Tera Meets Her Online Master free porn video

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Tera knew that she had been bad

Part One


Tera knew that she had been bad.? Her Master had given her simple instructions that would have worked well within her life and also provided him pleasure, but she chose to ignore them.? For two weeks she had been reading his writings and had increasingly realized that her own life was not as satisfying as she thought.? She had stopped wearing panties at work and found her hands frequently straying beneath her desk to touch her sensitive nether lips and occasionally, when she felt daring to rub that her tender and swollen clit.? It seemed that sex was all she tough about nowadays and her work was suffering from it.


At first, it had been fun, she would receive his stories, disappear into the ladies room where she would rub herself furiously until she came as she imagined serving as someone?s sexual slave.? Soon he had begun asking her to do things ? she had to purchase a butt plug, nipple clamps and some IcyHot? if she wanted to continue to receive his stories.? She resisted at first, but soon realized that she was dreading the evenings when her husband would cuddle with her, climb on top and pump a few times until he was satisfied and then leave her with a tiny dribble of jism dripping from her snatch as she lay there thinking about what might have been.? She longed to serve a strong virile man and to be taken, roughly for his pleasure.? If she was fortunate, she would be allowed to cum, but more importantly, she would be free from responsibility, free to simply enjoy the physical pleasures of being an owned slut.? Nothing was off limits because she didn?t have any say in the matter.? He controlled her choice of lingerie, he decided if she would cum or not and he was free to tease her, please her or give her use to another.


Soon she found herself visiting the adult book store to purchase the toys he asked for.? The clerk looked at her like a piece of meat and she was especially mortified when she brought the three butt plugs up to the counter and asked him which he thought would be best for her.? That dirty little man had instructed her to raise her skirt and display her ass if she wanted his opinion. ?He was a disgusting piece of dirt, but she remembered what she had been commanded, so she bent over and flipped her dress up.? It was very odd, she knew that her husband would probably leave her if he knew about this and she certainly wasn?t attracted to the clerk, but she could feel her panties getting wetter and wetter as he gazed at her rounded cheeks.? Finally he slapped her on the ass and told her she could stand up.? To her chagrin, he had selected the largest of the plugs and suggested some lubricant to help her ease it in.? He smiled evilly as he offered to help her get it, but she simply paid the bill and slunk out to her car where she lifted her skirt and masturbated furiously crying out, ?Thank you Master?, as she trembled and shook in pleasure. ?She even went to the trouble of setting up a camera to take photographs of herself in some of the poses he seemed to favor in his writings.? Finally she sent Him an email telling him of her experiences and begging him to take her bag.? After sending the email, she waited ?. she wondered whether she was destined to remain trapped in her vanilla relationship or whether he would choose to reclaim her.


A day went by, and then another ?.. finally on the third day as she had just about given up hope, an email arrived.? It instructed her to immediately go to the ladies room and apply a generous coating of IcyHot? to her long, sensitive nipples.? She could feel them heating up as she returned to her desk, and for the remainder of the day, she could concentrate on nothing but her inflamed nipples.? She longed to take them between her fingers and stroke them or better yet to have Him do that.? This went on for several days ?. one day it would be her nipples the other maybe her wet cunt lips or maybe the puckered little ring of her most private hole.? Soon she found that sexual thoughts dominated her brain and she longed more than ever to drop to her knees before this man and to suck his long, hard cock into her mouth and throat.? At home when she was alone, she started practicing to deep throat with a banana, just in case she ever decided to meet.? She wanted to be ready to show him what a skilled and sexy slut she was.? Yes the slave fires, burned brightly in her belly, but so far she had received no more stories.


She had just finished one of her practice sessions, which was of course accompanied by lots of touching herself, when Vic arrived home and announced that he had to leave town for a long weekend.? He didn?t want to leave his romantic mate, but this was a special deal at work and he might lose advancement possibilities if he didn?t go.? Tera waited anxiously for him to go to bed so that she could send a note to her Master to offer herself for his real life use over the long weekend and then waited for his reply.? When she checked her email, the next day, and saw a response she felt her sweet pussy moisten and her nipples harden in anticipation.? Nervously, she opened the message.? It was very short and said:


You will be picked up in a limousine at 6:30 pm sharp on Friday night.

You are to have your pussy freshly shaved and oiled and your butt plug will be buried deeply in your ass.? You will also apply your nipple clamps and apply a heavy layer of IcyHot? to your nipples and areole.? You will not need panties or a bra, but you will wear some sexy black pumps, a short black skirt and a red silk blouse that buttons down the front.? The limo driver will give you further instructions upon your arrival.


She trembled as she thought about what she was about to do ? she had never cheated on Vic before, but she just couldn?t help herself this time.? She took off from work early on Friday and returned home to strip and soak in a warm bubble bath.? Her hands stroked the folds of her woman flesh, but she remembered the rules and did not cum.? As she lay there dreaming, she kept an eye on the clock, getting out of the tub in time to complete her preparations.? She lay back on the bed with a mirror between her legs as she lathered her tender flesh before letting a razor run over the skin.? Soon she was as hairless and smooth as the day she was born.? She hoped that Master would be pleased.? She continued her preparations and was ready at 6:25 pm, but she couldn?t keep her hands out of her crotch.? As she waited her fingers played over her nether lips stroking and teasing.? Finally she heard a car pull up and looked out to see a large black limousine.? She anxiously left the house and got in.? The driver silently pulled away from the curb as she wondered where it would take her.


