Bete Ne Chudai Sukh Diya
- 4 years ago
- 29
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The woods held a special place in her heart. Since she was little, she could feel it calling out to her. Like someone constantly calling her name. There was a siren song to it that drew her thoughts back to the woods all the time.
These tall, majestic oaks surrounded their little village, like stalwart protectors that held the wilderness at bay. An unmoving wall of trees that would stumble even the strongest army.
Unfortunately, not many in her village shared her outlook. To them the woods were full of unseen dangers. Creatures that, given the chance, would surely rampage through the quaint village, destroying everything in their path.
Even her normally sensible father share the rest of the villages view. It was a point of confusion for Belle. Her father had always been the most intelligent person she knew, not one to subscribe to pointless fears. But even he had warned her about venturing into the woods.
It still wasn't enough to stop her. The siren call was too strong, drawing her ever deeper into the tranquillity of the forest.
Belle thought she might have found the source of the confusion in her books. Some stories paint all woods as evil and terrible places, full of hidden dangers and creatures. Even the village abounded with the stories of some absentminded woodcutter that had gone into the woods, never to be seen again. No one knew these unlucky souls personally, but everyone know someone who knew someone who had disappeared.
Then there were other stories that described the woods the opposite. Hidden glades full of treasures and the occasional mischievous, but still helpful imps, a place of wonder and magic.
The only logic she could make of these contradictions were that every forest was different. The nature and the spirit of the woods was what defined the creatures that found home in it. Surely there were evil woods, just like her neighbors feared, but she could not possibly believe that her, yes her, woods was one of them.
They were her woods because it was obvious that she was the only one who understood the wonder of the place. She appreciated it for what it was and found nothing to fear in it.
Her father had said many times the woods were no place for a young woman like her. That if she must venture it, she should always stay on the few well-trodden paths to and from the village. Unfortunately those dirt roads that cleaved through the trees were no more the woods than the main square of their village.
Despite her father's warnings, and occasional admonistrations after he had caught her, she still had a few secret spots that she liked to visit. The little clearings where she could be alone, outside the busy town, were her favorites. They gave her a place to read, a spot where the only things that existed were she and her books.
It was in these places that she felt free to let her mind wander, undistracted by the noises and commotion of the town.
One of those spots was just the destination she had in mind as she snuck out of the small home she and her father shared.
"Belle?" She heard her father ask as she approached the door. She thought she'd be able to slip out undetected.
"Yes, father?" She paused in the doorway, fixing her dress absently. Not because she felt she needed to, just because it was something to do while she spoke.
"Where are you going at this early in the morning?" Her father's voice did not show concern, which relieved her.
"To the bookstore in the village." Belle smiled, it was small white lie, since she did have every intention of stopping there.
"Ah, silly me." Her father replied, still with no sense of concern.
"I want to hurry now, the bookstore owner said that they might be getting some new books in." That simple reason did not seem like enough to her, so she added "And I promised I would return the ones I borrowed."
All still true, but in particular she wanted to go before Gaston would be out and about in the town. She had little interest in the muscle-bound potential suitor. Even though she showed little interest in him, he seemed to have some fixation with her.
Her father shuffled to the door where she was waiting, drawing close enough to kiss her on the forehead. "You have a good day, dear. I have some work of my own to do here too."
"Thank you, father." Belle smiled, blushing slightly at his attention. She then gathered her basket and headed out into the town.
"Good morning Mr. Livre!" Belle beamed as she pushed open the door to the bookshop. "Did the new books come in?"
"Ah, Belle," the shopkeeper smiled, "so nice to see you this morning., yes, indeed they did."
The shopkeeper disappeared beneath his counter for a moment, the sounds of rustling and shifting coming up from underneath the wooden frame. "I saved the box just for you to look through first."
The idea of being the first to delve into this new chest of treasures made Belle's eyes go wide with anticipation. Only her manners made her pause for a moment, "I brought back these too."
Belle quickly pulled the trio of hardcover books from her basket and placed them carefully on the counter. Each was a treasure to her, not to be tossed about willy-nilly. Besides, she was sure she would want to borrow one or two of them again next week.
"Here we are." The shopkeeper laughingly announced as he placed the small wooden crate on the countertop. "All yours."
