Stranded at Sea
- 2 years ago
- 37
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Introduction: It was the end of my long internship at an advertising agency, and I was looking forward to the kicking off the summer the right way. I would have never believed what was in store for me My friend Roger was very well off on the financial side and was having a massive party at his dads private beach house down the countryside. Knowing Roger it would be over the top and very fancy looking.
My names Andy. Im 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. Im pretty tall and while I have an average amount of muscle, my body looks quite toned. I was 23 at the time and was still in college but had been out on a yearlong work experience internship. I had been single for two years now, having the odd fling here and there but nothing much to brag about.
I was looking forward to seeing everyone again. Work had been pretty intense for the last two or three months so I barely had time for them. This being one of Rogers parties, it was guaranteed everyone would be there like old times.
I set out on the three hour drive without a care in the world, stopping briefly to pick up my friend Jeff along the way. I still saw Jeff regularly enough due to him living close by.
We enjoyed the drive down, catching up on the latest events and laughing over old memories. The sea eventually began to appear on the horizon. It looked beautiful in the afternoon sun. It was the perfect day for an event like this.
We arrived shortly after noon and were immediately greeted by Roger and his girlfriend Sarah. We were rushed into the beach house and given the grand tour. It was all very spectacular to see but what really grabbed my attention was the massive yacht out the back.
Holy shit Roger. Is that yours? I blurted out in the middle of him demonstrating the stereo system. His face lit up.
Aha Andy it is indeed and youre gonna love this. We are all going to be partying through the night on it and into the morning, his grin was suddenly mirrored onto my own face. This was even better than normal. I had always envied Roger for having the amazing things he had. But you couldnt hate him for it. He was very generous to his friends. While he did throw big over the top parties occasionally, his head didnt blow up to a snobby size.
More and more people began to arrive throughout the day. Plenty of people I knew but there were others I didnt. All the guests were offered champagne and other beverages. I helped myself. It was summer. Time to let go.
I was in the middle of a conversation with some random friend of Rogers when I noticed a group of people walk in that made my eyes light right up.
Andy you sneaky bastard! Where the hell have you been hiding? It was Chris, an old friend of mine. We used to be close. I hadnt seen the guy in nearly a year now. Last time I saw you was at another of Rodgers parties. Whats up with that? He ran and tackled me to the ground and began bear hugging me and then made humping motions.
Its because of these damn greetings you always give, I laughed. I see you still havent gotten him chained up, I called to the figure behind us with a big smile on her face. Janet and her friend Kathy were standing over us now looking at us as if we were hyperactive children. They werent completely wrong to be fair.
Janet was neither thin nor fat. She was about half a foot shorter than me. She was pretty and could be flirty at times without meaning to be. She was Chris girlfriend of two or so years. She was also an old enough friend of mine. I had met Janet through a buddy and we had actually gone on a few dates together. Eventually we decided we were better off as friends. I then met Chris while away on holiday with Janet and some other friends and I had introduced the two. They had hit it off since. Janet had brought Kathy along tonight. I had met a couple of times before. She had a very similar body shape to Janet but was a little shorter, with brown hair. She was nice and funny but I didnt know her all that well. She sort of knew Roger too. I had to admit they both looked stunning. Janet was wearing a tight black dress that cut off mid-thigh. It suited her well. Her black hair was longer than usual and let down. It looked nice. Chris looked scruffy as usual. But it was a scruffy look that suited him. Kathy was wearing a blue low cut dress. Like Janets, it ended mid-thigh area and it complimented her body. She was wearing a light fitting opened white shirt over it. Roger ran over to greet them all and I turned my attention to the other side of the room where Jeff was chatting up some girl I didnt know. Typical Jeff.
The sun started to set as the last of the guests arrived. Even for a large beach house, the place was absolutely packed. I got talking to a lot of new people, and hugged and laughed with familiar faces. I was never allowed to talk to one person for long before Id be interrupted by someone I knew or pulled away to be introduced to somebody. The laughter in the rooms increased in volume as more alcohol was consumed and soon people were singing and dancing. I eventually managed to drag myself to a corner where Chris, Kathy and Janet were sitting, talking.
I am going to pass out at this rate. There are so many- I was cut off by Roger and Sarah grabbing us and pulling us towards a door.
Come on. Youre gonna wanna see the boat before everyone gets on! Sarah said excitedly. We happily agreed, taking pleasure from the cold breeze outside. We walked down the small pier to the glorious looking yacht at the end. How Rogers Dad has given him permission to use this was beyond me. Maybe he hadnt. We stood beside it, all swaying on the spot from the small gust and the effects of the booze. It only really hit me how drunk I was when I stepped outside.
