Robin meets Martha and Elle
- 2 years ago
- 36
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It was no secret at UCLA that Cher Horowitz and Elle Woods disliked each other. And Andie Anderson hoped to catch the two of them together sometime. Cher and Elle seemingly had been rivals from the moment they entered UCLA as juniors, immediately taking to competing with each other for the unofficial title of campus queen. Both L.A. residents, one from Beverly Hills, the other from Bel Air; they had never become acquainted until their debut here. Their backgrounds were equally well-to-do and reeked of affluence and popularity, but their upbringing and social circles formed their attitudes of the world around them, which was equally instrumental in forming their rivalry as the need to compete over which of them had the most toys in their lives and was thus worthier of becoming the center of attention at college.
Both were involved in campus activities designed to benefit the students at large, but for Elle's part it was about actively recruiting those who shared similar interests, while to Cher it was a means of achieving social status through involvement. This was another source of friction that simmered between them as they doubted the other's reasons for their involvement. The incentive they felt to compete began during a metaphysics class they were both signed up for the first semester they attended, then was reinforced in a fashion design class.
In the former case, a difference of opinion led to a debate between the other students in the room, with the teacher stepping in and directing its course in search of common ground between the two opposing points of view brought up by the classmates from Beverly Hills and Bel Air. The two had clearly different ideas in mind even though the professor recognized they both sought to transcend the boundaries of their public image and prove they could excel at the subject as well as anyone else. But with the debate that took place in light of their disagreement, there were bad vibes over who had more support from the class and ultimately the professor. The actual discussion that happened concerned dualism versus neutral monism, with Cher taking the position that mind and matter are separate and equally real concepts and Elle maintaining that mind and matter spring from the same concept.
The disagreement that bolstered the resolve of both women was far more socially trivial, coming up during fashion design class when they clashed again over whether skirts should end at the mid-thigh or higher up on the hips. It was Cher who then made a disparaging remark about the appeal of Elle's legs (Elle was wearing a pink skirt reaching down to her knees as opposed to Cher's shorter red skirt), to which Elle responded by raising her skirt a bit as if mocking the length of Cher's skirt, but it was obvious between them that Elle did it to show up her rival by showing off her shapely thighs. From then on it had become a may-the-best-woman-win contest between them to see who could become the most popular on campus.
Before long UCLA was abuzz with their rivalry, since they competed over everything at every opportunity. Their popularity and circle of friends, their grade point averages, and the myriad activities they arranged for other students to come and watch, the charities they supported, how much money they raised for said charities, the amount of recognition they received for their efforts. They flaunted their affluence at every opportunity that arose, going on shopping excursions and returning with monstrous amounts of extravagant trinkets to impress the other students. They as often flaunted their sexuality and fancy clothes while on campus, heading to class dressed in ensembles that commanded notice from everyone, designer bags hoisted casually over their shoulders, at times strategically showing skin to win the support of male onlookers as well.
Eventually they joined rival sororities in their bid to outdo one another. Once word was out they sought to join a sorority, every sorority on campus instantly clamored to recruit them, knowing full well their backgrounds and track records. Finally each woman joined two respective sororities, as they had to since it seemed unthinkable what might happen if they were able to join the same house. Their joining two different sororities served to augment their differences and their resentment of the attention the other got from their fan bases. Elle was considered a people's heroine, being much more outgoing and eager to offer advice or pointers to just about everyone who asked, which included many of those people that Cher's close knit circle of friends looked down upon as social misfits. Cher appealed to the bitchier, more stuck-up students on campus who considered themselves better than everyone regardless of the equal time they put into their institution of learning.
Although neither of them ever verbalized their mutual dislike, it became obvious whenever they passed by in the hallways. In the moments of tense silence that seemed to settle around the general area whenever they were in close proximity, the air surrounding them would grow thick with malice that felt tangible but regardless never surfaced outwardly. During these moments they simply flaunted their customary attitudes and moved on without speaking, regarding the other as if she was hopelessly out of her league. Elle beamed a broad smile and Cher rolled her eyes as if she was walking past a bug she'd just narrowly avoided stepping on. That was it between them, but anyone nearby knew they had a bone to pick, and with the joint activities held on campus by two or more fraternities and sororities, it was a matter of time before a confrontation occurred between them. And when it did, it seemed likely their facades would drop and the fur would fly.
Hailing from New York, and not caring much about popularity in the first place, Andie Anderson watched all this from the sidelines, growing increasingly fascinated with the constant competition between them and the animosity-filled vibes they shared when they saw each other. A major in journalism and a minor in anthropology, she had a particular interest in their ever-increasing rivalry to the point where she wondered what would happen if their paths crossed with an opportunity for it to boil over into a verbal conflict, and perhaps something more from the way they occasionally glared at each other. She decided she would have to watch for something like this to happen, since she'd an idea in mind that may prove interesting to both of them. One night alone in her room, she found her thoughts wandering to the possibility of the two rivals taking her up on her offer, and in the midst of her fantasizing she almost didn't notice her hand stealing to her naked crotch and rubbing while her other hand massaged her hardening nipples until her orgasm.
