A Benign SomethingChapter 4 free porn video

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For the next several weeks, Gayle and I tried to meet for lunch, as often as we could. Sometimes our schedules didn't match, but most of the time, we were able to still find time to talk, either by way of the phone late at night or email during the day. And, with each passing day, with each conversation and email message I received from her, I wanted to be with her even more. Whenever the phone rang, I instantly dashed over and snatched it up, hoping to hear her voice. Likewise, whenever I checked my email in the morning at school, I was overjoyed to find a message from her, sometimes nothing more than to wish me a good day and other times it could be a link to an interesting story or website she thought I might enjoy. Invariably, her guess was always right, and this made me feel even better about how our relationship was blossoming.

Gayle wasn't simply taking a stab in the dark, hoping I'd be impressed with some arbitrary conversation piece, like throwing darts at a target and praying you hit the bull's-eye. She had made a concerted effort to get to know me, and this was her way of propagating and grooming our relationship. Her email and phone calls weren't hollow gestures on her part. She actively engaged me in conversation about any number of topics, as I did with her. And the more information we exchanged, the better we came to know and understand one another, and the more we wanted to know and understand.

It had been nearly two months since I first met Gayle in the park, when she invited me over for dinner one evening. By now, we had become very close friends, and I felt comfortable being around her and discussing even personal details of my life that I normally wouldn't share with anyone other than my husband. So, that evening, we talked.

Music was playing softly on the stereo in the living room, and the lights out there were turned down low, while we sat in the kitchen at the table.

As Gayle ate, she set down her fork and picked up her napkin, wiping the corners of her mouth.

"Can I ask you something?" she said, reaching for her glass.

I sat back and nodded, taking my own napkin and dabbing my lips.

"Mm hm," I replied with a smile.

Gayle pushed her chair back and reached for my plate.

"Done?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah," I replied, holding my hands back, as she picked it up along with her own. "Very good," I added. "Thank you."

Gayle grinned and carried our plates to the sink and rinsed them off. Then she placed them in the dishwasher and walked back to the table. She picked up her glass and nudged her head toward the living room, gesturing for me to follow.

We sat on the couch and were quiet for a moment, and then I spoke.

"So, what were you gonna ask me?"

Gayle was taking a sip from her glass, and then held it in both hands, looking down with just the hint of a smile on her face. She crossed one leg over her knee, rolling the glass between her slender fingers.

"It's sorta personal," she said softly.

I glanced down at my glass and shrugged.

"S'ok," I replied. "You can ask whatever you want."

She took a sip, and looked at me from the corner of her eye.

"All right," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Are you..." But then she paused and hesitated a second, and then turned to me saying, "Why aren't you dating anyone?"

I was still staring down at my glass and slowly nodded my head.

"Yeah," I sighed. "I guess that's sort of a good question."

Gayle slowly turned her body so she was facing me and rested her arm on the back of the couch.

"I dunno," I mumbled.

Then I felt her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not trying to pry into your personal life," she said.

I quickly glanced at her, and then back down to the glass in my hands.

"No," I replied, slowly shaking my head. "I know. It's ok." Then I sighed again.

"I dunno," I said, turning to face her. "It's... I dunno... It's been so long. I never thought I'd find myself dating again, after I got married. It's just... Where do you start? How? How do you find the right person? I mean..."

My voice tapered off and, when I looked up, she smiled.

"I dunno where to start," I whispered.

"Well," she replied, taking a drink, as she leaned back. "Whadda you want?" she asked. "What're you looking for?"

I sighed and pulled my legs onto the couch, crossing them, as I faced her.

"I dunno," I replied. "I'm not really sure."

Gayle was about to speak, when I quickly added, "Someone to be with."

I looked to her for a reaction, and she slowly nodded and turned her eyes down to the empty space between us.

"Yeah," she replied softly. "Me, too."

There was a long silence, and Gayle leaned forward to the coffee table, carefully placing her glass on it. Then she sat back slightly, resting her elbows on her knees, and clasped her hands together.

