knelt next to the nude girl and asked her if she was ready yet. Slowly,Melanie shook her head yes. The chief said ?good, I knew you would come around,now when I remove the duct tape, you will open your mouth and form a big letterO with those sweet lips of yours. If you hesitate for a second, its more ass whipping for you.?
He ripped the duct tape off the Petty Officer's mouth and as ordered, Melanieformed a big O with her lips and knelt there waiting for one of our cocks tobe inserted. I stepped up and eased my hard dick between her full pouty lips.The sight of this nude blonde kneeling in front of me with her arms stretchedover her head and tied to the ceiling almost made me cum the instant her lipsclosed around my shaft. I managed to control myself as Melanie began suckingmy tool but looking down at this sexy young women with her long silky blondehair and her tiny erect pink nipples, I knew I wouldn't last long. Her mouthfelt red hot and her lips so soft as she bobbed her head up and down my shaft.I couldn't take my eyes off her lips as my dick slid in and out of her mouth.I felt the build up in my balls so I grabbed two handfuls of Melanie's hairand while holding her head still, I began thrusting my cock deep into her mouthuntil it exploded and spewed a load of hot cum into her. She immediately gaggedon my salty discharge and even though I kept my dick lodged in her mouth, astream of my pale white seamen oozed out from the corners. I had a second orgasmas another load of my cum flooded into Melanie's mouth. I pulled my cock outof her mouth as she gagged again and spit out a big wad of my nasty fluids.She said ?oh my God, that is horrible, please no more?.
Chief Taylor quickly duct taped her mouth again and began spanking her alreadysore ass with his belt while telling her she was a bad girl for spitting outmy cum. After 20 hard shots and Melanie's ass crimson red, the chief askedher if she was ready for the next dick and if she was going to swallow thistime. Melanie shook her head yes so the chief ripped off the duct tape. ChiefKline stepped up in front of his blindfolded young assistant as she knelt theretotally nude and dropped his pants. He pressed his hard cock against Melanie'slips, she dutifully opened them and let his tool slide into her mouth. I knowthe chief was really getting off on making one of his nurses suck his dick,especially Melanie with her womens lib attitude. After all, he has to see herprance around sick bay everyday with her sweet body and those awesome lipswhile she's preaching against sexual harassment so forcing her to perform oralsex while nude, bound and totally defenseless had to feel like the ultimatepayback for him. After a few moments, Chief Kline's knees buckled as he shothis wad of cum into Melanie's mouth. Her throat began moving up and down asshe tried to obey the order to swallow. The chief kept pumping his meat inand out of Petty Officer Jackson's mouth until he spewed a second load of hotsemen into her. Melanie took several large gulps as the slimy fluids draineddown her throat while totally unaware she had just sucked her boss' dick.
As soon as Chief Kline pulled his dick out of Melanie's mouth, Chief Davisstepped up and pushed his cock between her pouty lips. The 22 year old wasstill trying to deal with the cum coating her mouth and throat but as ordered,she began sucking the fresh dick that had been inserted in her mouth. ChiefDavis didn't last long and must have dumped a huge load of cum in Melanie'smouth as the young blonde took gulp after gulp while trying not to gag andspit out the nasty slime. Chief Taylor was last, he stepped up to Melanie asshe knelt there with her head slumped forward and her arms still painfullystretched over her head and tied to the overhead pipes. The normally vibrantsailor looked totally spent, she had to feel extremely humiliated and degradedto be treated this way and forced to suck our cocks. Chief Taylor wasn't throughwith her yet. He began rubbing his dick all over her face and slapping hercheeks with it. He ordered her to kiss it and lick it before commanding herto stick it in her mouth and suck it. The chief began pumping his meat in andout of the helpless blonde's mouth. As he was about to cum, he pulled his dickout of Melanie's mouth and told her to open it as wide as she could as he wanteda big target. He started stroking his meat with his hand, keeping his dickabout 6 inches away from Melanie's opened mouth. With a loud grunt, Chief Taylorexploded, spewing his hot cum all over her lips and into her mouth. Melaniemanaged to swallow the cum that made it into her mouth as the rest of the chief'spale white semen dripped down her sexy lips and over her chin. The young sailorbegan sobbing as the humiliation and disgust of being forced to suck four middleaged men's dicks overtook her.
The four of us untied Melanie and each grabbed a limb. We carried her backover to the shipping pallet make shift stage and laid her down on her back.The nude blonde nurse was then quickly tied spread eagle to the pallets aswe tightly secured her wrists and ankles to it. Chief Taylor gagged her againusing duct tape ensuring her silence and inability to move. Melanie lookedincredible laying there with her body on full display and her legs spread wideopen. Now that she was totally helpless to stop our assault, she looked evenmore alluring and vulnerable. Her tiny titties were almost completely flatdue to her arms being tied up but her pert pink nipples were still standingat full attention. The four of us began rubbing Melanie's body and fondlingher tits as she moaned softly into her gag. We took turns probing her pussyand ass hole with our fingers as eight hands simultaneously roamed up and downher defenseless body. Her pussy felt so tight around my finger and her blondepubes were so silky soft that I almost came in my pants at the thought of fuckingher. While I was finger fucking her tight little pussy, Chief Kline began pinchingand twisting her sensitive nipples causing Melanie to tense up her musclesin pain. Even her pussy muscles tensed up and locked around my finger tighter.We each had a chance to suck on her rubbery pink nubs and lick her pussy beforeChief Taylor announced it was time to pull a train on our sweet young sailor.The Chief leaned over our bound girl and said ?in case you don't know whatpulling a train means, it means we fuck you in rapid fire motion one rightafter the other, doesn't that sound fun.? Melanie began yelling into her gagand shaking her head from side to side as she realized she was about to berepeatedly raped. Chief Taylor slapped her hard across her face and told herto shut up and stop shaking her head. He said it would be much easier on herif she didn't fight it. Melanie obeyed him and layed there not moving whileoccasionally sniffling.
I was first as usual so I knelt between Melanie's spread open legs and leanedforward while guiding my hard dick towards her exposed crotch. I placed thetip of my cock between her soft lips and began pushing forward while I lookeddown at her pussy. My invasion was met with resistance as her tiny pussy wouldn'topen up enough to allow penetration. So with an extra hard thrust, the headof my tool finally popped inside her hole. Melanie let out a loud moan as mydick slid further and further up her pussy. The other chiefs began cheeringme on so without wasting any time, I began pumping my meat in and out of hertight cunt. I quickly picked up pace as I reached out and began pinching hererect nipples. The sight of her young sexy body underneath me with my dicksliding in and out of her pussy was too good and I quickly shot my load ofhot cum deep inside her. I backed out of her hole and moved out of the wayas Chief Kline immediately took my place and shoved his dick into his assistant'sdefenseless pussy. One by one the rest of the chiefs fucked Melanie as shelaid there bound to the wood pallets. I could see her pussy lips getting redderand more swollen due to the relentless pounding as each guy finished with her.Melanie was whimpering and sobbing into her gag as our hard dicks violatedher cunt. After we all finished, we stood there looking down at Melanie asour cum oozed out of her abused pussy.
Chief Kline whispered something to Chief Taylor causing him to chuckle. Hesaid ?gentlemen we have a request for a little ass fucking, so lets get PettyOfficer Jackson in the proper position.? We quickly untied her and rolled herover on her stomach. She started to struggle but she had little strength leftand no match for the four of us. We forced her to get up on her hands and kneesand after forcing her legs open, we tied her knees, ankles and wrists to thepallet. Next we tied rope around her waist and neck and threw the other endover the pipes above. We pulled the ropes as hard as we could, forcing herneck and stomach up towards the ceiling. So with her hands and legs securedto the pallet below and her waist and neck pulled up, Melanie could sway backand forth a little but was basically powerless to stop our planned rape ofher ass. The young blonde was softly crying into her gag but remained motionless,bound to pallet on all fours with her ass sticking up in the air and her littletittes pointed towards the floor. I let Chief Kline go first since his dickhad already recovered and was rock hard in anticipation of jamming it up hisyoung assistant's ass. He rubbed Vaseline up and down his shaft and then steppedup behind his kneeling nurse with her puckered brown opening in full view.The chief slowly smeared the Vaseline all over Melanie's rear, enjoying thetorment it was causing her and then without warning he shoved his dick intoher ass hole. Melanie screamed into the duct tape as the chief's cock toreinto her anal cavity. She continued to yell and grunt as he pumped it in andout of her rear. He began slapping her ass cheeks as his tool violated herrectum. With a loud grunt, Chief Kline sent a load of his cum deep up her hole.My cock was hard again so I stepped up and shoved it up Melanie's ass as sheremained bound to the pallets on her hands and knees. I leaned forward andreached around her body so I could play with her tiny breasts as they hungdown. I began pinching her nipples and pulling them down, painfully stretchingher pink nubs away from her body as I raped her ass. Melanie's tight rear holewas really milking my tool and I quickly spewed a load of cum into her anus.Chief Davis and Chief Taylor followed after me and each violated the youngfemale sailor's ass, depositing their seed into her rectum.
Melanie's head was hanging down with her long blonde hair covering her face.Her spirit totally broken as the pain and degradation of being repeatedly fuckedin her mouth, pussy, and ass hole overcame her. Melanie's vibrant women libberattitude had completely disappeared as she was now just another victim of asexual assault. Our cum was still oozing out of her puckered rear hole andthere was a red ring surrounding it from being rubbed raw by the friction ofour hard cocks. Melanie's pussy lips were still swollen and red, showing thesigns of abuse too. Chief Taylor walked over to the bound girl as she kneltthere on her hands and knees and told her since she was able to take four loadsof cum in each of her three holes, she passed the initiation and the drug chargeswould be dropped. The other chiefs gathered up the two video cameras and therest of our stuff and left before I untied Melanie. She didn't say a word asI removed her gag and blindfold. After I had cut all the rope off, Melaniecollapsed on the pallet and began sobbing loudly. I shoved her padded 34A blackbra in my pants pocket adding to my collection then threw the rest of her clothesto her and told her she could get dressed and leave whenever she was readyas I headed out the door.
The other three Chiefs came up to my office the next day where we viewed thevideo tapes of Petty Officer Jackson's initiation. We pulled the video tapesof Seaman Anderson's assault from our secret hiding place and watched themtoo, comparing our two young ladies. Both girls had incredible bodies and theaction was awesome. It was Chief Taylor's turn to pick our next victim. Hebegan boasting, saying that although both of our first two babes were hot,his selection would win the contest easily. Of course the other chiefs chimedin saying those were some big words and we will just wait and see. We decidedto take a few weeks off before our next session just to make sure Melanie didn'treport her assault. Chief Kline said he would keep an eye on her and let usknow when he felt she was past that point and safe for us to proceed with ChiefTaylor's choice.
Two weeks had passed when Chief Kline informed me that Petty Officer Jacksonappeared to be over the incident. He said she was a little reserved but wasconstantly talking about her upcoming discharge and her new job at the hospitalso he was confident she wouldn't be reporting the assault and jeopardizingher future. I immediately contacted Chief Taylor and told him I needed to seehis selection as it was time for initiation number three. With lust in hisvoice, he told me to come down to his office right now. Chief Taylor was incharge of the Personnel Department with several female sailors assigned tohim so I was looking forward to see whom he was going to select. I sat in hisoffice and he handed me a letter while telling me to read it before sayinganything. I began reading, it was a love letter from some girl named Mariato another girl named Angel. She talked about how great it was to make loveto a women as men just don't understand and how they could never tell anyoneabout their love or they would get kicked out of the Navy and bring shame totheir families.
As I finished, Chief Taylor said his plan was to use the letter as blackmailand for me to threaten to prosecute. I said it sounded like this girl had nooptions but to cooperate, so where is she? Chief Taylor smiled and said hisplan was to do both girls. He pointed to two desks in the far corner of theroom and said ?the babe on left is Seaman Maria Rodrigues, she's 19 years oldand the honey on the right is Petty Officer Angel Gonzales who just turned20. I looked over and saw these two sensuous Hispanic girls that looked likethey could be sisters. They both had thick wavy medium length brown hair withblonde highlights scattered around, especially around their young innocentlooking faces. Their dark brown eyes were the large oval type and they bothhad big full lips to go along with their light brown complexion. I instantlybegan imagining each one of these sexy Mexican girls sucking my dick with theirsoft lips wrapped around my tool. I wanted them both already and I hadn't evenseen their bodies yet. Almost on cue, they both stood up and walked acrossthe room, giving me ample time to check them out. They both had an exaggeratedwiggle indicating to me that they knew they were hot. Maria had a typical Hispanicgirl's shape, big chest, small waist, large plump ass and thick muscular thighs.Most female sailor's asses look like a guy's when they are dressed in theirNavy dungaree uniforms but Maria's ass had the perfect pear shape that lookedlike it was poured into her jeans. Angel was the same height as Maria but shehad a much more petite body. I drifted off visualizing these two babes makinglove together and decided Chief Taylor was right, we had to do them both. Itold the chief he had made a fine selection and plan and I would brief theother chiefs and meet him Friday night at our same place. I said I would contacthim if for some reason I couldn't convince the two babes to go along with theinitiation as I grabbed the letter and left.
