Stranded Daddies free porn video

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By Beating Off Bob

Dave Thompson turned the radio up a little as "You're Addicted To Love" came on the station they were listening to. He heard Robert Palmer, but, in his mind's eye, he saw the dead pan faces of the women on the video, as they held guitars and swayed enticingly. Dick Williams, his next door neighbor, and best friend, started rocking in the seat next to him as he got into the beat too.

The girls were in the back seat, dead to the world, after a soccer game that had been a real thriller. Dave looked into the rear view mirror to make sure he hadn't made the music too loud, and wakened them. They'd played hard, and they were bushed.
Stranded Daddies

By Beating Off Bob

Dave Thompson turned the radio up a little as "You're Addicted To Love" came on the station they were listening to. He heard Robert Palmer, but, in his mind's eye, he saw the dead pan faces of the women on the video, as they held guitars and swayed enticingly. Dick Williams, his next door neighbor, and best friend, started rocking in the seat next to him as he got into the beat too.

The girls were in the back seat, dead to the world, after a soccer game that had been a real thriller. Dave looked into the rear view mirror to make sure he hadn't made the music too loud, and wakened them. They'd played hard, and they were bushed.

"Man, the memories this song brings back," said Dick, his face twisting as he mouthed the words "addicted to love", hamming it up.

Dave was so into the music that he didn't see the warning light on the dashboard light up. It wasn't until he felt the car falter, that he looked down and saw the "oil" light brightly lit. He heard the rapid, staccato sound of valves, trying to work without oil, and knew it was bad already, if he could hear it over the music.

"Fuck!" he snarled, letting off of the gas. His hand flashed to the volume knob and he twisted it viciously.

"Hey!" said Dick, and then he heard the noise too. "Uh Oh," he said, unnecessarily.

Dave pulled to the shoulder and shut it down. Even inside the cab they could both hear the crackle and pop of overheated metal, flexing in the motor compartment. He looked in the rearview mirror, to see if there was any traffic behind him, and when he didn't see anything, he opened his door. He leaned down and pulled the hood release, groaning when smoke flowed out of the gap created by the hood popping up a few inches.

Both men stared at the engine. They could feel the heat, standing three feet away. The dip stick had burned Dave's fingers when he tried to pull it. There was a rag in the trunk, but he didn't want to go get it. He knew what he'd see when he pulled the stick. Nothing. He'd see nothing, where a black coating of oil should be, where the cross hatched lines lay next to the words "operating range" on the dip stick.

"Did you check the oil when we left?" asked Dick.

Dave shot him a dark look. "Of course I checked the oil. I'm not an idiot."

"Just asking," said Dick.

"What's going on?" came a female voice.

Both men looked to see Denise Williams, Dick's daughter, come from where the open hood had blocked their view of her getting out of the back seat. Both men noted her short, lush body, still in her soccer uniform. That uniform did nothing to hide her big breasts. Her dark brown hair had been let out of it's pony tail, and fell to her shoulders in long gentle waves. She looked at the two men with startling hazel eyes, that seemed to flicker from green to blue, depending on the light. At first glance, she was stocky looking, short and wide. But a closer examination, and the right clothing, revealed that, below broad shoulders, and breasts that looked too big to be on such a short girl, there was a narrow waist, and then hips that, combined with the shoulders and breasts, were why she looked so stocky.

"Did you break the car, Uncle Dave?" she said, putting her hands on her hips. Both men stared at her. They had stared at her all through the game. Dave stared at her every time she came over to the house, to see his daughter, Cindy, who was apparently still asleep in the car. Dick, her father, had stared at her for years, unbelieving, as she turned from a little girl into a young woman any man would gawk at.

She saw the disgusted look on her "uncle's" face, and realized he was really upset.

"How bad is it?" she asked, serious now.

"Oil," said Dave, shortly.

"Or lack, thereof," said Dick.

"Well, put some more in," said Denise. "I'm hungry."


Dave finished unloading the trunk. He'd found two quarts of oil, amid all the sports gear, old newspapers he'd forgotten to take to the recycling point, the picnic blanket they hadn't used in years, and one very flat spare tire. Thank goodness they didn't need the spare.

He poured the oil in and felt arms go around his waist. His daughter had woken up as they tore the trunk apart, and had been brought up to date by her best friend. She didn't say anything, and he knew she was just trying to make him feel better.

He put the cap back on and then got on one knee, to look under the car. He saw oil start dripping out slowly, and knew what had happened. In the parking lot, after the game, he'd tried to pull forward, through the empty slot in front of the car. He'd forgotten there was a concrete tire barrier, and his forward momentum had carried the car over it. Everyone in the car had heard the crunch and groan of metal impacting concrete, but he'd though it was just the frame.

Turned out it must have been the oil pan.

"We have to go!" he yelled. "It's leaking out! COME ON!"

They all piled into the car and he started it. The knocking was there immediately, but he put it in gear and started forward. He wanted to go fast, to get somewhere quickly, but knew that running the motor at slower speeds would do less damage. They were in the middle of nowhere, taking what looked like a short cut on county roads ... at least it looked like it on the map. He couldn't remember if they'd seen any traffic, but he knew he hadn't passed anybody, or been passed, for quite a while.

Dick yelled, with pent up anxiety, as he saw the sign up ahead.

"Flannery - 1 Mi" it said.

Dick grabbed the map and stuck his nose two inches from it.

"We're on 79, right?" he asked.

Dave nodded, but kept his eyes on the road.

"I don't see anyplace called Flannery on the map," said Dick.

The knocking intensified, and took on a deeper tone.

"It had better fucking be there," snarled Dave.

"Now Daddy!" came Cindy's voice, chiding him for cursing. He ignored her.

There was a silo ahead, and a small cluster of buildings. A faded sign said "Flannery - unincorporated", and then there was a railroad crossing sign, and then there was Flannery, which was composed of the grain elevator and seven other buildings. One was a gas station. Dave more or less aimed the car there and winced as he heard things begin to rattle under the hood. As if the motor knew it had done it's job ... had gotten them to civilization ... it gasped its last and died with a series of jerks and shimmies that shook the whole car.


A man in overalls came lumbering toward the group. He had on a ball cap that, at one time, had been red, but was now an indeterminate maroon color, due mostly to grease that had almost covered up the red. He had a rag in one hand, which was also greasy. He used that rag to wipe his hands, frequently. An observer might have noticed that, sometimes, the rag got grease on his hands, instead of cleaning them.

"You folks having some trouble?" he asked. He waved his hand in front of his face to blow away the smoke and fumes that were billowing from under the hood of the car.

"I think I hit something and put a hole in the oil pan," said Dave.

"Hmmmmm" said the man. "You shouldn't have done that."

Dave looked at Dick, who shrugged, as if to say "Well ... he's right."

"Is there a mechanic around here?" asked Dave.

"That would be me," said the man. "Howdy, I'm Jimmy Joe." He stuck out his hand, which was covered in grease.

Dave took it anyway. In a place this small, there couldn't possibly be more than one mechanic, and he didn't want to get off to a bad start with this one.

"Dave Thompson," he said, and then found himself introducing the whole group to the man. He felt stupid, but finished. Jimmy Joe spent extra time examining the girls, and grinned happily as they each gave him two fingers to shake.

"Will she start?" asked Jimmy Joe.

"I sort of doubt it," said Dave. "Key's in it."

Jimmy Joe got in, turned the key and listened as the motor turned over slowly, but didn't catch. He got out again, shaking his head.

"Ain’t looking good," he said. "Help me push her over there and I'll do some checking to see how bad it is."

The three men pushed, while Cindy steered, and they ended up in front of the open garage door that was part of the station. Jimmy Joe got a jack and lay on the ground to position it. Then he stood, pumped the handle, and rolled under the car on a creeper. He rolled back out, went to a tool box, made some selections, and rolled back under the car. Ten minutes later he rolled back out, pulling the oil pan with him. It had a white colored scrape on it, with wet oil streaking away from a tear that looked like a crack. He stood up, lifted the pan, and peered inside. Then he stuck a finger inside and wiped along the bottom. He held the finger out for Dave to look at.

"See all that pretty sparkly silver stuff?" he asked. "That's shavings of metal from your motor. They ain't supposed to be in the oil pan."

Dave wanted to scream. Of course metal shavings weren't supposed to be in an oil pan. Any idiot knew that!

Jimmy Joe went blithely on. "The bad news is that your oil pan needs to be replaced. The good news is that there will be a new oil pan on the new motor you're going to have to have."

"Where the hell am I supposed to get a new motor around HERE!?" yelled Dave, his frustration boiling over.

"I'll call Lester," said Jimmy Joe. "He's sort of our parts man in these parts. He might have something that will fit in your car." Jimmy Joe smiled helpfully. "Course, that will be used and all, but, to be honest, I don't even know where to call to get a brand new motor."

