Blackhawk HallChapter 5 free porn video

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Christi was barely awake when she heard the knock on her door. Looking next to her at Arilee curled up in the sheets — smiling sweetly in her sleep — the Duchess couldn't help smiling as well.

Another knock jolted her out of her reverie, this one actually registering in her mind as something requiring a response. Christi stretched, yawned, and then rose to pull on a robe. She opened the door a crack, to see it was Ashtar who was knocking.

"Sorry I am being to be disturbing you at such a very much early hour, but I am having word from Cerebus and must to be speaking with you."

"Okay, Ashtar. Give me a minute to throw something on."

"You may be coming to my room if you are not wishing to be awakening young Arilee."

Christi raised an eyebrow. "And how did you know she was here, Ashtar?"

Ashtar smiled, his bright white teeth contrasting sharply with his dusky skin. "The walls and doors of the Hall are being thick, but not that thick." He punctuated the statement with a wink.

Christi chuckled, realizing that she and Ari had likely made a great deal of noise, although she could only remember the feeling, and not the screaming. "I'll be there as soon as I'm dressed."

Ashtar nodded and turned to return to his room. Christi closed the heavy oaken door, and quietly selected the first clean clothing she came across in her drawers. As soon as she finished dressing, she proceeded to the room Ashtar always used when in the Hall.

As usual, the door opened before Christi's hand could reach it to knock. It was one of his favorite enchantments, and one that never failed to amuse him. If her hand actually touched the door of his room, she knew that he wasn't there, and there was no sense in knocking.

Ashtar's room was the same as always. It was sparse, having plain furnishings that served their purpose and nothing more. He could have afforded lavish surroundings, and even if he could not have, the Duke and Duchess would have provided such if he wished. Only a few pieces of art from his land were displayed unobtrusively upon shelves containing his books and other trappings of the Art.

"You could at least let me get you a nice down-stuffed cotton blanket for your bed. It wouldn't kill you to enjoy a few comforts now and again."

Ashtar smiled. "I am being from a hot land. Coverings are being most alien to me."

Christi shook her head and chuckled. "It gets cold here in the winter, Ashtar. You might feel different when the snow blows."

"This is why I am only being visiting during the summer, Christi."

Christi shut the door. "Okay, I give up. What did Cerebus have to say?"

"He has been discovering that the goodly peoples which are being delaying his arrival in Darius are being charmed by magic. He is being requesting that I might come to his side to aid him."

"By all means, go. With all the weird magic we've been having here, he wouldn't ask you to come to him if he didn't really need you."

"I am being prepared to leave already. I was wishing to be telling you of Cerebus' message, and to be telling you that Crystania will be coming most quickly to take my place, before I was going."

Christi smiled upon hearing that news. It had been quite some time since Crystania had been to the Hall to visit, and Christi was looking forward to it. "Well, get going then. Be safe, keep an eye on Cerebus, and bring him home safe."

"I will be. Crystania will be coming at the high sun, and I am being wishing safety unto you as well."

With that, Ashtar smiled and vanished in a flash of light — a bag lying on the bed vanishing with him. Christi walked out of the room and shut the door behind her, knowing it would safely lock if anything dangerous was still inside, or remain unlocked for the servants to clean if not.

Christi walked back to her room, planning to let Ari rest a little while longer before she awakened her and told her about Crystania's impending arrival.

"I trust you bring good news," The self-appointed Governor of Darius said to the man in rough, threadbare, homespun clothing before him.

"A dark-skinned fellow with a pointy beard is in the camp, now. He showed up this morning out of nowhere."

"You're lucky, that is good news. You're dismissed. Get back to your place."

The man made some attempt to bow before leaving, but appeared to have no idea how to do so properly, because the action looked more as if he was bobbing his head while watching a rabbit hop.

As soon as the man had exited the room, another man in dark leather armor stepped forward from where he had leaned against the wall.

"The sand-eater is in our trap. Any word about the others, Cordell?" The Governor asked the approaching man.

The man hooked his thumbs in his belt when he came to a stop and answered, "There's only one other that's any real threat that they would call for — the elf mongrel. The rest are otherwise occupied."

"Have the clerics ready to move, if she shows up in the Hall. I want her out here in our snare as quickly as possible."

