Blackhawk Hall Ch 05
- 2 years ago
- 62
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"The elf mongrel is in the Hall, and the half-breed moved on to fort up in the inn once they broke the charm over our dupes," Cordell reported.
Garvin, self-appointed Governor of Darius, frowned. "They moved forward after the attack? How much does that change things?"
Cordell shrugged. "Not much, really. They will be here tomorrow unless we throw everything we've got at them to slow them down. It's all a matter of what time."
"The clerics are ready?" Garvin asked.
Cordell nodded. "They're in position. Is our timing right?"
"It will do. Get everything we have out there between us and the good Duke, just in case," Garvin replied.
"I'm on it."
Cordell turned and left the building, leaving the Governor once again alone with his thoughts. He prayed that there were no more surprises, because failure was not an option. He knew he would be better off to surrender to the Duke than to escape and face his Master.
Shrugging the thoughts off, as there was nothing he could do about it, Garvin turned toward his appropriated bedroom. A buxom blonde awaited him there, eager to gain favor with her rightful ruler. He intended to give her ample opportunity to earn that favor.
Once she undressed, Christi guided Arilee to lie down, and then kissed Crystania. When their lips parted, Christi said, "As bad as I want your hands and lips on me, I want to watch you with Ari more. Make her feel good, Cris."
Crystania moved between Arilee's parted legs, the young woman's breath quickening in anticipation. Reaching down, Crystania touched Ari's folds and caressed them for a moment. "Does that give you pleasure?"
Ari shuddered and let out a little moan. "Oh, yes."
Crystania smiled and slipped her fingers between Ari's labia, emitting a little sound of surprised delight when she discovered how wet the young woman was. Bringing her finger to her lips, she sucked the creamy wetness from it with a little moan. "Your taste is so different from my own. It makes my head swim."
Christi leaned over, kissed the back of Crystania's neck, and whispered in her ear, "Get a good taste. Make her come."
The sultry tone of Christi's voice sent a shock of pleasure through the half-elven woman's body. She immediately put her hands on the bed to lower her mouth to Arilee's sex.
A quavering yelp escaped Arilee as Crystania ran the tip of her tongue over Ari's nether lips. The yelp turned sharp and loud when the elvish woman's tongue parted her lips and plunged inside.
Christi stroked Crystania's back, whispering into her ear, "Make her come. Giving pleasure is just as good as getting it. You're going to love feeling her come under your tongue."
Crystania moaned into Ari's folds as she increased her efforts, urged on by Christi's sultry voice. Knowing her own body, and knowing how good it felt to her, she let her tongue caress Arilee's clit with each lick.
"Oh, that feels so good," Arilee moaned.
Christi moved to suckle Ari's right nipple between her lips, sucking it hard. Crystania's head moved up and down, adding the pressure to her lapping tongue.
Arilee stared down at Crystania's beautiful face between her thighs, and gasped out, "Oh. Oh, yes. Don't stop!"
Shortly thereafter, Arilee screamed as she reached climax. Crystania's eyes popped wide open, and she emitted a surprised yelp as she tasted Ari's nectar flowing over her tongue. Ari's body stiffened, alternating moans and screams erupting from her.
Crystania continued to lap up the sweet flow from Arilee, causing her to reach two more peaks of pleasure. Ari's gasps revealed evidence of discomfort mixed with pleasure, a signal Crystania understood meant that the young woman was becoming too sensitive to endure more.
"You are correct, Christi. That is just as pleasurable as being given release," Cris admitted, her cheeks flushed with excitement.
Christi moaned. "Well, you're free to give it another try with me. Please?"
Crystania echoed the moan and soon slipped between the thighs of the Duchess.
Cerebus grunted in approval, seeing his men in good spirits. The soldiers were all well rested, well fed, and ready to move onward to Darius. There, to bring an end to this farce.
Seeing that the men had their equipment together, the Duke ordered, "All right, ladies — let's move it out. We've got a bullshit Governor to remove, and I want it done today."
Cries of approval rose up from the men, and Mindblind opened the door to step outside, ahead of everyone else.
Several of the townsfolk were on hand to thank him for freeing friends and family members. Cerebus accepted the thanks with a few words, and then told everyone to keep their eyes open — and not to wander around much until he took care of things in Darius.
The men formed up into loose ranks, each staying near other men who complemented his fighting style, and whom he could depend upon to cover his back. Most of the tag-along farmers and townsmen who had joined the group meshed in nicely. Several of the newcomers found places alongside the more seasoned soldiers.
Mindblind considered that he should make a run through the entire Duchy at some point to set up informal militias that would complement the paid soldiers. Tax relief would be more than enough to encourage fitness of the units, and the people would defend their homes to the death, anyway.
A little formal training and some incentive would swell the ranks of able-bodied fighting men he could depend upon. With Drax on his border, and probably other enemies he didn't yet know about, Cerebus decided he would start organizing as soon as he returned to the Hall.
The fighters moved out double time, marching out of town, and then down the road toward Darius.
"Mindblind, the scouts are reporting movement in that big-assed hedgerow ahead. They couldn't see much without being spotted, but they think we've got a big ambush waiting for us."
Cerebus acknowledged the report with a grunt while staring into the distance at the natural fence of trees. "We don't have a lot of choice but to spring the trap, and let Ashtar fix them. How close are we to Darius?"
"Two hours, at the most," the Captain replied.
"Let everyone know we're walking into a trap, and let's move. I'll go talk to Ashtar," Mindblind directed.
"Got it."
The Duke walked over to where Ashtar stood. "The scouts say we've got another fight on our hands ahead — a big one. You ready?"
Ashtar smiled. "I am being ready, old friend. Let us be done with them, and be getting done with our business. I am being for my own bed."
"Couldn't agree with you more," Cerebus acknowledged.
"Missing Christi more than your bed you are being, I am thinking," Ashtar taunted.
Cerebus let out a short grunting laugh. "Damn straight."