"How long?" asked Dave, preparing himself for more bad news.

"To fix it?" asked Jimmy Joe.

"Uh ... yes," said Dave, his voice tight.

"Well," said Jimmy Joe, looking up into the sky, for some reason, "If Lester's got something, maybe a couple of days."

Dave blinked. That wasn't so bad. He looked at Dick. Dick looked at Jimmy Joe, and then said "Why don't you call Lester, while we talk."


There wasn't much to talk about. It was obvious they weren't going anywhere real soon, unless they could rent a car. A quick question to Jimmy Joe, while he was on the phone with Lester, determined that wasn't going to happen. The girls had had a little sleep in the car, but were still tired from the rigors of the game, and home was still three hours away. It was getting late, too. Cindy, who had been listening quietly, tugged at her father's shirt sleeve.

"Daddy, there's a motel over there," she said, pointing.

Dave and Dick turned to look. Behind a row of trees was an old style motel, in the shape of an "L", with a row of rooms making the two legs of the L, with the office at the corner. A faded sign stood beside the dirt driveway. The letters could barely be made out, but they said "The Queen's Motor Court" A smaller wooden sign hung under the bit one. Dangling from one of two eye hooks, and moving slightly in the breeze, it said "Vacancy". There was one car, parked near the office, but it was rusty and beat up. It could have been there for years, based on the look of things.

"I don't think that's actually open for business," said Dave.

Jimmy Joe waddled back to the group, ogling the girls again, and told them that Lester was pretty sure he could come up with a motor that would fit in the car. He'd know for sure sometime in the morning. They asked him about a rental car again, but he said the only cars in town belonged to people who needed them. He floored them all by suggesting they stay the night at the Queen's Motel, which obviously meant the dilapidated place Cindy had pointed to. There was no restaurant in town, but the store would be open in the morning, and they could buy something to eat there.

"But I'm hungry now!" moaned Denise

"I've got some candy bars in the station," offered Jimmy Joe. "They ain't too old ... mebbe a couple of months."

"Where are you going to eat?" asked Cindy, turning on the charm.

Jimmy Joe looked at her frankly. "I take my meals with my lady friend, Maggie. I 'spect she'd be a might off her feed if I brang home a bunch of strangers ... specially two girls like you. She might not let me ... I mean she might be mad." He frowned. "Maybe Pops, over at the Queens has something. I know them rooms of his have cookin' stuff in them ... pots and pans and the like. I live there my own self, in one of his rooms. He might have some vittles he can sell you."


In the end, there wasn't anything they could do. They had no luggage. Their trip had been intended to be a run up to the game, which was a challenge match between their town soccer team and that of a town in a neighboring state. They were "sister cities", in a program that had started decades ago, when one twin sister got married and was taken away by her new groom to live there. The sisters wanted to see each other, so they put on a campaign to have the two towns establish an official, if rarely attended to, relationship.

It was supposed to have been four hours over, play the game, and four hours back. The rest of the team was on a school bus, but Dave and Dick wanted to go see their daughters play, and the girls had ridden with them, instead of on the bus.

The door of the office opened under his hand, and Dave walked in to find an old time desk bell sitting on a dusty desk. He hit it with his palm and it rang loudly.

Nothing happened.

They could hear the sound of a television from back, behind the wall in back of the desk. He rang the bell again, and then again, until he got so frustrated that he started hitting it over and over again. Dick eventually stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"The TV's too loud. They can't hear you," he said.

Cindy took matters into her own hands by simply walking around the end of the desk and walking through a curtained door in the wall. Dave felt a stab of concern, and started after her. He was about to the curtain when it moved, and Cindy came back through, followed by a man who looked as decrepit as the motel.

He had to be in his late seventies, or early eighties, and walked with a shuffle. Two oversized hearing aids stuck from his ears, and Dave heard a high pitched squealing sound as the man fumbled with controls on each one.

"Dint know I had visitors," he wheezed. He smiled, showing startlingly white and even teeth, that had to be dentures. They belonged in the mouth of someone fifty years younger. He shuffled to the desk and stood, looking at them, obviously waiting.

"We need a room," said Dick.

"Room?" asked the man, leaning forward. "Course we got a room. This is a motel!"

"We NEED a room," said Dick, much louder.

"All right," said the man, as if something important had been decided. He pulled a big cloth covered book in front of him and flipped it open. Dust flew everywhere as the cover slammed down on the desktop. He flipped a couple of pages, until he found one that was only half filled in. With practiced hands, he spun the book in a half circle and pushed it towards Dick.

"Sign in right there," he said.

"Do you have a pool?" asked Cindy.

"Rules?" said the old man, leaning forward again. "Don't disturb the other guests. That's my only rule."

"No," said Cindy. "I asked if you had a swimming pool!"

"Oh, POOL!" The man grinned. "They's one out there, but it ain't been filled for quite some time. I'd have to clean it out and all that. How long you folks staying?"

"Two nights," said Dave.

"Tonight?" asked the man, looking disappointed. "If you're only staying tonight, it ain’t' really worth all that work."

"NO, NO," said Dave, shouting. "TWO NIGHTS ... MAYBE!"

"Oh," said the man, fiddling with his hearing aids again. "Damn batteries don't last for shit." He looked up. "I'll try to take a look at it tomorrow. I won't make no promises, though. Even though we're on a well, it would take most of a day to fill her up, so it may still not be worth the trouble."

Dick finished writing in the ledger, and spun it back around. The old man peered at it.

"Just one room?" he asked, looking back at them. "You all's properly married ... right? I don't allow no funny business in my place."

Both men looked shocked, and both girls giggled. Cindy draped herself over her father's right side, hugging him.

"HE'S MY DADDY!" she yelled.

The old man peered at her and licked his lips. "Yeah ... right," he said. "Whatever you say. But all of you in the same room?" His eyes gleamed for a few seconds, and there was a half smile on his lips.

Then he shrugged. "Prolly better that way anyhow. I only got one that's nice enough for folks like you. Got a Tee Vee and everything." He smiled proudly. "Cable's hooked up too, from Jimmy Joe's satellite dish."


The room matched the exterior of the motel.

There were four walls, with peeling wallpaper, and two beds, of the size that used to be called a double deluxe, which meant they were six inches wider than a double, and about a foot narrower than a queen. You couldn't tell what color the carpet actually was, but that was from age, rather than dust - it had actually been vacuumed in the recent past. Table lamps provided most of the light, through dingy, yellowed shades that, in years past, had been white. The television was a 13" color Sylvania set, that had quite possibly come off the assembly line as the girls who stared at it were pushed out of their mother's birth canals. Only the microwave, on the counter by the sink, still had any shininess to it, but the light inside didn't come on when Cindy pushed the button that opened the door. Dick, who was in need of bladder relief, discovered that the bathroom held a claw-footed tub, and a toilet that had a huge, round, silver handle on the front of the tank. The mirror was the front of a white-painted metal box on the wall, that swung open to reveal thin metal shelves inside, upon which someone, at some date, far in the past, had left a toothbrush that didn't bend, flex, wiggle, or do anything else that a toothbrush made in the last ten years claimed to do besides simply brush teeth.

But there were no cobwebs, or mouse droppings, or any other signs that the room hadn't been entered in a decade. Even slapping one of the bedspreads didn't raise a cloud of dust, like Dave expected it to.

In short, it was shabby, but clean. While a grown woman would have wrinkled her nose and turned a wrathful eye on the man who had rented this room, the girls who now stood in it thought of it as "quaint", and decided, almost together, that this had turned into an adventure. The men looked around and, like men, figured that if there was a bed, and a TV, that was all they needed.

"Where's the remote?" asked Denise, looking around where the TV was sitting.

They all turned to the old man, who seemed not to have heard her question. She tried again.


The proprietor grinned. "Yeah, it's a little remote, but we have us a nice town here. Don't get too many visitors, but we get by OK. It's nice and quiet."

"NO," said Denise impatiently. "THE TV REMOTE!" She pointed at the TV and pantomimed pushing buttons on her palm.

He bobbed his head. "Well, we don't get regular TV way out here. Like I said, we ran a line from Jimmy Joe's satellite dish. You have to watch whatever he's watching, but you all look tired anyway. You prolly just want to get to bed anyway." He leered at the girls and cackled, as if he'd made a joke. Then he turned and shuffled to the door. He walked out, leaving it standing open.

"Deaf as a post," commented Dave. "That's why he thinks it's so quiet around here."

Denise had bent over to peer at the control panel of the television set. Dave stared at her butt. Even in the loose uniform shorts she was wearing, her buttocks looked round and firm. He'd always thought she was going to be a babe, and a heart breaker, as she'd grown up over the years. He felt an uncomfortable sensation in his groin, and looked away as Denise pushed a button on the control panel.

The room was suddenly filled with a hissing static sound, and the screen of the TV resolved into snow, on a black background.

