ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
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Fiona was pensive as she considered the abilities of Elizabeth, then delivered her verdict.
“For a girl of her age, and her low self-esteem, if you had asked me when we first found her, I would have had no hesitation is dismissing her chances of success in anything, but she has changed drastically. Her self-confidence has improved, her weight is beginning to drop, and she is discovering that education can be interesting, and at times, fun.
Now, I think she can do it. As long as she has done the preparatory work to know the answers to every possible question, I think she can pull it off. We should bolster her confidence by telling her that if she knows the answers, she can respond appropriately to anything her grandmother has to say to her. Given that, I am fairly sure she will manage.”
Frances gave her own assent to that estimation.
“I believe you are correct, Fiona, so let’s get started on her preparation. Operation Grandmama!”
An intense period of training of Elizabeth got underway. She was asked what questions she thought her grandmother might ask, and the others devised a retaliatory reply to each, and tutored Elizabeth in that response, after checking with Elizabeth that it would sound the way she herself would expect to speak to her grandma.
In her own home, Elizabeth’s grandmother had bought herself some time from questions about Elizabeth’s absence from school. She had phoned the school and told them that Elizabeth had been unwell, so the girl would be absent from school for a while until she was declared fit enough by the doctor. This had satisfied the school, because this was a common occurrence with their pupils, but they also informed grandma that should her illness go into a second week, the school would expect a medical certificate to go in the school records as official recognition of her illness.
This left grandma in a quandary. She didn’t want to admit that Elizabeth was not at home with her, for she was responsible for Elizabeth’s welfare as her guardian and closest relative. At the same time, she needed something to cover for herself; a medical certificate or something similar that might satisfy the school’s demand for bureaucratic records.
She decided she had to speak to Elizabeth or at least the family looking after her, so rang the number she had for the Robertsons.
Frances answered the phone, and when she heard who it was asking for Elizabeth, she decided to stall and said, “Please let me go and see if I can find Elizabeth. I don’t know what she is doing today; sometimes her studies take her outside. Can you hold for a short while till I try to locate her?”
Getting agreement, Frances went to where Elizabeth and Sidra were studying.
“Elizabeth, your grandma is on the phone now. Are you prepared enough to speak with her, and see if you can get her to agree to home schooling here?”
Elizabeth stared at Sidra, looking for guidance, and Sidra nodded, saying, “It is now or never, Elizabeth. It is time for you to show you are a new person, your own woman, able to make your own decisions. Go to it, girl!”
Elizabeth steeled herself, and resolved to stand up for herself. “I’ll speak with grandma, Frances. I remember what you and the others have briefed me on. I can do it.” She was speaking as much to herself as to Frances, and got up to follow Frances to the phone.
Frances picked up the phone. “I have found her. She was working on some studies that we have given her as part of her home schooling. Here she is now.” Frances passed the phone over, with a confident smile on her face, her hand showing the thumbs-up sign of success.
“Hello, grandma; how nice of you to phone. I am doing extremely well here; learning far faster than at school. I am working on history and science today; fascinating stuff. Oh, I should ask what you were calling about.”
“Well, Betty ... Elizabeth, The school were asking for you, so I told them that you were ill, but that cannot go on for long. You may have to come home and resume your schooling.”
“Not quite, grandma. I have found a friend here my own age who is being home schooled, and it seems I can be home schooled too. Of course, the school will have to get a letter informing them that you are now having me home schooled. The family’s lawyer here explained all the legal rules, and drew up a legal letter that goes to the school, informing them of the change to home schooling. Frances – Mrs Robertson – says they can provide a similar letter for you to pass to the school, and that will be that.”
“What? You mean it is as simple as that? A lawyer’s letter to the school?”
“Yes, grandma. Isn’t it wonderful? The letter states the Act of parliament that authorises this, with all the legal jargon, and the school has to remove me from their pupil roll. You don’t even have to say where and how I am being home schooled; just the fact of the change. Do you want me to ask Mrs Robertson to deliver a copy of the letter to you. You just have to sign it as my guardian, and deliver it to the school.”
Grandma had gone from concerned over her educational responsibilities to being all in favour of abandoning Elizabeth to be educated by the Robertsons; and the idea of a lawyer-written letter would imply that she had the money to pay a lawyer! She could include a note to say “My lawyer has provided the wording for me of this letter about home schooling my granddaughter. Please now remove her from your school’s roll of pupils.”
To Elizabeth she said, “That sounds like an excellent solution to your problems, dear. I feel that I have done my duty if I can have you getting a better education than that awful school. Please ask Mrs Robertson to forward that letter to me, and I will do the rest.”
“Great! You are a wonderful grandma to me allowing me to be home schooled like this. Thank you again, grandma.”
She closed down the phone, and as soon as that was done, she gave a noisy sigh of relief; then stuck her hands in the air, with fists clenched. “I did it! I did it!”
Frances opened her arms and swept the tubby Elizabeth into her enfolding welcome. “Well done indeed, Elizabeth.”
Elizabeth looked up at her and announced, “I must go and tell Sidra. She said I could do it, and I did!” She rushed off on this excited errand, leaving Frances smiling broadly.
