Stranded In A Foreign LandChapter 15: Final Plans, Final Messages free porn video

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"Good afternoon, I don't need to tell you that this is a significant event," Martin Schmidt, the White House Press secretary announced, glancing around at the assembled press corps. "In order to determine what happened to unleash a mysterious unidentified plague at a classified military base a few days back, President Atkinson met with Colonel Whitacre. He was the officer in charge of the base who was en route to a briefing here when the plague spread, killing the remaining occupants of the base. We've initiated an official inquiry, but given the amount of attention this matter has attracted in the press, we've decided to make Col. Whitacre available for a brief statement.

"This will be brief and we won't be taking questions since this is still an active ongoing investigation. But the important thing is that the president had no knowledge of the operations at the base. It appears to have been initiated by a lower level CIA employee without approval of the upper echelon of the government. We're still trying to figure out exactly what went wrong, but Col. Whitacre can supply a general overview of what happened. Colonel, would you like to begin?" the Press Secretary asked, backing away from the podium.

"Thank you," Colonel Whitacre said, stepping around the Secretary. "As Mr. Schmidt said, I've met with the president. After a lengthy interrogation, he gave me the following notes to reveal to you," the officer dressed in the crisp uniform told the assembled reporters, picking up a sheaf of papers, holding it up for them to see. Without saying a word the Colonel released the pages, allowing them to fall from his hand to flutter, one by one, to the floor.

The Press Secretary leaned forward uneasily as the administration people behind Whitacre grew uneasy, but he resumed speaking.

"Every single man under my command died because of a series of irresponsible orders by President Atkinson, and I won't remain silent about it anymore."

The entire pressroom fell into a stunned silence. The members of the administration seemed to be equally as stunned, their mouths hanging open in shock. This is not what they expected. Before they could recover, Whitacre continued.

"The base was set up and equipped on an old storage facility on the direct orders of the president. I was informed this was strictly need-to-know and that I was prevented from revealing it under penalty of treason by a series of top-secret laws specifically written..." The Colonel stopped speaking as a commotion broke out off-screen as several members of the administration's staff started forward at the same time. But Whitacre was prepared for such an interruption.

"Mr. President," he responded, staring directly at the live cameras, "If you expect me to remain silent, then you'd best shoot me in the head right now, as I will not maintain your lies any lon—"

The national broadcast was cut off unexpectedly, leaving a black screen and dead air on every major station across the country. This was replaced shortly by a blue screen until finally an animation of a technician scratching his head holding cut wires appearing beside the words "We're experiencing a temporary technical issue. We'll be back online shortly."

Massive rioting broke out that night in major cities across the country, most notably Chicago, New York, and of course Washington D.C. The reporters attending the press conference reported that Col. Whitacre had been physically dragged from the room by armed Secret Security agents, but no one had any clue what had become of him. There were wild reports of shots being fired shortly after that, but there was no confirmation from the White House. The government struggled to maintain control, while several US Embassies across the world were attacked. Despite the unrest, the administration never issued another statement from Col. Whitacre to clarify what happened. In fact, nothing more was heard of him and nothing was released about him, which only fueled the protests.

The protests in Washington were the worst, with police cars overturned and burned, protesters gassed, pummeled and shot at. Massive crowds formed around the White House, which was officially placed under lockdown as hundreds of people threw garbage through the White House Gates. Despite repeated attempts to stifle the demonstrations, the protestors wouldn't back down. Since the police were unable to navigate the streets to respond after the protestors got increasingly aggressive, several Secret Service members appeared in a line along the gate. After their orders to disperse were ignored, they opened fire with live ammunition. When that news was broadcast on the various news stations—which cancelled their normal broadcast schedules to cover the event—the protests only intensified.

D.C. fell under complete chaos after that, with the police unable to respond. All military personal were ordered to base and forbidden to interact or call any civilians or civilian organization. Military members caught on the street trying to return to base were stopped, physically removed from their cars and beaten. The public, seeing men in Army uniforms at the base and unable to tell who was or wasn't operating the secret organizations, simply took their frustrations out on whomever they could find, be they low-level military grunts, cops or minor government workers. The organized efforts to improve the reputations of military personnel begun after 9/11 and continued for decades after were all negated in a single night. Despite the apparent complete breakdown of the government and repeated calls for impeachment, no official action or response by the administration was initiated, as the rioting, police shootings, tear gas attacks and other attempts to curtail the protests continued throughout the night.