Roger hurried us on board and began showing us about. We ended in the bridge with Roger showing us all the controls.
I had something special kept here for this occasion. He opened a little cupboard which turned out to be a sort of cooler and produced a bottle of champagne and a bunch of glasses. He poured out enough for everyone and gave a toast. Almost straight away, his phone began to ring. Shit, a fight has broken out. You guys chill here. Ill be right back. He ran off the yacht and was gone.
More champagne for us, Sarah giggled. Kathy and Janet stepped out onto the deck to get some air while Sarah continued to show me and Chris random gadgets. Somehow, the conversation ended up as a competition between Sarah and Chris over who knew more about boats. I sat to the side, humored by their taunts.
Sarah turned on the engine and began demonstrating her knowledge of all the various controls and screens on board while Chris criticized her. I decided to leave them at it and stumbled outside to the front of the boat. Janet brushed past me. Hello stranger. I can hear you guys squabbling from outside. I want to see whats so entertaining. And why has Sarah turned on the engines?, she chuckled and went inside. I continued across the deck to where Kathy was standing, looking out across the dark bay, her dress and shirt blowing in the wind. I lent on the rail beside her and she jumped in surprise and then laughed.
Sorry, I was just thinking, she smiled.
About what? I asked but scrunched my eyes for a second at the sound of myself slurring my words. Kathy noticed and chortled.
Its that damn champagne Roger is funnelling into us all, I smiled at the sound of her own words dragging on longer than usual. Nah I was just thinking some stuff thats not worth mentioning. She looked out again to sea. I sensed something in her voice. I wasnt sure if it was a little bit of anger, sadness or confusion. She shivered a little.
Here, take my jacket, I offered.
Thats sweet but you need it too. Here, She moved in close to me and slid herself under my arm. Her body felt warm against mine. Thats better, she said softly. I hope you dont mind.
I looked down and past her head I suddenly had an all too clear view of her rack. Her double Ds looked great in her dress, the way the moonlight bounced off them.
N..Not at all, I replied after a couple of seconds, my eyes not leaving the site in front of me. My arm twitched a little bit on its own out of sudden nerves. Kathy looked up at me and saw my gaze which immediately jumped from her boobs to her face. She had definitely noticed. She grinned and giggled a little at my awkward attempt to hide my gaze. I smiled sheepishly back at her like a teenage boy would after getting complimented by a cute girl. She pressed her body against mine, facing me now and looking up into my face. I was suddenly so turned on by the feel of her against me, her hips pressed against my own, her rack pushed up against my chest. I looked back into her face and felt her hand on the back of my head, her fingers running through my hair, pulling my head towards her. Our lips met and she began to kiss me passionately. I wrapped my arms around her and met her tongue with my own. We held each other in an embrace. My arms felt numb. I wasnt really sure of what to do with my hands. Up until now me and Kathy had mostly small talked and made the occasional jokes together. Now we were making out. Our lip lock eventually broke and our eyes met again.
She was smiling with a very seductive look in her eyes which made my stomach flutter. I brushed aside her wavy brown hair and kissed her again. She didnt react and just kept staring at me with that smile. I felt a little confused and then suddenly realized. One of my hands was on her breast. I looked down at it, frozen in shock, and looked back up at her. Her smile widened even more as she grabbed my hand and pushed it a little harder against her boob, moving it partially onto the bare skin of her cleavage. I could feel myself down below, hard and standing like a lighthouse, against her own hips. There was no hiding it. We stood like this for some time. Me wondering what to do next. Her still sporting that sexy smile, watching my reaction. With the same hand I squeezed lightly and her eyebrows raised a little. There we are, she said softly and moved in towards me again.
The sun was glaring down at me. Its blinding light the only thing I could see. It pierced my eyes, strengthening the searing pain in my head. I heard movement nearby. I raised my head a little and tried to see where the source of the noise was coming from. My vision began to return and I started to take in the scene around me. Kathy was lying on her front nearby, leaning on her arms, trying to pick herself up. I realized we were lying on the deck of the boat. I reached up and touched my head. It hurt like hell. There was some blood. I groaned and sluggishly picked myself up. I hobbled over towards Kathy. She looked up at me appreciate as I grabbed onto her arm and helped her up. She held onto me for support. I looked around and it hit me. There was no sign of land.
