- 3 years ago
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Love is something that I have a hard time understanding. Love is only an emotion right? So how can an emotion make you stupid? How can love cause you to do things that no man in his right mind would even consider? It was a little late for me to be asking the question. The damage has already been done.
I met Stella in middle school. I started dating her in the ninth grade and we were going steady by the time we started tenth. We had an argument and broke up for a while, but were back together at the beginning of the eleventh. We broke up twice in the eleventh but we together at the start of the twelfth.
While we were apart we dated others and it was that fact that always got us back together. I'd get pissed off and jealous whenever I saw her with anyone else and that was even if I was with another girl when I saw her. It was the same with her. She would get angry if she saw me with another girl even if she was with another guy. It usually led us to running into each other somewhere and the "How could you..." would start followed by "And just what were you..." and we would make up and be back together again.
We celebrated our eighteenth birthdays a week apart and on the night of the senior prom we surrendered our virginities to each other. Following that night every time we found ourselves alone together the clothes would come off.
We separated again after we graduated, but only because she went to Michigan State and I went to Eastern Michigan. We still got together on weekends and breaks and always the clothes would come off as often as we could make it happen.
In our sophomore year I was at a party one weekend when Stella didn't come home and a couple of guys from our high school graduating class who were going to State asked me how in the world I could have been stupid enough to let a sex crazy girl like Stella go. I asked them what they meant and they told me that Stella was known as a "Three date fuck" and when I asked them what that meant they told me that if you made it to the third date with Stella you were sure to get some pussy.
That of course was news to me because I thought that Stella and I were a couple and staying true to each other. When Phil and Ralph finished telling me about Stella I just said:
"That's why I let her go. She just couldn't keep her legs together."
Of course that was a lie because I had known no such thing, but I didn't want them thinking that I was a clueless twit where Stella was concerned.
The following weekend she was home and I confronted her with my new found knowledge and she said:
"So what? I like sex and you are here and not there. Besides, you don't own me. You haven't proposed and put a ring on my finger and it is your fault anyway."
"My fault?"
"Yeah Frankie; you took my cherry and got me used to having sex. What about you? You going to tell me that after all the loving we did and that you so obviously loved that you have been keeping your peter in your pants while I'm gone?"
"Yes Stella; that is exactly what I'm going to tell you. I considered us a couple and there wasn't any way that I was going to cheat on you."
"You wouldn't be cheating Frankie because we aren't an engaged couple. We are damned good friends who make love whenever we can and if you ask me to marry you I will say yes, but not until after we finish college. Until then I'm going to sow my wild oats and you should be doing the same. I'm all yours when I'm here at home, but as long as we are separated I'm going to date and you should also. Get curiosity out of your system before we get married and then we won't have to worry about that seven year itch that people talk about. Now – do you want to make love or waste more time talking?"
I didn't know it at the time, but I made the first of several bad decisions where Stella was concerned. I decided that she was right and that I should do what she was doing and over the rest of the time we were in college I dated when Stella wasn't home and made love to Stella when she did come home.
I discovered a lot dating other girls. I found out that Helen Liss and Roberta Price both gave better head than Stella. Carol Wilder liked having sex where there was a possibility that we would be caught and while I was scared to death that we would be caught it was still one hell of an exciting turn on.
Samantha Crown introduced me to anal sex and Beverly Holbrook took me to a gangbang where I shared her with six other guys. Nancy Neubert's big thing was to be pissed on after we were done fucking and Beverly Abbeg was into having threesomes with her best friend Pauline French. All in all I had to say that I had a very full and rewarding sex life when Stella wasn't around and I even caught myself wondering if I was going to be able to stay true to Stella when we got married.
Stella never questioned me about what I did when she wasn't at home and even though I was aware that she was 'sowing her wild oats' while she was gone I never mentioned it.
I was a little peeved over a few things. Things like when she first asked me to do her ass. That told me that someone else had already been there and that she liked it. She was my girl and I felt that I should have been the first to go there. Whatever. We somehow managed to get through those years and two months after we graduated we took our vows in front of eighty-three family and friends.
The first couple of years went by and I thought that Stella and I had a good solid marriage. Our sex life was very fulfilling as we both put what we learned while sowing our wild oats to use with each other.
I talked Stella into trying sex in places where we might get caught and she loved it. She got me into trying some positions that I'd never tried before and I found that I especially liked reverse cowgirl and one that she called the rear leg lift. There was another thing that she wanted to do that I wasn't interested in. She wanted me to sit in the bath tub while she peed on me. Even though I had done it to Nancy Neubert I wasn't the least bit interested in having it done to me. No double standard here – Nancy wanted it so I obliged her, but I didn't want it so I said "No way!" In fact I said "No fucking way!" Stella didn't want to take no for an answer and she kept after me.
