Belle free porn video

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Belle (Part 1) _______________ A young man is only playing a part in the school play. But it has drastic consequences when real life events spiral out of control. _______________ It was the final semester of my senior year in high school. I was in the school drama club, as I had been since I was goaded into joining by a girlfriend during my sophomore year. I found that drama club turned out to be a comfortable fit in my life, unlike the girlfriend that got me into it in the first place. I stuck with the drama club, but not the girlfriend. Funny how life works out. Anyway, we were wrapping up the season with a production of "Beauty and the Beast". We were a small drama troupe, and as such we had to be flexible in rolls, many times we played multiple fill in parts during a given production. My best friend Andrew was playing the Beast roll, and the roll of Belle was being played by a girl named Gina whom I was very fond of. I felt both of them were very talented and well deserved the roles. I had only a small role in the production, so in my spare time I found myself helping Gina with her lines. She had a lot of lines to remember, and was a bit overwhelmed. I liked her a lot, so didn't mind helping her out. Everything was coming along nicely, and come opening night we felt everything was perfect. We were ready to 'wow the crowd' as the drama instructor liked to say. You know how they say, "break a leg" in the theatre business as a good luck omen? Well it doesn't always work out that way. During our last rehearsal before opening night, Gina did just that. She tripped on a stage light and fell into the first row seating area. She fractured her fibula and sprained her ankle. It was the night before opening, and we were suddenly without a lead actress. I am sure at this point, you have already figured out what happened next. With only a day to go, we did not have time to get another girl who knew the lines and could fill the role. Because I had helped Gina with her lines, I knew them hands down. When the drama instructor told me I would have to play the part, I balked at the idea. I told him it was a girl's role. He told me that I was the only one who could do it on such short notice. He then had to play on my vanity. He told me that the best actors out there could be convincing in whatever role was presented to them; for example - Dustin Hoffman playing in "Tootsie". Then he asked me how good of an actor was I? After three years in the drama club, I felt I had learned a lot, so presented with this challenge, I had little option. I told him that I would accept the challenge and make him and the troupe proud. That brought a round of applause from the rest of the cast; the show was back on. The next afternoon I arrived at the theatre early. I was told that I had to look good for the part, and that if I looked like a drag queen nobody would take the play seriously. All the girls in the cast helped me get prepared. I had enough hair that I did not need a wig, and after a couple of hours of styling and curling I had an acceptable head of hair that looked quite feminine. The rest of my body would be hidden underneath clothes so the only thing that they really had to work on next was my face. Lipstick, liner, foundation, and miscellaneous other powders and pigments helped make me look quite presentable. After about three hours in the chair, they finally turned me towards the mirror and I was quite impressed. Maybe not the prettiest looking girl in the school, but my face definitely passed as a girl. Since I had such a thin frame, they only had to make minor alterations in the costumes in order for me to fit into them. That is, except for in the bust area. Gina was a 'B' cup, and obviously I had none at all. But with a little bit of tucking, and a lot of padding, we finally worked out an acceptable appearance. Standing in front of a full length mirror, I said to myself, "If I don't screw up the lines, I might just be able to pull this off." That evening was our first performance, and obviously we were all on pins and needles. We were all thinking the same thing. I had practiced the lines with Gina, but had never practiced them on stage. How would I do? Also would the crowd see me as Belle? Or just a joke? When it was finally time, the curtain came up; I stepped out onto the stage, and... Well, to be honest, I had never tried to be a girl before, so some of the mannerisms (how they walk, gestures, and even how they talk) were strangely foreign to me. During the intervals where I was off stage, the girls would give me a brief run down on what I had done in the previous scene that was somewhat un-girly, and how I could do better. It was the ultimate crash course. By the end of the show, my lines and my cues had been spot on. But did I give a convincing performance. Personally, I felt I hadn't made any huge glaring errors, and my fellow cast members agreed. Overall, we all felt it had been a very good performance. But of course, it did not matter what I thought, or even what my cast members thought. What mattered was what the audience thought. When the curtain came down, we got our first indication; the audience gave us a rousing standing ovation. And the next day there was a review in the town paper. It was an absolutely glowing review with phrases such as "courageous acting", and "performing outside of their comfort zone". We were a hit. Did I enjoy playing a girl part? Yes, actually I did. But only because it posed a challenge I had never faced before. I had no desire to stay in dresses when I walked off the stage. When I walked out the theatre doors, I was just another guy, and was happy in my real-life role. The play ran three weeks, and we did three plays a week. For those of you that are a bit weak in math, that is a total of 9 showings. Every showing we packed the house and I am certain I saw several faces show up to multiple showings. Despite stumbling right out of the gate, this production proved to be the hit that everyone in the cast had hoped it would be. For the entire time I had been with the drama club, we always had a community appreciation event after the last showing. I know it may sound corny, but as a way of saying thank you, after the final showing of any production, we would always invite the community to join us at the local Chuck-E-Cheese's for a thank you party where the cast members would also show up in full costume. It had actually become a local tradition, and there was usually a fairly big turnout. So as the curtain came down on the final showing I did not head off to the dressing room as I had 8 times before. I actually had the girls do a little touch-up work on my make-up and hair, and then grabbed my stuff and started to head out to my car when I realized that my outfit did not have any pockets. Where would I put my wallet, cell phone, and keys? Thinking quick on her feet, Ashley (one of the stage hands) dumped her small hand bag on the counter and gave it to me telling me I could use it for the evening. She was wearing jeans and could actually use her pockets; I couldn't. I thanked her and headed out to my car and to one final encore performance at Chuck-E-Cheese's to wrap up not only this production, but my high school acting career. The