As it turned out, Andie's chance would come within the month. It happened at a wet T-shirt contest that was put on for charity by the rivals' respective sororities, one Andie attended after hearing both women would be competing tonight. She arrived late, without making a grand entrance, so as not to call any attention to herself. It was important for her experiment that it was proposed and carried out in secrecy. When she arrived the contest was already underway, and all eyes were on the women on the stage in bikini bottoms of different colors and a variety of T-shirts with icy cold water being poured on them to accentuate the contestants' nipples through the thin fabric they wore. When she got close enough to the stage to get a better view of what was happening, she saw Elle and Cher up there, being announced as two of the finalists in the contest. They stood a few feet apart from each other, not sharing one word, but Andie picked up on the bad vibes they sent exchanged as they got ready to come forward again.
It was Elle's turn to come to the front of the stage first. Her white cotton T-shirt was cut just enough so the patrons could see the edge of her navel above her pink string bikini as she moved forward, stopping just short of the edge of the stage. But all attention was shortly fixated on the front of her shirt as the water was generously poured over her chest, stiffening her nipples and the surrounding aureole as she squealed in shock at the coldness of the water, her lips hanging open in a smile that was as inviting as it was adorable. Grabbing the lower half of her T-shirt and twisting the excess water from the fabric, Elle flattened the shirt across her pert breasts so everyone could see her nips poking out from under the material as she smiled broadly and playfully bent, writhed and undulated, impressing those who wanted to see her win first prize.
When Cher was called she strutted arrogantly forward, brushing past Elle with a condescending sneer as she immediately set out to do her Bel Air-based rival one better in the seduction department. Her movements were stiff and contrived in comparison to Elle's natural, flowing motions as she posed and preened for her male supporters through the water being poured onto her shorter cutoff T-shirt, squatting and turning around to bend over and show the thong of her red bikini as it disappeared between her ass cheeks. Caressing her slender thighs, Cher moved her hands to her breasts, fondling them through her own white T-shirt, the only thing on her mind being stealing first prize from Elle Woods as she basked in the cheers from all the dudes who wanted her to walk away victorious. Capping off her performance by turning to bend over a second time, she slapped her ass with her left hand, the slap reverberating over the accompanying music.
When this part of the contest was over, the emcee called them both to the foot of the stage, asking the audience to give a cheer as loud as possible for their respective favorites. The camps of patrons who arrived to watch their favorite win was relatively even, and it took the emcee a few tries to encourage the supporters of each contestant to make a louder noise for their favorite. Elle's and Cher's people clamored to be heard as the two finalists onstage goaded them on by swaying and posing seductively for them. Andie just stood and watched in fascination that these two women could inspire such fierce competition with large groups of people. Finally, by just the slightest variance in noise, first prize went to Cher. A mixed reaction came as Elle's fans believed their girl gave a sexier show, but Andie knew Elle wasn't too disappointed by the outcome. From Cher's expression, however, Andie suspected she might rub things in when she and Elle were alone.
Sneaking backstage and coming across the white-shirted rivals, witnessing their animosity boiling over, Andie decided to give them her proposal. They stared each other down, Elle's narrowed eyes looking into Cher's condescending glare. Cher, who stood maybe four inches taller, made an obvious effort to intimidate Elle by trusting her breasts outward as she spoke. Unimpressed, Elle stood her ground, pushing her own breasts outward in response. Before long, they were glaring into each other's eyes as neither was willing to back down. Their breasts, still partly visible through the damp fabric of their T-shirts, strained against their confinement so Andie could perceive the nipples pushing through. What she had in mind would surely come as a surprise to them as she was still a complete stranger at this point, but for some reason she suspected neither of them would want to pass it up. Already she was close enough to hear the words they exchanged.
With each insult they traded, their expressions hardened, with more attitude creeping into their voices.
"Despite that, I won tonight because I showed more skin," Cher sneered haughtily, running her hands along her sides until they reached her hips. "Maybe you should have tried to be more like me, like dress in a thong or something."
"Which would've catered to your ego, huh?" Elle snapped back, slapping her own ass. "I'm Delta Nu, and us Delta Nu's are above showing our butts in thongs. Besides, if this was a Hawaiian Tropics contest I'd have kicked your butt tonight."
"Tell that to the guys who came to see me," Cher retorted hotly, moving a step closer. She grew more condescending and arrogant, hoping to intimidate Elle. "Face it, babe, you were outclassed by a girl who can outclass anyone."
"Named after a diva who can outclass you on a bad day? You flatter yourself," rebounded Elle as she moved a step closer "The day you can outclass me at anything, sweetie, is the day I decide I should get liposuction to be more like you."
"Well, what about you? Named after a magazine I read in high school." Cher pressed her tits into Elle's, her nipples pushing into her from a few inches above. "And girl, you could use liposuction. You hips are wider than my dad's butt."
"That was a real intelligent comeback. My hips are just fine, thank you very much. And like the guys who came to see me thought, my legs happen to be much more inviting than yours." Elle lifted her leg and glided it along Cher's outer thigh.
By this time, Andie reached them. Clearing her throat when she sensed their bad vibes fast reaching a fever pitch and it seemed they'd tear into each other right there, she opted to interject something into this "conversation," wanting to diffuse the situation before it escalated into a knock-down, drag out in lieu of pitching her idea to them.
"Excuse me, but I think I have an idea where this is leading," she announced coyly, with mock nervousness
Facing the newcomer, Cher maintained her condescending demeanor. "What's it to you?" she snapped, the edges of her mouth turning down in disapproval at Andie's arrival. "Mind your own business, mop-head. This is between Elle and me."