"They'll be ready, Garvin. It looks like the half-breed and his bunch are getting ready to head this way."

"Good. Let's give him a nice welcome," Garvin said, punctuating the statement with a loud laugh, which Cordell echoed.

"Wake up, sleepy," Christi said as she gently shook Arilee.

Ari stretched and opened her eyes, smiling up at Christi. "Good morning."

"It's almost good afternoon," Christi responded, and then laughed.

Arilee blushed. "I guess I was really tired."

Christi offered her a mischievous grin. "You had a busy day — and night."

As Arilee started to rise, she noticed that her thighs were sticky. "I think I need a bath."

Christi shivered just a bit, remembering what had caused the need for that bath. "Just wash up a bit, and we'll go a few rounds down in the courtyard, I think you're ready for a little harder training. We'll both need baths after that."

"I really am learning a lot, aren't I?" Ari mused as she stood up, stretching again, and yawning once she was on her feet.

Christi kissed her on the cheek and crossed the room to get the woman a robe. "It's about time you realized it. Yes, you're doing very well. I was right from the beginning. You have natural ability. I should probably let you look through my spell books sometime, too. If you have any aptitude toward magic, I can teach you what little I know."

Arilee was still trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. "I don't think I could do magic."

Christi handed Arilee the robe and said, "You didn't think you could fight either, so what does that tell you? While we're on the subject, Crystania will be here shortly. Ashtar left to go help Cerebus. He's running into magic out there, and needs Ashtar's help. Crystania is going to take over for Ashtar here. I'll introduce you when she gets here, but I should tell you a few things first."

Ari put on the robe and said, "Okay."

"Crystania is half-elven, and she was born of a rape."

Arilee pursed her lips and said, "That's terrible. How can people be so evil to do something like that?"

"It gets worse," Christi warned, gesturing for the blonde to follow her to the bath room. "She was raped when she was just a girl — as elves count such things — and had to watch her mother being raped again as well. They strangled her mother and thought that they had killed her too, but she survived. Since then, she can't bear to have a man touch her — can barely stand to have a man near her. Most everyone here knows that, but they may forget, and some might not know. So, try to keep anyone from making a mistake and touching her. She manages to control it most of the time, but sometimes she'll lash out with her magic instinctively, and she feels terrible about doing that."

The pair reached the bath and walked in. Arilee said, "I'll do my best to help. It's all so sad."

"She's getting a little better. She does fine with Ashtar, Darkni, and the other wizards at Darkni's college — and she's okay with Cerebus now. I think she'll overcome it eventually, with time. She has elf blood. She has plenty of years to heal."

Arilee shed her robe as she listened, and stepped into the bath to wash the sticky evidence of the previous night's passion from her.

An idea occurred to Christi as she waited for Arilee to bathe — something that was not only practical, but quite naughty as well. A crooked grin crept across her face. "I've got an idea."

"Oh?" Ari said, and turned to look at the Duchess while she continued to scrub.

"These things keep popping in on us indoors, so it would make sense for us to practice a bit here in the Hall, where we have the obstacles and close quarters we'll run into if we get attacked again," Christi explained.

"That does make a lot of sense," Ari agreed as she stood up in the bath, preparing to get out.

The mischievous glint in Christi's eyes grew brighter. "And since I, at least, keep getting caught by surprise in the all-together, maybe we should practice naked."

Ari covered her mouth and giggled. "That is going to be very distracting."

"That's good. You have to learn how to deal with distractions in a fight. I'll be more than a little distracted too," Christi said with a wink.

"I guess I don't need to get dressed then," Ari responded with a grin that had just the slightest hints of mischief within it.

"I'll go grab us a couple of swords."

"Calm down, people! I'm Duke Cerebus, and you've all been bewitched. The spell is broken, but you all need to return to your homes and stay there," Mindblind yelled at the confused farmers and villagers milling about in front of him, staring at weapons in their hands that they couldn't remember having picked up.

It took a little while longer to get through to the befuddled people, but eventually the crowd came to realize what had happened. Cerebus' men confiscated all the real weapons, ignoring the farm implements pressed into such service, and told the people that the weapons would be returned to them once the current situation was resolved.