restaurant was only a couple miles away on the far side of town, so it would be a short trip. Regardless, my car was running a bit on the low side, so I pulled in to the local 7-11 to top it off. I swiped my dad's debit card, placed the nozzle into the gas tank, and locked the handle into place. I then headed in to the 7-11 to get a Gatorade. The theatre lights tend to dehydrate a person, and Chuck-E-Cheese's wasn't well known for their drink selection, so I figured I would grab a Gatorade to replace some much needed fluids and electrolytes before a long evening. As I entered the 7-11 I waved to the clerk, an old man everyone called 'Ole Hickory' and his dog Maggie. His real name oddly enough was Andrew Jackson, so for obvious reasons everyone just called him 'Ole Hickory'. We had met many times before, and I always considered him a friend. I was still dressed up as Belle, so I am not totally sure he recognized me, but he still waved back at me as I headed back to the rear corner of the store where the Gatorade cooler was. I knew I didn't want the fruit punch Gatorade because if I spilled it on this dress it would cause a terrible and embarrassing stain. So my decision was quickly limited to either the lemon-lime or orange flavored drinks. As I was mulling over my decision, I heard a loud noise and turned around with a start to see what it was. Three men in black hoodies barged in to the store. This in and of itself would normally cause great concern, but I then noticed that at least one of the three had a gun! Reaching into the handbag that had been loaned to me, I grabbed my cell phone and immediately dialed 9-1-1. Just then I heard, "Well lookie what we have here, and one of the brutes came around the corner heading for me. I immediately dropped my phone back into my bag and started to run, but found I had nowhere to go. He had me cornered and grabbed me harshly, dragging me back to the front of the store. I saw two of the men holding a gun at Mr. Jackson and forcing him to clean out the cash drawer. The third of the bandits was the largest of the three, and was the one that had a firm grip on my arm. He ripped my handbag from me and tossed it on the counter. Apparently seeing that his cohorts had things well under control, he started to drag me into the back room, telling his friends that "This won't take long". This man was twice my size and was easily overpowering me. I started to say something in protest, but a gloved hand stopped me by grabbing my entire face and shoving me towards the back wall where I hit with a great thud, and was momentarily dazed. Grabbing a roll of duct-tape from the store room shelf, he quickly tore off a piece and covered my mouth. Still dazed, he then spun me around and in a swift motion had my hands bound behind me. I was totally helpless. He then threw me to the floor. "Well, little lady, are you ready to go for a little ride?" Terrified, I shook my head violently from left to right. "Aw, too bad" He said with a smirkish grin. He grinned ear to ear, and I could see that his two front teeth were in fact silver. I only say this because the grin itself was an evil grin, but the silver teeth reminded me of 'Jaws' from the James Bond movies where he could bite through anything. This had the effect of utterly terrifying me. He grabbed my skirt and lifted it up above my waist and an instant later was ripping off my underwear. I am sure he was surprised by what he saw. Where he expected to see a girl's genetalia that he was surely intending to rape, he instead found himself staring at 100% male equipment. But he didn't miss a lick and saying to nobody in particular, "Well look at what we got here..." Then, looking straight at me with sheer hate in his eyes he said, "Where I come from, we know what to do with freaks like you!" Reaching behind his back he pulled out a very large and nasty looking Bowie knife... All of a sudden I heard what had to be gunshots. Without thinking of my own predicament I started to sit up and turn my head in the direction of the noise, concerned for Mr. Jackson. I then heard my aggressor state, "get back down bitch!" and as I turned my head back towards him I only saw a fist the size of Manhattan coming straight at my face. I had no time to react. His fist impacted my face like a wrecking ball throwing my head back until it contacted the immovable object that was the concrete floor. The double-whammy was more than my head could withstand and so my world went black. What happened next is going to be really hard to explain. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? My parents took me there when I was ten. I found myself leaning against a small fence gazing off into the grand abyss. I found it crazy that such a simple fence was expected to protect me from falling over. Well, it was kind of like that, but then again, nothing like that at all. I found myself on a ledge, as near as I can explain it. I was gazing off into a great expanse, bright and beautiful. Something inside told me that if I just let myself go, I could spread my hypothetical wings and become part of this wondrous new existence. I leaned forward, I was ready to fly. And then something stopped me. Like that little fence at the Grand Canyon, I was being prevented from proceeding further. I wanted to, and it felt right, but it remained beyond my reach. Before me was such immense greatness, and I could only watch in futility as it stretched farther and farther from my reach. I had never felt such sadness in all my life. Beep... Beep... Beepbeep... Beep... Beep... Beepbeep... I felt somebody's hand. That is the first thing I remember; somebody was holding my hand. Slowly I started to feel sensations - sounds, smells, bright lights. Even though my eyes were closed, I sensed bright lights all around me. It felt peaceful and serene. I squeezed the hand that was holding my hand and it was like the world exploded. I heard a woman screaming; I instantly recognized the voice to be that of my mother. In no time at all there was a hurried frenzy of action coming from all directions. Serenity shattered. It took me several moments to open my eyes; the lights were just way too bright. As my eyes were working on adjusting to the surrounding light level, the rest of my senses were becoming more acutely aware of their surroundings as well. I was in a bed and there were several people in the general vicinity. I could hear them talking; they were talking about me, and they were talking to me. The first voice I recognized was that of my mother. I was aware enough at that point as well to assume that she was the one holding my hand. As I started to work my eyes open, I had to squint, but could see several people in white coats and various smocks. I heard somebody say to me, "Here, this might help". And a hand was placed at my forehead to shield my eyes. It did help, and I could in fact see a bit better. I could see I was in a hospital room. The only person I recognized was my mother, the rest were apparently doctors, nurses, aides and the like. I started to try to speak, but my mouth was just way too dry. A doctor noticed that I was having trouble speaking, and offered me some ice chips, which helped immensely. I don't remember who exactly spoke first, but again I think it was my mother. I was asked how I felt. I answered by saying