- 2 years ago
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She made an ugly face, ‘Yes.’
I stoked the fire and put water on to boil. After our visit to the ‘outside room’, I returned her back to the cot and she mixed pancakes. Both of us were famished. I figured the colder weather had something to do with our increased appetite.
The drizzle had stopped, the sun shown through the trees, the temperature had dropped and ice formed near the banks of the stream. We could be in trouble should snow start falling. After we ate, I took the clothes to the stream, washing them, returning to the cabin and let them freeze dry.
The water was boiling so we soaked her feet. I examined both feet and thought they looked better, the infection was reduced. Perhaps the worst part had been hurdled. I spent a few minutes examining her legs, the bruises didn’t look as nasty.
She watched me as I looked at her legs. ‘Do you like them?’
‘They are looking better. I believe you’re on the mend.’
I finished her feet and she worked with my shoulder, notwithstanding the pain, it seemed more mobile. We were shaking from the cold again so I banked the fire. There was plenty of wood but I knew it wouldn’t last forever. If winter descended upon us, as I expected it would, we wanted the wood to last.
Throughout the following week we desperately tried to stay warm. The climate was damp, cold, and windy, one blanket certainly wasn’t enough. Each night, we shivered and cuddled.
‘I’m so cold. Can’t we make the fire bigger?’ she asked.
‘I want the wood to last through the winter.’
‘I can’t stay here all winter.’ she wailed. ‘I should be getting back.’
‘Is someone waiting for you? Would they come looking?’
Her silence told me volumes. ‘Not the school. I teach second graders. They’ll wonder why I don’t return after the conference, and then find a substitute.’
‘You have any family who is waiting for your return?’
‘No. My mom could care less about me. She has a new boyfriend every month and I was always in the way. I think she was happy when I got the teaching job and left her. I’ve never seen my dad and I have no one else.’
‘If they find your car, won’t they come looking for you?’ I asked.
‘Huh, not likely. It was scrap when I got it. If someone finds it they’ll think it’s been abandoned. Besides I must have walked miles and I got lost. What about you?’
‘Nope. No luck there. I’m new with the company but the turnover rate is high. They’ll think I just took off. My car is at the bottom of the cliff and not likely to be seen. No family to speak of. I do have a roommate, but he is always drunk so he’ll not miss me till the rent comes due.’
‘I’m so cold.’
How’d the man live with so few supplies? Either he had other storage or he moved to another location. We’d found the food store. Maybe there was another.
‘Where are you going?’ Kitty asked as I got off the cot. I covered her back up.
‘I’ve an idea.’ I started by moving things from one side of the room to the other. Under a pile of firewood, I found it, another trap door. It was quickly opened and I descended the short stairs.
‘Peter, what’s down there?’
‘Just a minute.’
I found a flashlight and turning it on revealed the answer to our question. There were two racks of clothes, coats, and outdoor gear. A shelf held several blankets, towels, a large tin box, several pair of socks plus three rolls of plastic and stacks of duct tape. Under the bench were some gear, hammer, saw, and digging tools. Then I spied the chain saw.
I grabbed a wool shirt, pair of trousers, a pull over sweater and a heavy coat. Using my one arm, I managed to lug them upstairs. Kitty’s eyes opened wide.
‘Now you got some warm clothes. Let’s get them on you.’
She rolled the legs up and slowly slid one foot through, and then she did the other. I grabbed a section of twine to use for a belt. The pants were large but they’d help keep her warm. I handed her the shirt, then sweater which she pulled over her head. The coat was last.
I stepped back. ‘My, you’ve changed. Now you look like a logger.’
I went back down and brought up several blankets and clothes for me. Kitty helped me get into my clothes. The socks were wonderful. The problem was Kitty could not wear anything on her feet. Next I lifted her off the cot and placed her on the floor. I took three blankets, doubled them each to use as a mattress on the cot. The other four would use as covers. I placed her back on the cot and covered her up.