The soldiers moved toward the hedgerow, anticipation of the ambush building with each step. When the attack came, Mindblind swore an oath. There were more than a hundred people running toward his men, including women and children.
"Keep them back. No serious injuries," Mindblind shouted to his men, and then muttered, "Wiggle your fingers fast, Ashtar."
The attackers quickly fell upon them, screaming incoherent battle cries as they attacked. Mindblind smashed the first man who approached him in the face with his shield. The man was well armed, and the combination of the man's physique and stance told Mindblind that he probably could prove dangerous with his blade if given an opportunity. When the man awakened, he would have a knot on his head, but better that than either of them dead.
The Duke cursed when he saw one of his men take a deep cut to the arm from a woman with a butcher knife, even as he had to fend off a ten-year-old attacking him with a club.
The sound of Ashtar completing his spell was like music to the Duke's ears. The expressions of the attackers instantly turned confused, and his men ceased fighting without the need to shout orders.
Cerebus started to shout out an explanation to the confused townsfolk, but saw Ashtar collapse at exactly that moment. His Captain also noticed the wizard's collapse, and took care of the confused locals while Mindblind pushed through the former battlefield.
Kneeling down, Cerebus supported the mage as Ashtar weakly tried to rise. "Ashtar, what happened?"
"Too much magic I have been using, with too little rest. Not being my strength is charm magic, and very hard it is," Ashtar replied, closing his eyes tightly for a moment.
"Dammit, Ashtar, I told you to tell me if you needed to rest."
Opening his eyes again, Ashtar wanly smiled. "A little vain I can be, I suppose. Thought I could be enduring I did."
"Is there any way you can help me talk to Christi?"
Ashtar reached into a pocket of his robe and withdrew a small clay disk, which he handed to Mindblind. "Breaking this will be calling Crystania. To Christi you can talk through her."
Just then, Mindblind heard one of his men cry out. Looking up, he saw the man holding his head and those around him looking off toward the trees. When he glanced up at the trees, he saw the branches whip. More of his fighters shouted when the stone-hard fruits of the tree, hurled by the snapping branches, thudded into them.
Growling a curse, Cerebus helped Ashtar to his feet and shouted, "Get all these people away from those damn trees!"
Christiania sat up in the bed, a loud gasp on her lips. The sound and motion startled Christi and Arilee awake as well. When the two managed to focus, they saw Crystania rising from the bed.
Christi yawned, "What's wrong, Cris?"
"Ashtar is in danger. He has broken a charm that I have given him to summon me when it is needful. I must find him immediately," Crystania replied.
Christi sat up and reached for Crystania's robes. "Cris, slow down. You aren't even dressed."
Crystania looked down and realized she was naked, having fallen asleep exhausted — but very content — in the bed with Arilee and the Duchess the night before. She accepted her robes when Christi handed them to her, color rising in her cheeks.
"Give us a minute to get dressed, too. Let's get some clothes on, Ari."
The three women quickly dressed, and then Crystania cast her spell. She located Ashtar and opened a magical window so that she could speak to him. Mindblind stood over the mage, staring off to the side, when the image appeared in the mystic portal.
"Cerebus, what happened to Ashtar? What's wrong?" Christi asked.
The Duke started, his hand reaching for his sword as he spun to see the three women through the window that had appeared next to him. "Damn — can't you put a bell or something on that magic? Ashtar exhausted himself. I've got a hundred confused people milling around here, and the gods-damned hedge apple trees are bloody attacking us."
Crystania scowled upon hearing the last. "I will come at once. I can aid Ashtar, and the corruption of the trees must not be abided."
"You're needed there, and I've got nothing but a pack of men out here, Crystania. Just magic him back to the Hall," Cerebus argued, nodding toward the weary wizard resting at his feet.
"I can endure. The trees must not be used so," Crystania reiterated.
"We'll be fine, Cerebus. You need her. Just make sure the men understand," Christi added.
"Okay. I'm not in a mood to argue, and I'm tired of being attacked by living catapults," Mindblind conceded.
"I will gather my things and be there shortly," Crystania said, and then dismissed her magic when she saw the Duke's nod of acknowledgment.
Arilee walked up and hugged Crystania. "Please be careful."
"You should at least wash up a little," Christi suggested, "If you're anything like me, you're probably a bit sticky."
Color rose in Crystania's cheeks, and she smiled, saying, "You are right. Thank you both for taking the heat, and for sharing yourselves with me."
"Thank you," Ari said, and then giggled when she realized how excited she had sounded.
Christi laughed in response and then said, "Go get cleaned up, and get out there to help Ashtar and Cerebus. We're going to go get in the bath. You make sure that Cerebus knows that if he needs me out there, this place can run itself for a while."
"I will," Crystania replied, and then went to her room to prepare for her magical journey to the side of the Duke.
"The elf mongrel is there," Cordell reported with a wide smile.
Garvin breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled as well, "Have the mage inform the Master immediately, and then let's get ready. We've got to have everything ready when he gets here. I don't really want to be sitting unprepared when he storms into town looking for my head."
"Understood," Cordell responded, and then spun on his heel to obey.
The illegitimate Governor also turned, walking back into the chambers he had appropriated to smack the rounded bottom of the woman lying in the bed. "Get up. I've got things to do."
The blonde sat up with a pout and stretched, causing her large breasts to jut out. She reached out and laid her hand over his loins. "Couldn't I just have a little taste before I go?"
She started pulling down on the waist of his trousers without waiting for an answer. He did nothing to discourage her as she pulled them down and slurped his slowly hardening manhood between her lips.
The short, ragged man walked into the darkened room and bowed before his Master. "Word from Darius. The elf-woman is in the snare."
"Excellent. Prepare to throw the Hall into chaos. We act now, while the time is ripe," said the lean man behind the table. He rose and pounded a fist on the table before him. "I have waited too long."
"We all have," growled the servant.
The dark-cloaked man moved out from behind the table, coming to stand before his servant. "You have taken care of the other little inconvenience we encountered, I trust?"