"Thank you!" Belle restrained herself from leaping right into the crate, doing her best to keep her manners intact. But the enticement of the new lands to discover was almost too much for her patience.
She stood on her tiptoes to peer over the edge of the crate, her fingers carefully picking through the stacks of tomes. ignoring the shopkeeper as he collected the three other books and started to carry them to spots on his shelves.
"How did you like these?" He asked, absently as he placed the first book on its shelf.
Belle had to glance at him for a second to remember what it was he was referring to. "Oh, I liked them very much."
With her hands still resting inside the crate, her mind flew back to what she had read in the books. "That one was kind of sad in the end, but still good."
She watched a bit sadly as the book slide onto its shelf. Not for losing it, but because she'd never again experience reading it for the first time.
"The princess was spoiled and rotten in that one." She suddenly said as the second book went into its place on the shelf. "But later she learns and gets better."
Belle was just about to speak of the last book when something in the crate caught her eye. A glint of gold on a green leather covered tome that her fingers had just uncovered. She spoke the title out loud as her fingers traced the words inlaid on the spine, "La Belle et la Bete."
"Oh my." Her fingers followed the contour of its spine like it was a priceless jewel of incredible delicacy. She lifted it up slowly, half expecting the entire book to be a figment of her imagination.
She held the book in her left hand, gazing over the cover of it all while under the watchful eyes of the shopkeeper. The cover had the most marvelous inlaid painting of a gruesome looking fellow, almost half wolfish, with yellowish fangs and bristling brown fur.
"You like that one?" the shopkeeper asked, softly as he returned to the counter. He did not want to distract her too much; he always loved to see the look that came across her face when she found a book she liked.
"Umhm." Belle glanced up only for the briefest of seconds, her fingers returning to caress the top of the volume, tracing the seam that held the colorful painting in place.
She had never seen a volume look so lustrous and expensive. There was no way the shopkeeper would ever let her borrow a book so expensive.
"Go ahead." The shopkeeper smiled, almost as if he could read her thoughts of hesitation. "When I saw it, I was sure it was meant for you. One of the characters even has the same name as you."
He smiled at the coincidence, thinking that that would be all it would take to convince her to borrow it.
"I couldn't." Belle replied, quickly, placing the book back down on the counter. "It's much too expensive. If something happened..."
There was no mistaking how intensely she wanted to read the book, but her common sense still told her that it was something well out of her station.
"Nonsense." The shopkeeper shrugged with a slightly annoyed tone of voice. "I can think of no one more trustworthy to lend it to. And when you bring it back, you can tell me all about what happened in it."
He could see that she still remained less than convinced. "When you finish reading, maybe you can help me tidy up here a bit."
Belle watched the shopkeeper for a moment, her mind torn between the enticements of the volume and the chances of something happened to it. If it got damaged in any way, she doubted that her father could possibly have the money to replace it.
"Go now." The shopkeeper repeated, "I won't take no for an answer."
Belle nodded slowly, swallowing with nervousness. She felt like she was signing away her life as she carefully lifted the book. She very delicately wrapped it in one of her scarves before placing it like a baby into her basket.
"Thank you, Mr. Livre!" Belle said to the shopkeeper with honest sincerity in her eyes and voice. "I'll return it first thing in the morning."
"Take your time, my dear." He replied, waving off any such thought of speed. "When you're done with it, you're done with it."
He waved as he watched Belle leave the shop, the swish of her cloak disappearing through the doorway.
"Such an odd young girl that one is." He smiled to himself before returning to his work.
Belle could hardly contain herself as she rushed down the village streets. She wanted to dive into the book right away, but wanted to get to her special spot to start.
She had to keep from running; but she felt like she could not get there fast enough.
She followed the path out of town for a couple of yards, before pausing and glancing up and down the road. When she was satisfied that there was no one nearby to see her, she slipped off into the grass and between the trunks of the trees. Hurrying along to be out of sight as quickly as possible.
Within minutes, the background noise of the village and it's well traveled paths faded into the distance. Filled instead with the sounds of songbirds and the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind. It was just a few yards further before she arrived at the small clearing she knew so well.
She broke through to the small patch of open grass, placing her basket down on one of the tree stumps at the edge of the glade. From the basket she withdraw her white blanket and shook it out, letting it fall to the ground softly to the ground.