‘You warm yet?’
‘Getting there’ she said. Then she asked a question. ‘Peter, am I pretty?’
‘Why do you have to ask?’
She was silent, looking at the floor, then raised her eyes. ‘I look ugly.’
I shook my head. ‘No you’re not.’
‘Yes, I am. Look at my feet. You saw the bruises and I’ll have scars from his beatings. I can’t be beautiful any more.’
‘What makes a woman beautiful?’
‘Well, pretty legs, these (as she bounced her breasts), the face, shoulders and hair.’
‘Kitty, think about some of the teachers at the school. I bet some of the women are heavy. Are they pretty? What about grandmothers?’
‘Nope. Guys don’t look at them.’
‘Kitty, what I … ‘
She scooted around on the cot and I sat on the stool facing her.
‘You want a man to like you and you believe if you’re not pretty they won’t notice you. I am guessing you don’t have a boyfriend. You’ve had a few but most last for a few months. Mainly they try to get you into bed, and if they do, they’ve made their conquest and are soon gone. But the cycle repeats and once they’ve gotten you in the sack, they leave.’
‘I never told you that.’
‘Your actions talk.’
‘You don’t think much of me?’ she hung her head.
‘Kitty?’ I reached out and lifted her chin. ‘I told you the other day, I like you. Just be yourself.’
Her smile was worth it. ‘You want me to be Kathy?’
‘I want you to be YOU, nothing else.’
She looked at me, then down to her hands. ‘Are you getting warm now?’ I interjected.
She wrapped her arms around herself and nodded ‘yes’.
‘Let’s take care or your feet, then.’
I put the water on the stove, and stoked the fire. While waiting for it to boil, I fetched the plastic and duct tape. Kathy helped cut it into sheets while I covered the cracks in the walls. Beauty wasn’t our intent, we wanted to keep the cold out.
By now the water was hot. Examining them closely I was encouraged for the first time, I saw areas of pink skin. With both feet soaking, my fingers worked the muscles in her calves and massaged her ankles. She dried with a towel.
She worked on my shoulder, though the pain remained intense, additional mobility was noticed.
‘I think we’re on the mend’ I remarked.
‘Yes’ was the short reply. She was strangely quiet.
‘Are you okay?
‘Can you call me Kathy?’ she whispered.
‘Sure, Kathy. No problem.’
I figured it best to drop the subject and to tackle the day’s needs. I applied more tape to the walls for a tighter seal. Like I’d said earlier, it wasn’t pretty but it was functional. The rest of the day was taken up with routine. Our biggest improvements were the warm clothes and warmer cabin. Kathy was no longer shivering, that evening we slept very well. Before dropping off to sleep I asked ‘Tired of these 4 walls? Would you like a walk in the woods and see what’s out there?’
She moved her head, looking me in the face. She watched my eyes, ‘You’re serious, aren’t you?’
‘Yep, I am’
‘I can’t walk, you know?’
‘I know. Just thinking of rigging up a sling to carry you.’
‘Think you can carry me with your shoulder?’ She was excited.
‘Let’s check into it in the morning. Right now get some sleep.’
She was too excited to sleep, which kept
me awake. Every time I moved or opened my eyes, she was looking at me.
‘Are you going to sleep?’ I asked.
She shook her head ‘no’.
‘You’re too excited?’
This time she shook her head ‘yes’ and had a grin.
Daybreak was still an hour away, ‘Come on, lets get up.’
She fixed breakfast while I went in search of a few tools. The sling from the gun would provide the basic support with a few modifications. After we’d used the outhouse and eaten, she sat on the end of the cot. We dressed warmly and I wrapped her feet in a blanket and tied with twine.
Taking the sling I opened it completely, and placed it over my shoulder. I picked her up and sat her in my lap. She used her hands to run the sling under her bottom and around my good shoulder. We had to work at it, to get the clasp on the sling to snap, then we headed out the door. The sun was above the horizon.