"Of course. He won't be troubling us any more."
Christi stood up from the table, she and Ari having just finished breakfast after washing away the evidence of the previous night's lovemaking. A wide smile decorated Christi's face. "I have a present for you."
"For me?"
"Yes, for you. It's something I stumbled across, and I think it will be better suited to you than anyone else," Christi explained, as she walked over to a chest of drawers.
She returned with something wrapped in silk, and handed it to Arilee.
Unrolling the bundle, Arilee gasped when she saw the dagger within. It was trimmed with gold, set with stones, and fine scrollwork decorated the blade.
Arilee took out the dagger to examine it closer and asked, "What are the stones? I've never seen anything like them."
"They're both forms of chalcedony — like flint. I know you've seen that before. These are quite a bit more valuable, though. The red one is a fire agate, and the black one is an onyx. They're actually the source of the dagger's power. The enchantment on the onyx cuts through magical shields, and the agate has the power of fire," Christi explained.
Ari's eyes went wide as Christi described the dagger's power. "I can't take this, Christi. It's too valuable."
Christi wiggled a finger at the young woman. "Yes you can — because I think it was made for you. I can use it, but the better you are at magic, the more of its powers a person can use. I've never been able to activate a single enchantment from the fire agate, and I bet you'll be able to. It will be more useful in your hands than mine, and I want you to have it."
"It's so beautiful," Ari remarked.
"Yet another reason it should be yours."
Arilee could tell Christi was going to insist, and she was flattered by both the value of the gift, and the faith in her ability to use it as both a weapon and a magical object. "Thank you, Christi."
A knock sounded on the door, and Christi crossed the room to answer it. Arilee saw Kronk when the Duchess opened the door, and he said, "Young Joshua is here to pay court to Ari."
Color rose up in Ari's cheeks, causing both the half-ogre and the Duchess to chuckle. "Send him up." Christi paused and looked to Arilee for confirmation. "If that's okay with you, Arilee?"
Arilee's cheeks grew even more red as she said, "Yes, please."
Kronk nodded and returned downstairs to fetch the young man. Christi walked back over to the table and said, "Well, looks like you'll get some use out of your room today, at least."
Ari's entire face went red at that remark, and she gasped.
Christi laughed and waved a hand in front of her. "I only meant you would be talking with him in your room, but it looks to me like you might have other ideas."
"I guess I was thinking about that. You're making me all naughty."
"And you're turning me all civilized," Christi retorted. "Go meet your young man. I can get along fine. Have fun."
Crystania walked toward the hedgerow, the green missiles hurled by the whipping branches bouncing off of a protective shield of magic surrounding her.
"The trees will be troubling us no more very soon. Very much in tune with nature is Crystania," Ashtar revealed.
"You look a helluva lot better," Cerebus observed.
"The potions Crystania has given to me have been restoring my strength, and my magic as well," Ashtar explained.
"Good, if you do that to me again, I'll tie your beard in a knot."
Ashtar laughed and said, "Keeping that in mind I shall be."
Crystania now stood a few feet from the trees, just out of reach of the branches that seemed to strain for her. Mage and Duke watched as she began to gesture, the soft sound of her chanting lost in the wind and the creaking of the trees.
Spreading her arms wide in a slow, sweeping gesture, Crystania's magic took effect. The malevolent animation of the trees ceased as her hands moved. The trees once again swayed only from the hot breeze when the wizardess completed the gesture.
Crystania walked back toward the Duke with a smile and said, "They have been freed from the foul magic forced upon them."
Mindblind nodded. "Thanks, Cris. Now we can get moving to Darius again."
"I shall continue with you, to aid Ashtar and hasten your return to the Hall," Crystania insisted.
"Let's move, then. I want to get you both back into the Hall to counter whatever damn magic is popping critters in there, as soon as possible," Mindblind told the two mages, and then shouted to his men. "Form up! We march, now!"
"You seem a bit distracted," Arilee observed.
Joshua shook his head and smiled, "Yes, I'm sorry. I come to enjoy your company, and then don't return the favor. It's quite rude of me."
Ari smiled back at him and reached out to grasp his hand on instinct. "It's okay I..." She stopped and screamed then, as a goblin appeared in the room next to the bed.
Joshua leapt up and drew his sword, slashing the goblin across the throat before it could focus through the disorientation of teleportation. Arilee snatched up her new dagger and drew it at the same time.
A moment later, the door burst inward, revealing Christi with a drawn sword. "Are you okay?"
"We're fine. It just startled me," Arilee answered.
Kronk's voice rang out from down the hall. "Christi, we've got monsters everywhere — trolls, goblins, and orcs!"
Christi cursed, "Trolls — son of a bitch!"
"You should go to your chambers and prepare a defense, Duchess. This is no nuisance attack. Trolls and orcs are a dangerous threat," Joshua suggested.
Christi frowned and spit out, "Damn that."
"Duchess, you should stay away from this fight," Kronk agreed, the use of her title meant to convey the depth of his concern.
Christi growled, "Fine. You two get down there and help, though."
"I won't leave you undefended, Duchess," Kronk argued.
"I doubt she needs my protection, but I will stay. Go, lend your strength to the defenders," Joshua said.
Kronk considered the offer for a moment, and then nodded with a grunt. He turned and ran back toward the stairs to join the battle in the Hall.
Christi growled, "Men." She then stepped out into the hallway and said, "Come on — we'll fort up in my room. I have plenty of extra weapons in there, and it has some protection against magic, too."
The three hurried down the hall and into the Duchess' room. Christi turned to lock the door behind her, and to activate some magical sigla on the door as well.
"Is it really that danger..." Ari began, but her words suddenly trailed off.
Christi turned just in time to see Ari slump to the floor, unconscious. Joshua had a wide smile on his lips as he reversed his grip on the sword hilt he had just used to rap her on the head.
"You son of a bitch!" Christi screamed, bringing her sword to the ready.
"You let me destroy too many of your defenses," Joshua laughed, and then spoke a few words while pointing at her.