Friday morning I found Angel and Maria eating breakfast together and toldthem to stop by my office when they had finished eating. My heart was poundingand my dick was rock hard as the girls knocked on my door 15 minutes later.I had them both sit down and showed them the letter, saying I got it anonymously.Both girls started blushing as they read it, not knowing what to say. I easilyconvinced them that the only way for their parents not to find out about theirlesbian love affair was for both of them to go along with the initiation intoour secret club. I told them to be at my office at 8pm tonight dressed in theirdress white uniforms and I would escort them to the initiation.
As ordered, Angel and Maria reported to my office at exactly 8pm . They bothlooked gorgeous, Maria with her voluptuous body straining against the tightuniform and Angel with her petite shape giving her a nice juvenile innocentlook. Both girls were all made up like they were going out on the town withtheir hair done real nice, thick eye makeup and bright red lipstick. My dickwas about to bust out of my pants as I walked around these two sexy Hispanicbabes. Without saying too much, I had them follow me to the initiation room.Just like we had done the first two times, the three other chiefs were sittingin the far corner of the room dressed in black with black hoods covering theirheads and there was just the one dim red light on. As the girls hesitantlystepped into the room, the battle lanterns lit up the make shift stage whichnow was two shipping pallets placed side by side with plywood nailed to them.So the stage was now big enough for two people. I nudged the girls and toldthem to step up on the stage as I closed the door and dogged it down so noone could come in or leave. Angel and Maria obeyed my direction and stood onthe stage facing the chiefs with the bright lights shining in their eyes. Wehad the video cameras hidden in the corners and focused on the stage so wewould capture all the action. I could see fear in their expression as theywere both questioning their decision of agreeing to this. Chief Davis tookcharge and started telling the girls how much trouble they were in and howtheir families would probably disown them if they got kicked out of the Navyfor being lesbians. In no time, he had the girls begging him to let them joinour group and make this all go away. He got them to say they would do anythinghe wanted and told them once the initiation started, there was no backing out.He went on to say if they became uncooperative during the session, he wouldbe forced to distribute the letter all around the ship so they would be humiliatedin front of the whole crew before getting kicked out. Angel had tears runningdown her cheeks as she stood there so Maria leaned over and whispered to herthat they would be ok as long as they followed orders.
Chief Davis said ?ok ladies, first off is a little work out, you girls aregoing to perform your Physical Training exercises for us, you can do that can'tyou?? Maria and Angel looked a little confused but shook their heads yes. ChiefDavis said ?good but you can't do the exercises in your dress white uniformsso those skirts and blouses have to come off, Petty Officer Rodrigues removeSeaman Gonzales' top.? Maria reached out and began unbuttoning Angel's whiteblouse while apologizing to her. After removing the last button, Maria slowlyopened the blouse and slid it off Angel's shoulders so it fell to the floor.Chief Davis ordered Maria to remove Seaman Gonzales' skirt too. Maria unbuckledAngel's belt than walked behind her and unzipped the rear zipper, letting thewhite skirt easily slide down over her petite ass and hips. Angel immediatelytried covering up her exposed bra and panties with her arms until Chief Davisyelled at her to stand at attention. The young sailor obeyed the chief's orderand stood at attention with her arms at her side, giving us an unobstructedview of her scantily clad body. She was wearing a white satin bra that waslace on the top half and almost see through. Her panties were white as wellwith a matching lace pattern. My dick was pulsating as I looked at this sensuousHispanic girl with her bright red lipstick and sexy lingerie, I could hardlywait to see her nude. Chief Davis had her do a few about faces so we couldcheck out her panty covered ass and then began asking her for her personalinformation like we had done to the previous girls. Angel meekly replied thatshe was 19 years old, 5'5? and weighed 110 lbs. She softly said her measurementswere 34C 22 33.
The chief complimented her on her excellent physical condition and then toldher to return the favor and remove Petty Officer Rodrigues' uniform. Angelobeyed the order and quickly had Maria's blouse and skirt off, struggling alittle in getting Maria's skirt down over her plump ass and heavy thighs. ChiefDavis had Maria stand at attention giving us all ample time to check her out.She was wearing a full beige bra that was straining to hold in her rather largebreasts and white bikini panties stretched out over her round rear end. I wassurprised that even at her size, she didn't have any cellulite or stretch marksand her body appeared to be big but well toned. When asked, Maria said shewas 20 years old, 5'5?, weighed 138 lbs., and her measurements were 38D 2738. I stood there alternating my gaze from Angel's petite body to Maria's voluptuousshape as the young women stood at attention for us. Both girls looked awesomewith their light brown skin highlighting their bra and panties. They were boththe same height with the same hair style and facial features making them looklike sisters but with completely different bodies.
Chief Davis told the girls to start their exercises with a set of wind mills.Angel and Maria began, bending over at the waist and alternating touching theirleft hand to their right ankle and then their right hand to their left ankle.The lingerie clad young ladies completed the set of 10 and stood waiting forfurther directions. I could see the humiliation in their eyes as being forcedto do this in front of us had to be hard, and the good part was we were justgetting started. Chief Davis said ?that was ok ladies as you both have verysexy underwear but it didn't really do it for me, I think the rest of the trainingshould be done in the nude.? Maria spoke out and said ?please this is degradingenough, don't make us take off our bra and panties.? Chief Davis got sternand told them it wasn't a request but an order. He said ? Petty Officer Rodrigues,since you couldn't keep your mouth shut, you go first.? ?You have 10 secondsto strip naked and stand at attention or you will be very sorry.?
He began slowly counting down from 10. Maria didn't challenge him and quicklyreached behind her back and unhooked her bra strap. She slid the shoulder strapsoff and pulled the soft satin material away from her breasts. Maria bent overand pulled her panties down to her ankles and stood back up at attention justas the chief reached zero. She stared straight ahead, not moving a muscle asthe four of us gawked at her incredible nude body. Maria's breasts were indeedlarge and firm for their size. There was a little sign of sagging giving hermounds a nice gentle slope. Her areolas were dark brown and large, about 2? indiameter and positioned perfectly on her D cups. To my approval, Maria's darkbrown nipples were aroused and sticking straight out at least an inch. I couldn'twait to wrap my lips around those hard rubbery nubs and suck on them. Eventhough Maria's waist measured at 27?, it looked thin in comparison to her largechest and plump ass. Her backside was the type black men just love, oversized,round and jiggly yet perfectly pair shaped. Maria's bush was trimmed shortin a mini triangular shape and was densely populated with little curly darkbrown pubes. Chief Davis had the sexy Mexican girl turn around a few timesto show us her ass, ordering her to bend over each time just to increase herhumiliation.
The Chief finally took his eyes off the nude 20 year old and ordered Angelto disrobe. I could see tears trickling down Angel's cheeks as she obeyed thechief and removed her white lace bra and panties. She was definitely more selfconscious about her body than Maria was or at least couldn't hide it as well.The teenager stared blankly at the wall over our heads as she stood at attentionwith her nude body on full display for our viewing pleasure. Angel's petitebody was flawless, her C cups were firm and perfectly shaped with perky upturnednipples and small light brownish pink areolas. Angel's bush was sparcely populatedwith long dark brown pubes that were trimmed in the shape of a 2 inch rectangle.Her tiny waist and tight ass completed the young sexy juvenile look. Gazingat her naked body, I noted she could easily be mistaken for a 16 year old highschool student. My hard on was pulsating and about to burst out of my pantsas I continued to gawk at the sexy nude girls who were less than half my age.
Chief Davis complimented Angel and Maria on their hot sexy bodies and toldthem to perform the next exercise which was jumping jacks. Both girls compliedwith his order and began jumping up and down as their arms went up and downand their legs alternated between opened and closed with each jump. Maria'sbig tits were bouncing wildly up and down while Angel's firm smaller ones weregently jiggling with her body's motion. The chief made the girls complete 30repetitions before allowing them to stop. Sweat was beginning to form on theirsoft skin. Chief Davis ordered the girls to jog in place. I figured the humiliationof being forced to exercise in the nude while 4 strange men leered at them,had to be a total nightmare but Angel and Maria performed as ordered withoututtering a sound. The chief had them slowly turn around in circles as theyjogged so we could see their asses wiggling too. Both girls were breathinghard and sweating as the chief allowed them to stop and told them to lay onthe floor and do 25 sit ups. Once again they both complied and completed thesit ups. I knew leg lifts were next which is the exercise I wanted to see soI could check out Maria and Angel's pussies.
Chief Davis explained to the girls how he wanted them to lift their legs 6inches off the ground and then spread them open, and then close them and lowerthem back down. He told them to do 15 repetitions. Maria and Angel began theexercise, their spread open crotch was visible as they opened their legs butthey were doing them so fast it was difficult to get a good look at their pussies.Chief Davis realized we needed a better look at these young ladies crotchesso once they finished the leg lifts, he ordered them to raise their legs straightup in the air, grab their ankles with their hands and pull their legs out tothe side. The girls obeyed him and laid there on their backs holding theirankles with their legs raised and spread wide open. Their pussies were nowtotally exposed. I focused in on Maria's crotch first. Her short brown pubesextended down over her pussy but were short enough that I could see her pinkthick meaty lips through the hair. Her lips opened up like a flower aroundher pussy hole revealing her moist red opening. Maria's dark brown puckeredass hole was in view as well which added to my excitement and I am sure toher degradation. After a few moments, I moved my eyes over to Angel and herspread open crotch. Her long brown pubic hair stopped just above her pussyleaving her lips completely bare. She must have recently shaved as her lipshad no sign of stubble and looked smooth as silk. She had a thin slit thatran between her bald lips giving her an even more appealing innocent teen look.Her puckered little rear opening was much smaller than Maria's making me thinkher sweet ass was virginal.
Chief Davis told the girls to get up and stand at attention again. They compliedand stood up. Maria meekly asked if they were done and could they get dressednow. The chief laughed and said that was just the first part of the initiation.He said for the next part, you girls are going to make love to each other whilewe watch. Both girls began begging him not to make them do that as the horrorand disgust of being forced to share their intimate moments for the sexualpleasure of us perverted men overtook them. The chief quickly quieted themby telling them they had no options other than to do what he said. He toldthem he would direct them on what to do. With that said, Chief Davis told thegirls to face each other and then ordered Maria to lean forward and rub hernipples back and forth against Angel's tits. Maria hesitantly complied andbegan to slowly run her hard nipples back and forth across Angel's little nubs.The chief ordered the girls to kiss, telling them he wanted to see tongue action.Maria leaned forward, smushing her large breasts into Angel's firm ones andbegan to kiss her. Every time the girls stopped kissing, the chief orderedthem to continue. Watching these sexy young ladies as they began their lovemaking was making my blood boil. Chief Davis had the girls stop kissing eachother and told Maria to put her hands behind her head and arch her back soher tits stood out proudly. Then he ordered Angel to massage her lover's tits.Angel reached out and cupped Maria's huge breasts with her hands. She beganto gently squeeze and rub them. The chief kept instructing the teenager, tellingher to squeeze Maria's tits real hard and pinch her nipples. Next he orderedAngel to lean forward and kiss Maria's tits. The chief had her lick and suckon Maria's nipples for a while as we sat there watching. He made Angel bitedown on Maria's sensitive nubs until she screamed out in pain. The chief forcedAngel to continue playing with her lover's tits for a few more moments thanhad them switch positions with Angel putting her hands behind her head andMaria squeezing, licking and sucking on her firm little titties and pert nipples.
Chief Davis told Angel to lay on her back on the makeshift stage and orderedMaria to kneel down next to her. He had Angel spread her legs wide open andinstructed Maria to begin finger fucking her lover's pussy. Maria compliedand started running her finger up and down Angel's slit as she slowly insertedit into her hole. The chief made her finger Angel's pussy for a few minutesthen told Maria to kneel down with her legs on opposite sides of Angel's headwhile facing Angel's feet. Maria's pussy was right on top of Angel's face asthe chief told her to lower her crotch down to Angel's mouth. Maria obeyedthe order and squatted down with her pussy resting on Angel's lips. The chiefordered Angel to start licking and sucking her lover's pussy. From my angle,I could see Angel's tongue disappear into Maria's hole. I wanted to swap positionswith the young girl right then so I could taste Maria's sex juices but I wasenjoying the show and knew my time would come shortly. Chief Davis kept orderingAngel to stick her tongue deeper into Maria's pussy and suck harder as Mariagrinded her thick meaty lips into Angel's mouth. After a few minutes, the chieftold Maria to lean forward and get into the 69 position. He ordered her tolick Angel's pussy while telling Angel to continue tonguing Maria's cunt. Thegirls obeyed the chief and performed oral sex on each other for our viewingpleasure. Moments later, Maria's body tensed up and shook as she let out asigh. Her pussy juices flooded out of her hole and all over Angel's face below.I was surprised she was able to orgasm considering the circumstance with allof us watching. I figured it was a testament to Angel's tonguing talents andcould hardly wait to experience her oral skills on my cock. Maria collapsedon top of her petite lover's body and laid there breathing hard.