that other than being a little sore and numb, I felt pretty okay. That brought a sigh of relief from the room. Next, I was being asked what I remembered. I actually had to think for a moment on that one. It was as if somebody was asking me what I had for dinner a week ago Saturday. I searched the recesses of my mind to find a memory, but it was proving difficult. As I was trying to pull my memories back together I noticed other people were starting to show up. And then I saw Gina. The fact that she was walking into the room on two perfectly good legs seemed odd to me for only a moment, and then it hit me. She was supposed to be on crutches She broke her leg really bad only a few weeks ago I had to replace her... In a play As a girl... Chuck-E-Cheese 7-11 Gatorade Gunshots!!! And suddenly it was as if a balloon popped inside my head and released a ton of memories that were being held back. I remembered, I remembered everything. The first question out of my mouth was, "How was Mr. Jackson?" I was told he had been in a bad way for a while, but he did recover. My head was still in a bit of a fog, but that last part of 'for a while' did not escape me. For all I knew, I only had a mild concussion from being knocked silly, and everything had happened a day or two ago. I posed that as a question to the doctor, and the whole room went quiet. The doctor then sat next to me and in a very compassionate voice told me that I had been in a coma for about 4 months. I told the doctor that I did not understand how I could end up in a coma from a simple bump on the noggin. He said "first off it was more than a simple bump on the noggin, but one heck of a concussion: couple that with extreme blood loss, and your brain just shut off." "Blood loss? What blood loss?" I could see the doctor look over to my mother as if he was asking her permission. She only closed her eyes and nodded in apparent approval. The doctor then waved his hand to clear the room, and within a few moments, everyone else had gone. It was now just the doctor, my mom, and me. "I don't know how to put this gently, so I will just be direct" the doctor said. "After you were rendered unconscious, your attacker took out his anger and frustration on you by... Well, to put it bluntly, he amputated your penis and testicles..." I'm sure the doctor saw the shock on my face, so he stopped for a moment to allow me to digest this information. My left arm was connected to monitors and I.V.'s and I couldn't really move it, so releasing my mother's grip on my right hand I reached down to my groin and found that there was indeed less there than had been before... much less. After a few moments, and once the doctor saw that I understood and confirmed what he was saying, he continued. "A penis has several blood vessels going to it, so to be amputated outside of a medical facility usually results in a large loss of blood, and is quite often fatal. Quite frankly, you are lucky to be alive." Seething anger... I do not know what the 5 steps of acceptance are, or even if there are 5, but I do know at this point I was feeling anger and hatred. Some piece of crap excuse of a human being had done this to me and I was suddenly feeling a level of hate never before experienced in my life. I wanted to find this lousy excuse of a human being and return the favor - in spades. I am sure the doctor saw on my face what was going through my mind. He waited a few moments to allow me to compose myself. I have always considered myself a pretty level headed person, and dealt with things logically. So, after a few moments I was able to put my anger on a back burner. I was not angry at the doctor, he did what was necessary to save my life, and I was appreciative. I was still angry; I just needed to control it for the time being. Hopefully, the time would come to properly vent that anger. But for now... I would have to hold it in check. Regaining my composure, I asked the doctor if it was possible to reattach the penis. I saw the knife that was wielded against me; it had a sharp blade and likely would have been a clean cut. He said that while it is true that it had been a precise cut with a very sharp blade, he wouldn't go so far as to categorize it as a 'clean' cut. He also said that they could not reattach my penis for the simple reason that they never found my penis. "So the sick bastard kept it as a souvenir or something?" I said; my anger trying to work its way back to the front burner again. The doctor said that was possible, but that they felt there was a simpler explanation. The store owner had a dog with him that night... The doctor saw by the expression on my face that I fully understood why they never found my missing body part, and felt it unnecessary to go on. "There's more..." the doctor said. "There's more?" I thought to myself? How can there be 'more'? Seems like things are pretty F'ed up already, and now they are about to tell me they have more bad news? I seriously doubted they could tell me something that made things worse than they already were... I was wrong. "Chris," the doctor started. "In most cases like yours, patients can still lead relatively normal lives. With the administration of male hormones, a body can continue to grow and develop as any other male, but in your case there has been a development." I did not like the sound of this. "We surmise your attacker used a knife that was far from sterile, and that an infection was likely introduced at that time. Because of the massive blood loss, your body was in an extremely weakened state, and became very susceptible to infection. Needless to say, on top of the blood loss and coma, you got sick, very very sick. Before we actually got that infection under control, your temperature sat at over 107 degrees for four solid days." I just stared at the doctor. I did not know where this was going just yet, but it had a very ominous sound to it. He continued... "The body is just not designed to run at temperatures as high as you had. In many cases, it can cause unexpected changes to a body's physiology, or worse yet, cause brain or other organ damage." Okay, now I definitely did not like the sound of this. "In your case, we did not find any detectible organ damage, and the fact that you are lucid and talking right now is a good indication that there was minimal to no brain damage as well. But we did notice one thing abnormal. Your immune system has become extremely heightened. Either from fighting the infection, or because of it; we just do not know." For a moment I felt relieved. "That doesn't sound too bad" I responded. "If I understand what you are saying, it is just harder for me to become sick." "Yes, actually, closer to impossible." the doctor said. "But in your case, this is a good and bad thing. Your immune system attacks foreign substances with ravenous ferocity, which should prevent you from getting sick, and if and when you ever do get sick, you should recover from it much faster than others." "So where's the bad?" I asked. "When your attacker cut off... um, did what he did, your body no longer was able to produce testosterone. In any other case, we just administer synthetic hormones, and your body continues on, none the wiser. And in your case, that is exactly what we did. When you were finally healthy enough, we began administering synthetic male