Reginald's PeopleChapter 2 free porn video

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Fiona was pensive as she considered the abilities of Elizabeth, then delivered her verdict.

“For a girl of her age, and her low self-esteem, if you had asked me when we first found her, I would have had no hesitation is dismissing her chances of success in anything, but she has changed drastically. Her self-confidence has improved, her weight is beginning to drop, and she is discovering that education can be interesting, and at times, fun.

Now, I think she can do it. As long as she has done the preparatory work to know the answers to every possible question, I think she can pull it off. We should bolster her confidence by telling her that if she knows the answers, she can respond appropriately to anything her grandmother has to say to her. Given that, I am fairly sure she will manage.”

Frances gave her own assent to that estimation.

“I believe you are correct, Fiona, so let’s get started on her preparation. Operation Grandmama!”

An intense period of training of Elizabeth got underway. She was asked what questions she thought her grandmother might ask, and the others devised a retaliatory reply to each, and tutored Elizabeth in that response, after checking with Elizabeth that it would sound the way she herself would expect to speak to her grandma.

In her own home, Elizabeth’s grandmother had bought herself some time from questions about Elizabeth’s absence from school. She had phoned the school and told them that Elizabeth had been unwell, so the girl would be absent from school for a while until she was declared fit enough by the doctor. This had satisfied the school, because this was a common occurrence with their pupils, but they also informed grandma that should her illness go into a second week, the school would expect a medical certificate to go in the school records as official recognition of her illness.

This left grandma in a quandary. She didn’t want to admit that Elizabeth was not at home with her, for she was responsible for Elizabeth’s welfare as her guardian and closest relative. At the same time, she needed something to cover for herself; a medical certificate or something similar that might satisfy the school’s demand for bureaucratic records.

She decided she had to speak to Elizabeth or at least the family looking after her, so rang the number she had for the Robertsons.

Frances answered the phone, and when she heard who it was asking for Elizabeth, she decided to stall and said, “Please let me go and see if I can find Elizabeth. I don’t know what she is doing today; sometimes her studies take her outside. Can you hold for a short while till I try to locate her?”

Getting agreement, Frances went to where Elizabeth and Sidra were studying.

“Elizabeth, your grandma is on the phone now. Are you prepared enough to speak with her, and see if you can get her to agree to home schooling here?”

Elizabeth stared at Sidra, looking for guidance, and Sidra nodded, saying, “It is now or never, Elizabeth. It is time for you to show you are a new person, your own woman, able to make your own decisions. Go to it, girl!”

Elizabeth steeled herself, and resolved to stand up for herself. “I’ll speak with grandma, Frances. I remember what you and the others have briefed me on. I can do it.” She was speaking as much to herself as to Frances, and got up to follow Frances to the phone.

Frances picked up the phone. “I have found her. She was working on some studies that we have given her as part of her home schooling. Here she is now.” Frances passed the phone over, with a confident smile on her face, her hand showing the thumbs-up sign of success.

“Hello, grandma; how nice of you to phone. I am doing extremely well here; learning far faster than at school. I am working on history and science today; fascinating stuff. Oh, I should ask what you were calling about.”

“Well, Betty ... Elizabeth, The school were asking for you, so I told them that you were ill, but that cannot go on for long. You may have to come home and resume your schooling.”

“Not quite, grandma. I have found a friend here my own age who is being home schooled, and it seems I can be home schooled too. Of course, the school will have to get a letter informing them that you are now having me home schooled. The family’s lawyer here explained all the legal rules, and drew up a legal letter that goes to the school, informing them of the change to home schooling. Frances – Mrs Robertson – says they can provide a similar letter for you to pass to the school, and that will be that.”

“What? You mean it is as simple as that? A lawyer’s letter to the school?”

“Yes, grandma. Isn’t it wonderful? The letter states the Act of parliament that authorises this, with all the legal jargon, and the school has to remove me from their pupil roll. You don’t even have to say where and how I am being home schooled; just the fact of the change. Do you want me to ask Mrs Robertson to deliver a copy of the letter to you. You just have to sign it as my guardian, and deliver it to the school.”

Grandma had gone from concerned over her educational responsibilities to being all in favour of abandoning Elizabeth to be educated by the Robertsons; and the idea of a lawyer-written letter would imply that she had the money to pay a lawyer! She could include a note to say “My lawyer has provided the wording for me of this letter about home schooling my granddaughter. Please now remove her from your school’s roll of pupils.”

To Elizabeth she said, “That sounds like an excellent solution to your problems, dear. I feel that I have done my duty if I can have you getting a better education than that awful school. Please ask Mrs Robertson to forward that letter to me, and I will do the rest.”

“Great! You are a wonderful grandma to me allowing me to be home schooled like this. Thank you again, grandma.”

She closed down the phone, and as soon as that was done, she gave a noisy sigh of relief; then stuck her hands in the air, with fists clenched. “I did it! I did it!”

Frances opened her arms and swept the tubby Elizabeth into her enfolding welcome. “Well done indeed, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth looked up at her and announced, “I must go and tell Sidra. She said I could do it, and I did!” She rushed off on this excited errand, leaving Frances smiling broadly.

Frances returned to Reg, to report on this development. He was delighted.

“That was great, Frances. You should ask her to come see me, for I want to congratulate her as well. She still needs all the encouragement she can get.”

He got interrupted shortly afterwards, by the appearance of Hermione Robson, trailed by her younger sister Jemima. Neither looked happy. He expected them to welcome him back to his home, but no; their focus was on themselves.