Chief Davis whispered to me it was time to immobilize the girls. I walkedover to the stage and told Angel and Maria to roll over on their stomachs.I quickly tied their arms behind their backs as they began questioning whatwas going on. Without answering them, I tied their ankles together and putduct tape over their eyes and mouths, effectively blindfolding and gaggingthem. I picked them up and put them side by side in a kneeling position. Itied more rope around their wrists and pushed their arms up to the small oftheir back. I wrapped the rope around their necks so they couldn't lower theirarms and then threw the rest of it over the overhead pipes. I could now controlwhether they were in the kneeling down position with their asses resting ontheir legs or with a tug of the rope, I could force them to kneel up with theirunprotected asses visible. We turned on the regular lights so we could seethe young ladies' bodies better and the other chiefs took off their hoods sincethe girls were blindfolded now. Angel and Maria knelt there totally nude mumblinginto the duct tape gags. They looked so vulnerable and helpless which increasedmy lust. Chief Davis said ?ok ladies, here is the deal. That was quite a showyou put on for us but now our dicks need some relief.? He began gently strokingtheir faces and said ?we are in the mood for some oral sex so you girls aregoing to give us blow jobs?. Angel and Maria were grumbling into their gagsand shaking their heads from side to side. The chief grabbed their hair andyanked their heads back, saying ?listen you cunts, you are going to suck allour dicks and swallow our cum right now or we go to the captain with the letter.? Helet go of their hair and both girls knelt there motionless as they realizedthey had no choice but to go along with the demand. Chief Davis said ?sinceyou ladies are lesbians, you probably don't like having a hard cock stuffedin your mouths or having a hot load of cum shot down your throats so I willgive you some incentive to suck our cocks real nice.? He continued, saying ?eachof us will select which one of you sexy babes we want to have blow us and hereis the fun part, which ever one is not selected will have their ass spankedcontinuously until the other one completes the blow job and sucks all the cumout of the cock.? ?So if it takes five minutes, your lover gets her ass whippedfor five minutes, if it only takes 30 seconds then she only gets spanked for30 seconds, its all up to you girls.?
I stepped up first and picked Angel, her young juvenile appearance was tooinviting and I just had to feel her big soft lips wrapped around my cock. PlusI wanted to see Maria's plump ass get spanked. Chief Davis told Angel he wasgoing to remove her gag and she was not to utter a sound, just open her mouthand get ready to suck because Maria's spanking would start as soon as the tapecomes off. He ripped the tape off and as ordered, Angel opened her mouth andformed a big O with her lips. In the kneeling down position, Angel's face wasat the perfect height so I eased my hard cock between her sexy full lips asthe sound of leather hitting flesh began. Chief Davis had yanked on Maria'srope, forcing her to the kneel up position with her defenseless ass in fullview and he had started spanking her tender cheeks with his leather belt. Marialet out a muffled scream into her gag each time the belt hit her sensitiverear end. Angel obviously heard her lover's squeals of pain and began suckingmy cock with full vigor in an attempt to get me to cum as soon as possible.Her head bobbed back and forth as her lips slid up and down my shaft. Her mouthfelt so warm and I could feel her tongue swirling around the head of my dickas this young babe was pulling out all her tricks. Chief Davis kept whippingMaria's ass as Angel worked my manhood over with her mouth and tongue. Afteronly 3 minutes, I couldn't hold out any longer. I grabbed her head so she couldn'tmove it and with one last thrust, I shot my load of hot cum into the 19 yearold's mouth. Angel's nose was jammed against my groin and her lips were buriedin my pubic hair as my dick remained lodged in her mouth and a second waveof my seed sprayed into her. She gagged and choked but managed to swallow allmy slimy salty juices. I pulled out of her mouth while looking over at Maria,her ass cheeks were bright red with a few small raised welts. Chief Davis re-gaggedAngel while telling her she did a fine job.
Chief Kline stepped up to Maria and dropped his pants. Her duct tape was rippedoff her mouth as Angel was yanked to the kneeling up position with her assnow ready for its whipping. Chief Kline shoved his cock into Maria's mouthas Chief Davis began whipping Angel's tight little ass. Maria was making loudslurping noises as she wildly sucked the chief's dick. Right next to her, Angelhad begun to sob as her ass was getting beat and had to feel like it was onfire. Chief Kline exploded into Maria's mouth, lasting a little longer thanme. The 20 year old swallowed all his seed as Chief Davis stopped spankingAngel's bright red ass. The other two chiefs followed suit and each had theirturn having their cocks sucked by the bound girls while their asses were spankedsome more. I stood behind Maria and Angel watching their tender rear ends getwhipped. I especially liked watching Maria get spanked as her big plump asscheeks jiggled and shook as the belt made contact. Both girl's asses were crimsonred with multiple raised red welts by the time all four of us had our turngetting sucked off.
We left Maria and Angel blindfolded and gagged with the duct tape and kepttheir wrists tied behind their backs with the rope wrapped around their necksso they couldn't move their arms at all. Chief Davis had placed two woodenboxes that were 2 ½ by 2 ½ by 2 ½ side by side just farenough apart to be able to walk between them. We carried the girls over tothe boxes and laid them down on their backs with their arms pinned under them.We tied the rope that was around their necks to the boxes so they couldn'tsit up or move their upper bodies, then tied more rope around their waistsand secured it to the box. The girls were positioned so their pussies wereright at the edge of the box with their heads dangling off the other side andlike we had done to our other women, we tied rope around their ankles and hoistedtheir legs straight up in the air. The ankle ropes were thrown over the overheadpipes and the girls legs were spread open as far as possible before the ropeswere tied off. Maria and Angel were completely immobilized now with their unprotectedbreasts and spread open crotches in full view. Their sweet pussies and puckeredlittle ass holes were totally accessible as they lay bound to the box withtheir legs painfully suspended from the over head pipes. Angel was sobbinginto her gag again as the reality of the situation overcame her. I was sureshe had never felt so humiliated and degraded and frightened in her life. EvenMaria who had been able to control her emotions thus far, was hyperventilatingand mumbling into her gag as she realized her and her lover were about to begang raped and there was nothing she could do about it. Sensing the fear andrevoltion in these two sexy young Hispanic girls really had me ready for actionas I looked down at their bound nude bodies.
Chief Davis said ?gentlemen its play time, lets show these nice lesbians howgood a man can make them feel.? We all knelt down, Chief Taylor and I nextto Maria and the other two next to Angel. The chief reminded us not to stickour dicks into their pussies until everyone has had the chance to tongue themas no one wants to lick a pussy that's filled with nasty slimy cum. He alsotold us we should give the girls something to remember the evening by and allof us give them at least one hickey on each of their titties. I reached outand began fondling Maria's big D cup melons as Chief Taylor went to work onher pussy. Maria's tits were soft and very squeezeable and her nipples niceand hard and rubbery. I sank my fingers into her breasts up to my second knucklesas she let out a loud moan into her gag. I got a little rough and began pinchingand twisting her sensitive nubs while slapping her titties back and forth.Chief Taylor had one finger jammed up Maria's pussy and another up her tightass as he simultaneously finger fucked both her holes. I leaned forward andbegan licking and kissing Maria's soft tits, taking time to give her a bigpurple hickey on each one. I sucked and nibbled on her aroused nipples fora few minutes before switching places with Chief Taylor and moving down toher crotch. Wasting no time, I began stroking her pussy and running my fingerup and down her slit. I grabbed her meaty lips between my thumbs and forefingersand spread them open which gave me an unobstructed view inside her moist hole.I eased my finger inside her pussy and began sliding it in and out. I tooka pen and inserted it into Maria's ass hole and then got a cigar and shovedit into her pussy. I began fucking both her holes with the objects gettingan up close look as they slid in and out of the defenseless young girl. I leanedover her and began licking and sucking her hairy pussy lips. I jammed my tongueinto her hole and darted it all around, savoring her sweet juices.
After a few more minutes, Chief Davis said it was time to switch so I gotup and knelt between Angel's spread open legs and began playing with her pussy.Her bare lips felt so smooth and soft as my hands roamed around her crotch.I slid my finger into her tight little hole and finger fucked her while ChiefTaylor fondled and sucked her firm tits. Angel was moaning softly into hergag as we abused her body. I eased my cigar into her pussy, intently watchingher smooth bare lips spread around the inanimate object. I let my mouth exploreher pussy, sinking my tongue deep into her hole and flicking her tiny clit.Chief Taylor and I switched places again as I moved up to her chest. Her firmtits were already littered with big purple hickeys as all the other chiefshad already had their turn with them. I followed suit and after playing withher nipples for a while, I leaned over and gave her two new hickeys as I suckedon her titties.
I realized the opportunity of having two hot babes at the same time didn'tcome along very often, especially ones as fine as Maria and Angel who wereless than half my age. I needed to see what it was like to explore both oftheir bodies together. I knelt between the two girls and began fondling Maria'sbig soft tits with one hand while the other one massaged Angel's firm C cups.It felt incredible playing with two sets of tits simultaneously. I grabbeda nipple in each hand and began pinching and pulling on them, comparing thedifference. The other chiefs had backed off as Chief Davis told them they wouldall get the chance. Just to add to the girl's humiliation, I began describingthe difference between Angel's smaller firm tits and Maria's big soft melons,commenting on what I liked about each one. I let my hands roam down the girls'bodies to their bushes and ran my fingers through their pubic hair, comparingAngel's long silky pubes to Maria's short curly hairs. Using my middle fingers,I traced their slits up and down while slowly parting their lips and sank myfingers into their pussies. I alternated my gaze from Maria to Angel as I fingerfucked them both, watching as my fingers disappeared into the young girls'holes. Angel's pussy was tighter than Maria's but Maria's thick meaty lipsreally locked around my finger. I jammed my pinkies into each of the girlspuckered ass holes, sampling that hole as well.
The rest of the chiefs had their turn then Chief Davis told us to gather aroundas we were going to have a contest. He instructed Chief Taylor and I to kneelin front of the girl's pussies while he and Chief Kline knelt over their heads.The chief said we were each going to stick our dicks into a hole and startfucking and every two minutes we will rotate to a new hole. He said the firstone to cum looses and the last one wins. He told Maria and Angel he was goingto remove the duct tape from their mouths so we can use those holes for ourcontest as well as their pussies and asses. He ordered them to keep quiet andsaid as soon as all of us had cum, the initiation would be over. Making surethe girls heard him, the chief reminded us to use Vaseline if we were goingto do any anal fucking as we didn't want to hurt our sweet honeys. Maria andAngel's heads were still dangling off the edge of the box putting their mouthsin perfect position for entering.
Chief Davis removed the gags and said ?lets begin?. He and Chief Kline slidtheir hard cocks into the girls' mouths as Chief Taylor and I entered theirpussies. I had gotten my wish as I wanted to be the first to fuck Angel withher tight hole and smooth bald lips. It felt incredible as my cock slid deeperand deeper into her petite pussy. I kept my pace slow as I wanted to hold outas long as I could. After two minutes, we rotated as I moved up to Angle'sface. She sucked my cock gently as I played with her tits. Looking at thesesexy Hispanic babes, nude and bound to the boxes while being gang raped wasan awesome sight. Chief Kline had obviously chose to fuck Maria's ass holeas she was in pain, moaning and whimpering loudly while still obediently suckingon Chief Davis' cock. Chief Taylor was really pounding his meat into Angel'spussy and with a loud grunt, he spewed his seed into her. Even though he lostthe contest, he had a big smile on his face as he sat down to watch the restof the contest. I made my way around to Maria's crotch and decided to fuckher pussy and not her ass. After only a few strokes, I couldn't hold out anylonger and exploded, shooting a load of hot cum deep into her pussy. I satdown and watched the action. Chief Kline was the next to go, dumping his semeninto Angle's rectum just seconds before Chief Davis exploded into Maria's ass.
The girls laid there silently as our cum oozed out of their swollen red pussiesand ass holes. Their breasts showed the signs of abuse too, with their nipplespuffed up from all the sucking and multiple hickeys scattered about. Degradingthe young Hispanic girls even more, Chief Davis told them they had to cleanus off before they could leave. I was first in line with Maria and had hersuck my deflated cock clean. To my surprise, my dick got erect again so I toldChief Davis I was going for another round. I wanted a piece of Angels tightass so I knelt between her raised legs again and this time, jammed my hardtool up her anal cavity. I pumped my cock in and out of the sexy young teenager'sass as the rest of the guys were still getting cleaned off by both girls' mouths.I decided I wanted to fuck her tight pussy again so I pulled out of her assand slid my dick into her cunt. It only took a few minutes and I was spewingmy cum into the 19 year old's pussy.
Chief Davis told the girls they passed the initiation and welcomed them tothe club. The chiefs got dressed and like the other times, they took the videocameras and other stuff and left before I untied the girls and removed theirblindfolds. I put both their bras into my pocket, figuring a 34C and 38D wouldmake a nice addition to my collection. I cut the rope off Angel so she couldget up and told her to untie Maria and get dressed as I headed out the door.
