Lin Wants a New Life
- 3 years ago
- 33
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Central Buckinghamshire. Nine days later.
“You are sure about this?” Thorn asked. He settled himself more comfortably into one of the deep arm-chairs in the main drawing room at Chequers, the Prime Minister’s country residence in central Buckinghamshire. He was holding a large cup of quality coffee. There was a decanter of excellent whisky on the table near him, but neither he, nor his guest, had so far availed themselves of it.
“Yes sir.” Gareth Boase did not look quite so comfortable in his chair. His cup of coffee still steaming gently on the small table to his side.
Thorn looked at Boase. He didn’t entirely trust the older man, even though he was very good at his job.
“Where did you get this information? I’ve not seen any signs of it?”
“It was something Helen Mumbles was mumbling, er, er,” Boase slightly stumbled his speech as he realised what he had just said, but quickly recovered and carried on. “Er, talking about last week. She didn’t think it was important.”
Thorn frowned. “Are any other ministers hiding things from me?”
“Probably sir, though I suspect it’s not so much hiding, as thinking it not important enough to bring to your immediate attention.”
“Everything is important enough to bring to me,” snapped Thorn.
“No sir,” Boase said slowly. “If we did that you would get inundated with trivia. You need to let your ministers do their jobs, and only if you think they’re falling down on the job do you need to get involved.”
Thorn frowned. He understood what Boase was telling him, even if he didn’t totally agree. “So why do you think this is important if the Education Secretary doesn’t?”
Boase frowned. “I don’t know. A hunch. Intuition. A feeling in my gut. I can’t explain it any better.”
“Go on,” Thorn said quietly. He’d learned to trust Boase’s intuitions and feelings, even if he didn’t totally trust the man.
“One doesn’t think about students as very important in the grand scheme of things,” Boase said slowly. “They generally have little or no political or economic influence. They are young, so often overlooked by the general population who see them as just ‘whining kids’ who do nothing but drink, smoke, do drugs and occasionally take classes.” Boase frowned in thought. “Look. If I said to you, Oxford and Cambridge, what’s the first thing you think of?”
“The boat race,” Thorn answered promptly.
“Indeed. A perfect case in point. Sport and sportsmen and women. The universities throw up loads of comedians and sportsmen, along with all the business people, politicians, civil servants, doctors and everyone else. But as students they’re not any of those things except for the sportsmen. And maybe the comedians. They’re party animals. Borrowing and spending, but not producing. No one really thinks about them because of that, except in a dismissive way. So they don’t look. Well I looked.”
Boase grimaced. “They’re not all like that. It was almost accidental that I spotted anything at all, and really even Helen, the Education Secretary, thought I was over-analysing it. I can see her point, but I think she’s wrong. It just doesn’t feel right.”
“And you think the students are about to explode?”
“Yes sir, I do.”
“Okay, so what is it you don’t like? What is it they’ve done, or you think they’ve done, that worries you?”
“You are aware, I suppose, that there is a students union?”
“Of course. It’s just a bar and social club run by the students for the students.” Thorn had gone to Loughborough University, and although he had come out of it with a 2-1 in business and economics, he hadn’t believed anything he’d been taught. He had understood what he had been taught perfectly well, so had been able to regurgitate exactly what the examiners wanted him to. He just didn’t believe a word of it. Instead he had spent a lot of time reading political treatises. He had read Marx and Engles and Trotsky, as well as Mao, Hitler and Mussolini. He hadn’t really thought about the students union, had, in fact, taken no notice of it at all.
“No sir. It’s not. It is a proper trades union, albeit for students. The National Union of Students. Just like the miners or the dockers unions; and every university has it’s own branch of the NUS. Those in turn are allied to a national organisation based, er, in London.” Boase had been about to say ‘here in London’ only to remember at the very last moment where he was. It was only a few miles from his own home in Bedfordshire, so when he had phoned and asked for an urgent chat, Thorn had invited him over straight away.
“Okay, so it’s a national organisation of whining drunkards,” Thorn said. “Except,” he added slowly, “you’re about to tell me it’s not?”
“Indeed. They can actually be a very politically savvy organisation. They are regularly demonstrating about some perceived injustice or other. Usually relevant to students, but not always.”
“Such as?”