Hermione started, “Reg, when we got here, Frances made us share the one bedroom. That was insufferable! We each have our own bedroom at home, so why stick us together here? It is not as if there is a shortage of rooms. We have discovered that the whole top floor is empty!”

Reg started, “Well...” but was interrupted by Jemima this time.

“When we asked Frances why we should have to share, she just said, ‘I am Chief Wife, and I make the decisions for this household. You will see why, later’; and she also said that you would be in agreement with that decision. I am sure you will see that us girls need our own rooms.”

Reg waited, and this time got his chance to speak.

“Ladies, there are several points arising from Frances’ actions. The first one is a question: why did your parents put you in separate bedrooms?”

Hermione and Jemima both wanted to speak, but the older girl won. “I needed my own room as Jemima kept getting in my way!”

At which response, Jemima jumped in, “It was you who was always making things difficult for me, demanding more of the space for your clothes and stuff.”

Reg took his chance: “You girls were always arguing, so you got your own rooms, right?”

Both replied yes.

“So, can you think about all the other girls who live in our household? How many of them have you seen arguing?”

This made both Robsons stop and think, and they realised that no-one else in the building appeared to be arguing. Once they had realised that, they looked at Reg enquiringly? “So what?” they asked together, surprising themselves.

“Quite simple, ladies. They all have learned that arguing is counterproductive. It is easier and more helpful to calmly discuss any points of disagreement and come to a logical conclusion about how to solve the problem. Why argue when you can simply solve the matter amicably?”

This shut them both up, so Reg continued.

“So to get back to Frances and her decision, I can see what she was getting at. If you can’t get along together, you are an utter disaster as people! She wants you to learn to get along, and the best way of doing that is to throw you together to sort it out. Don’t argue: discuss. Don’t bring your problems to the rest of us. We don’t want to know about them; we want you to solve them. As and when you exhibit evidence that you have learned that lesson, we can see about allocating you different rooms.

This matter also displays another point about your behaviour: it is still self-centred; all about YOU.

I have just arrived home from hospital, and you haven’t seen me since Scarborough, but instead of welcoming me back, you chose to bring your personal disagreements to me.

Shame on you, ladies! No wonder your parents were despairing of you. It is high time you set yourselves goals to improve as individuals.”

The pair were stunned by Reg’s response. Instead of having him side with them, he was doing the opposite. They didn’t know what to say. Seeing this, Reg continued.

“Ladies, now that we all realise that you are here to mend your ways and learn to be useful members of society, I should point out that I had to go through a similar process of learning how to become sociable. I was a failure regarding other members of society, and if I, as an acknowledged failure, can learn to be sociable, so can you ladies learn to not be self-centred and instead give consideration to other people around you, starting with your sister.

Will you have a go at trying to achieve as much as I have done? I can assure you that it results in considerably more happiness in your life.”

Hermione and Jemima turned to stare at each other for a long minute, before they both nodded. Hermione resumed talking to Reg.

“Okay. We will do as you ask. We will try to stop arguing and try to sort things out amicably. How long do you think we have to stay with you until you will allow us to go home?”

Reg gave a short laugh of astonishment.

“Girls, that is up to you. It always was. You have to make the changes to yourselves, and when you have done so, I will acknowledge the fact and send you back to your parents as changed women ready to fit in to decent society. Remember, you are here for retraining, and once you are retrained, you go home.

On the other hand, if you fail to alter your behaviour, I may have to return you as failures of mine. In such a case, I will be the failure for not being able to persuade you to become decent human beings, and I will be really sad about that.

As I said, it is up to you girls to put some effort into changing. I want you to succeed, and will do my best to push you in the right direction, but as with myself, you have to change yourself. No-one else can do it for you.

Now please go away and think about what I have said. I am still not sure you actually desire to change yourselves. Prove to me that you are right and that you can indeed change.”

Reg turned his head away from them, and picked up his book, the discussion over, as far as he was concerned.

The pair said nothing, but slunk away to think about themselves and this weird household they were in.

After his wives got home, Reg had a quiet word with Frances, briefing her on what had transpired with the Robson women. Frances patted Reg on the shoulder. “Well done, darling. That was exactly what I hoped for from you. I knew you would back me up, but giving them a real talking-to like that was just perfect. I have hopes that they will make the necessary changes to themselves.”

“How did the day go at your classes, darling?” Reg wanted to know.

“Pretty routine, actually. It is amazing how easy most subjects become, once you have the basic ideas clear in your mind. Most of the detail that comes later is merely an expansion from the basic concepts. You gave me some great ideas about the history of science, and its ramification into politics, economics, and religion. The life of Galileo, for instance, was not a simple case of man against the church, but a man with a controversial concept going up against a management structure that had painted itself into a corner. Like a cat cornered, it came out fighting, and rather than adopt a softly softly approach, Galileo said and wrote all the wrong words.”

Tell how the church had painted itself into a corner, Frances.”

“Like many large organisations, the Roman church had made a silly decision much earlier: they had adopted the worldview of Thomas Aquinas, who assumed that Aristotle was correct in all his writings, and that view of an Earth-centred universe made it into church doctrine. By the time of Galileo, many in the church could see that Copernicus’ proposals about the Earth and the Sun made more sense, but they kept quiet about it because of this matter of doctrine.

Galileo, for his part, did as much as he could to push the Copernican view and implied that the Aristotlean concept so beloved of Thomas Aquinas was a view only held by simpletons!