hormones. And this is where the problem lies. Your immune system apparently saw the hormones as a foreign substance and attacked them before they could have any appreciable effect on your body." I sat there in stunned silence. I just did not know what to say or how to respond. Luckily the doctor continued. "So, here's the long and the short of it, so to speak. Legally, and physiologically you are still a male. But you can no longer produce testosterone naturally, and your immune system will not allow it to be administered artificially. Unless we can find a way to reverse that, then not only will your body cease to develop any primary or secondary male characteristics, but certain traits such as muscle mass will begin to decline as well. How much, we just do not know." An artificial penis could be grafted from skin tissue taken from other parts of my body, but it would never be a truly functional penis. I was told I wouldn't be able to get erections with it nor use it to go to the bathroom and that it would be purely cosmetic. He then said that unless it was absolutely necessary for my peace of mind, he advised against it. It would be a painful process and in the end accomplished nothing productive beyond looks. "But I will still be a guy, right?" I asked. "Well, that's a grey area. Your body may not be producing testosterone any more, but every body produces a certain amount of estrogen, both males and females; how much will determine the effects on your body. You may only see a light lessening of male traits, and you may see more pronounced female traits, such as softening skin or even breasts." "BREASTS!" "It is possible, however unlikely. Your body only produces a small amount of estrogen, so if you do at all, they shouldn't be very pronounced. All in all, I would suggest that you plan on leaving the hospital here in a few days, and pick up your life where you left off. Whatever happens will happen, and we will deal with things as necessary if and when they actually show up." "For now though, I'm going to leave you alone if that's okay. You and your family talk this all over and figure out what you want to do. Medically, I will do all I can to support you." And with that, he patted my shoulder, and headed out of the room. My parents and I had a lot to discuss, but finding the time to sit down and talk about it coolly and rationally just wasn't going to happen. Not for a while at least. Over the next few days, things happened that did not really allow me any real time to myself. First off, people started visiting me; people I knew, people I didn't know, friends, family, police, and the biggest surprise of all - news crews. Everyone was calling me a hero and wanted to congratulate me, thank me, or just say that they were glad that I had survived such a horrific ordeal. And from them, I also started to learn the full story of what had transpired. Everyone seemed to have a different perspective of what happened. My parents were proud of me of course, my friends saw me as Bruce Willis type; taking out the bad guys bare handed. But it was my talk with the police that really filled in the missing pieces. The key to it all was my cell phone. When I dropped the phone into my handbag, it was still on. When they placed my bag on the counter, the 9- 1-1 operator was able to hear and record the entire conversation between the assailants and the clerk. They were able to determine rather quickly that this robbery was taking place at the 7-11 at the end of town and dispatched cars immediately. The gunshots I had heard were in fact before the police arrived. They were an exchange between the clerk and the robbers. 'Ole Hickory' had a pistol under the counter and had shot one of the bandits. They returned fire rendering him unconscious, but fled not long after. I told the police that I saw at least one face, and that I would be willing to testify in court. (Actually, I wanted to deal with the bastards personally, but that is not what I told the police.) I was told it was unnecessary. They had taken my handbag as part of their loot, and the authorities used my cell phone's GPS to track them down. When they found them, there were only two left. The shot from the clerk hit a bandit in the liver and he eventually bled to death. When the police surrounded their house they fought back with gunfire. After a brief exchange, the remaining bandits were also killed. Part of me was relieved that they got what they deserved, but another part of me felt that they hadn't suffered enough, and that it was unfortunate that I wasn't the one who got to kill them. I was still angry - angry as hell; and I no longer had an outlet for the anger. The police officer then reiterated the fact that I was a hero. I had saved two lives that night, mine and the clerk. Because of my call, the police and ambulance were able to respond quickly enough to keep me from bleeding to death. Quick medical attention also saved the life of the store clerk. But more than that, these thieves were linked to several robberies statewide where a handful of people had been injured and two others had actually been killed. My actions got these guys off the streets and potentially saved more lives; because had they not been caught, they likely would have continued robbing stores and hurting people. This went on for the remainder of my stay in the hospital; friends, family, well-wishers, police and the press. The doctors were impressed how quickly I recovered after regaining consciousness. They were also concerned about the traumatic repercussions of a young man losing his penis. I had several conflicting thoughts and emotions going through my head that I had to come to terms with. In the end, and with maybe just a little help from the hospital counselor, I was able to start to come to grips with my situation. What was done was done, and it would be best to move forward as best as possible. One thought kept going through my mind. This bastard had disfigured me physically, I would be damned if I would allow his actions to screw with me emotionally as well. My counselor told me that was a very healthy outlook. It may take a long time to actually get over the trauma, but this was definitely a step in the right direction. After another two weeks in the hospital I was told I would finally be allowed to leave. I thought it would be nice to be home, but as we walked into the front door we could hear our phone was ringing. My dad just turned to my mom and me and said "get back into the car". Once he was back in the car himself he turned to us and said "we don't need this right now, we need a bit of privacy to get our lives put back in order." And with that he pulled out of the driveway, and pointed the car to parts unknown. As we rounded the corner and turned onto Main Street we passed a yellow Ford Pinto. Okay, so it's an older car, but not unheard of, so in most instances would go unnoticed like every other car on the street. But as we passed this particular car, something caught the midday sun just right and caused a glare that made me turn my head. Consciously this was only mildly irritating, and felt it was of no concern. But in the back of my head, I was getting a very uncomfortable feeling. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something told me to remember this car... ... To be continued ...