Christi struggled against the crimson bands of energy that wrapped around her, snapping her arms tight to her side, and forcing her to drop her sword when the blade bit into her flesh. The weapon fell through the bands to clatter on the floor, completely unobstructed by the magic.
Joshua's appearance shifted, and Christi snarled as another familiar face appeared in place of the young man's features. The hollow cheeks, the close-set eyes, the beak-like nose — and most prominently — the scar on his cheek identified him. "Telamont ... I knew one of Drax's lapdogs had to be behind this."
The wizard scowled and cast another spell, paralyzing Christi's lower body to prevent her from escaping. He then released the bands spell and freed her arms. "I owe you for this, bitch," He said, pointing to the angry scar on his cheek. "You and that half-breed."
Christi struggled against the magic holding her, feeling a slight tingle in her legs, which told her that she was winning the battle. She knew that she had to keep the wizard distracted long enough to fight off the magic, and attack. "Not my fault that you're on the wrong side. I knew Joshua was too good to be true."
"He was — the noble idiot. He resisted my charm, ruining a perfectly delightful twist that would have left him devastated by killing his little girlfriend and the Duchess. Well, for as long as your half-breed man let him live, anyway. No matter. She will believe that she brought the man who killed you here, and her torment will suffice, I suppose," The wizard bragged.
"I can see why Draxnog likes you — you're a degenerate just like him," Christi taunted, now able to barely wiggle her toes.
"I wish I had delayed my plans long enough to get between that one's legs, and that I had time to take what I want from you as well, but I'm afraid this distraction will only last so long. So, you die now. I want to savor this, bitch."
The wizard again chanted, and Christi's eyes went wide as she felt unseen hands close around her throat. The invisible hands slowly squeezed, cutting off her breath. The wizard walked forward, and grasped the front of her blouse to tear it open. He pawed her breasts, staring into her eyes as his magic continued to tighten around her.
Blackness swam at the edge of Christi's vision as he tore away her skirt, roughly shoving two fingers into her dry sheathe. He laughed in her face, the sound distant and echoing in Christi's ears as consciousness started to slip away from her.
Suddenly, the pressure vanished, and Christi sucked in a gasp of air. She grabbed her throat and coughed, struggling to draw enough air into her lungs. She faintly heard a thump, and felt something against her legs. When she was able to open her eyes, she saw Arilee standing in front of her, a dagger dripping blood clutched in her hand.
Looking down, Christi saw the wizard Telamont lying at her feet, a wet spot spreading across his dark robes, and a very surprised look on his face.
Arilee dropped her new magical dagger — which had cut through his defensive magic — to the floor. Christi moved away from the dead wizard, to take the other woman in her arms. Arilee softly sobbed as Christi tried to comfort the shaken woman.
Crystania and Ashtar had to free townsfolk from charming magic all the way through town. Despite sharing the duty, both magic users looked nearly exhausted, and it greatly concerned the Duke.
Now within sight of the building that served as the seat of government here, Mindblind could see a group of well-armed men standing in front of it.
Ashtar studied the men and said, "These are not being charmed by magic."
A wicked smile spread across Cerebus' lips as he raised his sword. "Good. After all this bullshit, I'm itching for a fight. Let's go, ladies. We have a Governor to remove from office."
Mindblind's men charged forward, all as eager as he to engage in a fight where they could actually fight back. The forced restraint throughout the trip, taking wounds that they would have otherwise never sustained brought the soldiers' blood to a boil.
Battle cries rang out as the two groups clashed. Mindblind blocked a sword stroke on his shield, and then immediately smashed the metal into the man's face. When the man stumbled back, the Duke slashed him, opening his belly. Cerebus' opponent crumpled to the ground, trying to keep the coils escaping from the cut inside, where they belonged.
Screams and death rattles erupted everywhere in the chaos. The Duke squared off against a man wielding a sword and dagger, blocking the dagger with his shield and parrying a thrust from the man's sword at the same time. Mindblind wiped his blade into an offensive strike, but his opponent deflected the blow with his own sword and stabbed out with the dagger again.
The attacker was not properly balanced, and when Cerebus turned to the side, the man's back was exposed. The Duke smashed the bottom edge of his shield into the back of the man's neck, dropping him to the pavement, and then ran him through.
The battle rapidly turning against them, the men facing the Duke began to toss down their weapons and throw up their hands in surrender. A few continued to fight, but these were quickly cut down. Those who surrendered were checked for hidden weapons, and then placed under the guard of the villagers who had joined the Duke during his journey.
Many men had sustained wounds — especially amongst the untrained villagers who had joined the cause. Healing potions produced by Ashtar and Crystania, and prayers from the town's cleric ensured that none of those who fought under Cerebus' banner died that day.
The Duke's men had spread out to surround the building even before the fighting began, and so Cerebus knew that whoever was inside was trapped. Once the needs of the wounded and the securing of the prisoners were complete, Cerebus brought his Captain and a small group of handpicked men to stand before the front entrance of the building. Crystania and Ashtar also stood behind the fighters, prepared to use magic if necessary.
Mindblind kicked in the front door, splinters flying and one of the hinges breaking loose from the force of the blow. As he stepped into the building the Duke shouted, "Knock-knock, asshole!"
When no attack or answer greeted him, the Duke briskly walked through the building. He kicked open doors, finding each room as empty as the main hall.
Finally, upon kicking open the door to the bedroom, he found someone. The woman screamed and covered her nude body with a blanket when the door burst open.
"Who are you? Where is he?" The Duke demanded.
"I-I'm Clarine. Please don't kill me," the woman sobbed.
Mindblind restated the second half of his question, "Where is this so-called Governor?"
The woman cringed and replied, "He left a few hours ago. Who are you?"
"I'm the Duke," Mindblind replied.
The woman's eyes opened wide, and then she smiled, letting the bedclothes drop to reveal her naked body once more. "The Duke? You look like you've had a difficult journey. Why don't you let me take your mind off your troubles for a while?"