I had told her all about what had happened with my husband. I told her how it tore me apart, how it destroyed my life, and how empty inside it made me feel. I explained in great depth and detail, crying as she put her arm around me, how desperately alone I felt every day of my life, how hopeless, even meaningless my existence seemed to be, even in light of still having my daughter at my side. Rachel would eventually leave our home and start a family of her own some day, signifying the end of all that was left of mine. No longer would I be a member sitting at the center table of my primary family, but relegated to being yet one more visiting relative from out of town. When my daughter left home for good, I'd be on my own and the thought terrified me.

So, as I sat there with Gayle on her couch, she told me her story.

She was still looking down at her hands, when she reached up and brushed the hair from her face, hooking it over her ear. Then she glanced in my direction, giving me a weak smile.

"I've never told anyone this," she said. "But... I was married, too... a long time ago."

Then she looked at me again, as if embarrassed, adding, "To a guy."

She reached for her glass and took a sip.

"When I was seventeen, my step-father tried to rape me. I guess my mom told him about me... how I was a lesbian... thought I was, anyway. So... She was at work one night, and he was getting drunk, as usual..."

It seemed like this was difficult for her to talk about, so I leaned closer, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Gayle," I whispered. "You don't have to..."

But she held up her hand in protest.

"No," she said, wagging her head. "You were honest with me, so... just lemme be honest with you."

She turned her head slightly, and I slowly nodded.

"Ok," I said, rubbing her back.

Gayle took a deep breath and sighed.

"So, ya know... that was his thing... When my mom was gone, he'd get drunk, and he'd always sorta... I dunno... like, try to come onto me, ya know? I dunno why I never told her though. I guess maybe I thought she probably felt like you did, when your..."

She paused and wiped her nose and glanced at me. Gayle's eyes were red, but I tried to smile for both of us.

"S'ok," I replied. "I know what you mean."

Then she leaned back against the couch, and I scooted closer, holding her hand in mine.

"So... I guess she must've told him about me or something, because the next thing I know, he comes into my room asking me if I was a dyke. And I could smell the alcohol on him, too. I mean, most of the time, he just sat downstairs and drank until he passed out. The only time he'd say something to me, ya know, some sorta comment about my tits or ass, was when he was drunk, but this was different. I mean, I knew this was not good, him being in my room and all."

Gayle swiped the palm of her hand under her eyes and took another sip from her glass.

"Anyway... so, he comes in my room and shuts the door, and he keeps asking me if I'm a dyke. I was really fucking scared. Any other time, I'd just blow off his comments, but he was acting really aggressive, ya know? So... I tried to run for my door, but there he is standing in my way, so I had to go around him, and when I did, he grabs my arm and drags me over to the bed. I mean, shit, next thing I know, this asshole is trying to rip my clothes off, and he's just rambling on and on, and I couldn't make sense of any of it, but, fuck, you know, I knew what he was trying to do to me."

I could see tears running down Gayle's cheeks, and I reached up and wiped them away with my thumb. She chuckled and said thanks, and then turned to me saying, "Wanna know what I did next?"

Her smile is infectious, but I tried not to let it affect me, given the serious nature of our conversation. I nodded, though, trying to suppress the urge to grin with her.

Gayle rotated her body on the couch, pulling one leg up, so she was facing me.

"Remember those one pens," she said. "The kind that had those weird little... God, what were those called? You know what I mean. They had those things at the top of 'em."

She looked to me for an answer, but all I could do was shrug.

"Oh, you know," she said, pushing on my knee. "They had the really hairy things at the top of the pen, and when you spun it back and forth in your hand, the hair would frizz out. Remember those?"

I thought about it for a second, and then my eyes shot open.

"Oh, yeah," I exclaimed. "Ok, yeah. I remember those. God, I'm sure I had one."

Gayle chuckled, saying, "Well, I mean, yeah. Who didn't?"

Then I reached over to the coffee table and picked up the napkin my glass sat on, handing it to her.

"Thanks," she mumbled, as she folded it and wiped her red nose.