“Typically student fees, grants, finance stuff in general. Often supporting the lecturers when they go on strike. But on top of that they could be campaigning for almost anything. A few years ago it might have been about global climate change or plastic pollution in the sea or air quality or a few years before that it might have been racial equality. Left of centre stuff generally, but still pretty mainstream. In recent years they’ve been a bit quieter, but the last year,” Boase paused and shrugged, “well,” he paused again. “I didn’t see anything until Helen started telling me about how they organise, so I looked. More out of curiosity at first, but now?” He shook his head, worriedly. “Something’s up.”
Thorn shrugged. “I still don’t really see the problem. Students cannot get their student grants, loans and bursaries unless they can show they are members of the Truth And Freedom party, so I don’t see what there is to worry about.”
“That was only for new students. Existing students didn’t need to register, so in the summer after it became law, second and subsequent year students, just walked in and got their finance and their places, without needing to be a member of TaF. And it was not quite three years ago that the law came in. All current third years or higher don’t have to be members of TaF. And they are the ones that are now in control of the NUS.”
Thorn frowned in thought. “All right, but still, so what?”
“Most unions,” Boase started, “have a steady leadership. The current leader of Unison, for example, is Andy Lode.” Thorn nodded, a look of distaste on his face. “Lode has been in position for at least six years now, probably longer. The NUM has Len Grebe. Eight years that I know of. The RMT has Eric whatever-his-name-is, seven years. I remember his election.”
“Mather,” murmured Thorn. “Eric Mather.”
Boase nodded. “The NUS on the other hand gets a new leader almost every year as the new batch of students comes up and the previous batch move on. We have a handle on Lode, Grebe, Mather and all the other mainstream unions, but not on the students.”
“That just means they are inexperienced. And if they’re trying to study and run a union, I still don’t see the issue.”
“Except they’re not. Helen Mumbles explained this to me. I’d taken no interest in the union when I was at college, it was always far too left wing for me, so I genuinely didn’t know how it worked. It seems that when you become a union official, you actually temporarily give up your place on the course for that year. You pick it up again the following year. Sometimes even two or three years later. That means these people are full time union officials. It also means they are delayed a year or two, which means they could well have started a year or two earlier and therefore missed out on the requirements to be a member of TaF.”
“Ohh,” now Thorn was starting to see some of Boase’s worries. “But still, that just means that there’s still some students who we don’t know we can trust. That doesn’t mean they’re actually going to do anything. Or do you have any evidence that they are?”
“Not hard evidence, no. Just things.”
“Like?” Thorn was getting slightly irritated by Boase’s evasions now, but the problem for Boase was that he had little in the way of real evidence, so all he could give was feelings and impressions.
“Alright. Concrete example.” He wasn’t actually that certain, but Boase needed to over-egg the pot. “The current national leader, just voted in, is a guy called Martin Klau. It’s a strange name so I checked. He is English for at least four generations. This time last year he was president of Leeds University NUS. Back then he seemed to be a real supporter of you and of Truth and Freedom. By about April he was no longer shouting for you, although he also wasn’t shouting against you. This year, and we’re not quite two months into the academic year, he’s made at least three speeches criticizing you, or TaF, or Earth First. He’s mentioned the confederation in two of his speeches, and not in a critical way.”
“So he’s been got at by the traitors,” Thorn murmured.
“Yes sir.”
“Who? Do you know?”
“No sir. There’s three or four possibilities. A girl from Bournmouth uni who is on the national committee, and his deputy in all but name. A boy from Leicester uni and another from Cambridge. The fourth possibility is that it’s one of the permanent staff at their national HQ.”
“You’re discounting that because last years national leader was pro Britain?”
“Yes. He was, and still is, a member of TaF. It’s also possible of course that the influence came from outside again, but I don’t see that as at all likely.” Boase shook his head. “It’s internal to the union.”
“You sure? What about his father?”
Again Boase shook his head. “Died in a car accident when the boy was only five or six. Brought up by a single mother who cleaned offices to buy alcohol. She was no influence. From what I’ve found out she was angry because he wouldn’t go out to work to earn money.”
“Hm. Your personal choice? Of the three? Or four?”
Boase shook his head once more, frowning worriedly. “I don’t know.”
“My favourite would be the girl,” Thorn said after a moments silence. “Females always cause more trouble than they’re worth.”