Cerebus rolled his eyes. "No thanks. I'm not partial to another man's leavings. You should get out of here and back to wherever you belong."
The woman gasped and made a face that revealed her disbelief that he would refuse her beyond a shadow of a doubt.
As the woman dressed, Cerebus asked, "What did this man who called himself the Governor look like?"
"He was blonde, strong, had a big dick, and a scar across his chest," the woman snapped back.
Recognition dawned on Cerebus' face and he questioned, "From his right nipple to his hip?"
"Yes," was the reply.
Mindblind growled. "Garvin. Christi gave him that scar. I knew Draxnog was behind this, and it makes sense the damn coward ran before we got here. Let's get this mess cleaned up and get things back in order. I bet the bullshit at the Hall has something to do with this. Ashtar, Crystania — get back to the Hall as soon as you're able."
The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred there only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt, and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants."Excuse me – Ashtar wishes to speak with you."Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari. If...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHeads turned when the door to the servants' common in Blackhawk Hall opened and a blonde woman entered, looking somewhat unsure of what she was supposed to be doing. Her face bespoke youth, still having an unmistakable softness that would fade with age. She smiled nervously as all eyes in the room fell upon her, a deepening flush in the cheeks framing that smile served to make her look even younger.Her figure contrasted with her face, obviously the body of a grown woman, although her skin...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred here only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. "Excuse me — Ashtar wishes to speak with you." Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari....
Arilee and Christi walked through the massive double doors of Blackhawk Hall into the cobblestone courtyard beyond. Both were dressed to impress, and the effect was not lost on the guards flanking the door. Christi turned around after a few steps, knowing that the guards would be looking, and winked. The men both quickly lifted their eyes from the sway of the women's bottoms, provoking a laugh from Christi as she turned her eyes back to the path ahead. A glance at Ari readily revealed the...
My Dad works long and hard as an accountant and his wife Katie works part time doing admin work at private detectives agency in town. Her daughter Courtney was a jobless bum who seemed happy in that role. She had turned eighteen three months ago and it was maybe two weeks after her party I moved in to the spare bedroom. I had an apartment of my own lined up but had to wait six months for renovations being done to the building. Dad had helped me buy it and it was him that I called after...
"The elf mongrel is in the Hall, and the half-breed moved on to fort up in the inn once they broke the charm over our dupes," Cordell reported. Garvin, self-appointed Governor of Darius, frowned. "They moved forward after the attack? How much does that change things?"Cordell shrugged. "Not much, really. They will be here tomorrow unless we throw everything we've got at them to slow them down. It's all a matter of what time.""The clerics are ready?" Garvin asked.Cordell nodded. "They're in...
Fantasy & Sci-FiArilee and Christi broke from their kiss. Christi shivered and softly moaned, "Oh, that was good."Arilee giggled and blushed. "Really?""Oh gods – yes. Your lips are so soft. It made me tingle all over.” The Duchess then twirled her fingers through the blonde curls on Arilee’s mound and asked, “Would you like me to trim your hair down there for you?"Arilee nodded, and Christi patted the edge of the bathing pool near the steps that were used to enter it. The edge of the pool and the top step...
Fantasy & Sci-FiArilee and Christi broke from their kiss. Christi shivered and softly moaned, "Oh, that was good." Arilee giggled and blushed. "Really?" "Oh gods — yes. Your lips are so soft. It made me tingle all over." The Duchess then twirled her fingers through the blonde curls on Arilee's mound and asked, "Would you like me to trim your hair down there for you?" Arilee nodded, and Christi patted the edge of the bathing pool near the steps that were used to enter it. The edge of the pool and...
Christi was barely awake when she heard the knock on her door. Looking next to her at Arilee curled up in the sheets — smiling sweetly in her sleep — the Duchess couldn't help smiling as well. Another knock jolted her out of her reverie, this one actually registering in her mind as something requiring a response. Christi stretched, yawned, and then rose to pull on a robe. She opened the door a crack, to see it was Ashtar who was knocking. "Sorry I am being to be disturbing you at such a...
Amy waited three weeks and then called the widower. She had finally found a friend whom she told about him and who had agreed to help. Her friend, Marie. was not affiliated with the escort service, but she was very skilled as a dominatrix who specialized in bondage and discipline. Knowing how Amy felt about the widower, she agreed to limit any pain that might be inflicted during their session with him, but she promised to satisfy his curiosity. When his phone rang, the widower answered with...
Group SexOriginally edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks. I have since massaged it somewhat, so any errors are mine alone. ***** Chapter 15 Without a Hitch ‘Good morning, Mr. Andrews, it’s Oren Kavanagh. I thought you should know that I had a call from a Mr. Brant Morrisey in Los Angeles, representing Messers Ventriss. He has assured me that they will forthwith cease to spread ‘misinformation’ as he called it, about Flex-Tek. Will that be to your satisfaction?’ ‘Only if he puts it in...
Me and my mom were on our way to south Carolina to visit my grandmom so knowing this was going to be a long drive leaving from Philly we loaded up on snacks and other essentials. Only thing left we needed was gas…We had enough in the tank to get us out of the city and onto the road so we just decided it be best to get it while were on the road. So we got to about the end of Delaware about to go in Maryland when we stopped for gas. We both got out to stretch and we both had to use the bathroom....
Tiffany knocked on Hailey’s door and entered. Her busty blonde friend looked up from her desk with relief. “Oh, thank God!” Hailey said, jumping up from the chair to hug her friend. “I was worried about you.” “I’m fine,” Tiffany said, smiling and sitting in the other chair in the room. “Where did you go?” Hailey asked. “I called everywhere. We even went over to see your brother. He said you’d stopped for a while and then left in tears.” “I went to see Phil,” Tiffany said. She found it...
And so it was that Bonnie’s trick on Sean turned into a wonderful, 5½-day escapade of fun for Brandy, who clearly seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Come Monday morning, guys started showing up again to be blown; but everyone actually was very pleased for Brandy AND Sean that their fun would get to last a few days longer. Stretching into the week itself meant that a local news station got wind of it and sent along one of their ace reporters, a pretty little blonde named Kaitlin, to interview...