"So, yeah, I stabbed him in the chest with one of those thingamajig pens."

I stared at her and blinked.

"Did he... ?"

But she shook her head and coughed with a laugh.

"No," she replied, still chuckling. "I guess those weren't designed to be used as personal defense weapons. Plus he had a pretty thick layer of blubber protecting his evil black heart, so that probably kept him alive, too."

We both grinned, as I took her hand in mine again. She turned her eyes up, trying to suppress her tears, and very quietly thanked me. Then she let out a long breath and fiddled with the napkin in her hand.

"So, anyway, I guess it sorta distracted him long enough so I could make my escape. I just went over to a friend's apartment... this guy I knew. He was a trucker, but not one of those, uh, what do ya call 'em? Long-haul guys. He was just some guy I met at a bar... He and one of his friends played pool with me and one of mine, so it was no big deal. But, anyway, I sorta moved in with him, and, I dunno... I mean, I liked him and all. He was cool. But I kept thinking, ya know, this is what it's gonna be like for me from now on. People are gonna look at me and say, 'Hey, there's the dyke. Let's get 'er.' I mean, here we are in the new millennium and we're maybe a little more civilized and all, but you know, back then..."

I nodded and squeezed her hand.

"Yeah," I replied.

Gayle shrugged and took another swipe at her nose with the napkin, saying, "So, yeah, I lived with him until I graduated a few months later, and, you know... then we got married."

She took a deep breath and raised her chin, looking me straight in the face.

I stared back at her for a moment, not sure what to say, and then asked what happened.

Gayle glanced down at the napkin she held and shrugged, as her lips quivered nervously.

"I'm a lesbian," she replied.

I gave her hand a gentle squeeze, and she turned her eyes up to me, her face contorted and red, as she tried not to cry.

"I gave it a shot, ya know?" she whimpered. "I thought, I dunno... Like, maybe it was just some sorta phase I'd grow out of, but I didn't. And every time we had sex, and I mean every single time, I was just sickened by it, ya know? Total turn-off for me."

Gayle wiped her nose, and then glanced up at me saying, "So... yeah, I had an affair. God, you know, I really did try to give it a fair shot, but... I swear, every time I saw him naked, ya know? Every time he put it inside me, I just wanted to throw up. But it's not like I didn't like him. I mean, Hell, ya know, I even sorta loved him a little, but..."

She sat there slowly shaking her head.

"I just couldn't do it any more. I wasn't happy. So then I started seeing this other woman, you know? This lesbian, but the sad thing was, what really opened my eyes was, she was married to a guy, ya know? Just like me, and she was just fucking miserable. So I was like, hey, ya know, let's just run away together, but she said no. She had kids with this guy, and she didn't wanna leave 'em. I mean, yeah, I guess I can understand it, but... to feel like shit every day of your life and know there's nothing you can do about it... So that's why she told me, don't do it. Don't stay with this guy, if you're not completely happy with where your life is going with him, because sure as shit, the longer you stay, the harder it'll be to leave."

Gayle reached over to the coffee table for her glass and took a sip, and then held it between her hands in her lap.

"So how did you do it?" I whispered. "Did you tell him? Or..."

She nodded quickly.

"Yeah," she said. "I had to, ya know? Like I said, I did sorta love him a little, but it wasn't that romantic kinda love. It was more like a friend thing. I mean, yeah, I felt like shit for doing it to him, but what else could I do? I didn't wanna turn out like her, ya know?"

She sat there slowly shaking her head.

"Life's too fucking short for that," she muttered.

Then Gayle took her fingers and reached up to her ears, hooking her hair back over them and giving me a sad, exasperated expression.

"I don't wanna be in a serious relationship like that with someone, if I can't love 'em as much as I should," she said softly. And as she stared at me, looking right into my eyes, she added, "I wanna fall in love with someone. That's what I'm looking for. That's what I want."

Then an almost imperceptive curl quickly reached out to the ends of her lips.

I swallowed and let my eyes fall down to my hands.

"Whadda you want?" she whispered.

