SLuT9 Pt 14 free porn video

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"Emily's Comeuppance"

Thursday, December 21st. Night time
Jennifer Santiago was weak in the knees as Olivia helped her sit up and then get dressed. "Olivia, why do you call David, Master?"

"It's a long story and that part kind of comes at the end. There are a lot of things you need to know in order to get to that point," Olivia told her as she helped Jenn pull on her sweater. Olivia didn't worry about putting Jenn's bra on. She figured that they'd just have to take it off again anyway once they were in the bedroom.

"So tell me the story. I don't think I'm capable of standing or walking by myself but I can definitely listen."

"Very well," Olivia said as she retrieved Jenn's pants from the floor. Olivia went on as she helped Jennifer up off the couch and led her out of the living room and slowly, up the stairs.

"Sit down," David said and pointed to one of the four chairs around the kitchen table. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table beside his daughter.

Dave noticed the difference in Emily almost immediately. In the living room, with Jenn and Olivia, she had been quiet and remorseful. Now, in the kitchen and alone with her father, her posture was changed. She was smiling, confident and seemed excited.

"What?" Dave said.

"Oh, come on, Daddy. You know you wanted this to happen. Even Aunt Jenn knew you lusted after her."

"I do? She did?" Dave asked, not willing to admit to anything at the moment.

"You did and, yes, she did. Everyone did."

"So you decided to take the matter into your own hands and what? Make my fantasy come true?"

"Daddy, he sent the formula to you. You let me read the note, remember?"

Dave nodded.

"I know why he sent you the formula. He said it was the stories you post online. That was the first I'd heard of that, so the other day, when I had nothing else to do, I went online and found your stories and, damn, why didn't you ever tell me you could write like that?"

"Em, get to the point!"

"He sent you the formula because, like every writer, you put yourself in every story. Parts of you anyway. All of your lead characters, everyone of them is noble and brave and chivalrous. Not common traits in today's world. But it's you. It's so obvious. He sent it to you because he knew you would use it morally but still have fun with it. Daddy, this is such a shot in the arm to your life."
"Fine, maybe you're right. Maybe that is why he sent it to me. Because I could be immoral without being evil. Maybe you're right. The point is, Em, I'm not the one using it. I used it on Elizabeth, just to find out if it worked. I used it on your mother to get her to treat me fair and let me see you and Hayley, and I used it on Olivia because I was worried she might be a threat. You, on the other hand have now used the stuff on yourself, without my consent, and now on your aunt, again, without my consent, and both times I ended up paying for your deeds. When you poisoned yourself, I paid for it by having to have sex with my daughter."

Emily wanted to speak but Dave went on before she could.

"And now, you've done the same to your Aunt Jennifer and I was forced to have sex with my sister. Did you ever stop and think about how that would effect me, Emily? Did you?"

"Daddy, why are you so upset? I gave myself the formula. I knew what could happen. I expected it to happen."

"Fine. And Jennifer? Did you ask her what she wanted?"

"No, but..."

"No. There is no but, Emily. You're right. You made the choice when you did it to yourself and even though you're not eighteen, I trust your judgment. If you say you wanted it, if you say you knew what you were getting into, I'm going to trust you and say that it was consensual. But dosing your aunt wasn't consensual. She didn't have a choice. And neither time, with you and now with Jenn, was I given that choice.

"You say he sent it to me because I could use the stuff, have fun with it, but not let it go to my head, but it seems to me, Emily Jean, that you're the one who's using it. You're the one having fun with it and I'm the one who ends up feeling guilty. First about what happened between you and I, and now about what happened tonight. Do you see what I mean, Emily? You're having fun and I'm paying the price. If it was sent to me because I could use it, have fun with it, but not go all mad scientist," Dave said, standing up and leaning over the table to get right into Emily's face, "then let me choose who it's given to. Understood?"

Emily just stared up at her father for a moment, then nodded.


Dave turned, dumped his half empty, now cold cup of coffee in the sink, went the refrigerator, grabbed three bottles of water and handed them to Emily.

"Take these upstairs to your aunt and Olivia."

Dave reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a fourth bottle of water. He got a small cup from the cabinet and followed Emily up the stairs.

"What are you gonna do, Daddy?" Emily asked as they went up the steps.

"I'm gonna teach my little girl a lesson."


