- 2 years ago
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I started writing this story early in the baseball season, but stalled. Then, it was going to be a Summer Contest entry, but I didn’t finish it in time. And now that we have reached the end of the baseball season, with the Mets ending another lousy season, I decided to finish it. One of the reasons that it took so long is that I have found myself increasingly uninterested in writing sex scenes, so I kept stopping when I got to the obvious point for the characters to have sex.
One of the reasons that I started writing here was to force myself to break out of an aversion to writing sex scenes. My first story, The Lake House Lessons, was an attempt to ‘go for it,’ and prove to myself that I could. Based on the feedback that I received from that story, I did pretty well. After that, I have enjoyed writing erotic fiction, and for the most part, I’ve been gratified by the responses. But I think I’m getting a little burned out. So, I hope you enjoy this story, even without any explicit sex. And I think that I’m going to take a break from Literotica for a while. I do have a few partially written pieces, so maybe I’ll come back down the road. But, if not, thanks for reading my work and providing me with mostly positive feedback.
Another note, on this story—it is fiction, about the frustration of being a fan of the New York Mets. I’m actually older than the main character and therefore have lived through even more mostly disappointing seasons than the main character. So, the action that takes place in the present is fictional—the players’ names are all made up, but the history is all accurate. Unfortunately.
It was the bottom of the first, and Ramirez struck out, ending the inning and stranding Gordon at third. Just like he had yesterday. My buddy Bill took a slug of his overpriced microbrew and shook his head. It was another long season for the Mets—and tonight’s game was not starting out auspiciously. I drank from my beer, carefully trying not to get any on my tie, before realizing that the work day was over, and I didn’t need to wear the fucking tie anymore. So I took it off and jammed it into my suit pocket, then took the jacket off and folded it over the back of the empty seat next to me. In the heat, it was nice to be able to feel even a little breeze on my neck.
Bill and I were hooked. Mets fans to the death, and had been since we were kids. There had been a few good years, but mostly it was disappointment, collapses, injuries and false hope. Unfortunately, false hope was my stock in trade these days. Not only with the Mets, but really with everything. And being the idiot that I am, I rubbed my nose into it by dragging my ass out on the 7 train to CitiField, which still, even after these years, wasn’t Shea Stadium, which was a dump compared to CitiField, but it was the dump of my childhood. The dump where I saw Mike Piazza blast homers.
Even on my lawyer’s salary, I couldn’t afford to go to too many games because the Wilpons charged so much for so little, so Bill and I would pick a couple of games and wait until the prices on StubHub dropped for good seats. And then we would waltz in and pretend to be high rollers, even though we still didn’t get the seats with the free food. Instead, it was tacos, or ribs, or sandwiches, which were pretty good—a big upgrade from Shea, of course.
And I tried to forget about how much I hated the job I thought I would love, the constant nagging and second guessing and micromanaging, which took whatever joy there could be from the law and made it a painful slog each day through repetitive discovery responses and stupid motions.
I realized that I wasn’t paying attention, and the Cubs had two on, with one out, and Nelson was struggling on the mound with his control. Again. Bill had finished his beer and had flagged a vendor for another. His gut had definitely started to get a bit too big, but at least he had a nice wife to go home to. It had been a year since Anya had dumped me, in public, at dinner with some friends. Her friends, as it became clear after the breakup. I mean, she was a Yankees fan, so I should have expected it from her—the arrogance that comes with having too much damned money. The Yankees and her, both. It had started so well with her—we liked the same music, loved baseball, and the sex was great, although I realized it only was great when I did what she wanted. Fucking entitled Yankee fan bitch.
The unmistakable thwack of a well struck baseball caused my head to snap to attention, as I saw a white streak heading toward left field, eluding both Jones and Blackmon and skidding to the wall, as two runs scored and Pacheco slid into third. It was my turn to shake my head and drink. Bill and I never left games early, except for that one time, when we were losing 13-2 in the 7th in the freezing rain, and even then we never discussed our perfidy, so it looked like it was going to be a long night.
To make it worse, the empty row in front of us was about to be filled. It took me a few seconds to notice that it was a group of 6 women, and they weren’t bad looking, so maybe it wouldn’t be all bad. Hope springs eternal, right? It has to, when you root for the Amazins. So five of the women were dressed like they had come straight from work, skirts, blouses, whatever, but the sixth was wearing a Benny Agbayani jersey. Benny Fucking Agbayani—a mediocre player, at best, who had somehow become a key guy back in 1999-2000, when we were, briefly, good under the arrogant genius Bobby V.