For several minutes we juggled and scooted around until we were fairly comfortable. This did put her face right next to mine. ‘We are going to be a close couple for the day, aren’t we?’ I asked.
Her hands were free and she placed them on my cheeks, leaned over, and kissed me. ‘Yeah, but I kinda like it,’ a grin spreading across her face.
We walked down the path and followed the stream. The sun was shinning as it came through the trees, but the air was nippy and we could see our breath in the early morning light. I walked a ways in the quiet until I moved off the path and my feet were kicking up some fallen leaves. A branch crunched under my boots and a rabbit jumped up. We spied a squirrel in the trees ahead, and the birds were chirping.
‘I have never been in the woods like this.’ She said. The first time was coming to the cabin and it was dark then. But this is really nice, it’s beautiful.’
‘Are you cold?’
‘Just my ears and nose.’
I kissed the nose and she looked me in the eyes. I walked for a while, and we chatted.
I figured I’d walked a couple miles and that was when I tripped. I sought to regain my balance, it felt as if Kathy was slipping. Instinctively I moved my left arm to catch her and a stabbing pain shot through my shoulder. I then lost my stability, tumbling against a tree. A loud pop came from my shoulder and I screamed. The pain was horrible.
As a youngster, a friend taught me, if I were going to fall, it’s best to release your knees and dropped straight down. Instinctively I did, but not wanting to drop Kathy. I ended up squatting, my right hand on the ground for balance, Kathy in my lap and the sling still holding. Shifting my weight a bit, I maintained my stance. My eyes were grimaced in pain and when I opened them, she was staring at me, fear in her eyes, not for herself, but concern for me.
‘Peter, are you okay?’
‘Don’t know.’
Slowly I took stock. My arm hung by my side and the pain had ceased, only a dull hurt. Gently I flexed my elbow and brought my hand up under her. My shoulder ached, but no pain. Kathy reached down and pulled my hand between us, clasping it in hers. ‘What about you?’ I asked.
‘I am fine. You were holding me the entire time. How’d you manage that?’
‘I don’t know. What happened to my arm?’
She unclipped the sling and slid off my lap. I extended my legs and sat with my back to a tree. She removed the sling and then my coat. Gently her fingers probed my shoulder and muscles. Nothing was broken and the sharp pain was gone. Whatever had happened didn’t aggravate the injury. We decided to rest for a while before going on. The sun was mid morning and we could see clouds through the trees towards the west. While she massaged my shoulder, she was talking about anything and nothing, her voice had a clear ring.
‘Kathy, do you sing?’
‘Can you sing a song?’
She paused a moment, then opened up and sang. Her voice was the most beautiful sound I’d heard in a long time. The birds stopped to listen as the tune flowed upwards, into the trees. Finishing, she selected another tune, the sounds floated among the trees to the rising and falling of her melody. It seemed the angels had come to brighten our day.
When the last note finally melted away, I spoke, ‘That’s beautiful. You’ve a lovely voice.’
She laughed out loud. ‘I haven’t sung in years. I remember as a small girl, singing to my dolls. Most were nonsense, no meaning. Just a bunch of words with a pretty tune.’
‘Take time to sing more often. It’ll make the day much brighter.’
‘Okay,’ she said, ‘But now let’s eat.’ She opened the bag we’d brought with some jerky and a can of peaches.
‘Peter, do you have a girlfriend?’
‘No, I don’t.’
‘Why not?’
‘I haven’t found one yet. I’ve dated, but no one interested me. So I’m still looking.’
‘What are you looking for?’
‘I am looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. Someone I could love with all my heart.’
‘What’ll she be like?’
‘I don’t know. I haven’t found her yet.’
The day was lazy and after eating and not having slept much the night before, we stretched out and took a nap.
The wind picked up and blew the clouds across the sun. A shiver woke me up. I nudged Kathy. ‘I think we should head back.’ She stirred, looking at the sky.
