MaquisChapter 34 free porn video

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Central Buckinghamshire. Nine days later.

“You are sure about this?” Thorn asked. He settled himself more comfortably into one of the deep arm-chairs in the main drawing room at Chequers, the Prime Minister’s country residence in central Buckinghamshire. He was holding a large cup of quality coffee. There was a decanter of excellent whisky on the table near him, but neither he, nor his guest, had so far availed themselves of it.

“Yes sir.” Gareth Boase did not look quite so comfortable in his chair. His cup of coffee still steaming gently on the small table to his side.

Thorn looked at Boase. He didn’t entirely trust the older man, even though he was very good at his job.

“Where did you get this information? I’ve not seen any signs of it?”

“It was something Helen Mumbles was mumbling, er, er,” Boase slightly stumbled his speech as he realised what he had just said, but quickly recovered and carried on. “Er, talking about last week. She didn’t think it was important.”

Thorn frowned. “Are any other ministers hiding things from me?”

“Probably sir, though I suspect it’s not so much hiding, as thinking it not important enough to bring to your immediate attention.”

“Everything is important enough to bring to me,” snapped Thorn.

“No sir,” Boase said slowly. “If we did that you would get inundated with trivia. You need to let your ministers do their jobs, and only if you think they’re falling down on the job do you need to get involved.”

Thorn frowned. He understood what Boase was telling him, even if he didn’t totally agree. “So why do you think this is important if the Education Secretary doesn’t?”

Boase frowned. “I don’t know. A hunch. Intuition. A feeling in my gut. I can’t explain it any better.”

“Go on,” Thorn said quietly. He’d learned to trust Boase’s intuitions and feelings, even if he didn’t totally trust the man.

“One doesn’t think about students as very important in the grand scheme of things,” Boase said slowly. “They generally have little or no political or economic influence. They are young, so often overlooked by the general population who see them as just ‘whining kids’ who do nothing but drink, smoke, do drugs and occasionally take classes.” Boase frowned in thought. “Look. If I said to you, Oxford and Cambridge, what’s the first thing you think of?”

“The boat race,” Thorn answered promptly.

“Indeed. A perfect case in point. Sport and sportsmen and women. The universities throw up loads of comedians and sportsmen, along with all the business people, politicians, civil servants, doctors and everyone else. But as students they’re not any of those things except for the sportsmen. And maybe the comedians. They’re party animals. Borrowing and spending, but not producing. No one really thinks about them because of that, except in a dismissive way. So they don’t look. Well I looked.”


Boase grimaced. “They’re not all like that. It was almost accidental that I spotted anything at all, and really even Helen, the Education Secretary, thought I was over-analysing it. I can see her point, but I think she’s wrong. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“And you think the students are about to explode?”

“Yes sir, I do.”

“Okay, so what is it you don’t like? What is it they’ve done, or you think they’ve done, that worries you?”

“You are aware, I suppose, that there is a students union?”

“Of course. It’s just a bar and social club run by the students for the students.” Thorn had gone to Loughborough University, and although he had come out of it with a 2-1 in business and economics, he hadn’t believed anything he’d been taught. He had understood what he had been taught perfectly well, so had been able to regurgitate exactly what the examiners wanted him to. He just didn’t believe a word of it. Instead he had spent a lot of time reading political treatises. He had read Marx and Engles and Trotsky, as well as Mao, Hitler and Mussolini. He hadn’t really thought about the students union, had, in fact, taken no notice of it at all.

“No sir. It’s not. It is a proper trades union, albeit for students. The National Union of Students. Just like the miners or the dockers unions; and every university has it’s own branch of the NUS. Those in turn are allied to a national organisation based, er, in London.” Boase had been about to say ‘here in London’ only to remember at the very last moment where he was. It was only a few miles from his own home in Bedfordshire, so when he had phoned and asked for an urgent chat, Thorn had invited him over straight away.

“Okay, so it’s a national organisation of whining drunkards,” Thorn said. “Except,” he added slowly, “you’re about to tell me it’s not?”

“Indeed. They can actually be a very politically savvy organisation. They are regularly demonstrating about some perceived injustice or other. Usually relevant to students, but not always.”

“Such as?”

“Typically student fees, grants, finance stuff in general. Often supporting the lecturers when they go on strike. But on top of that they could be campaigning for almost anything. A few years ago it might have been about global climate change or plastic pollution in the sea or air quality or a few years before that it might have been racial equality. Left of centre stuff generally, but still pretty mainstream. In recent years they’ve been a bit quieter, but the last year,” Boase paused and shrugged, “well,” he paused again. “I didn’t see anything until Helen started telling me about how they organise, so I looked. More out of curiosity at first, but now?” He shook his head, worriedly. “Something’s up.”