Boase frowned. “Possibly. She is his deputy in most things. Just not in name.”
“There you are then. Are they in a relationship? I bet you that’s what’s happened. He’d come under her spell.”
“I don’t believe they are, they are almost never together. He doesn’t appear to have a girlfriend, but I haven’t found out for certain. She’s originally from Liverpool, and we know what sort of commies and the like that place throws up.”
“So what do you want to do about it? Do you want to pick up the union leaders? Question them? Or do you merely want to watch them?”
“I don’t know. I just have this feeling.”
Thorn frowned. “Well make up your mind. If you want to arrest them do it.”
“Yes sir.”
Boase remained seated. Thorn frowned at him. “What? Is there something else?”
“Well, yes sir.”
“Go on?”
“This thing, a couple of months ago.”
“What thing?” Thorn was genuinely confused.
“You know, when the aliens arrived in space.”
Thorn burst into laughter. “Don’t tell me you got fooled by that as well. You know damn well it’s a clever trick to make us lower our guard and let the Jews and the blacks control us.”
“No, I didn’t get fooled, but it got me thinking.”
Thorn’s eyes narrowed. “About what?”
“Well, if the Americans and the Jews and the blacks, controlled by the Bilderberg group, could manage to persuade so many people around the world that this crap is real, just exactly how powerful are they?”
Thorn frowned. He knew many of his people were convinced the secretive utra-rich Bilderberg group was behind the conspiracy. But he, Thorn, knew that was just a front, a cover, for the real conspirators. Behind the Bilderberg group was the American and French governments. That was easy to prove as far as Thorn was concerned. Wasn’t it the Americans who had forced Britain into the EU and under the control of the French? Wasn’t it the Americans who had forced Britain to drop its TSR2 fighter program? Its Blue Streak missile and Black Knight rockets? Thorn himself was far too young to remember any of these, even his own father would have been a young child at the time. Thorn however, ‘knew all’ about them, and hated the Americans, but even they were only puppets. No. The people behind the American government were the Irish. Didn’t the Irish hate the British? And you just had to look at the way the Americans ‘celebrated’ St.Patrick’s day, even though The Virgin Mary was their patron saint, not St.Patrick. And behind the Irish? The Catholic Church. The Pope. The fount of all evil in the world.
But the Pope himself was just a figurehead. Somewhere behind there, buried deep, was something else. The Illuminati? Thorn didn’t think so, that was itself just a false-flag front put up, to be publicly shot down again as a myth, both by the Vatican and others. Thorn just knew that whatever it was, was buried deep inside the Vatican.
Thorn had been brought up by lapsed Anglican parents, but had gone to a Catholic school ‘because it was the best school locally’. He had soon learned to hate the priest and those of the teachers that happened to be nuns or monks. When the priest had been arrested, the rumour went around that it was for ‘kiddy fiddling’. Even though Thorn later found out it was actually for ‘causing death by careless driving while under the influence of drink’, he was quite happy to keep the ‘kiddy fiddling’ rumours fuelled. Even to expand upon them.
Even though Gareth Boase couldn’t see the bigger picture, it was enough for Graham Thorn that the older man knew the Confederacy was a lie. “Have you never seen a science fiction movie? Even as a child?” Thorn asked, all humour gone from his face again.
“They never made sense to me,” Boase said. “I just could never get that suspension of disbelief. Know what I mean? Gravity was all wrong. Movement in space?” He shook his head. “Useless. Unrealistic and totally unbelievable.”
Thorn nodded. “I know. I could watch them. And did until I was about ten or eleven, that’s when I realised the truth. That they were secret propaganda to make the future look good if we just keep going as we are. Not rock the boat.” Thorn conveniently managed to ignore those films showing a more distopian future. “But they’re often very technically clever. It’s not difficult, in the computer, to add stuff in that isn’t there. Hollywood are extremely clever at making you see things that aren’t there, or hiding things that are.”
“I’m aware of all that,” Boase said, just managing to keep the irritation out of his voice. “What I’m talking about is having done that, they can actually use what they’ve created and go on and persuade so many people it’s real. That’s what’s worrying me. If they really are that powerful, how do we really go up against them?”
Thorn showed his understanding. “Yes. I see what you’re saying,” he murmured.