‘Okay, looks like the weather is changing.’
I put my legs under me and leaned against the tree. She scrunched around and got onto my lap. We had to work at getting the sling under her and clipped across my good shoulder. The wind was quit brisk when we got started. The breeze pulled at the strands of her hair and wisped them across her face. I thought she looked cute and I told her so. She whispered a thank you.
I followed the clearest route, not wanting to stumble again. The wind was continuing to increase and I was wondering what kind of weather it was bringing. The return journey went more quickly and as we sighted the cabin in the distance, the first flakes of snow fell. We stopped at the outhouse before heading inside. I placed her on the cot and dropped the plastic across the door, then stoked the fire back to life. With the wind held at bay by the plastic, the room warmed quickly. We were tired and decided to turn in early.
As we snuggled on the cot, she whispered in my ear. ‘I had fun today, thank you. That was special.’ She kissed me.
The next morning, the wind was howling around the cabin and I could feel the temperature had taken a tumble. I opened my eyes and watched Kathy sleep in my arms. Her breathing was slow and even. Her mouth was wide with full lips and her nose was cute. Her cheeks were smooth and when she smiled, there would be the hint of a dimple on the left side. The gash on her brow was healing. Her hair was disheveled but she kept it free of tangles.
Quietly I sang a tune I’d heard a long time ago.
Sometimes in the mornin’ when shadows are deep
I lie here beside you just watching you sleep
And sometimes I whisper what I’m thinking of
My cup runneth over with love
She opened her eyes when I finished. ‘That’s pretty. Where’d you learn it?’
‘When I went to college, years ago. It was popular on the radio and I learned it.’
‘Do you?’
‘Do I what?’
‘Love me, like the song says?’
Suddenly I wanted to change the subject. Why’d I ever open my mouth? To sidestep the issue, ‘I like to lie here watching you sleep.’
She just looked at me with a raised eyebrow but didn’t press the issue.
‘It is snowing outside.’ I say.
‘And you can’t sing very well either.’ She laughed
I gave her a peck on the cheek and slipped out from under the blankets. I walked to the door and looked out. There was about 6 inches of snow on the ground, but the wind had blown some drifts up around the side of the cabin which were 3 feet high, or so. Stepping back inside, I moved to the stove and added more wood. T
he fire began to grow inside the stove and the temperature steadily rose. With the wind kept at bay by the plastic, we could remain reasonably comfortable.
‘You ready to go outside?’
‘Yes, but only with you.’
I was about ready to ask who else, when I realized she was teasing. I picked her up and we stepped out the door. With the wind blowing so strong, she buried her head in my shoulder. I had to trudge through the snow drifts to the outhouse where we took turns before returning to the cabin.
We hadn’t soaked her feet yesterday and with nothing better to do, this was the plan. The snow was coming down hard, and the stream frozen, so it wouldn’t be safe to get water from there. I grabbed a bucket and scooped up some snow, putting it on the stove. This took a while before having enough to boil, but patience paid off. Kathy sat on the cot and I poured the water into the basin over her feet. We soaked them till the skin wrinkled and then examined them. I was much encouraged. The wounds were healing over and I could see pink skin growing over her sores.
‘You are healing nicely. You’ll be up and running around before long. Seriously, I think maybe in a few days you could put some weight on them.’
‘You think so?’
‘I’m no doctor, but I’m seeing improvement. You are on the mend. Your bruises are fading.’ Then in mock teasing mood, ‘If you were to spend time up at that cabin of yours, it might do the trick, getting you back on your feet. You have a servant to help you?’
‘So now you are my servant.’ she laughed. ‘How about polishing my shoes or doing the dishes.’
I stood, bowed with a sweeping gesture and told her I was ready to do her bidding. We both laughed and had fun with this make believe. In the last few days she was smiling more and this was a good sign her emotions were healing. What she’d been through, shouldn’t have happened to a dog. She hadn’t mentioned recently but I didn’t believe it had been forgotten. If I could help her get the fun back in life, this would be a help. For the rest of the morning we pretended. Twice she was laughing uproariously at my antics and tears rolled down her cheek.