The villagers were then sent away, save a few that had come from villages still between the Duke's men and Darius. Those men fell into line with a few others at the rear who had also not yet reached home. As before, a few requested weapons and a place in the coming battle, angry that they had been charmed and forced to fight their rightful ruler.

Mindblind's forces had swelled to twice the original size in one day, albeit with mostly untrained farmers and villagers. His captain assured him that a place could be found for the newcomers where they would be both useful, and not in too much danger should it come to a real fight.

Ashtar leaned against the thick bole of an Osage Orange tree, looking a little weary. The Duke walked over to him, looking up warily into the branches swaying in the wind as he passed under them. He'd been clonked in the head by one of the huge green fruits of the tree before. Thus, he knew they might as well be rocks, as hard as the things were. He'd disliked the trees ever since, and wasn't happy to see the trees appearing with increasing regularity as he and his men approached Darius.

"You okay, Ashtar?"

"Oh, I am being fine, Cerebus," Ashtar answered.

"Okay — you just let me know if we need to stop. I know you're used to just popping around from place to place, not following along on a fast march," Cerebus offered, glancing back up into the tree again as a gust of wind kicked up.

Ashtar smiled and said, "Think you the trees will be taking up arms against us do you?"

"I've been attacked by one before, and if it happens again, I'll cut down every damn one of these stinkin' trees in the Duchy," Mindblind grumbled.

Ashtar laughed and said, "Going we should be, for long to walk we have before Darius we reach."

Arilee shot up out of the water, whipping her drenched hair out of her face and bringing up her sword. She saw that the Duchess had lowered her weapon and did so as well.

"That was a good dodge. That stroke would have taken you out of the fight for sure, if it connected — and having the high ground is never a bad idea either. That kick was a little over-ambitious, though. You weren't properly set, and that's why I was able to get hold of your leg and dump you in the drink," Christi instructed, wiping sweat off her brow.

Arilee blew out a breath, spraying the water that was dripping down her face, and waded over toward the steps. "I thought I could surprise you."

Christi grinned and lay her sword down on a dressing table. "That's always good, but you have to be ready, just in case you don't surprise whoever you're fighting. Don't get out. Just hand me up the sword. That's enough for today."

Ari handed Christi the sword, which the Duchess carefully dried and placed with her own before sliding into the bath with Ari. "You get better every time we practice. I had to move fast a few times to avoid that blade, and I've been doing this all my life. I can fight most people in my sleep, and if you're making me think and move, you're doing well."

"You still amaze me, and I know you're not fighting as hard as you can," Ari responded as she picked up some soap and washcloths for herself and the Duchess.

"You'll get there. I guarantee you would give Cerebus a surprise if you want to spar with him when he gets home. I'd like to see that, actually. He won't be ready for it. He'll recover quick enough, but seeing him thrown off balance by a little slip of a girl will be fun to watch." Christi then dunked her head under the water.

Ari admired the water running down Christi's breasts when the Duchess pulled her hair back out of her face. Christi smiled and winked. "Cris will be here soon, so none of that. We'll see if you have any aptitude for magic when she gets here. She has always had a good sense of who might have the ability."

Arilee pouted prettily, and Christi laughed. "That was good. I just about changed my mind when you pouted just now."

The shy, slightly mischievous grin that the blonde offered the Duchess would have told her it was intentional, even if she hadn't already known that.

"We should hurry up and wash so we can be ready when Cris gets here," Christi suggested. The two then concentrated on washing away the sweat from their spar.

Arilee went to make something to eat once the pair dressed, accepting the suggestion that she make a vegetarian meal, since Crystania ate no meat. Christi was called away to deal with some business of the Duchy — a turf war between two competing bawdy houses.

Only in Fightershaven could a dozen scantily clad ladies of the evening find audience before the nobility — let alone expect anything resembling justice. The fight was over a popular tavern situated between the two houses of ill repute. Both houses sent girls there in order to drum up business, and both claimed that they should have exclusive rights to work the tavern, citing a deal with the owner.

Once a soldier sent to fetch the tavern owner returned, it finally came to light that he had told each Madame that he had no problem with them sending girls to his establishment. He had offered neither any special treatment. He simply considered it a mutually beneficial arrangement that brought customers to his tables, as well as the bawdyhouse beds.