The dappled sunlight broke through the overhanging branches, giving the glade a soft subdued light. She pulled the basket from its perch and placed it down on her blanket, joining it a moment later as she sat.
She smiled as she looked around, taking a moment to just enjoy the quiet of her surroundings. Resisting the urge to delve into the new book.
She carefully withdrew the book from the basket and unwrapped it from the protection of her scarf, then laid the book gently down on the top of the blanket. She then lay down on her stomach in front of it, almost like the book was an altar for her to pray at.
She just stared at the book reverently for a moment, basking in the sheer pleasure of being in the presence of such a treasured volume. She could feel the anticipation of the wonders that were held in-between the leather covers. Her mind already racing to imagine the adventures that lie inside.
Her fingers traced the words along the cover as she read them out loud again, "Beauty and the Beast." The title was so magical sounding, like an adventure and a romance combined.
She lifted up the cover and started delving in.
She reveled in the story that lay between the pages of the book. Reading it from cover to cover and only stopping long enough to eat the small lunch she had brought with her.
In the small-secluded glade, she was insulated from the rest of the world, allowing her imagination to populate her world. All the sounds of the woods around her entwined themselves into the narrative.
When she was finished reading she was tempted to start reading it again. But the sun was already setting and she was probably long over do from returning home.
She wasn't concerned for her father's worry though. She was sure he was probably wrapped up in his own studies as well. It would only be when he grew hungry for dinner that he would notice what time it was. Then he'd realize she wasn't there to remind him to eat.
All she needed to do was get home before her father's stomach roused him.
"Why good evening, my dear." A new voice suddenly introduced itself from the depths of the woods.
She turned over onto her back quickly, her eyes looking around rapidly. "Hello? Who's there?"
"No one of any consequence." The voice replied, seeming to shift around her, obscured behind the tree trunks and the growing shadows. "What are you doing here so late?"
Belle blinked for a moment, trying to focus on the ever-changing point of the voice. It seemed to be floating around her, circling the edge of the glade, the owner hidden behind the tree trunks and foliage.
"I was just going to leave." She informed the unseen voice, as she sat up, not really nervous. She wasn't sure if she should be afraid or not, but so for she had no reason to be.
"Already?" the voice commented, for the briefest second she thought she saw a pair of yellowish eyes where the voice seemed to be coming from. "I am not making you want to leave, am I?"
Belle shook her head slightly, "No. It's getting late. My father will be worried."
She wondered if the owner of this voice might be one of the imps that the villagers seemed to fear? She would have thought the eyes belonged to a wolf, had it not been talking to her.
"I see." The voice said, sounding a bit sad now. "I was hoping you would stay a bit longer."
Belle narrowed her eyes, trying to pierce through the shadows that hid the figure behind the voice and eyes. "Why?"
There was a brief pause and the eyes seemed to disappear. For a moment she thought the figure had retreated away, but when the eyes reappeared, she realized that the figure must have only closed it's eyelids.
"I receive so few visitors out here." The voice still sounded sad, but somewhat resigned to her decision.
She felt like a schoolteacher as she sat in the middle of the blanket, crossing her fingers together in her lap. "Can I see you?"
There was another brief silence as the eyes flickered a bit. A slight rustle came and the figure slowly stepped it's way into the dim light of the glade.
Belle's eyes went wide as she saw the spitting image of the creature, the beast, from the story she had just finished reading.
"What manner of creature are you?" She inquired quizzically, not the least bit drawn back by his appearance.
Her lack of fear intrigued him. He had expected her to recoil in surprise, probably run, just like all the others had before her.
"I'm no creature." He replied slowly, not wanting to seem to take a offense at her words. "I am a man."
She looked at him incredulously, her eyes studying his furred form and the billowing mane of brown hair about his neck. "You're like no man I've seen before."
She didn't want to doubt him, but she still felt the need to inquire further. Her mind demanded to know the answers.
"I would doubt that you had seen any like me." His nostrils flared for a moment, as he smelled the air, detecting her scent across the small glade. It was clean and only spiced with the slightest bit of salty sweat.
She watched him and then glanced back at her where she left her book, only to find it gone.
"Oh no!" she shouted in horror, entirely forgetting about the presence of the creature-man. Her eyes darted around the blanket, looking desperately for the missing tome.
Seeing her alarm he approached slowly, not sure of what had caused her such dismay. "What is wrong?"