Now that was plain stupidity, for the church could only react one way, and he was summoned to the Inquisition. He got off lightly by recanting his advocacy of Copernicus, and he was simply put under house arrest and told not to say or publish anything other than the church’s stance on the matter. He obeyed to some extent, but got his next book published outside of Italy to get round that stricture!”

“A pretty good summary of Galileo, Frances. I agree that he was his own worst enemy, as he could have avoided the clash with Church authorities by wording himself more carefully. He was good at enlisting the help of powerful patrons earlier in his career, but he often pissed them off as well.”

“Anyway,” declared Frances, “My studies are continuing to go well. I wanted to discuss Elizabeth with you, though.”

“And what exactly did you have in mind, my love?”

“She realises that there is a possibility of Jessica joining our family officially before long.”

“Yes, that is so, but what has that to do with Elizabeth?”

“If Jessica joins our marriage, Sidra becomes our step-daughter.”

“I may be a bit thick, Frances, but you are simply stating the obvious. Can you get to the point?”

“It is you who is a bit thick, Reg, for there is a follow-on. If Sidra becomes our daughter, Elizabeth is going to feel left out. She sees things emotionally, and has been viewing Sidra as her big sister. Are getting the picture now?”

“Oh. She will feel let down if that happens; she will be the only ‘nobody’ in our household, and may react badly to the position she finds herself in?”

“Exactly. The only solution I can see is for us to make Elizabeth a permanent part of our family: adopt her as our daughter.”

“Yes. She will be your daughter, and all of us wives will be her mothers. This is my idea, so I have to clear it with the others, but I don’t seriously think there will be a problem over it.”

Reg gazed at his wife. “Have you broached the possibility with Elizabeth yet?”

“No. It is too soon. I had to find if you were happy with the prospect, or at least not averse to it.”

“No, you can take it that I will be fine with it. From what I have observed, Elizabeth has a lot more potential than she realises. All her troubles adversely affected her self-image, so she has failed to notice that she is quite a clever lass underneath it all.”

“So I can go and speak with the others about it?”

“Of course, dear. Go ahead with that plan.”

“Right. I will start on that now, and hopefully get everyone’s approval before dinner.”

Over dinner, Frances passed by Reg and whispered, “All’s well on the daughter front.”

Reg simply said, “Thanks,” and she went on.

After the meal, when the table had been cleared and everyone went on their way to wherever they were aiming for, Frances remained behind. Checking that they were alone, she closed the door and came to sit beside her husband.

“Reg, we have agreement on that idea. Next step is for you to broach the idea to Elizabeth, but do it gently. We don’t want her to feel that either we are pushing her into this, or that she has pushed us into this.”

“I get you. I find myself a bit unnerved by it all. I have not had to have a chat like this with a young teen before now. Do you think it might be better for you to talk to her, girl to girl? It may appear a bit overwhelming for her if I call her in for a fatherly chat.”

Reg Robertson getting cold feet? I didn’t think anything fazed you, my love.”

“It does bother me this time. Elizabeth is a young lady with fears about the future, and such a talk will be quite intimidating.”

“Really? You think she will find it intimidating? Surely you cannot truly imagine that of Elizabeth? She may be still getting over the Fat Betty appellation, but a parental chat should not be too intimidating.”

“It IS rather intimidating – but for me, I meant! Hopefully she will be amenable to what we are suggesting. But warn her, we will insist on her weight dropping drastically over time.”

“I have no problem with that, Reg. Leave it with me to lay out our demand on that front.”

She went off to locate Elizabeth, who was probably with Sidra, studying some textbook. Frances was amazed at how Sidra had persuaded Elizabeth to view studying as fun. The girl now appeared to be lapping it up, it seemed to Frances.

Finding her and Sidra in Sidra’s bedroom, with Sidra reading aloud from a textbook, Frances slipped in quietly. At Sidra’s pause for breath, Frances interrupted, “May I have a word with Elizabeth, Sidra?”

“Sure, Frances. Do you want me to go out to give you privacy?”

“No need, Sidra. You may want to hear this, and perhaps contribute to the discussion.”

Frances turned to face the tubby girl. “Elizabeth, we have a proposition to lay before you, and you might want to take time to consider it before replying.”

Elizabeth looked concerned, surprised, and apprehensive, all at once. Frances nearly giggled, but managed to keep a straight face.

“Elizabeth, we understand that the reason you were with your grandma was that both your parents had died. Correct?”

Elizabeth ventured, “Yes, Frances.”

“Taking that into consideration, we Robertsons, as a family, discussed your situation and came to a conclusion. That conclusion is in regard to your future. To put it bluntly, we would like to offer you the opportunity to become our foster daughter. This would mean, should you accept, that we would act formally as your parents would have, as responsible for your health, education, to love and cherish you as our daughter, and in other ways behave as responsible parents. Please have a think about it; discuss it with Sidra, so that you know all the ways in which your life might change. She knows the trials of having a mother in control!”

Elizabeth’s mouth had dropped open in astonishment. Now her head swivelled towards Sidra, looking for help. Sidra just shrugged, and told her, “I don’t see a downside, Elizabeth. These are nice people.”

Elizabeth returned to stare at Frances. “You would become my Mum?”

Frances nodded.

“And Reg would become my Dad?”

Frances nodded, and told her, “Yes.”

She eyed Frances and added carefully, “What about Reg’s other wives?”

Frances gestured her unconcern. “They would be your other Mums, Elizabeth.”

“I would have one Dad and five Mums?”

