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I can smell her but I can’t see her, which is strange since the room is only fifteen by thirty feet. I know she is watching me. I can feel her eyes watching every move I make, flickering from the pen I am holding to any movement from my body. If I do anything that she hasn’t told me to do, it is over. It might be anyway, I might be dead when I have finished writing, I don’t know and at this point, I am not sure I care.

All I know is that the last twenty-four hours have made me a believer in something bigger than us. There has to be, or who else could create the creature I am sharing this hotel room with? Who in his or right mind would come up with something so beautiful but yet so ugly, and so full of evil?

I considered myself a bad person before yesterday. I have killed, I have maimed, and I have done things most people couldn’t even dream up. I am a serial killer, and I have killed across America for the past ten years and have never been caught, not even close, not ones. I pick my victims and I kill him or her fast and ruthlessly. It gives me a kick like no drug I have ever tried.

The creature, she tortures you, she makes you love her and adore her. You are in love within minutes of meeting her, then you are enthralled by her, and you will do anything she asks off you, anything at all. The only thing going through your mind is that you don’t want her to leave you, to choose someone else. At the same time she sucks the life out of you, she leaves you begging for more while you feel your heart has almost stopped beating. You believe that you are taking your last breath, but your cock is still hard, your body is still yearning for her touch, her kisses, and her perfect cunt.

Let me start at the beginning of my end.


The road ahead of me shimmered in the midday sun and around me there was nothing but flat land and bushes. Arizona was burning hot and so was I. The car I drove, a 1978 Mustang had no air conditioner. I don’t know if it ever worked, but when I stole it two days before it didn’t.

I was on my way to the West Coast because I felt like taking care of some rich folks, I love killing rich people. They look so different than poor people in their last moment before death. I guess poor people have less to live for, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them actually thanked me at that last minute before their life ran out of them.

Rich people, on the other hand, have so much to live for, their money, the houses, boats, private planes and expensive cars. When their moment comes and they realize it will all be over, that look is unbeatable. They have lived their lives as if nothing can touch them, nothing at all. Then I come along and fuck up their day; I love it.

The gas light came on, and I swore under my breath as I lit another cigarette. I had seen a sign two hours earlier saying I would reach a small town after 120 miles and there would be a gas station there. I hoped it was true because I didn’t feel like walking in the heat.

Suddenly, I saw a figure walking on the right side of the road, and I slowed down a little. The person had their thumb out, but I had no intention of picking up a hitchhiker. When you are a serial killer you try to avoid people, except the ones you are going to kill of course.

I slowed down more and past the figure doing maybe forty miles an hour. As I did, I looked over and the person looked at me. It was a woman, well, a girl-woman. I only caught sight of her face, and through the dust and grit, I figured she was in her early twenties, at the most.

Then I had an urge to help, so I stopped. I sat still in the car, the engine still running. I knew I shouldn’t be doing it, but I couldn’t help myself. There had been something in those eyes, something that told me that I should stop. The look had lasted for less than a second, but it had been enough.

I saw her walking up behind the car through the rear view mirror. She was dressed in torn jeans, boots, a black top of some kind and a dark brown leather jacket. The tears in her jeans didn’t look like they had been there when she bought them, they looked real, the product of a fall, or maybe just use.

“Hi, thanks for stopping.” The voice was quite deep for a woman and soft like velvet.

I looked up at her and she smiled. White teeth in the dirty face, brown curly hair hung around her oval face. Her eyes dark brown, sad looking, but there was a fire in them. She wasn’t high or drunk. She put her hand on the window sill of the door. Old chipped nail polish on a few fingers, no ring, she was single.

“Hi, yeah, sure, hop in,” I said and threw my cigarette away.

She didn’t have a purse or a bag, just herself. When she sat down I couldn’t help to notice her shapely long thighs. Oh, did I mention she didn’t wear a bra and her boobs looked big and ripe under her top?

I guessed her height at around five-nine. I am a big man, well over six feet. I dress like if I was in a movie with James Dean: jeans, boots, white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. My longish hair is slicked back but a lock always seemed to stray and hangs down over my forehead. My nose has been broken a few times, and I have a scar on my right cheek, thanks to a Mexican in a jail cell we shared a few years back. My eyes are deep set and dark blue, and I have a cleft in my chin.

“Where are you going?” she asked when the car was moving again.

I hardly saw her lips move, but her voice was clear and still had that velvety sound to it.

“Next town, I need gas.”

“And then?”

Without thinking, I said, “West, I am going to California.”

“Cool, what for?”

I couldn’t tell her obviously, so I said, “To visit a friend.”

“What’s your name?”


She turned her head and smiled a smile like I had never seen before. It made me smile too, and for a while, I just stared at her.

“Turn your eyes back on the road again,” she said and turned away.

When I had, she put a hand on my thigh and squeezed it gently. “Don’t lie to me. Tell me your name and why you are going to California.”

I tried to come up with some lie but all I could muster was the truth. “My name is Jake, and I am on my way to kill someone.”

“See, that wasn’t too hard,” she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

My skin burned where her lips had touched me, but not like if had been a cigarette, but more like a hot tingling feeling. I touched the spot with my fingers but didn’t feel anything but my unshaved skin. I had three-day stubble and it was itching a bit, maybe that was it.

We drove in silence and after half an hour I saw a sign for the town. As we approached there was a gas station on the right which I drove into. It only had one pump, and around the shack that served as an office where several cars in different stages of disintegration.

I fat man in a blue overall came out from the shack wiping sweat from his face with an oily towel. Then he spat on the ground and walked up to the car.

“What?” he said.

“Fill her up, please,” I said, trying to be civilized.

He looked at the woman who I still didn’t know the name of. “Oh yeah, do you want me to fill you up, honey?” he laughed, and spat phlegm.

I was about to say something when she put her hand on his arm. “Just do what Jake said, or he will kill you.”

The man stared at her for a second and then said, “Yes, ma’am, I sure will.”

When he was gone I turned to her. “Hey! Why did you say that and what’s your name?”

Again she smiled that seductive smile, and I felt the anger run out of me. I became like putty in her hands.

“Oh Jake, I’m Belle, and he won’t remember a thing after we have left, trust me.”

My head was spinning slowly and the town in front of me seemed to turn on its side. The feeling was like when you go to bed at night drunk and you have to keep one foot on the floor to stop the world from spinning.

