A Tale To Tell Waikiki
- 3 years ago
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My wife, Lisa, and I went on this vacation to Oahu to get a little rest and relaxation. We also came to enjoy a little healthy sexuality, which has only gotten better since Lisa showed a proclivity towards exhibitionism.
What started as my wife simply teasing me by wearing only a t-shirt and baggy cotton shorts (with nothing underneath) while some contractors were working in our home, continued with a more brazen exhibition (Lisa dropping her towel after an outdoor shower) witnessed by a caretaker at a vacation cottage.
Now her exhibitionism was in full force here in Waikiki beach, Honolulu!
Lisa had swum nude in the waters off Waikiki beach even though there were surfers nearby, waiting for waves on a still afternoon. She even took some impromptu surf lessons afterwards. Though she had her bathing suite on during the instruction, her being helped onto a surfboard in that very minimal outfit by some young surfers was certainly stimulating for both of us.
Each of Lisa's exhibitionist occasions led to incredible sex for us afterwards.
One complication arose during this particular trip, however:
"Greg?" A gravelly but polite voice called out.
I turned to see Jeremy, one of my road warrior acquaintances. Unfortunately he was one of the guys that I had shared the story to about Lisa and the contractors. He had hinted he might like similar encounter with Lisa. Now he was here talking to us in Honolulu!
"Greg talks about you all the time." He smiled while introducing himself to my wife. (See A Tale to Tell - Waikiki).
I tried to avoid running into Jeremy after that introduction and actually forgot about him, which is how I let my guard down later.
After enjoying a snorkeling trip run sponsored by the Hotel, Lisa and I decided we wanted to take a tank dive. We updated our certification and then found a mid-sized Catamaran charter that took us out to a reef for the dive.
Lisa had purchased a new bikini a few days earlier. It showed off much of her assets. The bikini bottom formed a narrow 'V' in front and behind. The top was simply triangles over her breasts, covering as much tit as it showed. I talked Lisa into wearing it on this little trip. She wasn't sure it was the right attire for this excursion; so she kept a coverlet on during the ride to the reef.
There were three other couples on board, two single women traveling together, and a crew of three men. The two younger women were fit and attractive, causing the crew to pay more attention to them than to Lisa. I pointed this out, making it easier for her to relax when it came time to reveal her new bikini.
The water was very clear and there were a number of reefs to explore. Before we dropped into the water, the dive leader gave some last minute instructions about what to do and how to monitor our air gauges.
Once down in the water, Lisa and I found some beautiful reefs and creatures to explore. As we got more comfortable in the water, we wandered further from the rest of the group. I assured one of the tour divers, using those strange underwater hand signals, "Okay", that we were fine on our own.
Our first dive was to be about thirty minutes. After about fifteen minutes I began to play around with Lisa by pushing the loose material on her bikini bottom into the crease of her rear end. She pulled it out once or twice before giving up. She motioned towards the other divers as if to say that they might notice. I pointed to the other two divers, wiggled my hands to indicate that they were women, and shrugged. She realized this would be a continuing theme for this trip, shook head at me, turned, and continued to explore the reef.
Lisa swam in front of me as I followed behind. I was enjoying her almost bare, round, rear end swimming in front of me. This lasted for a while until one of the team divers came over to tell us to get ready to surface. I did notice his double take of Lisa's exposed rear end. When we got to the dive board on the stern of the boat, the crew started helping people up. Lisa tried to fix her bikini before getting onto the board, but I stopped her and pushed her over to next to the board.
The crew diver in the water was helping some people by pushing them up onto the board. He was about to give Lisa a push when suddenly her mostly uncovered tush came out of the water. His hands were inches away when he suddenly stopped, pulled back from his attempt, and just stared at her mostly bare bottom. He did smile and watched as Lisa made her way out of the water and onto the dive board. When she turned back towards me, the guy realized that I noticed him and looked away.
A few minutes later the crew asked if people were going to take a break for a snack or continue diving. Lisa, I, and one of the other couple were the only four who wanted to go right back into the water.
We changed tanks and jumped back in. There was only one crew diver in the water with us and he stayed a good distance away, watching in case of any trouble. Once we were away from the other swimmers I started to pull at Lisa's bikini top. She knew exactly what I was trying to do and waved me off; more interested in viewing the reef than letting me voyeur her.