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© 1998 This story is a fantasy based not too loosely on fact. Like the lives of most of its readers, it contains no sexual acts. When the story stops, you are allowed to carry on thinking. If you are incapable of thought, go and find some pictures of women with computer-aided tits. 1998 It was late afternoon when I rang the doorbell of Naismith's period cottage in Sussex. His battered and dusty four-wheel drive vehicle was outside, negligently parked with one wheel run up on to the rockery....

1 year ago
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Porn sites are a dime a dozen. Actually, considering how many there are, they are probably closer to a dime a hundred. Either way, after a while they all sort of start to blend into one another. It becomes hard to discern where Porn Hub ends and You Porn begins; was it xTube where I saw that video or was it xHamster? Who knows! They’re all essentially the same, with a few differing features here and there, some subtly varied emphases or focuses to each one’s brand or aesthetic.Not only do most...

Porn for Women Sites
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Bellesa Plus calls themselves the Netflix of Porn, which frankly wasn’t at all what I was expecting when I first heard the name. I was picturing a scaled-up version of Bellesa, which I’ve reviewed before here at ThePornDude. Their brand has largely been known for their pro-sex and pro-women take on dirty movies, their flicks featuring many real women having real orgasms. Now you’re telling me they’ve got some kind of package deal with their stuff plus other porn producers? Shit, why didn’t...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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We are in your favorite BDSM club. You love coming here and cumming here. I'm kneeling down, but every time I move even a little you can hear me and so can everyone else. You've attached bell nipple clamps to me and inserted a Ben Wa ball with a bell attached into my pussy. I wiggle a little and you smirk as I blush. It makes me so horny so I wiggle again, making the bells ring even louder. A tall blond girl asks me where the bell is coming from as she they can't see it. You answer. It's...

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Money Can Buy Me Happiness

Stepping off the Greyhound from Hermann ono the parking lot of the Beverley Hills Shopping Centre in St.Louis, a candy apple red Alfa Romeo drives by, parking in front of the mall’s main entrance. As the door opens i get my first glimpse of the driver, as he steps out in a three piece Italian cut suit, designer Ray bans covers his eyes. Oh man here my way to stay in the big city and live the lifestyle I was born to live! Going into the same store I grab a few items and make or the only cash...

3 years ago
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Punk and Pink part1 A bst named Desire

Date: 2017-3-22Time:23:44hrsThe following is an actual account of actual events. The ultra-sleek, metallic green body of an Aston Martin DB9 looked like a dragon moving swiftly in the height of battle. It's naturally aspirated V12 engine roared its war cry, as if signalling a warning of hellish flames to come. R. Valentine drove the b**st as he always had. He loved driving this car. It's raw power and agility under his control gave him a powerful feeling of total dominance over something that...

1 year ago
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The Whole Weekend

It was Friday night just after the football game. I had permission from my parents to stay the night with my best friend Jason. As usual after every football game we would end up at his house or mine for a sleepover. We would spend the night watching porn and cutting up. This was not an unusual night or so I thought. We got to Jason’s house around 11 pm to find his parents still up waiting on us. This was normal and we quickly found the remote and tuned in to the news to catch up on...

1 year ago
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Introducing My Neighbor to Sex

My story started about twenty years ago. I had just become forty years old and I had neighbors. My buddy Carl and his daughters, two young ladies in their twenties. Sofia was twenty and Clara was twenty-one. Their mother had been a born again Christian and when her husband, Carl, tried to introduce some interesting sexual techniques into their bedroom, she had left him for her own conservative family. She took the girls, of course, not wanting them to be raised by a heathen. As the case may...

3 years ago
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Golden GuardChapter 5

Roberta - Hanging Around It was all right for Paula! Of course Roberta still loved the little girl It was just that she was somewhat jealous of her right now. Here poor old Roberta was, in yet another fine old mess, and Paula was OK - as per usual! These days it always seemed to be alright for Paula! There was lucky old Paula sitting in a nice warm cave being befriended by the bandit leader while she languished in the bitter freezing cold. How did that girl do it? Why was it always she,...

2 years ago
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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10Chapter 16 Invictus

The president and CEO of the largest mega-corporation was not recognizable wearing this full armor. In this galaxy, so far from M-0, SII meant nothing and Rex Schwartz was unknown. His alter ego, however, Invictus Rex was remembered. Even though his reign had ended billions of years ago. The legend of the First Empire and its god-like leader was still told, not that the surviving stories had anything to do with what happened. One of these legends claimed that survivors of the terrible...