It only lasted for a few seconds, and when it stopped I felt nauseated. Was I becoming sick? Impossible, I was never sick, not even a cold. But something was off with me.

“There you go, and it’s on me,” the gas attendant said when he turned up next to Belle again.

“Thank you so much, you are a darling,” she said, and the man grinned like an idiot.

I moved out onto the road and began searching for a place to eat. I had been on the road since early morning.

“Yes, I am hungry too,” Belle said next to me.

How the fuck did she know I was hungry, I thought while driving up to a greasy spoon I had spotted.

Even though it was only three in the afternoon there was a crowd inside. Three guys hung at the bar and two tables had four people each. Behind the bar stood a woman in her thirties who I guessed at one time had been quite the looker, but alcohol and bad food had destroyed. Her eyes were bloodshot, her boobs sagged and her hair was greasy and unruly.

The men all turned and looked at us, then their eyes zoomed in on Belle. I took her arm and led her to a table as far away as possible from the bar and the other men. When we had sat down the woman came up to us and said in a cigarette damaged voice, “What can I get you?”

“Two hamburgers and two beers,” I said without even asking Belle. It was like if I knew what she wanted and that made me want the same.

Next to us stood an old jukebox and when Belle saw it she got up and walked over to it. I watched her as she ran her finger over the dirty glass looking for a song she wanted to hear.

When the first tunes of "You can leave your hat on" came out of the old speakers, she turned around and began to move.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she began to swing her hips to the rhythm and ran her hands up along her thighs to her top which she lifted up showing a flat tummy with a belly button ring. Her hands moved further up and she cupped her breasts while still swinging to and forth.

My cock grew hard and so did the other men’s I was sure. She turned around bending over slightly and put her hands on the jukebox. Her ass began to gyrate like I have never seen a woman do before. I was hypnotized by the movements, not being able to tear my eyes of her perfectly round bum.

One of the men from the bar walked over to where she stood and put his hand on her ass. She turned, looked at him and bit her lower lip, looking seductively at him.

A deep rage began inside me, no one put his hands on her except me, I thought. Before I could stop myself I got up so fast that the chair fell over behind me. In two steps I was at his side and grabbed the wrist belonging to the hand touching Belle’s ass. I twisted it and pulled back forcing him backward and up on his toes. Then I kicked his feet from under him. As he fell to the floor I kicked him on the side of his head; he went still.

The music was still playing as I whipped around ready to face one of his friends. But no one came at me, the two at the bar stared at their friend on the floor, and the others stared at Belle who hadn’t stopped dancing during the short fight.

The woman came out from the kitchen with two plates in one hand and grabbed two long necks from the fridge next to the bar. She simply stepped over the man lying on the floor and put down the plates and the beers.

I tried to sit down, but I couldn’t, my eyes were glued to Belle. She had faced me and now danced slowly towards me while moving seductively, caressing her boobs under her top. When she reached me, she slowly turned around and pressed her body against mine, looking up at me over her shoulder. Her ass touched my cock under the jeans, and I gasped. Her hands found mine. She moved them on to her boobs over the top; I could feel her hard nipples.

And that’s when the music stopped. She slipped away from me, and I was left standing alone. It took me a moment to realize she was gone, but I could still feel the imprint of her body against mine.

By the time I sat down she had devoured half her hamburger and all of her beer. She must have been starving, poor thing, I thought. She waved her empty bottle over her head and the woman brought two more.

“Where are you going?” I asked her between bites.

“Nowhere and everywhere,” she answered.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I have no destination; I go where destiny takes me.”

“So, you have no family or friends?”

She smiled that smile again, and I felt like giggling like a school girl. It made me so happy when she smiled at me.

“I have friends, and I have a family, but they are far away, and I don’t know how to get to them.”

"Have you tried to call them?”

She laughed, it sounded like a brook in the spring. “Honey, there are no phones where they are.”

I didn’t understand, but at the same time, I didn’t want to pry. Instead, I kept quiet and finished my food and my beer. When I was done she took my hand in hers. Her nails ran along my skin, and it felt like tiny sparks.

“Why don’t you and I find a room so we can fuck,” she said, looking straight at me.

I am used to women coming on to me, but they don’t usually come out and say what they want quite as clearly as Belle.

“Sure, but don’t expect me to hang around afterward. I can’t stay here, and I can’t take you with me. I am not what you might call boyfriend material”

“Don’t worry, Jake. I don’t need a boyfriend. What I need is a hard cock to take this urge away from me. It has been so long since I had one.”

I thought she was joking with me. A woman like her couldn’t go an hour without finding a man who was willing to have sex with her.

“Sure, I don’t believe you.”

She giggled again. “Good girls don’t fuck and tell.”

She might look like one but she sure as hell didn’t behave like any good girl I had ever met.

“Let’s go,” I said and got up, ready to pay the bill.

She turned to the woman at the bar. “On the house, right?”

“Always, honey,” the woman answered.

When we walked out into the sunshine she pointed at a building opposite the restaurant. “Aren’t we lucky?”

I followed her gaze and saw a sign stating it was the Grand Hotel of Cactus Hill. I didn’t even know the town was called that, there was nothing on the map I had looked at earlier.

She led the way across the street, and we entered the hotel. The reception area was small and dark with dust on the wall to wall carpet. There was no one at the desk so I called out.

I minute later a young woman in her late twenties came out from a door behind the desk.

“Hi, we need a room for a day. He is going to fuck me,” said Belle.

My jaw dropped at her directness, and I was waiting for the woman to say something about this not being a place for hookers. Instead, she smiled and said in a low tone, “That is wonderful, I wish someone would fuck me too.”

I felt like if I was in the twilight zone. No one would say that, not where I came from at least.

“Maybe he will, after he is done with me, but I doubt it. I tend to suck the life out of my lovers,“ said Belle.

“Please sign the register,” said the woman whose name was Clara according to her name tag.

I did and was given a key with a piece of wood attached to it. The number twelve was written on both sides.

“Happy fucking and please make as much noise as you want,” said Clara.

Belle took my hand and led me up the stairs to the second floor. The stairs creaked under our weight. For a second I thought they would crack open and we would fall to our deaths, but they held.

The room was simple with a queen size bed, a small desk with one chair and one large window with heavy drapes. There was a door to one side, which I assumed led to the bathroom.