Soon the limo pulled into a large round circular driveway of an expensive looking house.? The driver parked, lowered the privacy screen and handed her a note and silently raised the screen again.? She didn?t know what to think so she nervously opened the note:


This is your last chance to back out pet.? If you tell the driver, he will take you home and you will never hear from me again.? If you wish to continue, please open the cabinet on your left, take the contents out and put them on.? When you have done that, you may approach the door and knock.


She sat for a minute, not knowing whether she had the guts to continue, but finally opened the cabinet.? There was only one thing in it? .... a black leather collar with a sterling silver tag that said: His Slut and a tiny silver padlock.? She wrapped it around her neck and found that it fit perfectly; she trembled as she fitted the tiny padlock into place and snapped it shut.? She was truly committed now and there could be no turning back.? She got out of the limo and watched as it pulled away.? Finally she hobbled up to the front door in the extremely high heels and knocked.


A tiny door opened and she heard a voice say, ?Remove all of your clothes, fold them neatly and kneel before the door.?? She looked around and saw the nearby houses realizing that she could easily be seen.? She simply couldn?t do this, but then she realized that with the collar locked around her neck, she couldn?t return home either.? Finally she started to unbutton the blouse, removed it and folded it.? Next her skirt slid down her legs, was folded and joined the blouse.? She wore no undergarments so she was now totally naked, with a large butt plug buried in her most private of holes and her long nipples securely clamped and joined by a soft leather thong.? She quickly kneeled and knocked on the door again.? The peep hole opened and in a moment the large wooden door opened and a man in a suit reached out to snap a leash onto her collar.? He gave a tug and indicated that she should crawl behind him.


Was this her Master, or did he have a butler?? She didn?t know but she did know that she was literally dripping with desires and she could feel her thighs getting covered by the slick juices of her arousal.? She wondered what was in store for her over the next 48 hours that she had promised him.? She heard the man in the suit say: STAY.? He moved around behind her and she was further embarrassed when she noticed the scent of her arousal filling the room.? Suddenly she felt him push an egg shaped object deep into her sopping wet cunt.? KNEEL, was the next command and she remembered her training, spreading her legs widely, holding her back straight and thrusting out her engorged nipples.? He clipped her leash onto a hook on the wall and left the room.? She finally had a chance to check out her surroundings ? it was a large room and it looked as if were set up for a party.? In the center of the room, there was large, low grand piano constructed of black walnut and on top of it was a large lazy Susan type turntable with a generous bouquet of red roses.? She was reminded of the old joke that asked what was better than roses on your piano and of course the answer: two lips on your organ, little did she know what was in store for her. ?She didn?t know how long she had knelt there, but she was acutely aware of the plug stretching her ass and her nipples burned from the IcyHot?, despite all of that she could feel her pussy leaking as her thighs grew slicker and slicker fro her love juice.


?It?s nice to see you pet?, she recognized Master?s voice as she heard the sound of his boot heels approaching her on the tiled hallway floor.? He looked much like she thought he would ? tall with piercing eyes, blondish/white hair and in his hand was leather riding crop.? She kept her head down watching him from the corner of her eye as he got closer.? He didn?t say anything else as he circled her, gazing at the fullness of her small breasts and their distended nipples, gripped tight in the clamps.? SNAP, she heard and felt the crop hit her inner left thigh, without thinking she spread her legs wider and felt the cool air flow between her moist lips, before he struck again, she moved the right leg wider too.? If she had been looking up, she would have seen his smile.? While behind her he probed between her ivory ass cheeks with the crop.? He could feel the braided leather as it slid between the mounds of flesh and tapped on the base of the butt plug.? She felt his hand wrap itself in her hair as he pushed her forward until her ass was raised high and her breasts were pressed tightly against the cool tile.? The crop again descended between her legs, this time roughly caressing her dripping cunt lips and then just as quickly it was gone. SNAP, SNAP she felt it hit the inner sides of her cheeks, not knowing, but suspecting what he wanted she reached back and spread her ass open for him.? His hands took the base of the ass plug and shoved it in and out of her ass a few times.? A low moan escaped from her lips unbidden.? She felt him pulling on her leash as she struggled to regain her kneeling position.??


So far everything had happened in silence, and she wasn?t sure whether the silence excited her more or less, but she knew that at that moment she was as hot as she had ever been in her life.? She felt like a piece of sexual meat, there for his pleasure and nothing else.? No decisions, no responsibilities nothing but sensual pleasure in front of her.? His voice sounded deep as he asked, ?you must be hungry little one??? With that he moved in front of her again she saw his hard throbbing cock protruding from his pants.? He moved it close to her face, but she knew better than to move.? She held her position as he traced shapes on her cheeks leaving a sticky trail of pre-cum.? Finally he motioned for her to pleasure him and she sucked his cock in quickly and deeply.? He thrust his hips forward burying his manhood deep in her throat as she licked and sucked hungrily.? It didn?t take long before he pumped a large load of spunk into her mouth warning her not to spill a drop.


?Little one, do you trust me to keep you safe while you are in my care??