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whites Becoming Black Owned Pig Properties

blackownednakedbitchby nudemodel While still in its juvenile years a self-important white female or self-important white male hears about Black Superiority and white inferiority. Supported by white society, white family, white friends, and white neighbors, the white juvenile vigorously opposes the concept.Energized by its comfortable white community and its widespread white privilege, it rejects the idea of Black Superiority with vociferous arguments. These arguments tout its own...

3 years ago
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Memoirs of Aadheena

  Hey guys. This is my first try at a sex story. I woke up looked around, rubbing my eyes. It was 5:30 in the morning. There I was on my bed in a small shack home we moved into last week. I turned around to see my husband, Aadesh staring at me angrily for disturbing him. He soon went back to sleep without saying a word. It would have been a normal day if not for one. Today I will be starting my new role as a detective at a local police station. It was a decision I took up recently, willing to...

4 years ago
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Pain Is Good When It Comes To Profession

Hello everyone. This is Steve again, one of the biggest fans of ISS. ISS is one of the best media for sharing one’s experiences. Before I start mine, I would like to enlighten my information to the readers. I am 23 years old and a fresh doctor coming out from reputed university. I am from Vadodara, Gujarat. I like to write blogs and stories. This is not my first story and I am glad to see response of you readers on my previous story. At that time I was a student of the last year MBBS. As it’s...

3 years ago
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ThesisChapter 3

I fell into a sort of routine. After the first few days, I'd stay up late in order to collect crepuscular and nocturnal samples. Then I spent a few days getting up at or just before dawn – which yielded nothing new. Dusk and dawn were the same to the ants. I looked near the creek, where it was damp. Carpenters favor rotting trees, tree stumps, disintegrating tree roots, or any moist areas previously excavated by other insects, such as termites. After 10 days, I relocated a few klicks west,...

2 years ago
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Inboundby Rajah Dodger {[email protected]} (c) 2016This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and permission note must...

3 years ago
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The conversion 6

Please read the prior posts on this story, this is the final installment!We finally got back from the beach. Juan pulled in right behind us in his scooter. I told Maria I had invited him to have a beer. She nodded with a hint of suspicion in her eyes. I told her to go shower (we were all still a bit sandy) and Juan and I uncorked a beer. She complied, and we watched her disappear into the backyard. Moments later I heard the water from the hose. I asked Juan:-so, do you dig Maria?-Man, the old...

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Caring Siblings

Caring SiblingsBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was the second marriage for Clara. She was very young when she married her first husband, Gerald. He was a nice man but it was not to be for long as he got killed in a motorcycle accident only after 2 months of marriage. Clara was deeply depressed after that. For good 2 years she did not date anybody and then being out looking for a man, she got married once again, to a man named Stephen. Steve was again a good man but he was a very greedy person for...

2 years ago
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How I Met Her Parents

This being our freshman year in college, Sandra is in most of my classes. We are both physical education majors, minoring in biology. On the third day of classes, I asked Sandra if she would like to be study partners. She told me that she would like that very much. Sandra is 5’8′ tall with shoulder length jet black hair. Her eyes are hazel color. My name is Steve, I am 6′ tall with short red hair. I have light blue eyes along with freckles. Besides studying together, we also went to school...

4 years ago
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Making a better worldon our wedding day

The church was crowded with all the many guests awaiting the arrival on the bride. As they quietly chatted, they all kept taking glances at the groom and his best man. But it wasn’t Matt they were looking at, but the man stood next to him. He wasn’t anyone any of them knew, but apparently this black man was who he had ***********ed as his best man. Darrell was dressed immaculately, and in fact put the groom to shame. As the church music began, all looked to see the beautiful Leanna...

1 year ago
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Elizabeth 01 An Introduction

It was nearing the end of a chilly, but not too forbidding day in Westfordshire City. Elizabeth hurried up the high street, clutching her cloak tightly around her to keep warm as she anticipated the hot mineral bath just a few blocks away. The sun, already barely visible behind the clouds and drizzle of the season, was vanishing behind the long row of old, cold and yet beautiful brick buildings lining the avenue, and a gentle sheet of rain was barely visible in the light of the ornate electric...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 20 Mr Olsen Goes to Washington

It took Jim several weeks to organize his plans and make further upgrades to the Master PC program. Using what had been done to both his wife and to Cheri, Jim was able to reverse engineer the FMCA’s version of the software and exploit a few security holes they’d missed. His intent was to end the FMCA threat once and for all. Mentally he was more powerful than ever. He did not need the Master PC program to manipulate others, except in the physical realm. He could control anyone with a mere...

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Daffy Learning what Stacey likes

I'm Daphne Laurel, and I write about my sex adventures. (the ones I remember!) This is a continuation of the storyline that stopped at "Speechless with Stacey". If you like the story please rate and or/comment! Enjoy! ----------Stacey's tongue was flickering up and down my lower lips. I was wet before she got there, and now it was a pretty pink sloppy mess. My head was starting to spin the way it always does when good weed is involved, and my tiny body was starting to move on its own. ...

3 years ago
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Merry Christmas Santa Our BBW

It is the night before Christmas and it has been miserable. There is a bit of snow left on the ground. It’s dirty and slushy and there is mud all around. On the drive home I’d barely escaped some idiot that managed to put his car into a skid on the dark ice. It’s been windy all day, the chill factor is below zero and I may be coming down with a cold. To top it all off my boyfriend called me last week and broke it off. Merry Christmas! I did all my shopping early. I’d hoped to catch a glimpse...