Belle locked the door behind us and then walked over to the window where she pulled the drapes, leaving the room in darkness.

“I will take a shower, you should take one too,” she said and began to undress.

“Forget the shower, I want you now,” I said and advanced towards her.

I didn’t give a shit if she was grimy and sweaty from hours walking in the sun. I wanted my cock in her pussy, pronto, and there was no way I was going to take a no for an answer. It wouldn’t be the first time I had taken a woman by force. I have never actually raped anyone, but some women folk just play too hard to get, and Belle was one of them.

She didn’t move, just stood there. I could see her silhouette against the little light that came in around the drapes. When I put my hands on her shoulders, she melted into my body and her soft lips found mine.

Her tongue was soft and warm; she wasn’t in a rush. Her hands slid up my back and when they reached my neck she grabbed it hard; that’s when it happened.

Suddenly, I couldn’t move, her lips were stuck against mine, and it didn’t matter how hard I tried to break free. She had me in a hold so strong I felt the air in my lungs being pressed out through my nose. At the same time, she stopped kissing me and instead began to suck air from me. When my lungs emptied and I tried desperately to get loose from her grip, it only hardened.

My vision became blurred and darkness crept in from the sides. My knees buckled, and I felt my body go limp. The only thing that was keeping me standing was Belle holding on to me.

As fast as it had happened it stopped. My vision cleared and my legs began to regain their strength. I realized she had let go of me and was standing a foot away.

“Take the shower,” she said. Her voice husky but still soft in my ears.

I followed her into the bathroom where I thought she would turn on the light, but she didn’t. Maybe she was shy, maybe she had scars on her body, I thought. As she turned on the water I realized I wasn’t upset with her for what had just happened. What I felt was a crushing feeling of guilt. I had tried to hurt her, and the more I thought about it the more I felt like it was the last thing I wanted to do.

When the water was warm she stepped inside the cabin and pulled me with her. It was so small our bodies touched. Her nipples were hard against my chest, and my erection pushed up against her tummy.

As the water flowed over us a fragrance erupted. Something I had never smelled before. I thought she had used the soap but, she was standing absolutely still with her arms hanging at her sides and her legs slightly apart. Her hand found my cock, and her soft palms began to stroke it.

The longer she did it, the stronger became the smell. It wasn’t like flowers or anything like it. It was sweet, dark, and haunting. My head began to spin a little, and I swayed slowly from side to side. The spinning sensation stopped and instead I felt light as air. My senses became stronger, her touch made my skin burn, her breathing sounded like a raging storm in my ears, and the smell, oh God, that smell made me want to die and go to heaven.

Her other hand found mine, and she guided it to her pussy. The skin was flawless. She was shaved, but there was no stubble, not even an inkling of it. Her pussy lips were swollen, and when I touched her clit it was hard and big. My middle finger slid inside her, and she let go of a long sigh; at the same time, the fragrance became even stronger. I could hardly breathe, it was so sweet.

Her pussy was hot, hot like I had never felt before. If I didn’t know better I would have thought she was running a fever.

She used both hands to caress my cock, one of them cupping my balls and gently scratching them with her nails. It felt good through the pain, and when she did the same with my cock I let go of a gasp.

“Are you ready?” she whispered in my ear.

“Yes, I am.”

She turned off the water, and I followed her to the bedroom. Since the fragrance was hardly noticeable in the larger room my head cleared, and I felt normal again.

She lay down on the bed and spread her legs. I crawled up between them, but when I was about to penetrate her she said, “No, Jake, first you have to taste me.”

I have nothing against licking pussy, and sometimes it’s a good way to get things going, but I had thought Belle was ready.

“Sure, baby, if that’s what you want.”

“I do,” she purred.

The fragrance was back, not as strong as before, but when I lowered my head I realized it was coming from her cunt. With my nose close to it, my head began to feel light again, but I didn’t have a chance to pull back because Belle pressed down my head, and my lips touched hers.

When her juices touched my lips and tongue, a rush went through me. It’s hard to explain what it felt like, but I guess the closest thing would be love.

Yes, love. I have only loved one person in my entire life and that was when I was a teenager. Her name was Amanda, and she lived next door. Every time I saw her, my heart skipped a beat, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

What I felt while licking Belle’s pussy was ten times as strong. I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to be where I was forever. I wanted to protect her, to care for her, to love her into eternity.

“Good boy, you are such a good pussy licker,” she moaned and began to arch her pelvis.

I had no words. All I wanted to do was to eat her out, to never stop, to die where I was between her thighs.

After what felt like a nanosecond she said, “Now fuck me.”

“No, I don’t want to, I want to lick you,” I managed to say, my voice weak as a child’s. I had no strength at all.

She grabbed my arms and pulled me up. Then she grabbed my cock and wrapped her legs around my waist. My cock slid in and her arms came up around my back; she pressed me hard against herself.

Then she began to move. Not only did she gyrate, thrust and squeeze me with her legs. Her pussy grabbed hold off my cock and began to massage me. Never in my life had I felt something like it. It was as if her cunt was alive and not part of the rest of her.

Within minutes I felt my balls contract, I realized I wasn’t using a rubber, and it might sound strange that a serial killer would worry about STD, but I didn’t want to die because of fucking.

“Wait, we need protection,” I managed to say.

“No! Come inside me, I want your seed deep inside my pussy,” she said in my ear.

I had no way to pull back, I tried to move but her mouth found mine, and again I felt the air being sucked out of me. At the same time I came, and I must have shot a massive load because my balls literary shrunk like a raisin.

The orgasm was so strong that my muscles cramped in my legs and arms, it was like my entire body exploded in such pleasure that I began to cry. Then the darkness came over me, and I realized I couldn’t breathe, but the orgasm was still rushing over me, wave after wave of it. Then everything went black.

When I woke up the room was pitch black. I tried to move my head a little and when I did I saw no light around the drapes. It must be night time, I thought. When I tried to move I couldn’t. It felt like if someone or something was pressing down on me.


“Yes, what is it?” Her voice came from the foot end of the bed. I managed to lift my head a little and then I saw her. Rather, I saw her eyes. They were ruby red and glowed in the darkness. She must have been sitting on the floor because they hovered in the air just above my toes.

“What is happening?” I said, fear creeping into my mind.

“Nothing, I am getting ready for more. Just relax and this will be over soon. By the way, I brought us company.”