She nodded as she looked up at him.? ?Very well, I?m having a party tonight, as you can see by the decorations.? It will be primarily a cocktail party of like minded people and you will be part of the entertainment.? You are to treat my guests as you would me!? Do not question them or disobey them, you are to be a pleasing slave slut and that is all.? If you are very pleasing, you will be well rewarded once the guests are gone.? Her eyes returned to the floor as she replied, ?This girl will do her utmost to be a pleasing slave for you Master?


He retrieved the end of her leash and led her crawling towards the piano.? When they arrived, she noticed a bucket on the floor.? You are going to be busy tonight; I want you to relieve yourself now to avoid an embarrassing situation later.? She was shocked ? pee into a bucket, here in the party room with him watching her every move.? He reached down and tugged on the thong connecting her nipple clamps, ?I don?t like to repeat commands, you will be punished later, now pee!!!?? She squatted over the bucket, her eyes downcast as he watched her intently.? She felt as if she would die when she heard the first splash hit the bottom of the bucket.? This was so embarrassing!


Next he helped her to climb atop the low piano and she noticed some more details of the last Susan.? There were leather straps with buckles and snap hooks in several spots.? He motioned for her to kneel on the disk and then fastened straps over her ankles and her calves, fastening her lower body in place.? Next he pulled her neck down so that her flanks were raised in the air and fastened a snap hook to her collar.? She suddenly realized that in this position, her face and privates were both approximately waist high to a standing man.? Not to mention that but everyone would be able to see her very wet sex, the ass plug and could verify her arousal by the abundant juices flowing down her thighs.? ?Enjoy the party pet, I?ll talk with you later?, and he left the room.


Soon he returned and he was no dressed in a tuxedo.? He looked very handsome and quite commanding.? Jest before eight o?clock a man sat down at the piano and began to play, he gave the slave slut a quizzical look but didn?t speak and mainly ignored her.? The doorbell started to ring and guests began arriving; all the men were dressed in tuxedos and the women in skimpy cocktail dresses.? Tera remained silent hoping that nobody would notice a naked slut tied into position atop the piano and at first it seemed that she was right.? Everybody mingled, enjoying their cocktails and ignored her completely.


Ding, ding the sound of a spoon tapping the side of a champagne flute captured everyone?s attention.? It was her Master and he began to speak, ?Welcome everyone, I?m glad you could join me this evening.? Most of you are aware that I have been training a new submissive and tonight she is here to join us.? You may all have noticed her here atop the piano.?? The pianist played a quick Tada and everyone was now focused on the naked slut.? ?Her name is Tera, but feel free to call her whatever you will.? Tera has graciously ?agreed? to be part of our entertainment tonight, so I urge you all to sample her charms at your pleasure?? Tera couldn?t believe her ears and struggled to remain still as the shock set in.? Her Master was going to allow all of his guests to do whatever they wanted to her.


Soon she felt the lazy Susan rotate as someone behind her rotated it to point her face away from them.? With her neck restrained, she could see who was behind her, but she felt smooth hands running over the rounded globes of her ass as a feminine voice exclaimed, ?Oh look, she has an ass plug in.?? She felt the plug slide in and out a few times and then soft breath on her sex.? She felt a tongue explore up and down her lips as she tried to suppress a moan.? Restrained as she was, she could do nothing but enjoy the sensations as her sweet pussy grew wetter and wetter.? Between the situation and the tender licking she was approaching orgasm after a few minutes, however the lips suddenly withdrew and she heard a zipper going down.? Rough hands gripped both her hips as she felt a hard cock part her sex.? He wasn?t gentle and plunged in balls deep on the first thrust.? It was the oddest feeling being in the center of a party full of well dressed people, the piano music playing and getting a good fucking by a total stranger.? Her excitement built again, but before she could orgasm, she felt his cock explode dumping a load of spunk deep within her and then withdrawing.


Moments later, the turntable spun again and she was face to face with a large cock.? He grabbed her hair and pulled upward opening her mouth as he slid his cock into the warm confines of her mouth and throat.? Out of the corner of her eye, she could she him holding a martini as he lazily pumped his meat in and out of her mouth.? The woman with him began tugging on the nipple clamps as she concentrated on pleasing him with her mouth.? When he came, she gulped and swallowed trying not to waste any of his seed or to make mess on the elegant piano.? He zipped up and the couple disappeared into the crowd.? This went on for a while with people spinning her around poking, prodding, caressing and fucking her body, but everyone was careful not to let her come.? Her sexual tension was building and she found it more and more exciting to not have any say in the matter.? She simply enjoyed the sensation and textures of the different cock, hands and tongues that explored her body.? She had almost forgotten about the plug buried deep in her ass?