I thought about it for a moment, and then took a deep breath.

"What I really want," I replied. "Is for someone to hold me again. But... what I don't want is for someone to replace him... but... maybe to do all the things he use to do... for me... make me feel the way he made me feel."

I turned my eyes to her and she bobbed her head up and down in silent agreement.

There was a long period of silence between us, when she finally cleared her throat saying, "Wanna dance?" Startled, I slowly raised my eyes and found her smiling from ear to ear. She nudged her head toward the middle of the room.

"C'mon," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

I chuckled, replying with a long sigh, "Oh God..."

Gayle poked at my shoulder.

"Oh, c'mon," she said with a laugh. "It's not like I bite or anything. It'll be fun."

But before I could say anything more, she leapt from the couch over to the stereo.

"Here," she said, jabbing a finger at the buttons. "I'll put on something fun."

I sat watching from the couch, giggling nervously, but once more awed by how she could make me feel so good with so little effort. Then she glanced over her shoulder and held up a CD case.

"A little Jerry Lee, perhaps?" she said, with a mischievous grin.

Then she turned back to the stereo, touched a button, and the room suddenly reverberated with a lively piano melody from the fifties.

I sat on the couch shaking my head, as Gayle's body slowly started undulating with the music, swinging her hips from side to side and bending down slightly at the knees. She turned and wiggled her fingers for me to come to her. I laughed, as I watched, a little embarrassed, but suddenly feeling very cheerful and upbeat. Gayle had a knack for making me smile, whenever I was feeling down.

She stepped over to the couch and reached down for my hands, pulling me to my feet and to the center of the room. And, after a few minutes, I finally let my inhibitions down and together we danced about, as we held hands, twirling around and under each other's arms, and swinging to and fro, laughing the entire time.

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Harmonie Marquise is super proud of her booty, and she loves to twerk to show it off. She already has already done a lot of partying, and has had all kinds of sexual experiences, so she wants to take it to the next level by fucking on film. She has had threesomes and orgies, and in her mind, there is no difference between a few people and a few million people watching! We will not argue with that logic, especially when a girl can give brain as well as Harmonie does. She rides our studs cock,...

4 years ago
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Killing Time

As I stepped off the train brushing my graying hair from my face, I suddenly realized I didn't know where I was going, or even stranger who the hell I was. Stepping aside I watched as semi well dressed people moved off the train. Sitting down on a nearby wooden bench I thought that it was a lovely antique, I'd sure hate to harm it. Huh? Where had that come from? The bench was practically brand new; there was nothing antique about it. Looking around I saw that all the people were wearing...

4 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 16

Elliott Greer had arrived early Sunday morning, which due to the time difference between Sydney and Atlanta placed his arrival only four hours later than his departure time – on the same day of the week. Jet-lag may catch up with him eventually, but being able to sleep on the flight greatly reduce the effects and also allowed him to get to work as soon as Samuel Baldwin had presented him with the Smartphone that Amanda had provided. Before exiting the Atlanta airport, Elliott had confirmed his...

1 year ago
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The Summer Boy Part 3

Lynn stretched her arms over her head, pressing her palms flat against the wall tiles of the shower room. Head down, she leaned forward, stretching the tense, aching muscles in her shoulders and back and neck. The hot water sprayed all over her, massaging her, rolling down her skin in steady, streaming rivulets. Eyes closed, she breathed through her mouth trying to expel the toxins in both her body and mind. No matter what she did, she couldn't steady her heart beat or clear her brain for just...

Love Stories
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Three CompanionsChapter 3 Pauls story

As you both know, I come from Canada. In fact, at the time I was living in the province of Alberta to be exact. I lived in a small town by the name of Pines Valley and it had a population of just over seven thousand souls. Both of my parents, as well as my brother George - who was about five years older than me - were living in a very large house that my mother had inherited from her father. He was then a prospector and he was often away for as long as a month at a time and sometimes even...

