Stranded Ch. 02 free porn video

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She made an ugly face, ‘Yes.’

I stoked the fire and put water on to boil. After our visit to the ‘outside room’, I returned her back to the cot and she mixed pancakes. Both of us were famished. I figured the colder weather had something to do with our increased appetite.

The drizzle had stopped, the sun shown through the trees, the temperature had dropped and ice formed near the banks of the stream. We could be in trouble should snow start falling. After we ate, I took the clothes to the stream, washing them, returning to the cabin and let them freeze dry.

The water was boiling so we soaked her feet. I examined both feet and thought they looked better, the infection was reduced. Perhaps the worst part had been hurdled. I spent a few minutes examining her legs, the bruises didn’t look as nasty.

She watched me as I looked at her legs. ‘Do you like them?’

‘They are looking better. I believe you’re on the mend.’

I finished her feet and she worked with my shoulder, notwithstanding the pain, it seemed more mobile. We were shaking from the cold again so I banked the fire. There was plenty of wood but I knew it wouldn’t last forever. If winter descended upon us, as I expected it would, we wanted the wood to last.

Throughout the following week we desperately tried to stay warm. The climate was damp, cold, and windy, one blanket certainly wasn’t enough. Each night, we shivered and cuddled.

‘I’m so cold. Can’t we make the fire bigger?’ she asked.

‘I want the wood to last through the winter.’

‘I can’t stay here all winter.’ she wailed. ‘I should be getting back.’

‘Is someone waiting for you? Would they come looking?’

Her silence told me volumes. ‘Not the school. I teach second graders. They’ll wonder why I don’t return after the conference, and then find a substitute.’

‘You have any family who is waiting for your return?’

‘No. My mom could care less about me. She has a new boyfriend every month and I was always in the way. I think she was happy when I got the teaching job and left her. I’ve never seen my dad and I have no one else.’

‘If they find your car, won’t they come looking for you?’ I asked.

‘Huh, not likely. It was scrap when I got it. If someone finds it they’ll think it’s been abandoned. Besides I must have walked miles and I got lost. What about you?’

‘Nope. No luck there. I’m new with the company but the turnover rate is high. They’ll think I just took off. My car is at the bottom of the cliff and not likely to be seen. No family to speak of. I do have a roommate, but he is always drunk so he’ll not miss me till the rent comes due.’

‘I’m so cold.’

How’d the man live with so few supplies? Either he had other storage or he moved to another location. We’d found the food store. Maybe there was another.

‘Where are you going?’ Kitty asked as I got off the cot. I covered her back up.

‘I’ve an idea.’ I started by moving things from one side of the room to the other. Under a pile of firewood, I found it, another trap door. It was quickly opened and I descended the short stairs.

‘Peter, what’s down there?’

‘Just a minute.’

I found a flashlight and turning it on revealed the answer to our question. There were two racks of clothes, coats, and outdoor gear. A shelf held several blankets, towels, a large tin box, several pair of socks plus three rolls of plastic and stacks of duct tape. Under the bench were some gear, hammer, saw, and digging tools. Then I spied the chain saw.

I grabbed a wool shirt, pair of trousers, a pull over sweater and a heavy coat. Using my one arm, I managed to lug them upstairs. Kitty’s eyes opened wide.

‘Now you got some warm clothes. Let’s get them on you.’

She rolled the legs up and slowly slid one foot through, and then she did the other. I grabbed a section of twine to use for a belt. The pants were large but they’d help keep her warm. I handed her the shirt, then sweater which she pulled over her head. The coat was last.

I stepped back. ‘My, you’ve changed. Now you look like a logger.’

I went back down and brought up several blankets and clothes for me. Kitty helped me get into my clothes. The socks were wonderful. The problem was Kitty could not wear anything on her feet. Next I lifted her off the cot and placed her on the floor. I took three blankets, doubled them each to use as a mattress on the cot. The other four would use as covers. I placed her back on the cot and covered her up.

‘You warm yet?’

‘Getting there’ she said. Then she asked a question. ‘Peter, am I pretty?’

‘Why do you have to ask?’

She was silent, looking at the floor, then raised her eyes. ‘I look ugly.’

I shook my head. ‘No you’re not.’

‘Yes, I am. Look at my feet. You saw the bruises and I’ll have scars from his beatings. I can’t be beautiful any more.’