About the only action the White House took was to convince a sympathetic judge to issue a suppression order against unsubstantiated reporting by the media. President Atkins used that as justification to declare a state of Emergency, his first act of which was to shut down the major news networks. However, that didn't quell the protests, and while the networks couldn't report what was happening, the various social media sites didn't hesitate to broadcast thousands of shots of the action.

"Hallo?" Peter asked in his usual affected inflection.

"Hey, Peter. It's Josh. I—"

"Josh? What the heck happened? We went out to visit and there was no one there. The whole place was empty."

"Whoa, hold on. Remember, I can say whatever I want, but anything you say can be overheard, so don't spill anything which would raise any red flags by some faceless computer. As far as this conversation is concerned, my family and I were out helping Janet with a difficult birthing."

"Yeah, I forgot about that. I can hear the echo. That farm must be a long ways away," Peter teased, only pausing when he realized he'd almost done what Josh just asked him not to. He remained silent, trying to think of a way of asking the most obvious questions, but none came to mind. "So when can we get together and ... uh, shoot the breeze?"

"That's why I was calling. Listen carefully. I'm a long ways away, think hundreds of miles above the Earth. When I come in, I need to get in and out quickly, so I need you to call everyone and get them to your Uncle Joseph's. It's time we got everyone home, and we'll need to take care of several things before we do."

"Uh, what ... oh yeah, I forgot about that damn time delay. OK, I'll call everyone. When should we be there?"

"The delay is only to send out the message that the phone company picks up, I can hear anything you say fine. I need to come in under cover of darkness, and I figure it'll take all of you a long time to get there with the road blocks. You'll also need to consolidate cars to attract less attention. A single car with a bunch of rowdy teenagers is easier to explain than a bunch of cars all heading to a single remote location. Figure 10:00 tonight. It should be dark enough by then for us to escape most casual observations."

"All right. I'm anxious to hear what's up. It sounds like you've been up to quite a bit."

"Yeah, you can certainly say that," Josh replied tersely, wanting to detail everything he'd seen but knowing he couldn't. "I'll try to bring you up to date when I see you. Now you'd better go, since they haven't caught us yet, they'll probably be flagging any phone calls over a certain length."

When he ended the call, Josh sat back. It would be a long time to wait with little to do other than practice his new language skills. There was a lot to do and figure out, and he also had to get individual votes from everyone involved. There was yet a lot to consider.

The descent, while quick, was agonizing as Josh kept expecting some passing plane, overhead satellite or telescope below they couldn't see would notice his reentry. If some individual saw them and called it in, it would take a while to make it up the chain of command, and if the call came from the reservation, Josh felt pretty secure it wouldn't get the same response, so that was a lesser though still serious concern.

Since he'd done it before, he knew where the cavern entrance was even though it was cleverly disguised with junk. It took a bit to maneuver past it, but since the shuttle handled that kind of thing on its own, it didn't take that much time. As soon as the craft settled on the ground Josh hurried out the door, stopping long enough to unfurl the cover that would further hide their presence, and then he sprinted for the house. His enthusiasm to recount what he'd experienced putting extra speed in his steps.

Despite knowing the shuttle made no noise and that Joseph kept his few lights off to avoid alerting anyone that anything was up, Josh was still surprised no one had noticed his arrival. It was amazing you could land a vessel that large besides a house and run across a yard that big and have no one notice. Still, it was better than the alternative, which would involve fighter jets descending on them.

Pausing to catch his breath on Joseph's porch, Josh straightened to knock on the door. It was snatched open almost immediately by Becky.

"Josh, it's about time!" she yelled, throwing herself at him, but Josh was quicker, sidestepping and holding her back with his hand.

"Sorry, but we only have so much time. Where's Barbara?"

"She's back here," Janet called from the door of a back bedroom. "She's been anxious to speak with you."

"Hold on a minute," Peter demanded. "You disappeared for several days and then suddenly show up in a big hurry. We were scared shitless someone had captured both you and your mother. What the hell's been happening?"