2 years ago
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Replying to what happened next

I posted a photo today, wearing one of my many netted underwear garments, bought for the sole purpose, of making men want to fuck me. Yes I wear things like that and I am sure as you look over the photo, you can see how easy it is to enter me.So the question everyone is asking, what happened after I took this photo, I went online to hunt for men looking for a fuck, is my answer.The trick was I went to an internet cafe and sat down between a respectable looking business man and a boy with thick...

3 years ago
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Not OrdinaryChapter 36

My world was overcome with light. Light looking to engulf. Light seeking to destroy. Light seeking to blind. Light accompanied by the head of a thousand suns, it seemed. As the explosion made its way towards me rapidly, only one thought raced through my mind. ‘Slow it down.’ I hastily called upon my power, without much concentration, in a desperate bid to halt the progress of the inferno advancing towards me and my team. I felt my core responding to my instruction as I tried to change what...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Alex Blake Whitney Wright Sharing Daddy

Whitney Wright and her adopted sister Alex Blake are hanging out watching television. Realizing Alex is distracted with her phone, Whitney arranges herself on the couch so she can lift her miniskirt and play with her cock hungry pussy without her sister noticing. Whitney stops masturbating when her stepdad Johnny Castle joins her on the couch, but her horniness can’t be denied. Pulling a blanket around herself so Alex can’t see what she’s doing, Whitney opens her thighs in a...

4 years ago
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Dish Of Trish Tribute Film

I was once asked, 'Do you like to watch Porn?' I replied somewhat enthusiastically, 'Of course I do, I am a woman after-all'. My questioner, was somewhat taken aback, as he was studying me face intently, hoping for a shock-like reaction, instead.In my early years you tended to accept Porn as it was back in the 70's, and very Swedish, the country that made Porn with a story, which sadly lacks in todays mechanical, spitting, gagging, full of sexually demented females, when wound-up utter 'Oh...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Ryan Keely Finders Keepers

A husband and wife, Derrick Pierce and Ryan Keely, are relaxing when they receive an unexpected parcel. Upon closer inspection, they learn that it actually belongs to their elderly neighbors and was accidentally delivered to them instead. Although they SHOULD return the parcel, their curiosity gets the best of them as Derrick and Ryan engineer a way for the parcel to ‘accidentally’ be opened. Once the parcel is opened, they find NURU gel and a mattress. They both immediately know...

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Scoreland Anastasia Doll Dropping Loads For Anastasia Doll

Anastasia Doll is a busty French vixen who takes pleasure in teasing and arousing men. Wherever she goes, everyone, both men and women, turn to watch her walk and wonder who she is. She’s the Eyeful Tower of SCORELAND. Tom Holland has felt Anastasia’s soft hands on his dick. His cock has been squished between Anastasia’s big tits as she knelt between his legs and when she was flat on her back. Anastasia’s very addictive, and this time, Tom gets jacked and tit-fucked and...

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Days in the Life of a Psychopath

Northern America, Midwest, sometime last decade It was one of these afternoons. Scientists had just proven that it would be possible to grow donor hearts outside the human body and I had acquired another speck of dirt on my brand new shoes. It is strange: If you shine an old pair of shoes they look good for days on end, but a new shine on a new pair of shoes gets dirty in minutes. How does dirt know that your shoes are new? Anyway, I did not mean to get carried away: There I was, dirty shoe...

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The Island Chapter 1

Introduction: So I abandoned my first ever story on here awhile ago and started this one and have been working on it for a long time so here is chapter one im waiting to see the reaction from this one `My life is pretty simple, Im in the Marines I did 3 tour in Iraq, when i was done, I decided to stay in the marines just in case the needed me so after my tours i went into the reserves. I have to report every Saturday for training exercises and guard duties and then Im free for most of the week....

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 68 Holy Week and Pascha

Palm Sunday, May 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Where are your palm branches?” Clarissa asked when I returned home from church. “Just how many palm trees do YOU think grew around Moscow and Saint Petersburg?” “Probably not too many.” “Which is why I have pussy willows in my hand!” “It’s Palm Sunday and you’ve already been to church Friday night, Saturday morning and night, and this morning.” “It’s only just begun,” I chuckled. “Tonight is the first Bridegroom Matins.” “If I wanted to see the...

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William Redman CarterChapter 7

An ominous feeling radiated from the black hole as the sun peered over the horizon. A huge construction crane towered over William. He watched the cage slowly approach the hole. He lifted a hand and the operator stopped lowering the cage. William turned his back to the hole. Medicine men from all over the country had gathered in a great circle around him. Behind them, stood hundreds of warriors. Every man was dressed in tribal costumes. It was not that their costumes had importance in their...

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“You ought to be sleeping at legitimate hours.” A private message from Chuck, 221 am. “Trust me, I wish I could, but my body is convinced it’d rather be doing something else but sleep. There’s hardly anything I can do!” “There’s only one thing you should be doing at this hour. And it shouldn’t involve being online.” I paused and smiled to myself. Chuck is the assistant coach to the tennis team I joined at the country club. He was nothing like the rest of the eager male morons trying to...

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International Relations

This is the prelude to a short series of stories based around a love lost. Please be gentle with comments this is my first attempt. * The beginning of innocence lost. It was the summer of ’89, and although my memories of a few precious hours with you still seemed clear and crisp in my mind from the previous year, my imagination was working overtime as to how you would react when we would be together again. For a year, in fact almost fourteen months, we had been writing to each other...