Those were the good old days, and they weren’t even that good—losing to the Evil Empire in the 2000 World Series 4-1. I cried that night, but hoped for better times to come. But that was it—we sucked again until 2006, when the Cardinals beat us in the NLCS even after Endy made that great catch, but Molina homered, and Wainwright struck out Beltran looking to end the game. Poor Carlos Beltran—one of the best Mets ever, but never appreciated by the fans, because of that one at bat. Sometimes, that’s just the way it goes on the job—one bad day and that’s it. Of course, Beltran ended up doing just fine—with the Mets, and then after we traded him.
The girl in the Agbayani jersey had auburn hair, with some curls down to her shoulders, and she and her friends were drinking beer and chatting as the Mets went down meekly in the second inning. After Bryant grounded out to first, she stood up, and I happened to notice that she had a pretty nice ass, in tight jeans, and when she turned, I noticed that the jersey jutted out prominently at the letters. My first thought was that it would give her a pretty odd shaped strike zone, and I realized that I was maybe missing the point. I glanced up, but she was gone before I was able to get a good look at her face.
Instead, I focused on the game. The Mets had a man on second. Valdez danced off the bag, trying to distract the big lefty on the mound for the Cubs. But Shanks wasn’t biting. He threw a curve that broke a foot to Hanson, and the so-called slugger actually lashed the ball down the third base line. Valdez ran on contact, and was easily doubled up when McGee made a great diving catch and simply had to hold the ball up and let Valdez slide into it. Inning and rally over.
I thought about getting some food from the food court behind the scoreboard, maybe some tacos and the corn with cheese, but the Agbayani fan was returning, empty handed, probably from the bathroom. She was cute. Not beautiful, but far from ugly. A pleasant face, not too much makeup, yeah, cute, I’d say. And for sure, the jersey looked much better on her than it ever did on the somewhat lumpy Benny. I wasn’t thinking of her strike zone any more when Bill punched me in the arm, and I whipped my head around to face him. He hissed at me that I was staring, and suggested that I return my tongue to my mouth. I genially suggested that he fuck himself.
So, the Cubs were up, and it looked like Nelson was settling down. They always said that you nee
d to get to good pitchers early, before they get into their groove. Maybe that also was true about mediocrities like Nelson. We had hope for him a couple of years ago, when he came up from the minors mid-season, and went 5-2, with good peripherals, but, of course, he hurt his arm and was struggling to regain whatever form he had. Nelson got a weak grounder and a lazy fly, and was battling Powell, who was fouling off pitch after pitch, before finally striking out.
I checked my phone, and there was an email from the asshole partner who kept riding my ass, about some stupid thing that we had already discussed that morning, as if our conversation wasn’t important enough to stick in his brain. I replied, and engaged in a brief flurry of back and forths, at the end of which, he agreed that what we had agreed on earlier was agreeable.
The Mets were up, and Bolden was waggling his bat, waiting for the pitch. I hated Bolden. The guy was feast or famine, and lately mostly famine. I heard the woman sitting next to Agbayani Jersey, a bleached blond, by the roots that I could see, say that Bolden looks cute, and, to my utter shock, Benny-girl agreed but pointed out that his OPS sucked, and that they should be playing Bradley, who got on base, even if he lacked power. The blonde looked at her like she had started speaking Hittite.
I guess I must have actully said, ‘Exactly,’ out loud, maybe louder than normal even, and they turned to face me. The blond was hot, if a little slicker looking than I usually find attractive, but the Agabayni girl was really in my wheelhouse, if I had a wheelhouse. It was a little embarrassing, and Bill turned away, leaving me to deal with this gaffe on my own.
Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense, and I rattled off a bunch of stats comparing Bolden and Bradley, and agreeing that Bradley was the clearly better choice. The blonde, clearly not a sabremetrician, shrugged, turned back and watched Bolden whiff, again, but the girl in the Agbayani jersey smiled at me and said that decisions like that were why she hated Moreno as a manager.