"Don't worry about it, Emily. Just go."

He pointed her up the stairs.

Without another word Emily turned and went up the stairs to her Aunt Jennifer's bedroom. Dave stopped in his room, sending Emily on ahead.

"Give one of those bottles to Olivia and the other to your aunt. The third one is mine."

"What about me?" Emily asked, realizing she was very thirsty and still had the taste of her aunt's pussy in her mouth.

"This one is yours," Dave told her, showing her the bottle of water he held. "Go on. I'll be there in a minute."

Emily went on to Jennifer's bedroom while Dave went into his own.

Jennifer was lying in her bed and pulled the covers up to her chin when Emily entered. Olivia had been telling the story of SLuT9 and had just gotten to the part where Emily had injected herself with it when Emily came in. Both women stopped talking and watched as Emily handed them each a bottle of water and set the third on the nightstand.

"Where's your father?" Jenn asked.

"He stopped in his bedroom. He said he'd be here in a minute."
As if on cue, Dave entered the bedroom and closed the door. Without speaking to any of them, he went to the nightstand and set down the cup and the bottle of SLuT10. He opened the bottle of water, filled the cup, and then handed the rest of the bottle to Emily.

Dave carefully filled the dropper with some of the formula and put three drops of the formula into the cup of water. He picked up the cup, swirled the water around to mix it with the formula, and held it out to Emily.

"Drink it."

Emily took the cup and smiled at her father.

"Daddy, I don't have a problem being at your command."

She put the cup to her lips and swallowed the whole cup of water. She then handed the cup back to him.

"I trust you completely. I know you'd never hurt me."

"Do you remember me giving you spankings, Emily?"

Emily nodded. "Did I hurt you then?"

Emily shrugged. "I guess but..."

"There's a difference, right? You were in trouble. I was doing it for your own good. Well, Emily, you're in trouble now. This isn't fun and games anymore. You are being punished! And trust me, young lady. This is most definitely for your own good."

Dave set the cup down next to the bottle of SLuT10.

Emily paled a little and swallowed hard as she considered how harsh her father could be when she had done wrong.

"David, what's going on?"

"How much has Olivia told you, Jenn?"

Olivia stood up and Dave sat down in her place.

"She's told me some wild story about a drug that controls minds and..."

"It's not a story." Dave picked up the SLuT10 from the nightstand. "This is a formula invented by a man named Dr. Jan Casey. It gives complete and total mind control over another person. The formula that Emily used on you is an earlier version of the same drug but it has some rather nasty side effects. One of those side-effects is that it makes the woman it is given to very, very horny. Probably hornier than you have ever been in your life or ever will be again."

Jennifer nodded. She had felt the effects of SLuT9 for herself and Dave was correct. She had been hornier than she could ever recall being before. She wasn't aware that it was possible to want a man as badly as she had wanted her brother a half hour earlier.
"SLuT10, what I just gave Emily, allows much more control without the nasty side effects. I put three drops into the glass of water I gave Em. She is my complete and total slave for the next four hours." Dave could see his sister was about to protest. "Jenn, don't jump on me. Emily did this to you. She gave you SLuT9, fully knowing what effect it would have on you. She deserves punishment and she's going to get it."

Jennifer looked over Dave's shoulder at Emily.

"How long will it last on me?"

"About six hours," Dave told her.

"Will I... Umm... Will I get that horny again?"

"Probably," Dave said with a nod. "I'm not sure though."

"I'm not sure I believe any of this."

Dave turned to Emily. He could see the drug had taken hold. Her eyes had the glazed over look that he recognized from when she had injected herself with SLuT9 a few days earlier.

"Emily, undress, now."

Emily grabbed the bottom of her nightshirt and stripped it off over her head without a thought. Dave wasn't surprised at all to find she was without panties.

"Put it on the chair over there. Olivia, you undress, too."

Dave then turned back to Jennifer. He could see she was about to ask another question. He stopped her.

"Jennifer, I promise you tomorrow morning, you, me and Olivia will sit down and we will explain everything to you but for now, I want you to stop the questions."

Dave grabbed the blankets that had been covering Jennifer and pulled them away, showing that Jennifer had one hand already fondling her breast and the other was between her legs.

"You're starting to get aroused again, aren't you?"