Thorn shrugged. “I still don’t really see the problem. Students cannot get their student grants, loans and bursaries unless they can show they are members of the Truth And Freedom party, so I don’t see what there is to worry about.”

“That was only for new students. Existing students didn’t need to register, so in the summer after it became law, second and subsequent year students, just walked in and got their finance and their places, without needing to be a member of TaF. And it was not quite three years ago that the law came in. All current third years or higher don’t have to be members of TaF. And they are the ones that are now in control of the NUS.”

Thorn frowned in thought. “All right, but still, so what?”

“Most unions,” Boase started, “have a steady leadership. The current leader of Unison, for example, is Andy Lode.” Thorn nodded, a look of distaste on his face. “Lode has been in position for at least six years now, probably longer. The NUM has Len Grebe. Eight years that I know of. The RMT has Eric whatever-his-name-is, seven years. I remember his election.”

“Mather,” murmured Thorn. “Eric Mather.”

Boase nodded. “The NUS on the other hand gets a new leader almost every year as the new batch of students comes up and the previous batch move on. We have a handle on Lode, Grebe, Mather and all the other mainstream unions, but not on the students.”

“That just means they are inexperienced. And if they’re trying to study and run a union, I still don’t see the issue.”

“Except they’re not. Helen Mumbles explained this to me. I’d taken no interest in the union when I was at college, it was always far too left wing for me, so I genuinely didn’t know how it worked. It seems that when you become a union official, you actually temporarily give up your place on the course for that year. You pick it up again the following year. Sometimes even two or three years later. That means these people are full time union officials. It also means they are delayed a year or two, which means they could well have started a year or two earlier and therefore missed out on the requirements to be a member of TaF.”

“Ohh,” now Thorn was starting to see some of Boase’s worries. “But still, that just means that there’s still some students who we don’t know we can trust. That doesn’t mean they’re actually going to do anything. Or do you have any evidence that they are?”

“Not hard evidence, no. Just things.”

“Like?” Thorn was getting slightly irritated by Boase’s evasions now, but the problem for Boase was that he had little in the way of real evidence, so all he could give was feelings and impressions.

“Alright. Concrete example.” He wasn’t actually that certain, but Boase needed to over-egg the pot. “The current national leader, just voted in, is a guy called Martin Klau. It’s a strange name so I checked. He is English for at least four generations. This time last year he was president of Leeds University NUS. Back then he seemed to be a real supporter of you and of Truth and Freedom. By about April he was no longer shouting for you, although he also wasn’t shouting against you. This year, and we’re not quite two months into the academic year, he’s made at least three speeches criticizing you, or TaF, or Earth First. He’s mentioned the confederation in two of his speeches, and not in a critical way.”

“So he’s been got at by the traitors,” Thorn murmured.

“Yes sir.”

“Who? Do you know?”

“No sir. There’s three or four possibilities. A girl from Bournmouth uni who is on the national committee, and his deputy in all but name. A boy from Leicester uni and another from Cambridge. The fourth possibility is that it’s one of the permanent staff at their national HQ.”

“You’re discounting that because last years national leader was pro Britain?”

“Yes. He was, and still is, a member of TaF. It’s also possible of course that the influence came from outside again, but I don’t see that as at all likely.” Boase shook his head. “It’s internal to the union.”

“You sure? What about his father?”

Again Boase shook his head. “Died in a car accident when the boy was only five or six. Brought up by a single mother who cleaned offices to buy alcohol. She was no influence. From what I’ve found out she was angry because he wouldn’t go out to work to earn money.”

“Hm. Your personal choice? Of the three? Or four?”

Boase shook his head once more, frowning worriedly. “I don’t know.”

“My favourite would be the girl,” Thorn said after a moments silence. “Females always cause more trouble than they’re worth.”

Boase frowned. “Possibly. She is his deputy in most things. Just not in name.”

“There you are then. Are they in a relationship? I bet you that’s what’s happened. He’d come under her spell.”

“I don’t believe they are, they are almost never together. He doesn’t appear to have a girlfriend, but I haven’t found out for certain. She’s originally from Liverpool, and we know what sort of commies and the like that place throws up.”

“So what do you want to do about it? Do you want to pick up the union leaders? Question them? Or do you merely want to watch them?”

“I don’t know. I just have this feeling.”

Thorn frowned. “Well make up your mind. If you want to arrest them do it.”

“Yes sir.”

Boase remained seated. Thorn frowned at him. “What? Is there something else?”