Which led to a discussion of Bobby V, and even Art Howe, and Willie and Collins. And whether the Mets would have been better had Gil not died. Finally, she stuck out her hand and said that her name was Carla, and had been a Met fan her whole life. Displaying more game than usual, I introduced myself and suggested that she climb up and sit next to me, so we could talk about the game. Shockingly, she stood up, reached out her hand, which I took, and helped her balance as she climbed over the green plastic seat to our row. I stole a look at Bill, who hid his grin with a sip of beer.
It turned out that Carla was also a lawyer, a little junior to me, but at a big law firm. None of the clients wanted the firm’s Mets tickets, so they gave them to the employees, and the group in front of me were lawyers, paralegals and secretaries from the firm, the rest of whom didn’t really care about baseball, but thought it might be a fun night out. Clearly, though, Carla was a fan, and we watched the Mets’ continued futility together, sharing stories of games we had been to over the years, with actually some overlap.
Then, I realized I was starving, so I suggested that we go get food, and Carla agreed. Nothing good was happening on the field, so it seemed like an O.K. time to get something to eat. We slid out of the row, up the aisle to the concourse and walked to the food court behind the scoreboard. The line at Shake Shack was, as always, obscenely long, but Carla, like me, wanted tacos, so we got on line, ordered up the tacos, and the corn with cojita cheese, and beer, and she refused to let me pay for her half. There was space at one of the green standup tables, so we cleared away the prior user’s crap and put ours down in place.
We stood next to each other, so that we could watch the game on the big screen on the back of the scoreboard while we ate. The Mets were still down 2-0, and nothing seemed to be happening on the field. We made small talk, discussed the heat, some cases we worked on, and the Mets, past, present, and our hope for the future. And after we cleared our garbage we walked back to the seats. Carla sat next to me again.
Meanwhile, Gordon had gotten on base again, and stole second. Blackmon grounded out, but it was a good out, advancing Gordon to third. The crowd was getting into it, and Carla was chanting, ‘Let’s Go Mets,’ loudly, her face contorted with the effort. Shanks got two strikes on Jones, who fought off the next pitch and dunked the ball into the opposite field, as Gordon trotted home. Down 2-1, man on first. Carla turned to me and smiled, and we high-fived, before I turned and did the same to Bill. Ramirez continued his awful run, striking out looking, but Valdez lined a single on the first pitch, and Jones moved to third. The crowd was clapping and screaming, trying to urge our team to tie, or even take a lead.
I noticed that Carla’s friends, in front of us, were just sitting there, watching, drinking and chatting, but Carla was nearly vibrating with excitement next to me. I watched a drop of sweat slowly roll down her neck, and into the collar of her jersey, and it reminded me that she seemed to have a nice set, but it was still kind of hard to tell for sure. Hanson came to the plate and worked out a walk, loading the bases for fucking Bolden. I started chanting, ‘C’mon Bolden, C’mon Bolden,’ quietly, as the big guy entered the batter’s box. Shanks started him with a big breaking curve, and Bolden swung so hard that I could almost feel the breeze from his whiff, which would have been welcome, because the air was so thick it was hard to breathe. He took a low fastball outside for a ball, then fouled off a pitch. A strikeout seemed destined to happen, and we were hoping against hope for a different result.
Shanks delivered a heater high and outside, and Bolden crushed it. We stood, screaming as the ball traced a parabola toward right center field. Powell ran back to the wall, jumped, extended his glove hand, and fucking came down with the ball. Fucking Powell, robbed Bolden of a salami. I noticed for the first time that Carla had grabbed my arm, and was squeezing it, but after Powell caught the ball, she let go. We exchanged some kind of look, and she said, ‘Fucker,’ which immediately endeared her to me, because I knew that she was referring to our own Bolden, and not the enemy Powell who had robbed him of glory.
We sat down, shaking our heads. I felt the adrenaline seep out of me, yet again. The game continued on in pretty much the same fashion, and Carla and I kept up a running chatter about the game. I had never met a woman, and frankly few men, who had the same knowledge of baseball, in general, and the Mets, even stuff that happened before we were born.
The beer guy came by, and I flagged him down. I looked at Carla, and noticed the sexy way that her hair was plastered to her forehead, and she nodded, so I got two. I handed her a plastic cup, and took mine and pressed it to my head, enjoying the cold, before taking a deep slug. Bill turned to me, pointed to the beer and shrugged. I realized that I had forgotten that he was even there, and that etiquette and tradition had demanded that I buy him a beer before. But I was clearly distracted.