“At the moment. We don’t know what Jessica might decide in the future. She would be welcome to become another Mum, if she decided to join our Commitment.”

Sidra jumped in, “If my Mum married you, you and Reg would be my parents too?”

Frances told her, “That would automatically follow, Sidra, but last I heard, Jessica was not intending to get married, just have her baby, your little brother or sister.”

Elizabeth’s brain was churning, and she came out with, “If that happened, that Jessica married you, Sidra would become my sister?”

Frances admitted, “Yes, that would follow, Elizabeth.”

“That would be great! We could be sisters, Sidra! You would be my REAL big sister!” She began to get more excited.

Frances tried to damp down this enthusiasm. “That is all supposing: supposing Elizabeth became our foster daughter and supposing Jessica agreed to join our marriage. It would be bit previous to assume all these things will happen. Jessica may not want to marry at all, as long as she has her child, or children.”

“Children?” Elizabeth squealed. “Sidra’s mum wants more children? Without being married?”

Frances explained, “It happens, Elizabeth; it happens frequently that women have children without being married.”

“But if Reg is going to be the children’s father – am I right, Sidra?”

Sidra agreed, “That’s how I understand it, Liz.”

Elizabeth went on, this time speaking to Frances, “In that case, why not just let Jessica marry you and Reg?”

Frances looked embarrassed. “Jessica is a lovely woman, Elizabeth, and Reg loves her just as he loves me, but she told us she was not looking to marry Reg, just have him father any children she might want.”

“But if I agree to be your daughter, Sidra could be my sister if Reg married Jessica. That would be wonderful; wouldn’t it be, Sidra?”

Sidra replied, “It would indeed, Elizabeth. I have never had a brother or sister, and a baby is not quite the same as a sister of your own age group; someone you can share things with all the time. I like the prospect of Mum marrying Reg.”

Frances gulped and said carefully, “That is a difficult matter that will need proper discussion at an adult level, girls. Can I take it back for discussion among the Robertsons? Please?”

Elizabeth reckoned she had won.

“Yes, Frances, and you can tell them I will be delighted to have parents again.” She turned to Sudra and they exchanged a ‘high five’ hand-slap. “It will be like today has turned into Mothering Sunday!”

Frances frowned at this statement. “Elizabeth, you have that wrong. Historically, Mothering Sunday was the Sunday when you returned to your Mother Church for a service. Your Mother church was the one where you grew up. The modern commercial ‘Mother’s Day’ is actually a corruption of that religious ritual; but I understand what you meant, and I appreciated the feeling expressed. It was a nice idea.”

Frances returned to speak to Reg.

She reported all that had been said, and appealed to him for help over Jessica.

He pondered for little more than a moment before replying, “You are being blackmailed by two clever girls, Frances. They took the situation, extended the premise a little further, and pushed you on it. It is really all down to Jessica, isn’t it?”

“I suppose. Do you think she had any inkling of what these two might be up to?”

“How could that be? You have only today suggested fostering Elizabeth, so they had no time to plot anything. Did you notice that Elizabeth seemed to equate fostering with adoption, and seems happy to consider it seriously?”

Frances accepted this, adding, “I also noticed how closely these two girls have bonded. They really are like sisters, and in so short a time, too. They were apart while you were at Scarborough, but that seems to have improved the bonding process: they missed each other.”

Reg took Frances’ hand. “My darling, can I ask you to discuss with Jessica this demand from Elizabeth and Sidra? Just you and her, for the meantime. I don’t want Jessica to feel I am pressuring her in any way. She’ll listen to you stating it as it is, then you can see what Jessica wants to do. We are already treating Jessica as if she was a wife, but up till now she was adamant at not wanting marriage, or rather our Commitment. I love you and am happy to leave it up to you, when you are talking with her.”

Frances squeezed his hand in return, and kissed him on the cheek, so as not to become passionate. She wanted to stay as rational as possible.

“Very well, Reg love. I’ll do that. If Jessica decides she may change her mind, I’ll bring in the other wives to get their take on it before we do anything. We don’t need you for this, Reg; you will do as we want, won’t you?”

Reg nodded, with a small smile of willing acceptance. “She is acting as a wife in every way, just without any formal acceptance of that status. You should be able to get her to change, to accept reality.

She stood up and left Reg sitting there, in the relative comfort of his cushions. He had anticipated a bit of peace and quiet, but it was not to be, for Fiona entered the dining room to speak to him.

“Reg, I was thinking...”

Reg quipped, “So that was what the noise was?”

She smacked him lightly on the arm. “Stop it, Reg! This is a serious discussion.”

“Oh? What is it, then?”

“I was thinking about us as a family having a pack of children before very long, and the sociological consequences of that.”

“Consequences? A century ago, it was common for a family to have six or seven children. What’s different, apart from the number of mothers?”

“There is a difference: an important one. In a large family, younger children tended to be looked after by older siblings, relieving the pressure on the mother. All our children are going to be around the same age, so no mentoring by older siblings.”

“True, but the mothers here are going to be able to give one-to-one help to their children every evening and early morning.”

“But during the day, they are in the care of a couple of teenagers, so we could do with a nanny who is older and more experienced with children.”

“Well, we already plan to engage a nanny once the children are here, though we hadn’t specified the sort of qualifications we were looking for. I can see what you are seeking, but we don’t just need experience. We need a woman who can start teaching the babies almost at once.”

“Teaching babies? Do you mean that? It sounded weird.”