The other chiefs gathered at my office the next day to view the video tapesas usual. The original plan was for each of those three to pick one girl thatworked for them and we would assault them and then pick which one was the best.So they were thinking we would be picking a winner now. However, I had a surprisefor them. Since I don't have any women working for me, I was excluded fromthe original selection process. But for the last month or so I had been fantasizingabout raping this one babe. The problem was, she was an officer. Up until nowwe had been selecting junior enlisted women who don't have any clout in theNavy. Officers were a whole other breed. In the Navy, officers are consideredthe elite and are not allowed to even fraternize with us lowely enlisted men.An officer who has been in the Navy 6 months out ranks me who has been in formore than twenty years. Most officers treat us chiefs with respect as theyknow we have all the experience. Some officers are on power trips and spendmost their time belittling the enlisted men. That was what this one bitch didconstantly, her name was Lieutenant Brandy Timmons and she was a gorgeous,well built black haired babe. She made everyone call her ma'am or Lieutenantand was constantly screaming at the crew. She especially seemed to like pickingon the young men which really pissed me off. I decided she needed a good fuckingand came up with a plan to get her into our secret room. As the four of uswatched the video of Seaman Gonzales and Petty Officer Rodrigues, I broughtup Lieutenant Timmons. Everyone had the same opinion of her, sexy babe buta real bitch. I told them I was raising our little game to the next level andwe were going to rape her. The chiefs knew it was risky doing an officer butthey all eagerly agreed when they heard my plan. I told them it had to be anall out abduction where she didn't see any of us. We decided to wait the customarytwo weeks to make sure Maria and Angel didn't try to report their assault andrape.
I did some research during the next two weeks on the Lieutenant and foundout she graduated from the academy two years ago and was 26 years old. I trackedher schedule so I knew where she was at any time and where the best place wouldbe for the abduction. After we were sure our last girls were maintaining theirsilence, I put my plan in gear. Lieutenant Timmons had the 2000- 2400 watchon the bridge Friday night, meaning she got off watch at 11:45 PM . I knewthe route she took back to her stateroom and one of the corridors was onlylit with the dim red lights and was close to our secret room, so that was werewe would kidnap her. I spent the rest of the week setting up our room and gatheringall the items I would need.
Friday night at 11:30 Chief Taylor and I met and went to the darkened passageway.The other two chiefs were going to meet us in our initiation room. My heartwas pounding as the two of us stood in the shadows with our black hoods onwaiting for Lieutenant Timmons to show up. After what seemed like hours, Icould see her sexy walk as she came towards us, totally unaware of what wasabout to happen. As she walked by, I wound up and punched her in the stomachas hard as I could. She fell to the ground with the wind knocked out of her,unable to move or make a sound. I quickly put several pieces of duct tape overher mouth and slid a pillow case over her head as Chief Taylor tied her armsbehind her back and tied her ankles together. We hurriedly picked her up andcarried her down two flights of stairs to our room. The Lieutenant had regainedher breath and was struggling but couldn't do much since she was bound so tightly.The chief and I carried her into the room and stood her up. I quickly wrappeda piece of clothes line rope snuggly around her neck a few times and tied itoff. The young officer could still breathe but the rope was tight enough tomake it uncomfortable to swallow. I threw the other end over the over headpipes and using the pipes as a pivot, I pulled it tighter and tighter thusforcing Lieutenant Timmons to stand on her tiptoes in order to breathe. I tiedher ankle rope to the stage and also tied rope around her knees to furtherimmobilize her. I forcefully pushed her tied wrists up to her shoulder bladesand secured them to her neck so she couldn't lower them. The Lieutenant wasstanding on the stage with the pillow case still over her head and securelybound. Muffled screams were emanating from the pillow case as she tried invain to break free.
We watched her for a few moments, enjoying her struggles. The battle lanternswere shining on the stage and the video cameras focused in on our captive officer.We were all dressed in black with black hoods covering our faces. I wantedto increase the Lieutenant's fear by seeing how many of us there were beforeblindfolding her for good. I walked up to her and pulled the pillow case offher head. Her eyes were wide open as she quickly surveyed the room. There waspanic and anger written all over her face. I sat down next to the other chiefsto get a good look at the Lieutenant as she stood on her tip toes with therope around her neck and her arms and legs securely bound. She stood about5'3? and I guessed she weighed around 115lbs. Her jet black hair was cut short,framing her face and she had big blue eyes which gave her a cute innocent look.The Lieutenant was wearing her dress blue uniform which consisted of a bluejacket over a white blouse and a blue skirt. Her body looked perfectly shapedand toned. With her arms tied up painfully to her shoulder blades, she wasforced to arch her back which made her large breasts stick out even furthercausing the buttons on her jacket to bulge out.
I walked over to her with a big butchers knife in my hand and placed it firmlyon her throat. I said ?Miss Timmons, we have decided your attitude towardsthe enlisted men is unacceptable and you must be taught a lesson. If you tryto resist or do not do as you are ordered, I will slice up this pretty faceof yours and throw you over the side of the ship so the sharks will eat youup and no one will ever find your body.? I lightly ran the knife over her cheeksas I asked her if she understood. All signs of anger had disappeared from heras total fear overtook her. She nodded her head up and down. I said ?that'sa good girl Bandy, you don't mind if I call you Brandy do you, after all weare going to become quite close.? I knew calling her by her first name pissedher off but she showed no sign of disapproval. I pressed duct tape over hereyes to blindfold her and then turned on the rest of the lights and removedmy hood.
The other chiefs sat in their chairs as I began the show. I told Brandy Iwas going to strip her and if she didn't stay perfectly still, I might justuse the knife on her skin. I placed the knife under the top button of her bluejacket and popped it off. Brandy moaned into her gag as the buttons flew offone by one. After all the buttons were gone, I used my knife to shred her jacketso I could remove it without untying her arms. The buttons on her white blousewere really bulging as her breasts strained against the sheer material. I quicklyunzipped Brandy's blue skirt and let it fall to the floor. The young officer'stoned thighs were visible but her panties were still covered by her shirt tails.I walked around her, taking my time and admiring her form. Next I grabbed herblouse and pulled it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. I sliced it offof her, leaving Brandy standing there in just her bra and panties. She waswearing a big black sports bra that was really compressing her impressive breasts.I realized she might have bigger tits than I thought as this bra really hidtheir true size. Brandy had a matching pair of black bikini panties coveringher bush and ass. She looked awesome with her pale white skin contrasted byher black underwear and hair.
I said ?lets see what her measurements are? as I walked behind her and pulledout her bra label. I announced ?wow 36DD, now that is impressive?. I was sureBrandy would feel humiliated as her breast size was revealed, especially toenlisted men. I got my tape measure and wrapped it around her waist, whichmeasured 24?. Next was her hips which measured 36?. I said ?so Brandy that'spretty impressive, 36DD 24 36. I'd say that's just about perfect.? She stoodthere motionless in her lingerie as we checked her body out. I said ?you don'tmind if we take a look at your titties now do you?? Brandy didn't acknowledgemy question but I could tell by her breathing that she was on the verge oftears, which really turned me on. I ran my knife around her neck and over toher bra shoulder strap, sliding it under the material and then easily slicingit off. I did the same to her other shoulder strap and then walked behind herand unhooked the clasps on her rear strap. Brandy's black bra fell to the flooras her huge tits tumbled out. They were massive and although there was plentyof sag, causing the underside of them to rest on her rib cage, her huge melonswere not stretched out of shape. They were nice and round with a full gentleslope and her nipples were perfectly centered. Her areolas were light pinkand very small considering the size of her tits. Brandy's nipples were a darkpink and standing at attention with a diameter almost as wide as her areolas.The room was silent as we all gazed at Brandy's DDs, they looked so squeezableand her long hard nipples were begging to be sucked. I said ?well Miss Timmons,I have to say you have an awesome set of titties?.
I managed to take my eyes off her breasts long enough to pull her pantiesdown to her knees, revealing her well trimmed jet black bush. Her pubes werefairly long and straight and cut into a perfect triangle extending down overher lips. I walked behind her to view her bare ass which to no surprise wasfirm, milky white and beautifully pair shaped. The sexy officer was now standingin front of us completely nude with her flawless body on full display. Shewas trembling as the fear and humiliation were overcoming her, so I mockinglycomforted her by telling her how much us lowly enlisted men enjoyed viewingher naked body.
I let Brandy stand there for a few minutes as we gawked at her exposed titsand pussy, then walked over to her and began running my fingers through herhair. I said ?if anyone wants to see what an officer's body feels like, comeon up.? I started squeezing her tits as the other three chiefs came up to themakeshift stage. Chief Kline began rubbing the Lieutenant's bare stomach andrunning his fingers through her bush. Chief Davis knelt behind Brandy and wassqueezing and pinching her milky white ass with both hands. He grabbed hercheeks and pushed them apart, partially revealing her puckered rear hole. Thechief began running his finger up and down between her cheeks and was gettingready to slip one into her anal opening when I told him no penetration. I lookeddown at Chief Kline and saw I had said it just in time as he had slipped hisindex finger between Brandy's lips and was sliding it up and down her slitwhile seconds away from jamming it into the young officer's pussy. Chief Taylorwas combing the hair on Brandy's head with his fingers while kissing her lipsthrough the duct tape. He began running his tongue all over her cheeks andsucking on her ear lobs. Lieutenant Timmons was trying to struggle as the fourof us fondled and molested her but we had her bound too tight to do any realmovement. The young officer soon realized that and stood there motionless aswe continued to help ourselves to her nude body. I knew how much she had tobe hating this as being mauled by 4 enlisted men while completely powerlessto stop them, had to be worse then her worst nightmare.
I continued to fondle Brandy's breasts and tease her nipples. Her huge melonswere not as firm as our other younger victims which made them unbelievablysqueezeable. I was able to sink all of my fingers up to the second knuckleinto her soft titties. The lieutenant's large breasts were very jiggly tooas they shook wildly back and forth while I lightly slapped them from sideto side and poked them with my fingers. Her pink nipples were very responsivemuch to my admiration which I made sure to compliment her on. Brandy didn'trespond at all to my compliment but I knew it added to her humiliation. I beganpinching her rubbery nubs and twisting them back and forth which finally gota reaction out of her. She began lightly moaning into the duct tape which turnedme on even more. The other chiefs and I rotated around our bound officer soeach of us had the opportunity to play with her face, tits, ass and pussy.After several minutes, I told the others that was enough and to go sit backdown.
Lieutenant Timmons was still standing on the stage totally nude, blindfoldedand gagged, with the rope around her neck forcing her to stand on her tiptoes.Her ankles and knees were bound and her arms tied painfully up to the smallof her back. I turned Brandy around so her exposed rear end was facing theother chiefs. I said ?Miss Timmons, your behavior on this ship deserves a littlepunishment so we will start off with a little spanking?. Brandy began mumblinginto the duct tape and shaking her head back and forth so I grabbed her hairand forcefully pulled her head back while telling her to shut up and stay stillor it will only make it worse. The sexy young officer obeyed my order and stopped.I pulled out a 24? wooden ruler and began rubbing it over her pale white unprotectedass. I could see her cheeks tense up and she began to breathe real hard inanticipation of the spanking she was about to receive. I continue to tormentour bound captive by gently sliding the ruler around her bare behind whiletelling the other chiefs we would each get 10 wacks. I reared back with thewooden ruler in my hand and delivered a direct shot on both her cheeks. Brandyscreamed into her gag and her body violently jerked as the loud crackling soundof the ruler meeting bare flesh emanated around the room. I reeled off my other9 wacks, spreading them all around Brandy's tender ass. She was sobbing loudlyby the time I finished as the stinging sensation had to be intense. The otherthree chiefs all had their turn spanking our sexy black haired officer withthe ruler. Brandy's yelps of pain in the beginning as the ruler made contactwith her skin turned into low grunts as the spanking progressed. Her ass wasbright red with several large welts on both cheeks as Chief Kline completedthe spanking session. Brandy stood there unable to move, crying from the painand humiliation as the four of us took a step back and admired our work.
I turned Brandy around again and said ?Miss Timmons, us boys have never hada blow job from an officer and we want to see how the elite suck dick, so doyou want to see how good an enlisted man's cum tastes.? Brandy shook her headdemonstratively back and forth a few times while grunting out a few no soundsin between sobs as the mere thought of it was obviously extremely disgustingand revolting to her. I said ?well gentlemen, looks like the Lieutenant needsa little convincing first?. I untied Brandy's arms and quickly tied her wriststogether in front of her using a long rope. I threw the rope over the overheadpipes and pulled it tight, raising her arms up over her head until they werefully extended. I untied the rope around her neck and continued to pull onthe rope attached to her wrists until I lifted her completely off the floor,then I tied it off. Brandy was now suspended from the overhead pipes with herknees and ankles still bound and her feet dangling in the air about 8? abovethe makeshift stage. The nude officer's entire weight was resting on her wristsas she hung there like a side of beef in a slaughter house.
I pushed her and watched as her bound body swayed back and forth. I stoppedBrandy's nude and defenseless body from swinging and forced her to hang motionlessfrom the overhead pipes. Even though her arms were stretched up over her head,her huge tits still had their shape and plenty of meat to play with. I said ? wellLieutenant, your ass looks pretty sore already but apparently you need somemore spanking, perhaps a little whipping with my leather belt will help convinceyou to suck our dicks.? The young officer's rear end was still bright pinkfrom the previous spanking with the wooden ruler so I figured using my belton her tender skin would cause her significant pain. I pulled my belt off andstood 3 feet away from Brandy's suspended and bound nude body with her unprotectedass in full view. I reared back and delivered a hard shot directly on her exposedcheeks. Brandy's body jerked as she let out a loud yelp into her gag. I continuedto whip her ass with the leather belt as her body twisted and turned from theimpact. With her body swaying and moving, I missed my target a few times andlanded blows on her upper thighs, back and stomach which increased her screamsand suffering. The loud crackling sound of leather hitting bare skin alongwith Brandy's muffled groans and screeches echoed around the room. I was reallyturned on with my lust in overdrive as this normally bitchy officer was nowjust a vulnerable and helpless young women, totally at my mercy. I beat herass for several minutes enjoying the sights and sounds of her suffering.