"I can see that," Andie replied evenly, unfazed by Cher's remark. "But I'm sure that campus security doesn't want a fight on their hands. Besides, assault charges wouldn't look very good on your resumes."
"What's the point you're trying to make?" Elle asked, knowing Andie had their number but unsure what her stake was.
"If you guys want to fight," Andie offered amiably, smiling to let them know she was no threat, "maybe you can help me out with something. I'm writing a paper on how the competitive spirit pertains to typical university life.
"So?" Cher spewed hotly, but Andie suspected her bravado was cover for her rising interest in this proposal.
"So," Andie explained, "here's the deal; it's a one-time offer. You guys can use my room to have it out if I can use the fight as a reference. I assure you, your names'll be kept in confidence, and there's a hundred bucks in it for the winner."
"Fine with me," Elle agreed, unflinchingly facing Cher as she resumed trying to stare Elle down before she blurted out, "Two hundred bucks!" as if she chose this moment to voice her hidden interest.
Andie smiled at the abrupt outburst of enthusiasm. "One-fifty," she corrected, sealing the bargain. "Now that that's out of the way, let's head back to my room."
They entered Andie's room about half an hour later after Elle and Cher showered and dressed to leave the student center where the wet T-shirt contest was held. There had been little conversation on the way back to Andie's dorm other than an occasional question about how far her living arrangements were and if anyone else would be there when they returned there. For the most part, Elle and Cher ignored each other with the exception of an occasional sidelong glance of ill will and anticipation for the event to come. They discovered there was nothing to concern themselves with when they got back as far as if anyone would be there to see them return. Hardly anyone was in the hallways when they came to Andie's dorm, as tonight was Saturday and most of the residents were still out for the night. This seemed to suit Elle and Cher perfectly, as an unspoken consensus was among the three of them to keep this impromptu get-together a secret among them since that was their post-contest agreement.
When they turned down a hallway on the basement level, walked halfway down and reached her room, Andie pulled her keys from her purse, unlocked the door and walked in first, flipping the light on as she walked toward one corner, throwing her purse next to a chair and sitting down. Elle entered last, following Cher inside and graciously closing the door behind them. Clearing her throat to get Cher's attention, she looked her directly in the eyes as she locked the door, as if saying she was every bit as enthusiastic about their physical contest as Cher was, and she wasn't in slightest intimidated about the prospect of fighting her with no available means of escape. Their eyes met for the first time since they left the wet T-shirt contest, blazing with the dislike that began in metaphysics class; then Cher gave Elle a haughty sniff in response to her confident gesture. Sharply turning her back to Elle with her customary attitude, Cher turned to Andie, breaking the silence that had permeated her dorm room with thick, intensely tangible energy with their entrance.
"So we're here now. What are the rules?" she demanded, her tone of voice suddenly becoming eager and all business.
Andie was getting settled into her room when Cher posed the question, and tilted her head to answer "First," she intoned quietly, "I think you'd both agree we can't have you fighting wearing expensive designer clothes. They would doubtless be reduced to thin, unidentifiable strips of cloth, judging by how you've been looking at each other on the way back." Andie let her expression break into a disarming smile at the mental picture of this happening. "No, I think you ought to have it out in bikinis." Motioning to the dresser a few feet away, she went on. "And I'll tell ya girls what else; I'll even let you pick one out each from what I got in my top drawer. I think you'll both find something you like."
Elle looked around the room at that, eyeing a dressing partition near the closets. "Where can we change?" she asked, already having an idea what the answer would be but wanting to be sure anyway.
Andie's smile broadened as she pointed in the direction Elle had looked by the closet. "Right behind there," she offered. "I won't tell about that either," she promised heartily. "After all, we're all ladies here, right?"
Elle shrugged as she decided to go first. Brushing past Cher, she raised her chin to answer Cher's icy glare, heading for Andie's dresser. Opening the top drawer, she rummaged inside for a few seconds and pulled out a hot pink bikini. Holding it up in the light for a moment, she tossed it casually over a shoulder and headed for the partition, ignoring Cher's arrogant stare as she disappeared behind it and began removing her expensive designer clothes. Sniffing disdainfully again, Cher went through Andie's drawer, looking for a skimpy ensemble she could wear to outdo her rival, finding a red number with a thin strip of thong in the back that much resembled the bikini she wore to the wet T-shirt contest. Elle stepped out from behind the partition soon after, apparently satisfied with the snugness of her bikini, checking the back to see if it covered enough of her derriere. Her nose in the air, Cher brushed past Elle and ducked behind the partition, removing her clothes in quick eagerness to don her bikini. Sliding it on, she anticipated another chance to outdo Elle.
Stepping out when her bikini was on, Cher carried herself with more of her superior attitude, locking eyes with Elle again. For a time they faced each other, staring hard into one another's eyes, each woman sizing up the other's half-naked body, searching for any weaknesses they could exploit. After some tense moments had passed, Elle broke the silence. "As Cher said," she asked Andie, "what are the rules for this little shindig of ours?"
"Just one," Andie explained, "and that is there are no rules. That means anything goes; there'll be no such thing as a dirty tactic. You keep fighting until one of you submits ... or passes out, whichever comes first. You both okay with that?"
Looking around the room again, Elle determined her surroundings were spacious enough so she and Cher wouldn't crash into anything and damage any furniture in the heat of their battle. Only a nearby bed was all that seemed a hindrance. "Sure," Elle conceded, knowing she'd have to fight hard if she wanted to win. At the same time she'd decided she might not mind the prospect once things got underway as she absorbed the sight of Cher's superior expression.