I persisted and wore her down until I finally was able to open the back snap on her top, allowing the material to float free from her breasts. Lisa, now defeated, pulled the top from her body and handed it to me.
With her bikini bottom stuffed into the crack of her ass, and aside from the tank on her back and straps holding it, Lisa looked like she was diving nude. Large breasts like hers look great in the water because they stay so round as they float. I stuffed her top into a pocket in my suit and swam behind Lisa, enjoying the view. I wasn't really paying much attention to the sea life this time around.
We paused after swimming for about five minutes. Lisa was now upright in the water. I swam up to her from behind, wrapped my arms around her, and took each tit into my hands. I wanted to find out if they felt as good as they looked under the water. I brushed my thumb over her nipples, finding them hard and erect because of the chilly water.
Lisa started to turn around to me when her hand hit my gauge. She looked down and starting pointing to the gauge. The needle was over the red zone, meaning it was low on air. I took a quick look at hers, which showed it was still half full. Was I breathing too hard while watching my topless wife in the water? I gave her the sign that I didn't understand. In return she signaled that I had better go up.
The low gauge snapped me back into the real world. I knew I was not a great swimmer and now I was low on air. I headed back quickly. As I swam by the crew diver I signaled about my gauge. He pointed up to the boat, but then I remembered something and turned back looking for Lisa. In my haste I forgot to give back her top! Lisa was swimming off in the distance, so that she wasn't in view of any of the divers yet.
The diving rules clearly state that you need a dive buddy. I signaled that I was going back to Lisa, but the diver shook his head, pointed up towards the boat, and he started to swim out towards my wife. I could do little about the situation at this point. He was going to find out she was topless.
I surfaced, boarded, and quickly asked the crewmember for another tank.
"Sorry, you only get two." He responded firmly.
"But this one didn't last the thirty minutes." I complained while looking back for my wife, who I presumed would surface soon behind me. "My wife's tank still has fifteen minutes left!"
"Well, everyone has to come up within the next ten minutes because we have to keep on schedule. Best wait for her here." He wandered away from the stern.
I noticed the other couple was already on the boat, meaning that Lisa and the crew diver were the only ones in the water.
I remembered telling Lisa that I imagined her nude on the surfboard during her lesson, the surfer touching her. "So without the suit, you think he'd put his hands on your tits, like this?" I remembered saying during our love making.
Now I realized that the crew diver would have the opportunity that I was playfully suggesting during sex the other night! After an agonizing fourteen-minute wait, I watched Lisa and the other diver surface twenty feet from the boat.
"Greg." Lisa said as she reached the boat. "I don't have my top. I'm not sure how I am going to get back onboard like this."
"It's okay, I have it." I said trying to make little of the situation. The crew diver and Lisa seemed to converse comfortably with each other, making me a little jealous.
"He stayed down trying to help me find my top. I didn't know YOU had it." Lisa looked at me suspiciously.
"I thought the gauge was wrong and I'd be right back. I forgot I had it!" I tried to assure her.
I handed her the bikini top but there was no way she could put it on with the tank straps now in the way. The crew diver still in the water with Lisa noticed and unclipped the tank straps. Lisa pulled her shoulders back to accommodate the movement as another crewmember and two other people came to the stern. There was my wife, topless, with her headlights staring up at them. They just watched while Lisa tried to slip her bikini top back on. The rolling waves presented a challenge to Lisa, so the crew diver handed me the tank, then turned to clip the back of Lisa's bikini top as if he had done it many times.
"Thank you." She said matter-of-factly, when it was firmly on.
After we boarded the catamaran and made our way to the food, I decided to inquire about the remainder of her dive.
"Lisa, you were down there, almost nude, for quite a while." I noticed her bikini panty was still bunched up into the middle of her ass.
"Well, you kind of left me in that state! At first I thought you left my top on the reef, so I stayed back looking for it. Then the crew diver came over to buddy-me." She said looking over at the diver, who returned the smile. "I decided it was a little too late to be bashful, so I signed to him that I lost my top down on the reef. We both searched around for it until my air was low."
"That's all he did?" A little jealousy reared up. I could imagine her pointing to her tits and then the reef trying to indicate her top 'fell off' and him thinking she's signaling him to touch her tits. Either way, she must've given him quite a show... or feel.
"Greg, I realize he got a good look at my tits, but there was nothing I could really do since you had my top." Of course she was right. " It was no worse than that surfer seeing me the other day."