“Well, yes sir.”

“Go on?”

“This thing, a couple of months ago.”

“What thing?” Thorn was genuinely confused.

“You know, when the aliens arrived in space.”

Thorn burst into laughter. “Don’t tell me you got fooled by that as well. You know damn well it’s a clever trick to make us lower our guard and let the Jews and the blacks control us.”

“No, I didn’t get fooled, but it got me thinking.”

Thorn’s eyes narrowed. “About what?”

“Well, if the Americans and the Jews and the blacks, controlled by the Bilderberg group, could manage to persuade so many people around the world that this crap is real, just exactly how powerful are they?”

Thorn frowned. He knew many of his people were convinced the secretive utra-rich Bilderberg group was behind the conspiracy. But he, Thorn, knew that was just a front, a cover, for the real conspirators. Behind the Bilderberg group was the American and French governments. That was easy to prove as far as Thorn was concerned. Wasn’t it the Americans who had forced Britain into the EU and under the control of the French? Wasn’t it the Americans who had forced Britain to drop its TSR2 fighter program? Its Blue Streak missile and Black Knight rockets? Thorn himself was far too young to remember any of these, even his own father would have been a young child at the time. Thorn however, ‘knew all’ about them, and hated the Americans, but even they were only puppets. No. The people behind the American government were the Irish. Didn’t the Irish hate the British? And you just had to look at the way the Americans ‘celebrated’ St.Patrick’s day, even though The Virgin Mary was their patron saint, not St.Patrick. And behind the Irish? The Catholic Church. The Pope. The fount of all evil in the world.

But the Pope himself was just a figurehead. Somewhere behind there, buried deep, was something else. The Illuminati? Thorn didn’t think so, that was itself just a false-flag front put up, to be publicly shot down again as a myth, both by the Vatican and others. Thorn just knew that whatever it was, was buried deep inside the Vatican.

Thorn had been brought up by lapsed Anglican parents, but had gone to a Catholic school ‘because it was the best school locally’. He had soon learned to hate the priest and those of the teachers that happened to be nuns or monks. When the priest had been arrested, the rumour went around that it was for ‘kiddy fiddling’. Even though Thorn later found out it was actually for ‘causing death by careless driving while under the influence of drink’, he was quite happy to keep the ‘kiddy fiddling’ rumours fuelled. Even to expand upon them.

Even though Gareth Boase couldn’t see the bigger picture, it was enough for Graham Thorn that the older man knew the Confederacy was a lie. “Have you never seen a science fiction movie? Even as a child?” Thorn asked, all humour gone from his face again.

“They never made sense to me,” Boase said. “I just could never get that suspension of disbelief. Know what I mean? Gravity was all wrong. Movement in space?” He shook his head. “Useless. Unrealistic and totally unbelievable.”

Thorn nodded. “I know. I could watch them. And did until I was about ten or eleven, that’s when I realised the truth. That they were secret propaganda to make the future look good if we just keep going as we are. Not rock the boat.” Thorn conveniently managed to ignore those films showing a more distopian future. “But they’re often very technically clever. It’s not difficult, in the computer, to add stuff in that isn’t there. Hollywood are extremely clever at making you see things that aren’t there, or hiding things that are.”

“I’m aware of all that,” Boase said, just managing to keep the irritation out of his voice. “What I’m talking about is having done that, they can actually use what they’ve created and go on and persuade so many people it’s real. That’s what’s worrying me. If they really are that powerful, how do we really go up against them?”

Thorn showed his understanding. “Yes. I see what you’re saying,” he murmured.

“I know the Chief’s Of Staff Committee were persuaded, that’s why they had to go,” Boase continued. “They in turn had persuaded too many other senior and middle ranking officers of the false truth, or they already believed of course.”

“Evans made a good start in purging the army of it’s old-fashioned ways and old-fashioned people. Some of them were still fighting the cold war of last century, it seemed.”

“You know why don’t you?” Boase interrupted.

Thorn looked puzzled. “Why?”

“Because they still pledge loyalty and allegiance to the crown. To the monarch. They actually name the current monarch, but they don’t name you. They don’t even mention the government or the prime-minister. Just the crown and the queen. By name.”

Thorn’s face had darkened as he was told this. “Beatrice is still opposing me,” he hissed. More to himself than to Boase. After all, it was ‘well known’ that the previous queen had been to numerous Bilderberg conferences. He glared at Boase. “Why didn’t Evans do anything about that?” he asked angrily.

Boase shook his head. “I don’t know that he didn’t. But after he died, Bill Stewart took over, and to be honest, I don’t think he’s doing a very good job.”