"Agreed!" Cher exclaimed, her intonation as hard as her expression. Straightening her slender body as tall as she could to intimidate Elle, she raised her chin arrogantly, intoning, "I'm looking forward to tearing your ass to shreds, girlfriend!"
"Come and get me, then," Elle challenged her, backing up a step so she could keep an eye on Cher. "Let's see if you fight as well as you run your mouth." Andie settled back in her chair to watch the impending contest, eager for it to start as the two rivals squared off, circling warily. After a few moments of circling, carefully watching every move the other made and taking stock of each other's perceived strengths and weaknesses, Cher stepped briskly forward and shoved Elle, hard, with both hands. Falling back a couple steps, Elle came back and shoved Cher hard enough to knock her off her footing. Stumbling and almost losing her balance, Cher clenched her teeth, stepped up and shoved Elle even harder, her palms slamming into the downward swoop of her breasts. Catching her breath, Elle shoved Cher, ramming her palms into Cher's tits, head on. Cher let out an inadvertent squawk, her hands reflexively reaching up to massage her breasts.
Recovering, Cher loosed a wild scream, bolting toward Elle. Her arms were outstretched, her fingers spread as if going for Elle's hair or perhaps her eyes to start things off. When she came within striking distance, Elle reacted quickly, crouching and using her legs as pistons as she met Cher's charge. She kicked Cher in the ankle to use her own inertia against her. Bending lower as Cher tripped and fell forward, Elle rammed her head into Cher's solar plexus, lifting up and flipping the taller woman over her head and down to the floor.
Cher uttered a loud "UNGGHHH!" and fought to catch breath as Elle straddled her face, twisting the fingers of both hands into claws and plunging them into Cher's soft stomach. Cher grunted and steeled her gut as Elle twisted back and forth in vicious half-circles. Screaming hoarsely, Cher reached up to rake Elle's back starting with the base of her neck, leaving red scratches in their wake. Cher reached to scratch her again when Elle slashed her heel into Cher's chin with a loud CRACK that reverberated in Andie's spacious room.
"UHHHHHHHHH!" exclaimed Cher as her head was knocked against the floor, her mind invaded by chirping blue jays. Seeing Cher dazed by the impact, Elle pressed her advantage, straddling her face again and renewing her efforts to claw at Cher's stomach, causing Cher to reflexively kick her legs, her feet catching Elle's tits through her bikini. Falling back with a long-winded "UNNNNNNNNFFFFFFF!" Elle forced herself to stay upright, fighting the waves of pain caused by Cher's feet slamming her breasts. Feeling Cher's outstretched hands reaching toward her generous blonde tresses, Elle abandoned her efforts to smother and claw Cher, opting to wrap her legs around Cher's throat and lurching forward. Cher gagged as Elle's thighs squeezed her windpipe, kicking her own legs around Elle's upper torso, locking her ankles and kicking out again. Losing her balance, Elle was thrust forward, her head striking the floor with an impact that dazed her as Cher twisted and rolled on top. With a loud "UNNNNNHHHHH!" she strangled Elle, who rolled Cher to the bottom again.
They fought for the dominant position a few seconds before they somehow became entangled from each other. Lying underneath Elle's curvaceous body, her face at level with her crotch, Cher lifted her legs, trying to wrap them around Elle's waist. But Elle sensed it coming and deftly reached behind her to grab Cher's ankles before she could secure them one over the other to complete the maneuver. "Nothing doing, bimbo," Elle growled, turning to glare back at Cher as she sat up, "you're not keeping those legs of yours around me, not that they'd hurt me much anyway."
"I'll show you how bad these can hurt you, slut!" Cher growled back, her eyes blazing with malice as she kicked free of the groping fingers seizing her ankles, slamming her legs around Elle's hourglass figure and pushing outward to propel Elle's face down to the floor. Thinking quickly, Elle broke her fall by stretching her arms outward, steadying herself even as Cher crossed her ankles and kicked out again, expelling a sharp huff of breath from Elle's lungs "UUUHHNNNHHHH!" She gritted her teeth against the compression her waist was being subjected to, expelling another breath as Cher's long legs squeezed her curvaceous midriff, kicking viciously to uproot her from her stubborn position with her palms pressed firmly on the floor. Elle slithered her legs backward as she fought to remain upright, wrapping them around Cher's neck. Elle added to this by pushing her asscheeks into Cher's mouth and windpipe, reducing the screech originating from Cher's esophagus to a muffled rumble as her backside rested snugly over her air passages.
Again Cher extended her legs outward, twisting to the side and rolling over, wrenching her head from Elle's ass although her neck was still caught between her shapely, determined thighs. Elle yelped in surprise as she connected with the floor with a loud WHUD and tried wrenching herself free of Cher's grip when her long legs uncoiled themselves from her waist. Quicker than she could react, Cher's legs slammed around Elle's throat before she could pull away, bending at the knee and crushing her cheeks as they strangled her. They rolled around on the floor some more, taking turns kicking their respective scissor locks tighter until Cher broke the stalemate, leaning forward and sinking her teeth into Elle's right ass cheek. Elle yelped again and lifted up before Cher has a chance to bite harder, rolling on top of the dishwater blonde and pressing the crack of her ass into Cher's nose until the scissors around her waist loosened and finally opened.