2 years ago
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Kevin and I Seconds

[10/23/2011 7:39:40 AM] kevin6666: :) [10/23/2011 7:39:46 AM] Jon: lol, yep [10/23/2011 7:39:52 AM] Jon: forgot that was fucking hot [10/23/2011 7:40:07 AM] kevin6666: lol yeah [10/23/2011 7:40:14 AM] kevin6666: did you cum hard? :) [10/23/2011 7:40:20 AM] Jon: mmmm fuck yeah [10/23/2011 7:40:35 AM] Jon: damn ur such a slut for black cock, u find me every time [10/23/2011 7:40:47 AM] kevin6666: hehe yeah. fuck yesssss, i need it bad [10/23/2011 7:41:11 AM] kevin6666: you hard...

3 years ago
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Lost Weekend Sex Addicts

Vinay... Iove this guy . He has all the bells and whistles a woman is looking for..Love his cock and balls.. His face is Adonis... Love his muscle tone and deltoids...I love the way he wraps my long legs around his waist as he is fucking me.. I love the way he holds me up when we are doing sixty-nine..Sucking his balls and shaft while he eats and blows my clit..The dawn brings an exciting new day filled with orgasmic pleasures..We are watched by the Venusian light and the fading moon......

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Cherie DeVille Cadence Lux TrashTalking MILF8217s Anal Threesome

Pale, all-natural young cutie Cadence Lux and busty MILF Cherie DeVille are big-booty blondes eager for a nasty anal three-way. Lucky director Mike Adriano watches the horny girls eat each other’s asshole before joining in, tongue-fucking their sweet rumps. Soon Cherie and Cadence are gagging on his massive cock in a sloppy, ball-licking, ass-eating, spit-swapping, double blow job. Moaning and talking trash, these filthy sluts take turns stretching their sphincters with Mike’s thick...

4 years ago
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I have been talking about this for three weeks. I would like to say it has an amazing ending - but who knows? My job is dull. I work in an office of mostly women who really never talk about anything but work. Normally, I do my job, hating every minute. To fight the boredom, I look on certain erotic websites which leads to my having to go to the bathroom to release pent up passion. About four months ago the office got a new woman who was beautiful. Aleaha was a short, loud, beautiful black...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Surprise Surprise

Surprise! Surprise! Chapter 1: The Game Begins Jane Collins sat expectantly in the coffee shop. It was a beautiful, warmSpring morning and she had been half-tempted to take one of the outside tableson the sidewalk. But Emily had told her that she would meet her inside. SoJane sat inside and gazed at the park across the street. Deep inside, Jane knew that it would have been find if she had taken an outsidetable. But, out of respect, she sat inside and watched the lattes and cappuccinosand...

2 years ago
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Lust on the Beach Part 3

The sun was shining as Lori held out her hand, extending the invitation again for Tracie to join her and Lexie. Tracie blushed and shook her head no, but Lori smiled invitingly and somehow managed to coax the timid brunette into the hot tub."Tracie, this is my dearest childhood friend Lexie," Lori said, almost purring as the words rolled off her tongue as smoothly as silk.“Lex, this is Tracie, my wonderful new neighbor. She’s lived here about a month or so,” Lori explained.Tracie smiled...

3 years ago
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Mia was eighteen and had a huge set of tits like her mother. Her mother was sexually active and just married her fourth husband who was much younger and had a big appetite for sex. Mia could hear them fucking every night. One day when her mom had just left for work Mia was in the kitchen getting breakfast in her robe. The new hubby named Nick came up behind her and put his arms around her and opened her robe and began feeling her tits. He whispered in her ear "Your tits are so firm and even...

1 year ago
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I own Joyce Chapter 3 Orgy at the Hampton Motel

Chapter 1 Preparation Chang was sitting on the sofa , getting blown by his petite black haired 50 year old Chinese mother Kitty , as he watched his dumbass cuckold stepdad Wilbur prepare the bar for guests who would be arriving soon. He jammed his prick tdown his cumsluts throat. Wilbur was dressed like a butler & would serve drinks and dinner only to the other couples , he was not allowed to participate , he had insured that when he had hypnotized him two years back . Wilbur could only...