‘What makes a woman beautiful?’

‘Well, pretty legs, these (as she bounced her breasts), the face, shoulders and hair.’

‘Kitty, think about some of the teachers at the school. I bet some of the women are heavy. Are they pretty? What about grandmothers?’

‘Nope. Guys don’t look at them.’

‘Kitty, what I … ‘

She scooted around on the cot and I sat on the stool facing her.

‘You want a man to like you and you believe if you’re not pretty they won’t notice you. I am guessing you don’t have a boyfriend. You’ve had a few but most last for a few months. Mainly they try to get you into bed, and if they do, they’ve made their conquest and are soon gone. But the cycle repeats and once they’ve gotten you in the sack, they leave.’

‘I never told you that.’

‘Your actions talk.’

‘You don’t think much of me?’ she hung her head.

‘Kitty?’ I reached out and lifted her chin. ‘I told you the other day, I like you. Just be yourself.’



Her smile was worth it. ‘You want me to be Kathy?’

‘I want you to be YOU, nothing else.’

She looked at me, then down to her hands. ‘Are you getting warm now?’ I interjected.

She wrapped her arms around herself and nodded ‘yes’.

‘Let’s take care or your feet, then.’

I put the water on the stove, and stoked the fire. While waiting for it to boil, I fetched the plastic and duct tape. Kathy helped cut it into sheets while I covered the cracks in the walls. Beauty wasn’t our intent, we wanted to keep the cold out.

By now the water was hot. Examining them closely I was encouraged for the first time, I saw areas of pink skin. With both feet soaking, my fingers worked the muscles in her calves and massaged her ankles. She dried with a towel.

She worked on my shoulder, though the pain remained intense, additional mobility was noticed.

‘I think we’re on the mend’ I remarked.

‘Yes’ was the short reply. She was strangely quiet.

‘Are you okay?

‘Can you call me Kathy?’ she whispered.

‘Sure, Kathy. No problem.’

I figured it best to drop the subject and to tackle the day’s needs. I applied more tape to the walls for a tighter seal. Like I’d said earlier, it wasn’t pretty but it was functional. The rest of the day was taken up with routine. Our biggest improvements were the warm clothes and warmer cabin. Kathy was no longer shivering, that evening we slept very well. Before dropping off to sleep I asked ‘Tired of these 4 walls? Would you like a walk in the woods and see what’s out there?’

She moved her head, looking me in the face. She watched my eyes, ‘You’re serious, aren’t you?’

‘Yep, I am’

‘I can’t walk, you know?’

‘I know. Just thinking of rigging up a sling to carry you.’

‘Think you can carry me with your shoulder?’ She was excited.

‘Let’s check into it in the morning. Right now get some sleep.’

She was too excited to sleep, which kept
me awake. Every time I moved or opened my eyes, she was looking at me.

‘Are you going to sleep?’ I asked.

She shook her head ‘no’.

‘You’re too excited?’

This time she shook her head ‘yes’ and had a grin.

Daybreak was still an hour away, ‘Come on, lets get up.’

She fixed breakfast while I went in search of a few tools. The sling from the gun would provide the basic support with a few modifications. After we’d used the outhouse and eaten, she sat on the end of the cot. We dressed warmly and I wrapped her feet in a blanket and tied with twine.

Taking the sling I opened it completely, and placed it over my shoulder. I picked her up and sat her in my lap. She used her hands to run the sling under her bottom and around my good shoulder. We had to work at it, to get the clasp on the sling to snap, then we headed out the door. The sun was above the horizon.

For several minutes we juggled and scooted around until we were fairly comfortable. This did put her face right next to mine. ‘We are going to be a close couple for the day, aren’t we?’ I asked.

Her hands were free and she placed them on my cheeks, leaned over, and kissed me. ‘Yeah, but I kinda like it,’ a grin spreading across her face.

We walked down the path and followed the stream. The sun was shinning as it came through the trees, but the air was nippy and we could see our breath in the early morning light. I walked a ways in the quiet until I moved off the path and my feet were kicking up some fallen leaves. A branch crunched under my boots and a rabbit jumped up. We spied a squirrel in the trees ahead, and the birds were chirping.