"It turns me on something fierce Frankie. I don't know why, but I can sometimes cum when I do it. It won't hurt you and it does so much for me. Come on baby; that's what making love making is supposed to be all about – giving your partner pleasure. Don't I give you everything that you want? Come on Frankie; do it for me."
"I notice that you aren't asking me to pee on you."
"I don't like it. It doesn't do anything for me and from the way you are taking my asking you to do it to me I'm guessing that it won't do anything for you. Of course I'll do it if you want; just say the word. Please baby, let me do it to you. I get such a charge out of it."
She was right in that making love was as much about giving your partner pleasure as it was about getting your own so eventually I gave in and let her do it. It wasn't all that bad and when she was done all I had to do was stand up and turn the shower on. She got in with me, scrubbed my back and then I took her from behind as she leaned against the wall.
After that she peed on me about once a week always followed by me taking her as she lent against the wall. I never did get the urge to pee on her although once or twice I thought about telling her I wanted to do it just to see what she would say. I almost put a stop to it the night she asked me to let her pee in my mouth.
"Absolutely not!"
"Just one time so we can see what it is like."
"You want to see what it is like then you get in the tub and I'll piss in your mouth."
"I wouldn't like it, but I thought you might."
"Why in the hell would you think that?"
"You don't mind my peeing on you."
"I only do it because you say it really turns you on, but I get nothing out of it."
"If that's the case let me pee in your mouth and let me see if it turns me on just as much."
"No Stella and I mean it. Take what you are getting and be satisfied with it."
She never brought it up again.
In our third year Stella came home from work one night and told me that she was signing up for a couple of night classes at EMU.
"They are classes that will help me get a promotion and John (her boss) says that if I have them on my resume I'll be a sure thing to get Marsha's job when she leaves at the end of the year. They are on Tuesday and Thursday at six-thirty so you will be on your own as far as dinner is concerned because I'll go to school straight from work."
"How long?"
"Just one term and the best part is that the company will pay for it."
She took the classes and got the promotion and things were fine for another year and then our life was disrupted again. One of the girls Stella had gone to school with at State moved into town and got in touch with Stella. Stella started stopping after work for drinks with Anna and she invited Anna and her husband over one Sunday for a barbecue.
Have you ever met someone you took an instant dislike to? That was me with Anna. I hadn't yet heard the first word out of her mouth and I didn't like her. She was brassy and bossy and she treated her husband like he was her personal servant. All I heard from the poor bastard while he was there was "Yes dear," "Whatever you say dear" and "Here, let me do that for you."
I couldn't even imagine what his life must be like living with Anna. But as much as I didn't want to be around Anna I knew I couldn't get away with telling Stella to keep her friend away from me so after they left when Stella asked me what I thought of them I just said, "They seem like a nice couple" and let it go at that.
About two months later at another weekend barbecue my life took a drastic turn. I had turned the grill over to Dennis (Anna's husband) and had gone into the house to use the bathroom. The weather was mild and so the bathroom window was cracked open about eight inches and as I was shaking the last couple of drops off my dick Stella and Anna walked by the window and I heard Stella saying:
" ... won't matter because Frank is a clueless twit. I can..." and then they were out of range of my hearing and I didn't hear the rest of what Stella was saying.
So I was a clueless twit was I? I wondered what other marvelous things my loving wife had to say about me. I stewed over it for a couple of days and then I finally did something I never would have thought I'd ever do. I went on the Internet and found out how to put a tap on my home telephone line. I wasn't looking to catch Stella being unfaithful because quite honestly that thought never entered my mind, but I did want to know what else Stella thought of me.
Stella didn't leave for work until an hour after I did so that gave her time to talk without me being around and I bowled on Tuesday and attended my lodge meetings on Thursday (Fraternal Order of Eagles if anyone cares). That gave Stella ample time to be on the phone with me not being where I could over hear things. I put the tap in on Sunday while Stella was out grocery shopping and then waited to see what I would get.
I didn't get a chance to listen to anything until Wednesday. Stella called me at work and told me that she would be a little late so when I got home I listened to what the recorder had picked up on Monday, Tuesday and that day. All I got from Monday's conversations was that Stella would be going over to Anna's house while I was bowling.
"I'm looking forward to it" Stella said.
"It will be a blast honey" Anna said, "And after you see it you are going to want to do it."
"Got to go. Don't want to be late for work. I've got to make sure that I give John a good start to his day."
Anna laughed and said, "You go you slut you."