Thorn was surprised. Bill Stewart had always seemed to him to be pretty good. “Why?” Thorn demanded.

“It’s just not his thing. He would have been better at the Home Office, or left at the MoJ, but since you got rid of Justice, he’s been left hanging.”


“I know Sheard was a military man, but he seemed to be on our side. Why did Stewart sack him? From what I could tell, Sheard was doing everything he should be doing, and helped us enormously.” He shook his head. “It’s not logical.”

He paused for a moment when Thorn frowned in thought. “Look sir, give me the Defence portfolio, and put Stewart at the Home Office. He was good at Justice, and since about a third of that has now gone to the Home Office, he would be good there as well. Better than the pillock you’ve got there at the moment. In fact I think Bill Stewart is wasted anywhere other than the Home Office.”

Thorn nodded. He’d been considering something along those lines already. “I think you’d be too busy to take on Defence as well as MOSS.”

“It would be a good fit, plus the MoD is barely thirty percent of what it was just three years ago. Another two years and it’ll be a third the size again.”

Thorn slowly shook his head. “Noooo. I don’t think so.” He didn’t see Gareth Boase’s face darken for a moment in fury. “No, you need to keep a close eye on MOSS. You’re right, in theory it would be a good fit, but I want to expand MOSS’ powers slightly, so I need your full attention on that.”

“Oh?” Boase was curious enough that his anger vanished. An expanded MOSS was what he was after anyway.

“I also want to increase the size of the Patrol still further. It’s still no where near big enough. You have to concentrate on that. It needs doubling in size within the next twelve months. We know the Black-Jew cabal that created those images is now trying to control the world through fear. It’s a very clever thing to do, so we need to counter that, and we need more Patrollers to do it. The people trust the Patrol. Trust them far more than they ever trusted the police. That needs to be built on and the Patrol expanded, both in numbers and their powers. Their specific powers of arrest for a start. We must expand on that.”

Boase looked down in thought. “Yes Prime-Minister,” he murmured. “Hmm. After the military were banned from recruiting, the few remaining military recruitment offices were all closed and turned over to the Patrol as recruitment offices, but they are getting less than ten percent of people through the door than the forces ever did. And the forces never got enough.”

“People are being scared away?”

“Yes sir. I believe so. Almost certainly by Beatrice, or at least, by her people. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the last six months or so she’s been seen more, and she’s not hiding her feelings about you. After Lucy Cadwallader went missing, the queen went quiet for a bit, but then began to get quite, well, nasty about you.”

Thorn’s face darkened for a moment. “Well that’s the other thing I need you to do. I need you, in conjunction with the TV advertisers, to start creating adverts and counter propaganda. I want Beatrice thoroughly discredited. Rake up her past. She’s of the age group and of the right ‘party’ set that would likely have done drugs recreationally when she was in her teens and twenties. Find it. Dig it up.”

“Yes sir.”

“And dig up more dirt on Cadwallader. I want her even more thoroughly discredited.” Thorn thought briefly back to Lucy Cadwallader’s death. He hadn’t done the actual killing, but he had been there at the end, watching it all. When she’d spat in his face, he had punched her, hard. So hard that for a few seconds she couldn’t breath. He had thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and watching her finally die with her throat cut had been the best part of it.

“Yes sir. It will be a pleasure.”

“I thought you’d like that. Start with the recruitment though. That’s actually more important, but don’t neglect the counter-propaganda. Remember. We’re telling the truth, so it’s not ‘propaganda’. It’s ‘counter-propaganda’. Understood?”

“Yes sir.” Boase nodded decisively. He hadn’t got the Defence post which he really wanted, but he had got something. “What about Stewart? You really should move him to Home Secretary, and relieve him of Defence. Andrew Hudd was okay as a home office junior minister, but he’s struggled ever since he took over from Roland Child.”

Thorn nodded, frowning in thought. “Who do you recommend to take over from Stewart at the MoD? Hudd?”

“No sir. You could do worse than move Mark Harrison from DTI.”

“Harrison? Don’t know much about him. Seems capable though. Wasn’t he the one that came up through local politics on the south coast somewhere?”

“Yes sir. Portsmouth I think. He was an early supporter.”

Thorn nodded decisively. “Good.” Boase silently exulted. Harrison was a close ally of Boase’s. He hadn’t got Defence directly, but Harrison would do what Boase asked. “Okay,” continued Thorn, “now who goes to Trade and Industry?”

“You’ll have to promote someone I think. Bill Stewart might have ideas on that, as might Mark Harrison himself. His own junior minister, perhaps?”

“Who is?”