What happened?, Kathy suddenly whispered. This snapped me back to reality. Without saying a word I ran across the deck and up the steps to the bridge. Chris was kneeling over Janet. She was awake but seemed only semi-conscious. Chris was trying to comfort her. Sarah was sitting in front of the controls, sobbing quietly. She looked up at me. I opened my mouth to speak. Before I had a chance she interrupted.
We were just playing about. Showing off and stuff, she wailed. The throttle must have been pushed forward and I didnt notice.
I just remember hearing the ropes to the pier snapping and we were flung sideways, Chris butted in. Kathy entered the bridge and was filled in on the events. We sat quietly for some time. Janet fully awoke and the group of us set about trying to calm Sarah down, who was going into hysterics.
We had been knocked out for the duration of the night. It was midday now. We tried calling for help but our phones were dead. I was annoyed to find out that despite their boasting about boat expertise, Chris and Sarah had managed to screw up some of the equipment on board too. What was even worse is the Yacht seemed to have just sailed straight out to sea while we were out of it, and was now out of fuel.
The afternoon sped on and soon it was getting dark again. We had come up with all sorts of plans but everything was a failure. We turned on as many lights as possible to at least light up the boat in case someone was searching for us.
We sat down in the evening, sharing out some of the food we had found on board. I estimated that there would be enough to last us a week at most. Moral was low and for the most part we sat in silence. Sarah went to sleep early down below in the cabin. The rest of us tried to play games to take our minds off of the situation. Eventually, Kathy got up and walked outside. She said she felt like getting some air. I watched her leave, recalling the night before. With everything going on, I had nearly forgotten about what had happened. I watched the wind catch her dress as she stepped outside. It flapped around and I got a saw a glimpse of her underwear and butt cheeks. My feelings from the night before returned to me. I jumped out of my daze as Janet spoke.
Poor girl. On top of everything else shes been going through, this happens, she said quietly.
What else has been going on? I replied
She is going through a rough break up with her boyfriend at the moment. They have been having problems for some time now and about a week ago he told her he wanted a break. I brought her down here to take her mind off of him, Janet explained.
I sat there in silence while Janet and Chris talked about some irrelevant topic. I felt kind of guilty. Kathy was still on the way out of a relationship and here I had been, groping her. In my defence she had started it. But still…
Right. May as well try and get some sleep, I said shortly and nodded to the others before heading downstairs. There were three cabins for sleeping in. I could hear Sarah snoring in one of them. I went into what seemed like the smaller of the other two, giving Chris and Janet some space. I stripped down to my boxers and got into the bed. I lay in the dark, drifting off slowly while thinking about everything that had happened. The party, being thrown across the boat, that moment with Kathy. Kathy in that dress and shirt. Kathy…
Kathy? I awoke to the sound of my cabin door closing. Kathy stood at the entrance looking at me awkwardly. I had presumed she would share the room with Sarah. Then again she didnt know her at all.
Im sorry for waking you. I wasnt sure which cabin to go to. I could hear noise coming from one of them and wasnt sure who it was. I thought this one was empty. I didnt reply immediately. I felt awkward now. Kathy didnt move. She remained at the door, watching me.
Say something dammit, I thought to myself.
Its ok. There are extra blankets. You can have the bed, I replied shortly.
Im not kicking you out. Ill take the floor, she replied.
I insist, I said abruptly. Realistically there was probably enough room for us both in the bed. I didnt want to suggest it though. I still felt guilty about before. I clambered out of the bed quickly. Here you go, I said and then suddenly realized I was only in my boxers. I froze for a second and then hurried over to the blankets near the window. Kathy watched me with amusement as I did so. I picked up the blanket and saw Kathy in the reflection, looking at my ass. This pleased me a little and also made me very nervous. I lay the blanket out on the ground. There. Its perfect, I smiled.
Thanks Andy. Youre really sweet, Kathy said and she walked over and hugged me. I remembered the feel of her body against mine. Her hair smelt amazing. I felt myself begin to stir in my pants and I quickly pulled out of the hug. Kathy turned and walked towards the bed. She leant over and began straightening out the sheets. I stood glued to the spot, watching her movements. Her dress rode up to the bottom of her butt. I imagined it pulling the full way up and seeing her bent over the bed, completely naked. Her hips swaying invitingly at me.
Kathy turned suddenly.
Thanks again Andy, she said with a smile.
I returned the smile and walked towards the blankets on the ground. It quickly came to my attention that I had sprouted a hard on while watching her and I had to move awkwardly. I heard a very low giggle behind me. I must have looked so stupid.