“I know the Chief’s Of Staff Committee were persuaded, that’s why they had to go,” Boase continued. “They in turn had persuaded too many other senior and middle ranking officers of the false truth, or they already believed of course.”
“Evans made a good start in purging the army of it’s old-fashioned ways and old-fashioned people. Some of them were still fighting the cold war of last century, it seemed.”
“You know why don’t you?” Boase interrupted.
Thorn looked puzzled. “Why?”
“Because they still pledge loyalty and allegiance to the crown. To the monarch. They actually name the current monarch, but they don’t name you. They don’t even mention the government or the prime-minister. Just the crown and the queen. By name.”
Thorn’s face had darkened as he was told this. “Beatrice is still opposing me,” he hissed. More to himself than to Boase. After all, it was ‘well known’ that the previous queen had been to numerous Bilderberg conferences. He glared at Boase. “Why didn’t Evans do anything about that?” he asked angrily.
Boase shook his head. “I don’t know that he didn’t. But after he died, Bill Stewart took over, and to be honest, I don’t think he’s doing a very good job.”
Thorn was surprised. Bill Stewart had always seemed to him to be pretty good. “Why?” Thorn demanded.
“It’s just not his thing. He would have been better at the Home Office, or left at the MoJ, but since you got rid of Justice, he’s been left hanging.”
“I know Sheard was a military man, but he seemed to be on our side. Why did Stewart sack him? From what I could tell, Sheard was doing everything he should be doing, and helped us enormously.” He shook his head. “It’s not logical.”
He paused for a moment when Thorn frowned in thought. “Look sir, give me the Defence portfolio, and put Stewart at the Home Office. He was good at Justice, and since about a third of that has now gone to the Home Office, he would be good there as well. Better than the pillock you’ve got there at the moment. In fact I think Bill Stewart is wasted anywhere other than the Home Office.”
Thorn nodded. He’d been considering something along those lines already. “I think you’d be too busy to take on Defence as well as MOSS.”
“It would be a good fit, plus the MoD is barely thirty percent of what it was just three years ago. Another two years and it’ll be a third the size again.”
Thorn slowly shook his head. “Noooo. I don’t think so.” He didn’t see Gareth Boase’s face darken for a moment in fury. “No, you need to keep a close eye on MOSS. You’re right, in theory it would be a good fit, but I want to expand MOSS’ powers slightly, so I need your full attention on that.”
“Oh?” Boase was curious enough that his anger vanished. An expanded MOSS was what he was after anyway.
“I also want to increase the size of the Patrol still further. It’s still no where near big enough. You have to concentrate on that. It needs doubling in size within the next twelve months. We know the Black-Jew cabal that created those images is now trying to control the world through fear. It’s a very clever thing to do, so we need to counter that, and we need more Patrollers to do it. The people trust the Patrol. Trust them far more than they ever trusted the police. That needs to be built on and the Patrol expanded, both in numbers and their powers. Their specific powers of arrest for a start. We must expand on that.”
Boase looked down in thought. “Yes Prime-Minister,” he murmured. “Hmm. After the military were banned from recruiting, the few remaining military recruitment offices were all closed and turned over to the Patrol as recruitment offices, but they are getting less than ten percent of people through the door than the forces ever did. And the forces never got enough.”
“People are being scared away?”
“Yes sir. I believe so. Almost certainly by Beatrice, or at least, by her people. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the last six months or so she’s been seen more, and she’s not hiding her feelings about you. After Lucy Cadwallader went missing, the queen went quiet for a bit, but then began to get quite, well, nasty about you.”
Thorn’s face darkened for a moment. “Well that’s the other thing I need you to do. I need you, in conjunction with the TV advertisers, to start creating adverts and counter propaganda. I want Beatrice thoroughly discredited. Rake up her past. She’s of the age group and of the right ‘party’ set that would likely have done drugs recreationally when she was in her teens and twenties. Find it. Dig it up.”
“Yes sir.”
“And dig up more dirt on Cadwallader. I want her even more thoroughly discredited.” Thorn thought briefly back to Lucy Cadwallader’s death. He hadn’t done the actual killing, but he had been there at the end, watching it all. When she’d spat in his face, he had punched her, hard. So hard that for a few seconds she couldn’t breath. He had thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and watching her finally die with her throat cut had been the best part of it.