Boase pretended to scratch his chin in puzzled thought. “Not sure sir.” In fact it was another Boase ally, so he hoped Thorn would ask Harrison’s opinion. ‘Must make sure I talk to Harrison first,’ thought Boase. ‘That would give me effective control of three ministries.’ Boase wasn’t opposed to Thorn, in fact he believed the younger man to be a genius. But Boase was after power. Nothing more, nothing less. He intended to be Thorn’s successor, but not quite yet. Thorn should have a few more years yet, get everything settled down first. Boase didn’t have the public support Thorn had, and probably never would, so he needed a different kind of support. That was harder and slower to get, so Boase was playing the long game.

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I'm so very wet now and my relaxed pussy is letting out the occasional blast of bubbles, air that’s being forced in as he pulls out to the tip then slides it back in. I'm so relaxed and calm I almost forget I’m in a room with a total stranger, deep inside my hungry cunt while my doting husband massages my back and shoulders, until I feel my assailant grip me tighter at the hips. The next stroke he goes deeper, I feel it pushing me inside, then again deeper and again it pushing my insides. The...

2 years ago
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Skype for real

As I walked along the road at the end of a long week of work I was fighting back the tiredness. My friends and I were looking forward to a few drinks but I'd had a late night the night before, so was planning just to have a couple and then head home. “Why were you up so late?” my friend asked. “Just couldn’t get to sleep,” I replied, trying to hide the smile that crept across my face. We went to our usual drinking establishment. It was busier than usual. We pushed our way through the heaving...

2 years ago
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Fancy Dress

It was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing, simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished...

4 years ago
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Polly Gamey 5 Finale

5. Finale I stood in my shower one week later studying the ring-shaped bruise around the base of my cock. It was fainter, but still visible, no longer tender to the touch or when erect. I had just finished my workout and was preparing for Lizvette's guitar lesson on a pleasant autumn Saturday evening.As I stood before the mirror drying myself, Lois entered. "You know what I'm craving?" I covered my bruised shaft with the towel. I had been hiding my cock from her all week. "Pizza! Why don't you...

2 years ago
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Helping them learn stuff

I told them to be ready to go camping with me and my daughter, Layla. Ray and Ryan are my sister’s twins. Both girls are filled out good to be thirteen. Softball size titties and a chubby pussy and ass. My daughter Layla was thicker and had titties like softballs and she gave me her cherry a couple weeks ago in the shower with me. After setting up the camp and making lunch. I asked them who was going swimming with me. Ryan and Ray was the only two going. We were the only three there that...

3 years ago
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A Letter To My Wife

As you are standing in the bedroom wearing your long red gown, I come up behind you and wrap my arms around you. You can feel my hard and throbbing penis thru your gown and you push yourself back into me. I stand there with you in my arms as I start to kiss your neck and shoulders and rub my hands up and down your body. You then bring your hands up and start rubbing my arms, trying to get me to hold you tighter.As we embrace I feel you push back against me harder and start to rub your silky...

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I Can Hear You

Randi had a gift that he misunderstood for an affliction at first because of the headaches. If not for the internet, Randi would have blabbed his discovery to the first person he saw and he never would have experienced the wonders that his "gift" enabled him to partake! Let's back up. Randi was born with a congenital defect in his head: it usually makes children deaf but Randi's defect was altered by an auto accident while his mother carried him to term. He had an extra bone in his inner...

2 years ago
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Behen Ko Chodke Randi Banaya Part 1

Hi dosto mera name sushant hai meri umar 30 hai aur me up ka rehana vala hu meri height 6.5 feet hai aur muscular body hai, mera lund ka size 8″ hai ye story kuch 5 sal phale ke hai ke kesa mena meri choti cousin bahen ko gaon ke randi banaya. Ye story ke kuch incident real hai aur kuch fantasy. Sabke real name change kardaya hai. Abhi meri bahen ke umar 23 sal hai Uska badan akdam gora hai. Aur 32 ke boobs, akdam patli kamar. Koi bhi mard dekha to uska lund khada hoke salami dega. To chalo abb...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Dani Jensen Lost And Found Stockings

The experience of having someone return a lost belonging will never fail to bring joy to a person. Dani Jensen can’t hide her delight when Alex Jones returns to her the newly-bought stockings she lost. The gorgeous redhead has been looking for them for a long time, so she is ecstatic that she can finally put them on. To show her gratitude to Alex, Dani lets him watch her try out the new pair of French stockings. The beautiful hottie patiently explains how the stockings work while putting...