Christi asked the women to choose sides of the tavern, but had to assign the two houses their sides when another argument broke out. She then asked the tavern owner to keep things under control. He asked for more firepots to be placed near his establishment, which was in a darkened area that was starting to attract thieves due to his growing business. Christi agreed to this as well, and said that additional city watch would be stationed near his area until the firepots were constructed.

With that settled, the Duchess took care of a few other small matters before returning upstairs, her stomach growling like a caged beast. When she reached the top of the stairs, her eyes rolled up in her head and she moaned as the smell of vegetable soup washed over her.

Ari had just finished setting the table when Christi walked in. The blonde smiled, and gestured for Christi to sit down to eat.

Christi quickly shrugged off her state regalia and moved to sit down, but a knock on the door stopped her midway. She returned to answer the door, and immediately opened it with a wide smile. "Come in, Cris. We were just about to eat."

Arilee had to suppress a gasp as the blonde woman walked in the room. Crystania's elven heritage was obvious despite the voluminous, loose fitting robes of deep crimson that she wore. Her face had a strange, alien beauty, dominated by piercing green, angular eyes. Her features were somewhat sharp, though they softened when she smiled.

"Arilee, this is Crystania. Crystania, this is Arilee. She's doing Gwen's job now," Christi said, introducing the two.

"I am very pleased to meet you, Arilee," Crystania said. Her voice was musical, and reminded Ari of a bluebird's song. Her eyes crossed slightly and her pink lips pursed as a bead of sweat formed on the end of her slight, somewhat pointed nose. She wiped the drop away with a petite hand, and Arilee noted how long the woman's fingers were. The half-elven woman then added, "I am quite unused to the heat, I'm afraid. The Isle is always kissed by cool ocean breezes."

"I'm pleased to meet you too. I've set a place for you, since we knew you were coming soon. It's vegetable soup," Ari said to the new arrival.

"Thank you. I am quite famished, and it smells delightful," Crystania responded.

Christi gestured at each of them in turn, speaking to the woman she was not pointing to, "We also call Arilee, Ari, and we call Crystania, Cris."

The three women then sat down and pulled close the bowls of soup tormenting them all with a wonderful aroma. Christi and Cris both caused Ari to blush when they gushed about how good the soup was, Christi noting that it was the best they'd ever had in the Hall. She said that the cook simply did not know how to cook without meat, or at least beef stock.

When the three finished eating, Christi said, "Ari has been sparring with me lately, and she's getting really good. I was thinking that maybe we should see if she could use magic too."

Crystania looked Arilee over, causing Ari to feel a little uncomfortable as the woman's piercing green eyes seemed to penetrate her skin and see into her soul. Crystania then said, "I sense nature's blessing upon her. I believe she might be able to learn the Art."

"Cris thinks that all women have the ability to use magic — some more than others — but she believes every woman could, if they just tried," Christi noted.

Cris rose and pulled a small book from a pocket in her robes. She opened it and sat it down in front of Arilee. "See if you can read a few words of this."

Arilee had to lean down a bit to see the tiny, flowing script in the book. "Formeen, Fira, Arseela, Day," Arilee read once she was able to focus on the words.

Christi's mouth dropped open and she asked, "Is that magic missile?"

The elfish woman nodded. "Indeed it is, and she has pronounced the words perfectly."

"I said them right?" Ari asked.

"That's a true magic spell. Almost all of the magic that I know is what they call hedge magic, little magics that arose in the country out of need, rather than study. It's much easier to learn than true Art. I could never pronounce more than a couple of words of the magic missile spell, and that made my head hurt," Christi said with obvious surprise in her voice.

"I will instruct you in the Art, if such would please you, Arilee," Cris offered.

"Was it really that good?" Arilee inquired.

Christi laughed. "You've got to stop underestimating yourself, Sweetie. Yes, that was very good. Even if you can't ever best me with a sword, you've already defeated me in magic with those few words. You should let Cris teach you."

Something occurred to Arilee then, and she asked with obvious excitement, "Will I be able to fly?"

Crystania smiled and said, "That spell is very difficult, but it is possible to use the Art to soar amongst the clouds."

"I'll try, then. I've always dreamed about flying."

Cris smiled and put her book away. "I will instruct you in the use of some cantrips this evening. I should examine the wards and become familiar with them, in case I need to restore them."

