On Forgetting Ch. 09 free porn video

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‘Girl, I don’t plan on letting you sleep for the next month,’ Connor growled, grabbing the back of her knees and dumping her onto the bed.

‘You’ll wear me out,’ Langdon giggled, scooting back toward the pillows.

Connor followed her across the bed in a predatory manner, his eyes glittering with dark promise. He trapped her beneath him just before she reached the headboard and took advantage of it. He planted a hand on either side of her head, leaning over her, and captured his mouth with hers, delving his tongue into the depths of her mouth. The frustration of the past few weeks skimmed below the surface, as he methodically possessed her lips.

Langdon sighed against his lips, the sensations overwhelming her as her hands travelled feverishly over his body. She traced the shifting muscles in his shoulders and arms before grasping at his back and pulling him down with a strong desire to feel his weight pressing against her.

Connor groaned and captured her wrists, pinning them to the pillow above her head. Langdon mewed with disappointment as he pulled back from the kiss. ‘Leave those there,’ he commanded, squeezing her wrists for emphasis.

Langdon started to object, ‘But-‘ cutting off when her breath caught in her throat as Connor’s lips found a particularly sensitive spot just under her jaw line.

She didn’t miss the fleeting smile that changed the shape of his lips before he returned his attention to her neck. His talented mouth moved down her neck, nipping, licking, and feathering kisses in a combination of sensations that had her writhing in need. He let his hands wander, caress, possess her body, intent on memorizing her curves again. As his hand reached her breast, she arched into his palm. His knowing fingers toying with her, tweaking until her nipple hardened into a tight pebble. So absorbed in his ministerings, she didn’t notice when he released her bra, only becoming aware with the scrape of lace along her nipples.

Connor tugged the bra free and pinned her arms back down when she reached for him. He made a tisking sound and shook his head, ‘Keep them there.’ He kissed her pouting lips, drawing her lower lip between his teeth. She moaned trying to follow as he pulled his lips away only to drop her head back to the pillows as his lips trailed down her neck to the valley between her breasts.

His mouth latched onto the breast his hand had recently vacated, kissing a spiral that came increasingly closer to her pert nipple. Langdon squirmed, moaning each time he moved away. ‘Connor,’ she pleaded.

He chuckled against her skin, nipping gently. ‘I think your skirt is getting in the way.’ He plucked at the button and tugged the zipper down as he continued to tease her. It was with great regret that he shifted off of her to remove her skirt. She lifted her hips as he tugged it down her hips. His eyes followed its progress as first the dark lace of her thong gave way to smooth, creamy thighs, the cute dimples of her knees, her sleek calves, and finally the polished tips of her toes.

He quickly shed his pants and boxers and returned, kneeling between her legs and pausing to appreciate the view. Her modesty, affected both by their state of undress and his scrutiny, caused a blush to suffuse her pale skin. ‘God you’re beautiful,’ he whispered, running his fingers slowly up the outside of her calf. She watched his face as he studied her carefully as if cataloguing every feature his eyes passed over. His eyes flickered over the still fading marks on her knees and he stiffened momentarily before stooping to kiss each knee.

Connor met her eyes fleetingly, letting the corner of his mouth twitch in a sly smile. His lips returned to her knee and slowly worked up along her thigh, passing over the scrap of lace to kiss the depression just inside her hipbone. He pressed light kisses across her tummy, enjoying the way she sucked in a breath every time he touched her.

When he finally closed his lips around the peak of her breast, Langdon’s eyes fluttered closed and she arched against him, a gasp issuing from her parted lips. Her hand slid over his shoulder weaving her fingers into the dark waves of his hair, clutching him to her. Connor released her nipple and grunted, catching her hand, kissing it and replacing it on the pillow. ‘Keep them there,’ he growled.

She gave a frustrated sigh, ‘It’s not going to happen.’

He gathered her wrists in one large palm and pinned them securely to the bed. ‘Do I have to do everything myself?’ He cocked a brow, humour and desire turning his hazel eyes into a glittering green.