Things to wonder about. Anna calling my wife a slut? What did she know about my wife that I didn't? What was it that Stella was going to want to do after she saw it? And what the hell did "I've got to give John a good start to his day" mean. Tuesday morning's talk only told me that Stella and Barb (I've no idea who Barb was) would be to Anna's around six-thirty. Wednesday's take was a little more enlightening, but left me with even more questions.
"I still don't believe it. I saw it, but I still don't believe it. When you ordered him to lick my feet and he didn't even hesitate to do it I just couldn't believe it. Barb and I both couldn't get over him bending over and letting you beat his ass with a whip without any protest at all. It was unreal. Men aren't supposed to be like that."
"Dennis didn't used to be that way, but I trained him well. If you think last night was something wait until you see what I have him do Thursday night."
"Give me a clue."
"Just get your hubby fired up tonight and tomorrow morning. You are going to want him to jump your bones as soon as you get home and walk in the door Thursday night."
I had no idea what it was that Stella was going to see Thursday night, but she followed Anna's advice and spent Wednesday night trying to fuck my brains out and then woke me up with a blow job Thursday morning. She stopped just short of getting me off and said:
"I want you primed for me when I get home tonight."
I had some things to do after work and she was home before me and when I got there she met me at the door in only high heels and thigh high nylons.
"I hope you didn't tire yourself at work because tonight you have your work cut out for you."
I've no idea what fired her up, but we made love three times that night which was highly unusual for us. We averaged three times a week and maybe twice on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night was the norm. It was Saturday before I could listen to Thursday and Friday's conversations. Stella was at the beauty parlor for her regularly scheduled hair work and I was able to listen to the recorder without her being around.
There was nothing on Thursday except a conversation between Stella and Barb where Barb said she couldn't make it that night because her husband was making her go to some company function with him.
"We need to learn more about how Anna does it and then we won't have to put up with men making us do anything."
Our men making us do anything? I never made Stella do anything and in fact the opposite was true. She was always getting me to do things.
Friday's first call was an eye opener and the first indication that Stella and I were in trouble. Barb called Stella to ask what had happened at Anna's the night before.
"You thought Tuesday was wild? Last night was over the top compared to Tuesday. It would be like comparing first grade to grad school. I hadn't been there two minutes when the doorbell rang and Anna went to answer it. She came back with two guys named Eddie and Jared. She asked if the two of them were ready to do it and they both smiled and started to undress. Anna told Dennis to strip and he did and then we all went into the bedroom.
"Anna laid down on the bed and Eddie got between her legs and then Anna told Dennis that he knew what to do. Dennis came over, took hold of Eddie's cock and guided it into Anna. Jared got on the bed and knelt next to Anna's head and she told Dennis to go sit on his chair. Dennis sat down on a chair next to the bed and played with himself as he watched Anna suck Jared while being fucked by Eddie.
"When Eddie came she told Dennis to get to work and do his job. Dennis got on the bed and sucked Eddie's cum out of her. Then Jared moved in and Dennis guided him in like he had Eddie and then while Jared screwed Anna Dennis cleaned Eddie's cock with his mouth and worked at getting him up again. Jared came and Dennis cleaned him out of Anna and then Eddie got back on the bed and started screwing Anna again while Dennis cleaned Jared's dick and worked at getting him up again.''
"They each screwed Anna three times and Dennis did the clean up without any protest the first two times. The third time Eddie was in her pussy and Jared was in her butt. When Jared came Anna told Dennis to clean him up and Dennis finally refused. No way was he going to suck a shit covered dick is what he said. Anna ordered him to do it and told him that he knew what she would do to him if he didn't do what he was told and he started crying and ran from the room. Just after that I left so I don't know what she did to Dennis for disobeying her. Now all I have to do is figure out how I can get Frank to do something like that."
"How are you going to do that?"
"I've no idea, but I'm thinking on it."
"Frank doesn't seem the type to do that."
How would she know that? I didn't even know a Barb so how could she know what type I was?
The next words told me what my wife thought about me.
"Frank's the type all right. I boss him around all the time. I even make him get in the bath tub so I can piss on him."
"That's nasty!"
"What can I say? Being able to dominate him that way turns me on. Got to go if I'm going to get to work in time to start John's day off right."
There it was again. What did she have to do to start her boss's day?
I played golf on Saturday morning so there was a morning conversation between Anna and Stella and it was that conversation that changed our marriage. Stella told Anna that she was thinking of ways to get me to be like Dennis.
"I don't know if you can Stel. Dennis is a born submissive and that is the reason I married him. I knew I could boss him around and make him do what ever I wanted. Frank doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would willingly do what I make Dennis do."
"I don't know how submissive Frank is, but I think I can make it happen. I told you that he lets me piss on him and I think that there is a little bit of the cuckold in him. He has to know that he is sucking another man's cum out of my pussy. I make sure that I have sex with him every time after John fucks me and our sex always starts out with Frank eating my pussy. He has to have noticed that I taste different after John makes love to me."