"Man, you won't believe it," Josh admitted, giving in to his desire to reveal what he'd been doing, despite knowing he had very specific priorities, "but I've now traveled farther into space than any other human. I went to the alien's ship and activated it so they can leave. Sorry about the confusion, though. When I left, Mom warned me she was going into hiding, afraid the government would see me leaving and descend on the farm, so I'd consider it somewhat unsafe at the moment."

"Damn, that's pretty extreme!" Fred swore, his eyes staring at Josh in fascination.

"You're right about that. He keeps doing the sexiest things," Becky purred, which caused the other women, particularly Cynthia and Molly, to look askance at her. But Josh didn't seem to pay her any mind.

"Now, as you can imagine, I need to talk to Barbara about what comes next," he said, moving towards the back room. "With any luck, we can get them on their way safely home before we're inevitably discovered. Once they're gone, the heat will be off the rest of us. We'll still be wanted, but the intense pressure to capture us will be diminished."

The others nodded at that as Josh entered Janet's cobbled together medical center to talk to Barbara. Stepping around his sister, he faced Barbara, who was sitting up on the room's bed—the only seat which would support her weight—and immediately started speaking to her in a poor imitation of her native tongue. Since he and the shuttle had been speaking a hybrid variation of both languages, based largely on what sounds he could reproduce, it was rough going. While the shuttle translated her words for him, it was rougher for her. As they struggled with their badly-shared languages the others clustered around the door, observing the scene as the other aliens each tried to help. They knew how important this was although they hadn't recovered quite as much as Barbara had.

"Geez!" Josh exclaimed, throwing both hands in the air and staring at the ceiling with little warning.

"What is it?" Cynthia asked from the corner of the room.

"Huh?" Josh asked, as if forgetting there was anyone else there. "Oh, I told them I activated their ship and they were free to take their shuttle and leave. Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple."

"Uh, exactly how 'unsimple' is it?" Jeffery asked, edging closer, his face a picture of worried expectation.

"Apparently having assigned the ship over to me, they no longer have control over it. What's more, since I can't give the proper command sequence, the shuttle can't transfer control. I'll have to return to the ship with them."

"Wait, I thought the whole idea was they'd take the ship and ... how the hell will you get back?" Fred asked.

"They can always bring him back," Peter suggested.

"Yeah, they need supplies," Josh admitted. "While we're gone, one of you will have to arrange to pick up a shitload of food."

"How the hell are we supposed to get that much food, water or whatever else they might need?" Frances asked.

"Actually, my father knows a lot of people. He could probably make a few phone calls," Becky offered, excited she could actually contribute for once. She recognized that Josh wasn't pleased with her crude attempts to win him over, valuing achievement over enthusiasm. If she could pull this off, this would improve his response to her, and at this point just about anything would help. "It would attract too much attention to deliver it here, but if they could meet you at another location."

Josh spoke to Barbara again and she reached into a pocket and handed him a small token. Josh took it and handed it to Becky. Barbara had substantially improved. Her voice, as it was, wasn't as shaky, and she spoke decisively for longer periods. She also looked much better, the feathers covering her skin beginning to regrow.

"Give him this. It will allow us to find wherever you take it to."

"Uh, it'll take quite a while to arrange and transport everything, especially if we're being watched," Becky pointed out. "It would be easier if we didn't have to drive there ourselves."

"I'm not sure if I can explain GPS coordinates to them with my limited language skills," Josh replied, spreading his hands wide.

"Maybe you don't need to," Cynthia offered. "Try moving to a few different locations and show them the coordinates. Maybe they can compute it."

Josh stopped to consider it. "I don't know. I don't like the idea of flying around, waiting for military jets to find us. We've escaped detection so far, but there's no telling how long our luck will hold out."

"See what Barbara thinks," Frances suggested.

Josh took her advice, turning and speaking briefly with Barbara before turning back to the room. "She says it shouldn't be a problem, but I'm still not sure it'll be that easy to figure out without knowing where the Greenwich meridian line lies, or where the equator is."

"But it's not a precise point, instead it's a starting point that's easy to calculate," Frances pointed out. "What's more, the equator is easily determined by the spin of the Earth."

"Maybe," Josh admitted. "But it still requires us to expose ourselves."