The moment of respite that Elle experienced was shortly gone as Cher quickly regained her breath and suddenly jumped her, knocking her to the floor. Moving up quick, looking down on Elle's flushed face, Cher planted her red-thonged ass into her. Elle's face disappeared in between Cher's ass cheeks as the dishwater blonde smirked and began to do a seductive bump and grind, rubbing her backside into Elle's mouth and nasal passages. As the shorter woman kicked out, shapely legs and curvy waist undulating like a maddened snake to get out from underneath Cher's slender frame, Cher positioned herself by placing an open palm on Elle's stomach and lifted up, pressing her crotch into the area where her ass had been rubbing and grinding into her.
"Smell my pussy, bitch," Cher taunted, looking down condescendingly into Elle's narrowed eyes as her crotch pressed harder into her face. "This is what a real woman smells li ... URRRRKKKKKKK!"
Cher's words were rudely cut off as Elle brought her legs up, slamming them as hard as she could around her throat, and using the strength in her soft-looking but muscular thighs to force Cher from her perch and down to the floor. Scrambling to prevent Cher from recovering and mounting another attack, she reared back up on her knees and crawled to the side to watch as Cher forced herself to her own knees. Spinning around as Cher leaped toward her, Elle slammed her back into Cher's chest, flattening Cher's breasts against her back muscles as she reached behind her, grabbing the back of Cher's neck and flipping her over her shoulder and down to the floor. As the dazed Cher felt the waves of her derriere striking the floor, Elle maintained her grip on Cher, applying a sleeper as her curvaceous legs wrapped around Cher's slender waist.
"I wouldn't know 'bout that," Elle growled at her caught rival. "But it seems you're rather familiar!"
"Don't YOU wish, shorty!" snarled Cher with her customary arrogance as she writhed to escape Elle's clutches.
Horowitz' slender limbs flailed uselessly on the floor as Woods' ankles crossed one over the other, and the first waves of the scissors began from behind her, one heel coming to rest just above her crotch. Lowering her head and leaning into the chokehold around Cher's neck, Elle poured energy into the scissors, breathing evenly with each extension of her limbs and tightening of her arm around Cher's windpipe. Secured firmly by her left arm nudging her fist in the crook between her bicep and forearm, the tight grasp Elle established on Cher's throat suppressed the groans wrenched from her gut by the stocky legs sandwiching her midriff. The scissors was all the more painful by Elle's calves pressing into her, supported by her crossed ankles. Seeing the firm grip this established on Cher's body, Elle stretched her legs, releasing a deep breath.
The muscles bulging under Elle's deceptively soft looking skin thrummed hungrily as her legs retracted and stretched out again, crushing Cher's waist as her hips swiveled and twisted for better purchase. Feeling the squeezing pressure mounting around her waist and ribcage, Cher groaned again, bucking and rolling her lower body with renewed fervor in her efforts to wrench herself from the legs coiled around her. Choking for air as Elle's arm retracted and flexed, hindering the flow of oxygen, Cher moved with agonizing slowness, trying to twist her neck to the side so that her open mouth would be on the same plane as Elle's bicep, searching a position to bite her way out. When Cher's teeth brushed along her skin, Elle pulled away and flexed again, re-establishing her advantage and squeezing down hard with her legs.
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They pulled up outside Elle's house in a taxi, he was in the passenger seat, Elle was in the back seat with Kath. Kath was passed out and had her head in her mother's lap.Following his dance, with Elle, they had returned to the bar and found Kath downing shots of tequila with several of the bridesmaids. It hadn't taken long for her to start feeling the effects of the alcohol, and so the three of them had left the reception. He had to hold Kath up as she couldn't quite manage to stay upright on...
Oral SexElle ran away from home when she was fourteen. Tired of the way her mom and dad always yelled about the way she dressed, she decided she move to Hollywood and become a star. That would show them. Blonde and petite, hourglass figure and pert breasts, Elle was an expert cock-tease in school even though she had yet to actually see a dick. She just knew that when she flashed her big blues or twirled her locks, the boys in school and the male teachers tended to do what she wanted. Elle was bored at...
He drove Kath and Elle to the wedding reception. The ceremony in the church had been quite pleasant, but his mind was preoccupied with the lust filled images that he was constantly imagining of his dick and Elle, his mother in law's ass.She was wearing a black dress that went down to her knees, a pair of black 3 inch high heels and a cardigan that covered her otherwise bare shoulders. She was heavily made up, with dark purple lipstick, and the smell of the liberal amount of flowery perfume that...
Seduction"You doing okay?" Kath asked."Just fine, thanks," he said, as he drove their black sedan into the driveway of Kath's mom's house. In truth, he was in a pretty terrible mood. It was nearly midnight, the drive had taken about an hour longer than the usual six because of construction on the highway, and he had been forced to leave work later than planned even though he had told his boss about the out of town trip at least two weeks in advance. To make things even worse he was about to spend his...
Straight SexJess turned and walked away, leaving me to collapse against a nearby locker and get my bearings. How much time had passed? What had my body been up to? Okay, first thing first. Where am I? I was in the hallway at school, outside Mr Malbridge's chemistry classroom. There were a bunch of other year 12s banging around and getting their books, so it must be between lessons. Next. How long was I out for? That was an easy one, I looked down at my watch- and found my wrist bare. Ben...