I awoke in the middle of the night needing to use the bathroom. I was very sleepy after the last days events. I plodded out of the cabin and down towards the toilet. The boat was a lot quieter now. It bobbed gently in the calm nights sea. Despite the terrible situation we were in, it was kind of nice at that moment.
I finished up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked tired and worn, though I didnt feel all that bad. Thoughts of Kathy still floated around my head. I imagined what would have happened if we hadnt been interrupted by the accident. I was extremely horny just thinking about it. I had to take care of that. I sat back down on the toilet seat, lay back and grabbed my cock. It didnt take me too long to rub one out. I cleaned up and crept back out of the bathroom. I was glad nobody else was around. I was still standing at full attention. I hurried back into the cabin and climbed into bed. I had forgotten how comfy it was. Something felt off. I couldnt tell what it was so I shrugged it off and rolled over, right into Kathy…
I had climbed back into her bed instead of my own makeshift sleeping space. I was now face to face, body to body with a slightly startled Kathy. I was terrified. I didnt know what to say. Her facial expression projected sheer confusion at first but I can only guess it was the mask of mortification on my own that made her start laughing.
Changed your mind about the floor then did you? she said with a grin.
My fears drained away at this. She didnt mind at all.
Blame it on Ocean Madness, I replied and began moving out of the bed. Kathy grabbed my wrist. I looked at her, surprised. Her smile had faded.
Keep me warm tonight, she whispered. I didnt know what to say. She pulled my arm around her as she rolled over, turning her back to me so that we were spooning. I felt my hard cock nudge up against her butt. She wiggled it a little and my prize nestled between her cheeks. What the hell was going on here? I rested my hand just below her breasts. She was still in her blue dress but it was hiked up to midway up her butt. I fought the urge to grab it. I wanted to so badly.
We lay still for some time. My hard on just slotted between her butt cheeks. There was no way she didnt know what was going on down there. I was afraid to move in any way. I recalled what Janet had told me about Kathy. I ran it through my head repeatedly. Eventually, my hand twitched a little. Kathy let out a soft sigh and put her hand on mine. She moved it up slightly so that my own hand rested on the bottom of her boob. It felt amazing which just made it harder for me. Losing control of myself, I slid my hand slightly higher so that I fully cupped one of her double Ds. At the same time I instinctively thrust my hips forward a small bit, grinding my dick along her ass slightly. Was I taking this too far? Kathy let out another soft sigh and her ass wiggled against me once again. I returned the movement, grinding against her. She shifted once again. We both continued to move about until Kathy eventually stopped. I sensed movement below and felt Kathy pulling her dress up further. I freed my second hand from underneath me and moved it forward a little. I confirmed my thoughts as I brushed it against her now bare ass. I lay still for a moment, wondering what would happen next. Kathy soon pushed herself harder into me. My cock felt ready to explode. I pushed my pelvis hard in return, my cock pushing hard against her asshole through my boxers. Kathy reached her hand behind and hooked her thumb under the thin material. She paused. Was she waiting? I didnt know.
I pushed my hips forward into her even more as some sort of signal. Almost straight away she slid down my underwear on one side. I raised myself slightly as she continued to pull them down. My cock eventually sprung free, slapping her hard in between her ass cheeks. I heard a low moan and was driven crazy. I pushed forward again and my cock buried itself down between Kathys legs. I could feel the heat of her sweet pussy down below as my cock slid deeper. To my delight, her thighs were soaking. I rubbed my cock off her clit and Kathy let out another moan, significantly louder this time. She clenched my hand in hers and used it to pull the front of her dress down. I felt her double Ds bounce free and straight away my hand was being worked furiously on her left breast by her own hand. Kathy really wanted it. Her ass pushed harder than ever against me. I wanted to bang her so hard but I felt that this teasing would drive her even wilder. I continued to slide my cock against her opening and Kathy began to buck against me, trying to drive me inside her. Her breathing grew heavier. I continued massaging her tit in my hand as we rocked against each other violently. She squeezed my hand hard so that it actually hurt. I was proud of myself for holding on my urges for this long and causing Kathy this much pleasure and teasing. I pinched her nipple in between my forefinger and thumb. Kathy whined in ecstasy. She turned her head around to face me, looking into my eyes almost pleadingly. I stuck out my tongue and gently grazed her lips. She moved forward and sucked hard and roughly on my tongue, all the while continuing to rock harder and harder against me. After a few seconds we broke off again.