Connor was playing with her, teasing her in the most horrible and wonderful way, and the look alone was intense enough to send a rush of heat straight to her belly. It should be a crime for him to look that good, she thought, her eyes flitting over his body before meeting his stare. In the soft glow of the candles, his tanned skin shone bronze, the rolling hills of his muscled arms and shoulders were accented, his hair seemed darker than its usual brown, and his eyes were glowing from behind dark lashes, he was an Adonis, dark as sin and equally tempting. Her tongue peaked out from the hot recesses of her mouth, wetting her lips and he watched its progress before it disappeared.

A growl started low in his throat and he slanted his mouth over hers, tormenting her until she was breathless with want. She twisted her wrists in his grip as his knee wedged firmly between her thighs. He pulled back to watch her face as his fingers pushed aside the thin lace barrier of her thong and ran through her wet slit. Her hips bucked as his fingertips grazed her clit. Her face heated under his gaze and she let out a gasp as two of his fingers slid inside her. She was hot, throbbing, and wet for him. Her arms tensed and she moaned as he leisurely stroked her into a frenzy of need. ‘God, Connor,’ she panted. ‘Let me go.’

He bent his head and kissed a short trail along her collarbone and up her neck. ‘No.’ She shivered as his breath stirred the tendrils of hair beside her ear, his fingers curling inside her, pressing against the most sensitive region with knowing movements, and sending shards of pleasure through her body. ‘Please,’ she whined as his teeth closed on her ear lobe. ‘I want to touch you.’ She cried out as his thumb flicked over her clit before pressing firmly on the little nub. She lost the ability to form all coherent thought, bright lights flashing behind her eyelids as she threw her head back, her body arching in the power of the orgasm that washed over her.

His mouth came down on hers, swallowing the scream of her release, and he continued to feather kisses across her face, neck, and shoulders as she slowly recovered. ‘I let you touch me, and this will be over too soon,’ he groaned, her slick muscles clamping down tightly on his fingers as he slid them from her wet channel. ‘I want you too much.’ His fingers were drawing small patterns across her heaving chest when she finally let her eyes flutter open. A self-satisfied grin turned the corners of his mouth as he bent to kiss her flushed lips. He rested his forehead against hers, taking a calming breath with her. She sighed, ‘Can I have my hands back yet?’

He smiled, ‘I’m not sure I’m ready to let you go just yet.’

‘Connor,’ she whined, dragging her smooth calf along the outside of his rough leg. He sighed at the sensation, his palm sliding up her ribcage to cup her breast. She keened softly, ‘Not fair.’ A shudder ran through her. It was as if he knew exactly where to touch her, how to kiss her, when to hold perfectly still to tease her. ‘Stop teasing me.’

He chuckled darkly, his mouth finding all the sensitive places she didn’t know she had. ‘I want to make sure this is exceptional,’ he murmured against her skin.

Langdon twisted beneath him, wrapping her legs around him and drawing him against her. ‘Exceptional?’ she heaved.

‘Mmn,’ he hummed, his tongue flicking across
one of her tender nipples. ‘You know, first impressions and all.’

Her breath caught as his mouth closed over her breast, drawing hard on the sensitive flesh. She struggled not to giggle, ‘First impressions? Connor, you cad.’

He released her breast from his mouth with a slight pop and he gazed down at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. ‘Cad?’ He twisted his fingers into the thin lace strap of her thong and yanked, tearing the fine material aside. ‘Now I’m a cad.’

Langdon chewed on her lower lip and returned his stare with humour to match. Her thigh slid up to his hip, cradling him and opening herself to him. She saw him tensing with restraint and she pushed. He wasn’t ready for it and he tumbled to his back, Langdon sprawling across his chest. She giggled and pounced on him, catching his face between her palms and kissing him deeply.

He groaned, his hands grasping her hips where she ground against him. She released his mouth to pay homage to his exposed chest, kissing, licking, and scoring her nails teasingly over his ribs and shoulders. She smiled at the small moans it drew from him and rose up on her knees, trailing her fingers down his stomach to tickle just below his belly button. He pressed his eyes shut with a grunt for a moment and opened them, blinking slowly to bring her into focus. ‘You’re torturing me,’ he griped.