"I can't help it, David. God, this is so wrong," Jennifer whined.

David leaned forward and held her face so she was looking into his eyes.

"I want you to remember one thing, Jennifer. This is not your fault. Understood?"

"Yes, David."

"Good girl." He kissed her forehead.

David turned to find Olivia and Emily standing side by side, both naked. He took a deep, calming breath, then stood up. He looked from one woman to the next.

"I didn't plan for this to happen. You all know that, but I won't stand here and say I'm sorry it did. All three of you are beautiful women who I care about. Jenn, Emily says you know how I feel about you. She says you know I'm sexually attracted to you."

Jennifer was still laying in the bed. One hand still fondling her tits, the other between her legs, she was no longer trying to hide herself.

"I knew you were a pervert from way back, David. I actually considered giving in to you once or twice."

Dave smiled down at her then turned to Emily.

"Emily, you're my daughter, the apple of my eye. Always have been, probably always will be but you are simply out of control when it comes to this SLuT thing. You have to be taught a lesson."

Dave turned to Olivia.

"Olivia," he stepped forward and took her in his arms. "I know it got blown off earlier when you told me you loved me but I want you to know that I did hear you and I want you to know that I think I'm falling for you, too."

Olivia smiled. The two shared a quick kiss, then Dave stepped back.

"Now, considering I have all three of you in my power for the next four hours, minimum, I see no reason not to live out some of my milder sexual fantasies."

Dave smiled. Emily and Olivia, to Dave's surprise, both smiled as well.

"Olivia, Emily, why don't you join Jennifer in the bed."

The two naked young women ran around the bed. Emily got in first and slid over to lay beside her aunt, Olivia then got in and laid beside Jennifer. Dave stood at the foot of the bed, looking down at the three women who would follow any command he gave. Dave smiled. He could see how this kind of power could go to someone's head.

"Before we begin, I need a question answered. Each of you is to answer the question honestly and completely, understood?"

"Yes, David," Jenn said

"Yes, Daddy," Emily said

"Yes, Master," Olivia said, all answering almost at the same time.

"Good. I want to know, before today have any of you been with another woman, sexually? Jennifer?"

"Yes, David," his sister said, her neck and face turning a pretty shade of red. "I've had a number of female lovers since Dimitri died. The girls don't know. Please don't tell them."

David smiled and nodded.


"No, Daddy."


"Jan paired me with a couple of different women while I was in college and I had one relationship with another woman about six years ago. It ended but we're still good friends."

"So, Ms. Emily," David said, smiling at his daughter. "How did you like your first time with another woman?"

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

Jenn reached over and took Em's hand and gave her a smile.

"I'm glad to hear that because before the night is out, you're going to do it again. Now, how do I pick who goes first?" David asked as he stripped off his shirt. He then unbuttoned his pants and allowed them to fall and puddle around his ankles leaving him in just his briefs. The bulge of his erection was clear to all three women. Dave stood there looking from one woman to the next. Finally stopping on Emily. "Emily, since you're being punished, you certainly won't be going first so I'll let you decide. Who do think I should be with first, your Aunt Jennifer or Olivia?"

Emily looked from Jenn to Olivia and back again. Jenn was still holding her hand. Dave saw Jennifer squeeze Em's hand slightly. Then saw Emily smile.

"That answers that question. Sorry, Olivia, you've fallen victim to a bit of nepotism."

"It's okay, Master. I expected as much," Olivia said with a smile.

"Emily, since your aunt and I are going to be busy, why don't you get between Olivia's legs and entertain her."

Emily's eyes went wide as she realized what her father was ordering her to do.

"You shouldn't be surprised Em. I told you you'd be doing it again. Now, go on!"

Olivia spread her legs after a quick look from Dave. Emily got onto her hands and knees and crawled down the bed, got between Olivia's legs and laid herself down. Dave circled the bed, pulled the covers completely off of his sister, and sat down beside her. Jenn and Dave both watched as Emily began her punishment. She used her fingers to spread Olivia open and then slid her tongue up the pink slit, making sure to pass over the clit, and then back down the slit, again making sure to hit the clit, causing Olivia to moan.

Dave looked down at Jenn, a huge smile on his face. When Jenn noticed his smile, she just shook her head.

Dave leaned down, put his mouth next to her ear, and whispered, "Are you ready for round two, my beautiful sister?"