The game went on, and neither team threatened until the bottom of the ninth. The Cubs closer, Garcia, was on the hill, bringing his customary wild heat. Carla leaned into me and said, quietly, ‘He’s been hittable lately,’ and I nodded. Her scent of shampoo, beer and sweat was distracting, but I focused my energy on the field.
Blackmon stepped up to the plate and worked the count full. Garcia was throwing hard, and Blackmon fought off some tough pitches, before fisting a looper into short right. We were in business. Jones squared to bunt, and Carla gasped. ‘No, swing away,’ she pleaded. But Garcia was wild, and the count went to two balls. Jones squared away again, and Carla shook her head. But when G
arcia released the pitch, he pulled the bat back and tomahawked the ball into left.
It was first and second, and fucking Bolden was getting ready to hit. I turned to Carla, and said, ‘So, whadda you think?’
‘We are going to win,’ she said, with more confidence than seemed reasonably.
‘You seem pretty sure for a Met fan’ I replied.
‘We never lose when I wear my lucky panties,’ she whispered.
Despite the heat, that sent a chill up my spine. I’m not sure that I had ever heard anything sexier, so I looked at the field and tried to regain my composure. I guess that my silence was interpreted as a question, because right after Jones took ball 2, Carla reached behind her, and stuck her hand into the back of her jeans. She leaned forward and I could see that she had pulled out the elastic of her underwear, displaying the familiar blue and orange logo on the sheer fabric. She let go, sat back, looked at me and smiled, which made her look really cute.
‘Never?’ I was able to say.
‘Never,’ she replied with certainty.
I briefly considered that Carla was flirting with me, but then Garcia dealt, and Bolden missed badly on a curve, then took strike two on a heater up and in. I really hated fucking Bolden, but he watched a close pitch outside for ball 3. It was a full count, and we were down to our last strike, with the king of K’s at the plate. I turned to Carla, who was staring at the field, sweat dripping down her face, smudging her makeup. ‘Never?’ I asked.
Without turning away from the field, she said, ‘Never. Ever.’ Then she reached over and grabbed my leg, above the knee, in a death grip as Garcia rocked back into his delivery. I could feel her nails digging into my flesh. Blackmon and Jones took off as the ball sailed in, so high that even Bolden couldn’t swing, although he probably wanted to.
As Bolden trotted down to first, Carla turned to me, smiling, and she winked. ‘Not over yet.’ Her hand had not left my leg, and I had no interest in seeing that happen, anyway. Then, something surprising happened—Bradley was announced as a pinch hitter.
I mentioned that maybe they wanted someone who could make contact, and Carla whispered, as if the Cubs could hear, that maybe it was going to be a squeeze play, which I thought would be pretty incredible. And, in fact, Blackmon was dancing off third, trying to distract Garcia, who kept looking over. I was still distracted by Carla’s hand, which was now resting lightly on my thigh, not moving. I tried to figure out whether to touch her, and if so, where, but I didn’t want to break the spell.
Garcia threw a heater, and Blackmon feinted down the line, while Bradley pretended to bunt, causing the crowd to gasp. Either it was a fake, or a safety squeeze, but either way, it was ball 1.
The catcher tossed the ball out to the mound, and Garcia looked off Blackmon, who was still dancing off the bag. I didn’t expect that they would actually squeeze after showing it on the last pitch, but you never know if that was what they were trying to do. Garcia tugged on the brim of his blue cap, shook off Pacheco before nodding. He tossed what looked to be a hook, and Bradley just stuck out his bat, which hit the ball.
We all stood up, watching to see if it would be caught, but the ball just eluded the second baseman’s glove and landed with a thud in the grass in shallow right field. Mets win, game over.
Carla turned to me, and yelled over the crowd, ‘See, my underwear never loses,’ and before I could formulate some sort of witty response, she leaned in and tilted her head up, so I leaned down and kissed her. As her tongue pressed against mine, I could feel her breasts, hiding behind her Agbayani jersey, crush against my chest, and I sensed the expected reaction between my legs. What there was of the crowd was going wild around us, and I felt like I was in one of those movies, where the hero and heroine are kissing, while all hell is breaking out. But eventually, she pulled back, and looked at me with a twinkle in her eye.