"And he never mentions it to you?"
"He did once, but I told him that it was probably some residue from the douche that I use."
"He's that gullible?"
"You bet. That's one of the reasons I married him. I knew I could control him when he bought my reasons for fucking other guys while we were at State. He even bought my story about my taking evening classes to get a promotion at work. It was true that I was using the time to get a promotion."
"You never told me the story behind that."
"John's wife was pregnant and wouldn't make love with him. He told me that if I would be his sexual outlet until she had the baby and was cleared to have sex again he told me that he would promote me and give me a nice sized raise. At first it was only supposed to be blow jobs, from there and we kept on doing it even after his wife had her baby. It has gotten to where I have to give John a blow job every morning to start his day out right and that's in addition to the long lunches we take."
"And Frank hasn't a clue?"
"I told you he was a clueless twit."
"Well I guess you know him better than I do, but I would work up to it slowly. Very, very slowly."
I had put in the tap because after hearing what I heard through the bathroom window I was curious about what else Stella had to say about me. Well, I certainly did find out. To her I was a clueless twit and a wimp that she thought she could turn into a subservient cuckold. She didn't have a chance in hell of making it happen and I was already working on a plan in my head that might make her think I could possibly go along with what she wanted. I would have to wait until she started her campaign to get me to be like Dennis, but she would be in for one hell of a huge surprise.
I wasn't at all surprised that she started on me Saturday after she got back from her hair appointment.
"I'm super horny for some reason so how about a late dinner after we work up an appetite?"
"Gee Stel; I don't know. Maybe if you twisted my arm or something like that."
"Asshole" she said as she took my arm and led me to the bedroom. It started out the same as always. She started sucking my cock and after a couple of minutes I pulled her into a sixty-nine and after several minutes of mutual munching Stella moved into her favorite position, doggie, and I fucked her to an orgasm and then I had mine. She got up to use the bathroom and when she came back she sucked me hard again and then she told me that she wanted it in her butt. After we had both climaxed for the second time and were lying cuddled up she asked:
"Are you happy with me frank?"
"Very happy."
"Do you ever feel you are sorry you married me because it cut you off from playing with other girls?"
I knew instantly where the conversation was headed so I helped it along.
"No, I'm not sorry that I married you; but I do confess that there are some other women I've had lustful thoughts about, but I've never acted on it. I wouldn't do anything that would jeopardize our marriage. Why he question?"
"Promise me you won't hate me?"
"I could never hate you and you should know that by now."
"The reason I was super horny when I came home? It was because I saw one of the guys I had sex with in college and I remembered how exciting it was to have a different guy every once in a while. I just wondered if you had thoughts like that."
"When you say you saw one of your old lovers were you saying that you met him and had sex with him?"
"Oh no, nothing like that. I was early for my appointment so I went to the Starbucks just up the street. Kevin was there having coffee and we said hi and talked about what we had been doing since school. He asked me if would like to get together some night."
"And you said?"
"I said no of course. Like you I won't do anything that would put our marriage at risk."
"I can tell from your tone of voice and the look on your face that you wanted to say yes."
She looked away from me for a couple of seconds and then said, "You're right. I did want to say yes."
"Correct me if I'm wrong here, but from the way this conversation started and your confession just now I'm getting the feeling that you would like to get a little strange now and then. Is that it?"
She was silent for a bit and then said, "Yes. Seeing Kevin reminded me of how much I enjoyed making love with different guys. There is just something exciting about going to a new man and wondering how he will compare to others I've been with. Is he bigger or smaller? Does he have stamina? How good is he at this or that? It isn't about love or affection. It is all about sex."
"Going with Kevin wouldn't be like that. You've already had him."
"True, but have things changed with him over the years? It would be like going to a new man. You know; not knowing what you would find."
"Be honest with me here Stel. If there was no way I could have ever found out would you have agreed to meet Kevin some night?"
I nodded a yes.
"Yes; I would have, but only if there had been absolutely no way you could have ever found out."
"That tells me that you would love to be able to sample other men as long as your marriage stayed safe. Am I right?"
She looked at me and didn't say anything for several seconds and then she said:
"If it didn't cost me you and our marriage."
"Okay. We know where we stand. I haven't chased any of the women I have lusted after because I didn't want to risk losing you and our marriage and you haven't gotten together with other men for the same reason. What that all tells me is that we are in a situation that makes us prime candidates for what is called an open marriage."
"An open marriage? What is that?"
"Where we each have the other's permission to engage in sexual fun with others as long as it is open and above board and we always come home to each other."