She was facing away from the crowd when she suddenly felt someone pulling on the butt plug, when it came out of her ass with a large POP, she felt very empty back there.? The turntable spun and she was presented with another cock.? She heard a woman?s voice exclaim, ?I?d get that nice and slippery slut, it?s the only lubrication you?ll get?.? It was an odd feeling sucking all of these cocks without being able to see any of their faces.? In any event she licked, sucked and slobbered all over the cock hoping to protect her most private of openings.? As he grunted and thrust into her mouth she could tell he was close to cumming, when he quickly withdrew and spun the turntable.? The head of his cock bumped her wrinkled rosebud and then he began to press against her virgin asshole.? She didn?t know what to do, should she fight it or should she try to make it as easy as possible.? She decided on the latter and relaxed her ass, feeling his cock push past the entrance.? It felt even larger than the plug and she was glad she hadn?t picked the smallest plug when shopping.? Soon his cock was all the way in and he paused letter her get used to its length and girth; then he began a slow thrusting motion.? Pulling almost all the way out and then sliding forward until she felt his balls swing forward and slap against her wet lips.? It hurt a little at first, but soon the hurt turned to pleasure as she felt herself impaled on his man meat.? He reached a hand beneath her and began stroking her slit and she started to buck a little.? Her excitement grew as He fucked her ass her in the middle of a cocktail party with everybody looking on.? She couldn?t believe it, she was such a slut ? this was she lived for, to serve strong men!? Finally as she was sure she could resist no longer she heard her Master?s voice say cum for me baby as he buried his cock and exploded deep within her core.? His cock jerked and spurted as her mind exploded in orgasm and her body trembled and thrashed with pleasure.? She hadn?t known it was her Master and she was very glad that he was the first man to claim her asshole.


As he stood there, his cock gripped tightly in her ass, he announced that the party was over and thanked his guests for joining them.? The crowd milled out as she felt his cock softening until it popped out of her tight ass.? ?Little one, you did well tonight!? I will see you after the cleanup crew has tidied things up here.? With that he disappeared down the hallway.? Soon a crew of Hispanic workers began clearing tables and mopping floors.? Every few minutes one of them would come over and take their pleasure on her bound body.? Although she was still a little embarrassed, it felt right that they should use her as one of her Master?s possessions, much like the vacuum cleaner or the dishwasher.? When the final guy left after spraying his load all over her face, she heard her Master returning.


He had a warm blanket and put it over her before undoing the straps and hooks.? He wrapped her up in it and carried her gently to the bathroom where he placed her in a warm tub. As she lay there he gently washed and massaged her body.? When he was done he guided her to a standing position and dried her off with a luxurious towel.? He led her back into the large, opulent bedroom and motioned for her to kneel at the foot of the bed.? He clipped her collar to the leash that was already in place.? ?You were very pleasing tonight slave, I hope that you enjoyed yourself.? Sleep now, we have two more days to play and you will need your strength.?? He climbed atop the bed as she curled at his feet on the floor.? Soon she heard the slow steady breathing of him sleeping and she drifted off to sleep, dreaming about becoming his slave full time.



Part One


Tera knew that she had been bad.? Her Master had given her simple instructions that would have worked well within her life and also provided him pleasure, but she chose to ignore them.? For two weeks she had been reading his writings and had increasingly realized that her own life was not as satisfying as she thought.? She had stopped wearing panties at work and found her hands frequently straying beneath her desk to touch her sensitive nether lips and occasionally, when she felt daring to rub that her tender and swollen clit.? It seemed that sex was all she tough about nowadays and her work was suffering from it.


At first, it had been fun, she would receive his stories, disappear into the ladies room where she would rub herself furiously until she came as she imagined serving as someone?s sexual slave.? Soon he had begun asking her to do things ? she had to purchase a butt plug, nipple clamps and some IcyHot? if she wanted to continue to receive his stories.? She resisted at first, but soon realized that she was dreading the evenings when her husband would cuddle with her, climb on top and pump a few times until he was satisfied and then leave her with a tiny dribble of jism dripping from her snatch as she lay there thinking about what might have been.? She longed to serve a strong virile man and to be taken, roughly for his pleasure.? If she was fortunate, she would be allowed to cum, but more importantly, she would be free from responsibility, free to simply enjoy the physical pleasures of being an owned slut.? Nothing was off limits because she didn?t have any say in the matter.? He controlled her choice of lingerie, he decided if she would cum or not and he was free to tease her, please her or give her use to another.


Soon she found herself visiting the adult book store to purchase the toys he asked for.? The clerk looked at her like a piece of meat and she was especially mortified when she brought the three butt plugs up to the counter and asked him which he thought would be best for her.? That dirty little man had instructed her to raise her skirt and display her ass if she wanted his opinion. ?He was a disgusting piece of dirt, but she remembered what she had been commanded, so she bent over and flipped her dress up.? It was very odd, she knew that her husband would probably leave her if he knew about this and she certainly wasn?t attracted to the clerk, but she could feel her panties getting wetter and wetter as he gazed at her rounded cheeks.? Finally he slapped her on the ass and told her she could stand up.? To her chagrin, he had selected the largest of the plugs and suggested some lubricant to help her ease it in.? He smiled evilly as he offered to help her get it, but she simply paid the bill and slunk out to her car where she lifted her skirt and masturbated furiously crying out, ?Thank you Master?, as she trembled and shook in pleasure. ?She even went to the trouble of setting up a camera to take photographs of herself in some of the poses he seemed to favor in his writings.? Finally she sent Him an email telling him of her experiences and begging him to take her bag.? After sending the email, she waited ?. she wondered whether she was destined to remain trapped in her vanilla relationship or whether he would choose to reclaim her.