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Penelope Kay is only 20 years old & just getting acquainted with the industry. For a petite brunette, she is stacked with great natural tits and a phat ass. Penelope comes to us in sexy lacy lingerie, ready to get lubed up with oil by Tony Rubino. Her juicy boobs & butt look amazing glistening with oil. Penelope can’t help but get vocal when Tony starts fingering her tight pussy with rubber gloves on. She jerks off Tony onto her nipples before sliding his big cock inside of her....
xmoviesforyouThe world of Mobius 30, has gone through quite a few adventures over the years. What with the Great war with humans, the machinations of Dr. Robotnik, Ixis Naugus and other threats, there was never a dull moment. Finally Naugus was split into his three forms and they were scattered across dimention and no one has seen Eggman since His Death Egg MK 2 imploded. Now is a time off peace and unity, the kingdom of Acorn, Currently lead by King Elias Acorn, is sharing dialogue across the globe,...
Kerrie was moaning in her inimitable way as she rode my cock. How I loved that sound. None of the other women I fucked made pleasure noises that resonated so well with me. Maybe it was because that sound was forever connected to the first piece of ass I ever got. I was eighteen and she was twenty. She had just broken up with her first lover, a somewhat older guy who was insisting on getting married. She wasn’t ready yet. Too much life to explore first. It was our third date and she asked me to...
Penny Mathews opened her apartment door and kicked off her shoes. It had been a long day at work and she was exhausted. Thank God it was Friday was all she had to say about it. After dropping her purse on the table and checking the messages, she flopped down on the couch and turned the TV on. Flipping through the channels, she decided that digital cable was a complete and total waste of money and turned the TV off. She went into the bathroom to run a hot bath and wait for Jon to get home. She...
Group Sexdylan was cute and nice for 11 yr old so i did not mind sitting him it ment giving up my sluty teen sat night with my mates. so i got my self ready to go sitting and fuck it i said i would dress up so i put on my knee boots tight top pink thong and bra and lycra tanned tights. i arived around 730 and soon the parents went out and i got bored i asked dylan wat he wanted to do he saiad any thing. so the night went on ane he layed on my lap my skirt rooled up and he was rubbing my leg i said...
To all you perverts reading the stories on this website ... my real name is Cindy. I'm not going to tell you my last name, because dad said that would be unwise, and he is pretty smart. I will tell you that his true name is not Lance Sterling, but that his first name is Rich. I'm going to write a story and post it here under dad's name. It has a little bit of sex in it, but nothing kinky like all the other crap I've read here. You might be wondering how a 16 year old teenager got involved...
Hi guys, This is my first ever story in ISS after a long wait. Finally the day has come to publish it out of the busy life. I am a software engineer working in an MNC in Bangalore. I always look to encounter with girls to keep my tool cool. It’s really very difficult for me to handle the temperature of my tool as it always wants to function. That’s why I always look for girls’ profiles in FB, LI, T, everywhere to contact them. Like I badly need a girl always for my tool’s need and satisfaction....
It's a secret that is kept as well as any secret in the school. It was the Irrumabo room where the most depraved spellbooks, potions and enchanted objects were kept. From collars that changed the most headstrong person into a complete submissive to spells that changed the physical appearance of anyone to potions that enhance the pleasure experience could be found in this room.
Rex knelt in his schoolboy uniform with semen dripping from his temporarily sated cock. As Sylvia and Martha sat comfortably and smiled in anticipation at the coming show, Sylvia commented on how refreshing it would be to see other women dominate her son-in-law to complete submission; the three mature dominas were delighted to oblige. Rex was now ordered to strip and was leashed in readiness for his proper introduction to the ladies; the Viagra ensured his cock was already rudely stiff once...
Friday, Marissa told me during dinner, “I helped Tony buy more artwork today.” “Oh,” I tried to sound nonplussed, but my heartbeat picked up. “Did you get anything I’d like?” “Yes, we bought a beautiful sailboat picture for his entertainment room.” “Oh, did he show you any of his home videos?” She hesitated for what seemed like minutes. I raised my eyebrow, questioningly. “Well, he showed me some from the night we went out to dinner,” she finally admitted. “What did you think of it?” I...
This is second part of series ” Brother allowed his bully friend to enjoy his own sister”. Here is a precise of first part ( Me , my bully friend Sarthak, other friend naman and my sexy sister aditi batra went on a tour 1 year ago. .Sarthak had bad intentions for aditi . He had purchased a sexy figure hugging mini dress for her. She too had started liking him . They had a hot kiss in tryroom) We went directly from mall to disc and returned to hotel at nearly 3 am. We were going to our rooms...