I woke late up the next morning. It was about 10am, the sun was shining brightly, and I could faintly hear the sounds of somebody fiddling around in another room, probably my brother. I felt fresh and well rested, which was a welcome change after yesterday's adventures. After Sarah had left, I'd forced my aching body through the motions of getting dressed and cleaning up. I had tried to remove the small receiver from the back of my neck, but I couldn't figure out how to get it off --...
"I'm not sure Sarah, I'm not that desperate," I said. "Come on Elle! Aren't you at least a bit curious?" Sarah whined. Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit's dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me. "Curious, yes," I said. "Keen for you to take control of my body?...
“I’m not sure Sarah, I’m not that desperate," I said.“Come on Elle! Aren’t you at least a bit curious?” Sarah whined.Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit’s dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me.“Curious, yes, ” I said, “Keen for you to take control of my body? No.”“Why not?...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHe opened the washing machine and rummaged around inside for a moment before pulling out a pair of unwashed, black women's underwear. They were full coverage granny panty style, which made sense because they belonged to his fifty-seven-year-old mother in law.Elle was a tall brunette who had been as slender and attractive as his wife when she was twenty years younger, but who had since let herself grow a little heavier, due in no small part to the breakup of her marriage.He turned the panties...
MasturbationHe awoke close to 7 a.m. that morning. Daylight was beginning to stream into the room through the half-closed window blinds. He reached down and adjusted his dick through his boxer briefs. He had a raging case of morning wood, and he casually gripped his shaft and gave it a gentle squeeze. Kath was till fast asleep beside him.After spending a few moments remembering fondly last night's love-making with his wife, he grew restless, and his bladder felt uncomfortably full, so he decided to get up....
ExhibitionismWe open this week’s show with an establishing shot of the medieval stone structures that form the gates of the old city walls in the center of Carlisle. Two stories tall, rounded buildings with battlements, between them a wall, and in the wall an arch big enough for two lanes of traffic to pass through. We move through the gates, seeing newer buildings inside on either side of the road. Still over a century old, the lower level of these buildings has been converted into large-windowed...
Leaving the castle after visiting with Ingeburg, Pelle strode for Tilke's forge. He found his friend and the mason Wenzel waiting for him. For the next two hours, Pelle tried to explain to the mason what he wanted and how he wanted it to be built. It turned out that the master mason had seen permanent kilns in his young years when he had been a journeyman mason in southern lands. They compared what they knew, and agreed on a construction similar to an oversized beehive. Pelle wanted to have...
Ann had slept a lot later than she had expected the next morning. As she awoke, the sun was getting high in the sky already. Glancing at the alarm clock she saw it was already 11:00! But then remembering the days events last night, plus the two bottles of wine, she had every right to sleep in. Besides reminiscing about the ordeal she placed upon her little frame, she needed the healing time too. She felt a little stiff as she rose from the warm covers. Glancing over at the full length mirror,...
A Perfect Fit "Elle a chaud cul!" By Juliette Lima Theosophists put faith in a mystic mediumistic seer Animist worship fauna, pray to lions, wolves and deer In face of all that happens whether normal, staid, or queer We all believe in something, I believe I'll have a beer. Part 4 Wednesday ? Murphy's Law was written by an optimist. The shrill tone of the phone jarred both Lanfords from the erotic reverie the morning's encounter had left. Jerry rolled on her side and answered...
It was a lovely sight. Two attractive recent high school grads getting an all-over tan in Elle’s back yard. She had been named for a grandmother. It was old fashioned but unique enough nowadays to be cool. It was also a palindrome. She liked playing with words almost as much as with cocks. I’m Elle, a tall brunette with short light brown hair, a slim body, and nice b-cup tits and was sipping some of dad’s beer with my best friend Maira. Quite a contrast, the short, slightly pudgy Hispanic girl...
Belle Meets Master [part 1 of 2]By: Belleerotique ([email protected])Belle was raised as a good little girl in a small southern town. She had alwaysdone as she was told to do, always been the "good girl". She had always feltout of place though. She had always had dark thoughts about sex and about whatfelt good. She never realized exactly what though until she met her Master.Belle was a tall girl, 5'10" and weighed in at about 165. She looked likea tall curvy amazon, but she never felt...
The woods held a special place in her heart. Since she was little, she could feel it calling out to her. Like someone constantly calling her name. There was a siren song to it that drew her thoughts back to the woods all the time. These tall, majestic oaks surrounded their little village, like stalwart protectors that held the wilderness at bay. An unmoving wall of trees that would stumble even the strongest army. Unfortunately, not many in her village shared her outlook. To them the woods...
Jack lay exhausted on top of Ellen, his cheek resting on her wet mound of pubic hair. The two lovers breathing slowed. The air in the room felt cool on his sweat covered skin. Jack heard the shower in front of him turn off; he lifted his head up in time to see his best friend's tight beautiful black ass exit the shower room. Jack was disappointed that his buddy was leaving; he still wanted to fuck his tight black ass today.Jack grabbed the sides of the chaise lounge and pushed himself up off...
MILFA Tan and Sandy Silence Rent Crisis Roger, my housemate and tenant was, yet again, behind with his rent. This was partly because he had spent most of his income from working at his father’s chicken farm a couple of villages away in the pub near the farm and gambling on the one arm bandit in the rugby club in that village. He had frittering away his money on things that he couldn’t afford such as taking Tracy, his long-term girlfriend, to Ibiza for a holiday with TwentiesAction Holidays. He...
Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope to 137. But Aruni still knew very little about the world. Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didnt like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It...
Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...
Most folks avoid the woods. Strange things lurk there. That's probably why they feel like home. I never truly fit in, always felt a world apart even when among my few friends. I've never been able to express just why that is, but it's haunted me my whole life. Like many misfits in this corner of the world, my differentness resulted in a career as a mercenary, adventurer and professional misanthrope. I don't regret my choices, or lack thereof. I saw a good portion of the world as a...
There is very little sex in this story that’s why I put it in the non-erotic category. A Cabin in the Woods My name is Dave. I enjoy fishing, ATV’s, snowmobiles or anything else that lets me be in the great outdoors. My favorite outdoor sport is hunting and the best type of hunting in my opinion is deer hunting. I would rather deer hunt than do just about anything else. Today is my favorite day of the year; no it’s not Christmas or Super bowl Sunday. Its Friday November second the day...
The Western Woods near Alverone had long been known locally as the Blighted Wood. The reason was obvious as one drew near the forest. Most of the trees were grey and leafless. On the few trees that retained a semblance of life, the bark was grey and brittle, the leaves strange hues that did not appear at all healthy. Even in the wet, fertile spring, the trees remained grey and the soil was parched and devoid of undergrowth.No one would cut wood or hunt in that forest, nor would they even enter...
Monster SexJoelle the terrible (femdom, interracial cuckold) Joelle Tall, Long legs, blue eyes, a models face and frame, plump lips, that any guy would like see around his cock. Long black hair that she has straighten each month, which is in contrast with her pale ivory skin. Small perky breast, that she stuffs to look bigger with big bottle size rosy nipples, that begs to be sucked on. She has many of her Jewish features, except the "nose job" that she got as a birthday present when she turned 13. She is...
Mom Gets Horny in the Woods By Blueheatt *Tom tells of his gorgeous sexy mom Jodi and what triggered something in her&hellip,., accidentally. __When I was very young, I ask mom if she wanted to take a walk in the local woods, I had no idea what was about to happen. I remember it was a Saturday afternoon and as a young boy, mom and I were both kind of bored that afternoon. We had a big woods next to our house and someone had built a hidden shack way back in the tall bushes. It was abandon...
Jay lived in a quiet neighborhood where not much happened. He had a nice big house with a swimming pool that he and his neighbors enjoyed. Jay's favorite neighbor was Arielle, a teen girl that lived next door to him. She was a few inches taller than 5 feet, she had long dark hair, and a nice athletic body from her years of playing softball. Jay had watch Arielle grow up from when she was younger and only recently he began to notice her womanly figure start to blossom and...
Everyone says you should not travel these roads alone, but I am not a helpless old fool. In fact, I am shy of 20 cycles old. They say these parts are ridden with trolls and goblins. I have also heard stories of a wicked witch that lives in the woods beyond. All tales told by old fools to frighten children. I have seen some truly beautiful things on this journey to and from the dwarven kingdom. Mountains that touch the sky, valleys that go on forever. Sunsets that fill the sky with color. And...
If You Go Down in the Woods It was a hot day so Michael decided to take his shirt off as he strolled along the bridle path. He took a swig from the bottle of water he was carrying and continued on his way. He’d been walking in the sun for more than an hour and up ahead he could see the path meandering towards the woods and he looked forward to reaching the shade and cooling down a little. Entering the woods he noticed the quiet calm that pervaded and he reflected on the fact that he hadn’t...
Group SexIt was in the weeks before Christmas, on a fairly cold evening, when I realized that Nelle and I might have a future. We were driving back to the city for some holiday shopping after work, and as we drove over the bridge, with the city lights gleaming in the background, I reached across the seat and slipped my hand into her lap between the folds of her coat. Her thighs were warm and soft, below the swishy fabric of her dress, and familiar too, since we had taken the train out...
I was just a young lad the first time i did any thing with another guy, i was still living with mom in the house she inherited from her father after he died in a small village that mainly had elderly people living in it.There certainly wasn't any one my age about so contact with other youth's was limited to school.Most of my time was spent playing alone or helping mom about the house, then some thing happened that was to change me for ever.It was a Sunday morning and mom was home doing some...
Anabelle Ford, the Teacher“And the, ladies, was Renaissance woman. Now I want you to study what we’ve been going over and come back to me with some of the major problems women in the 14th to 16th century would come up against and please, PLEASE, don’t stick to the usual hygiene problems. Let your mind expand and come up with something original.”Anabelle looked at her class. Thirteen girls. University calling and all ambitious. Her mind flitted back to her own school days. The keenness...
I took a walk almost every day in the woods that surrounded my house. I lived far out in a cabin I had built when I retired from the army. The only way to get to my cabin was a dirt road that ran off the main road a couple of miles away. There were paths and trails in and out of the woods and I would walk them almost every day. I was on a path when I heard someone cough. I moved off the trail and hid in some bushes near the path. A young woman came into view about a hundred yards down the path....
It is said that there is a woman in the woods, a woman who lures men with her lullaby to then spirt them away. On occasion parts of them are found spread through the woods, others remain missing forever. People say they have seen her walking with a basket of grass, or gathering water into a flask by the stream. None have stayed longer than a few seconds, fearful of what may happen to them. Children dare each other to stand on the edge of the boundary and call out to her, they make it to the...