She smiled, her eyes sparkling as she shifted over him, slowly impaling herself on his erection. They moaned in unison at the sensation and Langdon’s hands came to his chest as she fought to balance herself. Connor thrust his hips, catching her off balance and she tipped forward, bringing her close enough that he could catch her mouth in a passionate kiss. He wove his fingers into the hair on the nape of her neck, trapping her against him. She whimpered against his lips, her hands gripping his shoulders.

She panted when he released her lips, his arm wrapping around her lower back, pulling her down further so he could worship her breasts. She choked out a cry, her arms beginning to shake with the effort of holding herself up.

In the other room, Langdon’s phone rang loudly, startling her as her head shot up. Connor growled, rolling her beneath him. ‘Let it go to voicemail.’ He took up a leisurely pace, drawing slowly and almost completely from her before thrusting back inside her as she lifted her hips to meet his. His teeth nipped teasingly along her neck, drawing a series of moans from her.

Langdon gulped in a breath, the sweet friction building between their bodies driving her closer to the edge. ‘Like… I c-could leave,’ she ground out, pulling his mouth down to meet hers. His tongue swept hungrily through her mouth to match the movement of his body into hers. She drew his lower lip into her mouth, nibbling on the tender morsel, releasing him as she gasped, her body clenching around his.

Connor lost the tenuous grip he had on his control and kissed her with all the frustration, tension, and emotion that he had let build in the past days. He picked up his pace, thrusting into her with passionate abandon. She cried out and buried her face against his shoulder, tensing and biting down on the soft flesh she found there. Her inner muscles tightened around him, her body shuddering as she came.

He echoed her cry with a yell of his own as he emptied himself inside of her. He lowered himself, dropping his head against her chest as both of their hearts beat a rapid cadence. Langdon’s fingers tangled through the sweat soaked tips of his hair as she panted. He sighed and turned his face, absently kissing whatever skin he could find. ‘God, Laney,’ he groaned, shifting to find her mouth. She fought the urge to smile as his mouth caressed her with gentle pressure. ‘I love you, Laney.’

She stretched and wrapped her arms around him, smoothing her fingers up and down his back. ‘I love you too, Connor.’ She mewed with disappointment as he shifted off of her.

He chuckled when he turned on his side and drew her into the curve of his body. He nuzzled her neck, kissing the sensitive skin just behind her ear. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not done with you yet,’ he purred. A shiver ran through her at the husky tone of his voice and he laughed again, cupping her breast softly in his palm. ‘What time is that train in the morning?’

‘Seven,’ she gasped.

He growled. ‘Seven? On a weekend? Remind me to punish you for that later.’ She squeaked as he pinched her tender nipple and entwined her fingers with his to keep him from doing so again. ‘Spoil-sport,’ he murmured. She mumbled a response that he couldn’t discern and he smiled, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. He pulled the blankets up around them and pulled her snugly against him.

‘Tomorrow,’ he promised.


Paul grumbled and barely suppressed the urge to hurl his phone across the room. Why the fuck wouldn’t she answer her phone?! When he got his hands on her, he was going to kill her! The corner of his mouth twisted into a grin and he snorted. Well, killing her was the whole point, wasn’t it?

The door swung open and he casually followed the newcomer into the semi-private snook in the corner of the pub. The man didn’t say a word, and Paul had learned that he wasn’t one for small talk. The man raised an eyebrow over irises of almost black, and Paul found himself squirming under the scrutiny. The man made him vastly uneasy.

Paul gently set the boxy knapsack on the floor by the man’s feet. The man nodded, slid a bulky envelope across the table and stood, collecting the bag. He smirked, winked at Paul and strode out of the pub.

Paul quickly tucked the envelope into his coat and swiped at his brow with the back of his hand, trying to clear some of the sweat that had collected in the past few minutes. He signalled the bartender for a drink and downed the whisky as soon as it was in his hands. Almost there, he thought, heaving a sigh of relief. Almost there.


Langdon mumbled in her sleep, the teasing fingers stirring a vivid dream. When she breathed his name, it came out almost as a moan and Connor smiled. He feathered kisses across her taut stomach, his hands firmly moulding her breasts into the shape of his palms. Langdon groaned, shifting to press into the warmth of his body, her hands reaching for him.