A day went by, and then another ?.. finally on the third day as she had just about given up hope, an email arrived.? It instructed her to immediately go to the ladies room and apply a generous coating of IcyHot? to her long, sensitive nipples.? She could feel them heating up as she returned to her desk, and for the remainder of the day, she could concentrate on nothing but her inflamed nipples.? She longed to take them between her fingers and stroke them or better yet to have Him do that.? This went on for several days ?. one day it would be her nipples the other maybe her wet cunt lips or maybe the puckered little ring of her most private hole.? Soon she found that sexual thoughts dominated her brain and she longed more than ever to drop to her knees before this man and to suck his long, hard cock into her mouth and throat.? At home when she was alone, she started practicing to deep throat with a banana, just in case she ever decided to meet.? She wanted to be ready to show him what a skilled and sexy slut she was.? Yes the slave fires, burned brightly in her belly, but so far she had received no more stories.


She had just finished one of her practice sessions, which was of course accompanied by lots of touching herself, when Vic arrived home and announced that he had to leave town for a long weekend.? He didn?t want to leave his romantic mate, but this was a special deal at work and he might lose advancement possibilities if he didn?t go.? Tera waited anxiously for him to go to bed so that she could send a note to her Master to offer herself for his real life use over the long weekend and then waited for his reply.? When she checked her email, the next day, and saw a response she felt her sweet pussy moisten and her nipples harden in anticipation.? Nervously, she opened the message.? It was very short and said:


You will be picked up in a limousine at 6:30 pm sharp on Friday night.

You are to have your pussy freshly shaved and oiled and your butt plug will be buried deeply in your ass.? You will also apply your nipple clamps and apply a heavy layer of IcyHot? to your nipples and areole.? You will not need panties or a bra, but you will wear some sexy black pumps, a short black skirt and a red silk blouse that buttons down the front.? The limo driver will give you further instructions upon your arrival.


She trembled as she thought about what she was about to do ? she had never cheated on Vic before, but she just couldn?t help herself this time.? She took off from work early on Friday and returned home to strip and soak in a warm bubble bath.? Her hands stroked the folds of her woman flesh, but she remembered the rules and did not cum.? As she lay there dreaming, she kept an eye on the clock, getting out of the tub in time to complete her preparations.? She lay back on the bed with a mirror between her legs as she lathered her tender flesh before letting a razor run over the skin.? Soon she was as hairless and smooth as the day she was born.? She hoped that Master would be pleased.? She continued her preparations and was ready at 6:25 pm, but she couldn?t keep her hands out of her crotch.? As she waited her fingers played over her nether lips stroking and teasing.? Finally she heard a car pull up and looked out to see a large black limousine.? She anxiously left the house and got in.? The driver silently pulled away from the curb as she wondered where it would take her.


Soon the limo pulled into a large round circular driveway of an expensive looking house.? The driver parked, lowered the privacy screen and handed her a note and silently raised the screen again.? She didn?t know what to think so she nervously opened the note:


This is your last chance to back out pet.? If you tell the driver, he will take you home and you will never hear from me again.? If you wish to continue, please open the cabinet on your left, take the contents out and put them on.? When you have done that, you may approach the door and knock.


She sat for a minute, not knowing whether she had the guts to continue, but finally opened the cabinet.? There was only one thing in it? .... a black leather collar with a sterling silver tag that said: His Slut and a tiny silver padlock.? She wrapped it around her neck and found that it fit perfectly; she trembled as she fitted the tiny padlock into place and snapped it shut.? She was truly committed now and there could be no turning back.? She got out of the limo and watched as it pulled away.? Finally she hobbled up to the front door in the extremely high heels and knocked.


A tiny door opened and she heard a voice say, ?Remove all of your clothes, fold them neatly and kneel before the door.?? She looked around and saw the nearby houses realizing that she could easily be seen.? She simply couldn?t do this, but then she realized that with the collar locked around her neck, she couldn?t return home either.? Finally she started to unbutton the blouse, removed it and folded it.? Next her skirt slid down her legs, was folded and joined the blouse.? She wore no undergarments so she was now totally naked, with a large butt plug buried in her most private of holes and her long nipples securely clamped and joined by a soft leather thong.? She quickly kneeled and knocked on the door again.? The peep hole opened and in a moment the large wooden door opened and a man in a suit reached out to snap a leash onto her collar.? He gave a tug and indicated that she should crawl behind him.


Was this her Master, or did he have a butler?? She didn?t know but she did know that she was literally dripping with desires and she could feel her thighs getting covered by the slick juices of her arousal.? She wondered what was in store for her over the next 48 hours that she had promised him.? She heard the man in the suit say: STAY.? He moved around behind her and she was further embarrassed when she noticed the scent of her arousal filling the room.? Suddenly she felt him push an egg shaped object deep into her sopping wet cunt.? KNEEL, was the next command and she remembered her training, spreading her legs widely, holding her back straight and thrusting out her engorged nipples.? He clipped her leash onto a hook on the wall and left the room.? She finally had a chance to check out her surroundings ? it was a large room and it looked as if were set up for a party.? In the center of the room, there was large, low grand piano constructed of black walnut and on top of it was a large lazy Susan type turntable with a generous bouquet of red roses.? She was reminded of the old joke that asked what was better than roses on your piano and of course the answer: two lips on your organ, little did she know what was in store for her. ?She didn?t know how long she had knelt there, but she was acutely aware of the plug stretching her ass and her nipples burned from the IcyHot?, despite all of that she could feel her pussy leaking as her thighs grew slicker and slicker fro her love juice.