1 year ago
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StacieChapter 12

The following Friday, we once again had guests for supper, Larissa, Latoya and Frank Morely. I was gradually getting used to the idea of Morely dating Latoya. They seemed to be an item. I still didn't trust the son of a bitch. I hoped that he wasn't another like her high-school sweetheart. Once again, Latoya might be too trusting. In any case, Morely's articling would soon be over. I promised myself not to let the incident in the coffee room influence my evaluation of him. But his...

2 years ago
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Subservience of the Mind Body and SoulChapter 3

Marshall plops down in his chair. He has just come back from the boss’ office. His appearance has come to the boss’ attention. It is something that Marshall hadn’t missed himself. He noticed the day before that his hair was longer, but today it was even more so. The boss even asked if was wearing a wig of all things! That was a tough sell. Trying to explain changes in appearance was hard enough, but what would Marshall say if there was something more dramatic? Or these hallucinations he is...

3 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 19

We left the room and went back downstairs, walking slowly through the casino, taking in the sights. It was my first time inside of a casino, I had never gambled a dollar in my life. I was amazed at the sheer number of people, there was hardly a single slot machine open from what I could tell. We finally found the Deli near the entrance to the casino, walked in and was seated immediately. We both decided on a hot beef sandwich, a large order of onion rings and two Cokes. We talked as we waited...

1 year ago
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Irrestible CoWorker Part Two

The next day Kelly was working from home. I hated those days since I never got to see her, we could only chat on our messaging system. I was sitting at my desk just waiting for Kelly to sign on. When she finally did she messaged me "Good morning handsome!"I responded with, "Good morning beautiful."I asked her about softball and how she is doing today. She went on to explain that she was tired from softball and that she woke up in the middle of the night and had a hard time sleeping since she...

3 years ago
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VacationChapter 17

Day Seventeen - Wednesday I woke to the sound of rain on the roof. The clock said 5:59. It was coming down pretty hard. I got up, pee'd, made coffee, and took a quick shower. I opened the door to see if the patio was dry. It was. I walked out with my cup and was able to get close to the edge before I felt a mist hit me. I sat in a chair thinking there probably wouldn't be any visitors this morning. It was dark so I reached up and pulled the chain on the fan light. I went in to refill my...

2 years ago
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Lesson truly learned

Jerome’s mind often toyed with him like a cat with its prey/food. He was powerless to stop it, so he just let it happen. He’d become a passenger in his own head; someone else was at the wheel. In a way, it was less exhausting this way, even if he wasn’t in control of the journey. Sometimes they were speeding down a bumpy road on the way to places they shouldn’t be, and his stomach began to summersault like when on a rollercoaster with lots of loops. Other times the ride was smoother and the...

1 year ago
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The First Adventure

The first adventure Rob Wilson "Would you just go already." Kit said laughing. "Are you sure your going to be able to lock up alone" Paul questioned. "Damn it Paul! How many times have I done this now?" She laughed. "It'salways the same with you." "It's just that I worry about you is all. I know how distracted you canbe sometimes." He grabbed the night deposit bag with a flourish and headedfor the door. "Don't forget to lock up," He cried waving his hand behind him. In the three years...

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Bondage Wife

A little background my wife is 42 5"11" 145 36D 30 32 long brand hair and is very submissive. We have been in the Bdsm scene for 5 yrs. she thrives on bondage, humiliation and public display. When we started to look on line we were interested in the scene. Soon we sought out a Bdsm club in a neighboring city. We made an appointment for a Saturday night to attend. We were very conservative when we dressed and went to the club. We paid the admission and went in and we were glued to each...

3 years ago
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Copyright© 2002 "Three hundred bucks an hour? I gotta be out of my everlovin' mind!" Yet here he was, sitting in the waiting room. Waiting. Vic had arrived twenty minutes early for his appointment. "Mr. Victor?" The middle-aged woman in a crisp nurse's uniform ushered him into the dimly lit room. The only furniture was a low, vinyl-covered padded table. There were what looked like television screens mounted on two of the walls. "You are to undress while you await Mistress...

2 years ago
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GSP Chapter 1113 Fang and the Spirits of the Dead

G.S.P. Chapter 11 Fang and the Spirits of the Dead * * * “I must ask you citizens of New York. Does the presence of the G.S.P make you feel safe?” Cyclone shouted into the camera and then took a long pause as to let the question ring before he continued. “Looking at the past weeks you have reasons to feel more secure, but not because the lazy for hire G.S.P group, but because of us honest heroes from my Knighthood of Peace. It all fits the same pattern. G.S.P was never about battling the...