He chuckled, catching one hand and pressing a kiss into her palm before drawing her index finger into his mouth. Langdon sucked in a breath, her eyes fluttering open, filled with a dazed expression. He released her finger. ‘Morning,’ he purred, dipping his head to brush his lips over hers.

She cooed and stretched out beneath him, squinting into the dark room. ‘What time is it?’

‘Time to get up if you want to catch that train.’ He kissed her temple and pushed himself onto his knees. ‘We’ve got to leave here in 10 minutes.’ The shocked look on her face drew a smile to his. ‘Good thing you’re already packed. Now get dressed and I’ll make us some coffee.’ He swatted her thigh playfully as he rose from the bed then pulled on his boxers as he headed for the kitchen.

Langdon rolled onto her stomach, peered at the clock, and smothered a groan. What was I thinking booking a seven o’clock train? she wondered.

An hour later, Langdon curled up, resting her head against Connor’s chest as the train lurched into motion. Trains always made her sleepy, and it was a good two hours to Tralee. Connor kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her. ‘Tired?’

She nuzzled the v of skin that peaked out from the collar of his button-down shirt. ‘Someone kept me up all night,’ she mumbled.

He chuckled and the sound warmed her down to her toes. ‘Well, get some sleep now then. You might be kept up late again tonight.’ She poked him playfully in the ribs and snuggled into his warmth, drifting off into a pleasant doze.


Dr. Maslow stared at the body he was preparing for burial. ‘What the hell?’ There was something out of place. Years of
performing the hospital required post-mortems had given him an instinctive sense of when there was a pathological problem, and now was no different.

This hadn’t been his post-mortem, but he frequently would make the autopsied bodies ready for a funeral home. He prided himself on his technique, making sure the families of the deceased would not be aware of the necessary cutting his job demanded.

He removed the organs from the body cavity, laying each one out with care. He wrinkled his nose, the smell of formalin much stronger than it should be. Sorting carefully, he isolated the offending organs: liver, kidney, heart. The remainder seemed to belong, but those three were older, like something from his preserved collection. He stormed into the storage room, his eyes meticulously scanning the shelves. Reaching the rear of the room he found what he was looking for.

Small splatter marks of formalin were clear on the floor in front of the shelf. He pulled the tubs out one at a time and opened them. Empty… All of them were empty. ‘Oh my God,’ he whispered taking a quick count. There were over thirty organs missing. If the preserved ones were going into the recently deceased bodies, then the fresh ones were…

Holy shit.

He dashed back to his office, pulling the autopsy report for the patient he had just been working on. Skimming it, he held his breath. Patient had died of… heart failure. That was all it said. No rational, just heart failure. No atherosclerosis, no infarction, no emboli, just failure. He frowned and read the external review on his way back to the autopsy room.

He painstakingly reviewed the body, finding what he was praying would be absent. A small needle wound that was uncharted, undocumented, just visible in the soft tissue behind the ear. Maslow felt his gut clench and he turned back to the chart, searching for the name of the person who had filed the report.

He grimaced when he found it… Paul Cavatoni.

Maslow picked up the phone and called the security desk. ‘I need the Garda here, now.’


Connor watched the station sign as the train pulled away. They were nearly to Tralee and he’d have to wake her soon. Something in him rebelled against the idea, loving the way she felt curled against his side.

The shrill ring of her mobile made him jump and he dug into her bag to turn it off before it woke her. He muttered a curse under his breath and answered the phone, speaking as softly as he could. ‘Hello?’

‘Uh… Connor?’ came the voice on the other end.

‘Yeah, this is. Who is this?’ he kept his voice low as Laney stirred against his side.

‘Hey, it’s Paul. I was looking for Lang…’

‘Sorry, mate. She’s sleeping.’ Connor furrowed his brow. What the hell was Paul doing calling so early?

‘Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb. Hey, look. I was hoping to run through some work things later today. Is there a good time for me to come over?’

Connor rolled his eyes. ‘Not really, Paul. We’re actually on our way out of town for the weekend. It’s sort of last minute, but I’m sure Laney will catch up with you on Monday.’ The train conductor came over the loud speaker and announced Tralee as the next stop.

‘Oh. Ok then. See ya round, Connor.’