"My book." She muttered, half panicked. She instinctively lifted the blanket and leaned over to peek under it, thinking that somehow it might have fled for cover in fright. "It's missing!"
He continued to approach, but then circled around her, to see where it was she was looking. He could see neither book nor anything else. "Where did you leave it?"
She turned and looked at him, confused for a moment. The question seemed so useless. "Right here." She poked her finger at the blanket where the book last laid.
She watched him for a moment more, "Did you take it?"
He looked at her in surprise, a frown on his bestial features. "Why would I do such a thing?"
"Woods spirits are always mischievous. It's said so in all the books I've read." Her eyes narrowed accusingly at him.
"I am no wood spirit." He replied, matching the annoyance of her gaze. "Nor did I take your book. I think you spend far too much time in them anyway."
Her eyes narrowed even further, knitting her brow. "Have you been watching me?"
He blinked at her accusation, unsure of what to say. "I... a little."
She frowned now, her brow relaxing. "Then why didn't you say anything before?"
"I don't know." He frowned for a moment more. "Do you want to look for your book or not?"
Their gaze continued to hold together, each one challenging to win. Her single-minded determination to grill him against his intention to change the subject away from himself.
"If I don't find it, I don't know what I will do." Belle finally relented, her eyes going back down to the blanket.
He approached slowly, carefully, not wanting to set her off again. "Have you tried looking in here?"
He reached for the basket that sat on the tree stump. His clawed fingers lifting up the bundling clothes carefully.
She watched anxiously, half hopeful that he would find it, half hesitant for letting him get any closer.
"Is this it?" his fingers carefully lifted the book from the basket, showing her.
She blinked as she started at it. "Yes... How did..."
She glanced back to the blanket and the last place she remembered seeing it.
He shrugged as he carefully laid it back down in the basket. "Those pesky imps that you accused me of being, maybe?"
He couldn't help but chuckle slightly. He drew his blue cape closer for a second, gave a slight flourish, and then bowed. "I will take my leave of you."
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MatureYou can contact me for requests, fan mail, hate mail, naked pics of your boobies, or anything else you have in mind at [email protected] copyright ghostwriter118, intended for use only as the author sees fit ___________________________________________________________________________________ Belle’s boyfriend had been away for only a week before her horniness consumed her. She wanted nothing more than to have someone lick her little pussy thoroughly, but her boyfriend was gone for...
Young ladies are smart. They are clever, deceitful, underhand and, at times, malevolent. They are also good fun, sexy and damn delightful when they want to be. Take the two young girls who work in our office – they are the "bestest" friends and share a flat, but they are always up to something. The other day I got tricked into buying biscuits for the office when it was Sandy's turn to furnish our bird table with cakes and treats. She flashed her grateful smile at me, as she adjusted her...
Hello friends….. Savi chut and Lund ko meri Lund ke or se 90° ki salami thok ta hai… Mera naam jay hai, age 21, height 5,8 inch, Lund 7 inch lamba 3 inch mota. Healthy body. Gym jata hu. Culcatta ka rehne wala hu. last yr me study kar raha hu. Meri Maa ka naam Reena hai, age 40, size 32,30,34. Modern hai. Maa meri culcatta raso golla hai… Iss me mera pehla story hai bhul chuk hune se madarchood ko maf karna. Story par aata hu,,, Mere ghar me Maa, Papa, Badi been aur Me. Didi ki love mrg...
Hello everyone this is vikas khanna again apke liye ek new story laya hu last story pe mujhe bhaut bhabhi or auntyo ke mail aye or mene unke saath enjoy kiya or wo bhi secret saxh main iss ne mujhe life ke asli enjoy karaya hai mere email id hai any one intrested can mail be and guaranteed for your secret delhi ncr ke ladies ,girls ,aunty so ab apko jayda bore na karte hui apni story pe ata hu ye baat kuch weeek pehle ke hai jn mere mom dad out of india gayie hui the main ghar main akela beta...
Tum sabki randi mom fir se tum sab ke liye ek story le kar aayi hai, jinhone meri purani story nhi padi vo pad lo MERE BETE AUR USKE DOSTON NE CHODA. Aaj ye randi tum sab ke liye ek new story le kar aayi hai apni. Is liye sab ladke apna lund hath me le lo aur ladkiya apni chut me ugli daal lo. Ye kahani 26 jan ki hai us din raat ko mere beta apni 4 doston ke sath ghar aaya. sab mujhe dekh kar bahut khush huye raat ka koi 9pm ka time tha or mene gown pehna hua, jo ki sirf meri thighs tak ki...