Frances returned to Reg, to report on this development. He was delighted.
“That was great, Frances. You should ask her to come see me, for I want to congratulate her as well. She still needs all the encouragement she can get.”
He got interrupted shortly afterwards, by the appearance of Hermione Robson, trailed by her younger sister Jemima. Neither looked happy. He expected them to welcome him back to his home, but no; their focus was on themselves.
Hermione started, “Reg, when we got here, Frances made us share the one bedroom. That was insufferable! We each have our own bedroom at home, so why stick us together here? It is not as if there is a shortage of rooms. We have discovered that the whole top floor is empty!”
Reg started, “Well...” but was interrupted by Jemima this time.
“When we asked Frances why we should have to share, she just said, ‘I am Chief Wife, and I make the decisions for this household. You will see why, later’; and she also said that you would be in agreement with that decision. I am sure you will see that us girls need our own rooms.”
Reg waited, and this time got his chance to speak.
“Ladies, there are several points arising from Frances’ actions. The first one is a question: why did your parents put you in separate bedrooms?”
Hermione and Jemima both wanted to speak, but the older girl won. “I needed my own room as Jemima kept getting in my way!”
At which response, Jemima jumped in, “It was you who was always making things difficult for me, demanding more of the space for your clothes and stuff.”
Reg took his chance: “You girls were always arguing, so you got your own rooms, right?”
Both replied yes.
“So, can you think about all the other girls who live in our household? How many of them have you seen arguing?”
This made both Robsons stop and think, and they realised that no-one else in the building appeared to be arguing. Once they had realised that, they looked at Reg enquiringly? “So what?” they asked together, surprising themselves.
“Quite simple, ladies. They all have learned that arguing is counterproductive. It is easier and more helpful to calmly discuss any points of disagreement and come to a logical conclusion about how to solve the problem. Why argue when you can simply solve the matter amicably?”
This shut them both up, so Reg continued.
“So to get back to Frances and her decision, I can see what she was getting at. If you can’t get along together, you are an utter disaster as people! She wants you to learn to get along, and the best way of doing that is to throw you together to sort it out. Don’t argue: discuss. Don’t bring your problems to the rest of us. We don’t want to know about them; we want you to solve them. As and when you exhibit evidence that you have learned that lesson, we can see about allocating you different rooms.
This matter also displays another point about your behaviour: it is still self-centred; all about YOU.
I have just arrived home from hospital, and you haven’t seen me since Scarborough, but instead of welcoming me back, you chose to bring your personal disagreements to me.
Shame on you, ladies! No wonder your parents were despairing of you. It is high time you set yourselves goals to improve as individuals.”
The pair were stunned by Reg’s response. Instead of having him side with them, he was doing the opposite. They didn’t know what to say. Seeing this, Reg continued.
“Ladies, now that we all realise that you are here to mend your ways and learn to be useful members of society, I should point out that I had to go through a similar process of learning how to become sociable. I was a failure regarding other members of society, and if I, as an acknowledged failure, can learn to be sociable, so can you ladies learn to not be self-centred and instead give consideration to other people around you, starting with your sister.
Will you have a go at trying to achieve as much as I have done? I can assure you that it results in considerably more happiness in your life.”
Hermione and Jemima turned to stare at each other for a long minute, before they both nodded. Hermione resumed talking to Reg.
“Okay. We will do as you ask. We will try to stop arguing and try to sort things out amicably. How long do you think we have to stay with you until you will allow us to go home?”
Reg gave a short laugh of astonishment.
“Girls, that is up to you. It always was. You have to make the changes to yourselves, and when you have done so, I will acknowledge the fact and send you back to your parents as changed women ready to fit in to decent society. Remember, you are here for retraining, and once you are retrained, you go home.
On the other hand, if you fail to alter your behaviour, I may have to return you as failures of mine. In such a case, I will be the failure for not being able to persuade you to become decent human beings, and I will be really sad about that.
As I said, it is up to you girls to put some effort into changing. I want you to succeed, and will do my best to push you in the right direction, but as with myself, you have to change yourself. No-one else can do it for you.
Now please go away and think about what I have said. I am still not sure you actually desire to change yourselves. Prove to me that you are right and that you can indeed change.”
Reg turned his head away from them, and picked up his book, the discussion over, as far as he was concerned.
The pair said nothing, but slunk away to think about themselves and this weird household they were in.
After his wives got home, Reg had a quiet word with Frances, briefing her on what had transpired with the Robson women. Frances patted Reg on the shoulder. “Well done, darling. That was exactly what I hoped for from you. I knew you would back me up, but giving them a real talking-to like that was just perfect. I have hopes that they will make the necessary changes to themselves.”
“How did the day go at your classes, darling?” Reg wanted to know.
“Pretty routine, actually. It is amazing how easy most subjects become, once you have the basic ideas clear in your mind. Most of the detail that comes later is merely an expansion from the basic concepts. You gave me some great ideas about the history of science, and its ramification into politics, economics, and religion. The life of Galileo, for instance, was not a simple case of man against the church, but a man with a controversial concept going up against a management structure that had painted itself into a corner. Like a cat cornered, it came out fighting, and rather than adopt a softly softly approach, Galileo said and wrote all the wrong words.”