"You would do something like that?"
"To be honest about it? Although there are several women who I fantasize about I would probably never act on it even if I had the chance."
"You are saying that you wouldn't but I can?"
"I'm saying that it isn't likely that I will, but you never know about things like that. But yes, you are free to do what you would like as long as you always come home to me."
"Why on earth would you let me do it if you aren't?"
"Because I love you and want to see you happy and also because I know you love me and that means I don't have to worry about it. There is a rule though. If you ever bring a lover home you have to call me ahead of time and let me know so I can decide on whether I want to stay home or go out."
"Why would you stay home?"
"I don't know that I would, but I've heard hat some men like to watch their wives have sex with other men. Who knows? I might just like it."
"You really mean what you are saying?"
I reached over and shoved a finger in her pussy and said, "Just thinking about it is getting me hard."
Stella laughed and spread her legs.
Sunday I told Stella that I was going to be gone for a couple of hours looking for a new lawn mower at Home Depot or Lowe's. It was a fib. I just wanted to give her some time alone so she could call Anna or Barb. I already knew what I was going to do, but I needed to know as much about what Stella was going to do as I could find out and I was trusting my phone tap to get me the information.
Sunday evening while Stella was in the shower I checked the phone tap. Stella had done just what I expected and had called Anna.
"You are not going to believe it. I didn't even have to work for it. I told him a cock and bull story about running into Kevin Butler. I told him Kevin was one of the guys I'd had sex with in college."
"Kevin Butler? Wasn't he the guy who had you pulling trains at the Phi Delta house?"
"Oh yeah! Those were the days weren't they? Anyway I pulled that into a conversation about having thoughts about making it with other people and the twit came right out and proposed that we have an open marriage. Can you believe it? He was the one who brought it up. He even said he might watch."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to bring a guy home and see what happens. If Frank watches and doesn't run screaming from the room I'll know that eventually I can turn him into a copy of Dennis."
"Who are you going to do it with?"
"At first I thought John, but then I decided it would be better to keep what John and I do separate. Do you think I could get Eddie to do it? He is quite a hunk and has a decent sized cock."
"I'm sure he would. His big thing is fucking married women in front of their husbands. I'll put you in touch. When do you want to do it?"
"Wednesday I think. Tomorrow would make Frank think I had already set it up before our talk and Tuesday he bowls. He might think Wednesday is quick, but I'll just tell him I wanted to do it before he changed his mind."
"You do know that Eddie will trash talk in front of Frank right?"
"Yeah and if Frank takes it I'll know I'm one step closer to making him into a Dennis clone."
There it was. Wednesday would be the start and if I played my part right Stella would set herself up for the final act and hopefully it would be over in a week, two at most.
That night in bed after we'd made love Stella said, "I need a super huge favor baby."
"Name it my love."
"There is a guy at work who has been hitting on me for age. I'd like him to be the first under this open marriage thing, but the thing is that I'm scared. I'm afraid that if I really do it you will throw me out. I really do need to know that you are okay with it."
"So what's the favor?"
"I want you to be here with me when I do it."
"I told you I'm alright with it Stel."
"I know you did, but I would feel a lot better if you were here."
"I suppose I could do it, but what if this candidate of yours doesn't want to do you if I'm around?"
"He's been after me for so long that I'm betting that he will go along with whatever I say."
"I suppose that it will be as good a time as any to see if I'll like watching. When do you want to do it?"
"You bowl on Tuesday so I'll try for Wednesday okay?"
"I'll have to miss my lodge meeting, but keeping you happy is more important than that so I guess so."
"Thank you baby" she said as she lowered her head to my cock to see if she could bring it to life again.
I got what I expected over dinner on Monday.
"Eddie jumped at the chance to do me even if it is in front of you. He did ask whether you would be hiding in the closet or in the room with us."
"In the room with you of course. In for a penny in for a pound. I'll put a chair off to the side where I can get a good view. If it turns out that watching you with another man isn't a turn on I can get up and leave."
A switch in emphasis, but carries straight on from ‘EVE’. I wanted to expand the character of ‘Stella’, this is the result. **** From The Stars Stella found Mikey where Eve had said he would be, at his favourite night fishing spot. He was laying back, hands behind his head with his shirt open and his fishing rod in the crook of his knee. ‘He is kind of cute now’ Stella thought as she crept up on him ‘when did that happen?’ ‘Hiya Mikey! Caught anything or are you just drowning worms as...
Stella By Cal Y. Pygia Donald Pleasant had never had any doubts about Stella. To him, she was the most beautiful, sexiest woman alive. They'd been dating for three years when they'd gone to Glitz Gurlz Bar and Grille, a lesbian lounge that Stella, more out of curiosity than for any other motive, had long wanted to visit. Donald and Stella had been intimate so many times in those three years that each knew every inch of the other's body--all the hot spots, all the erogenous...
Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. That should keep the GPs happy at least. How do you know your loving wife is cheating on you and shagging her private stud on the side? Well,...
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CheatingSo I was there, on all fours onto a bed in a dark filthy room…Some salty tears of pain ran down my cheeks, as this sweet babe Stella drove her huge black cock into my ass. In my wildest dreams I had never expected myself to be in this situation, beaten, bound and having my tiny asshole fucked by a sexy well hung transsexual black girl…I had started to go alone to bars and pick up lonely ladies to just fuck them. My sex life with my sensual wife was going down, since she began to fuck black...
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100% fiction! One of Marlene's many uncles who lives far away called up and asked if we could drop by to check on his ex-wife's mother, Stella, who was in an assisted living center near us but whom they had been undable to contact. We did drop by and were told by the staff that she was in fact in good health but had a major disagreement with her daughter and had cut off all direct communications - including changing her phone number. After a little while Stella who we had only met slightly a...
Group SexI licked my lips and nodded yes, unable to say another word. I was about to do the nastiest, dirtiest thing I had ever done and it was going to be with my wife’s best friend. I had introduced them in college and had been fucking Stella for years, both before and after I got married. In fact, Stella spent the night with me the night before I got married. At four in the morning of the day of my wedding, she was flat on her stomach with me directly behind her. I smothered her big, fleshy,...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Five: Sister Stella Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, May 24th, 2072 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The nun ran right towards me, screaming in terror. She held up the gray skirts of her habit as she ran, exposing legs clad by blue jeans. Her pale-blonde hair streamed behind her tangled with her white veil. I didn't blame her for running. Three black, disgusting demons chased her, roaring like big...
Hi again! For those reading my story for the first time, I am Amit from Mumbai, 5’10”, athletic build, quite adventurous and fun loving. This was a unique experience for me as it was completely unexpected or planned. Stella and I were schoolmates, since childhood. As we grew up, we were not exactly friends, but just a bit of regular talk here and there. Then I lost touch with her once we went to the college and got busy in our career and making our lives. Many years passed by and then one day,...
By : Kiran_hot Hi to iss readers, this is Kiran [name change] I was reading many stories in ISS form 1year. So I decided to share my story. I am 5.7ft, fair & normal 21 yr guy. When I was doing my 5th Sem B.COM I had friend, her name is Stella. I use to move very closely with her among the girls, we had good understanding between us, her birthday was in Nov & it was winter season, I though of giving her surprise I call at exactly 12.00am & wished her, she was excited & thanked me. Next morning...
It was the first time I ever saw her true self. the first time I ever felt my sexuality really coming to the forefront in her presence. Yes, I had often looked at her thinking I would love to kiss that woman, but I had never knowingly shown her my desire, after all she was married and no doubt straight.Concealing my thoughts I quickly lay the mats out in front of the fire and proceeded to start my warm up routine, Stella alongside me but her head at my feet. Warmed and stretched out we...
Usually my personal assistant appeared at my first bidding... her heels clicking across the floor of the adjacent room as she hurried to my beckoning. By now I should be admiring her lush, erection-boosting curves as she entered the room, her notepad clutched in her hand and her pencil suggestively toying with her lips.... like she always seemed to when she entered the room. Stella`s office skills were amazing. Her shorthand and typing were most excellent.... her telephone manner second to...
Our neighborhood is blessed with dozens of great, beautiful people and I’ve been happy to share stories about several of our friends along with some of the intimate sexual details. As cool as it is to have friends and neighbors having the same personal views on sexual experimentation, not everyone has the same take on it.Mourning friend Stella is an unbelievably cute short-haired woman in her thirties, who turns heads whenever she is out and about. She and her husband Jim run an Auto Body Shop...
Christmas party at the company. I looked around, briefly gazing at the women in the surrounding area. Stella caught my eye. She was a really BBW in her mid 40’s. She had a beautiful face, with such a beautiful smile and perfect pearly white teeth. She had full kissable lips, lips created to suck dicks, rounded chin, wide hips and a nice, plump fuckable ass. She was magnificently shapely. She was a large woman, but she carried her weight with a certain grace. Her legs were thick but very shapely...
Christmas party at the company. I looked around, briefly gazing at the women in the surrounding area. Stella caught my eye. She was a really BBW in her mid 40's. She had a beautiful face, with such a beautiful smile and perfect pearly white teeth. She had full kissable lips, lips created to suck dicks, rounded chin, wide hips and a nice, plump fuckable ass. She was magnificently shapely. She was a large woman, but she carried her weight with a certain grace. Her legs were thick but very shapely...