Hello dosto, mera naam rashi hai meri umar 42 saal hai mai patiala(punjab) ki rehne wali hun lekin is samya mai canada mein apne bete k sath rehti hun mera bete ka naam raja hai boht chudai karta hai meri mere husband ki death hoyi ko boht samay ho geya ghar mein hum do he log hai ek main or mera beta mai boht he sexy lagti hun meri badi gand or bdde boobs k karn main jadatar heel he pehti hun jis se main or b sexy lgti hun is se meri gand or b bahr ko aa jati hai na mai normally salwar kameej...
Narrated by Author Episode 44 mein aap logo ne padha ki kaise Rahul ki maa aur Kavita aunty ab usse ghulmil kar baate karne lag gaye the. Rahul kafi besharam bhi ho chuka tha. Kyu ki uski maa aur aunty ne use kai baar nanga dekh liya tha. Rahul bhi bejhijhak har maoke par apne lund ko unke nazare ke liye nikal leta tha. Lekin Rahul ko ab bhi nahi pata tha ki Kavita ke mann mein uske liye kuch hai ya woh sirf mamta ki bhawna rakhti hai. Sarika ko bhi ab shak hone laga tha Rahul aur Kavita ke...
Narrated by Author Episode 44 mein aap logo ne padha ki kaise Rahul ki maa aur Kavita aunty ab usse ghulmil kar baate karne lag gaye the. Rahul kafi besharam bhi ho chuka tha. Kyu ki uski maa aur aunty ne use kai baar nanga dekh liya tha. Rahul bhi bejhijhak har maoke par apne lund ko unke nazare ke liye nikal leta tha. Lekin Rahul ko ab bhi nahi pata tha ki Kavita ke mann mein uske liye kuch hai ya woh sirf mamta ki bhawna rakhti hai. Sarika ko bhi ab shak hone laga tha Rahul aur Kavita ke...
Ye aaj se 2 saal pehle ki baat hai. Iss kahani mein apko ye bataungi ki main kaise ek gharelu aurat se ek randi bani. Main ke behkawe mein a gayi aur ye shuruat ne mujhe uske pita tak ke saath sone ko majbur kar diya. Mera naam Renu hai aur main tab 38 saal ki thi. Mere ghar mein mere pati aur ek beta hai. Woh tab 18 saal ka tha. Mere pati ka kafi achcha business hai aur woh business ke silsile mein kafi busy rehte hai. Main housewife aur aur saath hi ek yoga teacher bhi hu. Mera figure bohut...
"...with a final thrust, his hard cock explodes into her pussy. She screams out his name as they both cum together." Belle closes her eyes as she remembers those lines from her erotic book she read a few minutes ago. Allowing one of her hands to trail down to her moist underwear, she bites her lower lips as she nears orgasm. The suddenly, there was a loud banging coming from the door that completely killed the vibe. "Yes?" Belle tries fixing her dress as she limps over to open the door. "Honey,... is a site of wonder. It literally has all kinds of crap to offer, and that also includes a subreddit dedicated to Belle Delphine's Patreon. Now, those who have never heard about Belle Delphine before, you are in for quite a fucking treat, my lads. As for those who have heard of this beauty, well, this subreddit is dedicated to all her Patreon and OnlyFans content, which means that you are about to see lots of teasing and lewd content in general.The beautiful thing about,...
Reddit NSFW ListWe toured the castle at Skye, hiked the moors, holding hands and acting like long time lovers. At the pub the next night the barman asked how our honeymoon was going. I was not sure Miguel understood the implication of the word Honeymoon. He answered in his Portuguese accented English “better than all expectation” and smiled at me.The ride back to Glasgow was much different than the ride to Skye. I was happy and so was Miguel. The couple in the front were equally happy with their mini-holiday...