Please fuck me Andy, she panted. Enough was enough. I couldnt take it anymore. With one fluent motion I slid my cock deep into her slit. Kathy cried out in pleasure. Her pussy enveloping my shaft felt amazing. I slid back out and pumped forward into her again, squeezing her nipple simultaneously. Kathy let out another loud moan, and ground her hips back, meeting my next thrust with force. Within seconds we were fucking at full pace. The cabin bed creaked and groaned as I pounded away into Kathy. I had to use all of my strength to stop myself cumming so early. The cabin was full of noise as I grunted furiously, Kathy moaned and the bed rocked against the wall. I was sure the rest of the boat would be able to hear. I didnt care.
After a few minutes of ramming myself into her, Kathy pulled herself upwards and turned around, facing me. She climbed above me and with the sexiest smile I had ever seen, she lowered herself onto my cock in the cowgirl position. It was only now that I got a full view of her tits. They were amazing. Firm, big and round, like melons. With her ass on my lap and her pussy once again engulfing my dick, she began to rock her hips forward quickly. It was the best feeling Id ever encountered. I lay back, enjoying the feeling, staring up at Kathys face. She had a look of sheer sexual pleasure, like what you would see in a porno, only this was real.
Kathys pace picked up quickly. Her hips ground against me furiously as her ass wiggled around on my lap. Soon I began to take over, pushing my hips up and down. Kathy began to bounce up and down on me. My cock could now reach even deeper depths this way. Our breathing grew heavier and heavier. I could feel my climax building but I wanted to hold out even longer. It was hard though. I knew she wasnt far off either. It felt as if her pussy was gripping my cock, unwilling to let go. The sight of Kathys tits bouncing up and down with each thrust was more than I could take.
Shit here it comes, I panted.
Ohh….FUCK…YES…YES..YESSS! Kathy screamed as her body was taken over by a violent orgasm. It was a sight Id never seen before. I felt my cock throbbing and I began to plunge harder and faster than ever into her. Her orgasm came to an end just as I began to unleash my own. I felt my full length spasm and right away cum started pumping into her rapidly. Our thrusts slowed and eventually stopped. We didnt move much for some time. Kathy remained seated on my cock. We were exhausted. She leant down and kissed me. It was a different sort of kiss. Affectionate as opposed to lustful. I returned it and with that, Kathy climbed off of me. As she was rolling back onto the bed I gave her ass a light hearted slap. She giggled and looked into my eyes.
That meant a lot to me, she eventually said.
Me too Kathy, I replied There is something about you that makes you seem so irresistible.
What is it? she quizzed. I grinned and put my hand out onto her breast. Screw you!, she laughed.
I thought I just did
We both laughed and with that, Kathy rested her head on my chest, her hair waving down my body. I held her hand in my own and drifted off into a peaceful dream.
To be continued….
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By Beating Off Bob Dave Thompson turned the radio up a little as "You're Addicted To Love" came on the station they were listening to. He heard Robert Palmer, but, in his mind's eye, he saw the dead pan faces of the women on the video, as they held guitars and swayed enticingly. Dick Williams, his next door neighbor, and best friend, started rocking in the seat next to him as he got into the beat too. The girls were in the back seat, dead to the world,...
Darkness... He could not feel anything, not his feet, arms, even his body. All he could hear was the relaxing waves reaching the sandy beach, the quiet warm breeze and tropical air. Not to worry they said, that storm isnt a threat in any way they said. Well that probably showed them. It was a stormy night at the airport in L.A. The clouds were threatening and dark, the wind blowed furiosly to the south and thunder clapped everywhere. But the flight to New Zealand wasnt canceled...
It was supposed to be a graduation present to Jack – a family trip to Australia. Since Jack was little he was always fascinated with the "Land Down Under". He used to watch "Crocodile Dundee" over and over and he would read many books about Australia. Therefore, his parents promised him that upon graduation they would take him on a month long vacation to that distant country.Jack graduated and the date for the trip was set. Jack's parents, Tim and Joanna, decided to do the trip in August – the...
Emily slammed her car door and cursed loudly. It wasn't enough that the damn car quit on her on this empty country road, she was also out of range for her cell phone to work. She leaned against the door and looked around in frustration. She was stranded. It was all because she had become so bored. Everything just seemed so routine these days. She was tired of it. Her husband had left her over six months ago, running away with a woman he worked with. Good riddance, she told herself. Nowadays,...
SeductionThis will be a collection of multiple stories involving being stranded, and it isn't limited to an island. Please if you do want to write a branch for this story I would like you to have 3 chapters that have a minimum word count of 500. Once I have seen and read the first 3 chapters I will publish the story and add you as an author so you can publish at your own leisure. I also would like a small blurb that I can add to this page so that any reader can see what stories they could read The...