"Hopefully not for long, though," Molly said, "and then you can simply take off for the ship, out of the government's reach. They'd never know where we'd agreed to meet afterwards."

"That makes sense," Josh agreed. "OK, we'll do it. If I take them back and reassign command of the ship, then they can bring me back when they restock the ship. Everything works out."

"Not quite," Jeffery reminded him with a worried frown. "Both you and all of us will be wanted, not only by our government but by every government on Earth. They still don't know who most of you are, but enough people have seen you, so it's only a matter of time until someone identifies you. The rest of you can simply fade away and will probably never attract any attention, but the same isn't true for Josh or the three of us," he said, indicating Molly, Phillip and himself.

"Well, I chose this for myself," Josh insisted. "If that's the price I pay for their freedom and for keeping this much power out of a few corrupt hands, then it's a price that I'm willing to pay. However, I certainly didn't mean to screw the rest of you over. I'd prefer if this didn't impact the rest of you, but I'm not sure we can do anything about it now."

Barbara interrupted, after a hurried whispered conversation with one of the other aliens. She and Josh spoke privately for a while, with Barbara becoming quite animated and the other aliens weighing in on the discussion. The others in the room let them thrash it out, interested in what they were debating but not wanting to interrupt. Finally Josh turned back to them.

"Barbara's got an interesting proposal. She explained that with the losses they suffered, they're really severely understaffed. They need more bodies to operate the various services required to return. She's suggesting that some of us could join them. We'd essentially become space travelers. She tells me that they're already a multi-species society and that we'd be accepted simply for the help we offered and for allowing them to warn the other members of their society about what happened."

"Uh, what exactly happened?" Frances asked. So Josh took some time to explain how the aliens had come to be stranded on Earth. The aliens were now actively participating, having somehow overcome many of their problems comprehending what Josh was expressing. When he stopped, Fred asked the question on everyone's mind.

"How the hell can you pick up all of this information? I thought you only knew a little of their language?"

"Ah, it was a fairly simple problem," Josh explained. "While I know a fair amount, I can only approximate a few of their sounds, so the shuttle and I have been mangling the language. When Barbara speaks, the shuttle translates what she says into something I can understand, but since I have her authorization for access here on my arm, it won't update her. That's why the others have been getting involved. Along with voicing their own opinions, they're getting updates from the shuttle and passing it on to Barbara, allowing us to communicate much more quickly."

"So what's the end result?" Jeffery pressed. "What's Barbara's proposal?"

"It seems they faced the same kind of problems we are with corrupt governments and people split between being basically good and bad and sniping at each other. They had to reform their society before they could join the broader spacefaring races. By showing that we are more interested in helping people, regardless of background, we've proven ourselves to them, whereas no one else here has."

"So you're suggesting we all leave everything we know behind?" Becky asked. "Abandon our family and friends to join a society we know nothing about and where we'll be the dumb barbarians who can't keep up with anyone else?"

"Still, he's got a point," Phillip said, one of the few times he ever volunteered anything. "The government knows who we are, and if we ever show our faces again we'll be instantly arrested and either jailed, or more likely heavily interrogated. They will parade us in front of the public in an effort to prove what a danger these aliens are and how the government needs to protect everyone from them."

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Chapter 15: Final Plans, Final Messages Videos

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“Hey Mike, how’s it going?” She asked. “Um… it’s going good. Are you going swimming again right now?” I replied. “I wasn’t going to, but I will if you come with me,” she answered. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was, I saw the sly smile from the corner of her lip. “Ya sure, my parents are at work and Matt’s at his new job working at Sears.”I replied back. “Alright meet me in the pool in 30 minutes, oh and Mike, put on something sexy.” She said as she bit her lip. She looked so...

2 years ago
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my brothers girlfriend part 2 final0

“Hey Mike, how’s it going?” She asked. “Um… it’s going good. Are you going swimming again right now?” I replied. “I wasn’t going to, but I will if you come with me,” she answered. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was, I saw the sly smile from the corner of her lip. “Ya sure, my parents are at work and Matt’s at his new job working at Sears.”I replied back. “Alright meet me in the pool in 30 minutes, oh and Mike, put on something sexy.” She said as she bit her lip. She looked so...