‘Later.’ Connor ended the call and stared at the phone for a few minutes. That was the third time he’d called in as many days. Strange, the man had always struck him as somewhat anti-social. There was also something that unsettled him about the tone in Paul’s voice. Like poorly disguised anger. He ran his fingers through Laney’s hair. Maybe he’d have a chat with Paul when they got back.

Langdon’s fingers tightened around the fabric of his shirt as she started to wake. He brushed his thumb over her cheek and kissed her forehead. ‘Hey, babe. Wake up. We’re going to hop a bus in a few minutes.’


This time Paul lost his temper. He picked up the nearest book and, with a roar, sent it smashing into the wall. ‘Away for the weekend?!’ he bellowed. He started pacing. There was no way he could wait for Monday. He needed this done.

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Rachael balanced the tray carefully as she knocked on the door. What she was about to do turned her on as much as what she had already done today. While she waited for the door to open, her mind drifted back to the wondrous afternoon spent with the Queen. "So, my little pleasure giver, does my pussy taste better than Megan's?" Those words had sent two powerfully but completely different feelings racing through her body. The first was fear of what the Queen would do to her for her...

2 years ago
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Dragon Clans Pt 02

‘I waited too long,’ Ian said to no one in particular. Pacing around the room Ian was very aware that his inaction had caused Michael undo pain. The sun had set hours ago, and the fatigue showed as Ian pulled up the video one more time before turning in. It showed the pain and suffering of a man bereft of hope. How many of us could hope to begin to understand the pain of this kind of loss? How many of us could come through with our sanity and humanity intact? Ian closed down his computer...

1 year ago
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MingChapter 3

I took the low-orbital shuttle to Sea-Port International Airport and was met 48 minutes after take-off by a FedEx courier as I disembarked. He took care of my paperwork with the airline and drove me in his van to the home of the Harrison's. My new owners. I stood nervously on the step as he rang the doorbell. Everything seemed so very different from what little I remembered of China. There were a lot less people and a whole lot more room, for one thing. And everyone had a vehicle it seemed,...

1 year ago
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Big and Beautiful Part IV

Getting back home to Jersey was nearly unbearable. They had kept us out all damn day doing the most pointless activities. Damien and I just hung out at each location, trying to make out without being caught. When time came to leave and head home for real, we were allowed to switch buses, and nearly every girl on my bus ran for the hills. Damien switched to my bus and we sat in the back, alone. It was nighttime, and I was set on napping a little bit. About an hour into the trip, the teachers...

2 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 30 That Really Hurts

At Punishment the next day in front of all the other girls, Jacqui remembered that there are punishments that not even the most devout masochist can enjoy, or convert to sexual pleasure. Martha briefly outlined Jacqui's "crimes", which amounted to risking Martha's income by letting a client nearly kill her, and upsetting said client because his experiment failed. "The punishment will be three strokes of the thin cane for each offence," Martha intoned and Jacqui was truly amazed. The...

3 years ago
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Slave to the rich and famous

You are a shy guy average age. But when it comes to sex you have the worst luck. Most of this is down be a total submissive slave boy and way too much of a whomp to tell anyone or even visit a professional dominant. Though you have tried a few things like your vanilla sex life you never been that far. You are pretty certain that your ex the only one to have sex with you did it out pity and was probably why she ended it soon after. Since then you have been sitting alone at your computer looking...

2 years ago
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Tumblr CousinChapter 5

That was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. It convinced me to call a halt to things before something bad happened, and I flatly refused to do anything else while I was home on break. Unfortunately, as I was to discover in the not-so-distant future, it convinced both girls to take other actions they’d discussed. Lori begged for a while, to the point that I told Mom and Dad I needed to go back to school a couple of days early to “get ready for my next semester.” That was...

3 years ago
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Gangbang of office colleague Part 8211 2

Hello, people thank you so much for your response to my first story on this site. I am Ashu back to the next part of the story, those who haven’t read the previous part request you all to read so that you can understand the continuation better. So, without wasting much of your time let me start… After a nice blowjob, Rahe started to kiss Gargi wildly this time he was wilder as he was squeezing her boobs over her bra ssss…huhhh… Rahe slow… slowwww you’re hurting me… Soft moans were coming out of...