Brandy's ass was crimson red with numerous red welts all over it as I stoppedand asked her if she was ready to perform oral sex on us yet. The lieutenantwas crying into her gag but shook her head no again in response to my question.I said ?ok Miss Timmons, its your decision, let the fun continue.? I pulledout two plastic clothespins and said ?gentlemen, I am going to put these clothespinson Brandy's nipples and then see if I can knock them off with this whip I madeout of leather boot laces.? I walked over to Brandy as her body dangled inthe air and clamped the clothespins on her erect nipples so the plastic pinswere sticking straight out from her chest. Her pink nubs were almost completelyflat as the pins painfully pinched them. I flicked the clothespins and slappedthem from side to side, watching Brandy's flattened nipples twist and stretch.I grabbed my homemade whip which was several 54? bootlaces folded in half andgently ran it over her face and chest while telling her as soon as she is readyto suck our dicks, the whipping would stop. I stepped back and delivered ahard shot on Brandy's bare stomach, her body jerked from the impact and beganto sway back and forth. I continued to whip her, moving up her stomach to herchest. Brandy's tits bounced back and forth with her nipples being painfullystretched and twisted as a result of the clothespins violently moving around.The leather straps were leaving long red marks on the lieutenant's pale whiteskin. I concentrated on her nipples and the clothespins, lining up the whipso the tips of the leather laces made direct contact with her sensitive nubs.Miss Timmons let out a loud squeal into her gag each time my whip struck herdefenseless titties. After almost 30 shots, I was able to knock the clothespinsoff Brandy's sore nipples. Her huge DD cups were littered with red marks crisscrossedall over them and her nipples were bright red with the imprint of the clothespinsclearly visible. Brandy still hadn't consented to giving us blow jobs eventhough she was definitely in a lot of pain.
I said ?ok gentlemen, Lieutenant Timmons is being a little uncooperative butI think she is about to see things our way.? I untied Brandy's legs while shedangled over the stage, then quickly tied rope around each of her ankles. Oneat a time, I pulled her legs out to the side as far as they would go and tiedoff the rope. I stepped back to admire the sight as the sexy officer lookedeven more vulnerable and helpless as she hung from the pipes, blindfolded andgagged with her legs tied wide open and her crotch fully exposed. I knelt betweenher spread open legs to get my first good look at her pussy. Her jet blackpubes extended down over her lips and completely covered them. I parted thehair and revealed a nice pink meaty pussy with slightly puffy lips. Brandywas trying to struggle as my fingers touched her sensitive mound but otherthen moving her head, she was completely immobilized. I placed a mop on thefloor under Bandy and brought the wooden handle up to her crotch. Her bodywas hanging at the perfect height so the tip of the handle was lightly pressingagainst her pussy lips. I let go of the mop and let it stand there by itself,anchored between the floor and Brandy's defenseless spread open snatch. I said ?nowLieutenant, here is the deal, I am going to slowly loosen the tension on therope that is holding your arms up, which will lower your body further and further.? ?Andof course, the lower you go, the farther up your pussy the mop handle willgo.? ?It could get quite painful and I have heard that with enough pressure,it could push right through your pussy wall and into your stomach.? ?Now wedon't want to see you impaled so as soon as you agree to suck our cocks, we can stop this.?
I un-anchored the rope holding her up and while keeping the tension on it,I walked over in front of the bound officer so I could have a good view ofher crotch as the mop invaded her pussy. I slowly loosen the tension as I kneltdown. The pressure on Brandy's hands eased up but her body didn't immediatelylower. From my up close vantage point, I could see the tip of the wooden handleseparating the lieutenant's pussy lips but her entrance was too small to allowthe foreign object to fully enter her hole. I kept easing off on the tensionof the rope watching as more and more pressure was applied to Brandy's pussylips. The bound officer began moaning into the duct tape when finally her pussyyielded and the mop handle popped inside her hole. Brandy yelled out in painas a good 4 inches of the handle jammed into her tight little snatch. She hungthere totally helpless as I slowly lowered her body, watching as the handlecontinued to disappear into her pussy. There were seven or eight inches ofthe mop shoved up Brandy's hole when she started to really scream loudly intoher gag. I dropped her body down another two inches at which time she beganto emphatically shake her head up and down. Not only did she have the woodenobject lodged deep in her pussy but due to the way I tied her legs, the lowerher body went, the further her legs were forced apart. They were way past theirnormal limits now and looked like they might pop out of her hip socket.
The bound and suspended lieutenant was definitely in a lot of pain and fromwhat I could gather, she had enough. I let her hang there with the mop impalingher pussy and asked her if she was ready to suck our dicks. Brandy shook herhead yes several times while mumbling into her gag. I could have stopped thenbut I wanted to extend the bitchy officer's suffering and humiliation plusthe sight of her hanging in the air totally nude with the mop shoved up herpussy was too good to let go yet. I said ?Ok Lieutenant, I am going to ungagyou and if you scream or make any loud noises, I will let go of the rope whichwill jam the mop through your cunt up to your tonsils while your legs pop outof your hip sockets.? ?Now we don't want that so here is what you are goingto do.? ?You are going to beg us to let you suck our cocks. And when you convinceus that you really mean it, I will take that nasty mop out of your pussy andlet you down.? Brandy shook her head yes when I asked her if she understoodso I peeled the duct tape off her mouth while leaving alone the tape that wascovering her eyes. The lieutenant was grunting and groaning as the mop handleremaining fully lodged in her hole. She began to meekly ask us if we wanteda blow job. I started raising and lowering her body, fucking her pussy withthe mop while telling her she hadn't convinced us yet. I coached her, tellingher to say how much she wanted to have an enlisted man's dick in her mouthand taste his cum along with a bunch of other nasty perverted comments designedto further degrade her. After a few minutes of this game, I pulled Brandy'sbody up and removed the mop, then I untied her ankles and quickly tied themtogether.
I lowered the nude bound officer until she was on her knees with her armsstill stretched over her head. I tied off the rope that was connected to Brandy'swrists, keeping her arms painfully suspended in the air and her face at waistheight. I grabbed a hand full of her jet black hair, keeping her head still,and lightly ran my knife around her face and neck. I told her if she triedanything stupid or if I heard any other noise coming from her mouth other thana sucking sound, then I would be forced to slice her pretty face up. The youngofficer knew at this point she had no choice and softly said yes when I askedher if she understood. I said ?oh and one more point, we enlisted guys don'tlike it when our women don't swallow our cum so if you spit out any of ourhot love nectar, I will hoist you back up in the air and this time I will shovethe mop up your ass hole.? My dick was throbbing as I looked down at the kneelingsexy young officer with her arms suspended over her head and her big breastsproudly sticking out. I couldn't resist and reached down and squeezed her tittiesand rolled her hard nipples between my fingers.
Then I dropped my pants and let my hard-on spring out. I grabbed the baseof my cock and began rubbing the head all around Brandy's face. Pre-cum startedoozing out of my tool so I ran the tip back and forth across the lieutenant'slips and ordered her to lick the clear liquid off. Brandy obeyed my order andran her tongue over her lips. I ordered her to start kissing my dick, makingher give it numerous soft quick pecks and then had her lick it. Brandy showedno sign of resistance as her tongue worked its way around the head of my hardcock and teased my slit. I couldn't take it any longer as I just had to havemy throbbing member in her mouth now. I commanded Miss Timmons to open hermouth and get ready to suck. She complied and opened her lips as she kneltthere waiting for me to insert my cock in her mouth. I eased my dick betweenher lips and slid it into her mouth. Brandy closed her lips around my shaftand began to gently suck on it. It felt so good as the young officer's mouthwent to work on my tool. I grabbed her hair so she couldn't move her head andwhile keeping about 4 inches of my manhood firmly lodged in her mouth, I orderedher to suck harder and use her tongue. Brandy continued to obey my orders,her cheeks started moving quickly in and out as she sucked hard on my dickand I could feel her tongue swirling around my blood engulfed head as well.I began to slowly thrust my hips up and back while keeping Brandy's head stillso my cock slid in and out of her mouth, basically fucking her face. I pickedup my pace and started pounding my meat into her mouth, shoving it all theway in and forcing her lips to disappear in my pubic hair. The vision of thisbitchy 24 year old officer kneeling in front of me completely nude with mydick jammed in her mouth was incredible and the feeling of her soft lips wrappedaround my tool while I pumped it into her was too much to handle. Within afew minutes, I exploded and spewed a huge wad of hot cum into her defenselessmouth. Brandy instinctively gagged as my slimy salty discharge filled her mouthbut as ordered, I could see her throat muscles moving up and down as my semendrained into her stomach.
Chief Kline stepped up in front of our captive officer and immediately shovedhis hard dick into her mouth, not giving her any rest. Brandy went to workon his tool and moments later he shot his load of cum into her mouth. ChiefDavis was next and deposited his seed into the sexy young officer's mouth aftera just a few moments of sucking action. Chief Taylor was last, he stepped upto the bound lieutenant and slipped his dick into her mouth. He started yellingat her to suck it like a good whore and telling her he knew she liked suckingdicks cause she was a slut. As he was about to cum, the chief pulled his cockout of Brandy's mouth and ordered her to open up wide. She complied and formeda big O with her lips. The chief began stroking his tool, keeping the headabout 6 inches from the lieutenant's face. Cum exploded out of his manhoodand splattered all over Brandy's upper lip. He kept pumping his meat with hishand as another load of cum spewed out of his cock and directly into her mouth.Brandy knelt there with the chief's slimy sex juices dripping off her upperlip and down over her lower lip with beads of the pale white fluid formingfrom lip to lip. He ordered the lieutenant to lick his seed off her lips andswallow it all. Brandy obeyed him and soon had all his seed drained into herstomach. The lieutenant started sobbing as being forced to give oral sex tofour guys while bound and blindfolded had to be extremely degrading and revolting.Her head hung down as the shame of what she had just done overtook her.
I yanked on the rope connected to Brandy's wrists and pulled her up so shewas standing again with her legs still bound together. I re-gagged her, firmlypressing duct tape over her lips and then untied her arms. The nude lieutenantstood still offering no resistance as I quickly tied her wrists behind herback. I brought over the wooden box that we had used with our previous victims.It was 2 ½' long by 2 1/2' wide by 2 1/2' high. I sat Brandy down onthe box with her ass right at the edge and then I pushed her down so she waslaying on her back with her arms pinned under her body. I tied rope aroundher neck and stomach and secured them to the box so Brandy couldn't sit upor move her upper body at all. Her feet were planted on the floor with herlegs closed so although she was laying on the box totally naked with her titsand bush in full view, the young officer still had a shred of decency leftas her pussy was not in view yet. I untied the rope from Brandy's knees andankles and tied a piece of long rope around each of her ankles. I threw bothropes over the overhead pipes and pulled on them, lifting Brandy's feet upoff the floor. I kept tugging on the rope until her legs were stretched straightup in the air, forming a letter L with her body. I took each rope and slidthem in opposite directions on the pipe, forcing Brandy's legs wide open andthen tied the rope off. The lieutenant was now laying on the box with her legssuspended from above and spread open as far as they could go. Her pussy wastotally exposed and accessible.
I told the other chiefs to gather around our bound babe. I said ? since LieutenantTimmons was so nice to us and pleasured us all with her mouth, I think we shouldreturn the favor and pleasure her orally, but first I think her pussy is alittle too hairy so lets take care of that now.? I ran my fingers through herjet black pubes while asking if anyone had any objections if I shaved her bushand gave her a nice bald pussy. Brandy was whimpering into her gag as layingthere unable to cover her nude body or protect herself as we talked about shavingher pussy had to be extremely humiliating and embarrassing. I took a pair ofscissors and began cutting her silky black pubes off, trimming them as shortas possible. I cut as much off as I could and then got some shaving cream andspread it all over her bush area and pussy lips. I told Brandy to stay verystill as the razor could slip and slice her up if she moves wrong. I beganshaving her crotch, starting at her bush and working my way down to her pussy.I spent extra time shaving her lips as I wanted to make sure they were completelysmooth, plus I was having a blast pulling on them and stretching them out asI moved the razor over them to ensure no stubble was left.
After all her hair was gone, I wiped the remaining shaving cream off her crotchand stood back to admire my work. The lieutenant's snatch was completely baldwith smooth bare lips, giving her a sexy innocent juvenile look. Her lips wereslightly puffy and pink with a long thin slit separating them. I noticed therewas a little redness around the entrance of her hole from the irritation ofhaving the mop handle shoved into her pussy without the proper lubrication.I pinched each of Brandy's hairless lips between my thumb and forefinger andspread them open so I could look inside her pussy. The red irritation fromthe mop extended into her hole as far as I could see. I couldn't wait any longer,I just had to taste this young officer's pussy now. I said ?ok gentlemen, letsget to work and see if we can get Miss Timmon's pussy nice and wet so we canfuck her.?