It was a little worse to me since they were alone together for about fifteen minutes and she was only wearing a bikini bottom that didn't cover much. Lisa seemed to read my mind. "Nothing happened, okay?"
That made me feel fine, but in my imagination, I could see him feeling Lisa's tits and even fucking her down by the reef. The thought stirred in my crotch again. I saw the diver in question talking and laughing with the other crew and sometimes looking back at Lisa. I wasn't sure if the tale he was telling his mates matched hers.
The following day, Lisa and I took our daily stroll along the beach, far from the hotel. She wore her that same wonderful bikini again. We found a nice alcove at the back of the beach, about twenty feet from the water's edge.
There were other topless women swimming sunning nearby. Lisa had swum nude near some surfers and topless with a dive instructor, so at this point, we were past the bashful stage. Lisa reached behind her back to open the clip so she could remove her top.
"You taking that off?" I asked as some guys were walking down the beach toward us. I didn't really mind at all, but it came out as though I did.
Lisa looked where I was looking, "You don't mind? Do you?"
"Oh, not at all. I don't want the other women here to get all the attention."
I reached behind Lisa's back, opened the strap, and she dropped her top into her arms. Even though other women on the beach were topless, I got an instant erection from seeing Lisa topless. So much so that I couldn't stand up. Then Lisa wanted to go into the water. "Go ahead, I really have a problem here." I said looking down.
My wife giggled at my situation, got up and wandered over to the water. A few more guys came from the other direction as well as another couple. They all passed very close to Lisa. I saw her stand a little taller, pushing out her chest, as they passed. The men were not discreet and took a long look at her breasts as they each walked pass. I watched their expressions as they walked closer to her, then moved my eyes to the lines of Lisa's beautiful, sloping, full breasts, on display under the bright sun. It was an incredibly experience for me, she looked so sexy. I wanted to get up and take hold of her breasts. I'm sure the others felt the same.
Lisa turned and smiled at me, almost as if she read my mind. Turning, she ran quickly back to our towels. I don't think she realized how much her tits were swaying and bouncing as she jogged back to me. Two guys stopped, looked back, and watched as Lisa moved away from the ocean. Lisa must've realized what was happening as she recognized my expression. She looked down, slowing, and covered her breasts with her arms.
"Geez Lisa! I'm going to have to change my suit if you do that again." I said earnestly.
We lay on the towels together until I was able to compose myself. After fifteen minutes of sun bathing, Lisa broke the silence. "Okay, I'm going to take a quick dip to cool off. Then we should go back to the room."
"Alright. Go ahead. I'll pack up the towels." I said as I watched Lisa walk toward the water again. Her bikini bottom showed the outside of her butt cheeks while her naked breasts were on display as she strode to the surf.
I was stuffing the towels into the canvas bag, when a voice called my name.
"Oh no, it can't be!" I thought to myself. But as I turned and looked up, I saw Jeremy approaching.
I hadn't seen him since the hotel pool and forgot he was here in Waikiki. Now here he was with my topless wife nearby.
"Hi Greg! What are you doing down this end of the beach? Checking out the topless area while your wife's back at the hotel?"
"Yeah." I quickly replied hoping to God he would move on before Lisa returned.
Unfortunately Lisa decided to wave to me at that same moment.
"Holy shit, Greg. Is that her?"
There was no hiding the fact now, though I hoped he would move on before he got a close-up. "Yes." I said resignedly.
"Wow, she has beautiful tits!" He blurted out and turned to watch her. After a few moments of viewing pleasure he added. "Was that story about those contractors really true?"
"Look Jeremy. We came out here for solitude. We didn't plan on meeting anyone, so she might be a little embarrassed. Can you just go on and pretend you didn't see us?"
"You know, if you like this end of the beach, you should visit the underwater bar at the hotel." He returned his glaze towards Lisa. "Actually, she might do well there."
"Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Please Jeremy. You saw my wife's tits, now could you move on?"
"Sure. See you later." Jeremy walked straight toward the water, passing within a few feet of Lisa, who was making her way back toward me. I could tell he was staring at her tits, because Lisa did a double take as he walked by her.
"Ready to go?" I asked as she reached me.
"Here's your top." I was holding her bikini top, trying to get her to wear it, especially with Jeremy nearby.
"Thanks." She took it but didn't put it on as we started walking.