2 years ago
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My Gran

My gran was always nicer to me than the other grand k**s and i never knew why until a few days ago when i went round on my own to pick up some things for my mum i knocked on the door and when that door opened my dick nearly ripped thorough my jeans as my gran was wearing hot pants and a loose fitting top so you got an amazing view of her cleavage, she invited my in and sat me down by this time my erection was throbbing in my jeans she sat in her chair in the corner and asked what i need i...

2 years ago
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Short Sexy and sweet

Introduction: This is my first go. Something different and something that i want to try. Please leave comments, i would like to know what everyone thinks. Intro: This is a story of a mother and her son, and the mother is a little person. Chapter 1: The sun began to rise and Jericho felt the warmth on his face, he sighed, all he wanted was sleep. Being 15 years old and horny all the time, he basically cared about sleep and masturbation. Jericho was still a virgin, but not for lack of trying,...

3 years ago
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Remember Me Part 1

When I was sixteen years old, one my dad’s old drinking buddies said to me, one day, “Son, you probably don’t realise it now, but these are the best years of your life. Once you finish school, it’s all downhill from there. Mark my words on that.” My heart kind of sank when he told me that, and I thought, You mean, this is as good as it gets?To put it, mildly, my school years weren’t the happiest years of my life. I was skinny, kind of shy, and I didn’t have a lot of self-confidence. As for...

Straight Sex
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Taking Care of a Problem1

That wasn't all, though. The pain and stiffness in her spine wasn't just from sleeping. There was a figure sitting on top of her, straddling her thighs so that she could not move, and fear gripped her in a vice. As soon as she tried to turn her head to scream, a hand tightened in her hair and shoved her face into the pillow, hard enough to stifle her voice and restrict her breathing. Lily bucked, scrabbling as she tried to twist her arms behind herself to scratch at the person holding her...

1 year ago
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LEXI Chapters 160

Lexi was just two weeks past her 18th birthday and her brunet hair fell thickly to her shoulders. Her brown eyes grew very large when she was excited. Her lips formed a beautiful perfect heart shape when she slightly opened her mouth, especially when she put on bright red lipstick. Her slightly darker complexion added to her petite 5’ 5” feminine frame which accentuated her attractiveness. She came into the family when my brother married a widow from Costa Rica and she came as a package...

2 years ago
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Just One HourChapter 9

Debbie had given in now. What was the point? She'd been forced through so many indignities she hardly recognised herself. Her body was exhausted, the men so confident and forceful. Over the next fifteen minutes she experienced sex like she had never imagined. Dirty, embarrassing, dominant all the while her body ever so slowly becoming moist her groans fill bit by bit giving an evermore aroused noise. How many positions, the men didn't know but they planned to find out. First Debbie was...

4 years ago
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A Weird OneChapter 12

"Are you ready for me lover?" "As always sexy lady." "Come on then; let's go up and see your surprise." "Surprise?" "Oh yes lover; you will be surprised." And I was. I entered the bedroom to see my mom in a four way with Terrell, Marcus and one other black guy that I hadn't seen before and two more black guys were standing there watching and waiting for an open hole. "That's your mom (Mary whispered in my ear) reliving her glory days. She was the basketball team's...

3 years ago
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Dorothy Does OzChapter 5 Bestiality

The forest grew close to the yellow bricks of the pathway. There were strange noises that came from the forest; some Dorothy recognized as bird calls, others were mysterious. The most ominous was a heavy movement, which seemed to parallel their path. "Are there wild animals in these woods?" Dorothy asked, nervously. "Some," the Tin Man said, cheerfully. "Mostly Lions and Tigers and Bears." "Oh, my!" The Scarecrow gasped. "Now don't start that," Dorothy moaned. She pulled her...

2 years ago
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Reaper Script

Scene 1: (Gregory forces a young couple into dark alley with a gun. He is wearing a gray hoodie and jeans. The couple are wearing a fancy clothes for a night out on the town, as well as warm coats for the cold.) Gregory: Give me your purse and don't say a word. Woman: Please just take it. (The woman hands over her purse, before the mugger shoots the man first. He turns the gun on the woman.) Woman: Please ... don't... (The mugger pulls the trigger again, and rushes off) Scene 2: (The...