“I decided to invite Clara to our little party. She is lying next to you.”

I turned my head to the left and saw the outline of a naked female body lying next to me. Her eyes were open and this close I could see she was alive. Clara looked terrified, and like me, she couldn’t move but worse, she apparently couldn’t talk either. Her lips moved but there was no sound. Tears ran down her cheeks and her eyes begged me for help. But there was nothing I could do.

Slowly my eyesight adjusted to the darkness, and I could make out the window frame and the desk. The red eyes above my feet slowly turned into Belle’s beautiful face.

There was a new smell in the room. Instead of the sweet fragrance from before this one reminded me of sulfur. That special smell right after you lit a match.

Belle began to move. She stood and moved up on the bed between me and Clara. The closer she got the stronger became the smell.

“Time for some fun,” she said, her voice still velvet smooth.

Her hand slid along Clara’s thigh up towards her cunt. I watched the woman’s face and when Belle’s fingers reached their goal she closed her eyes and more tears came out.

Belle lowered her head, and I could hear her begin to lick Clara’s pussy. The sound was not what I had expected. It was more like the sound a snake makes. Within seconds Clara began to open and close her mouth like if she was gasping and breathing heavy. Her body was completely still.

As quickly as she had started Belle stopped what she was doing and straddled the young woman. She sat on her pelvis and leaned down towards her small perky tits. And that’s when I almost had a heart attack.

Instead of the pink tongue that had kissed me, a black forked tongue slithered out between Belle’s beautiful lips. It was long and thin, just like a snake’s. She ran it across her nipples and up towards Clara’s throat. Then up to her right ear and around it back down to her left nipple.

“Mm, she tastes good,” Belle purred.

“What the fuck are you?” I managed to whisper.

Her head whipped around, her tongue still several inches from her lips. “I am what I am, and I do what I do, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” Her voice had changed, it sounded like if it came from a deep cave, it had a natural echo, and it was dripping hate, and anger.

“Please Belle, let us go,” I sounded like one of my own victims, and suddenly I understood how they felt at the moment they knew they were going to die.

“No! I need you, I need to take your souls or I myself will die.” Her voice was back to its normal sound again, sweet, seductive and irresistible.

She turned her body so that she was facing me and lowered her head. I watched as her tongue encircled my cock, it was long enough to make two loops around my shaft and then she began to slowly jerk me off.

It was so intense I had to hold my breath, and I couldn’t help my body reacting like if it was a normal blow job. The forked tip of her tongue ran around my cock head finding all the right places, then just as I thought I was about to come, she let go of me, going back to Clara and her pussy.

I lay there and shivered, not because it was cold but because my body had been close to an orgasm, and it had stopped.

Belle lifted her spell over Clara and the woman began to moan and gasp, arching her back while Belle’s tongue explored the deepest part of her cunt.

Belle held her to the bed by pinning her arms to the mattress and her legs had locked hers. She didn’t need to keep her mouth against Clara’s cunt, her tongue was long enough that she could keep eye contact with her.

I knew Clara was close to coming, her moans had stopped and instead she gasped fast and moved her head from side to side. That’s when Belle changed position. Her lips locked on Clara’s, and her left hand went in between her legs.

Lying almost on top of her, Belle's finger fucked Clara while kissing her and when Clara came something happened.

Her chest and tummy hollowed like if all the air had been sucked out of her, she reminded me of an empty air mattress on a beach.

There was a long moan and then Belle let go and sat up, looking down at the lifeless body of Clara.

“What have you done?” I whispered.

“Nothing you haven’t, so don’t try to be something you are not. You are a killer, Jake, the same as I. You are even worse, you kill for pleasure while I do it to survive.”

Her hand had found my cock and under its touch, I grew hard again, harder than before. It was a painful experience as my shaft filled with blood.

“Oh, yes, just like that, hard and ready to fuck me.“ She moaned and straddled me.

Her thighs held me in a vice as she lowered her pussy onto my cock. The smell of sulfur was gone and the fragrance was back. I realized it must be what happened when she became wet.

She put her palms on my chest and her nails dug into my flesh, a trickle of blood ran down the sides as she began to ride me.

When I looked at her face her eyes flashed from brown to red and back to brown. She licked her lips, and her tongue was back to normal again. When she leaned down and our lips met, I knew it was over, I was going to die.

As my orgasm grew strong her pussy came alive like before, massaging, squeezing, drawing me deeper inside her. When my balls contracted to shoot my load, her pussy lips kept me inside her. I couldn’t move and as I let go, her muscles began to milk my shaft; I felt how my balls actually shrunk.

My body felt light and there was an enormous feeling of euphoria, I felt like laughing even though I knew she was sucking the life out of me. My head spun slowly and then suddenly everything went black.

When I woke up it was still dark in the room.

“Get up, and go over to the desk and write down everything that happened to you,” Belle said from somewhere in the darkness.

“Why am I still alive?” I asked.

“I don’t know, I haven’t decided what to do with you, yet. But I will by the time you finish writing.”

“I refuse.” I wasn’t going to do anything this murderous bitch asked me.

I felt her hand on my thigh and suddenly my mind changed and I smiled. “Of course, I will, my darling Belle.”

I got up and walked naked over to the desk. There were a few sheets of paper and a pen. I sat down and began to write.


I put down the pen expecting to feel Belle grab me and throw me to the floor where her soft lips would cover mine and my life would be sucked out of me.

Nothing happened; the room was quiet, and all I could hear was a car driving passed outside.


“Yes,” her voice, velvety and sweet close to my ear.

“I am done.”

Her hands slid over my shoulders down over my chest until they held my cock. I immediately grew hard.

“Is this how you will kill me, like Carla, in an orgasmic bliss?” I asked, my voice weak as her hands did wonders with my shaft.

It wasn’t such a bad way to go I realized. I had always thought I would die in a hail of bullets or executed in a jail. Dying under the hands and mouth of Belle was a much better option. I was ready, I had sinned all my life and if this was the way I would pay for my forsaken life, then so be it.

“No, you will live.”

She let go of my cock and with lightning speed she had straddled me. Her face inches from mine, her eyes glowed red in the darkness, the fragrance was back. She moved a little and my cock slid into her pussy.

“You will travel with me through the lands, and watch my back. You are a killer, Jake, and I need someone to protect me when I rest.”