3 years ago
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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 3

Justin is the first to wake up and finds himself entangled with his sister and cousin, already feeling his cock throbbing. He looks at the two beautiful girls and wonders which of them he should wake up, if not both. Finally after a full minute of running it through his head, he decides to shake Riley awake. Kayla, after all is most likely sore after her first time. Riley grumbles something incoherent. “Wake up. I’m horny,” he complains. She groans and he slides out from the mess of bodies...

3 years ago
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Zero Tolerance

Hi folks, sorry there was no story last week and thanks to everyone Who wrote to find out why. The main reason was the power outages during the fourth of July week. I wrote large chunks of this story on my iPhone but still had no way to send it. Thanks as usual to mikothebaby for editing this one. I really appreciate how hard her job is after looking at a story that hopefully you'll be reading soon from a first time writer here. Anyway enjoy.SS06 I've always had a thing for redheads in...

2 years ago
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From Gary to Greta Part VI

Once again my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed honored me by writing Part VI of From Gary to Greta. This story isn?t for people underage. So if you are too young or don?t like TG-Stories stop reading. By Domme Mistress and Greta From Gary to Greta Part VI Monday was the last day of the month. My wife ran up the stairs to greet me with hugs and kisses, something she had not done in many years. As I stood there, totally naked and clean-shaven, my cock throbbing...

3 years ago
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Fine Dive

Rick swam slowly along about ten feet above the bottom. His eyes swept back and forth, searching for a tell-tale shape or gleam. He saw nothing. He looked at the gage on his wrist, he had plenty of air left. He had ten more kicks left before he made a right turn to a due south heading. Then he stopped. He heard the whine and thump of a boat approaching. Sounded like a large fast boat. He saw it pass just to the east of him. As it went by he saw something hit the water and plunge for the bottom....

3 years ago
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Cowgirl Up Ch 4

Finding Wade in the main terminal of the Dallas-Fort Worth airport was like looking for a needle in a haystack. I never saw so many men wearing black cowboy hats in one place. My eyes were scanning over the throng of people when I saw a handsome young man running toward me. A black cowboy hat was shading his handsome face but it was unmistakably Wade!“You made it!” He shouted, scooping me up in his arms. We held onto each other like we were never intending to let go. Wade’s heart was pounding...

1 year ago
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Cool Big bo

I had gone to bed early on a Saturday night cause I had just got back from a Boy Scout hike and I was tired. At about eleven p.m. I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. After I peed, I heard noises in my b*****r’s room and the door was open a crack so I looked in. He was fucking his girlfriend on his bed. I had never seen his girlfriend, or any girl for that matter, naked before and she looked hot. Big tits, cute ass and smooth white skin. My b*****r lucky guy. They were both into it big time...

2 years ago
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The four hot moms were seated together in the bleachers watching their sons play ball. None of them found the games all that interesting, they were just there to support their boys and the team. Watching a field full of young teenagers play pony league baseball in the summer heat can be a tedious affair. They wanted their boys to win of course, and they often did, but their attentions were not always focused on the action on the field. They were usually staring at, and making comments about,...

1 year ago
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JedChapter 8

Karen talked it over with her mother, and they reached a compromise. They decided between them that a wedding between Christmas and New Year's would be the way to go. Since we were living together anyway, that was fine with me. We didn't have a lot of money, so we didn't plan a honeymoon. Alice and Bob wouldn't hear of that, so they gave us (all three of us) a honeymoon trip to Bermuda. Although it had taken five months to plan and arrange, we had a small wedding. There weren't more...

3 years ago
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Heroism Regretted

Perhaps it was her ability to avoid conflicts at all cost that made her survive. Abused all her life by parents and classmates, she never had her way and always made way for others. Such situation developed only one thing in her - almost complete submissiveness to any sign of agression. Her close friends knew this, they only had to spike agression by a bit and she would immediately yield to any request. As a medic, she hid and ran while her squad fought, and those were her exact orders. With...