A knock sounded on the door, and Christi went to answer it. Arilee recognized the voice on the other side as Kronk's when he said, "A letter from Queen Alicia."

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Hi kese ho sab iss readers aur writers?i hope that u r fine,aur apni life ko ache tareeqe se enjoy kar rahe ho ge.apne meri pehli story parhi aur apne usko passand kiya jis ka andaza mujhe apki mails aur calls se ho geya bohat logoon ne milne ka kaha to mai unse mila bhi well batain to khatam nahi hoti me ab apko 1 aur real accident k bare me batata houn jo 2 din pehle hi mere sath hua lekin me 1 year ki koshish k baad kamyaab hua houn. Mera naam hai laveen he pyar se sam kehte hain me 12...

4 years ago
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Mum Found My Porn Mags

Helen and her 14 year old son, Mark were sitting on the sofa when Helen showed Mark what she found under his bed."Do these pictures excite you," while flipping through the pages that displayed naked women? Mark couldn't believe this was happening to him. He was totally embarrassed that his mum had found his stash of porn magazines. To sit here and have to look at them with her, well it was just too much! He was snapped back to reality when she asked, "Do these pictures excite you?" "Um, I don't...

2 years ago
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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop

Frankie’s meeting had finished early and she now had an hour and a half to waste before she was due at her next one.She decided to go and look for a coffee shop which had wireless so she could check her emails in peace.She picked one of the chain coffee shops feeling sure they would have wireless.Today she was dressed in a black skirt suit, the skirt was knee length with her customary lace top hold ups and kitten heel shoes for comfort.She ordered her coffee and found a corner where no on one...

2 years ago
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Last Ride

2:30 on Sunday morning, next to Teasers gentleman's club, a drunk stripper ran out into the middle of A1A right in front of my cab. I hit the brakes so hard I spilled coffee all over the passenger floor. Lucky it was late enough, the bar crowd was home or the Waffle House. Thirty minutes earlier some drunk woulda ate my rear end. In the club parking lot, a couple cabbies from another company and Greg the head bouncer stopped yappin long enough to rubberneck. They didn't pay any attention to...

1 year ago
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Nieces Weekly Punishment Sessions

Title: Niece's Weekly Punishment Sessions Part: Chapter 1 Summary: In keeping with tradition, Melissa must submit to weekly punishment sessions with her Uncle, just like her mother had done when she was young. Keywords: M/f, nc, reluc, mdom, humil, inc, span Niece’s Weekly Punishment Sessions The first time she did not know. Now she did as she laid out the instruments her Uncle would use on her. It had become a weekly ritual, every Friday after dinner. It had started shortly after her mother...

3 years ago
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Loving Wife 2

LOVING WIFE - 2 By Libnos The following week was almost idyllic. She was home shortly after I arrived and we had a glass of wine and talked about our workday, as I prepared dinner, then sat down and enjoyed a leisurely meal. We read/and or watched TV in the evenings and went to bed early most nights where she limited our intimacy to cuddling and finally allowing me to go down on her before she rolled over and went to sleep. She told me she wanted me to be good and horny by the weekend...

3 years ago
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Coke Cock Dilemma 5

When I awoke it was like was just reliving the past day. My mouth tasted like shit and I was alone in the bed. I tried to think what was going on and remembered Mike giving me the “sleeping pill” and it knocked my ass out. I wondered if it was all a dream but when I licked my dry lips I could still taste the cum form Mikes cock and my wife’s pussy. The room’s light was on and the door was closed. I saw that the TV at the foot of the bed was on. When I was able to focus on it I saw that it...

4 years ago
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BethChapter 90

November 14, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written November 15-16] Getting permission for Charlize and Civia to attend classes with us was not too much of a hassle, although it was a good thing that Dad got us to school 20 minutes early. We introduced them to Mr. Pavletic, the teacher of our 1st Bell geography class. Charlize and Civia both seemed to enjoy the lesson, which was on the impact of the Silk Road on human geography. It was interesting, but it seemed like we barely glossed over the...