Towards the middle of the day, I sat down for a minute to rest from our acting when she spoke, ‘Peter?’
‘Your arm. You’ve been using it.’
Mentally, I stopped and shifted my attention to my shoulder. It was out of the sling, hanging, with the forearm lifted. Slowly I extended my arm straight out, then moved it to the side. No pain. It was stiff with some soreness in the shoulder, but no pain. Gently I rotated it, finding a spot where it hurt, I winced. The range of motion was reduced, but I had the ability to move it.
‘Can you lift anything?’
I tried several small items before moving to some larger ones. The arm and shoulder were weak, not having their full strength.
‘Something must have been fixed yesterday when I stumbled. I thought I’d re-injured it.’
‘Let me work with your shoulder.’ She requested.
I moved closer and sat on the floor beside the cot. Her fingers pushed and probed into the muscles of the shoulder, finding pockets of tight and soreness. Gently she worked and I felt the tension reducing.
‘You are getting better.’ She commented.
The storm continued to howl outside, blowing the snow up around the cabin. We had enough wood to keep us warm and food to eat. This storm lasted 2 days and by the 3rd morning, the sun rose over the trees to a crisp wonderland. The air was frigid and the snow lay deep on the ground. I guessed about 9 inches had fallen. Except for trips to the outhouse, bringing in firewood, and getting snow for water, we stayed inside huddled around the stove.
To the reader it may seem like everything between Kathy and I was just peaches and cream. Sadly that wasn’t true, we had our spats. It was a day after the storm and I’d gone outside to get firewood. I’d carried in several loads and gone out for more. In the distance I spied a couple of deer. Leaving the firewood, I followed them into the woods and lost track of time.
When I returned, Kathy was angry. She needed to use the outhouse and I was nowhere to be found. She’d called, but received no reply. She’d waited but could no longer hold it, using a corner of the room, she took care of business. The room was closed up, the odor wasn’t pleasant. When I entered, her words weren’t very kind. My reaction was to defend myself and we argued loudly. I cleaned up the mess but for the remainder of the day, we didn’t speak. That evening I figured to sleep elsewhere but she’d calmed down and we both slept on the cot.
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Nikki Nutz has some brand new family in Europe thanks to his dad’s remarriage, including his stepsister, Sarah Cute. Sarah is really bitchy to Nikki to his face, and his feeling that she’s talking shit about him is very true. Eventually, Nikki uses a translation app on his phone to ask Sarah what her problem is. She gives him a literal list of things she dislikes about him. When Nikki tries to grab his headphones back from her, he manages to get her shirt instead, popping one of her...
xmoviesforyouI had gone to spend a little vacation at Port Everglades with my nice girlfriends Camilla and Helena. Hubby had let me to go alone with the girls, since he was very busy at his office.We had enjoyed two nice sunny days and, on the last evening there, we all girls were decided it would worth the night…We would have a good girl’s night out…Before leaving the hotel I put on a tight black short dress, a tiny lace thong and spike heeled shoes. Camilla told me I looked like a horny street hooker in...
I have, for as long as I can remember, had a need to submit to a more dominant man.I used to hang around public toilets in the hope of being picked up and taken to be abused.Unfortunately this never happened.I used to steal my mums panties and use them to wank into. Then I would find skirts or blouses to wear, I used to admire myself in a mirror and wonder what it would be like to be a girl.I grew to adulthood with these thoughts never far from my mind, and seizing any opportunity that came my...
Main NarrativeTwo weeks later, the Barbarian fleet - or rather, the bulk of it - was on the high seas, heading East towards where this land of Sythia was supposed to lie. It was divided into two parts. A reconnaissance force and the main fleet under the command of Captain Varian. He, following the pleasures of his leave in Nexos, felt fighting fit. Flavia was certainly a memory to take away. When he got back - victorious - he planned to ask Princess Alexena if he could add her to his personal...