Jenn's shiver was all the answer Dave needed.

Dave lifted his head. Their eyes locked for a moment. Then his mouth was on hers. A moment later, Jenn's tongue pushed it's way into his mouth. Dave stood up carefully, never breaking his lip-to-lip contact with Jenn, swung himself around, and crawled back onto the bed, this time laying himself on top of his sister. His cock was already hard and sticking out in front of him. When it brushed across Jenn's hand, which was still between her legs, she grabbed it and pulled it towards her entrance.

Jenn broke the kiss and looked up at him, breathing hard.

"I haven't thought about sex with you in more than twenty years, and now I can't stop myself. Do it, Davy. Fuck me!"

Jennifer pointed his cock to where she wanted it, slid it up and down her slit until it was well lubricated with her natural juices, then slid it between her pussy lips and released him. When Dave felt her release his cock, he pushed forward, sliding all but the last two inches of his hard cock into his older sister.

"Oh, yes!" Jennifer moaned and threw her arms around Dave's neck.

Dave pulled his cock back out until only the tip was still inside and paused long enough to glance over at the other two women on the bed. Olivia lay beside Jennifer, her eyes and mouth open. She was gasping for air as Emily tongue-fucked her but was watching Dave and Jennifer closely. She gave Dave a quick smile.

Dave turned back to Jenn and slowly pushed his cock into her. Dave closed his eyes and did his best to satisfy his sister. At first, Dave held as much of his weight up off of Jennifer as he could but when Jenn wrapped her arms around his neck again and pulled him down, he went down onto his elbows.

Jenn opened her eyes. "Kiss me as you fuck me."

Dave smiled and covered her mouth with his. For the next ten minutes, the two did their best to stay lip-locked as Dave did short quick little strokes in and out of Jenn's tight pussy. Jenn had an orgasm and groaned and shivered through it. When Dave came inside her, she groaned and shivered again.

Once Dave was able to move, he rolled off of Jenn, his cock coming out of her with a wet plop and rolled onto the bed between Jenn and Olivia. Jenn lay still, her legs splayed wide. Olivia reached out and took Dave's hand and gave it a squeeze as Emily took her over the edge one more time. Dave smiled at the look of pure ecstasy on Olivia's face, then looked down to where his seventeen year old daughter was.

"Hey, Em," he said and waited for her to look at him over Olivia.

"Your aunt Jenn is full again. 'Fraid she needs another clean out."

Emily glared at her father even as she got to her hands and knees, crawled from between Olivia's spread legs, over Dave's legs and then laid herself down between her aunts, still widely spread legs. Emily gave Dave one last look, the evil eye, then turned her attention to her aunt's sloppy pussy.

Dave looked over to Olivia. The young woman was fighting hard not to burst out laughing at poor Emily's dreadful situation.

"Don't you laugh or you'll be the next to go," Dave teased.

"Umm, sounds like fun, Master."

Without waiting for Dave to say anything else, Olivia sat up in the bed, leaned over Dave's stomach, took his still wet, semi-flaccid cock in her hand, and licked the head with her tongue. She let it sit on her tongue for a moment and then declared it "tasty." She took Dave's entire cock into her mouth and began to suck.

Dave glanced over at Jennifer. Her eyes were closed and one hand was wrapped in Emily's hair, holding Emily's face to her pussy. She must have felt Dave's eyes on her because she opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"I know it's gross. Having sex with my niece, making her eat her own father's spunk out of me, something I can tell she doesn't have any experience at and doesn't really want to do, but, goddamn, the girl can eat a pussy!"

Dave busted out laughing. Olivia had to pull her head away from Dave's cock when she too started laughing. Then Jennifer started laughing. Emily just kept her face buried in Jenn's pussy and tried not to make eye contact with any of the three.

Dave was still chuckling when Olivia's mouth once more engulfed his cock and all silliness was forgotten as the two siblings enjoyed the oral ministrations of their respective partners.

Dave only let Olivia continue for another ten minutes before he ordered her to stop sucking and climb on. Olivia was more than happy to oblige. For the next fifteen to twenty minutes, all of Dave's concentration was on Olivia. When she fell over, freshly filled with his cum, Dave took notice of what his other bed partners were doing, as he cuddled with Olivia. Dave was surprised to find it was his daughter's eyes he was looking into and his sister was the one giving oral pleasure.