“Certainly. Your own studies will have shown you that babies can recognise faces at a very early stage. I am sure that they can do much more, given the chance. I have a vague memory of my early childhood, when I was still in a cot. One of these memories was sheer frustration at not being able to speak the words that grown-ups used all the time. I could understand most of what they were saying to me, but could not respond.”

“Oh, yes. I see what you mean. I can recall a similar experience, now that you bring it up. What do you expect to do about it? The babies are still not going to be able to speak.”

Reg was pensive. “That is a fact we have to get over. My problem as a baby was not that I could not speak: it was that I could not communicate! If you can communicate by signs, that will do until your voice develops enough to talk.”

“So you want to have a nanny that can do sign language, do you?”

Reg frowned. “Not as such. I recall reading that sign language is much more complicated than baby signs. What our babies will want is enough signs to convey messages such as ‘I hurt’, and be able to point to where it hurts; or basics such as ‘hungry’ ‘thirsty’ ‘too cold’ or ‘too hot’; ‘more’, and ‘finished’. I am sure there are lots more. Babies don’t need sentences, just basic messages, such as ‘more drink’, or ‘drink too hot’. That will do the job. Chimps and gorillas can manage that, so why not human babies?”

Fiona nodded, taking the notion on board, but told Reg, “We’ll have to be consistent. Everyone will have to learn the same signs, so that the babies don’t get confused. When a baby signs something, whoever sees it has to know what it means, or we are back to square one. In the same way, every baby in the family has to recognise exactly the same signs from the adults.”

Reg asked Fiona, “You have studied some of this, I think, dear. Do you know when we can start teaching these signs to the babies?”

Fiona frowned as she thought about that question.

“I think the general opinion is age six to nine months to start signing, but I think the intention was that this is the age the baby has enough physical dexterity to make the signs for itself. I have no idea of when the baby will start to recognise the signs it sees.”

“So, it would not do any harm to start using these signs in front of the baby right from birth?”

“Gosh, Reg, that is pushing it a bit, isn’t it?”

Reg explained, “If we don’t know when a baby starts recognising signs, why not begin right away? We can say the words as we sign them, thus getting over what the signs mean. Starting at the earliest stage will give us parents time to get into practice using the signs, so that it does not take much thought to use them for the baby. In fact, why don’t we decide on the signs we will use, and practice them between ourselves, then use them in front of the babies once they arrive? If the babies pick up the signs much earlier than assumed, it will be all to the good.”

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ReginaldChapter 5

“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

2 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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The Magical Purse

A character of your choosing finds a purse in a random place and inside is a blank ID card which will be filled in late rand a description of where this person is going and what they're doing that day. As soon as the person finds the purse, they will slowly and gradually transform into the purse's owner in body, clothing and mind and go do what they're supposed to do as this new person. The Story then may end or follow another Character. Disclaimer: The Idea for this Story comes from the Author...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Unexpected phone sex

I was sitting in my den a few years ago, when the phone rang. I picked it up and heard a strangers voice. It sounded like a girl, sort of, but a bit off. She asked for a girl, that was not known to me. I played along, to see where this was going. Then, as expected, she asked my name. We sparred back and forth for a while, both being as clever as we could. Then the conversation turned to sex, and it was started by her. She asked me a few questions, like girlfriends, age, what I liked, etc. Then...

3 years ago
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Corporate FavorsChapter 2

"Hi, I'm Mike and this is my wife Cindy." They were both just as Jennifer had pictured them. Cindy's short wavy black hair and large brown eyes were complements to classic high cheek bones and a perfect chocolate brown complexion. An inch or so taller than Jennifer, she was possessed of a model's figure, slim but full breasted with long slender, shapely legs and hips. Her eyes seemed to sparkle when she smiled, indicating a sincere warmth and sharp intellect. Mike was shaped a lot like...

2 years ago
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Ski Trip

Jerking the folded sheet of paper from under the magnet and unfolding it, my hand shook in anticipation. What now? Dad, Gone skiing with Eric. See you soon, Love you, Janie. The stark emptiness of the kitchen closed in on me. I stood there, unable to digest the content of the note. I read it again. Skiing? She doesn't ski. Eric? Something vibrated inside of my ear. "Hello?" "Hi," the voice was cheerful. "Hi," I said, trying to sound just as cheerful to the mother of my...

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Lene the Whore of the WeekChapter 6 Day 6

I was sleeping late after last night, I was awake when my sleeping bag was unzipped, and I thought it was my husband, who wanted to make love to me. I felt a tongue hit my clitoris and gave a deep sigh; it was just the right way to get awake. I stretched my arms out to caress him while he licked my pussy. I got hold on a warm soft woman's body; it was Anne who was licking me so good. It felt good, so I let her continue. Suddenly her mouth was pressed hard against my pussy; I looked up and...

1 year ago
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June 10 Tomorrow comes and goes with no word from Leo. It’s not until six o’clock the following night that I start to get antsy. ‘Rai,’ Em punches my shoulder as she shoots me a dirty look, ‘Stop staring at your freaking phone and try to socialize.’ We’re out at a Lebanese restaurant having one of our mandatory program dinners. We’ve had one other since we’ve been in Dublin and they are beyond painful. It’s all polite inquiries from Joanna and Zayne about our writing and how we’re enjoying...

1 year ago
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The Trip Home

Journal #32 Sunday, December 15th I can’t believe I’ve written thirty-one journals already. With all the stresses and anxieties of life in college, it has been a good release, to get it all of out of my mind and onto paper. I hate to admit it, but mom was right. Writing everything down has really helped me to keep my bearings this year. I find I am much calmer and I am much, much more organized. I now take the time to think things through and I’ve resolved many problems just by writing things...