Hi guys, ye mere mom ke sath sex karne ki kahani ka agla part hai. Pichle part mein apne padha ki kaise lockdown ke karan maine apni hi ma ko choda. Ab iss part mein aap mere mom ke saath kiye kuch special sex ke bare mein jaanege. Kahani shuru karne se pahle main aapse kehna chahunga ki agar aapko mere mom ke jawani ki sex ki baato ke bare mein jaana hai to mujhe pe email kare. Iss part mein maa bete ki chudai ke kuch special raato ke bare main likha hoga. Incident 1. Humare apartment mein...
Hi dosto, mera naam Arpit hai aur main Gurgaon mein it company mein job karta hu. Yeh story meri aur mere neighbour mein rehne wali Deepti bhabhi ki hai. Unke husband ek saal se Germany mein hai to meri line clear thi. This is my first attempt in writing a story so I request everyone to forgive me for any mistakes. Story thodi lambi hai but I hope apko pasand ayegi. Apke feedback ka mujhe intezar rahega. . Aap mujhe mail kar sakte hai aur hangout par message bhi. I will continue with the...
Ye kissa 2 saal pehle ka hai. Main jahan rehti hun abhi wahan mujhe 4 saal ho chuke hai aur uss mohalle mein meri kaafi achchi friends ban chuki hai. Meri sabse achchi dost Maya aur Sarita hai. Maya aur Sarita dono bhi isi dhandhe mein thi. Sarita kuch 52 saal ki hai aur uska poore mohalle ko pata hai ki woh ye randi waala dhandha karti hai. Kyunki usko ab lag bhag 12 saal ho chuke the. Par Maya aur mera abhi tak kisi ko nahi pata. Hum dono hi mohalle mein nahi laate customers. Sarita toh khud...
Main Indian sex stories ki bahut badi fan hu & hamesha yahaa sari stories padti hu. Maine life me bahut kuch Kara hai to ab socha k kuch share karu. Ye meri first story hai to agar kuch mistake ho jayega to sorry. Pehle main aapko apne bare me bata du. Meri age abhi 47 hai & main business chalati hu. Mere husband ki age 51 hai & wo government officer hain bahut bade. Mere 3 bacche hain, ek beta 24 saal ka ek 21 ki beti & 18 ka beta. Meri height hai 5’8″ & rang bahut zyada gora. Baal lambe hain&...
Hello everyone. This is my first story so please read it completely and do comment or email me and tell me your ideas too. Am an indian housewife who just got into this by the way public look at her and their comments. Anyway lets directly start with the story. I am the queen if a very big kingdom and the most beautiful and sexy figure. Am 5.7 feet tall, fair skin, 34 c boobs, 24 waist, 34 ass. Everyone envy my husband for owing me including even my son. So ek baar mere pati yane ki raja ko...
Hello dosto mai hu gaurav . Mai himachal ke shimla se hu. Ye kahani hai mere aur meri maa ke bare me. Kaise unhone mujhe apno jawani ke mze diye. Meri age hai 19 saal aur mom 40. Mom ke bare me kya btau. Itni hot aunty kisika bhi lund khda kr de. 36 30 34. To story shuru krte hai. Ye kahani 1 saal pehle ki hai . Mai school ke final exam khtm krke free ho gya tha. Pehle mai mom ke bare me galat nhi sochta tha. But meri maa bahut pyasi thi ye mujhe bad me pta chla. Actually mere dad mere bachpan...
The wind blew my hair and I tried to tuck it in behind my ears but it was to no avail. It came loose and covered my eyes and face. I glanced over at the speedometer. Jake was doing close to a hundred miles an hour. My eyes turned to his face. He was staring at the road in front of us, his features hard and still. He must have known I was looking at him but he paid no attention to me. I guess he was still in shock after what happened in Cactus Hill. I put a hand on his leg and slowly a smile...
SupernaturalI’d missed the last two years’ balls. The one two years before, when we first learned of Katherine’s cancer, and last year’s shortly after her death. I’d come tonight, my first attempt to keep the promise I’d made her. Katherine made me swear to get on with my life after she was gone. She and all the rest of my friends had said not to mourn her loss more than six months, but I needed more time. It wasn’t until recently that I began to feel a little restless and bored with my solitary life. ...
Lucy was lazing around in the living room when she heard Belle drunkenly try to scrape the key in the front door’s lock. She heard giggling – a second voice. A woman’s. Lucy put her tattered copy of Asimov’s Second Foundation down on the coffee table and owled the door with interest, her nylon legs sprawled across the arm of the sofa. Lucy and Belle were both avid readers. Between them they made their way through perhaps 8 to 12 books a month. More, when they had no university deadlines or...