1 year ago
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Living Dizyntk 2Chapter 4 Mating Dizyntk

The planet of Sapphire contains several landmasses. The northern continent stretches from the planet's north polar region to two-thirds of the way to the equator. It covers about half of the planet's circumference. The southern continent is smaller. It is located halfway between the south polar area and the equator. It stretches like a winding ribbon over two-thirds of the planet's southern hemisphere. Along the equatorial region there are several large islands as well as numerous small...

2 years ago
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Bev Reenters My Life

My schedule at my job went totally awry, and the plans I had to spend more time with Thea went with it. I had worked seven days in a row, and was finally finished for the day at 6:30 P.M. I locked up the warehouse and office, and walked toward my car. As I rounded the corner of the office, I saw my old friend Bev's car parked next to mine, and as I approached, she got out. "Well, mister, thought you ran of with the circus," she laughed. I was surprised to see her, and replied, "Hell, I don't...

1 year ago
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Sister In Law Part Three

Well, that happened. Desiree and I were finally over, not on paper, but mentally I was already on the way out the door. Hope had tried to set things right but failed, while Gary loved every minute of it. The day before they left, he told me that I could take the pickup; he had already signed it over to me, passing the papers across the table like it was the best gift he had ever given someone.I had already started looking at apartments around the area. I had no plans to move back home. There...

4 years ago
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Fools Paradise

Introduction: Maxs infatuation comes to fruition. Max lay on his side, watching the alarm clock as it ticked its way closer and closer to seven a.m. The sun was coming in strong and sharp through the crack between the curtains and he could hear birds chirping away in the hedge outside. It was funny, but every time he saw Eva, she reminded him of a bird. Maybe it was the way she walked, that edgy grace, the upbeat attentiveness. He sighed loudly, and felt foolish because nobody was there to...

4 years ago
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Desk Lust by loyalsock

She knelt before him, eyes down cast, not meeting his gaze. She was nude except for her heels, collar and cuffs. As she knelt, she made sure that her legs were slightly spread so he could see her pussy, well shaved and lips parted slightly in arousal. The fire in her ass and shoulders still making her swoon from the flogging he had given her as a reward.She could not look into his eyes now. Especially not now. His gaze had a power over her now that could strip her to her soul and lay her bare...

3 years ago
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Ana in a rock concert

Ana in a rock concert One Friday afternoon Anita came home early from work and surprised me with two tickets to a rock concert in a town a couple hours south of our place. It was nice, because I really loved that band since I was young. My sweet Ana told me one of her coworkers, Robert, was a fan too and he had given her the tickets.“He is a real nice guy, hun, you will meet him there”. She smiled.On Saturday afternoon we were ready to go. Ana got dressed in her old jeans full of rips and holes...

2 years ago
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Our First Swinging House Party Ch 04

Continued from Chapter 3: As soon as Bill asked my wife the question, he looked at Yvonne and smiled. Surprised that Bill’s wife was eager to go too, Sue took my hand and the four of us headed upstairs. We ran into Don as we headed up the stairs and he pulled me aside as my wife, Bill, and Sue continued into one of the bedrooms. ‘I just wanted to give you a heads up,’ he said leaning into me and whispering as if he was giving me a tip on which horse to bet on at a race. ‘This is Bill and...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother Pt 3

I was told to expect a punishment the next day. During the night I tossed and turned, dreaming of the punishment I had seen that day, and the punishment that I would be going through tomorrow. “Kylie.” I blinked and opened my eyes to the sound of my Dad’s gruff voice, “Wake up, come into the living room.” I looked at him from my fluffy white full sized bed. “Now.” He ordered. I got up, my pink tank top clung to my body like saran wrap, and my white cotton panties were the only bottom wear I...

1 year ago
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Girly Man 01

GIRLY MAN - 01 By Libnos I wonder now as to when it all started. I'm happy now; maybe happier than I've ever been but still I think back and try to remember when and how it all started. We were a typical young couple having met in college and married a couple of years after graduation. Had to pay off some of our college loans first. Jane was very into sex and we were doing it after only three dates and it had kept getting better year after...