‘I have never been in the woods like this.’ She said. The first time was coming to the cabin and it was dark then. But this is really nice, it’s beautiful.’

‘Are you cold?’

‘Just my ears and nose.’

I kissed the nose and she looked me in the eyes. I walked for a while, and we chatted.

I figured I’d walked a couple miles and that was when I tripped. I sought to regain my balance, it felt as if Kathy was slipping. Instinctively I moved my left arm to catch her and a stabbing pain shot through my shoulder. I then lost my stability, tumbling against a tree. A loud pop came from my shoulder and I screamed. The pain was horrible.

As a youngster, a friend taught me, if I were going to fall, it’s best to release your knees and dropped straight down. Instinctively I did, but not wanting to drop Kathy. I ended up squatting, my right hand on the ground for balance, Kathy in my lap and the sling still holding. Shifting my weight a bit, I maintained my stance. My eyes were grimaced in pain and when I opened them, she was staring at me, fear in her eyes, not for herself, but concern for me.

‘Peter, are you okay?’

‘Don’t know.’

Slowly I took stock. My arm hung by my side and the pain had ceased, only a dull hurt. Gently I flexed my elbow and brought my hand up under her. My shoulder ached, but no pain. Kathy reached down and pulled my hand between us, clasping it in hers. ‘What about you?’ I asked.

‘I am fine. You were holding me the entire time. How’d you manage that?’

‘I don’t know. What happened to my arm?’

She unclipped the sling and slid off my lap. I extended my legs and sat with my back to a tree. She removed the sling and then my coat. Gently her fingers probed my shoulder and muscles. Nothing was broken and the sharp pain was gone. Whatever had happened didn’t aggravate the injury. We decided to rest for a while before going on. The sun was mid morning and we could see clouds through the trees towards the west. While she massaged my shoulder, she was talking about anything and nothing, her voice had a clear ring.

‘Kathy, do you sing?’


‘Can you sing a song?’

She paused a moment, then opened up and sang. Her voice was the most beautiful sound I’d heard in a long time. The birds stopped to listen as the tune flowed upwards, into the trees. Finishing, she selected another tune, the sounds floated among the trees to the rising and falling of her melody. It seemed the angels had come to brighten our day.

When the last note finally melted away, I spoke, ‘That’s beautiful. You’ve a lovely voice.’

She laughed out loud. ‘I haven’t sung in years. I remember as a small girl, singing to my dolls. Most were nonsense, no meaning. Just a bunch of words with a pretty tune.’

‘Take time to sing more often. It’ll make the day much brighter.’

‘Okay,’ she said, ‘But now let’s eat.’ She opened the bag we’d brought with some jerky and a can of peaches.

‘Peter, do you have a girlfriend?’

‘No, I don’t.’

‘Why not?’

‘I haven’t found one yet. I’ve dated, but no one interested me. So I’m still looking.’

‘What are you looking for?’

‘I am looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. Someone I could love with all my heart.’

‘What’ll she be like?’

‘I don’t know. I haven’t found her yet.’

The day was lazy and after eating and not having slept much the night before, we stretched out and took a nap.

The wind picked up and blew the clouds across the sun. A shiver woke me up. I nudged Kathy. ‘I think we should head back.’ She stirred, looking at the sky.

‘Okay, looks like the weather is changing.’

I put my legs under me and leaned against the tree. She scrunched around and got onto my lap. We had to work at getting the sling under her and clipped across my good shoulder. The wind was quit brisk when we got started. The breeze pulled at the strands of her hair and wisped them across her face. I thought she looked cute and I told her so. She whispered a thank you.

I followed the clearest route, not wanting to stumble again. The wind was continuing to increase and I was wondering what kind of weather it was bringing. The return journey went more quickly and as we sighted the cabin in the distance, the first flakes of snow fell. We stopped at the outhouse before heading inside. I placed her on the cot and dropped the plastic across the door, then stoked the fire back to life. With the wind held at bay by the plastic, the room warmed quickly. We were tired and decided to turn in early.

As we snuggled on the cot, she whispered in my ear. ‘I had fun today, thank you. That was special.’ She kissed me.

The next morning, the wind was howling around the cabin and I could feel the temperature had taken a tumble. I opened my eyes and watched Kathy sleep in my arms. Her breathing was slow and even. Her mouth was wide with full lips and her nose was cute. Her cheeks were smooth and when she smiled, there would be the hint of a dimple on the left side. The gash on her brow was healing. Her hair was disheveled but she kept it free of tangles.