"Great," she said, sounding miffed. "Now, where's the channel selector?"

Cindy went to bend over beside her, and Dave was now faced with two sets of female buns. The uncomfortable feeling in his groin intensified. He wondered how he could stare at his own daughter's buttocks and get excited. That was something that had been happening for the last two or three years, as his baby grew into a young woman. He forced his eyes away, looking at Dick, who was staring, not quite slack jawed, at the girls' behinds too. Rather than feeling unhappiness that his best friend was staring at his daughter's ass, Dave felt better, somehow. Maybe he wasn't so perverted after all.

The sound changed from hissing to the obvious sounds of a woman having an orgasm, and both men jerked and stared past the girls at the screen, which had resolved into a picture of a penis, being shot in extreme close-up, as it slid in and out of a wet pussy.

Both girls stood, and stepped back, looking at the screen interestedly. The scene changed to a wide angle shot of a man, on top of a woman, fucking her like there was no tomorrow. The volume was loud enough that even the motel proprietor could have heard it, and the woman was making it very plain that she wanted it even harder and deeper.

Dick moved first, lunging for the TV and punching buttons like crazy, while he tried to block the screen by waving his hand in front of it. The girls giggled and took another step back.

"Daddy, you're in the way!" complained Denise.

"How the hell do you change the channel?" gasped Dick. He'd already punched three buttons, and nothing had happened. Finally he hit the on/off button and the screen shrank to a point of white, on a black background, and then winked off.

"Well, I guess we know what Jimmy Joe likes to watch," giggled Cindy.

"Totally inappropriate!" pronounced Dave, frowning. "I'm sorry you girls had to see that."

"See what?" asked Cindy, grinning. "I couldn't tell for sure what that was. What was that, anyway?"

Her father turned his frown on her.

"You know what that was, and you know I don't approve of you seeing that stuff."

Cindy had had her fun, and she tried to look chastened.

"Oh, OK. No harm done. Denise and I already know about the facts of life." Then, like a woman does, she changed the subject. "Now, about food. I'm starving."

Dick stood up, trying to ignore the TV. "Yes!" he said. "I'm hungry too. What say we try to find the store. There has to be a store around here someplace. Hopefully it isn't closed yet."

"You two go ahead," said Denise. "I'm going to lie down. My legs still hurt from the game.

Cindy looked at her friend, one eyebrow going up, and then said: "Yeah, me too. We'll just stay here and rest while our big, strong daddies go out and kill a moose or whatever."

"There isn't a moose within five hundred miles of here," said Dave, looking at his daughter.

"Well then, trap a rabbit or whatever, but your darling daughters are starving, and you're the men of the family, so it's your job to feed us. Go on now," she said, shooing them out of the door. "Go hunt, or gather, or whatever it is you big strong men do."


Cindy stood by the curtain, peeking through it, watching as her father and her "uncle" walked out to the road. "OK, they're gone now," she said.

She turned to find Denise already turning the TV back on. She found the volume button and pushed it until the noise level went down considerably. The scene they had seen was over, and now there was a shot of a swimming pool, and a young man, with a net on a long stick, walking around it. An "older" woman was sunning herself on a chaise lounge, and was giving the pool boy orders. Among them she ordered him to put sunscreen on her, which he did with great enthusiasm. When he pushed his hands into the top of the woman's swim suit, she pretended to scold him, but did nothing to stop his actions. By the time Dave and Dick had located what they thought was the general store, and were reaching for the door handle, their daughters were excitedly watching the pool boy stripping "the woman of the house" and sliding his impossibly large prick into her well-used pussy.


Dave reached for the door handle, looking at the cardboard sign in the window of the door that said "OPEN" in faded, red, capital letters. As his hand touched the handle, the sign seemed to slide away from him, into the store, and was flipped to reveal "CLOSED" in faded, black, capital letters. At the same time he heard a click, and felt the vibrations of the deadbolt being thrown, in his hand. The knob didn't turn when he tried.

He knocked on the glass, rapidly and urgently, and saw the sign move again. There was a woman's face peering out at him.

"PLEASE!" he shouted. "WE NEED FOOD!"

The sign was pulled aside, and two eyes looked out at them. Dave backed up, automatically, to let her see that he was doing so. The sign flopped back down, still reading "CLOSED", but the door opened about five inches.

"We're closed," said the woman's voice.

"Please," said Dave again. "We broke down, and our car's in the shop. We're staying at the motel down the street, and we don't have anything to eat. All we need is some food."

The door opened further, and the face came into view. The woman was blond, but it was pretty clear that wasn't her natural hair color, since it was a brassy yellow color that didn't quite go all the way to the roots.

"You're staying at Pop's place?" she asked, sounding incredulous. "Really?"

"I believe it's called the Queen's Motor Court," said Dick, trying to be helpful."

"Imagine that," said the woman. "Actual paying customers, staying at Pop's!"

She opened the door.

The brassy blond hair was attached to the body of a woman who was just passing her prime. While she still had an hour glass figure, it was a well padded hour glass figure, and the sand was slipping into the bottom of the hour glass with increasing rapidity. She had generous breasts, and generous hips. In fact, everything about her body was generous.

"I'm Mable," she said, her hand going to her hair. The men got the idea she hadn't seen a strange man in years. "You boys just come right in and I'll take care of you." Her eyes went immediately to the third finger of their left hands. She felt a leap of anticipation when she saw both fingers were bare.

Both men got the feeling that "take care of you" meant something different to this woman, than it did to them. Not that she was ugly, or anything, but there was a flavor of aggressiveness about her that promised that, if she got her hooks in a man, he would have a hell of a time getting her hooks OUT of him, should he ever desire to do so.

"You boys traveling alone?" she asked, interest in her voice.

"No!" said Dick, a little too quickly, and a little too loudly. He darted a glance at Dave. "The women are at the motel."

"Oh," said Mable, sounding distinctly disappointed. "That's nice." It was obvious she didn't mean that either. She became more business-like immediately. "Well, the weekly truck isn't due until tomorrow, and everybody in town has already done their shopping, so the pickings will be a little slim, but we can find you something.

"Something" turned out to be a can of Spam, two cans of vegetarian vegetable condensed soup, a bag of potato chips, and a dusty can of asparagus. The men also got a half gallon of milk, and a box of Fruit Loops. There was enough beer along one wall to supply a company of thirsty soldiers, and Dave picked up a case, trying to see what the expiration date was on it. It turned out to be the freshest thing in the store.

The people in this town might have been forgotten by the world, or at least the world that didn't deliver goods on trucks that drove through town, but Mable had a shiny, working credit card machine. She rang up their purchases on an antique cash register, that had keys like an old manual typewriter, that moved an inch, and made little red and white flags with numbers on them pop up in the window on the front of it, and then swiped Dave's credit card with an expert twist of her wrist. It was a little like being in a museum, but they left with enough food to fill four hungry stomachs, even if it was mostly junk food.

"I live upstairs," said Mable, as she walked them to the door, smoothing her dress over her substantial hips. "There's a button beside the door. If you boys need anything ... just push the button. Anything at all ..."

Her invitation was obvious, and both men felt a little shiver of dread as they stepped out of the door, hoping they wouldn't have to come back. Mable made the atmosphere predatory, and kept alarm bells ringing as the men stepped away from her. Still, they were stuck in this town, and they might HAVE to return, so Dave forced a smile onto his face.

"Thanks so much," he said. "You've been a life saver, and we really appreciate it."

Her smile showed white teeth. "No problem. Anything at all. I'm right upstairs."

Dave swore she tried to wiggle her breasts at them, and turned to walk quickly away. Dick was right there with him.


They were twenty yards away when Dick gave a long sigh. "Man, that woman is dangerous!" he said under his breath.

"Ya think?" chuckled Dave. "People sure are friendly in this town." He laughed. "You could be getting your pipes cleaned back there. What are you doing here with me?"

Dick entered the comfortable kind of man-talk easily. "What? I'm hard up. I admit it. But I'm not THAT hard up!"

Dave grinned. "I don't know," he said. "That's the best offer you've had in ... oh ... at least the last month or two."

"That's the ONLY offer I've had in the last month or two," laughed Dick. "Tell you what. You're my best friend. I'll back off and let you have her. That's how much our friendship means to me."

It went on like that, as two friends, who often joked this way while they played golf, or fished together, or engaged in any number of other pursuits in which they shared each other's company.

The barbs had gotten around to the general subject of "bed warming" when Dick stopped.

"I just thought of something," he said. Dave stopped and looked at his friend. Dick was frowning. "What do we do about tonight?"