Belle (Part 1) _______________ A young man is only playing a part in the school play. But it has drastic consequences when real life events spiral out of control. _______________ It was the final semester of my senior year in high school. I was in the school drama club, as I had been since I was goaded into joining by a girlfriend during my sophomore year. I found that drama club turned out to be a comfortable fit in my life, unlike the girlfriend that got me into it in the...
Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Mujhe aap apne mail se utsahit rakhe aur main apko apne kahaniyo se manoranjit. Pichle bar apne Rahul ke ghar dekha ki kaise maa bete porn movie ka sath mein maza lete hai. Fir kya hua janiye aaj ke episode mein. Jo bhi ye episode pehli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pehle Season 1 padhle. Isse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id /...
Hello friends.. Mera naam shiv hai and this is my first story which I will going to tell you.. Agar koi galti ho jye toh maaf krna pehale bar hai… Kahani shuru karne se pehale main aap logo ko thora apne bare me bta deta hu.. Naam toh bta hi chuka hu ab thora physical appearance ka bare me bhi bta du.. Mere height 6ft hai. Fair in colour muscular body. Handsum hu grls se bt karne aati hai thora flirty type ka hu.. Land ka six 6 inch hai large enough to satisfy any grl with 1.5 inch thick.. Mere...
Hi friends, I am new here. Pls support me this is my first story. Me arun meri maa ka naam reena h. Ek din ki baat h me apne kamre me computer par bf dekh rha tha usme ek beta apni maa ko pata kar use chod rha tha pehle usne apni maa ke mammo ko khub ragda phir khub chusa. Itne me ek awaaz aati h aur me ghabra kar piche dekhta hu meri maa sab dekh chuki thi. Aur me ghabrahat k maare computer b band nhi kar paya. Phir meri maa andar aai aur mujhe khne lagi ye tum kya kr rhe the. Mene apna sir...
Hello friends, mera naam Priya hai, main 25 yrs ki hun, mera figure 32 28 34 hai, ye kahani mere sath sach me huyi ek incident par hai, jab mere papa k ek friend k bete ne mujhe choda tha jabardasti, unka naame vishal hai aur wo jodhpur rehte hai aur ab unki shadi b ho gy hai. Ye baat kuch saal phle ki hai sab me 8th class me thi, aur apni family k sath jodhpur gyi th, wahan humare rehne ka intzaam vishal k ghar pr hua tha kyunki us time wo wahan 2 room set rehkr akele rehte the aur padhte the,...
This is sisfucker again with mom son wedding story. Hope you will enjoy it. Write your feedback to “Ye kaise ho sakta hai? Main apni maa se shadi kaise kar sakta hoon? Aur ajj hi to papa ki maut hui hai” Maine jhala ke kaha. Mere samne mere nanaji baithey thay. Mere nanaji koi 62 saal ke hain. Ajj hi mere papa ki lambi cancer ki bimari ke baad maut hui thee aur main abhi abhi unki lash ko aag de kar lauta tha. Maa abhi nanaji ke ghar par thee. Nanaji ne aate hi mujhe kaha” Mohan beta, ab meri...
Hiii friends maine aaj is site par apne sath hui ek anokhi ghatna likhne ja rahi hu jis se meri life main bahut change aa gaya. To mein story par aati hun mera naam Anjali Sharma hai ye ghatna mere aur mere bete rahul ke bich k hai. To mai apne baare mein aapko batati hun, meri age 38 yrs hai aur mere bete ki age 18 yrs hai. Mai ek housewife hu. Mere husband ek MNC company me engineer hai. Hum delhi mein rehte hai. Ek baar mere husband ka transfer London, U.K. mai two months ke liye ho gaya to...
I am seemi naz, from pakistan. Ye meri 1st story hai iss pe umeed hai aap ko pasand aay gi, Ye story meri aur mery chacha k bete k sath hony waly milan ya saaf lafzon main sex ki hai, wajahat mere chacha ke bete hain iss wajah say hum ek dosry sy bila rok tok baat kersakty hain, wajahat mujh sy 5 years bary hain tool hansum and good lucking hain. Aur main 36-27-36 hon jo k akser lerkon ka ideal hota hai..hon bhi buhat attractive age 23 hai. Ab main aapko apni story pe lati hon…, huwa kuch yon k...