Group SexThe place was a mess after last nights party so I called the cleaning service. They sent Columbian beauty Andreina Deluxe. This girl was really pretty with long flowing hair past her waist. She was wearing a cute summer dress and had a warm and sexy smile. She began cleaning and when she was squatting on the floor I could see up the dress and also when she bent over to clean a table, the bottom part of her ass was showing. We couldn’t tell at first, but she had a juicy ass. After some back and...
xmoviesforyouEarlier, like two weeks before the girls flew to New Orleans, but still before Megan bought the Beechcraft and had it delivered, Mina finally got over the green farts and could stand being in the same room with herself. Alum pickles are a great bar favorite in the North Texas area. So are pickled eggs. The combination of the two, pickles and eggs, along with green Lone Star beer produces the most spectacular gas ... a contest winner in any self respecting Fart competition. Mina was used to...
The Christmas Eve Worker Part Five By Silly Sissy Sarah - Sarah's words - Hello, everyone! Sorry that I broke my promise. This part is not the end of the road for Petra yet. I realized that there're too many things to stuff into the story. And I'm very sorry for the long wait that I made you endure. But I'm rather busy nowadays and hence, I'm writing only a few lines everyday. Please forgive me and enjoy the story. *** "There! You look good enough to eat!" Alice commented. She...
Cristy had worked at our office for about six months. She had wavy dark hair, a bit of a tummy and occasional bad breath, which we all ignored because she had a spectacular pair of D-cup tits that she would sometimes brush against you. She had fair skin, stood about 5'3" and often wore low-cut tops. So you got it both ways: If you went to her desk, you got a cleavage shot, and if she came to yours, she might lean over your shoulder, and gently and "accidentally" rub her breasts against you.She...
Daddy’s Friends Feel Me Up By the time that I turned thirteen my mother had been gone for three years and Daddy was my whole life. Reluctantly he stepped up and helped me buy my first bra, he told me about periods, and he introduced me to tampons. He even bought me a vibrator, a big silicone dildo, and a butt plug. Then of course he taught me how to give myself a douche and an enema. Daddy also put a good lock on my door so that I could have my privacy if I wanted it. Things were...
My wife was right. She had trouble walking for awhile after her encounter. I could tell she was sore for about a week. She had never had a cock that big in her and she wore the guy out. Even though she walked funny she seemed happier then she had in a long time. I was still recovering from watching my wife fuck another guy. Not only did I watch her fuck his big cock, I saw him shoot his sperm in her unprotected. That wasn't planned but happened anyway. I had posted the pics on the...
Wife LoversHey guys! I’m back with another one of my experiences from my college days. I got a good reception on my last story and I hope this one can also live up to your demanding standards. I was overjoyed by the positive response and feedback. Please keep it coming if you enjoy this one as well. You can get in touch with me at my email Let’s get to the story then. This story is, as I have mentioned before, from my college days. After high school, I decided to go abroad to pursue higher education....
"David is on the way with a candidate for a stable hand," Joe said as he hung up the phone. His wife looked pale — morning sickness, he assumed. "Are you up to meeting her?" "Her?" Carol said, looking surprised. "Yes, a woman named Tammy Wilkes, around thirty-five years old, David says, currently homeless, a drunk, but on the wagon. I'd like your opinion before I hire her, but if you're not up to it, I'll speak with her and have her come back when you're feeling better." "I'm...
"I can't believe what just happened," Danny said to her image in the mirror. She was applying makeup before dressing for cocktails and dinner. Twenty minutes earlier, Nora had left her to do the same. Bisexual. I'm bisexual. I've got to be, she thought, or I wouldn't have enjoyed Nora as much as I did. Who'da thunk it? No, you're rationalizing, Danny told herself. You suspected all along. You enjoyed masturbating with Ella when you were ten, and you'd read enough about sex, even at...
The table is just the right length, we knew that when we had it made. Heavy sturdy legs that could sustain all the pulling and tugging inflicted upon it, but looking so harmless in the middle of the lounge room. We both like to watch visitors rest their glasses or cups on it knowing only a short time before one of us had been strapped to it. Today that was you. Naked, waiting with anticipation and secured on your back – laid out for Me like a delicious offering. You are flat, arms secured above...
We’ve just gotten into the house and you are already heading towards the bathroom, discarding your clothes onto the floor as you go. Jacket, scarf, shirt. At the door to the bathroom you kick off your boots and wriggle out of your jeans bending over on purpose to give me a nice view of your ass, framed in a tight little G-string. You walk into the bathroom taking your bra off as you fade from my sight. You throw your bra back outside the room into the hallway. Shortly your panties fly out...
I could see Beth was working herself up to do something she really didn't want to. "Tommy, will you take me up to that house?" "The one on the north end of the island?" I watched as she nodded and saw she was gnawing on her bottom lip—a sure sign she really didn't want to do it. "How about tomorrow? It's getting kind of late." I looked out the window and saw the sun nearing the horizon. "Unless you really want to do it tonight." I saw her shudder as she shook her head. "No,...
Ben stepped from his BMW into the cold December night. His ears were immediately assailed by an incessant ringing from the guy in the Santa suit suckering people for donations."Merry Christmas," Santa called as he passed, trying to draw his attention."Fuck off," Ben grumbled. "Get a real job."As Ben entered the front door of the building, a group of carolers was waiting to be buzzed in. "Get back," he ordered, as he pushed past them, unlocking the door. "You stay here. I don't know you. I'm not...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe next morning Jackson woke up with a huge hard on. It was no mystery why because he had dreamed of Owen for almost the entire night. He just couldn’t get the hot blonde boy’s picture out of his head. He then decided to go for a shower. He began thinking of Owen again, so he began to jack off. His dick was long and hard and he was jerking so fast that his whole body was moving. ‘Oh yeah, fuck I’m hard,’ he moaned as he continued his masturbation session. Soon he felt his entire body tensing...