“Yes sir. It will be a pleasure.”
“I thought you’d like that. Start with the recruitment though. That’s actually more important, but don’t neglect the counter-propaganda. Remember. We’re telling the truth, so it’s not ‘propaganda’. It’s ‘counter-propaganda’. Understood?”
“Yes sir.” Boase nodded decisively. He hadn’t got the Defence post which he really wanted, but he had got something. “What about Stewart? You really should move him to Home Secretary, and relieve him of Defence. Andrew Hudd was okay as a home office junior minister, but he’s struggled ever since he took over from Roland Child.”
Thorn nodded, frowning in thought. “Who do you recommend to take over from Stewart at the MoD? Hudd?”
“No sir. You could do worse than move Mark Harrison from DTI.”
“Harrison? Don’t know much about him. Seems capable though. Wasn’t he the one that came up through local politics on the south coast somewhere?”
“Yes sir. Portsmouth I think. He was an early supporter.”
Thorn nodded decisively. “Good.” Boase silently exulted. Harrison was a close ally of Boase’s. He hadn’t got Defence directly, but Harrison would do what Boase asked. “Okay,” continued Thorn, “now who goes to Trade and Industry?”
“You’ll have to promote someone I think. Bill Stewart might have ideas on that, as might Mark Harrison himself. His own junior minister, perhaps?”
“Who is?”
Boase pretended to scratch his chin in puzzled thought. “Not sure sir.” In fact it was another Boase ally, so he hoped Thorn would ask Harrison’s opinion. ‘Must make sure I talk to Harrison first,’ thought Boase. ‘That would give me effective control of three ministries.’ Boase wasn’t opposed to Thorn, in fact he believed the younger man to be a genius. But Boase was after power. Nothing more, nothing less. He intended to be Thorn’s successor, but not quite yet. Thorn should have a few more years yet, get everything settled down first. Boase didn’t have the public support Thorn had, and probably never would, so he needed a different kind of support. That was harder and slower to get, so Boase was playing the long game.
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“WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?” Man, that came out of the blue. I left Fundamentals class and caught up with Melody to tell her the good news about my scholarship and racquetball, and before I could get a word out she explodes at me. She really doesn’t swear that much, so her language took me by surprise. “What do you mean?” “I waited in the study lounge till midnight! We were going to work on our Fundies presentations together. You never showed up and then you waltz in here this morning and...
I received several requests to write a story about just the girls from my last story. Hi, my name is Ali and this is my story about how I became aware that I liked girls. First some background. I am an only child. My mom and I live on a dead end street up on a hill. Two sides of our house where bordered by a national forest. The back yard was fenced and the top of the fence was at the roofline of the house next door, so it was very private. I would sunbath topless in the...
I recently found myself alone in Spain (having lost my pals) and thought I'd try the local strip club.On entering, a gorgeous dark-haired Bulgarian girl immediately approached me and asked if I'd like a dance. I thought, "Why not?".I followed her to a small private room. She closed the curtain behind her and began to dance. Before too long her tits were out and her pants were off. Her boobs were pert and natural and her pussy was completely shaven."You can touch me if you want", she said as she...
ISS readers, I am Indu, 18 yrs old plus 2 student from Kerala, sharing with you my first sexperience! Ours is an upper middle class family, hailing from Cochin. The family consists of my father who is abroad, mother, my elder sister and my younger brother and me. My elder sister is married just one month back, and my brother prepares for his plus one entry. This happened one week back, while I my sister and her husband came to our house for a short stay for the second time after her marriage....
So I laid face down on the chair with my towel still wrapped around me. He pulled up a chair next to me so he'd be comfortable. He was wearing just a towel too and the position I was laying I could get a clear view of his cock. I immediately felt an erection coming on. He applied the lotion and started working around my neck. It felt so good. He worked on there and my back for ten minutes before he moved down to my calves. I remarked, " this is how a massage feels? I never knew what I've been...
"Aunt S-S-S-Sara," Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can't help but notice that his eyes aren't the only things that are bulging at the moment. I guess that answers the question! "Your mother thinks your gay," I tell him matter-of-factly as his eyes roam from my tits down to the tiny triangle of material disappearing between my legs. "G-G-Gay?" he looks at me incredulously. "W-w-w-why w-w-would...