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Full Throttle

Pre-story PSA: This is from my Fanfiction account, so not stealing from other sites. I do not own Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, or any of its characters. I don't profit from this either!1She was out of the shower. Sean watched her move across the room and walk to the closet for the caramel nightie he bought her last spring.He smiled. After drying off and shimmying into her lingerie, she went back into the bathroom to lotion. Sean takes this opportunity to move from the lazy chair to her...

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The Lady in Blue Ch 16

Chapter Sixteen: Fighting back. Lisa’s point of view After we finished eating and putting the house back in order, we stepped out the back door. Hawk took one of my mom’s light jackets to cover her shoulder holster. ‘I think we need to stick together,’ Hawk said. ‘They know who we are and have shown no hesitation at trying to kill us – publicly. Now we have your boss after us, too, Lisa. We have two threads to pull on. Him and the mysterious bomber. Since we know him, I think we should start...

4 years ago
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Aunties exhibition

This really happened. My husband and I went to Cornwall in England for a couple of days to relax as we had both been working very hard. We checked into a quiet hotel near Truro, the capital of Cornwall in the West Country of England. We noticed that there was a snooker room in the hotel and we both went there after dinner on the evening to play for an hour. I knew my husband was feeling randy and was ready for sex. We kissed for a while as we were alone in the snooker room. My husband asked if...

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Sex With My Mom Pinni And An Escort

This is my real sex story. For the next three days as my babai was in the home, we didn’t have any chance to fuck. After three days, he again went to Maharashtra. I went to drop my babai at the railway station. When I came back, I was surprised to see a busty woman of my aunt’s age is sitting next to her on the sofa. Her name is Shweta. She is good looking, very busty, same height as of my aunt, but her sizes are 38d 32 40. She asked me about my studies and then asked “how was your session with...

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Twist of the knife ch 9 Part Une

Fall 2016. I certainly won’t get much sleep tonight. The moon is coming up, and it’s full. But that’s okay, it’s not like I have to get up and go to work in the morning. Okay I know, you want to know what happened next. Well, letting Lori going out with the girls was a real turning point for us, and you know how when things are going really good, but you have this nagging feeling it’s too good. Yeah, I thought you might. I guess I should have seen it coming, but on the other hand, I was...

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The Training of Jennifer

This story involves slut training.... male domination and a female sub. Helen and I both enjoy the fantasy and the situation.THE TRAINING OF JENNIFERGraham moved to answer the door even before the faint knocking . He swung the penthouse door fully open, turned his back on the guest and continued speaking on the telephone. He paced as he spoke. "Yes she is here. No, I'm not sure. I have yet to even look at her. Just remain in the lobby this might be all over very quickly ..... Well, me too ........

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Kagney Linn Karter Hotwife Kagney Linn Karter8217s Interracial Massage

Hotwife Kagney Linn Karter is left home alone on her birthday by her ungrateful husband, this piece of shit doesn’t realize what a great piece of ass his hotwife is. Eager to relieve some stress, she heads outside only to be accosted by her horny neighbor Moe. Moe’s always hitting on her, playfully inviting her to come inside for some chill time, but this time she decides to take him up on his offer. She know’s what he’s got planned for her and the thought of what her...

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The Christmas Party

THE CHRISTMAS PARTY Contrary to popular belief, all minister’s wives aren’t prudes. Take me; you could to if you were here with me right now because I’m sitting here naked with my pussy craving to be filled with your big cock. I love sex but it’s the one thing that I never get at home anymore. My Man Of The Cloth firmly believes that God meant sex for procreation purpose only and any sex that doesn’t have a chance of producing new life is a sin. In his eyes, even masturbation was a sin...

Straight Sex
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I have created a Monster- not in the Doctor Frankenstein sense, no scalpel involved, no body parts obtained by nefarious means- but I have created one, nonetheless. Molded with word and deed alone. It is surprisingly easy- take one male specimen, a simple enough creature, and using feminine wiles, charm and plain old blackmail, I found I could turn him into the almost perfect companion. I call him Monster, which he takes as a term of endearment. I told you they were simple. I'm not a...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Summer Fun

It was the long weekend and a hot summer day. Weekends like these are rare and it is best to make the most of them. The girlfriend went out to the cottage to meet some friends. It was always a good time out at the cottage good food great times and fun friends. This weekend and old friend of hers decided to join us. It was a good time for her to relax and let loose away from her daughter. It was a bit odd she was not as fun-loving as I remembered. We tried to include her in all the fun but she...

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Foolish Flashing Fantasy

It is just after 10:00 at night.  After an exhausting seven hour trip I have finally make it to my fourth-floor room.  I am really pissed off that I have had to undertake this emergency business trip. Especially since it is to a city that I have never visited before.  As an avid flasher, I normally research the hotel where I am going to stay to make sure that it is amenable to my hobby.  This time though, with less than a days notice, I did not have the time.  My first meeting is at 8:00 in the...