?It?s nice to see you pet?, she recognized Master?s voice as she heard the sound of his boot heels approaching her on the tiled hallway floor.? He looked much like she thought he would ? tall with piercing eyes, blondish/white hair and in his hand was leather riding crop.? She kept her head down watching him from the corner of her eye as he got closer.? He didn?t say anything else as he circled her, gazing at the fullness of her small breasts and their distended nipples, gripped tight in the clamps.? SNAP, she heard and felt the crop hit her inner left thigh, without thinking she spread her legs wider and felt the cool air flow between her moist lips, before he struck again, she moved the right leg wider too.? If she had been looking up, she would have seen his smile.? While behind her he probed between her ivory ass cheeks with the crop.? He could feel the braided leather as it slid between the mounds of flesh and tapped on the base of the butt plug.? She felt his hand wrap itself in her hair as he pushed her forward until her ass was raised high and her breasts were pressed tightly against the cool tile.? The crop again descended between her legs, this time roughly caressing her dripping cunt lips and then just as quickly it was gone. SNAP, SNAP she felt it hit the inner sides of her cheeks, not knowing, but suspecting what he wanted she reached back and spread her ass open for him.? His hands took the base of the ass plug and shoved it in and out of her ass a few times.? A low moan escaped from her lips unbidden.? She felt him pulling on her leash as she struggled to regain her kneeling position.??


So far everything had happened in silence, and she wasn?t sure whether the silence excited her more or less, but she knew that at that moment she was as hot as she had ever been in her life.? She felt like a piece of sexual meat, there for his pleasure and nothing else.? No decisions, no responsibilities nothing but sensual pleasure in front of her.? His voice sounded deep as he asked, ?you must be hungry little one??? With that he moved in front of her again she saw his hard throbbing cock protruding from his pants.? He moved it close to her face, but she knew better than to move.? She held her position as he traced shapes on her cheeks leaving a sticky trail of pre-cum.? Finally he motioned for her to pleasure him and she sucked his cock in quickly and deeply.? He thrust his hips forward burying his manhood deep in her throat as she licked and sucked hungrily.? It didn?t take long before he pumped a large load of spunk into her mouth warning her not to spill a drop.


?Little one, do you trust me to keep you safe while you are in my care??


She nodded as she looked up at him.? ?Very well, I?m having a party tonight, as you can see by the decorations.? It will be primarily a cocktail party of like minded people and you will be part of the entertainment.? You are to treat my guests as you would me!? Do not question them or disobey them, you are to be a pleasing slave slut and that is all.? If you are very pleasing, you will be well rewarded once the guests are gone.? Her eyes returned to the floor as she replied, ?This girl will do her utmost to be a pleasing slave for you Master?


He retrieved the end of her leash and led her crawling towards the piano.? When they arrived, she noticed a bucket on the floor.? You are going to be busy tonight; I want you to relieve yourself now to avoid an embarrassing situation later.? She was shocked ? pee into a bucket, here in the party room with him watching her every move.? He reached down and tugged on the thong connecting her nipple clamps, ?I don?t like to repeat commands, you will be punished later, now pee!!!?? She squatted over the bucket, her eyes downcast as he watched her intently.? She felt as if she would die when she heard the first splash hit the bottom of the bucket.? This was so embarrassing!


Next he helped her to climb atop the low piano and she noticed some more details of the last Susan.? There were leather straps with buckles and snap hooks in several spots.? He motioned for her to kneel on the disk and then fastened straps over her ankles and her calves, fastening her lower body in place.? Next he pulled her neck down so that her flanks were raised in the air and fastened a snap hook to her collar.? She suddenly realized that in this position, her face and privates were both approximately waist high to a standing man.? Not to mention that but everyone would be able to see her very wet sex, the ass plug and could verify her arousal by the abundant juices flowing down her thighs.? ?Enjoy the party pet, I?ll talk with you later?, and he left the room.


Soon he returned and he was no dressed in a tuxedo.? He looked very handsome and quite commanding.? Jest before eight o?clock a man sat down at the piano and began to play, he gave the slave slut a quizzical look but didn?t speak and mainly ignored her.? The doorbell started to ring and guests began arriving; all the men were dressed in tuxedos and the women in skimpy cocktail dresses.? Tera remained silent hoping that nobody would notice a naked slut tied into position atop the piano and at first it seemed that she was right.? Everybody mingled, enjoying their cocktails and ignored her completely.


Ding, ding the sound of a spoon tapping the side of a champagne flute captured everyone?s attention.? It was her Master and he began to speak, ?Welcome everyone, I?m glad you could join me this evening.? Most of you are aware that I have been training a new submissive and tonight she is here to join us.? You may all have noticed her here atop the piano.?? The pianist played a quick Tada and everyone was now focused on the naked slut.? ?Her name is Tera, but feel free to call her whatever you will.? Tera has graciously ?agreed? to be part of our entertainment tonight, so I urge you all to sample her charms at your pleasure?? Tera couldn?t believe her ears and struggled to remain still as the shock set in.? Her Master was going to allow all of his guests to do whatever they wanted to her.