Quietly I sang a tune I’d heard a long time ago.

Sometimes in the mornin’ when shadows are deep

I lie here beside you just watching you sleep

And sometimes I whisper what I’m thinking of

My cup runneth over with love

She opened her eyes when I finished. ‘That’s pretty. Where’d you learn it?’

‘When I went to college, years ago. It was popular on the radio and I learned it.’

‘Do you?’

‘Do I what?’

‘Love me, like the song says?’

Suddenly I wanted to change the subject. Why’d I ever open my mouth? To sidestep the issue, ‘I like to lie here watching you sleep.’

She just looked at me with a raised eyebrow but didn’t press the issue.

‘It is snowing outside.’ I say.

‘And you can’t sing very well either.’ She laughed

I gave her a peck on the cheek and slipped out from under the blankets. I walked to the door and looked out. There was about 6 inches of snow on the ground, but the wind had blown some drifts up around the side of the cabin which were 3 feet high, or so. Stepping back inside, I moved to the stove and added more wood. T
he fire began to grow inside the stove and the temperature steadily rose. With the wind kept at bay by the plastic, we could remain reasonably comfortable.

‘You ready to go outside?’

‘Yes, but only with you.’

I was about ready to ask who else, when I realized she was teasing. I picked her up and we stepped out the door. With the wind blowing so strong, she buried her head in my shoulder. I had to trudge through the snow drifts to the outhouse where we took turns before returning to the cabin.

We hadn’t soaked her feet yesterday and with nothing better to do, this was the plan. The snow was coming down hard, and the stream frozen, so it wouldn’t be safe to get water from there. I grabbed a bucket and scooped up some snow, putting it on the stove. This took a while before having enough to boil, but patience paid off. Kathy sat on the cot and I poured the water into the basin over her feet. We soaked them till the skin wrinkled and then examined them. I was much encouraged. The wounds were healing over and I could see pink skin growing over her sores.

‘You are healing nicely. You’ll be up and running around before long. Seriously, I think maybe in a few days you could put some weight on them.’

‘You think so?’

‘I’m no doctor, but I’m seeing improvement. You are on the mend. Your bruises are fading.’ Then in mock teasing mood, ‘If you were to spend time up at that cabin of yours, it might do the trick, getting you back on your feet. You have a servant to help you?’

‘So now you are my servant.’ she laughed. ‘How about polishing my shoes or doing the dishes.’

I stood, bowed with a sweeping gesture and told her I was ready to do her bidding. We both laughed and had fun with this make believe. In the last few days she was smiling more and this was a good sign her emotions were healing. What she’d been through, shouldn’t have happened to a dog. She hadn’t mentioned recently but I didn’t believe it had been forgotten. If I could help her get the fun back in life, this would be a help. For the rest of the morning we pretended. Twice she was laughing uproariously at my antics and tears rolled down her cheek.

Towards the middle of the day, I sat down for a minute to rest from our acting when she spoke, ‘Peter?’


‘Your arm. You’ve been using it.’

Mentally, I stopped and shifted my attention to my shoulder. It was out of the sling, hanging, with the forearm lifted. Slowly I extended my arm straight out, then moved it to the side. No pain. It was stiff with some soreness in the shoulder, but no pain. Gently I rotated it, finding a spot where it hurt, I winced. The range of motion was reduced, but I had the ability to move it.

‘Can you lift anything?’

I tried several small items before moving to some larger ones. The arm and shoulder were weak, not having their full strength.

‘Something must have been fixed yesterday when I stumbled. I thought I’d re-injured it.’

‘Let me work with your shoulder.’ She requested.

I moved closer and sat on the floor beside the cot. Her fingers pushed and probed into the muscles of the shoulder, finding pockets of tight and soreness. Gently she worked and I felt the tension reducing.

‘You are getting better.’ She commented.

The storm continued to howl outside, blowing the snow up around the cabin. We had enough wood to keep us warm and food to eat. This storm lasted 2 days and by the 3rd morning, the sun rose over the trees to a crisp wonderland. The air was frigid and the snow lay deep on the ground. I guessed about 9 inches had fallen. Except for trips to the outhouse, bringing in firewood, and getting snow for water, we stayed inside huddled around the stove.