Tell how the church had painted itself into a corner, Frances.”
“Like many large organisations, the Roman church had made a silly decision much earlier: they had adopted the worldview of Thomas Aquinas, who assumed that Aristotle was correct in all his writings, and that view of an Earth-centred universe made it into church doctrine. By the time of Galileo, many in the church could see that Copernicus’ proposals about the Earth and the Sun made more sense, but they kept quiet about it because of this matter of doctrine.
Galileo, for his part, did as much as he could to push the Copernican view and implied that the Aristotlean concept so beloved of Thomas Aquinas was a view only held by simpletons!
Now that was plain stupidity, for the church could only react one way, and he was summoned to the Inquisition. He got off lightly by recanting his advocacy of Copernicus, and he was simply put under house arrest and told not to say or publish anything other than the church’s stance on the matter. He obeyed to some extent, but got his next book published outside of Italy to get round that stricture!”
“A pretty good summary of Galileo, Frances. I agree that he was his own worst enemy, as he could have avoided the clash with Church authorities by wording himself more carefully. He was good at enlisting the help of powerful patrons earlier in his career, but he often pissed them off as well.”
“Anyway,” declared Frances, “My studies are continuing to go well. I wanted to discuss Elizabeth with you, though.”
“And what exactly did you have in mind, my love?”
“She realises that there is a possibility of Jessica joining our family officially before long.”
“Yes, that is so, but what has that to do with Elizabeth?”
“If Jessica joins our marriage, Sidra becomes our step-daughter.”
“I may be a bit thick, Frances, but you are simply stating the obvious. Can you get to the point?”
“It is you who is a bit thick, Reg, for there is a follow-on. If Sidra becomes our daughter, Elizabeth is going to feel left out. She sees things emotionally, and has been viewing Sidra as her big sister. Are getting the picture now?”
“Oh. She will feel let down if that happens; she will be the only ‘nobody’ in our household, and may react badly to the position she finds herself in?”
“Exactly. The only solution I can see is for us to make Elizabeth a permanent part of our family: adopt her as our daughter.”
“Yes. She will be your daughter, and all of us wives will be her mothers. This is my idea, so I have to clear it with the others, but I don’t seriously think there will be a problem over it.”
Reg gazed at his wife. “Have you broached the possibility with Elizabeth yet?”
“No. It is too soon. I had to find if you were happy with the prospect, or at least not averse to it.”
“No, you can take it that I will be fine with it. From what I have observed, Elizabeth has a lot more potential than she realises. All her troubles adversely affected her self-image, so she has failed to notice that she is quite a clever lass underneath it all.”
“So I can go and speak with the others about it?”
“Of course, dear. Go ahead with that plan.”
“Right. I will start on that now, and hopefully get everyone’s approval before dinner.”
Over dinner, Frances passed by Reg and whispered, “All’s well on the daughter front.”
Reg simply said, “Thanks,” and she went on.
After the meal, when the table had been cleared and everyone went on their way to wherever they were aiming for, Frances remained behind. Checking that they were alone, she closed the door and came to sit beside her husband.
“Reg, we have agreement on that idea. Next step is for you to broach the idea to Elizabeth, but do it gently. We don’t want her to feel that either we are pushing her into this, or that she has pushed us into this.”
“I get you. I find myself a bit unnerved by it all. I have not had to have a chat like this with a young teen before now. Do you think it might be better for you to talk to her, girl to girl? It may appear a bit overwhelming for her if I call her in for a fatherly chat.”
Reg Robertson getting cold feet? I didn’t think anything fazed you, my love.”
“It does bother me this time. Elizabeth is a young lady with fears about the future, and such a talk will be quite intimidating.”
“Really? You think she will find it intimidating? Surely you cannot truly imagine that of Elizabeth? She may be still getting over the Fat Betty appellation, but a parental chat should not be too intimidating.”
“It IS rather intimidating – but for me, I meant! Hopefully she will be amenable to what we are suggesting. But warn her, we will insist on her weight dropping drastically over time.”
“I have no problem with that, Reg. Leave it with me to lay out our demand on that front.”
She went off to locate Elizabeth, who was probably with Sidra, studying some textbook. Frances was amazed at how Sidra had persuaded Elizabeth to view studying as fun. The girl now appeared to be lapping it up, it seemed to Frances.
Finding her and Sidra in Sidra’s bedroom, with Sidra reading aloud from a textbook, Frances slipped in quietly. At Sidra’s pause for breath, Frances interrupted, “May I have a word with Elizabeth, Sidra?”
“Sure, Frances. Do you want me to go out to give you privacy?”
“No need, Sidra. You may want to hear this, and perhaps contribute to the discussion.”
Frances turned to face the tubby girl. “Elizabeth, we have a proposition to lay before you, and you might want to take time to consider it before replying.”
Elizabeth looked concerned, surprised, and apprehensive, all at once. Frances nearly giggled, but managed to keep a straight face.
“Elizabeth, we understand that the reason you were with your grandma was that both your parents had died. Correct?”
Elizabeth ventured, “Yes, Frances.”