So, here's more stuff that happened!My parents went out of town for a long weekend. They asked a friend of theirs to come to our house and check on me periodically while they were away. Thing is, she's soooooooo gorgeous! She told me that she was 53, and I'm like, no way!So, my parents left on a Wednesday, and they were coming back on Sunday. So, yay! I got the house to myself for 5 days! I could do anything I wanted! I was so excited!So, Wednesday, I had all to myself. I watched movies, danced...
When Marigold woke, the world seemed to have gone fuzzy around the edges. She was alone in the bed. Her head ached. She'd slept so soundly that she had cricks in her neck and back. She was still sticky from the night before. Groaning, she hoisted herself up onto her elbows, opening her eyes only reluctantly. Early morning light slanted in from the window. On the bedside table, an airline-sized bottle of vodka stood open, a third of the way full. Marigold chuckled darkly. She'd never had...
Kara sat in the passenger seat of Adam’s Mustang. She was sucking the last of a chocolate milkshake through a straw. “Just toss the empties in the back,” he said. “I’ll clean up when we get home.” He glanced at her -- she wore mid- thigh denim shorts and a sleeveless button-up blouse. Adam regarded her long, slim legs. He pulled into the gravel driveway of the stone house. “Peter’s not here yet. Let’s look around.” Kara walked with him holding his hand. “That barn has seen better days,” she...
It was a warm day and as I turned off into the car park, the urge to have a quick masturbation almost mad me pee myself.I was as horny as hell, so my inhibitions were so low I did not give a shit, I just wanted to have an orgasm.I am a woman who likes her sex, but if I am honest, I love a good pussy rub more, I control the where, why, and how, throw in the timing, tempo, and pace, and you have the ultimate in 'Frigging', not to mention the being caught in public, where again I control the if's...
Valerie paused in the stairwell to shift the heavy shopping bag. She had gone out late so had had to park her car right at the top of the multi-storey. And of course today the lifts were out of order!The day had been hot so she was glad she had flung on the light shirt and short skirt. Even so, she caught a whiff of her own sweat as she toiled up the stairs; she looked forward to a nice shower when she got home! The clip of her light sandals echoed in the dim stairwell. She was sure she was...
Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you so much for all the love and support. I know this is a surprise, and most of you may not have been expecting this. Especially after the long emotional note, I had pinned to the 7th and final part of the series ‘Sexting My Mother.’ But, to all those who have been asking, I hope I bring a smile on each of your faces. The unexpected appreciation I received, very early into the series, did place me in a zone where there was pressure to do well throughout the 7...
IncestIntroduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Oh my, do we have something special for you guys – say hello to Natalia Starr! This european hottie has a beautiful set of 34DD all natural breasts! We watched her play around in the pool and show off her melons before getting her inside and oiling her up! Natalia loved being teased with the oil covering her body – she was moaning non stop as the stud rubbed her up and down. Then she dropped to her knees and swallowed his dick whole as we watched her tits bounce around! This stacked...
xmoviesforyou"The girl had her red and white dress pushed up around her chest, and two or three would be on her at once, between her legs, sitting on her face in the sick ochre light of the shack with much lapping and leering and bubbling and gulping through furzes of pubic hair while sweat and semen glistened on the highlights of her belly and thighs and she twitched and moaned..." I read out loud from the book. It was page 157 of one of my favorite books about the sixties, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test...
Group SexLunch was a quick affair, some cold meat sandwiched in wholesome fresh bread, washed down with a mug of steaming tea. Placing his crockery by the large sink, Benjamin made his way to the Library to meet his master. In the Library, Camorra fumed to himself. Why in Hell's name had he protected the boy so much? The boy was just a means to an end, not a blasted end in himself. As if displaying his talents were not dangerous enough, he'd then offered some revoltingly nonsensical explanation...