Introduction: A mother succumbs to her base feelings I Shouldnt…But I Did by Dunchad After a hard day of work I arrived home. Removing my dress and looking at my 39 year old body in the mirror. Thinking to myself Becky you can still give the young girls a run for their money. My 38DD breasts still very firm and not much sag, tiny waist but growing hips. That seemed to still get attention when I wore jeans or shorts. The tightness in my shoulders and neck brought me back. Looking out my...
My Not So Happy Ever After - Chapter 2 Please be a dream. Please be a dream. Please be a dream. I knew it wasn't a dream, even before I opened my eyes, I knew it wasn't a dream. I could feel the weight of the breasts on my chest, the silkiness of the nightgown I was wearing, the soft hair draped over my shoulder and most disturbing of all, the emptiness between my legs. I opened my eyes. I was in the same circular room that I had fallen asleep in last night, on a huge,...
"Ok" I told him quietly. "I'll do it"He smiled "Great – GUYS GET IN HERE""What? NO! Just you – you can't expect me to have sex with all of these guys" I yelled as four more black guys filed in the office behind me, blocking my exit."What I expect" He explained slowly as he came around the desk "is for you to shut up, open your legs and do as you're fucking told"There was definitely no way out for me now, the office door closed behind the last man and the walls were lined with huge, leering men,...
Liz didn’t have to go through myriad assistants to speak to Glen Carter. I knew his grandchildren worked for him in some capacity and that his son was running most of the man’s business empire (along with Glen’s brother, George). He had arrived in Dallas with an entourage that consisted entirely of family members. He had brought his wife, his son and daughter-in-law, a grandson and a granddaughter to the concert. The son and his wife were in their middle 40s; the grandchildren in their late...
We finally get a good look at Wezzel. He is short maybe 3 and a half feet tall. And he is covered from head to toe with short dark glossy fur, with markings that remind me of a raccoon. He ears are pointed but set like a human on the side of his head. He has vestal whiskers on his face and some very sharp fangs. I see something swish behind him and that is when I realize he has a tail. He is wearing a collar like the others only this one is shiny and has a set of blinking lights on it that...
This is atrue story with no made up bits all what has been written is true and happened about 6 monthes ago. IVE just got to tell someone.It was a lovely saturday affeternoon sun shineing real hot not that we got alot in the swansea area. The rugby internationals were on now im more of a football man my serf but my inlaws and wife are big rugby fans.My farther in law had managed to blag a ticket for the international in cardiff with a few of his mates and decided to make a weekend of it...
Introduction: Another Joan story. Companion piece to Joans week as a Motel Slut This is a companion story to my earlier Joans Week as a Motel Slut. It is not a continuing story line and may be read independently. However, if you enjoy one you may enjoy the other.. Reader comments, opinions and feedback are welcome. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Joan ushered the couple out of the the new home they had just signed a purchase...
Prince grabbed Jenna around her waist and pulled her close to him. He could feel her bullet like nipples press hard against his chest. Their lips were locked in a mad dance of passion.Jenna was grunting as she kissed him, a low guttural a****l grunt. He could feel her body bucking and humping him as she kissed. She wanted to be touched all over, to be ravaged, to be sexually satiated. There was a mad frenzy in her kiss and touch. As if she could not bear to lose the sexual high she was...
Chris and Nancy left the toilet and went to the mall. They spent a hundred and fifty of the three hundred dollars given them by Mr. Milton and pocketed the rest. They took their bundle of delicate delights and went to Chrissie's house to spend the night, then meet Mr. Milton the next day. "Shouldn't you call your mother?" Chris asked. "Naw, she'll get uptight about me not coming home, but she'll drink herself into a stupor and fall asleep. In the morning, she won't remember...
Lady Reynolds offered, "Ral, I do hope you will join us for lunch. Some of us are getting together just to chat and eat." I hadn't really looked at her during the meeting and I was glad of that. She had dark blonde hair that fell in heavy waves around her shoulders, deep chestnut brown eyes and a lustrous smile that I was sure won over anyone she pointed it at. I wasn't feeling especially lust filled so I was sure her looks were quite real and not some trick of the mind. She stood with...
The seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, has decided that the village has grown weak and is in need of some strenghthening. He believes that the best way to achieve this is by reviving the Uchiha Clan. Ignoring his other friends' protests, he orders Sasuke to impregnate some of his friends' wives like Temari, Ino, Karui and even his own wife.
"Oh, no, you don't!" Joan cried, leaping off the couch and tackling him. Don yelped with surprise as the slim blonde knocked him to the carpet and sat on him. She couldn't let him go. She needed him too badly. And if he went home, he'd find Vicky in bed with Frank. All hell would break loose. Joan had to do everything in her power to keep him with her. "Joan, damnit, let me up!" Don growled. Joan paid no attention to him. She just grabbed his zipper and tugged it open. She seized...
Chloe groaned as she saw the red and blue lights of the police car illuminate in the rearview mirror behind her. She'd been in such a rush to get home she hadn't even realized she was speeding, but just her luck, she'd been caught.She pulled her car over to the side of the road and shielded her eyes from the bright headlights of the car as it pulled up behind her and the police officer stepped out and began walking towards Chloe's side."I'm sorry, Officer," Chloe began "I didn't...""Do you have...
LesbianI got to the cafe at the same time as Alice. Alice turned purple and stared at the sight of me. "What the fuck happened to you?" "Andrew made me shower and stole my dress," I grumbled. "You look fabulous," she told me. "I don't want to look fucking fabulous," I hissed at her. "I don't need to increase expectations around me." "Andrew did this?" Alice asked, sounding very amused. "You fucked him, them?" "No. He found a loophole in my menu that made me come to his room. He still didn't touch...
ReluctanceHello friends i am samir(fake name) age-18 here is my true story.i am from bhubaneswar. Pehele me aap logonko meri family ke bare bata raha hoon mere papa jo ki ek business man hai aur aksar bahar rehete hai.mummy jo ki bahut hi modern hai aur high socite me rehane ki waje se kafi maintain me rehete hai.wo sayad hamari socite me sabse sunder aur sexy hai. Har koi unko ghur ghur ke dekhta rahata hai wo bahut hi fair hai aur fig bhi mast hai like rati agnihotri.38-30-40 aap hi sochiye ki ye fig...
My café is set up nicely for these kinds of things. It's in a nicer part of town near the college campus and a high school, and is frequented by lots of nice people from the neighborhood. It's in a three-story building with the café and office on the lower floors, and a nice little apartment up top. Some truly devilish things have been going on behind these walls, and I'm here to tell you about them. I used to try to keep things separate from my employees, who are mostly attractive...
"I wasn't scared until I saw it." "I'm getting that a lot lately," I sighed. Sam was cuddled in bed with me early Friday morning. I had to get up soon and head to work, picking up Cassie on the way. We were making another fair favorite on the show today: grilled corn on the cob. I'd served it every night this week at home and I was getting pretty good at it. But last night, Sam had asked if she could have a night alone in bed with me. She was getting a little nervous about showing...
I could hear that the shower was running when I woke up, the slut had decided that she needed to get cleaned up after her gangbang. As I entered the bathroom she was drying herself, you could still see the faint writing on her body from the marker pens.I looked at her then asked. "What the fuck was all that about, letting three black men fuck you?"She began to cry as she told her story. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself, they were at the club the girls took me to. I was slightly drunk when...
“Domina,” the name rolled off Lauren’s tongue so easily even though she was asleep. Lauren spent many nights under her mistress’ command. She mumbled, screamed, and whispered the name of the only woman to whom she surrendered all. Her heated body was tense, her muscles bunched, they burned and then finally they released themselves in an orgasm that was created by the wettest dream she ever had. Michelle, her mistress and the one she called Domina, stood above her pet as she watched while she...
BDSM~~Antoinette~~ Jack had seen her. She knew he must have. And yet, he gave chase into the forest, with Beatrice over his shoulders. So committed was he to his plan, to his need for revenge, that he would ignore her approach, the Prince of Dolareido, and his lover, to pursue it. It was not Jack she saw. It was the curse, a relic from ages past, from those infuriating striges and their obsessive need to disrupt the lives of Kindred. The curse. The damned, bloody curse, that crawled into her...