Her voice was in my head, her lips hadn’t moved since they were attached to mine. Her kiss made me weak and as her tongue found mine, I just wanted her to fuck me.

“Yes, I will, and every night until the day you die,” she said, as her pussy began to work its magic.

I realized we could communicate without speaking; all I had to do was to think what I wanted to say.

“What are you?”

“I am a succubus."

Same as Belle Videos

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Belle was a nasty stripper at a sleazy club. Any thing goes there and she would strip down naked and spread her legs and show her cunt then she would grab a man and bring him on stage and push his face to her cunt and let him lick and tongue her. Sometimes she would fuck them right there then push their face to clean their cum out of her. The more the men cheered the more she would do. One night she had three men with her on stage. Two were sucking a tit and the third was eating her cunt. Then...

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Belle was a woman of about fifty when I knew her, had long grey hair and a short, broad body, a boisterous manner and had left her husband of many years and moved to northern NSW to the town of Bellingen. She had bought a block of land there, part rain forest, part pasture, and there she lived in the old farm house with her two teenage daughters. She was a hippy, or if you like, new age, which is to say she was deeply dissatisfied with the ideology, the habits, the economy and the repressions...

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Introduction: Lucas, your average high school student, and Isabelle, a French foreign exchange student, have been friends for years, but that is al goingl change soon… ***Note: This story does not become erotic until around Chapter 3 onwards. If that is all you want from a story then I suggest just watching porn, or wait until Chapter 3 comes out. This is a true story which means that it isnt just going to be gratuitous amounts of sex.*** When I heard the news that Isabelle was coming over...

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It was just bad timing, Isabelle thought.  Any other time, he would have been just another attractive man.  He just had to walk into the gallery at a bad (or good, insisted part of her mind) time.  Martin, her fiancé, was away on a long trip, covering the meeting of G-8 Finance ministers in Tokyo and she was feeling the emptiness of her sex life rather acutely that afternoon.  She was appraising slides of Polynesian masks, with her office darkened and the ferocious features began to look rather...

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It was a warm summer Sunday, and I was working in the garden as usual.  I loved this time as it gave me the chance to genuinely relax.  I'd had the garden now for about fifteen years, and at forty years old, I still loved working the ground.  I even began to enjoy the people who would stop and ask questions.  Why wouldn't I? It had been a great source of new lovers.I met Annabelle and her husband, whose name I don't recall, on this very afternoon.  I could tell by the low-hanging sun that it...

4 years ago
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ISABELLESex on legsEvery now and then you may come across a young lady such as Isabelle. They are though very rare in my experience. I have only met two or three in all my years. However; when you meet such a girl I think you will know it without a doubt.My Isabelle was quite simply ‘sex on legs‘. She even smelt of sex; it would drive me wild just to sit next to her; her sex was overpowering. She; of course, knew this and she exploited it to the full. She wore flimsy clothing that barely...

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Annabelle woke up disgusted. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the alarm clock on the raggedy nightstand. The time was five-o-three a.m. She lay back, exasperated. Beaten. She wiped the perspiration from her forehead before closing her eyes again. She looked over at her husband and cringed. Then she started to cry. Recent Past Annabelle was sixteen when she married Fred. He was twenty-one. At the time, she thought she loved him. When she found out she was pregnant, her parents decided they...

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The sight of Candy lying on a sunlounger by the pool was driving me crazy. It always amazes me that there is not more sexual activity on beaches and poolsides, because everybody’s out there almost naked. You wouldn’t sit in a room with a woman in just your underpants and she in just a bra and knickers – or if you did, you would be expecting to get lucky very soon. And yet in sunbathing mode we are expected to behave “like adults”, which, in that case, means not getting excited, or even not...

Straight Sex
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She is pretty little thing. About 5'3" , 115 and tiny little A cups that are mostly just nipple. She does have beautiful brown eyes.We had met at lunch with some of my buddies. There were five guys and two girls, but she stood out. I was imidiatly taken by her as she was pretty shy and not the flirty slut that her friend was. I got a nice little handshake when she arrived, and a hug (and her e-mail) when I left about an hour later.Her friend, is a pretty Hispanic girl who is a stripper and...

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© 1998 This story is a fantasy based not too loosely on fact. Like the lives of most of its readers, it contains no sexual acts. When the story stops, you are allowed to carry on thinking. If you are incapable of thought, go and find some pictures of women with computer-aided tits. 1998 It was late afternoon when I rang the doorbell of Naismith's period cottage in Sussex. His battered and dusty four-wheel drive vehicle was outside, negligently parked with one wheel run up on to the rockery....

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Porn sites are a dime a dozen. Actually, considering how many there are, they are probably closer to a dime a hundred. Either way, after a while they all sort of start to blend into one another. It becomes hard to discern where Porn Hub ends and You Porn begins; was it xTube where I saw that video or was it xHamster? Who knows! They’re all essentially the same, with a few differing features here and there, some subtly varied emphases or focuses to each one’s brand or aesthetic.Not only do most...

Porn for Women Sites
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Bellesa Plus calls themselves the Netflix of Porn, which frankly wasn’t at all what I was expecting when I first heard the name. I was picturing a scaled-up version of Bellesa, which I’ve reviewed before here at ThePornDude. Their brand has largely been known for their pro-sex and pro-women take on dirty movies, their flicks featuring many real women having real orgasms. Now you’re telling me they’ve got some kind of package deal with their stuff plus other porn producers? Shit, why didn’t...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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We are in your favorite BDSM club. You love coming here and cumming here. I'm kneeling down, but every time I move even a little you can hear me and so can everyone else. You've attached bell nipple clamps to me and inserted a Ben Wa ball with a bell attached into my pussy. I wiggle a little and you smirk as I blush. It makes me so horny so I wiggle again, making the bells ring even louder. A tall blond girl asks me where the bell is coming from as she they can't see it. You answer. It's...

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my life part 1

hey there ladies and gentleman my name is jessica and this isn't going to be your average 3rd person story, i'm going to be describing everything to you in 1st person including myself of course. my story or life i should say starts out with me a 17 year old girl tall and curvy moving all the way from my house here in Toronto Canada all the way to tokyo japan halfway across the world. i'm not really a very sexual girl sure i've had boyfriends kissed made out but i'm still a virgin. I finally...