Dave had already thought about that, though he hadn't worked it through in his mind. There had been the faint, quick fantasy of sleeping with Denise, but he had pushed that out of his mind. He owed Dick a lot more than thinking about that. Thinking about sleeping with is daughter wasn't a whole lot better. Around the house, neither of them were particularly bashful. She often walked around in bra and panties, or just a T shirt and panties, and he often wore his boxers in the evening. When his wife, Trudy, had taken off, leaving him to raise their daughter, they had become survivors together, and grew close in that mind frame. It was them against the world, and they were both proud of being successful at being a one-parent family.

Still, as she developed into a beautiful young woman, Dave couldn't ignore that, and he had feelings for her that he knew were completely inappropriate. He still remembered teaching her to use tampons, and seeing her adolescent pussy, having something inserted in it. Her breasts had just been mere humps then, with unformed strawberry nipples, but her pussy had looked all grown up as the cardboard tube wormed its way inside her. To his father's mind, seeing the tampon being pushed in was like thinking about a boy dumping his sperm in her, and when she took the empty cardboard tube out, and smiled trustingly at him, proud of her success, he had felt awful, staring at those delicious pussy lips, with that string hanging from them. Since then, seeing her walk around half naked was bad enough. He had a pretty good idea that sleeping in the same bed with her would affect him in ways he wouldn't be proud of.

At the same time, he couldn't very well admit to his best friend that he lusted after both girls.

"Maybe it should be you and me in one bed, and them in the other," he offered.

Unknown to Dave, Dick's life was startlingly like that of his best friend. He hadn't had to teach Denise about feminine hygiene. Valerie, her mother, had taken care of that, on one of her infrequent visits from corporate headquarters, where she was a rising star. That's why she wouldn't marry him, when he knocked her up. She had plans, and they didn't include being a full time mother. She'd agreed to have the baby, and to put his name on the birth certificate, so he wouldn't have to adopt her, and she visited, once in a while, but that was it.

One other difference was that there wasn't the same casual attitude about half nudity in their house. Denise always went fully covered, and he wore a robe, but even so, his daughter's lush body hadn't escaped his notice either. It was, perhaps, for that reason, that he tended to concentrate on Cindy, his best friend's daughter. It didn't feel so bad lusting after her, with her corn-silk hair, and slim, but still feminine body. He loved having her in the house, or being at their house, because he got to see those spiky nipples of hers poking through whatever she was wearing. In bed, alone at night, he had a hard time deciding which one to think of as he flogged his log, to get relief. Like Dave, he knew that, if he slept with his daughter, unwelcome thoughts would make sleep difficult. If he slept with Cindy, he might actually cum in his shorts.

And, like Dave, he couldn't very well admit any of that to his best friend.

"I guess so," he agreed. "That would probably work out best."

Had either man been able to hear what was going on in the motel room, they might have thought differently than they did.


A new movie had started, on Jimmy Joe's porn station. It was called "Sock Her Balls Tournament" They had laughed uproariously as women who had to be in their mid twenties, but were acting the parts of High School girls, pranced around on a soccer field, trying to kick a ball, while their fathers, who could only be five or six years older than the women, talked about how hard High School was for their daughters, and about how worried they were for their daughters' virtue. All the shots of the women playing "soccer" were of tits and butts and hair flying. The men, while they talked about their "High School soccer stars" all had to rub their crotches, for some reason.

Cindy and Denise were almost in tears, laughing so hard, but stopped as one father began to massage his daughter's "aching legs" after the game, in the privacy of their own home. When "Daddy" suggested that her uniform was in the way, she coyly removed it, along with her sports bra and panties, for some reason, and lay down on the bed.

It was obvious where this was going. Denise and Cindy had seen three different pricks fucking three different pussies, since their fathers had gone to find something to eat. Now, as "Daddy's" prick slipped out of his robe, right in front of "daughter's" eyes, and the "daughter" licked her lips, Cindy reached out and punched the off button.

"Oh my gosh this is just AWFUL!" squealed Cindy.

"Hey!" complained Denise.

"I can't watch that!" said Cindy. She was flushed. "I used to sleep in the same BED as my Daddy!"

"You DID!?" squealed Denise. "You never told me that!"

"It was a long time ago," said Cindy, waving her hand carelessly. "He made me start sleeping in my own bed when I started having periods." She shifted uncomfortably in her uniform. Her nipples were tingling, and she wished she could take her sports bra off and pinch them. She hated bras, and only wore one during games, going without, the rest of the time, if she could get away with it.

Denise had a far-away look in her eyes, that Cindy knew well. Denise had three boys on a string. She let them play, but not much. Only touching of breasts was allowed. The same was true of Cindy, except that her just-broken-up-with boyfriend had bragged to his friends that she'd let him do a LOT more. When she found out, she dumped him, and then told him why. He'd accused her of being frigid, and she'd cut him off at the knees. "I'm looking for a nice hard prick," she'd said sweetly, leaning toward him. "but not one shaped like YOU!"

Because the girls routinely discussed their love lives, and because they were one-for-all and all-for-one, they agreed to adopt the same rules, when it came to boys. They had, when they were both thirteen, sworn to have a double marriage, hopefully to identical twins, and go on their honeymoons together, to lose their virginities side-by-side. It had been a wild and hormone-driven dream, at the time, as they masturbated together in Cindy's bedroom, during one of their almost weekly sleepovers.

Since then, of course, common sense had put that oath on a very back burner. Both girls remembered it fondly, but didn't expect it to really happen any more.

But, because both girls routinely discussed their love lives, both girls had, at one time or another, expressed how much they thought of each other's fathers. "Uncle Dave" and "Uncle Dick" were the coolest fathers on the planet, and both, according the their "nieces" were hunky hotties too. Of course both squealed and disagreed with each other routinely about that designation, but both were secretly proud that the other thought her father was handsome. Both girls thought their fathers were handsome too.

"I know what you're thinking," said Cindy, seeing the look on her best friend's face. "You can't have him. He's mine."

Denise's eyes cleared, and her eyebrows rose. "But I thought you didn't want to see that!" she said, pointing to the TV.

"He's not mine THAT way!" said Cindy, blushing. "But you can't have him that way either!"

"Oh, come on," sighed Denise, seeing a way to needle her friend. "He doesn't have a girl friend, and he's not sleeping with you any more." She grinned.

"Oh yeah?" said Cindy, rising to the bait. "So how would you feel if I let YOUR father do that to me?" She pointed to the TV too.

"Mmmmm," said Denise, suddenly feeling her own nipples begging for attention. "That would be so naughty."


Dave and Dick approached their room. The door was still open. Both were swearing from their walk in the heat, though, and just thought the girls had left the door open to air out the room. They hadn't said anything to each other for the last hundred yards or so, just walking amiably in silence. It was for that reason, and the fact that Cindy had turned off the TV, that they were able to hear the girls talking, as they approached the open door.


"Knock it off," said Cindy, frowning. "Don't tease me like that. You know I just broke up with Randy. At least you still have John and Nick and Ted to play with your nasty little nipples!"

Denise knew she'd gotten the better of her friend, and backed off.

"I know, and I'm sorry about that. Randy was a jerk."

"Are you sorry enough to loan me Ted?" asked Cindy, feeling better.

"No," said Denise immediately. "But, unlike you, I'd share my Daddy with you." She grinned.

Cindy spoke too loudly. "I can't BELIEVE you! You have three boys to play with your titties, and you STILL want to sleep with my father!?"

Denise was unrepentant. "I SAID I'd share MY father with you too! Don't take it out on me just because Randy claimed to have gotten your cherry!" She bored on in. "And YOU"RE the one who shut off that movie. I think you have the hots for your OWN Daddy!"


Both men stood stock still, jaws drooping, shocked to their cores by what they were hearing.

Dick felt a welling up of anger that three boys were allowed, according to Cindy's rant, to feel up his baby girl's sweet breasts! Then his daughter's offer to "share" HIM with Cindy, thundered into his brain, exploding like fireworks.

Dave, hearing that the luscious young girl who was his daughter's best friend, and his own favorite fantasy, wanted to SLEEP with him, had much the same effect on his own brain. The added information that some boy had tried to deflower his sweet daughter ... and had failed ... made something swell inside of him that threatened to make his body limp. His arms tightened reflexively on the paper bag in them, and the paper crackled.


"Don't go there!" said Cindy, her voice loud. "Just because we talk about each other's fathers doesn't mean we should DO something about it!

"Hey!" said Denise. "I just thought of something!"

"Probably my Daddy's penis!" snorted Cindy.

"I'm serious!" said Denise. "There are only two beds."

There was a pregnant pause.

"Oh my GOSH!" said Cindy, explosively. "You're right!"

"Looks like you get to sleep with your Daddy again after all," said Denise's voice, heavy with innuendo.

"I can't do that!" moaned Cindy.

"I KNEW it!" squealed Denise. "You DO have the hots for your own father!"

"It's not like that!" insisted Cindy. "I loved sleeping with him, back when I was little. He was so warm, and he smelled so good. I felt safe!"