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Anitas red thong

A former Ana’s office mate, Freddie, was now running a little local bar and he invited us one Friday evening, to share a good time and get some drinks there.My wife was delighted, since she said she had not seen him in many months. I suspected this guy had fucked Anita when they worked together; so, I asked her why she was so excited and happy about meeting him again.Ana then got serious and told me I was a jealous asshole, since she had never thought even about having an affair with this...

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Swingers Gone Wild

Reddit SwingersGW, aka r/SwingersGW! Are you interested in the swinger life? Do you even know what the fuck that means, or do you need to get educated? Well, whatever the case might be, you might want to check out r/Swingersgw/. This subreddit is dedicated to all the swingers who love to post their naughty private pictures and videos doing all kinds of nasty shit.Reddit is a free website with thousands of other subreddits, so you do not have to worry whether you will love what r/Swingersgw/ has...

Reddit NSFW List
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Helping Lil Sis Study Part 1

It was a nice warm spring day in Northeast Pennsylvania, and Kyle had just gotten home from football practice.  He has beautiful blue eyes, blackish-brown hair, and was about 6 feet tall. He wasn't pure muscle, but he was pure fat either. He was what a lot of the girls at his school looked at as the guy they wanted. As Kyle walked in the front door of his house, he was greeted by a big hug from his lil did Samantha.  She was a young girl, age 14, who was as innocent as an 8 year...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 20 Clone Dreams

Samantha rolled around in her bed, unable to get to sleep. She had met Karen and Ricki at the mall, and the three girls had met up with their boyfriends. Even though her father had told her she couldn’t date until she was sixteen, what he didn’t know couldn’t hurt her. All three girls had boyfriends who met them there. Samantha’s boyfriend was Jimmy Strathbow, a tall and slim boy with pale blue eyes and a mop of curly blonde hair - and the dreamiest smile Samantha had ever seen! Every time he...

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They all want black babies part 2

I had hooked up with a cuck couple with Heather the hot wife and her sissy bitch of a husband and I have no idea what his name is. It was one of the wildest and best night of sex I have even had. The strangest part of the night is that while I was fucking her doggy and just before I cummed she was begging for me to fill her up because she wanted a black baby. Even now I am not sure how serious she is. I got a call from heather telling me that she needed some more of my black dick and cum. I...

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HypnoSubmission Pt 06

Part 6: BrendaFeeling happy and refreshed, Brenda jumped out of bed to start her day with Hypno-Slave Induction, knowing Master would be happy with her. She met Katie and Cynthia on campus. She couldn’t tell them about her night – Cynthia would lose her mind – but she was dying to find out what happened with Katie. She’d tease her if she brought anything up, but they just talked about classes.“Hey, Brenda,” Katie greeted.Something squeezed Brenda’s nipples.What the fuck was that?She stumbled a...

Mind Control
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Sometimes I wonder how he could even be my son. Stu, god I hate that name and although I’m happy to be rid of his mother who insisted on naming him, every day I am reminded of the silly cow and the years of frustration and water treading I wasted with her. I am alone now, happily single and thriving, thank you very much. I own my own business, nothing large, mind you, but I employ several workers and sales people, to get my little invention onto the store shelves of hardware stores nationwide....

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Naughty Girls Naughty Boy

It was just a few weeks before graduation, my daughter Tracy who had been a member of the cheerleading squad had come and asked my wife and me if she could have an overnight party with the girls on her squad as a sort of graduation, going away thingy since most of them probably wouldn't be seeing one another again after that. Already eighteen by then, and wanting to give her a little more freedom and trust since she too would be going away to school in a few months, my wife and I agreed to let...

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JulesJordan Sara Jay The Landlord Gets A Large Cock

Sara Jay visits a tenant to collect the rent. She immediately loses interest in collecting cash, she wants the renter’s dick for her ass. She hurries him into the bedroom and marvels at the intercontinental ballistic cock. She starts spitting and slobbering all over it then says “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dick this big”. Miss Jay has a huge rack and a wide, plump ass. She will not let this dick go to waste. She suffocates the cock between her two melons then strips down naked. She backs...

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CHAPTER FIVESaturday. Time for kickoff. Inauguration night for the big sex quest. Our regular bar, the Double Eagle, was packed and I didn’t have to work until Monday morning. I planned on getting a double to start this little competition with a bang. One before midnight. One after midnight.Our town was indeed a hick town, but it was party bar central for a large geographic area. We had nine decent pickup bars to choose from. Country, rock and roll, dance, metal, a cougar bar, everything in...

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Timing Is Everything

The seconds ticked down. Is this the only one? Is it on a daisy chain? Are there secondaries? OK. I got this. No problem. Just need to remove the detonator without jiggling the mercury switch attached to this pressure plate. Sweating my ass off in the suit. Left eye is twitching, vision getting blurry. 110 in the shade. Been a long ass day on top of a long ass week. I may have to take up that Redbull/Gatorade mix the youngsters are mainlining. 5-hour energy, my ass. Fuck. Is that a secondary...

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Theatre Hijinks

You park your car and head towards the backstage door to get into the moderately sized local theatre. You punch in the code, and step up the stairs towards the dressing room, your brain swimming around with the thought of the show coming up soon. Tonight's only the dress rehearsal, but you're here early to make sure all your stuff is ready. You've learnt from experience not to piss off your director Claire. Claire may be a smoking hot MILF, with long flowing dark hair and a slender figure to...