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After a long day at work, Michelle finally arrives home and strips to her red lace bra and matching g string, walking to the fridge she grabs a chilled bottle of wine and heads out to her deck which over looks the beach. With the waves crashing upon the sand and the sun setting its nice and calm maybe a little warm but just nice to sit back and breathe in the salt air, watching people play on the sand she suddenly notices a young couple in the sand hills as she takes a closer look, she can see...

4 years ago
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Julia Ch 01

I. ‘Yes, he’s still asleep,’ Julia told her guest, her new neighbor, Ellen, ‘But should be up soon. He doesn’t wake usually much before now.’ The two ladies sat in the living room of Ms North’s two storey house, enjoying a cappuccino. The room was sunlit, it being a bright and warm morning in July. ‘Just like my Benji,’ Mrs. Cartwright said, with obvious pride, ‘A herd of elephants couldn’t wake him much before now.’ The two ladies laughed. ‘He doesn’t mind you being away?’ Julia asked. ...

4 years ago
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fucking belt

Needless to say this didn't sit well with Kevin. I argued that I gaver her a damn fruitbar for gods sake! I used those words. Yes. To the man who wields the paddle."Watch it." He growled pulling down my pajama bottoms. I stood there in my underpants squirming like a c***d. The he lectured me for a solid 20 minutes about oversleeping and depriving our c***dren of a good breakfast- compromising THEIR school day because of my c***dish selfishness. Those words made me cringe. Bad. I was for some...

4 years ago
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My Teacher

Hi to all ISS readers. I am new to ISS. It’s really amazing. The stories here are making my cock erect frequently. I am masturbating daily by reading ISS. Ok. Let’s go to my story. I am Siddharth. At present I am doing my final year engineering. This story is all about my first sex experience with my math lecturer during my first year. I joined college at august 2007. I am from a village back ground. I rent a room in the city where my college is located and staying over here. Now I will tell...

4 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 15

“Would you, please, stay still during a mission?” asked the young lady. She stepped out of the head as JW was just beginning to step through. That stopped him. “Why?” “It’s too hard for the machinery to keep track. Oh, we know. It’s just fifteen minutes here ... but it’s days or weeks ... or even months there. The equipment is centuries old and it’s beginning to ‘forget.’” She said. Then she started to look around. Zoe had an idea and blocked her path back to the head. “Come see our...

1 year ago
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My Teacher

This story is completely true. I am not going to use any names in order to protect the reputation of the people involved. I was 17 years old at the time, and I was the principal tuba player in our high school marching band. It was a bit of a change for me seeing that I was an all state offensive lineman just the year before I joined the band, but multiple injuries forced me to leave football. I was 6'2" and somewhere around 270 lbs at the time. I worked out six days a week so I kept myself in...

2 years ago
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Surprise Visit

FIRST_NAME is female. LAST_NAME is male. Jane, you are in the first weeks of your second year at college. You have one roommate, who is a really nice girl, but she is in the room a lot and you've been craving some...alone time...with yourself. You live in a coed dorm and there are lots of hot guys, so you're excited for what the year has in store. Doe lives down the hall and is definitely at the top of your to-do list. You've also been talking with a lot of other guys who are just as hot, and...

3 years ago
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SDaddy meets SBabby Pt 2

continued Pt. 2 As we separated our bodies, she suggested a quick shower together and then head down for a bit of the nightlife that was to be had. In the shower I started washing her back, as I worked my way down towards the tailbone the soap slipped out of my hands. Upon squatting down I was in line with Sunshine’s ass, with it now in my left hand I ran the soap between her ass cheeks. As I made contact she reminded me of the time, but I continued to clean her for what I had in mind to do...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied London River Charlotte Sartre Ungrateful Goth Teen Fucked Into Line By StepParents

Charlotte Sartre is a sensuous, moody little bitch with a perfect body and a bad attitude. She shows up to visit her busty MILF step-mother London River, who is rocking a new blonde look and string bikini for the Fourth of July. Charlotte immediately starts complaining about the cookout – much to the displeasure of London’s new dominant husband, Derrick Pierce. He orders London to get her little brat into line, but Charlotte blackmails her Mom with some photos from her porn career...