“Taking that into consideration, we Robertsons, as a family, discussed your situation and came to a conclusion. That conclusion is in regard to your future. To put it bluntly, we would like to offer you the opportunity to become our foster daughter. This would mean, should you accept, that we would act formally as your parents would have, as responsible for your health, education, to love and cherish you as our daughter, and in other ways behave as responsible parents. Please have a think about it; discuss it with Sidra, so that you know all the ways in which your life might change. She knows the trials of having a mother in control!”
Elizabeth’s mouth had dropped open in astonishment. Now her head swivelled towards Sidra, looking for help. Sidra just shrugged, and told her, “I don’t see a downside, Elizabeth. These are nice people.”
Elizabeth returned to stare at Frances. “You would become my Mum?”
Frances nodded.
“And Reg would become my Dad?”
Frances nodded, and told her, “Yes.”
She eyed Frances and added carefully, “What about Reg’s other wives?”
Frances gestured her unconcern. “They would be your other Mums, Elizabeth.”
“I would have one Dad and five Mums?”
“At the moment. We don’t know what Jessica might decide in the future. She would be welcome to become another Mum, if she decided to join our Commitment.”
Sidra jumped in, “If my Mum married you, you and Reg would be my parents too?”
Frances told her, “That would automatically follow, Sidra, but last I heard, Jessica was not intending to get married, just have her baby, your little brother or sister.”
Elizabeth’s brain was churning, and she came out with, “If that happened, that Jessica married you, Sidra would become my sister?”
Frances admitted, “Yes, that would follow, Elizabeth.”
“That would be great! We could be sisters, Sidra! You would be my REAL big sister!” She began to get more excited.
Frances tried to damp down this enthusiasm. “That is all supposing: supposing Elizabeth became our foster daughter and supposing Jessica agreed to join our marriage. It would be bit previous to assume all these things will happen. Jessica may not want to marry at all, as long as she has her child, or children.”
“Children?” Elizabeth squealed. “Sidra’s mum wants more children? Without being married?”
Frances explained, “It happens, Elizabeth; it happens frequently that women have children without being married.”
“But if Reg is going to be the children’s father – am I right, Sidra?”
Sidra agreed, “That’s how I understand it, Liz.”
Elizabeth went on, this time speaking to Frances, “In that case, why not just let Jessica marry you and Reg?”
Frances looked embarrassed. “Jessica is a lovely woman, Elizabeth, and Reg loves her just as he loves me, but she told us she was not looking to marry Reg, just have him father any children she might want.”
“But if I agree to be your daughter, Sidra could be my sister if Reg married Jessica. That would be wonderful; wouldn’t it be, Sidra?”
Sidra replied, “It would indeed, Elizabeth. I have never had a brother or sister, and a baby is not quite the same as a sister of your own age group; someone you can share things with all the time. I like the prospect of Mum marrying Reg.”
Frances gulped and said carefully, “That is a difficult matter that will need proper discussion at an adult level, girls. Can I take it back for discussion among the Robertsons? Please?”
Elizabeth reckoned she had won.
“Yes, Frances, and you can tell them I will be delighted to have parents again.” She turned to Sudra and they exchanged a ‘high five’ hand-slap. “It will be like today has turned into Mothering Sunday!”
Frances frowned at this statement. “Elizabeth, you have that wrong. Historically, Mothering Sunday was the Sunday when you returned to your Mother Church for a service. Your Mother church was the one where you grew up. The modern commercial ‘Mother’s Day’ is actually a corruption of that religious ritual; but I understand what you meant, and I appreciated the feeling expressed. It was a nice idea.”
Frances returned to speak to Reg.
She reported all that had been said, and appealed to him for help over Jessica.
He pondered for little more than a moment before replying, “You are being blackmailed by two clever girls, Frances. They took the situation, extended the premise a little further, and pushed you on it. It is really all down to Jessica, isn’t it?”
“I suppose. Do you think she had any inkling of what these two might be up to?”
“How could that be? You have only today suggested fostering Elizabeth, so they had no time to plot anything. Did you notice that Elizabeth seemed to equate fostering with adoption, and seems happy to consider it seriously?”
Frances accepted this, adding, “I also noticed how closely these two girls have bonded. They really are like sisters, and in so short a time, too. They were apart while you were at Scarborough, but that seems to have improved the bonding process: they missed each other.”
Reg took Frances’ hand. “My darling, can I ask you to discuss with Jessica this demand from Elizabeth and Sidra? Just you and her, for the meantime. I don’t want Jessica to feel I am pressuring her in any way. She’ll listen to you stating it as it is, then you can see what Jessica wants to do. We are already treating Jessica as if she was a wife, but up till now she was adamant at not wanting marriage, or rather our Commitment. I love you and am happy to leave it up to you, when you are talking with her.”
Frances squeezed his hand in return, and kissed him on the cheek, so as not to become passionate. She wanted to stay as rational as possible.
“Very well, Reg love. I’ll do that. If Jessica decides she may change her mind, I’ll bring in the other wives to get their take on it before we do anything. We don’t need you for this, Reg; you will do as we want, won’t you?”
Reg nodded, with a small smile of willing acceptance. “She is acting as a wife in every way, just without any formal acceptance of that status. You should be able to get her to change, to accept reality.