Another few months passed during which Rhiana phoned regularly to update me on the family and her love life. She always told me that she loved me but couldn't get away to see me because her mother always checked that she really had a date both from a security point of view and to ensure that Rhiana wasn't taking advantage of her. I had told her that she could always come round during the day but she said baby Harry didn't sleep that much now and it would be hard for her to ignore him...
After getting myself a cold drink and a snack, I ventured back to our room to find Colin and Karen asleep. He was on his side, his now flaccid cock resting on the sheets and she was on her back legs slightly open. I sat gingerly on the bed and inspected her red puffy hole and noticed the pool of come that had accumulated beneath her. Reaching forward I parted her lips and out oozed more of Colin's impressive ejaculate. Karen stirred and opened her eyes, she blew me a kiss and asked, "Can you do...
Wife LoversVictoria walked down the hallway of Assumption Catholic High School away from her history classroom, where her teacher, Mr. O, had just minutes ago given her a spanking. And for some crazy reason, she had agreed to allow it. At first, it seemed like a viable way out of her problem. If Mr. O reported to the main office that she was about to be given a third detention, Victoria would have received an automatic one-day school suspension. And, for many reasons, that was just not an option for a...
TeenThe story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. He was left alone in night with his maid Asha and then he fucked Asha for a whole week. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families. Maanvi...
We spent the day on the couch, Kira and I, cuddled together, just mother and daughter, innocent and lovely. I really enjoyed holding Kira against me like I had so often before she hit puberty. Even as my thoughts about her turned more intimate, I loved feeling her skin on mine, knowing my c***d was safe in my arms.The movie we watched ended and neither of us moved, both half-asleep, Kira leaning against me, her head resting on my breast. I rubbed her shoulders and felt her stir as the...
“That is super cool!” Tiffany announced when Hailey told her at lunch that Phil was flying in for a few days. “I’m looking forward to seeing him, too,” Katelyn added with a nod. “We’ll have to put together some sort of party for him Saturday night.” The roommates – minus Bob Prohl – were sitting at a cafeteria table along with Emma and Stacy Thomas. Even the sisters were nodding in agreement. Hailey had always known that she wasn’t the only one to feel the strain of having Phil so far away...
Hello friends I am Arjun (name changed) from Bangalore, now I am going to narrate the real incident happened between me and a lady by name Sujatha (name changed). This is a real story story between me and her. Let me introduce myself I am Arjun age 32 from Bangalore,senior manager in a reputed MNC company. As I work for an MNC usually I will be having holidays on every saturday and sunday so I decided to go for a gym on weekends so that even I can build a good personality and even I can spend...
I sat back in the chair and watched as he started to undress my wife. They stood next to the bed. Emma’s shirt was off now and he reached behind her back to undo her bra. It came off in his hands and he dropped it on the floor. He stroked her breasts, feeling them in his hand. His shirt was already off and they stood semi naked in front of each other, feeling tentatively. They both started to remove their jeans.After a time they stood fully naked.‘Lye on the bed for me’ he says.Emma reclines on...
This is a real story of my encounter with a mallu friend. went into as many details as I remember. [email protected]What did you think of this story??
IndianHi friends. I am penning down my memories after a very long time, hope you like this story too as my earlier stories. Now I am 45-year-old man presently living in Bangalore and this particular incident happened in Mysore when I had been to dad’s sister, Padma aunty’s place during summer vacations when I was studying my Engineering and was about 19 years old. Since I was just 19 and sex was on my mind always, the only way to get some relief was to masturbate at least twice a day. My aunt’s...
IncestI parked up near to the bank and we walked along the High street, heading for a pub to catch a crafty pint before our table was due. As we passed a little service alley that ran between the Royal Hotel and a jewellers, Christina grabbed me and pushed me in. Three steps into the alley and we were sufficiently in the shadows enough that anyone walking by the street - and there weren’t many people about - wouldn’t be able to see us clearly. The end of the alley was in darkness.“What’s going...