"I know what you mean," said Denise. "I used to fall asleep, lying on the couch while we watched TV. Daddy would carry me up to bed. I loved that. He felt so strong. I always wished he'd put me in his bed, but he never did."

"Really?" asked her friend. "I though I was the only one who felt like that."

"I'm sorry I teased you," said Denise, again best friend to her best friend. "What are we going to do? We have to all sleep somewhere."

"I don't know," said Cindy. "I think it would be better to sleep with my own father, than yours."

"I know that!" said Denise. "I might attack Uncle Dave if I have to sleep with him."

"Don't lie!" said Cindy. "We're both virgins and we're both staying virgins until we're married!"

"I know," said Denise, her voice easy. "But it sure would be fun to sleep with a man ... you know ... just to see what it's like. I mean there wouldn't have to be anything like what was on TV, or anything. But it would be hot!" There was a pause, and Denise spoke again. "Tell the truth! Would you rather sleep with your Daddy, or my Daddy?"

"My Daddy!" said Cindy. "No! Your Daddy! ... Oh ... I don't know. OK, I admit it! I have feelings for BOTH of them. There! Are you happy now?"

"In that case," said Denise, her voice heavy with emotion, "maybe you and I had better sleep together. At least you can't make me pregnant."

"DENISE!" squealed Cindy.

There were giggles and the sound of soft thuds, as each girl grabbed a pillow and started an impromptu pillow fight.


Dave felt Dick's hand on his sleeve, pulling, and he stumbled backwards, his frozen legs reacting to being off balance. Dick took him back towards the road, and closer to the building.

"What the fuck do we do now?" he asked. He was panting.

"Oh, man," said Dave, his mouth dry. "Did you KNOW any of that?"

"Fuck no, I didn't know any of that!" gasped Dick. "My little girl lets three boys play with her tits?!"

"At least my baby is still a virgin," sighed Dave, reaching for what comfort he could find in the situation.

"They both are," said Dick, feeling relief course through his body as he centered on that fact.

Dave turned to his best friend, his face frozen. "My daughter wants to sleep with you!"

Dick, still off kilter by what he'd heard, knew this was a dangerous situation. He grasped at the first defense that came to mind. "She wants to sleep with you too, from the sounds of it."

Dave couldn't deny that. He hadn't had time to process that information. When he did, his world would flip flop all over the place, and his blood pressure would go up thirty points. But right now all he could think of was that this was an untenable situation.

"What the fuck do we do?" he asked, helplessly.

"We can't sleep with them." Dick's voice sounded shaky. "Either of them."

"Right!" said Dave, feeling some grasp of sanity returning. "We have to go with our original plan. Us in one bed, and them in another."

"Right!" said Dick.

Both men grasped at the only plan they could come up with to put some sanity back in the situation.

"We'd better get in there," said Dave.

"Yeah," agreed Dick. "They might wonder where we are and come looking for us. We wouldn't want them to see us here."

Anyone who would have seen the two men huddling in front of a motel room door ... that wasn't to their room ... would have assumed they were up to no good. No one was watching them, thankfully, and when they moved, both attempted to do something to warn the girls they were coming. Unfortunately, both men's minds were centered on things sexual, so what Dick came up with was probably not the best thing to use.

"What a piece of work!" Dick almost yelled, as they approached the open door of their room. "That woman should be put on a leash!"

Dave caught on immediately. "What you said, buddy!" he said, as if Pops and his squealing hearing aids was trying to listen in. "We're lucky to have gotten out of there with our pants on!"

They stumbled into the room, wide-eyed and pale, to find Denise sitting on one bed, and Cindy standing by the sink. Both girls were staring at the men.

"What happened?" asked Cindy.

"What?" gasped Dave. His eyes took in his daughter's young, healthy appearance, and his mind's eye saw her naked body, struggling with that of a young man, her age, as he tried to skewer her pretty pussy with his adolescent prick. He tore his eyes away from her to look at Denise, who was sitting on the bed, as if she were waiting for him to come undress her and take her to bed. He looked at the ceiling in self defense.

"What were you talking about?" asked Denise. "What woman?"

Dick was doing exactly the same thing that Dave was doing. His eyes went first to Cindy, tall and slim, her eyes looking back at him, and he thought of what it would be like to lie in bed with her. He tore his eyes away from her to rest on his daughter, who let boys play with her naked nipples. His eyes went to her breasts, and he looked away, also in self defense.

"At the store!" he blurted. "Woman ... sold us things ... very forward!"

Denise frowned. The idea of some woman trying to put the make on her father suddenly made her feel unhappy.


Neither girl, of course, had any idea that their conversation had been overheard. They, therefore, tried to act just like they would have if the situation were completely normal.

Except the situation wasn't completely normal. It wasn't anywhere NEAR normal ... for any of them.

The men fumbled around, inordinately proud of the skimpy provisions they had obtained. The girls looked at the "feast", and wanted to laugh at their fathers for being so proud. They didn't. Instead they teased them.

"THIS is dinner?" asked Cindy, holding up the can of Spam in one hand, and the bag of chips in the other. "We're growing girls, not cattle, to be fattened up!"

"It was the best we could do," whined her father. He had been trying to focus on dinner, instead of on what he'd heard them saying.

"Adapt, improvise, overcome!" said Dick pompously, trying to do the same thing. He didn't look at either girl as he went on. "We're in strange circumstances here. Nobody planned this. You should be glad there's anything at all, in this dump!"

"I know, Daddy," said his daughter, who bounded up off the bed to hug him. "Thank you."

Dick froze as his daughter's soft breasts pressed into his chest, and her arms went around his neck. Boys had played with those breasts. That was all he could think of. At least until his brain notified him that his prick was stiff. With complete shock, he wondered how long he'd been like that, and if it showed. He moved his butt backwards, trying not to let his daughter feel it.

"Me too, Daddy," chimed in Cindy, hugging her own father tightly. "We won't be picky."

What leapt into Dave's mind was her comment "I have feelings for them both. OK? Are you happy now!?" While he didn't feel her breasts, his body still realized she was young, female and beautiful. Her hair smelled wonderful too, and he realized that he was erect too.

It had been a long time for both men, and they were basically helpless.

"Well fix dinner, then!" blurted Dave, ducking his head to get out of his daughter's grasp.

The girls, not through being properly thankful, turned to hug their "uncles" too.

"Yes," breathed Denise into Dave's chest, as her breasts mashed against him. "Thank you, Uncle Dave."

"Thank you," said Cindy, wrapping her arms around Dick. "We know you guys did the best you could."

Both men had relaxed, as their daughters left them. Neither was prepared to be embraced by the other girl. Both men had rampant boners, by this time, and both girls felt them plainly as they pressed their young bodies against the men. Both girls had felt that kind of lump being pressed against them before, in a car, or on a dance floor at school. Both girls were clearly aware of what that lump meant, pressing against their abdomens.

And both girls thought that those lumps were for them.


It was strangely quiet in the motel room, as the girls disengaged themselves from their "uncles" and went to the counter. Both girls wished that the men weren't there, so they could tell the other what had happened ... what they had felt. Both girls were, at the same time, excited and a little unnerved. It was one thing to talk about being attracted to these two men. It was something completely different to feel the evidence of sexual arousal in them.

As for the men, they were still trying to process information that had turned the world upside down. It was one thing to fantasize about doing things with their best friend's daughters. It was something else again to find out that the girls had the same, or at least similar fantasies.

Dave, his mind moving at a hundred miles an hour, reacted by habit, and turned the TV back on. The volume was lower, but the action was about the same as it had been when the TV was last on. In this case, it was an outdoor scene, where a woman was in a carriage, and the driver was between her legs, with her skirt up. She was calling him a filthy commoner, and had her legs wrapped firmly around his waist as he thrust repeatedly into her.

Dave groaned, punched the channel up button, and got snow. He kept punching, until he was treated to the carriage driver cumming on the lady's pubes. He punched the off button viciously.

Oddly, it was the kind of thing that broke the tension, at least for the girls. Cindy tittered.

"That Jimmy Joe sure has lusty tastes," she said, laughing. "I just hope he's as good at fixing cars as he is at watching porn."

Denise giggled, and both men sighed in frustration. With only one chair, one of them had to sit on a bed.


It was beginning to get dark outside by the time the meal was ready. Dick had located an air conditioner panel, in a long box under the picture window, and had coaxed the unit into a wheezing attempt to cool the room a bit. The air blowing from the louvers was cooler than the outside air, but not much. Everybody was sweating as they ate.

"So ..." Cindy broke the silence. "Who sleeps where?"

Dave cleared his throat and looked closely at the Spam on his fork.

"Dick and I will take that one," he said, pointing to the bed closest to the door. "You two can have the other one."

"OK," said the girls in tandem. Their faces gave nothing away, but the men knew what they were likely thinking. There was a sense of relief all around.

"We didn't pack anything to change into," said Denise.