1 year ago
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Now That Daddys GoneChapter 2 And Aunty makes Three

Peter Balfour finished work early and decided to head to the creek and take a swim. He stripped naked and dove into the cool, clear water. His twenty-year-old body was well muscled and developed from working hard on the farm; he was fit, tanned, healthy and very well endowed. His eight-inch penis swayed from side to side between his legs when he climbed out of the creek and onto the bank, it had a good girth and swelled to ten inches of solid meat when tumescent. Peter pulled his watch from...

2 years ago
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Air Hostess To High Profile Prostitute Part 2

I hope you must have read part 1 of this story. If not, you can read it now. This story is about one of the rowdy experience that I had, being a prostitute. I was doing my regular job of satisfying customers. I was traveling for free. I used to meet and serve many clients. I licked dicks, balls, and assholes of several men. I even had drunk cum and pee of many. I slowly became used too to this environment. Sex was not as fun anymore as it was as usual. I use to go to a hotel by cab, visit...

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A Fishing Tail

A few years ago, I had been dating this girl, Linda, for a few months, and we had been getting along real well, but although she seemed to like me, we kissed, a little bit of tongue, that was as far as she had let it go. I was getting a little bit frustrated to say the least. One day I asked her if she would like to go fishing in my boat. I have a 23 foot Pro-Line cuddy cabin which is set up for off-shore fishing. To my surprise she said she had never been and she would like to try it. I picked...

3 years ago
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A visit to the vineyard Pt 1

We have decided to get out of our hotel room, since it is such a wonderful day outside. The sun is big and warm and only a soft wisp of clouds drift high in the bright blue sky. I’ve done some research online and I have a surprise for you. Grabbing the keys to our rental car, a fire red Mustang convertible, I turn to you, as I head towards the car, and I grin, ‘I have a surprise for you! We are going for a little drive in the country…’ ‘Hmmmmm…. I like surprises! Why don’t you get the car...

2 years ago
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Fun at the marina

Sue asked if I had anything to drink. I told her I had water. She said "Alcohol." I told her I had some rum and coke. She said that was good. I gave her the drink and she took a few sips. She looked right at me and said" I am horny as hell." That caught me off guard. I asked her if she wanted to go the berth and we could take our clothes off. She agreed. She was so drunk, I took all of her clothes off for her, and it was a production. She had very short brown highlighted hair....

4 years ago
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Chrissys New Life Part 3

Chrissy's New Life Part 3 "I'm afraid we have a slight problem, dear," spoke Aunt Mary. Somehow your suitcase didn't make it into the car when we left the Academy. I've called the school, but there's no answer" "Oh, that's right, I don't remember putting it in the trunk; it must be still there in the driveway, I said as I tried to slide deeper beneath the bubbles. "I guess I will just have to wear what I came in; it's no problem"; "I'm afraid I already sent your clothes to the...

2 years ago
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 3 Death of a Poet

During the following months I applied myself diligently and exclusively to the training program, making sure I kept Leopold, Duke of Chianti, fully informed. I put from my mind the boxing of Shelley, the well-being and whereabouts of my sister, and thoughts of following the trail of White Lady, which might lead me to Eloise de La Zouche. I had informed John Stafford that Cadiz was the first point of entry of White Lady into Europe, and explained how the sacks were transferred, and that high...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Madison Summers 31076

Madison Summers was stopping by her parent’s house to pay a surprise visit, but unfortunately they are out of town. Madison’s dad recommends she hang out with the neighbor, Michael, in the mean time. Michael welcomes Madison when she tells him her little issue and allows her to crash at his place. While hanging out, Madison starts talking about how much her feet hurt. Well Michael loves feet so he volunteers to give her feet a little massage. Madison can see the boner growing in...

3 years ago
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My First Night as an Escort part 1

The sun was just starting to set behind the buildings as I sat at my desk finishing up my work day. I was the last one in the office, having stayed a bit late getting things wrapped up for a big project our company was working on. The office was dim and quiet, so I was a bit startled when I heard my phone vibrate softly in my purse. I dug into the pocket and pulled it out, wondering who would be emailing me at this time of night. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was an email from my...

1 year ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 23

The remaining days of the week passed normally; nothing happened in school that involved the Program. The news reports about the raid on the kidnapers revealed some additional details, but none that the Denisons hadn’t learned. Journalists had uncovered the fact that drugs had been used on the captured teens and that information alone was the source of a considerable amount of additional anti-Program sentiment. The Denisons had made a few more forum contacts and heard mixed messages about a...