MatureI slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Four forty-five came 'WAY too damned early; Ed woke to a loud yammering. "What the fuck! Where is that goddamned thing?" He reached out blindly, but couldn't find it with his hand -- but there was a lamp there... Funny, his night table was on the other side... The light flared just as a plaintive voice whined, "Ah cain't reach it wit' yo' on toppa me..." Startled, Ed found himself looking into Big Velma's soft brown eyes... Recovering himself, he snatched the noisy alarm clock off...
Frank Williams was just about through with his shower, and was letting the warm water beat down on his shoulders, when he heard door to the bathroom open. The shower scene from "Psycho" flashed through his mind, but he was quite sure it was not some maniac with a knife. He was right. "Daddy?" a sweet young voice said to him. He recognized the dulcet tones of his darling daughter, Mandy, and his cock started stiffening."Hi, Honey. Why don't you come in and join me?" The thought of what she would...
IncestRandi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestSant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND: Jack and Jill Hill have five married children and Frankie. Frankie has stringy hair, wears glasses, still suffers the occasional skin eruption, had been a straight ‘A’ student and her given name is Frances. * * * Unknown to Frankie Hill, the big worry for her parents, siblings and many of the extended family was her parents turning sixty within the next twelve months and having a 30-year old child still living at home. Really appalling for Jack and Jill was the thought...
The sailing tripI introduce myself first - I am the Martin - am 18 years old, live with my family on the coast and go to school.My family is very enthusiastic about water sports, so it was also that a very good friend of my father one evening made a tempting offer.We sat, as so often, with friends in the garden and have grilled.Frank was a frequent visitor with us and is a very good friend of my father and sail collector, sat also with it.Frank, middle 50, not lent, relatively slender, hairy...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
It started when my cousin Tom set up a bachelor party for his brother, my cousin James. I was invited and I of course accepted and said I would be there. This did not set well with my wife Doris. Doris had an extremely low opinion of bachelor parties because of what she had seen on her side of the family. Her brother Sam had attended one, had partaken of the offer made by the hired stripper to 'entertain' anyone with the proper amount of cash and had ended up with a case of VD which he was...
It has become loveBefore Frank drove me to the sauna at home, he told me: "I have not recently discovered a nice little country hotel - what do you think of it?"From my parents I had in the meantime already received the OK for the Kurztrip and so I already counted the days until Frank would pick me up.I stood by the window with my bag in my room, waiting anxiously to discover Frank's car. When he finally rang I tried to climb down the stairs very casually, while my father was already opening...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
An unexpected reunion(from pilottom45)Everyday life had almost brought our love relationship to a standstill.I was involved in my studies in another city and unfortunately Frank did not contact me any more. He probably couldn't and didn't want to endanger his marriage.I simply could not banish our horny experiences from my memory. Frank kept showing up in my dreams. With his hot man body - especially his top horny trimmed hammer part with his naked bag he was always before me when I was...
Back homeFor almost two weeks I was back home after the sailing trip. The summer holidays were over and for almost a week I was back at school - in the final class to the Abitur. It is called "learning" as the supreme command, but I concentrate on it very hard.On the weekend, Frank came to visit us for a "photo evening" or afternoon. I opened as he rang the bell. He stood in the doorway, casually with one hand on the door frame- "May I come?" "Sure, Frank - my father is in the living room." He...
Frank didn’t vocalize his orgasms. So I never knew he’d cum until he stopped his motion and pulled out of me. Then I’d look over my shoulder with a smile and ask, “Did you cum?”And Frank, already backing off the bed, his big cock curving downward now, would reply, “Yeah.”Although normally quite chatty, in the immediate aftermath of sex Frank turned into a man of few words, a regular Clint Eastwood (though not nearly as tall or handsome). Without having to be asked I would back off the bed as...
CrossdressingDonna & Frank "You doin' alright in there, Honey?" she asked as she waited outside the closed bathroom door. "Yes, I'm fine," "Let me know if you need any help?" she said with concern in her voice. "I'm fine, really I am!" She shrugged her shoulders. "Okay," she said, "but the hardest part for me is getting the tie right!" "Yes, they are a pain in the ass, aren't they?" She chuckled to herself. There really wasn't any need to answer that obvious question....
Frank Came To JosephBy: Londebaaz ChohanCome on in, Frank. Take a seat. I am in the middle of brewing the coffee and soon I am done with it, we shall be glad to have a look and try to solve the problem, I am sure. I was living on the 9th floor in this high rise apartment complex on the Olney Avenue in the North Philadelphia City and worked as a resident in the Penn. State Hospital. In those days the area was very neat and clean, safe as well. These apartments were very spacious and comfortable...