Nobody had thought of that yet.

"You can wear my shirt," said Dick.

"Your stinky shirt?" asked his daughter, making a face.

"It's all I've got," said her father, impatiently. "If you want, you can sleep in your uniform, instead!"

"It's all stinky too," said Denise. "I'll take your shirt."

"I have a shirt in the trunk." said Dave. "I put it there in case I have to change a tire or something like that. It's stained, but clean."

"OK," said Cindy, sounding unconcerned.


What was most awkward, after they finished their meager repast, was the fact that the things they usually did in the evening hours were not available to do. Television appeared to be out, unless Jimmy Joe changed the channel, which he apparently was loathe to do. There were no books, or games. It was summer, so there was no homework. Dave would have given ten dollars for a crossword puzzle book that they could all work on together, but he hadn't thought to ask Mable for that.

Basically, they all had nothing to do, and long hours ahead of them before they went to bed. At least until they were used to going to bed.

Physically, the girls were in better shape than the men, in terms of the heat, which the struggling air conditioner valiently worked against, but with almost no success. It turned out that they were better off with the door to the room open, than closed, but they let the AC run anyway. The girls were wearing their soccer uniforms, which were loose, and made to breathe. The men were stuck in slacks and shirts, which were loose to some degree, but didn't breathe all that well. Had they all been home, they'd have gotten more comfortable. But they weren't home.

"Anybody want to go for a walk?" asked Dave, breaking the silence.

"May as well," said Denise. "There's nothing to do around here."

They set out to discover the secrets of Flannery. Half an hour later they were still looking. There was a coin operated Laundromat, the store, the gas station, twenty-one houses, three dogs that barked at them, and two that did not, and, attached to the grain elevator, a farm store that had windows so dirty they couldn't see inside. The only thing that made any impact at all were the dozens of rusty old cars, parked helter skelter, that the men were mildly interested in, because they were so old.

"Thank our lucky stars we're not from here," sighed Cindy, her feet dragging in the dust. The girls were wearing tennis shoes that they'd brought along, so they wouldn't have to wear their cleats in the car. "I'd simply die of boredom if I lived here. I wonder what these people do for fun?"

"Sex," said Dave, without thinking about it first. It was what had been on his mind as he watched the girls hips sway in front of him as they all walked along. He flushed bright red as both girls turned to give him a speculative look. "Small towns are famous for it," he said weakly.

They were walking back toward the motel, passing a row of houses.

"I wonder which one is where Jimmy Joe's lady friend lives," said Denise. "I wonder what she looks like?"

"Why on earth would you want to know that?" asked her father.

"I don't know," said Denise, pouting a little. "He creeps me out a little bit. What kind of woman would want to be his girlfriend?"

"That's unkind," said Dick firmly. "Everybody deserves love in this world. I thought I taught you that."

"I know," she moaned. "But you have to admit ... it would take a special kind of woman to want to ..." She trailed off. Then, feeling everyone looking at her, she added "... you know ... kiss him or something."

"You mean a hard up one," said Cindy, grinning.

"Cindy!" warned her father.

"OK, OK," she said, turning around, and walking backwards. "How come you don't have a girl friend, Daddy?" she asked. "I go on dates all the time, and you never do."

Her mention of dates brought back the image of her boyfriend - ex boyfriend, thank goodness - trying to get between her legs. Dave pushed that image out of his mind by remembering the last woman he'd dated. Her name had been Helen, and she'd wanted a husband - bad!

"The women I've met all want to get married," he said. "I'm a little gun-shy about that. Besides, another woman in the house would be a bad idea."

"Oh really!" said his daughter.

Denise turned around and walked backwards too. It caused her breasts to bounce under her jersey.

"I had no idea we women were such a pain," she said. "Is that true, Daddy? Is that why you don't date either?"

"How would you feel if I brought some strange woman home and said "Hey cutie, meet your new mother!" said Dick.

Denise frowned.

"I thought so," said her father. "All I need is a rebellious teenager in the house, and a new woman, who wants to take everything over and change it all."

The girls wouldn't leave it alone, though. Their own sexual tension was higher than normal, and maybe that's why Cindy said what she did.

"But don't you get horny?"

"What?!" choked Dave.

"Every boy I know is horny all the time," said his daughter, used to being able to talk to him about anything. Had she known he'd heard her talking to Denise, she wouldn't have said it. Both girls thought their fathers had no sexual thoughts at all, much less about them. "Don't you get horny too?"

"I do NOT want to have this conversation," moaned Dave. Denise, who didn't talk to her dad nearly as often, or as intimately as this, couldn't make her mind whether it was more interesting to stare at her best friend, or at her Uncle Dave.

"Why not?" asked Cindy, missing the pain in his voice. "We've talked about boys before."

"Oh we HAVE, have we?" asked Denise, interest plain in her voice.

"Sure," said Cindy, impatiently. "He tells me what to watch out for, and how to handle boys. You know that."

"Oh you DO?" asked Dick, staring at his daughter.

Now Denise was on the spot.

"We're best friends," she said carelessly. "We talk about everything. I can't remember all of it." She turned to Cindy. "I don't remember you telling me that your father told you how to handle boys!"

"Remember?" said Cindy, completely unaware that she was digging them deeper and deeper into a hole. "I told you what to do if a boy got too feisty?"

"Oh that?" asked Denise. "You didn't tell me Uncle Dave told you that."

"I didn't?" Cindy sounded doubtful. "Well he did. And I shared it with you, like always."

"What exactly do you do if a boy gets ... feisty?" asked Dick, his voice dry.

His daughter beamed at him. "You knee him in the balls, just as hard as you can," she said calmly.

Dick bent forward, reflexively, as if he'd just been kneed in the balls.

"Not that I've ever had to do that," said Denise, carelessly. "I can usually defuse things before it gets to that point."

"I don't want to have this conversation either," moaned Dick.

"How come you never told me that, Daddy?" asked Denise, some heat in her voice. "Don't you care what happens to me?" Her voice rose on the last word.


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Stranded Siblings Pt 2

Unlike my previous submissions this is a brand new story. It is the second part to Stranded Siblings and I look forward to turning it into a whole series. I appreciate your comments and ratings. ----------------------------------------------------As day broke and the bright tropical sun began to shine through his eyelids, Jack woke up to find himself still entangled with his sister Kelsey. As he laid there facing his sleeping sister, he felt both joy and fear as he recalled the memories of what...

3 years ago
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Stranded in the Woods

After a busy month, Lilly needed to get away, clear her head and take some time for herself. She had been hoping to escape to the mountains and clear her head in nature. This weekend, she finally had the chance. Early Saturday morning, she arrived at a trailhead on the Appalachian Trail. She planned to hike Saturday and Sunday, camping out both nights, and return Monday morning.It was a beautiful, crisp morning, in the mid-50s. It would rise to the mid-70s during the day and cool back down to...

3 years ago
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Stranded at Sea The Storm Part 2

"Hey Andy. How are you feeling? Did you get much sleep?” she asked, looking concerned. "Pretty well actually", I wasn't lying. I felt very refreshed. "Where did you find those clothes?” I asked quickly. "Downstairs. In that food store room at the back there's a case with lots of old looking clothes", Janet replied. I nodded and my attention turned to the deck of the boat. "What are they doing?" I asked as I spotted Kathy, accompanied by Sarah, both of them leaning over the...

1 year ago
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Stranded an island paradise

Darkness... He could not feel anything, not his feet, arms, even his body. All he could hear was the relaxing waves reaching the sandy beach, the quiet warm breeze and tropical air. Not to worry they said, that storm isnt a threat in any way they said. Well that probably showed them. It was a stormy night at the airport in L.A. The clouds were threatening and dark, the wind blowed furiosly to the south and thunder clapped everywhere. But the flight to New Zealand wasnt canceled...

2 years ago
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Stranded in the Outback

It was supposed to be a graduation present to Jack – a family trip to Australia. Since Jack was little he was always fascinated with the "Land Down Under". He used to watch "Crocodile Dundee" over and over and he would read many books about Australia. Therefore, his parents promised him that upon graduation they would take him on a month long vacation to that distant country.Jack graduated and the date for the trip was set. Jack's parents, Tim and Joanna, decided to do the trip in August – the...

1 year ago
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Emily slammed her car door and cursed loudly. It wasn't enough that the damn car quit on her on this empty country road, she was also out of range for her cell phone to work. She leaned against the door and looked around in frustration. She was stranded. It was all because she had become so bored. Everything just seemed so routine these days. She was tired of it. Her husband had left her over six months ago, running away with a woman he worked with. Good riddance, she told herself. Nowadays,...

3 years ago
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This will be a collection of multiple stories involving being stranded, and it isn't limited to an island. Please if you do want to write a branch for this story I would like you to have 3 chapters that have a minimum word count of 500. Once I have seen and read the first 3 chapters I will publish the story and add you as an author so you can publish at your own leisure. I also would like a small blurb that I can add to this page so that any reader can see what stories they could read The...