Soon she felt the lazy Susan rotate as someone behind her rotated it to point her face away from them.? With her neck restrained, she could see who was behind her, but she felt smooth hands running over the rounded globes of her ass as a feminine voice exclaimed, ?Oh look, she has an ass plug in.?? She felt the plug slide in and out a few times and then soft breath on her sex.? She felt a tongue explore up and down her lips as she tried to suppress a moan.? Restrained as she was, she could do nothing but enjoy the sensations as her sweet pussy grew wetter and wetter.? Between the situation and the tender licking she was approaching orgasm after a few minutes, however the lips suddenly withdrew and she heard a zipper going down.? Rough hands gripped both her hips as she felt a hard cock part her sex.? He wasn?t gentle and plunged in balls deep on the first thrust.? It was the oddest feeling being in the center of a party full of well dressed people, the piano music playing and getting a good fucking by a total stranger.? Her excitement built again, but before she could orgasm, she felt his cock explode dumping a load of spunk deep within her and then withdrawing.


Moments later, the turntable spun again and she was face to face with a large cock.? He grabbed her hair and pulled upward opening her mouth as he slid his cock into the warm confines of her mouth and throat.? Out of the corner of her eye, she could she him holding a martini as he lazily pumped his meat in and out of her mouth.? The woman with him began tugging on the nipple clamps as she concentrated on pleasing him with her mouth.? When he came, she gulped and swallowed trying not to waste any of his seed or to make mess on the elegant piano.? He zipped up and the couple disappeared into the crowd.? This went on for a while with people spinning her around poking, prodding, caressing and fucking her body, but everyone was careful not to let her come.? Her sexual tension was building and she found it more and more exciting to not have any say in the matter.? She simply enjoyed the sensation and textures of the different cock, hands and tongues that explored her body.? She had almost forgotten about the plug buried deep in her ass?

She was facing away from the crowd when she suddenly felt someone pulling on the butt plug, when it came out of her ass with a large POP, she felt very empty back there.? The turntable spun and she was presented with another cock.? She heard a woman?s voice exclaim, ?I?d get that nice and slippery slut, it?s the only lubrication you?ll get?.? It was an odd feeling sucking all of these cocks without being able to see any of their faces.? In any event she licked, sucked and slobbered all over the cock hoping to protect her most private of openings.? As he grunted and thrust into her mouth she could tell he was close to cumming, when he quickly withdrew and spun the turntable.? The head of his cock bumped her wrinkled rosebud and then he began to press against her virgin asshole.? She didn?t know what to do, should she fight it or should she try to make it as easy as possible.? She decided on the latter and relaxed her ass, feeling his cock push past the entrance.? It felt even larger than the plug and she was glad she hadn?t picked the smallest plug when shopping.? Soon his cock was all the way in and he paused letter her get used to its length and girth; then he began a slow thrusting motion.? Pulling almost all the way out and then sliding forward until she felt his balls swing forward and slap against her wet lips.? It hurt a little at first, but soon the hurt turned to pleasure as she felt herself impaled on his man meat.? He reached a hand beneath her and began stroking her slit and she started to buck a little.? Her excitement grew as He fucked her ass her in the middle of a cocktail party with everybody looking on.? She couldn?t believe it, she was such a slut ? this was she lived for, to serve strong men!? Finally as she was sure she could resist no longer she heard her Master?s voice say cum for me baby as he buried his cock and exploded deep within her core.? His cock jerked and spurted as her mind exploded in orgasm and her body trembled and thrashed with pleasure.? She hadn?t known it was her Master and she was very glad that he was the first man to claim her asshole.


As he stood there, his cock gripped tightly in her ass, he announced that the party was over and thanked his guests for joining them.? The crowd milled out as she felt his cock softening until it popped out of her tight ass.? ?Little one, you did well tonight!? I will see you after the cleanup crew has tidied things up here.? With that he disappeared down the hallway.? Soon a crew of Hispanic workers began clearing tables and mopping floors.? Every few minutes one of them would come over and take their pleasure on her bound body.? Although she was still a little embarrassed, it felt right that they should use her as one of her Master?s possessions, much like the vacuum cleaner or the dishwasher.? When the final guy left after spraying his load all over her face, she heard her Master returning.


He had a warm blanket and put it over her before undoing the straps and hooks.? He wrapped her up in it and carried her gently to the bathroom where he placed her in a warm tub. As she lay there he gently washed and massaged her body.? When he was done he guided her to a standing position and dried her off with a luxurious towel.? He led her back into the large, opulent bedroom and motioned for her to kneel at the foot of the bed.? He clipped her collar to the leash that was already in place.? ?You were very pleasing tonight slave, I hope that you enjoyed yourself.? Sleep now, we have two more days to play and you will need your strength.?? He climbed atop the bed as she curled at his feet on the floor.? Soon she heard the slow steady breathing of him sleeping and she drifted off to sleep, dreaming about becoming his slave full time.




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The UK will block online porn from April Proof of

The UK will block online porn from April. Here's what we knowAge verification of all pornographic content will be mandatory from April 2018. But there are still a lot of grey areasOnline pornography in the UK is set to undergo its biggest ever change this year. The government will introduce an age-verification requirement for all pornographic websites and people wanting to use them will have to prove they are over 18.The plans were initially announced in July 2017 with Matt Hancock, the then...

1 year ago
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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Two online friends meet for drinks

This is a story of when an online friend, Ashley, came to visit me in my hometown. Well really she was in town for work, but she made it a priority to make time for me one evening. My family was out of town for a bit of R&R and I had a golf tournament. Ashley and I are both married and dedicated to our vows, so we won't physically cheat. But neither of us were getting any passion or sensuality in the sexual department with our spouses and it can be depressing and frustrating. Ashley and I love...