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aunty takes good care of mefinal part

i know i keep on about my aunty betty but every boy should have one just like her.i wasnt a virgin but i had the best time with aunty. she was a great previous encounters(if you can call them that) were wham bam thank you mam,but i guess all young guys are like that.instead with aunty she took time and although she said it wasnt effort it must have been.she did so much for my sexual education i cant thank her enough. she laid me flat on her bed and got her sissors and

4 years ago
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aunty takes good care of mefinal part

i know i keep on about my aunty betty but every boy should have onejust like her.i wasnt a virgin but i had the best time with aunty.she was a great previous encounters(if you can call them that)were wham bam thank you mam,but i guess all young guys are like that.insteadwith aunty she took time and although she said it wasnt effort it must havebeen.she did so much for my sexual education i cant thank her enough.she laid me flat on her bed and got her sissors and first i...

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Anniversary DelightsChapter 19 Morning Before The First Finalist

Although Alima ate it naked, dinner was a very relaxed and western occasion since she was actually required to sit and eat with the Emir, instead of being under the table playing with his prick, as she had been on a number of occasions. The conversation was almost normal, by western standards, because they discussed the two sons and a daughter they had produced in the five years she had been his wife. He explained that the competition was more wearing than he had thought it would be, with...

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Anniversary DelightsChapter 21 Afternoon Of The Day Of The Second Finalist

The Emir lunched the next day with his other English wife. They chatted like any English couple who have been married for five years, but all that changed when she commented that her daughter, Alima wanted another child and had complained to her that he didn't fuck her properly any more. "If I choose to use her arse, that's my business," he said, rising from the table. Taking her arm he threw her on the bed face up, and released the neck of her silken dressing gown. Laying it back out...

2 years ago
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My Fourth Gangbang By Industrial Project In 8211 Charge And Foreign Boss

Hello I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmadabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my fourth experience recently happened with my Industrial Project In charge and his foreign boss. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe about myself, I am doing MBA and I am from wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So let me start narrating my recent...

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Boarding College With Foreign Students

This story took place when I was 22 years, well built…6’2″tall…with 125lbs…very handsome and graduated from the University and now doing teaching skill in one of the college in Karachi….my name is DANIYAL KHAN..I was very brilliant student in my studies…for this reason I got several jobs…but I prefer to take this Job…because this has the residence for foreign and local student…and the Principal of this college also gave a offer for Warden…to look after the boys in the Hostel. I was very happy...

Gay Male
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Foreign Exchange Yet another Dental Care sequel

nature and may involve non-consensual sexual acts between underage partners. Any resemblance to persons either alive or dead is purely coincidental. This story is intended for ADULTS only. If you are under the legal age of consent in your local jurisdiction, or if you are easily offended, kindly STOP READING NOW. Foreign Exchange - Yet another "Dental Care" sequel - by - The StoryMaster "Hey gimme a break man!" Ray Barrette practically shouted into the telephone. "What...

2 years ago
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Sex with black foreign lady

I am Selvaraj, working as a Guest In charge of a leading Star Hotel In Chennai. I am 26, unmarried, tall,black with good physical structures. In fact my hotel has chosen me in the interview more for my personality. I know how to win the people easily. I now narrate a sex experience i had with a Black foreign lady. Lot of foreign guests use to come to our hotel, mostly in groups and at Sometimes some people will in small group of two or four or alone also. Since I know, little bit of both German...

4 years ago
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Stranded Siblings Pt 2

Unlike my previous submissions this is a brand new story. It is the second part to Stranded Siblings and I look forward to turning it into a whole series. I appreciate your comments and ratings. ----------------------------------------------------As day broke and the bright tropical sun began to shine through his eyelids, Jack woke up to find himself still entangled with his sister Kelsey. As he laid there facing his sleeping sister, he felt both joy and fear as he recalled the memories of what...

3 years ago
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Sex with two foreign delegates

This is Saranya meeting you after a long time. I would like to share a great group experience with two foreign delegates. I believe you all remember that I am working as a receptionist-cum-secretary to the M D in a Construction company. My boss Aashish has marble and granite company also. One day my boss called me to his cabin and asked me, “Saranya I believe you are aware of those two foreign delegates coming here to have business deal with us? I said “Yes Sir, I am aware of that and two...