"Aren't you putting that back on?"
"Not with these other women still here tempting you. I think I'll keep it off a little longer so you keep your eyes on me." She winked. "Maybe your hands too!" She giggled.
"Great." I thought. "Of all the times to get my wish!" I turned back to see if Jeremy had headed further down the beach. I didn't see him so figured we were safe for the moment.
I turned back to Lisa, and it struck me how sexy she looked, walking down the beach wearing just a small bikini bottom. Her breasts were high and round, her nipples rose slightly in the ocean breeze. I was getting worked up again. Lisa's smile told me that she knew that I was enjoying her being topless.
"Are you going to make it back to the room Greg?" Lisa laughed. "You're looking at my tits like you've never seen them before."
"Actually, I haven't witnessed you like this, just strolling along a beach. I can't believe how hot you look."
Before I could respond, there was that annoying male voice again.
"Greg? Is that you? Hey, wait up!" It was Jeremy, no doubt back for a close-up. There was no time to cover Lisa. I suddenly realized that Lisa was right; I'd be more uncomfortable about her nudity than she was.
I turned, stepped in front of Lisa, to partially block Jeremy's view when I noticed that Jeremy was holding hands with a woman. She was topless as well. I now wasn't sure how Lisa was going to react.
"Hi, I thought that was you, Greg!" Jeremy lied because we'd just talked ten minutes ago. But this woman wasn't with him before. I'd have noticed. She was about fifteen years younger than Jeremy, she had a tight body with nice perky tits, but not sizeable like Lisa's.
He saw the question on my face. "Greg, this is Mandy."
"Hi!" she beamed, as her eyes scanned up and down Lisa's figure.
"Hi." I responded, looking back at Lisa who had raised her right arm across her breasts. Lisa's ability to hide lasted briefly as she reached out to greet. "This is my wife, Lisa."
There we were, Lisa's tits on full display, two feet from Jeremy face. The point of Lisa covering up was mute, since Mandy was not covering up at all. Jeremy looked at Lisa's face, but let his eyes drift down to her breasts.
Jeremy wasn't very subtle and made no effort to hide it. "You have a beautiful wife, Greg."
"That she is." I stared Jeremy hard into his eyes hard to let him know I wasn't happy. "And so is your... err... she is also very beautiful." He had never mentioned Mandy's relationship.
"Mandy and I are just friends, spending some time getting to know each other." He smiled. I wasn't sure if he was trying to show off that he was dating a younger woman. I tried to hide my reaction.
"Thanks, she is very beautiful as I have told her many a time." Jeremy answered for her.
I sensed that something was not right, but before I could move Lisa away from the situation Jeremy spoke, "Let's go back to the hotel pool and have some drinks. Are you doing anything the next hour?" He directed his last words towards Lisa, who responded "No" meaning that she didn't want to go for drinks, but Jeremy took it to mean we had no plans.
"Good then, let's all go for drinks!" They took us by our arms and started walking with us.
"Well, the girls will need to dress for the pool." I said. I was hoping that would give us the opportunity to part and we could lose them.
"We can change over here!" Mandy spoke as she took Lisa by the hand and pulled her over by the fauna at the top of the beach area where they put on their tops.
The women were out of range when I finally turned to speak, "Jeremy, are you happy that you've finally seen Lisa's tits up close!" I showed my frustration.
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INTRODUCTIONIn the world around us there are those that will prey on the weaker, the unprepared, the vulnerable. In pursuit of their own desires or seeking to profit from the desires of others there are always those whose acts are hard for us to understand. Once more, it is October 2009. Angela is trying to balance her teaching responsibilities and research projects, spurred on by the Dean’s ambitions for the academic standing of the University; Joe McEwan is planning his trip to Cambodia in a...
?Stella, the car is here already.? Leila calls from the hallway.Stella grunts. She is being laced into her black silk Medeq corset by her slave daughter melanie and she is standing, hands on hips, checking her makeup as well as the constriction of her already tiny waist in the floor length mirror in her bedroom.?The worm can wait Leila, tell him to get the cases into the car..!? She shouts in return. She stands patiently as the girl passes the laces around her waist and ties them in a neat bow...
Love is something that I have a hard time understanding. Love is only an emotion right? So how can an emotion make you stupid? How can love cause you to do things that no man in his right mind would even consider? It was a little late for me to be asking the question. The damage has already been done. I met Stella in middle school. I started dating her in the ninth grade and we were going steady by the time we started tenth. We had an argument and broke up for a while, but were back together...
Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
We stand outside the house, altogether there’s six of us, me and five of my nest. I look around at my people, “you all remember the plan?” I ask not bothering to keep my voice too quiet as I can hear the rapid thump of drum n bass from within the house. All of my followers either nod their head or make a noise in confirmation. I try the handle on the door and finding it unlocked I slowly pull the door open. The house must have some form of sound proofing because as I step inside the house I’m...
Prisca and Stella were two young professionals in a multinational corporation. Even though the coronavirus was already on its way around the globe their company summoned a number of their young professionals and trainees for a three-day conference at a Paris business hotel. The place was quite luxurious with large rooms and state-of-the-art conference facilities.The first evening was spent with social drinking and pleasantries at the hotel's lounge area. Prisca was upbeat when she saw Stella...
MasturbationShe allowed her head briefly to rest on the shower wall, feeling the cascade of water over her body drown out the pounding of her head. She turned around and let the water beat around her shoulders as she imagined the previous nights beer and rum and whatever else spilled on her to be flowing off. As she massaged shampoo into her long auburn hair she tried to remember last night. And realized she had hit a complete blank, but there was enough evidence to assume the worst. She had woken...
Introduction: Young woman is kidnapped and tortured Please go gentle, this is my very first sex story. The beginning of this is all about the torture and dominance so there isnt very much actual sex but there will be a lot more coming. She allowed her head briefly to rest on the shower wall, feeling the cascade of water over her body drown out the pounding of her head. She turned around and let the water beat around her shoulders as she imagined the previous nights beer and rum and whatever...
Stella Goes to the Races?Take off all your clothes, except for the thong,? ordered Robert.?No,? replied Stella, ?not in front of all these people.??Do you love me???Yes, of course, Robert.??Then do as I tell you.? She hesitated. ?I'll give you a minute to think about it. Then, if you are not naked, you can go home with someone else, or walk.?Stella thought about how she got in this situation. She was 29 and had been a waitress at Chez Jacques. Single men her age are hard to come by. It...
Stella blindfolds Saskia before the start of the second part. Saskia also gets a collar. Stella walks her on all fours.Sign for me to set up my camera for a private video for three. Saskia longs to learn the story of Stella's submission.Stella decides to first tease Saskia some more, by promising to tell the kinkiest thing which had happened before. Saskia shall replay the role of Stella in the sexy scenario of slow sweet seduction into the best sex she had sofar.Stella loves to explore more of...
A switch in emphasis, but carries straight on from ‘EVE’. I wanted to expand the character of ‘Stella’, this is the result. **** From The Stars Stella found Mikey where Eve had said he would be, at his favourite night fishing spot. He was laying back, hands behind his head with his shirt open and his fishing rod in the crook of his knee. ‘He is kind of cute now’ Stella thought as she crept up on him ‘when did that happen?’ ‘Hiya Mikey! Caught anything or are you just drowning worms as...
How it beganMy name is Stefan. While I was at school I first met Stella. She was so different to all the other girls at school, a real force of nature, an amazing smile and beautiful brown eyes. Tall, slim and her uniform couldn't hide her sexy curves. I fell immediately in love with her and had to be with her. We got together after meeting by chance in the local record shop. I was checking out a Bowie album when a voice behind me said 'oh, you must get that, it's amazing.' I turned and there...
Chantelle - Chapter 3 I had a disturbed sleep thinking about the turn my life had suddenly taken - from an innocent perversion of enjoying my daughter's panties to losing control to my 19-year stepdaughter after she found me enjoying them too much. Now she wants me clean shaven of all body hair. I must pretend to my wife that I have a sudden interest in the gym and body building as a reason for removing my body hair. Okay, I thought time to start the day, and as I got out of bed l...
Stella’s proposition to Mother had been the catalyst that opened up the rich, hot, frequently exercised sex life between Mother and me. Mother could not keep our i****t a secret… She told Stella all about our relationship soon after it began. Stella had wanted to act out a butch lesbian role with Mother and penetrate her with a strap-on dildo… Now that she had crossed the boundary of mother-son i****t, lesbian sex was no longer taboo and shocking to Mother, and Stella had (unknown to me)...