To the reader it may seem like everything between Kathy and I was just peaches and cream. Sadly that wasn’t true, we had our spats. It was a day after the storm and I’d gone outside to get firewood. I’d carried in several loads and gone out for more. In the distance I spied a couple of deer. Leaving the firewood, I followed them into the woods and lost track of time.

When I returned, Kathy was angry. She needed to use the outhouse and I was nowhere to be found. She’d called, but received no reply. She’d waited but could no longer hold it, using a corner of the room, she took care of business. The room was closed up, the odor wasn’t pleasant. When I entered, her words weren’t very kind. My reaction was to defend myself and we argued loudly. I cleaned up the mess but for the remainder of the day, we didn’t speak. That evening I figured to sleep elsewhere but she’d calmed down and we both slept on the cot.

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Mein Shocked Reh Gaya

Mein ek ladka hu ..Ahmadabad se engineering kee hein ..Or yaha info city mein job kar raha hu . Mera email id hein Mera nam rahul trivedi hein ..Or mein 22 male hu .Athletic body hein meri. Mein harroj car leke jata hu ..Wo car mere dad ne gift me di thi at the time of gradution. Iski bad direct story par ata hu .. To ek di me ja raha tha gandhinagar me to muje harroj ch0 road se jana padta tha. Me vaha se nikal raha tha .Aur meri car suddenly ek bike se takkar mari …Accident bada nahi...

2 years ago
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A Spiders Web Ch 05

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

2 years ago
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Having Sex With An Unconscious Girl

By : Handsomevinay Hey everyone on ISS, I am Vinay from the fabulous city Indore. I am here to complete my studies from an engineering college. As this is my first story then please mind my faults and proper explanation of various stages. Let me tell you that this is a true story out of my life. I am Vinay Achar. Age 21 and fairly well build. I have biceps as I prefer regularly visiting gym. While rather to it I have engaged myself to music. While let me tell you that my awesome body attracts...

3 years ago
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The capture of a Beauty

Master Byron The capture of a Beauty Gemma Jones The great building sat nestled in the forest, it was known to the village people that Byron was not ?normal? his presence was only ever experienced in the dead of night, once a year as he came to claim his next woman. What he did to them was never known but in the 25 years none had ever returned, and stranger still rumour had it that his looks had never aged as time would have it. To all who REALLY knew, Byron was a creature of the night, a...

3 years ago
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Family SandwichChapter 3

Entry number 236, Log 3, Notes on Project X: June 6 - All systems go. Uncle Morgan not only perfect subject, I find I am in love with him. Oral love ecstatic. When will total experience happen? I feel it is imminent. All bodily changes within me seem to point to readiness. Must take care of mother. Fran sat in the breakfast nook scanning the morning paper impatiently. She turned to the employment section and glanced at a few of the offers. "Need good-looking gal to act as hostess...

2 years ago
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Payback to the Bitch Ex

"But I didn't do anything wrong to deserve this" she replied. I hauled off and punched her in the mouth, knocking out two of her teeth in the process. "You fucking lying cunt. First you deserve this cause you falsely accused your ex husband of rape. That is how you got me involved in your fucking life whore!" I hauled off and punched her in the nose, the sound of it breaking was like music to my ears. "Seeing you said he raped you, I have a little suprise for you before I kill...

2 years ago
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Fit to be Tied The Revenge

He awoke from his deep slumber wondering if it had all been a dream. Surely she hadn’t been masturbating in his room. Surely he hadn’t done those things to her. It must have been a very vivid dream. Nonetheless, it brought a smile to his face. It was one hot dream and he would never look at her the same again.As he went to stretch in his bed, he quickly realized something was wrong. He couldn’t move his arms or his legs freely. Lying face down, he tried to wiggle his way around. The...

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Office Encounter

While surfing cl postings looking for interesting scenarios I came across one which got my attention and got my imagination running. It was short and to the point, asking merely for someone who might be interested in a midday encounter in an office. This set off all sorts of ideas in my head and as we'd started to make "dares and tasks" a fun part of our sex lives I decided to run with it. I dreamed up a scenario and wrote a posting of my own, pretending of course, to be you. It read as...