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Selffulfilling mom and son

Jeyalaxshmi (aka Jeya), a widow of 40 years, lives in a beautiful town in Southern Tamil Nadu along with her son Jegan who is now 25 years old. She lost her husband when her son was 15 years old. Since then her son has worked as hard as he can to keep the family afloat. They have no relatives and only had each other’s back for emotional support.Speaking of Jeya, she is an average looking South-Indian woman, who wears only saree even at home. She was skinny when she married her husband but now...

4 years ago
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Chad adored watching the 17yr old girls going to and fro across the quadrangle. He loved the swoosh of their bottle green pleated shirts, their crisp white blouses, the green ribbed tights and the black shoes crunching in the gravel.He fantasised about these girls, what he would do to them given half a chance, he dreamt of the feel of the rough green fabric against his skin, of running his hands up the ribbing on the tights seeking the pleasures within.He loved the look of their breasts...

3 years ago
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Three Firsts Make a Home Run

Chapter 1 I'll bet you remember your first time, right? For sex. Yeah. Well, I do. It was last Saturday. I had been dating my boyfriend, Rick, for about six months, he's sixteen, six months to the day older than I am. We had fooled around a bit, I'd jacked him off some, he'd gotten my top and bra off and had sucked my boobs. Oh, was that great. It's the first time my panties got real wet, oh, I loved it. Anyway, my parents were going out of town over the weekend and my best friend,...

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Sex Encounter With Hot Bangladeshi Virgin Girl

I am Shaded, hot sex oriented person. Engineer by profession. My age is 25. I am not a pro but I have gone through some super adventurous sex in my life for which I think I am lucky. I like to meet women in Facebook or Skype and have hot conversation. Be passionate while reading the story as it is a slow pace real like hot story! Every bit of it is true. No more time wasting! straight to the story. Her name were Aisha, a beautiful young girl from the village. She was just 18 when this happened....

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Zoey Monroe Stepfathers Over Friends

Zoey Monroe loves her stepfather Johnny. Not only is he the sweetest but he also always has something nice to say about her. Her friends think she’s weird because she would rather spend the night cuddling with her stepdad instead of going out and partying with them, but fuck them! There’s nothing like hopping into a warm bed with your stepdad for a night of tickles. On this particular night mommy fell asleep on the couch and we decided to fuck right next to her. She has been mean to...

3 years ago
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Chachi se pyar ho gaya

Hi friends I am atul from mumbai my age is 33/male. Yah kahani ek chachi ki he. Aap is kahani ko padenge to aapko jarur pasand ayegi. Lekin meri ek shart he ki yah kahani padate padate ladkiya khud ki chut me ungliya dalke hilaye, aur mard khud ke lund ko khada karke hilaye aur khub maza le. Meri kahani pasand aye to jarur mail karna, aur koi girl ko bhabhi ko ya widow ko sex ka dirty sex ka maza chahiye to muje call karen main use khub maza dunga yah mera vada he, ab suniye kahani us samay...

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My First Big Black Cock Encounter

One late night my hubby comes up to me and decides he wants us to run out for a bit. I was bored so I agreed, for some reason it was midnight and neither of us where in the mood to go to bed so we decided to go on a little adventure. After driving around for about 30 minutes or so I decided that I was thirsty so my husband decided to drive to the nearest convience store. Outside of the store was a 20 something tall muscular black gentlemen I really didn't think anything of it and just walked...

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I had my way with my girl Leah02

from the Dairy of Mr. Deepak Kumar.. You have read in part-1 that : 'Oh!' she exclaimed, evidently frightened; then, after a pause, 'I am a horrid little coward about thunderstorms: they just terrify me!' 'Won't you then take refuge in the Snuggery?' I asked with a host's look of concern. 'I don't think you will see the lightning there and you certainly won't hear the thunder, as the room is soundproof. Shall we go there?' and I opened the door invitingly. Leah hesitated. Was...

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Luna By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Bill Francis drove into the city for his latest meeting with Candy. This had become a regular ritual for him and he eagerly looked forward to each session. It had all started three months earlier when he finally gave into his urges to dress in women's clothing....

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more of my sex life

i am sorry it has taken me so long to wright this but we have been so busy....As i said i was going to keep an eye on my husband and i have and found that he only joined in when i had to many to deal with and he did it to keep them hot for me mmmmmmmmmm nice man.......Well we have been going to the toilets all over town and there are always a lot of men in them playing around with each other so we just go into a cubicle and start to kiss and play with each other the men carry on doing what they...

4 years ago
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Finally I Seduced My Neighbor Aunty And Fucked Her

This is my second story in the ISS and I wish it would also turn out to be as interesting as the previous one. Let’s jump straight to the story, I’m sure no one is interested to know what is my dick size or where do I live. It’s a long story but I’m sure you would enjoy every bit of it. I was in my 11th class and my brother went to his college. we lived in the Army flats and next to our door there lived a family (husband, wife and 2 kids). Uncle was posted somewhere else and his family was...

2 years ago
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When Dick is Fat Dick

Well as you know I had so far my share of a lovely Black Dick, lots have fired their contents in me, over me....mmmm.I think you know the description of the cocks that have visited my lilly white body! This time even I was a bit shocked....yes shocked!!! Why well I will try to explain. I was in a Supermarket with Mick, he had gone to buy some booze and left me doing the shopping.I was wearing a tight trouser suit, very skin tight, so tight I do not wear panties in it as they show up. I guess it...

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Holding the FortPart 4 Holding or Folding

I joked to Russell once that he made me crazy. I guess I didn't know how true it was until that night in Rome. The worst part was that I was in the hotel suite with my mom and dad, so I couldn't even vent about it. I mean, I love them, but there are some things you can't talk to your parents about and one of them is catching your boyfriend fucking someone else when he was supposed to have been fucking you. Besides, they thought Russell, like, walked on water. So I had to pretend that...

1 year ago
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The PropositionChapter 11

To say I was stunned would be an understatement. I was staring at her, mouth agape no doubt, but I honestly don't know. "H-here?" I finally managed to stammer. "Yes, here," she said, "and in the kitchen and the laundry and the den and everywhere else in the goddam apartment, but I was thinking we would start in the bedroom. I want my first time to be in a real bed." I smiled inwardly at the apparent paradox of a nearly six month pregnant girl planning her 'first time'. But to...