Your really have to believe me. I never wanted to become involved in such an illicit relationship. I know that you are going to say: "You were the adult. You should have prevented this from happening!" OK, I accept your judgment; I am truly a worthless piece of trash... but at least one person loves me... You know who she is. My daughter's name is Stella, and this story began when she was f******n. Stella was young and innocent then, not only socially, but physically. She still had the slim...
Seventeen year old Adam was coming down the stairs, when his thirty-seven year old busty, slutty Aunt Stella entered in the house with her luggage. She was here to attend the wedding of Adam’s elder sister Maria. Everyone welcomed Stella with a smile, but Adam’s mother was not that happy. She always considered Stella a whore because she never married but dated so many guys, having so many relationships. Stella also never missed a chance to prove what a big slut she was. She was always flirting...
MILFStella By Cal Y. Pygia Donald Pleasant had never had any doubts about Stella. To him, she was the most beautiful, sexiest woman alive. They'd been dating for three years when they'd gone to Glitz Gurlz Bar and Grille, a lesbian lounge that Stella, more out of curiosity than for any other motive, had long wanted to visit. Donald and Stella had been intimate so many times in those three years that each knew every inch of the other's body--all the hot spots, all the erogenous...
Stella tells Saskia and our dear readers every erotic dirty detail of that mighty memorable she submits to me.She shows Saskia and you three tasty private pictures of her during the course of that day in several positions.Saskia envies her as she listens with red ears, hotly hopes she can indeed come along with us soon to Spain.Stella learn a lot in a single long lasting day, every erotic teasing trick in the big book of love she needs to know.Stella's prays and begs me to stop in her first...
Stella Maris searches long to find a proper Master to initiate her and her two best friends into the S.M.-scene.Stella Maris finally finds .Stella-Maris fills in all obligatory 'dirty details' of her hottest sexual secrets & foxy fantasies on his firms forms.Stella Maris adds her hottest private picture, full nude is required, as well as photo's of her two finest friends.Stella Maris adds as much as she knows about Marina and Saskia. Their erotic experiences & 'dirty dreams'.Stella...
“I told her you would enjoy watching this and I asked her if she would like to suck your cock while I was licking her cunt lips. “She told me, ‘yes please, would love to.’ “What about you baby? “When she orgasmed for me I felt a huge sense of relief in achieving such a personal milestone. I can now claim to be bisexual! “And when she told me later I had given her six orgasms I felt very pleased with myself. “Can’t wait to have you home tomorrow so I can show you my all over sun tan, and...
“I told her you would enjoy watching this and I asked her if she would like to suck your cock while I was licking her cunt lips. “She told me, ‘yes please, would love to.’ “What about you baby? “When she orgasmed for me I felt a huge sense of relief in achieving such a personal milestone. I can now claim to be bisexual! “And when she told me later I had given her six orgasms I felt very pleased with myself. “Can’t wait to have you home tomorrow so I can show you my all over sun tan, and...
Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. That should keep the GPs happy at least. How do you know your loving wife is cheating on you and shagging her private stud on the side? Well,...
Stella Maris learns lesbian loveStella Maris is very excited from seeing Anna and Belle in 69 on our casting couchas she sits at my lap with my thumb up her slit and fingers playing her love lips."Caress your clit a bit, love. I want you to come when they do. Be a good girl",I whisper in her ear. We enjoy the sexy show as their moaning gets lots louder now.Stella Maris does not notice my sign of excitement reaching up her hot thighs even.She is completely engaged in rising to new heighths...
The insistent ringing of the door bell brought me out of a deep slumber. The room was in darkness apart from the red glow of my fire, cats stretched out in front it lapping up it's heat. Riiiiiiiiinnnnnggggggg. Ring - Ring. Who the hell could it be at this time of night?! I then realised - it wasn't night, it was 4h30pm but already dark, - I must have lost track of time, away in a dream world. "OK, OK," I grumbled going to the intercom in the hall. "Yeah?" pressing the...
Third day of our role play I'm finally Master first time, over servant Marina and slave Stella MarisThe bells afar toll for midnight as Marina bends out of the window spreads her cheeks offers a choice The promotion from slave to servant is expressed by pleasing her pussy with my hot rod for her orgasm Time has come, after we both come, to take her down for a night cap and inform Marina about my planMy servant gets me a double wodka from the freezer and a cold beer, while she has a 'Black...
As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....
Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...
It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...
Group Sex