2 years ago
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The CEOs Wife part 1

My wife and I have been married for six years now (a third marriage for her but my first). I got married late in life to a women nine years younger than me. Linda is now 36 but still has the incredible look of a gal in her twenties. I was too busy in my younger years climbing the ladder of success to get involved romantically. After reaching a pinnacle of business success by becoming a CEO of a mid-size company, I felt something was missing in my life and then I met Linda. She was a little more...

2 years ago
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A Tasty Treat

It was Halloween night and Gia was at home handing out candy, bored. She had no where to be tonight besides here. All her friends had spouses or boyfriends to be with. And here she was by herself, living alone. She was 19 years old, you think she would be happy about that, but she wasn’t, she wanted a man, a man to love her and be with her. She loved Halloween though so she decorated the entire little house she was renting, even the outside. It looked like a creepy haunted house you would pay...

3 years ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 6 Fears and dreams

At brunch with Lois, I shared “Military forces of the two sides are interacting, so far professionally but definitely not being friendly. Cuban aircraft intercepted U.S. Navy patrol planes over international waters.” With concern, she looked into my eyes. “Will that trigger open warfare?” “Not so far.” “I’m scared.” I kissed her, and our tongues banished the fear. My hands explored under her leotard. At first, her tension made her dry, but I was able to connect my fingers to my...

1 year ago
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Tina and Paula The Final Party

Standing naked in front of the mirror, I don't look like much. I’m skinny, boney even, and my breasts are non-existent, some would even say I look like a boy. Sometimes I wish I had been born a boy. So many things would have been different, so much of my life might have turned out different. Most importantly, Tina might have fallen in love with me. I run my hands over my breasts. My nipples spring to life after my hands pass over them. I think about Tina and all the things we've done together....

1 year ago
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First Time With Stella

By : Kiran_hot Hi to iss readers, this is Kiran [name change] I was reading many stories in ISS form 1year. So I decided to share my story. I am 5.7ft, fair & normal 21 yr guy. When I was doing my 5th Sem B.COM I had friend, her name is Stella. I use to move very closely with her among the girls, we had good understanding between us, her birthday was in Nov & it was winter season, I though of giving her surprise I call at exactly 12.00am & wished her, she was excited & thanked me. Next morning...

3 years ago
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A quiet night at home

I unwrap a nice thick T-bone and cut some veggies to roast on the grill and finish off 4 of the beers as everything cooks. I sit at my coffee table eating and drinking shots with beer chasers to my heart’s content and then after I clean everything up I go shower and then off to bed. DING DING DING DING!!!!! Damn it somebody’s ringing the friggen doorbell at 3am, I go downstairs and see a shadow at the door and I hear giggling out side the door as well. I’m fit to be tied now...

3 years ago
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I'd been having a crappy day in work and by the time I got home was fed up and needed to chill out. So I set about getting sorted! Into the bath, shaved the legs and had a close shave of the face. I moistourised and did my makeup. Then the next question, what to wear?By now I was starting to get a little horny! I had the chatrooms open and was talking to a few guys and girls and had a few meets possibly sorted. While I kept a weather eye on the PC I picked out a pair of black panties and a...

4 years ago
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Special Case Cp2 Bestiality and a Ball Park

He licked and massaged them for a while, then he pulled down his pants, grabbed her hips, and thrust into her asshole. Kelly being frozen and all, stared straight ahead that same gaze and smile. “Nnngg!” Dakota dug into Kelly’s ass cheeks as he pumped her tight asshole full of cum. Frozen time still affected him, just to a lesser extent. Instead of when he came it being frozen in mid-air, he just came for a longer period time. He pulled his dick out of her ass and shot cum all over the back...

2 years ago
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Our best vacation EVER Revised

Hello my name is Mike, and with me is my wife Kate. We are new to this site, but would like to share one of our best vacation experience ever. Me and Kate were to meet up with some friends at a beach house in another state below us. We were meeting our friends Jake and Kim (the names have been changed to protect their identity). So these friends of ours are kind of a bore. They have no fun ever, and have no sex life at all, but me and Kate think its because Kim is really over weight and her...