3 years ago
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Stranded for Christmas

Chapter 1It is about 8 pm and Andy is heading home from college.  She decided to go to school a few hours from home so that she had some freedom.  Her parents didn't have a lot of money so what little they did save went towards school for Andy.  This meant when she graduated from high school her parents had given her their old car for her to take back and forth to school.  It was an older car with lots of minor problems but it was safe and reliable...normally.   When Andy finished her last...

2 years ago
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One of my coworkers, soon after I started my first job after school, owned a sailboat. He took me out several times and I fell in love with the feeling you get when you're out on the water with very little noise to distract you. There's something special about being out in nature and feeling her caress you. After nine years of working with that same company, I was getting burned out and knew I needed something different in my life. My epiphany came while driving home one night. The radio...

1 year ago
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StrandedChapter 3

Miri awakened with a start. None of the horrible images from her dreams made sense, but they sure did scare her. Unsettled and anxious in the darkened room, the little girl clung tighter to her pillow—wishing desperately not to be afraid. Unfortunately, it wasn't working. Something was wrong, she just didn't know what. As the minutes ticked by, however, she started realizing that everything was wrong. From the pillow, to the sheets, to the nightgown, to the bed, to the room itself—none of...

1 year ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 9 Understated Theatrics

Running through the pelting rain, Josh reached his, or rather Molly's, car. Yanking it open, surprised it wasn't locked, he jumped behind the wheel and tried to wipe the rainwater off him. The weather had worsened while he'd been inside the police station and now it was blowing up a storm. Lightning flashes lit sky, the rolling sounds of thunder arriving several seconds later. That produced a smile, as Josh cast a last surreptitious glance behind him. He wondered which of the empty cars...

3 years ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 15 Final Plans Final Messages

"Good afternoon, I don't need to tell you that this is a significant event," Martin Schmidt, the White House Press secretary announced, glancing around at the assembled press corps. "In order to determine what happened to unleash a mysterious unidentified plague at a classified military base a few days back, President Atkinson met with Colonel Whitacre. He was the officer in charge of the base who was en route to a briefing here when the plague spread, killing the remaining occupants of...

2 years ago
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Double DaddiesbyWhisky7up©This follows on from 'Reach For The Star' and 'Bound To Happen Again'. Thanks as usual to LadyCibelle for the edit...especially as she caught a 'continuity' error I missed!*It had been a few weeks since she was last here, playing with herself as she watched him masturbate at his desk after he'd got in from work. The tree house needed a bit of a clean up since then and Chantal was glad of the distraction as she tidied some magazines and picked up a couple of candy...

3 years ago
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Sissy covid19 nice daddies

You all hate the covid19 crysis , me i never been hapierwithout this he would have never started stalking me and followed me in the parking at 1am a bored daddy taking a walk , discourage and needed a stress relief my pink panty waist line had caught his eyes , as i walk getting aware iam followedgetting toward my car i make sure he sees it all , lifting my shirt a little , showing him those pink lacy panty into my car backseat making sure to bend and let him see my cute panty ass leaving the...

4 years ago
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Fun with my Black Daddies

I guess it all started at the showers. I was getting in after coming back from work detail. Well at work we got stripped search and there I noticed a birthmark on my ass I would use this to my advantage later on, during showers I took my time getting in so I could take another peak at there thick cocks. About all I could do was think about their thick cock. I was hot and playing with my hole in the shower, the more I put my finger in the more I was thinking it was one of there thick...

4 years ago
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Tess stopped walking and blew out a loud breath. She shoved tangles of flame-red hair from her brow and stared up at the sky. The clouds had shifted and reformed, their colour deepening to an ominous grey. It was only a matter of time before they broke.She slanted a glance at her wristwatch; four-thirty already. Her stomach churned at the thought of the storm threat hanging over her and the good couple of hours hiking she still had left. The weather forecast had been for overnight rain. She'd...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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StrandedChapter 11

Slowly opening her eyes, Miri watched as the lid of the healing chamber lifted above her. Through the glass panels, she could see the smiling visage of Elizabeth—bringing a similar expression of happiness to her own lips. "How are you feeling, dear heart?" Sitting up, the small girl touched the place where the bolt had struck her. It didn't ache and burn like fire anymore. In fact, she didn't hurt at all. Her grin grew even larger. "It's all better!" she exclaimed. The older woman...

3 years ago
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Stranded Ch 02

She made an ugly face, ‘Yes.’ I stoked the fire and put water on to boil. After our visit to the ‘outside room’, I returned her back to the cot and she mixed pancakes. Both of us were famished. I figured the colder weather had something to do with our increased appetite. The drizzle had stopped, the sun shown through the trees, the temperature had dropped and ice formed near the banks of the stream. We could be in trouble should snow start falling. After we ate, I took the clothes to the...

1 year ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 5 Concerts Weather and Steampunk Movies

"Samuel?" President Atkinson called to his Chief of Staff, motioning with his finger as they left the press room following another meaningless news conference. "Follow me, we need to talk." The president wasn't fond of these Press events. The reporters felt free to call out any question they wanted, even though they'd called the event to announce a single issue. Although they'd come in handy during the election, he hated the press with a passion he sometimes found hard to conceal....

3 years ago
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fishing trip with daddies

I am 18 , just turn last week, I work at National park for the whole weekendits a ice job, i go around in my golf cart helping people aroundI was lucky enought to be a fishing guide this summer so i get to fish and dont need to deal with garbage and cleaning of the parkthe group of older mixed guys in their 50s were so cool with me , I spent the day driking beer and fishing with themuntil it was dawn and all 4 were getting a bit drunk and weird with meslapping my little ass in my swimsuit...

2 years ago
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Italian daddies

It was a cool April evening. In my late teens and just ready to graduatehigh school, I had already made up my mind that I would be spending my lifeproviding sexual pleasure to men rather than screwing women and having k**s. I was drawn to older, mature men since I was just about seven years old. Ihad this strange fascination about watching men urinate.This fascination became a pure obsession, gravitating to men's rooms inrestaurants, service stations, parks and specially the nearby bowling...

2 years ago
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Stranded Ch 03

Kathy had become the unofficial cook. I only knew how to make pancakes and they weren’t very good. Kathy was cooking tortillas, some plain cookies, and had tried a non-rising cake. Late one afternoon I came in from shoveling our path and sat to remove the snow from my clothes. Kathy was busy preparing a meal and I sat, watching. I started to hum the tune and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Then she said two words which gave me pause. ‘Do you?’ When I didn’t answer, she added. ‘Sing...

4 years ago
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Stranded Ch 01

Peter’s Accident It was late, and I was driving over the mountains in an unfamiliar part of the state. I was in a hurry to get home and had 3 more hours of driving before I reached my destination. It was pitch black, raining hard, and the gravel on the road was loose. Patches of fog would occasionally obscure visibility, it was hard to see the edge of the road. Around one of the curves, my wheels caught the rocks and the car pulled sharply towards the bank. I struggled to bring the car back to...

2 years ago
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Stranded at the mall

Lisa Looked around her in a panic when she realized that her purse was missing from her bag which contained all of her money and cards. Her mind raced trying to figure out where it could be, because she knew it was in her bag last. "No this can't be happening where can it be no,no,no". Lisa was in a frenzy she knew that without her money she would not would be able to take a cab home because she lived quite far away and all she came to do was meet her best friend Becky and watch the release...

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Stranded In A Strange World Chapter 22

I opened my eyes as soon as I heard the sound. It came from behind us. I jerked my head back, trying to see anyone, and I saw something approach me. It was still dark, but I could swear it was a man. I was confused and was starting to slowly lie Renay down on the ground. ‘Hey! Who are you?’ Wrong question. ‘I mean, where are we?’ The man just stood there in the shadows, standing perfectly still. Am I just imagining him? I was starting to doubt myself when I was suddenly grabbed by neck from...

2 years ago
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Stranded in a Strange World

As you can see, I’ve had a fairly average life. That is… Until I woke up in the shade of a large and imposing oak tree. Okay wait… God this sounds so cliché. Well, bear with me, okay. It’ll get better. So. I woke up in the shade of a large and imposing oak tree. It was dark out, so I assumed it was nighttime. I sat upright and saw that I was wearing my favourite jeans and favourite t-shirt and wearing a thin vest. I looked around me and saw nothing. I didn’t see anyone else, I didn’t see...

1 year ago
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Stranded at Sea

My name's Andy. I'm 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. I'm pretty tall and while I have an average amount of muscle, my body looks quite toned. I was 23 at the time and was still in college but had been out on a yearlong work experience internship. I had been single for two years now, having the odd fling here and there but nothing much to brag about. I was looking forward to seeing everyone again. Work had been pretty intense for the last two or three months...