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A Naked Massage

I guess I was just young and lonely, didn't really have any sexual experience and I was hungry for physical contact so when a man offered me a massage I accepted even though I didn't think I was the slightest bit gay. He was probably around fifty so about twice my age, large-set and very professional looking - I assumed he was gay of course and that he just wanted an excuse to touch my body but that kinda appealed to me, just being wanted was a novelty. We'd started chatting on the seawall,...

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A Dream Cum True

Just by looking at him, you’d think that he was like all other guys. Talking to him was a different story. He was the type of guy to stimulate all your senses, feelings, emotions, wants…. Just the type to make you wonder. Ty could get any chick he wanted and Sasha knew that she was definitely out of his league. He was the strong type, the type to be sensitive enough with his woman and tough enough with his boys. They worked together, but not on the same shift and somehow they became friends. ...

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Sudbridge Academy 1

Jimmy Smith walked into the lab at the end of the badly lit corridor, and took in his breath as the cold, musty air rushed toward him. Professor Akamura was a genius, he heard the other lecturers say it before, so it didn't really make sense that she would be shut up here on 'Skid Row', the dankest, darkest, most isolated part of the science block, that smelled faintly of (what he hoped wasn't) burning flesh. It creeped him out a little, especially as the other labs on this corridor were...

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Sex With Neighbor Aunt Devi

Hello readers, this is Santosh from Bangalore. I am gonna share my real time experience which took place around 2 years back when i was studying my engineering final year. This incident changed my view towards the good looking aunts. Before i was attracted only to the gals of around my age. I never got attracted to the married ladies. She is the one who changed my libido. Her name is Devi(name changed). She was our neighbor, she is bit talkative. Every time she used to pull my leg saying that...

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Introduction: THEstory of how i discovered the darkest secrets of my life 26/DEC/09 ON A TRAIN FROM CHENNAI TO DELHI Flashing down came the lightning that night, a mere thin window of glass keeping the violent storm away from me. The flash sent me back to reality from the fantasy world I found out the window. Turned to face reality, a train compartment filled with students in the prime of their teenage all hormone charged and agitated over being put in a boys school. The year was 2009 and I...

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Buying the Family Next DoorChapter 4 A Little Shopping

A little after noon, my newly acquired family came over. They had listened well to their original instructions. They all had on their sexiest dresses. Sandy and Tiffany were showing lots of tit. Both of their dresses were very short, and barely covered their asses. Their hardened nipples were visible even through their bras and dresses. Beth was dressed much more modestly. Her smaller tits were fully covered and the dress came to just above her knees. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a...

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Brazzers Twitter 57000 36m

Once branded as "The World's Greatest Porn Site," we still know it today as Brazzers always has those funny video thumbnails with the "Oh, I didn't see you there" reactions. It's one of those websites you binge the free clips off on tube sites when they had good movies out and still are today. With so many options on the internet for Porn, your ass is probably still stuck on the Hub looking at free Brazzer clips. You're probably jerking off three to ten times a day, and you're...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Forbidden Love Chapter 3 The infatuation

Love. A simple and small word, but it carries such a strong meaning. Is it possible to love two people? Or better. Could I love two people? Questions and more questions.Three months have passed since our first “incident.” My passion for him was stronger than ever, and we used every opportunity we had to be together. I had gone back on birth control because I honestly hate condoms. My husband had a vasectomy after the birth of our children, so I never had to worry, but now with the affair,...

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boom boom with wifes friend

"I have been watching you from there" she pointed from under a tree close by. "What if my wife finds out?" i asked. "So what?" she replied. "Don't be a pussy" she said and picked up my phone and pushed play. For the fourth time in less than two weeks I had to pick my wife up from this stupid part. I did not have any issues with it but every time I showed up she wasn't ready and I would have to sit there and wait. "Ah well " i thought to myself. Next time i will just make an excuse and she can...

2 years ago
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Lip and AnnieChapter 4

They checked in separately and met at the elevators where they discovered that they were in adjacent rooms. As they were standing almost side-by-side using their key cards to enter their respective rooms, Annie said, "Well, if we decide to go out together for supper, we won't have far to go to meet." Robert was laughing in agreement as they both entered their rooms. About a minute later, Robert was knocking at the door separating their two rooms, and when Annie opened her corresponding...

3 years ago
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Waiting for You Chapter 2

My heart is beating so hard inside my cheast. All I can hear is the "whooshing" sound of the blood being pumped through my head. I have fisted the comforter in both hands. I can't believe how nervous and excited I'm feeling! "Breath", I tell myself. I hadn't even noticed I was holding my breath until then. Slowly, so painstakingly slowly, the door opens. My nipples harden instantly. A quiet moan slips from me. I slide my hand up my stomach and caress one of my breast, tweaking my nipple with a...

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Sharons Husband

My wife Sharon is turning the tables on me. She has asked me to write a true story about us. I told her OK, she has been such a willing participant to all my whims. I felt should oblige her and I hope all of you and her enjoy it. First let me tell you she is a wonderful person. I am lucky to have her as my wife. She has this smile that melts my heart, she is amazing in many ways. She loves to take care of her body, by exercising and eating right. She thinks of everyone before herself and does...

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After the WarChapter 7 Collection

Priscilla Stanford was always a scheming little madam. As a child she always did exactly what she wished, and it was always her companions who were in trouble when things went wrong. Her pale blue eyes, fair complexion, golden red hair, and winning smile got her out of endless scrapes and usually shifted the blame to her unfortunate companions. When she left school she contrived to get herself appointed as under scullery maid at Belvedere Hall, which had been the stately home of the Earls of...

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