1 year ago
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Tushy Elsa Jean Influence Part 1

Freed from the restrictive influence of her ex-boyfriend, Elsa, a famous VXN Influencer, has high expectations for her new life in Los Angeles. Based on a suggestion from her biggest fan, she is inspired to start living out her greatest fantasies – one by one. Her manager Ryan, someone who she’s always had a crush on, catches her eye immediately. Knowing a good opportunity for quality content when she sees it, she records the experience and shares it with all her loyal VXN fans....

1 year ago
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YourMomDoesPorn Diamond Foxxx The Ultimate MILF

Athletic and toned gym MILF, Diamond Foxxx, shows off her hot body and big tits, slowly taking off her black thong and kneeling on the white couch where she shows off her asshole and pussy, then beginning to shove her middle finger and spread her pussy lips to see her pristine pink pussy. She sits upright and finger fucks herself and slaps her pussy around when two studs come in ready to give her their big dicks. Diamond kneels down and releases their cocks from their confines and shoves one of...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Kiarra Kai Kiarra Is Very Impressed With Her Gift

Old pal Jessy needs no more convincing and cannot wait any longer to meet his buddy’s girlfriend Kiarra. All while they were catching up she was in the hallway bringing her hot pussy just about to orgasm and then made her grand entrance to an already hard Jessy. She wasted no time tearing his clothes off and getting her hands and mouth wrapped around his big cock. Beyond wet and eager she bends over showing off her juicy ass ready to take all Jessy’s fat meat deep inside her tight...

3 years ago
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Mommy and Brian Chapter 6 Brians Story

Introduction: A mother agrees to let a man use her daughter This is a fictional story for adults only and describes sexual activities between an adult male and an underage female. Please do not continue reading if this offends you. This story was written for entertainment only and the author does not condone any illegal activities or abuse of any kind. This is a 3rd attempt at story writing and feedback is welcome. CHAPTER 6 – Brians Story Continued Brian had fallen asleep on the couch,...

3 years ago
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Spicing Up Our Sexlife with Unexpected Results pi1

Unintended? Well to start at first, but along the way there were points when the changes that occurred were fully embraced with a wicked smile or full on grin. I am a healthy man with healthy urges that I just thought were going unfulfilled. When I began we had been married for twenty years and we had lost that spark that we once had. Sex had become boring and not all that exciting, so I began by shaving my balls and trimming my pubic hair a little shorter than usual. I began working out a...

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Aunt Emma

Aunt Emma Besides Mom and Dad, Aunt Emma was my only known relative. She was an enigma, a beauty, but she lived alone, without even a pet in the house she and Mom grew up in. We visited her four or five times a year when I was growing up but other than to gawk at her, as I did in my early adolescence especially, we had no special relationship, no unique closeness. The one exception, as I recall, in the summer I was 14, I was staring at her while she was hanging clothes on the line....

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MF, MMF, FF, Masturbation, Voyeur)Last Wednesday...This little adventure began six months after I'd arrived in Los Angeles.I'd finished up my undergrad work at Tulane the spring before anddecided I needed a major change in my life. I was twenty-one and feelingmore or less directionless. On a whim I packed up everything I owned atthe time and headed off to parts unknown. I think maybe I had always beenheading for Los Angeles in the back of my mind. New Orleans, the citywhere I was born and...

3 years ago
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Marriage Divorce or Sex Ch 02 The making of a

Waking up nude cuddling my naked Nicole brought flash backs of the previous evening. My head spun in an alcohol induced haze as I remembered the decadence that occurred in my living room with my wife and her gentlemen callers. My head ached as I lifted it from the pillow pushing my out of shape body to a sitting position trying not to disturb my nasty wife from her dreams of ecstasy. I needed something for my head and time to think before confronting her.Coffee helped clear the cobwebs, but not...

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Joy Was a Great Receptionist

Joy was a very cute petite Asian girl, probably about twenty-one or twenty-two. She was the receptionist at my office. Always perky and cheerful, I often wondered what it would be like to spend some private moments with her. I knew my fanciful thoughts were just a pipe dream, so when I had the chance to get to know her on a more intimate level, I was a bit surprised, especially since I didn’t think she even noticed me. My office is in the back of a multi-tenant office building. Joy is stationed...