Recovered from that little mid-day romp in the kitchen, Tim wondering if, in time, Abbie and he will play this way in every room of the house. Tim and Abbie pull themselves together.Tim suggests that they clear out the clothes and things of his mother’s in the spare room so it can be redone. With Abbie’s furniture to put in the room, he would like to have it repainted and ready for that soon.Going through the clothes, they decide which to donate and which are not really good enough to do that...
TransFor those who don’t know me, i am Singh Raunak from Mumbai. I am 19, 5’9″. I am presently studying and also an independent male escort. So if any lady is interested, please mail Me at Do not feel shy ladies as completely privacy will be maintained. I respect my clients. Coming back to the sex story, my first client sunita was too happy because of me. And as she had promised, she recommended me to her friends too. One fine day, sunita called me and informed that one of her friends will be...
Hi friends this is my second story. If you haven’t read the first story please click on author name and from there you can read the first one. Please send you reviews and feedback to Coming to the story this happened two weeks back. The heroine in this story is my cousin sister who is not much sexy but good looking. We were friends from childhood as she was just one year younger to me. We shared all when we were kids, we used to play, bath eat and sleep together when we were kids . As I moved...
I had to return to Bangalore and so literally got into a train in Chennai with just a ticket. The train was crowded as hell and it was like being packed in a can. But I had no choice and found a place to stand near the door in the compartment. Being around 30 I was young and fit enough to travel standing all the way so I settled down to being as comfortable as possible. Standing just a bit to my left facing the door was a lady, darkish complexion but what was striking was her very bright wide...
Lewis wakes with a jump. He has woken to find himself in a room with ten doors. He has no idea how he got here, or why he is naked, but there he is lying spread-eagled on the cold floor. Examining his surroundings, he can see that he is lying in a circular shaped pit in a circular room. There’s a raised level surrounding the pit that has soft padding running around it and beyond this, there are ten evenly spaced doors. Lewis’ head is still heavy from the drink and he’s finding it difficult to...
Gay MaleA Punch In The Tit As a little kid I learned to punch my sister in her tits. As her tits started to develop I found out that they were very sensitive and that it hurt her even more. So of course I did it more often. When she was thirteen and I was fourteen she was already into a 30-B bra and growing every day. Our mother wore a 36-DD bra. I know because I keep track of things like that. I liked tits but the bigger the better. Then Dad left us for a chick that only wore a 34-A bra...
My name is Cynthia, but I go by Cindy. I’m sixteen, blonde, and have never been much of a country girl, even though I live in Tennessee. But my girlfriends all love country music and go to a lot of parties with guys who think they’re ‘cowboys’ and call themselves ‘rednecks’ on purpose. It took them a while to convince me to come hang out with them, but I finally agreed last Saturday when I had nothing else to do. Amy picked me up and had Taylor Swift blasting on the long drive to the farm...
So one of my friends slept over at my house the other day. She has long brown hair, a sleek slender body with a beautiful curvy chest and ass (her ass is particularly nice) and i obviously have had a crush on her for some time now. We have been really close since about the age of 6 and we love the same things, videogames, skating and just hanging out and talking. Anyway she asked me if she could sleep over and i said yes as i always do but this time my parents were out of town for the weekend...
FetishThis story is intended as sexual fantasy entertainment for adults only.I watched TV for about two hours and then began to jack off to a few hot porn tapes. I had built up the pressure in my balls when I heard the back door again. I cringed at the sound and immediately dropped to the floor and waited. My leash still hung from my neck. Things were becoming more serious now and I knew I had to please the women totally or suffer the consequences.All three women came in and stood looking...
Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...
"I have been fucked to exhaustion," announced Emily. She was stretched out naked on the futon in her loft apartment. Her roommates, Doug and Jason, also both naked, lay beside her."I'm still in the mood," said Doug. He was the aggressive one of the pair."I could do it again, Emily, but whatever you want is fine with me," said Jason. He was the cupcake, warm, loving, and wimpy."The two of you are too much for me," she replied."I need to come again," said Doug. He sat up on his knees. "I will...
ThreesomesHi, sex cravers, this is Derek (name changed), currently living in Delhi. My age is 20 years and the heroine of the story is Mehak. She too is of the same age. This is my first story describing the incident that happened last month. I read a lot of stories here so I decided to share mine as well. So without wasting time coming directly to the story. I and Mehak were good friends, like childhood buddies (childhood friends). Our families know each other for a long time. Being of the same age we...
‘Hello! Oh…hey Mum,’ I sighed down the phone. It was always a disappointment to hear some one else’s voice other than my Master’s when I picked up my phone. The anticipation was half the fun though… My mother was just ringing to ‘check up’… more like nag me. It took all my control to not hang up on her as she went on and on at me about bills, work, relationships. She had to know every detail of my life before she was satisfied. ‘Mmhm,’ I muttered, ‘Yep, I understand you’re worried… I’ve just...
We went back to making out. Connie said, “I know that you know about the clitoris because of you and Janis dry humping. You need to know that every girl is different, and what worked for your last girlfriend probably won’t work for me. My clit is really, really sensitive, and you can’t just start rubbing on it. That’s why I left my panties on. It seems to work best if you tease me through my panties and make me cum a few times before you touch my bare skin. Then, you need to touch around the...
En Vacances 1: Poolside Mid-morning Mediterranean sunshine flashes across the cyan pool waters as I tiptoe between the half empty lines of sun loungers towards my own. Quickly, I drape my towel across its padded bed, grab an ashtray from a nearby table, unlace the 4” sandals from my feet and plop myself down for another day hiding behind my sunglasses.This is how I holiday; my body gently basting in finely applied suntan oil, reclining on a lounger, slightly out of sight of my fellow sun...