4 years ago
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Stranded in the Woods

After a busy month, Lilly needed to get away, clear her head and take some time for herself. She had been hoping to escape to the mountains and clear her head in nature. This weekend, she finally had the chance. Early Saturday morning, she arrived at a trailhead on the Appalachian Trail. She planned to hike Saturday and Sunday, camping out both nights, and return Monday morning.It was a beautiful, crisp morning, in the mid-50s. It would rise to the mid-70s during the day and cool back down to...

3 years ago
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Stranded at Sea The Storm Part 2

"Hey Andy. How are you feeling? Did you get much sleep?” she asked, looking concerned. "Pretty well actually", I wasn't lying. I felt very refreshed. "Where did you find those clothes?” I asked quickly. "Downstairs. In that food store room at the back there's a case with lots of old looking clothes", Janet replied. I nodded and my attention turned to the deck of the boat. "What are they doing?" I asked as I spotted Kathy, accompanied by Sarah, both of them leaning over the...

3 years ago
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Stranded Daddies

By Beating Off Bob Dave Thompson turned the radio up a little as "You're Addicted To Love" came on the station they were listening to. He heard Robert Palmer, but, in his mind's eye, he saw the dead pan faces of the women on the video, as they held guitars and swayed enticingly. Dick Williams, his next door neighbor, and best friend, started rocking in the seat next to him as he got into the beat too. The girls were in the back seat, dead to the world,...

2 years ago
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Stranded an island paradise

Darkness... He could not feel anything, not his feet, arms, even his body. All he could hear was the relaxing waves reaching the sandy beach, the quiet warm breeze and tropical air. Not to worry they said, that storm isnt a threat in any way they said. Well that probably showed them. It was a stormy night at the airport in L.A. The clouds were threatening and dark, the wind blowed furiosly to the south and thunder clapped everywhere. But the flight to New Zealand wasnt canceled...

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Stranded in the Outback

It was supposed to be a graduation present to Jack – a family trip to Australia. Since Jack was little he was always fascinated with the "Land Down Under". He used to watch "Crocodile Dundee" over and over and he would read many books about Australia. Therefore, his parents promised him that upon graduation they would take him on a month long vacation to that distant country.Jack graduated and the date for the trip was set. Jack's parents, Tim and Joanna, decided to do the trip in August – the...

2 years ago
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Emily slammed her car door and cursed loudly. It wasn't enough that the damn car quit on her on this empty country road, she was also out of range for her cell phone to work. She leaned against the door and looked around in frustration. She was stranded. It was all because she had become so bored. Everything just seemed so routine these days. She was tired of it. Her husband had left her over six months ago, running away with a woman he worked with. Good riddance, she told herself. Nowadays,...

4 years ago
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This will be a collection of multiple stories involving being stranded, and it isn't limited to an island. Please if you do want to write a branch for this story I would like you to have 3 chapters that have a minimum word count of 500. Once I have seen and read the first 3 chapters I will publish the story and add you as an author so you can publish at your own leisure. I also would like a small blurb that I can add to this page so that any reader can see what stories they could read The...

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Stranded for Christmas

Chapter 1It is about 8 pm and Andy is heading home from college.  She decided to go to school a few hours from home so that she had some freedom.  Her parents didn't have a lot of money so what little they did save went towards school for Andy.  This meant when she graduated from high school her parents had given her their old car for her to take back and forth to school.  It was an older car with lots of minor problems but it was safe and reliable...normally.   When Andy finished her last...

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One of my coworkers, soon after I started my first job after school, owned a sailboat. He took me out several times and I fell in love with the feeling you get when you're out on the water with very little noise to distract you. There's something special about being out in nature and feeling her caress you. After nine years of working with that same company, I was getting burned out and knew I needed something different in my life. My epiphany came while driving home one night. The radio...

2 years ago
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StrandedChapter 3

Miri awakened with a start. None of the horrible images from her dreams made sense, but they sure did scare her. Unsettled and anxious in the darkened room, the little girl clung tighter to her pillow—wishing desperately not to be afraid. Unfortunately, it wasn't working. Something was wrong, she just didn't know what. As the minutes ticked by, however, she started realizing that everything was wrong. From the pillow, to the sheets, to the nightgown, to the bed, to the room itself—none of...