Office Sex
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My First Hot Encounter

This was happen when i was in 12th,i am shy fair slim boy,soft body ,i was not a gay but some hot things happen changed me to a lovely bottom my stats i am 5.6ht fair color ,56wt,28hip.Once during school a new boy joined in my school rajesh,he is black color good height and weight,more than my friends he is very nice to me became good friends.We used to play shuttle and foot ball in evening play ground,once i noticed that his touches on me is different and very soft to me i just ignored as its...

Gay Male
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Let Me Be Your Nurse

With the sun setting in the distance, Katrina waved to her parents through the window of her house. Their car was just leaving the driveway as they embarked on the long road trip to Chicago, where they were going to attend a week-long science convention for work. Katrina didn't know if they could see her, but she felt compelled to do it anyway. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Ash sitting next to her, doing the exact opposite. He didn't wave or anything; he just sat there frowning,...

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Stretch you out and fill you up

Getting back from dinner we hit the door locked in a kiss. Eyes glued to each other as we trade places with our tongues. The taste of wine still on our lips only fuels the passion. Carelessly tearing the clothes from our bodies, and leaving a trail to the bedroom as we get ready for some hard core sex. No foreplay tonight. No, loving, and tenderness this evening.   My cock is already hard before I bend you over the end of the bed. Your pussy not quite ready, but that doesn't stop me. I can...

4 years ago
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The brim of her light purple sunhat came in first, and she took it off and set it aside as she closed the door. It was clear she didn't have an umbrella and her hat was as drenched as she was. I got a good look at her as she turned from the door and walked over to my desk, breathing heavily like she'd been running. She wore a violet colored sundress that matched the yellow ribbons on her hat, but with the rain it didn't flow like a sundress should; it clung to her naked body like a...

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You Win The Game

He’s weird like that, he has a tendency to make up his own words and languages, and refuses to tell me their meanings. Ethan works along with me in Hot Topic, we both are cashiers, we both have gages, we both have colored hair, we both love black clothing. He’s adorable in his mindset. Sometimes he’ll create a game that we’ll play all throughout the day and I won’t even realize it till he tells me if I won or he won, and what the prize is. Because I rarely know of...

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Man of my Dreams The Sequel

I woke up the next morning having the memory of my brother making love to me the previous night. I lifted up my nightshirt and played with my breasts while my other hand slipped between my legs and pushed my panties to the side. I caressed my aching pussy slowly running my fingers up and down my wet slit. Last night had been the most wonderful night of my life. I'd finally been able to express my love for my brother Tim. I could still feel his kisses on my lips and his hands all over my naked...

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HussiePass Daisy Stone The Brickzilla Challenge

Tall all-natural blonde Daisy Stone ? makes her Hussie?Pass debut this week and we have just two words for you: BRICKZILLA ANAL! ? After the critically acclaimed Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ??‍♀️ Daisy gets her pussy and asshole loosened up by inserting up to four fingers in each ? In steps Brickzilla with some lube for Daisy ?? especially her luscious 36-inch backside ? and as she twerks for us, Brickzilla just had to slide his face underneath and sample her juices ??...

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Renovating my motherinlaws bathroom

Note : This story is completely fictional! I recently was volunteered to help renovate my Inlaw’s bathroom. I showed up Saturday morning and their car was gone. I knocked and there was no answer so I let myself in. I then went right into the bathroom to get to work. The bathroom is made up of two separate rooms with a sliding door between the area where the shower and toilet are and the rest of the room. No sooner had I set my equipment down then the sliding door slid open and my mother-in-law...

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How I Lost My Virginity To My Aunt Chithi

A warm welcome to all iss readers and this is my first story and I thank all the iss writers who put up their effort in penning down their experiences. I am ram,22 years old guy working in a software company in chennai. Give your valuable feedback on my email id Aunties and ladies in and around chennai and throughout tamil nadu who are in desperate need of sex and satisfaction can mail me at Privacy assured. Satisfaction assured. Details would be kept safe. After reading all the iss...

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A Good Little Bitch

Movement drew her attention, head turning just enough to watch as Noon pressed closer to her, far too furry and warm for how hot Zendaya felt. But she didn’t complain as Noon cuddled closer, the dog’s sinful tongue lulling out of his mouth, breath on the back of his neck. Noon started to lap at her skin, a small whine escaping him that made Zendaya's fingers fuck into her faster. The collar around her neck constricted as he swallowed hard, one leg stretching out as she braced a foot against...

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