2 years ago
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Using Jools

Jools first contacted me online. Her and her hubby Martin had a couples profile on one of the porn contact sites. On their profile were some beautiful pictures of Jools. A beautiful body erotically presented - she was wearing a stunning red corset and black knickers in many, latex in others, and there were also some of her taking some cock of her husband's friends. Jools was a stunner - lovely dark hair, curves in the right places and a sexy smile. We exchanged messages and it was clear Jools...

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I Confront Dara With The Past

I decided to cut back on my amorous adventures with the women I was involved with, and after about a month and a half, was dealing with having far too much testosterone. Masturbating was a release, but a poor substitute for warm soft female skin and curves. One night as I sat thinking about how horny I actually was, it struck me to give my "aunt" Lorene's sister Dara in texas a call. She answered in three rings, and sounded surprised and pleased to hear my voice. We caught up on what each had...

3 years ago
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Theft II

THEFT II It was Saturday night, and the evening was warm and sticky. It had been a week since Sophie had stolen my body and left me trapped in hers, altering my mind so that I couldn't say or do anything that would give away what had happened. When I was alone it wasn't too horrible; I could think and act however I wanted with the exception of her housekeeping routine and taste in food. However, if I was around people it was more difficult. I had some control over my words and...

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Frankie 3

All the way home all Frankie could think about was her next orgasm, she was quickly becoming insatiable and couldn’t wait to feel Bob’s cock inside her again, she stroked him very slowly till they pulled up outside her house, thankfully today of all days there was room to park outside the door which meant she didn’t have to do the embarrassing no knicker walk for too far.Bob walked round and opened the car door for her and gave her his hand to guide her out, Frankie pulled at her skirt trying...

4 years ago
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Jingbang In Goa 8211 Part 3 Gangbanged

Goa was cold when we got down. The cold wind hit me hard as I shamelessly walked with Riya out of the station to the waiting car. The guys were following me at a distance. They were murmuring among themselves. What did I get myself into again? It’s too late now. I cannot undo what I had let them do to me in the train. How much more damage could I do to myself. I looked at Riya. She was a bit sleepy. There was a minivan waiting to take us to our hotel. I put my bag in through the back door. I...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 32 Friends In Need

September 26, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “What?!” I gasped. “How is she?” “I don’t know, and that’s the God’s honest truth. Her dad called from Rutherford Hospital and asked me to call you. All he said was that they were working on her.” “I’m leaving in about three minutes. That’s what I’ll need to get dressed.” “What about Becky?” “I’ll bring her, I guess. I can’t imagine her parents are going to be in Rutherford.” “She’s there with you?” “Yes. Beat me up about that later! I’m on my way to...

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Whos got the biggest Cock Prove It

I barely know how to begin...It happened a year ago. My girlfriend Jennifer and I had just moved into a cheap apartment. We were both studying at the university, I was 26 and she was 24. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had medium-short blonde hair, big brown eyes and a voluptuous body. She had perky c-cup breasts with small nipples and round tight ass. We had a good sex life and she was always satisfied with me. I am quite muscular and have a respectable 7-inch cock which...

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Walk in the Woods

Sometimes we find our dreams when we least expect, it seems the harder you try to realise a dream the less likely it is to materalise. So this story is about one such dream that hit me when I wasn’t looking, in the briefest of moments it consumed me and found a place deep inside me. As an engineer I travel the world, and as a specialist in my industry I can be called on at short notice and may be required to live on a job for an age. However I generally know the area before I go and a have...

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Wife fucked by three in one night

We had several friends over for a cook out and swimming. My wife and I do this a lot every summer and most of the friends are single. I’ll use their real names , Mike and Eric came over together in Eric’s new truck. They are young good looking guys in their early twenties and best friends. My wife and I had only met them once before at Jim’s house. As the day went on I noticed my wife was paying a lot of attention to both of them. She was looking very sexy in her bright orange bikini. The...

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Lansing Michigan ORAL ALLSTAR

My visit to the state capital of Michigan in Lansing was without a doubt, a lesson in the good that can come out of kindness. By good I mean getting to bust a nut in a sexy girls face just for being kind as I'll explain.So I was at a conference full of college juniors and seniors who were there to network and listen to speakers and such. It was a suit/dress type of gathering which gets annoying but regardless it has its advantages. We had all just sat down for dinner (500+ people) as the...

2 years ago
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Submissive Owned Mums

On her knees she was currently blowing her master's penis . Bobbing up & down , she had been hypnotized and enslaved by her skinny perverted well-hung son Todd who had just turned 20years old . 3mths ago, she had begun sucking his 10 inch dick & now was an expert with no gag reflex . Ernie was a cuckold & Todd's stepdad, he was filming today's festivities. As Franny engulfed the full sausage Todd let out a long moan and exploded down his mom's throat. She was a great cocksucker he...

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Learning the Lessons of Love

The tightening of your arm around my shoulders brought me out of the light slumber I’d fallen into but a few moments before. I glanced up at you, my eyes half-closed in the urge to drop off to sleep. You simply smiled and pulled my head against your chest. I cuddled against you a tiny bit, and sighed when your fingers began to run lazy patterns through my coppery hair. I was a kitten, safe in the paws of a gentle mother. In front of us, the waves crashed noisily against the earthen barrier...

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Chapter 3 of Helenrsquos Slutty Hairy Cunt

Chapter Two sees Dan's wife, Helen, bound, tied-up, blindfolded and helpless. Unbeknown to her and against her will she is about to get her slutty wet hairy cunt well and truly creampied ... and more .... Three of Helen’s Slutty Hairy Cunt: Creampie surprise I was consumed with utter horny lust and I was drooling precum from my cock and my mouth was salivating as well. Fuck, I needed to be so deep inside Helen’s warm and wet slutty hairy fanny...

3 years ago
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Harolds Bitch

Hi, I’m Shelia Broadhead and I hope you have read my first story about how I was assaulted and raped in Prospect Park in early June of this year. Well I’m back with another tale, this time I am searching for a dog for my very own. Since my encounter in the park I have had sex with two different men that I know but don’t work with. It was with just a couple of guys that I have had relations with before. I am back to square one again. Men just don’t compare with a good dog fuck. I have tried...