IncestChapter 1It is about 8 pm and Andy is heading home from college. She decided to go to school a few hours from home so that she had some freedom. Her parents didn't have a lot of money so what little they did save went towards school for Andy. This meant when she graduated from high school her parents had given her their old car for her to take back and forth to school. It was an older car with lots of minor problems but it was safe and reliable...normally. When Andy finished her last...
TeenOne of my coworkers, soon after I started my first job after school, owned a sailboat. He took me out several times and I fell in love with the feeling you get when you're out on the water with very little noise to distract you. There's something special about being out in nature and feeling her caress you. After nine years of working with that same company, I was getting burned out and knew I needed something different in my life. My epiphany came while driving home one night. The radio...
Miri awakened with a start. None of the horrible images from her dreams made sense, but they sure did scare her. Unsettled and anxious in the darkened room, the little girl clung tighter to her pillow—wishing desperately not to be afraid. Unfortunately, it wasn't working. Something was wrong, she just didn't know what. As the minutes ticked by, however, she started realizing that everything was wrong. From the pillow, to the sheets, to the nightgown, to the bed, to the room itself—none of...
Running through the pelting rain, Josh reached his, or rather Molly's, car. Yanking it open, surprised it wasn't locked, he jumped behind the wheel and tried to wipe the rainwater off him. The weather had worsened while he'd been inside the police station and now it was blowing up a storm. Lightning flashes lit sky, the rolling sounds of thunder arriving several seconds later. That produced a smile, as Josh cast a last surreptitious glance behind him. He wondered which of the empty cars...
"Good afternoon, I don't need to tell you that this is a significant event," Martin Schmidt, the White House Press secretary announced, glancing around at the assembled press corps. "In order to determine what happened to unleash a mysterious unidentified plague at a classified military base a few days back, President Atkinson met with Colonel Whitacre. He was the officer in charge of the base who was en route to a briefing here when the plague spread, killing the remaining occupants of...
Never seek to tell thy love, Love that never told can be, For the gentle wind doth move Silently, invisibly. Love’s Secret William Blake He had felt this heart’s storm coming for so long he failed to pay heed to the meaning of his words. In the end, he knew, he had failed to understand the terms of their contract, the bargain they had struck, all rendered meaningless by time. For years now, her hand in his had been a bittersweet thing — nothing now was as it had been. The sound of her...
Along the length of the moonlit rocky cliff, other tentacles also rose, twitching, seeking. The creature knew the competition would be fierce, and odds of individual success were slim. But onward it climbed, finding a gaping crack in the cliff and contorting its body to squeeze itself inside. Other creatures would find similar openings, but this one held a sense of promise. Surely this must be the one. Lashing out with a tentacle at a competitor that sought to encroach upon its tiny cave,...
Lorenzo moaned as he struggled to open his eyelids. His tongue passed over something acrid and sticky as he licked his cracked lips. He heard a slight, hesitant whimper. He felt a warm snuffling against an ear. Suddenly an ache in the core of his body spread out and over each stiff limb. His jade green eyes slowly squinted open. Each pupil gleamed as the austere summer light of a sparsely clouded sky reflected from the striated Aegean sea's surface and into his eyes.There was a scrabbling sound...
VoyeurThe Monster Island Sea was largely ignored by the great naval powers of the world. It was too far away and too dangerous. The Canine Empire was far to the west, the Feline Theocracy began leagues to the east and the Equine Collective positioned far to the north. The sea had temptation though. Each of the three powers denied engaging in any trade with one another but if for whatever reason they did want to send a merchant vessel or two, perhaps carrying silk, spice or salt, then the Monster...
FantasyFootprints In The Sea - Chapters 1 & 2 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints In The Sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific and more than one thousand miles from the nearest habited land and located between New Zealand and South America, Charlie Broughton explores what he...
The summer sun glimmered on the emerald sea as the waves broke against the shore, swallowing up the tiny footprints in the sand. Isabelle was a tall red-haired girl now in her 23rd year. She strode along the beach with her dress fluttering in the warm breeze, vexed by matters of the heart – and feared that her longing would be unrequited. Richard had grown up in the beach house next to hers. In their childhood they became friends. As the years progressed and the two grew into maturity, so had...
Emma stepped out of the plane into the hot Greek sun. She stopped to let the heat touch her skin, breathing in the air. Following her was her husband Sean. Together they ran a successful finance company and all in her life had been good until Emma became pregnant. The sex stopped almost immediately and Sean, frustrated, started an affair with the company accountant and Emma's best friend, Jane.This was kept secret until Jane, in error, sent a text to Emma's phone. It read, “Hi sexy, canʼt wait...