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Teenage Girl Seduces Adult Neighbor Online

It was very difficult for my father and me when my mother left us when I was only twelve years old. She was very beautiful and sexy looking, and probably still is. It turned out that she's a real slut and cared more about finding a lot of different cocks to fuck than she cared about us. Dad does his best and makes many sacrifices to be the best parent he can.My name is Ashlee, and I’m now sixteen years old and Dad is forty. We live in a comfortable condominium in the Little Rock area. Dad works...

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My First Online Hookup

I've never met anyone who has hooked up online. I've only ever heard about it. I know of a couple people who have dated from online, even married, and I've heard from friends that people date and marry online. I'm not into that, but I was very curious about hooking up online. It was a huge turn on for a while. So I checked out some sites, the typical ones: CL, AFF, SS, AM. Turns out that most of the fuck sites set up for hooking up are just scams. And CL has become a hotbed of scams and...

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My InheritanceChapter 42 The Hermit

The truck crawled across the hard packed dirt path toward the foothills on this high plateau. All three women had been quiet since we left the motel. It was an uneasy silence. Perhaps I should have missed the enjoyable banter or sweet sounds they normally emitted, but my mind had only one focus: the formula. They had dressed that morning to please me, as they always should. Each wore a thin, plain white T-shirt with a scoop neck. It was more sexy than if they were naked with their breasts...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Her Online Lover

Cherise had been writing to Fred for a while and she had to admit, she wondered if he was nearly as good in person as he was in writing. This whole friendship started when she was lucky enough to have a short erotica story posted on a website. While she liked the story, she was unsure of how it would be received. When a friend told her to give it a try, she did. It seemed to take forever before the story was posted, but when it was she was giddy with excitement. She never actually got...

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An Online Relationship

Thanks to Demorie for her encouragement and assessment. Dave looked at the Bulletin Board — Personals. And one in particular caught his eye. It was simple, appearing innocent, and yet appealing. Nothing sexual in it, but Dave felt something sensuous and refreshing. The Post read:: ‘Female college student looking for online emailing’. All the other posts were the usual: ‘Looking for erotic chat’, ‘Looking for a fuck buddy’, ‘Mutual masturbation in (you name the state or city)’, ‘Do you like...

2 years ago
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First Time Fun With An Online Girlfriend

Hi, friends. I am 35 m from Delhi. Who travel across India for work and pleasure along. I have been a reader of this site for more how long myself don’t know. I am a horny single guy (yes not married yet) and been having fun from 18 years age. Experience do counts hehe. No, I ain’t a tom cruise I am a normal Punjabi Indian man heavy built with an average tool who loves to satisfy his partner to the core. Love giving and getting oral fun. Experiments with food items etc. I am in for online phone...

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UK Uni Freshers Week Popping my Cherry

They always say that new experiences happen on Freshers week. When I left my rural town to go to Manchester Uni I knew I was in for a life changing experience, just not the path it took me.My names Ashleigh and I went off to Manchester to study Maths. It was daunting going in on the first day not really knowing anyone. Plucking up the courage I chatted to a few people on the bus in, in the halls and in my first lecture. I really began to settle. I settled so much that in my first week I...

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Present For CheriseChapter 2

Cherise let out a squeal of surprise and jumped from the bed. "A dog!" she shouted. "You brought a dog for me to fuck? Oh James, you're the best brother in the whole wide world." She jumped up into her brother's arms and kissed him then turned and knelt on the floor next to Tobie. She wrapped her arms around him and stroked his fur. "Oh he's beautiful," she exclaimed hugging the dog to her naked body. Toby whined softly in his throat and responded to Cherise's caresses by licking...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Heather meets new friends

I woke up on the couch to my phone ringing. It was Byron so I immediately answered. He informed me that the team got kicked out of the tournament this morning and that they were about to get on the bus and would be back in town around six in the evening today. I told him that I was sorry that they were eliminated and would be here for the three of them when they got home if he wanted me to be. He said that hell yeah they wanted me here and that I had better be ready for them. I got very excited...

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An online friend from the USA visits London

Another day of heavy rain in London.  I listened from my bed as the latest storm drove rain into the window. Outside I could hear the wind howling. Without even opening the shutters I knew it was going to be grim.My mood was not improved by the radio news. Coronavirus, Trump and the latest post-Brexit fuck-up from our incompetent government.If all that wasn’t enough I had just been dumped again, by WhatsApp this time, a first for me. I was done with online dating, it was a disaster for me....

4 years ago
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Online Crush

I first met her about 8 years ago. I met her online in a video chat room. I had met other women in chat rooms, but none that I ever really connected with. You see I’ve always felt a tad bit silly visiting those sites. I even assumed that I wouldn’t meet anyone that I would like, although I realized that that view was indeed a bit hypocritical. Rather, I would lurk and read the dialogue, but it quickly bored me. However, this woman was different. She was quick-witted, she was bright and she...

3 years ago
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Kerries Journey Chapter 2 I explore online

At the time I had just turned forty. That milestone, for some reason, had me beginning to wonder whether, as good as my sex life was with my husband, Tom, there was more to sex than I had experienced.Certainly the massage in Phuket was the first time a woman’s touch had aroused me. And, how I came and came again! Even in my late teens, I had not, as many girls do, experimented sexually with girls. I didn’t mind if they did but, for me, sex was something you did with boys. Not that I was that...


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