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Stranded Part Two

They let me walk upstairs without any resistance, and I kept thinking about what I would say to her. I didn’t want to confront her with all these guys that I didn’t know. I felt small and weak, and there was nothing I could do to stop these boys from having their way with my wife. If anything, I would just be here for support, and make sure she was safe. Whatever feelings I had about a monogamous marriage, were gone, and I had resigned to see my wife used by other men.There were three doors...

1 year ago
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Stranded Part One

We thought that a road trip to New Orleans would be the thing we needed since we both loved Cajun food, jazz music and getting completely blitzed on alcohol. Our jobs had completely taken over our lives, and we felt that we needed a few days off to stave off the incoming burnout. I wish we could have just stayed home and caught up on movies instead of losing my wife to insatiable lust. And the worst part: I actually enjoyed it more when others fucked her.The plan was to go on a road trip that...

4 years ago
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Stranded at Sea

Introduction: It was the end of my long internship at an advertising agency, and I was looking forward to the kicking off the summer the right way. I would have never believed what was in store for me My friend Roger was very well off on the financial side and was having a massive party at his dads private beach house down the countryside. Knowing Roger it would be over the top and very fancy looking. My names Andy. Im 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. Im pretty...

2 years ago
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Stranded Desires

Dane had just gained entrance to the suite his father had purchased in an underground luxury fall-out bunker. He decided it was time to start living there after the news broke that the French had launched the first nuclear attack in what had previously been an incredibly long cold war. With Los Angeles now an uninhabitable wasteland the entire country was freaking out. Although he was 3,000 miles away, in the out skirts of New York City, Dane thought it would be a good idea to move...

1 year ago
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Tess stopped walking and blew out a loud breath. She shoved tangles of flame-red hair from her brow and stared up at the sky. The clouds had shifted and reformed, their colour deepening to an ominous grey. It was only a matter of time before they broke. She slanted a glance at her wristwatch, four-thirty already. Her stomach churned at the thought of the storm threat hanging over her and the good couple of hours hiking she still had left. The weather forecast had been for overnight rain. She’d...

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CT98-33760HM was looking astonished through the observation deck, his augmented eyes picking up the ultraviolet and x-ray emissions of a nearby planetary nebula, to him, regardless of the calculations his brain was doing, this was a beautiful sight. CT98-33760HM wanted to wake his clone-brother CT98-33761HD to show him this fascinating view, although he knew his clone-brother couldn't see it the same as CT98-33760HM could, since CT98-33760HM had a Heavy-Marksman designation and his brother was...

2 years ago
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Stranded on Verdana 4

"TORPEDO INBOUND, BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Said the ship computer. Thank the stars you'd gotten that glitch in your shield's software fixed; it wasn't going to be enough to save your light corvette, but it might be enough to keep you alive. Five seconds later the crash made you lose consciousness and all the world went black. This week had started so nicely. Being an Engineer in the fleet of the United Terran Federation was not a thankful task. The Sailors and Marines were often lacking consideration...

3 years ago
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Stranded with your Sister

Will couldn't believe where he was standing. He was on the beach of an island looking out at the floating wreckage that was once his family's yacht. They were traveling across the South Pacific headed to Singapore from Australia. His parents had decided that they needed a break from work. His father was an inventor of a new kind of revolutionary industrial adhesive and his mother was a senior partner at a large architectural firm. Together they brought in several million a year and were very...

1 year ago
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Stranded and learning to please

It was a huge storm we could tell from the satellite screen , our job in the east cost would be extending at least a week , the airport shutdown no way of leaving anytime soonMy boss was upset and just wanted to go homewe drank too much that dinner and he started asking me weird question about me having no girlfriend ''maybe you like cock , you ever tried sucking ?''i laughs sipping my beer and him looking at me made me nervous his ''joke'' wasnt one but a real question''off course not''i...

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Stranded out in a dark neighborhood

I left our friend’s house by midnight. The party had been nice.My loving hubby Victor was arriving at the airport at the same time and we were supposed to meet at home two hours later.While I was driving, my head was filled with the thoughts about the wild sex session I was going to share at our bed with Victor after his four days’ trip away from home.I was already damp underneath my tight black cocktail dress and I could not suppress a smile when I recalled going to the ladies room during the...

3 years ago
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Stranded Siblings Pt 1

This is another repost, one of my favorite submissions. I should have a Pt 2 out for this soon. ------------------------------------------------Jack bolted awake as he heard the sound of someone screaming his name and heat piercing his flesh. He looked over to the left to see his sister, Kelsey, glaring at him with pleading eyes as she struggled with her seat belt to get free. Panting with fear she cried out, “Jack! Help me! I can’t get loose!” Quickly unbuckling his seat belt, Jack darted over...

4 years ago
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Stranded Desires

Dane had just gained entrance to the suite his father had purchased in an underground luxury fall-out bunker. He decided it was time to start living there after the news broke that the French had launched the first nuclear attack in what had previously been an incredibly long cold war. With Los Angeles now an uninhabitable wasteland the entire country was freaking out. Although he was 3,000 miles away, in the out skirts of New York City, Dane thought it would be a good idea to move underground....

Group Sex
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On a hot Nevada night, Morgan was driving home from his shift at one of the local watering holes. As he makes his way down a deserted highway, he notices two people waving at him, two women in fact. Morgan stops to ask if he can be of assistance. The girls tell him that they have run out of gas, and the closest gas station is a quarter of a mile away, but it would be too long to walk in their high heel shoes. So Morgan offers them a lift and the girls get in. A half hour later, they return....

2 years ago
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She smiled at him as she came off the airplane his arms soon wrapping her in a strong embrace their lips met. She looked into his handsome face the kindness in his eyes. They walked together out to where he was parked. He started the car, his eyes lingered on her body. He leaned over and whispered to her a single word “Undress” she looked at him a bit shocked and as they left the parking garage the unfastened her skirt and pulled it down over her long smooth thighs. She couldn’t believe that...

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This is an older story I had written a few years ago.It was a cold winter night, I was heading down the road in the wind and snow, it wasn't snowing horribly bad, but I deal with it as an over the road trucker. But I was heading down the road, heading to my next destination. I had been driving for a few hours and it was getting dark when I saw a woman walking alongside the road. Now I'm not one to usually stop, but during the weather you know something could have happened, she may have had car...

4 years ago
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Evelyn Jacobs wished she could call the her unplanned stop the result of a freak snowstorm. She couldn't because she knew full well that there was a large storm predicted for the North Carolina mountains. She also knew that she had driven through them before with only minor inconveniences. That December 18th storm proved to be more than a minor inconvenience. For one thing a rather large chunk of mountain got to heavy with the accumulation of snow. The already weakened boulder just decided...

3 years ago
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Stranded in the Desert

The most curious thing occurred the other day as I perused the Internet in search of some incestuous stories that were more than just straight pornography. I came across a story called Halfway to Heaven which I clicked on to see if it had any redeeming value. I quickly saw that it was the same old stuff and didn't finish it. However, at the beginning I thought somebody might have, somehow, heard about what had happened to me although neither I nor she has ever told a soul. Let me explain. The...

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Stranded in the Rain

I was in the middle of nowhere, the tire on my bicycle had a puncture and it was getting late. My plan to cycle across Western Australia had hit a snag and with the nearest town over 30 miles away I was starting to wonder where I was going to sleep for the night. To make matters worse it had been raining for more than an hour - everyone thinks Australia enjoys constant sunshine but this is a myth - and I was drenched. But I didn't panic as something usually comes up and sure enough a white ute...

4 years ago
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It was a dark and stormy night... OK so it's the moldiest cliché in literature. It also happens to be true. A moonless night during the big '86 monsoons down in Tucson. The meteorologists were calling it a 100-year storm. The kind of heavy rainfall that only hits the desert once a century. Lucky me. The streets were flooded, and arroyos and normally dry rivers and dry washes were overflowing everywhere. Anyone with a lick of common sense was staying home and indoors. Me? I wasn't that...

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StrandedChapter 4

Miri stared for a moment at the wood paneling of the small room they were in. Only seconds before, they were stepping through a doorway on Crossroads. "Okay, that was weird," she exclaimed. Thinking of the strange twisting sensation in her stomach, she turned to her brother. "Did it feel that way the first time?" He nodded and then shrugged. "I was pretty much out of it at the time, but that felt like I remembered it." Looking down at the instruction sheet Tasha gave him, he motioned...

3 years ago
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StrandedChapter 5

The young, shirtless man with the longish dark hair and very tan skin was fascinating to watch. He wasn't that much taller than her brother, who was on the shorter side of average for his age at 175 centimeters, but he was definitely wider—especially at the shoulders. And his skill with an axe was amazing. It did not take him long at all to drop one of the larger trees with the white peely bark and black diamond shaped patches on it. And when he did drop it, he made it miss all the other...

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