"How'd you arrange that?" Dave asked Emily.

"She offered," Emily said with a shrug. "Should I have refused?"

Dave smiled, reached over, and pulled Emily's head closer. He covered her mouth with his and kissed her long and passionately.

"I love you, Emily."

"I love you, too, Daddy."


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Daddy’s Little GirlPart 4aHer stitches out, her splint off, her new teeth in, Ash looks as clean, health and wholesome as any s*******n year old high schooler. We are standing in arrivals at the Airport waiting for Brittany. After having not seen each other in two years Ashlynn is bouncing like Tigger on crack, as we wait for Brittany to de-plane. (We Order Ashlynn, New Teeth)As we’d left the Doctor office I think I was more upset than Ash. The test had confirmed that with the damage to her,...

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Jewel Thief

© September, 2002 The expensive black leather pouch lay open on the floor. Its satin ribbon ties were undone and lay as waves on the sea of blue wool carpet. Ginny stared wide-eyed around the untidy room. The drawers from the oak sideboard were empty, their contents had been strewn across the floor. The oak box sat on the television, its lid lay on the floor. The contents, tiny china ornaments, had been scattered on the carpet. The oil painting leaned at an odd angle against the wall....

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Valentines Airport Delay

I took another look at the instant message from Mark. "Bastard!" I muttered to myself under my breath. The queue for the wine bar shuffled forward as a middle aged couple were shown to a table. At this rate it would be half an hour before I could get a drink. Not that I particularly wanted to start drinking at two o'clock in the afternoon. But the choices in Terminal C were limited; McDonalds, Starbucks or the Wine Bar. I had already consumed two espressos. The wine bar was the only acceptable...

4 years ago
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First CyberLust Then Reality

April and Tom met by accident one day. Tom had been writing erotic stories and posting them for several years, and April happened upon one of his stories and wrote to him with her reactions. To her total amazement, he wrote her back almost immediately. April was extremely sexual and she loved reading about some of the sexiest and most erotic situations that she'd also fantasized about herself. She found one story series that Tom had written about a married woman and mother named Amy who had...

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Nipples Clits

This is what really happened, most men through out there life meet a number of women that really impress them. That has certainly been my case, and of course I married one of them. The girl in this story is one that would make an impression on anyone. Her name is Louise Carson. Who is she you ask? Well when I was in puberty, Louise was Marys younger sister. Mary was my age 15 and Louise was about 14 at the time. Mary was the one, all of us geeky boys lusted after, she was the looker, but...

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Fantasy Meeting

When I dressed that morning, I thought carefully about what I would wear, I wanted to be prepared for whatever may lay ahead. I slipped on the silky black thong and bra I had bought especially. As soon as I pulled the stockings up I felt the wetness between my legs. There is something about dressing for a man that turns me on and I knew this would be a treat for him. I put my tightest skirt on that I knew showed off my arse but was still respectable office wear. A blouse and heels completed the...

2 years ago
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Complex Relationship Ch 13

Thanks to luvtaread for editing. * All four woke knowing this would be their last day together, at least for a while. Buy days end they would each head home. Brandon’s flight to Chicago left that evening, Mel and Katy were headed Boston around the same time. As for Ashley, her grandparents were coming in from Georgia that afternoon to presumably take her back to the family estate. Ashley was not looking forward to this meeting in the least it seemed. Given her history with her family Brandon...

4 years ago
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The DreamChapter 6

As told by Karen McGifford... I stripped in the car without being told and buckled myself in. One tit was hanging while the other was crushed in place by the belt. I held my pussy lips without being told as well. “You showed good restraint until the very end, Honey,” Master called me by my stripper name. I rolled my eyes and looked at my feet. He didn’t see because he was driving us away. Two different strippers were outside smoking pot as we left the parking lot. “The reason I let you...

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A Mothers Love Chapter two

I admitted that what I knew about growing vegetables could be written on the back of a postage stamp, but mum was quite knowledgeable. Jack suggested that he drop us back at the house while we picked our stuff up, brought it back here and then he'd drop us back in town."You can use some of that brass to buy some books on gardening, it's not rocket science, just mostly common sense really along with experience and that'll come with time, now come on then I've got other things to do."It was after...