MasturbationIt was a cold, blustery January morning. The snow was falling lightly. You had just left for work. The memory of the night before’s love making still fresh in my memory. You did everything so perfect. I couldn’t have asked for more. You brought the woman out in me so many times, so easily. you possess the Midas touch. The more I thought of the night before, the warmer I seemed to get. I could no longer contain myself. I went up to our love nest, and put on my favorite garter and stockings. And...
The subtle change in Othneal's behavior towards me was apparent throughout the rest of that evening and the next day. It was a rare day off from the Polish grocery store, and I found that Othneal wanted to be around me and wanted my opinion of things on his mind. At eleven A.M. he asked me to go with him to run some errands. We hadn't walked more than a couple of blocks when he said, "You know, I've given a lot of thought to what you said last evening." We walked a little more before he...
Mirror of the Soul It was officially called the N-Dimensional Rift Stabilizer. We nicknamed it the Magic Mirror. Unless you'd spent eight years studying probability manipulation and multidimensional physics, it wouldn't do me much good to explain it to you. Suffice it to say that infinite parallel dimensions did exist. The NDRS had given enough scientific data to say this with some certainty. Of course, like the speed of sound, I was sure our understanding of the exact...
The low orbiter shot across the lunar landscape 500 feet up. He was headed back to base 1 with a load of oar samples from mine # 35. It had been a hard week out in the sticks and he was glad to be getting home. On final approach to the Moonbase, he saw the Mars expeditionary rocket launch and rapidly disappear from view. ‘I wish I was on it,’ Gene thought as he sat the orbiter down on the landing lock. They lock dropped about fifty feet and stopped the hatch closed over the top of the orbiter....
They never did make it to a table set for two. The conversation was brisk and entertaining and Kat got to hear about David as a boy as the two brothers traded good-natured barbs. Anna filled her in a bit about Pan's extended family and about her and Pan's brother. John was the older brother by ten years. Unlike their father, John did not have the passion for engineering and found, instead, that he had a gift for numbers. After graduating, he took over the financial side of the business...
Chapter -16- Violet welcomed me with a fierce hug and a passionate kiss. We sat down and I repeated the conversation I'd just had. "That would seem to clear the air," he said. "I believe so," I paused for a moment, "but I have a hypothetical question." "Go on." "If I came to live with you, hypothetically, which one of us would be the wife in the relationship?" "That's easy, the one that stays home while I am off working." "So while you're off swanning around the world...
Freezer Guy: Hi there FrozenGirl: hi... thanks for the pics in the club i liked Freezer Guy: Ok :-) Anytime Freezer Guy: So, how have you been lately? FrozenGirl: are you going to post anymore Freezer Guy: Maybe. I'm still looking for them all over the Net. FrozenGirl: i've been fine, just busy with work Freezer Guy: ANd the freezings? FrozenGirl: well work has really gotten in the way of any fun i could have but i still have my fantasy Freezer Guy: Cool. Freezer Guy: Well, at least...
She picks him as the subject of her article on deviant sexual behavior. But he has other ideas. This is their mental battle that leads to her inevitable submission. Charles swept into the club at about 9 in the evening one Friday evening. It was a private club that a friend had recommended. He had never been there before but seemed quite at ease. The club was full but not crowded, with many Doms and Dommes there with their subs, both male and female. He wasn’t anything particularly special to...
Our first date went well and things only got more interesting after that. We’d planned another date later that week and that fell through. I was getting very antsy and it was hard not to masturbate with the images of her danced in my head. My cock would harden while thinking of her and more than once I’d sneak away at work, stroke it and be satisfied.Not to appear too desperate, I played it cool and didn’t pester Beth with texts much, just little things, waiting for her to initiate the next...
Kamala is a typical South Indian lady. She is in her 40’s, not so beautiful or fair or have a smoking hot figure. In accordance with her age, she has medium sized breasts, a bumpy stomach and some fluff around her buttocks. Her only son, Somesh is a studious and nice boy. In short he was momma’s boy. She was proud of Somesh as he never misses No:1 Rank in his class. This happened when Somesh had just entered his teens. He was 18 years and was doing his VIII std. She noticed Somesh was a bit...
IncestTom was eager to get back home after the hot phone sex he and Judy had the night before. His flight was only a short haul and landed just after lunch time. He rushed through the airport to pick up his car and before long he was driving into the garage and parked his car. He tried to phone her at the airport to tell her that he had landed and see if she could leave work early to meet him at home. But Judy did not answer her cell phone which was a bit odd but Tom did not think anything of...
Another one? You'd think the decoherence field surrounding this plane of existence would be enough to fool most of you... Oh well. Brace yourself, Summoner, this may be a lot to take in. Demons, devils, fiends, hellions...whatever you mortals call them these days? They're real, waging an eternal war unseen by the inhabitants of your world. There's no point questioning its cause, for the clash between the forces of law and chaos proves to be an inextricable aspect of your worlds...
FantasyRoberta and another woman were waiting when they finally rolled me back to my ICU room, hours later. I wondered about Roberta's willingness to stay with me the way she was, and resolved to ask what was driving her to be so determined to be beside me day and night. The second woman was older than Roberta, stout, and quite stern looking, except when she saw that I was awake. Then she broke out in a wide smile, so wide that it got me wondering. "David, I am SO HAPPY to see you awake,"...
Darkniciad melted into the kiss, lost in the feeling of her soft lips. She pressed her body against his and he subconsciously followed her lead when her other hand slipped behind his back. Even as he marveled at the feeling of her tongue slipping into the kiss to tickle his lips, one of his hands curled around her back, and the other settled on the swell of her taut bottom.Destiny moaned, pulling herself even tighter against him. Then, as suddenly as she’d moved in for the kiss, she pulled...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWe were all curious when the big wagon pulled up and five women tumbled out and started raising a big tent with the help and shouted orders of the two burly men. A few questions led to a lot of volunteers. They were building a whorehouse and those who helped put up the tent were promised first crack and reduced rates. I ambled over and found three quite sturdy, dirt plain and tired looking women, one very young girl with a slim body, bad teeth and a mop of golden hair and a women who...