Brandy began struggling against her binds as she realized she was about tobe gang raped, but I had her tied too securely to the box and overhead pipesto stop our assault. I told her to relax and enjoy it which I am sure addedto her suffering and torment. Chief Taylor and Chief Davis knelt next to thebox on opposite sides with their faces inches from Brandy's chest. I kneltdown between her spread open legs as Chief Kline stood behind me, next in lineto sample the lieutenant's pussy. The two chiefs leaned forward and began suckingon Brandy's tits as I lowered my face down to her crotch. I started kissingher inner thighs, going from side to side as I worked my way to her exposedclean shaven snatch. I planted my mouth on her pussy lips and kissed them repeatedly.I let my tongue roam all over her smooth bald pussy, licking her lips and easingit into her slit as I moved it up and down the entire length. Brandy tastedincredible and I couldn't get enough. I jammed my tongue into her pussy, sinkingit into her hole as far as I could while I savored her sex juices. I dartedmy tongue in and out of the young officer's moist pussy while keeping my mouthplanted on her lips for several minutes then I moved my tongue up to her clitand began flicking and teasing her sensitive nub as I eased my index fingerinto her hole and finger fucked her. Chief Kline was getting impatient waitinghis turn so I got up and let him take over. He immediately sank his tongueinto Brandy's defenseless pussy and began sucking her juices. I moved up andtook Chief Davis' place next to the lieutenant's chest. Her huge milky whitetitties already had a few big purple hickeys scattered about and still hadseveral red lines crisscrossing them as a result of the earlier whipping. Ileaned forward and began licking and kissing her soft melon. I placed my mouthon the ultra sensitive underside of her breast and started sucking, producinga big purplish hickey. My lust was really kicking in as I opened my mouth andpositioned it over Brandy's rubbery pink nipple. I slid her hard nub into mymouth and sucked it as hard as I could as I flicked my tongue back and forthacross it. I clamped her nipple between my teeth and lifted my head up, stretchingher little nub and tittie up away from her body. Then I let go and watchedas her breast jiggled and shook while returning to its natural state. Brandylaid there quietly moaning into her gag while we rotated around the box, fondlingand molesting her body. Chief Taylor was last to sample Brandy's pussy andonce he was done, I announced it was fucking time.
I stepped up between the bound officer's stretched out legs and looked downat her defenseless body as the other chiefs stepped back. Her big tits werelittered with hickeys and her nipples were bright red and swollen as a resultof all the sucking and biting. Brandy's bald pussy lips were also showing signsof abuse as they were red and irritated from our beard stubble. The box wasat just the correct height as the lieutenant's pussy was right at dick level.That gave us the option of fucking her while we stood up or laying on top ofher in the standard missionary position. I chose the standing up method asI wanted extra thrust power plus I wanted to be able to look at her sexy bodyas I fucked her. I dropped my pants and let my hard cock spring out. I guidedthe head of my dick to her crotch and placed the tip between her smooth pussylips. Brandy's lips began to spread open around the head of my cock as I pushedforward but her hole was too tight and wouldn't allow my tool inside. So Igrabbed the young officer's suspended legs for extra support and with a bigthrust, jammed my dick into her pussy. Brandy let out a loud squeal as I drovemy member deep into her cunt. I slid my dick in and out of her pussy as hertight hole milked my throbbing manhood. It felt so good plus looking down atthe nude 24 year old officer as her clean shaven lips wrapped around my dick,I knew I wasn't going to last very long. I picked up my pace and began poundingmy meat into her pussy. The whole box was moving back and forth from the forceof my thrusts which made Brandy's huge soft tits bounce up and down. I reacheddown and squeezed her mushy titties as hard as I could and slapped them fromside to side, enjoying the extra pain I was causing her and the total controlI had to do what ever I wanted to her. I pinched her already sore nipples andtwisted them back and forth as my cock continued to piston in and out of herpussy with my balls slapping against her ass with each thrust. The awesomefeeling and perfect vision was too much and I quickly exploded, spewing a hotload of cum deep into Brandy's pussy.
Chief Kline stepped up next and shoved his hard cock into the lieutenant'sdefenseless pussy. He fucked her hard and fast and shot his load into her holeas she laid motionless on the box while moaning into her gag. Chief Davis fuckedthe bound officer next, standing between her legs and pounding his meat intoher pussy with long driving thrusts. Chief Taylor was last in line. He steppedup to the box and stripped all his clothes off. He jammed his cock into Brandy'spussy and then laid on top of her, pressing all his weight down on her petitebody. He grinded his hairy chest back and forth against her soft titties ashis dick continued to violate her hole. The chief ripped the duct tape offBrandy's mouth and began kissing her, shoving his tongue deep into her mouthand forcing her to french kiss him back. Knowing how women feel about intimacy,I figured having the chief's sweaty body on top of hers and being forced tokiss him while he raped her, had to be the worst feeling in the world. ChiefTaylor spewed his load of cum into Brandy's pussy and laid on top of her fora few minutes before getting off. Brandy laid there with the gag still removedand started sobbing loudly. Not only was she feeling completely degraded anddirty knowing she had four enlisted men's cum inside her pussy but I was sureshe was in pain from the constant pounding she had just endured.
Brandy laid on the box, still blindfolded and bound with her legs suspendedfrom the ceiling. She was mumbling and whimpering which fueled my lust. Withthe rope around her neck and stomach securely tied to the box and her armspinned under her, she was still completely immobilized and helpless. The youngbitchy officer was meekly begging me to let her go but I was a long way frombeing done with her. I figured it was time to show my deep dark side. I wantedto torture her and watch her suffer, having total control over her sexy bodyand doing nasty perverted things to her as the other chiefs watched would bean awesome experience. I didn't want to cause Brandy any permanent damage butI was definitely going to test her pain threshold. I knew I needed to muffleher screams even more so I grabbed her panties and jammed them into her mouth.Before she could spit them out, I put three strips of duct tape over her lips.With her mouth stuffed with her silky underwear, she could barely make anynoise at all. I wanted her to fear for her life so I knelt next to her headand gently stroked her cheeks. I said ?now Miss Timmons, we have all cum inyour mouth and pussy and for us old guys, twice in a night is a good thing,So I could kill you right now and it wouldn't matter. But if you continue tobe a good girl, I won't have to.? I clamped my fingers on her nose, which washer only source of air with her mouth all filled and taped and said ?see howeasy it would be, you are totally at my mercy aren't you, lieutenant.? Withher air supply quickly running out, the nude officer emphatically shook herhead yes. I said ?that's a good girl, Brandy, now you might find this nextpart very painful, but don't worry even if you are not enjoying it or findingit sexually stimulating, all four of us will be that's for sure.?
I told her I would start out easy as I clamped a clothes pin on each of herswollen nipples. I played with the clothes pins for a few minutes, twistingthem around and slapping them from side to side as I watched her nipples stretchand contort. I told Brandy it was time for another whipping and since I hadalready whipped her ass and tits, I would start with her pussy. I grabbed my18? wooden ruler and rubbed it gently over her clean shaven crotch just totorment her some more. I knew that without any hair covering her bald lips,the wooden ruler was really going to really sting when it made contact withher bare sensitive skin. I raised the ruler up in the air and with a flickof my wrist, I delivered the first shot directly on Brandy's pussy. Her bodytensed up and she let out a loud scream as the stinging sensation rippled throughher body. I continued to paddle her hairless lips in rapid fire successionas the loud crackling sound of wood striking flesh emanated around the room.After 20 shots or so, the lieutenant's pussy was glowing red so I began smackingher upper inner thighs with the wooden ruler. I slowed my pace and alternatelystruck her pussy and legs until her entire crotch was bright red. I moved upthe side of Brandy's body and while grabbing the clothes pin clamped on hernipple, I pulled her big mushy tit up towards the ceiling and began paddlingthe ultra sensitive underside of her stretched out breast. I took turns, painfullypulling each tittie up by the clothespin and striking it with the ruler untilboth of her DD melons were a nice shade of pink which highlighted the numerouspurple hickeys scattered about. The young officer was sobbing loudly and movingher head from side to side as her body endured the latest abuse.
I was just getting started as my deviant side had taken over and I was reallyturned on watching the always bitchy Lieutenant Timmons suffer for my sexualpleasure. I took four clothes pins and tied string to them, then I clampedtwo on each of her swollen red pussy lips and pulled the clothes pins out tothe side while holding the string. Brandy's pussy was forced open as I continuedto pull the clothes pins further and further apart. After spreading her lipsas far as they would go, I wrapped the string around her thighs and tied themoff. I stood between Brandy's legs and gazed down at her spread open pussy.I could see deep inside her hole which showed the evidence that she had beenthe victim of a sexual assault. It was all enflamed and swollen with her innerwalls a crimson red as a result of the friction from our dicks pumping in andout of it without the proper lubrication. The lieutenant's hooded clit wasin full view as well so I took a metal electrical alligator clip and clampedit on her sensitive little nub. She squealed loudly as the clip dug into herflesh. I grabbed my billy club which was 18? long and the diameter of my thumband shoved the black wooden object into her spread open defenseless pussy.I eased it in and out of Brandy's hole, fucking her with the inanimate objectwhile the alligator clip remained clamped on her clit. After several minutes,I jammed the billy club all the way up her pussy and let go, keeping it lodgedin her hole with a good 9 or 10 inches sticking out.
I was ready for some serious abuse of her tits so I stood beside the box andremoved the clothespins from the sexy officer's nipples. I got a long leatherboot lace from my makeshift whip and tied it around the base of Brandy's breast.I began wrapping it around her soft mushy melon, tighter and tighter, whichforced her tit meat out away from her body. Her skin was forced to stretchmore and more as I continued to wrap the leather lace around her breast whileclamping down on the base of it. When I finished, Brandy's breast looked likean over filled water balloon that was about to burst. Her normally small pinkareola was stretched to twice its normal size with her nipple standing at fullattention. I tried sinking my fingers into her tied up tittie but it was hardas a rock and I couldn't even dent it. Her bound breast was already beginningto turn red as the leather boot lace was wrapped around it so tight that theblood circulation had stopped. I grabbed another boot lace and tied up thelieutenant's other tit the same way. It looked like someone had placed twowater balloons on her upper rib cage. I slapped her rock hard breasts fromside to side for a few minutes, watching as they bounced around and slammedinto each other. I flicked and pinched her nipples as I wanted to make surethey were fully aroused.
I got a 1 ½? safety pin that had a silver cap covering the sharp tip.I opened it up exposing the point while saying ?So Lieutenant Timmons, haveyou ever thought about having your nipples pierced, I have this pretty safetypin that I think would make a nice nipple ring.? Brandy started yelling intoher gag as I placed the metal tip of the pin against the side of her nipple.Showing no mercy, I applied a little pressure and watched as the pin puncturedher sensitive nub. Brandy's body tensed up and she let out a long screech asI continued to push the pin through her nipple until the tip popped out theother side. I was surprised at how easy it had gone through her erect nub asI continued pushing it through far enough so it was centered on her nippleand I could close the safety pin, placing the tip back in the metal end. Igot another safety pin and pierced her other nipple with it as Brandy squirmedand screamed in pain. I looked down at the sexy 24 year old as she laid boundto the box with her legs suspended from the ceiling and her arms pinned underher body. Her pussy was forced wide open with clothes pins clamping down onher bald lips and the black billy club was still lodged deep in her hole. Brandy'sbound titties were a pale purplish color as no blood was circulating at alland the shiny silver safety pins neatly piercing her pink nipples. It was anincredible vision that I will never forget. I grabbed the safety pins and beganpulling and twisting them while watching Brandy's nipples painfully stretchand contort. The young lieutenant was breathing hard and fast as she triedto deal with the pain.
I said ? maybe a little acupuncture will help take away the pain in your nipplesand pussy.? I grabbed a hand full of standard pins that were one inch longwith a silver ball at the end and placed the tip of one of the pins againstthe side of her balloon looking tittie. I said ?lieutenant this should takeyour mind off your nipples? as I pushed the pin into her breast. There wasa slight resistance until the pin pierced the skin, then it slid easily intoher tit. Brandy was screaming into her gag again as I was sure the burningsensation was overwhelming. I continued inserting pins into both of her boundrock hard titties, scattering a dozen of the shiny metal objects around eachof her huge DD cups. Some of the pins I pushed all the way in so just the metalball was showing while others I only inserted halfway. Brandy laid there totallyhelpless as I tortured her breasts, unable to stop my sadistic assault on herbody.