1 year ago
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Thoughts Revisited

Many have asked for Carol’s side of the story. You will understand this story much better if you first read ‘Thoughts’. Thank you to Estragon who always makes my stories a much better read. **** My name is Carol Beal. I read the story that my deceased husband wrote and would like to straighten out a few facts, or at least give a different opinion. First of all, I still consider him my husband and always will. I truly loved him, no matter what anyone else thinks. I’ve read many reader...

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Teasing my Daddy and Brother

I was sitting at the kitchen table finishing my breakfast, as I watched daddy getting ready for work. A look of concentration crosses his brow as he checks he has everything he needs for the day, his phone rings in his pocket, and he answers, ‘hello, ah Tanya, problems?’ She tells him ‘No, but not to forget he has to interview a couple of people for the job vacancy and not to be late.’ He tells her he hasn’t forgotten, and she should be very careful how she talks to him, or she will be...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a bored Dublin wife Part 3Sarah

Adventures of a bored Dublin wife. Part 3,SarahI had been enjoing my new found sexual freedom with other men for a while.I had two regualar fuck buddies giving me more sex than I ever had in my life.Sex with my hubby Jack was even better than it had been in years.Probably due to my increased enthusiasm I suppose.Course usually I was imagining that it was someone elses cock inside me.Most times now if I was horny in bed I would tell Jack to rub his cock on my arse.I would lie face down while he...

1 year ago
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Omorashi Academy

Omorashi Academy Chapter 1: The First Day "Kimiko! Sit still!" barked Mr. Johnson, glaring at the new student fromover the tops of his spectacles. Kimiko wilted under the attention, and triedto stop rubbing her legs together, whimpering softly. It's not fair , thought Kimiko, her face pale as she clutched atthe edge of her skirt. He already said no to a hall pass, and now he'syelling at me for trying to hold it? She glanced at the clock, and groanedinwardly. Forty- five minutes to go... ...

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Laylas Judge Jury and Crucifixion

The following fantasy fiction is intended solely for ADULT ONLY personalenjoyment and only where local standards permit such content. Should you bein any way troubled by themes dealing with extreme torture and abuse pleasedo not read any further. Use of the "Faibhar" name any or all posted works for uses other than personalwithout the author's expressed permission is strongly discouraged. Thank you. Faibhar Layla's Judge Jury And Crucifixion The one good eye Brocchus had left glinted with...

4 years ago
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Son and Stepfather

Things are always hard when you are a teenager, and I mean it,literally. There are these things called hormones. You go to bed with abonner, you wake up with a bonner, you don't wear underpants and your dickslightly brushes your thigh, brace yourself a bonner is coming up. Butthere is this beautiful thing called masturbating. I do it all the time, inthe shower, before bed, in the morning, even in the school stalls, there isjust no stopping. One day I was in my bedroom, minding my own business,...

2 years ago
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The 3am Itch

His night had only just begun at the front desk of the hotel and Matt was getting bored already. The hotel’s bar was next to the lobby separated only by a slight frame so people could walk through easily. He sat and watched the bar die down until there were only a few people left finishing up their drinks. The bartenders worked quickly to clean so they could leave for the night. “Lucky bastards,” Matt thought to himself glancing at the computer clock for the millionth time. He decided to read...

4 years ago
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Different kind of blow job

Different kind of Blow Job irishmik60 I’ve written of my adventures at a swing club before. Here’s one that happened and did more than ‘blow my mind’. We arrived as usual on Friday night, the night before the party. We did this each week. The club, almost 200 miles from our home was owned by close friends, not just fellow swingers. Jim and Phyllis had run the club for almost 20 years. They had been ‘In The Lifestyle’ most their wedded lives. The ‘CLUB’ was their home. Almost 4,000 sq ft, tri...

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V vs P

This is a humorous dedication to my favorite author on this site Paul G. Jutras, it is also a letter to Paul to drop me a letter please so we can chat. [email protected] V vs P By Monica Meiyers The traveler looked to the molding of the seemingly ancient shops with there tenements above them, even the sidewalk squares looked like they were here well before his time. It was a very old city but it had many retro fits to it mingling high tension steel with the elderly...