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TheUpperFloor Aiden Starr Joseline Kelly Kira Noir Chaotic Cock Slut Steals All the Dick at the Summer Swinger Orgy

The Upper Floor is back to training eager anal whores in service to hard cocks, entertainment, and filthy fun. Aiden Starr and Stefanos have Kira Noir on hand to deliver a perfect example of submissive behavior. Kira is gorgeous, well mannered, knows her rules, always asks permission to cum, and will wait her turn for a ride on some dick. But her new trainee, Joseline Kelly, is another matter.Joseline’s back for her second time on The Upper Floor and she has only gotten wilder, hornier,...

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Sarah my girlfriends sister

Maria's little sister, Sarah, who at the time was 18 and was going through that phase of "any boy is amazing" and I happened (luckily or otherwise) to fall square in her sights for some reason. (I know this sounds wrong but it was amazing having this little teen always wanting to be with me) She would often hang out with us and even tried to spend time with me when Maria was away. It was small things like sitting on the couch during a movie she would lift my arm over her and snuggle...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 56 Doctor Adams I Presume

July 24, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Boss!” Terry said as he and Penny arrived early for the company party. “Hi Terry! Thanks for coming early to help set up. And you too, Penny.” “Wow,” Penny sighed. “Relegated to ‘and you too, Penny’!” I laughed and hugged her and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, then put her arm around Terry and went into the house. Terry was very tolerant of Penny’s behavior around me, and I wondered if she’d given him terms, so to speak. Tasha was more...

4 years ago
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A Special Gift

Your name is John Doe, and you've just moved into your first dorm room, and you were a little nervous. After exploring the campus a little, and unpacking all your stuff, you're surprised to see an eerie green light, which no one else seemed to see. However, the oddest part was that it kept calling your name, in a kind, female voice. It sounded a little like a mixture between your sister and your first grade teacher, "John, John!" You followed it to into a dark corner, where you were...

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PlaytimeNote:This is a small chapter/idea that I deleted from the main novel (Four Bitches) for reasons of plot fluidity. Originally it was intended to be a second visit by Dolly to Madame?s tender loving care. However, I decided that a single episode for each husband was more consistent for the storyline. It may amuse the reader to see just a little more of Madame and her demented daughters?  Only a slight mention of this episode is now left in the main body of the novel as an afterthought. In...

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Truth or Dare

It was one of my favorite games as a teenager. Truth or Dare seems to just tingle with incredible tension whenever I get to play it. I love the anticipation of when the game will turn naughty and what will happen. I love being "made" to do dares, things I would love to be able to do, but have always worried would make me appear a deviant. You see, I think I'm addicted to sex. I love to think about it, to see it in pictures and films, to imagine it, to read about it. It has taken hold on my...

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EvilAngel Karma RX First DoubleAnal

Glam dirty blonde Karma Rx wears a sexy country get-up: straw hat, cowboy boots, check top showing deep cleavage and tiny jean cut-offs that can’t cover her curvy rear. The busty, tattooed stunner flaunts her fabulous assets by a horse corral and in a barn, the living embodiment of a farmer’s daughter joke. Sure enough, studs Mick Blue and Markus Dupree catch her masturbating. She kneels between thick, uncut boners for blowjobs. Karma takes one big cock in the pussy as the other...

4 years ago
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Wifersquos Photoshoot

My wife Kris and I were having drinks one night at a one of our favorite restaurants after a busy day. Kris is 42 and still in pretty good shape although she will tell you not nearly good enough. Fact is she is 5'4" and maybe 140 lbs. She's got shoulder length brunette hair, blue eyes, and a great set of legs topped off with a nice ass. She still turns the younger guys heads and if they miss everything else, her 36D tits usually get them. We were sitting at our table enjoying a drink when the...

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School was so exhausting. The hours passed excruciatingly slowly, you had designs for later, plans which wouldn't leave your head for a moment, the excitement was torment, driving you to madness throughout the day. You watched the clock tick with bated breath, the seconds burned off the final class, each second turning your lip upwards into a berserk smile. Your hair stood on end as the final second ticked away, precipitating the bell ring, causing you to scoop up your bag and fly home.

1 year ago
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Simply SaraChapter 24

On Friday afternoon, Sara was nearly finished turning her job over to her successor. She really felt as though she was done with the job, and it surprised her that she could turn her back on a ten-year career with such ease. She had mentioned this to Charity when she called to say she had definitely made her decision. "I mean, it's only my career, Charity. I spent years in school, and more years doing scut-work to get where I am, and I'm just chucking it. I must be nuts.' But she had...

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BrownBunnies Maya Bijou Pretty Maya All Tied Up

Maya Bijou gets horny as she looks at herself in the mirror. She decided to go play with her little pussy and get off. After some time, she realizes she needs more to cum. She calls her boyfriend Mike over and tells him that she fantasizes about been tied up and fucked. Soon after Mike comes over to grant her wish. After he gets her bound to the bed, he licks her sweet pussy as she moans in delight. Then he puts his cock in her mouth and deep throats her. Mike then moves to fuck her hard in all...

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Irsquom my Wifersquos Sissy

My story starts 2yrs ago when l retired early from work, also at that time l was having trouble with my sex life, so went to see a doctor who informed me l was going through what he described as a male menopause which l never knew existed. My scrotum had shrunk and looked like a shrivelled ping-pong ball, my penis had retreated into my balls and could only be seen if l got an erection which measured almost an inch and with a cock that size l was finding it impossible to please my wife Jolie, so...