I was getting horny again and wanted to fuck our sexy captive officer onemore time but first I had the grand finale of my little torture session. Ipulled out a long extension cord and plugged it into the wall outlet. I hadremoved the plug from the other end of the cord and separated the two wires.This enabled me to grab each wire where the insulation still was and not touchthe half inch exposed bare metal tips. I stood over Brandy's defenseless bodyholding the two wires in my hand and said ?I think the lieutenant needs a littleelectric shock therapy to help her remember how to treat enlisted men.? I brushedthe two metal tips together so Brandy could hear the crackling sound of theelectricity and asked her is she ever wondered how it felt to get electrocuted.She vehemently shook her head no while continuing to moan and whimper intoher gag as she was still suffering from the pain of having her titties boundand littered with pins as well as her nipples pierced with the safety pins.I lowered the exposed wires down towards Brandy's chest and firmly placed onewire on the inside of her balloon looking left breast making sure not to touchany of the pins. Then I jammed the other wire against the outside of the samebreast. It was a good thing that I had her panties stuffed in her mouth forextra silencing because the lieutenant let out a blood curdling scream as theelectricity entered into her tit. Every muscle in her body had tensed up andwas twitching and jerking as the electric current surged through her body.I kept the wires planted on Brandy's left tit for 15 seconds then removed them.I let her catch her breath for a few seconds then placed the wires on her righttittie and let the electricity flow into her body again. Brandy's body trembledall over as I kept the wires on her breast. I started moving the wires allover her exposed chest, giving her little shocks as I went. I worked my waydown towards her crotch and pulled the billy club out her pussy. The clothespins attached to her bald lips kept her hole opened and her insides visible.I pressed one wire on her moist inner pussy lip and the other wire on the otherlip. I could hear a sizzling sound where the wires were touching Brandy's wetpussy walls. She was screaming loudly again as the electricity flowed intoher cunt. I kept the wires pressed into her pussy flesh until it appeared likeBrandy was going to pass out and then I removed them and let her recover fora few seconds. I continued my shock torture, moving the wires all over hercrotch and tits. I could tell the lieutenant had had enough as her screamingstopped and she was just constantly moaning into her gag not even aware ofwhat was going on due to the overwhelming pain of being electrocuted.
I was definitely ready to fuck the young lieutenant again and since we hadalready cum in her mouth and pussy, I figured it was time for a little analaction. I removed the clothes pins from her pussy lips first then began takingthe pins out of her tits. After I removed all the pins, I slid the safety pinsback out of her nipples and cut the leather boot laces off her titties. Brandy'shuge melons flopped back to their natural shape as the blood began to circulateagain. Her abused tits had numerous purple hickeys and red burn marks fromwhere the electricity entered and exited, as well as little red dots from thepins that looked like mosquito bites. A little drop off blood formed on hernipples from the safety pin piercing which really highlighted her obvious suffering.Although Brandy's tits were looking very battered and bruised, I was sure therewas no permanent damage and in a few days she would be fine. I kneeled betweenher legs and checked her pussy for damage. The lieutenant's bare lips werered and swollen and had started to bruise up as a result of the clothes pinsthat had been clamped on them. I spread her lips open to get a look insideher pussy. Her inner walls were still enflamed and rubbed raw with severalburn marks scattered around. Once again Brandy's suffering was evident butin a few days I figured her pussy would be fully recovered.
I untied Brandy's ankle ropes from the overhead pipe and lowered her legsuntil her feet were on the floor. Then I cut the rope off her neck and stomachand stood her up. The young lieutenant was still blindfolded and gagged withduct tape and her arms were still tied behind her back. She was in a daze andstood there wobbling so I put my arms around her and walked her over to theside of the room. There was a small metal pipe with a one inch diameter comingout of the side wall about five feet away from the far wall. It was aroundthree feet off the floor and extended across the room to the other side wall.I escorted Brandy over to the pipe and pushed her body against it with herwaist firmly pressed into the metal. I tied a long rope around her alreadybound wrists and threw the other end over the overhead pipe. Then I tuggedon the rope, forcing Brandy's arms up in the air behind her. I continued topull on the rope lifting her arms higher and higher which in turn forced herto bend over at the waist further and further. The metal pipe was digging intoBrandy's stomach as I forced her to bend all the way over until her body formeda letter L with her legs. I then tied off the rope keeping her arms extendedpainfully above her bent over body. I tied rope around her neck and securedit to the floor, further immobilizing the young officer. Next I pushed herlegs open while keeping her feet on the floor and tied the rope which was stillaround her ankles to the side walls so she couldn't close them or move.
Brandy was now securely bound and completely defenseless to stop us from gangraping her ass. Bent over like she was, her puckered rear opening was fullyvisible and her big mushy titties were hanging straight down towards the floor.I couldn't resist giving Miss Timmons a little more pain so I removed my heavyhigh top boots and tied the lace of each one to a clothes pin. I clamped theclothes pins on Brandy's already battered nipples so the boots dangled in theair below her. Her nipples and tits were forced to stretch down towards thefloor from the weight of the boots. I kicked the boots and watched as the lieutenant'stits shook and contorted even more out of shape. I placed a knife against thebase of Brandy's tits and told her we were going to fuck her ass now and ifshe wasn't a good girl, I would cut her tits off. Brandy continued to mutterand moan incoherently into her gag. I was sure she understood she was aboutto be anally gang raped but she was still in a daze and helpless to stop usso she stood there bent over the pipe with her ass hole fully accessible.
I stepped up behind her and rubbed Vaseline all over her ass, making sureto put a big glob around her little brown hole. I coated my cock with the lubricantand pressed the tip of the head against her puckered opening. I had to grabon to the pipe on each side of Brandy's body for extra leverage and with abig forceful thrust, my hard dick penetrated her ass. She let out a loud gruntas my tool slid into her anal cavity. I looked down as more and more of myshaft disappeared into the bound officer's anus. Her opening was stretchedto the max around my member and looked like it might rip wide open at any moment.I started slowly sliding my dick in and out of her tight rear hole, violatingher sweet ass. I picked up speed and began pounding my meat into her. Brandy'sbent over body shook with each thrust as the pipe jammed against her waistand her tits flopped around from the weight of the boots. I fucked the boundofficer's ass for several minutes, pumping my tool in and out of her rear ashard and fast as I could. Her petite rectum was clamped around my cock so tightthat even though I had already cum twice, I couldn't hold out very long andquickly dumped a hot load of cum into her ass. One by one the other three chiefsstepped up behind the defenseless officer and brutally raped her ass, poundingtheir sex tools into her rectum and draining their cum deep inside her. Brandystood bent over the pipe as we all painfully violated her ass, she was moaningand whimpering but had been through too much suffering already to show anyreal emotions. Chief Davis was the last in line and when he finished I walkedbehind Brandy and spread her ass cheeks out even further. Her puckered entrancewas all enflamed and swollen with our pale white cum oozing out of it. Therewas a red rug burn looking ring around her hole as her skin had been rubbedraw from the friction of our cocks. I knew her anal cavity had to be in thesame condition and must be very sore.
We had all fucked the sexy officer's mouth, pussy and ass and had cum in eachof her holes but I had one more thing I wanted to do before we let her go.I had to take a piss and figured it would be the ultimate degradation to makeher drink it. So I stepped up in front of Brandy as she stood there bent overthe pipe with her arms tied up behind her and I grabbed a handful of her hair.I pulled her head up and ripped the duct tape off her mouth while telling herif she made a sound I would kill her. I told the lieutenant my dick was dirtyand needed to be cleaned off. I could control her head by the hold I had onher hair so I moved her mouth in front of my limp dick and told her to openup. She complied without hesitation as I slipped my deflated cock in her mouth.Without warning, piss flooded out of my dick and into Brandy's defenselessmouth. I kept her face planted against my pubic hair while ordering her todrink my piss. I could see her throat moving in an attempt to swallow my hotnasty urine but the volume was too much for her and a stream of yellow pisswas flowing out of the corners of her mouth and down her chin. I emptied mybladder into the young officer's mouth and stepped back. She was coughing andgagging as the last of my discharge drained into her stomach. The other chiefsgathered around Brandy's bound and bent over body and whipped their dicks out.Chief Davis grabbed a handful of hair from the back of her head and pulledher face up. He told her to open her mouth as he held her head about 4 inchesfrom his dick. The chief started pissing into her mouth with his yellow urinesplattering off her teeth and lips. He moved his cock in a big circle as hepissed all over Brandy's face and hair. Chief Kline and Chief Taylor were pissingall over the lieutenant's body and legs, letting their hot fluids run off herbody and down to the floor.
Lieutenant Timmons didn't move or try to speak. She just stood there bentover waiting for whatever was in store for her next. The normally bitchy officerhad been turned into a cheap fuck toy and her spirit totally broken. Afterall, she had been totally humiliated, degraded, abused, tortured and gang rapedin her mouth, pussy and ass, not to mention being pissed on so not only wasshe beat up mentally but her body had to ache all over as well. I asked thelieutenant if she was going to treat enlisted men better now and to my surprise,she nodded her head while whispering yes. I told her if she didn't then wewould have to do this all over again. I removed the clothespins from her nipplesand untied the rope around her neck and legs and cut the rope off her wrists.I made her lay down on a blanket I had spread out on the floor. Brandy laidthere on her back with her arms down at her sides. Even though her arms weren'ttied anymore, she didn't try to cover up or remove her blindfold and laid motionlessas I took one last look at her sexy nude body. I figured it wouldn't take adetective with a rape kit to determine that Brandy had been tortured and brutallygang raped. One look at her bruised titties, swollen crimson red bare pussylips and enflamed ass hole was all it would take. I told the lieutenant sheshould keep her pussy shaved as having smooth bald lips was a real turn onand her officer friends would like it. I rolled Brandy up in the blanket andtold her we were going to take her to her stateroom now so she can get somerest, but if she made one sound or tried to move, we would throw her over theside of the ship instead. I grabbed Brandy's bra and put it in my pants pocketand took both video tapes and shoved them in the waistband of my pants. I toldChief Taylor to help me carry the lieutenant and told the other two chiefsto clean up the room. Brandy didn't move a muscle or utter a peep as we carriedher blanket covered body to her stateroom. Once there we dumped her on herbed and rushed out of her room.
I woke up the next day and immediately put the video tape on so I could checkout the action. I pulled my bra collection out and laid them one by one onmy desk. First there was Dawn's huge white 40FF, then Tina's white 32D, thenMelanie's tiny black lace 34A and Angel's white satin 34C followed Maria'sfull beige 38D and finally Brandy's black 36DD sports bra. I played aroundwith my collection as I watched the video, waiting for the other chiefs toshow up. After we were all there, we decided to lay low for awhile and seeif Lieutenant Timmons reported her rape. The cruise only had two more weeksso we spent the time viewing and reviewing all our videos but for some reason,we were never able to pick our favorite as all our victims were special. Nowfor the first time in my Naval career, I am looking forward to my next cruise.
Rape Bait 2 Chapter Two Cuckolded By The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot & Grunt The Dwarf DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroine’s as they look incredibly voluptuous, gorgeous...
Introduction: Superheroine Trophy Wile Lets The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot And Grunt The Dwarf Cuckold Her Husband M & M Rape Bait 2 Chapter Two Cuckolded By The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot & Grunt The Dwarf DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should...
Before the other men could react, Kehalis was up and at the door, brushing aside the blanket to stare at the scene within. The sight of the dark man mounting the naked American woman froze him in place. He could not move; he could not even raise the AK he held clenched in his right hand. He could only stare at the nude body on the sleeping platform, her arms and legs held underneath her body, reducing the captive woman to an agony filled face and an apparently limbless female torso, Cathy’s...
I guess I've always had a thing for rape. Not the violent sick kind. I just like nice, normal rape stories. You know what I mean? I always thought it was cruel to pierce a woman's nipples, or cut them off, or punch her in the face and slap her around--I mean c'mon, why? I don't want to make her fuck a dog, lick a cat, or drink cum from a horse. I certainly have no desire to see her 3 yr old abused. The things I read on the internet can be quite disgusting. Beastiality, torture,...
Hi…. Dosto..Ye mere pehle story hai agar koi galti hoa jaye tou maaf kar dena….Sab sea pehla tou mai sabhi ladko ka lund ko namashkar aur sahi ladkiyo ki chut ko namashkar…. Mera naam shiva hai aur abhi mai 19 saal ka hoa mera lund 8.5 inch lamba aur 2.5 inch mota hai . Mae din mae 2 baar mout mar ta hoa. Ye sirf kahani hai joa koi satya gatna par adharit nahi hai Ye kahani hai mere maa ki chudai ki jiska naam rubi hai…Yeh kahani jaab ki hai jaab mae class 12 mae tha aur uss wakt 18 saal ka...
Mike lowered his binoculars and pushed the throttle forward to its maximum. It would be an exaggeration to say that his elderly cabin cruiser surged ahead. A large cloud of black smoke and a series of backfires belched from the exhaust, the ancient hull vibrated and slowly the revs increased.The inappropriately named “Queen of the Waves” lurched and protested as the speed built up to 15 knots.Through his binoculars Mike had seen hundreds of gannets diving into the water. He knew what that...
AnalIntroduction: A young married couple whos husband wants to show his wife off attend a wild dance and his wife Tessa experiences all of the indignities of forceful rape! Rape and The Highland Fling! Tessa and her husband attended a special Dance Night event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She...
Introduction: Superheroine Volunteers To Get Raped To Catch Rapists M & M Rape Bait Chapter One The Mayors Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroines as they look incredibly voluptuous,...
Rape Bait Chapter One The Mayor’s Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroine’s as they look incredibly voluptuous, gorgeous and scantily clad, while they strive to make...