On my 18th birthday, I was standing naked in front of a mirror. I was looking at my frail, thin, pale body and decided to make a lifestyle change. I wanted to start lifting weights. The only thing was, I really didn't have a clue what to do. I used my birthday money and bought a three month pass at the Rec Center. I was very nervous when I first went there. I worried I'd be made fun of by the other guys there because I was so weak. I walked in and to my surprise, no one was there. I went over...
About a week after we got back from our trip Frank called and wanted me to double date with Tina and him. He said Tina's cousin was in town and Tina wouldn't leave her behind. I really didn't want to but Frank said he was in a bind and he would owe me. Sounded like leverage to me. Thursday evening came and Frank picked me up. We went to Tina's and her cousin came out with her. Tina at this time was 5'1" and had 36 D tits. We often joked that she was so top heavy we marveled she could...
Frank is a buddy of mine. We grew up and went to college together. While we were in college Frank and I went on a road trip from Lubbock to Dallas. We got to Dallas went to a few strip clubs and then finally found ourselves on Harry Hines Blvd. It was about 1 in the morning we were both horny and a little drunk. Frank pulls up to this leggy blonde in a short skirt and fishnet hose and asks how much. She told us she would do us for free for a ride home. We said fuck yes. Frank had me...
I live next door to a very attractive divorce, she is in her early 60s and always dresses well and looks after herself. For several months now she has been seeing a gentle called frank he too is in his early 60s and I believe has just retired. Anyway to get you on the right track I had been speaking to a guy from my town on a gay Web chat and after several good chats I found out his name was frank and other things that sort of linked him with the lady next door but I didn't say anything to...
Kelly was a sweet girl and we struck up quite a rapport, she had my kind of personality and as we sat and chatted she told me that the bar was about to shut down as the trade wasn’t what it was, I could understand that as I was there 2 hours and not a sole came in which was fine by me as Kelly was good company. I already had 3 drinks when she picked up my glass for another refill, “Get one for yourself” I said as I stood up asking where the toilet was as I needed to empty out the last three, “I...
Frank or Francine By Donna Sash [email protected] Her nephew had been with her for three years now. When he came to her house at 15 he was not that much of a discipline problem, but as time went on he was getting worse. He was hanging around with a rough gang. April was at her wits end as to what could be done to keep him in check. His 18th birthday was coming up next week and she knew that either she was to do something right now or loose him forever. Last week at a gathering...
I woke up around 4 laying naked on my bed, the balcony door was open letting the afternoon sun shine in and it was quite warm. I got up and stood by the door looking out, Jeans door was shut so maybe she had ventured out but I was sure I would catch her at some point. I needed to eat so thought I would nip down and see what was available. I threw on a clean pair of shorts and tee and headed off downstairs, Sam was in the bar sitting at a table doing some kind of paperwork, her cleaning kit down...
It started one Saturday morning during summer vacation when I woke up to noise in front of my house. I looked out my bedroom window and saw a moving van parked in front of the Martin's house although I guess that it wasn't really the Martin place any more. They had moved out months ago and there had been a For Sale sign in their yard for a long time. I noticed that the For Sale sign was gone and men were carrying furniture into the house. Then I saw a girl about my age (10) watching the...
Shay was silent for most of the ride home. About five minutes from the house she said: "Did you really mean it when you said what happened is going to have a major impact on our marriage? I didn't do it. I stopped. I didn't go through with it Frank." "You didn't go through with it, but you intended to. You willingly went to his room intending to do it. You got naked for him because you were going to do it. You took his cock in your hand and stroked it because you fully intended to do...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
I met Cookie in the seventh grade. Her parents had moved to town just in time to enroll her at the start of the school year. I was walking up the steps to the west entrance of the school and I saw her by the front door. She was blocked by three guys who were making fun of her pigtails. She kept trying to get by them, but they kept moving to keep themselves between her and the door. One of the guys was Oscar Walls and he and I had gone at it a couple of times. Once on the playground at the...
I was on my back, totally fucked out, and she stood next to the bed looking down at me and looking for all the world like she had just awakened and was as fresh as a daisy. No one seeing her at that moment would have believed that she had been sucking and fucking me for five hours. No one would have imagined that those lips had been wrapped around my cock and that mouth had swallowed my cum. She looked so fresh that no one would have believed that her pussy had taken two of my loads and that...
Frank was a young project manager. One of the best things he liked about his job was that he worked from home. His boss and even the whole team were scattered over the world. They've never met, but have been working together for year. Erica, well the best way to decribe her is wild. Erica had wavy black hair and like to dress in a funky goth style. This is what originally atracted Frank to her, she was so different from the other girls he had dated. They had been seeing each other for about...