I handed one Coke to Molly. She smiled at me, and our hands touched momentarily as I passed the paper cup to her. I sat down next to her, and gestured for Eric to come over by me. He crouched down at my side, up close so we could converse above the music. "What's up, bro?" he asked quietly. "I think we might have trouble," I murmured. I was turned away from Molly, who had returned to watching the dancers. "Find Josh for me, would you?" "Sure thing," he said, and he stood up and...
This was written by him about me and another girl and posted by him on a swingers website in their forum. It was an encounter we had with a girl earlier this year. We have had loads of FFM and FFFM since and i love it. He is my boy fo'life and we love each other immensely. The filthy fuckers we are !!Yi y'allJust thought i'd share an encounter we had the other week. I have known my mate, Lisa, for 4 years now. We are truly best mates and both divorced. She's a little older than me at 49 and...
Matt patted her shoulder to indicate that they should turn off the main road, and she drove them down a winding dirt path through the forest, more suited to a dirt bike than her motorcycle. The way was lit by the yellow beam of her headlight, the bright moon now obscured behind cloud cover. His house lay at the end of this back road, his parents had owned the property for about as long as they had owned the diner. It was out of the way, perhaps half a mile through dense woodland and built in...
I made my way back through the courtyard and into the house heading for the dining room intent on having another cup of coffee. Before I could sit down, however, Mr. Greenburg saw me. “Paul, if you have time this morning, and you’re feeling up to it, Rachael and I would like to talk with you for a little while regarding our discussions before you were hurt.” A quick glance at Anna and with her small nod of approval, I replied, “Certainly, Sir. I’m at your disposal. How about we get a coffee...
Mari and Teri were identical twins. Even their parents struggled to tell them apart and they love switching places. As they got older they would take turns going out with the same guy and fucking him. The guy never knew it was a switch. If one twin met a guy that was great in bed she would tell the sister so she could bed him too. It was all fun for the girls. They went to Las Vegas and did several 3ssomes with the guys there. A taxi driver showed them to a strip club and they met the men...
I went inside my house. My mom is watching something on tv. I undress in the kitchen, and I put on my collar. I went in, and sat down next to her. “How was school today” mom asked. “Mom, do You want me to tell you all what I did today, and with whom, I did it with?” “Yes please.” mom said. Mom turned off the tv, and she got a small tape recorder out. I didn’t know she had one. “Ok.” mom said, “tell me everything, and don’t leave anything out.” “Do you want me to start with Master Jim,...
Introduction: Girls night out Maryannes Story Secret Kisses One year after my husband Michael and I married and moved to Massachusetts, his company transferred him to Ohio, our first of many moves over the next twenty years or so. With the help of Pam, a wonderful real estate agent, we were lucky to find a small two bedroom house to rent not too far from Michaels work. Soon after unpacking and settling in, Pam called and offered to take me to lunch so I could get to know the area better and...
Story so far: Carly and Aaron are a young professional couple in love and on the verge of moving in together. The only clould on their horizon is Carly's boss, sexy uber-bitch Miranda, from whom Carly secretly stole a black designer dress. Miranda is wise to the theft and has additional incriminating evidence of a drunken Carly joining her in a lesbian interlude at a house-party. Using her knowledge of both situations, Miranda manipulates Carly into arranging a threeway encounter in a plush...
ReluctanceYear 5820 of New Earth’s colander. Zax is forty five years old, looks over sixty, assume by the Kon Juya Constabulary to be a few millenniums old, feels like a corpse. Not that any of it mattered. ... U Plain, Rakmon Penitentiary Star. The Lunar Splitter halted before the planet that was thousands of times larger than Ercas Mir. Its composition, as well as that of the entire humongous Plain, was governed by a far more complex set of natural laws, then those of the Milky Way Plain. The...