When we were first married, my wife and I had landed a sweet deal as the caretakers of a historic property on the coast of Maine . We were newlyweds without a lot of money, but we lived in a small cottage over looking the harbor in one of those quintessential towns that the modern world had passed by. Lobster boats still worked during the day and in the evenings pleasure boats plied the waters. It was a short walk along the river to a cliff encircled harbor beach that hosted a...
First TimeTessa and her husband attended a special ‘Dance Night’ event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She looks incredible when they arrive, dressed in a blue velvet dress that has a wild flared hemline that ends at mid thigh, a scooped neck that shows a lot of cleavage and requires no bra something...
Introduction: —- The Introduction for this story is in the main body of text —- For more insight into the characters and their storyline please read Lust on the Beach Part I and Lust on the Beach Part II click my name to see those stories. — Gaynor Day Out — — INTRODUCTION —- The final part of the Lust on the Beach series. In this third part Gaynor and Mikes affair is nearing its seventh month and throughout those months Gaynor and Mike had fucked on beach coves, in hotels, in the storage...
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His lighthouse sat upon the highest point of cliff and he tended it alone, with no one anywhere near him. The nearest farm was a day's walk east, and the nearest village another day further. The beach near him continued up the side of the cliff and led to his home beside the lighthouse. He like this life, despite its lonely nature, with all the beach he could want to walk, and all the breaking surf to trudge through, and the deepest ocean in which to swim. Blowing bubbles with his nose,...
Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 25 and 26 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read the previous chapters, please do so. Charlotte returns to New Zealand and then travels on to London to have her...
(Um here is the intro from the last archivist -- "An exceptionally violent and angry story about rejection and revenge, self-destructive behavior and hurting others. Very sacrilegious." Heh, I couldn't have said it better myself, Jaz) "I did it, I raped a Nun." God it sounds weird saying that, even to me. I raped her quite a few times actually. She was a sweet girl, I kind of liked her. I mean as a person, she was ok. I didn't rape her out of lust, or greed. I did it to prove a...
" What is your name, girl?" Despite her surprise at his use of English, Cathy responded as she had been trained- with name , rank, and serial number. " Harper, Cathy C. ,Captain , United States Army, 409-67-0221" " No. You are wrong. That is not who you are. You are no longer Harper, Captain, United States Army. You are now the slave Cathy. I am your Master. A merciful master, once you have learned to obey. A merciless one if you do not. I know Western women like you , Cathy. I...
We followed Heather down the pathway to the rocky intertidal expanse and picked our way toward the rowboat that sat patiently in the shallows. Between us, we silently pushed the craft into deeper waters, until it floated freely with enough clearance for the extra weight it would now carry. Heather held it steady as first Lara and then I got in. She joined us with a nimble leap. I studied the rowboat as I sat in the stern with Lara. Though clearly aged, it was sturdy and well-maintained. A...
(Sister gets fucked, Nun gets raped, priest gets fucked with mentally. Jaz goes to hell, where he will probably be fucked. Warning: Strong religious themes. This story will stand alone, but it is definitely a sequel.) "No, No, Please God NO!" My sister whimpered as I played with her breasts. She did not fight or struggle really. I think a small part of her tactile memory recalled how much pleasure these hands had given her. You see my little sister Susan had recently been held hostage...
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Emma stepped out of the plane into the hot Greek sun. She stopped to let the heat touch her skin, breathing in the air. Following her was her husband Sean. Together they ran a successful finance company and all in her life had been good until Emma became pregnant. The sex stopped almost immediately and Sean, frustrated, started an affair with the company accountant and Emma's best friend, Jane.This was kept secret until Jane, in error, sent a text to Emma's phone. It read, “Hi sexy, canʼt wait...
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NovelsAshley is a rape cop. She's 21, blonde, athletic, with small firm tits. She wears a blue and black police uniform, with a short skirt and sheer black stockings. Ashley enters the dark rape lair, finding video equipment, whips, ropes and chains, knockout drugs, everything a hard-core serial ass-rapist would need. She follows the sounds of sobbing and moaning, and finds a bunch of hot, naked brunette girls tied up and bent over. The girls' young asses are all red and sore from being spanked and...
I slept late on Monday morning since there was nothing else for me to do. I got showered and dress with barely enough time left to have breakfast. Breakfast was a bagel bought the night before and coffee made that morning by boiling coffee grounds in a pot on the stove. After the boiling I poured the liquid grounds and all into a auto store funnel, but only after first lining it with a paper towel. Almost all the grounds wound up on the paper towel, so it made a passable yet strong cut of...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laura is still in Paris with her boyfriend and his family. I want her so badly right now, everything is set-up and all that is left is to execute my plan. For that, I need her here, NOW! I'm currently in my one bedroom apartment, flicking through channels until I see something I like. I really should be studying for my Biology Exam tomorrow but I already know I'm going to Ace it. My brains been really strong ever since I...
This story is a composite based on some real events and some news stories. Insofar as it concerns me personally, it is fiction. It’s based partly on a story I wrote twelve years ago and abandoned, only to be revived when Mike Nifong tried to fuck over the Duke players, but this story was NOT inspired by that case. It is also NOT a stroke story. Oh, and before you flame me: I received my JD from the University of Law and Order. Legal items are strictly my own invention. I was arrested on a...
Anna was a young virgin special 20-year-old, who went on a trip on the boat. She always liked the sea elements. She inhaled all his bosomy smell of the sea and enjoy the breeze in a hurry, putting his wind is not very tanned body. In this journey of her father sent, knowing about her troubles on the personal front, he decided that it is the journey into a far country and motion sickness can be very useful will fall to heal emotional wounds. Keep an eye on a young lady's father asked his friend,...
Amy 2: Amy by the Sea by Amy K The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Dr. Strangeshop or, How I Learned to Hate the Mall Full-on summer came around. Temps rose, mosquitoes snacked on precious bodily fluids, faces went shiny from the humidity. Emily was no longer a senior at Delacroix High, and I...
Two days later, and after a tearful good bye, HMS Medusa put to sea. After four days of clawing up against westerly winds, they reached Plymouth where they were joined by two prison transports. A third transport was not yet ready, waiting for another consignment of convicts from a distant prison. The two other captains insisted on sailing, saying that the prisoners were on board already and had to be fed. Tony pointed out to them that his orders were to escort three transports, but they...
What a day to be going to the cemetery, thought pretty Marie Bogle, as the windshield wipers moved slowly back and forth. It was a bleak day. A gray sheet obscured the sky. Rain drizzled. She could have waited until a better day, but she wanted to have pictures of John Blackthorne’s grave site to show her students on Monday. That was when she was going to introduce them to the poetry of that obscure, eighteenth century American poet. She felt her introduction would be more interesting...
Clare had always been proud of her slim Tom Boy body, proud of its athletic ability and stamina so when she finished high school she joined the Army. She found the physical side of her new life easy and pleasurable so much so that after getting her first stripes she volunteered for the Rangers. It was perfect timing for the modern Army was actively recruiting women for all their Special Forces units. Once again she flew through all the physical tests and she was eventually given her shoulder...
By Volterra At last my long awaited holiday was almost here with just one more day at the office and then a well-deserved couple of weeks of complete relaxation in the Greek Islands, a favourite destination of mine. This year will be strange holidaying alone, something I’ve not done too often, but I was still looking forward to the peace and quite of the island of Patmos. The next day in the office I skipped lunch so as to complete all my work early and make a quick exit home to pack...
Throughout the recorded history of man there has been an ongoing fascination with the nude female form, in its erotic response to abuse, and a primal desire to see naked females undergo severe debasing torture. There are hundreds of examples of cultures that openly practiced the sexual debauchment of women on a regular basis. Drawings on the walls of caves clearly indicated that the breasts and pubic mounds of captured women were a delicacy, eaten directly from the living victim. In Ancient...
NOTE: This is a story about developing attraction and companionship rather than pussy being pounded on every page. Be warned. EG. CHAPTER 1 Fog drifted over the city as former celebrated international pianist Gwendolyn Chappell was into her thirteenth session of being interviewed by her biographer, Stephen Miles. ‘What do you recall as your naughtiest moment of your life Gwen?’ Dressed as if going to a ball, although it was only just after 8:30 am, Gwen said she would have to think about...
THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA By C Once a small village along the great Southern Sea was afflicted by an especiallycruel, lustful tribe of mermaids. They were beautiful, with luxuriant blondhair, full round breasts, and slender waists. Their skin was pale, nearly thecolor of snow. The human (somewhat human) half ended in a gently swelling,hairless mons , broached by a little cleft that madea rosy contrast to the white skin surrounding it. Farther down, they had thetails of dolphins, with powerful...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! - THIS is EROTIC FICTION/Fantasies ONLY! M+F, bd, nc, rape, humil, tort, Mdom, anal, enem A television anchorwoman is captured and punished by a convicted criminal's brother for insulting the family name. For two days she is beaten and raped in her own home. She is forced to submit to the rape of her mouth, pussy and asshole, each time beaten before the rape begins. Chapter 1-The Punishment Begins “Convicted child...
FetishThe late spring of 2002 was a weird time for me. I lost my virginity, finally. I was 18, going away to college, and have never had a serious girlfriend. Shit I did not even have a date for the prom. Go ahead, say it with me, "Loo-ZER!" I am not a nerd ("No really I'm not! Stop laughing at me you assholes, I'm NOT!!"). Yes I get good grades and like D&D, sci fi, and the occasional comic book. I'm not good at sports, and have a minor Spazzy-Klutz problem. I guess I should describe...
She had lived in New England all her life, when her father’s business failed and the family decided to move to California, her heart had cried out at the idea of leaving the culture and society that she had always known. The day that they went down to the harbor and boarded the old ship they had almost had to force her on board. Surprisingly after a day or two at sea, she found that she loved the quiet and the gentle rolling of the waves against the hull. It was a time of calm and rumination...
(This is entirely because I came up with the concept; I have no idea what will be coming after the introduction. Please feel free to add-- it's public-- or, if you'd rather, leave a comment on any page about ideas as to what comes next.) (Morality score works as such: higher percentage = higher acceptance of the new culture, and vice-versa.) ((Warning: Yes, there's some politics in here-- how could there not be? The opening chapter is in relation to a character and his thoughts, not necessarily...
The name is Maldos, and I am a Satyr. In case you don’t know what a Satyr is, I will be glad to enlighten you. Satyrs are Immortal beings who walk the world of man. We look like men, but with somewhat hairier bodies, and we also have goat-like horns. Oh, and I almost forgot about the cloven feet. And the unforgettable goat-like tail. It turns on the women, I swear. Isn’t that a pretty picture? Ancient Greece is the magical realm I call home and Trickery is the nature of my game. I am somewhat...
Across the long grass to the sea. Down the steep path, me in flip-flops ('thongs' actually cos we are in Australia). Across the shingle with its pieces of wood, bleached white and those little bits of indestructible blue cord that you find on every beach in the world.Behind an outcrop of sandy-coloured rock, our secret cove. No-one but us would take the trouble to clamber this far over the unfriendly rocks but the cove has lovely big flat stones worn smooth by the wind and weather.We undress...
LesbianMy name's Andy. I'm 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. I'm pretty tall and while I have an average amount of muscle, my body looks quite toned. I was 23 at the time and was still in college but had been out on a yearlong work experience internship. I had been single for two years now, having the odd fling here and there but nothing much to brag about. I was looking forward to seeing everyone again. Work had been pretty intense for the last two or three months...
The heady scent of golden wheat, burning wood and fallen leaves, mingles with the far off scent of the sea. The fragrances of autumn drift gently through the air, my nostrils flare ever so slightly as I breathe deeply into my lungs. The moon is as round and orange as a ripe pumpkin. A giant orb hanging low and bright in the sky, its glow matches the glow in my eyes as I approach the gathering of people. My boots made of whisper soft doeskin, laced up to my calf, pad lightly over the loamy...
She wondered if this would be her last summer on the island. She knew her time was short and relished every moment. The warm sun eased the constant pain from her arthritis and the salt spray soothed her dry, wrinkled skin. So many summers ago and so many memories washing over these beaches like the constant lapping of the surf. *** They had honeymooned here. Thirty lust filled days hastily sandwiched between his basic training and the hellfire in the Pacific. They were so young. Her body was...
Introduction: It was the end of my long internship at an advertising agency, and I was looking forward to the kicking off the summer the right way. I would have never believed what was in store for me My friend Roger was very well off on the financial side and was having a massive party at his dads private beach house down the countryside. Knowing Roger it would be over the top and very fancy looking. My names Andy. Im 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. Im pretty...
Ah, the salty sea breeze, the gentle rocking of the boat, and the sound of nothing but waves and sea life, there is no better feeling than the feeling you get when you're deep sea fishing. You've been at this for years, actually having gotten pretty good at it, but still never landing anything worth mounting on the wall at home. Last year, you almost caught this huge swordfish, but a shark landed it before you and took half of your fishing line with him. This year, you're determined to catch a...
FantasyFelix's group had been days out on the sea to circle the Osenia continent once again. When Sheba decided to follow Felix on his journey, she'd had no idea they'd be traveling this much on sea. The seafaring was easy at least. They had probably the most powerful ship in the world, and Felix kept the ship safe with his Psyenergy. The sea monsters kept at bay, but it also made traveling less exciting. Since the ship was also controlled by Psyenergy, the party didn't have to resort to tricks, or...