She stood up and left Reg sitting there, in the relative comfort of his cushions. He had anticipated a bit of peace and quiet, but it was not to be, for Fiona entered the dining room to speak to him.
“Reg, I was thinking...”
Reg quipped, “So that was what the noise was?”
She smacked him lightly on the arm. “Stop it, Reg! This is a serious discussion.”
“Oh? What is it, then?”
“I was thinking about us as a family having a pack of children before very long, and the sociological consequences of that.”
“Consequences? A century ago, it was common for a family to have six or seven children. What’s different, apart from the number of mothers?”
“There is a difference: an important one. In a large family, younger children tended to be looked after by older siblings, relieving the pressure on the mother. All our children are going to be around the same age, so no mentoring by older siblings.”
“True, but the mothers here are going to be able to give one-to-one help to their children every evening and early morning.”
“But during the day, they are in the care of a couple of teenagers, so we could do with a nanny who is older and more experienced with children.”
“Well, we already plan to engage a nanny once the children are here, though we hadn’t specified the sort of qualifications we were looking for. I can see what you are seeking, but we don’t just need experience. We need a woman who can start teaching the babies almost at once.”
“Teaching babies? Do you mean that? It sounded weird.”
“Certainly. Your own studies will have shown you that babies can recognise faces at a very early stage. I am sure that they can do much more, given the chance. I have a vague memory of my early childhood, when I was still in a cot. One of these memories was sheer frustration at not being able to speak the words that grown-ups used all the time. I could understand most of what they were saying to me, but could not respond.”
“Oh, yes. I see what you mean. I can recall a similar experience, now that you bring it up. What do you expect to do about it? The babies are still not going to be able to speak.”
Reg was pensive. “That is a fact we have to get over. My problem as a baby was not that I could not speak: it was that I could not communicate! If you can communicate by signs, that will do until your voice develops enough to talk.”
“So you want to have a nanny that can do sign language, do you?”
Reg frowned. “Not as such. I recall reading that sign language is much more complicated than baby signs. What our babies will want is enough signs to convey messages such as ‘I hurt’, and be able to point to where it hurts; or basics such as ‘hungry’ ‘thirsty’ ‘too cold’ or ‘too hot’; ‘more’, and ‘finished’. I am sure there are lots more. Babies don’t need sentences, just basic messages, such as ‘more drink’, or ‘drink too hot’. That will do the job. Chimps and gorillas can manage that, so why not human babies?”
Fiona nodded, taking the notion on board, but told Reg, “We’ll have to be consistent. Everyone will have to learn the same signs, so that the babies don’t get confused. When a baby signs something, whoever sees it has to know what it means, or we are back to square one. In the same way, every baby in the family has to recognise exactly the same signs from the adults.”
Reg asked Fiona, “You have studied some of this, I think, dear. Do you know when we can start teaching these signs to the babies?”
Fiona frowned as she thought about that question.
“I think the general opinion is age six to nine months to start signing, but I think the intention was that this is the age the baby has enough physical dexterity to make the signs for itself. I have no idea of when the baby will start to recognise the signs it sees.”
“So, it would not do any harm to start using these signs in front of the baby right from birth?”
“Gosh, Reg, that is pushing it a bit, isn’t it?”
Reg explained, “If we don’t know when a baby starts recognising signs, why not begin right away? We can say the words as we sign them, thus getting over what the signs mean. Starting at the earliest stage will give us parents time to get into practice using the signs, so that it does not take much thought to use them for the baby. In fact, why don’t we decide on the signs we will use, and practice them between ourselves, then use them in front of the babies once they arrive? If the babies pick up the signs much earlier than assumed, it will be all to the good.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
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She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
He grabbed her from the waist and brought her to the stainless steel gate that was adjacent to the steps. He places her in the floor in ninety degrees to the gate. Her head was few inches away from the gate lower bar and her legs were spread in both sides. He took a rope somewhere from the corner of the hall and tide her left knees with it, then he put the other end thru the upper bar of the gate and brought it to her right legs. He has to tide her right legs also, but before that he started...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Diola was a memory not to forget but right now, I just have one more taboo to go. And who would have guessed I would deal with her sister… her elder sister to be specific. When I visit their home, I always love to see Kemi. She is very pretty and very calm. She is tall and plump on the average figure with a pleasant view of her ass that I would love to feel my hands and pole. I have always had my desire on Kemi who knows that very well. She feels much...
IncestLucien doesn't do sex the way that John imagined. My husband didn't anticipate the casual humiliation that he would suffer, that Lucien would sometimes fuck me publicly, just for his own control kink. But then you don't always get what you anticipated, do you John? Lucien wears the pants in our house and John knows it. There's never been any real fuss about that. Not since Lucien tried it on with me at a party, found me receptive and then took me whilst my husband stared lamely out at the...
CuckoldThe next day Joe told me to take it easy as I had a busy night ahead of me, so we lazed around the cabin, I cooked breakfast and lunch for Joe and Chris and spent the day tidying up and making sure the place was as good as it could be, I snuggled up with Chris on the sofa all afternoon as we watched bad movies and took the mickey of them, it was the closest it had come to being a holiday since we had arrived.I cooked the guys a couple of steaks for dinner and as I started the washing up, Joe...