Wife LoversPassion at Sea This was my second cruise alone and I was looking forward to the relaxation, sun and new ports. I didn’t realize at the time that “new ports” would take on a whole new meaning by the end of the cruise. The first day was spent on the cruise line’s private island and I used the day to walk along the water’s edge, exploring, doing a little swimming and snorkeling. I never tire of being around the Caribbean . The water is breathtakingly beautiful. The color of the water runs the...
NovelsAnna was a young virgin special 20-year-old, who went on a trip on the boat. She always liked the sea elements. She inhaled all his bosomy smell of the sea and enjoy the breeze in a hurry, putting his wind is not very tanned body. In this journey of her father sent, knowing about her troubles on the personal front, he decided that it is the journey into a far country and motion sickness can be very useful will fall to heal emotional wounds. Keep an eye on a young lady's father asked his friend,...
Amy 2: Amy by the Sea by Amy K The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Dr. Strangeshop or, How I Learned to Hate the Mall Full-on summer came around. Temps rose, mosquitoes snacked on precious bodily fluids, faces went shiny from the humidity. Emily was no longer a senior at Delacroix High, and I...
Two days later, and after a tearful good bye, HMS Medusa put to sea. After four days of clawing up against westerly winds, they reached Plymouth where they were joined by two prison transports. A third transport was not yet ready, waiting for another consignment of convicts from a distant prison. The two other captains insisted on sailing, saying that the prisoners were on board already and had to be fed. Tony pointed out to them that his orders were to escort three transports, but they...
By Volterra At last my long awaited holiday was almost here with just one more day at the office and then a well-deserved couple of weeks of complete relaxation in the Greek Islands, a favourite destination of mine. This year will be strange holidaying alone, something I’ve not done too often, but I was still looking forward to the peace and quite of the island of Patmos. The next day in the office I skipped lunch so as to complete all my work early and make a quick exit home to pack...
Throughout the recorded history of man there has been an ongoing fascination with the nude female form, in its erotic response to abuse, and a primal desire to see naked females undergo severe debasing torture. There are hundreds of examples of cultures that openly practiced the sexual debauchment of women on a regular basis. Drawings on the walls of caves clearly indicated that the breasts and pubic mounds of captured women were a delicacy, eaten directly from the living victim. In Ancient...
NOTE: This is a story about developing attraction and companionship rather than pussy being pounded on every page. Be warned. EG. CHAPTER 1 Fog drifted over the city as former celebrated international pianist Gwendolyn Chappell was into her thirteenth session of being interviewed by her biographer, Stephen Miles. ‘What do you recall as your naughtiest moment of your life Gwen?’ Dressed as if going to a ball, although it was only just after 8:30 am, Gwen said she would have to think about...
THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA By C Once a small village along the great Southern Sea was afflicted by an especiallycruel, lustful tribe of mermaids. They were beautiful, with luxuriant blondhair, full round breasts, and slender waists. Their skin was pale, nearly thecolor of snow. The human (somewhat human) half ended in a gently swelling,hairless mons , broached by a little cleft that madea rosy contrast to the white skin surrounding it. Farther down, they had thetails of dolphins, with powerful...
She had lived in New England all her life, when her father’s business failed and the family decided to move to California, her heart had cried out at the idea of leaving the culture and society that she had always known. The day that they went down to the harbor and boarded the old ship they had almost had to force her on board. Surprisingly after a day or two at sea, she found that she loved the quiet and the gentle rolling of the waves against the hull. It was a time of calm and rumination...
The name is Maldos, and I am a Satyr. In case you don’t know what a Satyr is, I will be glad to enlighten you. Satyrs are Immortal beings who walk the world of man. We look like men, but with somewhat hairier bodies, and we also have goat-like horns. Oh, and I almost forgot about the cloven feet. And the unforgettable goat-like tail. It turns on the women, I swear. Isn’t that a pretty picture? Ancient Greece is the magical realm I call home and Trickery is the nature of my game. I am somewhat...
Across the long grass to the sea. Down the steep path, me in flip-flops ('thongs' actually cos we are in Australia). Across the shingle with its pieces of wood, bleached white and those little bits of indestructible blue cord that you find on every beach in the world.Behind an outcrop of sandy-coloured rock, our secret cove. No-one but us would take the trouble to clamber this far over the unfriendly rocks but the cove has lovely big flat stones worn smooth by the wind and weather.We undress...