1 year ago
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The Pink Flowered Panties

I was in an apartment laundry room when I saw them for the first time. And my cock went as hard as a rock. I've seen a lot of hot girls. I've seen a lot of girls that wore some very sexy things and that showed off a lot of skin. However, the girl that I saw on that Friday evening was one that I would never forget. The girl with the pink flowered panties. I was putting my clothes in a washing machine when the girl walked into the room. I didn't know her name or who she was. All I knew was that...

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The Aromas Of Youth Part One

Mandy was my first real girlfriend. We had been together since our mid-teens and now we were having problems. Or to be more precise, I was having a problem with her reluctance to go all the way. We would spend hours leaning against a wall at the back of her parents' house with my finger inside her until it wrinkled.I loved the smell of her pussy juice and there were times when I wouldn't wash that hand for days so I could take a quick, beautiful sniff of her during a lesson at school or while...

3 years ago
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Countermove Ch 07

Summary so far: Day 1: Onyx vs. Tyger- Onyx loses for the first time ever and pays the price. Day 2: Onyx vs. Jewel- Onyx defeats Jewel to stay alive in the tournament but realizes she is slowly changing into a bimbo. Day 3: Onyx vs. Chaos- Onyx defeats Chaos to make it to the final 4 but discovers she has been set up. Interlude: Onyx travels to Darkview to investigate Tyger. Interlude- part 2: Onyx learns more about Tyger while coming to terms with being pierced and tattooed. Interlude-...

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To Serve and Protect Temptation

Pat Gibson tipped the man who had brought her bags up to her hotel room and closed the door behind him. She looked around for a moment then closed her eyes and let herself fall backwards onto the king-size bed. Following a muffled "Oof" at landing; she relaxed, twisted her body and yawned. After 5 minutes she reluctantly opened her eyes and got off the bed. Too much to do to take a nap right now. She picked up the phone on the nightstand, checked the instructions and punched in a series of...

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It was another boring day aboard this lonesome vessel. As the Chozo gunship cruised through deep space with no particular destination, its pilot listed about in the common area staring up at the ceiling looking either very melancholy or slightly annoyed, maybe both. Samus Aran hadn't had a contract in weeks and had run out of ways to amuse herself. She wasn't in the mood for sight-seeing and besides she wasn't very good with social interactions. Most women were too intimidated by her to strike...

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Swedish amateur

I was home in Karlstad at school. I had an "appointment" with a client. In other words, I would tie and sometimes´fuck someone in return that they shut up about ME doing it and not being bullied. Plus sometimes bying me "equipment"...Anyway...My client was a girl named Ellen. She had blond hair tied in two tight pigtails a Very nice formed ass, about medium sized breasts, a cute face and white smooth skin. She had asked me to tie her up to her bed and fuck her virgin ass. I happily agreed! So I...

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A very nice trip of commission in train P very good these two videos also i have had a good situation like in these two videos in a nice commission trip by train with my sister. It was late summer, September, I remember, and there was a tepid weather, I'm very happy to take a trip with my sister for to can stay near to her :-P because it was from a bit of time that she makes at me very excited to the maximum, not that I...

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A Nanny Femtastic 5

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 5 … I looked gorgeous now with my ample breasts and thin waist! I would really enjoy this upcoming holiday! The electrolysis treatments had continued, and I now was pretty hairless and did not need to shave or wax. I did however remove all my pubic hair and became obsessed with having a completely hairless body. This included around my scrotum and anal area.   Felicity would also take me to a fitness and tanning centre where we would do an aerobics class and use...

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My maaster Part 2

I woke up to something deep inside me, as I opened my eyes I find your dick embedded into my pussy. I felt a warm rush of love come from you to me, I didn’t think you knew I was awake yet so I decided to move my hand and rub your butt. You respond straight away with a long, deep moan. Your eyes search for mine. I know you are close I move, my hand down your butt check and begin to play with your balls. I soon feel your balls tighten in my hand as you send load after load of juicy cum inside me....

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 12

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 12 "Mom, can you come here a minute?" Nicole said as she struggled to latch on the bra strap. "What's a matter, need help?" Amanda asked. "Yes, I do," she before Amanda hooked it up. "Nervous about your first day?" Amanda asked. "A little," Nicole said as she tried to brush her hair just right. "I'm sure it will be fun," Amanda said. It was going to be a bit liberating. She could openly be Nicole. But she still had butterflies. Nicole...