Joseph and Anne have been happily married for 14 years had great sex life. Joseph was not bad looking guy he stood 6'3 with stocky frame. His cock was above average at 9" long and 2 1/2" thick with nice set of balls that would shoot thick loads of cum. Anne was sexy chubby wife with a curvy thick ass and a huge perky set 44DD tits with big round aureoles and nice nipples to match. They couldn't keep there hands off one another and then one night they where role playing while having sex when...
This story is being told by my wife Ann, a county policeman named Matt, and me, Tim. It happened early on in our marriage. My husband Tim and I were at the Under Armor store shopping for Christmas presents when I noticed a county policeman also shopping. He and I were in the women’s section. I looked for my husband and he was unaware of me as he was shopping in the men’s area. I looked up and Matt, the cop, was smiling at me. I smiled back my sexiest smile then looked down to his crotch and...
She wandered around the room, touching the red velvet bedspread, and blinked at the chains embedded into the posts of the huge bed. ‘Why?’ She shook her head. ‘Never mind, I can guess.’ Jack slid an uneasy glance at the painting of a group of laughing villagers on the wall. There was something about the eyes of the figures in the painting… ‘Mrs Wyndham, we’ve got to get out of here.’ ‘Maria, remember?’ Her tone was chiding. ‘You can’t call me by name here.’ ‘Maria. We’ve got to go. If you...
I had just dropped off my wife at her sister's for a couple of days. She lives an hour away and they spend those days going to plays and shopping. I looked forward to it because my wife lost interest in any sex years ago. I could use this time to look at some porn and gettting myself off a few times without being interrupted. I stopped at a bank near there to get some extra cash and then stopped at a store nearby before the 1 hour drive back. As I pulled into the store parking lot, I noticed a...
This middle aged white couple sent a message on XhmasterAsking me if I had ever done any of the things in my stories.I had to admit that most of the stuff was just my vividMind thinking of great ways to have freaky sex. Then They sent a message asking if I would really cuckold A white couple? I told them that I didn’t have a problemFucking with someone watching as long as there was noMale on male contact. Over The next few weeks we began exchanging endless emailsEveryday we would exchange...
Chapter 1 My introduction to sex, at least sex with a guy (Yes, there's a story there that I'm leaving out for now.) was, at best, disappointing. I really liked the guy, was even wondering if it was love, and when I finally did let him into my pants, well, let's just say it was over almost before it started. He fucked me when what I wanted was to be made love to and as soon as he unloaded his cum, that was it. He just never thought that I might want something out of our coupling but a...
Someone tried to unlock the apartment door. The key scratched against the lock time and time again. Amanda looked up from her laptop, then she rose and walked into the hallway. “Greg, is that you?” she called hesitantly through the door. A muffled grunt answered her. Calming her nerves, she opened the door a crack, only to be face to face with her husband. The stink of whiskey was heavy on his breath, his hair ruffled and his expensive suit crinkled. “Lemme in, that damn key’s not working,”...
© 1997, All Rights Reserved Author's Note: Pure fantasy. There were several girls in high school with whom I got close but never managed to actually persuade. The first person to mention 'cornholing' to me was actually a guy -- my best friend at about 12 or 13. He said his brother had done it to him. We jacked off together, but never did anything else. Nearly 15 years later, a delightful lady introduced me to the practice, which she and her high school boyfriend had used as a method of...
For the next several weeks, Gayle and I tried to meet for lunch, as often as we could. Sometimes our schedules didn't match, but most of the time, we were able to still find time to talk, either by way of the phone late at night or email during the day. And, with each passing day, with each conversation and email message I received from her, I wanted to be with her even more. Whenever the phone rang, I instantly dashed over and snatched it up, hoping to hear her voice. Likewise, whenever I...
My decision made, I went over to the far end of the couch, away from where Bill was sitting. The sofa was only about six feet long. Fitting four people across it was going to be a tight squeeze. We managed. It started off pretty awkward. Kate had to give Jane a nudge towards me. I thought, now that I'd decided to do it, that either Jane or Bill would back out. Slowly, Jane approached me and then sat down. There was a foot separating the two of us. This left another foot and a half clearance...
It is SpringBreak time. Earlier in the day, at the beach, a more than "cute" rock hunk, tailed you around like a young black Labrador puppy looking for some love. One of your girlfriends didn't see any innocence to him at all and jokingly commented, " I would love to have that gorgeous black man fuck a baby in to me." He had invited YOU to a party that night. His name is Antonio and he is a Senior from Michigan. You and your gf arrive at the party after 9:00. Antonio has been looking for you...
Scotty continued to stroke gently over his mother’s smooth pussy with his fingers and Amelia felt the flow of her body’s inner naturalness form more in her sensual spot than what had been in its depths earlier. With Scotty’s finger sliding between her natural chasm, more of it escaped her delicate hole and coated his finger. Amelia could feel her natural lube slather all around his finger that fit perfectly in her tender split. She could not remember the last time she had covered a finger with...