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The Affair ContinuesPart 2

From last time: She stretched and touched her breasts and belly with a smile. She lay there thinking of what it was going to be like later. She heard the shower go off and the curtain part. She rolled over and cuddled the pillows underneath her as she watched Bill dry off. She looked at the broad shoulders and large chest. She watched the hands that just pleasured her. She watched them glide over his body and wished it were hers. She wanted to touch him. She looked at his loins and thought...

4 years ago
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My first affair with my brother

We had the "unwritten rule" that we could not be naked downstairs but upstairs we could roam naked as we liked. Occasionally one of us would be seen dashing naked downstairs to retrieve something, but that was the exception instead of the rule. My brother, Kevin would always walk around naked. I would see him many times in this room naked with his door wide open. We would also get ready for school in the bathroom together naked. We never thought anything of it. One day Kevin and I...

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My nephew

Note : This story is completely fictional! My eight-teen yearold nephew came to stay with me for a week this summer. He is a lean vollyball player. I set him up in a spare bedroom and from day one tried to flirt with him and to see all of him. I would be tanning and get him to join me so he could oil eachothers backs and I could get close to that sweet ass. when shower came i would make sure that there weren't any towels ready and have to bring him one. Then I would stay there and shave with...

3 years ago
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Flashback to my First Semester

You see my freshman year I met Devin. He was that older kid that was supposed to graduate years ago but for some reason is still here. I was 18 and he was 23. He was super tall, like 6’ 5” and have a beautiful body. Every single day he wore a plain tee shirt, with jeans, and a pair of Jordan’s. I had him in 2 of my classes which was great cause when I missed class I was able to ask him what happened in both, plus it meant I was able to stare at his huge arms suffocating from the tee shirts...

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Does Your Husband Still Not Know

The three men were endowed with enormous cocks. When they rammed those beasts into her holes, stretching her to the hilt, she was half afraid she would break into several parts. But it was what she’d wanted. She’d lived so long with her husband’s deficient girth, and though the party ended with her exhausted and with aches where she hardly knew she had body parts, she’d never felt so satisfied either.It was a complete fiction, of course, but the story provided my wife Cynthia and I with the...

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Sexy Stories

Reddit is full of great NSFW subs and I love exploring through them and seeing what it is that they have to offer. And in the end, I find all kinds of content. I find amazing pictures, sexy videos, and then some subs are entirely text-based. And when you think of text, you probably don’t have sex as the first association to that word, even though it does rhyme. Well, /r/sexystories changes that, with some of the sexiest fictional and non-fictional stories for you to read and enjoy. There are...

Reddit NSFW List
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A Hormonal Thing

Illustrations by Paul Forrest "THAT'S FINE, but will it do what I want it to do?" Dr Lewis propelled her chair away from her desk and crossed her shapely legs. There was a faint smile playing around her full lips. She allowed her white coat to gape open, revealing a more than well-filled pale blue blouse. Much more than well-filled. It was so well-filled that there were gaps between the buttons, gaps big enough to see what the doctor was wearing underneath, if Lucinda had been...

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Gina 3

It was mid afternoon when I arrived home. Gina and I had been together for six months and we'd decided it was time for my parents to know about us and we were going to go together, but on the way Gina had second thoughts. I stopped the car and we discussed the matter before eventually deciding it may be better if I went alone so that if things became nasty, Gina wouldn't bear the brunt of any verbal abuse. I turned the car round and drove Gina home and then made the journey home alone. As I...

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Separation Anxiety

Even though I know I'm going to miss her while she's gone, I was also excited about the prospects of flirting online again with JS. Nothing was ever going to happen in real life, neither one of us would let that happen, but the sexual chemistry for a good on-line flirt is there (or so I hope).I guess my mind got caught up thinking about her sexually, after she and Suzie joked about her breast exam by a male Doctor. There was some silly reference to men and boobs – and she had some big ones. ...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 3

Friday, July 2, 1976 I woke up just in time to see Eve enter the room with my breakfast. “Good morning Michael,” she said with a smile. “Good morning, Eve. Is that my breakfast?” I asked as she placed it on the rollaway table. It consists of unappealing plain yogurt and apple juice. I looked at it. I am not impressed by the doctor’s idea for my dietary needs. “This food will be the death of me,” I jokingly say. Eve has a horrified look on her face. “Oh, please don’t say that. It’s bad...

1 year ago
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Today we have Clip Hunter on the menu. How many hours would you say you spend, on average, each week searching site after site for decent material to fap to? Three? Seven? Fifteen?! No matter how much time you spend looking for videos to choke your chicken to, I think we can all agree that it is an unavoidable part of the pornoholic’s daily ritual.You grab your materials (lube, fleshlight, VR headset, headphones, tissue paper, etc.) get yourself set up (maybe on the bed, at your desk, on the...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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First The Son Then The Mother

I'm Bill, a 52-year-old guy whose wife died from cancer a few years back and I haven't matched up with another female since. I live in a great condo in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State.My phone rang one Saturday morning and it was a woman living with her son in a unit a few doors down from mine. After going thru the normal pleasantries she asked if I would do her a huge favor. Her 18-year-old son, Jim, was in his senior year in high school and if he didn't do something to get his math...

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Lasting Impressions The Change

Lasting Impressions By: ASTRO Many people used to wonder what it would be like to experience life from the opposite sex's point of view. I, like many people have their own story to tell about how new technology changed my life. My name is AJ. I am married and a father of two little girls. I am a 25 year old Caucasian male with an athletic body. My life has been pretty normal. I am a mechanical engineer and live in a nice home near the city of South Bend,...

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Memoirs Chapter Five

The first year, Mr. and Mrs. Dogmeyer couldn't keep their hands off each other. It was sex morning, noon and night. On a late December morning, I was out shoveling the driveway. It had snowed heavily the night before. I had to get to work before noon to interview a college girl who was looking for work. We had a lot of turnover at the restaurants because most of our wait staff was college kids. There was always somebody applying for work. Finished with the driveway, I walked into the kitchen...

Group Sex
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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 29 Tuesday Evening 603PM

It’s really stupid since I just talked to him on the phone and saw him a few hours ago, but I kind of miss Will. Alaina sighed. Between him and ... I guess it’s mostly Laura, if I’m honest. My head is a fucking mess. I still don’t get why she stopped me from telling her about my Class in the car. I wouldn’t have, if I were in her position. I think... She stood up and stretched, then stared at the wall for a moment. I think after that and everything else today I’d almost be willing to really...

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