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NaughtyBlog Interracial

When we download porn videos, we often do not really know what the fuck we can expect. Sure, we are given some screenshots and the overall categories, but for those who are looking for something very specific, that is not enough. It would be great if porn download websites actually gave us a description of the videos as well, just like you have descriptions on basic porn websites.Well, if you search and browse the adult websites as long as I do, you are bound to find something like that. This...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Tales From Helena Ch 03

The third chapter exploring the fictional (mis)adventures of two young women who, for their own reasons, had decided to work as an independent Escort for hire. Please read the previous chapters first to fully appreciate this next installment. *********** Rachel was furious. After all she had said, Staci, her best friend, had ignored her advice and had booked an appointment to see a new client on her own initiative. It had been barely a week since Staci had pleaded for Rachel’s help and Rachel...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Friend8217s Hot Son

Hello there friends, I got many requests stating about my length of the story so after huge work I brought you guys a mini sex story. As most of you read it How I got a chance to fuck my Friend’s hot son. He is young, charming in his 17s with good looks and abs. With his 6.2 inch dick, he did tear me off. This all happened during the summer of July when schools and colleges are on holidays. My Friend Sudha and her husband Harshit were working people. Their son Sujith was the one who fucked me....

3 years ago
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Tricking Slut Sister

Note 1: This is a Halloween 2013 contest story ... I hope you enjoy. Note 2: Unlike many of my stories, this one is short on detailed character development and more about the sex. Note 3: Of course, all participants are eighteen or older (in this case just eighteen). Note 4: Thanks to MAB7991 for his usual editing work and Goamz for a last minute edit check. When did the plan to fuck my twin sister formulate? In truth, ninety percent of my stroke fantasies were of my gorgeous, bitch...

2 years ago
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Slut and how I became one

Slut and how I became one:My husband and I were enjoying our second wedding anniversary in a local restaurant when out of the blue he dropped this bombshell question.“Do you ever think about fucking other guys?” He stammered nervously.I put down my knife and fork, looked him directly in the eye and replied.“What kind of question is that?”“I mean when we’re having sex, have you never fantasized that it was someone else fucking you?” he squirmed in his seat as he asked his question.“No I have...

4 years ago
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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday Chapter 3

I was laughing all the way into the next afternoon. I couldn’t remember a time I’ve had so much fun with a man, not just in bed, but as a person. In fact, I think I had forgotten how to have fun, at least on the level that I did as a kid and a teenager. But unlike teenagers, the fun was much more exciting, and so was the sex. While I was in my office, I could hear Brandon and Kellie talking in the family room while they were watching a football game on TV just outside my door.” “I think your...

3 years ago
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Love Ke Liye Sala Kuch Bhi Karega

Hello friends mera naam rahul hai…..ye story mere maa ke bare me hai,meri maa 42 yrs ke dikhne ne bahut hi sexy hai,mere family me me papa aur meri mom rehete hai. me apni ghar me ek lauta aulad hoon.mere padhai karne ke liye me aur meri maa abhi bhubaneswar me rehete hai.meri maa ki umar ke hisab se wo bahut hi choti lagti hai. sex ki bhookh mujhe bachapan se hi tha. jab me high school me tha tab se maa ko roz nahate hua dekheta tha aur wohi per muth marta tha. meri maa ki fig hi aisi hai ki...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 152

Later, after all the women had tried a little belly dancing to the accompaniment of much laughter and cat calls, they put the leftover food away, and soon had the dishwashers doing their thing. "We'll leave the rest of the cleanup until tomorrow," Diana said, looking around to make sure they hadn't missed anything that needed doing now. "You're going to stay the night like we talked about?" Diana questioned Sheriff Tate's wife, Virginia. "Yes," Virginia replied with a smile, "we...

3 years ago
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The White Van

It was a chance remark that started it all. I had just walked off the elevator at work as Charlie was saying to Mel: " ... Becca and Phil if they can make it." Then they saw me and said, "Good morning Rob" and then the two of them headed for their desks. As I walked into my office I was wondering if it was my wife Becca that they were talking about and if it was why would she be "making" something with Phil? That overheard remark made me uneasy. In fact it downright disturbed me. I sat...

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