LesbianThe heady scent of golden wheat, burning wood and fallen leaves, mingles with the far off scent of the sea. The fragrances of autumn drift gently through the air, my nostrils flare ever so slightly as I breathe deeply into my lungs. The moon is as round and orange as a ripe pumpkin. A giant orb hanging low and bright in the sky, its glow matches the glow in my eyes as I approach the gathering of people. My boots made of whisper soft doeskin, laced up to my calf, pad lightly over the loamy...
She wondered if this would be her last summer on the island. She knew her time was short and relished every moment. The warm sun eased the constant pain from her arthritis and the salt spray soothed her dry, wrinkled skin. So many summers ago and so many memories washing over these beaches like the constant lapping of the surf. *** They had honeymooned here. Thirty lust filled days hastily sandwiched between his basic training and the hellfire in the Pacific. They were so young. Her body was...
Ah, the salty sea breeze, the gentle rocking of the boat, and the sound of nothing but waves and sea life, there is no better feeling than the feeling you get when you're deep sea fishing. You've been at this for years, actually having gotten pretty good at it, but still never landing anything worth mounting on the wall at home. Last year, you almost caught this huge swordfish, but a shark landed it before you and took half of your fishing line with him. This year, you're determined to catch a...
FantasyFelix's group had been days out on the sea to circle the Osenia continent once again. When Sheba decided to follow Felix on his journey, she'd had no idea they'd be traveling this much on sea. The seafaring was easy at least. They had probably the most powerful ship in the world, and Felix kept the ship safe with his Psyenergy. The sea monsters kept at bay, but it also made traveling less exciting. Since the ship was also controlled by Psyenergy, the party didn't have to resort to tricks, or...
Just at the end of July, I went to sea for work. The end of business meetings and lunches I went to the hotel room quite early around 7pm. The smell of the sea beckoned me to go outside and walk. I went to the page where you can find the dates and I wrote that I was at that location so if anyone is interested then let me know. I went into the shower and started to get off my feet and lightly touch my body, which already made me a little horny and excited that I had to find something tonight, I...
Bounties of the SeaByWhipsaw WARNING: The following story is fictitious and should not be taken seriously. The tortures described are extremely dangerous and could cause serious injury or death.Prologue I am not sure when I stopped believing and gave up on life, humanity?????and all of the other shit. Chapter One As I looked around at my newly remodeled home, I was very pleased. The last of the workmen were boarding the boat that would take them away forever and I could start on...
RAPE AT SEA I have been in the US Navy for 24 years and am considered a crusty old sailor.At 43 years old, I am twice the age of a lot of the men as the military ismade up of mostly 18 to 24 year olds. I am a Master Chief Petty Officer whichis the highest rank an enlisted person can achieve. When the Navy announcedthey were going to allow women on combat ships, I was mad as hell. Being ?oldschool? I felt a war ship was no place for females. Having just returned froma 6 month deployment which...
Once upon a time, a baby girl was born in Aitarsha. Her name was Lukia, and she was the daughter of the king. They lived in a palace, by the sea, built of stone. As Lukia grew up, the king decided that she should get married, and started looking for boys her age that she could find attractive and interesting, but she was always unhappy. Oh, some of those boys were sweet, but she couldn't think of them as peers: she was Lukia, daughter of Leises, and they were just villagers, sons of peasants...
Maybe it was because I was a complete stranger that he felt able to tell me his secret. At least I thought so at the time. I figured out later that he had started talking to me because I had a broad, hairy chest, a beard and was older than him. It was all part of his secret. He told me he was eighteen. Actually he said he was eighteen and four months so I didn’t argue. Then he said he had a secret and was bursting to tell someone. I told him that he was welcome to tell me his secret and that my...
GayThis incident happened about nine months ago when I was still married to my chubby hubby. I received a text message from Jeffrey, who was Raymond buddy. He invited me to his yacht. He said Raymond and Robert would be there. Robert was another buddy of Raymond whom Raymond occasionally shared me with. I was to meet them in the boat club in Sentosa at 11am and we would sail out to the sea and were scheduled to come back in the evening. I told my son and hubby I was going to out to meet my client...
Group SexTwo figures, dark cloaked and masked, diligently scanned their surroundings as they guided a boat toward the sandy strip of beach ahead. The tang of the sea hung heavily around them in the humid air, leaving the approaching boat shrouded in mists. The sea was calm and glassy in the faint light of the crescent moon, only the surge of the waves against the shore and the faint sloshes of water against the bow of the boat breaking the silence. The keel of the boat barely scrunched into the sand...