I was walking down the street coming home from a friends party.I was kidnap and was told to be quite.I heard a man and a woman's voice.They were talking about what they wanted to do to me and I started to cried. I was only 18 and had no idea about sex. My father kept me in and I was only aloud to talk to girls that I went to school with. When the van stopped the woman came in the back and put something over my head so I couldn't see. Then we drove some more then I heard the door's open and...
First TimeI meet my husband Tony a little over four years ago at our local dogging spot in the west of England, he had been dogging for a few years. A friend had talked me into coming along and have a look at what goes on and I have always been sex mad. The people were friendly in the most part and I had a good time watching people have sex in their cars and bushes in a car park off the m4. I had got talking to Tony and we laughed and joked about sex and hit it off that first night, he did asked me...
Don't call me a rapist. I'm far from that. See according to an online dictionary, Rape is the act of sexual intercourse upon a person. I'm not forcing myself on any of them. Deep down inside, they really want me. They just don't want to admit it. But before we get too deep into this rape subject, let me tell you a little bit about my self. My name is Alexander Cross. And no, I was not named after the character in James Patterson's books. For some odd reason, my parents liked...
My name is Kathy Summer and this is my story about my life after my divorce and getting into debt and then my confession to my boss Mrs Collins. (Mrs Angela Collins and her husband Geoffrey Collins)I was in deep in debt both financially and in debt emotionally to Angela and Geoff. I need to keep my job and my boss Mrs Collins knew about my problems. She invited me to her home and together with her husband Geoff. She seduced me into having sex with Geoff her husband and then also with Angela in...
David woke up and sat up, his breasts shifting under his shirt. He looked around, half expecting to see a column of light and a rock cylinder, but the only light came from the hole where he had fallen from. He then remembered that strange dream where he was dying, and he grabbed his shirt where the wound had occurred and found a rip, and a wet spot on the fabric. He lifted his fingers to his face, smelled them and tasted the stuff. It was blood! He had to get back up to the surface where he...
The one thing he seemed to have going for him was a pretty big cock. I hadn’t seen it up close, but the outline of his shaft – even flaccid – was obvious through the fabric of his tight briefs as he sauntered around the house or lounged in the living room watching TV. He must’ve been pretty good with it, too, because I could hear my mother moaning and thrashing through multiple orgasms several times a week. They weren’t all that discreet, either. I’d see Daryl grabbing my mother’s tits in the...
Introduction: Mom, Dad, and twin sister and brother enjoy family and friends. Family sex is the best sex My dad and I got home at about sunset from being out in our boat fishing. When we walked into the living room from the garage we saw a sight that made us smile. On the couch were my mother and my twin sister. They were in the sixty-nine position, giving each others pussies a serious eating out. My sister was on top and her bright red haired head was firmly between Moms legs. She was also...
“Shouldn’t we go, Mom?” Lisa held his prick as they lay side by side on the blanket. “No, not yet,” she murmured, still feeling the pleasure glow. “Let’s stay here a while longer. Lisa turned on her side, facing him. She looked at his face for a moment. Mike was a handsome young boy, looking somewhat like his dad. He was trying hard to grow a moustache, but failing miserably. She stroked his cock, feeling the wetness still there from her cunt. She moved her face close to him, then ran the...
Country 28 Mom came in looking amazingly fresh, and I was awake awaiting details. Now I had swapped mom with two other kids but this was the first time I had actually pimped her out without me. On the one hand I found it a turn on to tell her to go fuck somebody and just have her do it because I told her so. It might have been a bigger turn on if she was a little reluctant, but I guess we were beyond any reluctance on her part to disagree with me. Almost a shame we had plenty of money, so I...
Here I am, 21 years of age, with absolutely no idea of what I am going to do. Mom says college, but, there is no way that would be possible financially. She says that she has raised me and my younger sister alone and that she would finish the job. My sister Sonia, 18, is herself reaching her point of maturity. As her brother I never did think she was all that hot, but lately looking more closely I am seeing things that I never realized about her before. I had seen her one evening after she...
Later that evening, when Joyce Collier came out to the edge of the ring and was caught and held in a spotlight, she was wearing a white halter top, a pair of white short shorts that featured her beautifully tanned legs and nothing else. Not only was she wearing no bra, she was not even wearing a bikini. Her feet were bare and her shoulder-length tawny hair was tied back in a ponytail and held with a big white bow. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to the circus!...