IncestDisclaimer: The events in this story are real. These are actual experiences we had after we started swinging, which progressed to something neither of us could have imagined at the time. I wrote about Gary..the friend my wife Hilda and I met online through Alt dot com and Yah-oo groups. Gary was a very well dressed, successful business man but most important to Hilda, he was also well endowed. There's no shame in admitting I couldn't hold a candle to him in that department. But I could keep her...
FetishBusiness Matters… Saturday “Typical fucking kid”, snorted Bobby. The snort was more of a grunt as a result of his nearness to spurting his cum into a newly stolen pair of customers’ panties. In back of his shop he had found the undies caught up in a bath towel and when he sniffed them, besides the heady aroma of pussy juice his nose was assailed by the stench of days-old male cum. Desperately he singled out an area of the fabric that smelled more strongly of pussy, then pulled out his cock and...
Hey guys, this is Akhil. I don’t have much experience with writing stories, so kindly ignore any mistakes. I’m 21 years old, and I’m currently pursuing engineering from a prestigious university in Bangalore. I consider myself to be a good looking guy with a normal average body. My partner in this story is Sam, he’s my classmate and a friend. We are not really that close, but we hang out sometimes. He is 21 years old, has dark chocolate-colored skin, a little shorter than me. He works out...
Gay MaleI was always told that if you want to see what a girl will look like when she gets older, to look at her mother. Well, if this is any indication, then I picked the right girl. My wife is 5’6” and 115 pounds dripping wet. Her mom, Meeno, is about 5’4” and the same weight and build, but slightly larger breasts. She and I have always had a good relationship, and were always friendly to one another, sometimes in a less than appropriate manner. She always dresses in tight clothing, revealing every...
IncestDisclaimer: All characters are entirely fictional and all resemblances to anyone in real life is entirely coincidental. If you are under 18 or offended by sexual material, don’t say I didn’t warn you. SLUT 4 U by Sinistra Part V Isabelle sat in that room for a long time. She felt like she wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come. Her insides felt knotted and cold, and she felt like she was going to be sick. She was calm, and she hated herself for it. She hated that she enjoyed...
“Wake up, wake up, honey.”I was groggy from lack of sleep and the effects of my hangover. As I slowly got my bearings, I realized I was in a bedroom I didn’t recognize. It all started coming back to me. The drinking, the anger, the way I threw myself at Tyrell and Lewis and taunted Neil about it. I closed my eyes, barely able to think about last night’s events. How had it come to that? The whole weekend had been planned as a romantic reunion with Neil. But from the first to the last it had been...
Wife LoversMy date with Diane was great. She was quite a bit more grown-up than Belle, and had some expectations about what kind of escort she wanted. She had chosen me because she thought I was much more mature than the young guys she had been dating. I couldn't tell her just how much more mature, of course. We danced, and by the second slow dance, she made it plain she wasn't afraid of a little body contact. In fact, she wasn't put off by a lot of body contact, most of which she initiated. I spent...
"Why are we even watching this?" Aaron groans at his sister. He does not care very much for the boring everyday moments his father has captured. "Shut up, I don’t remember this stuff as well as you do," she reminds him. She is two years younger than him. "But can't you watch it some other time," he grumbles. "When would I do that? You're always hogging the TV when Mom and Dad aren’t home." "That's cuz Dad hogs the TV when they are home," he retorts. "And thus we...
My name is Stefan and this is my story of a one night stand I had many years ago, I was 27yrs old and to remind you 6ft tall, olive skin, average build and a decent 9” cock. I was down my local having a few beers with nothing much happening. I did something I have never done before and decided to go to the club in town on my own, always gone with a group before, nothing fancy just your usual run of the mill club. A short journey and I’m in the club, get a drink and find some where to watch...
As time ticked on, Nami was slowly losing her little sister to a rare form of a deadly disease. She frequently checked on her sister, albeit she received no response. Her sister would drink the water she gave her, but she would refuse to eat.This haunted Nami with worry and she just longed for the day she would hear her sister talking again. It wasn’t like her sister was on a journey to a distant island, rather lying in bed waiting for a day she could breathe properly once more.Maybe one day,...
LesbianFinished By Eric Dedication to Anne-Mal Eric stared with disbelief at his computer screen. He had lost big bucks! Anne- Mal, Axis Anne, who me finish a story Anne - had actually FINISHED ARCHIE AND BETTY! He took a swig of whisky and started to read - maybe it was all a dream? Then the earth started to tremble - he ran outside the sun had literally disappeared and the earth started to break apart! The graves were giving up their dead and the sky was full of angels. "I should...
HumorMaybe some of you ladies have done so. For me this was the first time I have given my husband a female hair style. Sort of hits you right between the boobs. As a professional hair stylist and cosmetologist I have done ultra fem styles on hundreds of women, and even a few men. The men I kind of enjoyed. They were so sweet. Putting themselves into my hands. Knowing that their masculinity was going to be buried under my skills. For the most part, they really became rather cute young...
This is real incident happened with me which i am narrating now my name is vikrant and this story is about my neighbor aunty mohini.Now let me tell you about mohini she is 46 years old beautiful mature lady with grate figure and skin tone for her age, i had a crush on mohini aunty from childhood only her son was very good friend of mine and I used be in their home only most of the time. Now she lives alone in her row house as her husband passed away few years back and her son is married and...