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Subliminal Messages

Title: Subliminal MessagesAuthor: slaveboyusaDate: 8/3/12        The noon sun came in through the window of Lilly Chen’s office and reflected off the glass of her framed MBA degree and into her slanted eyes. Lilly was reading the business profile of a dog food company called Little Bites. Ms. Chen is the youngest president in the history of Savory Treats dog Food Company. The last president retired a month ago and after careful interviewing and researching candidates, the board of directors...

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Foreign Exchange

“How has it been going, son?” his father said.‘Rather well, dad. You and mom were right. Getting away from home has helped. I’m more relaxed and I’ve made some new friends, real friends. Not those who like me for who or what I am,” he replied.“Being the son of a college professor and detective isn’t so bad, is it,” his mother chimed in.He laughed. “Calling yourself a college professor and dad a detective is stretching the truth. Here, I’m viewed as the son of some wealthy Italian parents.”“You...

College Sex
4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 49 Foreign Shores

Diane 2043 "It doesn't matter however much I enjoy making love with you," said Diane, "it still feels wrong." "Because we're both women?" wondered Lakeisha who was spread out on the sheets beside the vicar. "Because I'm in love with Doris," Diane replied. "It's not as if you're living together, is it?" said Lakeisha. "Didn't you enjoy making love it just now? The moistness between your thighs tells me you did." "Doris and I are lovers," said Diane. "We've even...

1 year ago
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Foreign exchange sweeties make for a perfect high school year

Note : This story is completely fictional! Being a 42 year old single guy, never married and no kids didn't stop me from beating the system for the prize of three high school foreign exchange students from three different countries. I had done a little research into the likelihood of actually sponsoring three foreign exchange girls for a year and it appeared that it was not only easy, but actually encouraged. The process was somewhat of a nuisance with all the background checks and passport...

2 years ago
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The Foreigner

The ForeignerHe looks kind of cute, sitting a bit to the side from the busy road, studying his map. Next to him on the floor, is his rucksack. -She says Hi, can I help you?+ She looks stunning. Her eyes are captivating. -Where do you want to go?+-I want to see the museum+, he says. She shows him on his map. She is close to him, her perfume is intoxicating. He soaks it in all too easy. -You travel alone?+ -Yes+, he says. -You need to be careful, there are many thieves here who try to take...

3 years ago
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Foreign Posting

Introduction: Indian woman on foreign posting having fun with locals I had been going through a very rough patch in those years, my husband of three years had eloped with some foreigner and was now a Canadian Citizen, and a very Stress full and nasty divorce was in process. I was always good in studies and in last three years, during divorce proceedings, have been trying to compete for some govt. Job and as they say, times they have a way of changing. The month I got the divorce I also got...

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Gang Banged By My Foreign Boss And His Son

Hello, I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my 7th sex story which recently happened with my foreign boss and his son. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe myself, I have done MBA and I am from a wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So, let me start narrating my recent incident happened with my...

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In a Foreign Land

I had done my A-levels and like many of my friends I was still debating whether to head straight to university or take a gap year when the letter arrived. I’d been offered a full scholarship at an American university. I was ecstatic. I’d almost forgotten the audition pieces I’d written for the creative writing course that I was so desperate to do and now I was offered a chance to get an English degree for free. The thought of moving to America for 4 years was a bit daunting. The campus of the...

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The Foreign Exchange Student Ch 1

Introduction: Hi guys, this is my first story on this site. I hope you like it! Emile had gotten off the plane a couple of hours ago, but was already quite exhausted from his long flight to an unfamiliar country. Just seven hours ago, he was sitting comfortably in his bedroom in Marseille, France. Typically he was a laid-back and casual type of guy, but traveling across the country as part of a foreign exchange program had gotten him pretty nervous. He had been assigned to the Hill family as...

5 years ago
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Emily becomes acquainted with her foreign exchange brother

Emily came home exhausted from college.  She has discovered that communicating all day in a formal classroom setting in a foreign language is exhausting.  She closed the door shut and yelled, “Hello, anyone home?”Silence.“Well, I guess I can take a nice long, hot shower and relax.”Emily went up to her bedroom and quickly undressed.  She went into the open shower and turned on the hot water.  Emily really loved standing under the hot water.  It was so relaxing as she ran her fingers across her...

First Time

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