2 years ago
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Dating Kelly Part IIIParents out of Town Part 1

About 2 months after the dance my parents went out of town for the week, taking my younger twin brothers and little sister with them. Since I didn’t have off school like my siblings did, my parents decided to let me stay home alone. After warning me that the neighbors were watching to make sure I didn’t have any parties, they left. I was kind of laid up, because during the state semifinals football game, some defensive end on the other team got in a dirty hit. He got a ‘roughing the passer’,...

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Sibling Seduction Ch 01

It all started when Amy grew up. She was 18, 5’8, 110 pounds, brown hair, dark brown eyes. She had tits now, a B cup or maybe a C. She had always felt close to her older brother Jeff, even attracted to him. Whenever he visited, she loved it when he spent time with her. Amy was the type of girl who needed affection, and needed to be the center of attention. One night he was over, and relaxing in the hot tub. It was late, around 1:30. He was in his underwear. Amy came home drunk, and stumbled...

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Behen ki saheli ke saath sex

Hi friends. This is Rahul. Main pichhle 4 mahine se iss ka regular reader raha hun aur kaafi stories padhne ke baad maine bhi ye plan banaya ke kyon na main bhi apni real sex story aapke saath share karun.toh friends main aapko zyada bore na karte hue seedha story par aa jaata hun.aur aik khaas baat yeh ke main jo story aapko batane ja raha hun voh real toh hai hi,saath hi ye ghatna mere saath sirf 6 din pehle hui. Toh hua ye ke main apne pc par baithha bf dekh raha tha,tabhi kuchh der mein...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 157

Blain Benton sat alone in a jail cell. The cops had called it a holding cell, but it was all steel walls with four tiered bunks, two each on opposing walls. The commode and the water fountain were also steel. He had been in drunk tanks before. If this wasn't one, it damn sure favored it, he mused. They had given him a blanket to put between his ass and the cold steel of the bunk. He had tried lying down, but somehow the pain was less when he was sitting up and slumped forward, his forearms...

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Married with Children Magic Tricks

Bud Bundy brushed back his greasy black hair as he stumbled down the stairs to the living room. It was his birthday. For most teenagers, hell, for most people under 30, birthdays are something to look forward to. But not for Bud. His dad was usually too cheap to buy him anything. His mom was too lazy and too stupid to bake a cake. And his sister -- well, Kelly usually gave him something, but it was mostly grief. Then there was this year. This year was going to be different. He had started...

2 years ago
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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 15 Call of the hunter

Today Sinterklaas arrived in The Netherlands! If you have no idea what that means, why not read my short story ‘Best Sinterklaas Ever’, available on this very website? It predates the events in ‘Best Sister Ever’. – RD Having all that security gear installed in my house made me a tiny bit paranoid, I don’t mind telling you. It’s not as if I’m planning to assassinate the Queen or overthrow the government when I’m pottering about in the kitchen, but my private affairs are rather unusual and I...

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Met Sexy Doctor For My Mother8217s Illness 8211 Pt 6

Hello friends, I am back to share my experience with a beautiful and sexy doctor, Reetika. I want to say thanks to all of you for liking the earlier parts and encouraging me to write my full experience. Some of you were very curious to know what happened next. So I am sharing more of my experience. Her hands were still on her eyes. I put my hand on her panty. As she felt me touch, she opened her eyes. She- What is this? Me- Let me adjust it. She- You wanted to see, you have seen. But no...

3 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay Chapter 5

Chapter 5Andy continued into the room, followed closely by Carl. Their faces were a picture, looks of utter amazement that rapidly changed to ones of sheer lust. Carl was the first to break the silence. “Hi girls, I won’t ask what’s going on, cos that’s obvious, but who is that you’ve got tied up on the bed?”Andy added. “We could hear you lot cumming from the lift and the smell as we walked in, it smells like a brothel in here. In a nice way of course.” He added, quickly.On the bed Ilke turned...

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Swinging with friends

Dawn and I had been experimenting with swinging for a few years when we met a couple who we really hit it off with. Carl and Linda were about the same age as we were and that just seemed to work better for all of us. We found them through one of the local swingers news letters from one of the adult book stores. This was before we had a computer and we had contacted several other couples and a few single women before. We had meet with a several different couples and "played" with a few but...

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