3 years ago
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Cunt Hunter

Cunt Hunter By Llabmik Chapter 1 – Quiff Quest I watch the woman's washroom for the right moment and the right female whileI slowly push the bucket and mop the floor in my janitor's uniform. I'm notthe janitor and it's a cheap uniform easily available at department storeseverywhere. The corridor is usually deserted. I only mop when someone comesalong. I inspect the merchandise as it parades to the woman's washroom from theparty. I'm patiently waiting for some Grade A fuckmeat to be all...

1 year ago
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On My 18th Birthday

She had been both awaiting this day and dreading this day for a long time. Her 18th birthday party. She had turned 18 just a few days before, but the town tradition was to wait until the first weekend after turning 18 in order to celebrate. Her town however was a little different than any other. Long ago the town had been in danger of dying off. For a reason no one had ever been able to figure out many of the women in the town had a great deal of trouble conceiving children, and many of those...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The ProdigalTwentyone

“THE THING IS,” I said as the ten of us cuddled together in bed Wednesday afternoon, “when Melody marries Lissa, she’ll become Drew and Damon’s stepmom. So, Lexi would become the boys’ grandma, which they already call her. But if Lexi married Jack, she’d also be the boys’ stepmom which means that their other stepmom is their stepsister.” We all giggled as we tried to sort out the relationships. “I don’t care,” Melody said. “Lissa agrees, Jack and Mom both deserve to be happy. It’s not...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Rachel Rivers The Pregnant Teen Pussy Plot

When banging teen Rachel Rivers meets a rich, hung guy, she immediately knows what she has to do. She seduces him and makes sure that he has the time of his life plowing her juicy teen slit. He shoves his giant dong in her mouth, fucking her face relentlessly as she gags and chokes on his shaft. Then, she mounts him and grinds her cooch on his cock to bring him to the edge of euphoria. She attends to every inch of his pole before making him cum deep inside of her snatch. And when that gooey...

2 years ago
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A Crossdresserrsquos Life

Initially i use to wear my sisters dresses or my mothers bra,panties,saree,blouse,petticoat and see myself in a mirror and admire myself. Though i wasnt so good at makeup, i used to apply lipstick and put some jewellery items. It couldnt make me look like a girl but the feel of women’s clothes turned me on. And then i used to masturbate after my every crossdressing session, thinking about being fucked by a guy. But then as i grew up chances of being alone became less and i had to kill my desire...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Stranger

Hi Friends, My name is Babu (just surname) and I live in Gulf, I wanna share my real-life sexual encounter. I have tried to share the most of the things so please be patient while reading it. Honestly, I never had much sexual experience (don’t jump to conclusion and shout why the hell you are here before the next few words) 2 years back. When I came to this place, all I thought this is a fun place indeed and I never had any opportunity with anyone. What am I going to tell is an experience with...

2 years ago
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In Miriams bed again

I was wishing about a meeting with Miriam again, since I had not seen her during the last three months.The bitch just had sent me some pictures and even videos, always showing her sexy body totally wasted after been fucked by her good husband…I could see love bites on her neck and hard nipples; bruises on her inner thighs and some red marks on her perfect firm buttocks, as she loved to be flogged and spanked hard by her loving man…But I wanted to fuck her. I needed it so badly…Miriam was...

3 years ago
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Teacher8217s Slave 8211 Part 1

This is my first story it may be too long but hopefully it’ll make you horny. About myself my name is sagar age 19 Im from Delhi with average body, height 5 7 and average dick about 6 inches and please dont forget to rate my story at About my teacher she use to live in our neighborhood aged 31 (presently) with stats 38 32 36 we had a good family relationships with her family so this all started about 9 years ago so I never use to study therefore was weak in the same she after finishing her...

1 year ago
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What Dreams Are Made ofChapter 5

Back at the Moon Pam one of the Nerd Squad that Ann had more or less drafted into our program said on our private channel the nanees provided us. We were all back at Fort Harris and Pam and the Girls were all fascinated by the five representives of the OA we had brought back with us.

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