Daddy's ASS Boy and CUM DUMPMy name is John and I have a story that I want to tell even though you may think that I should keep it to myself, but after meeting the people at the website swingingbicouples, I feel fine about it and I now know I can tell what happened to me for years because it seems that lots of boys and men like me not only did this, but like me, LOVED having it done to them!I was born somewhat different and while my male friends all talked about wanting to meet and see girls, I...
The next day I was led out to watch my Mom fucking enthusiastically with my brother for several hours on end. I was also repeatedly mated with the dogs and the pony, often enjoying it very quickly and never failing to come repeatedly for about two hours at least. I noticed that my brother soon got the idea and went for my Moms pussy to fuck her as soon as he saw her each day, whilst mom never flinched or tried to stop him, allowing him to enter her quite readily. She too experienced orgasms...
I leaned down, at Connie’s verbal and physical encouragement, and took a cautiously slow lap at my wife’s red and sensitive looking pussy. It’s then that I noticed that my wife’s vulva was smoother around the sides than I had ever noticed before. She still had a short tuff of hair above the cleft of her folds, yet the sides were as if she never had any hair whatsoever! It because of her new smoothness that I was able to see how puffy and red the outside of her vulva was… I couldn’t quite...
Late summer and things truly went sideways. Edy was part of a number of community groups with a focus on women, children, and education. A faculty member in one of her groups approached Edy and said that the college’s sororities and fraternities were being required to include community members on newly formed boards of review. He thought she would be a good community rep for the fraternity he was a faculty advisor for. Edy immediately shot back that maybe it would be better for her to oversee...
I am a big fan of lushstories. I read all the incest stories of this site. This story about my sister in law her name is P who was 24years old at that time. She has a great body just like a model but we come from a conservative background and she never made it as a model. Before she got married to my eldest brother she was like a sister to me because most of time she was around in our house & Mom & Dad treated her as a member of the family. When she used to come to...
IncestI had gone for interview at an Upcoming MNC in Mumbai. I am from Pune and had come to Mumbai just for the interview. I was staying with my cousin who is an AirHostess. The interview was the last round with the boss himself. So I had to go to his Office. I had waited in the loby for 2 hours as there was a General Board Meeting going on.I had to call up my cousin and tell her not to wait for me at dinner. My cousin is a party freek. When she is not working, she is either sleeping, shopping or...
Jen and I have been dating for about three months now and I never dreamed that life could be so wonderful. We're both sixteen, in high school, and having sex every afternoon before Jen's mom gets home from work. The sex started after the first few dates when Jen asked me to take the bus home with her; she had a surprise waiting for me. Well, we had done some nice kissing and feeling around so who knows what lies ahead. Even though I had dated several girls, I was still fairly...
Narrated by Author Hello, aap sabko meri shubh kamnaye. Aaj ki kahani Rahul ke ghar ki hai jise main khud bataunga. Rahul ne apni maa ke madat se ek sath apni maa aur aunty ke sath apne vaasnao ke khel ko pura karne mein kamyaab hua. Pahle apni maa aur fir uski Kavita aunty. Ab pichli raat ke baad Kavita ki beti Bharti bhi Rahul mein dilchaspi le rahi thi. Pichli raat Bharti ne dekhi ki Rahul ne apni maa aue sath hi uski maa Kavita ko bhi apne changul mein phasa liya...
I spent an hour and a half talking to my Dad, telling him first about how I couldn't seem to come up with one plan and then stick with it all the way through. After I was finished telling him about that, then I spent the rest of the time telling him about my latest problems with Joyce. Joyce hadn't actually said anything about our lovemaking, but she hadn't needed to. I knew without her making any comment. Joyce hadn't responded to me like she always had in the past. Worse than that, I...
"So, Mark, read the brief?" Vickers is looking keenly at me. He's one of the senior managers and I'm sat in his office. I nod. "Sounds interesting," I say. "But hopefully not TOO interesting, eh?" says Vickers, joshing me. I shoot him a grin - I've passed my exams and qualified (a lawyer now!) and this is the first time I'm to be let loose with 'in charge' responsibility away from the office. A fraud investigation and me and a couple of juniors are going in to do some prep before...