Hi , doston , bhabhiyon aur auntiyon . Very very sorry . Mai devdas bahut dino ke baad app sabon ke samne phir hajir hoon. Actually mai itna jyada busy ho gaya tha ki meri kai sari ghatnaon ko aap sabon ke samne rakhne ka waqt hi nahi milta tha. Philhall mai kuchh dino ke liye free hoon. To kuchh dino ke liye mujhe yakin hai ki mai apne doston ke lund ko achchhi khasi uttejna se bhar doonga aur meri pyari bhabhiyon aur auntiyon ki choot jo kab se tarap rahi hai , aaj mera dawa hai ki unki choot...
Hello mera naam parvati hai , main apne parivar ke saath madhavpur naam ke chote se shaher main rehti hoon. Ye sab tab shuru hua jub mera beta punjab engineering collage se degree khatam karke ghar aaya. Iss baar lekin uski harkato main badlav tha , aat hi usne mere pair choone ki wajay mujhe kaske gale laga lagaya tha, usi samay mujhe kuch azeeb lag raha tha . Din guzarte rahe , mera beta bas mere saath baith ke baate karta rehta din bhar , dheere dheere wo aisi baatein bhi karne laga jinse...
Mai ek bidhwa aurat ho mera nam gita jaiswal hai mai nepal mai rahti ho mai kafi gori lambi smart ho meri bur kai salo se land ke lia tadap rahi hai mai apne bete ke sath akele rahti hu mera beta ab jawan ho gya hai apni chudai ki story likh rahi hoo : 52 saal ki ho jane ke meri bur ka sahara bus meri ungliya or gajar mombatti hi the. Ek din maine apne se chhote rashu or uski wife ki chudai dekh li. Tab se aag or bhadak gayi. Phir mai apne bete rashu ko jo apni gf se sex ki baat kar raha tha wo...
Narrated by Author Sarika: Mmmm… andar dalo Rahul, jeeb ko andar dalke chato please. Rahul apni maa ki choot ko ungliyo se dabakar phailaya. Aur andar ki chikni chamakdar gulabi choot ki parat ko chaatne laga. Sarika ki aankhe band ho gayi. aur sar peeche ki aur uth gayi aur woh bol padi: Ahhhh! Ayse hi, ahhh! Sarika ki aysi aah aur uske shabdo ko sunn Kavita ke tann badan mein bijli ki lahar jilmila uthi. Kuch hi palo mein Rahul ab apni maa ki choot mein apni jeeb dhakel raha...
Belle was a nasty stripper at a sleazy club. Any thing goes there and she would strip down naked and spread her legs and show her cunt then she would grab a man and bring him on stage and push his face to her cunt and let him lick and tongue her. Sometimes she would fuck them right there then push their face to clean their cum out of her. The more the men cheered the more she would do. One night she had three men with her on stage. Two were sucking a tit and the third was eating her cunt. Then...
belle donne italiane (PART 3- conclusion) by Annabelle Raven One Year Later ************************************** Q&A with Juli Genovese Juli, what do you love most about being a girl? OH, I love shopping - everyone says I'm going to use my credit cards so much, they'll melt from the heat! I love going out with my new girlfriends I met through Madame Jae's, but nothing is more special than when it's just me, Mom and Nana - good times with the Genovese girls. I...
Chapter 5 She was surprised that she’d even fallen asleep, let alone awakened refreshed after what felt like the best night’s rest she had in long while. Or ever. The incredibly comfortable memory foam mattress she slept on must’ve had something to do with that. Then again, she hadn’t slept in a real bed for what seemed an eternity, and then there was the fact that she’d suffered no less than two fainting episodes in the past twenty-four hours. Clearly, her body needed some serious...
belle donne italiane (PART 1) by Annabelle Raven "Beautiful women are born, not made..." Madame Jae Italia - the birthplace of the Renaissance, the Ferrari, Tortellini, and the films of Fellini. Where the men are God's gift to women, and the women are goddesses demanding your worship and devotion. Tatiana Celeste Genovese - "Tina" to her many admirers, understands this concept better than most people. She knows what it's like to a belle donne italiane - the kind of dark...