I always was an early riser so it was me most of the time that was up and ready to go and I had to walk down the few doors to his house and knock on his window to wake him up. One morning while walking by the window of his sister to my friend’s window to wake him up, I see her night lamp on next to the bed and it allowed me to see right through her curtains as if they weren't even there. Again, it’s 4:30 in the morning and still very dark outside. Anyway, I see clearly her arm stretched down...
So I present them here as a double-feature... Thinking About Saturday Night I can't believe I'm rubbing myself off again, thinking about what happened Saturday night. What is this, the fifth time? The sixth? And it's only Tuesday morning. Thinking about Scott and me having sex in the same room with my sister Cathy and her husband Carl. That was hot as hell, even though we'd done it before. Noisier this time though, lots of grunting and groaning, Scott on top of me, Carl in the...
The Party by DCRI was told to dress in a formal gown. This was very strange.Master usually took me to parties in the most revealing costume he had.I've been his slave for 4 years now, and never had such a request.I knelt before my Lord."Stand up, Little Cunt.", commanded master, "I want to see howbeautiful you look."I blushed. Master never called me beautiful. He knew I craved to beshamed.Master looked me over, as a groom inspects his bride. I blushed again.Since we've met, he's whipped,...
Fortsetzung vom ersten Teil: 2: Die TennisstundeDie Zeit bis zum Nachmittag vergang wie im Flug. Der Postboote brachte ein Paket mit neuen High Heels, die ich aber für die Ankunft meines Schatzes aufheben wollte. Schließlich hatte er diese auch für mich ausgesucht und mit mir zusammen bestellt und würde sich sicher freuen wenn ich ihn damit in der Tür stehend begrüßen würde. Also verstaute ich den Karton im Schlafzimmer und zog mir...
The past weeks had been terrible. My wife Suzie – well I should say ex-wife at that point – and I had just passed through all that divorce crap. It had taken us several months to get it all settled. It felt as if we had wasted more time fixing all that rights-stuff than during our three years of marriage . Well, at last it was over yet but I didn't really know how to feel about it. I couldn't say whether I was sad or happy or whatever... The only thing of which I was really pissed was the fact...
Straight SexUs waqt mom apni dono tange thodi si khol k doggy style mai uncle k dono tango k bich mai baithi hui thi aur uncle bhi apni dono tange khol k mom ko upar se dekh rahe thay blowjob dete hue. Mom bich bich mai deepthroat dete hue gagging bhi kar rahi thi aur fir lund muh se bahar nikal k jor jor se haafte hue hasti thi bolte hue “Slurp ssshh r u enjoying mehra ji” Uncle bole “Yeah bhabhi aap toh expert ho hi n modern open minded high society female ho…So its always fun to sleep with u” mom haste...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a twin.My sister and I just turned 18 last week.We are juniors at the local high school.We look so much alike its uncanny.I think she looks like a boy and she thinks I look like a girl. We are very close and have had many long talks about sex.A year ago I talked her into us helping each other get off.We both thought masterbation alone was no good for either of us.So we would play with each other until we both came. I night I got realy hot and...
IncestGloria walked the long corridors of the glorious castle. All the spoils of war covered its walls. She smiled at the paintings of Kings past. Gloria was a servant to the royal family of Murtar. Murtar was a powerful and feared country in the middle of the desert. For thousands of years, it had ruled the desert by sword. She beamed in pride of her country and what it had become in her years. As she turned the corner onto the Prince’s Chambers, she sighed. She had grave fears for the fate of...
Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Please note that the story is based in Australia and is written in Queen’s English therefore my American audience will notice subtle differences in wording or phrases. This is the story of a family deeply involved in the world of boxing and how decisions can change the course of many lives. Copyright© 2009 by David Paul Peter Johns was delighted with his number one man Billy Finnegan. Ernie Johnson now had the trainer he wanted and even better Jack...
Thursday night, Carmina cried herself to sleep again. Scared for her and her daughter. Scared what awaited them in the morning at the Larch's. She was up early, long in the face and still tired from the fitful sleep. "How can I do this to my daughter?" crashed over and over through her mind. Not that she had a choice. There was nowhere she could return to if she was deported. Nowhere! Deportation would mean almost certain death to her or at the least, being relegated to a brothel. The...
I started writing this story early in the baseball season, but stalled. Then, it was going to be a Summer Contest entry, but I didn’t finish it in time. And now that we have reached the end of the baseball season, with the Mets ending another lousy season, I decided to finish it. One of the reasons that it took so long is that I have found myself increasingly uninterested in writing sex scenes, so I kept stopping when I got to the obvious point for the characters to have sex. One of the...
The ball took one hop and seemed to home in on my glove. I'd been playing up close, right on the edge of the grass. I pulled the ball out of my glove and tossed it backward. As I turned, I saw Robbie take the toss from just behind second base. She stepped forward onto the bag and made a hard throw to first as the runner slid into the base. Ricky, his foot on first, leaned forward. The ball slapped into his glove a good second before the batter got there. I grinned at Robbie. Two pitches and...
First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...