FantasyMost of what follows is true. I've changed the names to protect the real 'Gary' and 'Jessica'. L.J. 11/08/2009?Hi Gaz, how’s tricks? Archie's voice boomed out as he approached across the saloon bar of the Rising Sun.?Not so bad. I got one in for you.? Gary indicated a pint of Boddingtons waiting on the table ready.?Good man. I'm surprised that new girlfriend of yours has let you out.? Archie sat down and took a long pull at his pint. ?You seem to be spending all your time with her, completely...
Scott was scrawling away when the bell on the cafe door jangled. He was surprised to see the girl from the stationery shop step in. She scanned the room as her eyes adjusted from the summer brightness outside. The moment she saw him, her face lit up and she strode to his table.“Eager to get started, huh?” She hovered, clasping her forearms. “I love a man who gets straight to things.”“Uh, yes, miss. Just ducked in here to get out of the heat and get the hang of this pen.”Scott rose and offered...
OutdoorI slowly rode my horse through the forest enjoying the cool breeze. I was farther in the kingswood then I had ever been as I traveled along the trail heading back towards the small town known as huntersrest. Though I had been living in the city for a month now I still felt more at home out here in the wilderness. City life was growing on me a little each day. It was nice to have everything one could need only a few blocks away instead of having to ride miles to the next town to buy something....
FantasyI like to masturbate outdoors, and I know other men who share my passion. But until recently I never thought it was something females did very often. Turns out they do from time to time, you just have to be very quiet, and lucky, to catch them at it!I'd been going to some woods near work on the odd lunch break through the summer to get my pants down and wank off in the trees. I hadn't been doing any dogging, I was just enjoying my time alone. I'd get well off the beaten track before taking my...
A day after his return from Birkenhain, Pelle uncovered the kiln. He found the coal of the usual good quality but he felt no satisfaction, only apprehension. Secretly he dreaded his next trip to Birkenhain. What if Ingeburg would take a liking to her new life? What if she, living with the Baron's family, felt shame at being married to him? If he stayed in the forest he could hope and dream of her at least. If he went to Birkenhain a cruel reality might just crush those dreams. Nevertheless,...
Once they were on the high road, Pelle related Ingeburg's greetings and suggested he take Tjark to Birkenhain more often for him to have some fun in his life. That was when Tjark cleared his throat. "Pelle, I have question. Do you think I may help you more often with your charring?" "Why?" "I've been thinking lately. You seem to lead a good life in the forest. You have the right to hunt, you have clean spring water to drink, a sturdy cabin, and now even a wife. They pay you good...
"Come in, friend Collier," the baron invited Pelle. It was six weeks after Pelle's weeklong stay in Birkenhain. He had just delivered coal when the chamberlain found him and ushered him into the castle and into the baron's study. Pelle could not quite shake the apprehensions when around the baron. After the weeklong stay and the baron's return Pelle had to stand in another time with a drunken Lieselotte kneeling on the bed. It had been awkward too, but this time Lieselotte was warned....
It was always a home away from home. Then after about three years at my current job, the weekend cabin finally became home to me. It was a couple of acres with just a cabin & small lake. Once the deed was transferred into my name, I upgraded everything in the cabin. From the water, solar power, furnishings and I even installed WIFI, so I could even work from home in the event of an emergency. The cabin was surrounded by tons of trees. I had a path made from the cabin to the main highway. ...
OutdoorNOTE: This is much longer than my normal stories. The Lady Past The Woods When I was in high school I got an idea for my photography class from a Relaxation CD that Mom had given me a few years ago. I would lie in bed not being able to sleep and listening to the babbling brook. Eventually I was relaxed and asleep. When I told my teacher about my idea she was excited that I had envisioned a scene to go along with the sound and now wanted to marry them into a movie. There was...
Getting lost in the woods has always been a favorite past time of hers. She would often drive until she found a trail access park and head off for hours. Mostly she stuck to the trail; rarely did she cross someone else and usually never another solo hiker. Today was special; it was the first hike of the year for her. Once she was a considerable distance off the trail she removed her top breast free to what ever sunshine may find its way through the canopy. Her Tuesdays off were often time...
My brother and I grew up playing in the 10-acre woods behind our house. Scott is a year old than I, actually 14 months, older, and we were like regular siblings. We would fight each other tooth and nail one minute and comfort each other the next. As soon as mom trusted us, we spent all our time in those woods, well, except when we played on the swings and sliding board. We built forts in the woods, made bike trails, built tree houses, dammed the small stream hundreds of times, and even camped...
100% fiction! It was a bright sunny day in July, my relatives and me just arrived around noontime at a state park in New York. Our plan was to have a nice Filipino style family picnic. We set up quickly and people started eating and drinking. It was getting boring for me after awhile, I only had my little cousins around. I am in junior high and wouldn’t mind drinking to let time fly by, but I was with family. So I was bored out of my mind and was hanging around my mom. Then I noticed a Spanish...
IncestAs Pelle had promised, the Saturday was spent doing work around the cabin. He helped Ingeburg fire the baking oven and the young woman spent time kneading some dough of wheat flour, sweetened with dried berries and honey, to bake biscuits. This was something she knew well and she worked hard at it. The dough had to rest for some time before she could form biscuits, and she used that to clean the cooking area and the copper pots and pans. Pelle was busy splitting firewood for their use, and...