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Die Lehrerin

Die Hauptfigur: Frau Fischer war eine junge Lehrerin Anfang dreißig. Hoch intelligent, aber vom Charakter her eher scheu und introvertiert. Ihre Fächer Mathematik und Informatik waren jetzt keine typischen Frauenfächer. Dennoch war die junge blonde Frau keine typische Nerd-Type. Das Einzige an ihr in dieser Richtung war die Brille mit dem dicken schwarzen Rahmen. Ansonsten hatte Gretchen wie Frau Fischer mit Vornamen hieß eine Topfigur die sie auch pflegte und in Form hielt. Die Mittel der Wahl...

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Bestellt und Geliefert

Diese Geschichte handelt von einen jungen Mann, der von seiner Schwester in die weibliche Rolle gedr?ngt wird, weil er als IT Spezialist keinen Job hatte. Sein Lebensweg f?hrt ?ber Liberec nach Budapest, und dann passiert etwas in seinen Leben, was theoretisch m?glich ist, in Europa, er wird entf?hrt von skrupellosen Verbrechern... Stichw?rter: TV, gro?e Liebe, unfreiwillige GaOP, Versklavt als Zofe und... Bestellt und Geliefert ( Katrin*2012) Teil1 Einleitung War es wi...

2 years ago
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Owned and Bred

'When we meet, that's it, you're mine. And then I'm going to fuck ya and breed ya.' So said Conor at the end of the last phone message before I traveled to Dublin to meet him. For the first time. Though I had known him for years in Internet chat rooms and numerous phone calls. But no, we had never met. I had tried to - on two occasions. I had booked an hotel room in the city centre and he couldn't wait to see me and again he had said the same thing. 'When we meet, that's it, you're mine. And...

3 years ago
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Mind Swapping Chapter 25

Mind Swapping Chapter 25 Friday morning, Tom and I ate a small breakfast and I dressed in a matching set of blue silk lace undies. A garter belt to hold up my black silk stockings, a pair of french cut panties and a demi brassiere that hooked in the back. I had selected a long sleeved blue silk blouse with a high collar of lace and lace trimmed cuffs. I wore a ankle length white skirt that buttoned all the way up the back. I left the buttons from the knee level down unbuttoned. I wore...

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Charity Graduates 2 Getting Even

The next few weeks my life got into a comfortable stride. I adjusted to the crazy busy schedule, plus it didn’t hurt I was getting laid at least twice a week now. After discovering my dom George was also my boyfriend Chet’s father, I still continued to fuck him. I had my every other week threesome with my boss punk rock Patti and him at a no-tell hotel at the edge of town. Plus every other weekend my date night with Chet would end up with me getting power-fucked by his dad while he...

2 years ago
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Mistaken As Playboy Leads To Fuck A Mature Lady Milf

Hi guys, how are you all… This is Sachjo from Gandhinagar.This is my third sex story. I am writing my real story, this incident happened in October first week.I am a software developer in an MNC age 23 living in Gandhinagar.The story is between me and a mature lady who thought I am gigolo. She is from Ahmadabad and from a decent family. Mai 2nd ocotber ko ahmedabad gaya hua tha shaam ka time tha mere freind ke yaha se jab wapas nikla to 9 baj chuke the aur higway pr tha meri cab ka wait kr rha...

4 years ago
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Living Large

I recently had to go on a business trip to Brazil in order to teach a training class for company executives and was able to carry my wife with me. This would be a get-a-way for both of us. We have three teen-age children, so they were old enough to stay with friends for the entire week. Linda is 40 yrs old and works out almost everyday. She is 5'4" tall, 118 lbs., Hispanic and looks like she is only half her age. She turns heads everywhere she goes. I am a retired body builder and also try to...

1 year ago
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Asking to be Spanked

If your ex-boyfriend ever studies hypnosis, I am here to tell you DO NOT go anywhere near him ever again. This was my mistake. Just chalk it up to me being young, pretty, female and stupid. At least I feel stupid at this moment. Because at this moment I am at the big store, in the sexiest little miniskirt I could find and with my cute face made even cuter with heavy, bright color make-up to make myself which also makes me look slutty (powder bue eyeshadow, cherry red lips). I am and walking...

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The Stanley Room 217

The Stanley, Room 217 I finally managed to earn the copious amounts of money required to book a night at the famous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Being a horror movie buff and a recreational ghost hunter, room 217 at the Stanley was the ultimate haunted room. Even though I had to book the stay six months in advance, I was beyond excited knowing I'd be able to stay there on June 25, the one night per year that paranormal activity was supposed to be at its highest at the...

4 years ago
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Fucking By 3 In 3 Holes

The different exciting show I watched my name is Naveed 18 year’s old student. I feel if doing sex is a pleasure in one way even watching others doing sex is also a pleasure in other way. That is the reason we watch porn movies and the story I am presenting is that unique sex scene I watched. It was a foursome that went on among building construction workers involving two old men and a young couple. The two old men cleverly seduced a young couple and enjoyed both that woman and her husband a bi...

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Threesome Experience

I fear no social structure or consequences, so I can narrate these real life incidents in my life that have constructed my memories. If you have read my earlier stories then you might know that I am in the IT field and travel very much for work. On 1 of these travels through the capital of India, Delhi this particular incident took place and gave me immense pleasure; I would like to share this incident with all of you. What ever happened is told as it happened and these stories are very much...

Gay Male

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