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Daddy8217s Horse

I won’t bore you with my back ground. If you want that check out my other story titled Shelly. I will say that at the time of this story I was 18 and been K9 active for quite awhile. Now on to the story… My dad loved having horses on his farm and always made it a point to have at least one. I never thought of a horse sexually till after my K9 experiences. After some thought and waiting I decided one night just to see what he had at least. Now at the time I wasn’t to sure what...

3 years ago
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Imbalance of Power

Imbalance of Power By Ashley Stevens - You can't be serious. - Yeah, I am. We've got problems coming up. There are about 14m more males than females in the world at the moment, and 9m of those are in the category from 15-59. How can we have equal rights when we don't have even numbers? We'd lose every vote if it were on purely gender lines. - But what difference does that make; you never have any votes or anything, which are like the whole world. - Okay, bad example,...

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300 So there we were in Cyprus

300 So, there we were in Cyprus So there we were, in the 1960`s 20 years old British soldiers, seconded to the UN in Cyprus for 6 months. The island was an island of two halves Greek and Turkish with a United Nations neutral zone known as the green line Twix the two sides, Both Greek and Turks had a fair size military presence, and the UN had contingents from Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Canada and the UK. Austrians supplied the hospital and the Finnish policed the job the British contingent...

4 years ago
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The Review

Back in the early eighties just before I joined up with my friend Rich in his telephone services company, I had an office job at a local securities firm. It was a relatively menial job, getting files and miscellaneous paper work but it did put some spending cash in my pocket. That was the main priority at the time. Come to think of it, some things haven't changed. What was a change for me at the time was having to actually get dressed up for a job. Dress shirt with collar, dress pants, tie, the...

1 year ago
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Inner freaks new gloryhole

Kels finished me off in the shower...damn she is always horny. We got dressed. I was in a pair of jeans, flannel and a tshirt...I always keep my bag in my truck. Kels was wearing a too tight polo over a sports bra and yoga pants. The person who invented yoga pants should get the Invention of the Millenium...Kels house was on the edge of town, right next to a wildlife refuge. Only a small side street separated her place from the woods. Behind the house was an office part with several 20...

3 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 12 Bonnie Chancelor Sunday

Estelle was in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast. I went and helped because that’s what sisters do. When I said that to Estelle she smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my cheek. As we worked together I saw that the benches and the kitchen table had all been wiped down. The benches had been tidied, too. I think she’d been up for a while and she’d been cleaning things. I think she was in a really good mood because she was humming to herself as she cooked. As each pancake was cooked we...

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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 4

"Next on the agenda," Elizabeth said, "are babies. Gail, I would like you to take the lead in this. I think we should talk about timing of births before we start assigning slots in the rotation." Gail said, "I have been thinking about this. You may know that the Queen invited me to 'mother' the Princess - sorry, Ma'am - and to take care of the children. On one hand, we have the AI and I don't think keeping house will be strenuous. We could all get pregnant as quickly as possible,...

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The local comic book store hosts weekly anime viewings where the neckbeards gather to check out the newest shit and snuggle their body pillows. I actually used to go check them out from time to time, but now they’ve got a photo of me behind the counter with instructions to call the cops if I show up. Looking back, I probably shouldn’t have snorted all that Viagra before I went. There wasn’t even any explicit sex or naked boobs on the screen during my incident. I could have saved myself another...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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I was just her window cleaner

I was just her window cleaner. If I had any feelings for Marie I had them right now. But I was only her window cleaner for God’s sake. So what brought all this about that I could feel so intimate with a woman twice my age, who had no particular sexual attraction for me – having always been drawn to women my age? I shall tell you… Marie lived in a country cottage in Dartmoor, South Devon and managed a smallholding generally on her own, because her husband had long passed but occasionally she had...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 1

My name is Mark Wood and I work as a Personnel Manager for a large corporation here in Dallas. My job basically is to serve as a liaison between the management and the blue-collar employees that work here. I also have to deal with all the harassment issues, be it sexual harassment, racism, or whatever.Needless to say, I hear a lot of whining, complaining, and outright anger on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes it gets to be too much and I have to find a way to decompress at the end of a tough day....


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