This story is tinged with shame, it is not something I am proud to admit to, but it happened when it was not supposed to, and as I recall the events, I realized just how easy it is to happen, and when it is happening, everything culminates to an incredible experience, and yes I have an extremely open mind and a willingness to be intimate with more than men.I am older now and at an age where I can make such choices, but my first time was when I was confused about sexual matters, a hormonal...
"Danger," Cody muttered when the last check point before Baalbek came into sight. They were over two hundred yards from the check point, but the vehicle immediately began to slow as the driver lifted his foot from the accelerator. "I feel danger, here," Cody said a little louder as he searched for the source of the feeling. Gabir glanced back at Manuel, and the Peruvian nodded gravely, saying, "He has the sight." Cody brought his radio to his lips and, after keying it, said, "Heads...
For me, there is the good and the bad to every part of my extended trip. The good part is to be on the move again; in this case, destination unknown. The bad part is leaving Krystin and her mother behind, as well as the unknown with Lane. The twelve-year-old preteen was a delight to know. Between the two of them, I enjoyed over a week of mother and daughter loving. After meeting Krystin, it just reinforces my view on the wonders of young girls. The maturity level, of the several I’ve had the...
Still Rob. I looked around the small flat, and limped over to a chair. “Are you sure you want to do this?” “I’m sure. Are you comfortable, though?” I thought about that. “I don’t know,” I replied, honestly. “Once your parents are home from their holiday, I expect you could go to stay with them.” Lisa paused, before going on. “You’ll have to sleep in my bed, though, until they do.” I could feel my face heating. “What about you?” “It’s a big bed. If we have a problem, I have a futon as...
DAY 4 It was a gray, rainy day when the three woke up… cool and damp. A good day for indoor games! I had gotten up before My two lazy subbies, and had already showered and was standing at the door to the bedroom wearing just My pajama bottoms. I walked up to side of the bed and looked over My two beautiful girls and smiled. It seemed a shame to have to wake them. But there was work to be done and subbies to be trained, so I leaned over My pet and softly kissed her cheek. She roused slowly,...
Introduction: This is the first story in what I hope will be a long list of new stories bassed on Japanese Anime. Little Trouble in Dolcett Japan Story #: Ani-Can 1 Copyright 2006 Written: September 19 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************ The day started like any other everyone in the Tendo house now waking to a new day except for Ranma and his father Genma who spent all night...
I was sitting in the locker room after a hard workout cooling down before taking a shower. Randy, came out of the shower room drying his hair and humming some burlesque song. I tried to move but my body just wasn't ready. I just happened to look up in Randy's direction and idly watched as he started dressing. He reached into his locker and pulled out a pair of black silk panties, he stepped into the panties then looked over at me and paused as he pulled them to his waist. While I had been...
Mike was feeling better on Tuesday. He wasn't all the way back to normal, yet, but it was Tuesday at the Record-Herald, and Tuesday was a day you didn't miss unless you were the subject of a funeral. Kirsten left Susan with Jackie, and came into work, which helped. She stuck her head into the office door, and said, "Hey, hon, we still need your column." "I'm working on it," he said, turning back to the computer, where the words appeared on the screen: "In the end, it took the...
None Priscilla came by the apartments where I work at she had came by to visit Bryan my helper he was a alcohol abuser and he will get drunk every other day and during work a didn't care tho so Bryan ask if he could give my number to Priscilla his daughter she wanted to get to know me even tho I was married we start talking and preparing to meet up somehow on park so I pick her up got the conversation slow she was really beautiful nise lips nose even she was on a heavy site she had a great ass...
Cheating WifeYou find yourself beside a small brook that trickles merrily through a dense forest. The thicket around you is eerily silent, but the stream babbles on. The moss on the stones that line the creek are vibrantly green and full of life, a subtle contrast against the dense wood around you, a faded, dark-verdant color, tinged with the black of decay. As you follow the winding brook through the foliage, silently stepping from stone to stone, something in your mind lazily stirs. You cannot stop moving...
FantasyDay 3 William As the thud sounded, I heard something shatter. I wanted to go and see what had happened, but I was scared, not knowing what was out there. I started to kneel when I heard Sandi start cussing. "GOD DAMN IT TO ALL THE HELLS! THAT BASTARD HIT MY SHELF OF UNICORNS. I'M GOING TO CASTRATE HIM IF I GET MY HANDS ON HIM!" Sandi snarled out as I heard a metal clack, and then she continued, "William, I am sure 911 has been called, but make sure for me." I reached for the phone...