4 years ago
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Thunder at the farm

Ken, Sara and Elaine had a wonderful summer of discovery and lust. They discovered that they loved each other. They had sex for the first time. They fell in love. The voyage was coming to an end. Ken was off to University of Massachusetts Amherst to live in the Towers. Sara and Elaine were going back to finish high school together. They had been together all summer. They played together, shared long walks together, slept together and loved together. They had sex with each other. Now it was...

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Golden Shower MomChapter 5

Lisa came awake the next morning with a stretching luxuriousness. She looked at her son who was still sound asleep next to her. His face, composed in sleep, looked even younger than he was. She watched his sleeping face with affection, hoping the things they were doing would not harm him emotionally. She was sure they would not. She lifted the sheet and looked down at his naked body. He had a hard-on, but she knew he was not having some beautiful erotic dream; he just had to piss, that was...

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The Maestro Ch 01

Meredith stood in front of the theater, staring at the sign. The large letters proclaimed DR. MATTHEW SCOTT IN CONCERT, One Night Only. Below the words was a life-size picture of Dr. Scott, black and white, which made his handsome features look dramatic. His dark eyes seemed to look right into hers, and she was hesitant to look away. The time passed, she never even noticed how long she had been standing there. She had arrived in Boston just last week. Her scholarship at the Conservatory had...

3 years ago
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A Strange Invitation Ch 03

The water in the tub begins to cool as he rinses the shampoo from her hair. His fingers are deft and gentle as he massages her scalp through her long brown hair. His breath is warm and soothing on her neck as he whispers in her ear. ‘We should get out before we undue all your warming up,’ he murmurs. ‘Mmmmmmm,’ is the soft reply that vibrates in her chest as she leans contentedly back against him, her hands gently squeezing his thighs. He kisses her neck tenderly, just below her ear, and his...

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The Masseuse 2 The Deprived

NOTE: This was a collaboration piece written by myself and a fan of my first story. It was written a number of months ago now, but is finally being posted. Special thanks to this great co-author and sexy woman!It was late afternoon when my phone pinged. I looked down at it.Come.It was the masseuse.My friend Alexa told me about the masseuse. It was during one of our Friday night pub get-togethers we had, when we had the chance. We would meet, have drinks, talk about our dating lives, work,...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart 2 The Group

I suppose it shouldn't have been a surprise to find the Group fighting off another voice after all the attention Central State had received about the deaths and the cover up. But I hadn't expected it and quite frankly I was annoyed by the fact I had to drive around the campus the long way just to stay out of the way. By the time I reached my apartment, I realized there was more than just a single voice involved in the attack. In fact, as I studied the scene from the roof of the apartment...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 60

Routine as ever settled over my life once the excitement of Kurukshetra and the frequency altering device had settled. My studies carried on apace and I finally succeeded in creating a portal without the need for a framework. I also found the time to study up on crystal lattice memory storage and learned how to create a very simple storage crystal, though nothing like the complexity of the ones Mage Benjamin produced. I was also now studying the creation of magical artifices or devices which...

1 year ago
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The Photographer V

“Mikhail called, Dillon,” Masha said. Dillon closed the office door behind him, and approached his desk where Masha was sitting at his computer. It was nearly eight a.m. and she had a full day planned for them. “Apparently, he has convinced Reina to come to do a photo shoot today. I am going to call the girls we have schedule today and postpone their appointments until next week.” Dillon looked at his young assistant. She looked cute as a little ladybug, as she always did. She managed...

2 years ago
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95Chapter 10

'The orgasm-a-tron event' happened on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving (in the U.S., anyway), Mr. B. called Alex Merriweather, my trustee and not so incidentally, my lawyer. Alex called me and wanted to have lunch. It was important, he said. When I got to Alex's club and asked for him, I was directed to a private room. Mr. B. was there. He stood when I came in and crossed to meet me. "I'm sorry to have used Mr. Merriweather as a ruse, but I...

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Hand Jobs and Dime BagsChapter 3

Benjie and I kept a standing Wednesday appointment for sex, with an additional Saturday appointment whenever I ran out of weed. I was earning enough to start buying lunch and saving up for a Christmas present for Kevin. I was thinking of getting him earrings to commemorate how we’d started dating. Unfortunately, the weather kept getting colder, and both Kevin and Benjie stopped going barefoot. In fact, almost no one was barefoot at school by Halloween, which made my school days much more...

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